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Development of Scientology Data


Okay, I fooled everybody this time, I’ve got some notes; 25 August, 1st Saint Hill ACC, 7th London.

We are, as usual, fighting the line on heel-dragging. A tremendous number of processes get checked out and tested in any ACC, and this has been going on for a very long time. There have been an awful lot of ACCs.

Well, let’s see, it must be something on the order of twenty-two years of work on this particular line — a tremendous amount of data accumulates and gets consolidated, and so forth.

Now, when you look at the vast ocean of data which could be reviewed, and all you have to do is look at it — is to go into some very large city library and look up the books under philosophy, religion, the mind (just all of those sections), sociology, any other allied group; just pick a couple out at random because you wouldn’t be able to move the lot in many trucks. And you will find out that there have been a few data that needed to be combed out and coordinated. If you picked out those two books, you would find that they were violently contradictory — I don’t care what two books you pick out You don’t even have to get as divergent as communism and capitalism — two archaic philosophies which flourished and perished in the twentieth century — in order to understand that there is a divergence on how to govern and rule people.

Now, there’s divergences — there’s divergences. Each one of those lines of philosophy was predicated upon somebody’s ideas and modified by somebody’s experience.

The whole system is erected, no matter what system it is, on a series of fixed data, which, compared to other data, made sense to the people doing it And you could no more take an American citizen and govern him with communism than you could now take a Russian citizen and govern him with capitalism. So there must be something very unfundamental about those two political philosophies, each one of them.

Actually, they’re at tremendous variance simply because one of them — just to give you an idea of the sweepingness of differences of data — one of them says that, “Everybody must have a chance,” (this is communism) “to the exclusion of anybody.” That’s right That’s what it preaches. It says, “Man came from mud, is mud and we’ll make mud out of him for his own good.”

The thing is colored by experience and actuality. Communism has been applied to a race which has been in trouble for a very long time. And as a result its data are not even the pure data that communism began with I think communism is about 1843, ’48, something like that It’s a very, very old philosophy, and it’s been modified, modified, modified, modified, modified. The basic philosophy of it is quite simple, and it says basically that if each one of us does our share and each one of us does our specialty, and if we don’t try to hog the lot — any one of us — why, our community will survive. And that is the basic philosophy of communism, and nobody would argue with that philosophy.

But now we add Lysenko, sputniks, the wrath and anger against possible incursions, the disputes and things which come up, and we get pure idiocy. It’s just jibbering idiocy now.

They have a famous clown who is doing more for the Russian nation than anybody ever heard of, certainly more than another clown named Stalin. And this famous down is packing the Moscow Circus all over the West. But it goes against that basic philosophy that they’ve added onto it, “Everybody must have a chance to the exclusion of anybody.” And they say, “He’s building a cult of the personality, and therefore he must go.” Now, that’s getting pretty loopy. Well, when it applies to circus downs, you see how weird this can get? Very, very fantastic.

In capitalism, we had the exact opposite — the exact opposite was in view. It says, “Anybody can have a chance to the exdusion of everybody.” And it says, “If you can’t borrow it and pay us interest, you can’t live,” some kind of a weird device like that.

United States defense doesn’t realize right now that it fell over the horrible rock of capitalism in 1931 — as early as that And if its defense is in bad shape now, it’s because capitalism will not advance money on something they can’t figure to make money out of right away — short term.

There were tremendous developments extant in those days for which no finance was available because they might not make a profit for another ten or twenty years. Rocketry was absolutely stalled. Fan aircraft was relatively stalled but nevertheless making forward progress — was only relatively stalled. Jet aircraft — absolutely not!

Now, I suppose if an Italian hadn’t been ambitious and flown a plane with a jet-reaction-type motor — actually just another type of fan job it was — and if the British engineer hadn’t been alert to the potentialities of that particular motor and built them here, the US would not now have a jet aircraft They’re all running on British-built or supervised engines taken from the Italians. Somebody down in Italy evidendy thought that he could throw away a few lira developing some kind of a new development Well, that doesn’t say that Italy’s political philosophy at that time was anything to brag about It was something called fascism, and Lord knows, we fought fascism so hard that we can’t figure out what fascism is and what it isn’t.

