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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- As You Return to Your Org (FEBC-11 Notes) - L710203a | Сравнить
- As You Return to Your Org (FEBC-11) - L710203a | Сравнить
- FEBC Org Board and Its VFPS (FEBC-12 Notes) - L710203b | Сравнить
- FEBC Org Board and Its VFPS (FEBC-12) - L710203b | Сравнить

LRH TAPE, FEBC - 11, 7102CO3SO, 03 FEB 71



1.) This briefing was convened to give the ED's, P/O's, O/O's their FEBC Mission Orders to take back to their orgs.

2.) This set of directions IS being given to and WILL BE given to departing FEBC's.

3.) The Flag Bureaux has worked very hard to get the projects together to make the org roll on up the line and make it a great success.

4.) You have to realize that while you were gone, the staff all blew, and you have only 1 1/2 staff left, who were hired yesterday. (Laugh).

5.) So you open your briefcase and you have 27 or 28 projects to give out - to 1 1/2 staff!

6.) No, the actual scene by stats is that people have been trying to keep the show on the raod and the stats are at a bare survival level or above.

7.) So now you are going to walk in after several weeks in the South Seas, admiring the palm trees, and listening to the native girls, and change everything? Well, if you do, I will sit here and watch the stats go down.

8.) No, the orgs have been there for a long time, most of them, and have had their ups and downs, and attentions (which were sometimes regretted) and neglects (which were sometimes approved of) and so are not "nothing". And the staff are not "occluded" on what's going on.

9.) I have sent some policy letters to the orgs, and there is some slight action going on.

10.) So it's snot ALL bad. There is some dissem and public actions going on, people have been promised and sold services, some recovery of blown students is occuring. Some lines and functions are in.

11.) Now what would happen if you just walked in and changed everything?

12.) Now, we know the org SHOULD be making 25.000 Dollars a week. (I would be ashamed to run an org at anything below that now.)

13.) But YOUR org may be making 1500 Dollars a week and think they are doing well!

14.) (Aside) "People are getting born and going aberrated faster than they are being processed right now".


15.) Your first order of business then is to find out what IS going on and get it PAID FOR and DELIVERED.

16.) Take advantage of the action that IS there and push it up to a higher level of volume & efficiency.

17.) That would be the first order of business of a PRODUCT OFFICER.

18.) The next order of business of the P/O is to look around and see how he can increase CONSUMPTION.

19.) He might also use the Public Div Sec as a PR Officer, part-time. Or replace him and put him on as STAFF of the P/O. Someone WILL have to keep the Div 6 actions going, so don't just rip him off. But eventually you WILL need a PR Officer on Staff to handle the new subject of PR and Consumption.

20.) He also has to handle the HE&R caused by your coming in and "caroming" (Bouncing) off the slow-moving staff members as you rush through the org.

21.) You may get a new person or recruit someone, but, in any case, the PR Officer, on the P/O's staff, WILL be necessary if you are going to increase the CONSUMPTION and thus the delivery and income of the org.

22.) There is nothing sillier than a canning factory that cans the product, then throws it away out the back door. It won't be in business long. The missing point was: the CONSUMPTION was not built up.

23.) So, what you are doing, is going back to an area that is running to some degree, and has its OWN traditions on how to do it better, and what you have to do is find what's lying around and make it into PRODUCTS.

24.) Now you go back and tell the staff: "Hello! We are back. Everything is fine. You did well and now we are just going to do MORE of it". At this point you hear a groan and the staff says, "But we are overloaded now. We can't do more". You say, "We have an Org Officer to take care of that, so that your overload doesn't particulary worry you".

25.) Then you do TWO things: Get income up and delivery going.

26.) Look around and find all the half-finished products you can complete and all the things lying around you can sell.

27.) So your 1st action is a SURVEY to find out what can be delivered NW.

28.) Usually my 1st action on the 1st day of walking into an org is to move all the Execs out of the Service Space!

Then I work with their creditors so they won't be foreclosed on the 2nd day.

