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CONTENTS TECHNIQUE 88: CONCEPT RUNNING Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 24 June 1952.A lecture given on 24 June 1952.

I want to tell you about Concept Running as an interspersal with the running of attention units. This technique can be blown up very high and very wide. You can make a big production out of it. There is no particular reason to do this, mostly for the reason that you don’t need it. It’s a nice big technique, but you will find its usage is simple. So, first I will give you the most complicated version that I have explored of it. I’ll give it to you rapidly, and not ask you to have anything to do with it at all.

I want to tell you about Concept Running as an interspersal with the running of attention units. This technique can be blown up very high and very wide. You can make a big production out of it. There is no particular reason to do this, mostly for the reason that you don’t need it. It’s a nice big technique, but you will find its usage is simple. So, first I will give you the most complicated version that I have explored of it. I’ll give it to you rapidly, and not ask you to have anything to do with it at all.

Let me ask you this question, What does your right foot think about life? Consult with it, and find out. LRH audits PC in audience as follows.

Let me ask you this question, What does your right foot think about life? Consult with it, and find out. LRH audits PC in audience as follows.

LRH: How does your right foot feel about life?PC: Lousy.
LRH: How does your right foot feel about life?PC: Lousy.
LRH: Alright, feel lousy with it. What happens?PC: It doesn’t like it.
LRH: Alright, feel lousy with it. What happens?PC: It doesn’t like it.
LRH: Isn’t that a fact. You must have been holding motion there somehow. Alright, how does your leg feel now?PC: More life in it.
LRH: Isn’t that a fact. You must have been holding motion there somehow. Alright, how does your leg feel now?PC: More life in it.
LRH: What is its concept of life?PC: A sort of rising concept.
LRH: What is its concept of life?PC: A sort of rising concept.
LRH: Alright, feel that rising concept with the leg. Now what happens?PC: I can tell an expansion.
LRH: Alright, feel that rising concept with the leg. Now what happens?PC: I can tell an expansion.
LRH: Has the other leg begun to feel like that yet?PC: No.
LRH: Has the other leg begun to feel like that yet?PC: No.
LRH: Just the one leg? Well, how does your other leg feel about life?PC: Sort of numb.
LRH: Just the one leg? Well, how does your other leg feel about life?PC: Sort of numb.
LRH: Feel numb with it. Did the feeling change?PC: Yes.
LRH: Feel numb with it. Did the feeling change?PC: Yes.
LRH: Now how does it feel?PC: At first it was ..., now it’s expanding.
LRH: Now how does it feel?PC: At first it was ..., now it’s expanding.
LRH: Now they are both expanding?PC: Yes.
LRH: Now they are both expanding?PC: Yes.
LRH: Alright, feel expansive with both legs. Where does the feeling reach now?PC: Up to my chest.
LRH: Alright, feel expansive with both legs. Where does the feeling reach now?PC: Up to my chest.
LRH: Well, how does your chest feel?PC: Freer.
LRH: Well, how does your chest feel?PC: Freer.
LRH: It feels freer? Alright, feel freer all over.PC: I’m getting an awful lot of a feeling of inflation.
LRH: It feels freer? Alright, feel freer all over.PC: I’m getting an awful lot of a feeling of inflation.
LRH: Are you feeling inflation?PC: Yes.
LRH: Are you feeling inflation?PC: Yes.
LRH: OK. How does the top of your head feel about life?PC: No feeling.
LRH: OK. How does the top of your head feel about life?PC: No feeling.
LRH: Alright, have no feeling with the top of your head.PC: It starts to tingle.
LRH: Alright, have no feeling with the top of your head.PC: It starts to tingle.
LRH: Oh, the feeling changed. Well, how do your hands feel about life?PC: They feel pleased.
LRH: Oh, the feeling changed. Well, how do your hands feel about life?PC: They feel pleased.
LRH: Alright, feel with your hands. Now let’s have your hands and your feet feel the same. What happens?PC: I don’t know, I get a feeling of floating away.
LRH: Alright, feel with your hands. Now let’s have your hands and your feet feel the same. What happens?PC: I don’t know, I get a feeling of floating away.
LRH: Does the top of your head like your feet?PC: NO.
LRH: Does the top of your head like your feet?PC: NO.
LRH: Well, let’s see if we can string that line. We’ve got to have affinity you know.PC: They are in disagreement.
LRH: Well, let’s see if we can string that line. We’ve got to have affinity you know.PC: They are in disagreement.
LRH: What about?PC: I don’t know.
LRH: What about?PC: I don’t know.
LRH: Well, what’s the concept of the top of your head about life?PC: It’s dead.
LRH: Well, what’s the concept of the top of your head about life?PC: It’s dead.
LRH: What concept do your feet have about life?PC: They have a happier feeling.
LRH: What concept do your feet have about life?PC: They have a happier feeling.
LRH: Get the feeling with the top of your head about being dead.PC: Ya, that comes down.
LRH: Get the feeling with the top of your head about being dead.PC: Ya, that comes down.
