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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Scientology Clear Procedure - Issue One (19ACC Appendix) - L580215 | Сравнить

Participation in Session by the Pc
Placing the Preclear at Cause
Establish Control of pc's Body by pc
Find the Auditor
Pc Versus mest
Creative Processing
Make Some Time
AN INTENSIVE IN BRIEF FOR PRACTICAL USE Present Time Problem SCS Steps Spotting Steps
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by L. Ron Hubbardby L. Ron Hubbard
December 1957December 1957
[Editor's Note: This is the complete text of Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue One, which was earlier available as a paperback booklet and is referred to as a book or booklet in various issues.][Editor's Note: This is the complete text of Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue One, which was earlier available as a paperback booklet and is referred to as a book or booklet in various issues.]



To obtain the state of Clear in individuals.

To obtain the state of Clear in individuals.



A thetan who can knowingly be at cause over life, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective.

A thetan who can knowingly be at cause over life, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective.

This is a working definition. Self-determinism and knowledge that he himself can be at cause-point are then primary targets.

This is a working definition. Self-determinism and knowledge that he himself can be at cause-point are then primary targets.

Minimum Requisite for Auditor in Using These Techniques: A Validated Hubbard Certified Auditor Certificate.

Minimum Requisite for Auditor in Using These Techniques: A Validated Hubbard Certified Auditor Certificate.



I have been at work for seven years to produce a series of techniques which any well-trained auditor can use to clear people. We now have them.

I have been at work for seven years to produce a series of techniques which any well-trained auditor can use to clear people. We now have them.

I am truly sorry that this took seven years. Actually, it took more than twenty-five.

I am truly sorry that this took seven years. Actually, it took more than twenty-five.

Under other "systems of research" it could not have been done. It was financed at first by my writings and expeditions. Some 15,000,000 words of fact and fiction articles ranging from political articles to westerns were consumed in a large part by this research — but it was free to act if not free from sweat.

Under other "systems of research" it could not have been done. It was financed at first by my writings and expeditions. Some 15,000,000 words of fact and fiction articles ranging from political articles to westerns were consumed in a large part by this research — but it was free to act if not free from sweat.

No bullying dictator wanted it for his mass slaveries as happened to poor misguided Pavlov. No big corporation wanted it for a better Madison Avenue approach to advertising — another kind of slavery. No big RESEARCH FOUNDATION like Ford was there to interject their "America First" philosophy. These had not paid for it; therefore they didn't own it. The work stayed free. Thus it prospered. It did not wither in support of some aberrated "cause." It bloomed.

No bullying dictator wanted it for his mass slaveries as happened to poor misguided Pavlov. No big corporation wanted it for a better Madison Avenue approach to advertising — another kind of slavery. No big RESEARCH FOUNDATION like Ford was there to interject their "America First" philosophy. These had not paid for it; therefore they didn't own it. The work stayed free. Thus it prospered. It did not wither in support of some aberrated "cause." It bloomed.

But the violence of protecting this work while continuing it took a toll nevertheless. Special interests believed it must be evil if they did not own it. Between 1950 and 1956, 2,000,000 traceable dollars were spent to halt this work. Newspaper articles, radio ads (as in Seattle from the University of Washington), bribed "patrons," financed "patients" all cost money. You hear the repercussions of this campaign even today.

But the violence of protecting this work while continuing it took a toll nevertheless. Special interests believed it must be evil if they did not own it. Between 1950 and 1956, 2,000,000 traceable dollars were spent to halt this work. Newspaper articles, radio ads (as in Seattle from the University of Washington), bribed "patrons," financed "patients" all cost money. You hear the repercussions of this campaign even today.

Money could not stop this work by then. It was too late. If anything had been wrong with our organizations, my character, our intentions or abilities the whole advance would have crumbled. But we had no Achilles' heels. We carried on. All that has survived of this attack by the two APAs, the AMA and several universities is a clutter of rumors concerning your sanity and mine — and rumors no longer financed will some day die.

Money could not stop this work by then. It was too late. If anything had been wrong with our organizations, my character, our intentions or abilities the whole advance would have crumbled. But we had no Achilles' heels. We carried on. All that has survived of this attack by the two APAs, the AMA and several universities is a clutter of rumors concerning your sanity and mine — and rumors no longer financed will some day die.

And so the work has emerged free of taint and misguided slants. It is itself. It does what it says it does. It contains no adroit curves to make one open to better believing some "ism." That makes it singular today in a world gone mad with nationalism. Buddhism, when it came to the millions, was no longer free of slant and prejudice. Taoism itself became a national jingoism far from any work of Lao-tse. Even Christianity had its "pitch." And if these great works became curved, with all the personal force of their creators, how is it that our little triumph here can still be found in a clear state?

And so the work has emerged free of taint and misguided slants. It is itself. It does what it says it does. It contains no adroit curves to make one open to better believing some "ism." That makes it singular today in a world gone mad with nationalism. Buddhism, when it came to the millions, was no longer free of slant and prejudice. Taoism itself became a national jingoism far from any work of Lao-tse. Even Christianity had its "pitch." And if these great works became curved, with all the personal force of their creators, how is it that our little triumph here can still be found in a clear state?

Well, no diamonds and palaces have been accepted from rajahs, no gratuitous printing of results has been the gift of warlords, no testament had to be written 300 years after the fact.

Well, no diamonds and palaces have been accepted from rajahs, no gratuitous printing of results has been the gift of warlords, no testament had to be written 300 years after the fact.

For this we can thank Johann Gutenberg, and the invention of magnetic tape.

For this we can thank Johann Gutenberg, and the invention of magnetic tape.

Therefore, although we have no such stature as the Great Philosophies, I charge you with this — look to source writings, not to interpretations. Look to the original work, not offshoots.

Therefore, although we have no such stature as the Great Philosophies, I charge you with this — look to source writings, not to interpretations. Look to the original work, not offshoots.

If I have fought for a quarter of a century, most of it alone, to keep this work from serving to uphold the enslavers of man, to keep it free from some destructive "pitch" or slant, then you certainly can carry that motif a little further.

If I have fought for a quarter of a century, most of it alone, to keep this work from serving to uphold the enslavers of man, to keep it free from some destructive "pitch" or slant, then you certainly can carry that motif a little further.

I'll not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way and the wind sighs for songs across the empty fields of a planet a Galaxy away.

I'll not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way and the wind sighs for songs across the empty fields of a planet a Galaxy away.

You won't always be here.

You won't always be here.

But before you go, whisper this to your sons and their sons — "The work was free. Keep it so."

But before you go, whisper this to your sons and their sons — "The work was free. Keep it so."



STEP ONE: Establish participation in session of pc. Do not here or anywhere else neglect this factor. Maintain always ARC. pc must to some degree be at cause with regard to session if only by wanting it or some result of it, or toescape some elsewhere consequence. This step is CCH 0 but it is run only to establish the thetan to some degree at cause with regard to the whole session. This must be improved throughout the intensive. Applies even to dead pcs.

STEP ONE: Establish participation in session of pc. Do not here or anywhere else neglect this factor. Maintain always ARC. pc must to some degree be at cause with regard to session if only by wanting it or some result of it, or toescape some elsewhere consequence. This step is CCH 0 but it is run only to establish the thetan to some degree at cause with regard to the whole session. This must be improved throughout the intensive. Applies even to dead pcs.

STEP TWO: Establish obedience of some part of the auditing room to the pc. Here he must begin at some level of knowingness. He must KNOW that he himself, when ordered to do so, can gain some compliance on the part of the auditing room. This includes his own body. Thus we get "You seat that body in that chair. Thank you." "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you." We also get CCH 1. And we get a very important but neglected process run with two objects wherein the pc himself is ordered to keep one then the other from going away (alternately), hold it still, make it more solid, all with two objects. Stress is on YOU do it.

STEP TWO: Establish obedience of some part of the auditing room to the pc. Here he must begin at some level of knowingness. He must KNOW that he himself, when ordered to do so, can gain some compliance on the part of the auditing room. This includes his own body. Thus we get "You seat that body in that chair. Thank you." "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you." We also get CCH 1. And we get a very important but neglected process run with two objects wherein the pc himself is ordered to keep one then the other from going away (alternately), hold it still, make it more solid, all with two objects. Stress is on YOU do it.

