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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Anatomy of Maybe (T88-1a) - L520623a | Сравнить
- Mechanics of Aberation (T88-1c) - L520623c | Сравнить
- Theory of the Origin of MEST (T88-1b) - L520623b | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Время (Т88 52) - Л520623 | Сравнить
- Лекция Введение (Т88 52) - Л520623 | Сравнить
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A lecture given on 23 June 1952.A lecture given on 23 June 1952.

When we get this tone scale worked out here, we find we have a broader scale than we had before, which goes from Absolute Zero to Infinity, and it goes from 0 to 28 as the band in which we are interested.

When we get this tone scale worked out here, we find we have a broader scale than we had before, which goes from Absolute Zero to Infinity, and it goes from 0 to 28 as the band in which we are interested.

What is a maybe? This whole band (0 to 28) is maybe. Maybe is simply the undecided thought To Be or Not To Be, that is maybe. Maybe it is, or maybe it isn’t. Am I, or am I not? Do I, or do I not? Do I know, or don’t I know? Am I cause, or am I effect? Shall I use this motion? etc. That’s a maybe. To understand a maybe more clearly I should show you something more than this scale, and that is some more of exactly what we have been going over. Do you know the first few axioms of Dianetics? Static, or Theta has the capability of animating and mobilizing MEST; that’s an early one. Well, let’s go one step above that. It has the capability of creating MEST. That is a little earlier axiom, and we are not going to deal with that axiom particularly. We are going to take it right where you know it, and that is:

What is a maybe? This whole band (0 to 28) is maybe. Maybe is simply the undecided thought To Be or Not To Be, that is maybe. Maybe it is, or maybe it isn’t. Am I, or am I not? Do I, or do I not? Do I know, or don’t I know? Am I cause, or am I effect? Shall I use this motion? etc. That’s a maybe. To understand a maybe more clearly I should show you something more than this scale, and that is some more of exactly what we have been going over. Do you know the first few axioms of Dianetics? Static, or Theta has the capability of animating and mobilizing MEST; that’s an early one. Well, let’s go one step above that. It has the capability of creating MEST. That is a little earlier axiom, and we are not going to deal with that axiom particularly. We are going to take it right where you know it, and that is:

(1) Every counter effort is potentially an effort, and (2) Thoughts (about the material universe) are preceded by counter efforts. If you were completely sane you would be able to use every motion you ever received. If you can’t use every motion you ever received, you are aberrated. So, every time you have gotten a counter effort you have gotten something that you possibly could employ as an effort. And if you restrain yourself from employing it as an effort, you hang yourself with it. If you get a counter-effort, and you are unwilling to employ it after you have started to employ it (or just thought of employing it ) you have a maybe. So, any basic incident is an incident on the track where you inhibit the employment of a counter- effort, and there you have made a maybe in reason. And that is the basic of maybe. But, there is a more basic, Basic, and that is - “What are you using facsimiles for anyhow?”

(1) Every counter effort is potentially an effort, and (2) Thoughts (about the material universe) are preceded by counter efforts. If you were completely sane you would be able to use every motion you ever received. If you can’t use every motion you ever received, you are aberrated. So, every time you have gotten a counter effort you have gotten something that you possibly could employ as an effort. And if you restrain yourself from employing it as an effort, you hang yourself with it. If you get a counter-effort, and you are unwilling to employ it after you have started to employ it (or just thought of employing it ) you have a maybe. So, any basic incident is an incident on the track where you inhibit the employment of a counter- effort, and there you have made a maybe in reason. And that is the basic of maybe. But, there is a more basic, Basic, and that is - “What are you using facsimiles for anyhow?”

The axioms apply to facsimiles from one end to the other; the Static, and what it does about facsimiles. It goes to a specific incident on the track in Technique 88. It tells you that you have got to have an obsession. And the obsession is that when you get a counter-effort you have got to use it as an effort. It’s an obsession, and it makes out of you a mirror, a stimulus- response mechanism, and so for ever after that, you keep making facsimiles to use facsimiles to make facsimiles to ........... on and on and on and on. That is number one aberration, and then above that is, where did you restrain them? So, here you are as the disk in and this tennis ball comes in and hits you (the disk) and comes out having velocity and a new direction.

The axioms apply to facsimiles from one end to the other; the Static, and what it does about facsimiles. It goes to a specific incident on the track in Technique 88. It tells you that you have got to have an obsession. And the obsession is that when you get a counter-effort you have got to use it as an effort. It’s an obsession, and it makes out of you a mirror, a stimulus- response mechanism, and so for ever after that, you keep making facsimiles to use facsimiles to make facsimiles to ........... on and on and on and on. That is number one aberration, and then above that is, where did you restrain them? So, here you are as the disk in and this tennis ball comes in and hits you (the disk) and comes out having velocity and a new direction.

There is an incident on the track where you are hit with motion and finally develop an obsession about motion; and up to that point you could take it or leave it alone. The incident that gives you this obsession about returning motion is called “The Bubble Gum Incident.” (Please note these very technical terms, like Bubble Gum.) So, this incident that makes you do this, is the basic incident on facsimiles. Before that you didn’t have to have facsimiles. That was situation one. Situation two, is where the motion comes in and you say, “No!” There is a maybe. The “maybe” is the motion that you have received that you may, or may not employ. If you do or don’t use it, you are hung with it. For instance, they have a sort of aberration about shooting policemen in this society. You, one day while you are walking down the street get shot by a policeman. In the next life you see a policeman, and he doesn’t look good to you, so you shoot him, and they send you to the electric chair. In the next life you don’t like to be shot, but every time you turn around you think you ought to kill somebody, and you get a headache. That is a maybe. You have developed a nice maybe, and you have learned that you should not shoot policemen, which is a beneficial lesson to policemen. There is what I mean by a maybe. In other words, I got the motion which gives me a right to use it, but I don’t dare use it, and I’ve got it here, and it says, “If you get it you can do it,” but the second you do it you can’t do it. The reason you can’t do it is the Third situation- which is this, this mirror situation.This is a great swindle that comes out of this first incident (Bubble Gum)- the one that gives you the obsession which says, all you can do is return motion and can’t create anything, just return what you get. I’m talking about the most basic aberration there is.

