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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Route 1 Step 10 (8ACC-COHA 33) - L541010 | Сравнить
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- Route 1 Step 9 (8ACC-COHA 32) - L541010 | Сравнить

CONTENTS ROUTE 1, STEP 9 Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 10 October 1954A lecture given on 10 October 1954

Let's now take up a much longer process called Route 1, Step 9; R1-9, Grand Tour. The R1-9 Grand Tour is one of the more interesting things to do with an exteriorized individual. It's a very simple process.

Let's now take up a much longer process called Route 1, Step 9; R1-9, Grand Tour. The R1-9 Grand Tour is one of the more interesting things to do with an exteriorized individual. It's a very simple process.

What you do is run Change of Space with enough interesting locales in it to show him that he can chase around a great deal of universe and look at a great many things.

What you do is run Change of Space with enough interesting locales in it to show him that he can chase around a great deal of universe and look at a great many things.

You would not do a Grand Tour until you had found out if he considered it was safe to look at some things, you see. So it's in its logical, natural place here.

You would not do a Grand Tour until you had found out if he considered it was safe to look at some things, you see. So it's in its logical, natural place here.

The Grand Tour can be short or long, but the minimum that you would do with a Grand Tour would be as follows: Teach him to be near certain planetary bodies and teach him to be in things and out of things — in other words, interiorized and exteriorized at will. In other words, put him across distances and move him in and out of things. Now, that's a Grand Tour using planetary bodies.

The Grand Tour can be short or long, but the minimum that you would do with a Grand Tour would be as follows: Teach him to be near certain planetary bodies and teach him to be in things and out of things — in other words, interiorized and exteriorized at will. In other words, put him across distances and move him in and out of things. Now, that's a Grand Tour using planetary bodies.

The commands could be quite imaginative, but make sure that if your commands are imaginative that they are of a character which can be obeyed. Make sure of that.

The commands could be quite imaginative, but make sure that if your commands are imaginative that they are of a character which can be obeyed. Make sure of that.

In all auditing — I'll put this in just as an aside — in all auditing, remember that a communication lag mustn't be interrupted. You ask the person a question; you can ask the same question again without his answering it, just prompting him to answer it, but he's got to answer the question you ask.

In all auditing — I'll put this in just as an aside — in all auditing, remember that a communication lag mustn't be interrupted. You ask the person a question; you can ask the same question again without his answering it, just prompting him to answer it, but he's got to answer the question you ask.

Now, that is a little game the auditor plays. And an auditor who forgets this will discover that he asked the question and then doesn't get the answer, asks another question, doesn't get the answer to that, asks another question — all in an effort to help the preclear, you see. You've just stacked up three unfinished cycles of action for this preclear, just like that.

Now, that is a little game the auditor plays. And an auditor who forgets this will discover that he asked the question and then doesn't get the answer, asks another question, doesn't get the answer to that, asks another question — all in an effort to help the preclear, you see. You've just stacked up three unfinished cycles of action for this preclear, just like that.

Similarly, in giving him a command of execution, you say, "All right, be near the Moon," as one of the first commands of the Grand Tour — "Be near the Moon." And the fellow says, "The Moon? I can't find the Moon."

Similarly, in giving him a command of execution, you say, "All right, be near the Moon," as one of the first commands of the Grand Tour — "Be near the Moon." And the fellow says, "The Moon? I can't find the Moon."

"Well, that's all right. Be near a steeple here in town." Druur! Oh, this is a bad auditor error, see.

"Well, that's all right. Be near a steeple here in town." Druur! Oh, this is a bad auditor error, see.

Communication lag — all that fellow was giving you was communication lag. You said "Be near the Moon," and he said, "Let's see. Well, I really can't find the Moon. I don't know where the Moon is. Where would the Moon be? I wouldn't dare be up there near the Moon, anyhow," and so forth.

Communication lag — all that fellow was giving you was communication lag. You said "Be near the Moon," and he said, "Let's see. Well, I really can't find the Moon. I don't know where the Moon is. Where would the Moon be? I wouldn't dare be up there near the Moon, anyhow," and so forth.