STEP THREE: Establish control of pc's body by pc. Here we have CCH 2, but we also have an even more important series of processes, SCS in all their ramifications on the body. Here is pc at cause with regard to body. It is expected that lots of SCS will be run on pcs.

STEP THREE: Establish control of pc's body by pc. Here we have CCH 2, but we also have an even more important series of processes, SCS in all their ramifications on the body. Here is pc at cause with regard to body. It is expected that lots of SCS will be run on pcs.

STEP FOUR: Make pc even more conscious of auditor and place him somewhat at cause with ARC. The mechanical steps of this are CCH 3 and CCH 4 but these steps are only valid if they heighten ARC and make the pc decide HE did it.

STEP FOUR: Make pc even more conscious of auditor and place him somewhat at cause with ARC. The mechanical steps of this are CCH 3 and CCH 4 but these steps are only valid if they heighten ARC and make the pc decide HE did it.

STEP FIVE: Establish pc as cause over mest by establishing pc's ideas as cause over mest. Here, running these, we again emphasize YOU DO IT. The basic process of this is CONNECTEDNESS with the pc doing the connecting. Control Trio, Trio, "Look around here and tell me what part of the environment you would be willing to be responsible for." You look, You connect, You make . . . Alter the old commands to put pc at cause-point in doing these.

STEP FIVE: Establish pc as cause over mest by establishing pc's ideas as cause over mest. Here, running these, we again emphasize YOU DO IT. The basic process of this is CONNECTEDNESS with the pc doing the connecting. Control Trio, Trio, "Look around here and tell me what part of the environment you would be willing to be responsible for." You look, You connect, You make . . . Alter the old commands to put pc at cause-point in doing these.

STEP SIX: Establish pc's control over mest subjective. Creative Processes, Recall Unwanted and Lost Objects. Then and Now Solids. First step on this in some cases is conquering black "field" and invisible "field." This is done by a repair of havingness over black masses and then invisible masses, run even if pc goes unconscious. When field is cleared up, start on a gradient scale of mock-ups and get pc able to mock things up. Then run "Keep it from going away" until flat on mock-ups. Then run "Hold it still" on mock-ups. Then run "Make it more solid" on mock-ups. All this until pc really has fine, solid mock-ups. Typical command, "Mock up aand keep it from going away. Thank you."

STEP SIX: Establish pc's control over mest subjective. Creative Processes, Recall Unwanted and Lost Objects. Then and Now Solids. First step on this in some cases is conquering black "field" and invisible "field." This is done by a repair of havingness over black masses and then invisible masses, run even if pc goes unconscious. When field is cleared up, start on a gradient scale of mock-ups and get pc able to mock things up. Then run "Keep it from going away" until flat on mock-ups. Then run "Hold it still" on mock-ups. Then run "Make it more solid" on mock-ups. All this until pc really has fine, solid mock-ups. Typical command, "Mock up aand keep it from going away. Thank you."

RULE: A PC'S FACSIMILES ARE NOT STORED, THEY ARE MADE IN THE INSTANT AND UNMADE BY THE PC, therefore remedy of mock-ups AND THEIR PERSISTENCE is actually a direct route to Clear and winds up with no obsessive mock-up making (which we call a bank). A valuable side process here: "Decide to make a mock-up. Decide that will ruin the game. Decide not to do it." Also this one, "Decide to make a mock-up everyone can see. Decide that would ruin the game. Decide not to do it." A TOTAL REMEDY OF MOCK-UPS WOULD MAKE A BOOK ONE CLEAR.

RULE: A PC'S FACSIMILES ARE NOT STORED, THEY ARE MADE IN THE INSTANT AND UNMADE BY THE PC, therefore remedy of mock-ups AND THEIR PERSISTENCE is actually a direct route to Clear and winds up with no obsessive mock-up making (which we call a bank). A valuable side process here: "Decide to make a mock-up. Decide that will ruin the game. Decide not to do it." Also this one, "Decide to make a mock-up everyone can see. Decide that would ruin the game. Decide not to do it." A TOTAL REMEDY OF MOCK-UPS WOULD MAKE A BOOK ONE CLEAR.

STEP SEVEN: Establish pc's control over his "bank." "Mock up a facsimile and (keep it from going away, and when that is flat, hold it still, and when that is flat, make it a little more solid)." Run this alternately with "Mock up that wall (keep it from going away, hold it still, make it a little more solid)." Run the "Keep it from going away" on a facsimile one command, then the wall one command, until flat, then shift to "Hold it still" same way, then shift to "Make it more solid," same way.

STEP SEVEN: Establish pc's control over his "bank." "Mock up a facsimile and (keep it from going away, and when that is flat, hold it still, and when that is flat, make it a little more solid)." Run this alternately with "Mock up that wall (keep it from going away, hold it still, make it a little more solid)." Run the "Keep it from going away" on a facsimile one command, then the wall one command, until flat, then shift to "Hold it still" same way, then shift to "Make it more solid," same way.

STEP EIGHT: Make Some Time.

STEP EIGHT: Make Some Time.



ARC breaks must all be repaired thoroughly. ARC must be maintained.

ARC breaks must all be repaired thoroughly. ARC must be maintained.

There is no real liability to a pc in this universe except one: becoming total subject of mest.

There is no real liability to a pc in this universe except one: becoming total subject of mest.

Life versus life, no liability. Life via mest versus life, some liability. Life versus mest, total liability.

Life versus life, no liability. Life via mest versus life, some liability. Life versus mest, total liability.

A pc must be kept at cause as much as possible.

A pc must be kept at cause as much as possible.

An Intensive in Brief for Practical Use
An Intensive in Brief for Practical Use

Begin by carefully easing the pc into session with CCH 0 but don't talk too much or permit him to talk too much as you will as-is his havingness.

Begin by carefully easing the pc into session with CCH 0 but don't talk too much or permit him to talk too much as you will as-is his havingness.

Establish control of a room object with "You make that chair sit on the floor." Get wheeling with SCS and run it up to Stop-C-S.

Establish control of a room object with "You make that chair sit on the floor." Get wheeling with SCS and run it up to Stop-C-S.

Run Connectedness inside the auditing room and then outside with "You make thatconnect with you." Or "You look around here and tell me something you could have." Or "You look around here and tell me something you could be responsible for."

Run Connectedness inside the auditing room and then outside with "You make thatconnect with you." Or "You look around here and tell me something you could have." Or "You look around here and tell me something you could be responsible for."

Run an engram or do Then and Now Solids and put pc at cause with regard to facsimiles.

Run an engram or do Then and Now Solids and put pc at cause with regard to facsimiles.

If you have any time left, do it all over again.

If you have any time left, do it all over again.



There are three possible goals in processing a preclear. The first of these is mest Clear. The second is Theta Clear. The third is Operating Thetan.

There are three possible goals in processing a preclear. The first of these is mest Clear. The second is Theta Clear. The third is Operating Thetan.

By mest Clear is meant a BOOK ONE CLEAR. Here we defined Clear in terms of facsimiles. This is a rather simple mechanical definition. It said in effect that so far as human beings were concerned our preclear finally arrived at a point where he had full color-visio-sonic, had no psychoses or neuroses and could recall what had happened to him in this lifetime. This is almost a baby-talk sort of Clear. It pays no heed at all to identification with a body and it has nothing to do with ability. Today, by running Creative Processes (four years old!) we can turn on visible facsimiles and weed out the bottom spots of operations and whatnot. This is actually a rather easy goal. Somehow I've never given a real tight procedure for achieving it even though the essence of the processes has been around for a very long time. COMPLETING STEP SIX OF CLEAR PROCEDURE IN FULL GIVES US A MEST CLEAR.