There is an incident on the track where you are hit with motion and finally develop an obsession about motion; and up to that point you could take it or leave it alone. The incident that gives you this obsession about returning motion is called “The Bubble Gum Incident.” (Please note these very technical terms, like Bubble Gum.) So, this incident that makes you do this, is the basic incident on facsimiles. Before that you didn’t have to have facsimiles. That was situation one. Situation two, is where the motion comes in and you say, “No!” There is a maybe. The “maybe” is the motion that you have received that you may, or may not employ. If you do or don’t use it, you are hung with it. For instance, they have a sort of aberration about shooting policemen in this society. You, one day while you are walking down the street get shot by a policeman. In the next life you see a policeman, and he doesn’t look good to you, so you shoot him, and they send you to the electric chair. In the next life you don’t like to be shot, but every time you turn around you think you ought to kill somebody, and you get a headache. That is a maybe. You have developed a nice maybe, and you have learned that you should not shoot policemen, which is a beneficial lesson to policemen. There is what I mean by a maybe. In other words, I got the motion which gives me a right to use it, but I don’t dare use it, and I’ve got it here, and it says, “If you get it you can do it,” but the second you do it you can’t do it. The reason you can’t do it is the Third situation- which is this, this mirror situation.This is a great swindle that comes out of this first incident (Bubble Gum)- the one that gives you the obsession which says, all you can do is return motion and can’t create anything, just return what you get. I’m talking about the most basic aberration there is.

We have these two mirrors (people), and each feels that he is only a mirror and nothing more- so then A not watching carefully creates a motion. It had to be when he wasn’t watching, for it violates the primary obsession. He throws it at person B, and B turns it around, (mirror fashion) and throws it back. Then person A throws it back, and B throws it back, etc. etc. Each of them of course knows that he can’t create anything, they are just mirrors, so they can’t admit to themselves that every time it hits the mirror, instead of decreasing in violence, it increases in violence. And what is the proof of this? Did you ever see one person get angry at another person? Then the second person gets angry at the first person, and the first person gets angrier - etc. etc. with the rage going up, up, up, and up until something blows. Well, where is that extra motion coming from? Well, the extra motion of anger in this situation is actually being created by the individuals involved. Being created and added to the wave, so they aren’t just a mirror; they are adding to it. Just ask a preclear to feel counter-emotion, and he will get this. Did you ever walk into a room and see the counter-emotion? Did you ever get hit by a wall of it? It’s actually wave length you are asking him to run.

We have these two mirrors (people), and each feels that he is only a mirror and nothing more- so then A not watching carefully creates a motion. It had to be when he wasn’t watching, for it violates the primary obsession. He throws it at person B, and B turns it around, (mirror fashion) and throws it back. Then person A throws it back, and B throws it back, etc. etc. Each of them of course knows that he can’t create anything, they are just mirrors, so they can’t admit to themselves that every time it hits the mirror, instead of decreasing in violence, it increases in violence. And what is the proof of this? Did you ever see one person get angry at another person? Then the second person gets angry at the first person, and the first person gets angrier - etc. etc. with the rage going up, up, up, and up until something blows. Well, where is that extra motion coming from? Well, the extra motion of anger in this situation is actually being created by the individuals involved. Being created and added to the wave, so they aren’t just a mirror; they are adding to it. Just ask a preclear to feel counter-emotion, and he will get this. Did you ever walk into a room and see the counter-emotion? Did you ever get hit by a wall of it? It’s actually wave length you are asking him to run.

By using old techniques with a preclear to look for someone who is occluded, you will find that person stays occluded until you blow a death or something like that. Just ask your preclear for the times this occluded person glared at your preclear. Get the sensation of your preclear looking at the darkness where this occluded person is, and ducking the glare. Just make him do this a few times, duck, duck, duck. All of a sudden he will feel that facsimile, and the occluded person will become hazily distinct. And then the preclear will run it off the track as sort of a line charge, all of those glares and returns from that person, and then all of a sudden he will get a clear picture. What’s he doing? He is running a wave length out-put from the occluded person. There is part of the mechanism. The other part is that when the person died, the preclear felt he had killed him, and he probably did.

By using old techniques with a preclear to look for someone who is occluded, you will find that person stays occluded until you blow a death or something like that. Just ask your preclear for the times this occluded person glared at your preclear. Get the sensation of your preclear looking at the darkness where this occluded person is, and ducking the glare. Just make him do this a few times, duck, duck, duck. All of a sudden he will feel that facsimile, and the occluded person will become hazily distinct. And then the preclear will run it off the track as sort of a line charge, all of those glares and returns from that person, and then all of a sudden he will get a clear picture. What’s he doing? He is running a wave length out-put from the occluded person. There is part of the mechanism. The other part is that when the person died, the preclear felt he had killed him, and he probably did.

So, this mirror mechanism is Number 3 of these operations. From person A to person B goes a wave which is returned back and forth, and back and forth, being added to each time. So, what’s the contest? The contest is usually to find out which one is cause, unless they are engaged in a mutual goal; then they will look at each other, and become more and more enthusiastic right on up. But if they are mad at each other, sooner or later one of them is going to go into apathy, because somebody is going to win. One of them is going to outdo (out-wave-length) the other. There we have why the fight of an individual to get up the tone scale is defeated by the fact that he is throwing a wave length at every human being he knows, and is getting it back. He doesn’t know that he can’t be sane and human at the same time. How wrong can you be? The wrongest you can be is to be a dead human. But, if you want to be pretty wrong, just be human. Therefore, I have given you the very important datum about time relationships. Low on the time scale you have very little motion in an awfully long time. High on it, a lot of motion in a little time. To kids high on the tone scale the days last forever. They can’t seem to get enough to do per unit of time. When they are old they sit down and say, “I’ll just take a couple of minutes and finish this off.” They just get up, and then the first thing they know, it is time to go to bed again.

