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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R-2 and R3 - Current Audit Rundown (SHSBC-271) - L630221 | Сравнить

CONTENTS R2 AND R3: CURRENT AUDITING RUNDOWN Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 21 February 1963

Okay, here we are. This is the what? Twenty - one February, AD 13. 1 know the year, anyway. And here we are with Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture.

Now, frankly, you're here to make it. We expect you to make it and you're not going to make it without data and - even though some of you are trying. You've got to keep up on your bulletins and keep up on your tapes and get your checksheets done and do a good job of auditing, because the better job of auditing you do, the better auditing you're going to get, that's for sure.

In auditor assignments we have a very nasty habit of pairing off the poorer auditors against each other and the better auditors against each other. So the better job of auditing you do, the better auditor you get. It's all these little persuasions. And while you're still in the universe, why, we have to use some of the laws of the universe to get you going and push you along. We don't like to use these laws but that is persuasion and duress and other things of that character are definitely indicated in some of these cases.

In other words, we - we're not against you. We're just against the bank. And if you get along, why, it's because you've overcome your bank. First thing I want to tell you in this lecture tonight is I've received quite a few congratulations on being Clear, and so forth. Actually, I'm just a first - goal Clear but - and almost a second - goal Clear, I've got so many items left on the second goal. But I've received quite a few congratulations and all of them very warm. But I'm also receiving here and there in the minority, some distinct shocks from people. They, "Aha, what do you know! Well, I thought you were seven times as Clear as anybody else ever would be," and so forth, and they're very shocked to find out that I have gone Clear. Well, for a long time my needle's been free, sporadically, and I very often use E - Meters or use my Clear read, that's been for years, to check out an E - Meter. I'm sure there are people around here have seen me do it.

I'd say that E - Meter's not right because it isn't reading at 3. 1 take a hold of it and so forth. But that's beside the point. Those that have, have sort of missed the story. They - the people are shocked about this, they - they've missed the story. This idea of somebody full - armed from the brow of Jove or something like that, coming down and helping man, and so on, that's an old story. That isn't even news. But somebody by his own bootstraps even as you, pulling himself up through this thing, that is news. And whatever you have done and been on the whole track, or whatever I have done and been on the whole track, it still amounts to the fact that a guy just like you made this. And has made it, and also "physician heal thyself," has been broken all ways from the middle. Because it never happened before. That's what's news.

I suppose my bank to a large degree's been keyed out but over a period of time has been keying in harder and harder and harder and about knocked my head off, and I was working out technology by which you could get Clear, and I hadn't had any auditing to amount to anything for a couple of years, actually. Mary Sue rolled up her sleeves and there we went and here we are. And this is a very satisfactory, well, I won't say an end to the story, because the story is a long way from ended. But I will say it's a very satisfactory denouement on the question, "Can one lift himself by his own bootstraps and beat all the laws of God and men in this whole universe from one corner to the other?" And the answer, of course, is yes.

Now, where you have a will, why you don't always have a way, but a way can be worked out. I was very interested to hear today from Louise who left here some little time ago, a Saint Hill grad, and she was telling me what she'd been doing, and it's the wildest story I think I've read in a long time. This girl, without any training on 2 - 12 but having learned how to study and audit here, has been banging into cases where she is at the present time and has apparently divined the fact that as long as a pc is ARC breaking and screaming and feeling bad and so forth, it just must be that the list isn't complete. And so she's gone on and on and on and on and nulled and looked and nulled and gone on and listed, and she's not been abandoning lists. And she finally turned on great big rock slamming items and so forth on each one of these pcs and they've come up really smiling. And she's having some resounding success with 2 - 12, and probably all she's equipped with is simply the original 2 - 12 bulletin. And with what she already knows about auditing and 3D Criss Cross and the rest of it, why, she's been able to somehow or another sweat her way through this, and she doesn't even know about the four - way package. But she's been having some enormous success.

She isn't abandoning lists. She says, "Well, this list is running and it's making a change on the pc, and I can possibly see the tone arm moving, and so somehow or another there is something on this list and I mean to find it. And she has been going on in that fashion. Rather interesting approach, a sort of a dogged, persistent approach. And she's been getting some rather fantastic changes in cases. And it shows you that the school of, well, "List half a page and it didn't work, and abandon that, and list another half a page on something else and it didn't work and abandon that, and list half another page on something else and abandon that," that school isn't succeeding. That's definitely a losing school.

I myself am up against this in auditing right now and I just mean to push on through on the list which gave us trouble originally, and I'm going to finish up that list.

Now, when 2 - 12A came out, I gave you some data that you should go back and repair some of these lists. I should have said at that time, "On those cases which were having trouble, go back and find the widest rock slam which has been seen on the pc and finish off a set of packages with that and you'll be far better off." Well, that's true. That's true. On cases you're having trouble with.

But let me tell you something now. And this - this lecture is mostly about R2 and R3, and current auditing on these. And also I'm going to give you a step by step of how you do R3M.

But let's take this now, and let's observe something here. That the more you monkey around with what's been done on the pc, the worse luck you're going to have. Do you understand that? You've got this pc up here to about his fourth list and he's getting someplace, and it's going along not too badly, and you all of a sudden decide to duck back to the first list that you did on the pc and examine that and redo that and do it some other way and start patching up a case, crashity - crashity - crash, by going back, going back.

Now, it's true that the error always lies behind you. But taking a case that can be continued in the run and going back is very bad. Now, that is something you should pay some attention to. In other words, if there's any way to keep the case running, if there's any way to continue to get new items on the case, if there's any way at all to continue the forward progress of the case, then you continue the forward progress of the case. You understand that?

Because the more you go back and patch up yesterday, the more items you invalidate for the pc. Let's say you have ten on a line plot. We saw one last night, and I was commenting on this. Actually, I owe that pc a bit of an apology. He may have gotten the idea I invalidated all of his items. I didn't. I merely said that somebody is putting the items down on the wrong side of the line plot, and this is causing trouble. And the pc was in trouble. But I didn't mean then that that pc should scrap all those items.

Now, listen, any item that reads is the pc's item. I don't care whether you can - whether it's matched or packaged or not. If the item reads and continues to read, it's a - and it isn't a represent of a rock slamming or rocket reading item, if that item is reading, it is the pc's item. And you can find opposition to it and so forth. That's true of all items.

Now, let's say that we listed something early on the case wrong way to and we listed the item "will - o' - the - wisp" early on the thing, and we treated it as a terminal and we eventually find out it's still banging like mad, and we have to list it again. But when we listed it as a terminal, when it was actually an oppterm, why, we got an item, "whippersnapper." Well, now, that is the pc's item, and it does have something to do with will - o' - the - wisp, even though it was listed backwards. Do you understand, this is no excuse for listing it backwards, but it just says just this and no more: Don't throw away this item you found, "whippersnapper." Don't throw it away and say - give the pc the big idea that now because it's been listed backwards he's got a wrong reliable item. He hasn't. That belongs someplace on the line plot. And you just put it there and keep on going.

