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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Agree-Disagree - Have-Have-Not (Continued) (PDC Sup 0-B) - L530112b | Сравнить
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CONTENTS AGREE / DISAGREE - HAVE / HAVE-NOT (continued) Cохранить документ себе Скачать


Philadelphia Doctorate Course
12 January 1953

Continuing this January twelfth evening lecture consecutive to the first evening lecture and the December ninth lectures of Philadelphia, let us further examine this matter of anchor points.

I'm going to reveal to you at whatever small cost to the general aplomb, what control is and how you were controlled and how people can control you. This sums up to anchor points.

I've shown you there that you have two chances there if anchor points come up close to you. You can possibly feel like you're very large as a result but that isn't what normally happens; from 20 down, one feels small.

You can call the operation of control leading out and driving in anchor points. And that's really all there is to controlling human beings.

Now this curve of desire, enforce and inhibit, you have seen go from 4.0 down to 0.0. It also goes on the grand curve from 40.0, 20.0 to 0.0. In other words, there's DEI, desire, enforce, and inhibit, on the grand scale and there's DEI on small parts of the grand scale. In other words a 4.0 makes one desire. A 2.0 is interested in enforcing. From about 1.0 and so on, they're interested in inhibiting.

You can call operations below 1.1, inhibition — inhibiting. Operations above that a ways, enforcing. Operations above that, creation of desire. DEI.

All right. Now let's look at that in connection with anchor points. Here's a thetan sitting there minding his own business.

Nobody's troubling him. Nothing of the sort. Super salesman comes along, somebody makes a postulate in his vicinity, all of a sudden leads him out into a desire. In other words, takes his anchor points out and gives him some space.

Or, something happens in his vicinity that makes him simply put his anchor points out because he's interested. Now he could be interested without putting out the anchor points. But he thinks he has to put out anchor points in order to observe this thing because he has to parallel its space in order to observe what's happening in that space. And he does this by putting out anchorpoints.

There's an incident on the track you'll find with an occasional preclear, particularly a very occluded preclear; it's known as the Empire Builder or the Planet Builder.

It's interesting. A fellow goes out in the middle of space, a piece of space dust comes in, maybe from the right and it goes on by. And what do you know, it comes back. And that's fascinating. And then another piece of space dust comes swishing in from behind him and it goes on by and gets out there a ways and, what do you know, it comes back.

He thinks he's doing it. He's not. Any missile traveling in the MEST universe, any missile traveling in the MEST universe is operating on Newton's laws — for every action there's an equal and contrary reaction.

And as that thing goes by, it creates a vacuum — about which we're going to say a great deal more — when it gets in his vicinity, because he himself has accumulated and is using enough energy to upset the course of that particle. And as the fellow watches it goes on by, it gets way on by, it's actually ready to fall back into its own vacuum. It's actually all ready to come back on its own inertia. For every action there's an equal and contrary reaction, you see? It has strewn a reaction through space you might say and it's perfectly capable of turning around and coming back into that space.

The thetan doesn't have to do a thing about it. But because he can be a magnetic influence, and if he's interested, he simply says to it, "Hey! (whistle). " You see it put out an anchor point. He gets it back here and he takes a look at it and he says, "What do you know! Bright. Sparkling. Fascinating! " Of course it goes dead right away. It goes dark. "Oh, that's too bad. How interesting." Whshht! "There goes one over there." Whht! Well now, he can just say "Be back here" and he could handle that particle. But because this particle is traveling in that direction, it has its own force, MEST-universe, and it can turn around and come back along that force line. And as it goes it's leaving a stream of sparks which get black. They burn out.

These are just particles in space. That's all. I don't care whether they're the size of a planet or the size of a pea or the size of an atom. It's of no importance.

Something is on its way, and it's bright and sparkly. And of course after it goes on its way just so long, its bright and sparkling tail will get black. I'm telling you now what black and white is. After a piece of MEST-universe energy has burned, it turns black. The fire in it goes out.

So from every side and above and below and around and around, these particles can pass by a thetan who is sitting in space and he can pick them up and bring them home by his own postulates. And there is his first real big, class A stupidity. They have an impulse to come back anyway. And having this impulse to come back, he doesn't bother to give them any postulates. He just lets them come back.

He doesn't know anything much about gravity so if he starts to pile any of these things up or collect them, the next particle that goes by becomes influenced by that little pile of particles. And on its way, it goes on by and it says, "Whee, gravity!" and it comes right on back and goes plunk! into the pile. And the thetan says, "Look, I got it all set up automatically." He thinks he's doing it and that's what he should do. And there is your — the whole list of axioms.

