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CONTENTS The D.E.I Scale Cохранить документ себе Скачать


The D.E.I Scale


A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 11 December 1952
A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard at the 11 December 1952

Now to some degree (this is the second afternoon lecture uh… December the 11th) – to some degree you may find some of the data I give you – uh… unless you take a look at the way it’s being oriented – somewhat rambling. Well, maybe it is rambling. Uh… but uh… actually, I’m demonstrating something to you – we keep picking up things and then orienting them back to a point. In other words, we’re demonstrating data, a central data and its evaluation against many other data. And we just keep picking that up and bringing it back in.

This is the first evening lecture of December the 11th.

And we start talking about running regular things. Well, we show how that swings back in again.

I’m going to cover rapidly now the Chart of Attitudes with all of its various facets. You’ve read this Chart of Attitudes, you’ve found it in the HANDBOOK OF PRECLEARS. And in the HANDBOOK OF PRECLEARS it talks about it as an ideal state of man.

Uh… having to have and not having to have is, of course, a form of agreement. And we keep swinging back into agreement which we undo with mock-ups – simple isn’t it?

I don’t think there’s any real contest with its being an ideal state for man, but if you took the whole top band, you’d find it was an awfully inactive state.

Having to have, and trying to avoid having to have – it’s a very funny thing that this works out so… so easily. This speaks of, first, a cultivated desire: The person had to have a desire in some direction or another in order to go down tone scale. The thetan was picked up way up tone scale and Desire, and uh… so forth, is way up tone scale. So we come down tone scale a little bit on Desire.

If you didn’t go on from the top of the MEST universe band into some sort of activity or something of the sort, you’d have no beingness. That activity is yours.

Then when his desire paled, somebody of course, had to enforce it to keep it going. That brought him down tone scale a little further. And when he’d enforced it to a point where it was IMPOSSIBLE to do without it, then you inhibit it so the guy can’t have it.

Now the odd part of all this is that your activity is, in this universe… is enforced or inhibited. You’re given the supplies and then to a large degree not permitted to use them. And your own process, your own manufacture of mock-ups and so forth, is actually in contest with the MEST universe. The MEST universe says, „Look how big and strong and real I am, and how weak and puny you are.“

And that’s any item or thought or belief.

How does it says that? It says, „My actuality is brighter than any you can make.“ This doesn’t happen to be true. The reality of the MEST universe is poorer than a reality which a preclear can gain in his own universe. This would only be natural, because what is one’s own can be more real then that which one has given to him. One always appreciates that of which he is the author more than he appreciates something of which he is not the author.

Let’s take a thought on this line – let’s take Christianity – that’s a handy example. Lot of people know something about Christianity. There are a few still left in the society who do. And uh… the uh… we get Desire at the top. Yes, sir, sure enough, you tell somebody, „Life immortal – this is the route to life immortal. Here we go.“

This is a rather inevitable sort of thing, and so really here, following out this old process of SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008, we find we are working with, really, a curve that goes two ways here. It starts down from here – 0.0 – and then goes up here – 40.0 – and comes over to here and comes down here again. And this could be the MEST universe, and this could be your own universe.

And of course, everybody knew that there was a route to life immortal. They knew that instinctively and many other religions before Christianity had gotten into beautiful condition by selling Immortality. I almost called it, „Pie in the sky“ but I – that’s a Communist term and I don’t want to be partisan.

One of the reasons universities get patronized is because they use the word UNIVERSITY. One of the reasons they get loyalty from their students is because they use the word UNIVERSITY and YOUR UNIVERSITY. There really is no other reason. That’s right, flatly; because let’s look at the s… facts of the case. The writer, would-be writer, goes to a university to write. If he’s ‘taught’, unquote, to write in a university, he’ll never write.

Uh… the war of ideas and ideologies is a fascinating war. All right?

A painter goes there to learn how to paint, and he comes out – he never paints. Fascinating fact. That’s because he runs into authoritarianism. It does something to one’s will to be positioned for such long a period of time as from the age of five to the age of 22, 23 or 24. A person is young, he can stand it up to about the age of 15, 16, 17. And then he starts to suffer – badly – by being positioned. If he does not take on the responsibilities of his own existence shortly after puberty, he is going to have a hard time of it the rest of his life. And that is the flat end of it.

Here we have, then, immortality and they rig it out aesthetically – give it good story value that’s all. Here it is a nice aesthetic. You desire to have immortality.

It is no joke that university women do not have children. That’s a fact: They don’t. They don’t reproduce that particular line to any great degree. There are a lot of them that do, and the funny part of it is, these days they’re breaking out of that rut somewhat – somewhat. But the GI bill didn’t do anything for this.

Now, then the next step is – you go through this ritual, you get immortality. That’s good. The next step is, down the line from that, that it’s very, very good – little stronger salesmanship – and uh… by the time the guy has bought this, he then buys the next step down the scale which is, „And if you don’t buy pie in the sky“ – pardon me – „immortality uh… if you don’t buy this, we’re going to send you to hell. And hell’s a terrible place.“ And you know hell was really – really interesting at first. It was just „Hell.“

Look at Heidelberg. The European university is a very interesting one. Sometimes you even go to class. The GI bill was a whip over the heads of anybody who wished to study, the like of which nobody’s ever seen. You had to have a high average to keep up. This is one of the ways the government used to keep everybody from benefiting by it. You had to have a high whip… – average, big average – bang!

By the way, do you know what the first Hell was? Everybody hoped, but thoroughly, all through the civilized world, that Rome, the corrupt prostitute of all nations, would roast in its tracks. And they hoped because of the volcanic action of Italy, that one day the ground would suddenly go „Burp!“ and a roaring sea of lava would eat up Palatine Hill and the rest of Rome. This was the slavemaster of the world, and they wanted Rome to turn into a sea of lava.

You had to get in there and know those facts. And instruction under those conditions was what? As many as 400 students to a class, with one instructor, and that instructor was just a lecturer. No instruction, really.

And at first when they talked about Hell, they weren’t talking about any personal Hell, they were talking about fire would occur. And they were trying to sell everybody on the basis of the disappearance of Rome. This was really – a bunch of press agents probably got – I’ve got a friend that says, „You know,“ he said, „I finally figured out how all this happened. There was a bunch of the boys got together in Rome and uh… they worked this all out – something like a bunch of hot advertising men or something – press boys – and they worked this all out and they sold it in an effort to undo and bring down in a crash the Roman Empire.“ And it sure went in that direction. Of course, he’s just joking. (It’s all true, in actual fact.)

Very interesting. I looked at universities when this was going on. There’s one thing that saved the bacon of the GI. He’d been out on his own somewhat, and he’d also found out how to duck and dodge in the service. It’s the only thing he had.

And uh… when uh… when uh… they got uh… Rome all burned up and in flames, they thought, then they’d all be in fine shape. Well, that was the level of salesmanship at that time. It had dropped down from a good, aesthetic, beautiful desire, down to a desire that had to do with pain directed toward a certain object (Rome) mixed up.

But if I have to rehabilitate, or try to rehabilitate one more writer that a university has ruined, I’m gonna go over and really fix me up some short story professors. I’m gonna zap ‘em so they’ll know they’ve been zapped. ‘Cause I’m sick of it!

Now, people still weren’t buying pie in the sky the way they ought to buy pie in the sky, so the next step down was, „You know we’ve been a little bit…“ Uh… by the way, they… in Nero’s time a bunch of criminals set fire to Rome and uh… this ambition was almost realized. And then they all blamed it on Nero. And uh… said – attributed it to the sympathic vibrations of his violin strings or something. And uh… we got uh… pie in the sky as a glut commodity.

They run the same old yap. The kid turns in a good idea, a piece of his own universe, and he gets it back: „The punctuation is off.“ Who the hell cares about the punctuation. That’s what you have editors for.

You know there hadn’t been – they first expected, you know, just heaven to suddenly open up in this lifetime and there they’d be – there they’d be, right there. Oh, no. That wasn’t what happened, so they finally were saying it was after death that this took place. Oh, bunch lot less people started buying it.

What do they teach these kids? They teach ‘em how to edit.

So they said, „We’ve gotta make this commodity saleable,“ so they turned it into currency and enforced it with bayonets… – but spiritual bayonets. They said, „The hell of which we spoke is an actual hell, and you have your choice between going to that hell or going to heaven after death. And it all depends on whether or not you were a good boy before you died. And we can reach you after you’re dead – which is a temporal justice of kinds that uh… we enjoy.“

Some of the most famous writers in America were congregated in one room. These writers were looking for someone who had a Ph.D. in literature, a doctorate in literature, or something in literature, that we didn’t even know what the degree was. And everybody kind of squirmed; one fellow says, „Well, fact of the matter is I… I took engineering, I didn’t take writing.“

All right, next step then – people didn’t buy that worth a damn. A lot of people rushed in and uh… they had to make it a little bit better. And do you know, before they got through, they had seven hells?

And another one says, „Well, I… I only spent the first year in college and then they kicked me out.“

Once in a while you’ll pick up this magic number „7“ on the track. It’s a prime number and therefore interesting to mathematicians. And there were seven this and seven that and seven stars and seven something or other. And there are seven hells.

And another fellow said, „You did? Well I was there two years before they kicked me out!“

Now very often you will find some preclear who is doing a bad spin on religion on account of religious implants, and you’ll find these confounded seven hells sitting there. And they’ve forgotten they ever heard of Dante’s Inferno and the Seven Hells – they’ve forgotten this utterly. There was a hell of ice and a hell of fire and a hell of something or other, and I don’t know what all the hells were but it’s an interesting study in sadism.

And all of a sudden we looked through this whole crowd and we find out – my God! Everybody here has been kicked out of a university and probably didn’t spend very long there except maybe if they were taking engineering and then they were hanging around with the fringes. And then the only reason the university graduated them as engineers is they knew damn well they’d never practice engineering. And uh… well, it was about all we had.

But uh… that was enforcement. We’ve gotten down tone scale to enforcement, you see.

Except one little small proud voice piped up over in the corner, and he said, „I have a degree in literature.“

And then they came down tone scale, finally got to a point where nobody was believing that but it took an awful long time for that curve to fall. And that curve finally fell at its lowest ebb of enforcement on earth – I mean, the heaviest ebb was the autodafé‚ in the hands of the Grand Inquisition of Spain under an infamous dope by the name of Torquemada whose life I have read in a book bound in human skin – how fitting.

