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CONTENTS ROUTE 1, STEP 14 Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 18 October 1954A lecture given on 18 October 1954

Now we will go into R1-14 of the Auditor's Handbook.

Now, we have Route 1-13.

R1-14: "Have preclear create and destroy various kinds of thetan machines." Here we have one of the four parts of the body. The body consists of, you might say, the GE and the reactive bank; that would be this electronic structure and the reactive bank. That's the body. And the thetan is the awareness of awareness unit plus his machines.

Route 1-13 is, to many auditors and to many preclears, one of the goldangest, gee whizzinest things that you ever ran into in your life. It is utterly, utterly phenomenal.

So here we have the thetan (the awareness of awareness unit), that's one; his machines, two; the electronic structure, and therefore the flesh, and so forth . . . By the way, there are as many anchor points in the body as there are corpuscles. Each one of these corpuscles has its own anchor points. You don't pay any attention to the blood and meat when you're looking over anchor points really. And it has a reactive bank, the body does — just as de-scribed in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

We could probably start a university which would do nothing but fool around with R1-13. That's typical of so many parts of Dianetics and Scientology — you could just go on and concentrate and specialize on these things forever and aye.

All right. Here's four parts of the body. These parts are demonstrably separate parts. Where we're dealing with a thetan, and when we have exteriorized him, we are then dealing with the thetan plus his machinery. And when we mean machinery we say "machinery," and when we say "machinery" we mean machines.

R1-13: "Have preclear adjust genetic entity anchor points." That's an interesting process. It's a fabulous process.

It's very curious that the thetan in any period in time, in mocking up machinery, has followed the mode of the time in machinery. But it is strictly machinery.

In order to start in with this process, we actually have to go into the actual structure of the body.

What do we mean by machines? Any time he has desired some randomity — which is the ratio of predicted to unpredicted motion (randomity is the degree of predicted to unpredicted motion) — he has gotten an automaticity, which is "It runs without any attention from me." The devil it does. A machine never runs with no attention from the thetan. Never! Never has, never will.

Now, to tell you about this in fifteen minutes is really not difficult. You would think this is quite something. The genetic entity anchor points. What do we call the genetic entity? Genetic entity simply means that entity which is carrying along through time, that is making the body through the time stream, through the action of sex and so forth: sperm — ovum, embryo, infant, man.

But he gives it the attention by so many vias and the postulate that he doesn't know it's there, that it has the effect of running without his attention and without his energy.

What is the single or many intelligences which go into the actual structure which eventually results in a grown body? Well, that we call a "genetic entity." It isn't a him; it isn't a her. It would simply be the combined intelligences which eventually result in this result.

He feeds it energy by vias, and so there it exists, running.

Now, this could or could not, or may not, include the thetan or awareness of awareness unit. Actually, the awareness of awareness unit probably would not admit his responsibility for making this body from beginning to end, anyhow.

One of the main reasons he set up machinery in the first place was be-cause he got bored with what he was doing. He got tired of doing some simple action over and over and over and over, so he set up the machine to do it.

So, the genetic entity might even be the awareness of awareness unit — the thetan. Might even be. We're not interested in whether it is or isn't. We're interested here in structure and with the adjustment of anchor points. Dianetics and Scientology went into structure and disbarred all holds. We're perfectly willing to address the field of structure today, which we were not in 1950. And the reason why we are willing to address structure today is because we know something about structure today. And we were unwilling before because we didn't know anything about it.

Of course, the second he set up a machine, it became automatic. And the moment it became automatic, it became plus randomity, didn't it? — because he no longer controlled it and yet it affected him.

And if medicine and psychiatry, and so forth, were to present that conservative attitude toward existence, they would be far better off. They are continually invading the field of structure without having one brain cell to knock against another one on the subject. They don't know anything about it and their courage and adventurousness is something that should be saluted by some of the greater adventurers of history.

So you're looking straight at the dwindling spiral when you're looking at this phenomena of machinery. The individual got disinterested in what he was doing, but he felt he had to go on doing it, so he set it up automatically. The second he set it up automatically, he stopped predicting it, didn't he? So therefore, his life became more random than before.

We are actually today not being adventurous in Dianetics and Scientology, really. We are holding the conservative line. And we're not like medicine and psychiatry, which are wild, incapable, improbable and so on. If you take that attitude, you fare much better.