Every aberrated thought is preceded by a countereffort. Every effort is preceded by a countereffort.

And there it is in that type of incident. So that somebody could sit out in space and have space dust flying around and could simply collect a pile of rocks.

He — it'd be a beautiful pile of rocks, except it'd keep going black. And they'd keep exploding every once in a while. Every once in a while he'd get one of these things just about back and it would go pow! He'd say, "How pretty. Let's capture it. It's black! I wonder what that blackness is?" First thing you know, he's surrounded by a terrific band of blackness. And anything that comes in through that black band of particles is bright, bright, bright, through the black. Of course, it's burning out.

Apparently it has been made to go out by this black band of particles. It hasn't, it's just burned out, that's all, like a meteorite burns out when it comes down through the sky.

Space out there is just full of particles. Anybody who talks about empty space, give them a belly laugh. It's just full. There is no scarcity of MEST. Boy, stuff is going in all directions all the time.

For instance, out there there's so many waves passing through, I think there's about twelve cosmic rays explode in your body every hour — something like that. Or maybe it's every minute; I keep forgetting these terribly important facts.

But the point is that an individual gets surrounded by black particles. But these black particles seem to have — don't have - but seem to have this trick. They create a vacuum whenever a particle goes through them, a vacuum is created in these black particles, and then that new particle is sucked back by this blackness. And a fellow gets the idea after a while, why, blackness takes, doesn't it? Nonsense, it doesn't.

It's the — his postulates can do it, or Newton's laws can do it. And he gets himself completely surrounded by all this blackness.

He thinks this blackness is desirable. He thinks he has many reasons why blackness is desirable, and so on. You can — one can hide in blackness. Never occurs to him all you have to do is look at that patch of blackness, and you'll see something's there.

It doesn't take. But because of the existence of all these dark particles, a new particle coming in there can stir them up — they spread apart; all the particles which are brushed aside have a tendency to do what? TO pick up and pull back this particle that went on through, until you can get a large, huge black mass of burned energy. And your thetan can get a huge pile of rocks, which are doubtless very pretty.

You'll find some astonishing things on an E-meter when you go in for this. You find every once in a while somebody would start to make a hobby of this. Or he'd join a sort of a club called the Sun Builders or some such nonsensical thing. And he'd take this pile of rocks which he had carefully accumulated in this fashion, everything whizzing by, and he would pitch the pile of rocks into a bunch of molten gases. What would happen? Why, the molten gases would be attracted by this much gravity and they would come in on the top of it and you would have a sun. I don't care whether it was a little sun, big as an orange or a walnut, or whether it was a sun as big as our sun. Size doesn't matter much. You'd have a sun. Which gets interesting, doesn't it?

Light, by the way, could have been the sole responsible agent for the organization of this universe, and it might be that great, molten piles of gases get out there someplace and thetans go out and organize them into planets and suns and systems and that a new universe maybe is only 3 or 4 billion years old. But that's just because it's just a new pile of gas that has particles and so forth that's being accumulated and collected by somebody.

You can look up here and you can look in this universe which we have right now. It's about 3.4 billion years old and you'll find big, big masses of blackness up there somewhere. I don't know, maybe that's what they're calling God today. His name will be Joe tomorrow. Because that is the deteriorating spiral.

The second he starts to go in for that sort of thing and doesn't recognize what his postulates are and what the MEST universe is, he can confuse the two, and in confusing the two, starts his downward spiral.

The first thing, he desires these bright particles. And then, what do you know, he's got so much mass around him that the particles themselves enforce their own collection upon him. And willy-nilly, regardless of what he's doing about it, the energy there is so great and he's paid so much attention to the amount of gravity present that all he's got to do is just stand there with a pile of rocks and he'll collect rocks.

That's particles. And I don't care whether they're the size of an atom or cosmic rays or suns, this thing would handle the same way. So he gets anchor points all messed up with physical universe phenomena, and it's no longer him creating space, it's space being created for him. And when he first starts out, he may think he has space there the size of half a galaxy or a whole galaxy. That's — it's his idea of space — small room — one galaxy. And he gets along just that way just fine. But then after a while, because of the laws of the physical universe, this space is enforced upon him, He has to have this space.

You see, he just has been tricked to mixing up a postulate with energy. And so he looks out at the space and he says, "Look at all the space, and I have to have that space." Well, he can go out and create some more space, I mean it's of no consequence. But he just misses that point. He skips that one. And then what happens? Something drives in those anchor points. He gets too much mass where he is, something upsets them and his space gets less because his anchor points get less. He can't see quite as far as he saw before. And they might get driven in to a point where he's pretty small. And then the next thing you know something happens that he desires them to be out again. And then he's got them out, they're enforced in being out, and then the next thing you know something pushes them back in again and he's pretty small again.

