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CONTENTS Anatomy of the Genetic Entity Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Anatomy of the Genetic Entity

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 10 December 1952

This is the second hour, night lecture, December the 10th, and we are continuing here the characteristics of energy, as they exist around a thetan. And they exist around a thetan in this wise. But of course a thetan can handle energy much better than a pc can. So when the thetan is nailed down in a pc, this whole picture is confounded by the fact that – what do you know, the body has a whole set. Furthermore the GE, boy, he’s a killer! You know, you talk about Rube Goldberg! You know, the little man, how… how to change… how to change the license plate on a car. Little man A takes off radiator cap, which boils over and spills on a cat, who runs on to a treadmill, the treadmill winds up a basketball which drops in the basket, a basketball player – complete non sequiturs.

This uh… GE has himself some standard and permanent sets of anchor points. And he’s evidently got himself or other entities or beings or thetans like him, so forth, posted around at various places. Sometimes one out there, there’s one out there, there’s uh… one in here, there’s one down here, there’s a couple there, so on. It’s very interesting. It’s anatomy. I don’t know, maybe there’s some out there… I never looked at the anatomy of the GE to amount to anything. I’ve glanced at it once in a while. And he’s sort of stretched nets, that you would call matrix’s and so on uh… around to catch things, and not-catch things, and build on, and not-build on. You’ll find that the charge on one side of these ridges is one way, and on the other side of the ridge the other way.

Now I won’t attempt to tell you in an atomic explosion which side of the ridge is plus and which side is minus, but one side is plus and the other side is minus. What do you know? Energy particles go in one way, and they come out the other, or the whole ridge, I suppose, at one instant along the line someplace would be a total plus, if you kept the explosion going, and one instant it’d be a total minus, and then it’d be a minus-plus, then a plus-minus. They’d keep reversing. You know, nothing like change to keep an explosion going. It’d change potential plus to minus, minus to plus, and uh… become all one for an instant with the ridges being the pull-through. Very well worked out system.

But uh… you look at these ridges around the GE, and you’ll find such things as the motivators, more or less, accumulated uh… on one side of him, and the overt acts kind of on another side of him and he’s gotten himself arrested in terms of an explosion, then he keeps plastering things on the explosion. He’s… the whole body is built out of sequences of ridges and very nice patterns. It’s all… it’s all cute, and very nice, and so on.

I… I uh… we could spend an awful lot of time, waste an awful lot of time talking about the anatomy of anchor points and matrixes. That is sketched nets and things like that to catch things, which makes up the anatomy of the human body. Oh, we could just spend an awful lot of time on this! And if we did this, of course we’d be studying medicine. And uh… the study of medicine as such, and the conduct of the medical college, and so on, is generally left to physicians. And uh… in view of the fact that uh… they know their electronics well, and uh… so forth, why we’ll just have to leave that anatomy to somebody else.

So then there’s no sense in talking about basic and elementary electronics. He no sense in talking about this ‘cause that’s all fully cared for in the field of structure.

Now, when… when you look at Mr. GE, and you realize how he’s been compounding and flattening down, and squaring around and holding shape, and everything else, you’d think to yourself, „Boy, here is a superior illusion!“

Now you can get that feeling sometimes about the GE. Sometimes a preclear’ll get that, and there’ll be little light flashes appear around him. It’s quite an explosive thought, is a… well, heck! You can’t see anything the thetan is making, in terms of mock-ups, and you can sure feel this thing the GE’s got. So the GE must’ve mocked up one hell of an illusion here, ‘cause it’s got you… you nailed down, hasn’t it? Well, if… if the GE… if the GE weren’t using MEST universe energy, why that would be one thing. But he happens to be using MEST universe energy, and he’s just gluing it together a little bit, and he’s a process of counter-efforts, and refining those, and taking the next mean point of counter-efforts, and his design levels and so on are all… all built out of service and experience. And he’s using joiners.

There isn’t any disease known to man at this moment, which is left rampant amongst homo sapiens for the next few thousand years or few hundred thousand years, but would become a service cell. It would turn from being it’d… first it’d be… you see, it’s a parasite. It doesn’t intend to kill the body, and it’s parasitic, and it wants to keep the host alive, and it… th… these things get over-enthusiastic, bacteria does. And it gets so enthusiastic that it moves in on the individual, the body, and kills the host. And then of course a disease which does that I… runs in epidemics, sort of ridges, all by itself. And these epidemics uh… kill off so many people that somebody declares war on the bacteria, moves away from the area or something.

But uh… in a few hundred thousand years these parasites settle down, they’re adapted uh… one way or the other; they adapt themselves to the host and so on, and they become uh… a gimmickahoojit to uh… uh… better salivatacate uh… oh, food, or something of the sort. They… they settle down and start to get service.

For instance, the phagocyte that rages around through the bloodstream, chewing up every foreign bug that comes along, boy, he’s like a small tank. He goes rolling around the… the white phagocyte, and he rolls around, and in comes bacteria, boy! White phagocytes are down there so fast you can practically… can’t figure out how they could get there that quick. You stick a guy with a needle. If you were to take a blood sample in the next few seconds, you’d find a lot of white phagocytes in it. They’ve heard „Emergency, dislocation“ Zong! They’re right down there, „Chew ‘em up!“ If there’s any bacteria… bacteria comes in, why, there’re a fight to the death. And the phagocytes best almost all bacteria that comes in. There’s quite a few that isn’t.

