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Help - How to Get Started


Well, we've got a few things to take up here. What's the date?

Audience: Seventh.

February 1, 1958 — AD 8.

I want to talk to you now about running a session designed to clear somebody; talk to you about the fundamentals of clearing on this February 7, 1958. It's about the tenth consecutive lecture you had on clearing. You'll notice in early lectures I talked about fields. And you ran into some randomity about fields, and I said there were more ways to clear fields than I knew how to count. And this lecture is no exception to this. We're going to take up some of these hurdles.

Now, auditors up to this time have had policing criteria as to whether or not they were getting results above and beyond the preclear's opinion and, to some degree, beyond their own opinion. And we would occasionally hear somebody with great enthusiasm saying, "I got terrific results on the preclear," and then we'd see the preclear and the preclear would be blyaaah. Well, occasionally this happened. So that you'd read — you'd turn to an APA graph, and if that hadn't changed, you'd turn it over and look at the intelligence — the IQ. And if that hadn't changed, why, then you would consider that somebody around was not observing.

In other words, this is about the criteria in order of importance. You ask the auditor, and you generally take his word as tops on the thing, and other evidence is simply corroborative to the auditor's word on the matter because he's the observer. And if he hasn't got any positive attitude about it, or if he is wildly enthusiastic and then the preclear, when interviewed, seems to be nyaaah, we ask the preclear how he's getting along. And the preclear says, well, he doesn't know. Why, then we look at the APA graph, and if that hasn't changed, then we turn it over and look at intelligence, and if that hasn't changed, boy, we know we have laid an egg. It's in about that order of importance. If an APA has not changed, I generally turn it over and find out if he got a ten-, twenty-point jump of IQ. If he did, fine. Successful intensive as far as that goes.

But today we have a much sharper criteria than all this. You have a definite end product in Operating Thetan and you have a way-stop on the matter of Clear. That is just a way-stop in the direction of Operating Thetan. But it is such a positive area and it is so easily defined that you're actually going in a particular direction. If you audit somebody for five weeks and he's not Clear, why, you'd better come back and take another ACC. That's about the way it is.

Now, what horrifying errors have occurred in auditing people? What fantastic,blunders have happened at this stage of the game? What incidents have taken place that made the Instructors go into a closet and beat their head quietly against the wall?

Well, the funny part of it is, although they've looked at quite a few things, they have not looked at this one with the intensity they should, nor have you ever looked at this one with the intensity you should.

If a case does not progress, it has not been started. Sounds funny. I mean, it's one of these horrible things. You say, "If a railroad train leaving Omaha does not get to Kansas City and can't be found along the track anyplace, obviously it has not left Omaha."

Now, this is in no wise a chastisement, since you're here to learn, not to be brutalized. So I'll brutalize you a little bit.

What does a preclear look like and act like if he is in-session? And that's a burning question, and one that you had certainly better answer to your own satisfaction. Because your criteria of this is no more than your own observation; it's nobody else's observation. It's not even the preclear's.

Preclear could be in super, colossal, exclamation-point propitiation. He doesn't even have to bring you diamond wristwatches every morning before the session for you to notice this. Obsessive agreement is probably the main thing you notice about propitiation.

You say, "How are you doing this morning?"

"Fine, fine!"

"Is it raining out?"

"Yes, yes."

"Did you sleep with sputnik all night?"

"Yes, yes . . . Uh, what did you say?"

Propitiation: He's getting along fine, he feels much better — heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Like hell he does! Propitiation is what you've run into, not a session. All he's saying is, "Please don't kill me." What's this got to do with auditing?

If when you get upstairs to making him mock things up and keep them from going away, and you find this guy has a field, I'm afraid you can assume only one thing, that the train never left Omaha.

Isn't this an awful thing — here I am talking to some of you people, you've still got a little field left. Now, I'm — give this lecture at the risk of invalidating the living daylights out of you.

It's almost impossible to keep Scientology from doing something. And the preclear in this case is not trying to keep Scientology from doing something, the preclear is simply too out-of-session to run. Now that's not the preclear's fault.

The person has just had hell raised with every quarter of his life in the last few years; he's just appetite over tin cup one way or the other; got so many present time problems at the moment that he couldn't possibly sit still even if he were outside somewhere. Now, you're asking him to sit still and concentrate on auditing. Well, he's just — he's not going to answer up, he's not going to do these things. He's going to give some shadow of it, or he's going to try to do it much faster, or he's going to try to improve it, to be quick about it. Do you understand? Or he's going to be so straining at it that he never has a HELP — HOW TO GET STARTED chance to notice if anything is happening or not. He's a fellow who has to run so fast that he stands still. Or he's a fellow that doesn't even dare run. In other words, you've got a scattered dispersal.