I’ve tried to, just in summarizing it up on this particular dynamic of the third — tried to show you that any time expediency introduces an arbitrary to the exclusion of the fundamental idea of a body of data, we get a departure from workability.

You see the communist, finally, shaking his fist at the cult of a personality, at last cannot develop individuals who can do a good job. And the capitalist, having a rough time with his balance sheets, and so forth... You know capitalism isn’t what communism says it is. Capitalism is the wonderful trick of making money by loaning it to others at high interest And then, by loaning this money to others at high interest, you never have to do a blessed, cotton-picking thing. You don’t have to take any responsibility for productioa So the worker is left out in the cold, you see?

Now, whatever else capitalism has become since that point — whatever else it’s become, it’s no better for people than communism is.

These political philosophies have all got broken legs at the present time. We’ve seen fascism go down the drain here. We had to go over and knock fascism in the head a couple of decades ago. We’ve had trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble.

Now, what are these basic troubles? They are simply departures from fundamental truths or fundamental intentions. And any time we depart from fundamental intentions which themselves had workability, which become colored tremendously by arbitraries interjected because of fancied experience, we lose truth.

Now, you go down to the library with those truckloads of books, and all you’re looking at is lost truth — that’s all you’re looking at I don’t care if the Greeks said it, I don’t care if it was in the Egyptian’s category of how to make people tame. Well, Egyptians had a philosophy, they had quite a philosophy, but after a while this philosophy was subjugated into the subjugation of people, and it was just how to make them tame.

The Chinese had a philosophy, and after a while they started having trouble with the government So having trouble with the government, they subjugated their philosophy to a point where it was a booby trap.

The Buddhist undoubtedly knew something one time or another, but by the time it had gone through squirrel Lamanism and used to hold down a whole nation, why, it lost its truth and impetus.

We can do the same thing here, except we’re running backwards. The stuck flow of making it all complicated and adapting it for our peculiar use here in this factory, here in this province, here in this-this, here in this-that (you get the idea?) has gone on so long that it’s very easy to run a backward track on the thing and get back to basic fundamentals.

And what do we find about these fundamentals? We find basically what we were trying to do in the first place, and we can codify those fundamentals.

And after a tremendous amount of research and looking over a great many things, we find that enormous quantities of data can be thrown overboard, not necessarily data from this subject but data in the learning of man — man’s learning. Tremendous quantities of this thing — of this Hata — can be given the yo-heave. It can be jettisoned in all directions — it’s what things you don’t have to know in the fields of philosophy and sociology and politics, and so on.

Now actually, if you wish to combat these things, you have to know about them. That’s probably how one gets into being them after a while. So you find now that people are busy publishing papers for people to read on the subject of communism. What’s this but gratuitous dissemination. It’s such a wonderful idea that I have been toying with the idea of putting together a paper on “This is Scientology disseminated so that you can avoid it This is what us medical doctors are all against.” And it’s really straight Scientology, see? It’s an amusing idea.

But this idea of warping views or studying views in order to fight them, of course, short circuits the original path to truth, and one walks off into the bush someplace and flounders around amongst the thorn trees, and he hasn’t anything more to do with truth.

What we started out to do, eventually, is find a common denominator that all mankind shared, and that common denominator was found to be survival. This does happen to be a common denominator to all mankind. It’s very basic; everybody understands that And I had studied in enough heathen countries — oh, various heathen countries, you know — to find out that the boys standing around the war drums or the bus queues were equally satisfied that this was a common denominator, and it did explain and rationalize life.

However, it was a simplicity which had two flanks: There’s destroy on the one side of it and create on the other side of it. And the thing that’s common to all mankind is the cyde-of-action. But this was our first look, “Survive,” and this was quite workable. It lead us into some interesting attempts to rationalize because there couldn’t be any suicide amongst survival, which was a very good thing because we found out people couldn’t die — a thing which isn’t real to some people in the world, but nevertheless is true.

