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CONTENTS THE INTEGRATION OF AUDITING Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 22 October 1963A lecture given on 22 October 1963

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, what’s the date?

All right, what’s the date?

Audience: Twenty — second.

Audience: Twenty — second.

Twenty — two Oct. AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I haven’t got anything to lecture about, actually, you know everything there is to know. And the only difficulty is just doing it. Small difficulty. But he who maketh difficulty with auditing hath service facsimiles — Confucius say. Your — your difficulties in auditing are all made. They’re all manufactured difficulties. And the sooner you learn that, why, the happier you’ll be. By the time you’ve run a tape through, and listened to yourself and you’ll see how many difficulties have been made in the session, you’ll be appalled. It’d be very nice if those tapes could be of real live sessions, or tape a dozen of your sessions and then listen back to one chosen at random. You see, because in that session you wouldn’t be so careful.

Twenty — two Oct. AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I haven’t got anything to lecture about, actually, you know everything there is to know. And the only difficulty is just doing it. Small difficulty. But he who maketh difficulty with auditing hath service facsimiles — Confucius say. Your — your difficulties in auditing are all made. They’re all manufactured difficulties. And the sooner you learn that, why, the happier you’ll be. By the time you’ve run a tape through, and listened to yourself and you’ll see how many difficulties have been made in the session, you’ll be appalled. It’d be very nice if those tapes could be of real live sessions, or tape a dozen of your sessions and then listen back to one chosen at random. You see, because in that session you wouldn’t be so careful.

But in this universe, difficulty has to be manufactured. Always. Let’s take the case of an organization. Organization isn’t doing well, somehow or another. Got a lot of willing staff and people, and so forth, and that organization isn’t doing well. Well, somebody is manufacturing the „not doing well.“

But in this universe, difficulty has to be manufactured. Always. Let’s take the case of an organization. Organization isn’t doing well, somehow or another. Got a lot of willing staff and people, and so forth, and that organization isn’t doing well. Well, somebody is manufacturing the „not doing well.“

Living beings are theta beings, and they actually have to work pretty hard to be entheta beings. The natural bent — the natural bent is simply to be a theta being and carry on. One has to work hard to be otherwise.

Living beings are theta beings, and they actually have to work pretty hard to be entheta beings. The natural bent — the natural bent is simply to be a theta being and carry on. One has to work hard to be otherwise.

That’s quite interesting. Now maybe that labor is all unconscious and one is not conscious of the labor which is being done, maybe it’s being done at a level that one doesn’t recognize it, but nevertheless it is individually done — entheta. Now let’s take the actuality of the thing. There would be no mass in the bank if it were not being created in the given instant that it has the effect on the individual.

That’s quite interesting. Now maybe that labor is all unconscious and one is not conscious of the labor which is being done, maybe it’s being done at a level that one doesn’t recognize it, but nevertheless it is individually done — entheta. Now let’s take the actuality of the thing. There would be no mass in the bank if it were not being created in the given instant that it has the effect on the individual.

Let’s look at the harsh look — let’s take the harsh look at all this. The cold, scientific, pitiless inspection of what is actually going on. And that is that a thetan creates his own bank. It isn’t that he has created his own bank, he is creating his own bank — that is the difference, don’t you see. Any bank, no matter how far it is in the past, is being created at this instant by a thetan. There is no such thing as continued creation. All creation must be done at the moment it is perceived.

Let’s look at the harsh look — let’s take the harsh look at all this. The cold, scientific, pitiless inspection of what is actually going on. And that is that a thetan creates his own bank. It isn’t that he has created his own bank, he is creating his own bank — that is the difference, don’t you see. Any bank, no matter how far it is in the past, is being created at this instant by a thetan. There is no such thing as continued creation. All creation must be done at the moment it is perceived.

Now there can be such a thing as unaware creation or utterly unconscious creation — utterly, completely unconscious creation. And that is in actual fact the source of the reactive mind. One is creating without knowing he is creating. Now the reason he is creating is contained in the things he is creating. Now that’s very tricky. That’s very tricky. The reason he is obsessively creating is contained in the things he is obsessively creating. In other words he creates for instance an item, saying, „creativeness“ and this item then forces him to create, but he is unconsciously creating the item and he has not confronted the fact that he is creating it and therefore it is gone.

Now there can be such a thing as unaware creation or utterly unconscious creation — utterly, completely unconscious creation. And that is in actual fact the source of the reactive mind. One is creating without knowing he is creating. Now the reason he is creating is contained in the things he is creating. Now that’s very tricky. That’s very tricky. The reason he is obsessively creating is contained in the things he is obsessively creating. In other words he creates for instance an item, saying, „creativeness“ and this item then forces him to create, but he is unconsciously creating the item and he has not confronted the fact that he is creating it and therefore it is gone.

Now, the difficulty of this creativeness is: in view of the fact that he can create so much automatically he cannot differentiate what he is creating. So he doesn’t really know what he is creating and what he isn’t creating, and so therefore, he cannot as — is the central things he is creating. Do you follow my line? See, he could know he was creating. But what is causing him to create? What is he creating that is causing him to create? That question he cannot answer because it requires tremendous confront and differentiation.

Now, the difficulty of this creativeness is: in view of the fact that he can create so much automatically he cannot differentiate what he is creating. So he doesn’t really know what he is creating and what he isn’t creating, and so therefore, he cannot as — is the central things he is creating. Do you follow my line? See, he could know he was creating. But what is causing him to create? What is he creating that is causing him to create? That question he cannot answer because it requires tremendous confront and differentiation.

Now, the easiest thing that an individual can do is create. If you see some artist laboring over a canvas and the sweat pouring off of his brow, you’re perfectly entitled to go, „tsk, tsk, tsk.“ If you ask him very carefully why he is sweating over this creation to this degree, he would probably be able to analyze it to some tiny distance. See, he’d be able to analyze it slightly. He would realize — he would realize that he in actual fact, had put an arbitrary barrier against his creation, saying that the canvas must be created in a fortnight. Which is a very short time indeed, to create the amount of canvas he is creating, you see? This must be all completed within a fortnight. Well, that of course, makes it difficult for him to perform the creation because he has a time barrier.

Now, the easiest thing that an individual can do is create. If you see some artist laboring over a canvas and the sweat pouring off of his brow, you’re perfectly entitled to go, „tsk, tsk, tsk.“ If you ask him very carefully why he is sweating over this creation to this degree, he would probably be able to analyze it to some tiny distance. See, he’d be able to analyze it slightly. He would realize — he would realize that he in actual fact, had put an arbitrary barrier against his creation, saying that the canvas must be created in a fortnight. Which is a very short time indeed, to create the amount of canvas he is creating, you see? This must be all completed within a fortnight. Well, that of course, makes it difficult for him to perform the creation because he has a time barrier.

Now, if you ask him further about the thing he would have a doubt as to whether or not it was going to be accepted at the academy, or by the client, so he has this barrier and he could spot that. „Yes, I’m very anxious, I’m very nervous, I don’t know whether this thing is going to be bought or not, which ties in with the fact that I don’t know whether or not I’m going to be able to buy my coffee and cakes, two weeks from now. I don’t know, you see. And therefore, I’m anxious about this particular line.“

Now, if you ask him further about the thing he would have a doubt as to whether or not it was going to be accepted at the academy, or by the client, so he has this barrier and he could spot that. „Yes, I’m very anxious, I’m very nervous, I don’t know whether this thing is going to be bought or not, which ties in with the fact that I don’t know whether or not I’m going to be able to buy my coffee and cakes, two weeks from now. I don’t know, you see. And therefore, I’m anxious about this particular line.“

And you’d say, „Well, could that affect the difficulty you’re having creating.? and he would agree with you at once. And you probably would have as — ised it to that degree, and so forth, he’d realize that he had economic duress, as well as, the time factor first mentioned, mixed up in the simple action of creating this piece of canvas.

And you’d say, „Well, could that affect the difficulty you’re having creating.? and he would agree with you at once. And you probably would have as — ised it to that degree, and so forth, he’d realize that he had economic duress, as well as, the time factor first mentioned, mixed up in the simple action of creating this piece of canvas.

Now you go a little bit further, talk about his materials and tools, and you’ll find out that he is working with Synco Company paint because it was handed over to him as a gift by one of his fellow artists, who may or may not be a friend, and it does not work well, see? Now he feels he must use up this paint, even though he could probably obtain other paint — paint isn’t all that expensive. He feels he must use up this paint because he has it. There’s another barrier to his creativeness, you see.

Now you go a little bit further, talk about his materials and tools, and you’ll find out that he is working with Synco Company paint because it was handed over to him as a gift by one of his fellow artists, who may or may not be a friend, and it does not work well, see? Now he feels he must use up this paint, even though he could probably obtain other paint — paint isn’t all that expensive. He feels he must use up this paint because he has it. There’s another barrier to his creativeness, you see.

So, even at a conscious level you could sort out with this artist, why the sweat was running off of his brow as he stood there gnawing the end off his paint brush.

So, even at a conscious level you could sort out with this artist, why the sweat was running off of his brow as he stood there gnawing the end off his paint brush.

Also a musician, you could sort this thing out. You could get the number of factors which he had put in his own road in order to prevent himself from playing music. Now that action followed out in its final form becomes R4. You audit out all the GPMs and RIs — and what are you doing You’re auditing out actually, the barriers which a person has put in his own road, in order to prevent imagined oppositions from having an effect upon him. In other words, a game of shadows.

Also a musician, you could sort this thing out. You could get the number of factors which he had put in his own road in order to prevent himself from playing music. Now that action followed out in its final form becomes R4. You audit out all the GPMs and RIs — and what are you doing You’re auditing out actually, the barriers which a person has put in his own road, in order to prevent imagined oppositions from having an effect upon him. In other words, a game of shadows.

Now, that it is a game of shadows tends then to make us pooh — pooh the idea that anybody could ever be in trouble. Let’s go at it now, and that’s the pitiless look I’ve just given you. Of course the fellow couldn’t possibly ... He’s causing all of his trouble, he’s the one who is causing all the difficulties, and so therefore, the hell with him! You see, that could be the adjudication. But no, you needn’t add that last, you see — well, he is causing all of his troubles. That is the pitiless, factual look at the situation. Anything that’s wrong with him, he is creating at this very moment. Anything that’s wrong with an organization is being created now, in the organization.

Now, that it is a game of shadows tends then to make us pooh — pooh the idea that anybody could ever be in trouble. Let’s go at it now, and that’s the pitiless look I’ve just given you. Of course the fellow couldn’t possibly ... He’s causing all of his trouble, he’s the one who is causing all the difficulties, and so therefore, the hell with him! You see, that could be the adjudication. But no, you needn’t add that last, you see — well, he is causing all of his troubles. That is the pitiless, factual look at the situation. Anything that’s wrong with him, he is creating at this very moment. Anything that’s wrong with an organization is being created now, in the organization.

Yeah, they can say, „Well, but three years ago we had a fire, and we’ve never been able to recover from the fire, and, and yap — yap — yap — yap.. .“ And that so fixates them that they never look at the fact that the Registrar in the organization never comes to work — because they’ve got it all explained! They don’t have to do anything because they had a fire three years ago and they haven’t recovered from it, don’t you see?

Yeah, they can say, „Well, but three years ago we had a fire, and we’ve never been able to recover from the fire, and, and yap — yap — yap — yap.. .“ And that so fixates them that they never look at the fact that the Registrar in the organization never comes to work — because they’ve got it all explained! They don’t have to do anything because they had a fire three years ago and they haven’t recovered from it, don’t you see?

You’ll find out that they’ve got explanations for all of their difficulty, but those explanations when swept aside would demonstrate and disclose that the individual was creating all of his difficulty here and now, and the organization was creating all of its difficulty here and now.

You’ll find out that they’ve got explanations for all of their difficulty, but those explanations when swept aside would demonstrate and disclose that the individual was creating all of his difficulty here and now, and the organization was creating all of its difficulty here and now.

There isn’t any real point in saying — well, in the past we so on, and so on, and so on — organizationally, because, they aren’t actually stuck in a GPM. You just start looking around the bits and pieces in the organization and you find out — well, they never have anybody come into the organization because they keep the front door locked! I mean, there were some fifty — some reasons in Johannesburg why nobody could get into the Test Section, PE Course. They were enumerated — over fifty ways of preventing people from ever getting onto the PE Course. They included parking the bicycles across the pathway so that nobody could walk up to the door of the test room.

There isn’t any real point in saying — well, in the past we so on, and so on, and so on — organizationally, because, they aren’t actually stuck in a GPM. You just start looking around the bits and pieces in the organization and you find out — well, they never have anybody come into the organization because they keep the front door locked! I mean, there were some fifty — some reasons in Johannesburg why nobody could get into the Test Section, PE Course. They were enumerated — over fifty ways of preventing people from ever getting onto the PE Course. They included parking the bicycles across the pathway so that nobody could walk up to the door of the test room.

Now, this is all very well, don’t you see, this is all very well to say, well, the reason why Johannesburg was in difficulty was because years ago, see, there was a so — and — so and so — and — so and that all affected the so — and — so, and then they had some creditor trouble and that got so — and — so, and that all added up to so ... Well, that has nothing to do with the price of fish at all! And that’s because you aren’t actually dealing with the mass of a GPM.

Now, this is all very well, don’t you see, this is all very well to say, well, the reason why Johannesburg was in difficulty was because years ago, see, there was a so — and — so and so — and — so and that all affected the so — and — so, and then they had some creditor trouble and that got so — and — so, and that all added up to so ... Well, that has nothing to do with the price of fish at all! And that’s because you aren’t actually dealing with the mass of a GPM.