Uh… I think it was old Mecnicov that discovered these, and uh… their… their action… he assigned to them slightly more importance than they had. But he nevertheless pointed up this very interesting thing. But there’s something more interesting that could be pointed up there. And that is: the phagocyte was probably once, prior to his defensive attitude toward the body, about the body, and against invaders, uh… probably he was a body attacker. He’s done a lot of overt acts against the body; he’s now defending it.

Uh… but this is his house, and his space, and it’s all made for him, and he maintains it, and he goes on down the line – what do you know! And in the genes and chromosomes and that sort of thing, he makes sure that something gets passed along to the next body.

Now uh… the animation of this body, and the GE proper, and so on, may or may not follow the protoplasmic line. As far as I’ve been able to see, he skips. I haven’t even observed that well. I took a look, and uh… kind of looked that way, and we didn’t need the data so the devil with it. Uh… uh… he might go right along with the uh… he… he might really go right along with the protoplasm line, and the preclear’s just… what I’ve examined on the thing were just a little bit vague about the whole thing. The surveys seem to indicate that he… the GE was a being who was skipping along the line. That is to say he was following along the line much as the thetan follows along the line.

But this thing that was following along the line might not have been properly the GE – who cares? is all this amounts to. You’ve got a protoplasm line; you’ve got bodies being made, and there’s a being that takes care of this body and that being isn’t the thetan. That’s all you have to know, because from there on you’re processing the thetan. You do not want to process the GE.

You could have a lot of fun processing the GE, and somebody can set it up sometime for a super-doctorate certificate, somebody can set this up, but uh… no importance. Uh… you’ll find a lot of thetans think it’s awful important, they come in there propitiate, propitiation, propitiation, propitiation, propitiation. And uh… GE. They get outside the body and then they think „Oh, that poor GE!“ and they’ve got to rush back in, and so on, „Care of the body. Care of the body. Use chlorophyll toothpaste. Pay your dentist eight times a year.“ I mean, pardon me, „Have him inspect your teeth,“ uh… so on and so on and so on and so on.

Sure! Sure you want to keep the piece of machinery up. Run it into the grease shop and once in a while… and stuff something down its throat three times a day. But you’d be surprised how much better it works if you don’t give a hang how it works. Take it out and throw it in a damp straw and let it sleep, and pick it up the next morning and start it on its way. It’d be quite amusing to you, what would happen if you stopped babying your body. If you never paid very much attention to how much food you ate, and never paid much attention to how much sleep you got, or anything like that, it’d just be amazing the level of health that would suddenly take over. Oh, you’d go around ready to bite iron bars in half as far as the body is concerned.

Because this body was made to be threatened with death three times a day. There’s nothing like being brought up to present time, and there’s nothing like being threatened with death to bring somebody up to present time. And it frankly needs an area SHOCK, continually, in terms of up to present time. And uh… back in the primordial swamp… I don’t know what that word „primordial“ means, but uh… professor Rumpcussus always uses it, so… when we have this uh… primordial swamp, he walks along there, if a snake wasn’t striking at him from this bush, and if a… a rock wasn’t sweeping down on him to carry him away, or a Pterodactyl or something, uh… whatever they are, uh… they would get sluggish, you know, and go back down the time track.

The proof of this is the fact that nobody ever goes nuts in a bombing. They wait until long after the war. Then they suddenly decide that there’s… they don’t feel well, or they’re nervous, or something of the sort. And uh… you start running it and so on, you’ll occasionally find ‘em sitting around looking at the bomb blast, and you’ll find them stuck on the track here and there with regard to it. But that’s because of explosions and the fixation which they have on explosions. It’s NOT because the bombing was detrimental.

Action is NOT… it’s a very funny thing, but action is NOT aberrative, beyond furnishing counter-efforts and efforts and making new facsimiles with which to build. And as long as a fellow is in action, even the GE can handle the new facsimiles coming in. It’s when the fellow isn’t in action any more that he folds up. You take this soldier, he’s up there, he’s going out on the parapet, and kapow kapow bang bang, and he’s over and under, and bang, down again, and more explosions going off, and he drops and rolls, and… and so on, and all of a sudden he stops one.

Well, he… if they took him back to the dressing tent, still hear the guns going. Take him back to the dressing tent, bind him all up, give him a little blood transfusion uh… fix him up, and say, „Okay now, we hope you’ll be a little bit better; you can join your company very shortly, let’s get… get going.“ He would actually heal right up, and go right back into action again, provided you could let him go back into action with some part of his anatomy that’s concerned. But that’s a funny thing; they can do that.

You ought to see some of the troops that the US for instance has, the… there was practically… wasn’t a whole soldier in all of Custer’s cavalry. It was uh… one dying of TB, and another one’s lost his arm, and… and uh… they were a bunch of wrecks. And yet they could take a modern… a modern company, and they could have walked their heels off! A modern company or a cavalry unit wouldn’t have known what the heck was happening. ‘Cause they didn’t… oh, nobody had any fixation on care of the body. A body was something you parked underneath the forage wagon, or you parked under a bush, and… and you… it slept, and you’re up and at ‘em and you’re expected to endure hardship, and the philosophy was: the body that can’t endure hardship hasn’t any right to live. That was the philosophy of the thing.

