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CONTENTS LEVELS OF CASE Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 13 June 1963A lecture given on 13 June 1963

And what is this?

And what is this?

Audience: Thirteenth of June.

Audience: Thirteenth of June.

Oh, unlucky for you! Unlucky for you. The 13th. Pretty grim. June 13th, AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and you don’t need any information, you got all the information. Getting along very well, getting along just swell, just tied in knots! You know which way you’re going, as long as you don’t have to go in any direction. Time track is as straight as a ball of yarn that a cat’s been at. Got the cases on the scale absolutely pegged – there somewhere. I’m being sarcastic, now. Shouldn’t be in one of these sarcastic moods. No, actually, we’ve got it licked. We’ve got it licked. We even have your case licked, you know? That’s fantastic, see.

Oh, unlucky for you! Unlucky for you. The 13th. Pretty grim. June 13th, AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and you don’t need any information, you got all the information. Getting along very well, getting along just swell, just tied in knots! You know which way you’re going, as long as you don’t have to go in any direction. Time track is as straight as a ball of yarn that a cat’s been at. Got the cases on the scale absolutely pegged – there somewhere. I’m being sarcastic, now. Shouldn’t be in one of these sarcastic moods. No, actually, we’ve got it licked. We’ve got it licked. We even have your case licked, you know? That’s fantastic, see.

But, having it licked is a problem in a good rendition as far as technical is concerned. And I ought to give you a direct rundown right now of where we are at, technically. I think that’d be a very good idea.

But, having it licked is a problem in a good rendition as far as technical is concerned. And I ought to give you a direct rundown right now of where we are at, technically. I think that’d be a very good idea.

The operative processes are exactly six in number. There are six types of processes. That’s the ruddy lot. If there are any more kinds of processes, I haven’t run into them in a quarter of a century of very hard inspection of it all. And if there are any, I’ve probably found them and thrown them in an ashcan as unworkable or unlearnable.

The operative processes are exactly six in number. There are six types of processes. That’s the ruddy lot. If there are any more kinds of processes, I haven’t run into them in a quarter of a century of very hard inspection of it all. And if there are any, I’ve probably found them and thrown them in an ashcan as unworkable or unlearnable.

There have been all kinds of developments of various sorts. I read one the other day from the California Association of Dianetic Auditors, that gave an auditing session, and the way you audit someone? And the auditor puts on the teakettle and says to the preclear, so on… Well, I personally wouldn’t think that was very workable. It – they evidently wander about and they don’t talk about cases or anything nasty like that and that’s an auditing session. So there have been lots of developments of one kind or another. You think I’m joking, you know, I really ought to dig out the paper and show it to you. I read it, and I said, is this a gag? You know, no, it wasn’t any gag, it was very serious.

There have been all kinds of developments of various sorts. I read one the other day from the California Association of Dianetic Auditors, that gave an auditing session, and the way you audit someone? And the auditor puts on the teakettle and says to the preclear, so on… Well, I personally wouldn’t think that was very workable. It – they evidently wander about and they don’t talk about cases or anything nasty like that and that’s an auditing session. So there have been lots of developments of one kind or another. You think I’m joking, you know, I really ought to dig out the paper and show it to you. I read it, and I said, is this a gag? You know, no, it wasn’t any gag, it was very serious.

Now the – how far people can go to keep from confronting anything that resembles a case or a bank is how many developments there can be under the heading of mental activity or research. And this is almost limitless. Almost limitless. But in the years that have gone along there have been certain things that worked and certain things that didn’t work. And the direct processing of postulates is not included in this particular rundown. But remember that you sometimes very spottily can produce some rather interesting results with old Rising Scale Processing.

Now the – how far people can go to keep from confronting anything that resembles a case or a bank is how many developments there can be under the heading of mental activity or research. And this is almost limitless. Almost limitless. But in the years that have gone along there have been certain things that worked and certain things that didn’t work. And the direct processing of postulates is not included in this particular rundown. But remember that you sometimes very spottily can produce some rather interesting results with old Rising Scale Processing.

So there are lots of subdivisions of processes, there are lots of processes that we have had, but what it’s actually boiled down to for the working kit of an auditor, and which gives the auditor direct and positive results, and which gives an auditor an invaluable alignment, is the scale of case levels which you received under programing, there are eight levels there, which I won’t take up at the present moment. But this six processes happens to cover those levels. And they’re the only things I know of, over a long period of time, which make a dent in these levels, and carry them forward to an upper level.

So there are lots of subdivisions of processes, there are lots of processes that we have had, but what it’s actually boiled down to for the working kit of an auditor, and which gives the auditor direct and positive results, and which gives an auditor an invaluable alignment, is the scale of case levels which you received under programing, there are eight levels there, which I won’t take up at the present moment. But this six processes happens to cover those levels. And they’re the only things I know of, over a long period of time, which make a dent in these levels, and carry them forward to an upper level.

All of these processes are known, their technology is known, how you do them is known, and so on. So it actually doesn’t pose a very great problem. But how well they are known, and how reliably they are executed, does pose a problem.

All of these processes are known, their technology is known, how you do them is known, and so on. So it actually doesn’t pose a very great problem. But how well they are known, and how reliably they are executed, does pose a problem.

Now, we will work up and develop – Reg’s been going around today shoving pieces of paper and questions at people, and we’re actually working up here, how do you tell where the pc is, in order to run what on him? In other words we have – developing – we’re developing old Dianometry, now, forward to a point where you can get an immediate adjudication of what you ought to do with a case, by just giving the case a series of tests. Now, that’s getting very fancy indeed. Now, lacking – lacking this data, you still can simply go up or fall back to the pc’s level. You see, just with a hit-or-miss process or error, so long as you know case level, and so long as you know the processes that measure them. So exactly how we judge whether or not the case should have this process or not, is only briefly a part of this lecture. The rundown of processes is a very definite part of it.

Now, we will work up and develop – Reg’s been going around today shoving pieces of paper and questions at people, and we’re actually working up here, how do you tell where the pc is, in order to run what on him? In other words we have – developing – we’re developing old Dianometry, now, forward to a point where you can get an immediate adjudication of what you ought to do with a case, by just giving the case a series of tests. Now, that’s getting very fancy indeed. Now, lacking – lacking this data, you still can simply go up or fall back to the pc’s level. You see, just with a hit-or-miss process or error, so long as you know case level, and so long as you know the processes that measure them. So exactly how we judge whether or not the case should have this process or not, is only briefly a part of this lecture. The rundown of processes is a very definite part of it.

Now, I’ll give you a rundown of this – of this scale, so that you’ll have it by numbers, and you’ll be getting it in a bulletin if you haven’t got it already.

Now, I’ll give you a rundown of this – of this scale, so that you’ll have it by numbers, and you’ll be getting it in a bulletin if you haven’t got it already.

But, what you call Level I is OT and that’s no time track. Nothing. He’s just got potential and action and doingness and capability. And he isn’t carrying a mental record of any kind whatsoever.

But, what you call Level I is OT and that’s no time track. Nothing. He’s just got potential and action and doingness and capability. And he isn’t carrying a mental record of any kind whatsoever.

And 2, has a total time track with nothing aberrative on it, which is a highly theoretical state. If anybody could maintain it or achieve it, I would like to know about it. But that’s a theoretical state, you see. Frankly, you will get in actual fact, at Level 2, parts of the time track missing, and those parts that are there still under handling. That’s really – it’s not an absolute level.

And 2, has a total time track with nothing aberrative on it, which is a highly theoretical state. If anybody could maintain it or achieve it, I would like to know about it. But that’s a theoretical state, you see. Frankly, you will get in actual fact, at Level 2, parts of the time track missing, and those parts that are there still under handling. That’s really – it’s not an absolute level.

No level is absolute on this whole thing because you can even raise Level 1. Now, quite interesting, yes, you can raise the level of an OT. Guy hasn’t got enough sense to stay out of theta traps. You can say, “Well, it’s this way, bud. This is the way you handle a theta trap.” And he’ll say, “All right, that’s good. That’s a good idea.” Get the idea?

No level is absolute on this whole thing because you can even raise Level 1. Now, quite interesting, yes, you can raise the level of an OT. Guy hasn’t got enough sense to stay out of theta traps. You can say, “Well, it’s this way, bud. This is the way you handle a theta trap.” And he’ll say, “All right, that’s good. That’s a good idea.” Get the idea?

All right. He also doesn’t know how to maintain a game, so that he actually will deteriorate himself down to a level of where he can have a game, see. He tries not to remain in a state where he can’t have any game or communication or association, see. So in absence of knowing how to put together a game, he also is remiss. See, so the only thing you really – that you’ve got, is just practice and education, at Level 1. That’s your process. But that isn’t one of the processes which is measured up here.

All right. He also doesn’t know how to maintain a game, so that he actually will deteriorate himself down to a level of where he can have a game, see. He tries not to remain in a state where he can’t have any game or communication or association, see. So in absence of knowing how to put together a game, he also is remiss. See, so the only thing you really – that you’ve got, is just practice and education, at Level 1. That’s your process. But that isn’t one of the processes which is measured up here.

Two, as I say, well, that’s theoretically a perfect time track, and of course that’s unobtainable. That time track, long before it becomes perfect, will fold up. But we still have a theoretical level there and once more – once more we’re already working on it to separate the time track from the person, and get him over the idea of doing this, and that all comes under the handling of engrams or facsimiles. And you’ve got the process for that in just blocking out facsimiles, see, he’ll discover all if you just continue to run that process. So that’s covered, with no special process.

Two, as I say, well, that’s theoretically a perfect time track, and of course that’s unobtainable. That time track, long before it becomes perfect, will fold up. But we still have a theoretical level there and once more – once more we’re already working on it to separate the time track from the person, and get him over the idea of doing this, and that all comes under the handling of engrams or facsimiles. And you’ve got the process for that in just blocking out facsimiles, see, he’ll discover all if you just continue to run that process. So that’s covered, with no special process.