So on the third dynamic it becomes more obvious than on the first dynamic. Now, you look at this poor bloke — now let’s take the sympathetic look at it. Let’s take the sympathetic look. Let’s take this poor bloke and he’s standing on a street corner and he doesn’t know whether to walk up the street or down the street or get a job or buy a cup of coffee or go home or so forth — trouble and difficulty is just too great and he is overwhumped. All right. Now we go up to this fellow — and this is what makes the human mind an interesting study — we go up to this fellow, and we say, „Well, why don’t you go home?“

So on the third dynamic it becomes more obvious than on the first dynamic. Now, you look at this poor bloke — now let’s take the sympathetic look at it. Let’s take the sympathetic look. Let’s take this poor bloke and he’s standing on a street corner and he doesn’t know whether to walk up the street or down the street or get a job or buy a cup of coffee or go home or so forth — trouble and difficulty is just too great and he is overwhumped. All right. Now we go up to this fellow — and this is what makes the human mind an interesting study — we go up to this fellow, and we say, „Well, why don’t you go home?“

„Well, I’m a — scared to go home.“

„Well, I’m a — scared to go home.“

„Why don’t you buy a cup of coffee?“

„Why don’t you buy a cup of coffee?“

„Well, I’m afraid to spend my last sixpence because so — and — so and so — and — so.“

„Well, I’m afraid to spend my last sixpence because so — and — so and so — and — so.“

„And why don’t you walk up the street?“

„And why don’t you walk up the street?“

„Well I can’t walk up that way because I might run into a cop.“

„Well I can’t walk up that way because I might run into a cop.“

„And why don’t you walk down the street?“

„And why don’t you walk down the street?“

„Well, I can’t walk down that way because it’s full of mud puddles.“

„Well, I can’t walk down that way because it’s full of mud puddles.“

That type of analysis, with regard to this one individual, I’m afraid would not wind you up with a happy man. Why? Because the basic building block of all organizations is the individual. And you can get all the boys over on the Moscow party line, talking about „the masses“ and talking about „the people.“ And you can get the US bleating about „the people“ all the time, and so forth — but that’s only because there’s nothing there to bleat about, you see.

That type of analysis, with regard to this one individual, I’m afraid would not wind you up with a happy man. Why? Because the basic building block of all organizations is the individual. And you can get all the boys over on the Moscow party line, talking about „the masses“ and talking about „the people.“ And you can get the US bleating about „the people“ all the time, and so forth — but that’s only because there’s nothing there to bleat about, you see.

There is no ‘people.“ It looks like a „people,“ don’t you see. Somebody moves in with this theory, into some Latin American country that is in terrible Condition financially, economically, and so forth — that its people have never been educated, nobody’s ever paid any attention to the individuals — and they just say, „Well, all we’ve got to do is move in here with communism.“ Or „with democracy,“ you see. „All we’ve got to do is move in democracy and we’ll at once have a great prosperous country!“ Aw, fo — cri — ! Where are they going to start building, man? Where are they going to start building. Where’s that one guy they’re going to start building with, see?

There is no ‘people.“ It looks like a „people,“ don’t you see. Somebody moves in with this theory, into some Latin American country that is in terrible Condition financially, economically, and so forth — that its people have never been educated, nobody’s ever paid any attention to the individuals — and they just say, „Well, all we’ve got to do is move in here with communism.“ Or „with democracy,“ you see. „All we’ve got to do is move in democracy and we’ll at once have a great prosperous country!“ Aw, fo — cri — ! Where are they going to start building, man? Where are they going to start building. Where’s that one guy they’re going to start building with, see?

Well, these people have not had education, these people have not had the benefits of any tools or help, for centuries. Spaniards had them running up and down carrying bags full of dirt they could pan out in the streams for more gold for Spain. They never did very much for them. Hideous — hideous past. Political background has been so enturbulated and enturbulent that any time anybody set up a government, why the indoor sport was to shoot it down and so on. Schools — nothing.

Well, these people have not had education, these people have not had the benefits of any tools or help, for centuries. Spaniards had them running up and down carrying bags full of dirt they could pan out in the streams for more gold for Spain. They never did very much for them. Hideous — hideous past. Political background has been so enturbulated and enturbulent that any time anybody set up a government, why the indoor sport was to shoot it down and so on. Schools — nothing.

Until they look at this fact: to take one individual in the country and give him a few benefits and straighten him out, and then another individual in the country and a few benefits and straighten him out, and another individual in the country and a few benefits and straighten him out, and a few more and straighten them out, and a few more and straighten them out and a few more and straighten them out — they will then have a country which they can put democracy or communism into — and if they did their job well with the individual, nobody would be that silly!

Until they look at this fact: to take one individual in the country and give him a few benefits and straighten him out, and then another individual in the country and a few benefits and straighten him out, and another individual in the country and a few benefits and straighten him out, and a few more and straighten them out, and a few more and straighten them out and a few more and straighten them out — they will then have a country which they can put democracy or communism into — and if they did their job well with the individual, nobody would be that silly!

These birds straightened out, might invent a political philosophy that was workable! None of these old corny things that have been kicking around lately — Actually there’s been no real political developments since the benevolent monarchy. The only thing row — the only thing — the only thing that is against a benevolent monar — . You know you can get a communist to agree, a socialist, people in democracy, you can get everybody that you ever thought of, anarchists — they will all agree that the best form of government is a benevolent monarchy. They all will agree. But it has one fault — one fault — and that is you can never guarantee its succession. So you can’t have it, because it might go wrong in the future.

These birds straightened out, might invent a political philosophy that was workable! None of these old corny things that have been kicking around lately — Actually there’s been no real political developments since the benevolent monarchy. The only thing row — the only thing — the only thing that is against a benevolent monar — . You know you can get a communist to agree, a socialist, people in democracy, you can get everybody that you ever thought of, anarchists — they will all agree that the best form of government is a benevolent monarchy. They all will agree. But it has one fault — one fault — and that is you can never guarantee its succession. So you can’t have it, because it might go wrong in the future.

Oh, I know that sounds very rightist but, unfortunately it’s based on the actual discussion with socialists, laborites, anarchists, royalists, and everything else, see. And I found out there was only one meeting ground on which they could all agree. There’s the ideal form of government — the benevolent monarchy. But, they all said, you cannot guarantee its succession. It might cease to be a benevolent monarchy, at any moment. So therefore, we cant have it. And that is the method by which they prevent it. They all agree that there are holes in democracies and communisms and that sort of thing, which are all present time holes, which put everybody in misery, don’t you see. „Well, that’s great, but we can’t have those, you see. We’ve got to have all those holes, and everybody’s got to be in misery, because they might be in misery.“

Oh, I know that sounds very rightist but, unfortunately it’s based on the actual discussion with socialists, laborites, anarchists, royalists, and everything else, see. And I found out there was only one meeting ground on which they could all agree. There’s the ideal form of government — the benevolent monarchy. But, they all said, you cannot guarantee its succession. It might cease to be a benevolent monarchy, at any moment. So therefore, we cant have it. And that is the method by which they prevent it. They all agree that there are holes in democracies and communisms and that sort of thing, which are all present time holes, which put everybody in misery, don’t you see. „Well, that’s great, but we can’t have those, you see. We’ve got to have all those holes, and everybody’s got to be in misery, because they might be in misery.“

Now, look at this as political thinking. I’m not even beating the drum for a benevolent monarchy. I think — I think benevolent monarchies are rather corny, myself I think there is no substitute for a benevolent people! But where your individual is concerned or where a group is concerned or where anything is concerned, you come down to this basic thing called an individual — a being. He is the only live, breathing thing there. I don’t care how many administrative lines or how many stable data we park or how many RIs we set up, around, and call it an organization, when it comes right down to it — the building block is a guy. And that’s the only — only living thing there. And incidentally that is the only living thing that will ever be there! And if you haven’t got this individual in any kind of Condition at all, you’re going to wind up with nothing.

Now, look at this as political thinking. I’m not even beating the drum for a benevolent monarchy. I think — I think benevolent monarchies are rather corny, myself I think there is no substitute for a benevolent people! But where your individual is concerned or where a group is concerned or where anything is concerned, you come down to this basic thing called an individual — a being. He is the only live, breathing thing there. I don’t care how many administrative lines or how many stable data we park or how many RIs we set up, around, and call it an organization, when it comes right down to it — the building block is a guy. And that’s the only — only living thing there. And incidentally that is the only living thing that will ever be there! And if you haven’t got this individual in any kind of Condition at all, you’re going to wind up with nothing.

Look, you could read a book about a perfect marriage. You could read a book about a perfect marriage. You could straighten it all out on the basis of a perfect marriage. You could organize it all. You could organize the man’s work, the woman’s work and everything else. You could absolutely have this taped, completely — down to the last erg, you see. Child planning — everything else. You’ve got this perfect marriage, perfect. Textbook that thick, you know. I mean, everybody — so on.

Look, you could read a book about a perfect marriage. You could read a book about a perfect marriage. You could straighten it all out on the basis of a perfect marriage. You could organize it all. You could organize the man’s work, the woman’s work and everything else. You could absolutely have this taped, completely — down to the last erg, you see. Child planning — everything else. You’ve got this perfect marriage, perfect. Textbook that thick, you know. I mean, everybody — so on.

But you haven’t got a woman and you haven’t got a man. Well, where’s the perfect marriage? Or you’ve got a girl with a service facsimile „I hate men“ — you got a man with a service facsimile, „I hate women.“

But you haven’t got a woman and you haven’t got a man. Well, where’s the perfect marriage? Or you’ve got a girl with a service facsimile „I hate men“ — you got a man with a service facsimile, „I hate women.“

Now, this one individual then, this one individual, this idea of the individual — when you multiply him and get another individual and another individual and another individual and another individual — you still have just that many individuals, that’s all. But you can get an Aggregate result of aberration. This, I think, is called „culture.“

Now, this one individual then, this one individual, this idea of the individual — when you multiply him and get another individual and another individual and another individual and another individual — you still have just that many individuals, that’s all. But you can get an Aggregate result of aberration. This, I think, is called „culture.“

Now, in any given organization, there is however enough theta to make the thing whiz, unless everybody is being active — reactively or knowingly — to make it not whiz. Now in actual fact, the only livingness present is the livingness that is present. I hate to have to say one of these — one of these weird, A=A things — but the only livingness present is the livingness present. Now the livingness that is present is reduced by the amount of livingness invested in not — livingness. In other words, arbitrary factors. Livingness is invested in the maintenance of an arbitrary factor. And the degree that the arbitrary factor is invested in, monitors the apparency of the livingness that is present. You follow this now?

Now, in any given organization, there is however enough theta to make the thing whiz, unless everybody is being active — reactively or knowingly — to make it not whiz. Now in actual fact, the only livingness present is the livingness that is present. I hate to have to say one of these — one of these weird, A=A things — but the only livingness present is the livingness present. Now the livingness that is present is reduced by the amount of livingness invested in not — livingness. In other words, arbitrary factors. Livingness is invested in the maintenance of an arbitrary factor. And the degree that the arbitrary factor is invested in, monitors the apparency of the livingness that is present. You follow this now?

You’ve got a pint bucket. And that is the amount of theta present — in spite of the fact that it doesn’t have anything — you got a pint bucket. All right. Now, that’s the amount of livingness present. Let’s say that’s all theta, see. Now we’ve got a bunch of mud pies, see. Got a bunch of mud pies sitting around. And, they’re not mud pies yet — they’re just dry dirt. Now, the degree that we enliven this dry dirt — without banishing the dry dirt — is the degree that we will subtract water from this pint bucket and pour it in the pan that comes around it, do you see that? So pretty soon we apparently have no water present. We have only mud. In actual fact, there’s just that much water still present. You haven’t lost any because let’s forget about the evaporation. The water is still present — but what happened to the water? It is all invested in the making of mud.

You’ve got a pint bucket. And that is the amount of theta present — in spite of the fact that it doesn’t have anything — you got a pint bucket. All right. Now, that’s the amount of livingness present. Let’s say that’s all theta, see. Now we’ve got a bunch of mud pies, see. Got a bunch of mud pies sitting around. And, they’re not mud pies yet — they’re just dry dirt. Now, the degree that we enliven this dry dirt — without banishing the dry dirt — is the degree that we will subtract water from this pint bucket and pour it in the pan that comes around it, do you see that? So pretty soon we apparently have no water present. We have only mud. In actual fact, there’s just that much water still present. You haven’t lost any because let’s forget about the evaporation. The water is still present — but what happened to the water? It is all invested in the making of mud.

Now in auditing, the only action you’re undertaking actually, is filtering back the mud pies and recovering the water into the pint bucket. Get the idea? Now, it’s actually simpler to do it in auditing than it would be in the physical universe. Because all you’ve got to do is as — is the mud pie, and say, „mud pie A!“ and everybody recognizes that it’s mud pie A, and instantly the mud pie-ishness of it vanishes, and the water goes back into the bucket quite magically.

Now in auditing, the only action you’re undertaking actually, is filtering back the mud pies and recovering the water into the pint bucket. Get the idea? Now, it’s actually simpler to do it in auditing than it would be in the physical universe. Because all you’ve got to do is as — is the mud pie, and say, „mud pie A!“ and everybody recognizes that it’s mud pie A, and instantly the mud pie-ishness of it vanishes, and the water goes back into the bucket quite magically.

You might say that’s a recovery of attention units. You might say it’s a recovery of theta. It’s simply the negative quantity recovered because the thing is there all the time. The recovery is only apparent. It is simply not invested in mud pies.

You might say that’s a recovery of attention units. You might say it’s a recovery of theta. It’s simply the negative quantity recovered because the thing is there all the time. The recovery is only apparent. It is simply not invested in mud pies.

Now, why can’t you audit a pc who has a screaming present time problem? Why can’t you audit him successfully? Well, there is too much attention invested in the mud pies of the present time problem. In other words, this is such an investment that it has taken all the water in the pint bucket and poured it into all the mud. There’s no water left in the pint bucket at all. It isn’t even damp. Don’t you see? It’s a temporary condition.

Now, why can’t you audit a pc who has a screaming present time problem? Why can’t you audit him successfully? Well, there is too much attention invested in the mud pies of the present time problem. In other words, this is such an investment that it has taken all the water in the pint bucket and poured it into all the mud. There’s no water left in the pint bucket at all. It isn’t even damp. Don’t you see? It’s a temporary condition.

Now, the present time problem goes away and you now see an apparency of some water in the bucket. Now you’ve got something that you can invest. Some pcs are in such horrible condition that there is no water in the pint bucket at all and the auditor therefore cannot invest it because it isn’t there to invest — it’s all mud. Do you see what I mean?

