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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demonstration of E-Meter (HCL-02a) - L520303c | Сравнить
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CONTENTS HCL-2 OUTLINE OF THERAPY Cохранить документ себе Скачать



Демонстрация, проведенная 3 марта 1952 года(original title "Introduction to Scientology")
A lecture given on 3 March 1952
LRH: We were talking about the left and the right side and all of that sort of thing. I want to show you... Did you shift when I asked you to, from one.(Based on the transcript in new R&D 10 and compared against a reel-to-reel tape copy rerecorded 1973 by the Flag Audio Unit on the Apollo)
ЛРХ: Мы говорили о левой и правой сторонах и обо всем таком. Я хочу показать вам... Вы переместились, когда я попросил вас об этом, из одной...

I'd like to give you now an outline of therapy: what therapy is, its component parts and what you have to know in order to accomplish a therapeutic result on an individual.

PC: Yes.

A person who knew Scientology completely and knew it well would be able to predict the reaction of any human being around him with good accuracy. He would know what that person was going to do next. In addition to that, he could cause this person to do actions, which this person would not be really aware of the fact that he was being "effected" to such a degree.

ПК: Да.

For instance, a gentleman on the staff has found out that there is no difficulty in accomplishing the cooperation of a businessman; there's just a little formula you go through. That's all, you go through this formula and you get the reaction - bang! There's nothing to this. It's very simple.

Another thing: A slight estimation of the individual on a Tone Scale shows you how to talk to an individual so that you get agreement with him.

LRH: ... side of your body to the other? Which side of your body are you on now?

So, processed or not, Scientology has various ends. Out of Scientology you could formulate, for instance, a very fine type of "thought warfare" which - much better than an atom bomb. No, an atom bomb just kills people, but you could take - in "thought warfare" you could enslave them utterly. You could - you'd make complete slaves out of them, with a very simple contraption - very simple.

ЛРХ: ...стороны тела в другую? С какой стороны вашего тела вы теперь находитесь?

We're doing it the honest way in Scientology, because with a very simple contraption, with the greatest of ease, we could go around and anybody who was opposing Scientology would all of a sudden start being madly, insanely in favor of it. But that's the easy way to do it, and that's what's wrong with the race, is everybody has tried it the easy way control, restraint, more engrams, more punishment.

Let's make man free. And when we make man free, we find out what he consists of. And we find out that he is cooperative, that he will compute automatically for the greatest good of the greatest number. Democracy was an idealistic hope that this might be.

PC: Right side.

Now, your Scientologist, quite in addition to this, should be able to handle education. It's very strange, but in an organization such as a public school, little school kids respond immediately the second that you begin to tell them a little bit about Scientology. You can open their recalls. You can show them they have recalls. They say, "Yes, I know this." You can teach them how to go back and look at the arithmetic book, pick up the formulas. You can teach them how to remember. You can teach them what pitfalls to avoid in education and so on, quite rapidly, So that in a very short space of time you have an educated child who is able to use his education.

ПК: С правой стороны.

Why is it that our great institutions of learning today are failing to educate! I don't believe there's one in the United States today that will not tell you that it knows full well it is failing to educate. The whole field of education is embraced in this.

An individual's happiness is very much a point in therapy. There's - exist in Scientology numerous techniques, at this time just dozens of techniques, by which an individual can be picked up and made to feel cheerful. It was a test - actually a test which was leveled often in the days of William James - of a science, whether or not it could make a person laugh at will or feel sad at will. You can do that with Scientology, You can make people feel sad or you can make them feel happy at will - if you know how. It's not much of a trick.

LRH: On the right side. How about shifting over to the left side? (pause) Made it.

In addition to that, you can go into a company or an industry or a nation and find out why it is not running well, find out where it will go wrong and what will happen to it. You can predict what will happen to it and you can remedy what is happening to it.

ЛРХ: С правой стороны. Как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в левую сторону? (пауза) Готово.

Now, all of these fields are a little bit beyond what we are trying to do here. What we are trying to do is something very, very specific. We're trying to get up to Milestone One.

Now, the way we get there is by using, first, what we call light techniques, making the person acquainted with the ability of his mind. And the next step is with heavier techniques, and these are directed immediately and accurately at one incident only. We may have to brush off a few other incidents before we get to this one incident, but once we're there, we just run it out according to the practice and application of Thought, Emotion and Effort Processing.

PC: Yep.

Now, our goal, then, in learning this is to be able to run incident one. And this course is designed to do just that, precisely that - really, nothing more than that.

ПК: Да.

Now, the first thing we have to know is that the mind exists. We're dealing with entities here. The tools which we need to hecome acquainted with are (1) the mind as an operating mechanism and (2) with the physical universe as an operating mechanism. These are the two things we are dealing with. A human thought and life itself are quite similar. In fact, they're the same order of being. And thought is simply beingness.

To start right out in full rush, we find thought has no wavelength.

LRH: Okay. Now how about shifting into the center? (pause) Made it.

New discovery. It's a true static, in other words. Therefore it has no capacity; therefore it has no limit of recording material; therefore it has no limit of time; therefore it is at all times - all the time.

ЛРХ: Хорошо. Теперь как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в центр? (пауза) Готово.

It's fascinating to find in existence in a material universe, something so immaterial that it does not have a wavelength, it does not have shape, it does not have size, it doesn't occupy space, it doesn't have energy - it has none of these things. And yet it has the potential and capability of recording the physical universe and using the physical universe against the physical universe. And that is actually life. It can animate and control matter, energy, space and even time.

Life is this potential, then, which as far as the physical universe is concerned, is actually just a little bit more than the physical universe - or certainly less than, It's beyond the physical universe. It is something which cannot be included in the physical universe since it possesses none of the characteristics of the physical universe, any more than you would say that that mirror there is the room.

PC: Sure did. (laugh)

Now, that mirror would be thought recording the physical universe. That mirror is clear. It actually is physical universe and it's doing it in terms of light waves. But as soon as you tried to walk through that mirror and go into the room which you see there, well, you'll find out that room wouldn't exist. It's just shadow; it's illusion. And yet obviously it does. You look at it and it exists.

ПК: Безусловно. (смеется)

The magician and others very heavily capitalize upon this manifestation. A magician shows you that he can handle oddly, in queer ways, space and time. He shows you a hat, and then he puts the hat down and he shows it to you again - there's a rabbit in it. Well, a rabbit is an entity in an empty space called a hat, but now the rabbit is there. He's doing strange things with space and time.

So the second that an individual beholds another person doing something with - strange with space and time, he will accord to that person the status of a sort of a godliness - that person's life. Therefore, your magician handles fire, he handles energy - he handles these things much to the bemusement and amazement of anyone. Actually, he doesn't even need the props of the physical universe in order to accomplish these manifestations, but stage magicians being what they are, they do use props and it's just an illusion.

LRH: Okay. How about shifting into your stomach? (pause) Okay? Made it. Good! All right. Now, let's shift over to the right side again. Shift over to the right side again. Now, I'm asking the right side this question. Give me a yes or no on just a flash, when – will snap my finger, is that all right with you? All right. I want a yes or no from the right side on this question: Is the right side a man? (snap)

But here's thought. That is, in essence, what thought's doing. Thought can reach out and pick up - in space and time - can pick up energy and matter and mobilize it. And so thought reaches into the physical universe and we have a body. It builds a body. And that body is directed, mobilized, animated by thought, actually.

ЛРХ: Хорошо. Как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в живот? (пауза) Хорошо? Сделали. Хорошо. Ладно. Теперь давайте снова переместимся в правую сторону. Снова переместитесь в правую сторону. Теперь я задам правой стороне такой вопрос. Дайте мне мгновенный ответ «Да» или «Нет», когда я... я щелкну пальцами, вы не против? Хорошо. Я хочу получить «да» или «нет» от правой стороны на такой вопрос: правая сторона – мужчина? (щелчок)

But the trick thought is doing is an amusing one. It takes its first tiny impingement on the physical universe and takes that - gets it all enturbulated - and then takes that law it has learned about the physical universe and turns it against the physical universe, much like a mirror. It uses, in other words, the energy of the physical universe to handle the physical universe, and the physical universe falls for it. And in such a wise, a body is built and animated.

Now, the brain is quite different than the mind. The brain is a very mechanical rattletrap sort of a switchboard that's been thrown together - by you - it's been thrown together in order to translate thought into action and to coordinate energy. And this hotel switchboard here is, if anything, more complex than a human mind - the human brain, pardon me. But a human mind is sitting there looking at that telephone switchboard and is handling it and is directing it.

PC: No.

Now, you can keep building switchboards which are more and more complex, until you could build a switchboard that theoretically would place a call, relay the call and receive the call. And you could even go to the point of fixing up a mechanical contrivance to have some reason to place a call, to place the call, to send it through this whole maze and receive it at the other end - and receive the call too. But you see what the limitation is. You yet have no purpose, there's no purpose in this call. If no human mind had anything to do with this call, there's no purpose in it. The human mind is an essential to this degree.

ПК: Нет.

You could make robots. You could make them perform just like men. But that's the trouble - they'd be just performing "just like men." This robot would have no purpose. He'd go around, somebody'd stack him up against the corner and punch a couple of buttons on him and he's supposed to stand there and stack plates. He won't do anything else but stack plates. You could build in a mechanism that tells him, "I am stacking plates because the plates have to be stacked." And then he would think he was thinking, and he'd stand there and stack plates.

But this is actually the brain. The robot, the switchboard, the human brain - these things are analogies; these are similar entities. The mind is different than the human brain, the mind is the storage of recordings of the physical universe of the past.

LRH: No. Okay Okay that's all right. Now, let's shift over to the left side. (pause) Getting easier now, isn't it?

That's very simple, by the way. You can make that awfully complex. The mind is the storage area of recordings; it is the purpose, it is the beingness, which can animate a body - or exist without one - to handle the physical universe. You don't have to have a body to have the purpose and the thought of it, that's rather obvious. But the body makes it possible. It's very difficult for a mind standing out without a body to push chairs around and so forth. So a body is desirable to the degree of relaying purpose. Very simple to do - relay of purpose.

ЛРХ: Нет. Хорошо. Хорошо, ладно. Давайте переместимся на левую сторону, (пауза) Теперь это становится легче, не так ли?

All right. The brain runs on 2.4 watts; the mind has no horsepower range. But the mind stores pictures of energy, and can actually take those pictures of energy and fit them up against the physical universe again and make the physical universe vibrate as a picture of energy.

You can take that machine (e-meter), have some person holding on to it, and you can say things to that person which will produce vibrations which will relay to his mind. His mind activates then, and translates a thought into the physical universe and it can be measured by the machine. But that machine is not measuring the human mind. It is measuring the human brain's reaction to the human mind. That's a psychometer.

PC: I think so.

You should always keep that in mind: that we're not doing a direct connection to the human mind when we are estimating a personality or anything. We're usually estimating the physiological manifestation and by it estimating a mind. And you're not looking at the mind; you're looking at the physical manifestation of the mind.

ПК: Думаю, да.

The mind's operating mechanisms are very simple. An individual sees, feels, hears - and on up to fifty-some perceptics. There are these sense channels. And these sense channels come in and record in the brain, and then the mind takes a picture. And, oh, that's a complex picture - very complex.

In fact, there isn't apparatus today, or recording mechanisms in existence in our technology today, which will take a picture like the human mind will take a picture. It's really a picture: it'd be a talkie, a smellie, a feelie; it'd be in three dimensions; it'd be in color. And it would have something else in it that is not normally recognized as anything, and that is to say, it would have effort in it.

LRH: A little easier. All right, give me a yes or no on this side. Is the left side a woman? (snap)

You pick up something, it resists you; therefor, there is the effort of picking it up, And the human mind makes a recording of the effort required. In addition to the perceptions of the physical universe around you, in addition to the emotion in the body, it also estimates the strength and force.

ЛРХ: Немного легче. Ладно, дайте мне ответ «да» или «нет» но поводу этой стороны. Левая сторона – женщина? (щелчок)

Now, this goes on as a continuing process by a body. The body goes around and it perceives all these things and these things are all recorded continuously on fifty different lines of communication with the physical universe. And the mind is constantly taking a picture of everything.

Not only that, but it is combining old pictures up against its purpose and conclusions to tell you, continuously, answers. It's telling itself answers and putting them into action; it's making estimations of the future continually and putting them into action. Therefore, it also stores with this recording a picture of its own conclusion, which is another bundle of old pictures. And on top of all this is the purpose and beingness of the person which is making him do this.

PC: No.

This is not very complex. You look at it and you'll find out that it's very very simple. Here's a camera. And the camera receives light rays, and the light rays go onto the film. And then this film can be stored away or it can be looked at. Well now, that film would be the mind's picture.

ПК: Нет.

Now, if you could design a camera that would take, as well as this light, the feel of the physical universe, the smell of the physical universe, the weight of the physical universe - all these various lines - and it could take all these things at once: that's the picture that the mind has. And the mind develops it, prints it, makes copies of it, files it accurately according to the time it was taken and so forth, and it's all stored. And it looks very mysterious to everybody because, you see, there isn't anything there.

Obviously isn't anything there, but you start to remember yesterday and you get a picture of yesterday. And if you're very good at it and your case is in good shape and so forth, you can feel what you felt yesterday, you can see what you saw yesterday, you can feel the heat of yesterday, and so on and so on and so on. I mean, you can get all of this back out of these single recordings.