So, this mirror mechanism is Number 3 of these operations. From person A to person B goes a wave which is returned back and forth, and back and forth, being added to each time. So, what’s the contest? The contest is usually to find out which one is cause, unless they are engaged in a mutual goal; then they will look at each other, and become more and more enthusiastic right on up. But if they are mad at each other, sooner or later one of them is going to go into apathy, because somebody is going to win. One of them is going to outdo (out-wave-length) the other. There we have why the fight of an individual to get up the tone scale is defeated by the fact that he is throwing a wave length at every human being he knows, and is getting it back. He doesn’t know that he can’t be sane and human at the same time. How wrong can you be? The wrongest you can be is to be a dead human. But, if you want to be pretty wrong, just be human. Therefore, I have given you the very important datum about time relationships. Low on the time scale you have very little motion in an awfully long time. High on it, a lot of motion in a little time. To kids high on the tone scale the days last forever. They can’t seem to get enough to do per unit of time. When they are old they sit down and say, “I’ll just take a couple of minutes and finish this off.” They just get up, and then the first thing they know, it is time to go to bed again.

A day is a year long for a child in school. Grown ups, not realizing this, put children in school. A grown up just doesn’t have enough time to accomplish what he wants to do, and he eventually does nothing. You have known people who just kept saying,” Oh! I have so much to do I just don’t seem to have time to do it in.” And he will spend all of his time telling you how he hasn’t got any time, instead of doing something. What is wrong with that person is that his concept of time is that he hasn’t got any time, and the days are going by like a picket fence for this person low on the tone scale.

A day is a year long for a child in school. Grown ups, not realizing this, put children in school. A grown up just doesn’t have enough time to accomplish what he wants to do, and he eventually does nothing. You have known people who just kept saying,” Oh! I have so much to do I just don’t seem to have time to do it in.” And he will spend all of his time telling you how he hasn’t got any time, instead of doing something. What is wrong with that person is that his concept of time is that he hasn’t got any time, and the days are going by like a picket fence for this person low on the tone scale.

We have got to know these 3 stages. Before our first axiom, is an axiom that says, Theta can create wave length, energy, space, and time. And the way they pin them in the MEST universe is by obsessing a theta being with the idea that he can only return wave length, energy, space, and time as received. This is the tennis ball hitting the plate effect. Number 2 is the process by which the individual receives the motion and stops it, and stops himself from using it, and every time he does that, is a big maybe. Then there is Number 3, where he becomes a mirror to everything he does, and everybody does this, and everybody becomes a mirror to everybody else, and you get the chronic aberration of all chronic aberrations which is A-R-C.

We have got to know these 3 stages. Before our first axiom, is an axiom that says, Theta can create wave length, energy, space, and time. And the way they pin them in the MEST universe is by obsessing a theta being with the idea that he can only return wave length, energy, space, and time as received. This is the tennis ball hitting the plate effect. Number 2 is the process by which the individual receives the motion and stops it, and stops himself from using it, and every time he does that, is a big maybe. Then there is Number 3, where he becomes a mirror to everything he does, and everybody does this, and everybody becomes a mirror to everybody else, and you get the chronic aberration of all chronic aberrations which is A-R-C.

Remember the Hurdy-Gurdy techniques that showed all possible aberrations using A-R-C in which I drew all the lines from the A-R-C Triangle for each Dynamic? Well, I didn’t need to put in all the lines, because A-R-C is itself the aberration. Any A-R-C is an aberration. Therefore, any A-R-C from 0 to 28 in the MEST universe compared to potential sanity, is aberrative. And why is it that way? It is he- cause with Number One - a person returns and has to use only the efforts he receives. With No. Two - he stops efforts he has received, and with No. Three - he starts throwing these things back and forth with all other beings. (See Diagram)

Remember the Hurdy-Gurdy techniques that showed all possible aberrations using A-R-C in which I drew all the lines from the A-R-C Triangle for each Dynamic? Well, I didn’t need to put in all the lines, because A-R-C is itself the aberration. Any A-R-C is an aberration. Therefore, any A-R-C from 0 to 28 in the MEST universe compared to potential sanity, is aberrative. And why is it that way? It is he- cause with Number One - a person returns and has to use only the efforts he receives. With No. Two - he stops efforts he has received, and with No. Three - he starts throwing these things back and forth with all other beings. (See Diagram)

If you have One and have no knowledge of energy, you will use One or Three, and neither is any good. It works out that an individual who is obsessed with One when he gets into the

If you have One and have no knowledge of energy, you will use One or Three, and neither is any good. It works out that an individual who is obsessed with One when he gets into the

If you don’t have One (the obsession on motion), you can use Two, and disintegrate incoming motion.If you don’t have One (the obsession on motion ), you can use Two, and disintegrate incoming motion. If you have One and have no knowledge of energy, you will use One or Three, and neither is any good.

If you don’t have One (the obsession on motion), you can use Two, and disintegrate incoming motion.If you don’t have One (the obsession on motion ), you can use Two, and disintegrate incoming motion. If you have One and have no knowledge of energy, you will use One or Three, and neither is any good.