That's just what? Communication lag outflow, isn't it? Eventually he will be able to be near the Moon. He'll think it over and he'll regard the sit .. . He's being a little bit scared, see — that's the only reason he's doing this — which means, really, that you didn't run R1-8 long enough to make him feel safe to look at things, you see.

That's just what? Communication lag outflow, isn't it? Eventually he will be able to be near the Moon. He'll think it over and he'll regard the sit .. . He's being a little bit scared, see — that's the only reason he's doing this — which means, really, that you didn't run R1-8 long enough to make him feel safe to look at things, you see.

So, we say that you've run R1-8 long enough, then you can do a Grand Tour. Things are safe to look at, which means it's safe to locate — things are safe to locate.

So, we say that you've run R1-8 long enough, then you can do a Grand Tour. Things are safe to look at, which means it's safe to locate — things are safe to locate.

All right. The first thing you'd ask him, as you start the Grand Tour, you'd ask him to be near Earth. Well, now he's already on Earth or around here somewhere. "Be near Earth" merely asks him to be cognizant of the fact that he's somewhere in the vicinity of this planet. And then you say, the next line, "Be near the Moon." And that asks him to be somewhere in the vicinity of the Moon.

All right. The first thing you'd ask him, as you start the Grand Tour, you'd ask him to be near Earth. Well, now he's already on Earth or around here somewhere. "Be near Earth" merely asks him to be cognizant of the fact that he's somewhere in the vicinity of this planet. And then you say, the next line, "Be near the Moon." And that asks him to be somewhere in the vicinity of the Moon.

Well, of course, he'll try to move to the Moon many times, you know, and sort of get out a canoe, or a small space boat, or something of the sort, and row himself up to the Moon. People get a little bit strange about this. All he has to do is postulate he's near the Moon and he's there. And he can see anything he wants to see when he's there.

Well, of course, he'll try to move to the Moon many times, you know, and sort of get out a canoe, or a small space boat, or something of the sort, and row himself up to the Moon. People get a little bit strange about this. All he has to do is postulate he's near the Moon and he's there. And he can see anything he wants to see when he's there.

You say, "Be near the Moon," and he says, "Okay, I'm near the Moon." And the next thing you would say to him would be "Be near the Sun," and then "Be near the Earth" again.

You say, "Be near the Moon," and he says, "Okay, I'm near the Moon." And the next thing you would say to him would be "Be near the Sun," and then "Be near the Earth" again.

Now, you've taken him from the Earth to the Moon, to the Sun, back to Earth again, haven't you? Now, that's why we mean Grand Tour; we're changing space. We mean him to suddenly appear at a precision spot someplace — not to move to it, but to be at that spot and to look from, simply look, from a location; that's all we're asking him to do.

Now, you've taken him from the Earth to the Moon, to the Sun, back to Earth again, haven't you? Now, that's why we mean Grand Tour; we're changing space. We mean him to suddenly appear at a precision spot someplace — not to move to it, but to be at that spot and to look from, simply look, from a location; that's all we're asking him to do.

So we say, "Be near Earth. Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth." And we could keep on doing this, and would keep on doing this for some time. "Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth." And you'll find out that he will start doing it much more rapidly than he was doing it before. And so you will have to telegraph it to him much more easily.

So we say, "Be near Earth. Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth." And we could keep on doing this, and would keep on doing this for some time. "Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth." And you'll find out that he will start doing it much more rapidly than he was doing it before. And so you will have to telegraph it to him much more easily.

You will have to say to him — as you commonly do, although it disobeys one of the primary factors of auditing; it makes him remember the rest of the thing — you say, "Moon. Sun. Earth." It's actually better auditing to say, "Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth. Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth." Well, you just chase him around on that circuit. It's really better auditing to tell him that each time, you see. Chase him around the circuit.