How do you control people? By desire you lead their anchor points out. You shift and change their anchor points in terms of interest. It's a shabby trick by the way because, you see, the anchor point and interest are not the same thing. But they have been confused by the thetan.

A postulate is one thing. It has nothing to do with space and has nothing to do with energy. It's just a postulate. And that sits above all force and all space and all energy. And he can be a postulate any time he wants to. And he's — go on much better if he's just handling postulates. But he gets messed up with this desire for space, enforced anchor points, and then inhibited anchor points.

And, when we look at this little diagram up here, this triangle with A and B as anchor points, we find out that the distance from the thetan to A maybe originally was a billion light-years.

Maybe. And then it had to be a billion light-years. Hm. That's different than his saying "I'm interested a billion light-years' worth." Now it has to be a billion light-years. And then the next thing you know, because he wants that to be a billion light- years, that's the best reason in the world by laws of energy alone why it can't be. So when he tries to pull that in, it will go out. When he tries to push it out further, it'll come in.

Run, just for an experiment on some preclear, that incident of particles going by. And you'll find out what this is all about. He eventually gets to the point that when he pushes out, things come in. When he pulls in, things go out. He's completely reversed. Why? Because when this thing was going out, this particle was going out, it left behind it a streak which said, "Pull in." It left a vacuum behind it, see? A particle went flying out, left a vacuum behind it and what did we get? We got an automatic pull-in. So when he saw something flying out, he felt the sensation "pull in."

If you want to know how that would work out, stand down here on the curb and feel a lorry go by. And right after that lorry passes, you would swear that something there was going the opposite direction. Because you will feel a swirl of air which is traveling in the opposite direction to the way that lorry went.

The lorry is going to your left; right after it passes, air is traveling in the direction of your right. In other words it keeps leaving a hole. So it feels when you see one thing going that way like it's going the other way — reverse flow.

You can check this on a preclear whether you understand this or not. You just take it — just without understanding it, you can just take it and say, well, if anybody in the universe gets really down scale they feel that what goes thataway is really going some other way. And when they say, "I've got to be good," they find themselves bad. Everything goes in reverse on them.

You get somebody with a mock-up. Now, this is very pertinent with mock-ups. And you say, "All right. Move that mock-up further away from you," and he starts to shove on the mock-up, and it comes back toward him! You just say, "All right. Now we want the mock- up to move further away from you, give it a little pull." And what do you know, it'll sail right out away from him. Because his postulates are now mixed up in reverse. When he does one thing it does something else. Sad. Very sad. Very remediable.

So we have this billion light-years from the thetan over here to A and that enforces a billion light-years, and then if he tries to put it out any further it gets down to a half a billion. And from a half a billion, by this same progress of desire, enforce, inhibit, it gets down to one light-year. Then it gets down to fifty feet. Then it gets down to twenty-five feet. Then it gets down to five feet. And then it gets down to a centimeter. And then it gets down to a millimeter. And what have you got? You got a cell.

You've got the uttermost end of individuality. You have a cell. And that is what most people think individuality is. Actually what you've got is complete identity.

That person is really identified. And, boy, is he in agreement.

He is just like God knows how many other cells. And does he have to be smart? He certainly does have to be smart. He has to know how to make alkaloids and everything else. You talk about a chemist down here in the laboratory, he's a punk compared to a lot of the cells in the body. What they make in terms Of MEST would flabbergast you.

The chemist can't even begin to approximate the various acids and alkalines which go to make up protoplasm. They've isolated a few of them and gawped — smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller... boom. Microscope.

One drop of water contains an awful lot of thetans. That's the mostest thing there is in this universe, is thetans — on that basis.

Now, how do people control people? They get their anchor points out by telling them some good news. And then when they got them good and far out they give them some bad news. Ha! And the motto is, Drive in Their Anchor Points.

Tell them that that world out there isn't worth putting an anchor point on. Tell them it's bad! evil! no good! It's agin 'em. Tell them particularly that nothing obeys their orders; nothing follows their will; that everything out there is bad and there's nothing out there worth putting your anchor points on.

And so a person tries to put out his anchor points and other people tell him how bad everything is and give him some real bad news, and the person snatches in his anchor points. And what does it finally wind up with? He is so horrified by accident and other things, he's so horrified, he's so mixed up, he is so upset and reverse-vectored, that every time he tries to put out an anchor point he pulls it in. So that the presence of something disgusting will make him desire it, but the presence of something desirable will make him run away. All in reverse.