It works out that an individual who is obsessed with One when he gets into the society (which is Three) just has a heck of a time, for he is just a mirror to all the people he knows. He is in a terrible fix, and everybody in our 0 to 28 band has that state potentially. So, you can’t be human and be right, because you think you have to return the motions you receive from human beings, and they are wrong. If you do Two, and you don’t return the motion, it winds up all of your facsimiles. Why? Because every time you receive a counter-effort you have to use an old facsimile in order to stop that counter-effort from becoming your effort. And to stop it you put a facsimile on it, and you hold it with that facsimile, and you say, “I’ve got to stop this facsimile because I’m liable to be executed or electrocuted if I shoot this cop.” So, the fellow takes a facsimile to stop a facsimile, and you get a MAYBE. What kind of a facsimile does he use or take to stop that incoming facsimile? It is one similar to the one that he is stopping. And the instant he takes hold of 2 second facsimile, he has got two facsimiles, and they lock up. And that is a maybe. Then with Three, you just become a mirror to everything that is done to you, and you just do it to them. You can’t live that way in this society, so if you don’t do Three, you have to do Two. What a hell of a state, for then you have to pull up an old facsimile to handle every motion you receive, and everything starts to ball up on the track, and the track begins to feel like MEST. You start thinking and it’s heavy, and you think a second has gone by, and an hour has passed. So, you have that choice, or you can react. You can’t live with men and react on everything, and you can’t stop these motions going back out again - IF you don’t know that you can burn down the motion. Actually, if you don’t have obsession One, and a motion comes in, you examine it, and you disintegrate it. Theoretically, if someone took a shot at you with a high powered rifle, you could take a look at the bullet (it is only doing 4500 ft. per second, which is pretty slow compared to thought) and you could just say, “No” and it would be gone. If it did hit you, you’d just run the somatic. “Hey, what did you shoot me for? Oh! You’re mad at me. Oh! You’re going to stay mad at me ...Bzzzzzzz.... Anybody got a wreath?” So, you can see this business changes social relationships.

It works out that an individual who is obsessed with One when he gets into the society (which is Three) just has a heck of a time, for he is just a mirror to all the people he knows. He is in a terrible fix, and everybody in our 0 to 28 band has that state potentially. So, you can’t be human and be right, because you think you have to return the motions you receive from human beings, and they are wrong. If you do Two, and you don’t return the motion, it winds up all of your facsimiles. Why? Because every time you receive a counter-effort you have to use an old facsimile in order to stop that counter-effort from becoming your effort. And to stop it you put a facsimile on it, and you hold it with that facsimile, and you say, “I’ve got to stop this facsimile because I’m liable to be executed or electrocuted if I shoot this cop.” So, the fellow takes a facsimile to stop a facsimile, and you get a MAYBE. What kind of a facsimile does he use or take to stop that incoming facsimile? It is one similar to the one that he is stopping. And the instant he takes hold of 2 second facsimile, he has got two facsimiles, and they lock up. And that is a maybe. Then with Three, you just become a mirror to everything that is done to you, and you just do it to them. You can’t live that way in this society, so if you don’t do Three, you have to do Two. What a hell of a state, for then you have to pull up an old facsimile to handle every motion you receive, and everything starts to ball up on the track, and the track begins to feel like MEST. You start thinking and it’s heavy, and you think a second has gone by, and an hour has passed. So, you have that choice, or you can react. You can’t live with men and react on everything, and you can’t stop these motions going back out again - IF you don’t know that you can burn down the motion. Actually, if you don’t have obsession One, and a motion comes in, you examine it, and you disintegrate it. Theoretically, if someone took a shot at you with a high powered rifle, you could take a look at the bullet (it is only doing 4500 ft. per second, which is pretty slow compared to thought) and you could just say, “No” and it would be gone. If it did hit you, you’d just run the somatic. “Hey, what did you shoot me for? Oh! You’re mad at me. Oh! You’re going to stay mad at me ...Bzzzzzzz.... Anybody got a wreath?” So, you can see this business changes social relationships.

If a person has obsession One (Bubble Gum) and doesn’t have the knowledge of his own ability to create energy, (because he makes his illusions out of actual energy) then he has two choices for survival, and they are both contra-survival. That’s what is wrong with this universe. It’s the fact that after you get this obsession One, you have only two choices, and both of them will wind you up in trouble. But, the reason for that is because this is a Static Universe that has a lot of motion in it. A lot of people have been busy working on this universe. They keep merging universes, and it keeps broadening and broadening, spreading and spreading, getting more and more agreement, and it’s not a single creation at any one time. And not being a single creation at any one time, you get into very bad shape on it, because you have to go into agreement with other people about their creations in order to survive in this universe at all. This universe, to exist, demands from you a certain amount of wrongness. What would happen to this universe if any one of you suddenly cut loose with all the horsepower necessary to blow it up? Actually, a couple of people deciding this wasn’t a very good universe, wouldn’t have to blow it up. They could just put it into then-ness by saying, “Then.” This is theoretical, but as a fact, saying “Then” is the only way this universe has of getting rid of anything. How many times have you heard, “I forget it.” or “Oh! I’ve put all that behind me, I’m not aberrated.” or “It doesn’t affect me anymore.” Do you know what happens when they put it all behind them? It isn’t behind them at all, it generally stands in front of you. It’s an unworkable solution, but all the therapy they had in the past was to put it into “Then”, and push it thoroughly enough into “Then” that it was squashed, and became a forgetter. So, actually a psychotic is changing his identity to himself every minute. He isn’t himself from one moment to the next, for that last moment is the forgotten. In other words, he doesn’t remember, and he doesn’t have a time span.