When you get this Dispersed, Nervous point on a graph, that's what you're looking at. That's why the point never rises till he finds an auditor — which is the same thing as saying "till he gets into session." And if that point never moves, he never gets into session.

Now, your basic training is in the direction of handling people and handling acknowledgments. But there's one point that is never stressed, which probably should be stressed. But I don't know how else you'd stress it than simply to tell you, "For god's sakes, look!" And that's placing a person in the auditing chair.

Now, this could be quite a drill. The only trouble is, you walk outside and take the person and bring him in and sit him in the auditing chair. Well, that's only a physical manifestation. You'd have to go outside again — with a lot of preclears, the preclears that have trouble — and pick up his mind and carry it in and put it in the auditing chair. And then you'd have to walk outside again and pick him up as a thetan, and bring him in and put him in the auditing chair. And if he could be that much assembled at any one place at any one time, he'd probably be Clear anyhow.

So we must assume that if your basic processes which put him under control did not come out at the end of the line of the Control series and Connectedness with a preclear with no field and able to mock things up, we must assume that he never left Omaha. Do you get the idea? We must assume that he was never originally in-session. And we have to go right straight back to scratch.

He either had a whopping big PT problem which was telling him every moment from out there in the real, live mest universe, every moment saying, "Son, you'd better get on your way, they're going to do for you before noon. If you're not at the barricades, the jig is up." "Do not send to find for whom the bell tolls, you've had it, son." And this PT problem is whispering these unsweet nothingnesses in his ear in such a concatenation that every time he — you say, "All right, now . . ." (well, let's say we really got basic on this — we think we got basic), every time we said, "You make that body sit in that chair," or something like this.

By the way, we had to run this for ten hours on a preclear in the HGC not very long ago, right in midflight, because the pc was so nervous and scratching and jumping around that he couldn't hold the E-Meter cans. In other words, body was so out of control it was flying into flinders every couple of minutes, you know? The auditor for about the first five, six hours of the session hadn't gotten a read yet. And he came around and said, "Gee, Christ, what I do now?"

And I said, "Well, you'd better get him so he can sit a body in the chair, and then maybe you'll have it. Maybe you'll have it." This was just in the interest of being able to get an E-Meter read on. You couldn't even tell if he had a PT problem. You get the idea? Well, it took about ten hours, and he managed to finally sit the body in the chair.

And by the way, much to the chagrin of the HGC, the same preclear who caused so much trouble in the HGC is today Clear in the Academy — or nearly so. Somebody in the Academy must have started the session. Might have been by accident, but a session got started.

Now believe me, an individual has got enough trouble in his mind without splitting his and your attention on a lot of other things first. In other words, the four dynamics — the thetan, the mind, the body and the physical universe — are just too many opponents. Note this: that's just too many, even for an auditor and a preclear. It takes an auditor and a preclear, usually, just to hold down a body and a mind. Preclear all by himself may sometimes hold down the body, may sometimes hold down the mind but seldom both, much less the physical universe. He just sits back and says, "Well, it just goes on and on and on. Automaticity after automaticity. And there's nothing I can do about it anyway — and that's why I'm running for president." Anyhow! The spot from which he can do the least about it.

Now, here's an individual in an auditing chair and here's an auditor, and the physical universe is on total automatic. Well, it is anyhow. But if the preclear's attention is on the fact thoroughly because of something that's happening in it — not via his mind, see — if something directly is happening in the physical universe, it's not yet recorded in his mind, so you have to handle that by telepathy or something. That's right. And you run Problem of Comparable Magnitude or What Part of That Problem Could You Be Responsible For or Invent Something Worse Than That Problem. In other words, you dish this thing, you get rid of it. Well, I'm not — this isn't handled via the mind. It's probably the thetan to the physical universe directly in some fashion. And something over here in the physical universe usually gets handled.

