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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Livingness Processing - Demonstration (3ACC-40) - L540122 | Сравнить
- Livingness Processing - Machinery (3ACC-39) - L540122 | Сравнить

(C/S Booklet)


L E C T U R E 40 - Disc 44
A Lecture and Group Processing Demonstration
Given on 22 January 1954
50 Minutes

This is January 22, 1954. We have in outwork here that we’ve been going over, some interesting material. It might have given you pause for thought and you might have achieved some results with the material you have been getting in the last few lectures and you might have been drawing a few blanks on it.

Now, how about this? Have you been using this material on your preclears? Hm? Been drawing blanks or have you been getting someplace? Hm? Wonder why you’re getting someplace?

Male voice: Blank.

Could be.

Female voice: More certain.

Yeah. There’s more certainty.

All right. Now, let’s go into this problem more technically and more tactically. The problem set up is this: A thetan endows with life. He validates what he endows with life. What he endows with life is validated and comes to life. Conversely, what he resists he to some degree endows with life. And what he decides to unmock when he is in a very, very strong and powerful condition, he can do so. Let’s add that little factor and think about that one for a moment. A thetan can dematerialize or disendow.

He only gets into the resistance band and the only reason I’ve been talking about it is because I’ve been talking about Homo sapiens and along that band. All right. Now, let’s look at this resistance band and find out that it’s a protest against being unable to unmock. You find that very acceptable there. All right.

Now, we have a protest against not being able to unmock. And that is the main protest. He is resisting things because he cannot destroy them. And there is the make-break point of where the thetan ceases to be dangerous to the environment and the environment begins to be dangerous to him. And that is the high point, a very high point, where he discovers there is something he can’t unmock.

He has started something rolling-the Frankenstein effect, which I’ve already spoken of-and he starts something rolling and he finds he can’t stop it. Well, his next step would be to unmock it, but he’s already found he couldn’t stop it, which has made him change his mind about what power he has. And so he starts into resistance rather than unmocking. And he says, “There are certain things dangerous around here which I can’t unmock and therefore I had better put up barricades against them.”

Well, in view of the fact that this is slightly in agreement with the spirit of the game on a higher scale, it works out to be quite powerful. On a little higher scale he said, “There are certain things around here I mustn’t unmock, otherwise I won’t have a game.” You see? And in an effort to preserve the game, he has, then, preserved certain (quote) “enemies” in the environment. He has admitted the existence or the possibility, then, of other-determinisms in the environment in order to have a game. And having admitted this, he gets into the state of mind that there can be a dangerous environment.

Now, he discovers by the. Frankenstein effect one day, quite opposite to his intentions, he cannot stop something he has started and then he decides he can’t unmock it. He discovers he cannot do this.

Of course, the reason he cannot do this depends upon, basically, his first machinery to unmock. He says, “There must be a limitation on the amount of unmocking which I am going to do, otherwise there is not going to be a game. So I’ll prevent myself from unmocking everything.” Well, he did that when he could unmock everything, but the moment he set up this automaticity, he set up this: “I now have an automaticity which is now my randomity and I, therefore, must resist all effects and I can no longer unmock everything there is. There must be certain things I must preserve in order to have a game.” Well, he’s set up a limitation himself, already, upon his unmocking machinery.

Now, he forgets about this, which is what you have to do to set up an automaticity. And one day he starts to unmock something and it kicks this machinery into action and this machinery kicks back against him and he is unable to unmock something. Thereafter, the environment becomes exceedingly dangerous to him and becomes more and more and more dangerous to him. Because the more he sets up the environment as his randomity, the less sphere of operation he has.

What does this depend upon in the first instance? Simply this: “In order to have a game, there are certain things which I mustn’t unmock.” Let’s say he’s playing a game of castles and he says, “Well now, there are certain enemies that I can’t just look at and say, ‘Poof, you’re gone!’ These are the people who are going to storm the castle or storm the planet or storm the universe or something of the sort. And I have to put up some kind of counter-resistances to these and they can’t unmock my people either. And so therefore, we’ll have a big game and a big battle and everything will be fine”-lots of motion and so forth.