Now, the present time problem goes away and you now see an apparency of some water in the bucket. Now you’ve got something that you can invest. Some pcs are in such horrible condition that there is no water in the pint bucket at all and the auditor therefore cannot invest it because it isn’t there to invest — it’s all mud. Do you see what I mean?

So, the auditor’s action is to find some water to get back into the pint bucket. And then invest it in an orderly fashion, to disappear the mud pies. This is programming, crudely stated, but nevertheless graphically true. You get some pc and he cant go into session. Well, why can’t he go into session? Well, the bucket’s empty. Well, what’s the matter? Well, his attention is on so many factors in his immediate environment, his attention is so hideously spread and sprayed around that he cannot in any way concentrate any attention on anything else. And this is comparable to: there’s no water in the bucket.

So, the auditor’s action is to find some water to get back into the pint bucket. And then invest it in an orderly fashion, to disappear the mud pies. This is programming, crudely stated, but nevertheless graphically true. You get some pc and he cant go into session. Well, why can’t he go into session? Well, the bucket’s empty. Well, what’s the matter? Well, his attention is on so many factors in his immediate environment, his attention is so hideously spread and sprayed around that he cannot in any way concentrate any attention on anything else. And this is comparable to: there’s no water in the bucket.

The auditor can’t say, „Splash, splash over in that direction for a moment,“ because there’s nothing there to splash, don’t you see? So there’s apparently no pc present. There’s nothing but mud. When this condition is too multiple, when this condition is too chronic, when there is never any theta present, when there is only mud, and the mud is very badly caked, they teach them psychology and psychiatry. Those are the sciences of making mud into more mud.

The auditor can’t say, „Splash, splash over in that direction for a moment,“ because there’s nothing there to splash, don’t you see? So there’s apparently no pc present. There’s nothing but mud. When this condition is too multiple, when this condition is too chronic, when there is never any theta present, when there is only mud, and the mud is very badly caked, they teach them psychology and psychiatry. Those are the sciences of making mud into more mud.

Now, you’re trying to do something different when you’re trying to audit, than just handle mud. But your attention could be so thoroughly muddified, that you don’t recognize your action is to try to recover attention out of the bank. Now, when there is no attention — no water in the bucket — you have a condition called overrestimulation. You don’t get any tone arm action. Tone arm action is the flow of theta to mud or mud to theta. And if you’ve got no attention, no spare attention on the part of the pc to invest in anything — well, therefore, the pc is totally tied up in the various concerns that his attention is already invested in. Therefore, you don’t have anything left to concentrate on the stable data, aberrated stable data you must pick up in order to release some flow. Do you follow this? There’s got to be some pc there. There can’t be totally mud.

Now, you’re trying to do something different when you’re trying to audit, than just handle mud. But your attention could be so thoroughly muddified, that you don’t recognize your action is to try to recover attention out of the bank. Now, when there is no attention — no water in the bucket — you have a condition called overrestimulation. You don’t get any tone arm action. Tone arm action is the flow of theta to mud or mud to theta. And if you’ve got no attention, no spare attention on the part of the pc to invest in anything — well, therefore, the pc is totally tied up in the various concerns that his attention is already invested in. Therefore, you don’t have anything left to concentrate on the stable data, aberrated stable data you must pick up in order to release some flow. Do you follow this? There’s got to be some pc there. There can’t be totally mud.

Well, let me give you the extreme action. Somebody’s lying there unconscious. You actually can’t audit them until you have run some CCH — type process, and caused them to come to and get into communication with you. See? Now there’s the extreme condition of mud. Mud, mud, mud, you See. The extreme condition is unconsciousness.

Well, let me give you the extreme action. Somebody’s lying there unconscious. You actually can’t audit them until you have run some CCH — type process, and caused them to come to and get into communication with you. See? Now there’s the extreme condition of mud. Mud, mud, mud, you See. The extreme condition is unconsciousness.

All right, we take somebody who has fifteen present time problems and he’s in a foxhole. He’s being shot at this particular moment. He is running out of ammunition, he has no food left and he has just detected a flanking attack in progress. To the right of him he sees mortar shells are beginning to bracket him in. And you say, „Would you like a session?“ Well, what’s going to be the response? That’s how some pcs feel. That’s how some pcs feel! They feel no other way! They just „Eeaahh!“ „I don’t dare take my attention off all this mud because everything will go to hell if I do!“ There is no comm point in other words, that you could achieve, with which to operate from.

All right, we take somebody who has fifteen present time problems and he’s in a foxhole. He’s being shot at this particular moment. He is running out of ammunition, he has no food left and he has just detected a flanking attack in progress. To the right of him he sees mortar shells are beginning to bracket him in. And you say, „Would you like a session?“ Well, what’s going to be the response? That’s how some pcs feel. That’s how some pcs feel! They feel no other way! They just „Eeaahh!“ „I don’t dare take my attention off all this mud because everything will go to hell if I do!“ There is no comm point in other words, that you could achieve, with which to operate from.

So, at this moment the only thing you can do is find out what the mind is doing and parallel it. And you’ll be able to take some theta back from the mud. What is the guy doing? What is the mind doing? Well, you have to parallel it. There is no substitute for that.

So, at this moment the only thing you can do is find out what the mind is doing and parallel it. And you’ll be able to take some theta back from the mud. What is the guy doing? What is the mind doing? Well, you have to parallel it. There is no substitute for that.

Now, in Routine 4, a pc can get so muddified, so restimulated, so overrestimulated, have so many present time problems, and have so much keyed — in, that they don’t want to be audited. They will kick back against auditing. They don’t want to be audited. That may be the first expression. Actually, what they mean is, they don’t want to be audited on Routine 4.

Now, in Routine 4, a pc can get so muddified, so restimulated, so overrestimulated, have so many present time problems, and have so much keyed — in, that they don’t want to be audited. They will kick back against auditing. They don’t want to be audited. That may be the first expression. Actually, what they mean is, they don’t want to be audited on Routine 4.

Let’s say you’ve got some fellow who’s easily and calmly finding items, one right after the other, pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa, finding items; and all of a sudden he comes to session; he has a tremendous present time problem, and he just doesn’t seem to want to be audited. One of two conditions can be wrong there. The present time problem can be so overwhelming you can’t get his attention on the bank. And the other thing that can be wrong is that you have restimulated something or something has gone wrong in the processing which you have not yet detected. In other words, you’ve bypassed some charge which has caused mud or restimulation. One of those two things is occurring.

Let’s say you’ve got some fellow who’s easily and calmly finding items, one right after the other, pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa, finding items; and all of a sudden he comes to session; he has a tremendous present time problem, and he just doesn’t seem to want to be audited. One of two conditions can be wrong there. The present time problem can be so overwhelming you can’t get his attention on the bank. And the other thing that can be wrong is that you have restimulated something or something has gone wrong in the processing which you have not yet detected. In other words, you’ve bypassed some charge which has caused mud or restimulation. One of those two things is occurring.

Now, it’s interesting that a person who has a quasi — present time problem — that isn’t yet, you know, totally absorbing — but just on the perimeter of his consciousness, a rather, rather heavy present time problem but not a complete catastrophe, you understand that? The session just before they got this problem you found ten RIs, in doing Routine 4. Pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — you found ten RIs. Then they got this problem, you eased the problem up, but in that next session you only found four RIs; not because they were spending time — not because they were spending time, you understand, dwelling on the problem. They were working all right — the problem keeps occurring to them however. But they’re working all right, they’re listing all right, they’re — they’re behaving all right. You cannot really detect any vast difference in the behavior of this pc except one; you cant get things to fire easily.

Now, it’s interesting that a person who has a quasi — present time problem — that isn’t yet, you know, totally absorbing — but just on the perimeter of his consciousness, a rather, rather heavy present time problem but not a complete catastrophe, you understand that? The session just before they got this problem you found ten RIs, in doing Routine 4. Pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — you found ten RIs. Then they got this problem, you eased the problem up, but in that next session you only found four RIs; not because they were spending time — not because they were spending time, you understand, dwelling on the problem. They were working all right — the problem keeps occurring to them however. But they’re working all right, they’re listing all right, they’re — they’re behaving all right. You cannot really detect any vast difference in the behavior of this pc except one; you cant get things to fire easily.

You get the item on the list but you can’t get a fire. See what I mean? You have to work it over. You list a little bit longer. You go back and you get to the item again, and you call the item, and you get the Suppress off of the thing. You list a little longer and the pc says that is the item. You can’t make the item fire. You understand? And you finally manage to jockey it around one way or the other and finally you get your fire and your blowdown. See, it’s a struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle. That’s because you’re running this pc in the presence of attention invested in too many PTPs — he is too distracted from the session, he is unable to progress easily. Well now, that’s what happens to your tone arm motion in lower levels. The pc’s attention is so absorbed in things you are not addressing, that there is no attention available to the auditor to put on and as — is aberrated stable data. So you don’t get tone arm action. Elementary.

You get the item on the list but you can’t get a fire. See what I mean? You have to work it over. You list a little bit longer. You go back and you get to the item again, and you call the item, and you get the Suppress off of the thing. You list a little longer and the pc says that is the item. You can’t make the item fire. You understand? And you finally manage to jockey it around one way or the other and finally you get your fire and your blowdown. See, it’s a struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle. That’s because you’re running this pc in the presence of attention invested in too many PTPs — he is too distracted from the session, he is unable to progress easily. Well now, that’s what happens to your tone arm motion in lower levels. The pc’s attention is so absorbed in things you are not addressing, that there is no attention available to the auditor to put on and as — is aberrated stable data. So you don’t get tone arm action. Elementary.

Now, oddly enough in doing I, II and III Levels of Scientology, you actually can have a condition where the pc runs into Level IV. Where neither the auditor nor the processed, or anything else is situated to handle Level IV. Awful. Catastrophe stares us in the face. Because there is actually more potential overrestimulation and present time problem on the pc’s track than there is in his present time. When you look at GPMs and their RIs, there is more potential restimulation on the track than there is in present time. That’s very interesting. In other words, he can be more restimulated by reason of keyed — in GPMs and RIs, than by simply getting knocked off or something like that in present time.

Now, oddly enough in doing I, II and III Levels of Scientology, you actually can have a condition where the pc runs into Level IV. Where neither the auditor nor the processed, or anything else is situated to handle Level IV. Awful. Catastrophe stares us in the face. Because there is actually more potential overrestimulation and present time problem on the pc’s track than there is in his present time. When you look at GPMs and their RIs, there is more potential restimulation on the track than there is in present time. That’s very interesting. In other words, he can be more restimulated by reason of keyed — in GPMs and RIs, than by simply getting knocked off or something like that in present time.

You can lock his tone arm up — ca — rack! by keying in a GPM. Now, this is a tremendous liability for Scientology Levels I, II and III. It is answered by auditing goals with „in this lifetime“ Prepchecks. Pc has put down a goal of some kind or another. You could audit that goal on a Prepcheck basis on a „in this lifetime“ basis, and get rid of the Level IV potentiality. Probably.

You can lock his tone arm up — ca — rack! by keying in a GPM. Now, this is a tremendous liability for Scientology Levels I, II and III. It is answered by auditing goals with „in this lifetime“ Prepchecks. Pc has put down a goal of some kind or another. You could audit that goal on a Prepcheck basis on a „in this lifetime“ basis, and get rid of the Level IV potentiality. Probably.

But it’s messy to work with. I won’t kid you. And you never become more convinced of how messy this is, than when you’re doing Level IV and you’ve already found the present time goal and you’re going back down the track in an orderly fashion. All the hard work is done, see. And the pc goes to the bottom of the second GPM, where the goal as an RI is sitting there, you see. And you stop the session — at that point, because this is just the end of the session — and you pick this up maybe a week later and that pc’s tone arm is locked up at 5.5.

But it’s messy to work with. I won’t kid you. And you never become more convinced of how messy this is, than when you’re doing Level IV and you’ve already found the present time goal and you’re going back down the track in an orderly fashion. All the hard work is done, see. And the pc goes to the bottom of the second GPM, where the goal as an RI is sitting there, you see. And you stop the session — at that point, because this is just the end of the session — and you pick this up maybe a week later and that pc’s tone arm is locked up at 5.5.

And you fool around and you sweat and you monkey and you scratch your head, and you have a hard time, all over the place — pc’s tone arm is at 5.5. They left the session at 3.0, and the tone arm is at 5.5! Well, obviously something happened during the week to key them in. Well, it did — there were a lot of things happened during the week.

And you fool around and you sweat and you monkey and you scratch your head, and you have a hard time, all over the place — pc’s tone arm is at 5.5. They left the session at 3.0, and the tone arm is at 5.5! Well, obviously something happened during the week to key them in. Well, it did — there were a lot of things happened during the week.

So, you put in your „since“ mid ruds to get your new intensive going, so forth, you’re all set, and you put in your „since“ mid ruds — and the tone arm doesn’t budge. And you talk about the things that have happened during the week and nothing happens — nothing. Needle’s sticky, tone arm high — you feel you couldn’t move the thing with a sledgehammer. It looks that stiff. And you’ll say something happened in between.

So, you put in your „since“ mid ruds to get your new intensive going, so forth, you’re all set, and you put in your „since“ mid ruds — and the tone arm doesn’t budge. And you talk about the things that have happened during the week and nothing happens — nothing. Needle’s sticky, tone arm high — you feel you couldn’t move the thing with a sledgehammer. It looks that stiff. And you’ll say something happened in between.

Now, after you’ve got it all solved you’ll find out what happened. But you go on with your R4 and list for the next goal. That’s all you had to do. And immediately you get bbtzzzzzzzz — down comes the TA and everything starts to run. That next goal to be listed for, immediately below the third GPM which you were going to go into, you see, that next goal was enough to keep that thing parked. And then you say to the pc, „Did you think about this new list during the week?“

Now, after you’ve got it all solved you’ll find out what happened. But you go on with your R4 and list for the next goal. That’s all you had to do. And immediately you get bbtzzzzzzzz — down comes the TA and everything starts to run. That next goal to be listed for, immediately below the third GPM which you were going to go into, you see, that next goal was enough to keep that thing parked. And then you say to the pc, „Did you think about this new list during the week?“

„Oh yes, I told Joe that it was possibly a blank or a blank.“

„Oh yes, I told Joe that it was possibly a blank or a blank.“

It’s held up by a wrong goal. It was only one of those. That simple remark was adequate to park that tone arm. There’s been fire, flood, pestilence and disaster happening all week long. And yet the whole rudiments went out by saying, „Joe, you know I think my next goal is either ‘to spit’ or ‘to be spat at.’ „ „To spit“ was a wrong goal. It was „to be spat at.“ That was enough to key it in. Get the idea?