LRH: OK. Get that feeling of coming down again. How does the pit of your stomach feel about life?PC: Empty.
LRH: OK. Get that feeling of coming down again. How does the pit of your stomach feel about life?PC: Empty.
LRH: Oh, it’s empty. Can you feel an outflow of attentionunits, can you be in the center of your stomach and feel the outflow of attention units from it? Try it.PC: It’s really hollow.
LRH: Oh, it’s empty. Can you feel an outflow of attentionunits, can you be in the center of your stomach and feel the outflow of attention units from it? Try it.PC: It’s really hollow.
LRH: Well get in the center of it and feel that outflow.PC: It seems to be rolling in more than flowing out.
LRH: Well get in the center of it and feel that outflow.PC: It seems to be rolling in more than flowing out.
LRH: OK, feel them flowing in. Now get the center of the hollow spot, and reel them flowing out.PC: It’s really hollow.
LRH: OK, feel them flowing in. Now get the center of the hollow spot, and reel them flowing out.PC: It’s really hollow.
LRH: Where is the ridge around it?PC: Right around the skin.
LRH: Where is the ridge around it?PC: Right around the skin.
LRH: Feel the attention units hitting the ridge from the inside and the outside at the same time.PC: Yes.
LRH: Feel the attention units hitting the ridge from the inside and the outside at the same time.PC: Yes.
LRH: How is the hollow spot in the stomach?PC: Different, it seems where that ridge is they go this way, and then that way.
LRH: How is the hollow spot in the stomach?PC: Different, it seems where that ridge is they go this way, and then that way.
LRH: Is there a double ridge in there? Find that double ridge. Feel the flows, and the bounce, and the interaction in there.PC: ( Just feeling )
LRH: Is there a double ridge in there? Find that double ridge. Feel the flows, and the bounce, and the interaction in there.PC: ( Just feeling )
LRH: Feel the hollow spot. You are trying to move into the hollow spot. Just BE in and go out.PC: But it’s been that way for a long time.
LRH: Feel the hollow spot. You are trying to move into the hollow spot. Just BE in and go out.PC: But it’s been that way for a long time.
LRH: Nearly everybody’s is. That’s why the stomach is soft, it has a hollow spot.PC: That’s true.
LRH: Nearly everybody’s is. That’s why the stomach is soft, it has a hollow spot.PC: That’s true.
LRH: That’s a medical fact, as everybody knows. Now, be the center of that hollow spot, and feel that energy. Does it feel as though there is a motor or something in the middle of that?PC: I feel it physically, not mentally.
LRH: That’s a medical fact, as everybody knows. Now, be the center of that hollow spot, and feel that energy. Does it feel as though there is a motor or something in the middle of that?PC: I feel it physically, not mentally.
LRH: Feel it physically.PC: Feels like it’s coming to life again now. This is no concept it’s physical.
LRH: Feel it physically.PC: Feels like it’s coming to life again now. This is no concept it’s physical.
LRH: Ya, feel it physically. Feel it again. All attention unit running is physical.PC: It’s filling up, I can feel the outflow a little, it’s turbulent.
LRH: Ya, feel it physically. Feel it again. All attention unit running is physical.PC: It’s filling up, I can feel the outflow a little, it’s turbulent.
LRH: Feel that enturbulence. Is it filling up?PC: Yes.
LRH: Feel that enturbulence. Is it filling up?PC: Yes.
LRH: Tell me when it has filled out to a point where it is completely full.PC: There is a sense of life about it.
LRH: Tell me when it has filled out to a point where it is completely full.PC: There is a sense of life about it.
LRH: Which way is the flow now?PC: It feels like the birth of a volcano.
LRH: Which way is the flow now?PC: It feels like the birth of a volcano.
LRH: How does it feel now?PC: Remarkable, but it feels good now.
LRH: How does it feel now?PC: Remarkable, but it feels good now.

There, by the way, is an example of what may happen anytime you are running concepts. You jump off into attention unit running. Occasionally you will be running attention units, and all of a sudden you can ask the person to run a concept, but be aware of this: that concept, or its thought, is very often varied by emotion, and the emotion is very often varied by effort. So. that all of a sudden emotion is very often varied by effort. So, that all of a sudden you’ll run the concept, and you restimulate the thought which is underlying this tremendously heavy layer. You can get a person all restimulated by running a concept.

There, by the way, is an example of what may happen anytime you are running concepts. You jump off into attention unit running. Occasionally you will be running attention units, and all of a sudden you can ask the person to run a concept, but be aware of this: that concept, or its thought, is very often varied by emotion, and the emotion is very often varied by effort. So. that all of a sudden emotion is very often varied by effort. So, that all of a sudden you’ll run the concept, and you restimulate the thought which is underlying this tremendously heavy layer. You can get a person all restimulated by running a concept.