You will have to say to him — as you commonly do, although it disobeys one of the primary factors of auditing; it makes him remember the rest of the thing — you say, "Moon. Sun. Earth." It's actually better auditing to say, "Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth. Be near the Moon. Be near the Sun. Be near Earth." Well, you just chase him around on that circuit. It's really better auditing to tell him that each time, you see. Chase him around the circuit.

You'll find out that he goes more rapidly. In fact, he will start going so rapidly that vocal commands become arduous for him; he'll have to wait around for all these words to get out.

You'll find out that he goes more rapidly. In fact, he will start going so rapidly that vocal commands become arduous for him; he'll have to wait around for all these words to get out.

Well, what's the first phenomenon that is noticed by the auditor? — that he is moving slowly at first and then that he is moving more rapidly. Well now, there's another phenomenon which is the same phenomenon really. It is that the thetan is in the influence of gravity when you start to run R1-9; to a greater or lesser degree he is influenced by gravity as an awareness of awareness unit. See, he is under the influence of gravity. And as you chase him on this circuit, he finds he can be near these bodies without experiencing their gravity. See, that's a big gain, isn't it? He can be near these bodies without experiencing their gravity.

Well, what's the first phenomenon that is noticed by the auditor? — that he is moving slowly at first and then that he is moving more rapidly. Well now, there's another phenomenon which is the same phenomenon really. It is that the thetan is in the influence of gravity when you start to run R1-9; to a greater or lesser degree he is influenced by gravity as an awareness of awareness unit. See, he is under the influence of gravity. And as you chase him on this circuit, he finds he can be near these bodies without experiencing their gravity. See, that's a big gain, isn't it? He can be near these bodies without experiencing their gravity.

So, he will notice as he swings in and gets near the Moon, you see, that he starts to go down to the surface of the Moon. "Be near the Sun," he starts to swu-uuu, see. And he starts to get close to the surface of the Sun. "And you be near Earth," and he starts to swing down on Earth. Well, as you chase him around there, he less and less has a tendency to do that. In other words, he can fix himself much more precisely because he's gotten over the idea that he is interfered with by gravity.

So, he will notice as he swings in and gets near the Moon, you see, that he starts to go down to the surface of the Moon. "Be near the Sun," he starts to swu-uuu, see. And he starts to get close to the surface of the Sun. "And you be near Earth," and he starts to swing down on Earth. Well, as you chase him around there, he less and less has a tendency to do that. In other words, he can fix himself much more precisely because he's gotten over the idea that he is interfered with by gravity.

All right. Do you follow me, then — what you're doing and why this Change of Space is that way?

All right. Do you follow me, then — what you're doing and why this Change of Space is that way?

Well now look, though, remember what I first told you in R1-8 — remember R1-8? I told you that if he was going to be influenced by anything, if he was going to be an effect, remember, he would have to himself be hanging on to some mass, you know? As you chase him around to the Moon, to the Sun, to the Earth, and he is less and less influenced by gravity, you must be taking some mass away from him, huh? Ah, so that is the thing you must remember in running the Grand Tour: remedy his havingness.

Well now look, though, remember what I first told you in R1-8 — remember R1-8? I told you that if he was going to be influenced by anything, if he was going to be an effect, remember, he would have to himself be hanging on to some mass, you know? As you chase him around to the Moon, to the Sun, to the Earth, and he is less and less influenced by gravity, you must be taking some mass away from him, huh? Ah, so that is the thing you must remember in running the Grand Tour: remedy his havingness.

"Put up eight anchor points and pull them in on yourself. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in on yourself. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in on yourself." Ah, he feels better!

"Put up eight anchor points and pull them in on yourself. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in on yourself. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in on yourself." Ah, he feels better!

But this new energy that he mocked up is not now under the influence of gravity. So he can chase around to these various places and he can be fluid as can be. He can have his pockets full of old tin cans and other things which he's mocked up and it doesn't bother him. You see? You've freed him of gravity, even though you have given him some mass — but gravity is merely a consideration.