It’s held up by a wrong goal. It was only one of those. That simple remark was adequate to park that tone arm. There’s been fire, flood, pestilence and disaster happening all week long. And yet the whole rudiments went out by saying, „Joe, you know I think my next goal is either ‘to spit’ or ‘to be spat at.’ „ „To spit“ was a wrong goal. It was „to be spat at.“ That was enough to key it in. Get the idea?

Ah, but you guys are walking around all the time guessing at what your goals might be! Then when you’ve got a pc running on the track all straightened out you can lock up the tone arm at 5.5 just by their guessing at somebody what the goal was, and there went the tone arm. And no amount of monkey business and figure and figure, and service facsimiles or anything else that you would have done, would have moved that tone arm one hair! That’s something to think about, isn’t it? That shows you the wide — open hole and liabilities of Scientology Levels I, II and III. Those liabilities are all contained in Level IV.

Ah, but you guys are walking around all the time guessing at what your goals might be! Then when you’ve got a pc running on the track all straightened out you can lock up the tone arm at 5.5 just by their guessing at somebody what the goal was, and there went the tone arm. And no amount of monkey business and figure and figure, and service facsimiles or anything else that you would have done, would have moved that tone arm one hair! That’s something to think about, isn’t it? That shows you the wide — open hole and liabilities of Scientology Levels I, II and III. Those liabilities are all contained in Level IV.

Therefore, somebody certainly at Levels II and III should know the liabilities of Level IV. And should be able to do an ARC break assessment of List 4. ARC break assessment — what’s simpler? You’ll find a goal has been restimulated — an actual goal has been restimulated. Or an RI has been restimulated, something of this particular sort. Indicate it to the pc, and down will come the tone arm. Then identify which one it was and handle it and up will go the tone arm — because you can’t handle it with anything really, short of R4.

Therefore, somebody certainly at Levels II and III should know the liabilities of Level IV. And should be able to do an ARC break assessment of List 4. ARC break assessment — what’s simpler? You’ll find a goal has been restimulated — an actual goal has been restimulated. Or an RI has been restimulated, something of this particular sort. Indicate it to the pc, and down will come the tone arm. Then identify which one it was and handle it and up will go the tone arm — because you can’t handle it with anything really, short of R4.

If you didn’t know the exact name of the goal, you couldn’t prepcheck it — but you can at least kick these things out with ARC break — type assessments, or case analysis sheets. But nothing is going to happen with the case unless those things are patted on the head and rolled — over — Rover, see. We got to have this thing out of the road or we’re not going to get any tone arm action.

If you didn’t know the exact name of the goal, you couldn’t prepcheck it — but you can at least kick these things out with ARC break — type assessments, or case analysis sheets. But nothing is going to happen with the case unless those things are patted on the head and rolled — over — Rover, see. We got to have this thing out of the road or we’re not going to get any tone arm action.

Now, I see a lot of your ears going up at this particular instance, saying, „Aha! That’s probably what’s wrong with my pc! Why I can’t get tone arm action.“ Well, there’s a possibility that that is the case. A greater possibility is you haven’t actually bled the technology itself for total tone arm action yet. See, that’s the greater possibility.

Now, I see a lot of your ears going up at this particular instance, saying, „Aha! That’s probably what’s wrong with my pc! Why I can’t get tone arm action.“ Well, there’s a possibility that that is the case. A greater possibility is you haven’t actually bled the technology itself for total tone arm action yet. See, that’s the greater possibility.

Now, a pc out on the street here, raw — meat pc, isn’t going around worrying about his goals. You’re not going to run into this trouble so you’re going to get lots of TA action. But you take an educated Scientologist, and he’s going to say, „I wonder what my goal is? There was somebody worked on me last October, and I just — so on, and we were guessing about it and it’s — so forth and I’m just absolutely certain that I have the goal ‘to spit.’ Certain of it, certain of it. I react to it all the time,“ and that sort of thing. Comes into session — tone arm 5.5! How did it get there?

Now, a pc out on the street here, raw — meat pc, isn’t going around worrying about his goals. You’re not going to run into this trouble so you’re going to get lots of TA action. But you take an educated Scientologist, and he’s going to say, „I wonder what my goal is? There was somebody worked on me last October, and I just — so on, and we were guessing about it and it’s — so forth and I’m just absolutely certain that I have the goal ‘to spit.’ Certain of it, certain of it. I react to it all the time,“ and that sort of thing. Comes into session — tone arm 5.5! How did it get there?

Now, here’s another oddity. Present time problems usually occur on the goals channel. In fact, they almost always occur on the goals channel. The present time problem of an accidental accident and that sort of thing might occur off the goals channel, but most present time problems are straight on the goals channel. And it’s one or another of the pc’s goals.

Now, here’s another oddity. Present time problems usually occur on the goals channel. In fact, they almost always occur on the goals channel. The present time problem of an accidental accident and that sort of thing might occur off the goals channel, but most present time problems are straight on the goals channel. And it’s one or another of the pc’s goals.

Now, the pc fondly expects that he is influenced by one RI, or two RIs — or that his entire character makeup is wound up in the substance of one goal. Oh, no — I beg your pardon! He will cognite, cognite, cognite all about his present lifetime — his present lifetime are being influenced by as many as twenty or thirty GPMs and literally hundreds and hundreds of RIs. See, he’s being influenced — he’s being influenced all the time.

Now, the pc fondly expects that he is influenced by one RI, or two RIs — or that his entire character makeup is wound up in the substance of one goal. Oh, no — I beg your pardon! He will cognite, cognite, cognite all about his present lifetime — his present lifetime are being influenced by as many as twenty or thirty GPMs and literally hundreds and hundreds of RIs. See, he’s being influenced — he’s being influenced all the time.

So, this oddity exists: That you actually could see your pc with an enormous problem, you’re doing a „since“ mid ruds Prepcheck, and you see that you get a little tone arm action — you get some little tone arm action, on the subject of women. A little bit, tone arm action on the subject of women. Otherwise, this thing is stuck up like mad. But when you hit „women“ — in doing the Prepcheck, see, doing the Prepcheck, „since“ mid ruds — he touches on this subject two or three times, and every time he touches on it in one or another buttons, get a little tiny bit of tone arm action. He’ll feel pretty good when you finish up. And you probably should leave it alone. But the truth of the matter is, if you now addressed women, on the subject, the gain that he just experienced is liable to vanish. Why? Because a present time problem ordinarily occurs by reason of a key — in of an RI or GPM.

So, this oddity exists: That you actually could see your pc with an enormous problem, you’re doing a „since“ mid ruds Prepcheck, and you see that you get a little tone arm action — you get some little tone arm action, on the subject of women. A little bit, tone arm action on the subject of women. Otherwise, this thing is stuck up like mad. But when you hit „women“ — in doing the Prepcheck, see, doing the Prepcheck, „since“ mid ruds — he touches on this subject two or three times, and every time he touches on it in one or another buttons, get a little tiny bit of tone arm action. He’ll feel pretty good when you finish up. And you probably should leave it alone. But the truth of the matter is, if you now addressed women, on the subject, the gain that he just experienced is liable to vanish. Why? Because a present time problem ordinarily occurs by reason of a key — in of an RI or GPM.

What is the genus of the present time problem? The momentary present time problems we can usually handle, but how about these chronic, chronic, chronic present time problems? Well, certainly those absolutely are the result of the key — in of a GPM. It’s a keyed — in GPM. Person has a PTP, PTP, PTP, PTP, PTP, you know, „Oh, my, yes, I got a PTP — PTP regarding drafts“ or something. You know, or regarding automobile or regarding something of the sort — I don’t care what it is — it just seems to constantly come up.

What is the genus of the present time problem? The momentary present time problems we can usually handle, but how about these chronic, chronic, chronic present time problems? Well, certainly those absolutely are the result of the key — in of a GPM. It’s a keyed — in GPM. Person has a PTP, PTP, PTP, PTP, PTP, you know, „Oh, my, yes, I got a PTP — PTP regarding drafts“ or something. You know, or regarding automobile or regarding something of the sort — I don’t care what it is — it just seems to constantly come up.

You take a List 4 or a case analysis type sheet — there — no case analysis type sheet has been published at this moment, but should have been published some time since. They simply ask if goals are backwards or one is beyond the other, or the actual goals or implant GPMs, or no GPM or an actual GPM, it’s stuff of this character; it just takes a total analysis. Have we skipped any GPMs you see, and all that sort of thing. Case analysis just takes up every possible Condition that these very easily mathematicalled, very easily blocked — around GPMs. You see if you just laid out twenty bricks in a row you’ve got the pattern of the pc’s bank. I mean, it’s very esoteric. Just lay out twenty bricks in a row. Label each one a goal, they’re all in a string. You’ve got the picture — that’s it.

You take a List 4 or a case analysis type sheet — there — no case analysis type sheet has been published at this moment, but should have been published some time since. They simply ask if goals are backwards or one is beyond the other, or the actual goals or implant GPMs, or no GPM or an actual GPM, it’s stuff of this character; it just takes a total analysis. Have we skipped any GPMs you see, and all that sort of thing. Case analysis just takes up every possible Condition that these very easily mathematicalled, very easily blocked — around GPMs. You see if you just laid out twenty bricks in a row you’ve got the pattern of the pc’s bank. I mean, it’s very esoteric. Just lay out twenty bricks in a row. Label each one a goal, they’re all in a string. You’ve got the picture — that’s it.

Now, the fifteenth brick, let us say, has to do particularly with money. He gets a PTP — he’s liable to take the fifteenth brick and bring it up into present time. It’s now out of sequence. Makes him feel like hell, gives him a cold — messes him up. Now your situation then — this is the source of this type of psychosomatic illness. I’m now giving you a better source for a psychosomatic illness than you have ever had — the fifteenth brick, see.

Now, the fifteenth brick, let us say, has to do particularly with money. He gets a PTP — he’s liable to take the fifteenth brick and bring it up into present time. It’s now out of sequence. Makes him feel like hell, gives him a cold — messes him up. Now your situation then — this is the source of this type of psychosomatic illness. I’m now giving you a better source for a psychosomatic illness than you have ever had — the fifteenth brick, see.

This psychosomatic illness to an educated pc will respond to a List 4 analysis. Or a case analysis of GPMs. You don’t know what the goal is, see, you don’t know what the goals are, you don’t ever find the name of the goal.

This psychosomatic illness to an educated pc will respond to a List 4 analysis. Or a case analysis of GPMs. You don’t know what the goal is, see, you don’t know what the goals are, you don’t ever find the name of the goal.

But it’s on this basis: „Has a GPM been keyed in?“ Ca — lang! You see. „All right, has a GPM concerning — is that concerning colds or something like that?“ Ca — lang! You say to the pc, „You’ve had a GPM keyed in concerning colds.“ That’s the end of that cold — providing you don’t go completely knucklehead and ask the pc what’s the name of the GPM — eeuuuhhhhh. Don’t, don’t start fooling around with the thing, because you’re going to give him a real good cold.

But it’s on this basis: „Has a GPM been keyed in?“ Ca — lang! You see. „All right, has a GPM concerning — is that concerning colds or something like that?“ Ca — lang! You say to the pc, „You’ve had a GPM keyed in concerning colds.“ That’s the end of that cold — providing you don’t go completely knucklehead and ask the pc what’s the name of the GPM — eeuuuhhhhh. Don’t, don’t start fooling around with the thing, because you’re going to give him a real good cold.

See, it must be the fifteenth GPM, out of line — it couldn’t be the present time GPM out of line because it couldn’t be out of line without being put back into the past — and life doesn’t put GPMs into the past — life puts GPMs into the present. In other words, you could probably handle psychosomatic illness, if you had an educated pc, with a List 4 or ease analysis form.

See, it must be the fifteenth GPM, out of line — it couldn’t be the present time GPM out of line because it couldn’t be out of line without being put back into the past — and life doesn’t put GPMs into the past — life puts GPMs into the present. In other words, you could probably handle psychosomatic illness, if you had an educated pc, with a List 4 or ease analysis form.

Tone arm action. You say, „Well, if this case...“ Tone arm action isn’t present, it is quite obvious, and nobody can make it go and the auditor is really doing a good job of auditing — then it is quite obvious that R4 has gotten in your road. Got it? Pc with a chronically low TA. Can’t get any tone arm action out of him — no matter what you do — no matter how smooth the auditing is. You jump to the conclusion eventually, that R4 has gotten in the road. The way to get it out of the road is just to analyze the blue blazes out of it. You can spend a session or two analyzing a case.

Tone arm action. You say, „Well, if this case...“ Tone arm action isn’t present, it is quite obvious, and nobody can make it go and the auditor is really doing a good job of auditing — then it is quite obvious that R4 has gotten in your road. Got it? Pc with a chronically low TA. Can’t get any tone arm action out of him — no matter what you do — no matter how smooth the auditing is. You jump to the conclusion eventually, that R4 has gotten in the road. The way to get it out of the road is just to analyze the blue blazes out of it. You can spend a session or two analyzing a case.

Take goals that have been found and you can date the top of them and the bottom of them — you can do all sorts of wild things. You can date the top and bottom of a GPM. Don’t ever try to just date a GPM — this is asinine!

Take goals that have been found and you can date the top of them and the bottom of them — you can do all sorts of wild things. You can date the top and bottom of a GPM. Don’t ever try to just date a GPM — this is asinine!

This is like trying to — trying to, well, a GPM, you see — a GPM exists in — across a large span of time — and it’s like trying to get an average date. And the top of the GPM and the bottom of the GPM where the goal as an RI is, you see, are two different dates. And are frankly trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of years apart. They are a long way apart! So, you say, what is the order of magnitude of this, you see — order of magnitude of what? See?

