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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Cause on All Dynamics (DCL-4a) - L511229c | Сравнить
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- Goal of Processing (The Ideal State of Man) (DCL-3b) - L511229b | Сравнить
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A lecture given on 29 December 1951 A lecture given on 29 December 1951
Self-determined Ability to Handle Facsimiles Self-determined Ability to Handle Facsimiles

This next subject you could call the goal of processing — in other words, what you are trying to do. This has something to do with the ideal state of man. A codification of an ideal state of man — highly ideal, with all of the meaning of ideal thrown in there — would be simply the top band of the Chart of Attitudes. That is an ideal state. Of course, it is very, very mpractlcal. Now, we are taking ideal as opposed to practical, but as an individual approaches this ideal state, he also goes into a practical state. There is a sort of automatic shift into an extroversion as he goes up to-ward this ideal state, and he will stay in a state of action. Life has sort of taken care of that.

This next subject you could call the goal of processing — in other words, what you are trying to do. This has something to do with the ideal state of man. A codification of an ideal state of man — highly ideal, with all of the meaning of ideal thrown in there — would be simply the top band of the Chart of Attitudes. That is an ideal state. Of course, it is very, very mpractlcal. Now, we are taking ideal as opposed to practical, but as an individual approaches this ideal state, he also goes into a practical state. There is a sort of automatic shift into an extroversion as he goes up to-ward this ideal state, and he will stay in a state of action. Life has sort of taken care of that.

You try to get him up the tone scale to this ideal state. If he has lots of circuits and he is pretty bogged and a lot of other things, you can try to beat it into his skull: “Survival is your right and infinite survival is your goal. Now, you understand that.”

You try to get him up the tone scale to this ideal state. If he has lots of circuits and he is pretty bogged and a lot of other things, you can try to beat it into his skull: “Survival is your right and infinite survival is your goal. Now, you understand that.”



“Now, full responsibility is an ideal state. You understand that. You are fully responsible now, aren’t you?”

“Now, full responsibility is an ideal state. You understand that. You are fully responsible now, aren’t you?”



“All right. I guess we got you there. Now, you are in a state of beingness, aren’t you? A complete state of beingness — you understand that?”

“All right. I guess we got you there. Now, you are in a state of beingness, aren’t you? A complete state of beingness — you understand that?”



“All right. You are in that state, aren’t you?”

“All right. You are in that state, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” “You cause everything, don’t you?”

“Yes.” “You cause everything, don’t you?”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Yes. Yes.”

“All right, you’re willing to accept the fact that you cause everything; you don’t desire not to be a cause on anything, do you?”

“All right, you’re willing to accept the fact that you cause everything; you don’t desire not to be a cause on anything, do you?”

“Well, this business about murdering little kids, I don’t . . .”

“Well, this business about murdering little kids, I don’t . . .”

“Well, now, wait a minute. You realize that you cause everything and you . . .”

“Well, now, wait a minute. You realize that you cause everything and you . . .”



“Now, you understand that?”

“Now, you understand that?”



“Okay! You’re in good shape. Get thee hence.”

“Okay! You’re in good shape. Get thee hence.”

That would be an educational level of doingness. It has certain drawbacks. You are going to find a lot of preclears that are suddenly going to charge off at about 1.5 or something like that and say, “Well, I’m self-determined now!”

That would be an educational level of doingness. It has certain drawbacks. You are going to find a lot of preclears that are suddenly going to charge off at about 1.5 or something like that and say, “Well, I’m self-determined now!”

Actually, the attributes of self-determinism are identical with the attributes of theta all the way up the line. But if you really boost somebody up this tone scale they are going to suddenly fly out of your hands someplace along the line. This is not out of orneriness or blame or something of the sort; they are just going to get very active. It doesn’t matter what they get active in; they get very active. They have hit somewhere around their tolerance of randomity and so forth; they are not introverted anymore. They extrovert. In other words, available energy is being applied to the world and people around them, rather than being applied to the past or even to any great degree the present. They do a lot of future planning, a lot of action; every effort is into the future.

Actually, the attributes of self-determinism are identical with the attributes of theta all the way up the line. But if you really boost somebody up this tone scale they are going to suddenly fly out of your hands someplace along the line. This is not out of orneriness or blame or something of the sort; they are just going to get very active. It doesn’t matter what they get active in; they get very active. They have hit somewhere around their tolerance of randomity and so forth; they are not introverted anymore. They extrovert. In other words, available energy is being applied to the world and people around them, rather than being applied to the past or even to any great degree the present. They do a lot of future planning, a lot of action; every effort is into the future.

Let’s take this business of survival. It may be that an individual can say to himself “Well, I’m going to survive forever” and lay in a postulate of that character and go on and do so. For some reason or other, every once in a while somebody in the past has walked into a monastery or gotten interested in engineering design or begun to raise flowers and just sort of automatically done it.

Let’s take this business of survival. It may be that an individual can say to himself “Well, I’m going to survive forever” and lay in a postulate of that character and go on and do so. For some reason or other, every once in a while somebody in the past has walked into a monastery or gotten interested in engineering design or begun to raise flowers and just sort of automatically done it.

By the way, pick up a Florist’s Guide sometime. These fellows are always in the future. They always want to see what is growing; they always want to see what is going to happen to these plants tomorrow. They have a couple of new breeds coming along and they are working out there in the slush and rain and going into the hot hothouse and out into the cold atmosphere all winter long. You would say, “Why, these guys would be in horrible condition.” No, they are not. You pick up a Florist’s Guide and the obituary in it says, “Smith, J: automobile wreck, age 96,” and so on. That is about the way those ages run — from 90 to about 110. This is really wonderful, and it is because their environment says “future” and of course their environment is actually full of life. They are growing things; their activity is very constructive.

By the way, pick up a Florist’s Guide sometime. These fellows are always in the future. They always want to see what is growing; they always want to see what is going to happen to these plants tomorrow. They have a couple of new breeds coming along and they are working out there in the slush and rain and going into the hot hothouse and out into the cold atmosphere all winter long. You would say, “Why, these guys would be in horrible condition.” No, they are not. You pick up a Florist’s Guide and the obituary in it says, “Smith, J: automobile wreck, age 96,” and so on. That is about the way those ages run — from 90 to about 110. This is really wonderful, and it is because their environment says “future” and of course their environment is actually full of life. They are growing things; their activity is very constructive.

Now, you would expect a maternity ward to be a little bit grim here and there. But you take a really big maternity ward like the one in Bethesda Naval Hospitall (just why the navy has to have a maternity ward is beside the point, but it does have one; it is an enormous ward and all the senators’ wives and congressmen’s wives and admirals’ wives and second-class seamen’s wives go there and have their babies), you go by it in the elevator and if you see somebody from that floor, you really know it’s the maternity ward. The nurses are way up the tone scale, they are just beaming and full of smiles, energy, enthusiasm. It isn’t that it is well-managed; it is just that there is new life. They are dealing exclusively in futures — utterly and completely in physical, living futures.

Now, you would expect a maternity ward to be a little bit grim here and there. But you take a really big maternity ward like the one in Bethesda Naval Hospitall (just why the navy has to have a maternity ward is beside the point, but it does have one; it is an enormous ward and all the senators’ wives and congressmen’s wives and admirals’ wives and second-class seamen’s wives go there and have their babies), you go by it in the elevator and if you see somebody from that floor, you really know it’s the maternity ward. The nurses are way up the tone scale, they are just beaming and full of smiles, energy, enthusiasm. It isn’t that it is well-managed; it is just that there is new life. They are dealing exclusively in futures — utterly and completely in physical, living futures.

You see a little baby suddenly appear in the children’s ward behind the glass, and three or four days go by and the child’s head shape is getting a lot better. The fathers are nervous and that is something to be joked about. The mothers come out of it and they are glad to see their babies most of the time. The doctors, the interns and the nurses that work in this ward are just up in the clouds all the time. It is a very cheerful thing to walk through the corridors on that floor.

You see a little baby suddenly appear in the children’s ward behind the glass, and three or four days go by and the child’s head shape is getting a lot better. The fathers are nervous and that is something to be joked about. The mothers come out of it and they are glad to see their babies most of the time. The doctors, the interns and the nurses that work in this ward are just up in the clouds all the time. It is a very cheerful thing to walk through the corridors on that floor.