Well, we had never cleared a present time problem — the guy was going to be arrested — and then have the cops swoop in. We've had cops about to swoop in on the preclear, run a PT problem of cops, and the cops didn't arrive and somebody lost the ticket. See? We've had this sort of thing happening. You understand what I mean? In other words, there's some necromancy or live-romancy, I don't know quite which, by which we can actually short-circuit the mind and the body. See, we can actually short-circuit those two universes, and we run a PT problem when the physical universe is being demandingly automatic to the preclear. In other words, there's things going on which he feels he cannot control and which he must attend to at the moment — that's the definition of a present time problem. All right.

We take care of that: Problem of Comparable Magnitude, something of the sort. Well, oddly enough, it's a sufficiently powerful process, even though it doesn't result in a Clear. It, by the way, goes up just a certain direction. You might be interested to know where that Problem of Comparable Magnitude goes to — if you don't know already. It goes up a sufficient distance and it produces quite ordinarily and routinely in any preclear somewhere along the line — just a problem of comparable magnitude to anything — it'll produce the cognition that he's making up all the problems so that he'll have something to do. You possibly have had that happen to people. And he'll go Clear for anywhere from two minutes to forty-eight hours, and then it all caves in again. That's because you've made a physical universe Clear in some fashion, some weird way here, and the mind is totally automatic, and the body is still totally automatic. You must have handled just one universe. That's a crude statement of it. We'll let it pass because the lecture isn't on that subject.

But Problem of Comparable Magnitude is what you would handle a present time problem with.

Well now, you can't even run what I'm about to tell you about, the remainder of CCH 0, if a present time problem is kicking around like this; because you have to do, in this particular case, exactly what the mind is doing, which is worrying about a physical universe problem. The rule of thumb is you parallel, as an auditor, what the mind is doing and it will unravel. You make the mind do what the mind is doing, then it goes off automatic.

Well, in this particular case, you make a thetan do what the thetan is doing. And this is a very rough rule of thumb; this isn't a rule to Clear. By the way, oddly enough, doesn't wind up with Clear. But you nevertheless can undo small, finite problems, such as present time problems, such as he's got an earache that keeps him out of session. Something like this. You see? You can even handle a few minor body problems, providing they are acute, by running some sort of an assist on him. That helps him get into session, too.

So this predates, you might say, in a session — establishment of present time problem — anything else you would do, factually, because this is the fourth universe. So it's a wise thing to get rid of all this one universe at a time and then kick the thetan out, too. Get the idea? If you get rid of this, one universe at a time, you're all set.

Supposing the physical universe is giving him a present time problem. He is — just before he came into the session, why, he ran into a Cadillac, and there's a bunch of crumpled fenders out there. Of course, he's had it all towed away, but there's going to be bills, and he didn't have any public liability and property damage insurance. He knows anybody who had a Cadillac will collect! Here's a problem, see? Well, this just faces him up to the physical universe on an immediacy. All right.

Well, he could clean that up, actually, so he wasn't worried about it at all. And, oddly enough, he probably wouldn't get sued afterwards.

Now, supposing he had — all of a sudden, as you tried to get a little further into the session you found out he had a somatic. You know, a momentary somatic. Do you know you could actually handle the somatic as itself and get that universe peeled off? You don't have to handle a somatic via the mind, you can handle a somatic very directly — such a matter as a Touch Assist or a lot of other patch-up processes we had. Have him make the somatic say "Hello" and he says, "Okay" to it; say "Hello" to the somatic and have it say "Okay" to him — the old communication formula run on a somatic. Wrecks havingness if run too long, but awfully effective right where it is.

Matter of fact, I know two or three preclears whose greatest reality on Scientology is because the communication formula directly applied to a somatic, works. They felt a toothache go off, you know, and they felt a stomachache go off, boom! Quite amazing, and really startled them.

Well, you can get this body universe out of the road here, you see? All right. Now, how about the mind?

Well, I assure you that the mind is a field, whether he sees it or not, and it's between him and observation of the physical universe, and it's an interposition. Furthermore, it is a copy and a record of an awful consecutive line of physical universe activities, only he is mocking them up, and there they are. And this isn't very good havingness. And he thinks he has to have a mind in order to remember all of this stuff. He's got more rationale than you can shake a stick at with regard to this thing called mind. But the funny thing is he can do without it.

And the worst part of the mind is what we used to call the "reactive bank" or the "reactive mind" in Dianetics. And it's totally field. It's just a mass of ridges filled full of facsimiles, and he's keeping it all mocked up very neatly and very nicely. And every time something in the physical universe says, "Yip," why, the ridges answer up to this "yip" — the ridges say, "Yip," too. He says, "Yip," the ridges say, "Nyaah, shut up!" Although he's mocking up the mind, it's out of his control. It's a sort of a "bid to be controlled" sort of a mechanism, this mind is. He uses it to stay in agreement with, at first, and then after a while, why, bango! It gets tougher than he thought it would.

