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CONTENTS Remedy Of Havingness And Spotting Spots In Space Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Remedy Of Havingness And Spotting Spots In Space


A lecture given on 6 July 1954
Сессия группового процессинга, проведенная 6 июня 1954 года

We're going to talk this morning about the Spotting Spots in Space and the Remedy of Havingness as a process.

This is a total process. It has many ramifications. It's, you might say, a family of processes.

Thank you.

Now, there are many such families of processes. And, actually, it belongs to the family that we would call 8-C of Opening Procedure – the Opening Procedure family. Spotting Spots and Remedying Havingness belongs to an Opening Procedure family.


It is actually a low order of Change of Space. So it belongs to another family. It belongs to a duplication family, since Change of Space is actually a dramatization of the formula of communication. That's just exactly what Change of Space is. You just dramatize the formula with the preclear exteriorized.

You have him be at one point and then be at another point, and be at the first point and be at the second point. Now, that first point is the source of something, usually, and so he, by being the cause and being the effect and finding out there is a vast distance between them, becomes rather relaxed about the whole thing.

But Spotting Spots and Remedying Havingness, could then be said to be cousins to two families: it's cousins to Change of Space and it's cousin to Opening Procedure.

Anybody get into an acute state of restimulation when I said, “mock-up that horrible accident” or something of the sort?

Now, the reason why we relate it to Opening Procedure (that's a blood relationship) is because that is the way you're going to produce the most effect with it – as though it were Opening Procedure.

У кого-нибудь возникла острая рестимуляция, когда я говорил: «Смокапьте тот ужасный несчастный случай» – или что-то в этом роде?

The first contest is to get the preclear to find a spot in space. That's the first contest. The preclear will go around and he will find large spots, two, three feet in diameter; he'll go around and find only spots which come out so far from the walls; he can't find a spot independent of the room itself; his spots have energy in them, they have masses, they have color, they have size. In other words, he has a lot of trouble. If he does locate a spot, it's liable to be suspended four or five feet above the floor on something that looks like a microphone stand.

It's quite fascinating, the various manifestations which occur. But all of them are completely useless. You want to get the preclear over them as fast as possible, and you get him over them simply by having him spot some more spots in space. That's all.

Space where? In the space of the room. And you have these spots in such a wise that he has to go over and put his finger on them. Now, when you have him capable of spotting two or three spots, you've generally shot his having-ness to ribbons. So you have to remedy havingness right away. If he starts to get queasy, sick, upset, disturbed in any way, remedy his havingness. There is nothing more destructive to havingness than spotting some spots in space.

Are you still in that state of restimulation? Wonder what happened to it. Did it run out afterwards? Mm-hm.

You understand this is a precision proposition. You want him to spot a spot in space and then be able to spot it again. Actually, that spot is only a location; it doesn't have mass. And you want him to be able to put his finger on it and take his finger off of it, and put his other hand's finger on it and take it off, and move his body into it and move his body out of it, and so forth. This is a location.

Вы до сих пор находитесь в состоянии рестимуляции? Интересно, что же с ним произошло. Он потом стерся? Мм-м.

And you get him really cognizant of the fact that this is a location, and the more certain he becomes of these locations, why, the better off he is. The next thing you know, he's able to tolerate space. And you do this, as I said, by remedying havingness.

Now, supposing you had an individual who had an enormous struggle in spotting some spots in space, and the first spots he spotted were fairly large. Well, you just kept on nagging him until he finally got actually a location in space. He started to get sort of upset, you know? Remedy of Havingness had not been done yet, and he feels rather queasy about the whole thing. And then you say, "All right. Mock up something that's acceptable to you, and pull it in."

And he says, "What mock-up?"

And who couldn’t find one? I guess we have all lived.

And you say, "Well, you know, I mean just put something out there – a dead body." "What dead body?"

А кто не смог его найти? Полагаю, мы все жили.

"What are you looking at?" "Nothing."

"What are you actually looking at?"

An interesting contest will come in at this point – getting him to tell you what he is looking at. What he is looking at is usually blackness. And he won't tell you he's looking at blackness. This is nothing as far as he's concerned, but he's looking at blackness.

Well, now we find – as we do that we might find out something that’s quite interesting. And just for fun here, let’s get the idea of sort of looking outside the hall over to the right and getting what a big mystery it is, what’s beyond there.

And to get him to finally tell you what he actually is looking at is your first contest. "What are you looking at?"

Что ж, теперь мы найдем... по мере того, как мы будем это делать, мы можем выяснить что-нибудь довольно интересное. И просто ради развлечения, давайте получим идею о том, что мы как бы смотрим за пределы этого зала направо, и осознаем, какая это большая тайна, то, что находится за его пределами.

Well, it doesn't do you very much good, [with] an individual who can't get any facsimiles, mock-ups, anything of the sort whatsoever, to tell him to mock up something and pull it in, because he's going to have a hard time.

But supposing you could get a vague or indistinct image out there. Is that good enough? Yes, sir, that's good enough. That's good enough. Have him mock up several of them and pull them in on the body, and go on spotting spots in space.

But supposing he couldn't get any? None. Then enters upon the scene this interesting single Straightwire question: The agreement between the mest universe and the preclear gets down to a point where the preclear agrees entirely that two things cannot occupy the same space.

And let’s look outside the hall through the front of the hall now and get what a big mystery it is out there.

And after that he is not able to pull anything in, which is the biggest trap you have. Because the way a preclear makes something disappear – makes it vanish utterly – is to pull it all the way in.

И теперь давайте посмотрим за пределы этого зала через его переднюю часть и осознаем, какая же там большая тайна.

And if he can't pull anything all the way in, it continues to persist. So how would you fix up a preclear – how would you fix up a being – so that he got packed in energy masses? You would fix him up and get him to agree to the fact that two things could not occupy the same space. And after that he couldn't destroy any energy mass that was around him.

Ha-ha! Machiavellian, huh?

Well, Count Alfred Korzybski devoted a book called Science and Sanity – there are some other books on this subject, too, general semantics. There's a guy by the name of Hayakawa, who writes even wilder colloquial English than I do, but whose originality is notable in its absence. And there are others who have written on this subject, but it goes back to Korzybski. And that is this: "It is utterly impossible for two things to occupy the same space. "And if this book has any message, it says "Differentiate amongst your words and statements and thoughts," and "Two things can't occupy the same space." You darn near sum-mate general semantics when you say those two things.

You can’t see it. The wall is in between. What a big mystery it is.

Now, there's a terrific amount to this, you understand. He examined the mechanics of this, but he examined them in complete agreement with the physical universe. And two things can't occupy the same space. And you'll get somebody who has studied general semantics, and you've got a picnic on your hands in the Remedy of Havingness. You won't realize it or recognize it, but you have.

Вы не видите ее. Между вами стена. Какая же это большая тайна.

Yes, sir! He can't pull anything in! Can't remedy havingness and, therefore, can't destroy energy. Why can't he? Well, two things can't occupy the same space, so if he mocked up a car out there to pull it in and remedy his own mass, so forth, he of course couldn't do this because he's already occupying the spot where the car would come into, see? So, therefore, he couldn't remedy his havingness.

The mock-up would disappear just before it got to him. And that underlying agreement, back of that, is two things cannot occupy the same space.

This is, of course, an utter falsity. This is not true. It happens to be a condition, which, when imposed, resulted in this physical universe. That law is what keeps the parts and parcels and spaces and planets of this universe apart. It is an enforced differentiation in this universe which makes space for this universe. That is the law which keeps the space stretched in this universe.

