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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Balance (3ACC-73) - L540212 | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Sound (3ACC-72) - L540212 | Сравнить

CONTENTS GROUP PROCESSING - SOUND Cохранить документ себе Скачать
CS Booklet


Lecture 72
Disc 76
A Group Processing Session Given on
12 February 1954
62 Minutes

And this is February the 12th, 1954, After Dianetics, [laughter] Isn’t that what that stands for? I thought that’s what that stood for.

Now this morning I would like to give you a drill on the subject of sound and certain other manifestations. So if you will put away the notebooks, we’ll see if we can’t turn on a few sonics, God help you.

Don’t know why anybody would want sonic. The world is noisy enough, you know. Okay.

Now be somewhere above Phoenix, it’s warmer up there.

And right where you are, be a stopping machine. And mock-up a lot of things to stop, [pause] Now be a stopping machine, wherever you are, and mock-up a lot of things to stop.

Okay. Be a stopped machine.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be a stopped machine.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be a stopped machine.

Now be a stopping machine.’

Now be a stopped machine.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be a stopped machine.

What kind of a machine would you like to be to be stopped?

All right. Be that machine.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be stopped.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be stopped.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be stopped.

Now be a stopping machine engaged in stopping something.

Now be stopped.

Now be a stopping machine.

Now be stopped.

Now be a machine specifically and diabolically designed to stop anything.

Now be a machine diabolically designed to stop sound of all kinds.

Okay. Now be a stopped machine.

Now be a machine designed to stop sound.

And mock-up some sound and stop it.

And mock-up some sound and stop it. And mock-up some sound and stop it.

And mock-up some more sound and stop it. And more sound and stop it. And some more sound and stop it.

And some more sound and change it.

And change it.

And stop it.

Now be a sound stopping machine waiting for orders to stop sound. Have the orders come in, in the form of sound and stop it.

Okay. Now be a stopped machine.

Now be a machine that resists all effects.

Now be a machine that gives effects.

Now one that resists all effects.

Now be a machine that gives effects.

Now be a machine that resists all effects.

Be a machine that gives effects.

That resists all effects.

That gives effects.

That resists all effects.

That gives effects.

That resists all effects.

That gives effects.

That resists all effects.

Be a member of your family and stop all effects.

Now be you and try to cause effects.

And be a family member and stop the effect.

And be you and start an effect.

And the family member and stop an effect.

And be you, now, and try to start an effect.

And be a family member and stop an effect.

Now be you and stop effects.

And be a family member and try to start effects. Get the kind of effects that you’d start.

Now be you and stop the effects.

Be the family member and start effects.

Be you and stop effects.

Okay. Now throw that aside and find some places where you are not.

Now check over some effects that you’re not trying to stop.

Some sounds that you wouldn’t have to stop if you heard them.

Now check over the things, very factually, that you would have to do to stop all sound on Earth, [pause] What you’d have to do to stop all sound on Earth.

Now be the machine designed to do this.

Okay. Be a number of sounds and look at you, a thetan. And by spraying various kinds of sounds, change and stop the course of the thetan. And start, stop and change the course of you, a thetan. just with sound.

Do it some more.

By using sound, start, stop and change you, a thetan, in that order.

Okay. Now check over some places you are not.

Now, all of you have had, at one time or another, an experience with a noisy piece of machinery that you had to do with, for a long time. You had to live with a noisy piece of machinery, I’m sure of that-one that you were in close contact with for quite a while. Now get the place where the machine customarily emanated from. That is to say, the position with relationship to the body, where the machine customarily sat.

Okay. Now just reverse that 360 degrees. Put it at the exact opposite place in the body, [pause] Just turn it around 360 degrees.

Now turn it upside down.

Now turn it right-side up.

Now upside down.

Now put it back in the original position.

Now reverse it 360 degrees.

And turn it upside down.

All right. Now make it operate with sound and stop the sound.

And make it operate with sound and stop the sound.

And make it operate with sound and stop the sound.

And continue that as a cycle.

And keep putting the mass back, [pause] Put the mass of it there, have the sound start up, you stop the sound and so forth, [pause] Start it and stop it some more.

Okay. Throw that away.

Be well away from the body, check over some places you are not.

Now mock-up the machine and have it start.

And put it there again. Start it.

And put there again. Start it.

And put there again. Start it.

And put there again. Start it.

Get the sound with it, each time.

Don’t bother to stop it this time, just put it there, start it.

And put it there and start it.

And put it there and start it. We’re accumulating mass, by the way.

Don’t care what happens to it after it starts, just put it there and start it. And put it there and start it

Do it some more. Put it there and start it.

Now this time put it there, start it and stop it.

And continue that as a cycle. Put it there, start it and then stop it.

