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A lecture given on 25 November 1950A lecture given on 25 November 1950
Expanding the Field of ProcessingA Wider Field of Action

We’ve covered a lot of material concerning affinity, reality and communication, and in this lecture we’ll go over how you use this data and how it is applied, and coordinate it with Standard Procedure.

The Accessibility Chart complements the Standard Procedure Chart. This chart gives you a measure by which you can tell what to do with the case from an estimate that you make of the accessibility of the case.

If you look over the chart of survival that was published in the Handbook, you will see it is graded in tones 0 through 4. There is an arrow pointing upward for survival, and one pointing downward which represents the suppressor factors. The survival arrow has three components which are the “how” of survival; those three components are affinity, communication and reality.

On the Standard Procedure Chart you will find that it starts out “For Accessible Cases.” It sort of starts out fully mounted and at a gallop. We never bothered to go back and point out how to get on the horse. It’s very important, if you are going to ride, to be on the horse! This chart shows you how to get on the horse.

Nothing has changed regarding Standard Procedure; however, in the light of the Accessibility Chart the entrance points are now seen to be much broader than they were before. An auditor must be able to break the toughest cases, even the psychotic case.

There is one of these tone scales in every person for each dynamic.

Accessibility is a relative matter. The only fully accessible person would be a clear. The word accessible includes the accessibility that “I” has to the rest of the organism, the accessibility that the world has to “I,” and the accessibility that “I” has to the world, all of which is at its optimum in a clear. But when curtains start to drop between “I” and the standard banks, “I” and the universe, and “I” and his fellows and so forth, “I” eventually gets pretty inaccessible.

The first dynamic tone scale could be called the first dynamic graph on an individual, and similarly with the second, third and fourth dynamics. And each one has affinity, communication and reality as its component parts of how it is surviving.

This is a study of the submergence of “I.” “I” in an optimum state would be very much on top and running his own show in cooperation with other people. That is the natural way for this to be, but the organism has gone into collision with the material universe here and there. MEST has won here and there and driven thought back a bit, and every time that happened there was pain. A very simple example of this would be a small boy knocking his shins on a rock. He has at that moment broken affinity with MEST. His shin broke affinity with it, and he, to some degree, not only broke affinity with MEST but also broke affinity with his shin because the shin hurt him. So this gets submerged on a totally mechanical line.

This tone scale has application, then, to the individual, to the progeny and the future (sex), to the group and to mankind.

The use of the words mechanical and mechanistic refers to the mechanical aspects of thought function, not the structural aspects. I haven’t been talking about broken arms as a structural inability, or a cleft palate as a structural impediment to communication. Dianetics refers exclusively to function. So the functional aspects of the engram refer to the way the pain is encysted and cut off from “I,” and the way various other breakdowns have occurred. That is functional mechanics.

For instance, one could draw this up just for mankind about mankind and one would find, as far as reality is concerned, that races are badly out of agreement with one another about how they should conduct their business of surviving. So there goes reality as far as mankind’s attitude toward mankind is concerned. Of course, with man not knowing many of the facts and not having very much truth, one could not have expected a reality to have existed there anyway.

Pain or any of the perceptics in an engram can create functional disorders all by themselves.

Looking at the languages of mankind and their methods of communicating in general, we find out that they all see, feel, hear and so on — they do have that in common — but their languages are so polyglot that from group to group they are really out of communication. For instance, how many Americans speak Russian?

The function of thought gets interrupted by pain, whereby thought, by an impact or shock from the material universe, impinges itself upon the matter which thought has already captured. Thought is on a raid, you might say, on the material universe. It is taking it over more and more, and it is making the natural laws of the material universe turn around on the material universe and conquer and take over more and more material universe. It is using the material universe against itself in this fashion.

Regarding affinity, a great many organizations from time to time in the history of man have jumped up and said, “Well, man is a very evil character with no love in his soul, but we are going to try to make him love his fellow man. We have to teach man to love man.” (That’s a manic, by the way.) Then in order to convince man that he must be taught to love his fellow man, they first have to convince him that he is a dog and that he hates his fellow man — and there goes affinity.

So, if thought has captured a sector of the material universe and the impingement of the two is very sudden and sharp, the reaction there is pain and it is registered as a turbulence between thought and MEST, the material universe. That turbulence resides there, and it is an area which goes out of communication because it is something that thought should not have done. The material universe to that degree has won.What you are doing in Dianetics is pulling apart and straightening up all these areas of turbulence so that thought again can take over that area. Thought has been debarred by the turbulence caused by MEST in an area, and when you start to erase physical pain engrams and so on, you are straightening out thought in those areas and removing areas of turbulence so that there is a free flow and a free play of thought through its own organism and through all the organisms of the society. That is a basic definition of processing.

That is war, because there is no affinity, no reality and no communication. This says no survival.

When there is too much turbulence in an individual, “I” is pretty well submerged and goes out of contact with the body, with memory and with the past. These are actually occlusions and they take place on the basis of functional mechanics. “I” is not going to penetrate into an area which has been very severely hurt. Because that was dangerous once, it is dangerous again; therefore “I” doesn’t go back into that area and that area goes out of communication to some degree.

I wouldn’t give a plugged copper for the survival value of mankind at large if he continues along a highly mechanistic line of action with guns, tanks, atom bombs and so forth. It predictsthat his survival is extremely poor. Compare this, which is theoretical, to the real world, and we find people slogging through the snow and drizzle of Korea, shooting up other people, and we find the development of bacteriological warfare and so forth.

Psychosomatic illness occurs because an area has gone thoroughly out of communication. “I” is unable to tell what is going on in that area; therefore the functional mechanisms of the body cannot heal that area properly, trouble occurs and the person gets psychosomatic illnesses.

No one is putting any effort into raising the level of affinity, reality and communication between nations. The way to do it is to speed up and increase communication lines. Today there are very sophisticated means to communicate. We had better use them.

“I” can get submerged by these impacts. And after it gets just so many of them, “I,” looking for the danger, cannot see into these areas which it must not approach, mechanically, and begins to scatter its attention looking for the trouble in the vicinity. In looking for the trouble, various things happen which restimulate this functional, mechanical thing called an engram, and these moments of sudden and severe restimulation become locks on it. So “I” on a conscious level, looking at what has happened to him in his analytical life, avoids what has happened to him in the functional pain areas, and so attributes all of his trouble to the analytical sphere. Having made that fundamental error, errors multiply very rapidly from there.

On the reality side, somebody had better find out what the reality of all this is. Should the world go to pieces because of somebody’s cockeyed idea? How real is the idea, for instance, that the way for Asia to survive is to have two hundred thousand Chinese troops stream into Tibet and shoot everybody they can get their hands on? That certainly is not very real.

“I” can get so thoroughly submerged that a person becomes psychotic; in other words, “I” is not in contact at all. At this moment personality is inaccessible; that is a psychotic, either a computational psychotic or a dramatizing psychotic.

How do we go about establishing the truth of the situation? A body exists at this moment which can examine the truth of such situations — if it would ever permit itself to hear truth and not parliamentary protocol — and that is the United Nations. They could find out what the reality is and by communication spread it around, and affinity would pick up.