We thought, „For Christ’s sakes! Mice?“ And uh… it was what? It was a literary agent! I mean, oh no! Flesh brokers. They can’t write. Oh, how they’d love to! He was the only one there.

Now Torquemada, Grand Inquisition – boy, they couldn’t be convinced that people weren’t convinced about these seven hells. Nobody’d ever come back and told them about ‘em. Uh… they… they couldn’t be interested too much in pie in the sky; they got much more interested in action here on earth and a lot of other things. And so the autodafé‚ really was a convincer. They’d put ‘em on a stake and they’d put the… put the stakes around them.

The aggregate income of that room, by the way, was in excess of 150 thousand dollars a month – except the literary agent. He did criticisms for a dollar a manuscript.

The only… the only crime was whether or not you accepted Church Doctrine. And a man could become a heretic for carrying his prayer book backwards. It was just getting to a level of idiocy on enforcement. Anything you did that was even vaguely to the disinterest of uh… the Church was greeted by an autodafé.

Isn’t that fascinating? Something must be off the rails if a country does not turn itself out aesthetics. There were 280 thousand bachelors of art graduates in 1947 from the United States. 280 thousand! My God! Think what would have happened if you’d graduated into this country 280 thousand good – artists! The whole face of the United States would have changed.

British seamen uh… caught in a… in port or something like that, arrested, „Oh, uh… you don’t believe in God exactly the way you’re supposed to, therefore you’re an heretic“ – what do you know? They burned ‘em, just like that – that was all. Put ‘em against the stake.

Now there are things that can be taught, but not the arts. You can teach ‘em engineering, you can teach ‘em something that has any process or procedure; you can get ‘em together and teach them government. You can teach law. You can do a lot of these things, but you can’t teach the arts.

They had hell of fire then which was personal, highly personalized hell. And there it was.

And there’s where I get the index: How much better could they work? Well, they could work better if they stayed true to their own pretense that they’re a university.

They had brought it down to an enforcement and their havingness of it had become so scarce that it was no longer an idea; it was an actuality which was an enforced actuality and so on.

If one went to his own university and if it treated him like that, he would have the right to think and he’d have the right to have an opinion. And he’d have the right to make up his own mind. And he would be there so that information could be made available to him, so he could figure it out.

That was the grand tide of enforcement of the Christian Church.

And this problem right here would have been licked hundreds and hundreds of years ago, if it hadn’t been for the scholastics and if it hadn’t have been for the modern university. You owe ‘em a great debt – a debt of continued slavery – because they pretended they were responsible for this problem, and they never took responsibility for it.

And, what do you know? After that they got down tone scale to inhibition. They inhibited your having God unless – that was about the punishment level, that they inhibited you having God unless… you had to think a pure thought, or you had to spit pure spit or something of the sort. And uh… you… you were – there you were, and you couldn’t have God unless you were a pure soul and you wouldn’t know anything about it at all, and you had to have God at a price of, oh, I don’t know, 30 talents in some cases.

So, you’ll get all sorts of kick-backs as you go outside of that propaganda. Understand, I’m not trying to destroy the American university as an institution. I think we’ve got to have football, and the more football we have the better.

Recently some dame uh… some babe uh… pardon me. I… I keep classifying her correctly. Uh… some „lady“ uh… paid His… His… His uh… Royal – uh pardon me, uh… His uh… I don’t know. What do you call the guy? Oh, yeah. His… His uh… uh… Pope Pius? Pope Pius, that’s right. Paid him a million bucks-dollars cash to ratify her divorce properly. I mean, it had all been granted by states and bishops and everything else, but she finally had to pay him a billion bucks-dollars to knock it out.

Anyway, the whole idea here is to restore freedom of action, freedom of thought, freedom to believe, freedom to survive, freedom to know, freedom to be responsible, freedom to create motion, freedom to BE fate, not have to have it. Freedom to win… very interesting. THOSE are freedoms.

But inhibition… inhibition, it’s got scarce. The mercy of God became very costly. It became more and more costly and more and more costly, more and more costly until it isn’t available at all now. You know, practically outside of one or two guys like Pope Pius, and I suppose there’s some whirling dervish up in the middle of the Stygian wastes or some place that you could go in and give ‘em a quick buck and they would say, „All right, we’ll give you a God – there you are, signed receipt.“ And it would be about the level.

And funny thing: A man has to be free in order to be those things. And as soon as he starts being owned, he ceases to have them. And one of the first steps is to tell him how nice it is to be owned: „We’ll take full responsibility for you.“

Christianity has gotten to the point where it’s terrible scarce. You wouldn’t think so with all the churches you’ve got around, but I was talking about Christianity.

You know, in the Roman Empire, that the consuls and so forth were often pro-consuls, and kids around town. The kids around town, the kind that you see maybe going to a boy scout troop or something like that in this society. How you defeat an abundance of labor. The kids around town, the richer families, the… so on. The more noteworthy children took on the duties of office at 12, 13 and 14. And most of the famous characters that you read about in Roman history, you’re reading about periods of their lives from 15 to 20. That is when the body is growing, it’s vital, it’s progressive and it doesn’t know the word STOP. It doesn’t learn that until it’s about 30. By that time it’s got it, good.

Now people have run many other things into this field. They have run practically every way you could think of to do something or be something or act some other way into this level. And you can get all sorts of things from a church now – anything but God.

Now when you look over all of this, the second that a man says, „I have to have some other force than mine own,“ he ceases to be free. An interchange of knowledge can occur, but an interchange in borrowing of force cannot. A state and a people have no business operating on a police basis. They should never… but this is a beautiful police universe. Police, police, police. Every direction you look. Regimentation and policing – very wicked.

You can get basketball, bridge, bowling alleys, dances, bazaars – almost anything you want to. But don’t go in and ask for a hat full of God, because they haven’t got it to sell. It’s got an inhibition and then scarcity, but if they gave you any God it wouldn’t be the idea, the spiritual idea at all. It would be a piece of MEST. You can buy God – you can go down and buy a cross – and it’s MEST. It’s all solid now.

Because people are persuaded to turn over their individual force to something that they are given to understand is superior to their own ability to protect. And that can never be. That’s a snare; that can never be. Nobody’ll look after a man’s own but himself. And nobody’ll look after the property of a group but itself. But if you do that sort of thing, you are proposing anarchy, you’re proposing that you do not have a government by force. But you’re proposing that anybody be given licence in the field of forte main! Oh, no. That, unfortunately, isn’t workable either, unless one has achieved at the same time a level of ethic permissible to have such force in existence.

Isn’t that interesting? Where we have Desire, Enforce and Inhibit and out through the bottom. And you have a dying, if not dead, religion. One whole nation swallowed in blood to get rid of it and bought another slavemaster much worse: Soviet Russia. Uh… other nations have a level of tolerance and fortunately never abandoned that thing which Rome abandoned.

Fortunately, nobody ever had the adventure or the information to look at it before and find out: Did one’s ethic increase to the degree that he was free above a certain point. No; they looked at a rabble that had always been nailed down, chained down, hangdog, mauled, rolled under Have Not’s, that would suddenly spring free, crawl out of the gutters and sewers and by negative-positive reaction HIT a country, tear it to pieces, throw it back down the time track in havingness, a thousand, two thousand years: The French Revolution.

Rome died the day it denied itself. The principle of self-denial is a very interesting principle. The fellow starts buckling up the day he says he didn’t say it, when he did. You know, he keeps saying… he keeps disowning, disowning his acts, disowning his acts, no responsibility, less and less responsibility and he’s gone.

And then they say, „Look what happens when you give them freedom. That’s a good reason now why we should use force.“

And Rome was founded on the secure foundation of religious freedom. All races could worship anything they wanted to worship. And on that basis it thrived and it absorbed any country because Roman law was superior to any other law there was. There was more fairness, better courts and better protection under the cloak of Rome than in any other governmental system on earth at that time. And people were even happy to have a Roman rule in preference to tyrants, fascists – something of the sort.

It was force and the suppression of force which caused that action. It wasn’t the other.

Romans were tough. They didn’t mince about things, but they had law and a province or a newly acquired country could, in time, become fully accredited so that they would have Roman citizenship which was right to right under law.

A man’s freedom, then, cannot be a halfway thing. You cannot compromise or quibble with the freedom of a man. If there is a perfect form of government, that form of government would be anarchy. Everybody has agreed to this. An anarchy, however, would have to be built out of individuals who were capable, each one, of complete self-government, an impossible condition in the past. If each person were capable of complete self-government and capable of taking responsibility utterly for his own acts, you would have, for the first time, a basis of ethic.

And people actually would surrender up to Rome on this bait: justice. And she became powerful under this. She became powerful under it because she respected man, she respected the right that man should have, including the right of religious freedom.

And the other way around, you would only have a moral, and a moral code is no good. An ethical code can be depended upon, because if you have an ethical code, you only have it as long as it exists. And it exists only as long as a man has enough strength not to himself be afraid.

By the way, that is a very, very relative term. You, for instance, today sit here with a constitution which guarantees religious freedom but, by golly, what would happen to you if you started to worship Baal? Man! How that would ring in the tabloids. If you started to worship Lucifer, if you started to worship any of the various gods…

And any time he is susceptible to terror, you’re going to lose your ethic. And the only time a man gets afraid is when he loses his belief in himself and his trust in himself.

One fellow, Allistair Crowley uh… picked up a level of religious worship which is very interesting – oh boy! The press played hocky with his head for his whole lifetime. The Great Beast – 666. He just had another level of religious worship.

And every criminal you find in an institution went on the road to crime in one direction only and at one moment only: when he lost his own self-respect. You can go check that, and you’ll find out that that is uniformly the case. And if you want to rehabilitate the criminal, rehabilitate his self-respect. One day he suddenly found out he couldn’t trust himself any more and from that moment on he became a criminal because it did not matter now what he did.

Yes, sir. You’re free to worship everything under the Constitution so long as it’s Christian.

And in a gradient scale, you have a modern society.

Don’t become Mohammedan. Nobody will come around and shoot you because you’re a Mohammedan, but don’t try to start Mohammedan churches. You’ll be discouraged very definitely.

Now what then is your level that is an attainable level for freedom? It would have to be a level which is so high that every man could reason and be responsible in his own right, for his own acts. And also for the acts of others.

As such, the freedom which man is guaranteed in the English-speaking world today is really not as wide as the freedom which he had as a Roman.