And now you’ve got 3, which is visible time track but quite aberrated, lots of engrams on it, and so forth. In other words it’s not dub, but he can see his time track when it is there to be seen, and you’ve got that in engram running by chains, and blocking that sort of thing out.

And now you’ve got 3, which is visible time track but quite aberrated, lots of engrams on it, and so forth. In other words it’s not dub, but he can see his time track when it is there to be seen, and you’ve got that in engram running by chains, and blocking that sort of thing out.

Now, that process, engram running by chains, is a precise activity. The only thing I would improve in it is spotting duration. I’m having just a little bit of trouble getting pcs to sit still long enough to get the duration of the incident spotted, because the incident starts running off, and I’ve been trying various – various places to try to get the duration of the incident. I’ve tried to get it before I send him to the beginning of it and tried to get him at the – once I’ve run it through once, and so forth, and I don’t know quite the perfect place to get that at this particular time. Rather than badger the pc, why – with it, and cause the pc to suppress the whole incident all the time, I’d omit it. Rather than do that, or maybe it’ll turn up as a flash answer. Or maybe you send him through it once, and say, “How long was it?” But that little point is the only point I know of that isn’t settled in that rundown. The rest of it’s working well, extremely well.

Now, that process, engram running by chains, is a precise activity. The only thing I would improve in it is spotting duration. I’m having just a little bit of trouble getting pcs to sit still long enough to get the duration of the incident spotted, because the incident starts running off, and I’ve been trying various – various places to try to get the duration of the incident. I’ve tried to get it before I send him to the beginning of it and tried to get him at the – once I’ve run it through once, and so forth, and I don’t know quite the perfect place to get that at this particular time. Rather than badger the pc, why – with it, and cause the pc to suppress the whole incident all the time, I’d omit it. Rather than do that, or maybe it’ll turn up as a flash answer. Or maybe you send him through it once, and say, “How long was it?” But that little point is the only point I know of that isn’t settled in that rundown. The rest of it’s working well, extremely well.

All right. That’s Level 3, and of course that’s somebody who can see the time track as it is and who can run it and who can run engrams.

All right. That’s Level 3, and of course that’s somebody who can see the time track as it is and who can run it and who can run engrams.

And then you have Level 4, and your Level 4 is for any reason whatsoever, it’s just an occluded time track. That’s your – the famous black five case. It’s the – also the case with an invisible field. It’s also the case with a little wirk-wuks and wuk-wuks.

And then you have Level 4, and your Level 4 is for any reason whatsoever, it’s just an occluded time track. That’s your – the famous black five case. It’s the – also the case with an invisible field. It’s also the case with a little wirk-wuks and wuk-wuks.

Now cases below this level on harmonic, down at 7 and 8, also have invisible fields and black fields, so you can be fooled at this. Just because somebody’s got a black field is no reason he really is a Level 4, don’t you see. Now, it’s whether or not you can run an engram on this person. And oddly enough you can do just that. We had somebody here the other day, he’s been black five, never seen a picture, never had sonic – never had visio – never had anything – all gone, missing – went. Threw him into the middle of the Helatrobus Implants, the goal “to forget,” he’s run with full sonic, visio and everything else. See, bang. In other words, there is – there is a real Level 4, see.

Now cases below this level on harmonic, down at 7 and 8, also have invisible fields and black fields, so you can be fooled at this. Just because somebody’s got a black field is no reason he really is a Level 4, don’t you see. Now, it’s whether or not you can run an engram on this person. And oddly enough you can do just that. We had somebody here the other day, he’s been black five, never seen a picture, never had sonic – never had visio – never had anything – all gone, missing – went. Threw him into the middle of the Helatrobus Implants, the goal “to forget,” he’s run with full sonic, visio and everything else. See, bang. In other words, there is – there is a real Level 4, see.

Now, what process do you have for this? Well actually, just engram blocking out and 3N. And they overlap at that point. See, you could run either on these. Now you can also run 3N on Level 3. So now, let’s drop a little bit lower here, and let’s get Level 5 and a dub-in. Well now, dub-in is running – you start running 3N on a dub-in case, in one minute why they’re – one minute why they’re rocket reading, and the next minute they’re not, and you’re fumbling around, and they’re getting restimulated, and you can’t keep your fingers on it and, aaaaaaaahh – the next thing you know, the case is all tying up in knots, and you would be much better off to have done a repetitive process in the first place.

Now, what process do you have for this? Well actually, just engram blocking out and 3N. And they overlap at that point. See, you could run either on these. Now you can also run 3N on Level 3. So now, let’s drop a little bit lower here, and let’s get Level 5 and a dub-in. Well now, dub-in is running – you start running 3N on a dub-in case, in one minute why they’re – one minute why they’re rocket reading, and the next minute they’re not, and you’re fumbling around, and they’re getting restimulated, and you can’t keep your fingers on it and, aaaaaaaahh – the next thing you know, the case is all tying up in knots, and you would be much better off to have done a repetitive process in the first place.

Now, the repetitive processes – are – the leading repetitive processes are three in number. And you haven’t heard of one of them. But just call them repetitive processes. The one that you are using, and is the best and most powerful of these, is the three-question process, ARC Break Straightwire, given one question at a time. That as a repetitive process is – carries all before it. Now, there’s two other repetitive processes, though, which are very interesting. And one of those is Duplication, all by itself, “What would you be unwilling to duplicate,” and there’s another one, Power of Choice, just per se, which also has considerable power. “In auditing, when has your power of choice been overthrown?” Interesting type process.

Now, the repetitive processes – are – the leading repetitive processes are three in number. And you haven’t heard of one of them. But just call them repetitive processes. The one that you are using, and is the best and most powerful of these, is the three-question process, ARC Break Straightwire, given one question at a time. That as a repetitive process is – carries all before it. Now, there’s two other repetitive processes, though, which are very interesting. And one of those is Duplication, all by itself, “What would you be unwilling to duplicate,” and there’s another one, Power of Choice, just per se, which also has considerable power. “In auditing, when has your power of choice been overthrown?” Interesting type process.

Now, that’s a whole basket load there. Now, if you are going to do – going to throw in Rising Scale Processing, it probably would belong there, but in actual fact – in actual fact it’s a Level I process, or most any process, if it works, and if it doesn’t work, and there’s a lot of stuff connected with it, because what are you doing? You’re actually flipping the postulate out of the mass consistently with this thing, and although you can achieve considerable changes in the pc by doing this you actually don’t achieve case gain. So let’s take a look at the difference between a process that produces a change in the pc or produces an effect on the pc and one which advances the case level. See, let’s differentiate between these two things right here and now.

Now, that’s a whole basket load there. Now, if you are going to do – going to throw in Rising Scale Processing, it probably would belong there, but in actual fact – in actual fact it’s a Level I process, or most any process, if it works, and if it doesn’t work, and there’s a lot of stuff connected with it, because what are you doing? You’re actually flipping the postulate out of the mass consistently with this thing, and although you can achieve considerable changes in the pc by doing this you actually don’t achieve case gain. So let’s take a look at the difference between a process that produces a change in the pc or produces an effect on the pc and one which advances the case level. See, let’s differentiate between these two things right here and now.

I know a lot of processes which will produce a change in the pc. Engram running is one of them. It’ll produce a change in the pc. But will not upgrade the pc’s case level. Now, that sounds like an interesting thing. Well in actual fact what you’re doing is using the power of the process to rather overwhelm the resistances of the pc. And you can change the pc. You can alter the pc around. You can get rid of various things the pc doesn’t want, and that sort of thing. But does the pc ever find out you’ve gotten rid of them? Now, you’ve heard me speak of this type of case in response before. The old lady has arthritis and you run a bunch of stuff on the old lady, and she all of a sudden doesn’t have arthritis anymore and she doesn’t mention this at all, she just natters at you about her migraine headaches.

I know a lot of processes which will produce a change in the pc. Engram running is one of them. It’ll produce a change in the pc. But will not upgrade the pc’s case level. Now, that sounds like an interesting thing. Well in actual fact what you’re doing is using the power of the process to rather overwhelm the resistances of the pc. And you can change the pc. You can alter the pc around. You can get rid of various things the pc doesn’t want, and that sort of thing. But does the pc ever find out you’ve gotten rid of them? Now, you’ve heard me speak of this type of case in response before. The old lady has arthritis and you run a bunch of stuff on the old lady, and she all of a sudden doesn’t have arthritis anymore and she doesn’t mention this at all, she just natters at you about her migraine headaches.

Now, you haven’t really produced a change in this person’s attitude toward life. You haven’t improved this person’s reality or confront. You haven’t. But you’ve changed the case. And an auditor should realize that it’s within his power to do that. And that only happens when you run a process for a higher-level case on a lower-level case. You can change the case without improving the level of the case. Now, you must know that that can happen. In other words, your object is to move a person up this reality scale, toward OT, that’s your object. Not just to make this person more comfortable or with less somatics or something. So they hurt. So what?

Now, you haven’t really produced a change in this person’s attitude toward life. You haven’t improved this person’s reality or confront. You haven’t. But you’ve changed the case. And an auditor should realize that it’s within his power to do that. And that only happens when you run a process for a higher-level case on a lower-level case. You can change the case without improving the level of the case. Now, you must know that that can happen. In other words, your object is to move a person up this reality scale, toward OT, that’s your object. Not just to make this person more comfortable or with less somatics or something. So they hurt. So what?

