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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Anatomy of the Theta Body (HCL-21) - L520416a | Сравнить
- How to Audit a Theta Line, Parts I and II (HCL-22) - L520416b | Сравнить
- How to Search For Incidents on the Track, Part I (HCL-27) - L520416c | Сравнить
- How to Search For Incidents on the Track, Part II (HCL-27a) - L520416d | Сравнить
- Theta Body Demonstration (HCL-Demo) - L520416e | Сравнить



A lecture and auditing demonstration given on 16 April 1952 New R&D Vol 10 page 387-413 [page 414 is blank]. [Also checked against the old reel (very poor tape quality) and an older freezone transcript.] [The later part of this demo, beginning about 380 lines down, appears in Professional Course Booklet 17, continuing forward from the session given in the Theta Body Demonstration lecture which we are also posting at this time.] [This is tape number 382 in the Flag Master List and it is shown there as being given at an unknown date in March of 1952 rather than on 16 April.] [Material marked "&" is on the tape but not in the R&D.]

& ... a few trillion years.

& Voice from Audience: How you going to know? There's a lot of ...

& Well, that's true, that's true.

& Voice from Audience: Yeah. Well, I ... [unintelligible] now. I realize that it's all ... [unintelligible]

I'd like to talk to you now about the track map. There will be an issue of this map, many issues of this map, which will be printed and given to students of the Summary Course.

There should be one of these maps for each preclear because all this map contains is the standard incidents on the track with side notations for each incident which can be filled in for any one preclear. And it has an accompanying chart which is an entity chart so that you can keep track of your preclear.

Now, this track map has notations on it to follow an electropsychometer so that it shows what you're doing and what you're getting charge on and so on. Now, you saw we had one preclear tonight who was a bit stuck on one incident. That incident was an explosion, an overt act and a jam of one sort or other, and that was very sticky, so we weren't getting the rest of the track.

Now, it's very interesting that somebody who has always considered hilself very stuck and so forth on the track - Maurie gets the whole track without any difficulty, you see? In other words, his theta being is actually operate pretty efficiently in spite of occlusions and all the rest of this stuff.

Now, this track map is used, then, in this fashion: that you make notations for each type of incident when you discover it on an E-Meter. And then you have a notation on it whether or not you audited it out, or how nearly you audited it out, and what you audited it out of. See, that's quite important. It's important to keep, at this time, a check on your preclear. A careful auditor in the past - considering his preclear as just one entity, one being - had no great difficulty in keeping track (we knew that we'd run out the basic part of the bank, or something of the sort), but this is a different situation. The situation is far more advanced and its goal is much higher than any we have ever tried to attain. And you'd better keep track of what the track is like: how many entities are still there,how many of the joiners you've gotten out, and keep it straight so that you know what's been audited and what hasn't.

Now, part of this - and a separate section of the track map - has to do with the between-lives sequence, modern. Modern: the last 35,000 years. Some of us walked in rather curiously, I'm sure, and volunteered or something of the sort, and were held in pawn, and some sort of a sequence began to take place. This was in the effort to civilize and fix up earth; somebody else's effort, not yours.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

.. we were working on this a little bit the other evening. By the way, when operating this machine, you should have your controls fairly well back when it's first turned on and so on. You put the cans in the preclear's hands and then turn on your machine - to keep the needle from hitting the pin too badly. I think new machines will probably have cartridges in them that will blow a fuse, and so you'd have the difficulty of blowing a fuse, which will train you rather quickly. MEST force. And that's of course, ...

LRH: What's the matter?

What did you think of?

PC: MEST force, or something like that.

LRH: MEST force. Is MEST force bad?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Not so good, is it?

PC: Nope.

LRH: All right. Look, we want to know particularly about the between-lives sequence now.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Okay.

LRH: And immediately we want the between-lives sequence, and looks like this preclear we have here ... And the manifestation of the needle is flicking from the theta-universe manifestation - which is a wide swing-to the between-lives manifestation. Now, there is a very, very nice theta-universe manifestation and he's got the theta-universe manifestation mixed up with the between-lives manifestation.

PC: Thought I get is it isn't far to go.

LRH: Huh?

LRH: Not far to go, huh?

PC: That's right.

LRH: Actually, between lives you could very easily take off for the theta universe, but you're sort of choked up on it. Now, tell me. When you die - normally when you die on Earth, where do you go?