What I demonstrated above ( with the PC ) is a little assist. You will occasionally find someone with an anxiety stomach or upset about something. You ask him about the hollow spot in the stomach, just as I was talking there, and all of a sudden he will get pain instead of anxiety, and the area will fill up, and he won’t have an anxious stomach. Now when they have very very bad anxiety stomachs you will find that they have repetitive hollow spots. You will run it, he will go along for a week all right, then he will have it again. You run it again, and he will go along all right for a couple of weeks, and then you run it again, and he will have it chronically for about ten days while you wonder what in the world you can do about this. At the end of ten days it stops, and he doesn’t see you for 3 or 4 months. He drops in one day and says, “I still sometimes have that feeling of anxiety in my stomach” and you say, “Ya, how does it manifest itself?” He says, “You know, just like it was, but of course nothing like it was.” You say, “‘Well, has anything happened lately?” He says, “Yes, my wife ran away with the butler last night”. Actually, you start someone running on this with a stomach disorder, and all of a sudden they catch the trick, just like that, because it is a native ability. You can handle your own attention units. The fellow, every time he feels anxious, just starts looking around. He finds a hollow spot and a ridge, and he runs it out.

What I demonstrated above ( with the PC ) is a little assist. You will occasionally find someone with an anxiety stomach or upset about something. You ask him about the hollow spot in the stomach, just as I was talking there, and all of a sudden he will get pain instead of anxiety, and the area will fill up, and he won’t have an anxious stomach. Now when they have very very bad anxiety stomachs you will find that they have repetitive hollow spots. You will run it, he will go along for a week all right, then he will have it again. You run it again, and he will go along all right for a couple of weeks, and then you run it again, and he will have it chronically for about ten days while you wonder what in the world you can do about this. At the end of ten days it stops, and he doesn’t see you for 3 or 4 months. He drops in one day and says, “I still sometimes have that feeling of anxiety in my stomach” and you say, “Ya, how does it manifest itself?” He says, “You know, just like it was, but of course nothing like it was.” You say, “‘Well, has anything happened lately?” He says, “Yes, my wife ran away with the butler last night”. Actually, you start someone running on this with a stomach disorder, and all of a sudden they catch the trick, just like that, because it is a native ability. You can handle your own attention units. The fellow, every time he feels anxious, just starts looking around. He finds a hollow spot and a ridge, and he runs it out.

Question from the audience: How do attention units relate to physical awareness?

Question from the audience: How do attention units relate to physical awareness?

It doesn’t relate to it, IT IS IT. You noticed how in the demonstration the PC said, “This isn’t a concept, this is physical.” She never said a truer word. This is physical, this is the composition of the physical body itself. By attention unit running you can selectively cut down, minimize, and reduce areas of flesh on your body. You can erase parts of your body with attention unit running, just as though they were facsimiles. What is your body but a facsimile, just laid on the line, that’s just matter.

It doesn’t relate to it, IT IS IT. You noticed how in the demonstration the PC said, “This isn’t a concept, this is physical.” She never said a truer word. This is physical, this is the composition of the physical body itself. By attention unit running you can selectively cut down, minimize, and reduce areas of flesh on your body. You can erase parts of your body with attention unit running, just as though they were facsimiles. What is your body but a facsimile, just laid on the line, that’s just matter.

A few days ago I decided I would look young. Well, how do you look young? All you do is take flesh off certain planes (surfaces) of the face. This is what artists do in making faces old or young. So, I selectively ran incidents until the planes of the face were smaller. Oddly enough you run out tiredness also when you do this. You can actually select off certain pieces of flesh, and change your appearance.

A few days ago I decided I would look young. Well, how do you look young? All you do is take flesh off certain planes (surfaces) of the face. This is what artists do in making faces old or young. So, I selectively ran incidents until the planes of the face were smaller. Oddly enough you run out tiredness also when you do this. You can actually select off certain pieces of flesh, and change your appearance.

You have with this technique the power of changing your own physiological being. You go on up, theta line running, and you have another choice: You can change beings. You could! Of course you have been growing and nurturing this body, and you are somewhat attached to it. But it is just as much an object as this eraser, and your existence with this body is something like going around holding this eraser all the time, and saying, “I’m the eraser.”

You have with this technique the power of changing your own physiological being. You go on up, theta line running, and you have another choice: You can change beings. You could! Of course you have been growing and nurturing this body, and you are somewhat attached to it. But it is just as much an object as this eraser, and your existence with this body is something like going around holding this eraser all the time, and saying, “I’m the eraser.”

To get back on the subject of concept running, you will find there are 2 finite number of concepts necessary to run. I gave you a full scale of concept running on the preclear. You noticed that concept running didn’t do very much, and when we came over to attention unit running it came along much faster. Nevertheless, you will find this a handy technique to know.

To get back on the subject of concept running, you will find there are 2 finite number of concepts necessary to run. I gave you a full scale of concept running on the preclear. You noticed that concept running didn’t do very much, and when we came over to attention unit running it came along much faster. Nevertheless, you will find this a handy technique to know.