So even those items found by something being listed backwards are valid. They're valid items. And you'll find out eventually they'll fit into the line plot. So you don't scrub all of a pc's items and go back and dodge around and patch up and this sort of thing. The best patch - up for Routine 3MX or 3M - rather, the best patch - up that you can do is when you've run out, fresh out, of rocket reading reliable items, which produce no rocket reading reliable item. You know, you've got it - rocket reading reliable item - it tells you that in the original R3M, by the way - you are fresh out, you can't find one from this reliable item. Everything just evaporates and it doesn't matter what you do to it.

You go back and do another goal oppose. And it'll land you right where you should have been. It'll give you the item in sequence. But just because it's goal oppose doesn't mean it gives you an oppterm. It doesn't. It gives you a terminal or an oppterm. You have to test it out just the same.

Don't go scrubbing everything you have found on a pc because you find something is backwards. That's the message here, see? If you found something off of it, by doing it backwards, inadvertently, that's still an item and it still belongs to the pc and it still fits in on the line plot. Do you understand? So it isn't a matter of scrubbing everything.

But you shouldn't go into a wild wing - ding of trying to make nothing out of the line plot by scrubbing it all, just because you have to do something in reverse. That's the whole message I'm giving you here. And if you have a cycle of action which is continuing and you can do something with it, you continue that and you do something with it. Don't keep monkeying. Get something done. It's very discouraging to a pc.

Now, I had an example of this last night. We socked into one and did it wrong way to. I notice, by the way, that basic case changes - is something can be done wrong way to and upside down and my recovery level from this is very rapid. It's getting very rapid. You could list me backwards for, well, you could take one of these first Saint Hill V Unit lists, you know, a hundred and ninety - five pages because they wanted to know if the original item that was coming from had ever rock slammed, you know?

One of these arduous endless pieces of nonsense. And so it'll practically spin you in, see, and formerly, why, I just would have hung on with me for days. And now, I notice - oh, a few days ago I was noticing that a bum steer or something like that, I would be all over it the following morning when I woke up. It'd be gone. - And now I'm noticing that it evaporates in about half an hour after the session. You see what I mean? Recovery is getting better. Resilience, bounce back, that sort of thing, that is one of the most marked improvements which I have noticed.

Some of you will be wondering what happens to weight. Weight goes down, but it rather goes down relatively slowly on 3NM, and may or may not go down at all on 2 - 12. You may get a lowering of weight on 2 - 12, and you may not. But you certainly get a lowering of weight on R3M. The more you do R3M, the more of it you do, why, the more weight drops off. But it starts dropping off very slowly at first. And whenever you do one wrong way to on the pc, he loses his weight ground. You get the idea? I mean, you've gotten six items now, and - on the spiral staircase, and the pc has lost something very small, like three and a half pounds, something like that. And then you take item seven, and it is "a beautiful - a beautiful guardian angel who is pleasant and sweet and loved by everybody," you know? And the pc goes on one of these hard sells, and says, "Oh, that's me! Oh, that's me! Oh, ho, that's me. Oh, ho, that's me. Oh, yeah." And the auditor, not being an auditor, you see, just - you see, the auditor's there because he can think, see, and if he doesn't figure this out for himself, he's not being an auditor. He's just being an automaton.

So he buys this hard sell, and of course the thing is an oppterm. So he'll list this thing, this beautiful angel that is loved by everybody, you know, and - and you list this thing as a terminal, and the pc's getting blacker and blacker. It helps to be observant as an auditor, you know. I just wanted to get that in, get that in just as a little tip. And the pc goes blacker and blacker and blacker and blacker and blacker, and then, there he is. There he is. All the problems of racial consciousness and everything else on his head.

And by this time you say, "I wonder if that terminal is false? See, the needle tightened up, mass pulled in on him, he went black. Let's see now, there was no tone arm action from the beginning of the list to the end, and I didn't get an item off of it. And it's still - the item, a guardian angel who is beautiful and sweet and loved by everyone - is still rocket reading half a dial. Do you suppose that it could possibly have been an oppterm?"

Well, that's pretty good. I mean, even if the conclusion is that stupid and drawn out and so forth, it still - the guy came up with the right answer. So you list it as an oppterm, and this time you - of course, you kind of mucked it up, so it doesn't behave just right. You know, the tone arm action isn't, good, and the needle frees up slowly. Actually, for the first 15 or 20 items he - he's having an awful time listing at all, you know?

Then all of a sudden you get it listed out and you find your item. Well, even though that's packaged up, you put your pc on the scale, you find out he's just lost that three and a half pounds gain. In other words he weighs three and a half pounds more. He's right back to where he started. Do you see that? I mean, he's lost three and a half pounds by your earlier packages but when you got up to item seven you listed one in reverse. Well, you cancelled out his win, and he'll go back up and weigh the same as he did before you found the first package.

But then he gets a rather fast recovery, and you go on down the line, and he starts losing weight more rapidly than he did before. In other words, you don't ruin his ability to lose weight but you simply gain back by alter - ised mass the weight which you already had taken off the pc.

This is interesting. Very, very thin people at this stage, of course are going to worry. Very thin people are going to worry at this stage. And I will tell them a little fib. I don't know this, but I will tell them a little fib and say I hope that an optimum amount of weight is put on by reducing the GPM. Very probably is but we have nothing on - no test data on it at all.

But we do know about the more weighty side of it. Now, in other words, you make a goof, and you undo some of your gain. But even then you don't completely ruin the pc.

In the area and zone of case repair, one of the favorite actions that people undertake is to find a pair of items and then decide to go back and patch up something. And it's all relatively unsuccessful, and then they come back to the pair they've just found and take the last one, it's still rocket reading more or less, and then list that, and they find out that all the time they've been fooling around, the pc's been sitting in the somatics of the pair that were last found. You see that? I mean, finding a pair of items, number, well, let's be mathematical about it, numbers 11 and 12 on the line plot, term and oppterm, and then going back and straightening out wrong way to number 3 and wrong way to number 5, and then coming back to 11 and 12, you'll be rather struck to find that your big upsurge comes when you simply oppose what you should have opposed, which is number 12 and get number 13. And all the somatics that you started looking for on 3 and 5 actually were sitting right there on 12. Even though they were backwards opposed.