By mest Clear is meant a BOOK ONE CLEAR. Here we defined Clear in terms of facsimiles. This is a rather simple mechanical definition. It said in effect that so far as human beings were concerned our preclear finally arrived at a point where he had full color-visio-sonic, had no psychoses or neuroses and could recall what had happened to him in this lifetime. This is almost a baby-talk sort of Clear. It pays no heed at all to identification with a body and it has nothing to do with ability. Today, by running Creative Processes (four years old!) we can turn on visible facsimiles and weed out the bottom spots of operations and whatnot. This is actually a rather easy goal. Somehow I've never given a real tight procedure for achieving it even though the essence of the processes has been around for a very long time. COMPLETING STEP SIX OF CLEAR PROCEDURE IN FULL GIVES US A MEST CLEAR.

By Theta Clear is meant a Clear obtained by Clear Procedure as is being delineated in this regimen. The main trouble is, amusingly, trying to reach mest Clear without running into Theta Clear. I personally don't believe now that it can be done without actually shoving the pc back in his head every time he pops out. Thus the goal of this procedure is actually THETA CLEAR. This is what we mean then when we say "Clear." We mean a Theta Clear.

By Theta Clear is meant a Clear obtained by Clear Procedure as is being delineated in this regimen. The main trouble is, amusingly, trying to reach mest Clear without running into Theta Clear. I personally don't believe now that it can be done without actually shoving the pc back in his head every time he pops out. Thus the goal of this procedure is actually THETA CLEAR. This is what we mean then when we say "Clear." We mean a Theta Clear.

By Operating Thetan we mean Theta Clear PLUS ability to operate functionally against or with mest and other life forms. For the first time we have here the matter of ABILITY. An Operating Thetan is not an absolute term. Theta Clear is a more absolute term than Operating Thetan. An Operating Thetan is a Theta Clear (not a mystical mystic out on an inversion) who can also do something.

By Operating Thetan we mean Theta Clear PLUS ability to operate functionally against or with mest and other life forms. For the first time we have here the matter of ABILITY. An Operating Thetan is not an absolute term. Theta Clear is a more absolute term than Operating Thetan. An Operating Thetan is a Theta Clear (not a mystical mystic out on an inversion) who can also do something.

Thus we have two goals which contain no ambition to accomplish anything and one goal which contains much ambition. Now here is another puzzle in definitions. Which is highest, the Theta Clear or the Operating Thetan? Well, the answer to that is not what we used to think. As DOINGNESS is not really at the top we find that we will probably make an Operating Thetan before we achieve Theta Clear for a Theta Clear would probably not be much interested in operating. Therefore, we see the actual goal we are trying to reach, no matter in which limited sense, is Operating Thetan.

Thus we have two goals which contain no ambition to accomplish anything and one goal which contains much ambition. Now here is another puzzle in definitions. Which is highest, the Theta Clear or the Operating Thetan? Well, the answer to that is not what we used to think. As DOINGNESS is not really at the top we find that we will probably make an Operating Thetan before we achieve Theta Clear for a Theta Clear would probably not be much interested in operating. Therefore, we see the actual goal we are trying to reach, no matter in which limited sense, is Operating Thetan.

Operating Thetan is then a highly variable goal. A thetan who can move in and out of a body is actually operating somewhat but he is not really a Theta Clear since a Theta Clear, in its highest sense, means no further dependency upon bodies.

Operating Thetan is then a highly variable goal. A thetan who can move in and out of a body is actually operating somewhat but he is not really a Theta Clear since a Theta Clear, in its highest sense, means no further dependency upon bodies.

The goals of the auditor, therefore, do not rack up one, two, three, mest Clear, Theta Clear, Operating Thetan. They actually stack up on a very gradient scale between thetan inoperative and a thetan who can operate. The auditor is therefore seeking to reach with the pc a state wherein the pc can function. At no time does the auditor suddenly arrive with a pc in a startling new shiny state all of a sudden that can be called a certain thing. In that pcs often expect this suddenly bursting "into the light" the auditor is subject to disappointment when he has actually achieved an enormous gain for the pc. In other words, pcs gain on a smooth gradient scale and do not suddenly become something.

The goals of the auditor, therefore, do not rack up one, two, three, mest Clear, Theta Clear, Operating Thetan. They actually stack up on a very gradient scale between thetan inoperative and a thetan who can operate. The auditor is therefore seeking to reach with the pc a state wherein the pc can function. At no time does the auditor suddenly arrive with a pc in a startling new shiny state all of a sudden that can be called a certain thing. In that pcs often expect this suddenly bursting "into the light" the auditor is subject to disappointment when he has actually achieved an enormous gain for the pc. In other words, pcs gain on a smooth gradient scale and do not suddenly become something.

There is only one point on the road up where something does happen and that is exteriorization. When the pc exteriorizes for the first time he feels there must be a cause for rejoicing and has the idea he has gotten somewhere. Well, in fact you could achieve the same result by hitting him over the head with a club. He would exteriorize. The point is not exteriorizing the pc but cutting down his dependency upon a body. A pc who exteriorizes and is not carried right on with the same process that sprang him out of his head until it is flat will go back into his head in an hour or a week and will be harder to dig out the next time.

There is only one point on the road up where something does happen and that is exteriorization. When the pc exteriorizes for the first time he feels there must be a cause for rejoicing and has the idea he has gotten somewhere. Well, in fact you could achieve the same result by hitting him over the head with a club. He would exteriorize. The point is not exteriorizing the pc but cutting down his dependency upon a body. A pc who exteriorizes and is not carried right on with the same process that sprang him out of his head until it is flat will go back into his head in an hour or a week and will be harder to dig out the next time.

In other words, this point of exteriorization does happen and does mean to the pc that he is himself. But it shouldn't mean very much to an auditor beyond his noticing that this phase has been entered in the case. For in truth thetans don't stay out of their bodies very long if they are not in good shape. Thus exteriorization means less than ability to act, to live, to be and do. The attention of the auditor should be upon the increasing ability of the pc to handle life, not upon the distance the pc gets from his body. Is that clear? Well, it tells us that arriving at a state of Clear is easy if that means stable outside and that any state of betterment on the road to Operating Thetan is an honest achievement.

In other words, this point of exteriorization does happen and does mean to the pc that he is himself. But it shouldn't mean very much to an auditor beyond his noticing that this phase has been entered in the case. For in truth thetans don't stay out of their bodies very long if they are not in good shape. Thus exteriorization means less than ability to act, to live, to be and do. The attention of the auditor should be upon the increasing ability of the pc to handle life, not upon the distance the pc gets from his body. Is that clear? Well, it tells us that arriving at a state of Clear is easy if that means stable outside and that any state of betterment on the road to Operating Thetan is an honest achievement.

Thus an auditor should at all times go toward the state of Operating Thetan and should not be mixed up in the oddities of exteriorization for a day.

Thus an auditor should at all times go toward the state of Operating Thetan and should not be mixed up in the oddities of exteriorization for a day.

HGC Clear Procedure goes straight toward exteriorization and achieves it. But it also goes straight toward increasing ability to handle life. The latter is the auditor's best goal. The auditing goal should go in the same direction as this new definition for Operating Thetan.

HGC Clear Procedure goes straight toward exteriorization and achieves it. But it also goes straight toward increasing ability to handle life. The latter is the auditor's best goal. The auditing goal should go in the same direction as this new definition for Operating Thetan.

An Operating Thetan can be at cause knowingly and at will over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time, subjectively and objectively.

An Operating Thetan can be at cause knowingly and at will over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time, subjectively and objectively.

This action definition of Operating Thetan is the true goal of the auditor and if followed with complete understanding will achieve the best possible results.

This action definition of Operating Thetan is the true goal of the auditor and if followed with complete understanding will achieve the best possible results.

In this discussion of goals and definitions, I am telling you cleanly that the goals of mest Clear and Theta Clear are not worth following from the auditor's standpoint. You can let pcs think what they will about them. The only goal worthy of the auditor's time WHATEVER THE STATE OF CASE OF THE PC is Operating Thetan. To achieve one on any subject it is only necessary to place the pc to some degree at willing and knowing cause-point with regard to that subject. All the steps of HGC Clear Procedure are leveled at Operating Thetan. But you need not tell your pc that. You can use the words RELEASE, MEST CLEAR, THETA CLEAR or any other if you like. Just remember there is only one payoff goal and that is Operating Thetan.