And you'll find somebody originally on the track didn't have any ma-chines and felt perfectly free and able. And you'll find him, after Lord-knowshow-much living, having accumulated countless machines around him, all doing very, very interesting, intricate things, to which he's paying no attention at all. And you get such a thing as the electronic structure of the body that's being put there by the accumulated intelligences which make up the GE.

They test one case and say, "We've run a series." They test two cases — "We've run a series." And they are perfectly willing — now, get this — they are perfectly willing to treat structure, without knowing a single thing about structure.

And that's also aided and abetted by pictures made by picture-taking machines. The body has a picture-taking machine which makes pictures of all accidents and incidents and keeps a good pictorial record of the incidents of the body, and you have this thing called facsimiles and engrams.

Oddly enough, it took electronics and nuclear physics to scout out this thing called structure. What is structure? It depends primarily upon view-point of dimension — the definition of space.

All right. The thetan, however, has less machines than the body, but he's on his way. If he will just accumulate a few thousand more machines, why, he will do all kinds of interesting complexities, such as building bodies, and so forth, without knowing he's building them.

Then if we have viewpoint of dimension, what is it that so arduously holds in position the very structure of the body? It would be something, then, which held in position a certain series of anchor points. Isn't that right? And these anchor points would then give the space of the body, and would demonstrate what part of the body was to be dense and what part of the body was not to be dense. And it would be a problem in anchor points, wouldn't it? — because you have a body walking around and it's occupying a certain amount of space. But it has to create that space for every new position it goes into. So we're looking at a miracle here. But we're also looking at electronics.

Now, only thing wrong with a machine is that it is obviously an other-determined action than one's own action. And whenever one let's this get into the works, after a while life becomes totally random — unpredictable.

Anchor points consist of electronic energy masses, and they are measurable on very, very fine electronic machines. They are measurable. I mean, we're not dealing now with something like a theory. I mean we can reach out with a magic wand and swat these things.

And the anatomy of mystery starts out with the unprediction of some-thing, goes into the necessity to control it, goes into the noncontrol of it and winds up as a mystery. A mystery starts with unprediction. And setting up of a machine is then the start of a mystery. And so we have the body a huge mystery, because the collective intelligences which built it gradually lost all of its functions and set them up to run forever. So they became random as far as the intelligences running them were concerned.

As a thetan, we can go down the street and somebody is tooling along, you know, walking along in perfectly good order, and we just take the upper-right-hand anchor point and let's move it. And he will walk in a circle. He'll wonder what on earth's happened to him. He'll start walking like Leon Arrow. We can do this to anybody.

All right. The thetan, exteriorized, wants amusement; for some reason or other he sets up a machine. You're going to exteriorize a thetan, this kind of thing is going to happen: You say, "Be in the Moon. Be in the Sun. Be in Earth. Be in . . ." He'll say, "Just a minute." You say, "What's the matter?"

Dizziness is just a displacement of these things, that's all. How many are there in a body? Millions. How many principal ones? There are about six big ones.

"I don't know. There's something wrong here. When I think of some place, I arrive there." He says, "That's funny." He says, "I don't go there. I think of this place and then bing! I'm there." He said, "Only it's not the place that I thought of. You know, there's something wrong here. I think of the Moon and I go to the Sun?" Well, in the first place, he's got a sending machine. He's set up some kind of a machine to act as an exterior intelligence to himself to send himself places. It's real cute. It will cause an auditor more trouble if he doesn't know what it is.

How do you locate them? Well, they vary from the tiniest, tiniest microscopic point of electricity, to huge spheres which look like the gold balls outside of a pawn shop. And these are not visible to the naked eye unless you process somebody in their direction. He begins to go around looking at people's anchor points. This begins to worry him, because he stops seeing bodies and starts seeing anchor points. You very seldom process anybody in this direction.

He'll be exteriorized, and he'll get absolutely haggard. He'll think of Paris and he'll be in Paris; and he'll think of South Africa and he'll be in South Africa; and he'll think of the North Pole and he'll be at the North Pole. And this will just go on, and he feels like the end of a crack-the-whip team.

All right. Where are these anchor points? At every place the body has mobility, you can depend upon it that there are small or large anchor points — those places which we called, in Advanced Procedures and Axioms, "the sub-brains of the body." Remember Advanced Procedures and Axioms, hmm? "Control centers," "epicenters" — remember all that? We're talking about anchor points.

Well, this is the result of automaticity. He's made a machine that sends him places.

Now, here at the bend of the elbow is an anchor point. Here at the bend of the wrist is an anchor point. Here at the ball of the shoulder is an anchor point. Now, are they the bone? No, they are not. They are an electronic de-posit which permits the bend of that much space. Well, this stuff that's hanging and visible to the naked eye is only there as long as those anchor points are in position.