That doesn't say don't straighten out a line plot, but only straighten out a line plot if you have to. Now, what do you mean, have to? Well, if after you've found all of the whole GPM and all the packages in it, it doesn't blow free and won't prepcheck out, you'd better go back and patch up all of the - all of the misaligned items. That's more or less the time to do it.

How do you patch up one of these 3M cases? Interesting technique here, is February the 1st, I think first one out, this was about 26 January, something like that. Hasn't been out any length of time at all and we're talking about how you repair one. Some commentary, isn't it?

Actually, the best way to repair one that isn't running right, you've just run fresh out of - you've just run out of items, I mean, you - the pc lists down what you've got and he can't find anything, and he lists down what you've got. I know I told you goal oppose, but I'm talking now about a severe case, now. You just can't seem to get your hands on anything, and you don't know where you are or what you're doing, and so forth. You have a choice here. One method is just do another goal oppose and you will land there right side up with the next consecutive item, always, whether it's a term or an oppterm.

But maybe the pc's sort of ARC breaky and maybe he doesn't take kindly to all this and so forth. Well, your other method is to go over the line plot and read every one of them, and give each one of them - of the items on that thing - a big mid ruds Prepcheck very rapid - and just give them a big mid ruds Prepcheck on each one of these items. And you'll find that one of these things is reading madly. In other words, the whole case is tied up in one of these items.

Actually, you have to continue to list every item that fires - if you want to do a patch up. If you find that there's still a dirty read on item number 7, what's the proper thing.? It doesn't mean that it was wrong way to listed. It just means it can be listed again, and another item found on it. Now, how is that?

Well, every time you do a wrong way to on the GPM, it upsets the frequency of the GPM and loops the whole thing over and puts it down into a good solid bing - bang pack, see? In other words, let's say this - say, here's your lineal GPM, see? All right. And you list one wrong way to, and you get something like this. And it'll tie something up down here, see. And then you list another one wrong way to and you get something like this.

Now, now what happens? Well, every time you list something, you get something down here. And then you could list the same item again and get something here. And eventually you've got to undo the ball - up that you've done. Well, you haven't worsened the case by doing this, it just makes the frequency with which you get the items wrong, so they don't appear in the right sequence on the line plot.

In other words, after you've listed something wrong way to, you've upset the frequency because you have jammed up the GPM, see? So that anything you get here, now, is getting something up here, when actually it should have been getting something here, don't you see? So, you - you've balled the thing up. And you can't expect your frequencies to work.

So sometimes you list an item, let's say number 7, you list number 7, and you get a cat whisker, or something like that. And that's fine, and you list that and that's fine, and you oppose that, and that's fine, and then all of a sudden you're out in thin air and you don't quite know what to do. Funny part of it is you go back and read number 7 again, and it has an additional fire on it now. You've got to list it the same way you listed it before, it wasn't done backwards if it's just got a dirty read. Backwards gives you the full read back, you understand. So just your little dirty needle on number 7, you just do another list on number 7. And you'll find up - you'll come up with the consecutive one that you should have found by listing down number 11, see? That's when you've already looped the GPM. The thing to do is don't loop it.

But after you have, why, then you have a little bit of a picnic. You have trouble. And you just have to remember these things. The rules actually aren't upset. The frequency of listing rules, and all that sort of thing, that isn't upset, it's the sequence by which they go on the line plot that is upset. And you sometimes have to list one twice, you know? I mean, you list number 7, it appears to be clean and everything is fine, you get down here to number 11 and you all of a sudden can't find an item. The thing to do is to go back over the whole line plot and test each one of the items on the line plot and see which one is now firing.

Now, take your biggest read as the one you fix up. You got a big rocket read, the probability is it was listed backwards in the first place. So list it the other way to. You understand? That's just conditional. You test it again. It's no guarantee it's backwards, it may be frontwards. But you understand, you got - you take your biggest rocket read that is on the list, and if it's as big - if it's a good, big strong powerful rocket read, the chances are the item was listed in reverse in the first place. That's no guarantee that it was, but just the chances are.

It also may be listed the same way and pick up a brand new item, and behave exactly as though it had never been listed. You understand? Well, that's the first one that you take. You make sure, just apply all your tests again. Just treat it as though you've just found an RI, you got the idea? You just found a new RI.

"Well, where'd you find it?"

"Well, I found it on the line plot. Yeah."

Well, he'd just found an RL It'd already been listed and everything else, but there it is, firing, so we'll just treat it as though we just found an RL We have to find out if it's a terminal or it's an oppterm, and we list it again.

Now, these little, - little fellows, the dirty reads that pick up as you go through there, you can continue your biggest dirty read just as you did before. It'd be a mistake to do it in reverse. It isn't in reverse, it - it Just - because of this looped up character of the bank, which I was showing you, the thing now can be listed another step. Yet another list. And it'll go 25 items beyond the last RR and R/S, or - plus the no tone arm action, and you - you'll wind up with a brand - new item. And mysteriously this brand - new item fits right down here as opposing number 11. Very mysterious.

Now, you can go back and run a goal oppose list, see that it'll just avoid all that, and go back and run a goal oppose list, and you will wind up with the item which opposes number 11. Or you will wind up with the item that opposes that great big rocket read that's left on the list.

In other words, I'm giving you - there's a number of ways to enter this thing. But if when you're entering it you have the idea, or your pc gets the idea that you're just going to take his whole line plot and tear it up, and all fifteen items which have already been found are all invalid and no good any more and so forth, because they were all from a wrong way to list, or something like that, boy, you want to get an upset or ARC broke pc? Actually, you can just take a pc and sa - and tell him halfway through one of - "And I don't think this up here is very valid. And I'm going to change all this."

And all you have to do is cross out the old GPM, after you got the new GPM written and he'll blow up. Just the action of invalidating his items by saying we're writing a new line plot, is enough to knock a pc off his base. That's interesting, isn't it?

Well, sometimes, as we had to do today on one of the cases, the first demonstration last night, go over the line plot and look it over and find out what on the line plot is still firing. And we found the first item found on this pc was still firing, and I looked at the line plot and it didn't look right to me, and today, why, they went back and found the first item had never been opposed properly, and they just handled that as though that was the RI which they'd found and proceeded from there, and that case will be in good shape. That's why you didn't see a rocket read last night. Do you understand?

Our rocket reads don't disappear like that. They - you should be able to see a rocket read during a Tiger Drill - just tiger drilling. So, you're tiger drilling, and, on Suppress, you know? You say, "On the item a happy schoolgirl has anything been suppressed?" - Pssww! See?

You see those on a real live item on an actual RI or something like that, or a goal, you will see on the buttons, you will see these fires. And in 2 - 12 you will see the buttons do a rock slam. You see, what's happened is the buttons have stolen the read, and then you gradually get back and put it on.