Blame-regret, blame-regret is the course of a police state. And its spiral dwindles down and dwindles very rapidly. So there’s no halfway point on this scale. You can’t cut it off here and say we’ve done a good job and reformed the whole world. You can’t cut it off here at ‘A’; you can’t cut it off at ‘B’. You’ve just got to go ahead and put the guy into shape so he can handle himself and his force. You can patch up somebody and make him well. That’s what you were straining against in auditing. You see, you broke agreement with the first book, you broke agreement with the MEST universe to – this degree: to about 4.0. You said, „Look, it says I have to have engrams and I have to have things that force me to do various things. And look: I can run them out. As fast as they happen… bad things happen to me, I can run them out.“

‘Course, part of that freedom was if he got too badly off and too far into debt and unable to protect himself and if his friends all deserted him, he could be sold into slavery. Or soldiers taken in combat could be sold into slavery. They did not take these soldiers in combat and put them in a stockade and make them work for farmers (there’s no slavery in the modern world).

And you were disagreeing with the mandates of the physical universe to that extent. But that extent ceases at 4.0, and from there on up it requires another process.

Uh… there’s no slave camps in Russia. Slavery’s dead. Uh… what they do is… is… is… is they get these fellows on a want and an inhibit and – in… on an enforce and inhibit cycle and say, „You get your Saturday paycheck if you worship at the right time clock.“ That’s the God of the modern society: The time clock. He has a face the same shape as the dollar.

That’s why, immediately, homo sapiens can go to 4.0 on DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH and the SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL. But he can’t go anyplace above that without having his self-determinism restored to him. He becomes well, he becomes better able to reason, but I have not seen what I had hoped to see because unfortunately it can’t exist: an ethical, strong, homo sapiens. And if it can’t exist, let’s go up here.

And uh… your society in Rome, then, suddenly denied itself. There was a race which was teaching certain doctrines – Christians, unwanted uh… unwanted gentiles, came into the Hebrew countryside and studied that religion and took it back out into the world. And uh… the people in those areas around Jerusalem and so on, didn’t have a pioneer spirit with this world… with this, they disowned these people, but these people still went out and preached this. And it had an interesting ingredient in it that no other religion up to the time had had in it. And Rome was unable to understand this. And that ingredient was hate. It’s perfectly all right, it… it… it… it’s uh… another thing to have in a religion. It’s neither bad nor good. These people were not trying to do a messianic job on the rest of the world, but gentiles used to come in there, and they’d join the church and then they’d go back to Con… well, Constantinople didn’t exist then, well, but go back to other places and start beating the drum for this new religion. That was before Christ.

Gee, you’re clear up to about a potential of 36, 38 before you can get a full level susceptible to good ethic. An ethic is that which is enforced by oneself, his belief in his own honor and good reason and optimum solution along the eight dynamics; that’s ethics.

And then this legend of Christ came along and people really started to beat the drum. Again the Hebrew didn’t keep this rolling, this people rolled in there an picked up this legend out of the rich legends of the Hebrew races and out she went – Ha-wham! And people went mad on this. They spun, they went up and down the pole like a… so many firemen at a five-alarm fire. They were… beautiful condition. They’d rush into Roman Courts and say, „Okay, here I am! Execute me!“ The Roman judge would say, „Well, really! Now after all. Can’t we just take this under advisement?“ And they kept getting justice and they didn’t want justice; they wanted blood, death and murder. They wanted to be a martyr!

And morals is somebody who sticks a spear into your belly or a sepulchre over your head, hides a boogey man back of a chair, tells you nothing and says, „You’ve got to do it because the unseen Gods…“ There’s no difference between a taboo and a moral. This language is even beginning to go to pieces, because in the dictionaries of today, unlike the dictionaries of just a hundred years ago, a moral is defined as an ethic, and an ethic is defined as a moral in the modern dictionary. Ahhh, they’ve even lost the philosophic definition for an ethic.

Oh, that’s a fascinating chapter and Rome finally said, „We’re so damn tired of this that hereinafter aforesaid Christianity is not going to be accepted by the Roman Empire,“ and what do you know – crash! Down came the Roman Empire – denied itself. It denied its principles and freedom and had begun to inhibit something. It had inhibited… inhibited God in one respect or another and down she went.

You don’t think he’s bad off? He’s bad off. Homo sapiens at 4.0 is a lot better than homo sapiens has ever been. But homo sapiens at 4.0 compared to a level which you would… desirable ethical, it has to measure up to the potentialities of the being, and at 4.0 he is much, much, much less than a 100 thousandths of his proper horsepower, and it’s too fine and too small a strength to be able to stand up to the winds of the world, and the howling o… yells of all the fears of the universe. It’s too much, that strength out there, in here; it’s too cold for homo sapiens or it’s too hot, or it’s too scarce. He can be killed too easily. As a consequence, this big, blustering universe can look at him and say, „You don’t dare be ethical. You’re afraid.“

Interesting, it… You know that empire still kept going for another 800 years under various guises, but it certainly went up and down after a while. In the year five hundred and something A.D., the total population of Rome consisted of two wolves walking in the ruins of the Forum. Right back, the cycle had turned all the way.

And so he is; he’s afraid.

And we had this, then, as a descending spiral. And the reason I’m punching all this stuff up, I’m demonstrating something on a national, or Third Dynamic, level. It came back to this line-up: Here you had a philosophy injected which first entered with a desire, became an enforcement and an inhibition, and the first moment somebody had agreed, agreed on the level of ihihibition it died. And the first time there gets to be a heavy inhibition in any line, a thing dies because that inhibition level is, itself, death.

Now, when you get into knowingness, then, and when you get into an allowable band, these here, Survive, Right, Full Responsible… do you know that a man really doesn’t dare be right? What would happen if you went out determined to be right for 24 hours? What would it mean that you’d have to be right every time that you said anything, did anything, mentioned anything? You couldn’t be polite; you’d have to say what you meant. Hah! You’d be shot in your tracks before you got out of here.

This tells you, then, your preclear starts in this way. First dynamic, second, third, and forth – doesn’t matter where you pick him up. Here you’re looking at him.

Typical behavior of homo sapiens: Two elevators in the hotel are both sticking this morning. Girl gets on, she fusses all the way down, she’s fussing, damning, oh, cursing around terribly because one of these elevators is sticking, and both of them are, really, and misses floors and all that sort of thing. She’s going to really give the management a piece of her mind. And she walks over to the desk and she picks up her morning mail, and she says to this little tiny meek clerk, she said uh… „I suppose you’re fixing the elevators?“

You know that your preclears were a part of this whole picture? This dwindling spiral of religious freedom became part of the woof and warp of the life of most preclears, who actually followed through that period.

And the clerk said, „Yes,“ and she dropped it at that. Real brave, homo sapiens, real brave. He knows it doesn’t do any good.

And now today they’re left with, then… there’s just the ashes. There’s… there’s nothing more sterile today than… than religion. It is dull, just dull beyond dull. It can’t be had – it’s too scarce.

Well, let’s ask the same question: What the hell is this girl doing needing an elevator?

You could go around any place you wanted to and set up a soap box or something of the sort, and start giving people God, and you’d survive. Evangelists do that on about the cheapest… cheapest guitar, git-fiddle level imaginable. They get over the radio and everything else. They’re just perfectly willing to give somebody God. And… and… by the… the communication lines that are set up are just fabulous. And yet this isn’t general at all; this is not a religious revival. This is the last flick-flack sparks of the fakir who is picking up at the pitch stand something that was once very grand.

So, this is a rough universe. You’d have to be able to handle the majority of forces in it before you could stand up to it and never be afraid. Or you would have to hold inside yourself a piece of courage that would be strained and tortured beyond all belief in an effort to be courageous enough to take this universe.

I have no partiality with regard to religion. Anybody who wants to sell pie in the sky or hot air needs no license to survive from me.

I believe the people who are alive today are by far the more courageous ones because this universe really dishes the boys in who aren’t.

Uh… now, when we get down to cases, we find that this happened to the preclear. First he desired, then he finds out that he’s GOT to have what he originally desired, and then he can’t have it. And it just goes flick-flack down scale.

Now we’ve got here two tracks. And we might as well split them off into two tone scales. We’ll draw this line down here – Y-Z, and we’ll show the difference between these two things just by dividing it. And I don’t know what the scale over here would be. I haven’t got any idea, because that’s all up to you. This scale might start here at something like 40 where you made space, but you always had to have an object before you made a space, which might put 40 there. Or both of those might be 40 for you; or you might have 0.0 here. –

So as you run a preclear up scale, you’ve got to run him back to, to get rid of his knee, really, by mock-ups or have and have not or any other way, you’ve got to run him up scale to what? Desire to have the knee – he had a desire to have a bad knee. So let’s get him to have a desire to have a knee. And we’ll find out he made it a bad knee so that he could preserve it and so he could have a knee. He made it a bad knee so nobody else could have it. That’s your origin of chronic somatics.

And as you went up to… say you got too much space in your universe, you might go into minus 8 as a penalty. And you might have a little square that… „When you move into this you go back eight steps.“ I don’t know what’s on this side. That… that’s… that’s your universe. I haven’t got any idea of what would be in that or how you’d figure things out.

He makes the body sick so it won’t be too desirable. In other words, he’s clear down bottom scale with this body: He’s down in inhibit.

I do know this, however, that it’d be very interesting. But over here on the MEST universe side, you bet your life, I know what’s over here: 0.0-20.0. It’s taken me 25 years to find out what’s over there. It wasn’t that it was a tough problem; it was too incredibly simple. And you always kept overshooting its complexity, always kept overshooting it.

And what do you know? We look up on our tone scale and we find out inhibition starts in at about 1.1 and goes right on down scale from 1.1 – and it’s death all the way.

The secret of the MEST universe was, there was no secret.

So look up neurological illnesses and that sort of thing, on the SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL tone scale, and that’s what you find there. He’s got to inhibit the havingness of somebody else so he won’t get it.

So, we get here and we come up the line. Well, theoretically a person would go from this point over here… this point uh… ‘N’ and he’d go up here where this parabola, or whatever it is, hits this ‘Y-Z’ line. This would be area… area ‘T’ for Transit. And uh… as a person’s tone rose, his freedom would rise and he’d go up to that area, according to graph… fortunately you don’t really go according to graphs, you see. You could theoretically go up and through that area and down this side again. That Isn’t possible.

