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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R-3 MX, Part I (SHSBC-262) - L630207 | Сравнить
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CONTENTS R3MX, PART I Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 7 February 1963

We’ve-have a lecture here from my office. And this is the 7th of February 1963 and Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, lecture number one. Lecturing here in my office in front of the TV camera, and we’ve got a lot to cover here in 3MX.

All right. As you realize, now that we’ve gotten our materials pretty well lined up, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course is going to be specializing in Routine 3. We’re going to do a minimum of Routine 2. And therefore it’s very much to our point to have a decent understanding of Routine 3MX, and that’s what this lecture is all about. This is the first lecture on Routine 3MX and gives us our first fundamentals.

All right. If Routine 3 never went any further, and there was nothing else ever done, and nobody ever heard again of Routine 2-12A, it has served its purpose-because it has piloted the way in listing. All the rules of Routine 12A are-in listing and so forth-are followed in 3mx and it gives us a very good look at what a goal is, and what it’s all about, and how it should be listed out. So that a brand-new method here of listing out goals has been developed, and it is evidently tremendously successful.

Now, of course, I have a subjective reality on what I’m talking about here. I also have a subjective reality on Routine 2-12A.

Probably one of the most spectacular sessions I’ve ever seen conducted, completely aside from the fact that it was conducted on me, was the session done by Mary Sue on, what was that, the beginning in the evening of - 5th February.

Now, that was a tremendous session in terms of results. In that session we found the R/Sing item which began the goals entrance into 3MX, and just before that, completed a 2-12 package. So that the total score on that, in actual fact, the number of items found in that five-and-a-half-hour session, consisted of four 2-12A packages-that is four items-making one complete package, and four Routine 3MX items-making eight items in all in just that one session.

Now, that at once gives you an erroneous idea of how fast you ought to audit, and is of course an open invitation for you to just grab items all over the place to make a record; and it is very bad publicity. In the first place I’m very easy to audit, and the second place, Mary Sue can audit, and in the third place this was pretty well set up. To give you some of the more gruesome details of this might be very instructive to you. In actual fact the path was not as smooth as it might have looked at first glance.

I had a goal found back in August-the goal „to find“-and this goal failed to check out consistently, and folded up sometime in September. It was listed a bit under the old methods of listing and it didn’t get too far. In fact, today the goal-that is not today, but last week-the goal wasn’t even firing. It had collapsed completely. Nobody had seen any reads on it or anything of the sort for a long while.

Well now, having done quite a bit of 2-12A on me in the past month or so, why, Mary Sue and I decided that we had better take a crack at listing this goal properly, and we did some goals research. I very often am used as a guinea pig in this particular lineup. And we did some goals research by trying to list this goal one way, and the other way, and some other way in order to make the thing spark. And that was on Sunday night, the 3rd of February-and we listed this 3MX method amongst the other methods. But no rocket reads showed up of any kind whatsoever. And Mary Sue was quite disappointed about the thing and didn’t do anything further with it.

And on the 4th of February, Mary Sue started out on a long, arduous, hammer-and-tongs pound, trying to locate something with Routine 2-12A. But in actual fact that didn’t go anyplace in that particular session; we didn’t do anything with it.

On the contrary, I had worked out a new theoretical process which goes as follows-that if you run out the overts on people’s goals, your own goal will pop up. Sounds awfully good doesn’t it? It almost killed me.

The truth of the matter is that as you’re listing goals you have overts on, the overts, themselves-not being given to the auditor of course, you’re just telling him what goals you have overts on-anything like that gives you nothing but missed withholds, left and right. So there were something on the order-I think-I think she listed about five hundred items-that is five hundred goals or purposes I had overts on. And to give you something very amusing, it ran about twelve missed withholds per goal. So that was five hundred times twelve, or about six thousand missed withholds-that’s in one session. That’s pretty good, isn’t it?

Well, that caved in masses, and an electronic mass that I got into in Dublin keyed in, and it keyed back in thoroughly and I was frying as though I-well, I was frying as well as the dream citizen of Kennedy’s administration, you know. Totally fried, atomic fission-I was bright red, I was in terrible shape. So that was-that was really a cave-in.

So in the next session which occurred on the 5th of February, we tried to get back on the run again with 2-12A, and if you’ve ever seen nervous pcs, that was the one. I had more or less been steering this to a marked degree, but I was a very nervous pc. I didn’t want anything overlisted even one item, because the second we overlisted something just one item, in would come this fry-electronic, atomic mass, and it was really quite painful.

When I first ran into it, by the way, I became completely speechless, couldn’t talk, and the auditor went on asking the auditing question. You see, Mary Sue has been demanding a fee on this, so I-I don’t want you to think that all auditors are perfect. She’s pretty good though.