There is the dramatizing psychotic who is dramatizing just one engram and going through, probably, just one valence of one engram, over and over and over again. Then there is the computational psychotic, whose mind has been taken over, you might say, by another entity, another “I” of super control on it, and he is computing in a strange way on one or more circuits; he is an animated circuit. But the actual “I” of the individual is submerged, and it is your task, in processing, to rehabilitate the real “I” of the individual to a point where it can again command the organism. That is a basic definition of the treatment of psychotics.

I can sit down with any dozen Russian officers and have them in perfect agreement that the only way to run the world is by a democracy. I have done it. I just never used the word democracy. They agreed perfectly with the political principle that no government which is unsupported by the majority of its people can long exist. If they agree to that, they have agreed to democracy, immediately.

You can do this by establishing some affinity, some communication and some reality between you as an auditor and the actual “I” of the individual, not the demon circuit.

The sloppy ideas people have of all of these ideologies are very interesting. Ask them to define these things and they can’t tell you the first fundamental of any one of them.

It is a strange thing that in a psychotic person, if you insist on talking to “I” and just keep on talking to “I” as though the person is quite rational, soon “I” begins to build up in strength. Another area of little theta — you, as an auditor — can move in on the individual and rehabilitate the actual entity. Then you can build that entity back up again and the individual’s personality should become accessible. That is the lowest level of accessibility.

Actually, democracy is a method of organizing. It can’t be called an ideology because it is an organizational plan. It says the best and smoothest way to run the country is to let the people make their own decisions about how they want to run it. Then if there is any beef it is their fault, so why should they revolt? It is the safest way to run a government.

People are generally considered psychotic in this society only when they are violent or dangerous to themselves or to the society. There are many other people in the society who are actually equally psychotic but who are apparently tractable. They are no less inaccessible than the raving maniac.

As a matter of fact, the Foundations were having a bad time here and there, and people were getting out of agreement with one another and so forth, until the people in Elizabeth put together a staff meeting. The Foundations had been running on a management line, and a couple of the board members were just frantic at the idea of employees suddenly setting up management. Well, maybe Western Electric or the Chrysler Corporation can get scared at something like that, but not the Foundation. It belongs to the staff anyhow. I got back to Elizabeth and looked over their staff conference, and simply issued orders to let the staff go on and manage. The place is now running like a clock.

For instance, someone like this will sit in a living room and tell you (meanwhile nursing a bad case of arthritis) “I’m fine, there’s nothing wrong with me.” And they’ll go on about this and that, and tell you that nothing should be done for them. Such people are also inaccessible. One has to establish communication with them, build up some affinity, build up some reality, and contact the actual “I” in order to get some processing done on them.

On top of a democracy you can build almost anything you want. A nation which is running on democratic principles — that is to say, the principle that the people have a good right to say what goes on in the country and that they have individual rights which must be safeguarded — can go ahead and do just about anything it wants; on that basic it can start putting in economic pins.

A person’s refusal of auditing when they obviously need it indicates an inaccessible personality. You build up the accessibility of that personality not by disagreeing with him, but by agreeing with him. By establishing affinity, communication and reality with this person, you are then able to establish the reality of what you are trying to do.

A common meeting point of all governments would be “Do your people agree that you should govern them?” If the fellow answering says “No, we have to take great punitive measures in order to keep them in line,” you can absolutely guarantee that that government is shortly going to cease to exist. Look back along the historical track and you will find out that governments cease to exist when they disagree with too many of their populaces. There is no weapon to date that will stop a mob. They can kill the whole mob off, but then they haven’t got anybody to govern. All governments have been up against this sad fact.

The Dianetics validation booklets we are working on will be highly therapeutic to the society because it demonstrates the reality of Dianetic processing. And a lot of people who are, on an educational basis, inaccessible to Dianetics will immediately become accessible on the presentation of such evidence. That builds up the reality, which builds up affinity and communication, and you can then get some processing done. That is another stage of inaccessibility.

So that is where these elements fit in on the basis of the fourth dynamic.

Finally, you get this person up to a point where you can give him straight memory. This is Step Three of the Standard Procedure Chart. If you haven’t been able to get an inventory done previously, sometimes you can work one against the other and get both an inventory and some Straightwire done at this stage.

On the third dynamic, the group, one can look over the problems of any group in terms of finding out how much affinity there is in this group, one for the next, and to what degree people in this group are able to talk to and be with, in general, other people in the group. Then find out what the agreement is of all of these people in the group on the subject of the goals of the group.

The inventory, all by itself, puts you into communication with the person, puts “I” in communication with his own past and is therapeutic. So the accessibility step can be started with this.

If we look over those factors and analyze them, we will be able to predict the survival of the group or its nonsurvival.

However, a person has to be able to answer questions and he has to be able to remember something of his past life before you can get an inventory on him. So you can go into Step Three at this point together with the inventory and find out when he was sick, who his father and mother were and so on. That builds up his accessibility. So if this person can’t be put into reverie and can’t be put back down the track, he certainly can receive Straightwire — you can get him remembering. You can build up affinity, communication and reality with this person to a point where he will remember.

For instance, take a new corporation that is going to build washing machines. It gets going and they get what they think are the right people to handle manufacturing and sales and so forth, but they don’t get anybody to handle personnel. They expand, and one day you find that their washing machines are not coming off the end of the assembly line. They have the very best production manager that they can get hold of; he sits and makes beautiful graphs and blueprints and so forth, and still no washing machines come off the end of the line.

Now, “I” could be postulated as consisting of a number of attention units which can get very badly distributed down the person’s time track so that “I” has less and less of them. If you could bring a person one hundred percent to present time he would be sane. These physical pain enturbulence areas capture thought and life force little by little, but if the attention units could be pulled up out of there, the person would be in good shape.

Do an analysis on that company with regard to the three factors of ARC, and you will be able to spot the trouble and fit in the missing factors which will create these things in the group. As soon as these are created in the group it will start to function as a live group, and washing machines will start to come off the end of the assembly line.

An engram has to be restimulated before it will capture any of these life units. In other words, an engram could be a sleeper (unrestimulated), and it would have no effect upon the individual at all. A person could live for seventy years with a serious chain of attempted abortions, and if not one phrase of them ever got restimulated nothing would get keyed in. It is practically unthinkable that this should happen, but theoretically it can be postulated.

The main trouble has been that the big corporations did not understand, for instance, communication and the necessities and needs of communication between management and employee. One of the things that they failed completely to understand was that the aggregate mass of employees were doing the most work. So the employees tried to tell them this and management would not listen, and all of a sudden there were these two camps of management and labor, and they have been going to the races ever since.

As you are processing people you will find all kinds of engrams which were never in restimulation. You just knock them out as a matter of course; as you go into the bank it is necessary for you to knock them out because they get in the road. You are actually restimulating some of these engrams for the first time in the process of getting rid of them.

It is an unreal idea, anyway, that these two entities — management and labor — exist in a big corporation, because the fact is that management comes on down the line in a sort of spectrum. Everybody is doing some managing, and everybody is doing some labor.