That is action in the physical universe having to do with futures, and that is an ideal state of mind; it reflects itself in being very healthy and so forth.

That is action in the physical universe having to do with futures, and that is an ideal state of mind; it reflects itself in being very healthy and so forth.

Now, we are talking about an ideal state of being. A person to some degree, if he is in a happy state of mind, is right along that band. He is plotting into futures, he is working with futures, he is in action, he is traveling at a high level of motion. There isn’t very much in his environ that will block him, oddly enough; nothing much happens to him because he computes very easily on what is going to happen. He isn’t nervous about it. His computations are quite correct.

Now, we are talking about an ideal state of being. A person to some degree, if he is in a happy state of mind, is right along that band. He is plotting into futures, he is working with futures, he is in action, he is traveling at a high level of motion. There isn’t very much in his environ that will block him, oddly enough; nothing much happens to him because he computes very easily on what is going to happen. He isn’t nervous about it. His computations are quite correct.

We are a little bit out of luck in Dianetics to this degree: at least at this time, in order to make people progress into the future we have to handle a lot of past. We sometimes fail some individual. We try to do something for him and every once in a while we don’t do it and we blame ourselves for that and we go down the tone scale. This is a very bad business and it is something that an auditor should safeguard against.

We are a little bit out of luck in Dianetics to this degree: at least at this time, in order to make people progress into the future we have to handle a lot of past. We sometimes fail some individual. We try to do something for him and every once in a while we don’t do it and we blame ourselves for that and we go down the tone scale. This is a very bad business and it is something that an auditor should safeguard against.

The funny part of it is that all the auditor has to do is keep himself up at a rather high level of motion and he can fail all over the place for quite a period of time before he has to be put back up there again. Remember, though, he has to be put back up there again.

The funny part of it is that all the auditor has to do is keep himself up at a rather high level of motion and he can fail all over the place for quite a period of time before he has to be put back up there again. Remember, though, he has to be put back up there again.

Theoretically, he can reach that level and not be driven down from it again. No doubt this is the case, particularly if you review his whole lifetime and get it squared around.

Theoretically, he can reach that level and not be driven down from it again. No doubt this is the case, particularly if you review his whole lifetime and get it squared around.

But how do we go about both securing ourselves as auditors and securing our preclears into some action state of being? By motion, the handling of motion, action. Even if you are sitting around plotting and thinking and wondering and scratching your head about this and that, you can still indulge in some action. It is actually action to straighten out a preclear.

But how do we go about both securing ourselves as auditors and securing our preclears into some action state of being? By motion, the handling of motion, action. Even if you are sitting around plotting and thinking and wondering and scratching your head about this and that, you can still indulge in some action. It is actually action to straighten out a preclear.

Now, there is one little question in Dianetics that someday will get answered. Why do we have to handle any of a person’s yesterday to make him look into tomorrow? That is an interesting question. We can see as we look down a person’s life track that it is an awful lot of yesterday, and any time we take in trying to straighten out that yesterday is that much tomorrow that we haven’t been plotting into. So it is interesting: Why should we have to handle yesterday?

Now, there is one little question in Dianetics that someday will get answered. Why do we have to handle any of a person’s yesterday to make him look into tomorrow? That is an interesting question. We can see as we look down a person’s life track that it is an awful lot of yesterday, and any time we take in trying to straighten out that yesterday is that much tomorrow that we haven’t been plotting into. So it is interesting: Why should we have to handle yesterday?

When an individual is incapable of handling himself to his fullest extent and is being handled to a marked degree by his environment, the only way we know at this time to straighten him out is to straighten out the reasons why he cannot handle his own memory. We keep the environment from handling him by making it difficult for the environment to handle his memory.

When an individual is incapable of handling himself to his fullest extent and is being handled to a marked degree by his environment, the only way we know at this time to straighten him out is to straighten out the reasons why he cannot handle his own memory. We keep the environment from handling him by making it difficult for the environment to handle his memory.

This is an indirect approach. It should not be lost sight of that it is an indirect approach, since that would occlude a future worker in these lines from suddenly blasting through with a technique which would have to do solely with now and tomorrow and which would just do a “yesterdayectomy” on the preclear.

This is an indirect approach. It should not be lost sight of that it is an indirect approach, since that would occlude a future worker in these lines from suddenly blasting through with a technique which would have to do solely with now and tomorrow and which would just do a “yesterdayectomy” on the preclear.

There is a mechanical means of doing “yesterday-ectomies.” You see it all the time: The individual fails markedly and decides to be somebody else. He comes up on the other side as a valence shift. This was life’s rather poor answer to how to go about this. He goes through these failure cycles and comes up as somebody else.

There is a mechanical means of doing “yesterday-ectomies.” You see it all the time: The individual fails markedly and decides to be somebody else. He comes up on the other side as a valence shift. This was life’s rather poor answer to how to go about this. He goes through these failure cycles and comes up as somebody else.

Every once in a while an in dividual chan ge s his environ ment and changes his identity to some degree and succeeds wonderfully and is very healthful as somebody else — every once in a while. One doesn’t succeed anytime, though, to the degree that he should, because his yesterday will eventually catch up with him.

Every once in a while an in dividual chan ge s his environ ment and changes his identity to some degree and succeeds wonderfully and is very healthful as somebody else — every once in a while. One doesn’t succeed anytime, though, to the degree that he should, because his yesterday will eventually catch up with him.

Now, the manic-depressive, historically — as well as hysterically — falls off from a manic, saying, “Oh, boy! Oh, gee! Oh, boy! Oh, great, fine! Euphoria! Great! Great!”

Now, the manic-depressive, historically — as well as hysterically — falls off from a manic, saying, “Oh, boy! Oh, gee! Oh, boy! Oh, great, fine! Euphoria! Great! Great!”

And you say, “What are you thinking about?”

And you say, “What are you thinking about?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Well, we’re thinking these big thoughts and . . . big thoughts and . . .”

“Oh, I don’t know. Well, we’re thinking these big thoughts and . . . big thoughts and . . .”

“What thoughts?”

“What thoughts?”

“Well, we’re just thinking them. What are you questioning them for? You want to put me in a depressive cycle?”

“Well, we’re just thinking them. What are you questioning them for? You want to put me in a depressive cycle?”

That is the tune of it. He is not thinking. He is in an engram, actually — a simple, mechanical engram, just as mechanical as you read about in the first book. This engram has two points on its curve. Point one is way up at the top of the scale and the other point is way down at the bottom. That is an emotional curve.

That is the tune of it. He is not thinking. He is in an engram, actually — a simple, mechanical engram, just as mechanical as you read about in the first book. This engram has two points on its curve. Point one is way up at the top of the scale and the other point is way down at the bottom. That is an emotional curve.

So any time you run into this character, you are running into a very interesting setup which we get when we examine a facsimile.

So any time you run into this character, you are running into a very interesting setup which we get when we examine a facsimile.

We take an individual who is at about 2.5 and we start operating on him; we put some gas to his nose or something of the sort and we start him down the line. And what do you know? He goes through a complete tone scale. He goes from 2.5 down to practically zero. There is the emotional curve. It is the middle of every engram.

We take an individual who is at about 2.5 and we start operating on him; we put some gas to his nose or something of the sort and we start him down the line. And what do you know? He goes through a complete tone scale. He goes from 2.5 down to practically zero. There is the emotional curve. It is the middle of every engram.

Every tone level below the level the preclear is chronically at is in every incident of unconsciousness. He may be starting into this thing at 1.1. This operation actually starts at the moment when he hears he is going to be operated on. He starts coming down the tone scale with the idea and then when he is actually starting to go unconscious he is probably down around fear. He will do a fluctuation into anger and then he will slide on down off anger into fear and down into grief and then into apathy. Then he will gradually climb up out of this on the same levels.

Every tone level below the level the preclear is chronically at is in every incident of unconsciousness. He may be starting into this thing at 1.1. This operation actually starts at the moment when he hears he is going to be operated on. He starts coming down the tone scale with the idea and then when he is actually starting to go unconscious he is probably down around fear. He will do a fluctuation into anger and then he will slide on down off anger into fear and down into grief and then into apathy. Then he will gradually climb up out of this on the same levels.

You do a cross section on any engram and you will find the emotional tone of that cross section. An engram is not a monotone: it is in a curve. You want to do a complete emotional curve on an engram; you get the emotion before, the depth emotion and the last emotion of recovery.