PC: Mars.

LRH: Mm-hm. There's a nice bop. Okay, let's put it down on the chart here. Here's Earth and here is death.

Okay. Here is Mars up here, so you go flipping up here. It take you very long to get there?

PC: Nope.

LRH: Nope.

PC: Scared as hell, incidentally.

LRH: By the way, were you told to go there?

PC: Yep.

LRH: You're supposed to go there. Are you supposed to remember that you're supposed to go there?

PC: Nope.

LRH: But you're supposed to forget that you're supposed to rem-.

PC: Supposed to remember I'm supposed to forget.

LRH: That's interesting, isn't it?

PC: Yeah. We hit that one under religion: "Remember, you must always remember." Kind of surprised when I found out what it was I was supposed to remember.

LRH: Uh-huh. Well, you're supposed to remember to forget, naturally ...

PC: Yep.

LRH: ... I mean, that's simple.

Female voice: Yes, of course.

LRH: Effective.

Okay. Now, when you got there in the old days, when you got up there ...

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

LRH: Does one of you still make this trip?

PC: Nope.

LRH: Find a body there? Well, let's just talk about the good old days, then, okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: They're still there, by the way.

PC: Yep.

LRH: But they're not in very good shape right now, are they?

PC: No.

LRH: Okay. Now, this is Mars. Some pcs will tell you it's Venus, and maybe there is a show going on in Venus which does more or less the same thing, who knows? Is there a show going on in Venus, too?

PC: It's a different one.

LRH: Oh, that's a different show. Do they send people down here to Earth?

PC: The thing I get is "Yep, not me.

LRH: Not you, huh? But you know about this?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Well, that's fine. What do they do? What are you ...

PC: Sort of a competition.

LRH: Oh, there's a competition between the two. What are the Venus people? What are they trying to do? Huh?

PC: Take over.

LRH: They're trying to take over Earth. Well, what about the Mars people, what are they trying to do?

PC: Take over.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: They're trying to keep it running, I guess.

LRH: Is Venus the new attack?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: This time I get a little fear riding in here.

LRH: Oh, you got a little fear. That's the new attack, huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Has anybody got one of your bodies on Venus?

PC: Nope.

LRH: Nobody has got a body of yours on Venus? Okay.

Anybody get a "yes" on that?

Female voice: Yes.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Female voice: I did.

LRH: You did.

Female voice: I think he was getting some of my fear. I think.

LRH: Which one is the most modern civilization? Which is the newest?

PC: Newest is Venus.

LRH: Newest is Venus?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: And Venus has - have electronics down well and ...

PC: Yep.

LRH: ... other things?

PC: Yep.

LRH: They operate in space? System space?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Mm-hm. Who's the referee in this fight? Is there any?

PC: Feeling I get there is "I am."

LRH: You are. You the referee of this fight7

PC: Yes.

LRH: Does that mean you personally, or Earth?

PC: First thought I got on that was "me.

LRH: You?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Who are you?

PC: Okay. Next thought is "Earth."

LRH: Well, is it Earth ...

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: ... or is it you personally?

PC: I think it's me personally.

LRH: Okay. Good. Tell them to hold off for a while, will you? (audience laughter)

PC: All right. That's what I've been doing.

LRH: You're not kidding. All right. Now, the old cycle went this way: fellow went back up here and what did he do? Sure, you tell them.

PC: Get ...

LRH: Hm?

PC: Feel like it's "get reborn."

LRH: Get reborn. Did his body animate or anything happen up there?

PC: Woke up.

LRH: He woke up. And then what did he do?

PC: This is where we begin to get questioned. I sometimes invalidate my own data on this, because ...

LRH: Is this an area of confusion?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Oh. The questioning is very confusing. Okay.

Here, then, is his body awakes. And now we've got to report. And here you got ...

PC: Seem kind of confused about what's going on.

LRH: Confused on questions. Well, what did they do? What did they do?

PC: They asked questions, and seems to me that they should know the answers.

LRH: Yeah. What's the purpose in asking the questions?

PC: To confuse me.

LRH: Get you confused?

PC: Yep.

LRH: That's right. Go to the head of the class. Okay. That's one of the first mechanisms of hypnotism, by the way: get the subject confused.