LRH: No. Yes or no, is the left side a man? (snap)

Now, what we call this picture is a facsimile. And that's a word that you should know. A facsimile means the physical universe impression on thought. And it means that section of thought which has a physical-universe impression on it, and it has a time tag on it. Now, that's a facsimile. In other words, if you can remember being here in the first part of the lecture, you have facsimiles - you've taken pictures of - the first part of the lecture. A physical-universe equivalent of this would - after you've taken a picture with a motion-picture film, you'd say, "That film is a facsimile of what we took a picture of." In the same way, thought is a facsimile. You shouldn't have to worry too much about these facsimiles; they're just pictures.

ЛРХ: Нет. «Да» или «Нет»: левая сторона – мужчина? (щелчок)

It is difficult, perhaps, because the mind is so accustomed to gauging only the physical universe, to conceive something that doesn't have, itself, wavelength. But the mind doesn't have wavelength itself, but it has pictures of physical-universe wavelength. And therefore people think the mind itself can be material. That's because it has pictures of materiality in it. But it's not material. It's unlimited. It does not have space and time in it as such. But it has pictures of space and time. Now, the way a person operates in life, then, is: Here is purpose - that is thought, beingness. And this beingness keeps taking pictures of the physical universe and using these pictures in combination to make a body and then to effect things in the physical universe. And this is the operation of the mind, the brain, and man's action in the physical universe.

Those are three steps, one right after the other. There's the mind, which takes the pictures - has the thought "to be"; then it takes these pictures, combines, takes recording of efforts, so on; then takes pieces of the physical universe, combines those, makes the body and then the body can do things in the physical universe.

PC: Yes.

The purpose of this mind which we are studying - and we are studying in this second echelon - is a conquest of the physical universe, as a purpose of the mind. "To be" and conquest of the physical universe: that's its purpose.

ПК: Да.

What does it have to do to conquer the physical universe! Well, let's take a look at what the physical universe is.

Now, it's very strange - if I could give you a five-minute resume of the entire science of physics and nuclear fission . .. Well, I think I can. Because it's not very complex.

LRH: All right. Now let's shift over to the right side. Now, is the right side in agreement with everything the left side does?

You see around you things that are apparently solid - all sorts of things. It's very easy for a physicist to add these things up and make them complex. But there's a floor under your feet and you're sitting on a chair and you have a body and you see the sunshine, and this is all the physical universe. You go out at night, look at the clear sky and you see stars - physical universe.

ЛРХ: Ладно. Теперь давайте переместимся на правую сторону. Так вот, правая сторона согласна со всем, что делает левая сторона?

Of what is it composed! It's composed of motion. Motion is a change through space, that's all. That's all motion is, is a change in space. And this change in space is time. And you want to know where the energy is and where the matter is - it's motion. The light particle that comes in is actually something in vibration, that's all. It is in vibration and so it has weight and mass. But the whole physical universe could probably be reduced to fit - if all the real matter in it were completely condensed so there was nothing left but matter - you could probably put the whole physical universe on the head of a pin. That's your phsicist's conception of the physical universe, today.

Now, the atom is composed of these bits of energy which are vibrating in space, which means they have time in them.

PC: I can't say. I can't – think...

You see, time is very simple, actually. Here you have space. We have the space on this tabletop, and we go from the left-hand corner of the tabletop over to the right-hand corner of the tabletop. Now, that is a motion. In order to have a motion you have to have time. Time is a descriptive of this change in space from the left side of the tabletop to the right side of the tabletop. That is time.

ПК: Я не могу сказать. Я не могу... я думаю...

Now, space can be defined, of course, in reverse (by its own terms), in terms of time. Space is something that - to go from the left side of the tabletop to the right side of the tabletop would require space. You see! I mean, they define against each other.

But energy is just this vibration. And a particle of energy becomes an electron. And electrons and neutrons and negatrons and all of this sort of thing will gather and circle in a wider sphere of motion around what we call a proton - which, by the way, is also in motion.

LRH: You don't think so? You don't know.

So here you have motions within motions within motions, and when it all boils down, it's motions. And that's the physical universe. Now, you'd be surprised that this desk is in motion. Actually, it has some eight hundred motions, just as being part of earth. But internally an atom which is here will eventually wind up over here in this solid object. Those atoms are in motion. And if you were flying a spaceship drawn to scale between two of the atoms in this tabletop - let's take a bundle of the atoms in the middle of this tabletop here - you would conceive them to be as far apart as Sirius, Alpha Centauri ... In other words, you look up at the Big Dipper, you know those stars are a long way apart, and your spaceship would go through and between. In other words, atoms are a long way apart, molecules are a long way apart, electrons are a big way apart - just like this solar system. Here's the sun, a bunch of planets go around the sun. There's a lot of space involved in there, a lot of emptiness.

ЛРХ: Вы так не думаете? Вы не знаете.

Actually, this table is so empty that how we see it at all, I don't know But we have agreed that we see it, so there it is So we've agreed that we can perceive something which we've agreed exists. And that's it. Now, we perceive it with nothing and it is nothing. And yet we can make a recording on nothing of nothing.

Now, if you want to go outside the physical universe and resolve the problems of Scientologys you're very welcome to do so. My goodness, yes. You need leave of absence from nobody. But believe me, it'll be a leave of absence. Because I'm citing to you when I say, "You take a picture on nothing of nothing and get action." You could also say, "You take a picture of motion with motion and get motion" - but motion is nothing, too. You get such imponderables as zero equals infinity, the second that you step out of the second echelon.

PC: I don't know.

You say in the second echelon, "Thought is a static of unlimited capabilities which has itself no wavelength, no space and no time. It is impinged upon a physical universe which has space, time, energy and matter. The mission of thought is survival in the physical universe, and in order to do this it is effecting a conquest of the physical universe."

ПК: Я не знаю.

When we say these things, we are talking about the second echelon of Scientology, and in this echelon we can do many miraculous and wonderful things. We can do lots of tricks.

But by holding that definition line between the second and third echelon, we are in the interesting position of having very wonderful tools. And the second we go over the top of it and start asking a bunch more questions and say, "Well, why is nothing nothing! If nothing is nothing, then it's motion" - whee! Here we go. The sky's the limit.

LRH: Well, is the right side aware that the left side existed? (snap)

Now, oddly enough, the phenomena of mysticism is in the second echelon, not the third. Anything that you can do with mysticism, or anything that mystics think they can do with mysticism, can be done in the second echelon. So you don't have to go into the third echelon to get mysticism. In other words, we got an awfully complete package here. We don't have to stray, in other words.

ЛРХ: Что ж, осознавала ли правая сторона, что левая сторона существует? (щелчок)

But here we have the problems of nothing and agreement and so forth, of what are we doing here and why. We say, "What are we doing here!"

"We're effecting conquest of the physical universe in order to survive." Basic.

PC: No.

Come along and say, "Why do you want to survive!" "Well, you've been told to." "Who told you!" Ptock! - third echelon. That fast!

ПК: Нет.

Now, it has always seemed to me to be a reasonable thing to get to the top of one problem before starting in on the bottom of a higher problem. This has always seemed to me to be reasonable. That is that line. When we get to the top, establishing the fullest possible mental characteristics of the individual, the fullest possible capability of his understanding, we will be at the top of two. Then's the time to go into three. Don't start into three from the bottom of one.

Now, an awful lot of people like to go into three from the bottom of one. They enjoy this. It's another method of committing suicide. They're perfectly willing to - it's their body, it's their life. But this is an obvious and horrible fact: that you can go up the pole. That is to say, without being free of aberration, you suddenly charge into terrific imponderables. And then youuvee - the only thing you'll find yourself doing is playing marbles with your own aberrations. And you will lose your marbles almost every time. (laughter)

LRH: Wasn't aware. But what do you think now that the other side knows it exists?

Now, that is what has happened in past studies of the mind, is nobody drew any lines. Nobody said, "This is a problem level and this is a problem level and this is a problem level."

ЛРХ: Не осознавала. Но как вы думаете, другая сторона знает, что она существует?

Now, we have a perfectly good universe here. Does anybody find anything particularly wrong with this universe! (Outside of not wanting to be in it very much.) Here's a perfectly good universe. We know a lot about this universe. We know about matter, energy, space, time, motion. We know about planetary laws, we know about gravity, we know about the gases, about solids and compounds, and we're getting tremendous amount of information about this physical universe that we're dealing with. Well, now we add to that tremendous fund of information, how life is handling and maintaining itself in this physical universe.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

PC: Confused.

Elementary, my dear Watson. Of course, you ask a sophomore in college who is taking a physics major whether or not he thinks it's simple or not, and he will show you his empty bottles of aspirin. But that's because somebody's making it very rough for him.

ПК: В замешательстве.

If you want to know the weight of a particle of energy, the distance from the proton of the orbit of the electron, when you want to measure these things so as to get them to explode just right and design a mathematics that will do it and so on, you can get into complexities. But I point out to you that the fundamental is not complex, but the use of the fundamental can be complex.

The human mind, likewise - as the other pole of this - in its fundamentals is not complex. It's simple, very simple. But what it can think up and what it can do with these fundamentals can become terribly complex - as complex as the human mind's concept at this time of the physical universe as seen through nuclear physics. And that's really complex. The mind thought that up. I don't know whether the physical universe is here or not, and neither do you.

LRH: Confused. Uh-huh. How about shifting center? Did you get that forehead somatic?

But as long as it is here and as long as we can apparently put our hands on it, let's use it. I'm for that. And besides, I like nice cars and like nice houses and pretty-looking cities and so on.

ЛРХ: В замешательстве. Угу. Как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в центр? У вас появилась соматика во лбу?

Then, a human being has been and is straddle of an imponderable. He has been a body working in the MEST universe, and that body is MEST universe. It runs on MEST universe energy, it obeys MEST universe laws, it ages according to MEST universe time; it follows these basic fundamentals, so on - it's MEST universe. And when it no longer animates, you take it out here to the graveyard and bury it with great ceremony. That is just about as sensible, by the way, as breaking a vase and then picking up all the pieces and then spending fifteen hundred dollars to have it put in a casket and burying it.

"Ah, ye of little faith," the attention paid to the human body demonstrates an enormous lack of faith, doesn't it! Where'd the mind go! Well, it didn't go anyplace. It must be right there in the coffin, because we're sobbing for this mind. It's in the coffin, but it didn't go anyplace. Couldn't have. Where's the faith involved with this! Now, let's talk in a little bit higher level.

PC: No.

Now, here's this body which is a mechanical contrivance which you built, robotwise, complete with the wires and switches and hookups. It's got beautiful switches, by the way - the synapses. And you take the various joint designs: wonderful! I mean, the way the joints are designed and the practical purpose to which this machine - and it's just a machine - is... That psychometer is probably more complex, actually, than the human body. Human body is only worth - prewar rates - ninety-seven cents. That's all it's worth, in terms of chemicals and compounds. It doesn't amount to much.

ПК: Нет.

Now, it has an aesthetic value. And that, of course, amounts to more. Its aesthetic value - well, you have an attachment for it, a sentimental attachment. Now, that's worth something. In addition to that, you take a pretty girl, there's an aesthetic value there. And actually a person's value that he places on his own body goes down in direct ratio to the fact that it loses aesthetic worth to him. I mean, when he isn't as handsome as he ought to be anymore or something of the sort, why, he feels his body isn't as valuable as it used to be. Maybe it all boils down after a while to aesthetics, not anything material.

But now, operating this robot, this mechanical contraption - and it's all very well, it's a nice mechanical contraption, but believe me, it's a contraption. There's lots of things that are utterly insane about this body. For instance, there's a nerve that runs from one part of the body to the other, but the nerve was evolved long before some other parts of the body, so now this nerve goes on a terrific detour from one part of the body to the other, around several organs which have grown in since and so on. A nerve which only needs to be two or three inches long is now two or three feet long. It's pretty jerry-rig, but it's workable. Don't put it out in front of a truck or anything like that, because it won't stop a truck, but it has a workability.

LRH: Well, try and get that forehead somatic: shift over into the center. Yes or no, is there a third entity here in the center? (snap)

It also needs fuel. It's a carbon-oxygen engine. It's a low-heat-value engine. Its percentage of efficiency is pretty high - very high; it's above that of a steam engine. It runs at a temperature of 98.6 as its optimum. It has a very narrow tolerance band. It needs exactly 15 pounds per square inch of air to be very comfortable. And it needs a surface temperature around it of around 70 degrees - 70 to 80 degrees - to be comfortable; below or above that it's uncomfortable. Below or above 15 pounds per square inch it gets uncomfortable. That's very narrow-band design, this body is. Carbon-oxygen engine. You eat and that develops into heat - just a steam engine. That's the truth.

ЛРХ: Что ж, попытайтесь получить эту соматику во лбу: переместитесь в центр. «Да» или «Нет»: есть ли здесь, в центре, третья сущность? (щелчок)

But the mind is something else. It built this thing and it's using this thing, and the mind is neither in it nor outside of it. The mind isn't operating in space or time. The mind operates the robot.

Now, if the mind has reasons why it shouldn't operate this robot, it won't.

PC: Yes.

Now, if you want to he skillful and handy and well-off and have your engine running well in this physical universe, you better not have any reasons why it shouldn't run well; because the only thing that keeps it from running well is your reasons why it shouldn't.