By then I have looked around enough to get a "big idea" on what we can offer now and we do so PROMPTLY on any comm line there is.

29.) In your materials is a "Special Project" - Big Idea - you can put in at once. But it may not be all you need, of course, locally.

30.) Remember, "good ideas" need EXECUTION. They have to be done.

31.) So you may find other ideas that ARE good, that ARE "under way", that you can push to COMPLETION.

32.) So, LOOK it over. ADJUST it up for PRODUCTION, without disturbing anybody particularly. Then get some PROMOTION out. Get some DELIVERY being done. Look around the Academy and find out how many can graduate today. (They've probably been there for 2 years). Then go into the crowded waiting rooms where pc's wait for their sessions, count them up and go ask "Why don't you hire another auditor?", and about that time you start to get away - you get promotion, delivery, income, and you get the show running.

33.) Remember, you are trying to get FINAL VALUABLE PRODUCTS - namely money, student completions, and pc completions.

34.) You probably have tons of pc's there you can get completed, although it might not get you any money if they paid already - but once complete, they will RE-SIGN UP for further services.

35.) It is necessary to understand completely, utterly, and totally that a Product Officer is there to get the FINAL VALUABLE PRODUCTS.

36.) And it's quite a trick - because you are not a first going to sit down and plan how you are going to build up to it in 2 years - you have to get them NOW.

37.) The first few days will be difficult. You have to brief the staff - we have a tape for you - and then get it going as above. But the machine will start running even though it's a little machine, it WILL start running.

38.) (Tells the story of the salt-mill in Holland, it kept putting out salt - with no consumtion plan - and they couldn't stop it - so threw it into the sea - and that's why the sea is salty and we leave to buy fresh water at high prices in these ports.)

39.) You will feel very strained, tired, and knocked about during this period. The test is: "To LIVE THROUGH THIS PERIOD, and to keep running ahead of the storm from there on out."

40.) The longer you are there without an O/O, 5 feet in front of you, the harder it will be - so the solution is: "THE 1ST PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCT OFFICER IS AN ORG OFFICER".

41.) And the O/O will start throwing some lines together, getting some scratch paper to use for invoices, setting up a place for the money to be paid down, handling the paper and getting a printer to do the promo, (and data-lining the old printer who wasn't paid), clearing out the offices of the execs to use for auditing rooms, etc.

42.) Now after about 3 days of this, the O/O is getting tired also, and now you remind him: "THE 1ST PRODUCT OF AN ORG OFFICER IS AN HAS (HCO AREA SECRETARY)".

43.) And the HAS gets on and thinks it's all easy because there are some comm baskets and hats around, so that's an "HCO".

44.) Then you have to remind him what an ESTABLISHMENT is: Typewriters, desks, carbon paper, pens, space to work, hats, lines, hatted terminals, routing forms, signs, etc. - for the WHOLE org. Also, door locks, safes, invoice machines, mimeo, telephone, telex, etc.

45.) If he says, "that's not the province of HCO", you say "listen to the 3 hours of tape again on the HAS".

46.) And you keep insisting he put Basic Staff Hats in on HCO, and to put an HCO there, which will put an Org there.

47.) Now that's where your FEBC Projects come in. These put an org there Department by Department.

48.) Now you have you P/O, O/O, and HAS mission orders. And you have "Special Project 2" which is DISSEM, and "Special Project 2" which is TECH.

49.) Special Project 2 (Tech) helps you deliver to the business you attract with Special Project 1 (Dissem).

50.) You also have the business the org IS doing, which you musn't neglect.

51.) To review it: The P/O will find he can't live without an O/O. The O/O can't live without an HAS. The HAS can't live without an HCO.

52.) At this point, you probably would have enough money for the HAS to really start putting an ESTABLISHMENT there, and he would do it almost totally independently of the Product and Org Officer of the Org.

53.) But the O/O should carry a ruler to slap the fingers of anyone trying to take personnel from a working installation.

