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CONTENTS ORG BOARD AND LIVINGNESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 6 April 1965

Thank you.

Well now, today – today is a red – letter day. Today is quite a day. This is about the first day I ever brought notes to a lecture. So I want you to mark this down. And what is the date?

Audience: April 6, AD 15.

April 6, AD 15. So you want to mark that date down: „Ron brought some notes to the lecture.“

Now, today – you have been hearing a lot about organization and reorganization and re-re-reorganization. And I’m about to give you a talk on the new org board for all organizations over the world. And you will find that your notes on this will probably be fairly scrambled. The whole thing will be published in Auditor 8 – the whole org board – and there will be HCOB – pardon me, HCO Policy Letter 3 April 65 released, which gives the basic organization in detail. And there’s a lot of stuff gone in on this, and actually I’ve been working on practically nothing else for weeks. Of course, I’ve been working on everything else for weeks, too, you see? But my concentration has been on this, and it sort of stopped the – nobody will believe this. People are somewhat alarmed with the number of policy letters coming out and so forth. Those are parts of the new hat book, and they’re simply being released to get them out so they won’t cause randomity, because when we send the new hat books off to the printers, we’ll – probably we’ll have them in 68-1970, and that – a bit of missing data between now and then might prove very catastrophic here and there.

So you notice that around orgs and so forth these things are being released as just General Non-Remimeo. Non-remimeo means that they’re cut on a stencil and just run off and a few copies are sent to each org.

Anyway, you will be seeing a lot of this org board. And I’m merely pointing out to you about this, that there is something about it to understand. There’s a great deal about it to understand. And the first – the first is that the org board does not change regardless of the size of the organization. It may get longer at the bottom, but it doesn’t change in its significant characteristics, departments, divisions or anything else. They remain constant, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a Class Zero Org consisting of three guys trying to lift their heads up off the pavement as an organization. or an organization of 200,000 staff members; it would be the same org board. And I know that startles you, but I almost told you the real figure: two billion.

This board is – this board has a lot of back history, and it is a refined board. And I may as well tell you the truth here amongst us girls. This is a refined board that I spoke to you about in an earlier lecture of an old galactic civilization. And you say what’s that doing amongst us? Well, we applied Scientology to it, and found out why the civilization eventually failed. They lacked a couple of departments and that was enough to mess it all up. And they only lasted eighty trillion. We’ll be going a lot longer than that, so we want to get something substantial. We don’t want these temporary fly-by-night affairs, you know.

Matter of fact, practically every government of this planet has fallen on its head before it was even heard of. They go up and vanish so quick that history is practically unable to keep track of them. I’ll bet you – I’ll bet you – just yesterday; just the other day: 1500 B.C. – you cannot tell me the primary civilization which was in exist ... That’s right, I thought you couldn’t. You don’t know what government was in power in Europe and the Middle East in 1500 B.C. You see? Just that little, tiny, tiny span of time. What is that, thirty-five hundred years. You don’t even remember. Temporary. Makeshift. Didn’t understand. Nobody had ever been to school about org boards; didn’t know anything about it.

Now, actually there’ve been lots of schools about org boards. They didn’t have Scientology, but they did have org boards. There have been some of the wildest org boards that have ever been invented. Don’t consider the United States Army has any org board; it doesn’t. Armies don’t have org boards; they have command charts! Hmph! You want to see the picture of a suppressive person, look at an org board of a military organization. It goes: commanding general, adjutants, officers, nobodies. Everyplace except the Mexican Army. And that has commanding generals, and that’s all. It’ll be like our City offices using this board for the first time, and it’ll look like the Mexican Army because everybody’ll be top brass. Two ranks of top brass.

Now, our org board – our org board is erected to stay there, and therefore has been worked out very carefully against various known philosophic principles, so that it is itself a philosophic machine and in a very short time you’re going to see this org board in a Comm Center, where the public is able to walk by it, become a jam spot. I can – I can assure you it’s going to become a jam spot, and you’re going to get little despatches from communicators saying, „Can’t we put the org board behind a door or something, so we can get some work done?“ No, that isn’t the thing to do. It’s just make the Comm Center bigger – you see, elementary – and just put a duplicate board in there the public can stand in front of Say on it, „Don’t look at this board; look at that one,“ you know, so as to get them out of the road, because you’re not going to be able to keep people off of this board.

That sounds very funny, very funny. How come an organization board could suddenly move up into such prominence? Well, you’ll see before this lecture is over.

Now, the main thing to know about these things is a command chart is only one tiny, two-bit little function; that’s a minor function of an organization chart. Because an organization chart must take care of function, and it must take care of the activity, and it must take care of what happens. And you look on an army’s organization board and you don’t find anyplace to refer a lost battle. Well, that’s pretty interesting. What do you do with lost battles? I can just see an army signalman trying to put a lost battle someplace in an army org board. He’s trying to look for the guy’s basket. Where do we send this lost battle?

Now, let me tell you why they fail. This is the principle, and this is a principle of this universe: If the function is not expressed, it will be worn unknowingly by everybody. And you can write that down in letters of fire right on the frontal structure where it comes to organizations – right on the front of your skull so you can look at it as a thetan. Write it backwards, of course, so that you can look at it properly.

The function that isn’t expressed is worn by everybody. This, therefore, becomes very important when I say, „Where do you put the lost battle?“ Well, just that all by itself, and that’s a very minor point, would of course eventually defeat the organization with such a board, because its decay is on automatic. But of course man’s reactive bank being the way man’s reactive bank is, of course he’d invent such an org board.

Now, where you have, then, one of these org boards, you have a frailty that goes along which is almost the same order of magnitude as what I just told you – the function which isn’t expressed on the org board is worn by everyone unknowingly, see (and you can make a note of that because that’s very important) – is the other monitoring function which gives us bureaucracies, and that is: When you put a box on an org board, it will be filled. And that is at war with the other function.

Now, let’s look at these two contradictory data, and they are almost of comparable magnitude. If we don’t express the function on the org board, it will be worn unknowingly by everyone. And the other datum, if you put a box, a square or a function on an org board, they will assign people to it. Inevitably and invariable, you will find this to be the case. Those two things then are at war and have not been solved by organizations of the past.

So, in the effort to stay within the realm of possibility with regard to personnel-economic possibility, population possibilities and so forth, within that realm – then they drop functions off the org board because they can’t have an organization that big, because this again is a hidden datum that people will fill the box. They’ll put somebody in that box. You got a box there; it says, „Adjutants – Adjutant’s Boot Shiner.“ Oh, you’ll find an Adjutant’s Boot Shiner show up. He may be totally unnecessary. Maybe adjutants have ceased to wear boots, but he’ll be there. And if they’ve neglected to take mules off of the US Army charts, you’re going to find mules and mule helpers and mule holders and mule curriers, and I’ll bet you there’s some place in the United States Army right now that’s just got tons of mules. I’ll just bet you.