Anyway, that thing really, really fried me, and I was very dangerously minded on the 5th, trying to keep this atomic mass off of me, and trying to keep the thing running on the rails somehow or another-and she was listing various variety of beginning lists. You see we’d already run out of all of the old lists, all the old source lists. And here’s a datum for you by the way, that we found out in all this: is you can’t go further than the four, not-not with 2-12. You can go further on 3MX than four consecutive RIs, but you can only go four RIs with 2-12A. Don’t try for that fifth one.

While we’re on it, any RI that only rocket reads that much, you see that, only about that much, tiny, little, little RI; that’s about a third of a dial, something like that. Well, this one only about so much. Anything less than a third of a dial is very dangerous. It pulls in mass like mad. Actually if you find one like that on a pc, it’s only R/Sing that much, just pat the pc on the head and say, „That’s dandy,“ and don’t have anything more to do with it. Now, just skip it, just bail out. You want to go back and find something that did R/S decently.

Now, in 2-12A we managed to work around a first list, and I was listing „What isn’t part of existence,“ I think „What isn’t part of existence.“ By the way, there was another test list in there I just remembered, „What aren’t you now?“ Don’t try that either, that-that’s just dynamite. But 2-12A we managed to list on, and „Isn’t part of existence“ some such list, and we wound up with an item that had a good third-of-a-dial R/S, and so forth. And at the end of the session why, on the 5th everything was very happy, and so forth.

She sailed into this on the 6th, and decided she was going to complete this package on 2-12A. Well, this was a very interestingly brief package. A source list on 2-12A, you must realize, can have its item occur anyplace. The source list does not follow the rules. Now, that’s hard to cope with. That is to say, any of the R/Ses on the source list can be the R/S. You’ve got a problem here in where does it occur, because the pc’s mind is not well channeled on present time lists, and what is part of exist - what isn’t part of existence, and so forth. And in actual fact, the source list item that we got was the first item on the list. It R/Sed and she couldn’t even separate the list question out from the item for a moment or two, and then I managed to suppress it and she got that out. And she ran about a page and a half of that.

I’m looking at these lists here. I’m not tremendously familiar with them.

Yes-here it is, „What isn’t part of existence?“ And in doing „What isn’t part of existence,“ this-can you see this now? It-it’s this list right here at the top. That’s number one, that’s number one item. You notice that R/S? All right, the list question was „What isn’t part of your existence?“ Now, that’s fine, but it, the first item, „unlimited wealth“ was there, and there-there it is. It was the item, it turned out.

But if you will notice, looking this over, you would list it normally, and you come down here and about eight or nine items from the top, tone arm 2.0, you have here an R/S and an R/S and a DR, and an R/S. And then you have on the reverse side of the sheet here, again you have the same one-the first one put back on the list again. This is back on the list again, and this time it gave pain. In other words, I put it back on the list. So that of course R/Sed, and then you notice here there is another R/S and an R/S-and by this time she didn’t continue on over because the mass was pulling in so tight that there was just no continuing.

And she took that, on the 4th is when she did that, and on the 5th she took this as an item, and she ran it on around the clock, and so that we got a, a package out of this.

There’s a lot of test, experimental and research lists here, one kind or another that I’m pawing through, and apparently the list I am looking for just-oh, here we are.

Now-now we come down to a test for pain or sen which is greatly superior to any test which you happen to be using. And instead of determining by pn or sen, you determine by mass. And you say to the pc, „Consider unlimited wealth committing overts,“ two or three times, and you ask him „Did it turn on any more mass?“ And he doesn’t know because he hasn’t been looking. So you say it two or three more times, „Would unlimited…“ or „Consider unlimited wealth committing overts.“ And then you Bay, „Consider committing overts against unlimited wealth. Consider committing overts against unlimited wealth.“ You say, „Did that turn on more mass?“

He says, „Well, yeah, there’s something out here and it started to go out from my body,“ and-and so forth. And that’s of course wrong.

In other words, you tested as term and oppterm, and the one which doesn’t turn on more mass-of course these things all have a little mass associated with them-but the one that doesn’t turn on more mass is the right way it is.

If you say, „Unlimited wealth oppose,“ when it should be „Oppose unlimited wealth,“ you of course are running a wrong item. You recognize that by using it as a terminal, or using it as an oppterm, you get a wrong item manifestation. All you’ve got to do is say that the thing is a terminal when it’s an oppterm, or an oppterm when it’s a terminal-and you’ve got a wrong item. You recognize that, and the thing behaves like a wrong item.

So here is a test. The right way to turns on less mass than the wrong way to. Because of course a wrong item turns on mass; that’s your stable datum. The wrong item turns on mass always. You can keep that in mind.