All right. Now, let’s look outside the hall over to the left and get a sort of an idea what a tremendous mystery that is.

So, of course, Korzybski would get all involved with differentiation-differentiation on the basis of the mest universe holding itself apart. Well, that isn't differentiation. So as a result, why, you'll have trouble with anybody who's been in general semantics. You will notice this mock-up disappearing just before it got to him. In other words, he isn't remedying havingness.

Хорошо. Теперь, давайте посмотрим за пределы этого зала налево и получим некоторую идею о том, какая это огромная тайна.

Now, how do you know he isn't remedying havingness? Because he stays sick, of course. That's all. You got him spotting some spots in space and this didn't make him feel good; this made him feel kind of frantic and this made him feel kind of upset and this made him feel sick at his stomach. These are common manifestations. And then you said, "Well, mock up an acceptable mock-up to you."

And he says, "All right."

And you say," Well, you got a dead body there, or what? What have you got there?" And he says, "Well, I don't know. I got a wrecked car."

Isn’t that awesome?

And you say, "Well, okay, pull that wrecked car into your body. Now pull another one into your body. Now pull another one into your body, and pull another one into your body." And you say, "How do you feel?"

Разве это не замечательно?

"Well, I just feel just as – as frantic as I did," and so on.

He isn't pulling anything into his body. See, that's the answer. It's disappearing before it gets to him. It's dissipating. And other things are occurring there so that his havingness isn't being remedied.

By the way, if he could adequately remedy his havingness, there's a total process on this. You just simply have the fellow mock up things and pull them into his body. And the more massive the better, until you get planets and stars and black suns and all kinds of things being pulled into his body. And you'll start something called an avalanche after a while. And, boy, the planets start coming in with a roar. And it's quite an interesting phenomena. I've seen one run for three, four days. They'll blow up every facsimile that gets in their road. They'll blow up the entire energy-behavior pattern of the preclear, if you keep up remedying havingness. It's an interesting process.

Now, let’s look out through the back of the hall and get what an enormous mystery there is outside in that direction.

No doubt about this as a process. It's a sort of a heavy-handed, clubfooted process.

Давайте посмотрим через заднюю часть зала и осознаем, какая огромная тайна находится в том направлении снаружи.

If you could get him to remedy havingness, he'd straighten himself out simply by remedying havingness.

But if remedying havingness doesn't straighten him out, it is because he has agreed to this single agreement, which doesn't happen to be true, that two things cannot occupy the same space. He's agreed to that so thoroughly that he can't remedy his havingness.

The reason I'm stressing this is so that you'll remember why you ask this question, and that this is the question, and there isn't any other question. And that question is simply this: "What wouldn't you mind having occupy the same space as you're occupying?"

Well, he's got to change his mind immediately – that two things can occupy the same space – in order to fulfill this condition. And without explaining to him why he had to change his mind, you made him change his mind. Sometimes it takes them five minutes, sometimes it takes them five hours.


But the roughest case I know of at this time had to be pounded for (I was told last night) two hours before he could finally accept something in his own space – that is to say, until he could get something that he wasn't unwilling to have occupy the same space as himself.


And this question was asked this case over and over and over. Now, this case had never been able to remedy havingness, never been able to get mock-ups, never been able to do this, never been able to do that. So, well, he remedied his havingness and he got into fine fettle and feeling very good indeed. Changed his case.

Well, it sure would. If an individual had been asked to spot spots in space rather continuously and continually, that would make him sick and he'd get feeling worse and then he couldn't remedy his havingness, you see? So processing was horrible to behold.

On the mock-up on the body and the mock-up on themselves, it depends to a large degree on whether you're exercising the preclear as a body or the preclear as a thetan. That's all it depends on. If you're doing a lot of Change of Space, you remedy the havingness on the thetan, which is the pc.

And now, let’s look down through the floor and get what a big mystery it is down below.

You just remedy the thetan's havingness. Have him put up eight anchor points and pull them in on himself, and eight more and pull them in on himself, and eight more and pull them in on himself.

Теперь давайте посмотрим сквозь пол и осознаем, какая большая тайна находится там внизу.

And when his body gets upset and restive, why, we simply have him pull it in on it – when the body gets upset on that.

If he really pulls it all the way in, it'll disappear. That is how you make things disappear. All space is an illusion. Therefore, if you pull in all anchor points, of course there's no space.

So what happened to the anchor points? Well, they didn't exist in the first place. So if you completely close terminals with the anchor points, they'll vanish.

And up through the ceiling and get what a mystery it is just on the other side of the ceiling.

And actually, recognition simply depends upon occupying the same space with. That's why Beingness Processing works.

И вверх сквозь потолок и осознаем, какая же это тайна там, прямо по другую сторону потолка.

Now let's look at this factor of recognition and knowingness, and so forth, in terms of beingness and facsimiles and so forth, and we simply get it this way: Is he willing to occupy the same space as it? And if he is, it'll blow, and if he isn't, it won't.

So we get a case who can't remedy his havingness being unable to destroy a concept, a lock, a secondary, an engram. If he can't remedy havingness, he can't occupy the same space with; if he can't occupy the same space with, he naturally conceives that it's making space, so therefore it has validity and it won't pull all the way in.

Now, this process is very elementary, but it could be hashed up most gloriously. This could be hashed up gloriously, by overrunning the preclear on spotting spots in space until he was good, groggy, upset and quite ill, and then expecting him to work in some fashion or another.

Big mystery?

Well, you've driven him down tone scale to a point of where he could hardly hold on to anything long enough to do anything about it, you know? And having driven him down tone scale, why, you're now going to remedy his havingness and do the rest of this?

Большая тайна?

No, you do this early. You remedy his havingness long before he needs to have it remedied. You don't wait for signs. You could make them appear if you wanted to, but you just do this as a routine process. And whenever you spot a spot in space, you remedy havingness, that's all.

The process we're interested in is this one. The process we're interested in is spotting the spots in space. We're not really interested in remedying havingness, because this is only dramatizing his dependency on it. So we're just giving priority to the important thing here. And the priority is the spot in space. That's what's important; the Remedy of Havingness is incidental.

How come his havingness chews up? Ah, there must be something awfully wrong with the way this fellow is handling energy for his havingness to chew up, simply by trying to remedy it.

All right. Now, get the idea of somebody over here on the right side of the hall trying to see through the wall and realizing what a big mystery you are.

All right, what do we do? What do we do here, specifically? We ask him what could occupy the same space as he's occupying. If we had any doubt about this – and here's where we get the answer to your question about that – we would take up this problem before we fooled around with any spots in space. We would look at this fellow and there he is, gaunt and emaciated or bloated or something – something strange with his physiology. We would say, "Hm, this guy has a little bit of trouble with havingness."

Хорошо. Теперь получите идею о том, что кто-то там справа от зала пытается посмотреть сквозь стену и осознает, какой большой тайной вы являетесь.

You know, he's a banker or something. We could tell professionally: He's a commissar or a banker or a general. There's something wrong with this guy's havingness, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is. That's obvious. He has to have in some other fashion than simply having. You know, he needs a system, like becoming a general. That's a method of having, you see? You go to West Point and don't talk back, and graduate and don't talk back, and get into a War Department post and don't talk back, and coast along the line and don't talk back, and then you have to, of course, get more suppressed about how famous you've got to be. And the next thing you know, why, you will start to accumulate troops to remedy your havingness. That's right. And you got a U.S. general. Don't do anything with them, just accumulate them. You'd be amazed that that's what they do.