54.) The Rule to follow is: "The org is a personnel pool to the degree it is NOT engaged in direct production and one NEVER dismantles a working installation".

55.) This is something one must teach ship people too. If a piece of machinery or a hoist is a WORKING installation, even if you don't use it right NOW, well, don't touch it - leave it alone.

56.) Let us define a "working installation" in terms of an org: "A WORKING INSTALLATION is any group which is delivering the ADEQUATE, and adequate PRODUCTION, of that product which they are supposed to deliver".

57.) And you leave those ALONE. Don't "monkey around" with them.

58.) If you do "monkey" with a working installation you will find that you have gone 3 steps forward and 4 steps backward.

59.) Do you know the Communists tech the children in schools: "How communism is going to win" by making them march 3 steps forward and 2 steps backward, over and over?

60.) There are very FEW areas where there is a "superfluity" (excess) of staff and a sub-minimum of production. In these areas it's easy for the P/O just to walk in and say "Do this" and the O/O to post up the org fast.

61.) MOST areas DON'T have enough personnel to get any real production, so in these the HAS must recruit, hire, "Shanghai", kidnap, or otherwise get TEAMS of people to work on these FEBC projects and ESTABLISH those DEPARTMENTS and DIVISIONS.

62.) These "teams" are trained, hatted, and put there to be working, DOing installations - thus building up the org.

63.) So the HAS practically has nothing to do with the P/O & O/O.

64.) The SEQUENCE which the HAS puts these teams in is very interesting:


1. HCO - 1 (Divisional Sequence of FEBC Projects)

2. TECH - 4

3. DISSEM - 2



6. QUAL - 5


65.) While this is being done, the P/O and O/O are working on PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION, so as EXECS are doing QUAL, DIST, TREAS, DISSEM & TECH actions. These phase in neatly with the HAS's establishment sequence and meet somewhere around DISSEM and then all begins to expand smoothly. And the org can then handle a greatly increased VOLUME.

66.) At the point where they come into PHASE and the sub-products are now stacking up, the P/O will find he is now having to COORDINATE and PLAN more. This is where you should go to the TRIANGULAR SYSTEM, of ED, P/O, and O/O.


67.) Now here is the sequence of the P/Os mission orders:

a.) Get briefed on Flag on what exactly you will be doing on returning to your org.

b.) Bring with you the FEBC Projects, a copy of the Org Board you will be using, and copies of the LRH ED's and PROGRAMS to go with the projects.

c.) You will have the FEBC tapes with you, and will assume the post of ED and Product Officer.

d.) You will immediately choose and appoint someone as your Org Officer. The 1st Product of a Product Officer is an Org Officer, and he has another set of orders.

e.) Hat the O/O, using the FEBC tapes. Quickly.

f.) Cope like mad, with the O/O, to build the income and delivery up.

g.) Put in Special Project 1 - "Dissem" & Special Project 2 - "Tech" to do this.

h.) Get them in on an all-hands basis if required. This stimulates business. But don't knock out everything that is ALREADY going better income - wise, appoint an HAS.

i.) At soon as you have handled the products "lying around" and are going better income - wise, appoint an HAS.

j.) At this point of build-up, nothing has been done yet with the FEBC Projects, except Special Projects 1 & 2.

k.) Hat the HAS very well. The O/O does this with the tapes from the FEBC. Then present him with the package of FEBC projects to get done in the sequence given. (Div 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7).

l.) He does these by DEPARTMENT in the Division named.


68.) To do these projects properly you are going to need INCOME. So when you are running around like mad, you can get up GDS'es (Gross Divisional Statistics) all you want, but CONCENTRATE on DELIVERY and INCOME.

69.) Then the org can be built solidly - department by department - as long as DELIVERY and INCOME continue to rise.

70.) If the HAS is very, very clever, he won't even use a single person from the existing org staff who are being run by the P/O & O/O. He will get NEW teams, build his POOLS, use RESOURCES, PERHAPS from the products from the products already made!