You do a cross section on any engram and you will find the emotional tone of that cross section. An engram is not a monotone: it is in a curve. You want to do a complete emotional curve on an engram; you get the emotion before, the depth emotion and the last emotion of recovery.

By the way, that is a very interesting one and you mustn’t overlook it because it is relief. The fellow hears that it is all over now, so he is in a state of relief. You ask your preclear what he wants and he will very often tell you he wants relief. Where do you find relief? If you scan all the relief in the bank you will find him at the end of every accident and every operation just after it is over. And what kind of shape is he in? He is all bandaged up, he is sick at his stomach and so on; that is relief!

By the way, that is a very interesting one and you mustn’t overlook it because it is relief. The fellow hears that it is all over now, so he is in a state of relief. You ask your preclear what he wants and he will very often tell you he wants relief. Where do you find relief? If you scan all the relief in the bank you will find him at the end of every accident and every operation just after it is over. And what kind of shape is he in? He is all bandaged up, he is sick at his stomach and so on; that is relief!

You run an emotional curve, then, which goes down and up. You start running this emotional curve down and up, down and up, and you will actually start disconnecting engrams from this individual without running them. I will go into that in a moment.

You run an emotional curve, then, which goes down and up. You start running this emotional curve down and up, down and up, and you will actually start disconnecting engrams from this individual without running them. I will go into that in a moment.

What is a manic-depressive? A manic-depressive is an individual who, because of a phrase or an effort or a restimulation — no more and no less — climbs way up the tone scale; there is just a small peak, and he hits this peak and then dives off it again and goes on with the engram. That peak is very fragile. It has been observed many times that a person stays on the manic less and less and in the depressive more and more. That is because the emotional curve of failure does what? We are really talking about key-in, aren’t we? Now we have the answer to key-in.

What is a manic-depressive? A manic-depressive is an individual who, because of a phrase or an effort or a restimulation — no more and no less — climbs way up the tone scale; there is just a small peak, and he hits this peak and then dives off it again and goes on with the engram. That peak is very fragile. It has been observed many times that a person stays on the manic less and less and in the depressive more and more. That is because the emotional curve of failure does what? We are really talking about key-in, aren’t we? Now we have the answer to key-in.

A key-in is just a continual failure. The drop of emotion, which is natural to existence, can all of a sudden tie up with one of these engrams. And if a person gets enough of these emotional curves just in the analytical business of living, he will pick up more and more of these engrams until his whole bank looks like that curve.

A key-in is just a continual failure. The drop of emotion, which is natural to existence, can all of a sudden tie up with one of these engrams. And if a person gets enough of these emotional curves just in the analytical business of living, he will pick up more and more of these engrams until his whole bank looks like that curve.

We are not ki cking out the window the first book or engra ms or sec ondaries. They are still there, but we have to know how to handle them a lot faster than we have ever known how to before. So let’s know their upper strata of anatomy. We find out in the first place that emotion is the thing which latches them on so that “I” can hold on to them. The “I” can hold on to them by emotion. We find out that when we get the emotion off we really start straightening things out.

We are not ki cking out the window the first book or engra ms or sec ondaries. They are still there, but we have to know how to handle them a lot faster than we have ever known how to before. So let’s know their upper strata of anatomy. We find out in the first place that emotion is the thing which latches them on so that “I” can hold on to them. The “I” can hold on to them by emotion. We find out that when we get the emotion off we really start straightening things out.

We find quite often that one of these engrams has got effort surrounding its emotion and that you really can’t get to its emotion at all because there is too much effort on it. All of a sudden effort seems to be indicated in running the thing. You run the effort for a moment and suddenly emotion and thoughts come out of it. That is when you use Effort Processing.

We find quite often that one of these engrams has got effort surrounding its emotion and that you really can’t get to its emotion at all because there is too much effort on it. All of a sudden effort seems to be indicated in running the thing. You run the effort for a moment and suddenly emotion and thoughts come out of it. That is when you use Effort Processing.

But as soon as e motion starts to show up after using Effort Pro cess ing , why go on using effort? What you do at that point is start running emotional curves, and the darned incident will disconnect. Because what holds it to the case? Effort doesn’t hold it to the case. Effort is just effort: You get in your car, you slam the door, you put on the brakes — effort, effort, effort, miscalculation. You start to open a drawer and you have to yank and bang at it. You mean to tell me this is aberrative? No, it is not. This is just incident to living in a rather patched-up society which doesn’t make drawers and doors so they handle easily.

But as soon as e motion starts to show up after using Effort Pro cess ing , why go on using effort? What you do at that point is start running emotional curves, and the darned incident will disconnect. Because what holds it to the case? Effort doesn’t hold it to the case. Effort is just effort: You get in your car, you slam the door, you put on the brakes — effort, effort, effort, miscalculation. You start to open a drawer and you have to yank and bang at it. You mean to tell me this is aberrative? No, it is not. This is just incident to living in a rather patched-up society which doesn’t make drawers and doors so they handle easily.

But that effort can remind an individual who is already well down the tone scale that he has been balked before. And the emotion which he starts to exhibit can all of a sudden start to tie on to some old engram, and there he goes. What is happening to him?

But that effort can remind an individual who is already well down the tone scale that he has been balked before. And the emotion which he starts to exhibit can all of a sudden start to tie on to some old engram, and there he goes. What is happening to him?

Doing an analysis of this, we find something very, very simple is happening to him: He is failing to handle his own facsimiles, and that is all that is happening to him. He is not handling his own facsimiles.

Doing an analysis of this, we find something very, very simple is happening to him: He is failing to handle his own facsimiles, and that is all that is happening to him. He is not handling his own facsimiles.

That is all that can happen to an individual, evidently: his own facsimiles go out of his control. So our study is how to put these facsimiles back into his control or how to disconnect them so he can’t handle them — so they just fly off someplace and that is the end of them. And in a lowtonescale case that is what you do: you just throw these facsimiles out. He would try to reach out and he would be reaching for thin air — that’s a big joke on him.

That is all that can happen to an individual, evidently: his own facsimiles go out of his control. So our study is how to put these facsimiles back into his control or how to disconnect them so he can’t handle them — so they just fly off someplace and that is the end of them. And in a lowtonescale case that is what you do: you just throw these facsimiles out. He would try to reach out and he would be reaching for thin air — that’s a big joke on him.

Then you pick him up along the line and you get him up to a point where he can do anything he wants with them. That is the state you are trying to get him into. That is self-determinism. Selfdeterminism includes the handling of one’s own memories. If one cannot handle one’s own memories, then the environment can handle them for him and that is restimulation.

Then you pick him up along the line and you get him up to a point where he can do anything he wants with them. That is the state you are trying to get him into. That is self-determinism. Selfdeterminism includes the handling of one’s own memories. If one cannot handle one’s own memories, then the environment can handle them for him and that is restimulation.

It is pretty low on the tone scale, this restimulation of the engram. It only happens to individuals who are being very thoroughly handled by their environment. Think about that for a minute.

It is pretty low on the tone scale, this restimulation of the engram. It only happens to individuals who are being very thoroughly handled by their environment. Think about that for a minute.

You start working on self-determinism and you will get your preclear going on up the tone scale at a heck of a rush. He will get up to a point where he can really handle these things and do anything he wants with them. This means you will have him up to a point where a silly tune won’t get into his head and start going round and round and round. That is just a facsimile he is not handling. He wanted to be affected by the tune, so he is being affected by it. He doesn’t know how to keep himself from being affected by it, so he can’t lay it aside when he wants to.

You start working on self-determinism and you will get your preclear going on up the tone scale at a heck of a rush. He will get up to a point where he can really handle these things and do anything he wants with them. This means you will have him up to a point where a silly tune won’t get into his head and start going round and round and round. That is just a facsimile he is not handling. He wanted to be affected by the tune, so he is being affected by it. He doesn’t know how to keep himself from being affected by it, so he can’t lay it aside when he wants to.

Most minds would be some file clerk sitting in an enormous central filing system, and this file clerk has been told that he is in charge of all these files: There he sits and the file drawers slide open and packages start flying out of them. The whole file on the subject of automobiles moves over one day and somebody drops a steel curtain in between him and it. It is over there someplace, but he can’t tell you much about automobiles. He finally gets so he is just in a state of apathy.