Anyway, here is this very interestingly brief 2-12A package. We look on here and we see here this is „Who or what would unlimited wealth oppose?“ And of course here we start in our list as we normally would, just go right on down here with this list, on down here with the list, and only is two more items on the other side of the page. Now, that should be of considerable interest to you that a 2-12A list can be that short, because very few of them are that short. But this is the equivalent that-we talk in pages, this is the equivalent of-of course one, two and a bit, pages. Fantastically brief. So it must have been right up on top of the bank. And she did this, and this is done exactly according to the rules.

Now, the rules are simply this: That you get down here, you’re listing down from the top, down, down, down, down, down from the top to the bottom of the page. You take your next page, and you’re at the top down here, and here your TA motion ceases.

Now, you characters have been having an awfully, awfully hard time of it. I sympathize with you terribly. You’re going to think yourself to death someday. I-after my absence of being kicked in the head earlier a few weeks ago - I haven’t been very alert on what’s going on. And let me tell you, a rumor that there is no such thing as a still TA is more asinine than I have heard since 1950. Anybody that will take a meter-anybody that will take a meter and hold the meter on a cognition-surge basis, and every time, every time the needle ducks, duck the TA. You, you see that now. The needle does a cognition surge, so they think immediately-I tell you, you’re going to think yourself to death someday. I’m not kidding you, you know. You’re going to think yourself right straight into the grave.

God give me a simple auditor who can just sit down and just list and pick up the item and pat the pc on the back and say, „That’s it.“

No, no, people got to get fancy. Every time the tone arm-every time the needle goes this way, see, needle goes-so, so. Pc had a thought, see, comes back to the approximate place. Then the auditor figures out, of course, that this tone arm would have gone that way, that way, see-there we go, so therefore didn’t still tone arm. You nut. I mean I’m being very, very insulting, but when I heard about this I said, „My God, this can go on at Saint Hill, what the hell goes on in Keokuk?“ Now, that’s a-that’s an interesting question isn’t it?

Look, you don’t count the surges. A still TA is a still TA. Where have you got to put the TA in order to read the needle? Well, if you don’t have to put the TA any other place in order to read the needle, that’s a still TA. You got it?

Do you know there have been two or three cases out here that have been wrecked with that-wrecked with it, I’m not kidding you. Somebody just figured himself to death, see. So you quit that.

You know I could probably dream up more problems for you to solve in Dianetics and Scientology than you could count in the next million years. But no, you’ve got to pick on something like this: „There is no such thing as a still TA, that’s ridiculous, a still TA.“ No, a still TA is a still TA.

Of course, you did something better than that today as a class. There was a member amongst us who thought that an R/S was a tick, was a fall, was a dirty read, was a rocket read-and all the pc’s items, all the pc’s lists were beefing up because the R/S was on everything. And Mary Sue got bright enough, being an old D of P to look over somebody’s shoulder and say, „What on earth do you think an R/S is?“ And anything was an R/S. So of course it looked like the pc’s lists were all beefing up.

Yes, I’m giving you-I’m giving you a bad time, but I’m giving you a bad time with malice aforethought. And that is because when I tell you something very simple like you put the pc in the chair, you say, „Start of session. Give me your goals. Now, here is the list we’re going to list, and can you answer the question?“

And the pc says yes, he can answer the question. And then he-the auditor simply sits there and writes down the items, one after the other-without tripping the pc, without spitting in the pcs face, without dropping the E-Meter, without getting in the mid ruds for yesterday, without getting in the mid ruds for tomorrow, and so forth-just finishes the list and goes through the 2-12A routine and comes up at the end of the session with a nice item, and everything is firing-and there it is. Give me that auditor please, because the evolution - the evolution which you go through as an auditor is very interesting.

The first day you confront the pc, you do everything you can think of. You’ve heard-you’ve heard of 8-C, and you’ve heard of this, and you’ve heard of auditor control, and you’ve heard of this and the other thing. The more complicated the auditor is being the less certain he is of the tools of his trade. And you can just put that down in your book. And that’s the only thing that gets in the road of Routine 2, and will get in the road of 3MX. Mark my words, it’s just somebody who really doesn’t know what he’s doing, so he’s doing everything.

I heard this afternoon, with some horror, of a staff auditor in a Central Organization who couldn’t get much done because the last two-and-three-quarter hours of the session, every session, had to be taken up with the end rudiments on 2-12. Oh, no. You know how you end the session? There’s a reversal on this. If you just-if you could just end the session like you say, „Make any part of your goals? And you make any gains?“ You got the item, see. „You make any part of your goals? You make any part of your gains? All right. Fine. Now, notice the ceiling, notice the floor, notice the walls of the room. Thank you. Is it all right with you if I end the session now? That’s the end of session.“ You know, that didn’t take two hours and forty-five minutes. You know it’s infinitely better than anything else anybody’s doing. You see what I mean.