71.) So, the HAS is busy building the Establishment, while the P/O and O/O are busy building up INCOME, DELIVERY AND CONSUMPTION and way they can.

72.) You have got to get COMPLETED STUDENTS, PC's and MONEY for it, no matter whether the PROJECTS are done or not. When THEY move in, it will do the same thing, so is a REINFORCED ACTION.

73.) So, until ALL the projects are in, the P/O and O/O are in a state of COPE - to some degree.

74.) Now, if you find there is a need and fixation on having to have an HES and OES there, due to old custom or habit, and there is a lot of "dispatch traffic" for them - well then put someone on those posts. To answer the dispatches and letters AND keep track of who is writing them all. (HES = HCO EXEC SEC; OES = ORG EXEC SEC.)

75.) But don't YOU get sucked into that line. No Sir!

76.) An O/O should actually carry a "pedometer". It's an instrument used in hiking, engineering, and army, to find out, how far one has walked. It's hung on the belt.

77.) It has a little weight in it that goes "click" every time you take a step. It has to be adjusted. You count off the steps for a measured distance (100 feet or 100 meters), and divide by the number of steps you took. This gives the average "pace". It could be 28 inches, or the old Roman pace of 30 inches, or maybe 32 inches.

78.) And both the P/O and O/O should have a STAT based on that exact count of miles or kilometers at the end of the week. All joking aside, the job is done with MILEAGE.

79.) Now, I have messengers, so I should hang a pedometer on THEM to get part of my stat. But what are they doing?

a.) Looking into a situation.

b.) Getting questions answered.

c.) Trying to find the "bug" in the situation.

d.) Giving me the anwered to the situation.

e.) Helping me resolve the situation.

f.) Directing the handling I give.

80.) This is a substitute for the same thing. But there is no REAL substitute for it. You see, I HAVE done my time as a Product Officer. Now, while I do other hats (Research, Writing, C/Sing) they keep my P/O actions going.

81.) I've also done LOTS of mileage as an O/O. One of the incidental duties of which is to see EVERY person in the org EVERY day- both to see if he is on post and wearing his HAT and personally, to see if he is doing all right.

82.) (Note: There were 300 to 400 people on the ship when this tape was made!)

83.) This system increases VELOCITY on the 3rd Dynamic, and the personal life and care of the person's health may not keep up with it. That is the only real liability in it. So the O/O handles that aspect. You may expect 2 or 3 to drop out when you get this system in - because the VELOCITY is increased and they "break down" on another dynamic.

84.) It is that they are not getting the adequated PERSONAL care in propotion to the amount of ATTENTION they are exerting.

85.) Auditors are particularly susceptible to this. Auditors are like "race-horses". Somebody ought to pat them, rub them down, and feed them oats.

86.) Auditors, themselves, will only fade out of your line-up because they PERSONALLY have not been given enough care and attention from an organizational point of view.

87.) Auditors should have their OWN auditing rooms ideally, their OWN space, for personal effects, certs on the wall, etc. We used to cal them "consultation rooms" in the old London days.

88.) But, as a P/O, you should never have to worry about this - if you have a good O/O.

89.) Ex: I as P/O handled an area directly where the exec was not on post. The staff got upset by all the messages and actions I was taking. I had a PR survey done. NOT ONE STAFF MEMBER HAD REALIZED THEIR EXEC WAS MISSING! So they didn't know why I was doing the actions!

90.) Ex: Do you know that D/Ps will try to limit the number of pc's on their lines? And that a line very easily gets going between Div 4 & the Reg to the point where the Reg is scheduling the pc's? When you find this, look for the Tech Services HAT not being worn - scheduling Board PL, etc. Never let TECH tell YU how many pc's they can take.


91.) It's not usually a "determined" effort to reduce the delivery and income, but it IS an "arbitrary ceiling" being put on the amount of delivery, and thus income, which you can do. 92.) The D of P ought to have a thick notebook of all the auditors in a 300 miles range who could be brought in on the job of delivery. And if he gets more pc's, he gets on the telephone and calls them to come in and help - part time, full time, any old time.