Well he, in his self-confident and cocky condition, he simply puts this aside as a basic, fundamental truth that he has originated all by himself and he then later on starts to unmock something and it comes into collision with this early machine. He’s forgotten about the early machine, he is merely astounded and surprised and because he is still in a high enough state where it doesn’t worry him too much, he simply accepts the other-determinism in the environment. That’s his first real acceptance of the fact that it can’t be altered by himself and he is unable to unmock. All right.

We track this back, then, as we function and we discover that the next point was reached where the individual, in effort to prevent the environment from taking everything he has, decides to make it unacceptable to the environment. And then because he can’t go up to get unacceptable-more and more beautiful (you see, that, he figures, is just more and more acceptable, which it is not, by the way) and he goes down the other way and he makes things less and less acceptable in the hopes that the environment will itself leave these possessions alone. And the worse off he gets, the more tawdry, hideous and forbidding become his possessions. I can very well conceive of a thetan, at length, only willing to mock-up very, very hideous spiders, you see, all the way down the line.

What’s in full play here? The unmockers have been set up as his randomity, that is to say, machinery which is going to unmock everything he possesses has been set up as his randomity. His own unmockers begin, at first, to be his randomity and then the whole environment’s effort to unmock what is his becomes his randomity as well.

Now, it is noteworthy that nations will arm and arm and arm and arm, without too much protest, one nation to another, they’ll bicker back and forth. We’ve had an example of this in the ’30s when a fellow by the name of Schicklgruber came into power in Germany and he armed, armed, armed. He was building Messerschmitts in all directions and he was building cannon and tanks and storing them here and storing them there-all against every existing treaty-and nobody said anything to him at all. Intelligence organizations of the world reported to their respective countries that Germany was far better armed and getting better armed every day than it had been prior to World War I. And nobody paid any attention to this. They didn’t pay any attention to this until there was a violent effort on the part of Hitler to unmock some of the materiel and the mock-ups that belonged, in various ways, to other nations. Now, we get a stir against Hitler.

So the thetan, in the same way, seldom objects to other people’s mocking machinery-that is the machinery that mocks things up. He’d just as soon others created. And he holds on to that clear on through until he gets very bad off and then he realizes at long length, just before he goes out the bottom, that it was the mocking-up machinery of others which was his downfall. In other words, he selects creating machinery as his last randomity and unmocking machinery as his first randomity. You see how that would be? Very well then.

We find our preclear in the condition where his unmocking machinery is taking apart everything which is beautiful and his creating machinery is trying to create things which are ugly. Well now, what do we do about this? This is the problem. If you cared to put somebody on an E-Meter, you would see this very clearly. You would find out that he couldn’t have a more beautiful body or more beautiful possessions than he has, quite ordinarily. Otherwise he’d be at least a Theta Clear. He’d be up there someplace, and higher, if he was in the state of mind where he could possess and create very beautiful things and just keep on creating without any question.

Now, his own creating machinery is still quite strong because again, conversely, other people have not selected his creative machinery as their target, beyond this: they have pecked away at it a little bit whenever it seemed to come into conflict and unmock their creative impulses. His creative machinery has been clipped, normally then, after the product has been displayed and has been used, via somebody else’s understanding, to unmock their products. So his creative machinery has gradually disintegrated too, but it’s sort of after the fact. What’s primary here is the unmocking machinery, the destruction machinery.

All the way along, then, we find that evidently the primary problem is a sort of a backwards thing. It’s the destruction machinery that people protest against and use as their randomity and get upset about and they pay most attention to and try to protest and resist. Every time you try to protest and resist destructive machinery, of course, you validate it and, as a consequence, it gets liver and liver and liver.