But this new energy that he mocked up is not now under the influence of gravity. So he can chase around to these various places and he can be fluid as can be. He can have his pockets full of old tin cans and other things which he's mocked up and it doesn't bother him. You see? You've freed him of gravity, even though you have given him some mass — but gravity is merely a consideration.

All right. Let's get to the next point which is really destructive in the Grand Tour, really destructive of havingness. You have him find a rock and have him be inside that rock, and then have him be outside of it, and then be inside of it, and then be outside of it, and then be inside of it. By the way, a thetan drilled this way ceases to be afraid of being trapped, do you see this? All a trap is, is being inside something, interiorized. All right. And as long as he's afraid of being trapped, he will get into things, see, and stick.

All right. Let's get to the next point which is really destructive in the Grand Tour, really destructive of havingness. You have him find a rock and have him be inside that rock, and then have him be outside of it, and then be inside of it, and then be outside of it, and then be inside of it. By the way, a thetan drilled this way ceases to be afraid of being trapped, do you see this? All a trap is, is being inside something, interiorized. All right. And as long as he's afraid of being trapped, he will get into things, see, and stick.

All right. So you say, "Be inside the rock. Be outside the rock. Be inside the rock. Be outside the rock. Be inside the rock. Be outside the rock." And along about that moment, you will notice that his havingness is shot. So you'll say, "Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Be inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock." This is about the speed of auditing, by the way, because if you're dealing with somebody exteriorized, there's no reason to put on the brakes. As soon as he executes or gives you any signification that he's executed, you give him the next auditing command. That is one of the hardest things that it takes an auditor to learn — is the fact that somebody exteriorized is fast! All right.

All right. So you say, "Be inside the rock. Be outside the rock. Be inside the rock. Be outside the rock. Be inside the rock. Be outside the rock." And along about that moment, you will notice that his havingness is shot. So you'll say, "Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Put up eight anchor points and pull them in. Be inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock." This is about the speed of auditing, by the way, because if you're dealing with somebody exteriorized, there's no reason to put on the brakes. As soon as he executes or gives you any signification that he's executed, you give him the next auditing command. That is one of the hardest things that it takes an auditor to learn — is the fact that somebody exteriorized is fast! All right.

So, "Be inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Okay. Center of Earth." Now, why did you take a rock? Well, that's just gradient scale, because you're working up to the center of Earth.

So, "Be inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Inside the rock. Outside the rock. Okay. Center of Earth." Now, why did you take a rock? Well, that's just gradient scale, because you're working up to the center of Earth.

All right. So you want him to be "Center of Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside the Moon. Outside the Moon. Inside the Moon. Outside the Moon. Inside the Moon. Outside of the Moon. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside the Sun. Outside the Sun. Inside the Sun. Outside the Sun. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in." That is about your speed of auditing, by the way.

All right. So you want him to be "Center of Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside the Moon. Outside the Moon. Inside the Moon. Outside the Moon. Inside the Moon. Outside of the Moon. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside the Sun. Outside the Sun. Inside the Sun. Outside the Sun. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Inside Earth. Outside Earth. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in. Eight anchor points and pull them in." That is about your speed of auditing, by the way.

Okay. Well, what's happened to this boy about this time, though? If you didn't tell him to remedy his havingness, he would have just gone zuum-zuum-zuum. You're ripping to pieces every facsimile and engram that he is privately, secretly holding on to that tells him he can be trapped. You're just tearing them up at a mad rate. So let's give him havingness to make it up. It is the havingness which is the thing, not the significance of the havingness.

Okay. Well, what's happened to this boy about this time, though? If you didn't tell him to remedy his havingness, he would have just gone zuum-zuum-zuum. You're ripping to pieces every facsimile and engram that he is privately, secretly holding on to that tells him he can be trapped. You're just tearing them up at a mad rate. So let's give him havingness to make it up. It is the havingness which is the thing, not the significance of the havingness.