Most minds would be some file clerk sitting in an enormous central filing system, and this file clerk has been told that he is in charge of all these files: There he sits and the file drawers slide open and packages start flying out of them. The whole file on the subject of automobiles moves over one day and somebody drops a steel curtain in between him and it. It is over there someplace, but he can’t tell you much about automobiles. He finally gets so he is just in a state of apathy.

The file clerk stops working when a fellow goes way down the tone scale. It just sits there in apathy; the packages fly this way and they go that way, lines get connected this way and that way and the files get scrambled; a wind blows in through the window and it mixes them all up. He says, “Well, I guess that’s just the way things are. The environment is handling me.” That is the state an individual gets into.

The file clerk stops working when a fellow goes way down the tone scale. It just sits there in apathy; the packages fly this way and they go that way, lines get connected this way and that way and the files get scrambled; a wind blows in through the window and it mixes them all up. He says, “Well, I guess that’s just the way things are. The environment is handling me.” That is the state an individual gets into.

How do you put him back into a better state? Do you have to pick up every file, dust it off, find the proper filing place and put it back in place? God help us if we had to do that. That was actually, to some degree, what we were trying to do not too long ago. It is much too long a job and I hate filing anyway. Let’s just fix up the file clerk so he can go to work and do it anyhow. Let’s put personnel on the job. Let’s get the preclear into a situation where he can handle all of these things and then cut him loose.

How do you put him back into a better state? Do you have to pick up every file, dust it off, find the proper filing place and put it back in place? God help us if we had to do that. That was actually, to some degree, what we were trying to do not too long ago. It is much too long a job and I hate filing anyway. Let’s just fix up the file clerk so he can go to work and do it anyhow. Let’s put personnel on the job. Let’s get the preclear into a situation where he can handle all of these things and then cut him loose.

You will find that when you get him into a place where he can handle all of these things, he starts a rather progressive advance right on up the tone scale. He will walk along through life and he will see something and it will remind him of something else and that will remind him of something else. He will say, “What the — why was I ever worried about palm trees? Oh, yes! Yes,” and that’s that — boom! — it is gone, and he isn’t even thinking about it.

You will find that when you get him into a place where he can handle all of these things, he starts a rather progressive advance right on up the tone scale. He will walk along through life and he will see something and it will remind him of something else and that will remind him of something else. He will say, “What the — why was I ever worried about palm trees? Oh, yes! Yes,” and that’s that — boom! — it is gone, and he isn’t even thinking about it.

One day he will get so doggone extroverted and so intense on this new project that when you say, “Well, did you get it all straightened out?” he says, “Did I get all what straightened out?” “Don’t you remember? Auditing.”

One day he will get so doggone extroverted and so intense on this new project that when you say, “Well, did you get it all straightened out?” he says, “Did I get all what straightened out?” “Don’t you remember? Auditing.”

“Oh, yes, yes. Yes sir, that was a good session. That was a good session. Best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks ever so much. Say, by the way, would you like to buy a block of stock in . . . ?” He comes up above the level, eventually, where he thinks he has to buy any license to survive.

“Oh, yes, yes. Yes sir, that was a good session. That was a good session. Best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks ever so much. Say, by the way, would you like to buy a block of stock in . . . ?” He comes up above the level, eventually, where he thinks he has to buy any license to survive.

Now, you might think offhand the society would probably fly completely to pieces and everybody would stop cooperating with everybody else and it would be entirely chaotic if everybody became completely, fully responsible and off on their own concerns. Maybe it would! But apparently, from what small indications we have, it doesn’t. It just starts to work a lot smoother and individuals in it become a lot healthier.

Now, you might think offhand the society would probably fly completely to pieces and everybody would stop cooperating with everybody else and it would be entirely chaotic if everybody became completely, fully responsible and off on their own concerns. Maybe it would! But apparently, from what small indications we have, it doesn’t. It just starts to work a lot smoother and individuals in it become a lot healthier.

The main goal, then, has to do with the facsimile, and we could classify this as “facsimile, handling of.” Your knowledge which is under that heading should be classified as very important. Anything that comes under that classification is more important than “facsimile, erasing of” or “facsimile, reduction of.” Much more important is “handling of” — by the preclear himself.

The main goal, then, has to do with the facsimile, and we could classify this as “facsimile, handling of.” Your knowledge which is under that heading should be classified as very important. Anything that comes under that classification is more important than “facsimile, erasing of” or “facsimile, reduction of.” Much more important is “handling of” — by the preclear himself.

You have to know how to handle people’s facsimiles before they can handle them. The preclear isn’t handling his and you as an auditor are the environment, so you have to know how to handle his facsimiles.

You have to know how to handle people’s facsimiles before they can handle them. The preclear isn’t handling his and you as an auditor are the environment, so you have to know how to handle his facsimiles.

By the way, you could probably process a person by processing him on all the people he was trying to process while he was busy growing up. “What would you like to have reformed in so-and-so?”

By the way, you could probably process a person by processing him on all the people he was trying to process while he was busy growing up. “What would you like to have reformed in so-and-so?”

Now, in the handling of a facsimile, first you have to realize what a facsimile is. It is a recording through all perceptions of the environment plus a recording of the thought, evaluation and conclusion — considering that a person himself is part of his own environment. That is a facsimile. It is a motion picture, a smellie, everything, across the boards — a wonderful motion picture in technicolor and so forth. This would be a full facsimile. This is data.

Now, in the handling of a facsimile, first you have to realize what a facsimile is. It is a recording through all perceptions of the environment plus a recording of the thought, evaluation and conclusion — considering that a person himself is part of his own environment. That is a facsimile. It is a motion picture, a smellie, everything, across the boards — a wonderful motion picture in technicolor and so forth. This would be a full facsimile. This is data.

Once upon a time we were overstressing the need of sonic and visio and all the rest of this stuff. I don’t know that a person at 20.0 has any sonic and visio. I can tell you this: A person at 1.1 who has a tremendous amount of regret has a complete sonic dub-in track. I can tell you that, certainly, and I can tell you that if you take somebody at around 4.0 who is carrying forward a life continuum for somebody else, you will find he can shut off his sonic and visio and you can turn them back on again. But I don’t know that you could persuade anybody at 20.0 — though the facsimiles might be there, complete — to look at them. So this would be the same thing as saying they aren’t there, because you are never going to look at them. It comes out to that old cockeyed argument: Would there be a sound if a tree fell in a forest and a man wasn’t there? I have already brought an individual up above the level where he stops doing anything with sonic and visio; he is getting instantaneous computational data.

Once upon a time we were overstressing the need of sonic and visio and all the rest of this stuff. I don’t know that a person at 20.0 has any sonic and visio. I can tell you this: A person at 1.1 who has a tremendous amount of regret has a complete sonic dub-in track. I can tell you that, certainly, and I can tell you that if you take somebody at around 4.0 who is carrying forward a life continuum for somebody else, you will find he can shut off his sonic and visio and you can turn them back on again. But I don’t know that you could persuade anybody at 20.0 — though the facsimiles might be there, complete — to look at them. So this would be the same thing as saying they aren’t there, because you are never going to look at them. It comes out to that old cockeyed argument: Would there be a sound if a tree fell in a forest and a man wasn’t there? I have already brought an individual up above the level where he stops doing anything with sonic and visio; he is getting instantaneous computational data.

So handling a facsimile also includes what you select out of the facsimile and how you read facsimiles. I would like to see somebody do a paper on that; I don’t know yet. But I do know this: You can select any part of a facsimile you want if you are really self-determined. You can select out its effort, you can select out its emotion, you can select out its thought patterns, you can select out its perceptics. Any of these things could be selected out of it.

So handling a facsimile also includes what you select out of the facsimile and how you read facsimiles. I would like to see somebody do a paper on that; I don’t know yet. But I do know this: You can select any part of a facsimile you want if you are really self-determined. You can select out its effort, you can select out its emotion, you can select out its thought patterns, you can select out its perceptics. Any of these things could be selected out of it.

But I don’t know that a person at 20.0 has any truck whatsoever with recalls as such. I am giving that to you bluntly; maybe I am up above the point where I rationalize. But there is a point for you: If you are trying to rehabilitate somebody’s sonic and visio as your goal in auditing, you evidently are going to keep him down along the line someplace where he does this. It is no goal. It isn’t worth it. This fellow is going to know everything there is to know, when he really gets up there, without recalling it laboriously, because recalls are not done in time. There is no time in a facsimile. There is a time tab and it says “August 3, 1942, 2:01 A.M.,” but he doesn’t even read that at this high level. He just happens to know that that is the datum.