Now, here – it's not just a snide remark on generals or anything else. You can look at somebody and tell whether or not he's having a lot of trouble with havingness. If he's having trouble with havingness, then it might be very wise for you to just sail right in on that basis. Let's fix it up quick before we render him liable to anything. That'd be a good idea. All right.

Well, what's important about this process is spotting spots in space. What do we do with all these spots in space? We just spot them, that's what. Oh, I know, but what do you do with them after you spot them? Well, you spot them. Well, after you've spotted them, then what do you do with all these spots in space? Well, you spot some more of them, that's what you do.

And somebody on the outside of the front of the hall trying to look through and getting what a big mystery you are.

Don't look for any deeper significance in the technique than that, except this: The preclear is sitting on three kingpin significances. And

И кто-то с этой стороны передней части этого зала пытается посмотреть сквозь стену и осознает, какой большой тайной вы являетесь.

(1) is that he's there but he's got to leave;

(2) is that he's there and fixed there forever, being fixed against his will; and

(3) is that it was there in that spot but now it is gone.

And now the same thing from the left side, somebody out there – boy, what a mystery you are.

Three considerations, there, that are very aberrative on the track.

Тоже самое с левой стороны, кто-то там снаружи... боже, какой тайной вы являетесь.

Well, you can run these with this process: You spot a spot in the room and have him move his body into the spot – move the spot into his body, rather, and have him stand there.

And you tell him, "Now," you say, "now get the idea that you can't remain there." "All right, find another spot." "Okay, now move out of the spot you're in and move this next spot into your body." "You got that? All right, now get the idea that you can't stay there."

You just do this in sequence: "Just get the idea of that." You know, he's in the spot, now get the idea of that.

And somebody way down below in the Earth looking up through at you and getting what a big mystery you are. Can’t see through that floor.

And you are making him dramatize the basic formula of self-determinism – location of objects in space. And you make him locate objects in space one after the other, he'll get well.

А кто-то далеко внизу, под Землей, смотрит вверх, сквозь землю, на вас и осознает, какой большой тайной вы являетесь. Он не может видеть сквозь этот пол.

Well, put this consideration on to it: that he can't stay there and have him move to the next spot. And put the consideration on to that and have him move to the next spot. You just spot the spot and have him move to it. But you give him the consideration he can't stay there.

Now we get the other one: We have him move onto a spot and then get the idea that he's fixed there and can't move. And then we have him change his mind – not just break or disobey his postulate – we have him change his mind and pick out a new spot and move into it and get the idea he's got to stay there forever.

And then have him change his mind about staying there forever, and get a new spot and move it into his body. Get the idea he's going to stay there forever.

And somebody out back of the hall someplace trying to look through the wall and getting what a mystery you are.

You'd be surprised at the agony and weariness and tiredness which this one turns on.

И кто-то снаружи, где-то позади зала, пытается посмотреть сквозь стену и осознает, какой тайной вы являетесь.

All right. There's the next level. And the next level is, you have him spot the spot and get the idea that something very precious has just left there that he will never see again. And you have him do this, just walk around and spot these spots, and get the idea each one has just been vacated.

There is the manifestation of the fellow trying to fill in the spots with energy. There's the mechanism that he's undergoing. And it has a tendency to blow these.

Now, there are three conditions. There are probably others, but those are very, very important conditions. Why? What is the manifestation of facsimile? The manifestation of facsimile is not being able to remain in the spot, having to get out, and, cussedly, taking along a picture of it so that one can say he's still there.

And somebody up above the ceiling trying to look through and getting what a mystery you are – can’t see through the ceiling.

That's the rationale behind the facsimile. The facsimile is the solution to the problem of not being able to stay there. That's the solution to the problem.

И кто-то сверху, над потолком, пытается посмотреть сквозь него и осознает, какой тайной вы являетесь – он не может видеть сквозь потолок.

Now, what is this thing called unreality? Unreality is that activity the preclear has engaged upon whenever he was forced to stay in a place where he did not want to be. His answer to this was to make it all unreal, so that he wouldn't really know he was there.

He's trying to be self-determined anyhow, and the way he's being self-determined is to make it all unreal. He didn't want to be there. See that?

And now he can say, "Although I am forced to stay here in prison, stone walls do not a birdcage make," you know. "It's all unreal." That's why they put psychotics in cells.

Okay. Now, let’s find a place where a mystery would be safe.

Oh, that remark didn't quite add up to a solution? Well, I'm – that's as reasonable as anything else in psychiatry. That's a subject that has to do with nuttiness; don't expect it to be reasonable.

Замечательно. Теперь давайте найдем местонахождение тайны, которое было бы безопасным.

All right. He'll make things unreal, then, if forced to stay in the same space; he'll dim down his perception on things. That merely says he's unwilling to be there.

All right. Now what's this thing called occlusion? Occlusion comes about as a consequence of loss. Something precious has disappeared from the object, and if the preclear could still see, he'd notice it'd be gone and this would be more than he could bear. So the best thing to do is to cover it all up with blackness, and that'd be that.

That'd be a good solution, wouldn't it? Let's just hide the whole thing, let's just hide the problem, and then let's just abandon the whole idea, and then, you see, we can still pretend that it's still there.

Where would a mystery be safe? Geographical location. Point to it. Point in that direction. Go ahead, you won’t stick

This is the basis of "it's too good to lose," too. You know, people will get to a point of where you give them something very, very valuable, they will not wear it, use it, or anything else. They promptly hide it. Well, that's because they know, if they know anything, that they lose things like this.

Какое местонахождение тайны было бы безопасным?Географическое местоположение. Укажите на него. Укажите

I know I gave a very dear old lady – my grandmother – a present one day; she had a watch there that was a shame and very disreputable, and I gave her this watch. And she kept on wearing this old, disreputable watch, you know, that she'd been wearing, instead of this nice, new watch. And I, one day, was going around looking for something. I opened up a drawer and here, hidden at the bottom of the drawer, was this brand-new, very nice – rather indestructible, by the way – but a good watch, you see? And there it was at the bottom of the drawer. She wouldn't wear it.

And I asked her why she wasn't wearing it, and she said, "Oh, that's much too nice to use." And so I began to wonder about this a little bit, and I one day just glanced through some of her things there. And you know, she had more things that were too nice to use! You talk about the amount of abundance in commodity which was present: it was tremendous. She couldn't use it though; it was all too nice.

Well, people do this on another wise. When they've lost something they turn everything black. They just hide it. See, they hide the fact that they've lost it.

Also, this is no-responsibility and other factors, and so on. Occlusion adds up to too many considerations. Actually, the basic occlusion is mystery. Unpredictability: "It's gone and I didn't predict it would 'went.'" And so it's all black.

anybody in the eye. Point to it. Got it?

Well, you're making the preclear predict that something is going to go and then disappear. So there's these methods of handling spots in space, and these are the main considerations.

That’s right. Right there. You real sure that’d be safe there?

Now, don't for a moment believe, now, that there are eighty-five other considerations that can be added into that type of processing. There aren't. There aren't. The basic Prelogic on which this is based is a very precise thing. And it says theta locates things in time and space, and creates time and space and things to locate in them. That's a Prelogic; that's what theta does. Self-determinism is one's ability to locate things in time and space.

в его направлении. Давайте, вы никому не попадете в глаз. Укажите на него. Сделали? Правильно. Прямо туда. Вы действительно уверены, что это ее местонахождение будет безопасным?