If a person has obsession One (Bubble Gum) and doesn’t have the knowledge of his own ability to create energy, (because he makes his illusions out of actual energy) then he has two choices for survival, and they are both contra-survival. That’s what is wrong with this universe. It’s the fact that after you get this obsession One, you have only two choices, and both of them will wind you up in trouble. But, the reason for that is because this is a Static Universe that has a lot of motion in it. A lot of people have been busy working on this universe. They keep merging universes, and it keeps broadening and broadening, spreading and spreading, getting more and more agreement, and it’s not a single creation at any one time. And not being a single creation at any one time, you get into very bad shape on it, because you have to go into agreement with other people about their creations in order to survive in this universe at all. This universe, to exist, demands from you a certain amount of wrongness. What would happen to this universe if any one of you suddenly cut loose with all the horsepower necessary to blow it up? Actually, a couple of people deciding this wasn’t a very good universe, wouldn’t have to blow it up. They could just put it into then-ness by saying, “Then.” This is theoretical, but as a fact, saying “Then” is the only way this universe has of getting rid of anything. How many times have you heard, “I forget it.” or “Oh! I’ve put all that behind me, I’m not aberrated.” or “It doesn’t affect me anymore.” Do you know what happens when they put it all behind them? It isn’t behind them at all, it generally stands in front of you. It’s an unworkable solution, but all the therapy they had in the past was to put it into “Then”, and push it thoroughly enough into “Then” that it was squashed, and became a forgetter. So, actually a psychotic is changing his identity to himself every minute. He isn’t himself from one moment to the next, for that last moment is the forgotten. In other words, he doesn’t remember, and he doesn’t have a time span.

Dianetics is evidently the first time on the track that a therapy has existed to defeat this vicious cycle. That’s a fact! It would be very nice if I could find a P.C. some time that had an incident erased. But, I have been through all the P.C.s I know, and I find lots of times when they have been out of bodies, when they have known, when they have been on the Theta Track, and all I find are Two therapies. One, is the shift of identity that makes them someone else (and that is a therapy), and the other (Two) is packing all the facsimiles up into a round ball and calling it MEST, which amounts to the same thing. I find everybody with their earliest incidents in tact. Although they may not be aberrative and other things have happened in the meantime to desensitize them, they are still intact. They haven’t been erased. This (Dianetics and Scientology) is an awfully dirty trick we are playing on the MEST universe. It is! How are they going to control you if they can’t put their hands on you. Supposing you went ahead lifetime after lifetime picking up knowledge. Think what a wreck you would make out of our educational system. No piano teachers be cause you learned all that on the clavichord. This cycle in which we exist is fixed up just gorgeously, but it’s in very delicate balance.

Dianetics is evidently the first time on the track that a therapy has existed to defeat this vicious cycle. That’s a fact! It would be very nice if I could find a P.C. some time that had an incident erased. But, I have been through all the P.C.s I know, and I find lots of times when they have been out of bodies, when they have known, when they have been on the Theta Track, and all I find are Two therapies. One, is the shift of identity that makes them someone else (and that is a therapy), and the other (Two) is packing all the facsimiles up into a round ball and calling it MEST, which amounts to the same thing. I find everybody with their earliest incidents in tact. Although they may not be aberrative and other things have happened in the meantime to desensitize them, they are still intact. They haven’t been erased. This (Dianetics and Scientology) is an awfully dirty trick we are playing on the MEST universe. It is! How are they going to control you if they can’t put their hands on you. Supposing you went ahead lifetime after lifetime picking up knowledge. Think what a wreck you would make out of our educational system. No piano teachers be cause you learned all that on the clavichord. This cycle in which we exist is fixed up just gorgeously, but it’s in very delicate balance.

If it weren’t for the fact that Earth is a prison, and it doesn’t matter what happens to it, it would be a rough deal to release Dianetics and Scientology. It would be a rough deal for those who desire to control this system. For those in control then, Dianetics and Scientology are highly antipathetic, because it permits you to control this system. Later on in these lectures you will suddenly recognize what I am talking about in its full clarity. What do you have a body for? For picks and shovels, among other things. You don’t get finger prints from a Theta body; police power is gone when the MEST bodies are gone.

If it weren’t for the fact that Earth is a prison, and it doesn’t matter what happens to it, it would be a rough deal to release Dianetics and Scientology. It would be a rough deal for those who desire to control this system. For those in control then, Dianetics and Scientology are highly antipathetic, because it permits you to control this system. Later on in these lectures you will suddenly recognize what I am talking about in its full clarity. What do you have a body for? For picks and shovels, among other things. You don’t get finger prints from a Theta body; police power is gone when the MEST bodies are gone.

Now, I give you these 3 stages so that you can know above this level the second axiom which goes before all the axioms, and is: Knowingness can be done by approximation and pervasion. (And this is completely aside from being done by facsimiles)

Now, I give you these 3 stages so that you can know above this level the second axiom which goes before all the axioms, and is: Knowingness can be done by approximation and pervasion. (And this is completely aside from being done by facsimiles)

There are different methods of thinking other than facsimile thinking. It is not necessary for you to have experience to know. The trick of having experience ties you down on the time track. So, if you have to have experience to know, you can be controlled by these methods, because by blanking out your experience you don’t know. You don’t become cause, and you can be held in line.

There are different methods of thinking other than facsimile thinking. It is not necessary for you to have experience to know. The trick of having experience ties you down on the time track. So, if you have to have experience to know, you can be controlled by these methods, because by blanking out your experience you don’t know. You don’t become cause, and you can be held in line.

Up high on the tone scale we have the two methods of knowing. Pervasion, which is knowing by being there in present time. You want to know what the Encyclopedia Brittanica has to say about something or other. It isn’t necessary for you to have read the encyclopedia cover to cover in 1792. That isn’t necessary. You just pervade the encyclopedia, and you know. What’s the use pervading the encyclopedia? Why not pervade the actual subject? Say the question is a steam plant. Just be the steam plant. Or take concrete. What’s the use of studying the constituents of concrete when you can be (or feel) the concrete? You get someone up on his perception level, or get your own up, and you will know better what it is. You actually cast your beingness to a sufficient distance to pervade some subject. You will look at the side of a milk bottle, and you want to know what it is. Well, you don’t look at the side of a milk bottle; you do your observation on the line of radar. You hit the milk bottle, and you feel this waxy surface of the milk bottle. You do your seeing actually by radar. It is a trick that makes you effect, that makes you do it by photons. Your theta being doesn’t need eyeballs.