This is like trying to — trying to, well, a GPM, you see — a GPM exists in — across a large span of time — and it’s like trying to get an average date. And the top of the GPM and the bottom of the GPM where the goal as an RI is, you see, are two different dates. And are frankly trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of years apart. They are a long way apart! So, you say, what is the order of magnitude of this, you see — order of magnitude of what? See?

Best thing to do of course is get the order of the magnitude of the top of the GPM. Get the order of magnitude of the top of the GPM. If you really want to fit one back on the track snick — why, get the order of magnitude of the bottom of the GPM, and then the order of magnitude of the top of the GPM. Date both of them, and it’ll move in like a ear being parked on a ramp.

Best thing to do of course is get the order of the magnitude of the top of the GPM. Get the order of magnitude of the top of the GPM. If you really want to fit one back on the track snick — why, get the order of magnitude of the bottom of the GPM, and then the order of magnitude of the top of the GPM. Date both of them, and it’ll move in like a ear being parked on a ramp.

It’s got span, a GPM has. So it doesn’t have a finite date. Take somebody with lumbosis. All right — educated pc of course. „This lumbosis being caused by a — by a GPM? An actual goal? An implant goal? A no — GPM?“ See. What’s it caused by? Let’s go over this thing, see. Even — is it caused by an engram? Is it caused by this? Caused by that? Anything that could have caused this lumbosis? You see — giving very, very, very high priority to RIs and GPMs. That’s most likely — this thing of chronic lumbosis, it must have been an actual goal.

It’s got span, a GPM has. So it doesn’t have a finite date. Take somebody with lumbosis. All right — educated pc of course. „This lumbosis being caused by a — by a GPM? An actual goal? An implant goal? A no — GPM?“ See. What’s it caused by? Let’s go over this thing, see. Even — is it caused by an engram? Is it caused by this? Caused by that? Anything that could have caused this lumbosis? You see — giving very, very, very high priority to RIs and GPMs. That’s most likely — this thing of chronic lumbosis, it must have been an actual goal.

Watch that meter. Get it to clank. You don’t know the name of the GPM. Just tell the pc that that’s what’s been keyed in. Things might change all over the place. Things might go whir — click — you might not have to do any dating at all. A little further discovery on the thing and a little bit of itsa on the part of the pc and the pc finally tells you, „Yeah! Well, there was a goal discovered on me, something, and I’ve had lumbosis ever since.“ And „What was the goal?“ „Well the goal was ‘to catch catfish’ — discovered on me.“

Watch that meter. Get it to clank. You don’t know the name of the GPM. Just tell the pc that that’s what’s been keyed in. Things might change all over the place. Things might go whir — click — you might not have to do any dating at all. A little further discovery on the thing and a little bit of itsa on the part of the pc and the pc finally tells you, „Yeah! Well, there was a goal discovered on me, something, and I’ve had lumbosis ever since.“ And „What was the goal?“ „Well the goal was ‘to catch catfish’ — discovered on me.“

„All right. Very good. Very good, very good. Now, is that an actual GPM? Is that an implant GPM? Is that a no — GPM? Is that an actual goal? Is that an RI? Is that a lock on an RI? Is that associated with the Helatrobus Implants?“ Implant GPM, see? „Where is it? Helatrobus Implants? Helatrobus Implants?“ And run it down a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more. Get the order of magnitude on the meter. Bzzz — bang — no lumbosis. Get the idea?

„All right. Very good. Very good, very good. Now, is that an actual GPM? Is that an implant GPM? Is that a no — GPM? Is that an actual goal? Is that an RI? Is that a lock on an RI? Is that associated with the Helatrobus Implants?“ Implant GPM, see? „Where is it? Helatrobus Implants? Helatrobus Implants?“ And run it down a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more. Get the order of magnitude on the meter. Bzzz — bang — no lumbosis. Get the idea?

This opens up a whole field. This is a very, very elementary field. It’s far, far, far more complicated in your head than it is in actual operation. Number of GPMs the pc’s got is form — it’s actually just a finite number — I wouldn’t state how many, because they probably differ and vary from pc to pc.

This opens up a whole field. This is a very, very elementary field. It’s far, far, far more complicated in your head than it is in actual operation. Number of GPMs the pc’s got is form — it’s actually just a finite number — I wouldn’t state how many, because they probably differ and vary from pc to pc.

Let’s say, we take thirty bricks, we string them out in a line. First brick is time zero. The last brick is present time. They’re all strung out in a line. Every top of the brick has a date, the bottom of every brick has a date. You take one of those bricks and saw it up with a little brick saw, or a chipping hammer, or something of the sort, and it falls into forty sections — something like that. Those are RIs. And you can fit them all back together again and you’d have your brick again, see.

Let’s say, we take thirty bricks, we string them out in a line. First brick is time zero. The last brick is present time. They’re all strung out in a line. Every top of the brick has a date, the bottom of every brick has a date. You take one of those bricks and saw it up with a little brick saw, or a chipping hammer, or something of the sort, and it falls into forty sections — something like that. Those are RIs. And you can fit them all back together again and you’d have your brick again, see.

Twenty of them are oppterms; twenty of them are terminals. Elementary as this. Nothing much to this type of thing. I mean, it’s very mechanical.

Twenty of them are oppterms; twenty of them are terminals. Elementary as this. Nothing much to this type of thing. I mean, it’s very mechanical.

Strewn up and down the line of these twenty bricks is some tar — spots of tar. There’s a little puddle of tar there, and there’s a spot of tar on that brick and there’s a spot of tar down — those are implant GPMs. No great value, except they get somebody’s pinafore dirty. And then you’ve got engrams. And sitting out alongside of the bricks is a bunch of free track, in which nothing much happened. Rather minor activities of one kind or another. But it’s contained with engrams which are enough for any pc to confront. This is the stuff you find in R3R, see — that’s strung up and down the track.

Strewn up and down the line of these twenty bricks is some tar — spots of tar. There’s a little puddle of tar there, and there’s a spot of tar on that brick and there’s a spot of tar down — those are implant GPMs. No great value, except they get somebody’s pinafore dirty. And then you’ve got engrams. And sitting out alongside of the bricks is a bunch of free track, in which nothing much happened. Rather minor activities of one kind or another. But it’s contained with engrams which are enough for any pc to confront. This is the stuff you find in R3R, see — that’s strung up and down the track.

Now, spotted in amongst the bricks, like flour or well, let’s make it better than that — little bits of dough spotted up and down the bricks, here and there, but thousands and thousands and thousands of them, are actual goals. No value at ar — except to make you make mistakes. Aberrative value, zero. These are actual goals. Pc said, „I want a lollipop.“ That was an actual goal, see. Well, that stuck somewhere on this track. And because GPMs are composed of goals, why of course, these actual goals tend to stick on them as locks.

Now, spotted in amongst the bricks, like flour or well, let’s make it better than that — little bits of dough spotted up and down the bricks, here and there, but thousands and thousands and thousands of them, are actual goals. No value at ar — except to make you make mistakes. Aberrative value, zero. These are actual goals. Pc said, „I want a lollipop.“ That was an actual goal, see. Well, that stuck somewhere on this track. And because GPMs are composed of goals, why of course, these actual goals tend to stick on them as locks.

That’s the composite of a bank. What can get wrong with this? Well, a bunch of engrams can go into restimulation, and a bunch of implant GPMs can get in restimulation and throw some tar up into present time. One of these big massy, oh, catastrophe, one of these bricks can come adrift and go floating on up to present time — or two of these bricks can get crossed up, so that one brick is after the other brick and both of them are kind of jarred out of line, see? The brick that should be brick sixteen now appears to be brick fifteen. And the brick that is supposed to be brick fifteen is now appearing as brick sixteen. That’s enough to give anybody a cold or lumbosis, see. That is miserable! And you get two of these GPMs crossed up, one appearing to be later than the other — but actually being earlier than the later, juxtapositioned GPMs — Tyaow! Creak! Spinal Meningitis here we come! See. I mean, it’s wild stuff.

That’s the composite of a bank. What can get wrong with this? Well, a bunch of engrams can go into restimulation, and a bunch of implant GPMs can get in restimulation and throw some tar up into present time. One of these big massy, oh, catastrophe, one of these bricks can come adrift and go floating on up to present time — or two of these bricks can get crossed up, so that one brick is after the other brick and both of them are kind of jarred out of line, see? The brick that should be brick sixteen now appears to be brick fifteen. And the brick that is supposed to be brick fifteen is now appearing as brick sixteen. That’s enough to give anybody a cold or lumbosis, see. That is miserable! And you get two of these GPMs crossed up, one appearing to be later than the other — but actually being earlier than the later, juxtapositioned GPMs — Tyaow! Creak! Spinal Meningitis here we come! See. I mean, it’s wild stuff.

Now, even a couple of RIs pulled up out of line, and sometimes you can get an RI — now this is — this gets very, very difficult. You get the fifth GPM pulled out of line — that’s already pulled out of line. And then for some cockeyed reason the fifteenth RI in it, is so much like the twentieth brick GPM that it comes all the way up the line, pulling half of its GPM with it, and moves in on the twentieth GPM. And when you try to do anything with the twentieth GPM you run into this fifteenth RI. Maybe it’s called „physical indispositions“ or something like this, you see. And that is pinned to the goal „to be sick.“

Now, even a couple of RIs pulled up out of line, and sometimes you can get an RI — now this is — this gets very, very difficult. You get the fifth GPM pulled out of line — that’s already pulled out of line. And then for some cockeyed reason the fifteenth RI in it, is so much like the twentieth brick GPM that it comes all the way up the line, pulling half of its GPM with it, and moves in on the twentieth GPM. And when you try to do anything with the twentieth GPM you run into this fifteenth RI. Maybe it’s called „physical indispositions“ or something like this, you see. And that is pinned to the goal „to be sick.“

Well, actually these things are pretty neat — it’s pretty neat. You think of the bank as chaos. Man, you shouldn’t think of a bank as chaos, a bank is pretty neat. But it’s stripped around and stretched around. Let’s say bricks five to eight have been brought up and inserted between bricks nineteen and twenty. They won’t be in line. Your pc won’t feel good! That’ll be misery, somehow or another.

Well, actually these things are pretty neat — it’s pretty neat. You think of the bank as chaos. Man, you shouldn’t think of a bank as chaos, a bank is pretty neat. But it’s stripped around and stretched around. Let’s say bricks five to eight have been brought up and inserted between bricks nineteen and twenty. They won’t be in line. Your pc won’t feel good! That’ll be misery, somehow or another.

Now, you busily, busily, busily start listing. And instead of getting the present time GPM, you get brick five. And then by some horror or another you get that what opposes brick five is brick nineteen. See, there’s some reason they’re out of line. Because the goals sound alike or something. And the pc just goes zz — zzz — zzzz — zzz — zzz. You’ve got brick number five — my God, the power and horsepower in brick number five compared to brick number thirty, you see, is enormous. There’s a real beefy brick. So, you’ve got that up there and it’s pinned up onto brick nineteen. And you start from brick nineteen on forward, and you can’t seem to get any plaa — aa — aa — ace.

Now, you busily, busily, busily start listing. And instead of getting the present time GPM, you get brick five. And then by some horror or another you get that what opposes brick five is brick nineteen. See, there’s some reason they’re out of line. Because the goals sound alike or something. And the pc just goes zz — zzz — zzzz — zzz — zzz. You’ve got brick number five — my God, the power and horsepower in brick number five compared to brick number thirty, you see, is enormous. There’s a real beefy brick. So, you’ve got that up there and it’s pinned up onto brick nineteen. And you start from brick nineteen on forward, and you can’t seem to get any plaa — aa — aa — ace.

Lists don’t pan out, nothing happens, and you can’t get any fifty — past the last RR and nothing RRs on the list and the pc is going mad, and you’ve got ARC breaks going, and so forth and you finally get bright and start checking back over all the stuff you found and you all of a sudden find that brick five was gotten instead of brick eighteen, see. And there are two other GPMs hanging out here and they’re all pulled out of line. Well the second you find this all out and straighten it all out, it all goes back on the track — clang, bang, you see. And brick five to eight, they go back on the track and they’re on the track at five to eight. And then you get nineteen and you take off from eighteen where you should have started off from in the first place and you don’t get brick five which was out of position, but now get brick nineteen, and the pc smooths right out. And you move by goal oppose right on up into PT.

Lists don’t pan out, nothing happens, and you can’t get any fifty — past the last RR and nothing RRs on the list and the pc is going mad, and you’ve got ARC breaks going, and so forth and you finally get bright and start checking back over all the stuff you found and you all of a sudden find that brick five was gotten instead of brick eighteen, see. And there are two other GPMs hanging out here and they’re all pulled out of line. Well the second you find this all out and straighten it all out, it all goes back on the track — clang, bang, you see. And brick five to eight, they go back on the track and they’re on the track at five to eight. And then you get nineteen and you take off from eighteen where you should have started off from in the first place and you don’t get brick five which was out of position, but now get brick nineteen, and the pc smooths right out. And you move by goal oppose right on up into PT.

You start thinking of the mind as a vehicle of thought and you are already licked in handling it. It is not an instrument of thought. It’s made out of bricks, tar, see? Things. It’s full of things. Pc, as his itsa maker gets a little freer and so forth, he gets able to look at these things and so forth, he can spot them — he can spot them. He can tell you, „It’s brick number — one — I’m sure it’s brick number nine. I can see a hole back here in the lineup, and brick — you know — GPM, that GPM is up here and it shouldn’t be up here and there’s something all twisted up,“ and you the auditor, knowing best, keep saying, „Oh, well no, really,“ and so on.

You start thinking of the mind as a vehicle of thought and you are already licked in handling it. It is not an instrument of thought. It’s made out of bricks, tar, see? Things. It’s full of things. Pc, as his itsa maker gets a little freer and so forth, he gets able to look at these things and so forth, he can spot them — he can spot them. He can tell you, „It’s brick number — one — I’m sure it’s brick number nine. I can see a hole back here in the lineup, and brick — you know — GPM, that GPM is up here and it shouldn’t be up here and there’s something all twisted up,“ and you the auditor, knowing best, keep saying, „Oh, well no, really,“ and so on.