He’s saying in another way, „Don’t eat me.“ He can’t say, „Don’t eat me“ with a club or a lightning bolt. He can’t say that. And up higher up tone scale he can’t – he’s very far from being able to say, „You don’t want to eat me, do you? You have no desire on the subject.“ And of course whatever it is that was trying to eat him would say, „Well, no, come to think about it, I don’t.“

But there is a way that… because, you see, it isn’t possible to transit at the top there, because it’s a… It’s a what? See, you wouldn’t be able to tell where this space started and ended that was your universe and the MEST universe, and you could get very, very mixed up about space up there at that point, ‘T’. And therefore, time would go screwy, and so on.

That’s all – no force involved.

So what you’re doing is an entirely different operation. You’re actually postulating a 0.0 in your universe, and you’re doing… doing mock-ups in your universe at first, comparable to, or less than, the… the stability of mock-ups in this universe.

Now we go down tone scale a little bit and the fellow had to be able to say, „Oh-ho, you’re going to eat me, huh? Well, there’s your head“ – handed to him on a silver platter. „Oh, you’re going to eat me, are you? Ny, you taste good!“

So you’re doing a jump here from the right-hand side of this curve… to the left-hand side of the curve to the right-hand side of the curve, see? Own… the physical universe curve. You’re doing things over here on the Own – universe curve which are comparable. You’re doing the same comparability. You’re not building a universe. You’re just practicing over here on your Own universe curve.

And we get down tone scale from that and the fellow can no longer say this, so he says, „Look, the reason you don’t want to eat me is because I’m really poison – boy! Am I poison. Look at the arthritis in that knee. Boy, would I disagree with you.“ He gets all sorts of reasons why he has to protect something.

„What do you know?“ several people say, „It’s a funny thing it’s happening, but the MEST universe isn’t… doesn’t seem to be getting any more real… unreal; a lot of things I’ve run in it. But you know these things I mock up! Boy, are they getting real! They really look good“ and so forth. And, „I’d sure hate to get rid of that… I sure hated to get rid of that. That… that was… that was real nice“ – uh… that… that sort of thing. Picking up more and more and more and more and more and more.

So you get somebody who starts out with great beauty. What do they do? They have to start protecting this beauty to maintain it. Now that’s a beautiful one, isn’t it? They can’t recreate the beauty; they can’t create it again. They know that another specious fact they can’t create anything. They can’t create the beauty, they think, so they sort of have to enforce the beauty of it. And you’ll get somebody going down tone scale on the subject of beauty. First they desired beauty, they were beauty – there was nothing to it. Uh… other people desired beauty, and then the other people – they still might have had the idea, but other people had decided they weren’t beautiful anymore.

And of course, when one is able to do that, all the way over, he can actually flash back on to this side and if he’s gotten himself parked here – 20.0… 20.0. Supposing he’s 20.0 on this mock curve – this Own Universe curve. See, you’re not building your own universe. That’s just its curve, that’s just a practice curve. So if you’re opposite 20.0 on the MEST universe curve, and you’re 20.0 over on this side, what are you gonna get?

So what do they to do? They have to enforce this beauty. First they do it with powder and paint. Then they do it with exhibitionism. You’ll find in the cycle of somebody’s life, a period when he’s actually tried to go around and practically flout himself under the noses of other people. It might have happened quite early in his life, but that period’s always there – in a dwindling spiral. He’s just flouted himself. And he’s saying, „Look, you better think that I’m good-looking or else!“ Big row about it – „You don’t think I’m pretty anymore, that’s the trouble. That’s the whole thing. I’m going to cry unless…“ Enforced – enforced beauty.

Very fascinating, because you’d probably be able to rig up a blonde in an evening gown down in the street and men would come by and they’d say, „Gee! Ha!“ – tip their hats – that’s theoretically. That’s what would happen.

Now what do we get down at the bottom of the tone scale? – They finally wind up by making themselves uglier than they need be. They inhibit the existing beauty. „Oh! You don’t think I’m beautiful anymore? Well, you can’t see me beautiful?“ That’s all there is on this dwindling spiral.

You’d get way up into forms of action, you’d be able to interchange images. But that’s just a practice curve. So what’s the curve of your own universe? Now that’d be another curve over here, and I don’t care how it would go – torsional G space for all I know.

Now we keep looking at these spirals, looking at these cycles of action. What are we doing? We just keep comparing data with the same data – agreement. In order to have any of the desire communicated, you have to have an agreement that it communicates. In order to enforce something, you have to have an agreement that it can be enforced. In order to inhibit something you have to have an agreement that it can be inhibited. And above that level of agreement, there has to have been postulates that this sort of a thing can take place – postulate, and then you agree with a postulate.

But when you’re all up the line, and so on, why you’re up there. Well before you get to that point, ‘T’… well before you get to ‘T’, you should be able to throw things up, which at least to you are superior, vastly superior in quality, depth, intricacy, design and interest, far superior to MEST universe. And in view of the fact that you’re doing this as a thetan, any… most any time you could part company with a body. I mean, you’ve got reality on that, a lot of you.

Now you get agreement… agreement itself then, because it turns into flows, becomes eventually Agree and Disagree. And that is reality itself. You agree with it or you don’t agree with it. If you don’t agree with it, it doesn’t have reality. If you do agree with it, it does.

But at the end of three weeks, you certainly better have better than just a little reality on it. You’d better be out and clear. There isn’t any reason why you can’t be. There isn’t… I haven’t seen a hard case in this whole class.

You can agree with it too much and you’re it. And you’re not you anymore.

All right, the uh… you’re doing a comparative level. Well, now these concepts which are here on the Chart of Attitudes don’t tell you anything about the quality of a mock-up, except in a highly generalized way. But they tell you… when you say, ‘Chart of Attitudes, MEST universe’, that gives you an ideal state of being, Or man, or something of the sort.

So we get all these fascinating, fascinating uh… complexities arising out of what? The principle of the cycle of action, resulting from Q-1.

And over on your own universe, the mock-curve… practice mock-curve, what you’re trying to attain in a mock-up is the following:

Now how does Q-1 exactly tie into Desire and Enforce and Inhibit? Very simply. Here we have theta, create, space, energy, objects, locate energy and objects in space. That’s what it really amounts to. And we get, under desire, we get an expansive thing. Desire is a created space – funny isn’t it? – at the first level that you get it in this universe.

You want to be able to survive; it should be right; it should take full responsibility for what it’s doing and you take full responsibility for it. You should be able to own all. You should be able to make anything that approximates anything. You should be able to make it continue on an ‘Always’ basis, or have ‘Always’ there; in other words, all kinds of time. You should have things which are motion sources in there. The level of truth of that universe ought to be good. You would BE faith in that universe; or your mock-ups, as far as faith is concerned, you would probably rely on a mock-up a heck of a lot quicker than you’d ever rely on a piece of MEST. I mean that seriously. You’d just rely on the mock-up.

Of course, above that level it’s a postulate. Just below that level it starts to be a flicker of agreement. And then we get this expansiveness. First moment we enter the MEST universe. Desire can be a very wide thing, high on the tone scale – high on the tone scale – very wide, expansive, so forth. The harmony and beauty of beauty nowhere shows up like it does in a BIG space.

That’s not bad; if you can create a Cadillac which can outrun Cadillacs, I think you’d depend upon your Cadillac. Get the idea? But if you were really up at the top of the mock-up curve, you’ve made a Cadillac, you would drive your Cadillac much in preference to a Cadillac. You get the idea? It sounds strange, it sounds peculiar, but if you were doing that, and you really set out to make a Cadillac, yours would be a better Cadillac, for you.

If you want to really knock somebody’s eyes out if you were a painter and you really wanted to ruin somebody’s… make them just so interested, you’d take a great big hall, and you take enormous curtains. And you take one picture that you painted, just that. And you put it down at one end of this hall – fix those curtains so they’re ready to drape across the thing. And then just a little brac-a-brac. Let’s put a little carpet on the floor and some curtains on the window. But by golly, let’s not have anything in there that even vaguely shows up, like the curtains around the picture.

Actually, you think a MEST universe is good? Uh-uh. It takes gas; it’s scarce; it costs money.

And then let people come in at the far end of the room and see this great space. And sitting at one end of it, this small picture. They can’t help it, they just sort of cave in. They say, „Look! My God, that thing must be valuable.“

Now the level of knowingness. You would know what the beingness and other things were of this universe – your universe, your mock-up. There is a knowingness about your mock-up. You could make a mock-up that knows or you would know everything that was about the mock-up. And as far as knowledge was concerned, you would have the knowledge down pat that required. There would be a knowingness, a feeling of knowing, about these things. You would be cause, you wouldn’t be effect.

Value is in terms of space, you see.

Or you could make a mock-up that was cause for a lot of things. You would have reached ‘I am’ – full beingness – and you would be able to win. The easiest way to win is to be both sides. You’d be able to start things, terrific differentiation, a very good state of being. You had to be able to make all the space you wanted, so forth. –

You know that a fellow who is big and expansive and can reach around a lot of things, and so forth, has, initially, space – he’s operating in lots of space. If he tries to operate in smaller space, why uh… he gets to snapping around it quite a bit. He operates in smaller space, he’s much worse off.

That… that’s just your goals of identity or identification or individuality of your mock-ups and their character and quality.

Now let’s take… let’s take space, very little contact, big anchor points, so forth. Boy, ha… have you ever seen a… a… have you ever seen a waterfall, for instance, that fell a hundred and fifty feet? Anything like that. Just that big space. Now have you ever seen a waterfall that fell 150 feet and had just one plume fall all the way. There’s some such falls on the banks of the Columbia River – I don’t… And there’s some Yosemite that do this. They fall through all that space – just one plume of water comes all the way down.

I know it sounds terribly upsetting to you when I say something like Cadillac. Actually, you would he… probably never mock up a Cadillac. Anybody who wants to go around and mock up a Cadillac and then drive it, of course, would finally find himself faced with the fact that he didn’t have license tags on the thing. He’d have to… he’d… it’s not a practical solution.

Gee, people stand there and they wonder why they’re so enthralled. All of a sudden they’ve got anchor points and they’ve got bigness and they’ve got simplicity. And out of this they get harmony. You can practically feel their souls just sort of smooth down and go „Purrr.“

You… you’d have to put motor numbers on and serial numbers and persuade somebody in the Cadillac company that they built it. You get how the universe works a guy in? Well, heck! You wouldn’t want to do that then, unless you built a Cadillac which had the potentialities of a General Sherman tank and which, of course, had bullet-proof windows, had a turret gun in the top of the thing, and which would go down the road at 180 miles an hour. Then it would be perfectly safe to own that Cadillac, and so forth, with no license plates, no serial number. When you’re building in contests, you’ve got to build senior to, and that’s always a good process.