Take your Chart of Attitudes (in The Handbook for Preclears) and add the 4 new scales: Win - Lose, Freedom - Restraint, Change - Not Change, Create - Destroy. By the way, Destroy is not bottom, Destroyed is bottom. Using this Chart of Attitudes, we take concept running for any and all parts of the body, or the whole body. Run any concept on the Chart Of Attitudes, and add those 4 extra columns to your chart. Not change sure describes apathy, doesn’t it?

Take your Chart of Attitudes (in The Handbook for Preclears) and add the 4 new scales: Win - Lose, Freedom - Restraint, Change - Not Change, Create - Destroy. By the way, Destroy is not bottom, Destroyed is bottom. Using this Chart of Attitudes, we take concept running for any and all parts of the body, or the whole body. Run any concept on the Chart Of Attitudes, and add those 4 extra columns to your chart. Not change sure describes apathy, doesn’t it?

You will find out that when you ask a PC who is low toned, “How do you feel most of the time.” He’ll say, “Well, I just feel that life isn’t worth living.” You say, “Run the feeling that life isn’t worth living.” He will say, “Do what?” You say, “Just feel like that all over. Now, how do you feel? “Kind of bored, I guess.” You say, “You feel sort of bored eh, well run feeling bored over your whole body.” “That makes me itch.” he says, and so you are probably off into running attention units or something of that sort. Now, there is concept running. This is a handy Jim- dandy technique if you ever get tired. You may find yourself feeling a certain weariness.

You will find out that when you ask a PC who is low toned, “How do you feel most of the time.” He’ll say, “Well, I just feel that life isn’t worth living.” You say, “Run the feeling that life isn’t worth living.” He will say, “Do what?” You say, “Just feel like that all over. Now, how do you feel? “Kind of bored, I guess.” You say, “You feel sort of bored eh, well run feeling bored over your whole body.” “That makes me itch.” he says, and so you are probably off into running attention units or something of that sort. Now, there is concept running. This is a handy Jim- dandy technique if you ever get tired. You may find yourself feeling a certain weariness.

“I’m so darned weary, I just can’t go on,” you may think. You can go along and feel like this for a long time, and actually it’s attention units bouncing on and on, fixing or unfixing attention from something else and they are going over and hitting this concept. So you think about it, and think about it. These are the mechanics of it. Your attention is being shifted from the incident you are in to the concept, and if you are just thinking about it, you aren’t running it, you are “being” tired. Your concept of you is: “This is a tired body.” That’s what you are thinking.

“I’m so darned weary, I just can’t go on,” you may think. You can go along and feel like this for a long time, and actually it’s attention units bouncing on and on, fixing or unfixing attention from something else and they are going over and hitting this concept. So you think about it, and think about it. These are the mechanics of it. Your attention is being shifted from the incident you are in to the concept, and if you are just thinking about it, you aren’t running it, you are “being” tired. Your concept of you is: “This is a tired body.” That’s what you are thinking.

Instead of laying it on you as sort of a magical curse, WHAT YOU DO IS turn around and say, “All right, I’ll BE THAT WAY,” and to some degree you get the sensation of being that way. The first thing you know, it blows. That is case one: You can take selectively any attitude across the bottom of this scale, and have any PC run one after the other. Not scan or change, just run the concept of the bottom scale consecutively, and he will bog down and get in more trouble than any PC you ever got into trouble before. Just keep him consistently running bottom scale, like- “Run the concept of Not Knowing.” He’ll say, “Oh, that’s easy, I feel sort of solid all over.” You say, “OK. Feel that again.” He says, “I can’t feel it again, I feel like I’m being affected by something.” You say, “Oh, feel that.” There is only one thing about this technique, and that is: Don’t use it on people that are low toned, because every one of these concepts is in apathy. The bottom line of the Chart of Attitudes is the description of apathy. That solid mess gives you “Theta-Wise” what the thought content of apathy is. It says, “This is apathy, and this is its thought content”.

Instead of laying it on you as sort of a magical curse, WHAT YOU DO IS turn around and say, “All right, I’ll BE THAT WAY,” and to some degree you get the sensation of being that way. The first thing you know, it blows. That is case one: You can take selectively any attitude across the bottom of this scale, and have any PC run one after the other. Not scan or change, just run the concept of the bottom scale consecutively, and he will bog down and get in more trouble than any PC you ever got into trouble before. Just keep him consistently running bottom scale, like- “Run the concept of Not Knowing.” He’ll say, “Oh, that’s easy, I feel sort of solid all over.” You say, “OK. Feel that again.” He says, “I can’t feel it again, I feel like I’m being affected by something.” You say, “Oh, feel that.” There is only one thing about this technique, and that is: Don’t use it on people that are low toned, because every one of these concepts is in apathy. The bottom line of the Chart of Attitudes is the description of apathy. That solid mess gives you “Theta-Wise” what the thought content of apathy is. It says, “This is apathy, and this is its thought content”.