Sabotage comes with uncertainty. If your TRs are perfect, if you can sit there and hold a pc in-session-listen to me, you don’t need any mid ruds.

You know I’ve had people right here at this desk over here. I had them sit down and say, „What’s your goal?“ Do a goals list of fifteen, you know a lot of those goals worked out. And they did a little goals list, and I’d go over the thing, and they’re happy about it and I’m happy about it, and ...

Somebody was standing across the desk from me just yesterday and he said, „Do you know one of the biggest session gains I ever had, you brought me in here one day and you found something that might be my goal. And you didn’t say it was, but you, so on, and it’s the biggest session gain I ever had. Had a lot of cognitions on it,“ and so forth. Total session time-ten minutes. Total mid ruds-zero. There wasn’t even a „start of session.“ Why.? Well, he didn’t have to be told he was in-session. I was auditing him. I’m sorry, but that’s the way these things go.

Now, look-a-here, you can see this paper better here, all in one fell swoop. This is a list down here. I’m sorry to-to chew you out on such things as „There is no such thing as a still TA,“ because you actually just destroyed your primary indicator, don’t you see.

Now, she got down to here-I’m not showing you these because these are mine, but I just happen to be a set of stuff that I know about on 2-12 and on 3MX. So I-I can show you very intimately and correctly exactly where these things are. All right, we come down here, we’ve got a tone arm read of 4.0 on this border here. On this border we’ve got 4.75, 4.75 and nothing moved, obviously, and there are no more reads. It’s all 4.75, 4.75, 4.75. In other words the auditor did not have to move the TA in order to read the needle, so it was a still TA. That’s all there is to that.

Now, you’ll notice in all this that after you’ve gone in 2-12A, fifty items, your needle starts to tighten. Not only do you have a motionless TA, but you have a tightening needle. Now, here we go five items deep, we had an R/S. This is all still 2-12, see. We add another four or five items-we had another R/S. Four items-an R/S. About two items later-an R/S. Three items later-an R/S. Then an R/S, and an R/S, and an R/S, and an R/S, and an R/S, and an R/S, and then it skips an item and R/S, R/S, and then another R/S. You say, „This thing is hotter than a pistol.“ Well it was. That’s because the whole thing is being hit right there into the middle of the package.

All right, and we get up here to this second column here and we’ve got an R/S, and then we’ve got another R/S, we’ve got another R/S, and then we’ve got another R/S, and then it goes two-and there’s another R/S. And there’s no R/S, and no R/S, and no R/S, and nothing, and so forth. TA has already hit its still point. Now, she’s got to list herself-her fifty items, see. So she did. Actually, it was-needle started to tighten up so that she didn’t finish off listing her fifty items on this particular thing, because it was just getting asinine. There isn’t anything going to happen. Why finish listing the things?

So it’s just a jump of that thing based on the smartness of the auditor not to list the pc into the ground. The needle is getting tighter, and tighter, and tighter, and tighter-and the TA actually has been still for quite a long time, and there’s nothing else happening here, nothing else happening-and there’s nothing else going to happen either.

So there it is. There’s the last R/S. All right. So she says-so she says right away to the pc, she says, „Now, I’m going to read the next to the last rock slamming item-the next to the last rock slam item I’m going to read to you.“ See it’s-there’s the R-factor. She’s not going to read the pc’s item so he can ARC break, you see, and say, „It’s not my item.“

„Well, I didn’t say it was your...“ I can hear you now. Omit the R-factor, see.

„Well, here’s the item, Joe Blow.“

„That’s not my item.“

„Well, I didn’t say it was your item.“ How to not get along.

All right. So we-all those R/Ses ended up down here with one R/S, so she reads the next to the last R/Sing item to see if it reads. It had better not. And out it goes-bang. She marks it out-didn’t read. She reads it to pc-didn’t read. No, no Tiger Drill or nothing like that.

And then she says, „Now, I’m going to read the last rock slamming item on the list.“ Not even, „This is your item,“ see. And she reads „being homeless,“ see. She said, „That R/Ses.“

You see she-she doesn’t do this, and I don’t do this, and you’re not supposed to do this. You sit there, „Being homeless. Being homeless. Being homeless. Oh well.“

Pc says, „Well, did it, did it, did it, did it R/S?“

„Oh yes, yes, R/S.“

„Well, how big was the R/S?“

„Oh, about a third of a dial, so forth. Let’s see now, we’ve got to get over onto this, and so forth. I don’t know if that’s your item or not.“

And pc’s saying, „But, gosh, do you know, that’s always what I worry about.“

„Yeah, well just a minute, I-I’ve got to get some-get my auditor’s report written up here. Now, let’s see, let’s see, that doesn’t really seem to be your item, and so forth, because I can’t figure out the significance of it.“

That would be a bad show, wouldn’t it? I hate to get this sarcastic, but I have some things reported from organizations particularly that make me hold my head in my hands. Something like this.