Uh… that fellow was very proud. He says „You know, I have uh… I carry no frying pan…“ Fellow’s just crossed five hundred miles of plains, he carries no frying pan, and uh… only one thin blanket. And he carried no rations with him; he lived off the country. And uh… that proved that he was a man. And uh… uh… some fellow that carried a frying pan and had two blankets – boy was he a sissy!

But uh… this soldier that… he’s shot, if you let him recover, right there, oho! He’s… comes right out of it. But now let’s take him back to the base hospital, and let’s put him where it’s quiet, and let’s have… let him have a rest, and let’s take care of him, and let’s give him uh… well, rehabilitation therapy, you know, and let him fix something, and make something, and a hobby, and have people quiet around him, and he goes nnyyyaaarrrrwwww – crash!

Well, they’re telling him all the time, „You poor thing. You’re of no use anymore. And you’ve got to take care of the body now. So I guess your usefulness is over.“ ‘Cause that’s… the moment a man decides that, his usefulness IS over. „I’ve got to take care of the body.“

You can trace back a preclear, and you say, „When did you first start to cave in?“ It will be on this silly one. Maybe he was just a little kid. But he got awful sick. And he had people around him all the time telling him he had to take care of the body, and he was awful sick. He had measles. But he’d keep getting up and trying to go around the house and play and he felt pretty groggy, but they keep putting him back in bed, and he gets up, and they put him back in bed, and he gets up, and they put him back in bed, and they say, „But Johnny, you’re awfully sick!“ He gets up, put him back in bed again, and all of a sudden the hell with it!

Was it the measles or being put back to bed when he was in a state of anaten? Was it being handled and positioned? Located in space and time, when he was anaten? Or was it the measles that fixed it up so he had this rash the rest of his life? I’m afraid if they just let little Johnny… he had the measles so they said, „All right, don’t go near the other kids ‘cause you’ll give ‘em something-or-other; just stay away from them for pyrotechnic reasons or whatever you call them,“ and you g… just uh… uh… clear away on that, but uh… not limit him in the yard, or even limit him in the house or limit what he’s going to do. Sure, he feels sick. He’ll fall over on his face a couple of times, and he’ll pick himself up, and it won’t ever occur to him he… him he’s not supposed to use this tool called the body until he’s practically convinced with a brickbat. And he gets convinced – he’s done!

Now you can look back along the line, at the time here in this society when your preclear was suddenly convinced that he had to take a rest. He was convinced simultaneously that he was not free to use this body as he chose. And your disability of the body begins from there. The body was meant to be picked up by the scruff of the neck, thrown across the primordial swamp, jump sidewise eighteen times at the striking snakes, get up in the tree, uh… cut the throat of a leopard that was there before you, and get up just a little bit higher, and then make funny „Yeah, yeah, yeah“ noises at whatever was chasing you that made you run through the swamp to miss the snakes, to have to kill a leopard to get up in the tree.

And that was routine, for homo sapiens’ body. Completely routine. You want to get rid of the effect, being an effect of the body, just use hell out of it! Just say there isn’t any reason why it can’t drink all the liquor it can hold, that it can… there isn’t any reason why it can’t run a mile, like a quarter-horse, there isn’t any reason why it should not be thrown around in automobiles carelessly driven. There’s no reason it shouldn’t, quote, be thoroughly abused, unquote, straight down the track. Because in order to come up tone scale, the individual will find himself doing that. If he just is brought up tone scale, he’ll find himself doing it. And if he just does it he comes up tone scale faster. You can get there with processing or otherwise.

Now you can get your preclear to suddenly say, „I want to live!“ Wham! He’ll come right up along the line. And what do you… how do you say, „I want to live“? Be perfectly free to use the body in whatever way he chooses. You see, he’s actually perfectly free to get the body electrocuted, he’s perfectly free to get the body uh… run over by a truck, he’s perfectly free to use this body to dig a hole in the ground eighty-two feet deep, eighty-two feet on the side, and eighty-two feet wide. And then fill it up again, just for the hell of it.

The GE functions when the GE is used. And he doesn’t function otherwise. He requires a strong whip. He is so enMESTed, he’s so much MEST, he’s so close to MEST, that he only understands one thing. And that is, „You will!“ „No backchat!“

If… if you just suddenly were… you know these seven uh… pardon me… six compartments of the body? The inner and outer uh… entities, and all of this, you can get these things to answer up on E-meters and tell you the darnedest things. You know that… you know you can uh… a fellow’s having trouble with his left shoulder and his right shoulder and his small of his back and so forth, well why don’t you just say, „Well why don’t you tell these entities to… to snap to, and get busy?“ And maybe for five or ten minutes after he does that, he just simply commands them to do something or other, or be busy or something or other, he just asserts his command level over them. He’s living in the darnedest state of being quiet! His body’s suddenly quiet.