Once in a blue moon - now, it's on another subject, on 3M - you'll find that you get an R/Sing item. And one of the items which R/Sed when it went down on the list is the item. That's interesting, and worth knowing - once in a blue moon. That will come from a shattered up wrong way to listed GPM, or something. And by tiger - it's the only item on the list and it appears on the right place on the list, and you read the RR and it didn't fire, well, for heaven sakes read the last R/S, see. And if the last R/S fired and nothing else fires, then you start on that and put in your big mid ruds on that item and it'll turn into a rocket read. That's quite interesting to know.

That's only after a bank's been clobbered and run backwards that it starts to misbehave. You want a perfectly behaving bank, do everything perfectly and don't bust the rules anywhere along the line, oppose everything right way to, you'll never have any trouble at all. It'll go off with perfect frequency.

But where you've done something wrong way to, you've left one of the items rocket reading like mad and there's no telling exactly what's - what's what. It doesn't mean that the rules of listing are now disobeyed. They're not. You do the same rules of listing. But it means that you start finding terminals which have no apparent oppterm, and you start doing a line plot that has holes in it. And then you will come down from the top of a line plot, and all of a sudden, as you're finishing up the case, you think, you'll find out you've been going backwards up the line plot to join what you had already found, and then you are left out on a limb because it all joins and you have nothing left to oppose. Well, then you go over your line plot, find something firing, oppose that thing, properly again, and it'll put you in business again and then you start down the line plot. That's because somebody has got the line plot all jammed up.

The way to do it is to do it right in the first place. Now, it is, however, easy to do wrong. Very easy. All you've got to do is - well, aside from such crimes as faking a read, you know, saying you saw something and didn't, or losing an item which is actually on the list, and you know, I speak of these as corny errors, see. Just corny. Aside from that I'm talking about a proper and valid error. The biggest stumbling block in R3, the one that you'll have most trouble with now, is differentiating between a terminal and an oppterm. And that's the most trouble you're going to have.

We used to have a rule by which, before we said the list was complete and stopped listing, we read the source item. Do you remember that rule? Well, you'd better invoke that rule. And every time you want to know if the list is complete, you read the question of the list back to the pc and then read the item the list is proceeding from.

Let's say we're getting a list "Who or what would oppose a will - o' - the - wisp?" Well, before we hand the pc any items or consider our list complete or do anything else that - a - way, we had better read the "Who or what would oppose a will - o' - the - wisp," and "will - o' - the - wisp." I'm not saying you've got to drill them and all that sort of thing. If it's got a little dirty read on it, you continue your list, you understand? And you will be in lots less trouble if you start that type of thing. And if after you've listed it a considerable ' distance, and you've listed it to a flat TA, and you read it and it rocket reads, that list is wrong way to, so you just abandon it. Don't do a thing with it. Because it'll upset the frequency of the GPM if you throw the item into relief. And quickly list it right way to and you'll be much better off

Pc ARC breaks, go back on the other list and give him an item off of it. But the point I'm making is, is you should test the item that you are listing down. And if it rocket reads, it's - after you've more or less completed the list - you know very well that it was backwards. So don't monkey with it, just turn around and list it the other way quick. And if it does a little dirty read, why, you continue it.

Now look, that you get a dirty read on an item is significant. It means something very definite. It means that the list is not complete. You got that? I mean, that - that's the long and short of it. But that it is clean is not a test. Do you understand, the reverse is not true. Just because you get a clean needle you don't - you don't have a test. It's not a valid test. Just because you get a clean needle doesn't mean in R2 or R3 today that your list is complete. It simply means that the test of 50 items on a source list, for both R2 and R3, and 25 items on a - an opposed RI list in R3, no tone arm action, tone arm action ceased and you listed 25, about 5 deep into the 25, you had a rocket read so you promptly started in and counted 25 from that rocket read. In other words you had to add 5 to your count. Make sure, always, that you have 25 beyond that R/S, the last R/S or last RR, or in R2 - 12, 50.

And read the item that you're listing from. Read that item. And if that's got a dirty read, continue your list and start testing against that. Now, you know very well that you will get a complete list. And if it rocket reads like crazy, after you ostensibly have completed the list and before you've given the pc anything, if the item you're proceeding from still rocket reads, naw! Naw, you've got a wrong way to oppose. So oppose it the other way quick like a bunny. And if it doesn't work the other way, well, I guess you better assume that the list - the item you got the list from, or something crazy, was all wrong. But you will find out that one way or the other, you will get the charge off of it.

Now, any item in the bank is the pc's item if you can get it to behave like an RI, providing it doesn't come from the representation of a rock slamming item. Let me pound that home. That's very important. Any - any item you find is the pc's item will fit someplace in his line plot, I don't care how screwy the thing sounds. The only thing that happens here occasionally is after you've listed out the whole GPM, it's all gone free, it's all gone Clear, and then you continue to oppose items, you'll go over into the second goal.

That's inevitable. That happened to me. And the second GPM is much rougher than the first GPM. That's much rougher. Probably has more items in it, much tougher, has more mass on it, and of course you're much better able to - to brush the tide, and you'll find out your pc by that time is behaving much better on the meter, and so you can get through it easily. Actually, it's easier to audit, but more formidable at a glance, than the first GPM. That's worth knowing, that after you get to be a first - goal Clear, why, then you start up the mountains. That's a grim foresight. Actually, it's much easier done on the second GPM than it is on the first one.

Now, what - what are the steps? What are the steps of 3M today? Well, let's go into these very rapidly, and I'm not taking these off of a sheet or anything like that, so I'll just give it to you off the cuff as though I were auditing it.

First thing we'd want to have straightened out on this pc is we want this pc capable of getting an RR and R/S. Well, we depend on 2 - 12 to hand us that. We want to know if this pc's reading on the meter, and so forth, so that we can tell whether or not there is an RR or an R/S capable on the thing. That's probably more impor - less important than I'm giving it stress. That probably is not very important. The thing about it is to find a goal. Well, the old 3GA methods of finding a goal are quite valid, except you don't have to represent the rock slamming item. You can take any R2 material, any oppterm, and so forth, and list goals against it as in 3G.

How do you mean that? Well, "What goal of yours would be an overt against whatever the oppterm was, see? You can list "If you were whatever the oppterm is you choose, that's been still reading like mad, "If you were (oppterm), what goal of yours would be impossible to achieve?" There are a list of about ten, ten goal categories. Well, that's possible to find a goal with those, and using any of the 2 - 12 material which you have on a 2 - 12 line plot.