People out here in the police department wouldn’t object particularly to your going up on the side of a mountainside and putting up some sort of a beautiful garden without any permission from the owner or the city or anybody. You could go, they wouldn’t say anything about it. After they found out about it and saw it and so forth, why, they’d come up and they’d say, “Well now, you really shouldn’t have done that.” But that’s about all.

But supposing you had taken a steam shovel up there and you’d dug large gouges out of the hillside and, oh boy! They’d be up there with warrants and they would be in full cry. That’s because you’ve destroyed something. The protest, then, is against destruction machinery, not against creative machinery.

Well, in taking apart the preclear, then, it would seem that we had several methods of approach. We could simply keep trying, as the metaphysician one way or another attempted, to just create-materialize, you might say-out of whole cloth, whatever he chose to have and just keep on trying to create it until he had created it. This is doomed to failure. Why? He’s trying to mock-up something, generally, in a state of beingness, which unmocks before the mock-up can thoroughly appear. The unmocking machinery will cut in before the materialization is far enough along to be visible to all hands. And that is why you don’t make a mock-up which everybody can see. It’s very simple. It is a simple problem.

Let us take, for instance, this problem: We have a soldier who has no arm. And we’re going to set out upon this rather impossible adventure. We are going to take this as a case and try to make this case grow a new arm. I don’t say this has been done, but I’m just giving it as an example-an extreme example which is very visible. Now, we have him mock-up a new arm and we have him mock-up the new arm and mock-up the new arm and mock-up the new arm, in place or away from place, and we go on mocking-up a perfect arm on the theory that if we long enough validate this perfect arm, it will appear.

You know that we’ll find this taking place as we do this: An automaticity will set in. And every time he mocks-up a perfect arm (which is there for only an instant) he feels it sort of sweeping back, in through the operations which patched up his arm after it was lost and into the actual incident of the loss of the arm. He keeps putting his arm there and all of a sudden these other incidents keep turning up. Puts his arm there and the other incidents turn up and he puts his arm there and the other incidents turn up and he puts his arm there and the other... Well, for heaven’s sakes!

Now, supposing you were putting his whole arm there, you know, and it was only lost up to the elbow. And we put the whole arm up to the shoulder there. Well, this gets very interesting. We put the whole arm up to the shoulder there and we put the whole arm up to the shoulder there and undesirable sensation and condition begins to set in, in the upper arm. Not because you’re keying-in the operation-not that mechanically-but because you are actually interfering with the automaticity, the body machinery, which in itself makes the upper arm. So we have run into this as a liability: we have begun to interfere with that creative machinery which is already functioning and without which our preclear cannot get along, mostly because he is not in a condition to create the machinery which his taking over is destroying.

Well now, by creating that upper arm over and over and over again, he’s actually taking over and being the automatic machinery which gives him an upper arm. And he’s being, as well, the lower machinery which tries to give him an arm. Well now, that lower machine might start to revive, but at the same time he is taking it over, it is ceasing to be an automatic process.

But what, if you please, is being made into a further randomity? The unmocking machinery, of course. And this unmocking machinery, every time you put a new arm there, is taking it away and putting an operation there, saying, “No. No. You can’t have that. No. No. Can’t have that.” His unmocking machinery is reinforced by all the very convincing operations and the shock of the original accident.

And you see this clearly? This, at first, as you would gaze at it, would appear to be an almost unsolvable problem. Because, as you know, how do you take over automatic machinery? You make the preclear do it. How do you throw it out of action? You make the preclear do it. So we’re going to make this fellow create an arm. Well, he has a machine already (the body has a machine) which creates arms. And you’re going to throw that machine out of action, of course, by trying to create an arm directly.

Right there you have the failure of materializing attempts, when carried on by people who are-both those connected with bodies and those who are a low order of Clear. They simply take the automatic machinery which has already been very carefully set up in order to create something and they’re not putting anything in its place. They’re knocking out and finishing off the creative machinery. That’s not because something is unmocking the creative machinery, you see. Just let’s forget about unmocking machinery. And we find out that the individual is trying to create an arm-he has a machine which creates an arm-and by taking over the machine which creates the arm, he throws that out of action. So we’ve entered the problem in the wrong direction.