93.) So the Product Officer drives this thing on up - and the Org Officer keeps the staff cooled off. That's the reason you have to have a PR Officer sooner or later.

94.) The two things which get in the road of the Product Officer are:

1. A Lack of Understanding of what the SITUATION was.

2. The unworn hat.

If you work on this basis, you've got it made.

95.) So, tell the staff, when you arrive back, what is going on - and don't leave them in any mystery.

96.) Brief them on what is going to happen. They will agree on expansion, I'm sure.

97.) But the final action is YOUR responsibility - to get the income and delivery up so you can afford the wherewithal to build an Establishment.

98.) I want to point out that the cobbler (Shoemaker) who became a vast shoe manufacturing company always started out in a shed in a backyard with an old tire and a few pieces of leather thongs. In this case, the "egg" always comes first. (Before the "chicken")

99.) You have to make the money to put the "Chicken" there.

100.) We have two case histories of orgs who tried to put the "chicken" there FIRST (organize everything and establish everything before producing) and they are BOTH horrible flaps.

101.) So that is the MISTAKE you can make. Go back and try to organize everything. That's "trying to put the chicken there first". I doesn't work.

102.) It WILL all work out in the long run if you get Production first. That is the truth.


103.) Now let's take up the Org Officer's action here: His mission orders are as follows -

a.) Listen to the FEBC tapes brought back by the Executive Director

b.) Star-rate them with him. (It's a very lucky E.D. who has an FEBC Org Officer).

c.) Get your hat on as O/O.

d.) Cope like mad to get the organization together for the two Special Projects which are designed to drive in lots of business.

e.) Preserve the organization and production which is already there.

f.) Together with the Product Officer, build the income and delivery of the org up.

g.) When income is coming up and delivery is occuring, appoint an HAS.

h.) Hat him, give him the FEBC Projects to do in sequence per division.

i.) Have him work on the projects in the sequence: Div 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7.

j.) Insure the HAS builds up the Establishment of the Org per the FEBC projects.

k.) Insure he hires, hats, and appoints personnel to build the Establishment.

l.) Continue to back up the ED, P/O to get income and delivery while making sure the HAS is busy building the Establishment.

104.) So the O/O is driving TWO horses at this time. He must not get them mixed up. (Ex: Don't force the HAS to hat the auditors he is coping with while the HAS is building HCO. And don't let the HAS rip off the auditors for HCO posts.)

105.) And the O/O must not let the HAS wildly put people into HCO without thought of their security qualifications.

106.) The O/O is driving a "mad elephant" with his right hand and a "12 horse chariot team" with his left hand.

107.) And that utilizes what you've got and puts you into a financial betterment scene which permits these organizational steps to be done. And that's the O/O's mission orders.


108.) Now the HAS you appoint won't even understand what mission orders are. So don't expect him to just do everything right. On the other hand you can't wait a year while he gets fully hatted. But you do have some time to have him do a checksheet to get somewhat hatted.

109.) Here are his mission orders:

a.) Listen to the FEBC tapes.

b.) Get star-rate checked out by the Org Officer.

c.) Fully accept the HCO FEBC Project given you by the O/O.

d.) Start implementing these per department with TEAMS.

e.) Get busy hiring, appointing, and hatting people to man up the Establishment of the Org, using the FEBC Projects.

f.) Don't make the mistake of trying to get HCO to furnish the full services of HCO WHILE it is being built up! (This would make the HAS do the O/O functions. We have made that mistake twice now, so don't do it again.)

110.) Remember, nowhere in these orders does it say the O/O gets personnel THROUGH HCO. He doesn't have to go near HCO at all, except to get the HAS doing his Establishment projects.

111.) Eventually, it will start to work, but remember you haven't got a machine to run YET.

112.) The O/O would be WISE to use the org board, policy, and OEC data in his cope - but his primary job is to back up the P/O's production.

113.) An "Establishment" rises out of the "cope" propotional to the wherewithal mecessary to resolve the "case" (of "coping").