In this discussion of goals and definitions, I am telling you cleanly that the goals of mest Clear and Theta Clear are not worth following from the auditor's standpoint. You can let pcs think what they will about them. The only goal worthy of the auditor's time WHATEVER THE STATE OF CASE OF THE PC is Operating Thetan. To achieve one on any subject it is only necessary to place the pc to some degree at willing and knowing cause-point with regard to that subject. All the steps of HGC Clear Procedure are leveled at Operating Thetan. But you need not tell your pc that. You can use the words RELEASE, MEST CLEAR, THETA CLEAR or any other if you like. Just remember there is only one payoff goal and that is Operating Thetan.

MEST CLEAR: Can see facsimiles with sonic present lifetime, has no psychoses or neuroses. Upper part of APA (in UK OCA) graph. Above 135 IQ.

MEST CLEAR: Can see facsimiles with sonic present lifetime, has no psychoses or neuroses. Upper part of APA (in UK OCA) graph. Above 135 IQ.

THETA CLEAR: Can exist knowingly independent of bodies. RELEASE: Average a third of a graph higher than first test, above 115 IQ.

THETA CLEAR: Can exist knowingly independent of bodies. RELEASE: Average a third of a graph higher than first test, above 115 IQ.

OPERATING THETAN: Can be at cause knowingly and at will over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time, subjectively and objectively.

OPERATING THETAN: Can be at cause knowingly and at will over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time, subjectively and objectively.

Participation in Session by the Pc

Participation in Session by the Pc

We have long known that ARC is important. Just how important it is was established by some tests I made in London in 1956 wherein every time the pc showed any restlessness or other signs of loss of havingness, instead of remedying havingness I carefully searched out any fancied break of ARC and patched it up. The "loss of havingness" vanished. In other words, loss of ARC is even more important than loss of havingness since a repair of ARC restores havingness. Lack of havingness is only one symptom of a lack of communication.

We have long known that ARC is important. Just how important it is was established by some tests I made in London in 1956 wherein every time the pc showed any restlessness or other signs of loss of havingness, instead of remedying havingness I carefully searched out any fancied break of ARC and patched it up. The "loss of havingness" vanished. In other words, loss of ARC is even more important than loss of havingness since a repair of ARC restores havingness. Lack of havingness is only one symptom of a lack of communication.

There are two ways an auditor, according to long practice, can err. One of these is to permit two-way communication to a point where the pc's havingness is injured. The other is to chop communication to such a degree that havingnessis injured. There is a point past which communication is bad and short of which lack of communication is bad. Here we have auditor judgment at play. Because the pc will fidget or go downscale in tone when his havingness drops, an auditor can SEE when the pc's havingness is being lowered. Because a pc will go anaten or start to grind into the process an auditor can tell whether or not the pc feels his communication has been chopped. When either happens the auditor should take action — in the first instance by shutting off the pc's outflow and getting to work and in the second instance by making the pc talk out any fancied communication severance.

There are two ways an auditor, according to long practice, can err. One of these is to permit two-way communication to a point where the pc's havingness is injured. The other is to chop communication to such a degree that havingnessis injured. There is a point past which communication is bad and short of which lack of communication is bad. Here we have auditor judgment at play. Because the pc will fidget or go downscale in tone when his havingness drops, an auditor can SEE when the pc's havingness is being lowered. Because a pc will go anaten or start to grind into the process an auditor can tell whether or not the pc feels his communication has been chopped. When either happens the auditor should take action — in the first instance by shutting off the pc's outflow and getting to work and in the second instance by making the pc talk out any fancied communication severance.

Participation in session by the pc is not something the auditor sees to at the beginning of the session and then forgets for the rest of the intensive. This step is continued throughout the intensive and is given as much attention as any process being run at the time. The auditor's attention is always therefore upon two things — first the continued participation in session and second the action of the process.

Participation in session by the pc is not something the auditor sees to at the beginning of the session and then forgets for the rest of the intensive. This step is continued throughout the intensive and is given as much attention as any process being run at the time. The auditor's attention is always therefore upon two things — first the continued participation in session and second the action of the process.

Grouped under this head we would also have ways and means of getting the pc into session in the first place. An unconscious pc used to be an apparent roadblock. A downtone, antagonistic, you-can't-help-me pc was also a rough one. These two things are countered by always carefully starting a session and following through on standard CCH 0.

Grouped under this head we would also have ways and means of getting the pc into session in the first place. An unconscious pc used to be an apparent roadblock. A downtone, antagonistic, you-can't-help-me pc was also a rough one. These two things are countered by always carefully starting a session and following through on standard CCH 0.

It is as important to open a session with a baby or an unconscious person as it is with any other preclear. It doesn't matter whether the pc is answering up or not. It is only necessary to assume that the pc would answer if he could answer and that the mechanics of voice and gesture are simply absent from the answer. Therefore one always carefully starts every session, paying attention to what is happening, where it is happening, who is there, help, goals and problems. Obviously anaten or inability to control the body are the present time problem of the unconscious person or the child. One can actually audit this with a plain question and simply assume after a bit it has been answered, then give the acknowledgment and ask another question just as though the pc were in full vocal action. Auditors still fall for the belief, very current, that "unconscious" people are unable to think or be aware in any way. A thetan is seldom unconscious regardless of what the body is doing or not doing.

It is as important to open a session with a baby or an unconscious person as it is with any other preclear. It doesn't matter whether the pc is answering up or not. It is only necessary to assume that the pc would answer if he could answer and that the mechanics of voice and gesture are simply absent from the answer. Therefore one always carefully starts every session, paying attention to what is happening, where it is happening, who is there, help, goals and problems. Obviously anaten or inability to control the body are the present time problem of the unconscious person or the child. One can actually audit this with a plain question and simply assume after a bit it has been answered, then give the acknowledgment and ask another question just as though the pc were in full vocal action. Auditors still fall for the belief, very current, that "unconscious" people are unable to think or be aware in any way. A thetan is seldom unconscious regardless of what the body is doing or not doing.

PRESENT TIME PROBLEM is a highly vital point of PRECLEAR PARTICIPATION. If a preclear is being nagged too thoroughly by a PT problem auditing can actually send him downhill if done without addressing the problem. A whole intensive, even seventy-five hours can be wasted if the auditor does not clear the PT PROBLEM.

PRESENT TIME PROBLEM is a highly vital point of PRECLEAR PARTICIPATION. If a preclear is being nagged too thoroughly by a PT problem auditing can actually send him downhill if done without addressing the problem. A whole intensive, even seventy-five hours can be wasted if the auditor does not clear the PT PROBLEM.

The preclear generally doesn't know he has one which is nagging him, for the rough PT problems go into the apathy band and below into forgetfulness rather rapidly. Therefore the auditor should ferret out the PT problem with an E-Meter. Adroit use of an E-Meter does not include evaluating for the preclear but it certainly does include ferreting out PT problems. The E-Meter is also used for valences and sometimes psychophysical difficulties. (Auditor: Use the word "psychophysical" rather than psychosomatic and stay out of a medical field.)

The preclear generally doesn't know he has one which is nagging him, for the rough PT problems go into the apathy band and below into forgetfulness rather rapidly. Therefore the auditor should ferret out the PT problem with an E-Meter. Adroit use of an E-Meter does not include evaluating for the preclear but it certainly does include ferreting out PT problems. The E-Meter is also used for valences and sometimes psychophysical difficulties. (Auditor: Use the word "psychophysical" rather than psychosomatic and stay out of a medical field.)

THE RUNNING OF A PT PROBLEM today is the most. PT problem, valences, psychophysical ailments, all run beautifully with "Mock up something worse than (terminal)" or "Invent something worse than (terminal)." To run this it is necessary to isolate the TERMINAL most intimately connected with the PT problem (or the valence or psychophysical difficulty). One then CLEARS THE COMMAND (and you always better do that with any command) and lets go.

THE RUNNING OF A PT PROBLEM today is the most. PT problem, valences, psychophysical ailments, all run beautifully with "Mock up something worse than (terminal)" or "Invent something worse than (terminal)." To run this it is necessary to isolate the TERMINAL most intimately connected with the PT problem (or the valence or psychophysical difficulty). One then CLEARS THE COMMAND (and you always better do that with any command) and lets go.