But I don’t know that a person at 20.0 has any truck whatsoever with recalls as such. I am giving that to you bluntly; maybe I am up above the point where I rationalize. But there is a point for you: If you are trying to rehabilitate somebody’s sonic and visio as your goal in auditing, you evidently are going to keep him down along the line someplace where he does this. It is no goal. It isn’t worth it. This fellow is going to know everything there is to know, when he really gets up there, without recalling it laboriously, because recalls are not done in time. There is no time in a facsimile. There is a time tab and it says “August 3, 1942, 2:01 A.M.,” but he doesn’t even read that at this high level. He just happens to know that that is the datum.

If you ask him “What time did this happen?” he would probably tell you if he weren’t too interested in something else. Don’t think that a person who has been rehabilitated is even going to be necessarily polite.

If you ask him “What time did this happen?” he would probably tell you if he weren’t too interested in something else. Don’t think that a person who has been rehabilitated is even going to be necessarily polite.

Now, a unit facsimile would be any consecutive related experience, in motion and so forth. Actually, it would contain as many recordings or as many separate pictures as sight needs in order to produce motion — 75 to 125 pictures a second. But maybe this experience lasted for a week. Maybe somebody got married and at the end of the week got divorced. Maybe somebody had an automobile accident; maybe somebody gave him a piece of cake. Each one of these things would be a unit facsimile. It would be a related experience. So you can see how variable its definition could be, but nevertheless it is only variable in terms of subject and time.

Now, a unit facsimile would be any consecutive related experience, in motion and so forth. Actually, it would contain as many recordings or as many separate pictures as sight needs in order to produce motion — 75 to 125 pictures a second. But maybe this experience lasted for a week. Maybe somebody got married and at the end of the week got divorced. Maybe somebody had an automobile accident; maybe somebody gave him a piece of cake. Each one of these things would be a unit facsimile. It would be a related experience. So you can see how variable its definition could be, but nevertheless it is only variable in terms of subject and time.

Related subject: “When I was in college . . .” Theoretically, lying there is a four-year or sixyear unit facsimile; this is the first one he presents. “. . . I was living in the south dorm.” That cuts it down to a much smaller facsimile. “And I had a roommate, and one night” (this is getting much shorter) “we went to see this girl.” This is a little tiny facsimile we are talking about now. That is the way things get introduced: big block, then smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, and then the facsimile he wants to talk about.

Related subject: “When I was in college . . .” Theoretically, lying there is a four-year or sixyear unit facsimile; this is the first one he presents. “. . . I was living in the south dorm.” That cuts it down to a much smaller facsimile. “And I had a roommate, and one night” (this is getting much shorter) “we went to see this girl.” This is a little tiny facsimile we are talking about now. That is the way things get introduced: big block, then smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller, and then the facsimile he wants to talk about.

Now, the person who is being handled by the environment says, “When I was in college — I forget which year it was — I had a roommate whose name was . . . Well, anyway, one night . . . What was I talking about?” This person is not handling his facsimiles. You want to get him up to where he handles them easily, swiftly and well. The only point that you will be able to get him to is the point where he becomes self-determined about handling them, and he is then going to fly out of your hands. Then you say, “Well, that’s the end of that preclear.” That is what will happen. You are not going to put anybody up at 20.0. You might put somebody at

Now, the person who is being handled by the environment says, “When I was in college — I forget which year it was — I had a roommate whose name was . . . Well, anyway, one night . . . What was I talking about?” This person is not handling his facsimiles. You want to get him up to where he handles them easily, swiftly and well. The only point that you will be able to get him to is the point where he becomes self-determined about handling them, and he is then going to fly out of your hands. Then you say, “Well, that’s the end of that preclear.” That is what will happen. You are not going to put anybody up at 20.0. You might put somebody at

3.5 or 4.0, but he will go on up if he is going to go. And if he isn’t going to go and you can’t put him any further anyhow, so what? There are lots of preclears!

3.5 or 4.0, but he will go on up if he is going to go. And if he isn’t going to go and you can’t put him any further anyhow, so what? There are lots of preclears!

You get him up above this band of 2.0 and he is not going to murder anybody, he is not going to kill himself, he is not going to work active harm in the society, he is not going to buy the crime of omission — which we very often forget is a crime.

You get him up above this band of 2.0 and he is not going to murder anybody, he is not going to kill himself, he is not going to work active harm in the society, he is not going to buy the crime of omission — which we very often forget is a crime.

Have you ever run into anybody who says “But I didn’t say anything, I didn’t have any part in the argument; it wasn’t any fault of mine”? Oh, yeah? That is the crime of omission. It is the failure to talk when they should have talked; it is the failure to do when they should have done.

Have you ever run into anybody who says “But I didn’t say anything, I didn’t have any part in the argument; it wasn’t any fault of mine”? Oh, yeah? That is the crime of omission. It is the failure to talk when they should have talked; it is the failure to do when they should have done.

Commission — action — looks so much bigger. That is pretty bad. Omission is worse, by the way, than the other level.

Commission — action — looks so much bigger. That is pretty bad. Omission is worse, by the way, than the other level.

These people, when you bring them up the tone scale, won’t drive others around them berserk by their inactivity, irresponsibility, letting things slide by the boards and being completely limp about this and that and so forth. And they aren’t going to smash things and upset things and change everything haywire so people are upset all the time. In other words, they aren’t going to destroy things.

These people, when you bring them up the tone scale, won’t drive others around them berserk by their inactivity, irresponsibility, letting things slide by the boards and being completely limp about this and that and so forth. And they aren’t going to smash things and upset things and change everything haywire so people are upset all the time. In other words, they aren’t going to destroy things.

But when you get them up above this 2.0 level, people start acting in a self-determined fashion. When they get up around 4.0 you can usually still reach them; maybe you can reach somebody at 5.0 and maybe you could push somebody up to 6.0, but by that time they are out of your hands. This is very different from somebody going out of your hands because of inaccessibility below 2.0. Don’t ever make the mistake of confusing these two.

But when you get them up above this 2.0 level, people start acting in a self-determined fashion. When they get up around 4.0 you can usually still reach them; maybe you can reach somebody at 5.0 and maybe you could push somebody up to 6.0, but by that time they are out of your hands. This is very different from somebody going out of your hands because of inaccessibility below 2.0. Don’t ever make the mistake of confusing these two.

There is one nice test: Is he thinking? Can he think about things? And does he remember things well? The only reason a person forgets is that he doesn’t want to remember. The only reason he doesn’t want to remember is that it hurts him to remember. If it hurts him to remember, then he can’t handle his facsimiles. So you just want to get him up to a point where he can handle all of his facsimiles, and that is all you are trying to do with the preclear. Of course, he won’t have any chronic somatics at that point. He could move in and out of a heart attack for an armyinduction physical in a split instant. He would go in and see the doctor, and he would have his heart going “B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r! Murmur, murmur, murmur.”

There is one nice test: Is he thinking? Can he think about things? And does he remember things well? The only reason a person forgets is that he doesn’t want to remember. The only reason he doesn’t want to remember is that it hurts him to remember. If it hurts him to remember, then he can’t handle his facsimiles. So you just want to get him up to a point where he can handle all of his facsimiles, and that is all you are trying to do with the preclear. Of course, he won’t have any chronic somatics at that point. He could move in and out of a heart attack for an armyinduction physical in a split instant. He would go in and see the doctor, and he would have his heart going “B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r! Murmur, murmur, murmur.”

The doctor would say, “Oh, for God’s sake! I mean. . . It’s all right. Sorry, son,” and write down, “Poor fellow, he hasn’t got long to live. Rejected .”

The doctor would say, “Oh, for God’s sake! I mean. . . It’s all right. Sorry, son,” and write down, “Poor fellow, he hasn’t got long to live. Rejected .”

Then the fellow would go outside and his heart would go pocketapocketa-pocketa-pocketapocketa- pocketa — regular as a clock.

Then the fellow would go outside and his heart would go pocketapocketa-pocketa-pocketapocketa- pocketa — regular as a clock.

Now, don’t get off into the feeling that because a person “wasn’t there when it happened” he didn’t know about it. Because you and I know he did. He can pick up both ends of an engram; they are both known. They are a space in time, aren’t they? And if he has that space in time spaced, he knows the content in between those points must have been space too; he can even handle an engram, and don’t think he can’t.