It actually is not just him making it all rough. He has a good reason why he's in the shape he's in anywhere along the line, and that reason is not necessarily of his own invention. But he can take it over because he's doing any perpetuation of the difficulty, without knowing he's perpetuating it. So he can take over the difficulty, but it's a case of taking over the difficulty.

Well, one of the basic phenomena, the easiest thing to "see" about a mind for a lot of people, is the field. Well, this is a reactive mind in full restimulation. That's all it is. His effort to not-know it. The color of not-know is black or invisible, sometimes gray. But his effort to not-know it has made him press against it and get into various attitudes with regard to it — and he's got a reactive bank in full restimulation.

Now, oddly enough you could take almost anybody and put him in a like state. All you'd have to do is say to him, "Do you remember when you were a little child? You remember any time when you were a little child?"

And the fellow will say, "Yeah, I do."

"Do you remember your father and your mother? Were they ever mean to you?"

"Yeah. Well yeah, I remember my father and mother being mean."

"Did they ever put you to sleep in a dark room?"

And he says, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I have."

You say, "Have you got a field?"

He'll say, "My god, yes!" Just as easy as that. You can give anybody a field.

Now, a person doesn't have to get out of one in order to be audited — that's number one. It's not absolutely necessary. But if he still has one while he is in session, which is that plain and is getting in the road of auditing, then the button which is not cleared is CCH 0. It goes clear back to scratch. He's still defending, all by himself, a poor little lone knight standing out in the stygian black with a two-handed sword in each hand — not able to lift either of them, but defending — defending himself as best he can because there is no help anyplace. And he doesn't notice that help is sitting in the auditing chair. So he does not relinquish, one iota, his screens or protective devices.

Now, a careful trace of some cases which I have just reviewed reveals this fact: People who had mock-ups and could do them well, when subjected to a long series of severe Auditor Code breaks, then developed a field. So we could say that, then, a person in a fair state of being able to do it, subjected to a long series of ARC breaks in life, would wind up with a field. We can parallel the auditing phenomenon with life fairly safely. The evidence is enormously in favor of the fact that a field is developed in the absence of help.

And in view of the fact that help is scarcest in space opera — if you've ever been in a spacesuit eighteen thousand light-years on the other side of Arcturus with a cracking helmet, you'll know what I mean — there isn't anybody else around, and they wouldn't be able to do a thing for you if they were. Not unless they had pressure chambers and all sorts of things to get you out of it. There's nobody lonelier than somebody in space opera.

I suppose that's why this particular society, at this time, having lots of green fields, green trees, worrying about overpopulation while practically the totality of the eastern United States is utterly uninhabited . . . This is the vastest wilderness between Maine and Florida you ever cared to walk through. Actually, it's no surprise to me that the Indians suddenly came back, down in South Carolina the other day. I think they've been back there for years hunting trout and deer and having a good time. And I think they're all ready to be offered another string of beads for South Carolina. You know, they did come back and attack the Klu Klux Klan. I think they've — I think they've — just the way some extinct bird sometimes reappears in great numbers, I don't think anybody noticed. There's too much space down there.

I know I, myself, have driven for days without getting anywhere in all sorts of states — particularly Texas. Nothing anywhere, you know?

And why this particular society wants to go into space is quite a mystery to me. Because, I suppose, they must be drawn there by the idea that there's more trouble to be found there than there is here. Or because they have begun to dramatize no-help. Well, I'll tell you, there's — you got a station on some base, on a moon or something like that, boy, something goes wrong there's just no help ever arrives. That's it.

But we look at the conduct of the — ha! — US government. By the way, we're going to organize a society one of these days, out of OTs, a society for the rehabilitation of a constitutional government. And the government is there to help people, but there are no people. It's there to help people. Well, they've never had to confront a person. See?

What do they do to a person? Oh, execute him, shoot him from guns, court-martial him, make him waste his time, exile him in Panama if he calls to anybody's attention the fact that we don't have any moons upstairs. You know? I mean, their action against a person is quite remarkably savage. But they're evidently for "the people," this mass — the psychiatric-communist mass idea. The masses. The people. You never have to face anybody. That's a total no-confront. All right.