It’s the most weird thing in the world to have the – I don’t know, I’d – there are some ladies present, I’m sure some of these gentlemen have been ladies in the past – and I really can’t call the name of this government department in printable English, you see. But it actually is assaulting us for doing something, which, I’ve been saying, and we’ve been agreeing, for a very long time, we shouldn’t do, which is treat people and heal people you know, and make a big thing out of sickness and health and all of this sort of thing. And they’re all upset with us because we say we’re doing this. But we’ve never said so. For years I’ve been saying what – the good of making somebody – you know, getting rid of somebody’s wheeze? What’s wrong with him is him, not his wheeze. See, I’ve been carrying on about this for some time, and all of a sudden they’re about to say, “Whooa, let’s pull off this here ban, because they’re getting in the road of the doctors. And we’ve got to keep the doctors going, otherwise we won’t get our bribes.” I’m sorry, I – a little run away with myself there. They’ve got to live. But we don’t know why.

It’s the most weird thing in the world to have the – I don’t know, I’d – there are some ladies present, I’m sure some of these gentlemen have been ladies in the past – and I really can’t call the name of this government department in printable English, you see. But it actually is assaulting us for doing something, which, I’ve been saying, and we’ve been agreeing, for a very long time, we shouldn’t do, which is treat people and heal people you know, and make a big thing out of sickness and health and all of this sort of thing. And they’re all upset with us because we say we’re doing this. But we’ve never said so. For years I’ve been saying what – the good of making somebody – you know, getting rid of somebody’s wheeze? What’s wrong with him is him, not his wheeze. See, I’ve been carrying on about this for some time, and all of a sudden they’re about to say, “Whooa, let’s pull off this here ban, because they’re getting in the road of the doctors. And we’ve got to keep the doctors going, otherwise we won’t get our bribes.” I’m sorry, I – a little run away with myself there. They’ve got to live. But we don’t know why.

Because frankly it’s pure idiocy to cure somebody of an illness. This is idiocy. They just go and get sick again. You talk about a thankless task! It’s actually thankless, endless, does nothing for the society, gains nothing for the individual or anything else to amount to anything. This guy’s got an earache. So you work like mad to get this guy to recover from this earache, see. And so you cure him from his earache. Well, great day in the morning, he has now not got an earache. Great. How to raise society heroically onward and forward!

Because frankly it’s pure idiocy to cure somebody of an illness. This is idiocy. They just go and get sick again. You talk about a thankless task! It’s actually thankless, endless, does nothing for the society, gains nothing for the individual or anything else to amount to anything. This guy’s got an earache. So you work like mad to get this guy to recover from this earache, see. And so you cure him from his earache. Well, great day in the morning, he has now not got an earache. Great. How to raise society heroically onward and forward!

Now, if you cure his earache, if you’re foolish enough to cure his earache, and work in just – in no direction but to cure his earache, you’re working exactly against his hidden standard. And, you aren’t really trying to remove the causes of having a hidden standard. So what’s he going to do? Well, next day he’s got ulcers. See? Well now, if you’re just looking for employment, I mean if you’ve got a medical school certificate or something and don’t know what to do with it, and you want to go on forever collecting those – I don’t know, it used to be – it used to be two bucks, and then it got to be five bucks, and then the trade union got to work and it got to be ten bucks, and five bucks extra for each shot. You go in now, you know, that five bucks extra for each shot, the nurse just sits there, see, and she writes down, you see, and “Shots, shots, shots, pills, pills, pills, shots, pills, pills, pills. Two hundred and fifty-five dollars, yes, that’s the bill.” Well, if you’re going to – if this is a commercial activity and solely and completely just to provide work for the Works Progress fellows so they can lean on their shovels, yes, by all means, by all means, overwhelm the pc with an upper-level process and cure his earache. But don’t expect him or anybody else ever to thank you.

Now, if you cure his earache, if you’re foolish enough to cure his earache, and work in just – in no direction but to cure his earache, you’re working exactly against his hidden standard. And, you aren’t really trying to remove the causes of having a hidden standard. So what’s he going to do? Well, next day he’s got ulcers. See? Well now, if you’re just looking for employment, I mean if you’ve got a medical school certificate or something and don’t know what to do with it, and you want to go on forever collecting those – I don’t know, it used to be – it used to be two bucks, and then it got to be five bucks, and then the trade union got to work and it got to be ten bucks, and five bucks extra for each shot. You go in now, you know, that five bucks extra for each shot, the nurse just sits there, see, and she writes down, you see, and “Shots, shots, shots, pills, pills, pills, shots, pills, pills, pills. Two hundred and fifty-five dollars, yes, that’s the bill.” Well, if you’re going to – if this is a commercial activity and solely and completely just to provide work for the Works Progress fellows so they can lean on their shovels, yes, by all means, by all means, overwhelm the pc with an upper-level process and cure his earache. But don’t expect him or anybody else ever to thank you.

And you see, your object is to advance the pc up this scale. Now, therefore this puts a severe limit on the number of processes that you can run on anybody. See, this tells you that you had better process the pc at his level on the Reality Scale with the process that belongs there, and if you are not doing so you will know it at once, because the pc is not making any signal progress as a person.

And you see, your object is to advance the pc up this scale. Now, therefore this puts a severe limit on the number of processes that you can run on anybody. See, this tells you that you had better process the pc at his level on the Reality Scale with the process that belongs there, and if you are not doing so you will know it at once, because the pc is not making any signal progress as a person.

Now that progress is very steep today. That progress used to be barely detectable from week to week, see. Well, it’s not now. That – it’s a steep grade. And you don’t see that steep grade happening, you know at once what you’re doing. Yes, the pc is making a gain. Now, fortunately for us, that gain is expressed by your tone arm. You’re not getting tone arm motion on the pc, the usual thing that is wrong is is you’re running a pc at one level of the scale, at a higher level for the process. That’s it. And you’ll notice you’ll be tricked by seeing that the pc gets well and does various other things, but they’re not upgrading as a pc. See, their general attitude toward existence, and their communication level and that sort of thing, this isn’t improving. See what the difference is here? It takes that – it takes that knowledge right there to know how to apply the processes I am giving you.

Now that progress is very steep today. That progress used to be barely detectable from week to week, see. Well, it’s not now. That – it’s a steep grade. And you don’t see that steep grade happening, you know at once what you’re doing. Yes, the pc is making a gain. Now, fortunately for us, that gain is expressed by your tone arm. You’re not getting tone arm motion on the pc, the usual thing that is wrong is is you’re running a pc at one level of the scale, at a higher level for the process. That’s it. And you’ll notice you’ll be tricked by seeing that the pc gets well and does various other things, but they’re not upgrading as a pc. See, their general attitude toward existence, and their communication level and that sort of thing, this isn’t improving. See what the difference is here? It takes that – it takes that knowledge right there to know how to apply the processes I am giving you.

All right, now let’s take this Level 5, which is your dub-in level, he really never gets a picture of anything that is really there. The picture is always a picture of a picture. Well all right, now that case – that case starts to get very, very, very critically run on your, well, engrams, so… They make a copy of the time track as fast as you run it off, don’t you see. This is like running on a treadmill constantly. Because you’re never erasing anything that is on the case, you’re only erasing copies of what is on the case. And it won’t give you any tone arm action, but you’re liable to do some interesting things by accident. Accidentally clip a somatic out or something like that. And that leaves you your repetitive processes. And these repetitive processes are just tailor-made for that case.

All right, now let’s take this Level 5, which is your dub-in level, he really never gets a picture of anything that is really there. The picture is always a picture of a picture. Well all right, now that case – that case starts to get very, very, very critically run on your, well, engrams, so… They make a copy of the time track as fast as you run it off, don’t you see. This is like running on a treadmill constantly. Because you’re never erasing anything that is on the case, you’re only erasing copies of what is on the case. And it won’t give you any tone arm action, but you’re liable to do some interesting things by accident. Accidentally clip a somatic out or something like that. And that leaves you your repetitive processes. And these repetitive processes are just tailor-made for that case.

Now oddly enough, the repetitive processes also overlap into Level 4, just above it. So your processes then, that are indicated for that particular case, and so forth, are very simple. You’ve got your ARC Process or any other of these repetitive processes that are laid down, they’re all the same band, and you’ve got your Level 5 and your Level 4. All right, that’s fine.

Now oddly enough, the repetitive processes also overlap into Level 4, just above it. So your processes then, that are indicated for that particular case, and so forth, are very simple. You’ve got your ARC Process or any other of these repetitive processes that are laid down, they’re all the same band, and you’ve got your Level 5 and your Level 4. All right, that’s fine.

Now, your ARC Process also handles Level 3 cases that have been monkeyed up in auditing, these repetitive processes, you see, cases that have been butchered up in auditing, cases that are having a bad run of it, or cases which have turned on a sudden chronic somatic of some kind or another that nobody can quite explain, and we’re not getting to easily by the techniques we are using. Well you can – the guy’s case level isn’t down chronically, but has done a skid. And so we can build it back up with the repetitive processes which we have. So they’re good.

Now, your ARC Process also handles Level 3 cases that have been monkeyed up in auditing, these repetitive processes, you see, cases that have been butchered up in auditing, cases that are having a bad run of it, or cases which have turned on a sudden chronic somatic of some kind or another that nobody can quite explain, and we’re not getting to easily by the techniques we are using. Well you can – the guy’s case level isn’t down chronically, but has done a skid. And so we can build it back up with the repetitive processes which we have. So they’re good.

It doesn’t mean that because somebody is run – we have trouble with this – because somebody is run on a repetitive process that he’s automatically a dub-in case, see. That’ll get around, and so forth, and it is not true.

It doesn’t mean that because somebody is run – we have trouble with this – because somebody is run on a repetitive process that he’s automatically a dub-in case, see. That’ll get around, and so forth, and it is not true.

Now let’s go one level down from that. Let’s go to Level 6, God help us all. And that level is the dub-in of dub-in and there’s nothing distinguishes this case from the dub-in case, except the degree of franticness which the case goes into and the amount of delusion which can turn on. You see, that’s just more anaten. So you’re running a long way away. Now, what characterizes this case is the terrible automaticity of the bank. This case has got a fluttery bank. You can never get that time track to stay still. Now, this is not a very numerous type of case. But you’ll run into enough of them, and they’ll just drive you around the bend. Nothing bites to amount to anything because they’ve got a time track that is in constant motion. That time track – flutter, flutter, flutter. You try to say, “Have you had breakfast?” and they get their last ten breakfasts, only they aren’t their last ten breakfasts, they’re copies of copies of their last ten breakfasts and, duh!