And so this directly processes self-determinism. So it doesn't go out in all directions. It's right there, it's on those three considerations: The consideration of loss, consideration of "I got to stay here, so I'll make it all unreal," and the consideration of "Well, I can't have that place anymore, so I'll carry a picture of it."

Most of your preclears that you'll get a hold of, whether they know it or not, are walking around with a childhood home over their heads. You know? They can't have that spot anymore – the orientation place – so they think to see at all, they better carry it around with them.

Now, Spotting Spots and Remedy of Havingness, between the two of them, the more important is spotting the spot. And the consequence of spotting the spot is having to remedy the havingness.

Okay. Good. Now, let’s find another place where a mystery would be safe.

But why does he have to remedy havingness? Well, that's because he can't create energy. There are obviously lots of methods – one way or another – which would get somebody out of creating energy. But just had one here: After something had been discovered which the preclear was perfectly willing to have occupy his same space, the next thought was, "Well, let's see now, if there's that, that's energy. I think I'll make up a machine of some kind or another to remedy my havingness," and mocked up a generator. And then it went on to a power station and then on to suns.

Ладно. Хорошо. Теперь давайте найдем другое местонахождение тайны, которое было бы безопасным.

In other words, the preclear went right on and remedied all of his consideration that he was dependent on anything else of any kind whatsoever for energy, and he started producing it himself. So that is the end product of Remedy of Havingness.

Well, that was a very good procedure, which is you just change the consideration on it all the way on up. I mean, it's obviously a terrific procedure.

You don't go on remedying havingness forever. Why don't you remedy the condition that makes you remedy havingness? Get them out of the idea entirely – there's an indicated process, then.

Go ahead and point to it. You won’t poke anybody. Go on, point to it.

Well, this'll turn on mock-ups and everything else: "What wouldn't you mind occupying the same space?"

Давайте, укажите на него. Вы никого не проткнете. Давайте, укажите на него.

There are a lot of tricky processes that we could go into. There's no necessity to do so whatsoever.

Now you've got an idea of what this type of process is, Spotting Spots and Remedying Havingness?