Occasionally some preclear’ll come to you and say, „You know, my body just clamors all the time, it just seems like…“ or, „Last night I was sitting there and I just heard all these voices talking and… and… and uh… parts of my body seemed to be alive, and they were… one part was arguing with another part, and so on.“ Sure they were! Hmm hmmm, the entities had gotten completely out of command, out of control. The thetan who would let a body do that has been fraternizing with the troops! And there’s nothing more murderous, or upsetting than thinking, „Well now, we have the Greaaaat Brotherhood. Let’s all be brothers on the MEST level.“ The second we’re all brothers on the WEST level that makes the entities brothers too. And as soon as they’re brothers with the thetan, the thetan can’t command them, and they don’t know where they’re going or what they’re doing. They’re stuck all over the time track. They’re stuck in deaths, and they’re stuck this way… they’re a11 psycho! And actually they calm right down, but quick, if you just suddenly say, „You will, that’s all. No backchat.“

All of a sudden the body feels tired. Just take it as a drill sometime. The body feels very tired. Say, „The hell with it!“ And go out and do something that you know very well pro… probably’ll make it collapse! If the body feels very tired, so just take it by the scruff of the neck, and go out and make it get a shovel, and start digging. Sounds nonsensical. You should obviously go to bed. And if you have uh… if you have a cold coming on, you know that you should take it very very easy, and… and so forth, and take it very comfortable – go find some mud puddles and walk through them. Or mock up some and walk through them.

Now you get the general idea? This GE is built out of MEST, and has a MEST orientation. That is to say, he’s not built out of MEST, he specializes in MEST, and he has a MEST orientation, and by golly, you see that coke bottle there? Well I can stand here and I can say, „Now look, coke bottle! Be… let’s be very very calm and… and… and so forth, and… and uh… uh… eh… you know you’re not supposed to be there! Uh… and so on… because it makes the platform here look tacky, and you shouldn’t be there, and I think the best thing for you to do is to, please, won’t you please, please move off, and go down there on the side of the platform? Well, go on! Move off down there.“ It’s not going anyplace, is it? That’s ‘cause it’s MEST. No. Here’s the way to get the coke bottle down here…

Uh… you notice, it didn’t have a word to say! It didn’t. It… it won’t even chatter back. There are other ways of handling it. It probably, if it remembers anything at all, does remember being zapped. You could actually… you can go up to the point of shattering the coke bottle if you want to. Monkeying it up like that. And actually you start to have to have enough energy to punish the hell out of something, on that level of being MEST, if it won’t do what it’s supposed to do. You got to have the horsepower in order to handle it, in other words.

The GE made himself up this way to be used. He has lost all directional control, except the control of keeping the heart running and keeping the breath going, and working the muscles this and that way. Now he can actually do a much better job of running the body than you think he can, but he only does it when he’s really settled down on one thing: Who’s boss. If he thinks he’s the boss… how would you like to hire as a housekeeper somebody who periodically met you at the door and told you that uh… well, the house was pretty upset, and so forth, and you’d better not come in, you’d better go to a hotel tonight. Hmm? Yet that’s the way most people treat this GE. They go to the hotel, and they say, „Well, it’s not my house.“

Truth of the matter is it ISN’T your house. You’re a darned pirate! You got no business using this GE’s body in the first place. But now that you’ve assumed the right to use it and you’ve gotten that far on „Let’s pretend,“ that you have the right to use it, for golly sakes don’t be coy about it! If you want the body to operate, operate it! Make it do anything you want to do. It argues… fies, and spewdifies and it says it can’t do this and it can’t do that, and this has to happen and that has to happen before it can do something or other. The dickens it does! This is just command of the body.

Now let’s look at something a little bit further than that. The body’s built out of force! It’s made out of force and it’s handled by force, not by reason. Truth of the matter is that halfway up the band there isn’t any reason. You don’t have to have a reason. You don’t talk anything to anybody, you just use it, that’s all. I mean, you do it. You act. You have to be willing to act without reason – and by the way, that’s quite a sensation. That’s therapy. You know, there’s some… some boys around in the past, have uh… given some inspirational sort of falderal, said, „Now, the way to reach present time is through action, and you should have action in present time. And that’s all there is to it, now if you will just act in present time, you’ll get well.“ Well, the fellow is following a pattern which is rather obvious, he knows no other mechanics in it, and he could beat the drum with this thing, and sell it by the bottle, and uh… he’ll get some people who are well occasionally. They’ll know no other mechanics than this, action in present time.

I suppose they got that datum through empirical observation. They found out that psychotics that shivered more or shook more or jumped up and down more, and so forth, probably lived uh… longer after the electric shock. They probably lived minutes longer, or something, than a preclear who wasn’t jumping around. Or other… some empirical data that gave this. All right. Action through present time.

Now, your… your preclear will pick that up. He’ll go into it for the sake of action. You want him to go on upscale from there, possibly. And if you do, you’ll just keep processing him. But you’ll have a rough time of it. Because he… he’s getting awful tough by this time. So you better get awfully tough as an auditor. You better be twice as tough as any preclear you’ve ever got. Don’t try to handle preclears who are sort of hard-boiled, and, „let’s get action“ and… and that sort of thing, when you yourself are saying, „Well, I’m doing my noble best. Here we are, all together, and I probably will be left behind because I can’t be cleared…“ And you… you are operating in that band, you’re sinking yourself awful quick!

So when we look this picture over, we find out that the GE is built out of force, and here we will deal strictly with various manifestations hereof. Let’s look at the GE head-on. Let’s look at him front… on front-wise. With the body, and it’s built-up ridges and so on, that are inherent to it, and so on, head-on, and we will find out that there’s one that goes here… and there’s one goes here… these are ridges, sort of, more or less through there. And then there’s one that goes in through here… kind of… and then there’s one that goes here… and then there’s one that goes in here… And sometimes some people have one across here… and sometimes there are compartments across the wrists.