They certainly must be dramatizing no-help, because the first thing you would say a government was for would be to help individuals or to cooperate with individuals or to make it possible for individuals to cooperate with one another.

I think there's a better way to deal with our incompetent people than to have a government to put them into. I think people who are indigent and can't earn a living — like senators and things like that — I think they ought to have a home. I don't think there's any particular reason why they should send them up on Capitol Hill.

These are not bitter remarks. They are based on the fact that I know them as a class, and almost all of them have fields armor-plate thick. These men are supposed to help somebody? Well, their dramatization is not to do so.

Well, this is not condemning somebody who has a field, but it says where this field comes from. It evidently develops to the degree that a person stands alone. And as a person falls on down the dynamics from eight to one, he becomes more and more convinced that he is standing alone and that there isn't anybody else. But the first symptom that he notices is not that there is not anybody else but there is no help "over there."

Now, when the Christian Church capitalized and crystallized this idea of the eighth dynamic and they made a direct promise, and they said, " If you're a good boy, you mind your p's and q's, kick in your tithe, keep your nose clean, God will help you." Well, I don't know that they had any authority!

Little kids find this out very early. They find out God is not particularly interested in them, if God is the person who is being talked about by some of these more barbaric churches, like the cult of Baal, Molech. The only difference between some of these personifications and others is some are made out of mud, some out of brass and some are not made at all. I'm talking not cynically now, but very seriously. Anybody who cannot even see the second dynamic or the third, who is being an authority on the eighth is being quite remarkable, I assure you, quite remarkable.

Nevertheless, without any authority I've ever seen around, they promised a lot of help from the eighth, and it never arrived. And every little kid learns that when he prayed for a bicycle, it never arrived. And once in a blue moon, why, some little kid is in trouble and he prays God that he won't get his . . . family won't get messed up or something of the sort, and his family goes right on getting messed up. In other words, it's a no-help situation.

What they're dramatizing, actually, is space opera. They're told that God is space, for some reason or other. Most people have that idea. And there's no help in space. And you say, "God is going to help you," and "God is space," you'll eventually, just on the track, key in engrams where a guy couldn't be helped in space. You see that? So we get the collapse of the eighth dynamic as far as the individual is concerned.

Then the seventh dynamic: At first he thinks of fairies, and thetans are going to help him out. And as a matter of fact, thetans in some areas have been very helpful, one way or the other, without being bodies. But after a while, somebody jumps up and finds out he can pass a collection plate and get a couple of quick nickels on the drum — just as crude as that — and by saying all thetans are bad, and spirits and demons are all very, very bad, and you're being haunted. And there are actually really ghosts, and they're there to get you and scare you and kill you, and you must, therefore, do everything you can to defend against these horrible things called thetans.

And the Roman Catholic Church, by the way, owes its progress in Europe to this exact sales talk, not because of anything else. They promised to safeguard people against these horrible things called demons and spirits. An interesting thing. You can look this up and you'll find it to be true. Nearly all of the Middle Ages' textbooks on the subjects are protecting people from demons, protecting them from spirits. In other words, there goes the seventh. The seventh finally becomes evil.

Well, it's interesting that every old — the god of every old religion becomes the devil of the new. For instance, the devil as we know it (simply means "little god") was the god of the witchcraft in Europe — the European order of witchcraft. And we know, now, witches. But witches in those days were men, oddly enough. It's really gotten turned around eight ways from the middle. And this fellow Lucifer was actually the god of the witchcraft. And he became the devil of the new religion, don't you see? In other words, the old god becomes evil, right?

So let's look on the seventh dynamic, now, and we see that the thetan then can become a demon. You see that? Seventh.

And the sixth can become an evil place — a trap. Do you get how this can cave in?

Well, the exact pattern of its cave-in is, it's no longer any help. A dependency for help is extended to this dynamic, whether the eighth, seventh, sixth or any of the rest of them — a person counts on it for help and then it fails him. Or he tries to help it and it fails him again, or he fails it.

You'd be surprised. Some thetans are caved-in simply because they robbed a church, and they can't account for the fact of just merely robbing a church in — two lives ago; caved them in because they weren't religious two lives ago. They're actually caving in from ten or twenty lives ago, see? They were very religious, and then all of a sudden they strike back against the religion. In other words, they fail to help it. Don't you see?