Now let’s go one level down from that. Let’s go to Level 6, God help us all. And that level is the dub-in of dub-in and there’s nothing distinguishes this case from the dub-in case, except the degree of franticness which the case goes into and the amount of delusion which can turn on. You see, that’s just more anaten. So you’re running a long way away. Now, what characterizes this case is the terrible automaticity of the bank. This case has got a fluttery bank. You can never get that time track to stay still. Now, this is not a very numerous type of case. But you’ll run into enough of them, and they’ll just drive you around the bend. Nothing bites to amount to anything because they’ve got a time track that is in constant motion. That time track – flutter, flutter, flutter. You try to say, “Have you had breakfast?” and they get their last ten breakfasts, only they aren’t their last ten breakfasts, they’re copies of copies of their last ten breakfasts and, duh!

They can’t stay still. The time track doesn’t stay still. They no longer have the power of remaining motionless. That’s one thing that characterizes this case. And if you called it not the dub-in of dub-in, which is going, but the case of the automatically moving time track, the – or the – grouped automatic time track or something like that, you’d probably have a better diagnosis of the symptoms. Now the – yeah, you try to put them – try to put them in yesterday, and they go into yesterday, the day before, next week. You say, “All right, what’s happening here? All right, did you ever fall out of a baby carriage?” This is an actual experience I had with one.

They can’t stay still. The time track doesn’t stay still. They no longer have the power of remaining motionless. That’s one thing that characterizes this case. And if you called it not the dub-in of dub-in, which is going, but the case of the automatically moving time track, the – or the – grouped automatic time track or something like that, you’d probably have a better diagnosis of the symptoms. Now the – yeah, you try to put them – try to put them in yesterday, and they go into yesterday, the day before, next week. You say, “All right, what’s happening here? All right, did you ever fall out of a baby carriage?” This is an actual experience I had with one.

“Well, yes.” Trying to run Straightwire on this person. This is Straightwire I mean just direct Straightwire, see.

“Well, yes.” Trying to run Straightwire on this person. This is Straightwire I mean just direct Straightwire, see.

“Did you ever fall out of a baby carriage?”

“Did you ever fall out of a baby carriage?”

“Yes – yes, I’m sure I must have.”

“Yes – yes, I’m sure I must have.”

And, “All right, you can recall that.”

And, “All right, you can recall that.”

Case instantly has ten fallings out of baby carriages at ten different times, maybe to ten different babies. Try to run that case through any lineal line of engram, like say now, “Pick up the moment you walked in the door.” And they instantly pick up the last two or three months’ worth of doors. And then a few past life doors thrown in. They give you a copy of those things, and so forth, and they walk to a plethora of chairs. Actually, they’d have to come up through blackness before they actually saw their own time track. But that automaticity of track is something that you sooner or later will run into. Don’t let it break your heart, you can’t even run ARC straightwire on the person, actually. See, you can’t ask them to recall anything.

Case instantly has ten fallings out of baby carriages at ten different times, maybe to ten different babies. Try to run that case through any lineal line of engram, like say now, “Pick up the moment you walked in the door.” And they instantly pick up the last two or three months’ worth of doors. And then a few past life doors thrown in. They give you a copy of those things, and so forth, and they walk to a plethora of chairs. Actually, they’d have to come up through blackness before they actually saw their own time track. But that automaticity of track is something that you sooner or later will run into. Don’t let it break your heart, you can’t even run ARC straightwire on the person, actually. See, you can’t ask them to recall anything.

Now the probability is that ARC Break Straightwire would function on this case one way or the other, and cure him of an illness and all that sort of thing. Well, you could be fooled. What actually is this case doing. This case is into an instability of bank, an instability of beingness, a terror which amounts to constant motion, expressed in the time track and so forth. Now that constant motion may express itself in other ways physically. You – it’s got a goal, you know. They can’t sit down in the chair. I mean, they can’t live there. They live in five different hotels in two weeks, you see, I mean, it’s terrible. It – just this awful urge to get out, to not be there. Various other expressions and manifestations occur at this case level.

Now the probability is that ARC Break Straightwire would function on this case one way or the other, and cure him of an illness and all that sort of thing. Well, you could be fooled. What actually is this case doing. This case is into an instability of bank, an instability of beingness, a terror which amounts to constant motion, expressed in the time track and so forth. Now that constant motion may express itself in other ways physically. You – it’s got a goal, you know. They can’t sit down in the chair. I mean, they can’t live there. They live in five different hotels in two weeks, you see, I mean, it’s terrible. It – just this awful urge to get out, to not be there. Various other expressions and manifestations occur at this case level.

But the only way I’ve made it a case level is not because it is terribly numerous, but because it’s utterly baffling when you finally hit it. You say, “Recall breakfast.” And the person can’t remember breakfast. Well, that’s all right, but on a higher-level case you could keep plugging at them and they would finally remember breakfast, see? Not on this case, man. If you push him at all, they’ve got all the breakfasts that anybody ate in London, see. They’ve got everything, I mean – brrrr-braww-bzzzzz. It looks like fifteen or twenty different projectors shining on the same screen. That case is nervous.

But the only way I’ve made it a case level is not because it is terribly numerous, but because it’s utterly baffling when you finally hit it. You say, “Recall breakfast.” And the person can’t remember breakfast. Well, that’s all right, but on a higher-level case you could keep plugging at them and they would finally remember breakfast, see? Not on this case, man. If you push him at all, they’ve got all the breakfasts that anybody ate in London, see. They’ve got everything, I mean – brrrr-braww-bzzzzz. It looks like fifteen or twenty different projectors shining on the same screen. That case is nervous.

And that is a CCH case. That is a CCH case. Remember that some processes of a repetitive nature can reach down into this case, and so forth, but he’s actually a repetitive process too – too far forward or too far from.

And that is a CCH case. That is a CCH case. Remember that some processes of a repetitive nature can reach down into this case, and so forth, but he’s actually a repetitive process too – too far forward or too far from.

Now, there’s something else that works on this case that would be quite interesting to you and that is See Checking works on this case. Prepchecking, to a lesser degree works on the case. But Sec Checking does. General O/W works like a ball on that case. Every time they answer the question they get r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r of pictures, and so forth. And they gradually will come out of it under General O/W. And you get beautiful tone arm motion with such a case with General O/W. That’s another type of process. Of course General O/W is an excuse for Prepchecking. Don’t consider it a repetitive process, it’s just a – it’s a shotgun method of Sec Checking somebody.

Now, there’s something else that works on this case that would be quite interesting to you and that is See Checking works on this case. Prepchecking, to a lesser degree works on the case. But Sec Checking does. General O/W works like a ball on that case. Every time they answer the question they get r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r of pictures, and so forth. And they gradually will come out of it under General O/W. And you get beautiful tone arm motion with such a case with General O/W. That’s another type of process. Of course General O/W is an excuse for Prepchecking. Don’t consider it a repetitive process, it’s just a – it’s a shotgun method of Sec Checking somebody.

Now the overts you get off these people, the overts you get off of them may be very feathery overts. They give you on a silver platter – they give you on a silver platter the fact that they murdered their husband, or something. This doesn’t mean anything; this is nothing. But you can find an overt. You can find an overt. And their level of overt is liable to be very feathery. But it means a great deal when you get it off. They remember thinking a hostile thought about their mother. And gee, it produces quite a change on the case. Sec Checking does work at this level. You have to sweat like mad over it but they will sec check. They ordinarily are sitting in a guilt complex anyhow.

Now the overts you get off these people, the overts you get off of them may be very feathery overts. They give you on a silver platter – they give you on a silver platter the fact that they murdered their husband, or something. This doesn’t mean anything; this is nothing. But you can find an overt. You can find an overt. And their level of overt is liable to be very feathery. But it means a great deal when you get it off. They remember thinking a hostile thought about their mother. And gee, it produces quite a change on the case. Sec Checking does work at this level. You have to sweat like mad over it but they will sec check. They ordinarily are sitting in a guilt complex anyhow.

O/W works. And therefore you could say the only repetitive process which is at all successful on this particular case level is O/W, but that is a Sec Check process. And the CCHs work on this case. So that a combination of those two – probably get you there.

O/W works. And therefore you could say the only repetitive process which is at all successful on this particular case level is O/W, but that is a Sec Check process. And the CCHs work on this case. So that a combination of those two – probably get you there.

Now you’re getting down into easy stuff. Getting down into the easier stuff, and you get your next level of case which is they can confront their own evaluations. You would just be amazed how much interest and absorption and so forth they would get in a mildly run CCHs. The mildly run CCHs, you know, they do the process three times and it’s flat, you see. And you just coax them along with the CCHs and you’d be surprised, man, they can talk for hours about that book, you know? I mean they – somebody held up that book and they didn’t really know whether or not it was… They just go on with terrific absorption on the thing. That doesn’t mean that people who get absorbed in the CCHs are all at this level of case. But it does mean that this case can get interested in this. Because that stuff is awful dangerous, see.

Now you’re getting down into easy stuff. Getting down into the easier stuff, and you get your next level of case which is they can confront their own evaluations. You would just be amazed how much interest and absorption and so forth they would get in a mildly run CCHs. The mildly run CCHs, you know, they do the process three times and it’s flat, you see. And you just coax them along with the CCHs and you’d be surprised, man, they can talk for hours about that book, you know? I mean they – somebody held up that book and they didn’t really know whether or not it was… They just go on with terrific absorption on the thing. That doesn’t mean that people who get absorbed in the CCHs are all at this level of case. But it does mean that this case can get interested in this. Because that stuff is awful dangerous, see.