„Are-well here’s an item here, irresponsibility: How do you like that?“

„Oh, it-it’s all right,“ the pc said, „that’s all right, all right, all right. Always been pretty irresponsible.“

The Auditor Supervisor comes along and says, „Well, did it R/S?“

„No, no.“

We don’t know what this interlude was all about, don’t you see. We haven’t a clue. Why was he reading this item to the pc in the first place?

Now, it’s just a direct positive action, and in 2-12A your rules are very direct. You take your source list-the item can appear on it anyplace-so you go over every item on the source list that R/Sed. Just make sure there aren’t two R/Sing items on the source list. Take it wherever you found it. If it’s not a big R/S don’t do a thing with it, you hear me. Scuttle it. Find out why this pc doesn’t have a big R/S. Something else has been done to this case in the past.

Now, take that reliable item, find out if it’s pain or sen, and start opposing it. Do your pain/sen test on the one that didn’t turn on more mass on „Consider committing overts against,“ and „Consider so-and-so committing overts.“ Then just start listing it.

Look, don’t get in your-your beginning/end ruds with the mid ruds on the this-ruds, on the that-ruds, and so forth-unless the pc’s fallen out of his chair, or screaming, or something like this, you see. Don’t use the tools of auditing unless you have to use them.

You-how-what would you think of a plumber who went into a room and he sees an awful lot of fittings. So he gets out spanners and just work, working on all the fittings, and so forth. And pretty soon the whole place is leaking, so he gets out big spanners this time to repair it. And that’s the way you’ll go, you see. He’s got to get out sledgehammers after a while and demolish the whole works.

No, the pc’s sitting there, pc’s interested, you start listing-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, bang-bang-bang-bang.

Now, some other genius around here someplace dreamed up one that you tell the pc what R/Sed. You say, „That R/Sed.“ This is an absolute invitation-a complete, utter invitation to the pc then to represent a rock slamming item. I4e’s trying to get his item on the list, so you have something like „a penurious person.“ So he says, „A penurious person.“

And the auditor says, „That R/Sed,“ you know, this hope factor, see.

So after that the pc says, „A cheap person, a person without any money, a person that ain’t got nothing, a-uh, a broke person.“ You see why? He’s representing a rock slamming item.

Actually you mustn’t even let the pc see your list. You understand? I don’t care if you’ve got to get a cardboard barrier across from you. That’s better.

Now, when you flub and don’t complete a list and read it to the pc-which you will do every now and then, the best of auditors will-the pc then, almost certainly is liable to take the next to the last rock slamming item that you read, and the last rock slamming item that you read that didn’t. And he’s almost certain, completely certain, to represent those unless you, the auditor say, „Now, that we have those, your item’s probably nothing like them. Now, just answer this auditing question, „Who or what would catfish oppose? Now, that’s all I want answered.“

Because if he starts representing in order to get his item on the list, you are going to get a false increase of R/S. It’s going to look like it’s wrong way to, and it’s not going to list out, and you’re not going to get the item on the list. Do you understand?

All right. So those are the things you can do wrong. Let’s take a look at what you do right. You come right down the list here. You start in, here you go, you are-list and list, and list and list and list-and there are your R/Ses. The pc seems anxious. He looks at you, and so forth. You say, „There are R/Ses on the list. It’s okay.“ You do the same thing with, with 3MX. You say, „There are, there are R/Ses on the list. It’s all right.“

„Oh yeah. Oh. Okay.“ And he plows right ahead.

All right. You list on down your page, and keep your note of your TA over here on the side. Keep it-keep pegging it in, pegging it in, writing it down - whether you see it, oh, every five, ten items, something like that. And when it doesn’t change why you probably should make a list notation occasionally. Get on down here and all of a sudden you notice that about this place-and by the way most lists are much longer than the one I’m showing you. This is a freak list. This is a very short list. Lists usually go seven, eight, nine pages. This makes a good illustration for you. So right about this point here, tone arm motion ceases. You’ve still got a needle moving every time he cognites, you understand, but you don’t have to move the TA to keep the needle on. So for all intents and purposes you have no tone arm motion.

And there we go, down the line, down the line-all of a sudden we see that R/S-ha-ha-ha, we see that R/S. It’s the last one that we got. We don’t see another one, see, we don’t see another one. We keep on going, going, going, going, going, going, going, going, so on. Actually we count from this last R/S-fifty for Routine 2-12A, and twenty-five for 3MX. Never more than twenty-five for 3MX. Never more than fifty for 2-12A. That’s fifty items after the TA stopped moving. Fifty items after the tone arm stopped moving, or after the last R/S, see-either one. But not fifty items after the tone arm stopped moving if you now have an R/S. See, your R/S cancels out the point from where the TA stopped moving on down to the last R/S-and you’ve got to have fifty items now from that last R/S. You got it?