The whole idea of WORSE THAN is the whole of the dwindling spiral. People who are "trying to get better" and "be more perfect" and "think the right thought" lose all control of "getting worse," "being imperfect" and "thinking the wrong thought." All these WORSE THANS are then left on automatic and we arrive at something less than optimum. In fact we arrive with the dwindling spiral. We also arrive with the "point of no return." We also arrive with the declining ability to heal or get well. And we also arrive with old age.

The whole idea of WORSE THAN is the whole of the dwindling spiral. People who are "trying to get better" and "be more perfect" and "think the right thought" lose all control of "getting worse," "being imperfect" and "thinking the wrong thought." All these WORSE THANS are then left on automatic and we arrive at something less than optimum. In fact we arrive with the dwindling spiral. We also arrive with the "point of no return." We also arrive with the declining ability to heal or get well. And we also arrive with old age.

After running "worse than" on the PT problem, we proceed with other parts of CCH 0. Clearing help will be found quite beneficial. But to get a pc to participate who is downright ugly about it, running Help is usually only a partial solution. When these only ones get going they really snarl on the subject of getting audited. Here CCH 1 is of benefit. No questions asked. But this, of course, defeats the purpose of STEP ONE.

After running "worse than" on the PT problem, we proceed with other parts of CCH 0. Clearing help will be found quite beneficial. But to get a pc to participate who is downright ugly about it, running Help is usually only a partial solution. When these only ones get going they really snarl on the subject of getting audited. Here CCH 1 is of benefit. No questions asked. But this, of course, defeats the purpose of STEP ONE.

PARTICIPATION OF THE PC in the session is necessary in order to place the pc somewhat at the cause-point in the actual fact of auditing. This fits the definition. You can always change a body or recover it from some illness by auditing without much helping the pc himself. Therefore, the pc, while under auditor control, is still somewhat at cause, what with comm bridges and clearing commands, etc., but he is made to feel no bad effects from being AT EFFECT if ample ARC is used. In other words, the pc can't be entirely at cause in a session or he would be self-auditing, which isn't good, but he can be salvaged from being a total effect by good ARC. When the ARC drops out that DOES leave the pc at more or less total effect, a thing you have probably noticed.

PARTICIPATION OF THE PC in the session is necessary in order to place the pc somewhat at the cause-point in the actual fact of auditing. This fits the definition. You can always change a body or recover it from some illness by auditing without much helping the pc himself. Therefore, the pc, while under auditor control, is still somewhat at cause, what with comm bridges and clearing commands, etc., but he is made to feel no bad effects from being AT EFFECT if ample ARC is used. In other words, the pc can't be entirely at cause in a session or he would be self-auditing, which isn't good, but he can be salvaged from being a total effect by good ARC. When the ARC drops out that DOES leave the pc at more or less total effect, a thing you have probably noticed.

The things to be done in CCH 0 should be done thoroughly at intensive's beginning and should be glanced at whenever a new session starts and should get a bow when a new command is used. But all CCH 0 is is a collection of mechanical aids to assist the pc's participation in the session and to assist the auditor in ARC. Although CCH 0 must be used always, it is not a total substitute for ARC.

The things to be done in CCH 0 should be done thoroughly at intensive's beginning and should be glanced at whenever a new session starts and should get a bow when a new command is used. But all CCH 0 is is a collection of mechanical aids to assist the pc's participation in the session and to assist the auditor in ARC. Although CCH 0 must be used always, it is not a total substitute for ARC.

The sum of CCH 0 is find the auditor, find the auditing room, find the pc, knock out any existing PT problem, establish goals, clear help, get agreement on session length and get up to the first real auditing command. CCH 0 isn't necessarily run in that order and this isn't necessarily all of CCH 0, but if any of these are seriously scamped, the session will somewhere get into trouble.

The sum of CCH 0 is find the auditor, find the auditing room, find the pc, knock out any existing PT problem, establish goals, clear help, get agreement on session length and get up to the first real auditing command. CCH 0 isn't necessarily run in that order and this isn't necessarily all of CCH 0, but if any of these are seriously scamped, the session will somewhere get into trouble.

When the participation of the pc ceases in a session, he must be gotten back into session by any means and then participation is reestablished. A pc is never permitted to end a session on his own choice. He seeks to end them when his participation drops out of sight.

When the participation of the pc ceases in a session, he must be gotten back into session by any means and then participation is reestablished. A pc is never permitted to end a session on his own choice. He seeks to end them when his participation drops out of sight.

The trick question "What did I do wrong?" reestablishes ARC.

The trick question "What did I do wrong?" reestablishes ARC.

The problem of handling a pc who is not cooperative, who does not wish to participate, is a highly special problem. In the first place it is the pc's engrams that do not want to continue, in the second place it is the engrams which are doing the talking. One ordinarily tackles this case with a formal opening of session, brief but positive, and then sails in with CCH 0, just as though the person were unconscious, which, of course, the person is.

The problem of handling a pc who is not cooperative, who does not wish to participate, is a highly special problem. In the first place it is the pc's engrams that do not want to continue, in the second place it is the engrams which are doing the talking. One ordinarily tackles this case with a formal opening of session, brief but positive, and then sails in with CCH 0, just as though the person were unconscious, which, of course, the person is.

Participation by an unconscious person, while covered above, requires the additional refinement of technique. ONE MUST ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING THE PRECLEAR CAN DO AND THEN BETTER THAT ABILITY. An unconscious person is usually lying in bed. If not, the command must be varied to fit the environment. But the best command is something like "You make that body lie in that bed." A slightly upper-grade process to a person sitting in a chair is "You seat that body in that chair." In such cases a grip on the pc's hand and the use of a slight squeeze each time the auditor acknowledges considerably speeds the process.

Participation by an unconscious person, while covered above, requires the additional refinement of technique. ONE MUST ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING THE PRECLEAR CAN DO AND THEN BETTER THAT ABILITY. An unconscious person is usually lying in bed. If not, the command must be varied to fit the environment. But the best command is something like "You make that body lie in that bed." A slightly upper-grade process to a person sitting in a chair is "You seat that body in that chair." In such cases a grip on the pc's hand and the use of a slight squeeze each time the auditor acknowledges considerably speeds the process.

There is another special case — or maybe it isn't so special. There are many people who cannot tackle a present time problem with a process. If the auditor sought out a PT problem and then ran "something worse than a related terminal" or a "problem of comparable or incomparable magnitude" he would find the pc digging in hard, unable to handle the process. Thus some judgment must be used in such cases. Don't run a PT problem on somebody in very bad shape casewise.

There is another special case — or maybe it isn't so special. There are many people who cannot tackle a present time problem with a process. If the auditor sought out a PT problem and then ran "something worse than a related terminal" or a "problem of comparable or incomparable magnitude" he would find the pc digging in hard, unable to handle the process. Thus some judgment must be used in such cases. Don't run a PT problem on somebody in very bad shape casewise.

There is an awful lot to know about starting sessions. The bad-off case and the case in very good condition alike require special handling. For the case just mentioned who cannot handle a PT problem with a process, there is always Locational (TR 10). TR 10 will run a PT problem or anything else if slowly. Thus many a person with a PT problem can only participate in a session to the extent of TR 10, "YOU notice that object (wall, floor, chair, etc.)." By introducing in the auditor's and pc's bodies as a couple of the items being spotted along with everything else we eventually wind up with "find the auditor, find the auditing room, find the pc." And we get there without a PT problem being in full bloom.

There is an awful lot to know about starting sessions. The bad-off case and the case in very good condition alike require special handling. For the case just mentioned who cannot handle a PT problem with a process, there is always Locational (TR 10). TR 10 will run a PT problem or anything else if slowly. Thus many a person with a PT problem can only participate in a session to the extent of TR 10, "YOU notice that object (wall, floor, chair, etc.)." By introducing in the auditor's and pc's bodies as a couple of the items being spotted along with everything else we eventually wind up with "find the auditor, find the auditing room, find the pc." And we get there without a PT problem being in full bloom.