And the fact they can come that close to confronting something in present time – you’ve passed, you see – at the bottom rung of Level 6 you have passed out of the case level that can run the bank. They can no longer run the bank. The bank is not there to be run. It’s unhandleable.

And the fact they can come that close to confronting something in present time – you’ve passed, you see – at the bottom rung of Level 6 you have passed out of the case level that can run the bank. They can no longer run the bank. The bank is not there to be run. It’s unhandleable.

So, you’ve got your – you’ve got your CCHs there, and you run down to your unawareness, you don’t have the CCHs complete at Level 8, you have only Reach and Withdraw. Now oddly enough, the CCHs, Reach and Withdraw, and so forth, will also produce action on case levels above this. They’ll produce levels of action up to 6. Or they’ll produce levels of action up to Level 5. All of these things. But what I’m talking about is the narrow shot. This would be about the only thing that can produce a reaction on these lower levels. Quite interesting.

So, you’ve got your – you’ve got your CCHs there, and you run down to your unawareness, you don’t have the CCHs complete at Level 8, you have only Reach and Withdraw. Now oddly enough, the CCHs, Reach and Withdraw, and so forth, will also produce action on case levels above this. They’ll produce levels of action up to 6. Or they’ll produce levels of action up to Level 5. All of these things. But what I’m talking about is the narrow shot. This would be about the only thing that can produce a reaction on these lower levels. Quite interesting.

For instance, you can run some CCHs – let me give you a difference of case levels. You can run some CCHs on a Level 3. And boy, they’re just about as flat, you see, they’re just about as flat as an unrepaired road. And they just got chuckholes all over them, you know, the guy never did really flatten “Give me that hand.” He still had some cognitions on it, and he was still comm lagging on the wall, and he was still this and that, and you drop him, you see. It never halts the progress of this case. You could even go that far on a Level 5, and although it would be a little more critical never to have flattened the CCHs, you see, it still wouldn’t destroy the case, or the ability to run on repetitive processes. But you leave the CCHs unflat on a Level 7, and you have just parked them there to the end of time. That’s the only thing that can be flattened on them.

For instance, you can run some CCHs – let me give you a difference of case levels. You can run some CCHs on a Level 3. And boy, they’re just about as flat, you see, they’re just about as flat as an unrepaired road. And they just got chuckholes all over them, you know, the guy never did really flatten “Give me that hand.” He still had some cognitions on it, and he was still comm lagging on the wall, and he was still this and that, and you drop him, you see. It never halts the progress of this case. You could even go that far on a Level 5, and although it would be a little more critical never to have flattened the CCHs, you see, it still wouldn’t destroy the case, or the ability to run on repetitive processes. But you leave the CCHs unflat on a Level 7, and you have just parked them there to the end of time. That’s the only thing that can be flattened on them.

Now, a Level 8, as I say, Reach and Withdraw is simply a specialized mechanism – any specialized mechanism. If you want this case, say – what – let’s go into significance. We say to this Level 8, we say, if we can say anything to them, we say, “If – is it all right if I audit you?” And they’ll say always yes, because they’re usually very mannerly. But boy, that’s as far as it went. That’s a social conversation, see. Now, you say, “All right, touch my right knee, touch my left knee. Touch my right shoulder, touch my left shoulder. All right, touch the end of my nose.” And they all of a sudden draw back from you, you know.

Now, a Level 8, as I say, Reach and Withdraw is simply a specialized mechanism – any specialized mechanism. If you want this case, say – what – let’s go into significance. We say to this Level 8, we say, if we can say anything to them, we say, “If – is it all right if I audit you?” And they’ll say always yes, because they’re usually very mannerly. But boy, that’s as far as it went. That’s a social conversation, see. Now, you say, “All right, touch my right knee, touch my left knee. Touch my right shoulder, touch my left shoulder. All right, touch the end of my nose.” And they all of a sudden draw back from you, you know.

“Hu – aah, hu – aah. What are you doing? Who are you?” All they would say, you see, “Is it all right if I audit you?”

“Hu – aah, hu – aah. What are you doing? Who are you?” All they would say, you see, “Is it all right if I audit you?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Oh, yes.”

“You’re sure there’s nothing you dislike about me?”

“You’re sure there’s nothing you dislike about me?”

“No, no, don’t dislike anything about you.”

“No, no, don’t dislike anything about you.”

You go on like this for hours, see. Produce no reaction on this case at all, see. But just a few touches there. “This is an E-Meter. All right, reach it. Withdraw from it.” They do this quite complacently. All of a sudden they begin to regard it with great caution. And they begin to regard it with considerable hostility and they run the whole emotional Tone Scale on reaching and withdrawing from the back of an E-Meter.

You go on like this for hours, see. Produce no reaction on this case at all, see. But just a few touches there. “This is an E-Meter. All right, reach it. Withdraw from it.” They do this quite complacently. All of a sudden they begin to regard it with great caution. And they begin to regard it with considerable hostility and they run the whole emotional Tone Scale on reaching and withdrawing from the back of an E-Meter.

Now, that case you’ll also find in a coma in a hospital. And you take their hand and touch the sheet, and take their hand and touch the blanket, and take their hand and touch the sheet, give them the commands each time and acknowledging, and so forth, they come out of their coma. You can take some bird down here who has been concussed in an automobile accident for quite a while, and he’s been into – unconscious for eighteen days, or something like that, he’ll eventually pass in his checks. You go in, and you start that process of just touch and untouch, reach and withdraw, and if you keep this up, it’s so – it’s long, and it’s arduous, and so forth, and remember that the same laws apply with the CCHs. The person gets the process flat, they start to feeling they’ve been punished if they continue to run the process. So you have to take their other hand, and flatten that, don’t you see?

Now, that case you’ll also find in a coma in a hospital. And you take their hand and touch the sheet, and take their hand and touch the blanket, and take their hand and touch the sheet, give them the commands each time and acknowledging, and so forth, they come out of their coma. You can take some bird down here who has been concussed in an automobile accident for quite a while, and he’s been into – unconscious for eighteen days, or something like that, he’ll eventually pass in his checks. You go in, and you start that process of just touch and untouch, reach and withdraw, and if you keep this up, it’s so – it’s long, and it’s arduous, and so forth, and remember that the same laws apply with the CCHs. The person gets the process flat, they start to feeling they’ve been punished if they continue to run the process. So you have to take their other hand, and flatten that, don’t you see?

And that case will come up to a point where they can communicate with you. And it’s quite spooky at first – your hand, something like this – have to be very careful what you promise them or say to them because they’re in quite an hypnotic state. But you say, “All right now…” They’re dead out, see. They haven’t expressed anything to anybody for a long time. And you say, “All right, now for ‘yes,’ squeeze my hand once. And for ‘no,’ squeeze it twice.” And put their hand around your fingers and ask them, “Are you getting good treatment?” or “Do you feel all right?” or something like that and you’ll be startled, you’ll get a squeeze. See, they haven’t expressed themselves to anybody for days, weeks maybe.

And that case will come up to a point where they can communicate with you. And it’s quite spooky at first – your hand, something like this – have to be very careful what you promise them or say to them because they’re in quite an hypnotic state. But you say, “All right now…” They’re dead out, see. They haven’t expressed anything to anybody for a long time. And you say, “All right, now for ‘yes,’ squeeze my hand once. And for ‘no,’ squeeze it twice.” And put their hand around your fingers and ask them, “Are you getting good treatment?” or “Do you feel all right?” or something like that and you’ll be startled, you’ll get a squeeze. See, they haven’t expressed themselves to anybody for days, weeks maybe.

They – you put them into rather easy communication. And then they can go on to this signal, they’ll start coming out of that – that, by the way, is just two-way comm, it doesn’t particularly do them any good except it puts them into communication with their environment to that degree. You can go on running Reach and Withdraw and get some two-way comm this way with them. Next thing you know, they come out of it.

They – you put them into rather easy communication. And then they can go on to this signal, they’ll start coming out of that – that, by the way, is just two-way comm, it doesn’t particularly do them any good except it puts them into communication with their environment to that degree. You can go on running Reach and Withdraw and get some two-way comm this way with them. Next thing you know, they come out of it.

Well, you say, well, that’s very spectacular, that’s a case in a hospital and anybody can recognize a case in a hospital. Can you recognize somebody that you can never get out of a boil-off? I mean, this case just boils off, that’s all, see. They’re quite rare in Scientology but they’re not rare around in the world. And if you sat them down and asked them a question, they would go into a boil-off. Well you – you pull your missed withholds and they’ll come out of it. And you ask them another question and they go into a boil-off. And you pull your missed withholds and they come out of it. And so forth, and actually the process is working, but the case is not coming up scale. That case will only come up scale on Reach and Withdraw. That case is just as much anaten sitting in that auditing chair as the guy in a coma in a hospital.

Well, you say, well, that’s very spectacular, that’s a case in a hospital and anybody can recognize a case in a hospital. Can you recognize somebody that you can never get out of a boil-off? I mean, this case just boils off, that’s all, see. They’re quite rare in Scientology but they’re not rare around in the world. And if you sat them down and asked them a question, they would go into a boil-off. Well you – you pull your missed withholds and they’ll come out of it. And you ask them another question and they go into a boil-off. And you pull your missed withholds and they come out of it. And so forth, and actually the process is working, but the case is not coming up scale. That case will only come up scale on Reach and Withdraw. That case is just as much anaten sitting in that auditing chair as the guy in a coma in a hospital.

And you recognize some of these things about cases and you won’t overestimate a case in spite of the case’s pride or something. And get yourself a hatful of loses.

And you recognize some of these things about cases and you won’t overestimate a case in spite of the case’s pride or something. And get yourself a hatful of loses.

Well now, this gives you a rundown of the number of processes which we have. With one exception. And that’s Route I for Level 1. And you’ve got old Route I with some ramifications of one type or another, and that’s Level 1. And that gives you six classes or types of processes which are valid over all these years.