For instance, an artist has an engram that says “I can’t paint, I can’t draw, I can’t do anything,” but it has never been active. In the process, perhaps, of getting out a chain of criticism, this engram could be put into restimulation for a couple of days, and this poor artist would not be able to do any work! But it would be very temporary.

If you ever saw anybody labor, it is the managers of a big corporation. That is really a midnight-to-midnight task, trying to keep up with a large organization.

That is why every session should be ended by running some pleasure moments and straight memory on the session. That is part of Standard Procedure.

Those companies which have provided a house organ and have social activity programs and so on get along fine, because their people are getting into communication with one another. Companies which do not have a highly punitive attitude toward their employees, of course, have a chance for the affinity to build up.

So, you get some straight memory done on this person, and then you run locks — minor incidents where he has suffered breaks of communication, invalidation’s of his reality and breaks of affinity with life. Go into the case mildly and look it over, and you will find out that these locks exist. Every time an engram is restimulated it takes another couple of attention units off “I,” making “I” just that much weaker. You can pick up the restimulations of these engrams by straight memory and return a certain amount of “I” to itself, making “I” stronger.

I saw a ship go all to pieces once. A captain went on board who hated enlisted men. (He had been one himself too long and he hated them.) But it never really got through to the enlisted men because, after all, this ship was built out of 160 years of tradition to keep the thing together. It was going pretty well until one day when all the men were being sent out on maneuvers at dawn. The captain went up on the bridge and said, “Why aren’t these boats away from the side? They were supposed to leave here at 5:45 A.M.”

You may, yourself, have distributed some attention units down the track in the process of processing, so you run a pleasure moment, coaxing into it as many attention units as you can, and this has a tendency to centralize those attention units. Then you bring the preclear up to present time and he has more “I” there.

Somebody tried to tell him that the galley ranges had broken down at about 4:00 A.M., and that the electricians had gotten them fixed by about 4:50 A.M. and they were trying to get some hot food into these men before they sent them out, because they were going to be gone all day.

Then you run straight memory on the session of processing to rescue any additional attention units that were laid back down on the track and get it all up into present time, thus stabilizing “I.” Your preclear will feel a lot better if you do this.

The captain, standing up on the bridge, replied, “Well, I don’t care whether they get any hot food or not! They’re a bunch of dogs anyway. Get them over the side and into those boats, and be quick about it!” Quite by accident, somebody had leaned on the public address system. The second the captain recognized it had been on (the man was not what you might call a courageous lion) he immediately dived into his cabin and locked the door. He spent the rest of the cruise on his bridge, expecting at any time to be thrown over the side. This completely broke off communications.

In running Straightwire you are looking for minor locks. You are trying to rehabilitate communication with this person, to restore his perception, with straight memory.

Actually, if he had had nerve enough at that moment to have gone down and given those men a personal growl and said “What’s wrong with you people? Go on, get over the side,” it would not have had very much repercussion, because he would still have been in communication with them.

You can say, “Do you remember anybody who used to say ‘You can’t see it’?”

You can look into any organization and find out what factors are breaking it up.

The person will think for a moment and say, “Well, yes, my father used to say that.” “Let’s remember a moment when he said it.”

A house organ that is published regularly and is handed to people to read may have a modifier in terms of reality. A lot of house organs don’t quite deal in what one might call complete truth. And the second anybody begins to find that house organ to be untrue in any way, it is chopped off as a communication channel. The management can spend a million dollars on it, getting the best editors, the best paper, printing it in the best time and handing it out to the employees, but that magazine or house organ is dead. It is not a communication line.

“Ha-ha! Yes, I remember when he said it.” Right at that point you have broken a little lock on the communication line.

A person cuts off a communication line which proves itself to be false. For instance, there is the story about the little boy who cried “Wolf.” Several times he cried “Wolf,” and each time people found there was no wolf. Then the last time he cried “Wolf” there were wolves, and the sheep and the little boy got eaten up and it was all very sad. He had proven to be a false channel for communication, so he was cut off.

Perhaps you have observed the preclear wearing glasses, and so you know that somebody in the preclear’s past used to talk about eyesight, or “couldn’t see it,” or something of the sort. Somebody broke off communication in that channel someplace. So you ask, “Who in your family used to talk about eyesight?” By straight memory you start recovering it and this will restore quite a few attention units back to “I.”

We were putting together a newsletter for the Foundation and somebody rushed down from the management level and said, “What on earth! You have so-and-so writing this newsletter? Good heavens, don’t you realize that he will have to be thoroughly supervised as to what he says?”

You can also take him down the track and run these locks as engrams.

When the editor came in I immediately gave him a little chit which said “The editorial policy of this newsletter shall be what the editor says it is. The news which is written in this newsletter will be what the editor puts into it,” because if that newsletter had gone under a barrage of censorship it might have gotten to be a cheerier organ, or gotten up to the point where nobody would have mentioned the fact that Doakes, the other day, when auditing, let a preclear bounce out of eighteen consecutive engrams — it might have omitted these items and been very cheery — but that would not have been communication.

The difference between a lock and an engram is that there is no physical pain in the lock. It is a restimulation of a time when there was physical pain. So by knocking out the locks the engram has a tendency to go back and be a sleeper. If you could recover all the attention units off all the locks in a case, you would have a clear. He would be a very temporary clear because the engrams could restimulate again, but he would appear to be a clear, briefly.

Communication would include the reality of everything that is going on. That is how it has to be done. It has to be true or it is not communication. The second it is discovered not to be communication — that is, it’s discovered to be false — nobody pays any attention to it anymore and it cuts right off.

After the locks have been run with straight memory, you try to get some grief off the case.

That is one of the reasons why the American press is declining. They have been having a very hard time in terms of circulation. They have blamed it on the radio and on almost everything, but they never thought to blame it on themselves. The quality of reporting is bad. The whole American press seems desperately to want to slant itself in favor of this and that.

Now, I’m going to change the name of these grief engrams. I’m going to call them secondary engrams. A primary engram, or an actual engram, is one which contains physical pain and unconsciousness. A secondary engram is a great big lock, a sudden impact, a terrific restimulation of that basic engram. The death of a person causes a grief charge. Therefore a grief engram, or an apathy engram, or a very tough anger engram would be a secondary engram, because all that these things have in them is charge. “I” has received an impact from his environment and it has restimulated physical pain in his background, and the two of them crash together, thus charging up the primary engram by this experience. There is also analytical attenuation accompanying it. So a great loss of something or a moment of enormous terror that restimulates an earlier engram has a tendency to charge up that engram. At that point it stops being mildly restimulated or a sleeper and becomes a supercharged piece of pain, and it has created a big lock which is called a secondary engram.

About the only way that one could put out a news organ that would be a news organ that people would accept well and constantly would be to tell the truth bluntly as one saw it. And if one couldn’t arrive at the truth in any other way, then he would write a pro story and a con story on the same subject, and then people could read them both and make up their own minds. This adds to the self-determinism of an individual, if he knows that he is getting truth and he is permitted to make a selection of what seems most likely to him.