Boy, you're really getting drops on this, aren't you? All right. What's the next thing you do?

PC: Back to Earth.

LRH: Back to Earth.

PC: Die again there.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Die again there and come back to Earth.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, what's the procedure? Now, there's a little bit more to it, I'm sure ...

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... than just you simply coming back to Earth.

PC: Yeah, I get on this - come back to Earth - select a body, take over.

[Professional course booklet 17 begins with the session given in the Theta Body Demo lecture and continues it with this session starting here as if they were all part of the same session.]

LRH: Do you get instructions, specific instructions on anything?

PC: Yeah, what to do.

LRH: What to do? Are you stuck someplace in this?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Where?

PC: Somewhere in the middle of the instructions.

LRH: What do they do in the middle of the instructions?

PC: Thought I get is that they get confused.

LRH: They start to act confused?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Mm-hm. And what's that do to your confusion?

PC: Really picks it up.

LRH: Yeah. And then what do they do?

PC: They say to go.

LRH: They tell you to forget it or anything there?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Is there any command there to forget your past life that you've just lived?

PC: Boy, I get the first-beautiful first line of a prayer coming in strong.

LRH: Coming in strong. What are you supposed to do? Now, what's the prayer?

PC: just a sec while I get it. "You shall remember the Lord, thy God, all the days of thy life," and thought this - this - or something or other. Oh, everything will be hunky-dory, and so forth. And this is the same one we ran into, or I ran into, in the middle of what I thought to be Fac One, first time.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: It got tangled up with that.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I was kind of startled when I found out what it was I was remembering.

LRH: Mm-hm. Does this knock out the past life that you just left?

PC: No. Makes me forget it.

LRH: Makes you forget it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Why do you forget it?

PC: Because I'm remembering to forget it.

LRH: Mm-hm. You have to remember to forget it?

PC: Yep.

LRH: What else do you have to do about this? Anything else? How about your skills, vocation?

PC: You have to relearn all this.

LRH: Oh, you're told you have to relearn everything.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Great. Fine, fine. Now, confused questioning, and told to relearn, and you're told to forget.

PC: Seem to have been bothered some in this lifetime, though; I don't like schools.

LRH: Past life. Yeah, you probably knew all this scenery. After a guy learns arithmetic a hundred times, it gets to be awfully ... You start to rebel and somebody says, "two times two," and you say it's eight, or anything.

Female voice: I came up with five.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Three point nine-nine.

LRH: Now, what goes on there? You forget - forget your past lives and so forth?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. And then what happens?

PC: The thought I get there is then down to Earth and find a body; it's apparently been selected.

LRH: Mm-hm. How's it selected? You given a street and number or anything like that?

PC: No. Seem to be tuned in on it.

LRH: Oh? Tuned in on the body.

PC: Yeah. The damn feeling I get is just about - scooting in just about like an arrow - floating right in on it.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Like a homing pigeon, almost.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Or a guided - guided missile homing in.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Yep.

LRH: And there it is, right sex, right everything.

PC: Yep.

LRH: Yeah. Fine. All tailor-made. At what period in the development of that body is this?

PC: Just before birth.

LRH: That's right. Okay.

But here goes the body to sleep again, huh? Or is it you are told you're dead?

PC: No. Sleep - about the only thing. Suspended animation, something like that, but not dead.

LRH: Mm-hm. Okay.

PC: Never die.

LRH: Right. And then you depart, huh?

PC: Yep.

LRH: How many - how long are you there, generally?

PC: You mean back there?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I guess ten minutes.

LRH: About ten minutes? Mm-hm.

Female voice: He's busy.

LRH: Not very long, is it?

PC: Damn busy trip.

LRH: Okay. So, here we go.

Is that a specific time before birth? Ten minutes, fifteen hours, twenty hours, a hundred hours, two days? What is it?

PC: Ten minutes sounds about right.

LRH: About ten minutes. That's right.

PC: Yep.

LRH: Okay. Ten minutes. What - what would you say this span is between death and birth again?

PC: Ten minutes.

LRH: About that. That's right. Sometimes fifteen. Ah!

PC: I'm in a hurry.

LRH: And this is birth; here we go again. That's interesting. Now, is there anything wrong with your telling me about this?

PC: Yep.

LRH: What's liable to happen?

PC: Not supposed to tell.