Up high on the tone scale we have the two methods of knowing. Pervasion, which is knowing by being there in present time. You want to know what the Encyclopedia Brittanica has to say about something or other. It isn’t necessary for you to have read the encyclopedia cover to cover in 1792. That isn’t necessary. You just pervade the encyclopedia, and you know. What’s the use pervading the encyclopedia? Why not pervade the actual subject? Say the question is a steam plant. Just be the steam plant. Or take concrete. What’s the use of studying the constituents of concrete when you can be (or feel) the concrete? You get someone up on his perception level, or get your own up, and you will know better what it is. You actually cast your beingness to a sufficient distance to pervade some subject. You will look at the side of a milk bottle, and you want to know what it is. Well, you don’t look at the side of a milk bottle; you do your observation on the line of radar. You hit the milk bottle, and you feel this waxy surface of the milk bottle. You do your seeing actually by radar. It is a trick that makes you effect, that makes you do it by photons. Your theta being doesn’t need eyeballs.

So, pervasion is one method of knowing. The second method is making a mock- up. You create an illusion (not a facsimile) you just approximate this situation over here. You understand that there is this situation over there, and you make this mock- up, and you change it in a couple of places in order to solve the problem. It just goes click. I did this on a ships’ steam engine during the war, and a fellow came up and said, “Where did you study steam engineering? You must have studied steam engineering; you went right up to that valve.” And I said, “I didn’t study steam engineering, I didn’t even know that valve existed until three minutes ago.” All during the war I had my motor mechanics and engine men nuts, because I didn’t know what I was doing on those engines. This was actually the process. The point is, you go down and look at the engine. The fellow says, “The camshaft is all roody rudded on the left hand side of the dibber bump,” and you say, ”What’s it got to do?” You ignore his answer, and you look at the engine, and this side over here feels like it doesn’t have enough oil. So you say, “What’s the matter with your oil gage on the port side?” He says, “Nothing, it works perfectly.” Then he takes a look at it, and says in wonder, “It’s plugged.” Any good mechanic or good electronic bug does this very thing. He just feels it would be better “This way,” and he will be right. He makes a mock-up that will do what he wants done, and then he builds the gadget he is making, to do what his mental mock-up is doing. Text books- Phooey! He feels it’s right this way. It’s a thought mock-up, not a facsimile. From a text book some real sharp guy might make a facsimile, and then the object, but it probably wouldn’t work. The facsimile is the hard way - the low toned way. This mock-up on the other hand, is an illusion he creates or destroys at will. It can’t be called a facsimile for it doesn’t have the solidity of a facsimile. It is so minute and it’s wavelength is so tiny he doesn’t even know it’s there. He’ll just say, “Well, it feels like it ought to be this way.” Those are two methods of knowing, and two methods of thinking that are ahead of facsimile combination. Facsimile combination is difficult, heavy, slow, and requires enormous importance, and a lot of other things. Maybe you don’t agree with these two methods of knowing.

So, pervasion is one method of knowing. The second method is making a mock- up. You create an illusion (not a facsimile) you just approximate this situation over here. You understand that there is this situation over there, and you make this mock- up, and you change it in a couple of places in order to solve the problem. It just goes click. I did this on a ships’ steam engine during the war, and a fellow came up and said, “Where did you study steam engineering? You must have studied steam engineering; you went right up to that valve.” And I said, “I didn’t study steam engineering, I didn’t even know that valve existed until three minutes ago.” All during the war I had my motor mechanics and engine men nuts, because I didn’t know what I was doing on those engines. This was actually the process. The point is, you go down and look at the engine. The fellow says, “The camshaft is all roody rudded on the left hand side of the dibber bump,” and you say, ”What’s it got to do?” You ignore his answer, and you look at the engine, and this side over here feels like it doesn’t have enough oil. So you say, “What’s the matter with your oil gage on the port side?” He says, “Nothing, it works perfectly.” Then he takes a look at it, and says in wonder, “It’s plugged.” Any good mechanic or good electronic bug does this very thing. He just feels it would be better “This way,” and he will be right. He makes a mock-up that will do what he wants done, and then he builds the gadget he is making, to do what his mental mock-up is doing. Text books- Phooey! He feels it’s right this way. It’s a thought mock-up, not a facsimile. From a text book some real sharp guy might make a facsimile, and then the object, but it probably wouldn’t work. The facsimile is the hard way - the low toned way. This mock-up on the other hand, is an illusion he creates or destroys at will. It can’t be called a facsimile for it doesn’t have the solidity of a facsimile. It is so minute and it’s wavelength is so tiny he doesn’t even know it’s there. He’ll just say, “Well, it feels like it ought to be this way.” Those are two methods of knowing, and two methods of thinking that are ahead of facsimile combination. Facsimile combination is difficult, heavy, slow, and requires enormous importance, and a lot of other things. Maybe you don’t agree with these two methods of knowing.

As far as Time is concerned, if you are dealing with pure thought you aren’t dealing with any time. So, of course, you could know the past, the future, and all knowledge, for you aren’t dealing with time and space when you use thought this way. You aren’t making shapes in time and space. You run out to the country and ask farmer Brown, the medicine man, how things are going. He may say, “It’s going to rain tomorrow.” You say, “Why?” He says, “Oh, because my rheumatism hurts.” The hell it does. That is just a practiced answer, for he reads future, and knows rain. He might say, “Because the tree toads are ......”, but he is forecasting from knowing.

As far as Time is concerned, if you are dealing with pure thought you aren’t dealing with any time. So, of course, you could know the past, the future, and all knowledge, for you aren’t dealing with time and space when you use thought this way. You aren’t making shapes in time and space. You run out to the country and ask farmer Brown, the medicine man, how things are going. He may say, “It’s going to rain tomorrow.” You say, “Why?” He says, “Oh, because my rheumatism hurts.” The hell it does. That is just a practiced answer, for he reads future, and knows rain. He might say, “Because the tree toads are ......”, but he is forecasting from knowing.