The reason it is called an engram at all is because auditors don’t run them like engrams unless you call them engrams. They will put the preclear through them once, and the person is exteriorized and can’t get into it, so they say, “Well, that’s not important. There was no physical pain there anyway.” These secondary engrams have to be run through and through with all perceptics, in reverie, just like primary engrams, to desensitize them.

One of the main things that happens to a police state, a totalitarian state, is the fact that it warps its press, and the press, which is a main line of communication amongst people, is so consistently full of lies that it ceases to exist as a line of communication and the society goes out of touch with itself. Because it is a lying press nobody believes it. By cutting reality, one chops communication and then affinity goes, and the country will start to fall apart. That is what happens with a group.

The person has to be gotten into his own valence, just as if you were running an engram. The person won’t get a grief charge off unless he is in his own valence. In the same way, a person cannot get his own pain in an engram unless he is in his own valence.

Let’s take up the second dynamic. Here you have two individuals who, together as thought entities, are going to create the vehicle of new thought into the future — hence the pleasurable aspect of sex. The reverse on this is two people who are going to murder the future, and we get pain. It is whether or not thought is permitted to perpetuate itself or is stopped in its perpetuation. Death stops it; death is pain. The creation of new vehicles for thought to exist in the future, of course, makes for a great deal of pleasure. So here is where we get the intensity of sex, because it takes two people to come together.

Secondary engrams, then, are the points when an impact from the environ which did not contain physical pain, yet contained threat and menace to the individual, impinged upon a physical pain engram and restimulated it so thoroughly that it charged it up.

They are in very intimate communication, perceptically, so affinity goes way up. Reality then, of course, and for other reasons, goes way up. Dedication to purpose goes way up, and the truth of that purpose is not even slightly questioned by them in their actual states. Aberratively, it is questioned. So on the second dynamic we get a great intensity of these things.

If you could get all of the grief and all of the charge off a case, you would have on your hands a release — actually, if you could just get all the grief, you would have a release — because you would have bled the charge out of the engrams and the engrams would go back to being sleepers.

A family, which is part of that same dynamic, overlaps from “group” back into the second dynamic. So a family is a very strong unit because it fits on two dynamics: the sex dynamic for the future and the group dynamic for mutual defense and aid. If a family is going forward and bringing the children up into good men and women, and really doing a good job of it, the affinity amongst that family is going to increase and the communication lines of it build up, because that is dedication to a natural purpose and it happens to be true. Everybody will agree on this fairly well, except for some very aberrated people.

It takes a terrific impact such as the death of an ally, a big loss of some sort, to make one of these secondary engrams. A sudden charge on the affinity line, or an enormous slam into a person’s communication line damming it up, will create a secondary engram. And you run these things out just like engrams. They really become secondary engrams when they break down affinity, communication and reality simultaneously; that’s when they are the worst.

The main thing that happens in deteriorating marital relations is the breakdown of understanding, a breakdown of communication. One person cannot understand why the other person would not, and they finally fall out of a direct relationship to each other and you get divorces. Most of these things are based on the most confoundedly aberrated misunderstandings, and the two people just break off communication. That is the first symptom of a future divorce.

This is one of the reasons why the parting of two lovers can cause such a terrific psychic reaction in one or both of them. It is breaking down more than one type of affinity: a very strong sexual affinity, a group affinity and personal affinity. They are going out of communication with each other. For instance, they say, “I’m not going to see you again”; they are talking about perceptics. They disagree, and thereafter you will find them saying about each other that the other person was not true or trustworthy, and so forth. Their reality has been broken down.

Then there is the first dynamic, the dynamic of self. It may seem odd that one would have affinity, communication and reality with himself and about himself, but without these things a person is not very sane and certainly is not very happy. “I,” in an unaberrated state, would be very close in purpose to the central purposes of little theta — the universe of thought which is attacking the universe of matter. “I” is little theta in this attack on the material universe.

So you want to find these partings, deaths and sudden shut-offs on various lines.

But start pushing “I” away from these dedications to purpose and its effort to control, and start dropping collision and pain in on “I,” and the more this happens, the more “I” is forced into a situation whereby it cannot forward little theta’s plans, and it gets driven into a very bad state and breaks with the body, which is big theta.

You estimate a case in terms of where you can enter the case. Find out where your case plots on the Accessibility Chart, and that will tell you what part of Standard Procedure to start on.

The various portions of the body are in themselves sections of thought and life, and they break apart leaving the organism without unity. The organism has many identities within it. There are the cells and the various functions of the body, and they can be seen to go to war with one another when there is a great deal of pain present. So it gets out of line. And individuality starts cutting in, in direct ratio to the amount of pain experienced.

For instance, a person is exteriorized all the way down the track. He is watching himself. He has, evidently, a low sense of reality. Maybe he has a little trouble talking to you and so on. An estimate of the case shows that he is in a fairly serious state. You would probably enter that case at step 2 on the chart by finding out whether or not his memory is accessible. You may find out his memory is accessible, but maybe he stumbles around about it. So you will have to break quite a few locks by Straightwire in this case before you can even get into it, and you aren’t really going to be able to run anything but a few locks and minor things that he can reach.

This postulates a very interesting thing. Possibly, long ago, little theta in its attack on the material universe was simply little theta. It was doing a good job and was very much in communication with all of its unities and entities, and then it started to collide with the material universe. It lost ground here and gained ground there, and it lost ground someplace else, and this was a pretty hard job. Little by little, pieces of little theta started to break off and individualize.

Now let’s take a person who can move on the track and is only exteriorized at moments of great stress but otherwise is interior to himself. This person is not nearly as tough a case. Normally with a case like that all you would have to do is find the secondary engram which is supercharging some of his engrams and run that out, which will knock some of the grief off the case. So he is started at step 5 of the Accessibility Chart, “Affinity, reality and communication engrams accessible (secondary engrams).” Run some, get some grief off the case, and you will get him into his own valence in the basic area and the case will fly.

Of course, if little theta was just little theta, and there was just the universe of thought alone with no identity and no individuality in it, it would never get the job done. But if everything was completely individual action, operating highly independently, it would not get the job done either. So the optimum working state lies somewhere between those two points.

What you are actually hoping for in cases is that you can start them all at step 5. Book auditors have no trouble resolving a case from that point on down on the chart, because a case which is entered there doesn’t pose any great difficulty. Someone who was not too good an auditor could be considered able to resolve cases from step 5 on down. A really good auditor might be able to consider resolving cases from step 2 on down, and a real crackerjack could resolve them from step 1 on down. In other words, this is also a measure of your auditing skill.

What happens, however, is it breaks down to the unit of the individual. But the unit of the individual does not function well unless he functions with a thought for the future and his group, and he functions best when he has a thought for his species and a thought for all life. This is an expanding idea.

Now, suppose the preclear is exteriorized all up and down the track and when you try to run secondary engrams he gets no tears. He lies there and his chest heaves and you can see there is terrific emotional suppression. His twitching toes demonstrate the presence of physical pain which he is not feeling; the heaving chest demonstrates the presence of emotion which he is not getting rid of. That is a circuitry case.