LRH: Who said so?

PC: They.

LRH: They said so.

PC: This is during conditioning.

LRH: Is this early conditioning?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Now, how did you get into that rat race in the first place?

PC: It was all part of an experiment which I'm interested in conducting.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, what...

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

PC: ... theta universe.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: First slide over into MEST universe - this is something we ran about - be about five, six days ago.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Yep. Slide over into the MEST universe as an experiment, to see what it's like to control things in the MEST universe.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Not control them, but to - well, to operate - get to know it better if you're in it ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... than you can from without.

LRH: Mm-hm. You're talking like this is a sales talk from somebody.

PC: That's exactly the way I got it.

LRH: That is a sales talk. Okay. How did you get into this last thirty-five-thousand year ... How long ago was it by the way, when you met up with these Martians?

PC: It's thirty thousand, I said that the other night.

LRH: About thirty thousand.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. How long did you report back? What's the last time you reported back? Any entity or beingness of yourself ? What was the last time you reported?

PC: One week ago.

LRH: About a week ago. Mm-hm. Was that about a week ago? Day ago? Day ago? Week ago?

PC: Mm-day ago. Day ago or week ago; it - they both seem to be okay.

LRH: Both seem to be okay.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Welt, you recall that I sent you up there the other night.

PC: That was a day. But a week ago it also happened.

LRH: Oh, it also happened about a week ...

PC: Yeah, that was when I was getting audited.

LRH: Pretty rough? Okay.

PC: We've been blowing things.

LRH: But I mean, to find a live body and go on through the routine.

PC: Oh, no, that's a day ago.

LRH: You did a day ago? Find the body and go through the whole routine?

PC: Yeah. No, I didn't go through the routine. No.

LRH: You found a body.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: That's right.

PC: Found one waiting around.

LRH: Okay. Okay. Now, this whole cycle has been going on for a long time, now, hasn't it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Would you sort of say you must be, thetawise, completely indestructible to take all of this?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Gee, you mean these aberrations we've got and so forth aren't quite as important as we thought they were.

PC: Nope.

LRH: Neither would be this hypnotism or anything else. Look at how many times it could happen to you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Why, you'd think that'd normally kill a person, to get hit this many times, wouldn't you?

PC: To die again could kill a normal guy.

LRH: Normal guy. Yep.

Now, here you have then, your life-death, death-life cyclic action. The various other periods that have happened in history similar to this are not too dissimilar from it. It's a pattern: MEST universe gets itself in a rut very easily, so on.

Now, in the MEST universe various other strange things have happened to people than what I've pointed out on the track between this between-lives cycle. This cycle is really much more important to an individual than many others, but it doesn't ride timelessly. It has the characteristic of putting somebody on a time track, doesn't it?

PC: Yep.

LRH: What we're calling Fac One is important because it floats somebody off of a time track.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, therefore, Fac One has a timeless characteristic. But this thing has a well-timed characteristic. What happens when you do the same action over and over and over? You took up in the Axioms and you find out that's a static, so each one of these cycles has a tendency to be. Now, do you consider this sort of static?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Mm-hm. How long you been on Earth? Oh, you already gave me that. You've thought about that.

Now what's this business about Venus?

PC: just another group.

LRH: How did you get caught in this - you didn't tell me the answer to that question. How did you get caught in this rat race?

PC: This one?

LRH: Yeah.

PC: ... thought is I get captured.

LRH: Did you volunteer?

PC: Nope.

LRH: Were you captured?

PC: Yep.

LRH: What else did they say?

PC: Didn't say anything else at all.

LRH: just captured. Shot down here?

PC: Knocked down. Okay.

LRH: Mm-hm. Here we go.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, had you been free just before you were captured?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Hm. Had you been free for a while?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Proud of yourself?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Mm-hm. Did you "know" just before you were captured?

PC: First thing on it is "Yes" and followed by a real big "No. Better not."

LRH: Okay.

PC: There it goes!

LRH: There it goes on the machine.

Okay - now. Now, who's this that's very interested there in Venus? Somebody spoke up around here.

Female voice: I did.

LRH: Well, you give her the cans and let's find out what happens around there.

[to male pc] Okay, thank you very much.

& LRH: Now, anybody... What did you do since the last time you run this thing? Did you run anything?