That’s one of the big traps of this universe, is it apparently has all this space, see. And having all this space why uh… anything like a sun, you know? Little suns, that’s all. Must have… you say, „It’s too tiny.“ No – you take a…

Now the funny part of this universe is that when you mock something up – way back on the track, see, you’ve had terrific experience with this. You… it’s just lost, because you kept putting ‘em into competition with the MEST universe and then agreeing with the MEST universe. Then you put this thing into competition and you’d mock up this girl. And you didn’t have much experience so you didn’t know what a girl should look like. And the MEST universe’d come along – you thought it was the MEST universe – some other thetan’d come along! Beautiful mock-up of a girl. Oh, lovely. Oh, gee! And you’d go – „Boy, that’s really something! And this… this thing of mine? Naw.“

Let’s take a bucket full of 25 carat diamonds – the purest, most unflawed diamonds possible. Let’s take a bucket full of them – put them right there. No, no. Let’s take one – knock that away and take one great big velvet, black velvet cloth and set it on a table and put one light on it. And then take one one-carat diamond and put it on there. If Tiffany’s ever changed their policy they’d wreck their business. But they quite customarily put nothing in the window but one simple stone. And there it sits – one stone. People go by and they say, „Screeeee!“

And then there’s a certain sort of feeling about something you haven’t made yourself to it, that furnishes interest. You have to have something somebody else has.

And the boys who run these other… these… these uh… two-bits-for-a-collar-of-diamonds jewelry stores with those racks and racks and racks and racks and racks of things, have to actually, really to attract any real attention and get the passers-by to stop, they have to put in value, value, value, value, value in terms of lots of money so that people get to looking at a mass and it’s a curiosa. It’s not an appreciation at all. They get the appreciation, „Junk.“

A lot of idiocy in this because you wasn’t educated, fella! You was ignorant. In fact, you was stupid! You talk about the gullibility of an early track thetan. We’ve never mentioned this before because he’s in a state of capability of knowingness; he didn’t have any data. Oh, boy! Was he stupid! Somebody’d come around to him and say, „You just won a contest!“ And he says, „I did?!“

And… and you get this – in the front of one of those windows you can have big diamonds rigged up, five-carats diamonds, ten-carat diamonds in rings and everything else like you see on New York, Broadway. You see those right straight up close to the window glass. And uh… there’ll be a rack of them sitting there and people’ll go along and say, „What do you know? Five thousand dollars! What do you know? Ten thousand dollars! What do you know? Twenty-five thousand dollars! Isn’t that interesting? You know, it’s funny how much that thing costs. I wish I had something like that. Well, let’s go over to the show.“ No interest level. No space, so of course it can’t be of any value.

Well, now fortunately, you don’t have to keep an education in terms of facsimiles. You can just park it as knowingness.

Now uh… you could get something very tiny and enclose it in a very tiny place of very exquisite workmanship. You get sort of the idea of a theft when you do that, when you… when you see this little, tiny ivory worked castle, you see. Little tiny castle, and it’s got a little, tiny thing in that offsets. You sorta get the idea that somebody stole something, when you look at this thing. It… it… it’s… it’s… it gives you kind of that feeling. You d… you don’t get really the feeling – you get the feeling of beauty and exquisiteness a little bit, but – somebody swiped it.

In SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL we had something about theta enturbulates with MEST, and then frees itself from MEST with a knowingness of what MEST is; that’s in SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL. It impinges itself too heavily upon MEST and then withdraws. And then it’ll impinge itself and withdraw, and impinge itself and withdraw. And that cycle goes down until it knows all there is to know about MEST.

Why? It’s very simple. I mean, somebody has taken and out of a space that he shouldn’t have, he’s worked in some beauty into it. You see, that’s too small a space to have that much in.

Well, we don’t know all there is to know about MEST, but you don’t have to know all there is about MEST.

Now uh… let’s go in some other fields: What… what’s your great singer? The first criticism of a singer: „Oh, he has a parlor voice.“ How much space can he fill with sound? That’s the first requisite.

You pull out an awful lot of information right now. What a cagey character you would be – boy! If you… did you ever hear of this? This old guy, he’s standing outside the high school and he’s looking at all these beautiful young girls walking out. He’s standing there, wise and old, and old and very old. And he says, „Boy, if I was only 16 again and know what I know now.“

Caruso was the greatest singer of all time because he could knock out the back of any auditorium practically. Also he had force in his voice – he could crack wine glasses, hold a true note. And you say, „This is truth of note.“ No, that… the upset of that was there was – must have been enough force in that voice to crack wine glasses. He had perhaps great beauty of voice, perhaps not. But boy he was sure loud.

Yes, yes. You’re in the same position as that old viper. You actually can look at these precious morsels, but you have a knowingness about it. Never discount it. You’d better pick up your full track knowingness. The only way you do this, by the way, is just run mock-ups about not knowing, and so forth – knowing and not knowing and so on.

Want to become a great singer? The hell with shifting notes. Don’t even bother to carry a tune. If you were just to go out and practice so that you could take the biggest auditorium in the United States or the Hollywood Bowl and get to a point where you could fill that Bowl with sound without any electronic equipment, boy, they’d elect you. You’d get elected right then.

How do you mock up knowing and not knowing? Well, I’ll have to tell you all about that in the second lecture tonight. Transposition of symbols to language… how do… language… what does it become and why.

Now, it’s a funny thing: What’s the difference then between the great singer and the hog caller? Both of ‘em can fill a lot of space with sound. Well, look… look them over – look them over. There’s a different intention behind the sound. The intention is to call a hog in one case, and to be loud; and the intention in the other place is to interest people and create a desire.

All right, knowingness, then, doesn’t really depend upon data, and there is a basic knowingness that is you that exists without wave length. It’s a funny thing to say, but it’s true. The capability of knowingness is all at the same level: The amount of data which can absorb, changes. A person can be very naive and way up tone scale, and then he becomes sadder and wiser. And for the first time in this universe, really, homo sapiens has been able to take the knowledge gained and back out. That’s very valuable. In other words, you don’t have to keep on digging in.

Big difference. Where do you find your biggest difference then? Your biggest difference is up in the postulate intentional level. That’s… that’s the difference – up there. And then a little bit lower than that there’s an agreement that the singer is… is a singer, and an agreement that a hog caller is a hog caller. And we’ve agreed to laugh at hog collars and we’ve agreed to be very serious about singers – very simple.

It may even be… it may even be your track is sort of going according to plan. I mean, this might be the exit depot. You don’t know; it might be. Maybe I don’t tell you everything. Maybe this is all science fiction I tell you, anyway.

That’s right. That’s about all there is to it. You go out to be a great singer, you make sure that everybody knows that you’re a great singer. You wear the trappings of a great singer, that’s all. I’ve seen some pianists sitting in dives that could tear the keys off the piano with any classical music – beautiful, just beautiful playing. But they didn’t have on a tail coat, they did not have an air, they didn’t have the style, they didn’t have all the symbols and trademarks of the great pianist.

By the way, I… I hope it gets lots of publicity as such. Boy, it’ll make you guys free for a long time.

How do you act as a great pianist? Hah-hah! We know how you act as a great pianist – you’re very impressive in the first place. You come in, you ignore the whole audience. You sit down, you sweep your coat tails out of the way in order to sit down at the seat of just one piano sitting on this huge stage, see? And you sit down, and then you wait very patiently until everybody deigns to be damn quiet. And you start in. And make sure that you have the grandness of gesture. That’s all it is.

One day, one of you’ll get very ambitious and pick up five yellow cabs as they come down. You couldn’t get a yellow cab, you couldn’t get a yellow cab, and you finally say, „Damn these yellow cabs!“ And instead of mocking up a yellow cab, you suddenly pick up the first yellow cab, and you get the second yellow cab and the third yellow cab and you put them up on the top of one of the high buildings around – turn their motors off so they don’t skid and run off the top of the building, and leave them there. People say, „Who did this?“

The poor guy sitting down in the jukebox playing with his derby hat over one eye, maybe can play rings around that guy on the concert stage, but he doesn’t know one fact – one fact he doesn’t know: that he has to act big and great in order to be big and great. And if he acts big and great and with the proper mannerisms to be big and great, he’ll be big and great. Because he’s what? He’s not putting on anything but the agreement.

Well, we’re going to issue a lot of little cards and have the little cards say, „You have abandoned your godliness.“ It’s a good motto: Abandoned your godliness. You don’t say what the godliness is, but everybody thinks they know what you’re talking about, and you know darn we’ll what you’re talking about.

If he refuses to act within the frame of agreement which is assigned to bigness and greatness, or if he has some purpose in not acting in that frame of reference, he won’t be.

It’s true too.

You can really pitch it any way you want to. You can just throw it in any direction. But if you’re going to throw it in any direction you want to, you’ll have to be able to initially feel that you can command space and energy. It’s all well and good to just fake in and know you’re faking in. It isn’t that people read your mind, it just shows up in the manner; the manner isn’t there.

All right. And then, all of a sudden, why it will become something else than that. Actually, incredibility is the finest guise in the world for a secret. It’s too incredible; nobody believes it. How do you suppose this MEST universe got itself covered up? At every stage you’ve been in, any other stage was too incredible. You see, that’s that win… backflow. If you’ve got to believe, if it’s enforced belief, there’s also going to be inhibited belief. And when the guy really got down scale he couldn’t possibly get out because he had inhibited belief. He had to distrust. When he tried to believe he’d distrust. And you wonder why people down along that lower band of the scale can’t believe in any god. Why, no god’s safe in their hands. They can’t believe.

Calli-Curcy never came out and looked at the audience apologetically – never. Neither did Caruso. Caruso came out and he’d look them over. „All right, you people are privileged now to hear me sing.“ He’d say, „Now you’re going to hear me sing.“ There… it wouldn’t – nobody would have stood a chance if they had decided not to hear him sing. Nobody would’ve stood a chance.

So, get this action, then. Let’s get the quality of these things. You’ll find all of these things delineated in your textbook. You’ll find they do consist of a fairly good state of being. They also describe, to some degree, the quality of a mock-up. If you couldn’t make a mock-up… a year from now, if you’re not able to make a mock-up senior to you as you sit there, that can do more and act faster in your universe, I’ll disown you – (I think I’ll disown you anyway).