What do you think a newspaper does? Why do you think a newspaper stands around — you shouldn't be mystified anymore after this lecture tonight why newspapers stand around and slug the hell out of Scientology. Because that is exactly reverse to the mission of the newspaper. The mission of the newspaper is "Make slaves out of them." Bad news. Bad news. "Buses crash! Rape! Murder! Arson!

Burn! The world is not fit to inhabit, it's not fit to do anything with." That's what the newspaper says, every day, column after column after column. It's saying just one thing: "Drive in their anchor points! "

And if they can effectively do this sufficiently and long enough and hard enough — A newspaperman is running on a reverse vector already and he might be saying, "Well, let's do something for the people. Okay. We'll write up five more rapes. Only we'll make them little children this time. Let's see, rape with torture.

Yeah, that's a good story, yeah, we'll do something for the people." That's typical. He's at a state where he couldn't do anything for anybody, you see? Unless he decided to be awfully bad, and then he'd write a good story that would say the world was desirable.

Anybody that comes along and says, "Look, something can be done about life, and it's worth living and you can reverse the cycle and you can turn it back up tone scale and bring it up to the top of the tone scale again" — good God! What has he just done?

He's invited every shell and grenade that can possibly be heaved in his direction, even when people are trying to compliment him. They reach out their hand and they mean to say, "Now that's pretty good and we ought to do that," and they wind up by saying, "You sad apple, we ought to cut your throat!

They say, "I wonder why I said that."

Because this operation right here could go in a DEI cycle. We desire to make the world better and then it's demonstrated the world is no good, you see? And that inhibits your doing anything about it and would drive in your anchor points even further.

Well, the thing to do is to go back up scale again. Then you can see for yourself whether or not the world's any good or not.

Well now, you can be certain of one world, and that's your own. People will even try to drive your anchor points in on that.

Of course nobody ever told you when you were a little child that it was bad to imagine things. That you'd go insane if you imagined anything. Nobody ever pulled that on you, of course.

Nobody down in the sanitariums is frightened of hallucinations. Oh, no.

In other words, if you wanted to find the way out, just look at the way that was blocked everywhere. That's all you had to do, really. It was a simple piece of research. If you had all of this research, it was a very simple piece of research. Nothing to it.

All right. Anyway, if you were just to look around and find out what was going in a reverse vector, you'll find the road out in this universe.

Now, this operation could have gone in that direction up to the point where we got Theta Clearing, because a thetan can once again start to throw his anchor points out at will. And if he can step out of the field of worrying over energy and worrying over space and get up to a point where he can rehabilitate his postulates, he can do anything he wants to with his anchor points. He could probably go out in space again and build a few more suns just for the dickens of it. Find out whether or not this little talk I'm giving here tonight is true. Prove it up.

Now, the point is that a preclear is in his best state when he's — can make postulates and when he's not affected by energy. So that's the place we want to go. But this cycle of driving in the anchor points — lead a guy's anchor points out and then drive them in, tell him how bad things are, tell him how bad things are, give him bad news, bad news, bad news, bad news, bad news. What in essence compares, in driving in anchor points, to poking a guy in the nose? Boy, that sure attracts his attention in on that nose. Because anchor points are mostly — most quickly attracted to the points of the greatest impact. Now that becomes quite fascinating — points of the greatest impact. And the points of the greatest impact are the counterefforts which, summed all together, become a body.

Lots of preclears get the idea that once upon a time they were in a cloud or something of the sort. Sure, they were in a cloud.

They were dispersed all over the place and floating along and not giving a doggone. Their anchor points were 8 billion, 965 trillion light-years away. Who cared? I mean there was all that and they didn't have to put out anything and they didn't have to be interested, and then one day a lightning bolt went through the middle of the cloud or something of the sort and left a hole.

After that they got interested in the hole. Why? Because it was the point of hardest impact. And then it left a vacuum. And we'll take up vacuums here very shortly. I'm just going to drown you tonight with data.

So in short, then, we have this "Drive in the anchor points" as the control operation which is pulled on every human being. And you want to know how to be a bad auditor? Drive in your preclear's anchor points. You want to know how to be a good auditor? Remedy him so he can get them out again, and then so he can get them out and bring them in at will, because that's the total size factor involved.

Now I can tell you that I do not know for sure and I do not know if it can be established for sure, what I say about the deteriorating size of a thetan is a curve, but I believe it to be, and that the composite track of seventy-four trillion years might be the banks of cells which you now have which once ran bodies. And you might have a rather brief tenure on the track really — because it would be almost impossible to separate these things. And that's why you shouldn't give a damn whether you have a past life or not. It just doesn't matter. The point is, you've got a future one.

[End of Lecture]