ПК: Да.

If you go out here and start a car and if you decide that you're going to start this car but you're not going to put the key in the switch, you'll be trying to start a car and operate a car much like most people try to operate their bodies. First place, they say, "Well, I don't operate this body; it does things to me, I don't do things to it." You know, the body is the real cause and the reason and so on.

The body has been molded by the mind out of a collection of memories - beautiful memories, got effort and emotion and everything else. And you get one of these memories into restimulation, by the way, and it can modify the shape of the body. After a person's processed through a particularly good session or something, the shape of their face changes normally - usually for the better. Hardly any other direction for it to change, looking at the ... (laughter)

LRH: Yes. Okay. And how does this entity feel there in the center?

Now, the shape of a person's face will change; arms will grow if they're too short or legs will shorten, I suppose, if they were too long. The body will come back to optimum, as near as it can - and it doesn't seem to care too much how old it is.

ЛРХ: Да. Хорошо. И как эта сущность себя чувствует там, в центре?

Age: boy, that's a phobia. That's just an aberration. Age doesn't amount to much. I think almost anybody, by these present techniques, if processed very thoroughly and so forth, could be processed down to an optimum physical age condition without much trouble.

I belong, by the way, to the Society for Gerontology of the US Public Health Service, and I have neglected to write them anything about - gerontology is "aging" - I've neglected to write them anything at all about Dianetics because I don't know I know it makes the body look younger and so forth, but how can you estimate longevity? You can't do it. Just because a body looks younger and gets younger all of a sudden is no reason it'll live longer; that's what these people would tell me if I wrote in. So I've got to wait for thirty or forty years and prove up some cases. They're conservative.

PC: Like the boss!

Now, the point is that you're a mind which is operating this machine. And you can change this machine at will. As long as you can handle all of your memories, you could do anything you want to with this machine, with this contraption. But if there's any memory which you can't handle or you don't know about, then you can't change the machine at random, but that memory can sort of get out of control and fight you back and it can do something to the machine. Of course, you did something originally to get that facsimile and then you put it out of your control and then you let it influence the machine independently. It was up to you to do all this, but you went through all of this presto-chango operation, and eventually you wind up with lumbago or something. Or you wind up with having to go to the dentist and have your teeth pulled, or something happens like that. But it's some situation which you didn't handle or wouldn't face somewhere in the past. And it's a memory, and these facsimiles are made out of thought, remember, and thought can animate and move the human body. Thought can mold one. Thought moves and animates matter, energy, space and time - and that's the body, and so it's no wonder that the body can become nonoptimum. But any time a body becomes nonoptimum, it's because a mind is nonoptimum.

ПК: Как босс!

I'm not giving you my opinion. If I were giving you my opinions, that'd be different. This is very demonstrable.

For instance, you can go through this - lots of experiments. You can exert pain on a person, and exert this pain heavily on a person and he'll say, "Ouch!" and you can read him on that meter. You'll record the energy restimnlation of your syueezing him, see! And then you run him back through the facsimile - turn the facsimile on again a couple of times, over and over, like this - and you'll see, each time, the needle bob just to the extent that it did when you pinched him.

LRH: Yeah?

In other words, you can rerecord this thing. The facsimile not only will play once, it will play again and again and again and again and again. But fortunately for us, it will only play one - a few times. It's like a poor wax record: it wears out. You start rubbing it up against the physical universe again and you can rub it out.

ЛРХ: Да?

Now, this is a new method of handling memory, actually. And there's quite a technology to handling memory this way. It's a rather simple technology, but it's just a new way of handling memory. You've always been handling your facsimiles.

Any one of you here has a concept of how to handle a facsimile. "Well, I put that all behind me. I don't think about that anymore" - that's a method of handling facsimiles. "I just can't help but dwell upon how horrible this world is" - that's a method of handling facsimiles. "When I was young I was happy, but now that I am older I am not so happy anymore" - that's another method of handling facsimiles. You fix it up that way so when you're young you handle happy facsimiles, and when you're old you handle unhappy ones. It's simple. All you have to do is fix it up that way and you will.

PC: Feel like the boss.

And now we can handle facsimiles because we know more about their anatomy. We know of the anatomy of a facsimile, so we can handle it - what its thought is, and what the thought will do to you; and what emotion there is in it and how to handle the emotion; how to get emotion into them, how to get emotion out of them; how to get effort into them, how to get effort out of them; what counter-effort is - these factors are parts of the facsimile. What are the perceptions? I - how do they get into the facsimile! How can you take them out of a facsimile! Methods of thinking, that's all.

ПК: Чувствует себя как босс.

It's a very poor method to say, "Well, I don't think about that anymore. I put that all behind me. That's gone." Oh, yeah! That's the surest way to say, "I no longer have any responsibility for that memory, no matter how much power and effort it has." That memory, the moment that you say, "I haven't any responsibility for it," can then sort of act as a personality all by itself. You've just cut that one loose, and it can come around and give you lumbago and a stomachache and do all sorts of things to you. You see how this would be? Very simple.

All right. What we're doing, then, is learning how to handle memory as the first step up in Scientology. What is memory? How do we handle it? How does it affect us? How can we keep it from affecting us that way? And so on. Well, there are numerous ways of approaching this problem.

LRH: Like the boss. Okay! Now, is that the one you're normally in?

In order to make a person completely happy, you could go at this (this was the first method used): You could simply pick up and knock out, take all of the punch out of, all of the painful moments of his entire life or his entire existence - take out every painful or uncomfortable moment. Of course, it'd be impossible for him to be uncomfortable or in pain anymore because of memory. Well, that's a long way to go about it.

ЛРХ: Как босс. Ладно! Это та сущность, в которой вы обычно находитесь?

How about getting him up to a point where he is so self-determined, so positive in his thinking, so competent in his handling of his own memory that he no longer has to worry about it, so that he just handles memory. Memory comes up with pain in it that would register about three dials' worth on a machine: "Oh," he says, "well, that's just another facsimile," puts it over there in the file that has to do with being run down by Mack trucks." Doesn't affect him.

Always in the past, every time he met a girl with dark eyes, why, he felt embarrassed or ashamed or something, and he couldn't talk to her. Well, that's just simply some facsimile someplace or other that he didn't take responsibility for, where he was embarrassed and he couldn't talk to some girl. So any time a pair of black eyes show up, why, this calls for that facsimile. Well, he didn't take responsibility for the facsimile, so the facsimile can sort of be called up automatically by seeing these dark eyes. So it moves up and moves over him and he feels embarrassed.

PC: I don't know.

Well, the two ways of handling that is, one, find and knock out the basic facsimile, or fix him up so when he sees this girl with black eyes - maybe even without getting the slightest jar emotionally - he simply picks up this little facsimile that's turned up there and he files that under "black eyes." "Black eyes, girls." "Black eyes, girls, seen in year 1931." Proper file. In other words, he can put his filing systems together, and he does so rather automatically. It's not a big job.

ПК: Я не знаю.

If he has enough self-determinism, if he is up the Tone Scale to a point where he is able to command himself, his memory and anything associated with himself and his memory, you see, anything can happen - and does. But it's all to the good, fortunately What can a person do with his body if he had charge of all the facsimiles that hold his body together? Well, actually a person in a very aberrated state is not safe to put - he knows it very well - he is not a safe trustee for his own facsimiles. So he disowns them and he fixes up ways and means of not handling them and so on. Because he knows that if he had facsimiles which would destroy him with great ease, he might use them against himself.

Well, we have to bring a person up to complete self-reliance, self-confidence, and he handles his memory with great ease. It so happens there are very few incidents that can produce an aberration of a thing as powerful as self-determinism in a human being, because it's very powerful. It's VERY powerful - very strong. Very few things can produce this - an aberration of that self-determinism.

LRH: You don't know. Now, has the center ever been put to sleep?

And we trace it on down, we find one incident, really, was strong enough, powerful enough and diabolically enough designed to actually interrupt a person's self-determinism, split him up into circuits and do these things to him which we now find undesirable.

ЛРХ: Вы не знаете. Что ж, центр когда-нибудь усыпляли?

So our goal, then, is teaching people to handle memory by making it possible for them to get up in terms of tone to a level where they handle memory with great ease. And they won't back away from any memory they have, no matter what its charge or no matter what's in it. And if you can do that, of course you'll have sanity.

A person is as sane as he can handle his memories. That's another one.

PC: No.

Now, a person is as sane, also, as he can plan for the future. If he can plan for the future well and ably with no concern for the present, he's pretty sane. Because the funny part of it is, is you're so competent natively that the amount of worry that you could do about present... There isn't anything in present time could ever worry you that much, except you.

ПК: Нет.

Now, you could worry you to the point where you would worry about present time. But you wouldn't get yourself into bad jams - you got yourself into them - that make present time unbearable.

So we're looking for a relatively complete self-determinism which leads a person out along the line and makes a good, sensible, sane human being out of him, but makes it possible for him to have some fun, makes it possible for him to maybe throw away a few inhibitions, too. Of course, we do this to human beings; it's a good thing they turned out to be honest when they're this way. They do become more honest when they're like this. They're more honest.

LRH: No? Has the center ever received a shock – bad shock?

Man was never able to trust that point, and that was why he never adventured out very far on this track. He wasn't sure but what a man released of his restraints, rules, laws and personal and social inhibitions would not turn into a raving demon who would then be able to gobble up - and would have a thirst to do nothing but gobble up - the rest of mankind.

ЛРХ: Нет? Центр когда-нибудь получал шок... серьезный шок?

No, that fortunately is not the case. The second that you make a man truly free, he becomes truly good. And it is only that individual who has lost his belief in himself and his own pride of goodness and his own pride of being and his own honor who is dangerous. Because after that it doesn't matter what he does. It doesn't matter what he does to anyone, including himself.

The only thing that makes a criminal criminal is because the criminal has conceived himself so low and so debased that he now can be criminal. He had no urge to be criminal. It's just that "what's the use?" He has lost his honor, he has lost his pride, he's lost himself, and so he will injure others, because actually he's trying to injure himself. The criminal likes nothing better than to kill himself.

PC: No.

The cop is continually puzzled by the criminal, because the criminal, facing a ten-day charge of vagrancy, will kill a cop and get an electric chair. A criminal robbing a bank can't seem to resist leaving a clue on the scene. A murderer aleuays leaves a clue - some obvious clue - and then hangs around waiting to be picked up. No matter what he says he's doing, that's what he's doing. Do you know that 80 percent of the people who find the body killed it? That's the New York finest rule - 80 percent. They'll hang around and they'll finally point it out to the cops, and they'll stand around and they'll help out until they're caught.

ПК: Нет.

This person is trying to kill himself. The cop is never able to understand the criminal because the cop thinks the criminal is trying to survive, and the criminal is trying to die. He's trying to die because he has no honor, he has no pride and he has no reason to go on living. He has lost his cause for being.

You restore man as cause, you restore man to a level of knowing and of being, and you will find out he immediately has reasons to be good and he will be good. So it is very fortunate for us that this is the case. Otherwise, the thing to do would merely be more severely aberrate everyone we know. That would be the only hope of society. The only hope of this society at the present time is to free and make sane everyone we can. And if we can't, this society is gone, because the relative freeness, the relative knowingness, the relative pride of being, the relative ethics, the relative honor of any individual are what establish the surroundings of that individual in terms of survival.

LRH: Have you ever lived before?

And if you want a survival to obtain, if you want a society to survive, it has to be free, it has to know, it has to be cause, it has to have a pride of being and an honor high enough to cause it to want to live; for a dishonorable society only wants to die, and only in a very dishonorable society would you have such a thing happen as a proposal to use the atom bomb to kill one's fellow men. You don't realize how bad off this society is until, actually, you look at it in these terms.

ЛРХ: Вы когда-нибудь жили раньше?

I want to thank you very much for coming up here tonight, giving me your kind attention, bucking all that snow. And I hope, perhaps, you know a little bit more about the mind now than you did. You don't have to take my word for it, actually. After this talk, why, I'11 ask Jack Nonmacher there to put somebody on this machine, clip the machine on and show you how pain will make the needle dive and then how the needle keeps on diving. He can put on a demonstration for you.

But as far as the main lecture is concerned, thank you very much and good night.