114.) So the mistake of an O/O is to depend too much on HCO. The mistake of a P/O is to not inform the O/O of what he is doing.

115.) So the P/O should keep a notebook of what he does and pass it to the O/O to brief him. And the O/O should keep a notebook of his actions to keep the has informed. Otherwise you will get a ridge between the Prod-Org team and HCO.

116.) Another mistake is for the HAS to think of the O/O as his HCOES "senior". There IS seniority there, but the HAS works on POLICY and Product 1. The O/O works on Product 3, until it all comes into phase.

117.) And the P/O works Product 2, and when he gets a 4, he gets the O/O to handle 3.

118.) This Prod-Org system does disturb traditional relationships in an org. And a staff that has been grooved in another way, is likely to be confused.

119.) If you have to have, for the staff and the pubic sake, an HCOES, OES, and PES there, well, do so. But don't let them try to form an EC (Exec Council) which slows everything down and tries to get it back to the "orderly good old days" (of low stats).

120.) No, Production is usually accomplished in a DISORDERLY fashion. ORDER is the exception. That's why you have a whole Division devoted to nothing but BRINGING ORDER. (DIV 1 - HCO)

121.) But an org and production CAN run in an ORDERLY fashion and that is what you will build up to with this system.

122.) So that is as far as your orders go.


123.) Remember, putting an HCO there is not easy. In UK last year there were only 1 1/2 HCO personnel!

124.) So what does it take to put an org there? MONEY, INCOME.

125.) And how do you make money and income? You DELIVER.

126.) And you get people to come in and take advantage of the delivery you are doing. This gives CONSUMPTION.

127.) You will run into the proportional pay system. That is being abolished. A new system will go in. The people in the Financial networks should have a "say" on it, which I have asked them to do.

128.) The new system is:

a.) An org has a "basic allocation" which is the bare minimum of survival.

b.) All allocations above that are for "Production Bonuses", measured by the actual production that week.

c.) The FP and Treas work out the "Basic Allocation" - rent, lights, telex, some pay, some promo & supply.

d.) The FBO (Flag- or Finance-Banking Officer) banks ALL income into 2 management accounts. One is for Management Services & N/Ws (networks) and the other for the Org. Then he gives the Org its COMPLETE allocation for that week (Basic + Bonuses), into their OWN account.

e.) The adjudication of disputes and inequities of this system is handed over to the Guardian's Office for adjustment. They have an excellent record on Cash-Bills.

f.) Now the management debts and cost of managing the org come out of the Management Account, so the org doesn't have to worry about that.

g.) In this fashion, a reserve can be built up, for expansion, without the income being consumed in day to day operations.

h.) That way, you will get an Establishment.

(Note: The above system failed in cases where the Networks (FBO & GO) did NOT know or apply the FEBC policy or data or got infiltrated. In present time - 1987, it is better to let the P/O handle the ALLOCATION %'s of income and the O/O to do the F.P. A rough allocation which has proven successful is:

for RON's Orgs.)

129.) If production is there, the allocation is good. And if not, it's bares survival.

130.) The formula here is simple. The org gets enough to keep out of bankruptcy, and if it also produces, it gets Bonuses.

131.) The bonuses to the ORG can then be decided further by FP as to which Divisions get more or less, based on THEIR production.

132.) The proportional pay system has served its purpose to establish the "beach head". When I ran orgs, staff usually were paid very well, but since then it has been sometimes very poor pickings for the staff payroll.

(Note: This is the "Unit System" which was destroyed by too much of the Income "coming off the top" to support non-delivery excess staff & networks.)

(Note: It got to the point where 35% or more was taken "off the top" leaving the orgs to pay up to 15% to FSMs and ending up trying to operate on 50%, or less, than they MADE, to pay staff, do promo, AND support the organization and its basics.)

133.) The thing you will run into in finance, is that people do not understand it. And the reason is - it's too SIMPLE.

*** END FEBC 11 ***