Now, the way he makes this machine: He makes the consideration, puts some mass to it to give himself some conviction that it exists, then he hides it and forgets about it.

And if you were to suddenly knock out of existence all the anchor points in an arm, you would create either a complete immobility of the arm or the arm itself would vanish.

The consideration which made it, he hides it, he forgets about it. And that is the one-two-three step of making a machine: The consideration, what the machine is supposed to do, and then hiding it, and then forgetting that he has hidden it — always with the fact that it is going to be operative upon him.

Now, let's look this over as nothing esoteric. We're dealing with some-thing like hooking up circuits and putting meters on, and resistors and things like that.

Did you ever run into somebody who is afraid of invalidating himself?

Then, if somebody had a sprain of his elbow, the first thing we would suspect would be that the space of the elbow had been disarranged. We would not suspect there was something wrong with the bones and ligaments of the elbow.

You know, "All I do is invalidate myself. I say I'm getting along fine, then all of sudden I say, 'Well, I'm doing horribly." Invalidation is primarily an energy manifestation; it's being zapped, in the thought line, and people get afraid of thinking, finally, because they're so afraid of being hit. He's actually set up a machine for himself which zaps him under certain conditions.

It would be a mistake for you as an auditor, really, to suppose that some-thing was wrong with the bones and ligaments and meat of the elbow simply because an elbow was sprained or broken.

He goes out of here someplace, and all of a sudden zzzzzzzzup.

Now, we've invaded the field of the medical doctor, and we've many times said the medical doctor should be permitted to practice in structure and set bones and so forth. Well sure he should. But not being an electronics man, he has no business, having no concept of the actual structure of energy, such as you have — viewpoint of dimension, anchor points, and so forth — having no idea of basic electronics, he has no darned business, really, shortening or lengthening bones or trying to do something to disarrange the structure of the body.

Well, if you work him over on machinery — regaining control of machinery — and something like this is happening, you'd find out he himself has set up the handiest little machine you ever saw, that when you get on just a certain angle of the machine, you get zapped.

It's perfectly all right, as long as he tries to put back into existence the body as it was meant to be. But now, if he starts to get experimental, knowing nothing about electronics, boy, is he out of his field!

He zaps himself. That of course added interest into life; he never knew when he was going to be zapped, did he? Well now, that's how silly a thetan will get with setting up these machines. And then having forgotten it and having hidden it, you as an auditor are expected to come along and, by some necromancy, banish it.

The only way you can lengthen an arm would be, really, by rearranging the anchor points which demarked the distance and length of the arm. And what do you know, by processing, you ordinarily, routinely do this. By doing what?

Now, how do you banish a machine? You just mock one up. Have him do the same thing.

We know about black energy masses, right? And this fellow's arm is very short. Well, let's say he's hung up in birth. Here he is, hung up in birth, and he's packing around this huge energy mass. Well, he's got a foreshortened arm. We audit him out of birth, we audit him out of that energy mass, and for the first time, the anchor point can snap into its proper position — and so his arm can grow.

Anything the preclear is being affected by, have him do it. Now, why? Anytime the preclear is on the "E" end of the cause-distance-effect line, you simply have him do the function which puts him on the "C" end of the causedistance-effect line. How simple. So you could take over all this machinery.

Up to that time, a mass of anchor points — wrong anchor points, the fac-similes of birth, and so forth — were being paid attention to by the arm.

You have him do it — that is, you could actually have him perform the action himself, just many times, and the machinery would disconnect, wear out and go to pieces. It would break up.

In other words, that was what was making the space of that arm, not the designed anchor points. You audit out birth, that energy goes by the board, the original anchor points can then carry on their process of growth and extension according to their plans, orders and dictates. Do you follow me?

Or you could have him copy machinery. Now, you're having him do again the action of making machines, aren't you? So you just have him copy ma-chines.

So therefore, a facsimile, being a mass of energy, can attract out of position, these anchor points. There is magnetic interrelationship between the facsimile and the anchor points of the body. So when this fellow has a sprained elbow, the first thing you would think of with regard to this sprained elbow is that the anchor point is out of position.

This person is being sent in various places, and he's being sent all over the place. You could say to this individual just this patter: "All right. Mock up a machine that sends you all over places. Now mock up another machine that sends you all over the place. Mock up another machine." You do this four or five times, and all of a sudden this huge thing like a Comptometer suddenly shows up over in that direction.