In running "You notice that object" there are some things that MUST be observed. Most important of these is this one: ANY PROCESS WHICH TURNS ON A SOMATIC MUST BE CONTINUED UNTIL IT NO LONGER TURNS ON SOMATICS. This is true particularly of TR 10, 8-C and TRIO. The case hangs right there until the process is flat, whether in one day, one year or six. Another thing which must be stressed is the inclusion of the auditor's and pc's bodies. Because some pcs WHEN EXTERIORIZED snap back in when they see the body is no reason to avoid it in TR 10. Another thing is to make the pc use his eyes to view the objects and if he doesn't turn his eyes toward them, then it is up to the auditor to use manual direction of the head and even pry the eyes open. No balks are ever permitted in auditing. If TR 10 is being run at a problem, every now and then the auditor pauses and discusses the problem again with the pc in order to keep it in restimulation until TR 10 can run it out.

In running "You notice that object" there are some things that MUST be observed. Most important of these is this one: ANY PROCESS WHICH TURNS ON A SOMATIC MUST BE CONTINUED UNTIL IT NO LONGER TURNS ON SOMATICS. This is true particularly of TR 10, 8-C and TRIO. The case hangs right there until the process is flat, whether in one day, one year or six. Another thing which must be stressed is the inclusion of the auditor's and pc's bodies. Because some pcs WHEN EXTERIORIZED snap back in when they see the body is no reason to avoid it in TR 10. Another thing is to make the pc use his eyes to view the objects and if he doesn't turn his eyes toward them, then it is up to the auditor to use manual direction of the head and even pry the eyes open. No balks are ever permitted in auditing. If TR 10 is being run at a problem, every now and then the auditor pauses and discusses the problem again with the pc in order to keep it in restimulation until TR 10 can run it out.

The high case is a worse problem than auditors commonly believe. In the first place a high case can "blow" a situation out of the bank with considerable ease and if the auditor insists on sledgehammering it out with a process, then pc participation blows rather than a facsimile.

The high case is a worse problem than auditors commonly believe. In the first place a high case can "blow" a situation out of the bank with considerable ease and if the auditor insists on sledgehammering it out with a process, then pc participation blows rather than a facsimile.

High case participation can also be misunderstood in that there are a lot of cases that think they are high which aren't. Here's how you tell a real high case from a bogus ("I can do everything") case. A thetan in good shape can be cause. When he looks at something in the bank it becomes the effect. A bogus high case can think anything he wants without anything having an effect on the bank. You want to watch this point because here is the definition of OT thoroughly at work. pc at cause. A case that has pictures and everything and is impatient to get on with it BUT DOES NOT MARKEDLY ALTER THE BANK WITH THINKING ALONE is not a high case but an old "wide-open case" of Dianetic days.

High case participation can also be misunderstood in that there are a lot of cases that think they are high which aren't. Here's how you tell a real high case from a bogus ("I can do everything") case. A thetan in good shape can be cause. When he looks at something in the bank it becomes the effect. A bogus high case can think anything he wants without anything having an effect on the bank. You want to watch this point because here is the definition of OT thoroughly at work. pc at cause. A case that has pictures and everything and is impatient to get on with it BUT DOES NOT MARKEDLY ALTER THE BANK WITH THINKING ALONE is not a high case but an old "wide-open case" of Dianetic days.

Two-way communication AS A PROCESS is the key to all this. If you put a pc on an E-Meter and locate a present time charge, you can, if the pc can somewhat handle his bank, get him to two-way comm the incident flat very quickly — in five or ten minutes at the most. This is all the process used. It would take an actual E-Meter run to give you a full reality on this.

Two-way communication AS A PROCESS is the key to all this. If you put a pc on an E-Meter and locate a present time charge, you can, if the pc can somewhat handle his bank, get him to two-way comm the incident flat very quickly — in five or ten minutes at the most. This is all the process used. It would take an actual E-Meter run to give you a full reality on this.

Here we are looking at the basic differences amongst cases. That difference lies in the ability to knowingly CAUSE. Bodies are the same, they all react alike. Banks differ only vaguely and only in content and significance. Engrams are engrams and they all behave alike. There is only ONE DIFFERENCE amongst pcs. We called this BASIC PERSONALITY in BOOK ONE. We can be a lot more simple about it now that I have my teeth into the subject a few more feet. The difference is DEGREE OF KNOWING CAUSABILITY. What do we mean by CAUSE? The basic, old Scientology definition is still at work. CAUSE-DISTANCE-EFFECT. Joe knowingly shoots Bill. Joe is at cause. Bill is at effect. Mary gives John a present. Mary is at cause, John is at effect. Bill says, "Boo" to Joe. Bill is at cause, Joe is at effect. But when we introduce KNOWING CAUSE and CAUSE AT WILL into this CAUSE-DISTANCE-EFFECT idea, we see we have something else added. The person at cause is there because he knows he is there and because he is willingly there. The person at cause is not at cause because he does not dare be at effect. He must be able to be at effect. If he is afraid to be at effect, then he is unwilling cause and is at cause only because he is very afraid of being at effect. Education can show a person he can be at effect without liability. Then he can be at cause without HAVING TO BE BECAUSE HE DOESN'T DARE BE AT EFFECT. Auditing in its whole operation is teaching the pc this. Pc slides from terrified effect to tolerated effect to knowing cause with regard to any incident he contacts IF HE IS AUDITED PROPERLY. The pc who has to get rid of all his engrams because he has to get rid of them because it's all too horrible winds up, with good auditing, into a tolerance of the pictures since he has learned he can tolerate them and so can swing around to cause.

Here we are looking at the basic differences amongst cases. That difference lies in the ability to knowingly CAUSE. Bodies are the same, they all react alike. Banks differ only vaguely and only in content and significance. Engrams are engrams and they all behave alike. There is only ONE DIFFERENCE amongst pcs. We called this BASIC PERSONALITY in BOOK ONE. We can be a lot more simple about it now that I have my teeth into the subject a few more feet. The difference is DEGREE OF KNOWING CAUSABILITY. What do we mean by CAUSE? The basic, old Scientology definition is still at work. CAUSE-DISTANCE-EFFECT. Joe knowingly shoots Bill. Joe is at cause. Bill is at effect. Mary gives John a present. Mary is at cause, John is at effect. Bill says, "Boo" to Joe. Bill is at cause, Joe is at effect. But when we introduce KNOWING CAUSE and CAUSE AT WILL into this CAUSE-DISTANCE-EFFECT idea, we see we have something else added. The person at cause is there because he knows he is there and because he is willingly there. The person at cause is not at cause because he does not dare be at effect. He must be able to be at effect. If he is afraid to be at effect, then he is unwilling cause and is at cause only because he is very afraid of being at effect. Education can show a person he can be at effect without liability. Then he can be at cause without HAVING TO BE BECAUSE HE DOESN'T DARE BE AT EFFECT. Auditing in its whole operation is teaching the pc this. Pc slides from terrified effect to tolerated effect to knowing cause with regard to any incident he contacts IF HE IS AUDITED PROPERLY. The pc who has to get rid of all his engrams because he has to get rid of them because it's all too horrible winds up, with good auditing, into a tolerance of the pictures since he has learned he can tolerate them and so can swing around to cause.

So we have this great difference in pcs. DEGREE OF KNOWING CAUSABILITY is the extent that he is willing to be at cause and the extent he is willing to know he is at cause plus the ability to cause things.

So we have this great difference in pcs. DEGREE OF KNOWING CAUSABILITY is the extent that he is willing to be at cause and the extent he is willing to know he is at cause plus the ability to cause things.

You will see this on an E-Meter in PT problem handling. Bill has a PT problem. It drops a dial when first contacted. The auditor, using his UNDERSTANDING of Scientology, two-way comms on it. The incident discharges and no longer registers after a few minutes. Mary has a PT problem. It drops steeply on the E-Meter. The auditor tries to two-way comm on it. The charge remains the same or Mary begins to disperse. She doesn't hold to the subject. The auditor at length finds that two-way comm only serves to run down her havingness. The charge remains on the meter dial. What is the difference between Bill and Mary? Bill can be at knowing cause, Mary is either obsessive cause or heavy effect. Bill can blow facsimiles. Mary cannot. On Mary the auditor is very wise to enter upon TR 10.