And I’ll bet you in reforming the cavalry charts when they turned them over to mechanized – people who like animals don’t like machines, so they turned over the cavalry and mechanized it, you see, on the theory that cavalry goes across countryside or something. But they forgot to take the spurs off the officers, don’t you see? So, therefore, I know definitely that they forgot to take some spots out of their org boards. And you’re going to find some mighty peculiar things if you went sneaking around a cavalry regiment today. They’re mechanized. They’re in tanks, you know, and they got motorcycles and armored cars and jeeps, and all that sort of thing – officers still wearing spurs. They sure raise the devil with tank upholstery, too, getting in and out of tanks. But if you – if you looked around there, you would see some peculiar things. And if you went and look at their org board, why, it isn’t there.

Now, if there are – no tank repairmen, or anything like that were provided for, you wouldn’t find them there.

Now, oddly enough, man, when he works as a team, must have policy or he is not a team. He cannot work as a team without policy, so all he works as is a bunch of individuals. Even bad policy, you see, will at least make a team out of him. Do you follow? It isn’t whether the policy is bad or good. It’s does it exist and is it followed? Fortunately, I don’t write policy on the basis „any old policy is better than no policy,“ but it so happens ... (There’ll be somebody cursing his head, unable to get this through his skull at some time or another. Probably going to remember this line on the tape and hold it up to me. You probably better cut it out.) But that’s true. Any policy is better than no policy because that is what makes the team. It’s simply the agreement. It’s the extant agreement, and if there isn’t an extant agreement, then you have individualized action.

When you get individualized action, even though this is occasionally very spectacular and very successful – which hangs the auditor in a lose – in a win, you see, and then makes him lose afterwards ... This very spectacular individualization of action within the rest of the team, weirdly enough, even though it occasionally wins a battle, in actual fact does more harm than good. Because it sets an example of breaking policy, which then breaks up the team.

The worst team you ever wanted to see is one composed of „all – stars“ taken at random as the starring players, with spectacular individualities from each of the winning teams of a country. I don’t care what game you’re playing, if you want a really stinking team, get those boys, because they’re running according to the different policies of their different coaches, don’t you see? And they are already, by „all-star“ players, preselected as doing something that was very noticeable, which means they didn’t even follow their own team policy. So now you group all these fellows together in a mess, and each one – each one is magnificent and a collective mess. And they probably could be licked by any little batch of high-school kids on the same game, who were welded together by policy. „When Bill does that, I do this. That’s it. That’s play sixty-four. What’s play sixty-four? Well, when Bill does that, I do this and then Joe does that.“ That’s just policy.

Now, you see, if they were facing some individuals who were very, very good individually, and those individuals they were facing had no policy, do you see that these three guys on the organized team could easily defeat the other team because they’re defeating – there actually, in basketball, would be five men against one, not a team. In other words, each member of an unorganized team – each member of an unorganized team – is standing naked and alone. And so any small group, no matter how small, as long as it’s more numerous than the one, can rather easily defeat one.

So we in Scientology, compared to the world’s population, are a relatively small group. We tend to be a lot of ruddy individualists, which is fine in our private life, but our organizational actions must be coordinated. And if we knitted together our organizational actions and our functions across the world, and we had a good similarity of action, good duplication from organization to organization, and then we grooved this in and put this together very nicely ... Who else on this planet is following policy? Nobody. Even the commies, who are the closest to organized people, have such rifts about policy that nobody knows whether to follow Lenin’s policy or Stalin’s policy or Khrushehev’s policy or the new coexistence policy, see, or the old revolutionary policy – whatever that was. And you probably do not realize that there are about – well, I know – I know myself of three or four brands of communism, and therefore I would say there are probably three or four hundred, you see, because I’m not a – I’m not a – to use a difficult word – a „buff“ on the subject, you know?

You ever hear of a fire buff or a police buff? He’s the fellow, whenever he hears the police sirens, goes out and jumps in his car, you know, and follows the police car. Or he’s the fellow that follows the fire engines to the fire. And he’s – the railroad buff – why, he’s always down looking for old steam engines and so forth, and he’s asking for a ride on the cowcatcher or something like that. „Buff.“ I’m not a communist buff. I don’t – I don’t follow them up very much because it won’t be necessary, see? I just don’t like to become a buff to an impermanent fixture. There’s no future in it. And they’re really not long for this world.

Why? Well, there’s two good reasons why. One, they themselves – they themselves aren’t that good. They’re a temporary Earth civilization. One of these temporary things that goes away in, what? A flicker of an eye and they’re gone, see? Up one minute, down the next. Disappeared. Down-the-drain type of-type of operation. So they couldn’t be going very long, and their duration alone doesn’t make them very worthy as an opponent, see?

They wouldn’t be ... Now, you say, „What do you mean ‘duration – they wouldn’t be here long? They’d be here long enough.“ Well, maybe they’d be here long enough for atomic fission, but we’re working on that one, too.

Now, the point I’m – the point I’m trying to make out is that if you were better organized, and then organizations were better organized, you wouldn’t have to do anything spectacular about the other organizations. Do you follow? This will not, then, engage you in a war with the other organization. We don’t want a war with these organizations. And oddly enough, I have traced every single blowup we’ve had back to a wild departure from policy – very simple, primary, known policy.

Melbourne blew up on the refund policy. They just didn’t follow any part of the refund policy. That’s rather incredible. Our policy is when somebody – somebody isn’t satisfied and so forth and wants his money back, we promptly give him his money back. We also tell him, „Well, you’re through with Scientology,“ but that has nothing more to do with it. We don’t want to stand around taking his money and giving it back and taking his money and giving it back. The devil with that. It’s too hard on the Accounts Department. So we just say, „All right. You’ve had it. There’s your money. Bye-bye.“ And that’s been policy since heck was a pup. And Melbourne didn’t give the man his money back. No-o-o. And when they did give him his money back, they didn’t follow the rest of the policy. They didn’t get a quitclaim from him. So he turned right around and sued them. They gave his money back and he sued them. Pure idiocy. Then, Melbourne is rather expert at departing from policy, and you needn’t cut that off the tape.

That’s where they come a cropper, you see? They are not part of the team. And you will find all the symptoms of individuation present, which is they yammer at the other teams, see? They cuss the other teams out. They’re always getting ARC broke about the other teams, do you see? And they just individuate more and more and more and follow policy less and less and less and all of a sudden they aren’t there anymore, unless somebody intervenes with heavy cavalry.

Now, if we’re going to make our forward progress – we have a lot of good organizations through the world, of which Melbourne is one of them now. (I have now acked them.) The situation is that these are placed in rather strategic areas. They’re placed in strategic areas to spread a sphere of influence.

And when those spheres of influence meet on their own borders, we don’t want them to be different and create a ridge; we want them just to flow smoothly out and meet. You follow? It’s all rigged to do so.