And it's also possible just to sit down, and taking your meter in hand, taking your meter in hand, just go on and list goals. Just go on and list goals and go on and list goals and go on and list goals and goals and goals and goals, watching for the rocket reads and very carefully putting down anything that rocket reads. You see that? You can just go on and list goals.

On some cases that is not tremendously successful, but those will be cases that you - you can't get an RR on and can't get an R/S on, and so forth. Those cases, however, do respond to this other 3GA Criss Cross method. With a 3GA method of finding the goal, you just do some 2 - 12 of some kind or another and you get a rock slam turned on on the case and find one of those oppterms, and then list goals against the oppterm. And you'll wind up with some goals that rocket read and so forth.

I've seen this, by the way, case after case, I've seen - work out like this so it's a very good method of finding goals.

Your easiest one is just to list goals. It's the least time - maybe more time consuming at first glance, but you list all the TA action out, and so forth, and pc, even if his goal's been found before, will eventually put it down on the list and it'll 90 pow.

The worst goals to handle are the goals that have been found and been monkeyed up or been neglected and don't fire anymore, and then you start doing this and that. So always go over the pc's old goals. Use the beginning steps, in other words, of R3 - 21. Go over the pc's old goals, look these things over, see what you've got.

But don't depend on a big mid rud Prepcheck to turn on a goal. Don't depend on that to give you a rocket read. Because frankly, it won't always do it. In fact, there - I've seen goals around that have been listed and so forth. The big mid ruds are run on it like mad, and what did we have left? We had a no - firing goal. And then, I have used a method of finding some items that we're now calling 2 - 12 and so forth, and then having found some items on the thing, all of a sudden the old goal turns up and fires. And we've - we've done that several times.

So there it is. You did the 3GA method of finding the goal, the pc will put his goal, old goal, back on the list. He always will, and you get to it this time and it goes pssww! And nothing else on the thing is firing.

Now, the liability is that there are some goals that will rocket read for about an hour and a half, as long as that. There are some goals, particularly after the pc's goal has been found, you can get one of these confounded things, and you start tiger drilling it and straightening it out, or big prepchecking, big mid rud prepchecking it, and the thing fires. And it'll go on, you'll see several rocket reads on it, and then it expires.

Therefore, don't so much worry about this happening with a goal, just be very, very chary indeed of proceeding on a goal channel. Be very, very chary of proceeding down the line on your first goal opplist. And if you don't see any rocket reads on that list - there's no item can be found on that list, and you see an R/S and you oppose the R/S, along about this time you better start getting very, very leery of what's going on. If you don't get a rocket read now, well, there's something wrong with this goal, that's all. I'd get very suspicious of the goal. I wouldn't carry it too far. I'd start treating it as - don't abandon it - start treating it as a 2 - 12 subject. You understand? And I'd go ahead and make a four - way package out of the thing, neat it all up, tie the strings around it very neatly, and go on with my business.

Otherwise, you're going to park the pc right on the track where you found it. The chances are too, that this can happen - this can happen: You can take a wrong goal that has a sporadic rocket read, you can list it down on goal oppose, you can find a rocket reading item and you move right in to the GPM, but it isn't the goal. See, that's a possibility that can happen. Well, the thing to do with that, don't interfere with it, you're getting along, you've got spiral staircase and so forth, the pc will start nattering about is it his goal. Well, let the pc give you a few goals that it might be. And you're liable to find that - not just liable to find, I mean, I haven't seen this happen, I'm just saying it's a possibility; the pc actually has a different goal than the one he started in on.

In other words, you just used this goal, and you found an RI, and you started down the spiral staircase, and then the pc is nattery and unhappy about the goal and so forth. Let him give you a short goals list of what he thinks the goal really is. And you're liable to find that you're - you were offbeat with this goal. That's a possibility. That's only when the pc starts nattering and says, "It isn't my goal and I don't know anything about it."

Now, you start running too many RIs without the pc's goal, and you get an unhappy pc. He can't handle these things. You always want to equate the RR - RI on 3M against the pc's goal.

You say, "Well, does this have anything to do with your goal 'to catch catfish'? " You see? You find "a milliner." "Does this have anything to do with your goal to 'catch catfish'? "

And he says, "Oh, hm, no. Uh - uh."

If that sort of thing keeps up, you'd better do a little goals list and find out where the devil you're sitting. Because it might not be the pc's goal that you're running, you see? You might have something that led you into the GPM but isn't the pc's goal. That's a faint possibility.

Your usual response is, you get something like "milliner," and the pc's goal is "to be a bird," you know? And you say, "All right, does this have anything..." You always ask him this about an RI, and you say, "Does this have anything to do with your goal?"

"Oh, I don't know. Oh, well, hell, yes! Hell yes, hell yes. You look at these women's hats, and these big peacock feathers, and so forth, yes! Yes! Definitely an oppterm. Oh, they're terrible people, milliners. Terrible people. They pull out your tail, and so forth."

He'll cognite, see. Always give the pc the chance to orient that RI against this goal. Don't pester him with it, just call it to his attention. And then you always give a pc a chance by saying, "Would the item," you've just found a terminal, you see, "Would an item 'game warden' oppose the item we've just found, 'fisherman'? "

And the pc says, "Yes, yes, yes, oh yes, yes, hmm."

In other words, does the item have anything to do with his goal and does it oppose or couple up with the package that you're finding? And you ask the pc to do this and he'll blow a lot of mass and so forth. It's coaxing a pc to look at it, don't you see? Sometimes a pc doesn't. Pc says, "Oh, that's marvelous. Millinery. Yeah, that's fine." And you go on down the line, and the pc is just not really in as high a tone as he could be in. So call his attention to the packaging, ask him, you know, "Does it oppose," or "Is it opposed by," and call his attention, "Does it have anything to do with the goal?"

There's, those - there's - are your provisos. But as far as steps are concerned, the ordinary step, not looking for trouble, we just take somebody in off the street and we list goals on the meter and list goals on the meter and goals on the meter and goals on the meter and goals on the meter, and then we get a rocket read every once in a while and we mark down the rocket read, and we keep listing goals, listing goals, and we mark these things down.

Then we go back, when we've got the tone arm action out, and we check these rocket reads, one after the other, and we're going to find out one of them fires like mad, and we prove this thing out and we're all set. Let's say we've done that, see? All right, we've got a goal now that rocket reads, we get it checked out by somebody and everybody agrees that this thing rocket reads and so forth. And we now list it on goal oppose.

Now, we've got to sort out with the pc - is whether or not it's "Who or what would somebody or something with the goal to catch catfish," or is it "Who or what would the goal to catch catfish," or "Who or what would to catch catfish oppose?" See.? We've got to sort that out. One of these things you'll find reading, if you care to take a little summary and the - possibly there are other wordings, such as "catching catfish," "Who or what would catching catfish oppose?" You take such readings and you check them off. Do a little assessment on them, you see, and one of them reads nicely, and the others don't. Well, that's what you list.