You will see this on an E-Meter in PT problem handling. Bill has a PT problem. It drops a dial when first contacted. The auditor, using his UNDERSTANDING of Scientology, two-way comms on it. The incident discharges and no longer registers after a few minutes. Mary has a PT problem. It drops steeply on the E-Meter. The auditor tries to two-way comm on it. The charge remains the same or Mary begins to disperse. She doesn't hold to the subject. The auditor at length finds that two-way comm only serves to run down her havingness. The charge remains on the meter dial. What is the difference between Bill and Mary? Bill can be at knowing cause, Mary is either obsessive cause or heavy effect. Bill can blow facsimiles. Mary cannot. On Mary the auditor is very wise to enter upon TR 10.

One version of TR 10 is called Short Spotting. "You notice that (nearby object)." So long as the pc can see with his eyes the object or feel the auditor's hand on it, the process works. It is spotting right up close. If run with mediumly near and far objects (such as the room wall) it is very effective in getting a case going. It has given some cases their first reality on auditing. BUT the rule still holds here about somatics. When a somatic is turned on with a process, turn it off with that process. See Auditor's Code 13. This is entirely true of Short Spotting. In that it almost always turns on somatics, when you start it, you have to flatten it and that's often lengthy.

One version of TR 10 is called Short Spotting. "You notice that (nearby object)." So long as the pc can see with his eyes the object or feel the auditor's hand on it, the process works. It is spotting right up close. If run with mediumly near and far objects (such as the room wall) it is very effective in getting a case going. It has given some cases their first reality on auditing. BUT the rule still holds here about somatics. When a somatic is turned on with a process, turn it off with that process. See Auditor's Code 13. This is entirely true of Short Spotting. In that it almost always turns on somatics, when you start it, you have to flatten it and that's often lengthy.

Remember this about pc participation. A low case can't handle the bank, therefore you keep high ARC and kid-glove him through a session. A very high case doesn't need dynamite, therefore you retain his participation by going as rapidly as you can. A medium, average case needs ARC, something of dynamite, something of kid gloves, something of two-way comm.

Remember this about pc participation. A low case can't handle the bank, therefore you keep high ARC and kid-glove him through a session. A very high case doesn't need dynamite, therefore you retain his participation by going as rapidly as you can. A medium, average case needs ARC, something of dynamite, something of kid gloves, something of two-way comm.

And IN ALL GOOD AUDITING, CASES IMPROVE. Just because you start a pc low doesn't mean he'll always stay low. Check the case often. See if his CAUSABILITY is rising. If it isn't, he isn't improving and you better go easier or heavier. PROBABLY when a case doesn't improve you didn't handle a PT problem. THAT IS THE ONLY THING WHICH CAN KEEP A CASE FROM GAINING. So check every session for one.

And IN ALL GOOD AUDITING, CASES IMPROVE. Just because you start a pc low doesn't mean he'll always stay low. Check the case often. See if his CAUSABILITY is rising. If it isn't, he isn't improving and you better go easier or heavier. PROBABLY when a case doesn't improve you didn't handle a PT problem. THAT IS THE ONLY THING WHICH CAN KEEP A CASE FROM GAINING. So check every session for one.

There are probably thousands of ways to gain the participation of the pc, there are probably thousands of ways to open a session. There are probably an infinite number of tricky things you can do. However, this breadth of choice should not obscure the following:

There are probably thousands of ways to gain the participation of the pc, there are probably thousands of ways to open a session. There are probably an infinite number of tricky things you can do. However, this breadth of choice should not obscure the following:

  1. A pc who is not participating in the session is not at cause.
  1. A pc who is not participating in the session is not at cause.
  • An auditor who isn't able to maintain ARC, who isn't able to "freeze" a process for a short time, even a Tone 40.0 process, and reestablish ARC,will not get results.
  • An auditor who isn't able to maintain ARC, who isn't able to "freeze" a process for a short time, even a Tone 40.0 process, and reestablish ARC,will not get results.
  • The end-all of processing is the attainment of a goal, the goal of OT. One always processes the problems and difficulties of the pc, he does not process the process. Processes only assist in processing the pc. They will not do anything by themselves. Processes are a road map to the goal of OT, they are nothing in themselves. The target is the condition, the disabilities of the pc. How one achieves the eradication of these difficulties is secondary to the fact of their eradication. Scientology is a route attained after several thousand years of no attainment by man and the route is important and valuable and must be traveled correctly, but the concern is the pc, not the route.
  • The end-all of processing is the attainment of a goal, the goal of OT. One always processes the problems and difficulties of the pc, he does not process the process. Processes only assist in processing the pc. They will not do anything by themselves. Processes are a road map to the goal of OT, they are nothing in themselves. The target is the condition, the disabilities of the pc. How one achieves the eradication of these difficulties is secondary to the fact of their eradication. Scientology is a route attained after several thousand years of no attainment by man and the route is important and valuable and must be traveled correctly, but the concern is the pc, not the route.
  • A new auditor can be adrift with his tools. He is uncertain as to what he is attacking. He should have reality on engrams, locks, key-ins, secondaries, the time track, the key buttons of Scientology such as Communication, Control and Havingness. Given an understanding of all these and the theory of Scientology itself he can almost pilot his way through a case with two-way comm. But two-way comm will not work if one doesn't understand all the above. So two-way comm is not conversation. The pc has had a few trillion years of that and it hasn't made him well, so two-way comm is a highly specialized thing, done with full understanding of the thetan, bank and body. Good two-way comm means participation by the pc.
  • A new auditor can be adrift with his tools. He is uncertain as to what he is attacking. He should have reality on engrams, locks, key-ins, secondaries, the time track, the key buttons of Scientology such as Communication, Control and Havingness. Given an understanding of all these and the theory of Scientology itself he can almost pilot his way through a case with two-way comm. But two-way comm will not work if one doesn't understand all the above. So two-way comm is not conversation. The pc has had a few trillion years of that and it hasn't made him well, so two-way comm is a highly specialized thing, done with full understanding of the thetan, bank and body. Good two-way comm means participation by the pc.
  • Scientology is a precise commodity, something like engineering. A pc is a precise thing — part animal, part pictures and part God. We want the ability to handle things and the God, and the less unthinking responses in the pc the better off he will be. Therefore a PC WHO ISN'T COGNITING regularly is being processed beyond his ability to do and it is necessary to drop back downscale to find something he CAN DO.
  • Scientology is a precise commodity, something like engineering. A pc is a precise thing — part animal, part pictures and part God. We want the ability to handle things and the God, and the less unthinking responses in the pc the better off he will be. Therefore a PC WHO ISN'T COGNITING regularly is being processed beyond his ability to do and it is necessary to drop back downscale to find something he CAN DO.
  • The golden rule of processing is to find something the preclear CAN do and then to improve his ability to do it. At once you will have participation.
    The highest ability one pc had was to get drunk: a resolution of his case was entered upon by having him invent ways to get drunk.
  • The golden rule of processing is to find something the preclear CAN do and then to improve his ability to do it. At once you will have participation.
    The highest ability one pc had was to get drunk: a resolution of his case was entered upon by having him invent ways to get drunk.
  • The attention span of children and psychos is not necessarily a factor since it is only the phenomena of dispersal against mental blocks, keying in of incidents. The auditor can pay attention to it or not as he likes.
    Short, regular sessions on people with limited attention span get more gain per week than a steady grind since the participation is maintained.
  • The attention span of children and psychos is not necessarily a factor since it is only the phenomena of dispersal against mental blocks, keying in of incidents. The auditor can pay attention to it or not as he likes.
    Short, regular sessions on people with limited attention span get more gain per week than a steady grind since the participation is maintained.
  • The auditor remains at cause in all sessions without forbidding the pc tobe at cause. See the rules in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.
  • The auditor remains at cause in all sessions without forbidding the pc tobe at cause. See the rules in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.
    Placing the Preclear at Cause

    Placing the Preclear at Cause

    Establish obedience of some part of the auditing room to the pc. Here he must begin at some level of knowingness. He must know that he himself, when ordered to do so, can gain some compliance on the part of the auditing room. This includes his own body.

    Establish obedience of some part of the auditing room to the pc. Here he must begin at some level of knowingness. He must know that he himself, when ordered to do so, can gain some compliance on the part of the auditing room. This includes his own body.