& PC: I've been doing some running ... [unintelligible]

& LRH: OK. I'm not embarrassing ... [unintelligible] OK.

& PC: Theta bop ... [unintelligible]

& LRH: ... [unintelligible]

& PC: Well, we put them back up the line again.

LRH: Okay. Do you have a body on Venus?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, what do you know? You got a body on Venus that's in pawn; that is to say, something holding it?

PC: Mmm ...

LRH: Did you try this

PC: ... it's operating, but it's kind of in pawn, too.

LRH: Oh, it's operating.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: It's walking around?

PC: Mmm. Mentally functioning, not physically.

LRH: Oh, it's functioning mentally.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Do they tell it things to tell you?

PC: No. I just - I'm communicating with it, but it's ...

LRH: Can you communicate with it right this minute?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. What's it looking at right this minute? Boy, are you communicating with it! Look at that drop!

PC: It's looking at a desk chart, not with graphs, but - how can I describe it? Sort of button lights is about the best thing I can do.

LRH: Button-light graph.

PC: Uh-huh. In the functioning of it, it just thinks which light it wants to light to perform certain duties and ...

LRH: Could you push it? When are you supposed to push it? Are you supposed to push it, or supposed to not to?

PC: No, whenever I feel it's necessary.

LRH: Are you under orders to push it?

PC: Well, I'm jerking like mad, Ron.

LRH: Are you under a - now, just a minute. Are you under a signal basis?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Are you a communication channel?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Are you a comm point?

PC: A type - I'm more of a relay point.

LRH: Relay point. Relay point between Earth and Venus?

PC: In a way, yeah.

LRH: In a way. Now, did you ever hear of space station 33?

PC: No. Fifty-six.

LRH: Space station 56.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: You in space station 56?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. You ever in communication with space station 33?

PC: No, nothing to do with it.

LRH: This machine says that you are.

PC: Well, I don't like him!

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

PC: I do things my way.

LRH: That's bad, huh?

PC: No, I think it's good to do things my way.

LRH: Who is space station 33 commanded by?

PC: A man.

LRH: Uh-huh. What's his name?

PC: Oh, I - blah - I can't say it. Uh ...

LRH: Well, you got a name.

PC: Numbers there.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: It doesn't mean the same as here.

LRH: Doesn't, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: Did you ever hear of Arohohn?

[Professional Course booklet 17 spells this name Arol Olen.]

PC: No.

LRH: No? Arohohn. Never heard of him, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: Is he on space station 33?

PC: I got a no and a yes and a no on that one.

LRH: You're not supposed to tell, are you?

PC: No, it's a big secret.

LRH: Big secret.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What's the matter with Arohohn?

PC: He's a jerk.

LRH: You don't like him, huh? Well, he's not the fellow on your operating board at 33 - he's in command of 33, isn't he?

PC: Yeah, but ...

LRH: You don't like him, huh?

PC: They don't know anything. Men don't know how to organize things.

LRH: Is he in command of your 56?

PC: Yes. Men don't know how -

LRH: They don't know how to organize well, do they?

PC: No, they sure don't.

LRH: Particularly if they're working on Earth.

PC: Anyplace.

LRH: All right.

Picking up this story about this Venus contact. What is this Venus contact, now? You've got space station 33 and space station 56. Were there other space stations there?

PC: Oh, yeah, about two hundred of them altogether, I think.

LRH: Two hundred of them.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Which is central?

PC: Well, one - they've got the system worked out so it goes in odd numbers. One, three, five and then it goes into the twenty-three, twenty-five. There are - I mean, it is set up on relays from the odd numbers and then there's major relay points from ...

LRH: What do they communicate?

PC: Instructions.

LRH: Well, come on. Give me a sample dispatch.

PC: Oh!

LRH: Well, give me a sample dispatch.

PC: uh ... Well, there's terrific conflict here.

LRH: You want me to show you a dispatch you sent about a half an hour ago? Oh, you didn't send one a half an hour ago. You sent one about forty minutes ago.

PC: About twenty minutes ago I was to go asleep - I nearly did - while you were talking before.

LRH: Mm-hm. Had to concentrate, didn't you?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How does it feel to run two bodies?

PC: Well, being in such close contact, which I've never done before, it feels very odd. Like ...

LRH: Confusing, is it?

PC: Distressing. I'm not quite used to it yet.