Now therefore, if we are a good team, and if we watch our individual cases, and we come right on up the line as people, as beings, and we also are part of the team, then we won’t get into all the trouble we got into as roaring, screaming individuals way back on the track. In other words, we can make it all the way because we’ve kept order all the way.

Right now we could turn people loose ... It used to dismay me – I’ve already faced this problem – it used to dismay me when I would clean somebody up as a case, and then he’d get into busy-busy-busy activity of some kind or another and go tearing off in a big busyness and not do anything for the forward motion. Because normally he would go out there and he would go for a while and he’d be all right, but after a while, why, he’d sort of cave in – loneliness and other things, you see? This was a bum show. So obviously, then, we weren’t making our way with his case.

So we find out that case stability depends upon the smooth organization of individuals. See? Sensible as that. And then we’ll be able to make it all the way. And without an organizational shove back of that, then the guy goes up, and I don’t care whether it’s a thousand years – I don’t care whether it’s ten years, a thousand years or ten billion years – why, there he is in the theta trap, or there he is going downhill again, or there he is with all this stuff plastered all over his face, and he can’t figure out what it is, and he’s now forgotten how to run 8-C or Touch Assists. Well, you see, it’d be a temporary affair, and like an Earth government, wouldn’t be worth doing.

Now, it isn’t that anybody is trying to weld everybody together to the end of time, but I should say offhand that every person and being, and So on, who is going up with Scientology ought to take Scientology up with him. Seems only fair. And then you’ll find things will work out fairly smoothly and very easily.

Now, what do you fall back on when you come a cropper all by yourself out in the far reaches of this particular planet? What do you fall back on? You fall back on an organization. You fall back on me. How could I be there at all if there wasn’t an organization to take care of the action? Do you see?

So an organization is not a necessary evil or not some reason why, and so forth. The organization is there to serve Scientologists and to handle the thing and the public and spread it out and so forth. There’s lots of reasons why it’s there, but this isn’t a lecture on purposes. But remember that it is a coordinated activity and therefore, it must be very close to flawless. Because once you put one of these things in brass and start it – you know, you put it in concrete and you start it rolling – if it’s almost right, you’ve had it, because it will become an all-devouring monster and fail by the germs of its own destruction. And the thing that destroys almost any organism is its own germs. It’s the things it laid in. It’s the things you did, not what were done to you.

The only way you can come down is for having made a mistake yourself There must always be that prior mistake. Sometimes it’s very slight. Sometimes you couldn’t possibly have hoped to have predicted the action would go the way it went, but it did go in some fantastic tangent to the way you expected it to go from that particular point and you had made a mistake, and there one starts down. You make enough of those things and you’re really going down. But it takes quite a few.

What’s interesting is an organization watching its general income curve go down, doesn’t realize when I look at it I am not looking for a thing that is making it go down. I’m looking for the hundred thousand. I’m looking for the gross errors, but the lots of them. They’re not really ever composed of one major error, one howling, major error. That – if you go around looking for that, you make the same mistake that has been made by every philosopher that I have ever read. He’s made a mistake. It’s contained on this chart. And what’s contained is this:

He says, „What you must have is understanding.“ „What you must have is understanding,“ says the old philosopher. „Now please, please, please, please. What you must have is understanding – “

Boy, that is an error that I myself fell into and have carried on for a very long time, until I was drawing up this org board the other day and recognized the flaw. It’s understandings. It’s plural.

It’s a sort of a trick. You look at something and you’re trying to understand this thing. You’re looking for one big thing to understand. And it isn’t composed of one big thing to understand; it’s got about fifteen or twenty little ones. That’s the biggest – probably the biggest single bug there is in philosophy anywhere – that philosophers looked for understanding. They looked for an understanding. I can tell you quite frankly there’s 265 times 6 separate dynamic urges in man – separate, basic, principal dynamic urges in man. Two hundred and sixty-five times 6. And there’s 265 times 6 times 18 separate causations. Now, the big understanding there is that they exist. And the other understanding is, is it was an effort to make them so numerous that nobody could embrace them.

Well, all right, let’s get to the next point on this org board rather slippily and rapidly. I hope I’ve made my point that there is some necessity for organizational action. It must be smooth; there must be policy.

The next point is that it must be comprehensible. It’s got to be knowable. If there were no system by which it went together, it would put everyone who read it on a memory basis. If it didn’t cross-categorize and if it didn’t do various things, if you weren’t – couldn’t classify various types of communication, various types of duties or functions and so on, it’d just become a madhouse. It’d be chaos itself. So the org board must express the functions, duties, sequences of action and authorities, and boy, that’s a lot to express.

On a two-dimensional board you’re going to express the potential duties, well, of a couple of thousand staff members and bring it down to one staff member. And the one staff member is not going to be any different than the two thousand, two-hundred thousand, two million, two-hundred million, two billion staff members. See? What are we looking at? Boy, that’s a philosophic conundrum, isn’t it? Enough to give you a headache to think of it.

How are you going to take an organization that would accommodate and define and delineate the duties – this was the – this was the principle on which I operated – of two billion staff members and reduce it down to one staff member? Well, actually, when I first started out it would go up to about a hundred staff members. You could get it as big as a hundred before you needed a brand-new org board – and that means the organization would have to be torn apart and thrown away – or you could bring it down to three and that’s as low as you could get it. You could only get it to three.

And I was stuck between three and a hundred or thereabouts. And I said that isn’t good enough, and I started cracking me brains trying to figure out – might as well crack my brains; I don’t want to get damaged myself. So I said – I set myself the artificial problem of making it so that it would go up to two billion (this is totally just theoretical, just so I’d have a bzzzt figure, you know, big) and down to one person. And that was the span of action, duty, function, organization and form.

Well, that’s why you’re going to see people looking at this org board and jamming up things and so forth: because – hold your hat – it gives the cycle of raw meat to OT. It gives the cycle of actions a person would undertake from the public. So it became a public org board too, because the public looking at it enters from the left and proceeds straight on through to the right. That’s all. And it must take care of him properly all the way along the way. It must therefore be the way. It must therefore be the route.

Now, following the laws and principles of how you make a channel and what you do to keep the channel rolling and keep an impulse on the channel: You must of course have an impulse into the channel. The edges of the channel must be held firm. The barriers in the channel must be removed. The noncompliance of forwardings in the channel have to be taken care of, and the distractions must be removed from the borders of the channel. And there must be some place for something going down the channel to arrive at. Must be a place for it to start from and a place for it to arrive at. And we have defined life, and life without that channel won’t exist. That’s livingness. Livingness is going along a certain course, impelled by a purpose and with some place to arrive.

It consists mostly of removing the barriers in the channel, holding the edges firm, ignoring the distractions and reinforcing and reimpelling one’s progress along the channel. That’s life and that’s this org board. It’s dreamed up with malice aforethought to put somebody on it and shove him straight through. It’s rigged – it’s rigged to remove the distractions, reinforce the edges, pick up the barriers, take care of the noncompliance, reimpulse any particle on the line with a place for it to go. It does all these things.