That’s good. That’s good. Now, get another place where a mystery would be safe. You’re just sure it’d be nice and safe there. Отлично. Отлично. Теперь найдите другое местонахождение тайны, которое было бы безопасным. Вы просто уверены, что это ее местонахождение полностью безопасно. Good. Point to it. Go on. That’s right. Ладно.Укажитенанего.Давайте. Правильно. Okay. Now, let’s find another place where a mystery would be safe. Now, let’s point to that. Ладно. Теперь давайте найдем другое местонахождение тайны, которое было бы безопасным. Теперь давайте укажем на него. Go ahead and point. Good. Good. Давайте, укажите. Хорошо. Хорошо. And another place where a mystery would be safe. Иещеодноместонахождениетайны, которое было бы безопасным. Point to it. All right. Укажите на него. Замечательно. Now, let’s get a place where a mystery would find you safe. And you point to that place where a mystery would find you good and safe. It might be right there but go ahead and point to it anyhow. Теперьдавайтенайдемваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы безопасным. И вы укажите на то ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы совершенно безопасным. Оно может быть прямо здесь, но, давайте, все равно укажите на него. Good. You got it now? Хорошо. Сделали? Okay. Now, let’s find another place where a mystery would find you good and safe. Отлично. Теперь давайте найдем другое ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы совершенно безопасным. Got one? Нашли? Go ahead and point to it now. Be sure of it now. All I’m asking you to be is real certain that a mystery would find you very safe there. Don’t ask me what I mean by safe. That’s what you mean by safe, not what I mean. Давайте, укажите на него. Будьте в этом уверены. Все, о чем я вас прошу, так это чтобы вы были действительно уверены, что это ваше местонахождение тайна сочла бы полностью безопасным. Не спрашивайте меня, что я имею в виду под «безопасным». Речь о том, что вы имеете в виду под «безопасным», а не я. Okay. And another place where a mystery would find you safe. Хорошо. И еще одно ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы безопасным. Hm. Good. Good. Good. Хм. Хорошо. Хорошо. Хорошо. All right. Now a place where you would find a mystery extremely safe. Which direction is it? How far? Point to it. Отлично. Теперь местонахождение тайны, которое вы сочли бы крайне безопасным. В каком это направлении? Как далеко? Укажите на него. That’s good. Хорошо. Now, let’s get another one where a mystery would find you safe. Теперь давайте найдем еще одно ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы безопасным. Good. Хорошо. And where a mystery would find you safe again. И снова ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы безопасным. Know that for sure now. Теперь знайте это наверняка. All right. And where you would find a mystery safe. Отлично.Иместонахождениетайны, которое вы сочли бы безопасным. Get that real good. Where you’d find a mystery safe. Выполните это очень хорошо. Местонахождение тайны, которое вы сочли бы безопасным. Okay. And another place where you would find a mystery safe. Ладно.Иещеодноместонахождение тайны, которое вы сочли бы безопасным. Point it out. Get how far it is. Right to that place. Укажите на него. Определите расстояние до него. Прямо до этого места. And another place where you would find a mystery safe. Иещеодноместонахождениетайны, которое вы сочли бы безопасным. Good. Point it out. Хорошо. Укажите на него. All right. And where a mystery would find you safe. Get it for sure now, where a mystery would find you safe. Отлично. И ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы безопасным. Теперь найдите его наверняка – ваше местонахождение, которое тайна сочла бы безопасным. Good. Good. Okay. Now, point out someplace where you would find a mystery essentially very, very safe, oh, very safe. Get a pluplusperfect place now for a mystery. Хорошо. Хорошо. Отлично. Теперь укажите на какое-нибудь местонахождение тайны, которое вы по сути сочли бы очень и очень безопасным, о, очень безопасным. Найдите местонахождение тайны, которое было бы преархиидеальным. Got it real good now? You real sure of that one? Real sure of that one? Сделали это очень хорошо? Вы действительно уверены на счет этого местонахождения? Действительно уверены на счет него? Okay. Good. Now, get someplace a problem would be safe – where a problem would be safe. Хорошо. Замечательно. Теперь найдите местонахождение какой-нибудь проблемы, которое было бы безопасным – местонахождение какой-нибудь проблемы, которое было бы безопасным. Why, I never saw so many people indulging in personalities in my life. All right. Now, let’s get it as a place now. Я никогда в жизни не видел столько злословящих людей. Ладно. Теперь давайте найдем это местонахождение. Good. Let’s point to it. That’s where a problem would be safe. Замечательно. Укажите на него. Это то местонахождение проблемы, которое было бы безопасным. Good. Another place a problem would be safe. Замечательно. Еще одно местонахождение проблемы, которое было бы безопасным. Good, good.Another placewherea problem would be safe. Хорошо,хорошо.Ещеодно местонахождение проблемы, которое было бы безопасным. Good. And another place where a problem would be safe. Замечательно.Иещеодно местонахождение проблемы, которое было бы безопасным. Oh, fine, fine, fine. And where a problem would find you pretty darn safe. О, отлично, отлично, отлично. А теперь ваше местонахождение, которое проблема сочла бы чертовски безопасным. Okay.Good.Another placewherea problem would find you safe. Хорошо. Замечательно. Еще одно ваше местонахождение, которое проблема сочла бы безопасным. Got that spotted real good now? Get the spot. Point to it. Выкакследуетегонашли?Найдите местонахождение. Укажите на него. Okay. All right. Now that you’ve got that completely established, let’s continue a little more on the groove, shall we say, with Step 2 of Procedure 30. And let’s find out what kind of a problem you can be. Хорошо. Превосходно. Теперь, когда вы полностью со всем этим разобрались, давайте немного продолжим, скажем, со вторым шагом «Процедуры 30». И давайте выясним, какого рода проблемой вы можете быть. Got what kind of a problem you can be? Вы придумали, какого рода проблемой вы можете быть? Well fine, fine. Let’s get another kind of a problem you could be. Замечательно, замечательно. И давайте найдем проблему другого рода, которой вы могли бы быть. Got it? All right. Now, answer me this: What kind of a problem could you be to your mother? Сделали? Хорошо. Теперь ответьте мне на следующий вопрос: какого рода проблемой вы могли быть для вашей матери? Go ahead and be it. Давайте, будьте ею. That make her figure? Can you sort of get an idea of her figuring? Она заставляет вашу мать думать? Можете ли вы получить идею о том, как она думает? What’s the direction to your mother as she stands there figuring? Can you spot that real good? Go ahead, point to it. В каком направлении находится ваша мама, в то время как она думает. Можете ли вы найти это направление точно? Давайте, укажите его. You got it? She figured? Are the wheels really grinding? Сделали?Онадумала?Колесики действительно скрипят? All right. Now, what kind of a problem can your mother be to you? Хорошо. Какого рода проблемой ваша мать может быть для вас? Wow! Ого! Okay. Give me another kind of a problem your mother could be to you. Хорошо. Назовите мне проблему другого рода, которой ваша мать могла бы быть для вас? That really make you figure? Это действительно заставляет вас думать? Which direction from you is she being this problem? В каком направлении от вас она находится, представляя собой эту проблему? Good, good, good. All right. Now, what kind of a problem can you be to your mother? Отлично, отлично, отлично. Замечательно. Какого рода проблемой вы можете быть для вашей матери? Really make her figure? Which direction is she figuring? Это действительно заставляет ее думать? В каком направлении она находится, в то время как думает? Good. And what kind of a problem can your mother be to you, now? Замечательно.Какогородапроблемой ваша мать может быть для вас? Okay. Now, what kind of a problem could you be to your father? Хорошо. Какого рода проблемой вы могли быть для вашего отца? Go ahead and be it. Давайте, будьте ею. That make him figure? Это заставляет его думать? Okay. Now, what kind of a problem could your father be to you? Хорошо. Какого рода проблемой ваш отец мог бы быть для вас? Have him be it. That make you figure? Пусть он ею будет. Это заставляет вас думать? Or you just sort of sit there apathetically saying, “Oh, no.” Или вы просто сидите, апатично говоря: «О, нет». What other kind of a problem could your father be to you? Проблемой еще какого рода ваш отец мог бы быть для вас? Another kind of a problem your father could be to you. Проблемой еще какого рода ваш отец мог бы быть для вас? And now, what kind of a problem could you be to your father? А теперь какого рода проблемой вы могли быть для вашего отца? Doesn’t matter if he’s dead. Даже если он умер. And another kind of a problem you could be to your father. И проблема другого рода, которой вы могли бы быть для вашего отца. That make him figure? Это заставляет его думать? Okay. Now, what kind of a problem could you be to a little child? Хорошо. А теперь какого рода проблемой вы могли быть для ребенка? Okay. Now, what kind of a problem could a little child be to you? Отлично. Какого рода проблемой ребенок мог бы быть для вас? That make you figure? Это заставляет вас думать? Now, what kind of a problem can you be to a little child? Какого рода проблемой вы можете быть для ребенка? Now, what kind of a problem can a little child be to you? Какого рода проблемой ребенок может быть для вас? Okay. What kind of a problem could you be to a marital partner – wife or husband? What kind of a problem could you be to a marital partner? Отлично. Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для супруга – жены или мужа? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для супруга? All right. Now, this goes for everybody. What kind of a problem could you be to a wife? Замечательно. Следующие команды тоже будут для всех. Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для жены? Now, what kind of a problem could a wife be to you? Какого рода проблемой жена могла бы быть для вас? Now, what sort of a problem could you be to a husband? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для мужа? Now, what sort of a problem could a husband be to you? Какого рода проблемой муж мог бы быть для вас? Make you figure? Это заставляет вас думать? All right. Now, what kind of a problem could you be to your own name? Замечательно. Какого рода проблемой вы могли быть для вашего собственного имени? Okay. Now, what sort of a problem could you be to an auditor? Отлично. Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для одитора? Now, just check over what an auditor Просто посмотрите, что вы должны иметь и expects you to have and do and get what kind of a problem you can be to an auditor. делатьсточкизренияодитора,и представьте, какого рода проблемой вы можете быть для одитора. That make him figure? Это заставляет его думать? Which direction is he from you, figuring? Got him? Got him. Just watch him figure. Be that problem there and watch him figure. В каком направлении от вас он находится, в то время как думает? Нашли его? Нашли его. Просто наблюдайте за тем, как он думает. Будьте там этой проблемой и наблюдайте за тем, как он думает. Now, what kind of a problem could you be to a preclear? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для преклира? That make the preclear figure? Go on, get what kind of a problem you could really be to a preclear. Это заставляет преклира думать? Продолжайте, представьте, какого рода проблемой вы действительно могли бы быть для преклира. Go ahead and be it. Давайте, будьте ею. Now, what kind of a problem could a preclear be to you? Какого рода проблемой преклир мог бы быть для вас? Okay. Now, what sort of problem could you be to an instructor? A teacher? Отлично. Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для инструктора? Учителя? Now, what sort of a problem could you be to a pupil? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для ученика? Go ahead and be it. Давайте, будьте ею. Now, what sort of a problem could you be to an instructor in Scientology? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для саентологического инструктора? Now, what sort of a problem could you be to a student of Scientology? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для человека, обучающегося Саентологии? Now, what sort of a problem could you be to a group? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для группы? And what sort of a problem could you be to all Mankind? И какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для всего человечества? Okay. What sort of a problem could you be to animals? Отлично. Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для животных? And what sort of a problem could animals be to you? Какого рода проблемой животные могли бы быть для вас? And now what sort of a problem could you be to space – just space in general, what sort of a problem could you be? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для пространства – просто для пространства в общем – какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть? Okay. What sort of a problem could you be to energy? Отлично. Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для энергии? And what sort of a problem could you be to objects? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для предметов? And what kind of a problem could you be to spirits? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для духов? Okay. Now, what sort of a problem could spirits be to you? Отлично.Какого родапроблемойдухи могли бы быть для вас? And what sort of a problem can you be to God? Какого рода проблемой можете вы быть для Бога? And what sort of a problem could God be to you? Какого рода проблемой Бог мог бы быть для вас? Now, what sort of a problem could you be to the devil? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для дьявола? Now, what sort of a problem could the devil be to you? Какого рода проблемой мог бы дьявол быть для вас? And now, what kind of a problem can you be to yourself? Какого рода проблемой можете вы быть для самого себя? Now, don’t worry about duplicating if you got the same one again. Не беспокойтесь о повторении, если вы получили ту же проблему еще раз. And another kind of a problem you could be to yourself? И проблема другого рода, которой вы могли бы быть для самого себя. And what kind of a problem could you be to an auditor? Какого рода проблемой вы могли бы быть для одитора? And what sort of a problem could an auditor be to you? Какого рода проблемой одитор мог бы быть для вас? And what kind of a problem can you be to yourself? Какого рода проблемой вы можете быть для самого себя? Go ahead and be it. Давайте, будьте ею. Now unbe it. Теперь не будьте ею. Now be it again. Теперь опять будьте ею. Now unbe it. Теперь не будьте ею. Now be this problem to yourself again. И снова будьте этой проблемой для самого себя. Now unbe it. Теперь не будьте ею. Now be it. Теперь будьте ею. Now unbe it. Теперь не будьте ею. Now be it again. Теперь опять будьте ею. Now unbe it. Теперь не будьте ею. Now be it again. Теперь опять будьте ею. Now unbe it. Теперь не будьте ею. Okay. Problem any less? Отлично. Проблема уменьшилась? Well, let’s mock-up a horrible kind of a problem you could be to yourself. Now, let’s invent one. Don’t go try to run all these out now. Let’s just invent a good kind of a problem you could be to yourself. Хорошо, давайте смокапим ужасную проблему, которой вы могли бы быть для самого себя. Давайте придумаем такую проблему. Не пытайтесь стирать все эти проблемы сейчас. Давайте просто придумаем хорошую проблему, которой вы могли бы быть для самого себя. Doesn’t have to be original, it just has to be difficult. Она не обязательно должна быть оригинальной, она просто должна быть трудной. All right. Now invent another kind of a problem you could be to yourself. Oh, you had time to invent that first one. Let’s invent this second one. Замечательно. Теперь придумайте проблему другого рода, которой вы могли бы быть для самого себя. О, у вас было время, чтобы придумать первую проблему. Давайте придумаем вторую. Oh, come on, let’s invent a third one now. Let’s don’t just sit there. Let’s really invent a wonderful sort of a problem that you could never solve. О, давайте, а сейчас придумайте третью. Не сидите просто так. Давайте действительно придумаем замечательную проблему, которую вы никогда не смогли бы решить. Get satisfied there that you got a problem that you could never solve. Удостоверьтесь, что у вас есть проблема, которую вы никогда бы не смогли решить. All right. Now, let’s invent a kind of a problem that your mother would never be able to solve. Замечательно. Теперь давайте придумаем такую проблему, которую ваша мать никогда не смогла бы решить. Got it? Придумали? Now, let’s invent a kind of a problem that your father would never be able to solve. Теперь давайте придумаем такую проблему, которую ваш отец никогда не смог бы решить. Now,let’sinventtheultimatein unsolvable problems. Давайтепридумаемабсолютно неразрешимую проблему. Hey, nobody’s asking you to solve these problems. Get them unsolvable. Эй, никто не просит вас решать эти проблемы.Придумывайтеих неразрешимыми. Now, let’s invent another problem, an unsolvable problem. Теперьдавайтепридумаемдругую проблему, неразрешимую проблему. Got the ultimate in unsolvable problems? Well, get something approaching an ultimate anyhow. Придумали абсолютно неразрешимую проблему? Все равно найдите какую-нибудь проблему, которая приближается к абсолюту. Now, let’s get another, invent another unsolvable problem. And this time let’s put it someplace. Теперь давайте найдем другую, придумаем другую неразрешимую проблему. И на этот раз давайте куда-нибудь ее поместим. Now, let’s invent another unsolvable problem. And this time let’s get real certain that it is an unsolvable problem. Давайте придумаем другую неразрешимую проблему. На этот раз давайте по-настоящему убедимся, что эта проблема действительно неразрешима. And let’s put it someplace. I don’t care if you hide it, just let’s put it someplace. И давайте ее куда-нибудь поместим. Меня не волнует, если вы ее спрячете, давайте просто поместим ее куда-нибудь. That make you feel better? Make you feel Чувствуете себя лучше от этого? Чувствуете worse? Hm? Make you feel better, make you feel worse? You worrying now about having to go back and solve all those problems you just invented? Huh, is that what you’re doing? себя хуже от этого? А? Чувствуете себя лучше, чувствуете себя хуже? Вы сейчас беспокоитесь о том, что нужно вернуться и решить все эти проблемы, которые вы только что придумали? А, вы это сейчас делаете? Well, mock-up a little man with a gee-whiz, jim-dandy computer for a head and have him just go around and solve those problems, bzzzzz. Get them all solved. Тогда смокапьте маленького человечка с потрясающим, превосходным компьютером вместо головы и пускай он просто ходит и решает эти проблемы, бззззз. Пускай он их все решит. Now, right where you sit, be the solution. Прямотам,гдевысидите,будьте решением. Can you be that solution? Можете ли вы быть этим решением? Come on, let’s be a satisfactory sort of a solution. Ну же, давайте будем удовлетворительным решением. Right where you sit there. Can you be a solution to anything? Прямо там, где вы сидите. Можете ли вы быть решением для чего-нибудь? Oh, come on, you can be a solution to something. О, давайте же, вы можете быть решением для чего-нибудь. See if you can be a solution to something now. Подумайте, можете ли вы сейчас быть решением для чего-нибудь. Can you get that? Can you be a solution to something now? Huh? Solution to something else? Можете? Можете вы сейчас быть решением для чего-нибудь? А? Решением для чего-нибудь еще? Well, I’ll give you one. Hold a four out in front of you as the solution to two plus two. Хорошо, я дам вам одно решение. Удерживайте перед собой четыре как решение для «два плюс два». Now, be that four. А теперь будьте этой четверкой. That make you feel better? Huh? Is that better? Чувствуете себя лучше от этого? А? Стало лучше? Now, mock yourself up as a disastrous train wreck. Теперь смокапьте себя в качестве ужасной аварии поезда. Be the solution – everybody dead, all Будьтерешением...