You'll see somebody ready to blow his brains out: He wasn't in the accident, he just failed to prevent it. See? You find most anybody will go back a concatenation of logic to a point of where if he hadn't gotten up and eaten cereal that morning, or something of the sort, why, the accident wouldn't have happened. He'll work it back to that point and he'll figure out that he didn't help, then, and it caves him in. All right.

So the eighth dynamic goes to pieces, becomes evil and highly malevolent on this button of Help. In other words, destroy is the reverse of help, isn't it?

And the dichotomy there is help-destroy, by the way. That's quite an important dichotomy. It is not destroy — create, because create is not a not-isness and it's not an alter-isness, is it? And destroy is a not-isness. So they're not data of comparable magnitude, create and destroy. That's why in The Fundamentals of Thought it says create and then create-create-create and then no create, as the cycle of action. That is the cycle of action. But you can do alter-isnesses along the line and cause other things to happen. And you get this mechanism of destroy.

Well, the opposite of destroy is another alter-isness called help. Destroy is an alter-isness. It's a changingness; it's an effort to change something. And help is an effort to change something. Destroy is an effort to change something. They're actually a very pat dichotomy. You must remember this in clearing people because you get somebody who's trying to chew up his bank and so forth, he must be sour on the other side of the thing. He must have been let down too many times. All right.

As we fold up the dynamics from eight to seven, now spirits are no more help, you see? They're evil. And then you better forget about them. In other words, it goes on irresponsibility and automatic; no longer in control of this thing called spirits. Just a little earlier he was no longer in control of this thing called god.

Now, six. He gets to six. Six helps him. He can have a good game because of the sixth. Then it becomes malevolent and then he becomes irresponsible for it; can take no further responsibility for it. And it disappears — but it's still there.

Then we get him on the fifth. Animals. Animals were fine. As recently as the Crusades, man could still be amazed at a thetan controlling numbers of birds. It was fantastic. I mean, you mean a thetan can't control bodies? But they had a saint, there, that could make the birds sing on every side or shut up or come around or go away and was very good with animals. And this amazed them all, and they built shrines and everything else to it. The boy was obviously very able, but what was he? He was simply an operating thetan on the fifth dynamic. It — amazing.

But we, with the automobile, have fixed it up so that we went off the fifth. Furthermore, we hire cops today instead of police dogs. I know I would much rather, if I were worried about protecting a body, have a few mastiffs on the end of a chain than several cops on the end of a nightstick, any day of the week.

The automobile is much, much more effective than the horse, there's no doubt about it at all. If you've ever had anything to do with horses, you realize that was true. Very few in this generation have had very much to do with a horse; you haven't had to live with horses. You've occasionally had to ride horses and you think horses are nice, and you see them gamboling in pastures and gambling in stables. But you haven't — you haven't actually had to live with a horse, not depend on him utterly. This is — be pretty rare in this generation, you see? Maybe some of you have, but it's very rare. Boy, you get up in the morning to go someplace, and the first impediment on your way is a horse!

They talk about the horrible accident rate these days. Actually, percentagewise, there is less casualty connected with automobiles than there were with horses. It's quite interesting. Horses are dangerous in this particular line. Just looking over accident figures from the National Casualty Company, it's quite interesting. Automobiles, they could smash themselves up two and three times as bad, and they still wouldn't get up to a point where man was to when animals were still serving him, toward the end.

Now, I'm very, very sure that a few hundred years ago man didn't have this much trouble with horses, you see? He was still very heavy on the fifth and he did not object to having pigs in the parlor and chickens under the foot and so on. So much so that anybody who was really putting on a big show, and he was a high-class gent — I'm sorry you can't say anything more noble about the nobles of the Middle Ages — he used to sit at the table with dogs under his feet and a falcon on his wrist and eat. And it was very interesting. They used to change the straw every few months, sometimes once a year — cleanly people.

But this fellow would go outside and he would of course talk to something with which he's much more familiar. He was — it belonged to the animal kingdom. He'd talk to a horse, he was used to talking to horses, and he got along much better.

As the centuries went along into the nineteenth century, we started to get a higher casualty rate than you have today with the automobiles.

We have, then, the problem of a folded-up fifth. We could see it fold up. Once upon a time dogs were trained by dog boys. And dog boys used to play with the dogs, and they had a definite series of games that were played with these dogs. Games had names. "Pounce" was one of the games. Dog pounces on the boy, the boy pounces on the dog. You play it today with — as "paws," which is to say, you'll hit a dog's paws. I've seen some of you do this, tap a dog's paws and he gets his paws out of the road. It never occurs to you to play the other side of the game though: Let the dog hit your paws. Scientologist, it would, of course.