„But it fits, and my — but yeah, but I see a hole back here and I — I know that — that — that GPM shouldn’t be back there, it should be up here. And we haven’t got the GPM that should be here, I don’t see anything here. And where we’re supposed to have a GPM I don’t have anything. But there’s one missing back there and the one that’s missing back there is the think — 1 think the one you’re trying to put in up here.“

„But it fits, and my — but yeah, but I see a hole back here and I — I know that — that — that GPM shouldn’t be back there, it should be up here. And we haven’t got the GPM that should be here, I don’t see anything here. And where we’re supposed to have a GPM I don’t have anything. But there’s one missing back there and the one that’s missing back there is the think — 1 think the one you’re trying to put in up here.“

And you, well you know best, so you don’t do anything, and the pc starts going „Ggguuuuh — rrrrrr — ccraaawwwk — bing!“ See. In other words he can actually start spotting these things. And they do — they look like great, big, rough, black bricks.

And you, well you know best, so you don’t do anything, and the pc starts going „Ggguuuuh — rrrrrr — ccraaawwwk — bing!“ See. In other words he can actually start spotting these things. And they do — they look like great, big, rough, black bricks.

Probably the reason the Helatrobus Implant people covered up the planets with black energy — and they did, they made quite a campaign of it — was to stimulate everybody on the subject of GPMs. That was part of the restimulation. Black energy. And you show a thetan a lot of massive black energy and he gets kind of gggueahh — creak! Because it looks like his own GPMs, don’t you see. So, that’s enough to key him in and he’s liable to feel rather weird.

Probably the reason the Helatrobus Implant people covered up the planets with black energy — and they did, they made quite a campaign of it — was to stimulate everybody on the subject of GPMs. That was part of the restimulation. Black energy. And you show a thetan a lot of massive black energy and he gets kind of gggueahh — creak! Because it looks like his own GPMs, don’t you see. So, that’s enough to key him in and he’s liable to feel rather weird.

Now, do these bricks ever go back together again and go back into place of their own natural bent? No! You have to roll up your sleeves, and find out where they’re out of line and put them back in place. Well, that’s normally done in R4 running.

Now, do these bricks ever go back together again and go back into place of their own natural bent? No! You have to roll up your sleeves, and find out where they’re out of line and put them back in place. Well, that’s normally done in R4 running.

But supposing all this happens while you’re running RI — Level I processes. Well actually, it shouldn’t happen. Because Level I processes are normally being run on a raw — meat pc and they wouldn’t know from nothing about it anyway. Supposing it happens at Level — well, if it happens at Level I, if you could imagine it happening at Level 1, that’s just tough. That’s how it’s solved, is that’s tough. It’d take a Level II capable auditor to do anything whatsoever about it, or run any kind of an assessment or any type of action that would do anything about this, don’t you see.

But supposing all this happens while you’re running RI — Level I processes. Well actually, it shouldn’t happen. Because Level I processes are normally being run on a raw — meat pc and they wouldn’t know from nothing about it anyway. Supposing it happens at Level — well, if it happens at Level I, if you could imagine it happening at Level 1, that’s just tough. That’s how it’s solved, is that’s tough. It’d take a Level II capable auditor to do anything whatsoever about it, or run any kind of an assessment or any type of action that would do anything about this, don’t you see.

So, you just neglect these factors at Level I, because it would be dangerous for you to do anything else but neglect them. You don’t get a Level 1 Auditor, in other words, trying to straighten out GPMs. He gonna make more hash, man! He gonna make more hash than he gonna make straighten out, see? So that’s just something that you should say — in Level I, if you run into that kind of trouble with a Level I Auditor, well skip it or turn the pc over to somebody else.

So, you just neglect these factors at Level I, because it would be dangerous for you to do anything else but neglect them. You don’t get a Level 1 Auditor, in other words, trying to straighten out GPMs. He gonna make more hash, man! He gonna make more hash than he gonna make straighten out, see? So that’s just something that you should say — in Level I, if you run into that kind of trouble with a Level I Auditor, well skip it or turn the pc over to somebody else.

All right. Now, your next levels however, should be somewhat educated in ARC break assessments. And if they aren’t, they’re going to run into the pc whose tone arm action is not occurring for the excellent reason that he has GPMs, RIs, something or other keyed in, and therefore, is locked up on the track.

All right. Now, your next levels however, should be somewhat educated in ARC break assessments. And if they aren’t, they’re going to run into the pc whose tone arm action is not occurring for the excellent reason that he has GPMs, RIs, something or other keyed in, and therefore, is locked up on the track.

Now, the way to do it is not to start to run R4 on the guy. Don’t let a Class II Auditor or a Class III Auditor start running R4 on the guy, because the only thing you can do to ruin somebody’s case would be to ruin his R4. Got that now? You get his present time GPM and find it all backwards and upside down and mix it up and get it so it couldn’t read, and then go down the line and miss the two intervening GPMs and take all the charge out of the next GPM — how the devil is anybody going to make this straight again? It’s going to be pretty horrible. So you better find it and get it done right.

Now, the way to do it is not to start to run R4 on the guy. Don’t let a Class II Auditor or a Class III Auditor start running R4 on the guy, because the only thing you can do to ruin somebody’s case would be to ruin his R4. Got that now? You get his present time GPM and find it all backwards and upside down and mix it up and get it so it couldn’t read, and then go down the line and miss the two intervening GPMs and take all the charge out of the next GPM — how the devil is anybody going to make this straight again? It’s going to be pretty horrible. So you better find it and get it done right.

But there is something within the limits of R2 and R3 that you can do. You can do these Prepchecks on this lifetime on goals which have come up. The pc has announced certain goals, or appears to have certain goals or they’ve been found on him — you can do a Prepcheck on that goal, and „In this lifetime“ and get a considerable relief And you can do ARC break assessments or case analysis of a Level IV type or nature — however you get over the bridge of communication with the pc. That is the difficulty there. And do this type of analysis on the case and pat these things back into place. Find out what’s wrong.

But there is something within the limits of R2 and R3 that you can do. You can do these Prepchecks on this lifetime on goals which have come up. The pc has announced certain goals, or appears to have certain goals or they’ve been found on him — you can do a Prepcheck on that goal, and „In this lifetime“ and get a considerable relief And you can do ARC break assessments or case analysis of a Level IV type or nature — however you get over the bridge of communication with the pc. That is the difficulty there. And do this type of analysis on the case and pat these things back into place. Find out what’s wrong.

Now, there’s a level at which this cant happen. Nothing will straighten it out. It’s a case that has been run on R4 by an inexpert auditor and abandoned. Now you can only go so far in patching up this case — Only so far. You can find the GPMs that are out of line and whether or not they were actually trying to run goals on implant GPMs when they were trying to run patterns on actual goals when they were actually implant GPMs. You can get these confusions out of the road and do quite a bit for the case — you can do quite a bit for the case. You can get a GPM that has been pulled out of line and missed, and so forth.

Now, there’s a level at which this cant happen. Nothing will straighten it out. It’s a case that has been run on R4 by an inexpert auditor and abandoned. Now you can only go so far in patching up this case — Only so far. You can find the GPMs that are out of line and whether or not they were actually trying to run goals on implant GPMs when they were trying to run patterns on actual goals when they were actually implant GPMs. You can get these confusions out of the road and do quite a bit for the case — you can do quite a bit for the case. You can get a GPM that has been pulled out of line and missed, and so forth.

But an incomplete goals list is an incomplete goals list and there is no way around it — except to complete it. So, a ease that has been very thoroughly loused up and I do mean thoroughly loused up — by a Level 0 Auditor running Level IV processes — GPMs pulled out of line, all torn up, messed up one way or the other, half — banks run one way or the other, skipped and abandoned — all of these various other things occurring, there is only one remedy — one real remedy. Because it takes this much know — how. And that is to get a Class IV Auditor to audit the pc and straighten the pc out and finish the goals lists. And finish the ease up. That’s about the only thing you could do about it.

But an incomplete goals list is an incomplete goals list and there is no way around it — except to complete it. So, a ease that has been very thoroughly loused up and I do mean thoroughly loused up — by a Level 0 Auditor running Level IV processes — GPMs pulled out of line, all torn up, messed up one way or the other, half — banks run one way or the other, skipped and abandoned — all of these various other things occurring, there is only one remedy — one real remedy. Because it takes this much know — how. And that is to get a Class IV Auditor to audit the pc and straighten the pc out and finish the goals lists. And finish the ease up. That’s about the only thing you could do about it.

You can make the case somewhat comfortable, you understand. You can kick GPMs that are out, as bypassed charge and you can do these things. But if that case has been run a great deal, inexpertly on R4, it’s going to take a Class IV Auditor working like the mischief, wishing to God nobody had ever put his paws on the case, to straighten the case out. Got it? This is dynamite — type action.

You can make the case somewhat comfortable, you understand. You can kick GPMs that are out, as bypassed charge and you can do these things. But if that case has been run a great deal, inexpertly on R4, it’s going to take a Class IV Auditor working like the mischief, wishing to God nobody had ever put his paws on the case, to straighten the case out. Got it? This is dynamite — type action.

But actually at Levels II and III — A GPM kicked out of line, somebody fooled with a goal a little bit, no real R4 ever run on the case, somebody found a goal on the ease or something like that — just analyze the goal, pat it back into the place and the case will be as right as rain, see? See, you find out they found a goal but it was an actual goal or it was a wrongly worded GPM or a wrongly worded actual GPM, see, or something like this. You don’t even have to find the right wordings for it. Just kick it out of line. Straighten it up.

But actually at Levels II and III — A GPM kicked out of line, somebody fooled with a goal a little bit, no real R4 ever run on the case, somebody found a goal on the ease or something like that — just analyze the goal, pat it back into the place and the case will be as right as rain, see? See, you find out they found a goal but it was an actual goal or it was a wrongly worded GPM or a wrongly worded actual GPM, see, or something like this. You don’t even have to find the right wordings for it. Just kick it out of line. Straighten it up.

It’s quite remarkable what you can do with just giving a Prepcheck to a wrong goal found on a pc too, by the way, you know — not even in this lifetime. In other words, some bird had at R3 — somebody enthusiastically found a couple of goals on him. Well, great day! Let’s find out and dig up what these goals were. And let’s analyze these goals by just your standard analysis form, you see. Is it a this and is it a that and is it a something or other and is it something or other and all of a sudden — clang, clang, clang — it’s an actual goal but it isn’t a GPM. Well, that’s sure the end of that. Charge indicated to the pc and he’s away, see.

It’s quite remarkable what you can do with just giving a Prepcheck to a wrong goal found on a pc too, by the way, you know — not even in this lifetime. In other words, some bird had at R3 — somebody enthusiastically found a couple of goals on him. Well, great day! Let’s find out and dig up what these goals were. And let’s analyze these goals by just your standard analysis form, you see. Is it a this and is it a that and is it a something or other and is it something or other and all of a sudden — clang, clang, clang — it’s an actual goal but it isn’t a GPM. Well, that’s sure the end of that. Charge indicated to the pc and he’s away, see.

So, there are various things which you’re up against in auditing at the lower levels. And it would not be friendly of me to omit to mention them. Now, that isn’t the reason you don’t happen to be getting tone arm action. You aren’t getting tone arm action on the pc for an entirely different reason. You of course, got the itsa line cut and you got the pc whatsiting while you itsa — I know why you’re not getting tone arm action! So don’t include now, the reason you’re not getting tone arm action with what I’ve just said because I’ll just ignore it. That’s a joke.

So, there are various things which you’re up against in auditing at the lower levels. And it would not be friendly of me to omit to mention them. Now, that isn’t the reason you don’t happen to be getting tone arm action. You aren’t getting tone arm action on the pc for an entirely different reason. You of course, got the itsa line cut and you got the pc whatsiting while you itsa — I know why you’re not getting tone arm action! So don’t include now, the reason you’re not getting tone arm action with what I’ve just said because I’ll just ignore it. That’s a joke.

The truth — the truth of the matter — I don’t think there’s a case in this room that hasn’t had GPMs pushed about and so forth, one way or the other, and who couldn’t stand a case analysis on this level of action which would then restore tone arm action considerably to the ease, see. But you see, from an instruction viewpoint I have to hold the point that there’s nothing wrong with a case — it’s just you, see. Otherwise, you’ll never find out that an expert auditor can simply sit down and get TA action. But then you must know sufficiently well that you can get TA action’. You must have enough confidence in it, you see, to know what is wrong with a case or that there is something wrong with a case if you’re not getting TA action on it. You follow this logic?

The truth — the truth of the matter — I don’t think there’s a case in this room that hasn’t had GPMs pushed about and so forth, one way or the other, and who couldn’t stand a case analysis on this level of action which would then restore tone arm action considerably to the ease, see. But you see, from an instruction viewpoint I have to hold the point that there’s nothing wrong with a case — it’s just you, see. Otherwise, you’ll never find out that an expert auditor can simply sit down and get TA action. But then you must know sufficiently well that you can get TA action’. You must have enough confidence in it, you see, to know what is wrong with a case or that there is something wrong with a case if you’re not getting TA action on it. You follow this logic?

You see, if the reason you were getting TA action, or the reason you were getting no TA action on the case is because you always had the pc’s itsa line cut — every time he starts to look at the bank you drop the meter or something like this. Then you’d never discover any of these other softer nuances because you just get no TA action which would compare to no TA action on a case, don’t you see.

You see, if the reason you were getting TA action, or the reason you were getting no TA action on the case is because you always had the pc’s itsa line cut — every time he starts to look at the bank you drop the meter or something like this. Then you’d never discover any of these other softer nuances because you just get no TA action which would compare to no TA action on a case, don’t you see.

Nevertheless — I’ll be serious now — you should take up any case that has ever been run on any goals or any goal ever found on the case and so forth, in effort to get TA action, and find out what in the name of common sense is — makes with the bank, see. What is it all about? What is it all about? Your List 4 is actually good enough for a starter, but you need one of these case analysis sheets to really get going. They’ve had this goal found on them, „to film while rum is burning,“ see, or something like that. You suspect that the wording of this GPM might not be all that is desired, you see, and so forth.