Put it there, start it and then stop it.

Each time let’s get the sound. That’s what we’re talking about. When we say start it, we say, “Start the sound of it.” And then stop it.

If your eardrums blow out, why, raise your hand.

And do that some more.

Now throw it away or do whatever you please with it.

Now let’s make sure that the machine now is upside down and exactly on the opposite side of you than you would normally place it. It’s turned upside down and on the opposite side of you that you would normally place it and let’s start the sound going and stop the sound. And then put the machine there again and start the sound going and stop the sound. And put the machine there again and start the sound and stop the sound, [pause] Many more times. Many more times, [pause] Put the mass there each time. Start the sound and stop the sound.

Some more times now. Let’s put the machine there and start the sound and stop the sound.

Okay. Now let’s check over some places you are not.

Okay. Some more places you’re not.

Be well up above Phoenix, check over some places you’re not.

Now put some places there so as not to be in them. Put a place there and say, “Well there’s one I’m not in,” so forth.

Now mock yourself up as the mest universe and get you, a thetan, and bombard you with sound.

And then have you, a thetan, remove from that locale and bombard you again with sound until the thetan removes. And then bombard it with sound until it leaves. Then bombard it with sound until it leaves. And bombard it with sound until it leaves. In short, drive it nuts.

Be very reasonable, it can’t stop the sound.

Just enjoy yourself at this.

Disenfranchise it with sound alone each time so it has to go someplace else. And of course, the only other place it can go is right with you, so you bombard it with some more sound so it tries to move again.

All right. Now get it worked down to a point where it can’t move anymore, where it gets mad and stops and then just cave in on it with sound.

And pile it up bigger and bigger, bigger into a planet by simply pounding it with sound and having it resist.

And set that aside as a job well done. And get this thetan and pound it until it moves. And pound it until it moves. And pound it until it moves, with sound. And then finally get it immobilized. And then get it resisting so hard that it has no choice but to stop and get more and more massive and create a planet. And be lost in the middle of it, resisting sound.

And continue to do this cycle many times.

Make lots of planets this way.

Have it putting up the mass that makes the planet, [pause] I’m not trying to tell you this is what happens, we’re not agreeing with the mest universe. Let’s just do this.

Okay. Now set that aside.

And you be the mest universe now.

And set yourself aside as the mest universe. And be the mest universe again. And then set yourself aside as the mest universe. And be the mest universe again. And do it over and over and over and over and over.

Now be the mest universe and get a thetan and using beams of light, pound the thetan from every side until it removes.

And then pound it from every side until it shoves off. And then pound it from every side until it shoves off again.

And finally get it immobilized and then pound it from every side until it puts up mass. And then accumulate a lot of mass around it and make a sun out of it.

And get how cute this is. How well planned. How reasonable you’re being about it all. And just complete this cycle many times.

Do it until you’ve got lots of flaming suns. Pound them in and then make them get incandescent.

Get lots of mass that way.

Okay. Throw those away. And get some places where you will not be in another minute.

All right. Now mock-up a member of your family and grant prediction to them. And another member and grant prediction. And another member and grant prediction. And use the same ones over and over if you must. Mock-up a member of your family and grant prediction to them.

Many times.

Same thing, if you haven’t noticed that you’re cause. Prediction is future cause.

All right Set that all aside and mock-up a sound machine, a machine that makes sound and grant prediction to it. Your voice, for instance, and grant prediction to it. [pause] Many times.

All right. Now mock-up a hearing machine and grant prediction to it. [pause] Little harder to do? Let’s do it anyhow. No reason to have an orderly universe like this.

Well, let’s do that some more. Till you get it real good at last.

All right. Set that aside and mock-up now a sound-making machine and grant prediction to it.

And then do that again. Mock-up another one and grant prediction to it. Mock-up another one and grant prediction to it. [pause] Do it some more.

Okay. Let’s throw it away, do whatever you like with it.

And mock-up a machine that tells you, with sound, all about the future and grant prediction to it, of course, and then duplicate that many times.

Okay. Now let’s mock-up a person that tells you all about the future with lots of words and grant prediction to this person, [pause] And repeat that action many times.

Mock-up yourself as an effect. And the person who tells you about the future and then yourself as an effect. And the person who tells you about the future and yourself as an effect. Over and over. Lots of them. That cycle.

Okay. Set that aside.

Now mock-up yourself as something that tells people about the future and have mobs of them out there in front of you granting you prediction.

Do that many times.

Okay. Set .it aside now.

Processing, by the way-have a whole mob of people out there, each one with the viewpoint that it’s impossible to tell about the future.

As soon as you got them there, throw them away. And get another mob. And another mob. And another mob. And another mob and so forth.