But this dog must have been part of the society at one time or another much more so than now. Now he's a pet, nobody works him, the dog is not under control. You see some of these old ladies going down the street with a peke, you know the dog has gotten up to the level of deification and will soon cave in as a malevolent object that we must rid the society of because it is so bad. Get the idea? All right.

Now, we come down to the fourth. And the same ideas are going on about the fourth, right now. The United Nations are drooling about the fourth dynamic. Now, I haven't any idea why they're drooling about the fourth dynamic, unless they simply drool. They aren't doing anything very effective, and most of the lines which they're letting out are so antipathetic to the people who are receiving the material that, although it's very idealistic and it's very pretty, they're looked upon as being dreamers and very impractical. They're not getting very far.

It's quite wonderful though, that they are actually totally on the fourth. It's too bad they aren't also on the third, second and first. So it must be an inverted fourth. If you've read much of their material, you'll know what I'm talking about: They are not being real. They are for man without being for a single individual man, you see? And when you get that condition, you've had it. Now, that's an inversion, isn't it?

Well, you take, today, the third dynamic. Man is beginning to realize that the greatest bane of his existence is, of course, nationalism — invented not too long ago and going out quite rapidly. Nationalism has actually given us more wars than "emperorism" in the Roman Empire gave them. The serious wars fought by Rome in its earlier, formative days were nationalistic wars. Her civil wars, except perhaps the Battle of Masada, which happened just before a barbarian invasion and, therefore, wiped out most of her army just at the time she needed it, actually did not terribly reduce the Empire.

Nationalism. One of these days you will hear nationalism as a very wicked thing — extremely wicked. We will live to see a time, unless we ourselves do something about it, which we undoubtedly will, when the idea of a nation or borders or something of this character is an act of viciousness.

And there will be TV plays, probably three-dimensional in full color by that time. And they'll be TV plays. And the villain in this particular thing will be a nationalist. You know, he's one of these dirty, foul, stinking beasts; he has the idea that you ought to have a nation. And man has gone the whole gamut on this nationalism, now. The more great wars he fights over nationalism, the less he likes the idea.

I'm not preaching for or against nationalism, just showing you that it has a curve.

And the second dynamic was once something that occurred to have babies. Well, don't go to Hollywood to study it today. You wouldn't recognize it. It was help in creativeness. And you can see that very directly because it is very intimate to the first dynamic, you see? Help in creativeness. Two thetans got together and created something and, boy, did that make it persist! You see? And eventually it got down to this point.

Now, there isn't much you can say about a first dynamic, except it, when it goes, gives the person the idea that he cannot help and he cannot be helped. But the funny part of it is that it will flip and run the whole gamut of the dynamics backwards, all as self. Quite amazing. There hasn't been a dictator in good shape for so doggone long — they're all on inverted thirds. They're self as a third dynamic, you get the idea? They're self as mankind. They're crazy.

And then you get clear on down the inversions to an inverted eighth, which is self as god. And you get the Indian doctrine — which was not introduced by the people it's authored to — of the oneness of everybody. Boy, you've really got it made there: You've got an eighth that's a one. That's really fabulous when you come to think it over. The oneness of everybody. You must recognize your oneness, that you are everything else and you are everybody else.

Funny part of it is, if you can't communicate to everything and everybody else, you're in trouble. But if you are everything and everybody else, and can't get out of those valences and can't withdraw in any way, you're in trouble. See this? The first, because it's a fact and does not consist of any further agreements — it is a fact, you see — never wholly disappears. But it shifts into other things rather easily.

Now, on the first inversion there really is an eighth, there really is a seventh, there really is a sixth. There's isness of mest — it is. It isn't that it's a product of your imagination, you see? It isn't that it's something you thought up in a loose moment while you were drunk. The highest significance of it is — which is why everybody misses it — is that it is. You can argue with that all you please. Mary Baker Eddy argued with it, and she said it's infinite mind. I'm sure that it is not infinite mind. It is. It is what it is, it is not something else — like Popeye. See, it just is.

Funny part of it is a thetan, liking to doll things up, always loves to add a thousand more significances. So after it is, then he adds something else, see? You have an awful time with somebody to get him to come right down to the fact of the case that the physical universe simply is. We don't care whether it will be or was or who created it or anything else. It is a fact.