And you just list them, and the pc says, „Isn’t this getting awfully tough?“

And you say, „Yes, it’s getting awfully tough,“ and so forth.

Count them up, you know-you know that’s twenty, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight; „You’ve got twenty-two items to go. Twenty-two, let me have twenty-two.“

And the pc will sit there and snarl, and list the twenty-two for you. But nevertheless list them because every now and then he will pick up a rock slam, and then you should go on by the rock slam. Go on by the rock slam, and when you’re safely by it so that he can’t identify it, you say to him, „I’m afraid I got to have fifty more items: I’ve had a rock slam.“

„Oh, you have. Well, fine.“ And he’ll give you the fifty more items.

Those are the exact rules of listing. Now, look, there isn’t any more to them-except in 3MX the difference is simply this: The difference in 3NM is just this one difference-that it’s twenty-five, not fifty-because 3MX caves in fast, and 2-12A caves in more slowly after the still TA.

All right. So anyway, to get back on this other sprint. Just-I’m talking about this-not because it’s my case I’m trying to show you-because this was a research sprint and I’m trying to give you the stuff that we got out of it.

We got the rest of that package carrying it right straight on around, pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. And that gave us four RIs, and now having four RIs, why, we were all set. That was the end of that 2-12 package, and all of a sudden Mary Sue says to herself, „R/S.“ I had a big R/S on that, but she was muttering, and she went back to this goals list that she had been listing two days before and she decided to test the R/S. She tested the R/S. She tested the one before and found that the last R/S on the list fired as it should, and simply took off and opposed it. And what did she turn up with but a rocket reading item which was an RI. And we had to go to town right at that point.

In other words, the first part of the package started out with an R/S. Now, that’s the goal oppose that we were doing, you know. Now, you have to have a question there that the pc can answer. And one of the ways that a pc doesn’t answer the question is not be asked the right question. You’ve got to have goal oppose.

Well, that can have several wordings. There are several ways that can be worded. „Who or what would somebody or something with the goal ‘to catch catfish’ oppose?“ Well, all right, he can answer that. But he can’t answer „Who or what would catching catfish oppose?“ You understand, you got to have a question that a pc can answer. And listing that on out the line-that was the one that had been listed two days before-we’d listed, she’d listed that out and she found an R/S, and this was a proper rock slamming item - the kind you’d expect to see in 2-12.

Well, turning that thing-testing it for terminal or oppterm, and listing it further produced another rock slam-rock-a rocket reading item; produced another reliable item, but it rocket read. And from that moment on, opposing and using the exact same rules that we had already worked out-it was a little bit tough being audited and working out the rules at the Same time-but found out that the tightening of the needle is more rapid in the middle of the GPM than it is out on the fringes. You see, 2-12A is out on the fringes of the GPM, and when you list a goal you go right straight into the middle of the GPM, and the tightening of the needle is much more rapid. So you get something that looks like this.

It also, apparently-I wouldn’t say so at first glance-but apparently compared to 2-12 average lists, the lists of 3MX are shorter. They are a shorter list, but they’re not lists of one or two, they’re a little longer than that. Now, here’s one of the item lists that came off of this, and here’s one of these-now we’re into 3MX, and here’s the way 3MX works.

You ask the pc, „Who or what would consider committing overts against“-in this case-“detectives? Consider committing overts against detectives. Consider detectives committing overts.“ Say one one way two or three times. Say it the other way two or three times. Which one turned on the most mass. The pc tells you, and that’s the wrong one, so you pick the one that didn’t turn on any mass.

And he says, „That’s right.“ And that is the item, so therefore it’s an oppterm, see-whatever it was.

Oppose „Consider committing overts against detectives,“ turned on less mass, so therefore it is „Who or what would oppose detectives?“ as simple as that. So we take this and we list this right on down here, „Who or what would oppose detectives?“ We list it down against the meter.

Now, if that needle were tightening and we’re getting no TA of any kind we would come off of it because there’s something wrong. But you’re not likely to get these items as wrong as you were 2-12 items.

All right, „Who or what would oppose detectives?“ And we’re listing here, pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, we come down the line here and we’re about seven or eight down the line and we get an R/S. And then we come about ten down the line here and we have another R/S. And then we got eleven and we get, twelve is another R/S, and thirteen, fourteen. Fourteen is a rocket read. There’s your rocket read-first rocket read. And then we come down here fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty, something like that-we have another rocket read-and at that moment TA action has ceased. It has ceased, there is no TA action.