Now not only that, it ‘gives you all the levels that will now exist for the Gradation program; all the levels for the Gradation program. And this is where Clear fell out of the hamper suddenly after all these years. Suddenly took a look at it and found exactly where Clear fitted. Clear is a sort of a baby OT. He hasn’t learned to walk yet, but frankly there’s nothing, nothing to erase between Clear and OT except the physical universe. His next bank, of course, is the physical universe. And I don’t think he’s going to go around and erase that in a hurry, but he could go before it or go after it, couldn’t he? He wouldn’t have to erase it. But that’s a Clear. A Clear is a baby OT. So that occurs on the board. Well, you take a baby; he’s in beautiful condition, but he sure as hell can’t walk. Did you ever notice? You follow?

He Clear as a bell, you know. I mean, you could ring him and he’d gong for hours. Beautiful Condition. He’s got lots of experience if he could only call on it. I ran into this head – on myself. I don’t know if you’ve read the bulletin yet or not. Is it in your hands?

Audience: Yes.

Yeah, all right. I don’t know what you thought about that. Gave you a terrible shock, I imagine.

But a Release, we’ve been looking at release for a long time. It’s very funny. I’ve never been able to get anybody to check out a Release or a Clear. They have big arguments – big arguments about a Release. There’s only one question they had to ask, but they’d never seem to be able to say that anybody was really Release. And big arguments ensued about Clear. Well of course, I had to be within shooting range of this exact position on the forward travel, and so forth, before I could suddenly say, „Ah, for God’s sakes. Ah, what the devil.“ You know? I got all the right answers, and we got the right answers all the way to the top. That’s what’s so funny, you know? Nineteen fifty-fifty-two, Philadelphia Lectures, you know? This is very funny. They tell you all about an OT.

Creation of Human Ability, published here in England ages ago, got the steps in it which you now undertake. Of course, you can’t take those steps with a reactive bank in your road, because it reactivates the bank and the bank shoves you back down again. It’s wild business. You see? So there it was and I looked it right. So I decided, „Well, Ronnie,“ I said, „the only thing you can do is just confess. Just fess up to it. All right, that’s the way it is.“ Because we’ll leave it to the universities to make popularity with data, and we ourselves fare best when we simply tell what we know when we know it. And this is a case in point.

That’s one of these new jet fighters; they’re practicing. Well, we haven’t got any OTs in the class to go up and give him the idea how to land, so we’ll go on.

So these points have to show up on this board. They have to be taken care of on this board, because this board isn’t taking care of one kind of being. It isn’t taking care of thetan-wog-class, spun-in X-2, see? I’ll be a son of a gun if the board isn’t taking care of all of these types of beings. And they’re different types of beings as they go on up the line, don’t you see? They’ll act differently and they’ll behave differently, so therefore we had to move up in the direction of accommodating this fact, and so the easiest way to do that and so forth was simply to express the various stages on the org board itself and match them to the departments of the org board. So you find each department of the org board expresses one of these conditions.

Now, I knew nobody else would want to take the original basic point on the horizontal line, so I did. And that’s the first organization that we ever had in Scientology. And that was the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, and that’s Department One, you see? That’s the Office of L. Ron Hubbard. That’s the old Phoenix, Arizona office I first put together, and it eventually became HASI. Well, what’s more elementary than that? And I tried and figure out what else would go on this, because I knew there was something a bit odd here, and so on, and I suddenly realized we had forgotten a piece of our own track – in Scientology track. And that was the first organization of Scientology, and strangely enough, it is still functioning. It functions just exactly like that.

And when we tried to straighten out Saint Hill here the other day, we found out that the only things wrong – I found out, the only things going wrong here in my perimeter is that the lines which are always in on the Office of L. Ron Hubbard never had been connected at Saint Hill. But they were trying to go in all the time, but nobody had connected them up. There’s always an LRH Communicator, and he normally – he has lots of multitudinous duties of one kind or another. And the – such a person – such a person has a lot of things to do. And this person has – well, he handles signatures for one thing, and authorities and signatures. And you’ll see these things coming in, and they’re typed up in various parts of the organization. They’re scattered all over the organization.

People wonder, „Well, how long am I going to have this line?“ You know? „It doesn’t seem to belong...“ Well, it belongs in the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, of course. It’s a letter written up for my signature, or it’s a certificate for my signature, or it’s something else for my signature. That’s just one of these many functions, see? There are a whole bunch of these little things. There is „Where is my file of policy letters,“ don’t you see? There’s that kind of a function. There’s all kinds of little functions of this particular character that doing without them and scattering them around the organization elsewhere winds everybody kind of up in the soup.

Now, therefore, that stuff is all corralled and that’s under the first department. But the main thing to know about the first department is that it is an issuance of conditions. We have some conditions now which are hung around people’s heads because – for this excellent reason: that if they exceed a Condition, if they try to be in one Condition when they’re in another condition ...

I’ll give you an idea. They try to be in a Condition of Emergency when they’re in a Condition, let us say, of Affluence – you know, they got lots of money, and they try to act like they’re in a Condition of Emergency, they will very shortly be in a Condition of Emergency. Do you see? And reversely, weirdly enough, if they are – try to be in a Condition of Affluence while they’re in a Condition of Emergency, boy, will they be in a Condition of Emergency.

I found a whole bunch of formulas here of one kind or another which regulate the steps which should be taken – these are basic policy – they regulate the steps that should be taken for any given Condition of an organization or its department. So the name of that area is Conditions, and that’s the point of conditions. And that announces conditions, but of course, if you Hobson-Jobson this around, when somebody comes in, what does he tell you about? He tells you about conditions. He tells you about his conditions, or he tells you about the conditions of the world. He’s always got a Condition in mind. And that’s what lies from there off the board into raw meat, you see?

You have – the first cognition is that there is a Condition. That’s the first thing a person has got to learn: that there is a Condition. The world is drifting around; they think there are lots of people who take care of the mind, and they think there are lots of doctors around that heal everything, you know, and they think there are governments that are taking care of their citizens. They’re in some happy little theetie-weetie dream, you know? And they’ve never really looked at the conditions, you see? This guy is going around and he isn’t the least bit aware of his own Condition. Not even the least bit aware of his own Condition. You know what’s going to happen to him? Do you realize that very shortly he’ll be dead? That’s the Condition he’s in. He’s going to die. And do you know that you could look somebody right straight between the eyes and tell that with the greatest of truth. He’s going to die. It seems so ordinary to a human being that he should die that it doesn’t ever occur to him as a Condition. It’s a Condition of his day-to-day life. He’s getting older, so he’s going to die.