You will be running a fellow in apathy sometime, and you will find that he gets ideas. This is why you must know concept running if you know attention unit running, because you will run some apathy, and when your PC gets up off the couch he won’t even know his name. You have hung him up here on the bottom with “Not Know.” Instead of trying to run more apathy (you identify by looking at him or listening to him, that he is in a certain column, which in this case was Not-Know) you can save considerable time by just having him run the concept of Not Knowing. He will. You could have asked him to run the concept of forgetting, as I covered earlier in these lectures. Running the concept will get a change, a rather rapid change, for you run the concept with the whole body instead of thinking it with a little part of your mind. So, it makes you aware of your whole body when you run the concept, and the second you become aware all over your body you come up tone scale. It is a simple mechanical trick. You think you “Not Know” with a point over here, and you think you are only that point. The second you become aware of your body all over, the rest of your body invalidates the little tiny point of “Not Know.”

You will be running a fellow in apathy sometime, and you will find that he gets ideas. This is why you must know concept running if you know attention unit running, because you will run some apathy, and when your PC gets up off the couch he won’t even know his name. You have hung him up here on the bottom with “Not Know.” Instead of trying to run more apathy (you identify by looking at him or listening to him, that he is in a certain column, which in this case was Not-Know) you can save considerable time by just having him run the concept of Not Knowing. He will. You could have asked him to run the concept of forgetting, as I covered earlier in these lectures. Running the concept will get a change, a rather rapid change, for you run the concept with the whole body instead of thinking it with a little part of your mind. So, it makes you aware of your whole body when you run the concept, and the second you become aware all over your body you come up tone scale. It is a simple mechanical trick. You think you “Not Know” with a point over here, and you think you are only that point. The second you become aware of your body all over, the rest of your body invalidates the little tiny point of “Not Know.”

So, when you run into an individual who starts concept running and hangs up in it, (you might have him running the concept of “Not Know”, and he gets more stupid) you run it some more, and he gets more stupid, etc.etc. You want to pick that up. He’s at the bottom and going down, and although you have a considerable margin, there is no reason to strain the factor of safety on him. So don’t get him more than three quarters dead before you give him a lifeline.

So, when you run into an individual who starts concept running and hangs up in it, (you might have him running the concept of “Not Know”, and he gets more stupid) you run it some more, and he gets more stupid, etc.etc. You want to pick that up. He’s at the bottom and going down, and although you have a considerable margin, there is no reason to strain the factor of safety on him. So don’t get him more than three quarters dead before you give him a lifeline.

With concept running you have run into the Motivator, Overt Act, DED, sequence. If he is tired you have him run the concept of tiredness, and if he doesn’t immediately come alive; you know doggoned well that at the very least, he is guilty of the overt act of making somebody awfully tired. You know that, so what’s the remedy? You just run the overt act on it. The next sequence is the DED (deserved action). The tired feeling doesn’t blow with concepts. You try the overt acts for a while, and it still doesn’t blow All kinds of overt acts are there, and they just won’t blow. You have run into a DED, a deserved act. Your PC has an overt act for which he has no motivator. He has done an overt act for which he had no prior justification. It wasn’t done to him before he did it, and consequently he really deserves to be made to feel tired and it won’t reduce. This is what he wants, because this is giving him a motivator, but it’s on the wrong side of the overt act. What you do in this case is just find the incident back on the whole track. An E-meter is often the only way you will find it, and if you haven’t got one, borrow one, because if you keep running him you will eventually use up his factor of safety, and he will be dead. As much as I hate to tell you this, you are going to have to use whole-track processing on some of these DEDs. It just ain’t in this life span.

With concept running you have run into the Motivator, Overt Act, DED, sequence. If he is tired you have him run the concept of tiredness, and if he doesn’t immediately come alive; you know doggoned well that at the very least, he is guilty of the overt act of making somebody awfully tired. You know that, so what’s the remedy? You just run the overt act on it. The next sequence is the DED (deserved action). The tired feeling doesn’t blow with concepts. You try the overt acts for a while, and it still doesn’t blow All kinds of overt acts are there, and they just won’t blow. You have run into a DED, a deserved act. Your PC has an overt act for which he has no motivator. He has done an overt act for which he had no prior justification. It wasn’t done to him before he did it, and consequently he really deserves to be made to feel tired and it won’t reduce. This is what he wants, because this is giving him a motivator, but it’s on the wrong side of the overt act. What you do in this case is just find the incident back on the whole track. An E-meter is often the only way you will find it, and if you haven’t got one, borrow one, because if you keep running him you will eventually use up his factor of safety, and he will be dead. As much as I hate to tell you this, you are going to have to use whole-track processing on some of these DEDs. It just ain’t in this life span.

This is the freak case we have been running into every once in a while, a fellow who had nothing but DEDs on the case, and when you started running overt acts he started down tone scale instead of up, and he’ll go down and down. He will make sure he stays in bad shape. He will be critical of your auditing. There is one thing you can do for him and that is run past lives.

