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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Additional Remarks - End of Cycle Processing (2ACC-18) - L531124C | Сравнить
- Anchor Points, Knowingness of Location (2ACC-16) - L531124A | Сравнить
- Steps V, VI, VII - Duplication, Unconsciousness (2ACC-17) - L531124B | Сравнить

CONTENTS Additional Remarks: End of Cycle Processing Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Additional Remarks: End of Cycle Processing

A lecture given on 24 November 1953

I think that we are far enough advanced to solve some cases, nicht wahr? You don't think so. Well, I think you are, and that makes it so! (audience laughter)

And when I tell you to run such a silly one as End of Cycle and bodies in pawn, you certainly should be able to run that like a breeze. Now, I was running that on you a few days ago, you remember? Remember? I was throwing that in about every — every once in a while, was throwing it in. You notice I throw it in on practically all the auditing I do.

Case bogs a little bit, and I suddenly notice there's an unfinished cycle there of some kind or another, so I start feeding them unfinished cycles, see? Just get them dead, get them finally bumped off, get them buried, get them completely drowned — anything that happens to show up. A nice, happy thought. And you'll see the case perk right up. "Well, we got rid of that one, see? It's kind of covert, doing it in mock-up, but we did it!" All right.

We're going to finish the day, if it's all right with you, with End of Cycle on this very limited group basis which we're doing. And we're just going to get people mocked up "finally dead" and "finally jailed forever" and "finally finished" in every way you can think of.

Now, of course, finally jailed forever is the fellow has to leave his body in the jail and shove off. See, they got him. And any possible gruesome finish you can think of, that is a finish, just keep feeding it to them and feeding it to them. Somebody goes off of his rocker, why, don't send for me. Run the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis: "Remember something real?"

And the fellow says, "Yes, but they're coming for me, they're coming for me," and this and that.

And you say, "Very good. Now rig up the gangplank down which they're running to grab you. Now get yourself completely grabbed. Now have your body irrevocably destroyed. And have you shoving off. Good."

You get that? Let's deal in the very somber — deal in the very somber. Get it very specific.

Now, how many kinds of ends of cycle can there be, there be, there be? You've got a pretty good list of them in your book What to Audit. You got your textbooks on What to Audit?

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Well, how would you run End of Cycle Processing on incidents of What to Audit? How would you do this? Now, you look especially bright today.

Male voice: Ho-ho! I don't feel so bright.

You don't?

Male voice: On Facsimile One, get yourself in front of the camera and mock it up.

In front of the camera as an end of cycle?

Male voice: And have yourself being dead in front of the camera.

Yes, that's right. Dead and covered with cameras.

Yeah, you get extravagant. You're too conservative, all of you, in your auditing. Get extravagant. Because it's only extravaganza that a thetan actually can deal in. He deals with billions rather than one. He'd always rather have a hundred million of something than a couple. And the mest universe would always rather he had none.

All right, how else would you deal with that incident?

Male voice: Dead as a thetan in front of the camera.

Could be. Come on, how else would you deal with it? Think fast! Come on, how else?

Male voice: Have you killing the cameras.

Yes. Come on. Go ahead and face it.

Male voice: Oh, you leave it. I mean, you're dead in front of the cameras and you . . .

And you shove off.

Male voice: . . . pushing off.

Yeah, you could do that with great ease. And dead as a thetan. And the other one? Please, there's another one.

Did you ever hear of an overt act-motivator sequence? The whole world, everybody in the universe, utterly and completely perished because you did it with a Fac One camera. You've wiped out all living organisms of any kind or size or description. You'd just get them to stack them up planet by planet — they killed them all. You'll actually find as you start this that there was a lot of beautiful glee of insanity on using that thing. And everybody did. Everybody did.

So, you get what you got there? Overt act-motivator sequence. And don't you forget that on End of Cycle. I would immediately suppose you would realize that.

Because if you got yourself dead a lot of times, you would finally be repaid enough for all the vicious things you've done. You've done more vicious things than anything else has done on your same time track, and the reason why is, is you're sitting here in fair condition. That immediately tells you that you have done more than somebody else has — just instantly. No further reason about it at all.

Well, all right. We've got our problem, with great ease there — more overt act-motivator. But always remember to throw in more motivators than overt acts, but always remember to throw in some overt acts.

"Get your mother being dead because she gave birth to you. You have that? Now the baby being dead because you grabbed it."

And by the way, with End of Cycle, add in duplication. I'll give you this: while you're doing it in class, just — we'll just lay this restriction down on it — that we will do a lot of the same End of Cycle and unmock each one as best we can. If we can't get it unmocked, have time unmock it, see? So we'll just do each one. So we've added that nice little step, duplication, in there on End of Cycle.

"You got yourself in jail? You're going to just have to get yourself in jail again." In the future, in the future. Until we get our future plotted out as being absolutely completely untenable and utterly terminated.

Future cycle of action. Now, you wouldn't run future cycle of action on What to Audit. I'll leave it up to your ingenuity as to what you do with What to Audit on cycle of action. There's just incident after incident after incident scattered through that book.

You like to perish, you'd think, running End of Cycle, and yet it's the faster of the techniques. It's real quick. I mean, it clips in the effect and clips it off again faster than anything you ever saw. Lets the guy stop someplace. Most of the people you will process are still running, and they're running hard. And they don't know where, because they hid somewhere back.

Okay, let's go.