When you say this to somebody, it puts him into a little bit of a state of shock. You say, „You’re going to die. That’s the Condition you’re in. You’re going to die.“ And do you know the whole medical profession and all insurance companies have built all of their business on that one statement: „You’re going to die.“ That’s the Condition. That’s the Condition of the human race.

So it actually goes from death, see, into the first part of our board, which is, we say, „At this point of the board it’s not necessarily true that you’re going to die. Yes, well, if you keep on going the way you are, you’re going to die; but it’s not necessarily true at this part of the board. You don’t have to die. And that’s a Condition of Scientology, see? You don’t have to get sick, and these things don’t have to happen to you. In other words, conditions can be bettered.“ You get somebody to realize his condition and so forth.

So we get a whole new battery of processes, by the way, that come out underneath this thing that we’ve always taken for granted and which has made it difficult for us to sell the individual Scientology. And by applying those various processes, you, becoming accomplished in these things, will be able to walk out on the street and tag somebody. And it doesn’t matter whether you tag him or he tags you, why, in short order, if you handle this thing right, you’re just looking at a Scientologist right there. Because what have you done? You’ve put him into the first condition, which is a realization that such a thing as Scientology exists, and that’s the first condition you’re trying to establish in a being. And it gives you the drill of exactly how you do this to anybody, whether he’s a paranoid or a nut. And the only person you wouldn’t convince and so forth would be somebody who was utterly unconscious, like a psychiatrist. Now – the fellow is too far gone. You can’t talk to a dead man about it because he isn’t there.

Now, this isn’t a matter of death. These conditions can be very high. And the funny part of it is that all processing from that point there on always contains a condition. This is, then, in common to the remainder of the chart. So as you move in from left to right, this one always carries along slightly with it.

But after you’ve had a condition, what have you got to do? Well, an old-time auditor like you ought to know you’d better communicate with it, so that is our next department. And we have the Department of Communications, and the name of the level is communications. That’s all.

Now that we’ve got the guy so he knows a condition and he can communicate, he can now find out some more by perceiving. So the next point is perception. The next department must be perception, and that is the Department of Inspections and Reports. Elementary. If you think it over for a moment, you’ll find out that communication must precede perception. Very, very delicate little point here.

Now the next line after this is orientation. After you’ve perceived, you know where you are. So you have something known as orientation. You can orient yourself. If you’re ever having a nightmare, all you’ve got to do is open one eye and find out where you are, and you cease to have the nightmare. Most elementary process I know of And so it is in life. This fellow comes along and he’s been having nightmares up to this point that he calls life. And he then, being aware that conditions can exist, and being able to communicate with those conditions, perceives, and so orients himself and finds out that he has been living in a thing called a nightmare. You see he would, just like that. So that these earlier stages, now, are walking along with us, see? We haven’t met this next one yet, but there it is.

In the next step, after one has achieved orientation, is of course understandings. But orientation weirdly enough is the Department of Compilation. After you see where you are, you note it down. After you put a few of these notes together and so forth, they add up to a compilation of orientation, and you can hand them to people and they can orient themselves, don’t you see? But you can’t hand them to people without understandings. You’ve got to compile them into understandings, do you see? Organizationally we’re tracking. You get – I’m subtly shifting from case to organization, don’t you see?

Understandings, of course, is what else but the Department of Publications. They would, of course, publish what’s to be understood. Do you follow?

But a preclear – he had run into a condition, he communicated with it, perceived what it was, oriented himself in it, now he would understand it. So his level at this point would be understandings. He would be able to attain understandings, and not, for God’s sakes any more – please, we’ve had the error too long – he doesn’t attain at that point understanding. He unders – he gets understandings. And his understandings, of course, have been compiled under orientation: He took notes and he put them all together and they became understandings. Well, of course, they can become published. He can now say, „Look what I understood.“ He can now tell people what he understood. He can now tell himself what he understood. And I think that’s all understanding is, is telling yourself

So, we now run into the next department, which is really the Department of Promotion, called Department of Prom-Reg – Promotion and Registration. And that’s Prom-Reg, but what do you guess it’s under? It’s under purposes. That’s all a Prom-Reg ever handles, by the way. They’re handling people’s purposes. If they ever handle anything else but their purposes, they’re in trouble. If they don’t alter, change, shift or enforce purposes, they don’t ever get anybody to appear anyplace on a course or in an organization. As far as the pc is concerned, why, he has arrived at purposes.

And if you count these very carefully, conditions is one, communications two, perception is three, orientation four, understandings is five and purposes is six; which puts our PE and HAS off the chart where it belongs and reorients by taking advantage of the missing five that we had without changing anything but a few class numbers, gives us our same certificate scale and holds stability on R6, which everybody knows most. They don’t pay much attention to the rest of the numbers, but R6 they do pay attention to.

And Department of Prom-Reg is the sixth department, and it also happens to be the sixth level and it’s also the sixth grade, which – that’s the sixth pc grade, and that’s the sixth auditor grade, don’t you see? And what has he achieved at that point? Well, he’s gotten rid of all the false purposes and he knows what his purposes are. And he’s achieved a state of Clear. Now, that’s all HCO. We have got no further now than HCO. And HCO is a double-barreled-department division and it’s the only one there is.

I’ll track back. There are numerous other of these things, but I’ll have to cut you in on what this is all about here. And the numerous othernesses of all this is that HCO has always had a post called HCO Dissem Sec – HCO Dissemination Secretary. And the HCO Secretary takes care of the conditions, communications and perception. In other words, takes care of the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, the Department of Communications – that’s everybody in the org’s communications, not just HCO – and the Department of Inspection and Reports, which includes of course OIC and cable data and justice and Committees of Evidence and lawyers and – anything that you would inspect and report on, see, is contained in that area. So it’s very easy to understand what is grouped under that.

You’ll see somebody studying this board wondering where something goes and then all of a sudden he goes clink. Well, of course, it couldn’t go anyplace but there, and sure enough it goes there. In other words, it’s a board that lends itself to understandings.

So the Dissem See takes over at the Department of Orientation. The HCO Dissem Sec takes over at the Department of Orientation and has the remaining three departments which are, of course, Compilation, Publications and Promotion. Now, frankly, you could say, „Well, why do we call all that HCO?“ Well, actually it can’t work by itself because the original formula which led us into Scientology was, having known the conditions, I found it was necessary to communicate with them in order to perceive, orient myself in them, and with the resulting understandings find out what my purpose really was.

And so that was a formula, and it was the original formula by which we moved in. But I have put the thing in order, not as it was expressed at that time – it was expressed nearly like that – but I put the thing in order so that it is clarified. So if it led to this much technology, it must have been a whale of a purpose. Must have been quite a purpose in itself, and to knock it out at this particular time would probably be to knock the whole basis out from underneath everything. So we keep that as HCO, and we say that’s all HCO. But HCO now has two secretaries, but one is not the HCO Secretary. She’s still top dog. You’ve got the HCO Dissem Secretary taking care over Department of Compilations and having three departments under her.