While you’re doing this, you be the mest universe and get what a good joke this is on them.

And if you don’t get a feeling of snide knowingness out of this, being the mest universe, there’s something wrong with you. [laughter] Which, of course, there isn’t anything wrong with you.

Do it some more, [pause] A mob of people, all of them agreeing that it’s impossible to know about the future and you, the mest universe, gazing at them.

Now the next few mobs you get, just to prove the case to them, give them a whole bunch of random sounds. That proves it. [pause] Do that several times.

All right. Set that aside.U

And you be the mest universe now and get a whole bunch of people very cockily moving up, mobs of them, all agreeing that they know all about the future. Each time they do that, you give them a whole bunch of random sounds that drives them into apathy, quick. And continue that cycle.

Okay. Throw them away.

Now you be a sound and drive a thetan into apathy, quick.

All right. Now you be a sound and start, stop and change this thetan. Do it many times.

Okay. Now you be a sound and get mobs of people and murder them. Just by a sound alone, murder them dead.

Okay. Now let’s you be a salesman and you get a couple of lightning bolts and some masses of energy in glue and you go around and explain to everybody
that this is thought. And give them to them so they can think. And get another batch of them, some more people to sell them to.

All right. Just bog down more people that way. And know very well what you’re doing.

Okay. Now let’s be well above Phoenix and check over some places you are not.

Now whatever visio greets the eye, at this moment, duplicate it. And duplicate it many times.

Now whatever sound outside this room greets your hearingness. [pause] Got one? Duplicate it many times.

Now be that confusion and force you to undergo processing.

Okay. Let’s mock-up some planets above our heads. Elect a direction that is normally up and let’s mock-up planets above our heads. Lots of them. Smash them together. Lots more of them. Smash them together.

Now mock them up with sounds in them-heavy, dense and with sounds in them.

And smash them together. Planets with sounds in them.

All right. And continue to do that now and let’s put suns under our feet, with sound in them and smash those together, [pause] Lots of them. Till we got lots of nice mass.

Now let’s see if we can mock-up and throw away one planet.

All right. Change it around and make it uncontrollable so you don’t want it or something, get it to go away.

Now let’s take some more planets and throw them away, [pause] Change them around and get them some characteristic so they go away real easy.

And let’s get some suns now and throw one of those away.

Change it around, give it some characteristics so it goes away real easy, [pause] And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one.

Okay. Let’s mock-up some more suns and some more planets and add them to us.

Now let’s mock-up some spaces and add them to us.

And let’s throw away one planet.

And one sun.

Think the thought necessary to make them depart.

And let’s start getting rid of lots of them.

Lots more of them.

Mock-up a lot more of them and throw them away.

Now let’s mock-up a space and throw it away.

A lot more spaces, suns and planets and throw them away.

Now let’s mock-up a lot of them and pull them in.

Okay. Now let’s mock-up some and throw some away. Spaces, suns and planets.

Okay. Now let’s mock-up a steamboat whistle in full blast and make it flip-flop. And a kid’s whistle. And make it scream in full blast and make it flip-flop all over the environment.

Now let’s mock-up Mama’s voice and make it flip-flop all over the environment [pause] Get her talking and flip-flopping.

And let’s mock-up Papa’s voice and make it flip-flop all over the environment.

And let’s mock-up a congressional speech and have it flip-flop all over the environment, [pause] And if that’s ponderous, make it flop slowly.

Now mock-up a cat’s voice screaming and have it flip-flop all over the environment

And a racing motor-a motor making lots of noise traveling at high speed-and have it flip-flop all over the environment.

And have a screaming man and have the scream and the man, too, if you like, flip-flop all over the environment.

Do that one again.

And make your voice flip-flop all over the environment.

All right. Now let’s check over the environment to make sure of some places where your condition is not.

Now let’s check over the environment and find out where there are not some horrifying sounds. If every time you look, put one there, why, get the fact that it isn’t beside it.

And get some conditions that you are not in.

And mock-up yourself as an ideal thetan, the very thetan you ought to be. Endow it with all those personalities necessary.

Do it again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

And find a couple of chunks of mest and contact them, both at once. And sit there and don’t think.

Now make them scream a couple of times and continue to contact them, [pause] And continue to sit there and don’t think.

Now mock-up your body as flip-flopping all over the environment simply because you’ve been processed, [pause] Your voice going into a flip-flop, too.

Now make yourself flip-flop all over the environment because I processed you.

Now because you processed yourself.

Now mock yourself up screaming and screaming and screaming because you’ve lost all control and have gone nuts.

Get how good it is to be uncontrollably screaming.

Okay. Contact two pieces of mest again. Hold on to them, don’t think.

And find the floor beneath your feet.

Okay. End of session.