Well now, this gives you a rundown of the number of processes which we have. With one exception. And that’s Route I for Level 1. And you’ve got old Route I with some ramifications of one type or another, and that’s Level 1. And that gives you six classes or types of processes which are valid over all these years.

I’ll run them off rapidly now for you. They are the – running them from the bottom up – let’s run them from the bottom up – is your Reach and Withdraw, is your lowest level. CCH is your next level. Sec Checking is your next level. Repetitive processes is your next level, meaning ARC break and all that. Your next level up from that is 3N – implants. Next level up from that’s engram running – by chains. And your next level up from that’s Route 1. And that gives you your six – six types of process which are capable of improving a case level.

I’ll run them off rapidly now for you. They are the – running them from the bottom up – let’s run them from the bottom up – is your Reach and Withdraw, is your lowest level. CCH is your next level. Sec Checking is your next level. Repetitive processes is your next level, meaning ARC break and all that. Your next level up from that is 3N – implants. Next level up from that’s engram running – by chains. And your next level up from that’s Route 1. And that gives you your six – six types of process which are capable of improving a case level.

Now, please understand that you’re looking for something very special when you’re looking for something that improves a person’s case level. Please understand that. “Improves a case level” has nothing to do with healing, has nothing to do with an assist, has nothing to do with any of these other things. Now, almost any case reacts – almost any case reacts to almost any of those processes. Quite remarkable but you can get reaction from a case. So therefore whether or not the case simply does the process, or appears to do the process, has nothing whatsoever to do with whether that case will advance the case level.

Now, please understand that you’re looking for something very special when you’re looking for something that improves a person’s case level. Please understand that. “Improves a case level” has nothing to do with healing, has nothing to do with an assist, has nothing to do with any of these other things. Now, almost any case reacts – almost any case reacts to almost any of those processes. Quite remarkable but you can get reaction from a case. So therefore whether or not the case simply does the process, or appears to do the process, has nothing whatsoever to do with whether that case will advance the case level.

You’re trying to promote this case from a higher number to a lower number on this case-level scale. That’s what you’re trying to do. And if you’re – if you’re using Scientology for some other purpose, such as get rid of people’s bunions, or – or something like that, recognize at once that almost any usage of it follows through – well, what is an assist but reach and withdraw? See, that’s under – that’s the class of it. Reach and withdraw. You could take the guy out to where he fell off the roof and make him reach and withdraw from the point where he landed. And he’ll get over having fallen off the roof. I don’t care what his case level is, don’t you see. You can take almost anybody and increase their perception and so forth, by running some CCHs. You can do things for almost anybody, make them feel better and so forth, by running some Sec Checking on them. Almost anybody will respond to ARC Break Straightwire or these repetitive processes we are using. And you could do something with engram running on almost anybody. Pretty close.

You’re trying to promote this case from a higher number to a lower number on this case-level scale. That’s what you’re trying to do. And if you’re – if you’re using Scientology for some other purpose, such as get rid of people’s bunions, or – or something like that, recognize at once that almost any usage of it follows through – well, what is an assist but reach and withdraw? See, that’s under – that’s the class of it. Reach and withdraw. You could take the guy out to where he fell off the roof and make him reach and withdraw from the point where he landed. And he’ll get over having fallen off the roof. I don’t care what his case level is, don’t you see. You can take almost anybody and increase their perception and so forth, by running some CCHs. You can do things for almost anybody, make them feel better and so forth, by running some Sec Checking on them. Almost anybody will respond to ARC Break Straightwire or these repetitive processes we are using. And you could do something with engram running on almost anybody. Pretty close.

Now, what do you mean, then, by what process applies to whom? See, it’s that process which raises the person’s level on this case-level scale. That’s the process. That is suited for that pc, monitored and moderated by one thing – one thing only: “Fastest.” Economy of time enters into this. What would raise his case level fastest. You’ve got – you’ve got several choices, and you might be able to get a Level 3 case with just a sporadic track but actual track, you might be able to get him an awful long ways with ARC Break Straightwire, see. You might get him an awful long ways with that process. At what speed? See, that’s your difference.

Now, what do you mean, then, by what process applies to whom? See, it’s that process which raises the person’s level on this case-level scale. That’s the process. That is suited for that pc, monitored and moderated by one thing – one thing only: “Fastest.” Economy of time enters into this. What would raise his case level fastest. You’ve got – you’ve got several choices, and you might be able to get a Level 3 case with just a sporadic track but actual track, you might be able to get him an awful long ways with ARC Break Straightwire, see. You might get him an awful long ways with that process. At what speed? See, that’s your difference.

Well, what are you doing running a Level 3 on ARC Break Straightwire? Well, it’s always a good thing to clean up auditing, that’s about all you’d use it for, don’t you see? And that’d be a bad economy of time. Now let’s take – let’s take 3N – the usages of 3N. You run too many implants, you run a dozen, fifteen GPMs without ever going on the earlier track or picking up any more basic or fundamental material and you’re actually wasting time from that point thereon. But finding earlier material before you’ve run some GPMs, you’re actually wasting time. See, there’s two ways of looking at this thing.

Well, what are you doing running a Level 3 on ARC Break Straightwire? Well, it’s always a good thing to clean up auditing, that’s about all you’d use it for, don’t you see? And that’d be a bad economy of time. Now let’s take – let’s take 3N – the usages of 3N. You run too many implants, you run a dozen, fifteen GPMs without ever going on the earlier track or picking up any more basic or fundamental material and you’re actually wasting time from that point thereon. But finding earlier material before you’ve run some GPMs, you’re actually wasting time. See, there’s two ways of looking at this thing.

It’s all right to go hell and back on the backtrack, but remember, why is this guy’s time so loused up? You can follow out an awful lot of implants, and you can plot out a lot of implants, and it’s very, very nice to find the basic implants, yes. But let’s run some GPMs and then let’s find the basic implants. And let’s get these basics out of the road and then let’s finish up running the Helatrobus Implants. Because that’s where his time got loused up and that’s where his track’s wrapped around the corner, or that type of implant. Because, let me tell you something: The implants from forty-three trillion years ago or from that period of time area, start to speed up in number as we approach on into present time. And we take the last billion years, and boy, we’re getting one about every seventy years or less. There’s Gates of Mars, and so forth. Implants? You want implants?

It’s all right to go hell and back on the backtrack, but remember, why is this guy’s time so loused up? You can follow out an awful lot of implants, and you can plot out a lot of implants, and it’s very, very nice to find the basic implants, yes. But let’s run some GPMs and then let’s find the basic implants. And let’s get these basics out of the road and then let’s finish up running the Helatrobus Implants. Because that’s where his time got loused up and that’s where his track’s wrapped around the corner, or that type of implant. Because, let me tell you something: The implants from forty-three trillion years ago or from that period of time area, start to speed up in number as we approach on into present time. And we take the last billion years, and boy, we’re getting one about every seventy years or less. There’s Gates of Mars, and so forth. Implants? You want implants?

If you’re just looking for numbers of implants, don’t – don’t go early. See, stick up around present time. Let’s take the last few thousand years. Let’s get industrious. Because of course everybody’s gone practically potty on the subject of implants. See. And there’s implants, implants, implants of all shapes, sizes and general descriptions. It’ll louse up the time track, and give you multiple pictures, and do this and do that, and the whole Darwinian theory is taken out of one single implant. It’s fantastic. So there’s lots of implants.

If you’re just looking for numbers of implants, don’t – don’t go early. See, stick up around present time. Let’s take the last few thousand years. Let’s get industrious. Because of course everybody’s gone practically potty on the subject of implants. See. And there’s implants, implants, implants of all shapes, sizes and general descriptions. It’ll louse up the time track, and give you multiple pictures, and do this and do that, and the whole Darwinian theory is taken out of one single implant. It’s fantastic. So there’s lots of implants.

Now the earliest attainable implant from most cases – area that is aberrative, and furnishes the fundamentals for later is the Helatrobus area. Now, there are a few implants of the Helatrobus type of implant that go back as far as three hundred and five trillion. In fact I know of some that don’t look too different, but aren’t very complete, that go back seven hundred trillion. They’re very scrappy, they’re very minor. But, nevertheless they form a fundamental – they form a basic. But the only really, thorough, workmanlike job that was ever done on the implant line, was the Helatrobus Implants.

Now the earliest attainable implant from most cases – area that is aberrative, and furnishes the fundamentals for later is the Helatrobus area. Now, there are a few implants of the Helatrobus type of implant that go back as far as three hundred and five trillion. In fact I know of some that don’t look too different, but aren’t very complete, that go back seven hundred trillion. They’re very scrappy, they’re very minor. But, nevertheless they form a fundamental – they form a basic. But the only really, thorough, workmanlike job that was ever done on the implant line, was the Helatrobus Implants.

Now, it’s all right to strip implant engrams out, it’s all right to kick everything out the window, it’s all right to run those chains, it’s all right to straighten them up. When you come back up you’ll find the Helatrobus Implants will run very easily. If you don’t get those out of the road, what’s going to happen to all those implants between then and present time? Well, you’ve got to get the pc in such a shape as that this stuff just starts to blow by sight. And if you don’t get the pc into that kind of condition, again, his case level won’t improve.

Now, it’s all right to strip implant engrams out, it’s all right to kick everything out the window, it’s all right to run those chains, it’s all right to straighten them up. When you come back up you’ll find the Helatrobus Implants will run very easily. If you don’t get those out of the road, what’s going to happen to all those implants between then and present time? Well, you’ve got to get the pc in such a shape as that this stuff just starts to blow by sight. And if you don’t get the pc into that kind of condition, again, his case level won’t improve.

Now case level improves to the degree that charge is removed. And if you are running a pc on process Zed and the tone arm just sits there gorgeously – nice, stable case, see – tone arm sits at 4.5. The blowdowns – case really blows down. Case goes down to 4.495. You can sit there and watch the needle. It occasionally twitches. Once in a session, it drops down to 3.75 for a moment and goes back up again. Pc laughed or had a coughing fit. Are you improving case level? Oh, pc is running, pc can be even fairly cheerful about things. But are you improving case level?