Now, here is how this thing contracts. Mankind collides with the material universe and then starts colliding with men. As a result we have mankind breaking down into groups, and we get the groups themselves breaking down into small units, families. And we get those units breaking down into individuals. Then we get the individual breaking down into other individuals.

The Standard Procedure Chart shows how you handle circuits. You search for them with straight memory, and sort them out so that you can run them. Then run the engrams which contain these circuits so as to knock the circuits out of the case.

For instance, take arthritis. Arthritis evidently comes about through some sort of a disturbance in the endocrine system and the avoidance of the injured part by the blood. The blood is flowing through the area in a limited fashion, and calcium deposits form. Actually, the injured area is being avoided by other cells and there is a deterioration of that area. Or sometimes too much attention is focused on the spot by other cells and over-healing occurs. Thus individuality comes about through this breakdown.

Handling circuits becomes the most skilled operation in Dianetics, and this is where you ought to have a lot of concentration — on circuits. There isn’t a poorly running case around the Foundations which isn’t running poorly for one of two reasons: the first is just plain bad auditing. That can be patched up easily by just running out the auditing, and dropping into the engrams the auditor let him bounce out of and reducing them. The second reason is circuitry. You handle this by breaking up the circuitry, and when the circuits are broken out of the case sufficiently, that will permit the person to get off secondary engrams.

In a state of terror in an individual, for instance, the red blood corpuscles lake in the stomach. They leave the extremities and conserve themselves. This is an overall survival mechanism for the body up to a certain point, but after that it destroys the body, because the blood cells have considered themselves as individuals and said, “We don’t have to work with the whole organism,” and so they don’t and the body dies.

Get the secondary engrams off the case and the preclear will be able to get into the basic area and get into his own valence consistently. That’s step 6, “Own valence consistently accessible.” Then you run out primary engrams (pain engrams in the basic area) and you have started the erasure. Later, another circuit may pop up someplace and you will have to go back into circuitry again and knock that circuit out. Then you get some more secondary engrams off the case and return to the basic area again.

One cannot go all the way up this line and get to nirvana with little theta, because nirvana would never get anything done. But when it breaks down to the point where the individual starts to go to pieces, it has gone too far. The individual has to exist as a unit within himself. Because a pain in the leg is liable to affect by shock some other portion of the body, the body has a tendency to consider the leg as an individual. Medicine tends to practice this. Some fellow hurts in some portion of his body so they chop it off. If he has a pain in his liver they cut his liver out! The amount of surgery that is being done is not justified, and many doctors will tell you this. They are taking parts off the individual because those parts have become enemies of the individual.

Cases cycle in this fashion. One has to get off secondary engrams in order to get basic area engrams. A case has just so many basic engrams available. When the preclear begins to run out of those, starts having a hard time getting into them, and his sonic is not too good and he is not doing too well in his own valence, then the auditor has to go back to step 5 and get the secondary engrams which are all ready to go.

An aberrated individuality starts to get breakdowns within the body, first of agreement — ”My stomach disagrees with me.” Agreement as to the overall function in the organism starts to break down because of pain, and therefore communication — nerve flows and so on — begins to jam up. The affinity within the body, the cohesive life force which holds it together, begins to break down and the person is less and less alive. The aliveness of the person depends upon a smooth functioning of all the parts in unison. When that is being done a person is very much alive. There is affinity at work, and that is how this works on the first dynamic.

This chart, then, is a measure of where you enter a case. For instance, if a person is terrifically exteriorized all the way down the track, you know there is an enormous amount of charge on this engram bank, and you have to get some of that charge off by breaking locks with straight memory and by running the locks themselves. Then if you cannot get to secondary engrams to run off grief charges, you are up against circuitry, so you have to handle that.

So, there are a number of possibilities you have in administering processing for finding the central point that you must first reach in order to resolve the case. We have to discover where, in all of this multitude of possibilities, do we find one which, when touched, will begin the case upon a resolution of its difficulties.

When you really start an erasure of the case from the bottom to the top and you are getting a complete erasure, you are erasing twenty-six perceptics. You don’t have to ask for them one by one. The person will be in his own valence and he will actually to some degree be re- experiencing the moment. Its reality will be absolutely unquestioned to him, and he will run these things off and erase them. But a case should be worked with until it is in that shape before you settle down to running an erasure.

A person’s mind can be reached on any one of the four dynamics, or any one of these three parts of any one of the four dynamics. If you can just bring reason along any of these lines, you will be doing something.

This does not mean that you must not run out engrams which contain circuits. Basic area engrams have to be run out of a circuitry case. You’ve got to run out engrams which contain circuits. They sometimes have to be run on the basis of a person being out of his own valence, getting no unconsciousness off and just getting reductions. You go down a chain of engrams which have to do with circuits until you find the bottom one, and then you run it out completely even though the preclear is out of valence. There will be tension on that circuitry if it is the circuitry which is causing the case difficulty, and you have to take the tension off it.

You can talk to a fellow on the subject of politics and pick an agreement with him and straighten something out along this line, and he will actually become healthier in himself. People make the strange mistake of believing that there would be no physical repercussion on themselves just because there is an upset in politics, but actually this is not true. A physical repercussion in the individual is inevitably attendant upon a political upset. These things cannot be separated out that completely.

The clue as to what kind of a circuit to look for is usually found by Straightwire and by running locks. Find out the wording of the circuit and get the person to jump down the track to the first engram in which this appears. Coax him down. Sometimes you have to go down on a ladder basis into the basic area to reach one of these basic engrams. After it is run out, the tension will go out of that circuit, and it will be possible to knock out some secondary engrams later on the track. Once this is done, then test to find out if you can get into the basic area and start running an erasure. If not, you take out more circuits and secondary engrams. You take more charge off and keep getting charge off the case until eventually the person will go into his own valence, stay in his own valence, and run engrams.

It is incorrect to direct too much processing toward the first dynamic, forgetting that the other three dynamics are in this being as well. It is just as much inefficacious to address only the first dynamic as it was for psychoanalysis to address only the second dynamic. There are four dynamics to work with. Use them.

Running a full erasure, then, is what you are striving to do. You should not start to try to run a full consecutive chronological erasure on a case until you can run it in valence and get a real erasure out of each engram. Otherwise the engrams will have a tendency to come back, and the preclear’s sense of reality will deteriorate. He will get better in some fashion, very slowly, but you will be working against the enormous mass of charge contained in later secondary engrams, and you may be just ignoring that fact. If you try to run an engram in the basic area, and the preclear can’t run it in his own valence and is out of contact on it, there is charge on this case.

So we can rehabilitate a person from the standpoint of mankind. Look at the fellow who continually tells everyone around him that man is an evil beast. If we can just find out in processing where he picked that idea up, if we can find a point in this fellow’s life where he is being convinced that all man is evil, we can key it out.

Sometimes, if you’re running out a basic area engram and the fellow is badly out of valence but the thing is reducing, one phrase gets stuck, and if you can’t find that phrase earlier, you can say, “Go to the charge, or the engram which contains the charge, that represses this phrase,” and the preclear is liable to go clear up into late life and get a live secondary engram there. You run that one and return to the earlier one and you’ll find out it will erase. It should not be major standard practice to go north every time, because usually it is an earlier phrase that is suppressing it.