This is the freak case we have been running into every once in a while, a fellow who had nothing but DEDs on the case, and when you started running overt acts he started down tone scale instead of up, and he’ll go down and down. He will make sure he stays in bad shape. He will be critical of your auditing. There is one thing you can do for him and that is run past lives.

One thing in running these concepts that you will need, and is not in the books, is the concept of “Aloneness.” This one will solve many cases. Here he is packed in like sardines, and he thinks he is all alone. Ha! Silly business. Some interesting incidents will jump into view. That is a freak mechanism, it is actually an installation, but people really suffer from it.

One thing in running these concepts that you will need, and is not in the books, is the concept of “Aloneness.” This one will solve many cases. Here he is packed in like sardines, and he thinks he is all alone. Ha! Silly business. Some interesting incidents will jump into view. That is a freak mechanism, it is actually an installation, but people really suffer from it.

The Motivator, Overt Act, and DED sequence apply in concept running, but ordinarily if you are in even vaguely good tone (above normal at .5 ) you can take almost anything you are doing, feeling, or thinking, and change it - Bing - with concept running. If you are interested in really handling your own case up the line; concept processing self-applied is the best way to get to do what you want to do.

The Motivator, Overt Act, and DED sequence apply in concept running, but ordinarily if you are in even vaguely good tone (above normal at .5 ) you can take almost anything you are doing, feeling, or thinking, and change it - Bing - with concept running. If you are interested in really handling your own case up the line; concept processing self-applied is the best way to get to do what you want to do.

You feel tired? Run the feeling of tiredness. If you are up tone scale, and you have been processed with a lot of attention unit processing on the whole track, and got rid of some of the basic “louse ups” on the track; you will do attention unit running - bing, bing, bing, - for it is a natural way of thinking. You can burn up your own thoughts as fast as you think them, if you want to. With concept handling (different from concept processing) you have defeated the obsession of returning motion, because it is a different method of thought, which is above stimulus-response thinking.

You feel tired? Run the feeling of tiredness. If you are up tone scale, and you have been processed with a lot of attention unit processing on the whole track, and got rid of some of the basic “louse ups” on the track; you will do attention unit running - bing, bing, bing, - for it is a natural way of thinking. You can burn up your own thoughts as fast as you think them, if you want to. With concept handling (different from concept processing) you have defeated the obsession of returning motion, because it is a different method of thought, which is above stimulus-response thinking.

There is probably no human being that hasn’t- gone around for days thinking, and thinking, and thinking about some thing or subject. With concept processing of yourself you have a technique with which you can stop thinking about it. That is an obsession, and you will find invariably that it is on a subject in which somebody has been throwing a lot of motion at you, and you couldn’t return it. So, what you do with concept running is First, find out what you are thinking about, and Second, run the thinking about it. You will find a bunch of attention units all bunched-up on the track, and all of a sudden the he or she on it will suddenly appear, and it blows. The same thing applies for not being able to think of something.

There is probably no human being that hasn’t- gone around for days thinking, and thinking, and thinking about some thing or subject. With concept processing of yourself you have a technique with which you can stop thinking about it. That is an obsession, and you will find invariably that it is on a subject in which somebody has been throwing a lot of motion at you, and you couldn’t return it. So, what you do with concept running is First, find out what you are thinking about, and Second, run the thinking about it. You will find a bunch of attention units all bunched-up on the track, and all of a sudden the he or she on it will suddenly appear, and it blows. The same thing applies for not being able to think of something.

Now here is something that appeared in the first book. Remember groupers, and denyers, and bouncers, and holders? They all show up in this attention unit data, and each one of them gets explained by attention unit behavior. Aside from that, in concept running you will find out that if you can’t think along a certain subject line, just run the feeling of being denied that line. In other words, run the concept of a denyer, don’t run the phrase (there are billions of them) just run the concept, and you will run them all at once. For example: right now think of something you don’t like to think about, or you want to stay away from, or that you don’t like to do. There is a denyer on that. You are running away from it somewhere on the track. You can get it by attention units or by concept - get the feeling of being denied that something, and your feelings on the subject will change.

Now here is something that appeared in the first book. Remember groupers, and denyers, and bouncers, and holders? They all show up in this attention unit data, and each one of them gets explained by attention unit behavior. Aside from that, in concept running you will find out that if you can’t think along a certain subject line, just run the feeling of being denied that line. In other words, run the concept of a denyer, don’t run the phrase (there are billions of them) just run the concept, and you will run them all at once. For example: right now think of something you don’t like to think about, or you want to stay away from, or that you don’t like to do. There is a denyer on that. You are running away from it somewhere on the track. You can get it by attention units or by concept - get the feeling of being denied that something, and your feelings on the subject will change.

Here are the various actions and intentions of attention units with regard to things. You will find that a “Denyer” is running away from something, a “Grouper” is packing up on a ridge, and a “Bouncer” is the same as a denyer, it’s an outflow of units. I Know Not - is apathy, but it is a forgetter, and that’s all a forgetter is. You just run that concept (I Know Not) and all of a sudden you get the heavy feeling, and you run that heavy feeling for a moment, and that’s the end of it. You can do this with PCs, and you can do it for yourself.