Now case level improves to the degree that charge is removed. And if you are running a pc on process Zed and the tone arm just sits there gorgeously – nice, stable case, see – tone arm sits at 4.5. The blowdowns – case really blows down. Case goes down to 4.495. You can sit there and watch the needle. It occasionally twitches. Once in a session, it drops down to 3.75 for a moment and goes back up again. Pc laughed or had a coughing fit. Are you improving case level? Oh, pc is running, pc can be even fairly cheerful about things. But are you improving case level?

Well, case level becomes case level by the degree of encysted and unreleased charge. That is the index of what makes that scale. It isn’t because somebody is a grasshopper-power thetan and somebody else is a juggernaut-power thetan. We don’t care about that. What’s the juggernaut-power thetan doing being aberrated? You could say that it’s relative charge, the tolerance of the case to tolerate charge, you see this? But you still get the same factor. It’s charge.

Well, case level becomes case level by the degree of encysted and unreleased charge. That is the index of what makes that scale. It isn’t because somebody is a grasshopper-power thetan and somebody else is a juggernaut-power thetan. We don’t care about that. What’s the juggernaut-power thetan doing being aberrated? You could say that it’s relative charge, the tolerance of the case to tolerate charge, you see this? But you still get the same factor. It’s charge.

What makes a case then, occur, at these levels? It’s charge. We can say relative charge, how much charge can this case stand, he’s gotten more charge than he can stand, and that’s not very much charge, and Joe over here, he’s got a lot more charge, but they – but Joe might or might not be – and we just don’t care about these other random factors. You just say, it’s just that much charge and it puts him into these manifestations which you find on this reality – this case-level scale from 1 to 8. And as they go down that scale, you get different case manifestations and that’s all the auditor is interested in, he’s getting these case manifestations.

What makes a case then, occur, at these levels? It’s charge. We can say relative charge, how much charge can this case stand, he’s gotten more charge than he can stand, and that’s not very much charge, and Joe over here, he’s got a lot more charge, but they – but Joe might or might not be – and we just don’t care about these other random factors. You just say, it’s just that much charge and it puts him into these manifestations which you find on this reality – this case-level scale from 1 to 8. And as they go down that scale, you get different case manifestations and that’s all the auditor is interested in, he’s getting these case manifestations.

Now, unless those case manifestations change, you are not relieving charge. And if you’re going to change them you’ve got to relieve charge. It’s as ordinary and simple as that. In other words, in order to – in order to empty a condenser you’ve got to ground it. Well, without grounding the condenser, maybe you could stir this charge around and maybe everybody got very interested in this charge being stirred around; but did it ever discharge? No. And your index of whether or not cases discharge is the amount of tone arm action which the case gets, and it’s that elementary. You can run Helatrobus Implants on somebody who’s giving you an inch RR. Every time they say one of the things they get an inch RR. And it’s a nice curled-end accelerated beginning curled-end RR. It’s the neatest, prettiest, textbook RR you ever wanted to see. It’s just one inch long and there it is, and every time they say, “What,” and there it is. And the tone arm sits here a – beautifully at 3.5 and it even blows down occasionally to 3.49995.

Now, unless those case manifestations change, you are not relieving charge. And if you’re going to change them you’ve got to relieve charge. It’s as ordinary and simple as that. In other words, in order to – in order to empty a condenser you’ve got to ground it. Well, without grounding the condenser, maybe you could stir this charge around and maybe everybody got very interested in this charge being stirred around; but did it ever discharge? No. And your index of whether or not cases discharge is the amount of tone arm action which the case gets, and it’s that elementary. You can run Helatrobus Implants on somebody who’s giving you an inch RR. Every time they say one of the things they get an inch RR. And it’s a nice curled-end accelerated beginning curled-end RR. It’s the neatest, prettiest, textbook RR you ever wanted to see. It’s just one inch long and there it is, and every time they say, “What,” and there it is. And the tone arm sits here a – beautifully at 3.5 and it even blows down occasionally to 3.49995.

Pc’s very interested in all this. You’re getting the word down, See, pc can run the implant, obviously. And pc’s very interested in all this. So what? The economy of auditing time is not there. There is no economy of auditing time. Because no auditing is being done. If that tone arm isn’t swishing and swopping, and now and then you don’t see this, you don’t see this: You – guy’s going-ruh-rrrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-going higher, going higher, going higher on that tone arm; tone arm, higher, higher, easing up, easing up – up-five items later, still easing up. You’ve gotten an RR all right, but it’s sure easing up. “Oh,” you say, “There’s something wrong here.” No, there’s nothing wrong. Case that doesn’t move the tone arm while running a bank; what are you running a bank for? And you finally get up here to 4.25, and all of a sudden, they – you’ll see this – they’ll say, “Waterbly inaccurately FDA-able.” And they-and-pssww-pssww! Pssw-pssww-pssww-pssw-pssw-pssw, psww, psww. Pssww, pssww. Down it’s going – down it’s going, you see that needle blowing down – blowing down. Seen a blowdown. Didn’t even have to go all the way back to 3.0 or anything like that. It went pssww, pssww, pssww. That’s charge going. That’s leaving, man. That’s never going to come back.

Pc’s very interested in all this. You’re getting the word down, See, pc can run the implant, obviously. And pc’s very interested in all this. So what? The economy of auditing time is not there. There is no economy of auditing time. Because no auditing is being done. If that tone arm isn’t swishing and swopping, and now and then you don’t see this, you don’t see this: You – guy’s going-ruh-rrrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-rrp-going higher, going higher, going higher on that tone arm; tone arm, higher, higher, easing up, easing up – up-five items later, still easing up. You’ve gotten an RR all right, but it’s sure easing up. “Oh,” you say, “There’s something wrong here.” No, there’s nothing wrong. Case that doesn’t move the tone arm while running a bank; what are you running a bank for? And you finally get up here to 4.25, and all of a sudden, they – you’ll see this – they’ll say, “Waterbly inaccurately FDA-able.” And they-and-pssww-pssww! Pssw-pssww-pssww-pssw-pssw-pssw, psww, psww. Pssww, pssww. Down it’s going – down it’s going, you see that needle blowing down – blowing down. Seen a blowdown. Didn’t even have to go all the way back to 3.0 or anything like that. It went pssww, pssww, pssww. That’s charge going. That’s leaving, man. That’s never going to come back.

Another thing, you get these fuzzy-tailed RRs, dial-wide fuzzy-tailed RR. That’s discharge. It doesn’t come back at a beautiful RR at all, it starts out like a mad thing, and turns into a fall. Disintegrating RR. And you’ll see that and you’ll also see that tone arm start working when you’re getting disintegrating RRs like that, see. All right, that’s – you’re running the Helatrobus Implant and you’re getting that kind of thing, see. Well, you’re blowing charge. What more do you want?

Another thing, you get these fuzzy-tailed RRs, dial-wide fuzzy-tailed RR. That’s discharge. It doesn’t come back at a beautiful RR at all, it starts out like a mad thing, and turns into a fall. Disintegrating RR. And you’ll see that and you’ll also see that tone arm start working when you’re getting disintegrating RRs like that, see. All right, that’s – you’re running the Helatrobus Implant and you’re getting that kind of thing, see. Well, you’re blowing charge. What more do you want?

All right, pc says – pc’s running implants very successfully. Pc’s running implant-two implants, three implants, that’s fine. That’s fine. The pc says, “I think there’s an earlier implant.” All right, the rule is you can’t stop the pc from running the earlier implant. “You know, I think I’ve been on a pole trap before,” and so forth. Ah, go run it down. Perfectly all right. Go ahead, run down his basic. Go on, run it back as far as he can go. Perfectly all right. Block it out. Watch that tone arm! You’re not getting any tone arm action. What’s this? Well, you’re running engrams on somebody who shouldn’t be running engrams. They’re not be – they’re not getting there. They could run the Helatrobus Implants and get release charge but they can’t block out engrams and release charge.

All right, pc says – pc’s running implants very successfully. Pc’s running implant-two implants, three implants, that’s fine. That’s fine. The pc says, “I think there’s an earlier implant.” All right, the rule is you can’t stop the pc from running the earlier implant. “You know, I think I’ve been on a pole trap before,” and so forth. Ah, go run it down. Perfectly all right. Go ahead, run down his basic. Go on, run it back as far as he can go. Perfectly all right. Block it out. Watch that tone arm! You’re not getting any tone arm action. What’s this? Well, you’re running engrams on somebody who shouldn’t be running engrams. They’re not be – they’re not getting there. They could run the Helatrobus Implants and get release charge but they can’t block out engrams and release charge.

Now, how do you break this news to the pc? Well that’s your problem, you’re the auditor, the pc’s auditor, you don’t expect me to audit your pc, don’t you? Yeah, that’s a hell of a problem. Pc wants to go back early and back early and back early. I’d say I’d be perfectly happy to take the pc back early, and take the pc back early and pick up various things, and so forth. But I would say I would run them minimally through things, and as far as trying to find the basic is concerned, you better have a very specific thing that you’re looking for, or you’ll just go back onto the endless grind. And watch this running engrams, when you’re not getting tone arm actions and blowdowns, man. Watch it! Because all you’re doing is stirring up the bank – stirring up the bank – stirring up the bank. Pc’s going to get unhappier and unhappier with you. How do you break this to the pc? I’m afraid you have to have a heart-to-heart talk with the pc. Say, “Now look, we’ll go back now and we’re going to run some more implants where we were getting tone arm action, and we’re going to finish off some of those so that we can get this earlier material blown out and discharged. How about that?” Well, pc will be very agreeable to do so.