Nevertheless — I’ll be serious now — you should take up any case that has ever been run on any goals or any goal ever found on the case and so forth, in effort to get TA action, and find out what in the name of common sense is — makes with the bank, see. What is it all about? What is it all about? Your List 4 is actually good enough for a starter, but you need one of these case analysis sheets to really get going. They’ve had this goal found on them, „to film while rum is burning,“ see, or something like that. You suspect that the wording of this GPM might not be all that is desired, you see, and so forth.

Well, it takes a little bit of fancy, „Is this an incorrectly worded goal?“ You know, and „Is this an incorrectly worded actual GPM?“ There are various nuances here of analysis which don’t appear on your L4 but you could figure them out, just by fooling around with bricks for a while. I mean — I mean fooling around with bricks for a while.

Well, it takes a little bit of fancy, „Is this an incorrectly worded goal?“ You know, and „Is this an incorrectly worded actual GPM?“ There are various nuances here of analysis which don’t appear on your L4 but you could figure them out, just by fooling around with bricks for a while. I mean — I mean fooling around with bricks for a while.

Just line up some bricks, and number them, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, every alternate brick is going to be the dichotomy of every single brick, you see. I mean every other brick is the opposite to every other brick, see. So each one’s going to be a dichotomy. First brick is „to be white,“ „to be black,“ you see. „To be clean“ and the next one is, „not to have tattletale gray,“ you got the idea? See, they’re harmonizing, as you go up the line.

Just line up some bricks, and number them, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, every alternate brick is going to be the dichotomy of every single brick, you see. I mean every other brick is the opposite to every other brick, see. So each one’s going to be a dichotomy. First brick is „to be white,“ „to be black,“ you see. „To be clean“ and the next one is, „not to have tattletale gray,“ you got the idea? See, they’re harmonizing, as you go up the line.

And the RIs in those things follow the pattern of the old GPM „to scream.“

And the RIs in those things follow the pattern of the old GPM „to scream.“

You actually could go out here and line up twenty bricks, and say all right, those are GPMs and lay some sticks along the line and say those things are — those are implant areas. There’s four or five of these things later on the track. You see little groups and there’s some implant areas. So they’ll be implant GPMs, don’t you see. And you scatter some pebbles around and say those are — those are actual goals. And this is the time track. And the time period of this thirtieth brick or twentieth brick or however many you’ve got made in — laid out there, it’s time span is this. And recognize your time span is going to get longer as you go earlier, per brick, for the top and the bottom of the brick. And of course the ones that head — or the end that heads away from present time, that’s the goal as the RI end. The name of the GPM is on that end, furthest from present time. And at the top of it, which is the end of the GPM closer to present time, the pc is deadly opposed to the substance of the goal and is himself something entirely opposite from the goal.

You actually could go out here and line up twenty bricks, and say all right, those are GPMs and lay some sticks along the line and say those things are — those are implant areas. There’s four or five of these things later on the track. You see little groups and there’s some implant areas. So they’ll be implant GPMs, don’t you see. And you scatter some pebbles around and say those are — those are actual goals. And this is the time track. And the time period of this thirtieth brick or twentieth brick or however many you’ve got made in — laid out there, it’s time span is this. And recognize your time span is going to get longer as you go earlier, per brick, for the top and the bottom of the brick. And of course the ones that head — or the end that heads away from present time, that’s the goal as the RI end. The name of the GPM is on that end, furthest from present time. And at the top of it, which is the end of the GPM closer to present time, the pc is deadly opposed to the substance of the goal and is himself something entirely opposite from the goal.

And you look at this and start playing with it, and its familiarity breeds familiarity and you eventually will know what in the name of common sense you’re doing with this thing.

And you look at this and start playing with it, and its familiarity breeds familiarity and you eventually will know what in the name of common sense you’re doing with this thing.

Because right now — right now you might be auditing somebody and you say, well, there’s all kinds of these things, and they have a service facsimile poked here and that’s a little quill pen or something that’s stuck in here, they jabbed people with. And there’s a this and there’s a that. And you get befogged by the fact that there’s so many pictures. You can’t see the woods for the trees. Because a bank just has billions and billions and trillions of billions of pictures. And there’s just so many pictures in the bank you never see what’s in it, don’t you see?

Because right now — right now you might be auditing somebody and you say, well, there’s all kinds of these things, and they have a service facsimile poked here and that’s a little quill pen or something that’s stuck in here, they jabbed people with. And there’s a this and there’s a that. And you get befogged by the fact that there’s so many pictures. You can’t see the woods for the trees. Because a bank just has billions and billions and trillions of billions of pictures. And there’s just so many pictures in the bank you never see what’s in it, don’t you see?

Bank’s very entrancing. But the overall look at the bank shows you the important things in the bank, and the things really contained those things which you have to audit, in actual fact are just these thirty bricks. The other stuff is window dressing and it’s taken us all these years to get through the trees to find the trees.

Bank’s very entrancing. But the overall look at the bank shows you the important things in the bank, and the things really contained those things which you have to audit, in actual fact are just these thirty bricks. The other stuff is window dressing and it’s taken us all these years to get through the trees to find the trees.

There’s lots there to audit — you can find all kinds of things to audit. And so long as you don’t disturb these GPMs, you probably won’t get into much trouble. And the processes you have on Routine 1 — your Level I, II and III, those levels in actual fact are not apt to restimulate too much in the way of GPMs, but if you notice that it gets perilously closer to it, the higher the level. So that at Level III — at Level III when you start auditing service facsimiles, you’re actually disturbing RIs and all of a sudden the guy comes up with a rocket reading goal. Well, it depends a lot on what you do with that rocket reading goal as to whether or not you upset the GPM pattern. Because it may not be the present time GPM at all. It may be the fifth GPM. Trillions, God help us, years ago, pulled completely out of line. And you’re now going to prepcheck this thing, you see, uuuuuhh — dynamite!

There’s lots there to audit — you can find all kinds of things to audit. And so long as you don’t disturb these GPMs, you probably won’t get into much trouble. And the processes you have on Routine 1 — your Level I, II and III, those levels in actual fact are not apt to restimulate too much in the way of GPMs, but if you notice that it gets perilously closer to it, the higher the level. So that at Level III — at Level III when you start auditing service facsimiles, you’re actually disturbing RIs and all of a sudden the guy comes up with a rocket reading goal. Well, it depends a lot on what you do with that rocket reading goal as to whether or not you upset the GPM pattern. Because it may not be the present time GPM at all. It may be the fifth GPM. Trillions, God help us, years ago, pulled completely out of line. And you’re now going to prepcheck this thing, you see, uuuuuhh — dynamite!

Those are the objects which you are handling. They handle like macaroni or spaghetti or bricks or any other physical commodity — they got a lot of names inside of them and they look a certain way and they act a certain way and they’re done a certain way and so forth. And if you’re releasing them you get tone arm action. If you’re leaving it all the same or making it worse, you’re not getting tone arm action. I mean, you’ve got your perfect test, do you get tone arm action, see? There’s a lot of — lot of material here.

Those are the objects which you are handling. They handle like macaroni or spaghetti or bricks or any other physical commodity — they got a lot of names inside of them and they look a certain way and they act a certain way and they’re done a certain way and so forth. And if you’re releasing them you get tone arm action. If you’re leaving it all the same or making it worse, you’re not getting tone arm action. I mean, you’ve got your perfect test, do you get tone arm action, see? There’s a lot of — lot of material here.

Well, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to sum it up so that you could — into it’s bits and pieces and parts and that sort of thing — so you could take a look at it and know what you’re stumbling over and all that sort of thing. There are bound to be some people, some students at first, some auditors, who will say, „Oh God, you — I don’t see all that in the bank, I know what a bank is consisted of, a bank is consisted of this medallion.“ Somebody who’s had Freudian analysis a great deal, well, it’s actually considered with this circle and this arrow. And that’s really what it is all about, and so forth. They’re just stuck on the track looking at a single picture.

Well, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to sum it up so that you could — into it’s bits and pieces and parts and that sort of thing — so you could take a look at it and know what you’re stumbling over and all that sort of thing. There are bound to be some people, some students at first, some auditors, who will say, „Oh God, you — I don’t see all that in the bank, I know what a bank is consisted of, a bank is consisted of this medallion.“ Somebody who’s had Freudian analysis a great deal, well, it’s actually considered with this circle and this arrow. And that’s really what it is all about, and so forth. They’re just stuck on the track looking at a single picture.

You start — you have to start shaking loose from this to see the rest of the junk — the mechanics of it. Well, how is a building built? Well, with a great deal more simplicity, particularly if the building was a child’s building made out of play toys, bricks or something like that. That’s the way the mind is built.

You start — you have to start shaking loose from this to see the rest of the junk — the mechanics of it. Well, how is a building built? Well, with a great deal more simplicity, particularly if the building was a child’s building made out of play toys, bricks or something like that. That’s the way the mind is built.

It is actually no more seriously built than a bunch of — a bunch of bricks lined up — it’s about that. Each brick breaking down into component parts which are terminals and oppterms and which lie in adjacent patterns. You know the patterns are top, bang, pair, next pair, next pair, next pair, next pair, terminal — oppterm — all very neat. You’re an idiot to build them that way, but that’s the way you build them. And these things go on back to the beginning of track and so forth.

It is actually no more seriously built than a bunch of — a bunch of bricks lined up — it’s about that. Each brick breaking down into component parts which are terminals and oppterms and which lie in adjacent patterns. You know the patterns are top, bang, pair, next pair, next pair, next pair, next pair, terminal — oppterm — all very neat. You’re an idiot to build them that way, but that’s the way you build them. And these things go on back to the beginning of track and so forth.

Now, why are these things continued in creation all the time? Well, you just underestimate your ability or the pc’s ability to create, multiply. How much can a pc create and how much can he keep created simultaneously? It’s fantastic! Your ability is absolutely fantastic. Everybody’s ability is completely underestimated. You can create so well that you’d even stop yourself with your own creations. It’s terrific! And you can create so well and so complexly and so unawarely that you then can’t find yourself — find your own way back out of your own mirror maze.

Now, why are these things continued in creation all the time? Well, you just underestimate your ability or the pc’s ability to create, multiply. How much can a pc create and how much can he keep created simultaneously? It’s fantastic! Your ability is absolutely fantastic. Everybody’s ability is completely underestimated. You can create so well that you’d even stop yourself with your own creations. It’s terrific! And you can create so well and so complexly and so unawarely that you then can’t find yourself — find your own way back out of your own mirror maze.

Now, there is no slightest doubt about the fact that when a person is sick, they’re sick. And when a person’s crazy, they’re crazy. And when they’re suffering, they’re suffering. Because look — the last God — help — us number of years nobody has even guessed any part or corner of the puzzle called the human mind. And during that period of time a great many guys have suffered and gone through a lot of agony that they didn’t want to go through.

Now, there is no slightest doubt about the fact that when a person is sick, they’re sick. And when a person’s crazy, they’re crazy. And when they’re suffering, they’re suffering. Because look — the last God — help — us number of years nobody has even guessed any part or corner of the puzzle called the human mind. And during that period of time a great many guys have suffered and gone through a lot of agony that they didn’t want to go through.

We have the other factor. Does a person want to be this way? No. Can a person, by his own bootstraps get out of it? No. It’s a. rat race, and a mirror maze and so forth, that was very simple when you finally had its final anatomy. But right up to the moment when you did, you could only get lost in your own creations. And the actual fact in this universe, there is nothing to get lost in but your own creations. But where one finds a pc who is in trouble, the trouble is with the thirty bricks. With the free track going alongside of the thirty bricks, with the implant tar scattered over the bricks, with the bits and pieces of dough all over the place that mark the actual goals. And all this is lumped up into the form of matter, energy, space and time, included in the never — never land called his mind, which actually has space.

We have the other factor. Does a person want to be this way? No. Can a person, by his own bootstraps get out of it? No. It’s a. rat race, and a mirror maze and so forth, that was very simple when you finally had its final anatomy. But right up to the moment when you did, you could only get lost in your own creations. And the actual fact in this universe, there is nothing to get lost in but your own creations. But where one finds a pc who is in trouble, the trouble is with the thirty bricks. With the free track going alongside of the thirty bricks, with the implant tar scattered over the bricks, with the bits and pieces of dough all over the place that mark the actual goals. And all this is lumped up into the form of matter, energy, space and time, included in the never — never land called his mind, which actually has space.

Some time, some thetan will make a tremendous effort to line these things up all by himself. He’ll be exteriorized between — lives area sort of thing, he’s avoided it, he’ll be trying madly to line these things up. Sitting someplace, thinking it over — looking at them — wondering what the hell these pieces of energy are. Trying — to get them off of him. Trying to get them off of his face. Trying, you know, like a cat trying to wash its paws, you know. And not be able to make headway on it at all.

Some time, some thetan will make a tremendous effort to line these things up all by himself. He’ll be exteriorized between — lives area sort of thing, he’s avoided it, he’ll be trying madly to line these things up. Sitting someplace, thinking it over — looking at them — wondering what the hell these pieces of energy are. Trying — to get them off of him. Trying to get them off of his face. Trying, you know, like a cat trying to wash its paws, you know. And not be able to make headway on it at all.

And a great canyon, a huge canyon cleft in the mountains and so on, utterly filled with these GPMs, you know. He’s looking at them; he’s terrified.

And a great canyon, a huge canyon cleft in the mountains and so on, utterly filled with these GPMs, you know. He’s looking at them; he’s terrified.

Outside, he can of course see the walls; he can also see the GPMs, you see. His perception is greater. Fill up half the Grand Canyon full of the — full of these confounded GPMs, trying to, trying to — well, what the hell are they? Which — which way do I go? What is it? Nobody there, no E — Meter. It’s all sub — itsa. He can’t make it. He can’t make it. Been tried! Even when you knew that close. Because you couldn’t get the exact combination to as — is that then as — ised it and undid it, because it was all in perfect balance.

Outside, he can of course see the walls; he can also see the GPMs, you see. His perception is greater. Fill up half the Grand Canyon full of the — full of these confounded GPMs, trying to, trying to — well, what the hell are they? Which — which way do I go? What is it? Nobody there, no E — Meter. It’s all sub — itsa. He can’t make it. He can’t make it. Been tried! Even when you knew that close. Because you couldn’t get the exact combination to as — is that then as — ised it and undid it, because it was all in perfect balance.