There is an enormous amount of love and affinity talked about in Christianity, and here and there you find people who are going along with this and getting along fine. But you find someone else who has read nothing but the Old Testament of hellfire, damnation and brimstone, and he is not getting along fine. Look at a person who believes that life is good, it is worth living, and that man is good, and you will find this person is usually fairly healthy. Then look at the fellow who believes in hellfire and brimstone and you will generally find a lot of psychosomatic illnesses. The one who is talking only hellfire and brimstone is blocked on the fourth dynamic, and it is some of that fourth dynamic interruption which is causing his inaccessibility.

Running out the secondary engrams takes the charge off the case, and if the person cannot get into his own valence or has difficulty staying there, the case may well have a lot of charge on it, but it doesn’t have to have very many valence shifters. It has to have some.

One can pick up factors of any one of the four dynamics and resolve them by straight memory, by running the locks and by running engrams themselves, and by picking up circuits.

If a person is running an engram and all of a sudden he is out of valence and having difficulty, you know that you have hit a valence shifter. Knock it out and he will get back into his own valence and run it through. But if you can only occasionally get a person into his own valence, and he starts running the engram as though it has lots of charge on it, you know that this basic engram has been charged up by a secondary engram which was an analytical environment shock of some sort.

There are many kinds of circuits, and they cover every one of these four dynamics. There is a whole set for each one. If you don’t believe this, sometime when you are processing someone who simply doesn’t like things, don’t just work on the first dynamic by asking him “Well, who told you that you didn’t like things?” or “Who told you that you weren’t any good?” Deal with it on the fourth dynamic instead; ask him, “Do you know anybody who used to say men were no good? Or that things were always sour and would run wrong?”

If you are working a case and you know there are deaths on it — his mother, father, grandfather and so on are all dead — but these secondary engrams won’t bleed off the case, and you keep trying to run these deaths and nothing happens, there is circuitry suppressing the case which has to be handled first.

And the fellow may answer, “Well, yes, my grandfather.” You start getting the feedback on what his grandfather used to say and you will discharge locks. These locks are not particularly addressed to the individual. They happen to be resident in him, and they would have to be part of his engrams in order for them to have any enormous effect upon him. But remember that what Grandfather said was usually implanted in either Papa or Mama, depending on whose father he was, and this would have come straight through into the preclear’s engram bank. And you can break these locks and get this person into good shape.

It is true that one has to run engrams to get out the circuitry, but those engrams will normally just reduce. Sometimes they even appear to erase. Let’s say you’re working with basic area engrams, and the preclear is out of valence and having a hard time with them, but you push him through somehow and get the charge off them. When you start your erasure again you will find pieces of these engrams. There wasn’t a complete erasure on them. You can’t run an engram out of valence and so on and expect it to be gone, because there are pieces of that engram left.

Anything which would tend to break down any part of any one of the dynamics can be addressed therapeutically and rehabilitated, with attendant recovery of the individual.

Patty-cake auditing is that kind of auditing which ignores secondary engrams and circuitry, and merely permits the preclear to run anything he likes, out of valence or any way, without auditor control. That would really be dumb auditing.

I ran into one of the nastiest bunches of circuits I have ever contacted in one individual: “You can’t trust men,” “You can’t trust anybody,” “You don’t dare trust anybody,” and so on. This was all on the fourth dynamic. It ran on down the line to “You can’t trust governments,” and it finally came down to where he couldn’t trust himself. This fellow was practically wiped out by this one series of circuits and was badly out of valence. These circuits were found resident in some of his basic engrams. We took some of the tension off the locks and then off the engrams themselves, reducing them as far as they could be reduced, and suddenly his sonic turned on. Because he couldn’t trust anybody or anything, his affinity, communication and reality had naturally been wiped out. Sonic, tactile and visio were all off, but sonic particularly had been wiped out.

This doesn’t mean, for instance, that you don’t ask the file clerk for the engram necessary to resolve the case. You can find out immediately whether or not there is a lot of circuitry on a case and whether or not there are secondary engrams charging it up by trying to work with the file clerk. If you find the file clerk won’t work with you, that means there are secondary engrams and circuitry which have to be handled first.

Sonic was not off in this case because somebody had said “You can’t hear.” It was off because of the mechanical aspects of the case. It is true that the statement “You can’t hear” would have a lot to do with turning off sonic. There were a lot of these in the case, but they didn’t prevent sonic from turning on. In this case we rehabilitated the person’s trust — his trust in men and in existence, which was his primary circuitry, and as soon as this was done we were able to get into the basic area, and sonic turned on. We didn’t have sonic all the way up the line but we did have it in the basic area, and before that, there was nothing.

Or suddenly the preclear says, “Yes, my file clerk’s working.” “Well, what did you just get?”

The general deterioration of the individual occurs in the mechanical line of continuous pain and shock on any one or on all of the four dynamics. If you have learned that lesson, you have learned a great deal, because you have suddenly broadened your periphery into an enormous fan, so that you can look at an individual and say, “Now, what is wrong with this individual with regard to men and women in general? Or with regard to his relationship to families?”

“This model train just turned around the curve and the engineer leaned out and handed me the sign, so my file clerk’s working.” No, it is not. This person has a terrific amount of control circuitry on the case, and you can shoot it out in terms of locks or in terms of engrams, but that is what you should head for — the circuitry.

One preclear had had some marital difficulties, and I started giving her some Straightwire on the subject, running this back down the line. We found that the grandparents were in violent disagreement over everything and that they hated marriage, each one of them, but were somehow or other allies of hers. And just by putting her attention onto it and blowing out locks, I blew a line charge with Straightwire. She laughed for about twenty minutes! It wasn’t funny; it was just the reversal of line charge up the line.

One case had a remarkable piece of circuitry. Practically all the circuitry on the case was just along one line: “I’ve got to protect you from yourself.” The case was just sodden with it, and the person could not run any engrams or get in contact with anything. An auditor hit this word protect in the case, started to run it and ran down the chain of engrams into the prenatal area.

What had been rehabilitated in this person? One of the strongest things that you can have in this society — family, and regard for it. For her, this strong unit of family, which lies on both the third and the second dynamics, had been destroyed so that her belief in it and her affinity, reality and communication about it had all been interrupted. We had a sick girl on our hands who, years afterwards, had married some luckless young man and then wondered why they finally had to get divorced.

He found it appearing there, started reducing engrams, found a couple of big secondary engrams where the circuit appeared too, ran those, and the case started running.

She was simply following in the pattern of her grandparents. And she had started breaking down, by contagion, her husband’s reactions. He had probably had just enough of that type of material in his own bank for it to really shake him. As a consequence, there went a marriage.

This case had previously resisted therapy mainly because the people working it didn’t work circuitry. Several other auditors had tried to run engrams and couldn’t get the person moving on the track, so they just said “It must be the words ‘not moving’ or ‘stay here’ or ‘I’m not going back there”’ and tried to run these phrases with repeater technique. But they were paying attention only to statements.