Now there’s… there’s you… there’s your difference. What is greatness? It’s simply that: What a beautiful language – „Great-ness.“ Big-space.

Now, let’s then take a look at this Chart of Attitudes and let’s give you right quick, instead of all this persiflage, let’s give you right quick Rising Scale Processing. How many minutes have I got on that thing? Student: Umm, about a half an hour. LRH: Good. Just right. Time clock’s doing well.

If a fellow fills up all the space he has, he’d better find bigger space.

Rising Scale Processing: This is the use to which you put the Chart of Attitudes, and is a method of changing postulates, not a method of running flows. This is, in essence, the essence of Postulate Processing. Postulate Processing is the process or any process which permits an individual to change his postulates – except old engrams. You run out some old engrams and… and of course you change the postulates in it.

Now there’s the quality of action, and that mostly has to do with consistent quality of action. He has a consistency and a control – increase and decrease – at will. It isn’t enough to sing loud. One must sing loud and fall off to a softness, and sing loud again at will. He must also be able to stop and start singing at will. He follows this… this whole cycle of action.

But uh… this doesn’t talk about that. This is willfully changing postulates. The first thing you’ve got to do is get the person up to a point where they’re flexible with their postulates and fast with them. You do this with mock-ups and so on. And one day – the guy can get almost perfect mock-ups – almost perfect – but… he starts… he says, „I keep running into this or that.“ Or, „I’ve got to change my mind about this.“ Or, „I’ve got to do something else about that.“

And at that level of big space, there is desire, and people see that as the space and they also will see it instantly as desire. There we have desire at work: Big space, certainty and if any force is there at all, the force is subordinate to the agreement that there should be force there.

Well, what you do… what he’s doing is changing postulates. He’ll find out that he starts to do something and he recognizes all of a sudden he can’t do it, and he will just suddenly go, „Rrrrrrr!“ and change this postulate and that postulate and so on. And wipe those postulates out and – make a new postulate. And all of a sudden he’ll say, „Aw, that’s all right. Yeah, I’ve got the lights back up again now. Now she’s doing the rumba.“ He had all these postulates about dancing, and he had this girl and she went around with him, and it was very embarrassing. Every time they went to a nightclub or something of this sort, this mock-up… – rumba would come along and he couldn’t dance with her; she couldn’t rumba, so he… you’d change that. How do you change that? You had to change his postulates that she couldn’t rumba. That dancing was evil; that dancing should be religious; uh… yap-yap-yap-yap. And he’ll. he’ll. just change postulates – Brrrrr!

You get the complete feeling at that level that a person would not need any force in order to carry out his mission.

That is the process of the thetan. The thetan simply creates by making postulates. He uncreates by changing postulates and unmaking postulates. There is this drill about starting, increasing, decreasing and stopping thought chains… is beneficial in assisting one’s ability to make postulates and uncreate postulates. If you can’t handle your thought flow, if you’ve got a stream of consciousness running, you’re going to have a hard time with postulates.

Now what do you know? Do you know you could walk down here and take the star of a cup you could just walk down and take his badge away from him… and have him agree perfectly to do it, that you should do it. You just assume that you have the right to, not the right you have to defend. This is sort of a God-given right. You walk down and talk to him about his badge, and you’ll have it in your hand in a couple of seconds. You don’t have to use subterfuge to get it. That’s the way not to get it.

So what’s Rising Scale Processing? It is one of the phases of Postulate Processing which enables a preclear well before he is uptone – oh hell! – this will work on a VI, it’ll work on a V case – is to shift his postulates. And he does this by rising scale, not by running flows – that’s different. A flow is a flow in, a flow out, a flow in, a flow out. All right, let’s just change postulates.

Now there are much easier ones. Do you know that… how they tell a shoplifter in a store? How they tell a criminal on the street? They don’t have his description. He looks suspicious. You know that people… people… cops arrest a criminal on… away from the scene of the crime a few minutes afterwards ordinarily because they look so suspicious. They just weren’t big enough to do what they did, because they knew they didn’t have the right to do it and that was the first requisite of criminality, is knowing one doesn’t have the right to do it. The second one knows one has the right to do it, it ceases to be a criminality and becomes a right.

Now what do we do about postulates? Let’s look at this list for the Chart of Attitudes. Now we have here Survive and Dead. Now what’s that mean? Well, it means that, just like this, we have… Survive is somewhere between 22 and 40. Of course, above 40 the idea of survival is just nonsense. How could anything immortal not survive?

And the difference between a right and the difference between a criminal act, is simply knowing one has a right to and knowing one doesn’t have a right to. In other words, knowing one has a right to, one would have to command enormous space and enormous power to know so completely that he would have the right to any item or object in an entire city.

That’s one of the grimmest tricks in the world. You see, you happen to be immortal, and worried about surviving; it’s a typical reverse flow trick of this universe. You’re actually worried hour by hour and day by day about surviving and you’re immortal! All you object to is when you don’t survive, why you forget; something takes away from you hard enough for you not to remember. And as a result you get upset. And what you’re really upset is not about surviving at all, but about knowing. You hate to be in a state of unknowingness. You knew you were there, but you knew you were not supposed to know you were there. You know all about it. You take the Battle of Trafalgar, you know. You know how many men were aboard the ship and how many killed and wounded there were and how… how many dispatches were written up to send them up the river and… and all that sort of thing.

Boy, would he have to be big. He’d have to be a hell of a lot bigger than that city – big. To the petty thief who knows he doesn’t have the right to pay a nickel to ride on the subway, and the second after he’s paid his nickel he still looks like he doesn’t have a right to ride on the subway. And, what do you know? He paid his nickel! Now that’s an interesting point, isn’t it. Fascinating.

And by the way, this is wonderful science fiction, just wonderful science fiction. God help science fiction writers! God help them! Boy, do they key in. I think of poor old Paget. (I’ll use his pen name – big gag). Poor old Paget. He’s a shaking wreck! He’s a ruin.

He knows he doesn’t have the right to. He knows he doesn’t have the right to do anything. He has no space and no time, no havingness. And as such, he comes right on down scale.

You guys know this fellow. You know his stories under a lot of other guises than Paget, and he’s a ruin. He sits there at the typewriter and he types and he thinks he’s disagreeing like mad with the MEST universe. He’s running away from the MEST universe; he’s d… writing escape literature.

Now there are some people who have the right natively to have a… a space bigger than a galaxy, easily. And who have come down in their own eyes to a point where they know they can’t have a space bigger than a planet, and they don’t have a right to any space bigger than a planet. And they go on acting apologetic about the whole deal. And you’d… you’d swear – they aren’t on… out like a petty thief, but they’re down in their own estimation to that degree. The very great on earth have had that feeling.

I picked up one of his stories recently and started reading the history of a ship which is very well known – EXTREMELY well known. And he’s just varied its history. He hasn’t varied a line. He actually is sitting there writing escape literature and, of course, he’s digging in deeper and deeper and deeper, and he’s getting worse and worse. They have to take him in and doctors will sometimes take and give him a course of B1 shots. And they’ll give him 1 or 200 milligrams of B1 every couple of hours to keep him alive. And he’s that bad off.

They’re scaled way down and they still have enough of this to spare. Well, there’s a… what’s the difference then between a petty thief and a person the size of the MEST universe? Well, your petty thief possibly could be, some day, the size of the MEST universe. But it would mainly depend upon his knowing he had the right to be.

And then he goes back and he works a little bit harder and he works a little bit harder and he works a little bit harder and all of a sudden Wham! B1, B1, rest, rest. Sit down by the seashore, be… take it quiet, take it easy, take it easy. And then he says, „Well, I think I’ll write some more of that escape literature“ and uh… zong! There he goes again. He’s coughing. He can’t stand the sight of a camera…

And when you get a postulate-changing session going on with some preclear, you will be astonished. They’ll realize they don’t have the right to do this, or to do that or to do something else – because they agreed not to have the right.

I don’t know how long that boy was on the track, or how many spirals, but boy, he’s sure writing ancient history. It’s all dated up in the future, too. He’ll date something up in the future and then he’ll get very careful he doesn’t date it. He actually uses actual dates. He’s playing the very… most wonderful game with himself of not to know.

And one could call the whole dwindling scale of stuff, „Agreeing not to be able to.“ That’s the saddest story ever sung: „I agree that I do not have the right to…“ And there are a lot of understoods back of that, a lot of postulates that have gone before. „I agree that I do not have the right to…“

If you were to put him on uh… if you were to put any of these boys, by the way, on a machine gun you would get something fascinating. You’d get… „Now all right. Now let’s talk about uh… space.“ Space opera, you see, is a very minor point in this universe. Don’t think that it is major at all, because it is not major. And for most people, it is not even part of the track. Space opera is not part of the track at all for most people. It’s only the degraded, the burns, the stiffs, the cliffs, the gyps, the McGees – and the floaters, the flotsam and jetsam, the guy who has rammed around and fallen flat on his face and so on. That… that’s space opera. God! These guys… I could tell you that story of that track… I… I j… I don’t think it would go into English. There are a lot of words in English that are missing. It’s just too wild. And it’s… it’s peculiar… it’s a peculiar story. A very highly specialized story.

The first day you ever said, „Well, all right. I see that other people are using these things and so forth.“ Just nonsensically you said one day, „Well, I agree. I uh… well, I agree that other people have the right to…“ Oh-oh! That’s the same thing, isn’t it? „I agree other people have the right to…“ is the „I agree I don’t have the right to have a right more than other people have a right.“ Oh boy!

The other track comes right straight down on the subject of planets, and uh… in some preclears’ life it’s just fascinating. You find him leading this cozy little home life, and he’s been in this cottage and they were on that farm. And then he was in this city as a little minor tradesman. And in some other place, why, he drove a truck and… and so on. There’s cities and things – nothing shiny. Just pastoral and pretty – nothing to it.

„I agree that other people have a right to manage this or do that or square around something or other, and that I have no business monkeying with it.“ Oh-oh!

Some girls… about the only time you get a… a girl… you get a lot of girls who have been on the space opera track, too. They’ve been boys on the space opera track – or girls, God help them! – Boy are they a mess! They’re really degenerate. They’re walking around here, trying to do a job of being normal. Of course, they’re much smarter, much wiser. And actually, for anybody to have survived that track and still be in a body, it must mean they’re awfully tough. That’s the truth. Like I suppose they put most of the guys who weren’t tough… are still sitting in cans someplace.