So, you have create-survive-destroy as a common denominator amongst peoples. And these are what people are — think they’re trying to do. That’s what they think they’re trying to do. Actually, they’re only trying to create.

The whole science name changed when this occurred. It had to. The basic datum of existence in Scientology is “creation,” because by continuous creation, we achieve survival. And there is no such thing of something just going on and on in an unchanging state. All right.

So we learned a bit, got a little bit closer to the fundamentals of truth, and those became a little more workable.

And we have to ask now, “What is trying to.. .’’ — the apparency of the action is good enough to use — ‘What is trying to create, survive and destroy? Hm? What is?”

Well, rather conclusively — and we haven’t conducted any experiments on exteriorization for a long time, but it shouldn’t get lost in the shuffle. You know, old Route 1 and that sort of thing — these things are still doable, and they demonstrate clearly that a man is separable from a body. If he’s separable from a body, we must have something which we call a spirit or a beingness which is the person A man doesn’t have a soul, he is one. But we don’t recognize him until he wears a body. And we find him in two universes, at least, that are recognizable, unless we call the body a universe, which is rather a misnomer but is used for just demonstratioa We find him in the universe of a mind, and we find him in the universe of this physical stuff that we keep running into, and the physicists try to blow up.

Now, what possible use is it to know that much simplicity? Well, it means that every problem falls into the six points of the sixth dynamic, which is matter, energy, space, time, form and location.

All right. Now, those take care of all universes that we’re acquainted with or associated with at this time or that anybody is having any trouble with. These are the common denominators; these are the common points of the universe: matter, energy, space, time, location and form. All right.

So that takes care of the physical side of it, and that’s the sixth dynamic.

And the seventh dynamic is the universe of spirit and is the potentiality of — probably amongst other things — but the potentiality of creating matter, energy, space, time, location and form.

So, this creative beingness also is an existing beingness and is measured against the physical universe’s time strata — which this beingness invented, too — is surviving through the time he himself invented. And he is imperishable, but he can get awful unhappy. He can get very unhappy.

Now, if he can get miserable because of his own creations, what’s probably wrong with him is creativeness. Well, he would invent it He would do it and he regrets it because he’s stuck in it.

You just ask somebody, “All right” “Regret something.” “Thank you.” “What are you looking at?”

“Oh,” he’ll say, “I regretted my mother. I got a picture of my mother.”

“Good. Regret your mother some more.” ‘Well, now what’s the picture look like?”

“It’sssss thicker.”

“Well come on, let’s just regret it a little harder. Let’s dream up some new things to regret about mother.”

Next thing you know, the picture will go black. Now, it’s very remarkable, very remarkable.

Now, you say, “All right What do you think about losses? What do you think about losses?”

And he says, “Losses? Losses? Why, I don’t like losses.”

And you say, ‘Well, good.” “Now think about losing something.” “Thank you.” “Think about losing something.” “Thank you.” “Think about losing something.” “Thank you.”

And he gets unhappier and unhappier and unhappier. He’s really getting unhappy now, and again probably it’ll go all black on him.

Now, what does this amount to? Well, it amounts that he regrets that he has something called matter, energy, space, time, form and location, and he regrets losing it.

And we look this over carefully, all that’s wrong with him is, is he doesn’t like it It’s quite remarkable when you look it over. But the whole problem, regardless of all of its significances — fall apart on the seventh and the sixth dynamic The whole thing falls apart on the seventh and sixth. The rest of these things are particularities of one kind or another.

Now, they existed and they exist as compartmented facts out along the top strata before you get an inversion. Now, finally, when the fellow gets too trapped in his own creations and so on, all eight dynamics boil down to the sixth dynamic and at everything is sixth. Everything! And there’s still a little seventh left, though, by which you can realize everything is sixth. When this entirely disappears, you get modem science.

But out of this sixth, we get an inversion. And the thetan tries to reconstruct or reestablish, viewed and modified by his experience with the sixth, the other seven dynamics.