These are ridges of some sort or another. And uh… sometimes, by the way, there’ll be a second ridge out here, wider than the shoulders… and down… might not be as far down as the leg. That’s the appearance these things have. Oh, pardon me, that’s the way the preclear FEELS they are.

Now every one of those compartments will… will get a plus-minus basis. They’ll run plus in one direction and minus in the other direction, and oh, it’s… it’s joyous to behold! You… you’ll get all kinds of combinations. And this is of course the central division, line A-B here. Line A-B is a division. One side of that will be plus, the other side’ll be minus. If they both become plus, or something like that, you don’t get body action to amount to anything. If they both became minus more or less the same thing would happen. Or if you ground the two out one against the other you’ll find the guy starts to have difficulty in handling energy. Or you can just round them out and flatten them out sometimes. Very interesting things result from this.

But over here you might get, you know, more or less optimum case, you get a plus and a minus side to the body. Two sides of the body. And you get a potential on one side. Then your line A-B really is a slice. All of these things are compartments. They’re ridges. They’re part of old ridges and complexities of explosions. This is a… A-B has depth which I now draw in, really, it’s a… it’s a plane, kind of goes through the body.

Now what that thing is is insulation. It’s something like you’d put into an electronic gimmick. And you get a plus and a minus on the body. This is a very elementary dissertation on it. But the thing keeps changing potential one way or the other. When you’ve got a case of stroke you’ve got one side of this arrested, and it won’t change potential. When you’ve got a stroke on your hands, I mean some stroke case, he’s just not operating at fifty percent of that.

Now a fellow, after he’s had a shock, very often isn’t operating on fifty percent. He… oper… operating on one side. Now you get little minor divisions of this. How do you get minor divisions of it? Well, this slice, way out here, that we will call uh… Location G out here, uh… that might be dead. And the fellow’s never noticed it.

Now if you turn this body over on the side, here, if you turn this body over on the side, you would find more or less the same sort of thing uh… occurred. And you’ve got side-slices here. The most beautiful array of stuff. There’s one out here, cuts the face off and goes down there, and one on the back of the head… goes that way. In other words you’ve got all of these sectional compartments, actually. They’re electronic implants that help put these things in. There’s all sorts of reasons back of this, and besides the natural reason’s that there’s a series of natural core patterns. That is… they’re… they’re the core of this… spheres of ridges, this universe. One of those things discharges against another one, back and forth, so you’ll get areas that are dead, and areas that are over-charged, and you’ll get all sorts of strange and peculiar electrical manifestations on the part of the preclear. The essence of the operation of the body is to have these things in a fair condition of insulation, so that they will flick, plus-minus, when required, and so the body can be handled by potentials.

You’re not trying to knock out these compartments, like A-B and so on. If you were to suddenly reach out, way out in front, here up here is some kind of an anchor point. Anchor point. And if you were to reach up here, on one of those anchor points, you were… you would find out that uh… there’s all sorts of structure hung. You… your… your GE is not a compact item at all. He’s just all over the shop. So your anchor points uh… of the body are actually uh… solid in. He’s got his own space. The thetan gets quite willing to use these as anchor points.

You want to look around for a couple of anchor points of the body? How about looking out… way out there somewhere, out there in front of your body, and look way out here. Just look up at those two points. Look in those two directions. Some of you’ll be able to see ‘em. You’ve been walking around, passing this stuff through doors, and all sorts of things, it… it… it’s really quite an apparatus. It’s an electrical apparatus.

If some engineer wants to build a robot, uh… he’s got a good pattern here in energy exchanges, pluses, minuses, all that sort of thing. Fascinating! It’s an electronic machine. It is a carbon-oxygen engine. Low heat, 98.6 temperature. Combustion, low combustion. Did you know that you could actually put vegetables, rotten vegetables, in the gas tank of a car and have it run? It will. There’s a kind of a car, they used to do this over in Japan. They had a charcoal burner in the back of the car, and all you did was dump the charcoal in the back end of the car and it ran on charcoal. It’s kind of cold, and it kind of stinks, but uh… and that makes it different than this body. This body in its combustion does not stink.

So, anyway, we… we get this carbon-oxygen engine which is built on electronic principles, and which has all these sketch points. And your thetan is in the middle of all this structure. He’s right here, at the point I’ve got marked „T“ in most cases. And where I have marked „T“ on this side view, if you can call that a view.

Now, I’m telling you all this, I’m telling you all this, because I’m only showing you this structure close-up. By the way, did any of you see those anchor points? You didn’t see it? It’s interesting, put a mockup s… out there in that direction some time or another, and start to wock… work mock-up’s for a little while, and anchor points, or balls, will show up. They’re globes. Fascinating! By the way, does anybody got a kind of the idea like his body’s liable to cave in, or something? Several of you have! It won’t, it won’t. I’ve mauled this around, I’ve gone and kicked so-called anchor points around on a body, and… and I’ve tried to tear ridges out of the middle of the body, and I’ve short-circuited bodies, and boy, oh boy, oh boy, when he laid himself together a carbon-oxygen engine, the GE really built one. It’ll go through practically anything! Even auditing!