Let’s take over, then, something that is closer to truth in the first place: nothingness. Nothing is much closer to truth than somethingness. Because out of all this we have merely consecutive nothingnesses and somethingnesses are built of consecutive nothingnesses. Space: nobody can find the particle. Science plays “particle, particle, we describe the loveliest particles. But they keep getting smaller and smaller and each particle we find becomes subdivisible into numerous other particles. And even when they have a great deal of mass, we take them apart and find a smaller particle.” Something is wrong here, obviously. So, let’s go upstairs toward nothingness instead of downstairs into more somethingness. And we find out that by getting closer to truth, as in a nothingness, and closer to automaticity, which is the unmocker which is a machine which makes nothingness (that’s reinforced truth), why, find a very interesting, easy case entrance, don’t we?

We have him get no arm and we just go on having him get no arm, that’s all And you’d be surprised how expert an individual can get on the subject of “no arm.”

Now he has a chance. At least we’ve taken out the automatic machinery which are giving him no arm; we’re to be-taking out the unmockers.

Now, after the unmockers are out, if your case comparably is in better condition, theoretically he could then mock-up an arm and it would stay mocked-up. Because all he’d have to do to mock-up the arm after he had kicked out the unmocking machinery is simply to twitch the machinery which mocks-up an arm and he’d have one. That’s without further disturbance. Of course, there is a chance that it might give him the kind of arm that he had on Planet 999 or something, but this, of course, is randomness itself. But where we would come into a clear, clean materialization, it would be in the absence of these automaticities. But the first one to take out is the unmocker. Now you can worry about the other.

A creative machine is no great liability unless it insists on filling all space. If that creative machine which insists on filling all space gets loose, an individual, of course, has to just keep on filling all space till the machine quits. But that’s-you just get the preclear to do what the machine is trying to do. But that is a somethingness machine and somethingness machines are really quite easy to handle-quite simple. There’s nothing much to a somethingness machine.

But there is a great deal to one of these nothingness machines because there are so many ways you can make nothing. Now, you’d think it was quite the opposite, there are so many ways you could make something. Well, there aren’t many ways you can make something. The basic way you make something is simply to say it exists. That’s the basic way you make something. And then how do you refine that? You say it exists and then you say it exists a little better. Change it around and you’ve got it.

Now, you can put it on an automatic bracket and fit it in against the time of the MEST universe and do a lot of other things, but it’s not very hard to do those either. Because if you’re in the kind of shape that can make something come into existence just by saying it is (and that’s the kind of shape you should be in), why, you certainly should be able to give it the rest of the conditions necessary.

But the nothingness machines-oh, they’re desperate.

Now, people get discouraged about making nothingnesses, because everything is so obviously a somethingness. And machines which unmock objects and material are not very easy to handle, unless you just handle them straight from nothingness. You just make lots of nothingness.

Now, let’s take the soldier with the arm again and we find out that if we just keep unmocking the arm, “Unmock the arm,” and he’ll keep telling you, “But it doesn’t exist anyhow.”

You say, “That’s okay. Unmock it. Get a nothingness of your arm. Get a nothingness of you holding your arm over the head. Get a nothingness of your holding your arm straight out in front of you. Get a nothingness there. A nothingness elsewhere. A nothingness holding it straight out from the body and so forth. Just a nothingness in all these various positions in every conceivable attitude. A nothingness of its motion. A nothingness of its warmth. A nothingness of its blood. A nothingness of its ability with weapons. A nothingness of arm in all categories-past, present and future.” In other words, let’s just beat this arm to pieces that isn’t there. And then we find out, only then we will have relief from an arm that is still pretending it is there.

Now, what kind of machinery do you handle first? And really, what kind of machinery would you really only have to handle exclusively? That would be unmocking machinery.