Everywhere you look in this confounded, upset, cock-eyed society everybody is saying, „I don’t take any responsibility for this. And that’s not my fault. And that’s not my responsibility, and I’m not responsible for that, and I’m responsible for something or other“ and they get down to a level, they don’t even vote. That he don’t… he can’t even take that responsibility for having elected the government of the United States because they recognize it’s kind of specious. They realize they have the perfect innate ability to own an area the size of the United States and to be an area the size of the Unites States, and yet here they are, they won’t even participate and vote one vote. They couldn’t take the responsibility to that degree.

But uh… anyway, this quiet, pastoral scene, the girl… and the only time she ever saw a spaceman or anything like that, she’d heard about it. They’ll show up on a meter.

Now there are two ways that they do that. The fellow who was as big as the size of the United States would never go near a polling vault or a box – never. He wouldn’t vote, he… because he’d be into an agreement with all these other people who were voting and he wouldn’t see that. But on a lower level a person won’t vote simply because they won’t take the responsibility for who is president. And that’s way down.

Well, now you take one of these space opera writers, if he’s really been on that track – he won’t write about it if he hasn’t been. He just won’t have the knack. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t… you couldn’t be ingenious enough to invent the whole thing from one end of the other. That just means they don’t. Also they don’t write science fiction if they haven’t been solidly on that track. They’ll write something else – fantasy, something.

And everywhere you look, „I don’t have the right to do this, I don’t have the right to do that.“ There’s a screwball attorney uh… who is uh… fouling up like a fire drill – some little hick town someplace. Uh… and… and he’s busy trying to figure every way he can figure to lose some little two-bit court case – in Scientology. He’s doing this. Why, it’s the most fascinating thing you ever saw. These… these guys… these guys are so low they haven’t… they haven’t got any responsibility for any fellow human being, and they have no responsibility for themselves at all. Why? Because such a person has had it demonstrated to him very adequately by having his wife who was a cripple for many, many years made again to walk and play the piano.

All right, put them on a machine. You say, „All right, now let’s take this last story you wrote,“ and it’ll dive. And you’ll say, „What are you diving for? D… Didn’t it sell?“

Hah! He didn’t have any responsibility for her, did he? Didn’t have any responsibility for himself – couldn’t possible have done so. Why? Because it isn’t any responsibility of his that everything’s going wrong, and so forth. And this trial – he’s the only one that’s there. It’s up to him to say anything at all.

„Yes, it sold“ uh… needle falling away.

It’s very interesting, isn’t it? The guy could actually fail to recognize his beingness to the extent where he can’t even be the size of his own family on responsibility.

And you say, „Well now, take the hero of this thing“ – fall, fall. And uh… you say, „You know, that fellow’s being affected by writing. Now let’s take that detective story which you wrote“ – no motion of the needle at all. „Well, didn’t it sell?“

In other words, he couldn’t continue his support of something which has relieved him of the terrible burden of having a cripple in his family for the rest of her life. You understand, that would cost him just days and months and so on of misery on his own part.

„No, it didn’t sell. Yeah, I got a reject on that.“ Yeah. That’s ve… very interesting.

And yet – yet that’s happened for him. And yet his level of responsibility is so low that he’s just figuring out any way he could possibly figure where Scientology could possibly go by the boards right in his own home town. Isn’t that fascinating?

So you say, „Well, this guy must be all keyed in and hallucinating. He just must have been driven mad by writing all these stories. So let’s examine all these stories carefully.“ And what do you know? They start blowing as locks.

His level of responsibility can’t be any size at all, then. ‘Cause he knows it works, it works for him, it works in his hands, he’s fully trained and yet he’s got to lose. Never had enough processing to put in your eye. But there… there’s… there’s a level of responsibility.

Locks on what? Well, let’s put him back on the machine again. And let’s ask him, „All right now, have you ever been in a space ship?“ WHAM!

What is the essential difference between what I’m doing in res… in Scientology and other people? Is it because I’m brighter? No, no. Uh-uh. Is it because I… I… I know more? Naw. No there’s really only one thing, is I recognize that it’s… that it’s my job, I recognize anybody has this job. You see, anybody has this job. And there was this great big pair of boots and they were sitting right in the middle of this universe, and they were awfully big boots, and you could get down amongst them with… with telescopes. You could look the length and breadth of them and find absolutely nothing inhabiting ‘em.

„Oh, don’t ask me questions like that,“ he says. „You make me think I’m imagining things, or something.“

And it says in these boots, it just simply said, „These are the boots which go down a road which leads out of this joint.“ And other people had been diving spaceships through them and playing hopscotch in them and… and so on, when they ever did see them, and so on. They were sitting right there.

You say, „Well, have you ever been in a space ship?“

They sat on the doorstep of every door that has ever been covered with crepe. They sat on the doorstep of every bank that ever reneged on a pledged agreement or refused a loan to somebody who was desperate. They sat on the doorstep of every church which itself was pretending to take vast responsibility. They fell across every single boulevard and progress that Man ever thought he could make. He could go ahead and take responsibility for destroying culture, but not for helping a single individual in it. Ho!

„Well, gee! I get nervous.“

Fascinating! Why, those boots – well, you look at these boots, and they… they weren’t even big boots. They were little boots – little kids’ boots. Wasn’t anything to them. And what’d you do? You just threw some space out that big, that’s all. I mean, you narrowed the space down to the universe of one man and you found out he was a highly representative man, and then you took a look. The boots were very wearable.

„Well, how about hands? Uh… well, how about trying to get… how about blow-ups in space?“ I mean, anything like this, and so on. „Were you ever there? What was the year? What year were you a member of the Galactic Police Force Espionage Corps“ – something or other. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

And they’re very, very simply boots. But what do you know? These boots have a catch to them. They aren’t just one man’s boots. They were every man’s boots. And because I assayed to take a few steps in them and square them around and find out where the road was and what leather they were made out of, didn’t absolve a single individual who cared to benefit from those boots from wearing them. And that is the grimmest joke of all.

And you say, „What story did you write about this?“

A person has to come up the scale so that he can take responsibility for himself and all of his fellows and the whole cock-eyed condemned universe before he can walk down that road out. Isn’t that fascinating?

He’ll tell you, „Skylark“. I’m… I’m… that’s all… I don’t know anything about HIS past history, E. E. Smiths. Uh… he’ll say, „Well, it’s such-and-such a year. Yeah.“ You get a needle reaction.

He can’t even run his engram bank unless he says, „It’s my business and I mean to make it so.“ Isn’t that interesting? Because he’s down tone scale on inhibited, he knows all knowledge is inhibited, he knows all things are inhibited, he knows every thing he is scare, he knows death is inevitable, he knows all these things. He knows he has no space. He knows that life is an object, not an animate, glorious thing. And as long as he knows that, then he will know no more. And at that level one knows practically nothing.

„Now,“ you say, „how about the stories you’ve written about that?“ Tiny little needle reaction – keying out.

The bank will sit there and some of the little incidents in it might be quite bright and it might be interesting. But boy! is it of narrow scope! It’ll be a little tiny bank.

„Now, let’s take the SKYLARK and let’s go over it a little bit further and a little bit more on this.“ Oh, boy! We’re starting to get the big action on the actuality and no action on the story. And then you just turn it up and… not by slanting the questions or anything, you just turn it up, just try and get some kind of a charge on the stories.

Those great big ridges standing out there have to be handled by a big guy, if you’re going to handle them all the way. Now we have the modus operandi of how you get to be a big guy. There isn’t any gimmick factor whereby you all of a sudden discover you have to make up your mind to be self-determined.

But you’ll get charge right straight across the boards on it was biographical or autobiographical. And all of a sudden this guy will start to reel and he’ll start to cough and he’ll say, „You know, I feel a helmet. I’m sure it must be a helmet. My ears are ringing like mad. I can’t understand it. My ears often ring when I’m writing. Come to think of it, they only ring when I’m writing about space stories, and I get that feeling right now. It’s like a goldfish bowl or something closing down over my… yeah, you keep your chin down in order to keep the earphones open. Oh, no!“ And you say, „Well, now let go of it.“ „Oh, I can’t!“

You could take a preclear by the nape of his neck and hold him up there and bang his head against the wall with these techniques until he is cleared – if you start him on the line, you never have to explain a thing to him. He’ll finally wind up, but he’ll never walk out of this universe with your help. He never will.

„What would happen if you let go of it? What would happen if you didn’t have it?“

He’ll only walk out of this universe if you permit him to recover enough force so that he can have responsibility for what’s going on.

“Oh, no… nothing.“ Needle – WHAM-WHAM!

There isn’t any hidden gimmick; there isn’t anything else he has to think; there isn’t anything he has to believe in, really, to amount to anything to go this way. And you can boot him up this line quite artificially, but what you’re really doing is taking him and putting these boots on him. He has to be fitted with these boots and these boots are called Responsibility.

Of course, he’s out in the middle of space. He’d spatter all over the landscape if he let go of it out there in a vacuum.

The ability to handle force and take the responsibility for the use of it, the ability to create and handle space of any dimension and take the responsibility for handling it.

„Well, all right now. Let’s… what would happen if you took it off?“

He’ll find himself going up the line automatically. There isn’t any funny little gimmick on the thing. It’s just a grim joke you’re playing on him. He thinks he’s been diving and ducking and jumping into the weeds and hiding under the house and so on. And he says, „Well, this is just another way to hide under the house“ – you’ve got him by one ankle; you start pulling him out.

„I can’t take it off, see“ – needle falling. You finally coax him out of this idea, and so forth, you find he’s got a cracked helmet on or something. He’s… he’s practically dying. And you run him on all these incredible situations. He starts to perk up and he gets happier and he gets cheerfuller and he gets to feeling better and he gets to feeling better and better and better. And then he says, „I just thought of some good space opera. But,“ he says, „I think I’ll write a detective story.“ He loses interest in it.

And what do you know? He has to stand eventually. Not by any determinism of his own, really, if you really wanna make it that way. He’ll be standing out in the bright sunlight fully visible before he goes anyplace. He’s gotta be able to take responsibility for all enforcement, and all desire way up the line, and all space before he’ll walk any place.

A lot of your bad science fiction is written by boys who… they were just bad the whole track, but they weren’t very bad. The guys who really write the good stuff, and so forth, boy were they horrible!

So we’ve got that scale going back and forth, and up and down and we find out that there is a bigness which has to grow in the person. And if you don’t see that bigness growing, he’s not on his way out.

What are you laughing about?

And the difference between the preclear that has to be chained down to have the boots put on him and me is, is I never wanted to be a slave and I never had to be. That’s all. I never agreed.