So, now let’s take a little closer view of this carbon-oxygen engine, and let’s take a… a view at the crudest manifestation of it, which is all you’re interested in. And we’ll find… we’ll just do here the head, neck and back. That’s a… and that will be your side view, and here is a front view. Something on this order. All right, we’re not too interested in this, but we find your thetan where I’ve marked „T“, in each case. And we have here a right close-to-home piece of trouble. What bothers the thetan are those things made of his own wave length. He won’t much run into the GE’s ridges, but he’ll run into his own. And he’s got plenty of them! And he’s piled up energy around on the body in various places, so that he gets himself most beautifully loused up. He thinks he is where his ridge is, because he can act where the ridge is. So therefore he thinks he can perceive wherever he has an energy that can echo. He’s not outside when he’s doing that.

Don’t become unsure whether you’re outside or not. If you’re outside you know you are, and if you’re not outside you don’t know you are. There’s no gradient scale of being outside. Absolute, just like everything else. Actually, it’s more absolute when you get into it. You… when you say the guy is out, he does have the sensation of not being the body, and he is outside, and he’s free to observe without also observing the body.

And, you understand when I was telling you about snapping in tractor beams, and so on… A tractor beam snaps in here at the back of the head, tractor beam shortens up, the thetan gets in… wham! He’s trying to get something out of the body so another impulse comes over the thing and it shortens this tractor beam. He has a lovely time with that. And he’s still carrying around as one of the… as a pattern here, he’s still carrying in a ridge, which we will mark here „R1“. And he’s still got one there.

Now around the ear, we have a whole series of ridges, where sound has hit, and we will call these „Rs 2“. Now your thetan actually… your thetan actually has added to these ridges and hung up on these ridges. Now we’ve got another set of ridges, which are across here, and in quite a lot of preclears, we call that „R3“. That’s in front of the body and R3 on the front view might be something on this order: That’s all the thetan’s own wave length. That’s all his own energy. Which is this… this gets a little bit ghastly. Because when he runs into his own energy then he thinks he is there, and he’s not quite sure what the heck he’s doing.

Now out here at a little distance from the head, out here, we have „R4“. And over here underneath the chin we have „R5“. This is pretty rough. Sometimes it comes up to here. And on the back of the neck, going across the back of the neck, we have „R6“. Ridge, ridge, ridge, ridge.

Now, there’s been a heavy flow area in here, and this that I’m putting on is not a shock of hair; this is „R7“. And that can fold in here, and that gets thinner, like this. Now what are you looking at here? You’re not looking at an explosion-type set of ridges, really. They only vaguely match up to an explosion-type set of ridges, close-in, because he’s operating close-in in this universe at this time, at this moment, in a homo sapiens’ body. So you’re getting this peculiar inner structure. And he’s very intimate with this inner structure. And he’s packed around pretty good. Because he figures out he’s not very big.

Before he’s collected together, he thinks he’s very big. He might think he’s all over the place before he’s collected together. Then you collect him together to a point, and he becomes very sharp, and he can observe, and then he starts getting bigger again, and more and more he can handle force. First condition he’s running away from force a little bit, then he’s collected all together and he can handle force somewhat, and then he can disperse all over the place and handle all kinds of force.

So right close-in here, we’re not getting quite the pattern that you would expect you would get with a uh… the center of an explosion. But it will do for a little tiny set of dots. Actually… actually this guy goes out for miles! Well this is just the anatomy of just his little… little center beingness, right in the middle of what I was showing you earlier. Picture 10… figure 10.

Well now, that’s „R4“, and of course, this belongs to the side view, „R8“. It’s kind of out in front of him, like this. Of course R8 over here on this front view kind of just goes across, all the way across here. See? This is R8 also.

Well, there’s another ridge, with which he becomes involved very easily, and it’s that ridge from which he keeps himself disassociated, and from which he clamps down the pre-frontal lobes to keep the body from thinking. Sometimes in an excess of enthusiasm the thetan runs into this center point of view of the body, which is in the middle of the forehead, and which has been called, since time immemorial, the „Third eye“. It is the viewpoint of dimension of the GE and the body. It has not very much to do with the thetan. And that’s right here, at… in the front of the forehead, here. It’s uh… marked with „0“. And your thetan has a line , which I will draw here… thetan has this line, comes down like this, a dark line, and I mark that line „R9“. And that line, R9, would lie in the same plane with R8 on the front view. See, that’s right straight across. Cuts off the pre-frontal lobes and comes on down. It… sometimes it’s quite thin, quite embryonic.

Now inside the head, inside the head we have also some more control set-ups, and I’m going to draw these in, very very dark. There’s one on each side of the head, and that little patch in there is called… it’s a whole series of ridges, you could draw a big picture of the inside of the head showing all the energy deposits inside the head. Be quite a task, so we ought to map ‘em someday. And that we will call „R10“. Those motor control areas you start to pick up out of the motor controls.

Now, inside the head there is a division, which on the front view I am marking with line C-D. And that front view of the face, now, it seldom happens that more than half – you’ll notice here we’ve got a filled area – it seldom happens that more than half of the head is free or clear to the thetan. The other half, as I’ve indicated here – could be one half or the other half – will be all black. And this all-blackness is a… you… you… it… it’s very upsetting to him. He’s got a… half of his head’s hollow and the other’s black. Now when he starts to drag out, quite often your thetan finds himself turning this way and is stuck on one side of the body. He’s stuck to that side of the body which has the heaviest head ridge, which I’ve marked over here, on the front view, as „R11“.