Now, don’t get off into the feeling that because a person “wasn’t there when it happened” he didn’t know about it. Because you and I know he did. He can pick up both ends of an engram; they are both known. They are a space in time, aren’t they? And if he has that space in time spaced, he knows the content in between those points must have been space too; he can even handle an engram, and don’t think he can’t.

You can go back along a preclear’s track and ask him, “All right, now, you’ve got this ear somatic. When did you first decide to have it?”

You can go back along a preclear’s track and ask him, “All right, now, you’ve got this ear somatic. When did you first decide to have it?”

“Never! I never decided to have it.”

“Never! I never decided to have it.”

“Oh, well, think for a moment. What is the value of having this ear somatic?”

“Oh, well, think for a moment. What is the value of having this ear somatic?”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s something there....”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s something there....”

“Well, do you remember what it is?” “No, but I just got a vague idea . . .”

“Well, do you remember what it is?” “No, but I just got a vague idea . . .”

“Well, run some sympathy for a minute.”

“Well, run some sympathy for a minute.”

So he scans some sympathy — “Oh, yes, it’s my aunt. Ha-ha! She sure used to get upset when I got an earache.”

So he scans some sympathy — “Oh, yes, it’s my aunt. Ha-ha! She sure used to get upset when I got an earache.”

“Well, do you remember turning it on?”

“Well, do you remember turning it on?”

“No. I didn’t turn it on automatically at first.”

“No. I didn’t turn it on automatically at first.”

“Well, what did happen?”

“Well, what did happen?”

“Oh, I remember I put a bean in my ear and it swelled up and she was very sympathetic. We went down to the doctor’s and he got it out. By golly, do you know after that every once in a while I’d get this earache when I was around her. Yeah. She’d blow cigarette smoke in it. Yeah. She’s dead now. I wonder if that’s why I smoke cigarettes?” The other thing just sort of drops out.

“Oh, I remember I put a bean in my ear and it swelled up and she was very sympathetic. We went down to the doctor’s and he got it out. By golly, do you know after that every once in a while I’d get this earache when I was around her. Yeah. She’d blow cigarette smoke in it. Yeah. She’s dead now. I wonder if that’s why I smoke cigarettes?” The other thing just sort of drops out.

Now, obviously some unconsciousness or something could be around such an incident, and the computation is on it.

Now, obviously some unconsciousness or something could be around such an incident, and the computation is on it.

When a person goes unconscious down along the lower band he is in bad shape, because he is not conscious to begin with to amount to anything. But this isn’t any reason why he can’t say “Well, the years from five to ten I wasn’t very conscious.” That handles that facsimile.

When a person goes unconscious down along the lower band he is in bad shape, because he is not conscious to begin with to amount to anything. But this isn’t any reason why he can’t say “Well, the years from five to ten I wasn’t very conscious.” That handles that facsimile.

A person can handle his facsimiles with thought, he can handle them with emotion and he can handle them in lots of ways. But he knows what he is doing. And although you may act as though you are fully responsible, if you go on caring what he does with a facsimile after you have got him up to a point where he can really handle this facsimile, you are not being fully responsible at all. You are way down scale on the thing; you are being very concerned.

A person can handle his facsimiles with thought, he can handle them with emotion and he can handle them in lots of ways. But he knows what he is doing. And although you may act as though you are fully responsible, if you go on caring what he does with a facsimile after you have got him up to a point where he can really handle this facsimile, you are not being fully responsible at all. You are way down scale on the thing; you are being very concerned.

The fellow you should be concerned with is the fellow who cannot handle his facsimiles: he has a bad memory, he doesn’t remember, he has slow reactions, it takes him a long time to think, he hasn’t got any time to do anything (although he is playing solitaire). This is a rough case! Serious! He says, “Well, I’ve put all that way back; I don’t think about that anymore.” It is way back, all right.

The fellow you should be concerned with is the fellow who cannot handle his facsimiles: he has a bad memory, he doesn’t remember, he has slow reactions, it takes him a long time to think, he hasn’t got any time to do anything (although he is playing solitaire). This is a rough case! Serious! He says, “Well, I’ve put all that way back; I don’t think about that anymore.” It is way back, all right.

All this depends on is a point of self-confidence. Perhaps this individual, by taking up the piano or by indulging in group therapy or some other thing, comes up fast enough so all of a sudden he starts to handle a few of his facsimiles. There you go — something has been done therapeutically. It doesn’t matter how you get this individual to handle his facsimiles; that is what we want him to do. At first he doesn’t want to handle them, in almost every case you lay your hands on, and you just sort of have to hornswoggle him into it. And all of a sudden he says to you very cockily one day, “Oh, well, I can remember that. I got myself started in. I always remembered that,” and he is going to town, because he is now going to be selfdetermined about the whole thing. That is what you are doing to people.

All this depends on is a point of self-confidence. Perhaps this individual, by taking up the piano or by indulging in group therapy or some other thing, comes up fast enough so all of a sudden he starts to handle a few of his facsimiles. There you go — something has been done therapeutically. It doesn’t matter how you get this individual to handle his facsimiles; that is what we want him to do. At first he doesn’t want to handle them, in almost every case you lay your hands on, and you just sort of have to hornswoggle him into it. And all of a sudden he says to you very cockily one day, “Oh, well, I can remember that. I got myself started in. I always remembered that,” and he is going to town, because he is now going to be selfdetermined about the whole thing. That is what you are doing to people.

This point of view is possible at this time because of the knowledge of Postulate Processing, the knowledge of Effort Processing and the knowledge of emotional curves. It is a faster and more advanced viewpoint than any of the past viewpoints we have had in Dianetics.

This point of view is possible at this time because of the knowledge of Postulate Processing, the knowledge of Effort Processing and the knowledge of emotional curves. It is a faster and more advanced viewpoint than any of the past viewpoints we have had in Dianetics.

It is very distrustful of an individual to think that you have to knock out every bad memory he has. This is really saying to him “Well, we have to fix you up, you poor guy; you can’t handle your facsimiles anyhow; we just have to fix you up so no matter how you handle them you can’t get into trouble.” We didn’t have other ways to go about it. But now we have these other techniques; now we can start handling it on a faster basis. That is why processing has gotten swifter. It is just that there has been this shift of emphasis from fixing it up so that no matter what he did with his facsimiles he couldn’t get into trouble, to the point of fixing him up so he can handle his facsimiles no matter what happens. It takes the seriousness off the situation and the level of concern which you will feel. Therefore your technique is shorter and that is why it is shorter.

It is very distrustful of an individual to think that you have to knock out every bad memory he has. This is really saying to him “Well, we have to fix you up, you poor guy; you can’t handle your facsimiles anyhow; we just have to fix you up so no matter how you handle them you can’t get into trouble.” We didn’t have other ways to go about it. But now we have these other techniques; now we can start handling it on a faster basis. That is why processing has gotten swifter. It is just that there has been this shift of emphasis from fixing it up so that no matter what he did with his facsimiles he couldn’t get into trouble, to the point of fixing him up so he can handle his facsimiles no matter what happens. It takes the seriousness off the situation and the level of concern which you will feel. Therefore your technique is shorter and that is why it is shorter.

Now, the unit facsimile is something that can afford a great deal of study to a lot of people for an awful long time. You suddenly run head-on into the genetic blueprint of the body or its structural blueprint or any other blueprint that you want to call it, and when you start looking over this genetic blueprint you find out what its patterns of memory were that caused it to be constructed that way.

Now, the unit facsimile is something that can afford a great deal of study to a lot of people for an awful long time. You suddenly run head-on into the genetic blueprint of the body or its structural blueprint or any other blueprint that you want to call it, and when you start looking over this genetic blueprint you find out what its patterns of memory were that caused it to be constructed that way.

This would be, by the way, a major discovery in biology. If you want to play with this, you will be “biologizing” above any biologist alive today. Also, it tells you about evolution. There is a lot of data in there. But this is the data of what is in the facsimile, rather than “can he handle it?”

This would be, by the way, a major discovery in biology. If you want to play with this, you will be “biologizing” above any biologist alive today. Also, it tells you about evolution. There is a lot of data in there. But this is the data of what is in the facsimile, rather than “can he handle it?”