When you finish up this drill ... It doesn't matter how long you take at it. Actually, a Grand Tour can be conducted in about a half an hour, total. But when you have finished this up you will have somebody who is no longer worried about gravity, who is no longer worried about being trapped and who is no longer worried about such things as the atomic blasts of the Sun.

When you finish up this drill ... It doesn't matter how long you take at it. Actually, a Grand Tour can be conducted in about a half an hour, total. But when you have finished this up you will have somebody who is no longer worried about gravity, who is no longer worried about being trapped and who is no longer worried about such things as the atomic blasts of the Sun.

Now, there are many odds and ends that you throw in on a Grand Tour: "Find a Sun plume." The fellow says, "Yeah."

Now, there are many odds and ends that you throw in on a Grand Tour: "Find a Sun plume." The fellow says, "Yeah."

"Can you hear it?"

"Can you hear it?"

"Yeah." See, there's no air around the Sun but an electronic field can carry sound. One of the reasons a thetan is more afraid of sound than anything else is because it is, in the early part of the track, associated not with air, but by an electronic blast. The electronic blast itself was carrying sound.

"Yeah." See, there's no air around the Sun but an electronic field can carry sound. One of the reasons a thetan is more afraid of sound than anything else is because it is, in the early part of the track, associated not with air, but by an electronic blast. The electronic blast itself was carrying sound.

So you say, "Find a plume and slide down on it to the face of the Sun. Find a plume and slide down to the face of the Sun." You're, in other words, coaxing him to move. Now you teach him to move.

So you say, "Find a plume and slide down on it to the face of the Sun. Find a plume and slide down to the face of the Sun." You're, in other words, coaxing him to move. Now you teach him to move.

You could have him find Mars. "Be outside of Mars and move down on the surface." But he's immediately going to discover the force field of Mars. I'm sorry that this has to be so. It's not science fiction. He will always discover the force field of Mars. There's something wrong with Mars.

You could have him find Mars. "Be outside of Mars and move down on the surface." But he's immediately going to discover the force field of Mars. I'm sorry that this has to be so. It's not science fiction. He will always discover the force field of Mars. There's something wrong with Mars.

And you say, "Move down to the surface of Mars." He doesn't like that. "Be on the surface of Mars."

And you say, "Move down to the surface of Mars." He doesn't like that. "Be on the surface of Mars."



"Be outside of Mars. On the surface of Mars. Outside of Mars. Be on the surface of Mars. Outside of Mars. Now, move down to surface of Mars."

"Be outside of Mars. On the surface of Mars. Outside of Mars. Be on the surface of Mars. Outside of Mars. Now, move down to surface of Mars."

Nyaa-nya-yann-nya-nya-ruu-ruu. He doesn't like that a bit. "Well, all right. I made it. Hey, what do you know. Uh-hu! Hey, there's something around here."

Nyaa-nya-yann-nya-nya-ruu-ruu. He doesn't like that a bit. "Well, all right. I made it. Hey, what do you know. Uh-hu! Hey, there's something around here."

"Well, move out to the outer atmosphere of Mars. Move down to the surface of Mars." He finally gets so he can move through force fields.

"Well, move out to the outer atmosphere of Mars. Move down to the surface of Mars." He finally gets so he can move through force fields.

Every once in a while you'll discover some boy who is standing there looking at a huge ultraviolet ball, or a big pyramid, such as you see on the dollar bill in all it . . . Actually, it's almost the exact emblem of the dollar bill. That's the Gates of Mars. That's a between-life area. He'll run into this and tell you all about it. Well, now don't you be surprised; it's simply the Gates of Mars — the call-back area. Just run Change of Space.

Every once in a while you'll discover some boy who is standing there looking at a huge ultraviolet ball, or a big pyramid, such as you see on the dollar bill in all it . . . Actually, it's almost the exact emblem of the dollar bill. That's the Gates of Mars. That's a between-life area. He'll run into this and tell you all about it. Well, now don't you be surprised; it's simply the Gates of Mars — the call-back area. Just run Change of Space.