LRH: Is this Venusian effort mainly directed at - mainly directed at a conquest of Earth?

PC: Well, it's kind of indirect conquest of Mars.

LRH: Indirect conquest of Mars. What's wrong with Earth?

PC: Well, it's more or less of a focal maneuvering point. You know, like the Aleutian Islands, I or something like that, I mean ...

LRH: Earth isn't important in this sequence, is it?

PC: Only as a matter of getting at Mars through the back door or sideways, or something like that.

LRH: Hm. Nobody in this whole crew is interested in Earth, are they?

PC: Mm-no, not really.

LRH: What's Earth? Boy, are you shaking.

PC: You're telling me! I'm not looking at the dial.

LRH: Okay. Well ... My, am I taking information here that I shouldn't take?

PC: How right you are!

LRH: Well, believe me, I can take it. Don't ...

PC: I don't know if I can take any more of this or not, though.

LRH: Were you operating directly contrary to orders7

PC: Mm-just about as direct as you can get it. (sigh)

LRH: Mm-hm. What if you had a dispatch cleared through your hands right now that said okay?

PC: Mmm-it just wouldn't come. I mean, that's ...

LRH: It wouldn't huh? All right, we'll continue with this. Earth isn't important, then, to Venus, is it?

PC: Not to them - capturing it and using it.

LRH: What's the matter with Earth?

PC: It doesn't have anything to offer. I mean, they can't do anything.

LRH: Too heavy?

PC: They're stupid.

LRH: Gravity too heavy down here?

PC: Yeah, but I mean, we could overcome that. It's this civilization isn't developed enough to make any use out of it particularly.

LRH: Mm-hm. What, is this a prison planet?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. Is that one of the reasons you shy off of it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is one of your general orders not to land on Earth?

PC: Unless necessary.

LRH: Unless an emergency.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Who signed the general order?

PC: Oh, two people.

LRH: How long has it been outstanding?

PC: The orders?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Oh, about two thousand years, anyway.

LRH: Two thousand, anyway.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Two thousand anyway? Is that all?

PC: Well ...

LRH: How about ten thousand?

PC: More like six to eight.

LRH: That's longer than you've been around there.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is your concentration making you neglect the board?

PC: Yeah. I'm getting hell ...

LRH: Is there a dispatch sitting on that board?

PC: Yeah, I'm getting hell for it, too.

LRH: Well, clear it.

PC: "Drop the cans!" (laugh)

LRH: How long have you been a communications relay point down here?

PC: Mm-Oh, how long have I been down here?

LRH: How long-how long...

PC: I've just been here from...

LRH: ... have you been a communications relay point?

PC: About two thousand years.

LRH: Mm-hm. You've been going through the Earth line for two thousand yearc?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Have you been going through the Earth line two thousand years?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Longer?

PC: No, not going through the Earth line but only about two, three thousand years as a communications ...

LRH: You've been a communications point down here for the last generation?

PC: Oh, yeah. Longer than that.

LRH: Did it happen in this life?

PC: Mm-hm, yeah.

LRH: Yeah. At the beginning of this life?

PC: Before this life.

LRH: Oh, it happened before this life?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: How about 1780?

PC: More like 1860.

LRH: Been here since 1860.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You're not giving me the hot dope.

PC: Trying hard not to.

LRH: Trying hard not to, huh? And making sense too.

PC: (laugh)

LRH: Well, you're in very safe hands. Do you think the back of Mars is busted?

[Professional Course booklet 17 says "Do you think the Bank of Mars is busted?". Both R&D 10 and an older freezone transcription say "back of Mars", but the tape is poor quality - Ed.]

PC: No, that's the difficulty.

LRH: Well, what about the operation that took place around here recently?

PC: Which one?

LRH: Oh, I'd say their control of Mars - control of Earth is certainly kind of busted up here a little bit.

PC: Mm-hm, some slight extent. Amidst ...

LRH: Well, what about the next step?

PC: ... the confusion, but the government is still pretty solid.

LRH: On Mars, still pretty solid. What do you get on the board on it?

PC: A lot of red lights flickering right across the top of the board.

LRH: What do you see?

PC: Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

LRH: You got a viewer there that demonstrates anything on Mars?

Anything going on, on Mars?

PC: No.

LRH: Is there one available? What are you, a communications operator?