We just handled that with Straightwire. She didn’t go back down the track or anything. We picked up the grandparents quarreling on the subject of marriage, saying marriage was no good, and that triggered the case, which was then accessible.

It was not statements. It was functional mechanics. The case was terrifically overcharged, and yet no emotion could come off due to the circuits. The auditor found who in the family had laid in the circuit, got the key words of it, ran that phrase, got it right on down the bank, hit it in the bottom of the bank and brought it up to the top, and the case started to run.

I had mentioned something to her about Dianetics, but as far as she was concerned there was nothing wrong with her. After this happened she wanted to know if there wasn’t something more to Dianetics. She had moved right up on the Accessibility Chart.

If the earlier auditors had understood functional mechanics they would have saved the preclear about a hundred hours of lying on a couch getting back sores, and saved themselves a lot of time.

There is such a thing as selective restimulation. A person has a “standard issue engram bank, American society, 1950.” First he lives with somebody who has one particular set of aberrations. Later on he lives with someone else who has a different set of aberrations, and then he lives with yet another person. When he is married to the first person, a certain section of his bank is in restimulation, certain phrases out of the engrams and so forth. One phrase in an engram can restimulate in the business of living, and the rest of the engram might not restimulate. So he has one type of aberration that’s cutting in to his engram bank and restimulating certain portions of it. Then he leaves this person. That set of aberrations doesn’t completely go out of restimulation, but it drops in its intensity because it is not being super- charged all the time by new locks. Then he lives with a second person who has a certain aberrative pattern of action, and this selects new aspects out of his aberrations, restimulates those engrams more than others, and picks those up considerably. Now when he lives with the third person, the second person’s activities have a tendency to sort of die out in him, selectively. So one gets the aspect of a changing aberration pattern with the individual, depending upon his environment and upon whom he is with.

Circuits will give all of these appearances. There hasn’t been enough emphasis on circuits.

Therefore you can say in this wise that it is perfectly valid therapy to change the environment of an individual. And changing environment is a valid therapy because it will permit the things which the environment is restimulating to go out of restimulation. Actually, if a person could change environment often enough, nothing could remain in solid restimulation very long, because of the selective restimulation of his engram bank.

When you go into a case, if you find there are circuits on this case, the person doesn’t move on the track worth a nickel, and so on, that case is inaccessible. They may be stuck on the track, and you can of course try to shake them loose and get them moving on the track on a purely mechanical basis. You will often find somebody is latched up in some incident when he is twelve years old, and you’ll run it a couple of times and get an earlier incident out of it, and the preclear will start moving on the track. That is normal procedure. But if the preclear won’t move on the track, and the auditor has found incident after incident in the person’s twelfth year (which is the number flash he’s getting), what is wrong with that case is circuitry.

Several doctors of psychosomatic medicine, who do nothing but change the environment of the individual, have tremendously effective practices. As long as the patient stays well in the new environment they will let him stay there, and if he doesn’t do well in that one they will push him over into another environment. However, they haven’t completely realized that the people in the person’s periphery have more effect upon him than any other factor, so if the doctor sends this fellow with his mother from here to there and the fellow keeps on getting sick, it seems to indicate that changing a person’s environment doesn’t matter. But has the environment been changed? In this case, no. So changing environment would include changing personnel.

This case is probably so drained out by all this charge and circuitry that he has only half a dozen attention units left to move on the track. The engram in which he is stuck is probably one in which somebody said “Well, I think you ought to wait for a moment” while he was sitting in the sun, and it was enough to have held the person at that point on the track. Actually, if it gets to the point where you can’t easily get him moving on the track, you can just overlook the fact that he’s stuck on the track and start giving him Straightwire, start looking for circuits, and try to get some charge off the case.

Occasionally in your career as auditors you will be sorely tempted to change the environment of the individual, and may even do so. You will be working uphill against an unfavorable environment in which your preclear lives, and your work is being rendered ineffective, and you’ll want to change his environment. It is valid therapy and it does work.

You will find out that wherever a person is stuck on the track that solidly, there’s a lot of charge on the case.

There are three valid therapies. One is processing. That is the valid therapy because it will stay that way. The next is education. Education permits the analytical mind to reevaluate its data and in this wise the engrams are differently restimulated than before, because it is only the data in the standard bank and the ability of the analytical mind which is used by the reactive mind. The reactive mind has no mechanics of its own beyond just using what the analytical mind can do.

So you start removing the circuits that are suppressing the charge, and picking up the charge which is charging up the circuits, and soon the preclear is moving on the track in his own valence with sonic.

For instance, it is not the reactive mind which makes a manic capable of building a bridge — it is his analytical mind. The reactive mind is merely able to say “You’ve got to build a bridge.” His analytical mind could build a bridge anyway, and if building bridges is what he ought to do he will go on building bridges after you pick up the engram, and he will do a better job of it now that the manic is gone.

Sonic is turned on, when it’s thoroughly off, by picking up the affinity, communication and reality of a person, not by running “I can’t hear.”

In the educational line you can effect considerable change in an individual. But you must not confuse this fact with what they call group therapy in big institutions, where they get a lot of psychotics together and have them discuss a particular book or something. Immediately, of course, these people have gone into communication with each other on the third dynamic, and when that happens their whole tone will pick up. Any way you can pick up these tones is a valid therapy.

You find out where to enter a case by looking over what the case can do. There are not very many things wrong with a case, ordinarily, when you view it from this lowest common denominator of every case. Can he move on the track? If not, take it a step earlier than that. Can we talk to him? Does he know where he is? See if you can establish some affinity by communicating with him and so forth. If you can actually communicate with him, and get him communicating with you, you will start to build him up.

So there is education, which consists of teaching people. Children, for instance, by learning new skills and by learning how to handle themselves in various ways, get up to a point where they are actually overcoming their engrams. A person can work up the line on this educationally.

One of the reasons one has such a hard time with psychotics is that the society picks them up, manhandles them and pushes them off as dangerous. They are saying to “I,” “Look, you don’t belong to us any more,” and cutting communication with “I.” Down goes the affinity and there goes the person into a rather permanent type of psychosis. Restraints, particularly, are very bad because they break the essentials. “I” might have had one half of one attention unit left, and somebody puts a straitjacket on the person and says, “You go in there now.” They have immediately put him out of communication with the material universe. He can’t move. He has been denied space, and there goes that half of one attention unit.

The third valid therapy is environ, which also includes food. It is quite often true that bad nutrition as part of the person’s daily life can render him susceptible to psychic ills that would not otherwise be restimulated. I studied this in Oak Knoll. l I was studying Americans who had been Japanese prisoners of war and had been thoroughly maltreated on the subject of nutrition. It was odd what this had done to their aberrative patterns. When they were under the onus of very bad nutrition their ethic level fell to pieces.

Now, you as an auditor are expected to go in there and work against all of these things and produce some sanity in this person, and the interesting thing is that you can.

We think of our brave boys being over in a prison camp in Manchuria during the last war and acting as heroes. No, they did not. As soon as they were helpless and their nutritional lines came way down, their aberrations restimulated to such a degree that the bulk of them behaved practically no better than beasts. It was gruesome. I don’t think one would ever write any part of that saga; it would be bad material to have around in the society. It might be contagious.