That is why I keep telling you as we go along here: remember to put some nothingness with it. Because you just put general shotgun nothingness into processes in general and you will get along very, very fine. And if you omit to put nothingnesses when you continue to handle somethingnesses, if you omit this, why, you’re just giving that unmocking machinery free play.

And you can take a Step I by running somethingnesses forever, theoretically, turn him into an occluded case. Because you have paid so little attention to nothingness that he has made a randomity of his nothingness automaticities and he’s put them in full play.

A balanced case is not one which has its creation and destruction equally managed. A case that’s in good balance is a fellow who has his unmocking machinery thoroughly in his control. And his creative machinery, well, there it is. He could still have machinery that creates things automatically and still be in good shape.

Spirals are marked by a decline of the existing machinery. And the next spiral is marked by having to get some new.

Lifetimes are marked by a decline of existing machinery and having to get some new machinery. When a fellow’s unmocking machinery is totally random, why, he gets death, of course. He unmocks himself.

A suicide is somebody who is trying to run an unmocking machine. Can you see how that would be? Well, your preclear doesn’t have to commit suicide.

End of Cycle, where you specialize in finding the preclear dead as dead could be, is much more effective. You see that? End of Cycle, which is an unmock end of cycle. You keep mocking him up dead, mocking him up dead, mocking him up in agony, mocking him up dead, mocking him up not there. Incidentally, you just keep mocking somebody up dead and, after a while, he’ll sort of hang up because there’s still a somethingness being created-a dead body. You want that dead body at least to go down to bones and dust every few mock-ups. And it works best, right straight through, if every time you mock-up an end of cycle with him dead or something of the sort, you simply complete it by having the body disintegrate, the bones disintegrate and the dust get there and then the dust blow away. And if you run it clear through to a nothingness, you’ll get far, far further with End of Cycle Processing.

And the way some of you are doing it now, you’ve begun to wonder if the technique actually does have this fantastic workability that you’ve heard, maybe, from this person or that-End of Cycle Processing. Well, that’s because you’re just omitting that one step: “Get a nothingness.” In other words, complete the machine all the way out and then you’re approximating an unmocker. And when you’ve got that unmocker fully approximated, the death machine itself will start to kick out. Because it doesn’t kick out until it’s run the whole cycle. It’ll just leave the preclear feeling dead if you run too many bodies lying there dead.

Now, we have a thetan dead and unconscious. Well, you’d better have him dead, unconscious and gone. See? Dead, unconscious and missing. He’s still there somewhat if he’s merely unconscious.

So End of Cycle Processing is a method of running automaticity. And the rule in running automaticity is get the preclear to do, consciously, by his own postulates, what the machine is doing without his consent. And that’s the only way that you can really guarantee that a machine can be handled. There are many ways, you understand, of handling automaticities, but they all end up with that thing. They all go toward that as the final result: the preclear handles with his own postulates that which the machine is doing without his consent.

I want to give you an example of this. Just been talking about these automaticities and we’ve just been talking about a great deal of automatic machinery. Forbidding stuff, automatic machinery. Some preclear comes along and hears of this automatic machinery for the first time and he doesn’t think it’s machinery. Well, this is very curious. He thinks it ought to be made out of flesh and blood or something. Actually, it’s as mechanical as wheels. And that isn’t just because this is an automatic age, it’s because the preclear has set it up on a very automatic machinery basis. He has various deposits of energy which are supposed to be constantly created, which discharge against this and that, and the wheels go round and round. It appears to have some sort of a beingness, some sort of a personality too, so a preclear very often conceives himself to be attacked by demons.

So I’m going to ask you to look around you and get a nothingness of a demon that’s trying to kill you.

Now get a nothingness of a demon, again, that’s trying to kill you.

And duplicate him. Duplicate it.

If you’ve got a mock-up, for heaven’s sakes get a nothingness of the mock-up alongside of it and say, “That’s a nothingness of it.”

Get how we handle this sudden materialization when we say, “There’s nothing there.”