And so she went on and on, and was just getting along fine with no TR action-no TA action, and almost had her twenty-five, and so help me Pete, she got an R/S on the list. So that cancelled the other twenty-five, and now she’s got to have twenty-five more; much over the pc’s dead body, you see. But gets the twenty-five more, pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa, lists twenty-five more on down.

Now, this later thing was an effort to patch up a package. But there’s a line drawn there to show distinctly that it didn’t belong to this first package. Actually this first package was quite correct. This was just to come back as a experimental test to see which way was what. We found out you could get TA action after you’ve listed something and found it’s oppterm, you can get TA action back on it again. That’s very interesting.

All right. So, all right, she gets down here, TA’s been stopped all this time, there’s twenty-five items past this R/S. There we go, all set. Let’s go back here. Now, let’s read the last rock slam on the list, if there is one, to the pc because we know that isn’t it. But, of course, if that was rock slamming there’s still charge on this list, so there’s something wrong.

We knocked that out, and there she’s marked it X, and we come back here to the next to the last rocket read and knock that out. Read it to the pc, say it’s the next to the last. Didn’t rocket read. All right. Then we say, „Now, here’s the last rocket reading item on the list, ‘a personality.“’ And she says, „That rocket reads,“ you see. So she’s got a rocket read, she reads „a personality“ a couple of times, and that’s all set.

Now, you’ll find the cognitions are sometimes not as bountiful on a pc when they get rocket reading items. They sometimes merely say, „Yes, yes, that’s the item, ha-ha, yeah, of course, yep.“

And you sit there in vain waiting for them to cognite. Hell, they cognited, it blew. What do-what do you want? What-what do you want, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma? Because you’re not going to get anything, it’s gone. But the pc knew it was his item.

Now, look-a-here, let’s-let’s get another one here now. You see how this goes. It’s quite mathematical. There’s nothing-nothing ever different in it. There’s no Variation in it. You do it the same way. And if it works any other way-you see your listing for 2-12A and your listing for 3MX are both identical. There is no difference in this listing.

And if you have listed something and you’ve flubbed the dub, and it doesn’t follow the exact rules, the last rocket read doesn’t read, the last R/S on the list doesn’t R/S, somebody has goofed, see. Something you have taken it from is wrong. Your list isn’t complete. There’s something wrong, see? Your source item was wrong, something-something’s wrong. That’s the way you work this out.

And you watch these things, because here was a patch-up she had to do, and she was all ARC broke, so I had to come out of session and tell her that the auditor ARC broke. Everything had gone along, I think this was about the eighth consecutive reliable item-now we’re into the session of the 6th of February-and this is the 8th consecutive or 6th consecutive, or something like that, reliable item found from this goal. Everything has rocket read, she takes this personality, and she goes right in, she tests it, it works, everything works, everything is fine, everything is beautiful. She lists it and it goes down brrrrr, and you never saw so many rocket reads in your life, it’s just rocket reads, rocket reads, rocket reads, rocket reads, rocket reads, rocket reads, rocket reads. Oh, my. Action, action, action, and then suddenly no rocket reads. And we go way down, and then some rocket reads, and then down here, and then some R/Ses, and then one R/S, and then way down here, and then the twenty-five from the last R/S, and she calls off the last R/S and it doesn’t R/S. She calls off the next to the last rocket read, it doesn’t rocket read, all is well, you see. Then she calls off the last rocket read and it doesn’t rocket read.

In a hurry then-I had to hold her hand while she’s doing this, this is nervy stuff, you know-she went back over all the RR’s on the whole list, read them all. Like to blew my bank up-nothing. You know what the rule for that is-if you cant get the item on the list-she went and extended it after that, and she still couldn’t get the item on the list-if you can’t get the item on the list, you’ve lost one someplace. It’s back of you. And that’s true of 2-12A, and it’s true of 3MX. It’s true of all listing, in other words. If you can’t get an item on the list, then there is no item to be put on the list because it’s already been found, or something like that. It’s been found elsewhere.

But in actual fact this would have been, a catastrophe because we were listing right down the center of the GPM, rocket reading item, reliable items, one after the other, all of them following this rule: you list it all the way down to your last R/S or RR, still TA, twenty-five more items. The last rocket read is it, every time. Everything’s just going like clockwork, and then all of a sudden here’s one that doesn’t go like clockwork.

Well, that’s the time when you pass in the chips and try to commit suicide, or something, because that-that’s a gruesome day. And pc feels a little ARC broke along about that time. So we sat down, we had a conference. I knew I had to think fast to save the auditor. So I dreamed up a rule which you’ll be using, and I think you’ll be very interested in this rule. And the rule is, is simply that if you suddenly draw a blank, well, go back and find the item, terminal or oppterm that the pc was less, least happy about.