In other words, experience has modified his basic truth. Now do you get what I’m talking about? Experience has modified his basic truth.

He knows experience is very complicated. He knows things are extremely harsh and complicated and full of duress and trappish. That’s fairly certain that there’ll be traps involved anywhere he looks, that it’s mosdy a trap anyway and so on. He doesn’t like to get into things because you can’t get out of them.

If you’ll look over the marriage ceremony for instance: the easiest thing in the world, to get into a marriage, but try and get out of one, you know?

No young swain or young girl ever asked the lawyer — never says to the lawyer, “Now, how much does a license cost and how long does it take to get married?” “How much does a divorce cost and how long does it take to get divorced?” They never ask these two things in this universe; they seem to neglect the facts of the case. But, of course, what are lawyers and courts but more beings doing and playing the same game.

So, they got it all rigged so it’s everything is easy to get into and everything is hard to get out of. Got the idea?

So we must assume, basically, that a thetan likes to be in something but objects to not knowing what he is in. And his main objection probably is along the line of his not-knowingness of what he is objecting to.

Now, if you see a group and they’re very badly enturbulated, you can ask this group what it is upset about Actually, it’s upset because it doesn’t have the gen. And you’ll find out that any trade union-management row is based upon the fact that neither the management nor the trade union have the gem And if you were to give them both a bit of knowingness on the line, you’d tend to knock it out unless there was some more hidden knowingness lying around someplace, in that the trade union was actually being pushed into it by the rival of the company they’re striking against or something of this sort Then it wouldn’t iron out But truth will iron out anything.

Now, to get a subjective reality on truth, it is only necessary to experience and examine truth. If you, in running anything, discover that it is the seventh and the sixth dynamics — in other words, “a” and “more” spirits confronting the physical and subjective universes, both of which are composed of the same materials (and the subjective universe now being a copy of the physical universe) — if these are the only two factors involved in it, the game will disenturbulate rather rapidly unless one is so involved in his experience that he just knows there must be something else to it all.

Now, these additive factors of experience and the complications of experience get us so involved that people do not disenturbulate on their time track simply by looking at the truth of the matter. But the odd part of it is, is that they do disenturbulate somewhat And knowing the basic datum against which they are traveling, they disenturbulate rapidly the more data they inspect.

Now, what does this amount to? It’s the seventh and the sixth. And we find that a person is as bad off as he has lost the ability to be causative. If he’s lost the ability to be causative, why, then he is an effect, and being an effect, he can cause nothing, and this apparently makes him very unhappy.

Now, it’s then necessary to recover the causative and creative ability of the seventh dynamic with regard to the sixth dynamic before a thetan is happy about it Now, there’s where he goes and there’s where he gets happy.

So we have to examine how he messes himself up. He does this by playing overt acts on others and getting them invited into traps and doing weird things to them. So, we’ll have to examine mechanically the anatomy of a trap. And we find the trap is a thought or a being surrounded by motion, and that is a trap. That’s a basic trap by definition. That is all a trap is.

No matter how solid the walls look and how still the walls look, no matter how solid and still the walls of a prison look, they are held there by the motion outside the prison in the prisoner’s mind. He thinks of all these wonderful things he could be doing outside the prison; he’s aware of this motion all the time. Well, if he weren’t so aware of the motion going on outside the prison, let me assure you, he wouldn’t stay in the prison. Nothing could keep him in the prison at all.

If the outside world was the same as the prison or if the prison was full of motion that wasn’t in the outside world, you would unbalance the whole phenomenon of traps. Sounds weird. But, of course, he is educated to believe that if there is a solid wall, there must be motion beyond it And so you will discover in examining a bank, any stuck facsimile has fantastic quantities of motion just on the other side of it — totally (quote) “unsuspected” by the predear.

Unknown creation is the basic target at which auditing is leveled, but it’s unknown creation by a seventh of the sixth. Not only is one unaware of making his own bank, but he’s also unaware of making the physical universe. How much more distahtly is he unaware of that than making his own facsimiles.