I have given you a very rapid run down here on the substance of time, effort, these axioms, and maybe you feel I have just given you the preliminaries. A lot of them get expanded later. These are some of the principles on which the later material depends. How to resolve a maybe falls right back into - what is a maybe? You have to know what it is, before you can resolve it. You have gotten a look at this Zero and Infinity idea, and I have gone over it very rapidly. Don’t be dismayed if you haven’t assimilated all of this. The important points have been dressed up, and the background to them explained. Are there any questions?

I have given you a very rapid run down here on the substance of time, effort, these axioms, and maybe you feel I have just given you the preliminaries. A lot of them get expanded later. These are some of the principles on which the later material depends. How to resolve a maybe falls right back into - what is a maybe? You have to know what it is, before you can resolve it. You have gotten a look at this Zero and Infinity idea, and I have gone over it very rapidly. Don’t be dismayed if you haven’t assimilated all of this. The important points have been dressed up, and the background to them explained. Are there any questions?

Q. Are you going to tell us who “THEY” are?

Q. Are you going to tell us who “THEY” are?

A. THEY, in that familiar phrase “They did it” has been with us a long time. I will tell you frankly that when “They did it” it means “YOU” did it. You did it to you, and you did it to you, and YOU becomes THEY. No reason to be paranoid about this universe being messed up; we all had a hand in it.

A. THEY, in that familiar phrase “They did it” has been with us a long time. I will tell you frankly that when “They did it” it means “YOU” did it. You did it to you, and you did it to you, and YOU becomes THEY. No reason to be paranoid about this universe being messed up; we all had a hand in it.

Q. Would you differentiate between the various “PEOPLE” you mention? Do you mean humans, theta bodies, or what?

Q. Would you differentiate between the various “PEOPLE” you mention? Do you mean humans, theta bodies, or what?

A. Well, I should differentiate and call them beings, and human beings, and so forth, but actually no matter where they started in on the track, no matter what race they started in as, no matter what number of Invader force they started in as in this universe, no matter what number of Creator, or anything else - it doesn’t matter, because they eventually wind up as people. Maybe some of them have tentacles, and some have horns, but they are still people, because they wind up in the same track. It doesn’t matter what universe a person comes from; he consists of the same component parts - Thought, Emotion, and Effort. We are dealing with the anatomy of thought as it applies to any universe. The MEST universe happens to be an intermediate universe, where it hasn’t happened as bad as it might be, and it sure isn’t as good as it might be.

A. Well, I should differentiate and call them beings, and human beings, and so forth, but actually no matter where they started in on the track, no matter what race they started in as, no matter what number of Invader force they started in as in this universe, no matter what number of Creator, or anything else - it doesn’t matter, because they eventually wind up as people. Maybe some of them have tentacles, and some have horns, but they are still people, because they wind up in the same track. It doesn’t matter what universe a person comes from; he consists of the same component parts - Thought, Emotion, and Effort. We are dealing with the anatomy of thought as it applies to any universe. The MEST universe happens to be an intermediate universe, where it hasn’t happened as bad as it might be, and it sure isn’t as good as it might be.

Q. Would you clarify the point about an auditor who is auditing is committing an overt act?

Q. Would you clarify the point about an auditor who is auditing is committing an overt act?

A. First, I didn’t say that. I said that the auditor “conceives” that he is, because the idea of forgetting, and the idea of erasing can become confused in an auditors mind. There is a period between lives when they knock out a persons’ identity. By the way, “They” will some day have it done to them, just as you once did it to someone else. So, there is a knockout of facsimiles between lives. The mechanism there is that they show you a series of pictures, and they say, “Hey! Look, your memories are all disappearing. I’m being very specific about this incident. lt is actually a series of pictures, and they flash them by your eyes. They are just approximations of things that might have happened to you in that last lifetime. They aren’t your memories at all, but they are a mock-up of your memories. You see these things going by, and at the same time you are being hit with a nice wave motion, and the pictures fade out. They say, “See, we are erasing your memories, and now you feel much better,” and you go for it, because it seems like a good idea. In auditing the auditor is actually erasing painful moments. If the auditor confuses this between lives mock-up with the actual therapy he is doing, he will get stuck. with the mock-up himself. He will figure he is doing what has been done to him, which hangs him up in a maybe. Auditing, and don’t forget it, is the only way out of this thing that I know of. You can, by knocking out these heavy incidents, restore a guys knowingness, take the curtain off of his beingness, and particularly take out of the way those things which are jamming his ability To Create, or Wipe Away MEST. You are making it possible for him To Be. An auditor, quite often, in an aberrated state, will look at an individual, and he thinks he is auditing him; and he sees this guy all stretched out, and he is running this guy through a death. Maybe this auditor has a past life where he killed somebody, and he looks at this P.C., and looks at these dying facsimiles, and he gets all hung up in the maybe, and feels he is killing the P.C. Then instead of wanting to audit this, and finish the job up, he wants to back-off from this incident. The thing to do is to run the incident, and to have an auditor that doesn’t get hung up on the thought that he is doing an overt act to the P.C. when he is not. This is just a confusion, that is all. I hope that clarifies the point.