всемертвы,все finished, ended. кончено, конец. Can you mock yourself up as that kind of a solution? Выможетесмокапитьсебярешением такого рода? Well, now mock yourself up as a complete emptiness where the world has been. Атеперьсмокапьтесебясовершенной пустотой там, где был мир. How’s that solution? Is that a good solution? The nuclear physicist’s solution. Каким образом это является решением? Это хорошее решение? Решение физика-ядерщика. Let’s see now if you can be a solution. Some new kind of solution. Теперь давайте посмотрим, можете ли вы быть решением. Каким-нибудь новым решением. Can you be some more solutions? Hm? Why, I never saw computers wheel so in my life. Можете ли вы быть еще какими-нибудь решениями? А? Я никогда в жизни не видел, чтобы компьютерные колесики так вращались. Come on, can you be some more solutions now? Давайте же, можете ли вы сейчас быть еще какими-нибудь решениями? Well, I tell you what. Spot the right-hand wall and get how it’s arrived. Вот что я вам скажу. Найдите стену справа от вас и получите идею о том, как она прибыла. And the left-hand wall and get how it’s arrived. Найдите стену слева от вас и получите идею о том, как она прибыла. And the back wall and get how it’s arrived. И стену сзади и получите идею о том, как она прибыла. And up front here and get how it’s arrived. И стену впереди и как она прибыла. And get how the floor has arrived. А теперь идею о том, как прибыл пол. And how the ceiling has arrived. И как прибыл потолок. And get how you’ve arrived, right there in your chair. И то, как прибыли вы, прямо там, в вашем стуле. That make you feel closer to a solution? Little bit? Это заставляет вас чувствовать себя ближе к решению? Немного? Well, get how your chair has arrived. Получите идею, как прибыл ваш стул. And how the ceiling has arrived. И как прибыл потолок. And the floor has arrived. И как прибыл пол. And let’s find one small part of the body which you can get as having arrived – even just your clothes. Get something there that’s arrived. А теперь давайте найдем маленькую часть тела, о которой вы можете подумать как о прибывшей – даже просто вашу одежду. Получите идею о чем-нибудь, что прибыло. Do that easily? Легко получается? Now, can you get how another part of your body has arrived? А сейчас вы можете получить идею о том, как прибыла другая часть вашего тела? And how another part has arrived. И как прибыла другая часть? Might be just this first part again. Это может быть просто та же первая часть опять. Now, get the most arrived part of your body. Подумайтеосамойприбывшейчасти своего тела. You got some part of the body you can say about absolutely, “This has arrived?” У вас есть какая-нибудь часть тела, о которой вы можете абсолютно точно сказать: «Она прибыла»? Get some more parts of your body that have arrived. Получите идею о еще каких-нибудь частях своего тела, которые прибыли. Now, find a nothingness around yourself some place and find out whether or not that isn’t a solution. Теперь найдите ничто где-нибудь вокруг себя и выясните является ли оно решением или нет. Can you find some more nothingnesses that are solutions? Можете вы найти еще несколько ничто, которые являются решениями? Well now, there might be a geographical area around someplace that is itself a solution – point to it. Возможно, где-то поблизости существует географическая область, которая сама по себе является решением, – укажите на нее. Now, can you find another geographical area that’s a solution and point to it? Можете ли вы найти еще одну географическую область, которая является решением, и указать на нее? Go ahead and point to it. Давайте, укажите на нее. Okay. Now, what kind of a problem can Хорошо. Теперь подумайте, какого рода you be to you? проблемой вы можете быть для самого себя? Got what kind of a problem you can be now? Подумайте, какого рода проблемой вы можете быть сейчас? Now, as you’re being that problem, which direction is the thing that’s figuring it all out – you? Теперь, в то время как вы являетесь этой проблемой, в каком направлении находится то, что думает обо всем этом, – вы? Now, watch it figure. Be the problem and watch that thing figure. Наблюдайте, как оно думает. Будьте этой проблемой и наблюдайте, как оно думает. All right. Now, unbe the problem and just figure-figure-figure yourself for a moment. Doesn't matter what you figure. Замечательно. Теперь не будьте этой проблемой, а просто думайте-думайте-думайте, «оттого что, потому что», сами в течение некоторого времени. Не важно, о чем вы думаете. Now, be the problem now and watch that thing figure-figure-figure. Сейчас будьте этой проблемой и наблюдайте, как оно думает-думает-думает, «оттого что, потому что». Now, you unbe the problem and figure- figure-figure. You know, “How am I going to do this? How am I going to do that? So on, so on. I wonder what that is?” А теперь не будьте этой проблемой и думайте-думайте-думайте, «оттого что, потому что». Знаете: «Как мне сделать это? Как мне сделать то? И так далее, и так далее. Интересно, а это что?» All right. Now, let’s be the problem again and watch your first name figure-figure- figure. Хорошо. Теперь давайте снова будем проблемой и будем наблюдать, как ваше имя думает-думает– думает, «оттого что, потому что». Okay. Now, get how the ceiling has arrived. Отлично. Сейчас подумайте о том, как прибыл потолок. How the floor has arrived – good, solid arrival. You know, solid. Какприбылпол.Хорошее,отличное прибытие. Понимаете, отличное. How the right-hand wall has arrived. Как прибыла стена справа. And how the left-hand wall has arrived. You get that real good, how it’s arrived? Как прибыла стена слева. Вы действительно хорошо подумали, как она прибыла? Okay. Now, let’s list some people, just Отлично.Теперьдавайтеперечислим, name some people off who would refuse to grant beingness or life to your mystery, who would refuse to grant the fact that you were a mystery. People who wouldn’t admit that you were a mystery. просто назовем несколько людей, которые отказались бы предоставлять бытийность или жизнь вашей тайне, которые отказались бы признать тот факт, что вы являетесь тайной. Людей, которые не приняли бы тот факт, что вы являетесь тайной. Got some? Есть такие? Now, let’s list some who wouldn’t believe there was anything wrong with you. Теперь давайте перечислим людей, которые не поверили бы, что с вами что-то не так. And now let’s list some who wouldn’t really grant the fact that you were any kind of a problem – grant the fact that you had any problems, rather. А теперь давайте перечислим людей, которые на самом деле не признали бы тот факт, что вы были какой-то проблемой... скорее тех, кто не признал бы тот факт, что у вас были какие-то проблемы. You find somebody who would refuse to admit that you had any problems? Вы находите кого-нибудь, кто отказался бы признать, что у вас были какие-нибудь проблемы? Well, at least one. Ну, по крайней мере одного. Now,let’sfindsomebodythatyou wouldn’t admit had problems. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь, у кого вы не признали бы наличие проблем. Got some more? Есть такие? Now, let’s get some people who would never, if you killed them dead, admit that you had anything important as a mystery about you, no mystery about you at all. They wouldn’t admit you had any mystery about you. Knew all about you through and through, these people. А теперь давайте представим таких людей, которые никогда – даже если бы вы их убили, – никогда бы не признали, что с вами может быть связана какая-нибудь важная тайна, что с вами вообще может быть связана какая-нибудь тайна. Они никогда не признали бы, что в отношении вас есть какая-нибудь тайна. Они бы знали о вас все – вдоль и поперек – эти люди. Now, let’s list some people you wouldn’t dare lie to. Теперьдавайтеперечислимлюдей, которым вы не посмели бы солгать. Oh, find one, anyway. О, в любом случае, найдите одного. Now, let’s list some people who wouldn’t Теперьдавайтеперечислимлюдей, dare lie to you – you hope. которые не посмели бы солгать вам – как вы надеетесь. And now some more people that you wouldn’t dare lie to. И еще каких-нибудь людей, которым вы не посмели бы солгать. Some more people you wouldn’t dare lie to. Еще каких-нибудь людей, которым вы не посмели бы солгать. Now, let’s find one person that you might tell a little, tiny fib to. Get the fib. One person you might tell this little, tiny fib to. А сейчас найдите одного человека, которому вы могли бы сказать небольшую, маленькую ложь. Придумайте эту ложь. Человека, которому вы могли бы сказать эту небольшую, маленькую ложь. Who could you lie to and get away with it? Кому вы могли бы соврать, и это сошло бы вам с рук? Who else could you lie to and get away with it? What