And there were too many possible combinations to sort them out. Even if you knew their anatomy, you’d raise hell trying to put them together. If you at this moment, knowing everything you know, were to be on top of Mount Ararat trying to take your bank to pieces so that you wouldn’t be around the bend with it, or something like this — free and clear, no body to be affected, all the time in the world to do it with — you wouldn’t have a chance. That is my condensed opinion on the matter.

And there were too many possible combinations to sort them out. Even if you knew their anatomy, you’d raise hell trying to put them together. If you at this moment, knowing everything you know, were to be on top of Mount Ararat trying to take your bank to pieces so that you wouldn’t be around the bend with it, or something like this — free and clear, no body to be affected, all the time in the world to do it with — you wouldn’t have a chance. That is my condensed opinion on the matter.

Yeah, you’d come back and pick up a body. But you need a body to hold an E — Meter. Without the E — Meter you can’t do a blasted thing for it. A meter isn’t just something that helps. Now, I’ve tried to work out other systems which passed the E — Meter — which bypassed the E — Meter, which did things. Listing systems, of listing far enough, and finally only come up with the one goal, you see, a listing system of one character or another. And I’ve gotten exactly nowhere. Exactly nowhere, over a long period of time. And many times tried to throw out the E — Meter, and many times tried to short — circuit it and wonder why we had to have an auditor and wonder this and wonder that. Obviously an auditor is necessary, because a thetan, restimulated by his own bank, cannot perceive his own bank. But an auditor not restimulated by that bank he is auditing, can perceive through the meter that bank and therefore can audit it. So he can get out of the woods.

Yeah, you’d come back and pick up a body. But you need a body to hold an E — Meter. Without the E — Meter you can’t do a blasted thing for it. A meter isn’t just something that helps. Now, I’ve tried to work out other systems which passed the E — Meter — which bypassed the E — Meter, which did things. Listing systems, of listing far enough, and finally only come up with the one goal, you see, a listing system of one character or another. And I’ve gotten exactly nowhere. Exactly nowhere, over a long period of time. And many times tried to throw out the E — Meter, and many times tried to short — circuit it and wonder why we had to have an auditor and wonder this and wonder that. Obviously an auditor is necessary, because a thetan, restimulated by his own bank, cannot perceive his own bank. But an auditor not restimulated by that bank he is auditing, can perceive through the meter that bank and therefore can audit it. So he can get out of the woods.

Well, the road out of the woods is well mapped. There it is. I’ve given you a talk about it and a graphic representation of what it consists of You say, well, there are thousands of tricks of the trade which I don’t yet know. Well ‘ that’s your barrier. There aren’t thousands of the tricks of the trade that you don’t know. There is nothing there that with a meter, with Model Session, with the anatomy of this thing and with the rules of R4N2, with a modicum of good sense and a good heart, you couldn’t make the grade with a pc. Totally feasible.

Well, the road out of the woods is well mapped. There it is. I’ve given you a talk about it and a graphic representation of what it consists of You say, well, there are thousands of tricks of the trade which I don’t yet know. Well ‘ that’s your barrier. There aren’t thousands of the tricks of the trade that you don’t know. There is nothing there that with a meter, with Model Session, with the anatomy of this thing and with the rules of R4N2, with a modicum of good sense and a good heart, you couldn’t make the grade with a pc. Totally feasible.

It’ll take you perhaps, if you’re just starting in auditing this stuff, it’ll take you for a while to realize that there aren’t more barriers than there are. You’ll have to fumble your way through it and find your own feet and get yourself into a situation where you’re not holding your breath and your worry isn’t getting you in the road and up the line someplace in a relatively few months, if you’re just starting in on it, you will all of a sudden be asking yourself the question „Why did I find this so difficult? Why did I find this so difficult?“

It’ll take you perhaps, if you’re just starting in auditing this stuff, it’ll take you for a while to realize that there aren’t more barriers than there are. You’ll have to fumble your way through it and find your own feet and get yourself into a situation where you’re not holding your breath and your worry isn’t getting you in the road and up the line someplace in a relatively few months, if you’re just starting in on it, you will all of a sudden be asking yourself the question „Why did I find this so difficult? Why did I find this so difficult?“

And you know why I know you’ll be asking that? Is because I went through that exact, same situation. I could not at the present moment possibly imagine R4M2 as being a difficult process. There’s just nothing to it. It is the easiest auditing I ever did in my life. It’s a breeze. No matter how busy I am doing it.

And you know why I know you’ll be asking that? Is because I went through that exact, same situation. I could not at the present moment possibly imagine R4M2 as being a difficult process. There’s just nothing to it. It is the easiest auditing I ever did in my life. It’s a breeze. No matter how busy I am doing it.

Pc starts ARC breaking, you must have gone past the item. Pc can’t get something to read; well there must be something wrong here; let’s go back and find out what. The most extreme conditions which cause a balk — the most extreme conditions of auditing and so forth — and even those are dead easy. The most extreme conditions that you will run into in a pc, I have run into. And they’re dead easy.

Pc starts ARC breaking, you must have gone past the item. Pc can’t get something to read; well there must be something wrong here; let’s go back and find out what. The most extreme conditions which cause a balk — the most extreme conditions of auditing and so forth — and even those are dead easy. The most extreme conditions that you will run into in a pc, I have run into. And they’re dead easy.

So, what you’ve got to learn is what I’ve had to learn. Is that there are practically no reasons why you can’t do it. And once you can do that, all you’ve got to do is take this thread apart, from the PT GPM, with its top items, straight on back down the track, pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa, GPM by GPM by GPM by GPM, each one taken carefully apart, item by item by item with no mistakes as you go. Mistakes are perfectly obvious when you make them. Take them all the way back down the track; you’re not going to get back to time zero before you’ve got an OT, man! You’re not going to even vaguely do it.

So, what you’ve got to learn is what I’ve had to learn. Is that there are practically no reasons why you can’t do it. And once you can do that, all you’ve got to do is take this thread apart, from the PT GPM, with its top items, straight on back down the track, pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa, GPM by GPM by GPM by GPM, each one taken carefully apart, item by item by item with no mistakes as you go. Mistakes are perfectly obvious when you make them. Take them all the way back down the track; you’re not going to get back to time zero before you’ve got an OT, man! You’re not going to even vaguely do it.

Starting in, it’s absolute hell on the pc. All the way up along the line. Goal oppose, goal oppose, goal oppose, goal oppose — oh, wow! He’s got goals in restimulation, and you’ve skipped goals, and goals get pulled out of line and oohhh! And then he lists things and then all of a sudden you finally find the goal on the list but it’s an implant GPM! And you go on, and the lists are incomplete and you can’t find out why you’re incompleting lists and you find horribly six goals ago you found an implant GPM which at that time read as an actual GPM because the case was too overburdened to read right. So you throw away everything that you have found and the pc goes into a decline because you have thrown away his GPMs, so you come back and you realize that that is what you did and you find where they do belong on the time track, move them into position, go back and take the sixth list, all the way back, finish that thing, and then keep on going to present time with it and finally you will get there — if you’re alive and the pc is still alive. This is necessary to successful auditing.

Starting in, it’s absolute hell on the pc. All the way up along the line. Goal oppose, goal oppose, goal oppose, goal oppose — oh, wow! He’s got goals in restimulation, and you’ve skipped goals, and goals get pulled out of line and oohhh! And then he lists things and then all of a sudden you finally find the goal on the list but it’s an implant GPM! And you go on, and the lists are incomplete and you can’t find out why you’re incompleting lists and you find horribly six goals ago you found an implant GPM which at that time read as an actual GPM because the case was too overburdened to read right. So you throw away everything that you have found and the pc goes into a decline because you have thrown away his GPMs, so you come back and you realize that that is what you did and you find where they do belong on the time track, move them into position, go back and take the sixth list, all the way back, finish that thing, and then keep on going to present time with it and finally you will get there — if you’re alive and the pc is still alive. This is necessary to successful auditing.

That is the most hellish part of it. But once you’re in PT without any mistake and once you’ve got the top RI without any mistake, from then on, you have to be a complete mutt to make a mistake. You know, you have to have — be auditing with both feet hanging from the ridgepole, you know, and the E — Meter — the E — Meter completely out of batteries and the pc long gone. It’s real wild, see.

That is the most hellish part of it. But once you’re in PT without any mistake and once you’ve got the top RI without any mistake, from then on, you have to be a complete mutt to make a mistake. You know, you have to have — be auditing with both feet hanging from the ridgepole, you know, and the E — Meter — the E — Meter completely out of batteries and the pc long gone. It’s real wild, see.

That’s making OTs. You’ve got this whole band and span of auditing, up to that point of skill and capability — Levels I, II and III. You also, of course, have old types and styles of auditing. They are — still exist, and they’re still valid. But as you go all the way up along the line on this auditing, remember that it is always the same bank that you are auditing. Don’t get tricked into the fact because you have a different name or a different level, that you have a different bank in front of you — it is always the same bank. No matter what level it is audited with or what pc you’re auditing. That is an interesting thing to keep in mind. Because you start getting too enthusiastic at Level III, you should realize that you are auditing a bank and that you are pulling RIs around in that bank in order to get tone arm action. And frankly the only level that really fills me with horror is Level III. Frightening. Because I know what’s going on.

That’s making OTs. You’ve got this whole band and span of auditing, up to that point of skill and capability — Levels I, II and III. You also, of course, have old types and styles of auditing. They are — still exist, and they’re still valid. But as you go all the way up along the line on this auditing, remember that it is always the same bank that you are auditing. Don’t get tricked into the fact because you have a different name or a different level, that you have a different bank in front of you — it is always the same bank. No matter what level it is audited with or what pc you’re auditing. That is an interesting thing to keep in mind. Because you start getting too enthusiastic at Level III, you should realize that you are auditing a bank and that you are pulling RIs around in that bank in order to get tone arm action. And frankly the only level that really fills me with horror is Level III. Frightening. Because I know what’s going on.

And once you become very proficient as a Class IV Auditor, Level III will fill you with fits, too. Apparently you can get away with Level III only so long as you close your eyes as to what you are actually doing. You’re moving GPMs and RIs around — that’s what you’re doing at Level III and don’t kid yourself otherwise. That you can get away with it, is a tremendous attestation to a pc’s endurance and your auditing.

And once you become very proficient as a Class IV Auditor, Level III will fill you with fits, too. Apparently you can get away with Level III only so long as you close your eyes as to what you are actually doing. You’re moving GPMs and RIs around — that’s what you’re doing at Level III and don’t kid yourself otherwise. That you can get away with it, is a tremendous attestation to a pc’s endurance and your auditing.

But there is the integration of auditing and the only other thing I would tell you on it, is you can do it. You can do it. The only reason you couldn’t do it is because you conceive it to be more complicated than it is. You can do it. For instance, I’ve — I’ve been auditing quite a bit of modern R4, now, and I find this very satisfying auditing. No worries at all about tone arm action. Man, I get as much tone arm action as I find RIs and keep chuggety — chuggety — chugging and going on down the bank, see? I get as much tone arm action as I audit rapid R4. And let the pc itsa and not rush the pc, and let the pc be a pc. And not get the pc out of session.

But there is the integration of auditing and the only other thing I would tell you on it, is you can do it. You can do it. The only reason you couldn’t do it is because you conceive it to be more complicated than it is. You can do it. For instance, I’ve — I’ve been auditing quite a bit of modern R4, now, and I find this very satisfying auditing. No worries at all about tone arm action. Man, I get as much tone arm action as I find RIs and keep chuggety — chuggety — chugging and going on down the bank, see? I get as much tone arm action as I audit rapid R4. And let the pc itsa and not rush the pc, and let the pc be a pc. And not get the pc out of session.

„What do you suppose is wrong What do you think is wrong. Oh, you think it’s wrong? You — you — well, I’m having trouble here. I don’t know what the trouble is, so forth. ..“ and the pc starts, „What’s he doing. Whatsit? Whatsit? Whatsit?“ Of course, I don’t get tone arm action.

„What do you suppose is wrong What do you think is wrong. Oh, you think it’s wrong? You — you — well, I’m having trouble here. I don’t know what the trouble is, so forth. ..“ and the pc starts, „What’s he doing. Whatsit? Whatsit? Whatsit?“ Of course, I don’t get tone arm action.

And in actual fact, I can get as much tone arm action out of a session as I can drive myself to run. It’s that „how much tone arm action.“ If I could audit just a little bit faster, not rushing the pc any faster, but if I could audit just a little bit faster, why, I could probably get seventy divisions per two and a half hours, see. I’m having a hard time, I’ve hit a ceiling. It’s about fifty, sixty divisions, see. And I don’t know how to increase it. And I might start writing in shorthand or something like that. That might increase it, you see. Now I’m in a sort of a contest of that particular line.

And in actual fact, I can get as much tone arm action out of a session as I can drive myself to run. It’s that „how much tone arm action.“ If I could audit just a little bit faster, not rushing the pc any faster, but if I could audit just a little bit faster, why, I could probably get seventy divisions per two and a half hours, see. I’m having a hard time, I’ve hit a ceiling. It’s about fifty, sixty divisions, see. And I don’t know how to increase it. And I might start writing in shorthand or something like that. That might increase it, you see. Now I’m in a sort of a contest of that particular line.

But this is auditing. This is the auditing you’re going toward. This is the auditing you should be able to do. And this is the auditing you can do. And anybody that’s standing around telling you how difficult it is to do this auditing, of course, is just filling the air full of entheta. Because the truth of the matter is it’s very simple to do this auditing. It’s the simplest auditing there is.

But this is auditing. This is the auditing you’re going toward. This is the auditing you should be able to do. And this is the auditing you can do. And anybody that’s standing around telling you how difficult it is to do this auditing, of course, is just filling the air full of entheta. Because the truth of the matter is it’s very simple to do this auditing. It’s the simplest auditing there is.

Probably Level I is more complex than Level IV, because at Level I you haven’t got anything to do.

Probably Level I is more complex than Level IV, because at Level I you haven’t got anything to do.

Well, there it is, I wish you luck with it.

Well, there it is, I wish you luck with it.

Thank you!

Thank you!