Now, taking that fact apart is another problem. Adding to that fact is another problem. You see? It happens that it is a fact. But it doesn't even have to be a fact to the degree that the first dynamic is a fact. Now, Mary Baker Eddy would have uttered something a little truer had she said that the spirit is always senior to matter. That's true. That is a fact. But it is not true that because that is true, matter isn't. You get the idea? That is unjustified logic, and is only logic.

Now, the common denominator of this whole cave-in is just the white going into the black. Don't you see? As you see those dynamics fold up, you see the white into the black. White is help, help, help, help, help, help, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone — kill it. You were never so mad at any other person as you have been at the person you sought to help and couldn't.

Audience: Yeah.

I've seen the most amazing thing. I've seen a corpsman working like mad giving blood transfusions, you know, bottle after bottle, and sewing somebody up, and working like mad and working like mad and working like mad and trying to pick up this dog soldier he fished out of the landing craft, you know? And all of a sudden, why, the guy says — groan, creak, rattle, bang. He's gone. The corpsman stands up and looks at him (and I'll quote it directly because the ladies present are Scientologists) and he says, "Why, you dirty son of a bitch!" — that very healthy attitude. Don't think it was otherwise. The dog soldier didn't cooperate at all. He didn't even come back and help anybody pack him up and throw him into the icebox, either. That was that.

And you say men get calloused. I rather think he had become very uncalloused.

Now, we look at these dynamics and we see that if you could get a picture of the upper sides of one to eight — and even the inversion down here as gray — if you could get the upper side of one to eight, the upper side of the dynamic as white and then just fading on down into gray and then going black and then disappearing utterly, you would get some sort of a color scheme that most people seem to agree with. That isn't a fact either, that's just a dream-up, but it seems what usually happens. And that will occur. Don't be amazed when you find someday that the blackness of the physical universe is simply your cave-in on the sixth. Don't be amazed when you discover that, because you'll run into it someday when you go for OT. You'll say, "There's not dark out here, what's the matter with me?"

It becomes a not-know; it becomes an irresponsibility when it goes totally black. It's now even gone beyond destroy, you see? When it is totally, inkily, armor-plate black it is simply, "I've got nothing to do with it, I am no part of it. It's over there and I'm over here, and I hope it stays over there but good." Got that thoroughly? And it's just help flipping in, over to that.

Now, the only reason I'm beating this to death — and I am beating it to death — is because it needs to be beaten to death. It tells you to start a session before you run one. It tells you to get a train from Omaha to Chicago. You may expertly locate a station at Kansas City, but if you never get the steam up in Omaha, it will never get to Kansas City or Chicago. It'll never go anywhere.

Similarly, if a preclear is sitting there out of session, he never gets auditing. And it is not auditing that has failed at all because it never happened. A condition of auditing is being in-session.

What is meant by being in-session? That the requisites, to some degree, of CCH 0 are met.

And the two wildest things that'll keep him out of session are PT problem and Help. And if he doesn't think he can help you, and if he doesn't think you can help him, and if he doesn't think any help is possible, he's not going to go anywhere. And his field won't clear up, either.

Now, his field isn't necessarily the button Help totally gone sour. You understand this? But it's the entering wedge, which, if not unwedged, will not permit any other technique to operate on the field.

You've got a little drill called CCH 0, and you're trying to build an archway through a mountain — it looks to you — and you've got this little hand-drill that drills a sixteenth of an inch hole an inch deep. I assure you, you've got to start out with some kind of a hole, some kind of a drill. And you'll be surprised how less of a mountain it looks when you have at least drilled the first hole. And the first hole is Help. It's really got to be drilled. Just to talk to him, you have to handle the PT problem. But to actually get auditing in progress, you have to be able to clear Help and get it out of the road, get it swept aside, open the gates, because up to that time those gates are closed. The windows of his soul are shut and barred. And if he's bad enough off, he's got howitzers sitting just under the casement.

He will only get better if he gets help. Conversely, he will only get better if he gets over the idea that he cannot be helped and that he cannot help you.

And he got into that idea in the first place because he thought he needed help at some time or another, and it's sitting on that postulate. But if it's sitting on that postulate, it is still a fact as far as you're concerned in an auditing session that he is hung up on this particular basis.

And you would be better off to clear Help for five solid hours or ten hours, or to clear it, for Pete's sake, until there was no black, gray, pink, orange field left, than to go off and abandon it and skip it. You've got to start a session all over again if no session was ever started. And the way to start it: PT problem and Help.

Thank you.