You just get a nothing alongside of what materialized and say, “Well, that’s nothing of what materialized, here we go.”

And get a lot of duplicates of this. A lot of duplicates of this demon that’s trying to kill you.

Now just throw those all away.

And you be a demon that’s trying to kill you-just right where you sit or right where you’re exteriorized-just be a demon that’s trying to kill you.

And look in front of you and get the obvious fact that there’s a nothingness of you. A nothingness of the body or a nothingness of you as a thetan. And get the feeling of great success.

Now do that again.

Now just get the fact that you’ve proved it utterly because you’re right there and you can’t see yourself now, so you’ve won.

And keep duplicating that and its sensation.

Oh, get a tremendous satisfaction over having killed you.

And look right in front of you and fail to find you and get that as a proof. You’ve done it-reduced you to complete nothingness.

Stroke your long brassy horns over that.

Now throw that away.

And get a nothingness of a demon that’s trying to kill you.

And now get a demon that’s trying to kill you and get a nothingness of yourself.

And duplicate that many times. Right where you sit, get a nothingness of you.

And get your last glimmering thought each time now, “Well, I’m all gone.”

All right. Now throw that away.

And be the demon now and grow wheels.

And get a nothingness of you as a demon.

And put yourself back again as the demon and then get a nothingness of you as a demon. And then you as the demon and then a nothingness of you as the demon.

All right. Throw that away.

And get you as the demon having been killed by the body and you’ve disappeared.

And get the body there as evidence that it’s still there and you, as the demon, are not there, each time, and that this is conclusive proof that the body has killed you as a demon.

Now be you the demon and grant nothingness to your body and you as a thetan and all bodies and all thetans and the room and just everything now-you’re a demon with wheels. And let’s just grant, grandly, nothingnesses in all directions. Everywhere there’s a something, you make a nothing.

Get this as your sole mission in life.

Oh, make more nothingnesses than that. And this time pick on beautiful things to make nothingnesses out of.

Just bop them down and if you still perceive them, then put a nothingness of them alongside of them to show them, until you can bop down the actual objects. Now as this unmocker, let’s make a nothingness of all noises. Let’s just sort of mock-up the fact there’s a noise there and then swat it out.

Let’s get real successful at this.

Now start knocking out things that might make a noise, knock it out before they get a chance. Swat it flat and make it disappear. Get a nothingness of that thing before it makes a noise.

And be yourself and mock-up a big machine that makes nothingnesses out of things—a demon with wheels on that makes nothingnesses out of things. And then look straight through him and just fix your attention out beyond him so that he disappears.

And keep doing that. Just put him there and then look straight through him until he disappears. Look at something beyond him.

Now put a nothingness of this unmocking machine there. Put a nothingness of an unmocking machine there and look through it.

Just repeat that action time after time now.

Okay. Now throw that all away, whatever you did right or wrong.

Mock-up your body there or anything that even might resemble a body, even though it’s a chunk of blackness, and be the machine and look straight through the body and make it disappear.

Then put the body back again, look straight through it and make it disappear again.

The way you do that is fix your attention on something beyond it.

Okay. Now throw that away. And look up and find the ceiling.

And look through the ceiling and find the roof.

And through the roof and find the sky.

And through the sky and find black space.

And through the black space and find nothing.

Now do the same thing to the right.

The same thing to the left.

The same thing down.

The same thing behind you.

Same thing in front of you.

And sit back and know.

Now let's grab two no-anchor points in the back of the room.

Okay. Find the floor.

Get any perception changes?

Audience: Mm-bm. Yes.

What did you get perception changes on?

Audience: Nothingness.

Which nothingness?

Female voice: Going through-through the barriers.

Uh-huh. Through the barriers. Did you get any perception change before that or didn’t you notice?

Audience: Yes. Mm-hm.

What did you get perception changes on there?

Female voice: Being a machine.


Female voice: Actually doing it and...


Female voice: ...and calling it back.