A person’s self-determinism can be advanced up to a point, evidently, where he can handle any facsimile back along the time track. He doesn’t have to even remember and recognize the thing; he can handle it. So when it starts to move in on him he knows exactly why it started to move on him, he does an automatic process and it moves out — bang! — if he doesn’t want it.

A person’s self-determinism can be advanced up to a point, evidently, where he can handle any facsimile back along the time track. He doesn’t have to even remember and recognize the thing; he can handle it. So when it starts to move in on him he knows exactly why it started to move on him, he does an automatic process and it moves out — bang! — if he doesn’t want it.

But if you started “biologizing” you would want to know, wouldn’t you? You would want to know what was in this one, what was in that one, what was in another one, what was in another one; you would want to monkey around and fool around with them and examine them one way or the other. That is a very fascinating study.

But if you started “biologizing” you would want to know, wouldn’t you? You would want to know what was in this one, what was in that one, what was in another one, what was in another one; you would want to monkey around and fool around with them and examine them one way or the other. That is a very fascinating study.

You can examine some history with this track too. It doesn’t always agree with the history books. A “Mississippi of lies” is how one philosopher referred to history. I have gotten enough checks off the line to realize that it is not all squirrel-cage stuff.

You can examine some history with this track too. It doesn’t always agree with the history books. A “Mississippi of lies” is how one philosopher referred to history. I have gotten enough checks off the line to realize that it is not all squirrel-cage stuff.

There is good reason you run into past bad incidents of that character: there is so much regret on them. For some reason or other, people do not like to have a bottom-static failure. There is something about dying. (That poor clam ! )

There is good reason you run into past bad incidents of that character: there is so much regret on them. For some reason or other, people do not like to have a bottom-static failure. There is something about dying. (That poor clam ! )

Anyway, in all of this processing, if you have the return of self determined ability to handle facsimiles as an end goal, you will be able to do a lot faster work with your preclear.

Anyway, in all of this processing, if you have the return of self determined ability to handle facsimiles as an end goal, you will be able to do a lot faster work with your preclear.

Now, you say, “It takes several hours to run one grief charge off a case.” But are you saying “It takes me as the auditor several hours to run grief off of this preclear”?

Now, you say, “It takes several hours to run one grief charge off a case.” But are you saying “It takes me as the auditor several hours to run grief off of this preclear”?

It could be in three ways: We have this preclear up to a point where the running of the grief is incidental; we have this preclear up to the point where he will run his own grief; or he is still slogging down along the bottom of the tone scale someplace where you have to sit there and say, “Yes, yes. Yes, yes. And then what did she say? And then what did he say? What did she say then? Who else was there? Yes; yes, indeed....” You could take hours at that; I guarantee that you can spend over an hour running a grief charge off a case that way.

It could be in three ways: We have this preclear up to a point where the running of the grief is incidental; we have this preclear up to the point where he will run his own grief; or he is still slogging down along the bottom of the tone scale someplace where you have to sit there and say, “Yes, yes. Yes, yes. And then what did she say? And then what did he say? What did she say then? Who else was there? Yes; yes, indeed....” You could take hours at that; I guarantee that you can spend over an hour running a grief charge off a case that way.

But if you start sneaking up on a grief charge by running regret and blame and an emotional curve and so forth, all of a sudden it is like an artillery shell exploding. If you run this stuff long enough, the preclear will blow up, or he will simply come into a recognition of the whole thing, snap out of it and pass right on over it, and he will no longer be stuck there on the track and he will be able to handle this facsimile.

But if you start sneaking up on a grief charge by running regret and blame and an emotional curve and so forth, all of a sudden it is like an artillery shell exploding. If you run this stuff long enough, the preclear will blow up, or he will simply come into a recognition of the whole thing, snap out of it and pass right on over it, and he will no longer be stuck there on the track and he will be able to handle this facsimile.

It doesn’t much matter, because a facsimile is not interior; it is not inside you. It isn’t stored in any file-card system in the back of your head. It is not energy enclosed in your cells. It doesn’t have to be bled out of the cells in order to make the cells happier. I had done insufficient work on this; it apparently was in the cells, but that was before we isolated the identity of the life static and found out a facsimile didn’t have any wavelength. I would like to know how the devil you can store anything which doesn’t have any wavelength.

It doesn’t much matter, because a facsimile is not interior; it is not inside you. It isn’t stored in any file-card system in the back of your head. It is not energy enclosed in your cells. It doesn’t have to be bled out of the cells in order to make the cells happier. I had done insufficient work on this; it apparently was in the cells, but that was before we isolated the identity of the life static and found out a facsimile didn’t have any wavelength. I would like to know how the devil you can store anything which doesn’t have any wavelength.

Furthermore, how rough can a facsimile get? I have a hole in my jaw that says it can get rough enough to kick a tooth out through the side — just a facsimile that you borrow and turn on full. Some of the people around the Foundation remember the night I came down looking rather hangdog and announced this experiment. It actually had broken a tooth out sideways. I would like you to show me a tooth which has residual energy in it sufficient to break it out from the center that way.

Furthermore, how rough can a facsimile get? I have a hole in my jaw that says it can get rough enough to kick a tooth out through the side — just a facsimile that you borrow and turn on full. Some of the people around the Foundation remember the night I came down looking rather hangdog and announced this experiment. It actually had broken a tooth out sideways. I would like you to show me a tooth which has residual energy in it sufficient to break it out from the center that way.

Completely aside from this point, all the cells of the body seem to change about every seven years. Completely aside from this point, remember the clam? You can’t tell me that the pain from that clam cell is still stored with physical-universe energy. It is not.

Completely aside from this point, all the cells of the body seem to change about every seven years. Completely aside from this point, remember the clam? You can’t tell me that the pain from that clam cell is still stored with physical-universe energy. It is not.

So you are handling facsimiles which are capable of regenerating on the physical universe and taking out of the physical universe the power they use. It is a regeneration process by which the facsimile uses the force residual in the universe in order to produce the forces which it has. But it can come in from the doggonedest vector sources.

So you are handling facsimiles which are capable of regenerating on the physical universe and taking out of the physical universe the power they use. It is a regeneration process by which the facsimile uses the force residual in the universe in order to produce the forces which it has. But it can come in from the doggonedest vector sources.

Did you ever stand in a vaccination line? Sometimes the medical corpsmen or the hospital boys are not too easy on that; they stab the fellow and he goes spang! It is quite a jolt.

Did you ever stand in a vaccination line? Sometimes the medical corpsmen or the hospital boys are not too easy on that; they stab the fellow and he goes spang! It is quite a jolt.

You can run a fellow through that; you can sit there and watch his arm if he is running well and you will see it dent where the needle hit. You will see it dent all the way in. Does anybody want to show me the muscles of the arm which can make it cave in to a point? That is nothing but fatty tissue that is caving in. Evidently the unit facsimile influences the atoms and molecules of physical structure. It is on that low a level of influence — at least that low a level of influence. It is a direct contact on atoms and molecules and it can form them into any shape it wants.

You can run a fellow through that; you can sit there and watch his arm if he is running well and you will see it dent where the needle hit. You will see it dent all the way in. Does anybody want to show me the muscles of the arm which can make it cave in to a point? That is nothing but fatty tissue that is caving in. Evidently the unit facsimile influences the atoms and molecules of physical structure. It is on that low a level of influence — at least that low a level of influence. It is a direct contact on atoms and molecules and it can form them into any shape it wants.

It is no mystery how your preclear can go way back down the bank and get into an incident in childhood and more or less get stuck there and keep on looking like that when you bring him up to present time. It is no mystery how you can have somebody with a big swelling on his neck and when you run the incident you can watch the swelling go down. It is no mystery; there is nothing much to it. That is a facsimile. What you are trying to do is handle these darn things.

It is no mystery how your preclear can go way back down the bank and get into an incident in childhood and more or less get stuck there and keep on looking like that when you bring him up to present time. It is no mystery how you can have somebody with a big swelling on his neck and when you run the incident you can watch the swelling go down. It is no mystery; there is nothing much to it. That is a facsimile. What you are trying to do is handle these darn things.

The reason why the facsimile cannot be handled is not because the individual did not handle it at the time. That is much too brief. It is because he later on used it and failed with it. That is the key-in situation. It doesn’t matter how many Mack trucks you get run over by. Don’t, however, take a Mack truck and run over somebody and fail.