And you've got to clear the command with the pc. The pc sometimes will not be able to answer one and so therefore he will protest it, and you get your read on protest and so forth, and you're all messed up before you begin. No, you've got to clear a command with the pc. Please clear it intelligently but also clear it on the meter. Because pcs go on a hard sell sometimes, and give you a bum steer.

Now, we list this thing, and we list it down to a still TA, unless the pc is jumping around, and so forth. And if we've got too much jump - around and we can't tell what a still TA is, and we have a large argument about whether or not there can be a still TA, and all of that. Well, the thing to do with all of this is to take it beyond the last RR or R/S. Whichever it is, it's the last RR or R/S, see? It's a - there's the last read on the list, big read, is an R/S, we take it 50 beyond that R/S, see, and it also must be 50. That's not in addition to that 50, but it's also 50 from the stillness of the TA. But if we can't even tell if the TA is still or not and it's all kind of gluey and the pc is doing this and that and he's running Havingness on himself while eating striped candy or something, you know, I mean, there could be reasons why the TA isn't motionless. We still only continue that far - 50 beyond.

And that's for R3M, that also is to - true of R2, when we're listing stuff. Fifty beyond that item.

Listen; don't you go on overlisting endlessly till the pc goes black, purple, green and pink, you understand? Because that's - that's just being 1.1, see? Just knock that off because there's no sense in it. The time to extend the list is this next step.

Now, we go back and we test this thing. We say - we got 50 beyond this. Now, we don't do anything with the pc, see, we just say to the pc, "Who or what would catching catfish oppose?" whatever it was, see? And it goes tick, dirty read. And we're not sure, so maybe we drill it for a moment or two. "On this has anything been suppressed? Invalidated?" and so on. Rapidly, though, rapidly, lightly, you know, not the rest of the day and next week and next month and next August, you know. I mean, this is a three - minute operation, see, at the most, absolute outside.

And we find out the confounded thing still has got a dirty read on it. All right, that's fine. Let's continue our list. And you'll find out you're going to get a new R/S, or you're going to get a new RR, see? And then go 50 beyond that and test this thing again. And this time you're beyond it, the thing isn't reading, everything is fine.

Now, the hell of it is, the read can be any one of the RRs on that list. You don't pay any attention to the R/Ses. If there were RRs on it ... Mind you now, you can have a goal oppose list with a perfectly valid goal which has no RRs on it. You know, it has nothing but R/Ses on it. But you test that, and you test every one of those RRs, every one of those R/Ses.

Now, if you don't find it - bang, then you go on this over and under, see? You read the next one above and the next one below each R/S or RR. And the next one above, the next one below, the next one above, the next one below. You understand? And you're going to find that item.

And you get that item, it could be an R/S. You put in the big mid ruds properly, it'll probably RR. But you remember your goal is fresh, your goal isn't firing well, it hasn't been unburdened very much, so don't expect too much of it. If you can't get it to fire, RR, you still determine whether or not this item you have found off that source list is a terminal or oppterm, and you now oppose it accordingly.

You understand, it can be an R/S or an RR, because there won't be two R/Ses or an R/S and an RR, or two RRs firing on that list. If there are, the list is not complete. Simple. So you complete the list.

Now, you've gotten this item, that is the pc's first RI. And don't keep mucking around with it and deciding it's this and deciding it's that and taking a week to find it out. It takes me about five minutes, so you better take no longer than ten, you hear me? I'm getting cross, actually, about this. I really am, I'm getting cross, because I tell you man, it doesn't take a week, it doesn't take a session to find out if it's somebody's item, you know? That's just corny. Because you're going to kill the item. The pc gets so damned tired of this, he goes on a protest, you actually can't get anything to read at all, see? That's just monkeying.

Look; if you were listing well - if you were listing well, reading down across your meter, with this alongside of your meter like I was showing you last night, you know, put that paper alongside of the meter and get your eye so it goes right straight down across the meter face to the paper and keep shoving the paper forward with your other paw as you write, and with your sensitivity down here at about 4, you're going to see all the RRs and R/Ses you want to see. And those things should be clearly marked on your paper and they should be legible.

Now, you've got those things, they're clearly marked RRs or R/Ses, it's a very, very fast job to go back over and just read off each one of those. That's a source list you do this with. Just read off each one of those things, bang - bang - bang - bang - bang, on down the line. The chances are if you have any degree of accuracy in listing at all, you're going to find it just now, bang. You say, bang, that's it. You've read several more, they didn't read, so it's the only one that's doing it on the list, well, bang, that's it. You understand? I mean, there isn't any reason now to fool with it. What are you going to do with it? Paint a wall with it or something.? No. All you're going to do is ask the pc if - what his goal would have to do with it or something like that and there it is. You got your item.

Now, what's - what's the matter with you? Haven't you got some new paper or something, you can put a new sheet of paper under there, and get all ready with your RI list - see? Stop wasting time. Do you know that you can find in a - five and a half hours of auditing, do you know that you can find R - nine RIs off a goal? Nine! That's not one a week. That's not one every fifteen hours of auditing. You understand? And it is all in the speed with which you do it.

Now, look, the more competence you have, the more speed you operate with, the more positive you are in what you do, the better you know what's doing, the less nonsense and time you're going to spend. Also, on those sessions where you've made a gruesome error, you're going to waste the whole session. So it's worth time not to make gruesome errors. But what do you mean by time? Well, take time to test the thing, in other words; that doesn't mean drill forever.

Some of you people are getting in Tiger Drill and then big mid ruds, and then Prepcheck, and so forth. All for what? The thing is reading like crazy; all of a sudden it doesn't read any more. Why? It wasn't the item that wore out, it was the pc. Now, you go right on down the line, here. And let's get going on this, man, you haven't got forever. It takes 31 hours to clear the first goal. I'll let you have 50. That - that's right. It doesn't take any longer than that. Do you realize that if a goal is found out here on Monday, the guy ought to be his first - goal Clear two weeks later? Well, where's the - where's the thing going? I mean, where are you losing your time? You're losing your time by goofing, and you're losing your time by just plain foolishness. Monkey business, all the way along the line. You've got the thing firing, you've got everything going, just keep on listing, man, keep on listing. Take those things, get the next one. Get - take that, get the next one. And just not get so sloppy. Let's not go - this, "Well, the TA moved a hundredth of an inch, and so forth, when the pc coughed, so therefore we have to list 20 more pages. . ."