PC: No.(end of lecture)
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Have you ever lived before this life?
ЛРХ: Вы когда-нибудь жили до этой жизни?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: What's going to happen to you when you die in this life?
ЛРХ: Что с вами случится, когда вы умрете в этой жизни?
PC: I don't know.
ПК: Я не знаю.
LRH: Don't know. You have ideas, though.
ЛРХ: Не знаете. Однако у вас есть какие-то идеи на этот счет.
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Yeah. What's the idea?
ЛРХ: Да. И какие?
PC: Well, some sort of a continuation; I haven't quite gotten a conclusion on it yet.
ПК: Ну,что-то вроде продолжения существования; я еще не вполне определился на этот счет.
LRH: Uh-huh. Have you ever been alive before this?
ЛРХ: Ага. Вы когда-нибудь жили до этого?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Well, yes or no: Were you alive in the year zero? (snap)
ЛРХ: Что ж, «да» или «нет»: вы жили в год ноль? (щелчок)
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: You don't know? How about back in the year 1200 b.c.? Were you alive then?
ЛРХ: Вы не знаете? Как насчет 1200 года до нашей эры? Вы жили тогда?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Hm? How about clear back before Earth? Were you alive then?
ЛРХ: Мм? Как насчет времени задолго до Земли? Вы жили тогда?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Before Earth? Before Earth? Now, what would happen if you made a sudden move? What would happen if you moved suddenly?
ЛРХ: До прибытия на Землю? До прибытия на Землю? Что бы произошло, если бы вы вдруг сделали какое-то движение? Что бы произошло, если бы вы вдруг переместились?
PC: Nothing, just move.
ПК: Ничего, просто переместился бы.
LRH: Nothing would happen? Could you move suddenly?
ЛРХ: Ничего бы не произошло? Вы могли бы вдруг переместиться?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: What would happen to you if you knew?
ЛРХ: Что бы с вами произошло, если бы вы стали знать?
PC: I don't know.
ПК: Я не знаю.
LRH: Would anything happen to you if you knew?
ЛРХ: Произошло бы с вами что-нибудь, если бы вы стали знать?
PC: I don't think so.
ПК: Я так не думаю.
LRH: Nothing bad?
ЛРХ: Ничего плохого?
PC: No.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Mm-hm. Well, you're holding on to a good stability here, aren't you?
ЛРХ: Ага. Вы продолжаете проявлять надежную стабильность, не так ли?
PC: I'm trying to answer as well...
ПК: Я также пытаюсь отвечать...
LRH: Now, have you ever considered yourself very well-balanced, very well-adjusted?
ЛРХ: Вы когда-нибудь считали себя очень уравновешенным, эмоционально стабильным?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Uh-huh. How do you have to do to keep well-adjusted?
ЛРХ: Ага. Что вам приходится делать, чтобы оставаться эмоционально стабильным?
PC: I don't know. That's a tough one.
ПК: Яне знаю. Это трудный вопрос.
LRH: Yeah, that's a tough one. What if you didn't keep well-adjusted?
ЛРХ: Да, это трудный вопрос. Что если бы вы сорвались?
PC: Probably put me away.
ПК: Вероятно, меня бы посадили под замок.
LRH: Yeah. Would you ever go into rages, violent rages?
ЛРХ: Да. Вы когда-нибудь приходили в ярость, безудержную ярость?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Who used to, in your family? Your father ever go into violent rages?
ЛРХ: С кем в вашей семье обычно такое случалось? Ваш отец когда-нибудь приходил в безудержную ярость?
PC: Sometimes.
ПК: Иногда.
LRH: Yeah? Did he ever go into a violent rage against you?
ЛРХ: Да? Была ли эта его безудержная ярость когда-нибудь направлена на вас?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Do you remember him doing so?
ЛРХ: Вы помните, как это было?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: How did he look?
ЛРХ: Как он выглядел?
PC: Very big, very angry.
ПК: Очень большим, очень рассерженным.
LRH: Uh-huh. And how about your mother? Is she rather timid?
ЛРХ: Ага. Как насчет вашей матери? Она довольно робкая?
PC: Don't remember.
ПК: Не помню.
LRH: Oh, she's dead?
ЛРХ: О, она умерла?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Oh, how long has she been dead?
ЛРХ: А как давно она умерла?
PC: Twenty-six years.
ПК: Двадцать шесть лет назад.
LRH: Uh-huh. What'd you die of the last time? (snap)
ЛРХ: Ага. От чего вы умерли в последний раз? (щелчок)
PC: Disease. That's what...
ПК: От болезни. Вот что...
LRH: Uh-huh. Was it painful?
ЛРХ: Ага. Это было мучительно?
PC: I don't know.
ПК: Я не знаю.
LRH: Wasn't particularly painful. A year will flash when I count from one to five: one-two-three-four-five. (snap)
ЛРХ: Это не было слишком мучительным. Год возникнет у вас в уме, когда я сосчитаю от одного до пяти: один, два, три, четыре, пять. (щелчок)
PC: 1776.
ПК: 1776.
LRH: 1776. Okay. All right, what happened in 1776?
ЛРХ: 1776. Хорошо. Ладно, что произошло в 1776 году?
PC: War.
ПК: Война.
LRH: War? Did you get shot?
ЛРХ: Война? Вас убили?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Disease?
ЛРХ: Болезнь?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Well, you glad to realize that all of a sudden?
ЛРХ: Что ж, вы рады, что вдруг узнали это?
PC: I don't know – it...
ПК: Я не знаю, это...
LRH: Did a tone rise on it! Well, I'll stop badgering you.
ЛРХ: Как на этом вырос тон! Что ж, я больше не буду донимать вас.
[to audience] Who else would like to grab on to these cans here?
[аудитории] Кто еще хотел бы подержаться за эти банки?
[to pc] Thank you very much.
[преклиру] Большое спасибо.
Male voice: I'd like to.
Мужской голос: Я бы хотел.
LRH: Well, I tell you, this is kind of unfair, because haven't you had a – you ever have an engram run out?
ЛРХ: Что ж, я предупреждаю вас, что это вроде как несправедливо, потому что... у вас когда-нибудь стирали инграмму?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Huh?
PC: Not completely run out.
ПК: Не полностью стерли.
LRH: Never had one completely run out. What would happen if you did have one completely run out? Anything bad?
ЛРХ: Так никогда и не стерли полностью. Что произошло бы, если бы ее у вас полностью стерли? Что-нибудь плохое?
PC: Feeling "yes."
ПК: Такое чувство, что да.
LRH: Something bad would happen? Did you get...
ЛРХ: Произошло бы что-то плохое? Вы получили...
PC: Keep wanting it to happen, but it didn't.
ПК: Я все хочу, чтобы это произошло, но этого не было.
LRH: How about the center? Did you get that center phenomenon?
ЛРХ: Как насчет центра? У вас было это явление, связанное с центром?
PC: I – kind of a line clear dorm my face, Ron, I – which...
ПК: Я... что-то вроде линии, идущей вниз по всему лицу, Рон, я... она...
LRH: A line down your face.
ЛРХ: Линия, идущая вниз по лицу.
PC: ... which I've had for months.
ПК: ...она у меня была месяцами.
LRH: Well, yes or no: Is this mitosis? (snap)
ЛРХ: Что ж, «да» или «нет»: это митоз? (щелчок)
PC: Huh! Got a yes-no on it.
ПК: Ха! Я получил на это «Да-нет».
LRH: Yes-no.
ЛРХ: Да-нет.
PC: Mm-hm.
ПК: Aга.
LRH: How about getting the phenomena of center there? (pause) Are you on the right or the left side now?
ЛРХ: Как насчет того, чтобы получить явления, связанные с центром? Вы сейчас с правой стороны или с левой?
PC: I'm kind of centered up.
ПК: Я вроде как по центру.
LRH: Centered up. Let's move over on the right side.
ЛРХ: По центру. Давайте переместимся на правую сторону.
PC: (pause) All right.
ПК: (пауза) Сделал.
LRH: All right. Is this a woman? (snap)
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Это женщина? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Very good. All right, let's move over on the left side. (pause) Is this a man? (snap)
ЛРХ: Очень хорошо. Ладно, давайте переместимся на левую сторону. (пауза) Это – мужчина? (щелчок)'
PC: Think so.
ПК: Думаю, да.
LRH: Yes or no: Have you ever been over there before? (snap)
ЛРХ: «Да» или «нет»: вы когда-нибудь были там раньше? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Yeah?
ЛРХ: Да?
PC: Mm-hm.
ПК: Ага.
LRH: Were you over there when you were a child? (snap)
ЛРХ: Вы были там, когда были ребенком? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: You haven't been over there for a long time, though?
ЛРХ: Однако вы там были недолго?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: How about moving center now? (pause) What happens?
ЛРХ: Теперь как насчет того, чтобы теперь переместиться в центр? (пауза) Что происходит?
PC: I get dizzy!
ПК: У меня голова кружится!
Male voice: Let me reset this now, a little bit.
Мужской голос: Позвольте мне слегка подрегулировать вот это.
LRH: Okay. You get dizzy moving centers. Uh-huh.
ЛРХ: Хорошо. У вас начинается головокружение, когда вы перемещаетесь в центр. Ага.
PC: Every... (laughs)
ПК: Каждый... (смеется)
LRH: Come on, let's move center now. (pause) Let's move center. (pause) How does it make you reel, moving there?
ЛРХ: Ну давайте же, давайте теперь переместимся в центр, (пауза) Давайте переместимся в центр. (пауза) Как вы себя чувствуете из-за того, что перемещаетесь туда?
PC: I'm beginning to tremble.
ПК: У меня начинается дрожь.
LRH: Oh, you don't like it particularly in the center? Do you feel this somatic? Feel that pain?
ЛРХ: О, вам особенно не нравится она в центре? Вы чувствуете эту соматику? Чувствуете эту боль?
PC: I can feel it right down the middle of my head.
ПК: Я могу почувствовать ее как раз ниже центра головы.
LRH: Middle of your head.
ЛРХ: В центре головы.
PC: Right down...
ПК: Как раз ниже...
LRH: Is it so good?
ЛРХ: Это так приятно?
PC: Yeah. (laugh)
ПК: Да. (смеется)
LRH: Is this mitosis?
ЛРХ: Это митоз?
PC: No, don't think so.
ПК: Нет, я так не думаю.
LRH: Is this Facsimile One?
ЛРХ: Это факсимиле «Один»?
PC: Whew! I got a real quick little yes!
ПК: Фью! Я получил очень быстрое, небольшое «Да»!
LRH: Yeah.
ЛРХ: Да.
PC: And then immediately no!
ПК: А затем сразу же «Нет»!
LRH: Real quick, huh? Your ears ring?
ЛРХ: Очень быстрое, да? В ушах звенит?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: The ears ringing go along with Facsimile One?
ЛРХ: Звон в ушах сопровождает факсимиле «Один»?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: As we're calling it, is this Before Earth?
ЛРХ: Говоря по-нашему, это «До прибытия на Землю»?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Are you being kind of careful here?
ЛРХ: Вы вроде как осторожны с этим?
PC: Yeah! I didn't like that answer!
ПК: Да! Мне не понравился этот ответ!
LRH: [to another person] What's the matter?
ЛРХ: [другому человеку] В чем дело?
Male voice: Long story.
Мужской голос: Долгая история.
LRH: I ask people to run this and they get dizzy and fall down and things like that. I don't see what's the matter with people.
ЛРХ: Я прошу людей проходить это, и у них появляется головокружение, они падают и все такое прочее. Я не могу понять, что это такое с людьми.
Male voice: All right. I just fell three times in the snow coming over here, and I just feel a little peculiar about it.
Мужской голос: Ладно. Просто я три раза упал в снег, пока шел сюда, и я просто чувствую себя немного странно от этого.
LRH: Oh, I see. (laughter) Well, that's all right.
ЛРХ: О, понятно. (смеется) Ну, это не страшно.
[to pc] You got good tread on your overshoes, Lohren?
[преклиру] У вас хорошие подошвы на обуви, Лорен?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Well, you won't fall going home.
ЛРХ: Ну, вы не упадете, пока будете идти домой.