sort of a lie could you get away with? Кому еще вы могли бы соврать, и это сошло бы вам с рук? Какая ложь могла бы вам сойти с рук? Now, let’s get some lies that you could tell without being immediately caught. Придумайте несколько примеров лжи, которую можно было бы сказать и вас не уличили бы в ней сразу же. Okay. Now, let’s find some lies that people could tell you that wouldn’t kill you. Отлично. Теперь придумайте несколько примеров лжи, которую вам могли бы сказать люди и которая не убила бы вас. Well, you can think more than that. Вы можете придумать больше примеров. Now, some more lies that you could be told that wouldn’t kill you. Еще примеры лжи, которую вам могли бы сказать люди и которая не убила бы вас. And now some lies that you could tell that you’re fairly sure you wouldn’t be caught. И еще примеры лжи, о которой вы могли бы сказать, что вы почти уверены, что вас в ней не уличат. All right. Now, let’s just cut in just a little bit lower on this strata and get something you could pretend – just in case we haven’t picked up anybody yet on this – get something that you could pretend, which was actually a lie, a falsehood, that you could pretend, that if you didn’t tell anybody you would be able to pretend it. Хорошо. Давайте опустимся на чуть более низкий уровень и придумаем что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы притвориться... просто на тот случай, если еще не все начали выполнять это... придумайте что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы притвориться, что на самом деле является ложью, неправдой... что-то, чем вы могли бы притвориться, что- You got that? Let’s get something you could pretend, if you didn’t tell anybody, you know. то такое, чем вы могли бы притвориться, если бы никому об этом не сказали. Придумали? Давайте придумаем что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы притвориться, если бы никому об этом не сказали. You got something you could pretend that you wouldn’t have to worry about having pretended it? Вы придумали что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы притворяться и вам не нужно было бы волноваться по поводу того, что вы притворились этим? Now, let’s get something else you could pretend, you wouldn’t have to worry about. Теперь давайте придумаем еще что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы притвориться и вам не нужно было бы волноваться об этом? Some more things. Еще что-нибудь. Now, let’s get some things somebody else could pretend without being executed at precisely 6 o’clock, June 8th – 6 A.M., that is. Теперь давайте придумаем что-нибудь, чем кто-то другой мог бы притвориться и не быть за это казненным ровно в 6 часов 8 июня – то есть в 6 утра. Got some things somebody else could pretend safely? Есть идеи о том, чем кто-нибудь еще мог бы безопасно притвориться? Okay. Now, what could you pretend safely about life? Отлично. Чем бы вы могли безопасно притворяться по жизни? And now some lies that could be told to you that wouldn’t kill you. It’s the only proviso we ask, they wouldn’t kill you. Еще несколько примеров лжи, которую вам могли бы сказать люди и которая не убила бы вас? Это единственное условие, которое мы ставим, – она не убила бы вас. Get some more of them. Придумайте еще несколько примеров. Okay. Now, let’s get something you could mock-up that would not immediately devour you; that the mock-up itself wouldn’t devour you. Отлично. Теперь давайте придумаем что-нибудь, что вы могли бы смокапить и это не проглотило бы вас сразу же; сам мокап не проглотил бы вас. And get some more things. Things that’d be perfectly safe for you to mock-up. Just check them over. I’m not even asking you to mock them up. Just check them over. И еще что-нибудь. Что-нибудь, что для вас было бы совершенно безопасно смокапить. Просто проверьте то, что придумали. Я даже не прошу вас мокапить все это. Просто проверьте. Now, let’s get something that you could Теперь давайте подумаем о чем-нибудь, imagine,somethingwhichyoucould imagine safely. что выможетесебе представить; что- нибудь, что вы можете себе безопасно представить. Some more things. Еще что-нибудь. And again, a lie which you could tell, right out in front of God and everybody, without getting caught. И снова, ложь, которую вы могли бы сказать прямо перед Богом и всеми остальными, и вас не уличили бы во лжи. Got some more of them now? Some more lies you could tell? Есть уже несколько примеров? Еще несколько примеров того, что вы могли бы соврать? All right. Now, let’s get something you could pretend without being censured, without being scolded – something you could pretend without being scolded. Хорошо. Давайте представим что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы притвориться и вас бы не критиковали, не ругали бы за это; что-то, чем вы могли бы притвориться и вас не ругали бы за это. Got some more things you could pretend without being scolded? Еще несколько примеров того, чем вы могли бы притвориться, и вас не ругали бы за это. Okay. Now, let’s see if you can find some things which, if somebody else pretended them, it would be all right with you. Отлично. Теперь давайте посмотрим, можете ли вы найти что-нибудь, чем кто-то другой мог бы притвориться и вы не возражали бы против этого. Got that? Получилось? All right. Now, let’s find something you could – here’s another little change here – something you could own somewhere in the Universe. Something. An old, bent pin or something. Something you could own somewhere in the Universe – absolutely sure you could own this thing. Now, let’s see if there is such a thing. Something that you yourself could own. Хорошо. Теперь давайте найдем что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы... здесь будет небольшое изменение... чем вы могли бы владеть где-нибудь в этой вселенной. Что-нибудь. Старой, выгнутой булавкой или чем-то еще. Что-то, чем вы можете владеть где-то в этой вселенной... абсолютно уверены, что вы можете владеть этим. Давайте посмотрим, есть ли такая вещь. Что-то, чем вы сами могли быть владеть. Let’s find something and then some more. But let’s find one for sure. Давайте что-нибудь найдем, потом еще что-нибудь. Но давайте найдем одну вещь наверняка. Now, let’s find something you could own Давайте найдем что-нибудь, чем вы могли that it wouldn’t matter if somebody else also owned it. And then some more, but get that one for sure. You could own this but it’d be all right if somebody else owned it, too. бы владеть, независимо от того, владеет ли этим кто-нибудь еще. И потом еще что-нибудь, но по крайней мере что-то одно найдите обязательно. Вы могли бы владеть этим, но нет ничего страшного в том, если бы кто-то еще владел этим. Now, let’s find some more things you could own. Just anything you could own – old gravel or the ghost of a goat or something. Something you’re real sure you could own and then some more things. Давайте найдем еще что-нибудь, чем вы могли бы владеть. Все, что угодно, чем вы могли бы владеть: старый гравий или призрак козы или что-нибудь еще. Что-то, чем, как вы действительно уверены, вы можете владеть, и еще что-нибудь. I don’t care how shadowy it is or whether it’s just a picture of the thing. I don’t care how far south you have to go but let’s find something for sure you could own. Мне все равно, насколько это призрачно, все равно, если у вас есть только картинка этого. Мне все равно, до сколь низкого уровня вам придется опуститься, но давайте найдем что-то, чем вы наверняка можете владеть. Then some more things. А потом еще что-нибудь. Now, let’s be real overt about this one and let’s find out some kind of a picture or a mock-up or idea which you own because you can’t have the real thing. Давайте будем предельно откровенны на этот счет и найдем какую-нибудь картинку, или мокап, или идею, которой вы владеете, поскольку вы не можете иметь саму эту вещь. And find some more, but get that one for sure. И найдите еще что-нибудь, но найдите это наверняка. Got some? Some things you own in mock- up because you can’t have the real? Hm? Получилось? Что-то, чем вы владеете в форме мокапов, потому что не можете иметь сами эти вещи? А? Now, let’s just change our minds about having the real thing. You do that? Do you still need the mock-up? А теперь давайте просто изменим наши решения о том, чтобы иметь сами эти вещи. Вы это делаете? Вам до сих пор нужны эти мокапы? Okay. Now, let’s find a problem which you own because you can’t have the solution. Отлично. Давайте найдем проблему, которой вы владеете, поскольку не можете иметь решения. One of those you mocked-up a while ago that stumped you would be good enough. Подойдет одна из тех, которые вы недавно мокапили и которые ставили вас в тупик. And something else now that you own in mock-up because you can’t have the real thing. Just see if you have such a picture or an idea – or energy mass. И что-нибудь еще, чем вы владеете в форме мокапов, поскольку не можете иметь саму вещь. Просто посмотрите, есть ли у вас такая картинка или идея – или энергетическая масса. Let’s find some more of them. Давайте придумаем еще несколько. Well, okay, okay. Well, that’s trying your brains hard enough here for the moment. So let’s find the two back anchor points of the room and hold on to them and sit there and don’t think for a moment. Ну, хорошо, хорошо. Ну вам придется довольно сильно напрячь мозги на какое-то мгновение. Итак, давайте найдем две якорные точки в задней части комнаты и будем за них держаться и сидеть и не думать какое-то мгновение. Isn’t that a relief? Just sit there and don’t think for a moment. Это приносит облегчение, не так ли? Просто сидите и не думайте какое-то мгновение. Okay. Let go. Отлично. Отпустите. Find the floor beneath your feet. Найдите пол под ногами. [Примечание: здесь запись внезапно обрывается.]