Now, the three departments, the first three departments under the HCO Secretary, are Division One. That’s Division One, and that simply means communications. That’s their speciality because it’s the center action of it, and that’s the communications division, but you would call it the HCO Division merely because we know it as that over long periods of time.

Now the next one, Division Two, which takes care of the Department of Compilation, Publications and Promotion, would be the Dissemination Division – Division. Dissemination Division. The division has three departments. Now, you’ll see the purpose for these very shortly.

Now, there are six of these divisions. That’s a lot of them. And we’re going to find something very weird that they missed way back on the trackspace operaesque. I will explain to you what it is. It’s a staggerer. And that is, all you’ve got to do is cross two divisions on a hat, and from that point on, you have jammed the ability of the organization to expand. And that is the secret.

To the degree that you then cross hats on this chart – that is to say, somebody tries to wear a hat of Division Two and a hat of Division Four – if you carefully, in actual experience, look over the thing very carefully and wonder why in the name of God everything is going to pieces and everybody seems to be very upset and so forth, you look over the org board very fast and you’ll see that Josie Ann is on HCO Dissemination and also on Field Activities. And that seemed logical to somebody, but somehow or another it is absolutely jammed into a horrible mess. And you go in and look at her basket, their comm station, and you will find out that it is stacked so you just can’t see over it. The lines lock at these points and six is irreducible.

Actually the six is irreducible. You can’t call it really an organization until it has six people in it, one for each division. And the degree that it won’t expand is the degree that you cross those divisional hats. And when an organization gets just so big, you cross departmental hats at your peril. When it’s very small, you can cross departmental hats; but when it gets very big or just mediumly big, you start crossing departmental hats, you’ll find out that all the traffic is piling up at that point. They’re just making a horrible logjam.

In other words, what I’m talking about here is we’ve got six separate activities and these separate activities – as you look into them – these separate activities go on a basis of... Your first one is communication. Now, if you don’t have – see, that’s Division One (we call it HCO) – you don’t have communication, why, you’re in pretty bad trouble. Have you ever noticed anybody who was out of communication? I think that you very possibly have used the word occasionally. Well, he’s in pretty bad shape. But if somebody doesn’t disseminate at all, they never put out, they could be in communication but they never give out anything. They would talk to you, but they never give anything out, one way or the other. You’d find that was pretty bad, and they’d be pretty sick. So that’s actually One and that’s Two. Dissemination, then, would be Two.

And then if we look this over very carefully, if somebody isn’t neating the organization together, if there isn’t an Organization Division, there’s nobody looking after the organization. Well, the organization then wouldn’t be there. It’d just be these other divisions floating out into the air, you see? So you’ve got to have an Organization Division and that’s Three.

And – I want to write it big enough so that you can see it, or I’d string them all out in one line the way they should be.

And you then come in here and you’ve got to have a – you’ve got to have a Technical Division, because that’s what we’re in. That’s the know-how. And even if you were making beans or spaghetti, you’d still have to have a Technical Division. Why? Because this is the – this is what you do! It isn’t what you know. That’s clear back up in the other line, see? But it’s what you do. That’s the technical activity, and we’re particularly in technical, so therefore, it’s the doingness of the technical, not the technical sitting there all by itself, don’t you see? And that, of course, is Four.

And your next lineup, immediately after your technical, is the point that has been missed in all org charts on this planet and back to eighty trillion years ago. You can’t make a product – just make a product. That is not possible. Times change, things alter. You can’t just say it’s a product. And nobody does, oddly enough, but they don’t have it on their org boards. And sooner or later they neglect it. They’ve got to qualify the product. Got to qualify it. They’ve got to say, „This is how it behaves, and this is what it does,“ and then they got to go back and straighten up in the manufacture of the product anything that went wrong in making the product that made it fall down in qualification so that it couldn’t meet the conditions which it was going to be used under. Do you see? So this was an absolutely vital step.

And no factory actually does miss this. When they do miss this, they’ve had it. They keep pouring out automobiles. I think – I think once in a while ... The Lincoln, the Lincoln car of – I think it was about the 58 model or the 59 model – this was missing. And they sold those things madly (to important people, too, because it took that much to buy it), and just gave themselves the worst name you ever heard of, because out that thing went, and its electrical connections promptly started failing all over the place. It had never had any inspection on put-together, and the distributors hadn’t got this step on their org board in their garages, and so on, out through the country, so they filled up their service bays and showrooms with non-running Lincolns. You couldn’t repair any Lincoln because all the Lincolns they’d sold had come back. Nothing could move on the line because, the qualification step having been missing, you now had the whole product unmoving. Even if it did go out, it was rejected. So they left this up to the public; so the public was doing this step. You see, somebody had to wear the hat. You follow that? And inevitably somebody has to wear the hat if it’s missing on these things. It’s very, very amusing. So that’s your Qualifications Division, and it – I’ll go into what composes it, but that’s the outfit that takes care of that little step.

And then you’ve got here your Distribution Division which is Six. And it’s very funny that we would have a Distribution Division. That sounds very weird, because you have to make up your mind what we’re distributing.

And it’s very amusing. You go over this lineup – I mean the stuff I’ve been over here the last few weeks – I say it cracked my brain. I didn’t want to get in the road of it. Spare myself Just fantastic numbers of small points that would keep coming up and have to be answered, like „What do we as Scientologists make?“ „What do we produce?“ „Are we – is an organization marketing Scientologists?“ And you know, it’s not! It’s not even vaguely. An organization is simply selling Scientology.

And you say, „Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Then what is Scientology?“

Scientology is the ability to change conditions. Pretty interesting, isn’t it? You got that? Scientology is the ability to change conditions; the technology of how you change conditions. That’s it. And we’ve been wearing that by changing Scientology.

Now, I hate to put it into this kind of category and so forth, but if we were selling soap powder and somebody said, „Well, what’s this do?“ Let’s say that he was a bog-wog out from the wog-bogs, and – bogwalker from the middle of Bogtown – and he said, „What’s this stuff do? It’s pretty. It’s kind of sticky to the hand, and what’s it do?“ and so forth.

And you say, „It is a marvelous preparation!“

„Yeah,“ he says, „What’s it do?“ and so forth.

And you say, „It’s beautiful. It’s very beneficial.“

He says, „What’s it do?“

We have to tell him eventually that it is something that changes shirts from dirty shirts to clean shirts. And we would only miss if he didn’t know that a clean shirt was desirable. And out in the public we’re dealing with a bunch of very dirty wogs. They don’t know that a clean shirt is desirable. Before something can be sold, it has to be able to do something. Well, we know a lot of things Scientology can do, but a lump-sum statement of what it can do comes back from the beginning of this channel that we go through here. It can change conditions.