Now, how do you break this news to the pc? Well that’s your problem, you’re the auditor, the pc’s auditor, you don’t expect me to audit your pc, don’t you? Yeah, that’s a hell of a problem. Pc wants to go back early and back early and back early. I’d say I’d be perfectly happy to take the pc back early, and take the pc back early and pick up various things, and so forth. But I would say I would run them minimally through things, and as far as trying to find the basic is concerned, you better have a very specific thing that you’re looking for, or you’ll just go back onto the endless grind. And watch this running engrams, when you’re not getting tone arm actions and blowdowns, man. Watch it! Because all you’re doing is stirring up the bank – stirring up the bank – stirring up the bank. Pc’s going to get unhappier and unhappier with you. How do you break this to the pc? I’m afraid you have to have a heart-to-heart talk with the pc. Say, “Now look, we’ll go back now and we’re going to run some more implants where we were getting tone arm action, and we’re going to finish off some of those so that we can get this earlier material blown out and discharged. How about that?” Well, pc will be very agreeable to do so.

You haven’t told him, “You must never go on the backtrack again because you don’t have tone arm action on the backtrack.” I don’t think this would be diplomatic. I don’t think this would be well received. In fact, I dare say the pc would ARC break all over the ceiling.

You haven’t told him, “You must never go on the backtrack again because you don’t have tone arm action on the backtrack.” I don’t think this would be diplomatic. I don’t think this would be well received. In fact, I dare say the pc would ARC break all over the ceiling.

Now, you depart from the Helatrobus Implants onto the backtrack, you know, you’re blocking out engrams, you’re finding earlier implants, so forth, you’re getting big blowy tone arm action, you’re getting tone arm action of one kind or another as you do this. You’re seeing these things every once in a while go psswww! And that sort of thing. Eh! Go ahead. You’ll actually take so much charge off the backtrack that the Helatrobus Implants will start blowing out up to front. See?

Now, you depart from the Helatrobus Implants onto the backtrack, you know, you’re blocking out engrams, you’re finding earlier implants, so forth, you’re getting big blowy tone arm action, you’re getting tone arm action of one kind or another as you do this. You’re seeing these things every once in a while go psswww! And that sort of thing. Eh! Go ahead. You’ll actually take so much charge off the backtrack that the Helatrobus Implants will start blowing out up to front. See?

But the Helatrobus Implants – and none of these modern implants will blow out unless you’re blowing charge off. Another thing: You’re going to run some ARC Break Straightwire on a pc, and you’re going to run this on the pc, that’s dandy, you’re going to run this. No tone arm action? We assume you’ve already tried 3N, couldn’t find the goal. No tone arm action? Well, give it a chance. Tone arm action has to run in on a case. Sometimes takes a couple of sessions to run some tone arm into the case. On ARC Break Straightwire, remember that. You sometimes will sit there with great disappointment, seeing no tone arm action on ARC Break Straightwire at the first run on a pc you’d think should have it. Then all of a sudden, wonderful news, the tone arm action starts moving in on the case. And you run the tone arm action into it and you run the tone arm action back out of it again.

But the Helatrobus Implants – and none of these modern implants will blow out unless you’re blowing charge off. Another thing: You’re going to run some ARC Break Straightwire on a pc, and you’re going to run this on the pc, that’s dandy, you’re going to run this. No tone arm action? We assume you’ve already tried 3N, couldn’t find the goal. No tone arm action? Well, give it a chance. Tone arm action has to run in on a case. Sometimes takes a couple of sessions to run some tone arm into the case. On ARC Break Straightwire, remember that. You sometimes will sit there with great disappointment, seeing no tone arm action on ARC Break Straightwire at the first run on a pc you’d think should have it. Then all of a sudden, wonderful news, the tone arm action starts moving in on the case. And you run the tone arm action into it and you run the tone arm action back out of it again.

But let’s say you got no tone arm action even after a good test of this. Pc’s happy with the process, you understand, apparently changing the pc and giving him somatics or something. But you’re not getting any tone arm action on this thing. Well, you can drop back can’t you? You can drop back to Sec Checking, CCHs, that sort of thing. Because sure as the devil, you’re going to find enough engrams relating to Scientology to find no case gain on the pc. It’s that kind of thing that’s holding up the parade. If they are that bad off you can always go on down scale and run Reach and Withdraw on something. Well, let’s not say that you’ve been so stupid as to make an adjudication of starting out to run engrams on somebody who did nothing but sleep in the auditing chair.

But let’s say you got no tone arm action even after a good test of this. Pc’s happy with the process, you understand, apparently changing the pc and giving him somatics or something. But you’re not getting any tone arm action on this thing. Well, you can drop back can’t you? You can drop back to Sec Checking, CCHs, that sort of thing. Because sure as the devil, you’re going to find enough engrams relating to Scientology to find no case gain on the pc. It’s that kind of thing that’s holding up the parade. If they are that bad off you can always go on down scale and run Reach and Withdraw on something. Well, let’s not say that you’ve been so stupid as to make an adjudication of starting out to run engrams on somebody who did nothing but sleep in the auditing chair.

Now, it’s better to start low and run high, that is to say, to underestimate the pc’s ability than overestimate it. Always better. Because you start a pc going on running engrams and then drop them back into running Helatrobus RIs and then drop them back into running ARC Break Straightwire and then, drop them back to Sec Checking and then drop them back to the CCHs and then sort of start them in on Reach and Withdraw. I think along that line they would have had a few loses. I think their confidence, their confidence would have been interrupted. So it’s always better to start them low, and push them higher.

Now, it’s better to start low and run high, that is to say, to underestimate the pc’s ability than overestimate it. Always better. Because you start a pc going on running engrams and then drop them back into running Helatrobus RIs and then drop them back into running ARC Break Straightwire and then, drop them back to Sec Checking and then drop them back to the CCHs and then sort of start them in on Reach and Withdraw. I think along that line they would have had a few loses. I think their confidence, their confidence would have been interrupted. So it’s always better to start them low, and push them higher.

Now, if you can get tone arm action on the Helatrobus Implants, boy, you better run some implants. Now, the pc says, “I’m going early,” by all means, by all means, he’s spotted something early, by all means, let him go early. And you get no tone arm actions blocking out engrams earlier, then you sure better acquaint the pc with this fact.

Now, if you can get tone arm action on the Helatrobus Implants, boy, you better run some implants. Now, the pc says, “I’m going early,” by all means, by all means, he’s spotted something early, by all means, let him go early. And you get no tone arm actions blocking out engrams earlier, then you sure better acquaint the pc with this fact.

Now, there’s six types of processes and their uses on various cases. Has to do with programing. The variable that you’re confronting here is the ability of the case. That’s the variable from the auditor’s viewpoint. Ability of case to rise up the scale. That’s that ability. Not necessarily just the ability to run the process. So you have got to estimate that one and that to you is a variable. Well, when I tell you that the person has to blow charge on any process he runs, has to feel better on any process he runs, of course the lower the process the slower he’ll blow charge – you recognize that, too. It will help you a great deal. And until we produce a machine which you insert the pc’s thetan in, press three buttons and it says, “Four, four, four, four” you see, why, until we do that you’ll make errors with this. You will make errors with this. Inevitably you will make errors. So don’t try to be perfect, just try to be effective.

Now, there’s six types of processes and their uses on various cases. Has to do with programing. The variable that you’re confronting here is the ability of the case. That’s the variable from the auditor’s viewpoint. Ability of case to rise up the scale. That’s that ability. Not necessarily just the ability to run the process. So you have got to estimate that one and that to you is a variable. Well, when I tell you that the person has to blow charge on any process he runs, has to feel better on any process he runs, of course the lower the process the slower he’ll blow charge – you recognize that, too. It will help you a great deal. And until we produce a machine which you insert the pc’s thetan in, press three buttons and it says, “Four, four, four, four” you see, why, until we do that you’ll make errors with this. You will make errors with this. Inevitably you will make errors. So don’t try to be perfect, just try to be effective.

Okay? Now, whenever – whenever your case is being run in the direction of up, the case will forgive almost anything you have done anyhow, so don’t even worry about the consequences of it. Your job is to remove charge which immediately raises the pc’s level on that scale. You can do that and if you aren’t doing that you’re just turning in a lot of no-auditing and a lot of hard work which all amounts to nothing.

Okay? Now, whenever – whenever your case is being run in the direction of up, the case will forgive almost anything you have done anyhow, so don’t even worry about the consequences of it. Your job is to remove charge which immediately raises the pc’s level on that scale. You can do that and if you aren’t doing that you’re just turning in a lot of no-auditing and a lot of hard work which all amounts to nothing.

And that is the way to produce fast results on a case.

And that is the way to produce fast results on a case.

Now, there’s many a case will contest with you, particularly Level 5 cases, Level 6 cases will go into violent rows with the auditor on the subject of being underrun. Quite interesting. We just had one leave the hall a moment ago. On the – because he realized he was being underrun by his own estimation. Let me tell you this, they get into violent upsets on this. Because the lower the case, the more they estimate their ability. They take social pride. It’s not as though they’re there to be audited at all. It – they apparently have an entirely different mission, which is to show off to the auditor. There seems to be something social about what a person is audited on, which is quite interesting. And that is status. Status-seeking has come to auditing.

Now, there’s many a case will contest with you, particularly Level 5 cases, Level 6 cases will go into violent rows with the auditor on the subject of being underrun. Quite interesting. We just had one leave the hall a moment ago. On the – because he realized he was being underrun by his own estimation. Let me tell you this, they get into violent upsets on this. Because the lower the case, the more they estimate their ability. They take social pride. It’s not as though they’re there to be audited at all. It – they apparently have an entirely different mission, which is to show off to the auditor. There seems to be something social about what a person is audited on, which is quite interesting. And that is status. Status-seeking has come to auditing.

Now, let’s let tone arm action come to auditing and I think we’ll all have won in the long run.

Now, let’s let tone arm action come to auditing and I think we’ll all have won in the long run.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.