Here are the various actions and intentions of attention units with regard to things. You will find that a “Denyer” is running away from something, a “Grouper” is packing up on a ridge, and a “Bouncer” is the same as a denyer, it’s an outflow of units. I Know Not - is apathy, but it is a forgetter, and that’s all a forgetter is. You just run that concept (I Know Not) and all of a sudden you get the heavy feeling, and you run that heavy feeling for a moment, and that’s the end of it. You can do this with PCs, and you can do it for yourself.

The categories of mental aberrations of the past, manic depressives, compulsives, obsessives, schitzes, etc., all show up under these 3 categories of motion of attention units: 1. Denyer 2. Grouper 3. Bouncer, and the complexities of their combinations, and you can get them reduced by concept running.

The categories of mental aberrations of the past, manic depressives, compulsives, obsessives, schitzes, etc., all show up under these 3 categories of motion of attention units: 1. Denyer 2. Grouper 3. Bouncer, and the complexities of their combinations, and you can get them reduced by concept running.

What is a fellow with an obsession? He is just returning motion on a subject where he has had too much motion thrown at him. To solve it you ask him to get the feeling of fighting back on the subject. Say that he has an obsession on tooth- brushes. Ask him to feel the concept of fighting toothbrushes, of fighting back against them. You know exactly what’s happened to him. He has just had too many motions about toothbrushes thrown at him as counter-efforts, that’s all. So, you ask him to run the concept of fighting back against toothbrushes. He will get one of three things: the motivator, the overt, or a DED, and if he insists on hanging on to the obsession he has the overt or the DED. You say, “Get the concept of fighting back against tooth- brushes.” This is a new thought to him. He has been obsessed on the subject of tooth- brushes, he sees them in his dreams, etc. etc. So, here he has the subject that he is fighting back against. At your request, he will turn up a whole series of incidents of his little brother holding him down and brushing his teeth, or something of the sort. If it doesn’t relieve with this motivator, you know it is an overt act. You will find out that he did it to his dog, and the dog almost choked to death, or something of the sort. This overt act will actually appear on the concept of fighting toothbrushes.

What is a fellow with an obsession? He is just returning motion on a subject where he has had too much motion thrown at him. To solve it you ask him to get the feeling of fighting back on the subject. Say that he has an obsession on tooth- brushes. Ask him to feel the concept of fighting toothbrushes, of fighting back against them. You know exactly what’s happened to him. He has just had too many motions about toothbrushes thrown at him as counter-efforts, that’s all. So, you ask him to run the concept of fighting back against toothbrushes. He will get one of three things: the motivator, the overt, or a DED, and if he insists on hanging on to the obsession he has the overt or the DED. You say, “Get the concept of fighting back against tooth- brushes.” This is a new thought to him. He has been obsessed on the subject of tooth- brushes, he sees them in his dreams, etc. etc. So, here he has the subject that he is fighting back against. At your request, he will turn up a whole series of incidents of his little brother holding him down and brushing his teeth, or something of the sort. If it doesn’t relieve with this motivator, you know it is an overt act. You will find out that he did it to his dog, and the dog almost choked to death, or something of the sort. This overt act will actually appear on the concept of fighting toothbrushes.

Ask him for the concept of somebody else fighting toothbrushes. This will pull in the overt act or the DED if it hasn’t appeared before. (The DED being the real big overt act for which there is no motivator.)

Ask him for the concept of somebody else fighting toothbrushes. This will pull in the overt act or the DED if it hasn’t appeared before. (The DED being the real big overt act for which there is no motivator.)

Here is another case: A guy comes in to see you and says, “I have a terrible obsession about cats; everywhere I go I see cats, I have an allergy to cats, I can’t get them out of my mind.” You say, “Get the concept of how it feels to fight cats.” (What could be more simple?) “Now get the concept of making somebody fight cats.” All of a sudden he picks up his little brother with something about fighting cats, or he made a cat fight. Then all at once he has the incident where he tied two cats together by their tails and hung them over a clothes line, and mother spanked him afterwards. You knew that someplace there was too much motion about cats.

Here is another case: A guy comes in to see you and says, “I have a terrible obsession about cats; everywhere I go I see cats, I have an allergy to cats, I can’t get them out of my mind.” You say, “Get the concept of how it feels to fight cats.” (What could be more simple?) “Now get the concept of making somebody fight cats.” All of a sudden he picks up his little brother with something about fighting cats, or he made a cat fight. Then all at once he has the incident where he tied two cats together by their tails and hung them over a clothes line, and mother spanked him afterwards. You knew that someplace there was too much motion about cats.