It’s pretty interesting because anything that could change any conditions anywhere would have to be a very, very well regulated group because it’d tend to fly to pieces with the greatest of ease. We’d have to be able to be a group so that we could decide amongst us what conditions were to be changed eventually. And if we ourselves didn’t decide this but we all went off individually changing conditions, it would look pretty chaotic. Because the weird part of it is, is we’ve got in our hands the universal solvent. It’ll dissolve anything.

Well, what do we put it in? Well, we’d better put it into an organizational form and decide what we’re going to dissolve with it, because we are the only things that could hold it. Nothing else could. We’re the only things that could carry it, hold it, handle it or do anything else with it.

What’s very hard for people to see, then, is they haven’t got the flakes of soap. But it could be described to them very easily. But you’d first have to, in the Department of Condition, indicate to them that clean shirts were desirable. „Today’s man wears clean shirts!“ You got that?

And do you know you have numerous agencies propagandizing just the reverse in the field of the mind? „Be glad you have a dirty mind! All artistic impulses come from your dirty mind! Buy our dirty minds!“ It’s quite remarkable, but it’s true. There’s books right out there on the stands at Smith’s that – you can at least order them through Smith’s – selling you the idea of how marvelous it is to be nuts. Man’s halfway bought the idea, so we’ve got a long way to start.

I remember some Scientologist that was working down in the middle of Africa ... The main point is to know where you start. When you know where you start, you can promptly start. You get the idea?

Some Scientologist working down in the middle of Africa in soil conservation, so forth, finally found out what was wrong with the soil conservation program – is, the natives to which the government was seeking to teach soil Conservation didn’t know that soil Conservation had any value of any kind. Soil conservation – the preservation of their land – had to be sold to them because they were a nomad tribe, and they had already had a solution to it. Every time the soil unconserved, you moved. And they didn’t recognize they were running out of Africa to move into. So that had to be taught to them. But that couldn’t be taught to them because they were out of communication. So you had to play the Condition against the communication against the condition against the communication, and you all of a sudden got somewhere. And they were able to move up the program.

But it was basically a condition – condition had not been seen, viewed, indicated, felt, experienced. But at that level, it sort of has to be by osmosis. You see, you haven’t got much communication. That’s what takes genius, you see? You haven’t got much communication, you haven’t got much perception involved with the thing and yet somehow or another – this is what you are up against, you see – somehow or another you’ve got to get through to the bloke that clean shirts are desirable. Do you follow that?

Well, it’s very funny, to – very, very amusing if you come right down to it, to compare Scientology to a box of soap. But let me tell you something: If you were trying to sell the Kohinoor diamond, you had certainly better get into the marts of trade and find out how they’re purveyed. Just how would somebody go about selling anything Do you see? How would you disseminate anything? How would you handle anything? You would have to figure out what the lines were, not in the marts of trade but just what existed amongst man. You’d have to be quite real, otherwise you’d be sitting in a little island, completely divorced from the rest of existence – a very undesirable Condition. How many auditors are sitting around the world right now in little islands, totally enclosed and barricaded against the world one way or the other for not being able to communicate, see? All you’ve got to do is show them how to indicate – to the wog or anyone – how to indicate that a Condition of clean shirts is desirable, see? And then show them org board, clean shirt – pzoom.

And they say, „Hey-y-y.“

And you wait. Somebody will be rushing in to tell you, „I just had the damnedest idea. Do you know what I’ve just found out? Huh. You know, when you talk to people it makes a difference.“

Big four-star ... And now you’ll know what you’ve been trying to process, see? It’s worse than this. I’ll tell you more about it very rapidly here.

But these are your divisions. These are your six divisions, and those six divisions add up in this particular direction. If you cross any of these lines, if you cross two of these lines, if you’ve got communication-dissemination crossing, I assure you that your dissemination out is going to block your communication in. If you had all of your mailings, for instance, running only on your org despatch lines you’re not going to – not going to hear from anybody. So your dissemination would have been in vain.

Now, when it comes to organization, if there isn’t somebody holding the organization there financially, mest-wise, its buildings and that sort of thing, you’re going to be in trouble, that’s for sure, because there’s going to be no place to sit. Now, that doesn’t bother an OT, but this organization also contains, at its left-hand end, raw meat, and they sit down.

Now, if you don’t produce anything – if you don’t produce anything – and there’s no activity going on this thing, you never wind up with anything to distribute. That’s obvious. But here, if you don’t look over the qualifications of what you’re distributing and so forth, you’ll wind up with no distribution either. But the funny part of it is that every time you let a person who trains students examine them, something goes wrong. One of the oldest policies we have. So we can’t cross those two divisions.

Once more in this, let’s suppose this fellow, this fellow was crossed entirely with technical. You know, the Distribution Division made up all of the product. I don’t think they’d distribute anything. Furthermore, if this fellow wasn’t actually a Distribution Division and so forth, he would change the product. Do you see? So actually over here he’s got to hold that product just as it is. That’s what he is distributing. That’s what’s coming off the assembly line and that’s what he’s distributing. Do you see? And so that’s got to be a held standard and a distributed action.

Now this, oddly enough, you could – if you understood this thing from A to izzard – you could probably walk into Gestetner’s or Standard Oil or something and start explaining this to some executive, and there’d be further executives and the vice-presidents and general managers, and you would stand about eighteen ranks deep in their top officers before you stood up. Because they look at this stuff and they say, „Oh, my God.“ You know? „Oh, my God, yes. Oh, yes!“

Well now, what’s all this, „Oh, yes?“ You can take your own life on this org board – you can take your own life, all the (this isn’t a completed org board) – you can take your own life and you can find out what one of your divisions is missing. You, personally! See? What one of your divisions is missing? Is it your Dissemination Division? Well, what does dissemination add up to with you? I don’t know, but you can reinterpret it into your own actions. Your Organization Division, maybe that’s missing. You know, everything is all chaotic, or maybe your Technical Division, your service or action or production, or what you’re producing. Maybe you’re not making anything. Maybe you’re distributing nothing that you have made. Don’t you see? Your Production Division or – which is about the same as your Technical here. This is just Hobson-Jobsoned over into the Scientology organization, don’t you see? But this is activity.

Now, your next one over here, maybe you’re not qualifying what you make. Maybe you don’t say, or maybe you don’t pick it up as it comes off the line, say, „That rings, that’s a good one,“ you know? „That rings, that’s a good one.“ Maybe you aren’t qualifying anything you are doing, don’t you see? Maybe as it comes down the line, you say, „That rings,“ and it doesn’t ring at all, and you don’t have any place to put it. You wind up wearing nothing but bum things that don’t ring.

And then after you’ve got a product – after you’ve got a product – do you know that some people don’t distribute it? You know, they leave it right there. If you ever want to see somebody get stacked up, it’s somebody whose Distribution Division is out. And that’s pretty catastrophic.