So, recovering an awareness of his own facsimiles and their source, action, composition, and so on, we have recovered subjective knowingness and knowledge of the bank far the seventh dynamic about the sixth dynamic. And these are the data which finally fall out of it.

Now, you’ll find out, then, that any fixed datum in a mind, any fixed idea, any fixed beingness, any fixed picture, anything that is fixed is basically an idea or a beingness surrounded and held in place by motion. So, if you can run off the motion and identify the beingness, it’ll blow — you can run off the motion, identify the beingness, it’ll blow. Also, if you could raise the tolerance of the pc for motion and raise his tolerance for beingness, it’d also blow.

Now, all you’re trying to do when you dear somebody is just put his track and bank in shape. You’re not trying to make the bank gone. Read Book One. You’re just trying to put it all in shape so it’ll run. The only reason tracks don’t move, and you don’t see tracks and there’s unreality on tracks and all that sort of thing, is they are stuck! And a person is between two areas of motion. That’s all. And he can’t see the motion for the walls he’s erected against it.

Once in a while, you can get a pc who will lift a screen out in front of his face or something, and you just say to him, “Now, what would happen if you just lifted that screen and looked on the other side of it, you know?” And very often you can get one so innocent that he’ll do this, you know, and he says — he starts to lift it and he says, “Gudp! Lions.” And he says, “Well, what do you know! I’ve been looking at this picture of my mother for years, and what’s behind it? Lions. Now, why should lions be behind a picture of my mother? Well, there’s a mystery.”

Well, of course, he’s found out the thinkingness which has basically gotten him trapped into it, and so forth, is “What have lions had to do with mother, and why is the motion of lions out there and the picture of mother here?” Well, why is it all set up this way?

Well, he’d know all about it if there weren’t some more motion someplace else, maybe rattlesnakes and spaceships, see, that deny him the connective datum between the lions and mother. A tolerance of motion is what you have to regain in order to do this.

Now, the motion is what bars off or interjects arbitraries. A person shuddering away from motion erects a new wall and pretends there’s no motion beyond it so he can be safe. And he’s been at this for many, many, many trillennia to such a degree that he’s no longer safe because he has no place to move because it’s all motion out there. Until he can confront this and straighten this up, why, he’s going to have a very rough time.

There’s the basic rationale on which we are traveling at this time and which has been known to us for quite a while, but it’s also had many trimmings. And looking at it very carefully, now, I think you will see that we’re attacking the fundamental basics of the thing.

Now, when a person can’t have anything, he wastes it So, therefore, wasting and having moves up the line into being able to help something; first thing, you’ve got to have something in order to help it, don’t you see? Well, in order to have it why, you can waste it and get the pc to have it You see, these are little — little root tricks which track back what the person was actually doing.

Now, there’s a lot of people around that are wasting time, so that’s what we are going to let them do in session, except we’ll do it on the basis of the exact seventh/sixth, which is: “Waste a beingness.” “Waste a motion.” ‘Waste a beingness.” Waste a motion.” If that doesn’t kill you off, nothing will.

But what we are up against here: we’re taking apart the exact anatomy of what went together, increasing the pc’s tolerance and familiarity of this thing.

He cannot create because, if he created, it would fill up what space he’s got left And he hasn’t got any space left, it’s already full. So, let’s make some more space, and you’ll find, then, the pc will be brave enough to do a little more creating. So you can bring your creativeness up on that via.

But we pretty well have the vias which walk it back when we process against these fundamentals. And I think you’re going to make it fine. Those that have been making it all right, right from the beginning, and so forth, will continue to make it a little bit faster because we’re now going to give you a beefed-up regimen. We’re going to tear your head off and send it into the office for a Clear bracelet.

We have a good regimen here, a good show of it Most of this material has been, at one time or another, run in HGCs and by me and other people, and so forth. I dreamed up this material back down the track over years and years. You’re actually getting the full impact of something on the order of about twenty-two years of very heavy research in this ACC.

If you survive it, pat yourself on the back — you can survive anything.

Thank you.