PC: Oh, I don't mind falling.
ПК: О, я не против упасть.
LRH: Well, that's all right.
ЛРХ: Что ж, это хорошо.
PC: Good.
ПК: Хорошо.
LRH: Let's shift center again.
ЛРХ: Давайте снова переместимся в центр.
PC: Which way?
ПК: Каким образом?
LRH: Right to the center.
ЛРХ: Прямо в центр.
PC: Oh, center.
ПК: О, центр.
LRH: Center. Yeah, which way? Right in the center.
ЛРХ: Центр. Да, каким образом? Прямо в центр.
PC: I'm kind of staying there, more or less, around it.
ПК: Я как бы нахожусь там, где-то рядом.
LRH: Well, let's shift off of it and onto it again, off it and onto it, off it and onto it. Shift from the right side to center, right side to center, right side to center.
ЛРХ: Что ж, давайте выйдем оттуда и снова переместимся туда, выйдем оттуда и переместимся туда, выйдем оттуда и переместимся туда. Переместитесь из правой стороны в центр, из правой стороны в центр, из правой стороны в центр.
PC: Beginning to feel like a pressure building up there. I can't – there it goes now.
ПК: У меня возникает такое чувство, словно там нарастает давление. Я не могу... ну вот, поехало.
LRH: Yeah!
ЛРХ: Да!
PC: Now it's right.
ПК: Теперь справа.
LRH: Okay, now center, (pause) Got it?
ЛРХ: Ладно,теперь центр, (пауза) Получилось?
PC: Something.
ПК: Кое-что получилось.
LRH: Something.
ЛРХ: Кое-что получилось.
PC: Mm-hm.
ПК: Ага.
LRH: All right, let's shift over to the right side again, (pause). Now let's shift into the center.
ЛРХ: Ладно, теперь снова переместитесь в правую сторону, (пауза). Теперь давайте переместимся в центр.
PC: Are you supposed to get to feeling funny in your stomach on that?
ПК: От этого должно появляться странное ощущение в животе?
LRH: Yeah. Yeah, most people do.
ЛРХ: Да. Да, у большинства людей появляется.
LRH: Do you have to be wrong to be human?
ЛРХ: Вы должны быть неправым, чтобы быть человеком?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Mm-hm. Could you be right and be human?
ЛРХ: Ага. Могли бы вы быть правым и при этом быть человеком?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Do you have to be human?
ЛРХ: Вам нужно быть человеком?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Who said so?
ЛРХ: Кто это сказал?
PC: I did.
ПК: Я.
LRH: How about the center?
ЛРХ: Как насчет центра?
PC: What about it?
ПК: Что насчет центра?
LRH: Well, is there anything being human to do with this center?
ЛРХ: Ну, бытие человеком как-то связано с этим центром?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: This feeling in the stomach and that sort of thing?
ЛРХ: Это ощущение в животе и все такое?
PC: Seems to.
ПК: Похоже на то.
LRH: Do you have to have that to be human?
ЛРХ: Вам нужно иметь это, чтобыбыть человеком?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: What if you got rid of it?
ЛРХ: Что если бы вы избавились от этого?
PC: Okay.
ПК: Ну ладно.
LRH: Would you know then?
ЛРХ: Вы бы тогда стали знать?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Would this be bad?
ЛРХ: Это было бы плохо?
PC: Yeah. Is it all right just to get what flashes here?
ПК: Да. Это нормально, что я просто получаю то, что возникает в уме?
LRH: What flashed?
ЛРХ: То, что возникало в уме?
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Okay. I can see you're getting a little drop on that. You haven't really realized how bad it would be, though, to know, have you?
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Я вижу, у вас на это появляется небольшое падение. Однако вы на самом деле не осознавали, на сколько плохо было бы знать, не так ли?
PC: I took a try at it once.
ПК: Я один раз попытался.
LRH: Hm?
PC: I took a try at it once.
ПК: Я один раз попытался.
LRH: Yeah, you could try knowing once. Now, do you realize that if you did knock out this facsimile, we could always reinstall it.
ЛРХ: Да, вы один раз могли попытаться знать. Что ж, осознаете ли вы, что, если вы избавитесь от этого факсимиле, мы всегда можем установить его вновь?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Well, would you mind having it reinstalled?
ЛРХ: Вы бы стали возражать против его установки вновь?
PC: Yes, I'd mind.
ПК: Да, я бы возражал.
LRH: Okay, you'd mind. Did you fight when it was installed?
ЛРХ: Ладно,выбывозражали. Вы сопротивлялись, когда его устанавливали?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Did you fight hard?
ЛРХ: Вы сильно сопротивлялись?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Did you tell them you'd get even?
ЛРХ: Вы сказали им, что поквитаетесь?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Did you tell them you'd find out someday?
ЛРХ: Вы сказали им, что когда-нибудь вы их найдете?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Mm-hm. Are you going to?
ЛРХ: Ага. Вы собираетесь сделать это?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is that what you're doing in Scientology?
ЛРХ: Это то, чем вы занимаетесь в Саентологии?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Okay. How tall were they?
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Какого роста они были?
PC: I got a ten.
ПК: Я получил «десять».
LRH: Ten what?
ЛРХ: Десять чего?
PC: Feet.
ПК: Футов.
LRH: Mm-hm. Pretty tall.
ЛРХ: Ага. Довольно высокие.
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: You didn't like it?
ЛРХ: Вам это не понравилось?
PC: No.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Was this on Earth?
ЛРХ: Это было на Земле?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: On Earth?
ЛРХ: На Земле?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Yes or no: Was this on Earth? (snap)
ЛРХ: «Да» или «нет»: это было на Земле? (щелчок)
PC: No!
ПК: Нет!
LRH: Uh-huh. Yes or no: Is Earth hell? (snap)
ЛРХ: Ага. «Да» или «нет»: Земля – это ад? (щелчок)
PC: Yes.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Were you sent here? (snap)
ЛРХ: Вас отправили сюда? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Do you have to stay here? (snap)
ЛРХ: Вы должны оставаться здесь? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: What if you knew all of a sudden? (snap)
ЛРХ: Что если бы вы вдруг стали знать? (щелчок)
PC: No!
ПК: Нет!
LRH: No. But if you knew, could you leave?
ЛРХ: Нет. Но если бы вы стали знать, вы могли бы покинуть это место?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: You want to go home?
ЛРХ: Вы хотите домой?
PC: Yes-no.
ПК: Да-нет.
Male voice: Yes-no.
Мужской голос: Да-нет.
LRH: Yeah, but that's this and this answering.
ЛРХ: Да, но сейчас отвечает и то, и это.
PC: Oh! Okay.
ПК: О! Ладно.
LRH: Let's get the center answer. Do you want to leave Earth? (snap)
ЛРХ: Давайте получим ответ у центра. Вы хотите покинуть Землю? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Want to go home?
ЛРХ: Хотите домой?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: How about home? Better place?
ЛРХ: Как насчет дома? Там лучше?
PC: Yep.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Do you like it here?
ЛРХ: Вам нравится здесь?
PC: I like it here.
ПК: Мне нравится здесь.
LRH: Yeah, you like it real well here.
ЛРХ: Да, вам очень нравится здесь.
PC: Yeah. Getting dizzy.
ПК: Да. Появляется головокружение.
LRH: You're getting dizzy? Well, I wonder why that could be? We're on dangerous ground here, aren't we?
ЛРХ: У вас появляется головокружение? Что ж, интересно, почему бы это? Мы тут занялись чем-то опасным, не так ли?
PC: Yeah, we are. I – kind of scared. I feel the way I used to feel when I was scared.
ПК: Да, это так. Я... вроде как напуган. Я чувствую себя так, как обычно чувствую, когда напуган.
LRH: Oh, is this the basic fear charge?
ЛРХ: О, это бэйсик-заряд страха?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is this the basic shut-off charge?
ЛРХ: Это бэйсик-заряд перекрытия?
PC: Yeah. How'd you know there was one?
ПК: Да. Откуда вы знаете, что он там есть?
LRH: Sure.
ЛРХ: Еще бы я не знал.
Male voice: Are you in the center now?
Мужской голос: Вы сейчас в центре?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
Male voice: How do your eyes feel?
Мужской голос: Как ваши глаза?
PC: It's kind of strained. I keep trying to slip off to the right a little.
ПК: Вроде как напряжены. Я постоянно пытаюсь немного соскользнуть вправо.
LRH: Yes or no: Is there a lot of sound in this? (snap)
ЛРХ: «Да» или «нет»: Там присутствует сильный звук? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Heavy volume? (snap) Sound leveled at your stomach too? (snap)
ЛРХ: Очень громко? (щелчок) Звук также направлен на ваш живот? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is this the ringing in your ears? (snap)
ЛРХ: Это звон в ушах? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is this impact against your eyes? (snap)
ЛРХ: Это бьет по глазам? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is this why you don't like to hear people talk? (snap)
ЛРХ: Именно поэтому вам ненравится слышать, как люди разговаривают? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Mm-hm. Does this come down Tone Scale from "Know" to "Not know"? (snap)
ЛРХ: Ага. Все это опускается по шкале тонов от «Знать» до «Не знать»? (щелчок)
PC: I just got no on that.
ПК: Я просто получил «Нет» на это.
LRH: No? Well, does it come down from being a cause to being an effect? (snap)
ЛРХ: Нет? Что ж, опускается ли это от причины до следствия? (щелчок)
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: What does it do?
ЛРХ: Что происходит?
PC: I think it's on the responsibility.
ПК: По-моему, это связано с ответственностью.
LRH: Oh. It comes down the Tone Scale from being responsible to not being responsible?
ЛРХ: О. Он опускается по шкале тонов от «ответственного» до «безответственного»?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is that right? Is it their responsibility now?
ЛРХ: Правда? Теперь это их ответственность?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Is it better that way?
ЛРХ: Так лучше?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Yeah. Are you supposed to say that at that point?
ЛРХ: Да. Вы должны это сказать в этот момент?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Did they install the man? (snap)
ЛРХ: Они установили мужчину? (щелчок)
PC: No – no!
ПК: Нет... нет!
LRH: Did they install the man? (snap)
ЛРХ: Они установили мужчину? (щелчок)
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Is that you? (snap)
ЛРХ: Это вы? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Did they install the woman? (snap)
ЛРХ: Они установили женщину? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: You got a yes?
ЛРХ: Вы получили «Да»?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Mm-hm.
ЛРХ: Ага.
PC: What in the hell's that mean?
ПК: Что это значит, черт возьми?
LRH: Oh nothing, except it's an artificially set-up demon circuit, that's all. Why don't you run this?
ЛРХ: О, ничего, кроме того, что это искусственно установленный демонский контур, вот и все. Почему бы вам не пройти это?
PC: I am.
ПК: Я прохожу.
LRH: With thought, emotion, effort, and so forth. Just run it all out. Get full visio.
ЛРХ: С использованием мысли, эмоции, усилия и так далее. Просто пройдите и сотрите все это. Получите полное видео.
PC: The visio.
ПК: Видео.
LRH: You say there is no visio?
ЛРХ: Вы говорите, что там нет видео?
PC: Mm-hm.
ПК: Ага.
LRH: Would there be no visio there? Is this incident supposedly timeless? (snap)