Now, if he were exteriorized and you'd done all the Route 1 drills to bring him right on up to a line where he could see energy, mock things up, real sharp, real clever — you know, in good shape — all you'd have to do is tell him, "Take a look at the elbow. Do you find any kind of a ball or anything there in the elbow?" He'd say, "Yes, there's a little black ball." You'd say, "Mock up a whole bunch of black balls." He would. "Keep stuffing them into the elbow." All of a sudden he will say, "You know, the little ball has turned gold." Why was it black? That was because the energy was being drained out of it by some other anchor point. You remedied the havingness of that particular anchor point. It got gold.

And he says, "What is that?" And the more times he copies it, the brighter it gets, and then all of a sudden it starts to get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, and finally vanishes.

You say, "All right. Now put it into position." And he would try, and it wouldn't go into position. You'd say, "Well, you know what its proper position is." They do, by the way. That's the mysterious thing — that the thetan knows where the proper positions are.

Only, all this time, all you were telling him was "Mock up a machine to send you places. Mock up another machine that'll send you places. Mock up another machine that'll send you places." See? It's just copy, copy, copy, copy, and it short-circuits the big machine that's sitting out there — so much so that it runs out its own postulates of hiding and so forth.

You say, "Mock up a gold ball in the proper position and throw it away; and another one and throw it away; and another one and throw it away." You've got an energy suction going where that anchor point belongs. It's being repelled out of its proper position.

Now, you could tell him, "Mock up a machine that'll send you places. Now hide it. Now forget about it." This would be a perfect way to do it. "Mock up another machine which would send you places. Now hide it. Now forget about it. Mock up another machine which will send you places. Now hide it. Now forget about it. Another machine which will send you places...." And all of a sudden he'll see this machine over there.

You remedy the havingness of the position. First, remedy the havingness of energy in the area, then remedy the havingness of position of the anchor point, and then have him shove the body's anchor point back into the proper position, click — no sprain, no break. This is fabulous. It's what makes the body's structure exist.

You do it several ways. You could have him simply send himself places enough times, and it would start to key out this machinery.

Now, very often you'll find an anchor point just shot to pieces, completely shattered. This fellow is having an awful lot of trouble with the right side of his body; we find out this wing anchor point, which is way out here in front of him and so forth, is shattered.

In other words, this is not a hard problem for the auditor to solve. Just make the preclear do whatever he's up against, or make him make a mock-up to do whatever he's up against — either way, and you'll have it.

Have him collect the pieces — they're still around. Have him mock up the havingness of the area. Have him discharge out of it, in other words, the facsimiles that are being held on to in the area, simply by remedying the havingness. Have him pour black balls, gold balls, whatever you want, into the area where that shattered anchor point is. He will tell you.

Make him make a mock-up or make him do it. Make him make a mock-up to do it or have him do it himself; but whichever one you choose, have him do that then many times.

You say, "Look around. Do you see any black balls? Any gold balls? Any-thing like that?"

Now, I've had thetans show up with machinery which they invented in the days of the early Roman Empire, which consisted of wooden wheels and cogs, little glass balls or pebbles which dropped into certain buckets, and which made things weigh in other directions, and so forth. Interesting, huh?

"Yes, I do. Well, there's one lying there in pieces." You say, "Okay. Remedy the havingness of the area it belongs in. Put the pieces together. The position it should be in — push it into place." It'll go click, and all of a sudden this person's physical imbalance will vanish.

I've processed a thetan that had a machine which was a couple of boulders which were so teeter-tottered that they would fall over and hit him — as an invalidation machine. In other words, this was a Stone Age creation.

Now, where are these anchor points? There's a whole gold sheen of them underneath each eye. People who have dark hollows under their eyes ordinarily have had these anchor points badly shattered and have never gone on and remedied the havingness of the area and put them all into place again.

I've had him show up with an 1890 player piano as his musical machine. Also, I've had him show up with a former-civilization, streamlined, handy jim-dandy device that is supposed to blow up cities — all streamlined with photoelectric cells, and all compact and everything else. In other words, he made up this machine when he was in that environment.

There are anchor points, as I said, at each bend. At each point in the body where you have an arterial pass, and so forth, you generally have some anchor points sitting around there demarking the area where it should be, there. In the eyes themselves, there's one in each corner of the eye — the principal anchor points.

In all times, in all places, wherever a thetan has been, whatever he has done, he has had a tendency to copy the environment in which he was working. So when you start running out machinery, be prepared to find anything. And the rule to run out machinery is to have the preclear do what the pre-clear is doing.