Once personality is accessible and you are able to talk to the person and get him to remember something, “I” will start to build up. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. You are trying to get the preclear to remember moments when affinity was broken, when communications were cut and when his reality was impinged on. And the more of these things you find, the stronger “I” will get, up to a point where you can finally put the person into processing in reverie. If you then find you can’t approach any major charges, go after minor ones. Get “I” built up to a point where “I” is bigger than the charged-up engram bank. The reason “I” can’t do anything about these engrams at first is that “I” has been drained down to a point where it is smaller than the charges on the engrams and so cannot get into them. You want to rescue, from any quarter that you can, power for “I.” That is done by running secondary engrams, and even by handling locks by Straightwire — anything you can do to increase the power and voltage of “I.” You build it up so that “I” is bigger than the engram bank, and you as the auditor make the differential difference, and then the preclear is able to go into the engrams. In this way you produce processing.

These, then, are the three therapies.

The Accessibility Chart tells you what part of Standard Procedure to use on any case.

So what does education complement? Education immediately complements reality, because it has to do with truth — what is true, what isn’t true, the agreement and the selection of data. And because one is communicating with other people, with subjects, with the material universe, with man and so on via this educational process, communication picks up. And of course if those pick up, affinity is going to increase too.

A case may be running well in his own valence. Then if something happens in the environment, such as a big invalidation of data or a death, suddenly the case that has been running at step 6, “Own valence consistently accessible,” is found to be running at a higher point on the chart.

There is also a limiting factor on how education should be administered. Any education administered which is false or about which the person himself is not permitted to think but is told “You’ve got to believe this, that’s all there is to it” would be actually an interruption on this line.

Every time a case bogs down it has actually just changed positions from a lower point on the chart to a higher point, and you have to address the case in this new wise, because something in it has gone into restimulation which has worsened it momentarily. So you can use this chart to measure a case from time to time. Check this one against the Standard Procedure Chart and see how they compare, one to the other.

Why do children start hating school? People are interrupting their communication lines continually in school. Education should do exactly the opposite. It should build up all their communication lines. If that were done children would not hate school. Start breaking down the child’s own communication lines that he considers important, and naturally his affinity goes down, so he hates school. So education at work as far as environ is concerned would be trying to get the person into a friendlier environ, or one in which he himself or his group can triumph.

The first thing one checks on Step Two is secondary engrams (“painful emotion” on the Standard Procedure Chart). Try to get secondary engrams off the case. If this is not possible, then the case has got circuits suppressing it. In spite of the circuits one can normally get some minor locks off the case.

Thought is in contest in trying to take over MEST.

The reason why people sometimes have a hard time spotting an engram or getting one out of somebody is that they have violated some portion of the Accessibility Chart, which is the complementary Standard Procedure Chart. They are trying to run engrams out of somebody who has a very low sense of reality. One has to pick up the preclear’s sense of reality first; otherwise the person won’t know if he’s running an engram or not — he won’t even know if the engram is real. If someone is in that state, you will find very little is real in his life.

Sometimes, if one can get a man to a point where he is doing an active job, handling material objects, is up against material dangers which are very easy to locate and do something about, and he can win in this process, it will very often so completely rehabilitate him that no other kind of processing is necessary. He simply goes into communication with MEST.

A fellow sitting in a Morris chair reading a book is not very much in communication with the material universe. He is not out there feeling it, seeing it, hearing it, and so on. He is merely taking a secondhand bite on it. So if he gets out there, all of a sudden his sense of reality goes way up. There is nothing which improves a person’s sense of reality like a fifty mile-an-hour gale in the face. Let him argue with that! He is communicating on tactile, and his various other perceptics start increasing, because he is right up against these things; and he becomes more aware of himself, so inevitably his communication and his affinity for himself go up.

One might even go so far as to say that the deterioration of the mind of man began to take place when man as an individual no longer had to combat the elements, because at that time he started to go out of direct communication with the material universe, and by starting to ease up on it, his necessity level wasn’t kicked up there continually.

The environment which would be most favorable to this individual, then, would be one which would absorb his external attention, and by doing that get his sense of reality, communication and affinity going up on all the dynamics.

His education can be done on any one of the dynamics, and his own environmental change can be done on any one of the dynamics.

Then there is the strength of the environmental aspect of the various dynamics. Take Stalin’s fourth dynamic in terms of environment as an example. He is heavily guarded. He is contacted only by the same people, continually. Material is very tightly screened as it comes through and he is continuously in the same environ. Because of the rigors of management, which have mostly to do with thought, he doesn’t have a chance to go out and ride a horse or take a look at the countryside. He is too pinned down. So Stalin’s environmental aspect on the fourth dynamic is very bad.

It is people with that level of communication, affinity and reality who are controlling nations today.

So we see this whole pattern through one individual, and we have to regard him as being influenced by all four dynamics and impinged upon by these three things in each one of the dynamics — breaks of affinity, breaks of communication, breaks of reality and agreement, along each one of the four dynamics.

When we do that we can derive an enormous number of new thoughts with regard to treating preclears. Let’s not worry about this one little narrow periphery of the preclear’s first dynamic or whether or not he likes his sex life, but let’s take a look at the whole sphere of life. Then we can see how these things have affected him and what people in his vicinity were suppressors on these various points. For instance, who were the suppressors on the subject of man at large? Who was the suppressor about the group, about politics, about the church, about various institutions in his vicinity, such as that of marriage? All these things had an effect upon him.

Anybody who was breaking affinity, communication and reality on any one of these subjects was potentially dangerous to the sanity of this individual, if this material lay in his actual engrams. Remember, all this comes down to the physical pain and unconsciousness of an engram.

The mechanical aspects of the engram and the statement side of the engram combine together to lay as underpinning for all of this, and we are trying to get to this underpinning and remove it.

But we have got to have ways and means to unburden this mind and gain accessibility to it to a point where we can run these engrams out rapidly and successfully. Never take your eye off that ball — that in the final analysis you are trying to get engrams.

Real case erasure occurs by running engrams out with the preclear in his own valence, to complete and true erasure of twenty-six perceptics in every engram, and that is what you are evolving toward as you do therapy on this person.

All of this I have been giving you is material you can look for in the form of locks, so that you can pick up more and more attention units to put this person better together and brighten up his sense of reality, and so that you can reach circuits. And I am giving it to you so that you can have some comprehension of how many kinds of circuits there are and how many things these circuits can suppress.

A circuit does not only come under the category of “Control yourself” or “I have to tell you what to do.” It can be on the basis of “Nobody in a labor union knows what he is talking about.” Think of what this sort of thing does to a company, being in the banks of its manager. Circuits broadly influence the various dynamics in this way.

There are many factors that influence the sanity of people, yet those factors are infinitely simple when you resolve them down. There aren’t very many of them; the basic factors are few. There are four dynamics, and each one of the four dynamics can be graphed and broken down into affinity, communication and reality. The auditor is looking for what broke those three things and suppressed them on any one of the dynamics, and it is very easy to find.