Now, the rest of this is Change of Space. Now, there's a whole list in the printed edition of the Auditor's Handbook that tells you all the places you change space.

Now, the rest of this is Change of Space. Now, there's a whole list in the printed edition of the Auditor's Handbook that tells you all the places you change space.

How do you run somebody on Change of Space? It is something like Spotting Spots, but is the thetan's way of spotting spots. "Now, be in the childhood home. Be here. Be in the childhood home. Be here. Be in the child-hood home."

How do you run somebody on Change of Space? It is something like Spotting Spots, but is the thetan's way of spotting spots. "Now, be in the childhood home. Be here. Be in the childhood home. Be here. Be in the child-hood home."

"Now be in this room" is better parlance. "Be in the childhood home. Be in this room. Childhood home. Be in this room. Childhood home. Be in this room." Back and forth, back and forth. Havingness rips to shreds, facsimiles fly off in all directions. You say, "Mock up eight anchor points and pull them in. Mock up eight childhood homes and pull them in. Eight more childhood homes and pull them." (It doesn't matter what you ask him to mock up.)

"Now be in this room" is better parlance. "Be in the childhood home. Be in this room. Childhood home. Be in this room. Childhood home. Be in this room." Back and forth, back and forth. Havingness rips to shreds, facsimiles fly off in all directions. You say, "Mock up eight anchor points and pull them in. Mock up eight childhood homes and pull them in. Eight more childhood homes and pull them." (It doesn't matter what you ask him to mock up.)

"Okay, now be at your entrance point to the MEST universe." That's a swindle, by the way. He was already in the MEST universe and then somebody got ahold of him and told him he's now in the MEST universe. He'll find this out.

"Okay, now be at your entrance point to the MEST universe." That's a swindle, by the way. He was already in the MEST universe and then somebody got ahold of him and told him he's now in the MEST universe. He'll find this out.

Change of Space: If he's doing Change of Space very, very slowly it means that he's very short on havingness, so you just remedy havingness harder. If he gets real slow on Change of Space, remedy his havingness harder. That's the general law that goes back of this.

Change of Space: If he's doing Change of Space very, very slowly it means that he's very short on havingness, so you just remedy havingness harder. If he gets real slow on Change of Space, remedy his havingness harder. That's the general law that goes back of this.

Now, you see what a Grand Tour is? A Grand Tour is essentially just chasing him around known parts of this universe. It could be extended; you could chase him all over the physical universe. You could have him be in the center of galaxies — anything you want — as long as you remember to remedy his havingness, to be in a certain spot, be in a certain spot, be in a certain spot, be in a certain spot (each time naming a different spot), and be inside of something and be outside of something.

Now, you see what a Grand Tour is? A Grand Tour is essentially just chasing him around known parts of this universe. It could be extended; you could chase him all over the physical universe. You could have him be in the center of galaxies — anything you want — as long as you remember to remedy his havingness, to be in a certain spot, be in a certain spot, be in a certain spot, be in a certain spot (each time naming a different spot), and be inside of something and be outside of something.

One of the common practices in the Grand Tour is asking him to be in-side a black star — outside it, inside it, outside it, inside it. And ooh boy, does that rip him to pieces, because there are black stars up there which are so heavy and so dense that electrons can't escape from them, so they appear to be black but they are a seething electronic mass immediately on their surfaces.

One of the common practices in the Grand Tour is asking him to be in-side a black star — outside it, inside it, outside it, inside it. And ooh boy, does that rip him to pieces, because there are black stars up there which are so heavy and so dense that electrons can't escape from them, so they appear to be black but they are a seething electronic mass immediately on their surfaces.

That is a Grand Tour. It teaches a person not to be afraid of distance, so on. It is something which is run in stabilizing, and is a standard step and a necessary step in the stabilizing of a preclear.

That is a Grand Tour. It teaches a person not to be afraid of distance, so on. It is something which is run in stabilizing, and is a standard step and a necessary step in the stabilizing of a preclear.