ЛРХ: Там не будет никакого видео? Предположительно в этом инциденте отсутствует время? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: What would happen if somebody walked up to you and served you a summons?
ЛРХ: Что произошло бы, если бы кто-то пришел к вам и вручил повестку в суд?
PC: I just clamped up on that one. I...
ПК: Я просто задавил это. Я...
LRH: Yeah, didn't you? What if somebody walked in and served you a summons, said you were under arrest?
ЛРХ: Да, это так? Что если бы кто-то пришел к вам и вручил повестку, сказав, что вы арестованы?
PC: No!
ПК: Нет!
LRH: You don't like that?
ЛРХ: Вам это не нравится?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Uh-huh. Well, that's what your stomach is supposed to do. Your stomach got funny right then, didn't it? Well, that's what your stomach is supposed to do when you ignore a summons to the court.
ЛРХ: Ага. Что ж, это то, что должно происходить с вашим животом. В вашем животе появилось странное ощущение прямо в тот момент, не так ли? Так вот, это то, что с вашим животом должно происходить, когда вы игнорируете повестки в суд.
PC: I don't understand that, Ron.
ПК: Я этого не понимаю, Рон.
LRH: We've been had, Lohren. That's all.
ЛРХ: Нас обманули, Лорен. Вот и все.
PC: I don't quite understand what you 're saying, but it sounds right.
ПК: Я не совсем понимаю, о чем вы говорите, но это кажется правильным.
LRH: All right. Let's pick up a time when the center – you – were very happy. Pick up a visio with it, when you were very happy.
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Давайте найдем момент, когда центр... вы... были очень счастливы. Получите вместе с этим видео, когда вы были очень счастливы.
PC: I can't.
ПК: Я не могу.
LRH: Oh, you can.
ЛРХ: О, вы можете.
PC: Center was happy?
ПК: Центр был счастлив?
LRH: Visio. Center, very happy.
ЛРХ: Видео. Центр, очень счастлив.
PC: I'm beginning to feel happy, but I don't get a visio.
ПК: Я начинаю чувствовать себя счастливым, но я не получаю видео.
LRH: Don't get a visio? You supposed to have a third eye in the middle of your forehead?
ЛРХ: Не получаете видео? Вы должны иметь третий глаз в центре лба?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Hm?
PC: I got a "yes" flash.
ПК: У меня мгновенно возникло «Да».
LRH: Sure. Is it better for you to have this third eye?
ЛРХ: Конечно. Вам лучше иметь этот третий глаз?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Did you agree to have it?
ЛРХ: Вы согласились иметь его?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Much better that way. But after you agreed, you didn't like it?
ЛРХ: Так гораздо лучше. Но после того как вы согласились, вам это не нравилось?
PC: That's right.
ПК: Точно.
LRH: Okay. Now, do you think of something very happy with that third eye?
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Итак, вы думаете о чем-то очень счастливом с помощью этого третьего глаза?
PC: (sigh)
ПК: (вздох)
LRH: Like getting a visio, "I'm very happy." (pause). Keep going down. Have to get something happy.
ЛРХ: Вроде того как вы получаете видео: «Я очень счастлив», (пауза). Продолжайте двигаться вниз. Нужно найти что-то, что содержит счастье.
PC: I feel scared of trying to find something happy with it, if you know what I mean!
ПК: Я боюсь пытаться найти с помощью этого что-то, что содержит счастье, – ну, вы понимаете!
LRH: Yes. Yeah, good. Only your tone is coming up, so you must be finding something happy.
ЛРХ: Да. Да, хорошо. Только ваш тон растет, так что вы, должно быть, находите что-то, что содержит счастье.
PC: Beginning to sweat.
ПК: Я начинаю потеть.
LRH: Beginning to sweat? Tone's coming up.
ЛРХ: Начинаете потеть? Тон растет.
PC: I've been on the verge of what. you questioned me about here for about six months, just tight on it.
ПК: Я был на грани того, о чем вы меня здесь спрашиваете, около шести месяцев назад, просто накрепко завяз в этом.
LRH: Yeah, that's right. All you have to do is just run it and you'll feel wonderful. There's also a manic in it. You're supposed to feel good because of it.
ЛРХ: Да, правильно. Все, что вам нужно сделать, – это просто пройти это, и вы будете чувствовать себя замечательно. Кроме того, там есть маник. Вы должны чувствовать себя хорошо из-за него.
PC: Yeah?
ПК: Да?
LRH: Yeah. So why don't you run it? Thank you, Lohren.
ЛРХ: Да. Так почему бы вам не пройти это? Спасибо, Лорен.
PC: Thanks a lot, Ron.
ПК: Большое спасибо, Рон.
LRH: [to audience] This is– we're just giving you, mostly for the students that are here tonight, the Facsimile One; the anatomy of Facsimile One. Very interesting. You know, everybody kept saying that "we mustn't hallucinate, you know, and we mustn't ever go in for a delusion." Well, this is crazier than anybody ever imagined before. I guess that's why we had to stay away from imagination: we would have found it. But this is not imagination for the very excellent reason is, I don't think anybody could imagine anything this wild.
ЛРХ: [аудитории] Это... мы просто показываем вам – главным образом для студентов, которые сегодня находятся здесь – факсимиле «Один», анатомию факсимиле «Один». Очень интересно. Знаете, все постоянно твердили, что «мы не должны галлюцинировать, понимаете, и мы не должны впадать в иллюзии». Что ж, это нечто более безумное, чем кто-либо раньше мог вообразить. Я полагаю, именно поэтому мы должны были оставить в покое воображение: мы бы обнаружили это. Но это не является воображением по одной очень веской причине: я не думаю, что кто-либо смог бы придумать что-то столь дикое.
Male voice: My somatics...
Мужской голос: Мои соматики...
LRH: What's the matter? You got somatics?
ЛРХ: В чем дело? У вас появились соматики?
Male voice: Uh...
Мужской голос: Э...
LRH: You want to go on the machine?
ЛРХ: Вы хотите пройти это с Е-метром?
Male voice: Naah, I don't think I'd show.
Мужской голос: Не-а, я не думаю, что у меня будут реакции на Е-метре.
LRH: You don't think you'd show? Okay.
ЛРХ: Вы не думаете, что у вас будут реакции на Е-метре? Хорошо.
Male voice: I might. I've been running them for three days.
Мужской голос: Я мог бы. Я проходил их три дня.
LRH: You want to see another test on this bi-valence and center?
ЛРХ: Вы хотите посмотреть еще один эксперимент с этим двойным вэйлансом и центром?
Audience: Yeah.
Аудитория: Да.
LRH: Go ahead. Awful standard.
ЛРХ: Давайте. Совершенно обычные показания.
Male voice: Let her rip.
Мужской голос: Ну поехали.
LRH: Get him center there. He's not that low. Okay, Jack. You know, that machine isn't sensitive worth a nickel.
ЛРХ: Установите его показания на центр. Этот парень не настолько низко. Ладно, Джек. Знаете, чувствительность этого прибора никуда не годится.
Male voice: You ain't just kidding me?
Мужской голос: Вы не дурачите меня?
Second Male voice: Can you separate the cans a bit, John?
Второй Мужской голос: Вы можете немного раздвинуть банки, Джон?
Male voice: Hm?
Мужской голос: А?
LRH: You know that a single-notch drop on that machine is a lot of drop. Let me see where you got that sensitivity Not quite like this?
ЛРХ: Знаете, падение в одно деленьице на этом приборе – это большое падение. Дайте я посмотрю, откуда у вас взялась такая чувствительность. Как-то вот так?
Male voice: Well, when you raise the sensitivity, this has to go in the other direction.
Мужской голос: Что ж, когда вы увеличиваете чувствительность, вот это нужно крутить в другом направлении.
LRH: Oh, I see. This has to go back.
ЛРХ: О, понятно. Это нужно крутить назад.
Male voice: No.
Мужской голос: Нет.
LRH: Does this have to go back?
ЛРХ: Это нужно крутить назад?
Male voice: I think it has to come up to account for a rise in sensitivity.
Мужской голос: Я думаю, это нужно увеличивать, чтобы скомпенсировать рост чувствительности.
LRH: Oh, this boy's tone is really high!
ЛРХ: О, тон этого парня по-настоящему высокий!
PC: Naturally.
ПК: Естественно.
LRH: Yeah, but look at it drop. What's the idea? Aren't you supposed to have a high tone?
ЛРХ: Да, но посмотрите на это падение. В чем дело? У вас что, не должно быть высокого тона?
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: What would happen if you got happy?
ЛРХ: Что произошло бы, если бы вы были счастливы?
PC: I'd be alive.
ПК: Я был бы живым.
LRH: That'd be bad?
ЛРХ: Это было бы плохо?
PC: I expect it would, yeah.
ПК: Я полагаю, что да.
LRH: Are you on the left side now?
ЛРХ: Вы сейчас на левой стороне?
PC: Mm-hm.
ПК: Ага.
LRH: How about shifting over to the right side?
ЛРХ: Как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в правую сторону?
PC: Okay.
ПК: Готово.
LRH: Yes or no: Is the right side a man? (snap)
ЛРХ: «Да» или «нет»: правая сторона – мужчина? (щелчок)
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Is the right side a woman? (snap)
ЛРХ: Правая сторона – женщина? (щелчок)
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Okay. Yes or no: Was this installed? (snap)
ЛРХ: Хорошо. «Да» или «нет»: было ли это установлено? (щелчок)
PC: I didn't get an answer.
ПК: Я не получил ответа.
LRH: Didn't you? How about shifting center now?
ЛРХ: Не получили? Как насчет того, чтобы теперь переместиться в центр?
PC: That's a little rough, but I'll try.
ПК: Это немного трудновато, но я попробую.
LRH: Okay. Anything the matter with shifting center?
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Какие-нибудьтрудностис перемещением в центр?
PC: I got it.
ПК: Я сделал это.
LRH: Okay. Does this feel good-center?
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Он чувствует себя хорошо... центр?
PC: Oh, it's all right.
ПК: O, все в порядке.
LRH: Do you feel anything else with it?
ЛРХ: Вы чувствуете там что-нибудь еще?
PC: Oh, a little bouncy.
ПК: O, легкую энергичность.
LRH: Do you feel... How about – how's your forehead feel, shifting center?
ЛРХ: Вы чувствуете себя... Как насчет... как чувствует себя ваш лоб, когда вы передвигаетесь в центр?
PC: Well,that somatic is real light in me.
ПК: Ну, у меня очень слабая соматика.
LRH: It's very light.
ЛРХ: Она очень слабая.
PC: Mm-hm.
ПК: Ага.
LRH: How about shifting over to the left side now?
ЛРХ: Как насчет того, чтобы теперь переместиться в левую сторону?
PC: Okay.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Yes or no: Is this a man? (snap)
ЛРХ: «Да» или «нет»: это мужчина? (щелчок)
PC: No.
ПК: Нет.
LRH: Okay. How about shifting center now?
ЛРХ: Хорошо. Как насчет того, чтобы теперь переместиться в центр?
PC: (pause) Okay, I guess I got it.
ПК: (пауза) Да, по-моему, у меня получилось.
LRH: Sure you got it. This is center. (Perfect). Center of the dial here. Now I'm going to ask you a couple of very interesting questions about the center. Did it also hit your stomach?
ЛРХ: Определенно, у вас получилось. Это центр. (Идеально.) Здесь центр шкалы. Теперь я задам вам пару очень интересных вопросов по поводу центра. Это ударяет вам еще и в живот?
PC: Yeah, I got it in the stomach.
ПК: Да, у меня появилось это в животе.
LRH: Uh-huh. Was it an impact?
ЛРХ: Ага. Это был толчок?
PC: Some kind.
ПК: Что-то вроде того.
LRH: Was it a series of impacts?
ЛРХ: Это была серия толчков?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.
LRH: Bop-bop-bop-bop?
ЛРХ: Боп-боп-боп-боп?
PC: I reckon.
ПК: Я полагаю.
LRH: Uh-huh. Yeah, wasn't it! Okay, was it a separate series than the one that hit you in the face?
ЛРХ: Ага. Да, разве нет? Хорошо, была ли это какая-то отдельная серия толчков, не та, что ударяет вам в лицо?
PC: Yeah.
ПК: Да.