The reason why the facsimile cannot be handled is not because the individual did not handle it at the time. That is much too brief. It is because he later on used it and failed with it. That is the key-in situation. It doesn’t matter how many Mack trucks you get run over by. Don’t, however, take a Mack truck and run over somebody and fail.

It is the use of the facsimile. You could actually ask a preclear this question and you would get an interesting result: “What is the first time you decided to use a bad facsimile or a destructive facsimile? What is the first time you decided to use it?” Try it. You may get some very interesting results out of your preclear, because that is basic-basicl on key-ins. I know what it is, but why don’t you find out? It is very easy to locate — the first time you decided to use a bad one.

It is the use of the facsimile. You could actually ask a preclear this question and you would get an interesting result: “What is the first time you decided to use a bad facsimile or a destructive facsimile? What is the first time you decided to use it?” Try it. You may get some very interesting results out of your preclear, because that is basic-basicl on key-ins. I know what it is, but why don’t you find out? It is very easy to locate — the first time you decided to use a bad one.

Now, you decided to use a bad one in this life — the time your brother came up to you and said some nasty words and you hauled off and pasted him one. How come you pasted your brother one? What did you use for data to paste your brother one? You used an entheta facsimile. You pasted him one and Mama came out and said, “You mustn’t hit your brother anymore!” Bang! Bang! Bang! That hangs you up with this facsimile of pasting somebody in the jaw, and you can’t do anything about it, and so you have it. You went down an emotional curve; you went down to slow speed because you were interrupted in your action. And you get that facsimile from there on, because what did you use in the first place? You used the facsimile of being, yourself, struck in the jaw. You said, “This is data.” It was parked back there and you could handle that all right. So you were hit in the jaw — so what? But one day you said, “Hmm. I’m not fully responsible. Here’s a nice facsimile of a good sock in the jaw” — bang! You were being the countereffort; you were the winning valence at this point. You used that facsimile in the winning valence. You were being the counter-effort, you hit your brother in the jaw and then somebody came along and said, “No!” Down the tone scale you went. Then you had to swivel and be the effort — not the countereffort — so you got the sock in the jaw.

Now, you decided to use a bad one in this life — the time your brother came up to you and said some nasty words and you hauled off and pasted him one. How come you pasted your brother one? What did you use for data to paste your brother one? You used an entheta facsimile. You pasted him one and Mama came out and said, “You mustn’t hit your brother anymore!” Bang! Bang! Bang! That hangs you up with this facsimile of pasting somebody in the jaw, and you can’t do anything about it, and so you have it. You went down an emotional curve; you went down to slow speed because you were interrupted in your action. And you get that facsimile from there on, because what did you use in the first place? You used the facsimile of being, yourself, struck in the jaw. You said, “This is data.” It was parked back there and you could handle that all right. So you were hit in the jaw — so what? But one day you said, “Hmm. I’m not fully responsible. Here’s a nice facsimile of a good sock in the jaw” — bang! You were being the countereffort; you were the winning valence at this point. You used that facsimile in the winning valence. You were being the counter-effort, you hit your brother in the jaw and then somebody came along and said, “No!” Down the tone scale you went. Then you had to swivel and be the effort — not the countereffort — so you got the sock in the jaw.

Why did somebody stop you? Because they wanted you socked in the jaw. People do this instinctively.

Why did somebody stop you? Because they wanted you socked in the jaw. People do this instinctively.

So when you drop an individual down the tone scale, you get him down below speed. It is even more exact than that: you throw him over to where he becomes the recipient of the counter-effort.

So when you drop an individual down the tone scale, you get him down below speed. It is even more exact than that: you throw him over to where he becomes the recipient of the counter-effort.

This individual has worked and worked and worked in order to get his preclear up from an engram. A little bit later somebody comes along and tells him he failed at it, or the preclear tells him he failed at it.

This individual has worked and worked and worked in order to get his preclear up from an engram. A little bit later somebody comes along and tells him he failed at it, or the preclear tells him he failed at it.

What has he been using for data? While he was working on the preclear, he may have been fool enough to pick up a facsimile out of his own bank that was almost identical to what had happened to his preclear. He had this and he was examining it: “It goes this way — goes round and round, and it comes out there. Oh, yes. What’s the next step? Yes. And then what happens? (That’s what happened to me.) Well, will that do?” He was all set. But what was he being? He was being the counter-effort. He was forcing the preclear to run an incident, but that was the incident that he was using and he was the counter-effort in that incident.

What has he been using for data? While he was working on the preclear, he may have been fool enough to pick up a facsimile out of his own bank that was almost identical to what had happened to his preclear. He had this and he was examining it: “It goes this way — goes round and round, and it comes out there. Oh, yes. What’s the next step? Yes. And then what happens? (That’s what happened to me.) Well, will that do?” He was all set. But what was he being? He was being the counter-effort. He was forcing the preclear to run an incident, but that was the incident that he was using and he was the counter-effort in that incident.

So, he has been using this and all of a sudden the preclear says, “Well, I know you processed me for eight hours but I still have pogostickitis.” (That’s a disease that makes an individual bounce around a lot.) The second the auditor fails he goes down tone, because what it restimulates is an emotional drop of tone. And that emotional drop of tone is attendant to switching him from the counter-effort into the effort. So he gets it — bang!

So, he has been using this and all of a sudden the preclear says, “Well, I know you processed me for eight hours but I still have pogostickitis.” (That’s a disease that makes an individual bounce around a lot.) The second the auditor fails he goes down tone, because what it restimulates is an emotional drop of tone. And that emotional drop of tone is attendant to switching him from the counter-effort into the effort. So he gets it — bang!

The auditor has a tendency to pick up and use a facsimile to compare it to whatever is happening to the preclear, and he is being a counter-effort in the preclear’s facsimile in order to force the preclear through it. Failure causes him to reverse and become — in his own facsimile, not in the preclear’s — the recipient of the effort. So he picks up the somatic.

The auditor has a tendency to pick up and use a facsimile to compare it to whatever is happening to the preclear, and he is being a counter-effort in the preclear’s facsimile in order to force the preclear through it. Failure causes him to reverse and become — in his own facsimile, not in the preclear’s — the recipient of the effort. So he picks up the somatic.

In a life continuum, a person dreams up things for Grandpa and he dreams up things for this and that, and he is fully responsible for life in general, but all of a sudden he hits this emotional curve — he hears about a death or he witnesses one — and he dives down the tone scale.

In a life continuum, a person dreams up things for Grandpa and he dreams up things for this and that, and he is fully responsible for life in general, but all of a sudden he hits this emotional curve — he hears about a death or he witnesses one — and he dives down the tone scale.

His first impulse is to be the counter-effort and hold it back. Did you ever see some little child about to have an accident? This child is going up toward the table and you can’t reach him in time, and you pull back as the table or something of the sort.

His first impulse is to be the counter-effort and hold it back. Did you ever see some little child about to have an accident? This child is going up toward the table and you can’t reach him in time, and you pull back as the table or something of the sort.

You often get the same thing when you start to feed a little baby. One day I was in a restaurant and Mama was feeding her little baby, and everybody in the restaurant was looking over at that table. Of course, the baby was too busy playing with spoons and things to eat, but Mama would extend the spoon and the baby would clamp its mouth shut and Mama would open her mouth wide. Then the baby would open up and take it. I watched this going on — Mama opening her mouth, and so on, each bite. I looked around the restaurant and everybody in the whole restaurant was doing it. They were all cause; they wanted that baby to eat.

You often get the same thing when you start to feed a little baby. One day I was in a restaurant and Mama was feeding her little baby, and everybody in the restaurant was looking over at that table. Of course, the baby was too busy playing with spoons and things to eat, but Mama would extend the spoon and the baby would clamp its mouth shut and Mama would open her mouth wide. Then the baby would open up and take it. I watched this going on — Mama opening her mouth, and so on, each bite. I looked around the restaurant and everybody in the whole restaurant was doing it. They were all cause; they wanted that baby to eat.

It is this mechanism with which you are dealing. There is how the life continuum happens and there is how you resolve it, and there is also your goal in processing — just to render the individual capable of welshing on some of his bets back in the past and to get in control of all of his facsimiles again.

It is this mechanism with which you are dealing. There is how the life continuum happens and there is how you resolve it, and there is also your goal in processing — just to render the individual capable of welshing on some of his bets back in the past and to get in control of all of his facsimiles again.