Yeah-yeah. I never wrote any science fiction myself. People think I’ve written it. That’s right. It doesn’t classify as science fiction.

It was very interesting – somebody was talking about science fiction the other day, I wondered how much of all this was science fiction.

There’s ‘One Was Stubborn’. There’s a story which you would be vastly amused about in this class. It appeared in Astounding Stories, many years ago – probably 1940. ‘One Was Stubborn’. It is a civilization which was… it isn’t space opera, see? It’s usually about civilizations, things like that. It was a story about a civilization which was buckling under the terrific agreement on the subject of Christian Science. It was just caving in on it. But there was one guy who didn’t believe in Christian Science. And it’s his fate at the end of the story. It’s called ‘One Was Stubborn’ – a terrific application of what we’re doing right this minute. It’s fascinating.

Well, there’s science fiction and science fiction. Some science fiction’s bad, some science fiction’s good. Unfortunately, for your sakes, this isn’t fiction. I wish it were. If it were just a pleasant afternoon, we could all go on being slaves.

And uh… there was a story called ‘Final Blackout’. Actually it was a political commentary and a character study of an officer, that’s all it was. It’s laid right here on Earth, and a very short time into the future. A lot of these other things.

But unfortunately – unfortunately it doesn’t happen to be fiction. Like the professor – I mean, the chair of physics up there said, „The diabolical accuracy of these predictions will be borne out by the most exacting research and investigation.“ Well, they’re diabolical because they take slaves away from those who would have slaves. And they set man free. And they’ll even set men free who don’t want to be free at all. And I think that is the most… grimmest jest.

Once in a great while I’d write something that had to do with that.

And when it comes to… when it comes to any of these techniques, any of these techniques, they… they add up all the way up – something I talked to you about before, time and time again – uh… freedom. Freedom.

You take the UMS stories, the Ole Doc Methulesah stories and so forth – straight off the record. No fiction to them really. They’re hopped up; that’s about all.

And that freedom is lots of space and ability to use it. That’s freedom – that’s all. That’s all freedom is. It’s… it’s exactly what it says it is. It is the most idiotically literal thing imaginable – freedom. Lots of space and the ability to use it.

Now here we’ve got… real death would be thetan death, and it would lie down below minus 8 here. And uh… you’d get homo sapiens would be somewhere in the neighbourhood… his death would be here, at 0.0.

And then complete freedom is above the level of not needing space. And not even having to agree. That’s… that is above the level of freedom. That is cause itself. And you never saw cause itself ever being worried.

So, let’s take a look here – dead… death, homo sapiens, and let’s find up here is alive. Now let’s do a rising scale processing on the scale of Survival-Dead.

It… Prime Cause has nothing which could enslave it, except itself. Just like there’s really nobody ever going to really pick up this preclear and carry him out of this universe. Nobody’s ever going to do that. He can put boots on; he’ll still have that last mile he has to walk himself.

„What do you think“ – you say this to this preclear – „What’s your idea of your chances of survival?“ Preclear thinks it over for a minute.

And that means that he’ll have to take responsibility for what he does and his force. And not only that, for everything that goes on around him.

Well, answer this question yourself: What’s your idea of your own chance of survival? Just face it bluntly and get what your current opinion is of your chance of survival. Take in all possible fields. What’s your current – opinion?

And we look at the thing that does happen, we look at these people, we look at somebody – gee. He… all he’s got to do is walk into a court and put on the proper defense which has been outlined for him. But he says, „No“ – he can’t do that. He can’t do that. „That’s not possible because all is lost. We all know all is lost.“ He hasn’t taken responsibility for his own profession or his own pride in himself or anything.

All right, now take that opinion, whatever it was, and by the way, what was yours?

What are we looking at? Carrion? That’s how low one can get and that is actually a degradation of sorts which goes below the level of being degraded; because a person who knows he is degraded isn’t very badly. It’s a person who’s terribly degraded and isn’t even vaguely aware of it that’s dead. And you can look around and see these people on every side. And they’re going through and they say, „Nobody has any right to give me any responsibility. I have no responsibility for anything. I… I take responsibility – I’m to blame.“ – something like that. „I’m responsible. This isn’t any job of mine.“

Huh? Inevitable?

They’re going around like that. If you said to him, „Do you feel degraded?“ They’d say, „No no-no. Just now married to Marxism.“ The hell they are. They’re lower than the dogs, because they’re gone and they don’t even know they’re gone. And that’s the horrible part of being gone.

(No, before Scientology it was an awful long time, and now it’s ‘Forever.’)

When one is all the way gone, he ceases to know anything at all. And he doesn’t even know he’s dead.

Oh, it is? Good.

Now on this level, there you see that dwindling spiral adding up, adding up. And it’s the track of agreement all the way down the line. And the agreement leads from Desire to Enforcement to Inhibition in each case. And that requires force and space and as you go down that spiral, you’ll find out there’s less and less space, and less and less space and finally a solid object.

What was yours?

Let’s not have that solid object you.


Let’s take a break.

Okay. What’s yours?


(About the same.)

Is that what you got? Hell, you people aren’t… don’t need it… I mean… Well, did anybody… What was yours?

(Well, I answered the question ‘Very good.’ You asked the question…)

All right. Very good. Your chances of survival are very good. How long?

(I can’t answer that question.)

Ah! We’ve got a ‘don’t know’ survival. „Very good, but I don’t know.“ All right. Let’s take that: „Very good but I don’t know“ and let’s see if we can’t get a higher opinion on it. Just sort of shift it up to a higher, better opinion on it… Well, get that other opinion, kind of hold it for a moment. „Very good, but I really don’t know“ – to a little bit better opinion.

(Excellent here.)

All right, now let’s get it from ‘excellent’ up to a higher opinion.

(There’s two things I can’t get the concept uh… first the chance of survival uh… in relation to time…)


(…chance of survival in relation to uh… well, anything other than time.)



Umm-hmm. There’s a maybe on that somehow. Then there’d be two things: Your chance of survival as homo sapiens?


Well, what’s your opinion of your survival as homo sapiens?

(That’s the ‘very good’, I guess.)

Hmm? Not very good?

(I say, „That is the ‘very good’„.)

Oh, that’s the ‘very good’. How… what about the other one – you don’t know?

(That’s the ‘don’t know’.)

Oh, that’s the ‘don’t know’. We’ve got the ‘don’t know’. All right. Can you take that ‘don’t know’ and shift it any higher as a postulate?

(I don’t quite get the question. How do you…?)

Well, could you shift it up to ‘might be’ from just flatly ‘don’t know’. Could you say „Well, it might… might be able to survive. There might be something there to survive“?

(Well, I think ‘might be’ would be below ‘don’t know’. ‘Don’t know’, to me, is in the middle.)

Oh, that’s in the middle?


What’s above ‘don’t know’?

(Above ‘don’t know’ is uh… ‘good’.)

Good. (Below… below ‘don’t know’ is uh… possibly ‘barely probable’. In other words, ‘don’t know’ is in the middle and sort of uh…)

All right.

(…halfway in between.)

All right; well, can you get a better opinion on it?

(I can get the concept of a better opinion.) But can you GET a better opinion on it? Or does the opinion have to have data?

(That’s right.)


(I think that’s what’s lacking.) All right. So that’s hanging up, and uh… an opinion can hang up or c… condition can originate or generate for the lack of a datum.

In other words, you can get randomity caused by a missing datum. Or you can get a ‘maybe’ caused by a missing datum. So here’s a missing datum showing up preventing a postulate. You could go ahead and ask what he has to know, and so forth.

That’s very good. But when we ask for an upper shift of a postulate, let’s get an upper shift on this one: Right, and down here, Wrong. And uh… where are you on… on Rightness? How right do you think you are?

(Oh, I’m generally right.)

Generally right. Well, you can do better than that. Let’s get this postulate, this concept ‘generally right’ and let’s shift it up higher.

(Well, uh… it doesn’t make any difference uh…)

…If you are right?

(I mean, I’m right as far as I’m concerned and that’s the important thing.)

Uh-huh. Can you shift it higher than that?

(I get the concept that I’m just about always right naturally.)

Good, good, good. Let’s… can we get it any higher than that?

(It’s difficult. Yeah, why not?)

Yeah, okay.

Now actually, we could go through this Chart of Attitudes and just shift like that. You say, „All right. what’s your concept, how right you are?“ See, you’re looking for the right-wrong scale. The guy… whatever he gets, „Okay, let’s get a higher concept of it. Let’s get a better idea of it.“

When he says, „What’s a better idea?“ you kind of explain to him what’s a better idea in your level.

And uh… how responsible are you? Let’s get that. How… how responsible?

(Fully responsible.)


(Fully responsible.)



You’re fully responsible. Okay. How responsible are you?


Fully responsible. Do you really feel responsible? How responsible are you for police?


Okay, let’s raise that concept about responsibility for police.

(We shouldn’t have to have them.)

Umm-hmm. Let’s raise that concept higher than that. (We won’t need to have them.)

Okay, let’s see if we can get any higher on it. Your responsibility for police.

(There isn’t any necessity for them.)

There isn’t any necessity for ‘em! Good. Let’s get it higher than that.

(Well, I won’t have any police in my universe.)

Okay. And so we go on up toward full responsibility on one subject, you see?

And uh… now we could take how… how much of an effect do you think you are? You… how much of an effect do you think of yourself as being?

(An occasional effect.)

An occasional effect. Let’s see if we can boost that up.

(Rarely an effect.)

Okay. Let’s get a higher idea of it.

(One over infinity effect.)

Does that me… really make you feel… does it change any idea in you?


Well, come on. Let’s change your basic concept on the subject of being an effect.

(I may not be an effect – I’m not an effect.)

Aha! Now we’re getting a shift: ‘I’m not an effect’.

(I guess the next thing is ‘I am cause’.)

But you’re not reaching that, though, are you? How close are you coming to it?

(Infinity over one.)

Okay. Now that’s one way of doing Rising Scale Processing. You just explain to your preclear that you’ve got this scale and this scale goes „Survive, Dead; Right, Wrong… How right do you think you are? How responsible do you think you are – do you want to be? And how much do you own? And… and uh… how many people could you be if you had to be,“ and… and so on. You just go across the scale like that.

Now there’s an entirely different way of doing this, and uh… this is also Rising Scale, but you’d call that first Rising Scale as a very gradient scale. That’s very gradient Rising Scale, small step Rising Scale.