[В этом месте запись обрывается в оригинале.]

LRH: Okay. What's the wave length? What hit your face? ЛРХ: Хорошо. Какова длина волны? Что ударяло вам по лицу? PC: Sound, I guess. ПК: По-моему, звук. LRH: Was your face swollen afterwards? ЛРХ: Ваше лицо опухло после этого? PC: Yeah. Yeah. ПК: Да. Да. LRH: Okay. Did it hurt your eyes any? ЛРХ: Хорошо. Повредило ли это каким-то образом ваши глаза? PC: No, I don't think so. ПК: Нет, я так не думаю. LRH: Did you have to go there? ЛРХ: Вы были вынуждены пойти туда? PC: I reckon. ПК: Я полагаю. LRH: Yeah. Did you protest? ЛРХ: Да. У вас был протест? PC: Yes. ПК: Да. LRH: Mm, is this a long time ago? ЛРХ: Мм, это было давно? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: An awful long time ago? ЛРХ: Ужасно давно? PC: Yeah. A long time and no time. ПК: Да. Давно и вне времени. LRH: A long time and no time. Is it part of this incident that it isn't in time at all? ЛРХ: Давно и вне времени. Часть этого инцидента вообще не находится во времени? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Is that stated to be part of it? ЛРХ: Там утверждается, что это является частью данного инцидента? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Or is it part of it? ЛРХ: Или это является частью данного инцидента? PC: Well, it is and it isn't. ПК: И да, и нет. LRH: Uh-huh. But it's stated to be? ЛРХ: Угу. Но так утверждается? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: How about... (Let's set it center here.) How about it – it's stated to be part of this? ЛРХ: Как насчет... (Давайте установим это на центр.) Как насчет... там утверждается, что это часть этого? PC: Mm-hm. ПК: Ага. LRH: Well, is the incident timeless, actually? ЛРХ: В этом инциденте действительно отсутствует время? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: It happened at a specific moment, didn't it? ЛРХ: Это произошло в какой-то определенный момент, не так ли? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: In the MEST universe? ЛРХ: В МЭСТ-вселенной? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: On Earth? ЛРХ: На Земле? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: No.Good. Now, what would happen if somebody walked up to you and handed you a warrant for arrest? ЛРХ: Нет. Хорошо. Так, а что произошло бы, если бы кто-то пришел к вам и вручил вам ордер на арест? PC: Well, I had it happen once and didn't like it. ПК: Ну, со мной это один раз было, и мне это не понравилось. LRH: Uh-huh. Would you have to go? ЛРХ: Ага. Вам пришлось бы пойти? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Would you have to obey? ЛРХ: Вам пришлось бы повиноваться? PC: Well, it seemed like I did obey. ПК: Похоже, я действительно повиновался. LRH: Yeah. Did you ever revolt? ЛРХ: Да. Вы когда-нибудь бунтовали? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Would something bad happen if you revolted? ЛРХ: Случилось бы что-нибудь плохое, если бы вы взбунтовались? PC: Supposed to, I guess. ПК: Мне кажется, должно было бы случиться. LRH: Which side have you slipped over into now? ЛРХ: В какую сторону вы соскользнули теперь? PC: It's hard to hold. (pause) I got center again. ПК: Трудно удерживаться. (пауза) Я снова в центре. LRH: Would the right side hate to be banished, thrown away and discarded? ЛРХ: Правой стороне очень не понравилось бы, если бы ее изгнали, вышвырнули и отвергли? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Mm-hm. Let the right side answer this: Are you responsible for keeping this individual from succeeding? ЛРХ: Ага. Пусть правая сторона ответит вот на какой вопрос: вы виновны в том, что не позволяете этому человеку добиваться успеха? PC: Yes. ПК: Да. LRH: Oh, you've been found out now? ЛРХ: О, теперь вас разоблачили? PC: I found it out myself. ПК: Я сам себя разоблачил. LRH: Yeah? Boom. Okay. Did the right side know there was anybody else there? ЛРХ: Да? Бум. Хорошо. Знала ли правая сторона, что существовал кто-то еще? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Yeah. Ever argue? ЛРХ: Да. Когда-нибудь спорили? PC: Plenty. ПК: Очень часто. LRH: Plenty, huh? Good. Well, okay. Now, what's the matter with running out the center engram? ЛРХ: Очень часто, да? Хорошо. Что ж, хорошо. Так вот, что у вас за трудности с тем, чтобы пройти и стереть инграмму центра? PC: Nothing is the matter with it. ПК: Никаких. LRH: Can you do it? ЛРХ: Вы можете сделать это? PC: I can try. ПК: Я могу попытаться. LRH: Mm-hm. Will it be bad if you do it? ЛРХ: Ага. Будет ли плохо, если вы сделаете это? PC: I don't think so. ПК: Я так не думаю. LRH: Nope. All right. When do you want to start running it out? ЛРХ: Нет. Хорошо. Когда вы хотите приступить к прохождению этой инграммы? PC: Right now. ПК: Прямо сейчас. LRH: Well, why don't you shift over to the left side, let somebody audit it out. You probably could run it out yourself. ЛРХ: Итак, почему бы вам не переместиться в левую сторону? Пусть кто-нибудь проодитирует и сотрет это. Вы, вероятно, могли бы сами пройти и стереть это. PC: I've been tr–. ПК: Я пыта... LRH: Oh, you wouldn't like that? ЛРХ: О, вам бы это не понравилось? PC: I've been trying. ПК: Я пытался. LRH: Been trying? ЛРХ: Пытались? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Well, all it is is just these impacts and... Keep scanning through it. It sounds like counter-thought, only it's not counter-thought, it's just words. ЛРХ: Что ж, все это представляет собой всего лишь эти толчки и... Продолжайте сканировать это. Это звучит как контрмысль, только это не контрмысль, а просто слова. PC: Hm. Yeah, but there's a lot of lies in there. ПК: Хм. Да, но там куча лжи. LRH: Oh,boy! Yeah. We's under control! ЛРХ: Еще бы! Да. Мы под контролем! PC: Evidently. ПК: Очевидно. LRH: Now, what happened if us slaves broke our chains? ЛРХ: А что произошло бы, если бы мы, рабы, разорвали наши цепи? PC: Tough on them, maybe. ПК: Им, возможно, пришлось бы туго. LRH: Yeah. ЛРХ: Да. PC: Tough on them. ПК: Им пришлось бы туго. LRH: I don't think they're around anymore. ЛРХ: Я не думаю, что они все еще находятся где-то рядом. PC: Too bad. ПК: Вот жалость. LRH: Yeah, I've been feeling mean about it myself. Thanks ever so much. ЛРХ: Да, меня самого злость разбирает. Большое спасибо. PC: Oh, yeah. ПК: О, да. LRH: By the way, this machine has a level of action, ordinarily – this is a very low-level machine. What are you doing? Oh, nobody on the cans. ЛРХ: Кстати, обычно у этого прибора уровень действия... этот прибор с очень низким уровнем действия. Что вы делаете? О, никого на банках. Male voice: Yeah, I am holding the cans. Мужской голос: Да, я держу банки. LRH: On this low level of operation here, once you get the machine centered, it doesn't operate or react very much compared to what it might. But you take Jack right now, the way this machine is jumping around... Is this BL in restimulation? The center eye? ЛРХ: На таком низком уровне как только вы устанавливаете показания прибора на центр, он не очень хорошо реагирует по сравнению с тем, как он мог бы. Но вот прямо сейчас у нас тут Джек, и показания этого прибора скачут... Это «До прибытия на Землю» в рестимуляции? Центральный глаз? PC: I reckon. ПК: Я полагаю. LRH: Is it? Boom. Yeah? Is that because I questioned so many people about it? ЛРХ: Это так? Бум. Да? Это потому что я расспрашивал стольких людей об этом? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: No. When did you run into it? ЛРХ: Нет. Когда вы попали в этот инцидент? PC: Night be fore last. ПК: Позавчера вечером. LRH: Somebody talking to you on a telephone about it? ЛРХ: Кто-то разговаривал с вами об этом по телефону? PC: Some coffeehouse auditor. ПК: Какой-то «одитор за чашечкой кофе». LRH: Yeah? Talking to you about it on the telephone? ЛРХ: Да? Разговаривал с вами об этом по телефону? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Been bad off ever since, huh? ЛРХ: После этого вы плохо себя чувствовали, да? PC: Yeah. Having to control my self. ПК: Да. Приходилось себя контролировать. LRH: Is that thing really the center of all control circuits? ЛРХ: Эта штука действительно является центром всех контролирующих контуров? PC: Uh... No, not exactly. It's just, without it you didn't need any control. I mean, things didn't get out of hand. ПК: Э... Нет, не совсем. Это просто... без этого вам не нужен был никакой контроль. Я имею в виду, ничего не выходило из-под контроля. LRH: But now that you have it... Did you ever hear of "divide and rule"? ЛРХ: Но теперь, когда у вас это есть... вы когда-нибудь слышали о принципе «Разделяй и властвуй»? PC: Well, I never was very good at math. But I think I know what you mean. ПК: Ну, я никогда не был силен в математике. Но мне кажется, я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. LRH: (I'm going to center this.) You're glad to have me question you, aren't you? ЛРХ: (Я установлю это на центр.) Вы с радостью позволяете мне задавать вам вопросы, не так ли? PC: Yeah. Yeah. ПК: Да. Да. LRH: Did you ever hear of "divide and rule" as a political maneuver? ЛРХ: Вы когда-нибудь слышали о принципе «Разделяй и властвуй» как о политическом приеме? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Yeah? Well now, on "divide and rule," what if you took a human being and split him up into two halves so he'd fight against himself? ЛРХ: Да? Так вот, по поводу принципа «Разделяй и властвуй»: что если бы вы взяли какое-нибудь человеческое существо и разделили его пополам, чтобы оно боролось само с собой? PC: Well, he'd be kind of schizzy. ПК: Ну,оно стало бы кем-то вроде шизофреника. LRH: Be schizzy but he'd be easy to control, wouldn't he? ЛРХ: Пусть шизофреник, но его легко контролировать, не так ли? PC: Well, let's say... easier. ПК: Ну, скажем... легче. LRH: Easier to control. ЛРХ: Легче контролировать. PC: Well, you wouldn't hare to control him too much. You just have him fighting himself and then he don't need ПК: Ну, вам не пришлось бы так уж сильно его контролировать. Вы просто делаете так, чтобы оно боролось само с собой, и'too much of your attention.после этого вам не нужно уделять ему слишком много внимания. LRH: Mm-hm. That's right. And what if you fixed him up so he'd get scared every time he disobeyed orders? ЛРХ: Ага. Это так. И что если бы вы обработали его таким образом, чтобы оно приходило в ужас всякий раз, когда не повинуется приказам? PC: Well, let's see. That wouldn't be good. ПК: Дайте подумать. Это было бы плохо. LRH: Tell me, is BE in restimulation? ЛРХ: Скажите мне, инцидент «До прибытия на Землю» находится в рестимуляции? PC: Hm. Something is. ПК: Хм. Что-то есть. LRH: Evolutionary Tine? ЛРХ: Эволюционная линия? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Overt act? ЛРХ: Оверт? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Overt act? ЛРХ: Оверт? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Kill a dame some time or something? ЛРХ: Однажды убили какую-то дамочку или что-то такое? PC: Nah. ПК: Не-а. LRH: Didn't, huh? ЛРХ: Нет, а? PC: Oh, I killed lots of domes but that ain't bothering me much. ПК: О, я убил множество дамочек, но меня это не очень-то беспокоит. LRH: Oh, I see. Worried about somebody you know? ЛРХ: О, понимаю. Волновались по поводу того, кого вы знаете? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Not worried about it? ЛРХ: Не волновались по этому поводу? PC: No sympathy. ПК: Никакого сочувствия. LRH: No sympathy. Well, then, it might be BE that's in restimulation. By the way, did you get this eye on in the center of your head? ЛРХ: Никакого сочувствия. Что ж, тогда, возможно, рестимулирован инцидент «До прибытия на Землю». Кстати, у вас все еще есть этот глаз в середине головы? PC: Whew! I'm not going to touch that for a while, (laughter) ПК: Уф! Я не буду касаться этого какое-то время, (смеется) LRH: Ohhh. ЛРХ: О-о-о. PC: Listen, brother... Man, I don't know – whoo! Boy, when you hit this thing, you really hit it, that's all. ПК: Слушай, ничего себе... Ну, я не знаю... ууу! Ого, когда ты наткнулся на эту штуку, ты на нее действительно наткнулся, вот и все. LRH: What's the matter? ЛРХ: В чем дело? PC: What's the – what's the matter? ПК: В чем... в чем дело? LRH: Which side was it? ЛРХ: Какая это была сторона? PC: It was the middle. ПК: Это была середина. LRH: The middle? Oh, hitting the middle was bad. Have you been able to get out of the middle since? ЛРХ: Середина? О, наткнуться на середину было неприятно. Вы потом были в состоянии выйти из середины? PC: I'm try – I can't get back in. Every time I start, to get in, I get terrific somatics. ПК: Я пытаюсь... я не могу снова войти туда. Каждый раз, когда я начинаю входить, у меня появляются ужасные соматики. LRH: Aw, move into it. ЛРХ: Ну, войдите в это. PC: Oh, no! ПК: О, нет! LRH: Aw, move into it. ЛРХ: Ну, войдите в это. PC: No, no. ПК: Нет, нет. LRH: You'll see that it's perfectly safe. ЛРХ: Вы увидите, что это совершенно безопасно. PC: Yeah? ПК: Да? LRH: Go on. Move into it. Shift over. ЛРХ: Давайтеже. Войдите в это. Переместитесь туда. PC: Listen, I'm a – I have a home and a wife full of children. (laughter) ПК: Послушайте, у меня... у меня жена, полный дом детей. (смеется) LRH: How about moving onto the right side, then? ЛРХ: Тогда как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в правую сторону? PC: Ohhh, phoof! ПК: О-о-о, фуф! LRH: Is that all right? ЛРХ: Все нормально? PC: What did you say? ПК: Что вы сказали? LRH: How about moving over on the right side? Is that side good now? ЛРХ: Как насчет того, чтобы переместиться в правую сторону? Эта сторона теперь в порядке? PC: Whew! I don't know. Let me see. ПК: Уф! Я не знаю. Дайте посмотреть. LRH: Right side comfortable? ЛРХ: Правая сторона чувствует себя нормально? PC: (sigh) Physical right side is, but... ПК: (вздыхает) Правая сторона физического тела – да, но... LRH: All right. Scan through the telephone conversation you had with me about this, on up to present time. ЛРХ: Хорошо. Просканируйте телефонный разговор, который у вас был со мной по поводу этого, вплоть до настоящего времени. PC: Whew! I did that twelve times already. ПК: Ух! Я делал это уже двенадцать раз. LRH: While you've been sitting there? ЛРХ: Это когда вы находитесь там? PC: No! That's where I – why I wasn't – I was late/or the lecture. ПК: Нет! Это было, где я... по этой причине я не... я опоздал на лекцию. LRH: Go on. Scan through it again. ЛРХ: Продолжайте. Просканируйте это снова. PC: Every time I scan through it I want to cry. And I feel like crying for three or four days, and... ПК: Каждый раз, когда я это сканирую, мне хочется плакать. У меня такое ощущение, будто я плакал три-четыре дня и... LRH: That's bad, huh? ЛРХ: Плохо, да? PC: No. It's just that every time I hit it I'm always out having coffee or right in front of an audience or so – in the worst place possible. And so I go home and I say, "Well, now I'll get it out." And then I can't get in it, because