Who are you trying to prove wrong, huh? Now, you just adhere to this other rule and just get your 50, test the item to see if it still dirty reads and don't continue it if it doesn't read. And you'll get those items. And get them! And then start opposing them. All right, what's your next step here? You just start opposing. You have to decide whether the thing is a terminal or oppterm. Well, there are many tests by which you do this, amongst these things, and I'm not going to go over these tests because these things are very lengthy to list, the number of ways you can tell. But look - a - here, you read it, you read the list question. Forget "consider overts" and "commit overts," and that sort of thing, forget that. Just read the list question: "Who or what would oppose a catfish? Who or what would a catfish oppose?" see? And it's going to read better one way than the other.

That's still not a complete guarantee but it gives you an awful good indicator. It reads like mad, "Who or what would a catfish oppose?" Therefore the chances are the thing's a terminal, you see? It just - it's just the chances are the thing is a terminal.

Now, when you start listing, when you start listing this thing, "Who or what would a catfish oppose," the pc says, "Hey, mass is pulling in on me." Take a look at the pc. You know, the pc - I'll show you where the pc is. The pc's across the table from you. And you can find him, and you can look at his face. See, you can take your face up off the meter.

Now, the pc - an auditor will sometimes say, "Well, I'm so busy writing, I'm so busy writing, I haven't got any time to look at the pc, I keep watching the meter." Well, I don't know, my pcs are usually in control, and I say, "Well, that's good, thank you, thank you," and the p - guy sort of slows down, and you can sometimes smell his brakes smoking. But I say, "I want to take a look at you, and see how it's all right, how's it going?"

"Well, it's going all right," and so on.

"Anything happening there?"

"Everything's going along fine."

Take a look at the shadows underneath his eyes. Are they darkening? Does the pc look worse and so forth? All right. So, you say, "Well, you'll interrupt the pc and you'll interrupt his listing." Sure, he kicks. Who cares about a pc kicking?

"Yes, aw, I - you just threw me off! I had some wonderful ideas."

You say, "All right, I'm awful sorry, yes, yes."

Actually, I'd rather throw a pc off than list him reverse way to. What is the record around here? Eight hundred seventy - five pages beyond the last R/S? I - beyond doing something stupid and corny, see, I would rather stop the pc and actually put him in - session and start and stop him in session. You understand now? That's the best thing to do, is be careful.

Now, the fact that you had a satisfactory answer still is no test that it was absolutely right. After you've gone down here a page or so, you ask the pc the question, "Who or what would oppose catfish?" Or "a catfish oppose?" And you see this thing, it goes ppssww! "Ha - ha - ha - ha - wha - wha - what the hell? What the hell? What's this? What's this? What's this? You mean you've listed a couple of pages and this thing is still firing?" We'd better ask the pc some searching questions as to what this is all about and turn around and list it the other way for a while and find out if that fire disappears. It might. You might have had it right the first time. But don't take chances on these backwards lists, you understand?

All right, so we take that, we go twenty - five items beyond our last RR or R/S. You'll see there's - it's twenty - five, no tone arm action and so forth. There it is, read that item, read the list question again, "Who or what would a catfish oppose?" Dirty needle - continue the list. And then you read it again, aw, it's a dirty needle, you say, "Are you protesting this?" and the pc says, "No, I'm really not protesting this, Christ - almighty, I - rrrrr."

Well, use your head. He's probably protesting it so give it the big mid ruds. Now it doesn't read. And you say, "Fine, that's all right, that's the end of the list." All right, read him the last R/Sing item, read him the next to the last rocket reading item, and then read him the last rocket reading item on the list. Bang! It should fire, just like that - bang! And you say, "All right, that is your item."

Now, don't do anything else at that point. Just look at the pc. But if it doesn't fire, if it doesn't fire, go the over and under. Read the one above and the one below. And if they don't fire, read the one above those and the one below those. And I don't mean the one RR above it or the RR below it, I mean exclusively and extensively just the item above it, because you might not have got it on the same one.

The furthest away I've seen one is 3 below. In other words, the pc had it in mind all the time he was listing the other three, see. And it's the furthest away I've seen one of these things occur.

All right, there's your - there's your item. You say, "All right, that's your item. It fired." Well, you know the others didn't fire, you say, "That's your item, that fires, that's fine." You say, "All right."

Now, don't do anything. The pc sits there and he thinks so and so on bwa, bwi, gaa, wuudrup, he says, "Yeah, yeah, well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fishhook. Ha - ha! Sure would oppose a catfish!"

You say, "All right, that's good. Now, what's that have to do with your goal?"

"Oh, uh - huh, well, what - you kidding? You kidding? That one has a lot to do with the goal," and so on.

And you say, "All right, that's good. Now, would a catfish oppose a fishhook?"

"Oh, yes! Yes! Oh, boy! Sure would oppose a fishhook!"

And you say, "Well, that is all fine. All right. Now, we're going to take fishhook, and here we go!" see? We're going to take fishhook, we're going to establish by test whether or not it's a terminal or oppterm to the best of our ability, and then we're going to write it down there, and we're going to find out that it happened to be, oddly enough, because we had the bank fairly straight, it's - was an oppterm. "Who or what would oppose a fishhook?" and so on, and here we are right back in the run again.

Does that sound like a two or three hour, next session, "We will take it up two or three days later?" Well, in this particular case I know you've got to get it checked up by an Instructor. That's all right. But it isn't going to take him any time to. All you've got to say is "fishhook," and it goes pssww! And you say, "Oh, boy, that's - that's right. All right, let's get back in there and get right to it again, and let's find another item."

Now, actually, the further you go, these lists tend to get shorter. The rocket reads appear earlier on them. And they get shorter and shorter and shorter. And the shortest they'll get, however, is about two and a half column pages. You won't see a list get much shorter than that. If they start getting shorter than that, why, you want to be kind of suspicious.

Now, the pc says, "Oh, well, my item is something else. I cognited on it, because actually it wouldn't be a fishhook."

You - just think to yourself, "Well, he would - I'd hate to have to confront a fishhook, too. It read on the meter, it's his item, and that's it."

And he says, "Well, actually, actually it's a fish market. It's a fish market. It's a fish market. I know, I've cognited on it," and so forth and so on.

You say, "Good, I'm awfully glad of that, I'm awfully glad of that."

But take this in point: He starts protesting items and saying they aren't it, then you've done something on a reverse oppose someplace or another, and you say, "Well, all right. All right. Catfish doesn't oppose a fishhook in this particular way, all right. You still have this item RI for a fishhook, that's still a valid item, and there it is, and we'll find out something else that opposes a catfish some other time. But we've still got this item, and we'll come back and we'll adjust that on the line plot. Now, that's very fine. Now, who or what would oppose a fishhook?" and here we go again. You understand? This is the way you do this thing.