All right. And by the way, I mark again R10 here, as motor controls, on the front view… R10. And when we get into this anatomy of ridges, what do we know? This whole picture gets terribly complicated by ends of terminals. There’s sometimes banana-like things which come into the eye and go around more or less to the ear or the temple. There are terminals which go off of the face and lead off into nowhere. There are old communication lines still hung up, way to hell and gone, up into space. And I don’t know what they’re connected with on most preclears. I know those that I… that… that they yank on, sometimes it practically blows them out of their seats. They s… yank on one of these lines, going up to Lord knows where, and it practically knocks them silly! But you have them grab on to those lines and just pull them loose. It puts them out of contact with whatever they’re into contact with.

So there’s these lines. In addition to this drawing here, then, you’ve got all sorts of… of terminals, and end of terminals, and communication lines, and all this sort of thing. Now these are all energy deposits that I’m drawing you, and they’re all more or less on the wave length of the thetan. And he’s trying to pull in his visio, and his sonic, and all the rest of this, with a little tiny distance. He’s trying to pull it in from a sixteenth of an inch. Or a half an inch, off the terminals in most cases. He’s trying to take sight off the optic nerves, and he’s only trying to get that much. The optic nerve’s a shock uh… thing. If anything blew up in his face he knows he’s safe, because it’ll already wave and give him warning, and he could get away from the optic nerve – he thinks. Of course he’s so silly by this time, if he’s all bedded down like this, he won’t know when that optic nerve is going to register and when it won’t and he wouldn’t be able to move or get away if he did.

Now uh… he uses the head for a kind of a shock absorber. Now all this is his own energy. And you all of a sudden get Mr. Thetan to move out of his head. Nnaarrww! On a case that’s rough, he runs back here into that ridge, he goes boom! If he gets out of that ridge he’s liable to go into that ridge, and go boom! If… and all of a sudden, he winds up, way out in front of the face. You’ll find most psychotics are out there about a yard in front of their face. They’ve blown clear straight through the head, and they’re sailing way out in front of themselves. They’re not even with themselves. They’ve run straight on through.

That is the last position. Possibly you could match the sanity, or lev… level of sanity of a thetan; a thetan’s always raving mad more or less. Anything that thinks he’s… thinks he’s worse than dead is raving mad. And you could probably raise his position of beingness, more or less in this wise:

Looking at the top here, and giving it uh… uh… figure „A“ up here. Here’s a head uh… facing that-a-way, and you have your thetan at first, when he first started contacting the body, he’d be clear back here and he’d feel pretty big, and uh… uh… then you’d find him in here… and then you find him in here… and all of a sudden you find him in here… and then you find him up here, kind of just… b… by the nose, and then you’d find him out a little bit in front of the face, and you finally wind him up here, he’s sort of on his way. Now this is position… One is the furtherest away, two, three, four beside the head, five, six. Now those don’t compare any way to case steps. That’s just uh… sort of graphing the position. And this would be over in term of many, many, many tens of thousands of years. The… you could… gradually, gradually forward, where he’s less and less able to control his body from a little distance, and all of a sudden he’s down there in the head controlling it.

Did you ever see anybody read a newspaper, and… and the print was small, and when they’re quite young they read the newspaper by walking in and glancing at it, and the next thing you know they’re a little bit closer to it, and the next thing you know they’re a little bit closer to it, and finally they’ve got glasses an inch thick, and there they are in their white stocking cap reading the newspaper right up close here. Uh… just a… they’ve got to be closer and closer and closer to communicate. Well, he’s closer and closer and closer. He’s kind of running downhill, see, in horsepower. And uh… most of your preclears are about 4 uh… I said that’s 5 and 6, that’s actually position 5, 6 and 7. Position 4 would be more or less in the center of the head, and position 5 would be almost out of the head. You’ll find a lot of preclears at 5, a lot of them at 4.

Well now uh… this is a heck of a note, when you start looking over figure A there. That because… because uh… well, the guy, when he gets out here he isn’t aware really of the body being back there, and the reason he’s out here – he’s driven. Driven. Now how does it come about that your thetan becomes driven, and what is the sensation and emotion of fear, and why does this occur?

Now, let’s look at figure B. Let’s look at the behavior of these ridges. Here’s this head, facing over here to the right. All right, now, let’s take this ridge, here, and we just mark it „R“, in the front, and here’s a ridge „R“, in back. And front. You’ve got those two ridges. Well, we’ve got a head here, we’ve got a thetan here. Okay. Now, what happens is that he gets a smaller potential… it doesn’t matter which way we mark these things… plus or minus, that just means that there’s going to be a potential. Let’s say this ridge is kind of plus, back here on this first position, first R, back of the head, and the one in front of the head is minus. Well, we get a lowering of potential of that minus, until we get an energy interchange in the direction that the arrow is pointing.

And Mr. Thetan gets caught right in the middle of that and he feels energy flowing, and his whole answer is, „Hold on!“ So he holds on in the middle of the head or tries to hold on in the middle of the head. But the energy interchange can flow so fast as to sweep him on forward, and when this occurs he becomes very upset, and he becomes very uneasy, and he doesn’t quite know what’s coming off, and it gets very insecure.