when I start; to get near it, somatics come in from the left side, so I get out of there. Then they come in on the right, and they're on the left and in front and they're everywhere. And it's hard to get into the thing. ПК: Нет. Простокаждыйраз,когдая натыкаюсь на это, я всегда нахожусь вне дома: пью кофе или стою прямо перед аудиторией или что-то вроде того... в самом худшем месте, в каком только можно оказаться. Так что я иду домой и говорю: «Сейчас я это устраню». А потом я не могу войти в это, потому что когда я начинаю приближаться к этому, появляется соматика в левой стороне, поэтому я выхожу оттуда. Затем соматика появляется справа, и слева, и спереди, и везде. Трудно войти в эту штуку. LRH: You know what kind of a somatic it has with it, really? ЛРХ: Вы знаете, какого рода соматика с этим на самом деле связана? PC: Whew! Well, I've got all kinds. I get a little one in the center of the forehead, but mostly – if I could just get that, I'd be happy. ПК: Уф! У меня появлялись самые разнообразные соматики. У меня небольшая соматика в центре лба, но главным образом... но если бы я получил только это, я был бы счастлив. LRH: Well, get it. ЛРХ: Что ж, получите это. PC: Okay. I got it. ПK: Ладно. Я получил это. LRH: Yes or no: The rest of them trying to come off as locks all at once? (snap) ЛРХ: «Да» или «нет»: остальное пытается выйти как локи, одновременно? (щелчок) PC: Yeah! ПК: Да! LRH: Have you got a circuit that's keeping these somatics on? (snap) ЛРХ: Есть ли у вас контур, который удерживает эти соматики включенными? (щелчок) PC: Hm, maybe. Don't think so. ПК: Хм, может быть. Я так не думаю. LRH: Have you got a left or a right circuit that's keeping somatics on to protect themselves? (snap) ЛРХ: Есть ли у вас правый или левый контур, который удерживает соматики включенными, чтобы защищать себя? (щелчок) PC: Yeah. I mean... ПК: Да. Я имею в виду... LRH: Is it the right side that's trying to keep the somatics on? (snap) ЛРХ: Это правая сторона пытается сохранить соматики включенными? (щелчок) PC: No. Think it's got... ПК: Нет. Думаю, что... LRH: Is it the left side that's trying to turn somatics on? (snap) ЛРХ: Это левая сторона пытается включать соматики? (щелчок) PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: All right. Is the left side young or old? ЛРХ: Хорошо. Левая сторона является молодой или старой? PC: Mm, I don't know. Pretty ornery, must be kind of young. ПК: Мм, я не знаю. Довольно упрямая, должно быть, вроде как молодая. LRH: Young? Pretty insouciant? ЛРХ: Молодая? Довольно беззаботная? PC: Hm? ПК: А? LRH: Is it a boy? ЛРХ: Это парень? PC: Can boy be "insouciants"? ПК: Может ли парень быть «беззаботным»? LRH: Yeah. ЛРХ: Да. PC: That sounded like something only girls could he. I figure it must he a girl. ПК: Похоже на то, что это может быть присуще только девушке. Я думаю, что это должна быть девушка. LRH: Now, which side is keeping them on? The right side? ЛРХ: Какая сторона удерживает соматики включенными? Правая сторона? PC: Hmm... I don't know. I haven't doped this out. They're – the biggest somatics are on the left side. And I haven't – I haven't decided whether I'm in the right and the left is a-calling me home, or I'm in the left and it's just raising hell in general. ПК: Хмм... Я не знаю. Я еще не врубился. Они... самые сильные соматики – с левой стороны. И я не... я еще не решил, в правой ли я стороне, а левая сторона... зовет меня домой, или я в левой стороне и она просто в целом устраивает скандал. LRH: Mm-hm. You can trace this down, can't you? ЛРХ: Ага. Вы можете проследить это, не так ли? PC: I'm afraid I can't. ПК: Боюсь, что нет. LRH: All right. Which is the last valence you acquired? ЛРХ: Хорошо. Каковпоследнийвэйланс, который вы взяли? PC: Whew! Valence? ПК: Уф! Вэйланс? LRH: Yeah. Which is the last one of these circuits that you acquired? (snap) ЛРХ: Да. Какой из этих контуров вы взяли последним? (щелчок) PC: Right. ПК: Правый. LRH: The right one is the last one. ЛРХ: Правый контур является последним. PC: Uh-huh. ПК: Ага. LRH: Is that a girl? (snap) ЛРХ: Это девушка? (щелчок) PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Boy? (snap) ЛРХ: Парень? (щелчок) PC: Man. ПК: Мужчина. LRH: How old? (snap) ЛРХ: Сколько ему лет? (щелчок) PC: Thirty-five. ПК: Тридцать пять. LRH: Thirty-five. Somebody you killed? (snap) ЛРХ: Тридцать пять. Кто-то, кого вы убили? (щелчок) PC: Probable. ПК: Вероятно. LRH: Probable. Who is it? ЛРХ: Вероятно. Кто это? PC: Let's see. ПК: Дайте посмотрю. LRH: Father? ЛРХ: Отец? PC: Maybe he's about thirty-two, thirty. ПК: Может быть, ему около тридцати двух, тридцати. LRH: Father? ЛРХ: Отец? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Mother? ЛРХ: Мать? PC: N–. Mm? (laugh) I resent that statement. ПК: Н... А? (смеется) Мне не нравится это высказывание. LRH: Father? ЛРХ: Отец? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Some fellow you knew in this life? ЛРХ: Какой-то человек, с которым вы были знакомы в этой жизни? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: Earlier life? ЛРХ: В более ранней жизни? PC: You're getting warm. ПК: Ваши вопросы становятся горячими. LRH: Much earlier? ЛРХ: Гораздо раньше? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Way back? ЛРХ: Очень давно? PC: I don't know, somewhere around the Crucifixion maybe. ПК: Я не знаю, возможно, где-то в то время, когда распяли Христа. LRH: Yeah? Bump off somebody there? Center – crash. ЛРХ: Да? Прикончили там кого-то? Центр... бах. PC: Whew! ПК: Уф! LRH: Center. ЛРХ: Центр. PC: Are you calling me a sinner? ПК: Вы называете меня грешником? LRH: No, I was asking if this is the center. What sin did you regret about this time? ЛРХ: Нет, я спрашиваю, не центр ли это. О каком грехе вы сожалели в это время? PC: Well, let's see... ПК: Ну, дайте подумать... LRH: Crash. ЛРХ: Бах. PC: Uh... Sin. ПК: Э... Грех. LRH: Hm? ЛРХ: А? PC: I don't know. ПК: Я не знаю. LRH: What sin did you regret? ЛРХ: О каком грехе вы сожалели? PC: Oh, "coward-ness" probably. ПК: О, вероятно, «трусость». LRH: Yeah? ЛРХ: Да? PC: I don't know if that's listed as a sin, but that's what I figure – that I didn't follow through on something. ПК: Я не знаю, подходит ли это под категорию греха, но это то, о чем я думаю... что я не довел что-то до конца. LRH: Didn't follow through? ЛРХ: Не довели до конца? PC: I got scared. Yeah. ПК: Я испугался. Да. LRH: Uh-huh. Then the right side is earlier – the latest, the last one? ЛРХ: Ага. Тогда правая сторона – это более ранний... самый последний, последний контур? PC: Yeah. Mm-hm. ПК: Да. Ага. LRH: Then the left side is earlier than that? ЛРХ: Тогда левая сторона была раньше? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: All right. What did it do to make the right side? ЛРХ: Хорошо. Что вы сделали, чтобы создать правую сторону? PC: Well, she's a woman and he's a man. ПК: Ну, она женщина, а он мужчина. LRH: Yeah. ЛРХ: Да. PC: What would any side do to make the other side? I don't know. Let's see. ПК: Что одна сторона сделала бы, чтобы создать другую? Я не знаю. Дайте подумать. LRH: That woman kill a man? ЛРХ: Эта женщина убивает мужчину? PC: Uh... ПК: Э... LRH: You ever jealous of this woman? ЛРХ: Вы когда-нибудь ревновали эту женщину? PC: I don't know. I figure she's jealous of me. ПК: Яне знаю. По-моему, она ревнует меня. LRH: She's jealous of you. ЛРХ: Она ревнует вас. PC: That's the egotistical way of looking at it. Hook at it that way. That's what I'm thinking. ПК: Это эгоистичный взгляд на это. Я смотрю на это так. Вот что я думаю. LRH: I guess so. She doesn't like this to be found out? ЛРХ: Полагаю, да. Она не хочет, чтобы это было обнаружено? PC: Hm? ПК: А? LRH: You say this woman doesn't like this to be found out? ЛРХ: Вы говорите, что эта женщина не хочет, чтобы это было обнаружено? PC: No. She wouldn't think too much of all that. ПК: Нет. Она бы не стала слишком уж раздумывать обо всем этом. LRH: Well, why don't you just scan backwards until you get back to the center of the eye and run the rest of the thing out? ЛРХ: Что ж, почему бы вам просто не просканировать это в обратной последовательности до тех пор, пока вы снова не придете к центру, где находится глаз, и не сотрете остальное? PC: Whew! ПК: Уф! LRH: Not here. ЛРХ: Не здесь. PC: Well, say so! (laugh) ПК: Ну ладно! (смеется) LRH: All right. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: I'm getting very tractable. ПК: Я становлюсь очень послушным. LRH: Scan through the questioning, and so forth, I've given to people here. (pause) Scan through the questioning I've given people here. ЛРХ: Просканируйте то, как я здесь задавал людям вопросы и так далее. (пауза) Просканируйте то, как я здесь задавал людям вопросы. PC: I didn't like that "warrant" business. ПК: Мне не понравилась эта штука с «ордером». LRH: You didn't, huh? ЛРХ: Вам не понравилось, да? PC: No. ПК: Нет. LRH: You didn't? ЛРХ: Вам не понравилось? PC: No! ПК: Нет! LRH: What's... ЛРХ: Что... PC: N-O-E, no. ПК: Н-Е-Т, нет. LRH: Are you supposed to report when you get a warrant? ЛРХ: Вы должны будете явиться, когда получите ордер? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: What'll happen if you don't? ЛРХ: Что случится, если вы этого не сделаете? PC: Well, they'll probably catch me anyway. ПК: Ну, они, вероятно, в любом случае меня схватят. LRH: Yeah. How about your stomach somatic? Would it turn on if you didn't report? ЛРХ: Да. Как насчет соматики в вашем животе? Она включилась бы, если бы вы не явились? PC: Mm, it didn't turn on then. Maybe I couldn't stomach it. ПК: Мм, в тот раз она не включилась. Возможно, я не мог это переварить. LRH: Yes. All right, scan through this questioning. ЛРХ: Да. Хорошо, просканируйте то, как я задавал вам эти вопросы. PC: Whew! (pause) Whew! ПК: Уф! (пауза) Уф! LRH: That's twice. ЛРХ: Сделайте это дважды. PC: Whew! ПК: Уф! LRH: Okay. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: Do I get a box of cigars or something? Whoo! I got... Now I got right side – that's the first right-side somatic that I've had. Is that good? ПК: Можно мне взять коробку сигар или что-то такое? Ух! У меня появилась... Теперь у меня появилась в правой стороне... это первая соматика, которая у меня появилась с правой стороны. Это хорошо? LRH: Sure. ЛРХ: Конечно. PC: Okay. (pause) Whew! ПК: Хорошо, (пауза) Уф! LRH: Come on, your tone is rising. (pause) Getting there? ЛРХ: Давайте,ваштонрастет. (пауза) Попадаете туда? PC: Well, lean – I got my feet on the floor again. ПК: Ну, я могу... Я снова поставил ноги на пол. LRH: Good. Let's go over it again. ЛРХ: Хорошо. Давайте снова пройдем это. PC: (sigh) ПК: (вздыхает) LRH: Now let's get up to present time. ЛРХ: Теперь давайте поднимемся к настоящему времени. PC: (pause) I think I ran away, back there. ПК: (пауза) По-моему, тогда я убежал. LRH: Mm-hm. ЛРХ: Ага. PC: I made them come get me. ПК: Я добился тою, что они меня поймали. LRH: Yup. All right. Now, let's think of a very beautiful girl. ЛРХ: Да. Хорошо. Теперь давайте подумаем об очень красивой девушке. PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Remember this show you were in? ЛРХ: Помните тот фильм, на который вы ходили? PC: The show I was in. Yeah. ПК: Фильм, на который я ходил. Да. LRH:: Yeah. With this beautiful girl in it. ЛРХ: Да. С этой красивой девушкой. PC: Which one? ПК: С какой? LRH: Oh, that one. ЛРХ: Ну, с той. PC: That one. All right. ПК: С той девушкой. Хорошо. LRH: You remember that one. Remember when she said something nice to you? ЛРХ: Вы помните ее. Помните, как она сказала вам что-то хорошее? PC: (pause) She did? ПК: (пауза) А она сказала? LRH: Well, let's find one where she did. ЛРХ: Ну, давайте найдем случай, когда она это сделала. PC: I've been looking for that one. Let's see. I took a girl to a honor movie, and she screamed twice. Once at the movie. ПК: Я ищу такой случай. Дайте подумать. Я повел девушку на фильм ужасов, она вскрикнула дважды. Один раз – из-за фильма. LRH: Oh, let's think of another one. ЛРХ: О, давайте найдем другой случай. PC: I like that one. That's... I got it. ПК: Мне нравится этот случай. Это... Я нашел. LRH: Good. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: Yeah, we were smooching. ПК: Да, мы целовались. LRH: Good. Nice girl. ЛРХ: Хорошо. Славная девушка. PC: We necked and petted all through the show. ПК: Мы обнимались, целовались и ласкались на протяжении всего фильма. LRH: Good. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: Then I found out we weren't sitting together. But she said nice things. ПК: Затем я обнаружил, что мы не сидим вместе. Но она говорила хорошие вещи. LRH: Yeah? ЛРХ: Да? PC: And her name was Betty. ПК: Ее звали Бетти. LRH: Good. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: Wasn't bad. ПК: Это было неплохо. LRH: Good. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: That was when I was sixteen. Is that all right? ПК: Это было, когда мне было шестнадцать. Это нормально? LRH: I don't know. Was it? ЛРХ: Я не знаю. Это было нормально? PC: Wasn't bad. Like I said. ПК: Это было неплохо. Как я уже говорил. LRH: Okay. Remember the time you had that roll of bills? ЛРХ: Ладно. Вспомните момент, когда у вас была такая пачка денег? PC: I was afraid you'd ask about that. Now, there must have been a time. ПК: Я боялся, что вы спросите об этом. Ну, должен быть такой случай. LRH: Must have been. ЛРХ: Должен быть. PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Got them? What did you do with them? ЛРХ: Получили такую пачку денег? Что вы с ними сделали? PC: Phew! ПК: Фью! LRH: Well, you should have... ЛРХ: Что ж, у вас должно быть... PC: Well, I've still got the rubber band. ПК: У меня до сих пор осталась резиночка от них. LRH: Remember all those neckties? ЛРХ: Помните все эти шейные платки? PC: Yeah. Now, that's pretty clear. ПК: Да. Я получил это довольно четко. LRH: Good. How does the silk feel in your hands? ЛРХ: Хорошо. Каков шелк на ощупь? PC: (sigh) Let's see. (pause) Feels better when there's something in it. Feels pretty good. I like that idea. ПК: (вздыхает) Дайте подумать. (пауза) Лучше, когда под ним что-то есть. Довольно хорошо. Мне нравится эта идея. LRH: Mm-hm. ЛРХ: Ага. PC: (pause) Whew! ПК: (пауза) Уф! LRH: How would you like to be big and strong and powerful and calm, and so forth? ЛРХ: Как бы вам понравилось быть большим, сильным, мощным, невозмутимым и так далее? PC: Pretty good. ПК: Довольно неплохо. LRH: Yeah? ЛРХ: Да? PC: Yeah. ПК: Да. LRH: Good. ЛРХ: Хорошо. PC: Yeah. That's what I'm going to be. ПК: Да. Именно таким я собираюсь быть. LRH: You realize you can? Good. ЛРХ: Вы осознаете, что вы можете быть таким? Хорошо. PC: Sure. ПК: Конечно. LRH: Let's get him off the machine quick. (laugh) Thank you, Jack. ЛРХ: Давайте-ка быстренько заберем у него банки. (смеется) Спасибо, Джек. PC: Thank you. ПК: Спасибо. LRH: Thank you very much, folks. ЛРХ: Большое спасибо, ребята.