Now, when the pc gets down along the line, he says - he'll start - may start telling you, "Geez, you know, this is awful fundamental. This is awful fundamental."

And you better keep check by reading that goal every once in a while. You'll find out the goal goes through the cycle I described to you before. You'd better read that goal once in a while. That's the thing to do. See if it fires, and actually, a goal ought to fire better and better and better, and items ought to fire better and better and better, if you're just doing nothing but R3. You know, no mid ruds, nothing. It just fires better and better and better, you know, if it all is going well.

And all of a sudden it's fire - fire - fire - fire, and a boom - boom - boom, and you - the goal sort of goes, and so forth, and you find an item or two more, and all of a sudden the pc says, "Well, gee, that's it. That's it. To be a catfish, the first item's a catfish. There it is."

And you know, he opposes water, and that's it. And you check it up, and you check it up, and so forth, and you do a little Prepcheck on the goal, and - a little one - and you all of a sudden see you're sitting there with a free needle, go test all of your items, make sure that they are all straight, and you've got the line plotted, and you've got a first - goal Clear.

And it works the same way for the second goal, there's no difference in the operation. Well, that's the way you do it. That's the way you do it. And the more nonsense you put into it, and the more goofs you put into it, and the more figure - figure you put into it, and the more you try to be absolutely sure even though the pc is screaming and protesting and you've already gone 175 items beyond the last RR or R/S, and so forth, and pc has turned black, but you've got to be sure because somebody said the tone arm action is out, and imagine your embarrassment when you find out that it's because the knob is loose!

Now, that - stop trying to think Yourself to death! Listen. Let's - just quit it! Quit it! And then just sit down and do it, huh? That's the thing, you know, I - every time I turn around and see any trouble, some auditor's got it all figured out - all figured out wrong. And they say, "Well, it really couldn't be his item, you see, he's not really an Indian." And they just never let him have this item "Indian" and so forth.

In other words, they aren't addressing the pure mechanics of the situation, pow - pow - pow - pow - pow. Well, the mechanics will get you through. Now, sometimes you can tell by certain indicators, like all the baddies are oppterms and a - 11 the goodies are terms. Bull! Never happened to anybody in the history of the universe. They've been bad and they've been good. And you see some disproportionate thing like this occurring, and you say something's wrong with this line plot. Or supposing everything that he puts down ends in 99 pad." Well, there isn't that much constancy on the line plot, that's all. "A burmapad, a catapad, a matapad, a bootapad, so forth." You say, "You know, there must be something wrong with this line plot because I cant understand it." Well, the thing to do with it when you can't understand it is read all these items back and see if one rocket reads. One rocket reads like mad, it's been opposed wrong way to, and there you are, oppose it right way to, and the case will get underway again. You've always got the trick of goal oppose.

Well now, as rough as I sound, as rough as I sound on that, my insistence and my roughness is only in the direction of trying to pound through one simple set of facts. They are mechanical facts. This is a very rapid technique. This is a rapid technique. This is not one that you find a rocket reading item once every two weeks and that's enough. You understand? That's because - I don't know how you do that. It's rapid, and you get there fastest if you do it the mostest.

Now, if you really don't understand what you're doing, don't go anyplace. And most of your difficulties and the longevity of time that you're putting in on this is because you're doing when you should be sitting back wondering what the hell you're doing. And you say, "Now, wait a minute, wait a minute. We've gone fifty, we've gone seventy - five, and this item up here is still reading. As a matter of fact it started out with a quarter of an inch rocket read and it's now got half - a - dial rocket read. And we've opposed it, and yet it's still got its firing on it. What do I do?"

Well, let me tell you, the wrong thing to do is to go on auditing. You hear me? That's the wrong thing. Trying to look good and that sort of thing. Give the pc a break! Go on outside and lean against the wall and smoke a cigarette or take a chew of tobacco if you're a lady. And think of this thing, "What the hell, now, what the hell, it's still rocket reading, and I've gone this far," and so forth.

And all of a sudden the lightning will strike. "My God, I've done it backwards!" And you go back in, and you say to the pc - now, don't let the - don't let the grass grow underneath your feet, you see. Now, let's do. Now, we know. Let's do and let's keep on doing unless all of a sudden this isn't working. The thing to do then is to give the pc a break, and go on outside and lean up against the wall and take a chew of tobacco and think it over again, you understand?" "Now, what the hell's happened?"

Don't you sit in there trying to make do with the pc and trying to look interesting and interested to the pc, and so on, and reviling him and racking it up, because you don't know what you're doing and so forth, and what are these pieces of paper, and ... Nothing drives a pc crazier, man. If you've got to shuffle paper, send him someplace else. You've got to redo his line plot because it's all wrong, don't sit across the table from him, redoing a lot of line plot, and so on, redoing all this line plot, and crossing it all out, and so forth, and saying, "Well, let's see, this item Dharmapad, I don't think that item ever existed, let's see, now, this one was wrong, oh God."

No, let him have a break. Because the next thing you know, he just becomes very very confused. Those are his items you're monkeying with, and that's what's made him crazy for a long time. So there he is. So give him a - give him a break. You figure it out, you do it, you do it accurately, and if you all of a sudden realize that it's not going right, don't keep on making a good show of it, but get rid of the pc or take a break or something like that, and figure out what the hell is going wrong.

And you'll find out that you'll be very speedy. This is very fast. This is a very fast way to approach things. The way to lose time is to go on and do something wrong because you don't know what you're doing, and you're not sure, and you keep on and make a bluff, and you keep on plunging, and you keep on plunging and you keep on getting things wrong. And the next thing you know, well, it just gets down to a point of where it's four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten weeks go by and you're still wrong all because you went on doing when you should have been out there taking a chew of tobacco.

Now, there's how to handle this technique, that's the kind of a technique it is and that's going to make Clears. And there's no sense in sitting around saying, "Well, it isn't going to make Clears, in my hands," or "It isn't the 99 "and Ron is wrong." Because you'll never be able to convince me. You know, so you might as well, might as well just stop trying and succumb to the thing, because I have, you know? I've said, "Well, that's it. That's it." And I've got awful good subjective reality on this. I've got, maybe, about four items to go out of about, I don't know, there are about fifty items in this, this second GPM, and I've got about four to go. This goal's about ready to blow.

So, I say, you're never going to convince me, so you might as well stop making these mistakes because they're not impressed at all. So just go on and do it right, make some Clears, get going, because you're needed out in the field and you're needed Clear and you're needed so that you can clear. So let's just - let's wind it up and put it on a high whine, and start flying, huh? Okay?

Thank you very much.

Good night.