Now a person comes along, and he starts to open a drawer. And he opens this drawer, and uh… he uh… it sticks. And uh… he all of a sudden flies into a rage, and then in a… goes into apathy about the drawer, and goes away and won’t open it. That’d be a very fast curve. Or he comes in and he fiddles with the drawer, stubbornly, and he shakes it, and he shakes it, and the drawer won’t open and the drawer won’t open, and the drawer won’t open, and finally he smashes at the drawer, and he kicks at the drawer and he works with the drawer, and so on, and he finally, and at last, more or less, goes away and grumps about it. He’s in pretty good shape.

What happened to the first thetan is, the second he got a little jar of energy being balked, it actually did a feedback circuit, right straight into the back of his head, and through his motor controls, something of that sort, and it started a flow going. And the moment that this flow was started, the thetan, he, the preclear, had to hold on like mad. And the speed with which he detects the flow, is afraid of the flow, and grabs on, and abandons all other action… is actually a different thing slightly than position on the tone scale. It’s speed of descent. How fast is the emotional curve run off on the preclear. It can run off, zing! Preclear’s in pretty bad shape when it does that. Or it can go, zzznnnnnnnnggg. See how that is?

So we get one preclear with… with it going slow, would do… would do uh… uh… uh… preclear do… does it very fast, we get the steepness of curve, from G through E, and we get over here another kind of a curve, preclear 1, and we get maybe preclear 2 doing a curve which goes down like that. And maybe cuts off it there. And that would be uh… curve R-D. Doesn’t matter what we call it. And this… th… this preclear is normally at 2.0, it looks, and winds up here in 0.1. And this preclear starts out at 1.8, and comes down, and knocks off, actually, and starts up-curve again here, at 1.2. See? Uh… you get a difference of manifested behavior, just by this alone: Is how many ridges are on the back of this guy’s head that discharge across, and how easy is this thetan to displace where he is, so on.

He gets the emotion of „Hoooolld it“ with the muscles, and then „Hold on“ with the thetan. And when the thetan has to start to hold on it’s because he’s scared. When your thetan is holding on like mad, a low-tone preclear, he’s holding on like mad, and you say, „Be two feet back of your head“ he can’t be two feet back of his head. He’s holding on like mad. And the reason he’s holding on like mad is obvious. Every time he lets go he feels this surge of energy, and he feels fear. And this can become so fast, the surge of energy – zzznk – fear! Zzznk – fear! Zznnnk – fear, „Hold on!“ Zzznnk – fear, „Hold on!“ Quick. Like that. He… he’ll… and you start to get him out of the body, and you get him out of the body and he’ll actually bounce back in again. Out – bang! Out – bang! Out – bang! Out – bang!

He suddenly feels a motion of energy, he gets scared, and he has to hold on again. What has he got to hold on to? It’s something inside the head. How do you drill him out of it? Very simple. You just do mock-up’s of him holding on, and letting go, and holding on, and letting go, with his hands or any other way you want to, until he’s finally… feels that, well, letting go isn’t too bad. And he’ll move out of his head.

Now another thing that you can do is to clean up here all the ridges in front of the face. And you clean up all the ridges in front of the face, and you leave all the ridges behind the head, you’re going to change the energy potential so the guy’s going to be subjected to more and more flow through his head, more and more energy flow, more and more energy flow, and he’ll get scareder and scareder, perform less and less, and be much more apt to dive back in the head again.

And you say, „What’s on earth’s wrong with this preclear?“ You’ve got him in the middle of a hurricane, that’s what! It’s an energy hurricane. He’s discharging from the back ridge, which I’ve got marked plus, and he’s going over to that front ridge marked minus, and if the front ridges were all gone, he’ll discharge on to anything minus that comes along in front of him, and he’ll be… get very upset in doing that. And you understand that? That’s quite important.

And this… what I’ve just said about an energy flow going across there also applies to the back of the preclear. And the preclear’s small of the back, you have an energy deposit, which let us say is plus, and in front of him you’ve got one that’s minus. Every once in a while an energy interchange takes place which causes a flow of energy to go across his stomach nerve, the vagus nerve of the stomach. This hits more or less where the GE lives. And the body gets scared when this happens. And when that happens, you’ve got a flow and the body can just get agonizingly sick from this flow, very upset, because of the flow going across this front uh… area. And it… the flow, it feels like a… a flow dispersal setup, and that’s fear.

That is fear! What… what is fear? Fear is really a dispersal which is a series and a various type of flow. Now when you’ve got one of these things starting, the fellow tries to keep it in the flow category, and he’s feeling this horrible emotion of fear, across… he’s got an anxiety stomach. How do you balance it out? Simplest thing in the world. Let’s not unbalance the factors around the body, and tear off these ridges and so forth. Let’s just do mock-ups of some flows, and mock-ups of some dispersals.

How do you get him into doing mock-ups of dispersals, when he can’t do explosions at all? Well, you have pieces of popcorn jump out of a paper sack. You have water splash. Anything like that. Or if he’s worried about wheels, or anything like that, just mock up common automobile wheels. If he wants them to turn and he can’t make them turn, put a spot on them and move the spot an inch. Until he can finally turn the wheels. Dispersals, spins, that sort of thing, handle them with their geometric MEST universe equivalent as a mock-up and then make the mock-up stranger and stranger. And that’s the way you handle them, and I hope now you know all about it. Thank you very much, good night!