Or a guy comes in and tells you that he has a rare mental condition which is demonstrated by the fear of oatmeal. You look it over, and you see that he really is afraid of oatmeal, and you say, “Get the feeling of running away from oatmeal, get the concept of running away from oatmeal.!’ He says, “Oh, I’ve got that all the time, ya, I’ve got that concept, but you know, I feel kind of scared.” You say, “Get the concept again of running away from oatmeal.” He will say, “It’s my mother and father fighting at breakfast, you know they always fought at breakfast.” You say, “How is your fear of oatmeal?” He says, “It’s gone.” See, it could be a motivator he’s running away from, or it could be his making somebody else run away from oat- meal. You may finally find out that he used to sit at- the table with his little brother across from him, and he would take his spoon full of oatmeal, and flip it at his brothers face. Mother probably explained this as an overt act. If this never happened to him prior to his doing it to his little brother, it is a DED, and you will pick it up as an overt act and it will relieve. Understand this. An overt act is something that you have done that has been done to you before you do it. A DED is - you do it, and then you do it, and then you do it, and then you do it, etc. etc. So, a DED has to be looked at as more than one Incident. It has to have several incidents, because it is a chain of overt acts you did.

Or a guy comes in and tells you that he has a rare mental condition which is demonstrated by the fear of oatmeal. You look it over, and you see that he really is afraid of oatmeal, and you say, “Get the feeling of running away from oatmeal, get the concept of running away from oatmeal.!’ He says, “Oh, I’ve got that all the time, ya, I’ve got that concept, but you know, I feel kind of scared.” You say, “Get the concept again of running away from oatmeal.” He will say, “It’s my mother and father fighting at breakfast, you know they always fought at breakfast.” You say, “How is your fear of oatmeal?” He says, “It’s gone.” See, it could be a motivator he’s running away from, or it could be his making somebody else run away from oat- meal. You may finally find out that he used to sit at- the table with his little brother across from him, and he would take his spoon full of oatmeal, and flip it at his brothers face. Mother probably explained this as an overt act. If this never happened to him prior to his doing it to his little brother, it is a DED, and you will pick it up as an overt act and it will relieve. Understand this. An overt act is something that you have done that has been done to you before you do it. A DED is - you do it, and then you do it, and then you do it, and then you do it, etc. etc. So, a DED has to be looked at as more than one Incident. It has to have several incidents, because it is a chain of overt acts you did.

Take the oatmeal case again. You have him run the concept of dodging oatmeal, or something of the sort. He gets that, and then you ask him to get the concept of making somebody else dodge oatmeal. He will say, “Oh, that couldn’t have anything to do with me - that was my dog. I remember I used to upset this steaming bowl of oatmeal over his head every morning,” and it blows.

Take the oatmeal case again. You have him run the concept of dodging oatmeal, or something of the sort. He gets that, and then you ask him to get the concept of making somebody else dodge oatmeal. He will say, “Oh, that couldn’t have anything to do with me - that was my dog. I remember I used to upset this steaming bowl of oatmeal over his head every morning,” and it blows.

Now, this situation is a DED - if nobody ever did to him, what he did as the overt act. The DED will be more than one incident. You will have to look them up, because it won’t lift until you run the chain.

Now, this situation is a DED - if nobody ever did to him, what he did as the overt act. The DED will be more than one incident. You will have to look them up, because it won’t lift until you run the chain.

So, here are your 3 actions: I ) Motion (attention units) coming in at, 2) Motion running away from, 3) Motion held still. For instance, the PC is worried about his dreaming of running away and not getting anywhere. Ask him, “Who used to hold you?” He says, “Oh, just Uncle George.” You say, “Well, who did you hold in place?” He says, “Oh, nobody. I wouldn’t.. Oh, I seem to remember, Oh yes, I dropped the baby in the pond and....”, run it a few times, and he doesn’t have that trouble anymore. So, you can catalogue every mental aberration in one of those 3 categories, and combinations of the three.

So, here are your 3 actions: I ) Motion (attention units) coming in at, 2) Motion running away from, 3) Motion held still. For instance, the PC is worried about his dreaming of running away and not getting anywhere. Ask him, “Who used to hold you?” He says, “Oh, just Uncle George.” You say, “Well, who did you hold in place?” He says, “Oh, nobody. I wouldn’t.. Oh, I seem to remember, Oh yes, I dropped the baby in the pond and....”, run it a few times, and he doesn’t have that trouble anymore. So, you can catalogue every mental aberration in one of those 3 categories, and combinations of the three.

If your PCs say, “Oh, it isn’t worth while, I just don’t know, I feel apathetic about the whole thing.” Be smart, don’t ask him to run apathy, ask him to run the feeling of “Not knowing what you are doing,” and he will come out of it.

If your PCs say, “Oh, it isn’t worth while, I just don’t know, I feel apathetic about the whole thing.” Be smart, don’t ask him to run apathy, ask him to run the feeling of “Not knowing what you are doing,” and he will come out of it.

The material I have given to you is fundamental. If you understand this you will never get a PC stuck anywhere on the track very seriously. If you know concept running, you can change you.

The material I have given to you is fundamental. If you understand this you will never get a PC stuck anywhere on the track very seriously. If you know concept running, you can change you.