Once in a while you process somebody, you get piercing pains in each corner of each eye, and, ooh! he won't like that. What you've done is simply suck the energy out of the existing anchor point in the area, you see, temporarily, and this — it hurt.

Have him do — in full knowingness that he is doing it — what he is doing obsessively, and without knowledge that he is doing it. Make him recover the knowledge that he is doing it, and the manifestation will vanish. And that is how you get rid of machinery. And, that's really all there is to machinery.

Now, we sometimes see a misalignment of structure or a loss of beauty on a face or a body — it always has something to do with anchor points.

But machinery can exist that will do anything you and I could think of here, if we just sat here the rest of the day and did nothing but dream up objects and things machines could do to thetans.

Now, you can get a body into a position of no return. It's been banged around so much, it's been in so many accidents, it's been shot so often, and so on, that all the thetan can do is simply string these anchor points together as good as he can and keep them in position.

One of the things that a thetan has as a machine — just to give you an idea — they have an executing machine, quite often. And sometimes bodies into which thetans have moved into have executing machines — which are sometimes made up like guillotines, only they're electronic guillotines. And in a dental operation and in an operational shock these things will sometimes trigger.

Why? Because the body does not operate on the anchor point mocked up in the position by the thetan; the body only operates on its own anchor points.

What are they? They're an enormous ball of energy or an ax or some-thing of the sort, hanging above the person's head. And under a certain amount of stress, when the thetan himself is in so much trouble that he can't knock off the body and escape, this machine is supposed to knock off the body and let him escape.

A thetan cannot, for some reason or other, come along and put an anchor point in the position. I don't lay this down as a rule that can't be thrown aside, but so far all experiments have demonstrated that this is the rule: The body has to have its own anchor points to have its own space.

Or it has been set up by the GE or some earlier thetan and is still effective upon your preclear. And he's inside this body which has an execution machine, and he went under anesthetic and he did all right, and then all of a sudden there was this tremendous explosion and the whole front of his face went numb, and it's been numb ever since. He went into an execution ma-chine, didn't he?

And when the thetan comes along and slides in a mock-up anchor point in position for the body's anchor point, he may be very happy about it, it may be a much brighter anchor point, but it will give the person aches, pains and so on.

How would you handle it? Have him mock up execution machines. That's all. Have him mock up the same machine over and over and over, making it tougher and tougher each time, until all of a sudden he recognizes he can do it. At that time the machine no longer has any effect upon him.

I've had somebody adjust all the anchor points in his head and had him get piercing headaches, and find out: "What were you doing?" And "Well, huh, my anchor points, you see, are much brighter than the body's anchor points, and so I just left them in position." And I made him go through, then, the head, and pick out all those anchor points which he himself put in and patch up the body's anchor points any old way he could, and shove them back into position, and the fellow was suddenly rid of his headache again.

A thetan can only be affected by those things which he does not believe he himself can do anymore. When a person cannot do something, he can then be affected by somebody else doing it — very strongly affected!

In other words, as you run this process, there is one bug — that is, the thetan mustn't put in anchor points of his own. He can mock up anchor points in the position to remedy the havingness, but when he finally puts the structure back again, make sure he uses the body's own anchor points. Got that?

Well, an execution machine: Sometimes a fellow's had an operation. He's gone along for a week afterwards, and then all of a sudden this execution machine is triggered. Post-operative shock is one of these machines going off.

What is this pattern? It is a tremendously complex pattern of space, and that's what it is. It makes a man look something like a Tinkertoy, all put together on rods and gold balls.

So this is a valuable thing to know about machinery.

But that is the true structure of the body, and the structure of the body which can be changed easily by the auditor. He exteriorizes somebody and then, after he's done all the rest of the Route is right up to this point of remedying these anchor points, he has this person adjust the anchor points of the body.

But you get somebody exteriorized and he's doing something peculiar, you merely have him do it, or have him mock up something that does it, complete. And also, if you have him mock it up, have him hide it and forget it. And have him do it many times, and the whole machine disentangles.

How does he do it? I have already told you and it's given to you in The Auditor's Handbook.

Do you destroy every machine which you find the thetan in possession of? No, you certainly better not. Destroy only those which are totally out of his control — and then fix him up so after that he is capable of making machinery which really works.

And the last step in it is have him mock up machines, hide them and forget about them — which really work, that he's really hidden and really for-gotten about. Have him make machinery and have him recover this ability.