In other words show him the items and say, „Which one of these weren’t you quite as happy about as the others?“

And he will say-he will say, „Well, detectives, I just wasn’t happy about detectives.“

Look back and see where detectives came from and continue the list that you got detectives on. In other words, continue the list just before that, you understand. The one that detectives appeared on, let’s continue that list because the pc says he’s unhappy with it.

And here’s the trick! You get your next item which belongs where you should have found it, here. In other words here’s this „personality list“ that didn’t have an item on it-you’ve got this now-here’s a „personality list,“ couldn’t get an item on this list. Went back and took an item the pc was unhappy about, and all the same he scrubbed that one and continued the same list that it occurred on. Another item did come up, a late RR-there’s where the thing had gone astray, don’t you see-and used that RR, not canceling out everything the pc has found on him, but just using that as your next consecutive RR.

Why did it come up in the first place? Well, it came up now because it’s ready to come up, not because the auditor missed it. In other words this is another method of finding your consecutive line plot item that belongs on that. Here’s a rocket reading item then, „convention“ which gorgeously rocket read. Everything was fine, and it simply fitted exactly into the line plot where the oppterm of „personality“ should have had a point, see.

Don’t even tell the pc you’ve destroyed his items. Don’t tell him you’ve scrubbed anything. You’ve just reached back, backwards, found something the pc wasn’t happy about, continued the listing of that, found another item and just moved it up the line plot and used it as normal and just keep right on going.

Well, we’re nine rocket reading items and one R/Sing item-which was the source that came off the goal-deep at this particular time. I’ve had quite a few R/Sing 2-12 items found. And over the period of time we’re now nine rocket reading items deep into the GPM.

Now, about the only thing that showed up is a darkening of skin, a lightening, actually of body mass, and look a bit better. But, at first when you start into this you’re liable to get a lot of black showing up on the pc anyhow, that’s apparently one of the characteristics. And after he’s been audited for-you’ve gotten a few rocket reading items, then he starts to lighten up. But at first, why, he’s liable to look kind of black. That doesn’t-doesn’t mean anything.

It does mean something when the pc turns black. You start running a list, or list an item or something, the pc goes black on you. You just better get off of that now. Goes blacker than he was at the beginning of the list, you understand that. Any of you characters use this just so you can abandon the list, why I’ll have your thetan.

Anyhow, there’s your-your setup of 3MX is a very precise listing which is the same listing pattern as Routine 2-12, except that in Routine 3 you only use rocket reads except when you have to have an R/S on your goals opposition in order to start you into the bank. Sometimes that will be an R/S.

Now, an R/S and an RR fade into each other. That I have also found recently. They-an R/S, if it will become one, can become an RR, and an RR can become an R/S; but it doesn’t mean that these are interchangeable. They definitely are not. You can’t say, „Well, I’m running a rocket reading line because look at all the R/Ses.“ See, that’s not true.

An R/S is a little bit further out than an RR. You get that? So an R/S normally is rather a lock phenomenon on an RR, and that’s how these things are related.

So if you’re running R/Ses you’re really running locks; if you’re running RRs you’re running right in through the Goals Problem Mass.

So you see anybody that knew how to run 2-12A perfectly, could convert over and list with much greater ease, by the way-because its precision is greater-could move right over and at once list on 3MX, because it’s twenty-five items beyond the still TA or the last R/S, whichever comes last; twenty-five items beyond that for 3MX and it’s fifty items-now, 2-12A-in 2-12A.

In 2-12A you’re dealing with less precision of action than you are dealing with 3MX. This is their main difference because in 2-12A YOU will occasionally be horrified having gone exactly fifty items, just like the book said, to start the pc listing again and have the item that he gives you, the very next item that he gives you-which is item 51-R/Ses and is the reliable item for that list. You’ve gone around and round, holding your head wondering where it was.

In other words, that can vary. Sometimes if your sources are poor, and so on, you will find the R/Sing item is not the last R/S on the list, but is number fifteen on the front page. Oh, there must be something wrong there someplace. Actually the best thing to do is to bear on rather than to keep repair, repair, repair all the time.

Now, this is the score then with regard to 3MX, and I’ve given you this mostly on the basis of a personal experience of the material. I’ve seen how this material operates myself. Been over the jumps on it. I’ve been trying to find a goals line in that we could really give you and really square up. And want to get all those old goals straightened out, and so forth. Well, I’ll talk about that in the next lecture. I just wanted to give you a good review of what’s been happening here with the old man and research.

I’ve been getting killed daily for the last hundred and fifty hours, but that’s not quite fair because the last fifteen hours of those were more processing than I have ever seen in the last twelve years. So it all paid off, and you have my bravery to thank for the whole lot.

So, thank you very much.