Now, just to go over this very rapidly – and this probably really is several lectures – we got here – we got up as far as purposes, and that was the level six. But the rest of the lineup I will just read rapidly. There is the Department of the Organization. It takes care of financial planning, it takes care of papers and that sort of thing, and balance sheets and records and inventories and all that sort of thing. And then you’ve got your Department of Finance (our old Department of Accounts) and so on. But what is this thing, Department of the Organization? Now what part of existence does it occupy? Well, it occupies direction, of course. After you – but by level, after you’ve got purposes all cared for, boy can you have direction. Interesting, isn’t it?

And then when we’ve got the direction cared for, why, direction, going in any direction, requires energy or makes energy, and so energy is your Department of Finance in an organization here. And then, the funny part of it is that do you know you have to apply energy to a body to make the body work something in order to get activity. Some way or another you’ve got to apply your energy to something, so the body of the organization is the Department of Materiel. Elementary, but that holds all the buildings and places and repairs them and cleans them and cares for things and of course personnel, as a body, is materiel. Not as a thetan, but as a body they’re materiel. So you have to feed them and house them and do various things like that.

Now we get into – there’s a missing point here which has got to be drawn in – this is Estimation. And do you know that anybody who engages in activity (which is the next step) without estimation is in a hell of a time. Did you ever try to engage in an activity without estimating Just try it sometime. Reach for doorknobs that aren’t there, step for step landings which are one step up from where you thought they were. You’re going to have an awful time very shortly.

So you’ve got to have body, estimation, activity. And by getting body, estimation, activity, production, you determine a result. You don’t determine a product. In other words, after the body has acted – you see, after you’ve estimated and it’s acted – what are you going to get? You’re going to get a result. Why are you going to get a result? You – why don’t you get a product? Well, that’s the mistake people make. They think that they get a product. They don’t get a product at that stage, they get a result, you see? So here’s your result and now we’ve got to have – and this title here Hobson-Jobsons around – we’ve got perfection or correction. It could be either way, but correction isn’t quite it. We actually have, at this point, review. We’ve got to review this thing. And after we’ve gotten through with reviewing it, we then have a product.

Now, we’ve got a product. And what do we do with a product? Well, you know, you could have a product and not do anything with it, as I said before, so we have to clear it. And that is the wildest pun that is on this board because, of course, clearing really belongs clear down here. That’s OT. But we have to have it there because that action is a case, because at that point we had better start clearing somebody else. And that’s what starts the whole thing over again. So it’s a self-feeding, circular machine, not a flat one. You follow? We get our Field Staff Member system and so forth. So clearing the product, we get more to clear. So that, of course, is the Department of Clearing.

Now, any function which we have ever had fits rather neatly in this structure. We can put it almost down with the greatest of ease. There’s more can be said about this. It can be written up more precisely. Probably be able to read it for a long time. But the funny part of it is, you can take this level, this conditions, communication, perception, orientation, understandings, purpose, direction, energy, body, activity, production, result, review, product, clearing – you can take that one brrrrrt and you can analyze whether you’re doing good or bad. You can take that and you can say, „How – where are my activities falling down? Where are my activities falling down?“ And you just take that, brrrrrr, and you’ll spot one, and you’ll be very happy with it until the following day when you find out you hadn’t paid any attention to that one. And the next thing you know, it has done a complete analysis for you of the life you are living and what you’re doing. And it’s just as neat ...

And if you’re holding a post or something of that sort – do you see, that would straighten up your life, if – and even on – life on a job – but if you were holding down a post, you weirdly enough would have to have here the departmental functions. You, an individual, would have to have each one of the departmental functions in order to get rolling. So the figure on this is six, sixteen. Six, sixteen. There are six divisions; there are sixteen departments, and so each department then has primarily six sections with sixteen subsections, each one of which now may have six divisions with sixteen subdivisions. But it doesn’t matter whether you have a staff member, a department, a section, a division, a little unit detached out to take care of the Swami Bami Hospital that the medical profession has just surrendered. There are still stethoscopes and uncoiled bandages lying down on the front lawn from the battle that was fought there, and they’ve surrendered, and you send a little unit over to take care of this place, you see?

You’re going to be able to barely get away with it if you detach somebody from Divisions One and Two, another somebody from Divisions Three and Four and another somebody from Divisions Five and Six. Their lines are going to jam very shortly, but you could just get away with it. It’s a good temporary hit-and-miss proposition, but the funny part of it is you really – to hold the place – you’re going to have to have six people there. You’re going to have to have Division One, Division Two, Division Three, Division Four, Division Five and Division Six represented. You will see how that works out. But if you’re going to hold it any length of time and so forth, and if you’re actually going to have a going concern, then you’re going to have to have their proper departments underneath those divisions. Otherwise you start going mad.

And then if you’re going to hold it for a long time and it’s going to expand, well then, by George, you’re going to have to have the six subsections under each department. And then if you’re really going to go for broke, you’re going to have to add the sixteen factor underneath that. In other words, the whole board goes crisscross. It’s always the same board; it always expands in exactly the same direction, and you have actually six divisional hats. You have six divisional hats and each divisional hat knows all the departmental hats. You can train anybody in on this, and you can train people in with a little bit on the other divisions and a great deal on his own division. It only gives us six hats, with of course one staff member hat.

And that is the organization that’s going to carry us along the line. Now, it’s – you say it hadn’t been released. Well, it’s been released. We’ve been working on it for fifteen years. And we had a ball in putting this thing together, and we know more about organization than we can shake a stick at. We’ve tried practically every form known to man, and in putting this thing together, ways we have jammed, the mistakes we have made are just suddenly coming into view as exactly why they were made and so on.

This is going to be put together and will be released as an actual org board in the near, very near future. And we’d put it out like this: it’s going to have classes of orgs, and that merely depends – we have solved the thing. We say there are two admin members for every tech member, and that is how big the organization can be.

You can put two admin on for every tech you put on and if you just keep that up, then it gets up – a certain number of people, gives you a certain class of org, don’t you see – but then you just say, „Everybody below you and every function below you is – you’re responsible for.“ We don’t say there are missing hats in this organization; we say, „Every hat below you, you’re responsible for. Every empty hat below you, you’re responsible for at any given time.“ So it wouldn’t matter how big the board got; every hat below them, don’t you see?

We’ve only got one HCO Secretary. She’s got three departments under her. God knows, how many other things. And you say, „See all those functions? They’re yours.“ She eventually will get somebody to handle one, and the functions below that person, don’t you see, and the functions below that. So it’s very simple to work out who, what is where. And it’s a functional board, and it crisscrosses, and it should work out rather smoothly.

Be posted here, by the way, in a matter of about thirty days in most organizations. But you will see the public around taking a look at it. And may I recommend to you this org board. May I recommend to you – look over its sixteen departmental significances with regard to your own life and look over the sixteen departments with regard to what you are doing in life. And I think you are ready for a lot of cognitions.

Now you say, „What happens above Clear?“

Well, actually an OT goes through all those upper stages.

Thank you very much.