A. First, I didn’t say that. I said that the auditor “conceives” that he is, because the idea of forgetting, and the idea of erasing can become confused in an auditors mind. There is a period between lives when they knock out a persons’ identity. By the way, “They” will some day have it done to them, just as you once did it to someone else. So, there is a knockout of facsimiles between lives. The mechanism there is that they show you a series of pictures, and they say, “Hey! Look, your memories are all disappearing. I’m being very specific about this incident. lt is actually a series of pictures, and they flash them by your eyes. They are just approximations of things that might have happened to you in that last lifetime. They aren’t your memories at all, but they are a mock-up of your memories. You see these things going by, and at the same time you are being hit with a nice wave motion, and the pictures fade out. They say, “See, we are erasing your memories, and now you feel much better,” and you go for it, because it seems like a good idea. In auditing the auditor is actually erasing painful moments. If the auditor confuses this between lives mock-up with the actual therapy he is doing, he will get stuck. with the mock-up himself. He will figure he is doing what has been done to him, which hangs him up in a maybe. Auditing, and don’t forget it, is the only way out of this thing that I know of. You can, by knocking out these heavy incidents, restore a guys knowingness, take the curtain off of his beingness, and particularly take out of the way those things which are jamming his ability To Create, or Wipe Away MEST. You are making it possible for him To Be. An auditor, quite often, in an aberrated state, will look at an individual, and he thinks he is auditing him; and he sees this guy all stretched out, and he is running this guy through a death. Maybe this auditor has a past life where he killed somebody, and he looks at this P.C., and looks at these dying facsimiles, and he gets all hung up in the maybe, and feels he is killing the P.C. Then instead of wanting to audit this, and finish the job up, he wants to back-off from this incident. The thing to do is to run the incident, and to have an auditor that doesn’t get hung up on the thought that he is doing an overt act to the P.C. when he is not. This is just a confusion, that is all. I hope that clarifies the point.

Q. Did you say that THETA had a wave length? I got lost.

Q. Did you say that THETA had a wave length? I got lost.

A. THETA has no wave length. Theta has the ability to animate and to mobilize Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. Theta is a static, it does not change to any degree, but out of this static can come a created wave. This static not only animates and mobilizes, but also creates Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. So we haven’t changed the characteristic or ability of a static, or anything else. But, we have noted all of a sudden that from the static there was an emanation which was motion. It can create motion as well as mirror it.

A. THETA has no wave length. Theta has the ability to animate and to mobilize Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. Theta is a static, it does not change to any degree, but out of this static can come a created wave. This static not only animates and mobilizes, but also creates Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. So we haven’t changed the characteristic or ability of a static, or anything else. But, we have noted all of a sudden that from the static there was an emanation which was motion. It can create motion as well as mirror it.

Q. I recently had an operation on my hand. What could I have done there on the operating table in the line of Dianetics about that.

Q. I recently had an operation on my hand. What could I have done there on the operating table in the line of Dianetics about that.

A. Nothing. That is, unless you want to take into consideration the whole field of anesthesia and hypnosis. Actually there is no reason why you shouldn’t, for it is a method of handling thought. You could actually have blocked off sensation in the in the area, and then turned it on afterwards. But you see, I have never included the words, anesthesia, hypnosis, or suggestion into the research of the field of thought, because of the terrible confusion which already exists in the minds of people concerning anything about thought. They are so confused about those words, that the fact that the P.C. is horizontal, and the hypnotic subject and the psychoanalysts’ patient are also sometimes horizontal, is absolute proof that they are all the same thing. You, in desperation, tell them that Dianetics does not use hypnotism. They conclude from that Dianetics does not include hypnotism. That is wrong, for the field of thought includes hypnotism, but Dianetics as a process does not employ hypnotism. To get back to your question, there are forms of self-hypnosis that would have shut your arm down for you. Then you could have gone back and run it all out, at which time you get the somatics anyway, so what’s the use? Anything that is in the field of the mind is in the field of Dianetics or the broader field of Scientology. Don’t limit the scope of your subject.

A. Nothing. That is, unless you want to take into consideration the whole field of anesthesia and hypnosis. Actually there is no reason why you shouldn’t, for it is a method of handling thought. You could actually have blocked off sensation in the in the area, and then turned it on afterwards. But you see, I have never included the words, anesthesia, hypnosis, or suggestion into the research of the field of thought, because of the terrible confusion which already exists in the minds of people concerning anything about thought. They are so confused about those words, that the fact that the P.C. is horizontal, and the hypnotic subject and the psychoanalysts’ patient are also sometimes horizontal, is absolute proof that they are all the same thing. You, in desperation, tell them that Dianetics does not use hypnotism. They conclude from that Dianetics does not include hypnotism. That is wrong, for the field of thought includes hypnotism, but Dianetics as a process does not employ hypnotism. To get back to your question, there are forms of self-hypnosis that would have shut your arm down for you. Then you could have gone back and run it all out, at which time you get the somatics anyway, so what’s the use? Anything that is in the field of the mind is in the field of Dianetics or the broader field of Scientology. Don’t limit the scope of your subject.

A long time ago I told people that prenatals existed. Two years later they write in medical sections of Readers Digest, Coronet, etc. that prenatals exist. The M.D.s are very alert this time; they are only 2 yrs. behind Dianetics. That’s pretty good, in fact it’s remarkable. As far as the psychologists and psychiatrists are concerned, it is our own fault for crushing them with a concept for which they, by training, can have no reality. We said, “you’ve got to take this,” and tried to shove it down their throats, and they got kind of mad at us. l hey have drifted around now to where they are calling it something else, but they are using it. I have turned out a book called, “Symbological Processing” which is kind of a dirty trick, for it lets a counselor (them) do more counseling in less time, while knowing less about it, than anything you ever saw, and get more results.

A long time ago I told people that prenatals existed. Two years later they write in medical sections of Readers Digest, Coronet, etc. that prenatals exist. The M.D.s are very alert this time; they are only 2 yrs. behind Dianetics. That’s pretty good, in fact it’s remarkable. As far as the psychologists and psychiatrists are concerned, it is our own fault for crushing them with a concept for which they, by training, can have no reality. We said, “you’ve got to take this,” and tried to shove it down their throats, and they got kind of mad at us. l hey have drifted around now to where they are calling it something else, but they are using it. I have turned out a book called, “Symbological Processing” which is kind of a dirty trick, for it lets a counselor (them) do more counseling in less time, while knowing less about it, than anything you ever saw, and get more results.

Good night.

Good night.