PC: Yeah, a relay ...

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, you know the dispatches that come through there.

PC: Mm-I'd say that this confusion ...

LRH: Lot of activity?

PC: There's about two or three other groups trying to come in, but the main central or governing group, so to speak, has - is still pretty much functioning.

LRH: They upset lately?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What are they upset about, I wonder?

PC: Oh, they feel we're getting too close.

LRH: Who's getting too close?

PC: We are.

LRH: Venus.

PC: Uh ...

LRH: Venusians.

PC: No, not Venus.

LRH: Earth?

PC: Dianetics.

LRH: Well, it ought to be. All right. Now, let me ...

PC: They don't call it that up there. That was the dispatch - why the hesitation.

LRH: Uh-huh. They don't call it that up there.

PC: Hm.

LRH: They didn't have it up there, did they?

PC: No, they don't have it up there.

LRH: That's right. All right. Now, would you say offhand .. What did you get a surge on?

PC: (laugh)

LRH: Am I going up against a communicator's oath here?

PC: Yeah. A bridge [breach?] of oath, ethics, and ...

LRH: Mm.

PC: ... anything else ou want to call it.

LRH: And I'm going right straight up against it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Was this implanted into you in some fashion or other, and that's why you're shaking?

PC: Yeah - I'm kind of made with it - so to speak.

LRH: Mm-hm. It's fighting back?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: When was it installed?

PC: When I was first given the communications job.

LRH: Mm-hm. You been faithful to it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Tell me, is there any sex amongst these people?

PC: Of a type, but not sex as we know it.

LRH: No. Do you breathe air up there?

PC: No.

LRH: Do you eat food?

PC: Absorb it, is the thought I got, rather than ...

LRH: So it's an electronic body ...

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... with a mind.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Imagine that. What's the temperature in the domes?

PC: About 250 to 280.

LRH: 250 to 280 what?

PC: (laugh) I don't want to tell you! I guess you'd say centigrade. I don't know.

LRH: How does it feel on your skin? Feel about the same as this room feels on your skin? Cooler?

PC: Mm ...

LRH: Hotter?

PC: It's about the same, maybe a little warmer but certainly comfortable.

LRH: Mm-hm. That's more or less correct. What's on the back of the moon?

PC: People. Of a type - living organisms.

LRH: What's the number of the station on the back of the moon?

PC: Thirty-three!

LRH: That's correct. Okay.

And so we conclude this evening's lecture (audience laughter) and I wish to show you there - this is some of the action in which we have been involved and by the way, her answers are all correct. Very good. Very good show. You probably would have been shot tomorrow morning if you'd answered otherwise. (audience laughter)

PC: I'll probably be shot tomorrow morning or dismembered and put together again, anyways.

LRH: Why?

PC: For giving up some of this information.

LRH: Oh, no. No, it cleared through control central.

PC: Okay. I'll take your word for it, tonight.

Now, we're here talking about auditing, not politics. (audience laughter) And none of you people would, of course, be political pawns - naturally not. And some of the things which you experience and some of the conflicts which go on would, of course, be completely unbelievable to many, since it's supposed to be that way. But an auditor can break through any of this and break through it badly.

What will happen as a result of this is quite interesting. I would advise you, as soon as possible, to become as Clear as possible because ... Well, one never knows, does one? And it would be very, very nice to have on Earth a very sane society which was highly constructive and which was capable of carrying on without an impetus and without orders from elsewhere.

This would actually be just a monkey society if nobody had ever taken a hand in it, I suppose. But I'm not here to theorize and I'm not here to guess. I'm just talking to you about Dianetics and Scientology. And what I know about these things is, of course, very slight, and I hope that you will invest quite a bit of time in auditing.

And merely as an aside, in order to protect your preclear against suddenly having nightmares or something of the sort - regardless of whether you believe it or not or place any credence in it or not - just encourage him to knock off those bodies that he has that are extra bodies elsewhere. It's not that it's merely upsetting to the Martian regime; it is not that it is very effective in restoring his health, but you certainly cannot expect an individual who is pinned down someplace and can be put under pain from a remote distance, to become Clear. So just encourage him to knock them off.

Actually, they knock off relatively easily; the operation has been going on too long. And completely as aside, don't worry about flying saucers.

Thank you very much.

[end of lecture]