    The basic rule of auditing is to start with something the preclear can do and then get him to do it better. This is the basic difference between a high-level and a low-level process. This is also the difference between a process which is real to the preclear and a process which is unreal to the preclear. A preclear "can do" a process without doing it at all. Actually the body and bank are obeying the auditor. Now here we had in Dianetics one of the more interesting phenomena of an auditor being able to make a preclear physically well without the preclear once finding out about it. This was a source of great grief and upset to auditors. They could not see how this could possibly be. The man priorly could not walk, apparently, and after auditing he could walk, and yet he did not attribute to Dianetics or to the auditor any of this renewed ability.

    The basic rule of auditing is to start with something the preclear can do and then get him to do it better. This is the basic difference between a high-level and a low-level process. This is also the difference between a process which is real to the preclear and a process which is unreal to the preclear. A preclear "can do" a process without doing it at all. Actually the body and bank are obeying the auditor. Now here we had in Dianetics one of the more interesting phenomena of an auditor being able to make a preclear physically well without the preclear once finding out about it. This was a source of great grief and upset to auditors. They could not see how this could possibly be. The man priorly could not walk, apparently, and after auditing he could walk, and yet he did not attribute to Dianetics or to the auditor any of this renewed ability.

    The auditor could monitor the preclear's bank and body, shift around the engrams, as-is them and do various things with them without the preclear finding out about it. All of this was so far above the preclear's ability to do that it was totally unreal to him.

    The auditor could monitor the preclear's bank and body, shift around the engrams, as-is them and do various things with them without the preclear finding out about it. All of this was so far above the preclear's ability to do that it was totally unreal to him.

    We also get the phenomenon of an individual doing a great many spotting processes and feeling better but not being able to understand what this has to do with sanity or insanity. In the first place, the individual could not himself spot. The auditor more or less did the spotting for him. The preclear then never connected it in any way with his own capabilities.

    We also get the phenomenon of an individual doing a great many spotting processes and feeling better but not being able to understand what this has to do with sanity or insanity. In the first place, the individual could not himself spot. The auditor more or less did the spotting for him. The preclear then never connected it in any way with his own capabilities.

    A test an auditor should make to ascertain the sense of this is as follows: "Look around here and tell me something you could do." The preclear will get many odd and peculiar sensations as he fishes around and finally decides that he could do some minor thing. This is not really a good process but it is a good test process for an auditor. This preclear who has been walking and talking and working and going around the world and apparently behaving in a fairly sane and rational fashion actually could do none of these things. He was supported entirely by his "machinery," by the social responsibilities which were demonstrated toward him, by his education, by the basic agreement of what goes on in the world. He was walking around in a dream and life felt to him much like a dream. Now the auditor starts to audit him on the basis that this individual is capable. Well now, the individual himself is the thetan and whereas the bank might have been capable (and would have broken down someday), the thetan himself was not. He was going along for the ride.

    A test an auditor should make to ascertain the sense of this is as follows: "Look around here and tell me something you could do." The preclear will get many odd and peculiar sensations as he fishes around and finally decides that he could do some minor thing. This is not really a good process but it is a good test process for an auditor. This preclear who has been walking and talking and working and going around the world and apparently behaving in a fairly sane and rational fashion actually could do none of these things. He was supported entirely by his "machinery," by the social responsibilities which were demonstrated toward him, by his education, by the basic agreement of what goes on in the world. He was walking around in a dream and life felt to him much like a dream. Now the auditor starts to audit him on the basis that this individual is capable. Well now, the individual himself is the thetan and whereas the bank might have been capable (and would have broken down someday), the thetan himself was not. He was going along for the ride.

    We often see this phenomenon in the third dynamic. It could be said that a government is the aggregate irresponsibility of a people. They are not taking responsibility for the course of justice or protection of the state from foreign aggression, and they shove all this responsibility over on to a government and they themselves are quite irresponsible for it. After a while the government doesn't look to the people at all to furnish any responsibility. The government takes all the initiative, and we eventually wind up with some sort of a dictatorship. The people then no longer count; they are slaves; they are totally irresponsible.

    We often see this phenomenon in the third dynamic. It could be said that a government is the aggregate irresponsibility of a people. They are not taking responsibility for the course of justice or protection of the state from foreign aggression, and they shove all this responsibility over on to a government and they themselves are quite irresponsible for it. After a while the government doesn't look to the people at all to furnish any responsibility. The government takes all the initiative, and we eventually wind up with some sort of a dictatorship. The people then no longer count; they are slaves; they are totally irresponsible.

    In a similar wise, a thetan can be totally irresponsible for everything that goes on in relationship to his workaday world, and we see people dramatizing this on every hand. Wherever a thetan refuses to take responsibility and is participating in action, he is being "unreal." This is the unreality of a situation. Let us say you were part of a crowd which was surging downtown to Third Street and you yourself wanted to go uptown to Tenth Street. The crowd swept you along toward Third Street and after a while things would become pretty unreal. That is because you were being carried in a direction opposite to your basic intent. Thus your own intention is overwhelmed. This intention overwhelmed becomes what we know as unreality.

    In a similar wise, a thetan can be totally irresponsible for everything that goes on in relationship to his workaday world, and we see people dramatizing this on every hand. Wherever a thetan refuses to take responsibility and is participating in action, he is being "unreal." This is the unreality of a situation. Let us say you were part of a crowd which was surging downtown to Third Street and you yourself wanted to go uptown to Tenth Street. The crowd swept you along toward Third Street and after a while things would become pretty unreal. That is because you were being carried in a direction opposite to your basic intent. Thus your own intention is overwhelmed. This intention overwhelmed becomes what we know as unreality.

    It is very easy for an auditor to overwhelm the preclear's intention. The preclear is actually going to Tenth Street, the auditor is trying to push him to Third Street. We get the most remarkable subdivision of this in survive and succumb. The auditor is going on the basis that the preclear wants to survive and the preclear is going on the basis that he wants to succumb. The auditor is then thrusting him in an opposite direction. Hence it is really necessary to clear Goals in an auditing session. There must be some goal which the preclear considers obtainable. The goal of just being able to sit there for the next two or three hours is a goal. You would be surprised to find that in some preclears this is a tremendously high goal. But even a preclear's goals can be unreal to him. They are the social goals. Actually, the preclear privately thinks he'd like to get rid of every man, woman and child on Earth and the goal he gives you is to save everyone.

    It is very easy for an auditor to overwhelm the preclear's intention. The preclear is actually going to Tenth Street, the auditor is trying to push him to Third Street. We get the most remarkable subdivision of this in survive and succumb. The auditor is going on the basis that the preclear wants to survive and the preclear is going on the basis that he wants to succumb. The auditor is then thrusting him in an opposite direction. Hence it is really necessary to clear Goals in an auditing session. There must be some goal which the preclear considers obtainable. The goal of just being able to sit there for the next two or three hours is a goal. You would be surprised to find that in some preclears this is a tremendously high goal. But even a preclear's goals can be unreal to him. They are the social goals. Actually, the preclear privately thinks he'd like to get rid of every man, woman and child on Earth and the goal he gives you is to save everyone.

    Now the question actually confronts us — what can the preclear really do? Of course, in a case of tremendous doubt, you could run the above process — "Look around here and find something you could do." But there are certain things that an auditor can take for granted which undercut any other thing. The body is sitting in the chair. The preclear can be brought up to a realization that he can make the body sit in the chair. And thus we get the first really worthwhile process on a preclear who is conscious, and that process is "You seat that body in that chair. Thank you." And in the case of somebody who is lying in bed, even unconscious, we get this basic process: "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you."

    Now the question actually confronts us — what can the preclear really do? Of course, in a case of tremendous doubt, you could run the above process — "Look around here and find something you could do." But there are certain things that an auditor can take for granted which undercut any other thing. The body is sitting in the chair. The preclear can be brought up to a realization that he can make the body sit in the chair. And thus we get the first really worthwhile process on a preclear who is conscious, and that process is "You seat that body in that chair. Thank you." And in the case of somebody who is lying in bed, even unconscious, we get this basic process: "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you."

    All we are asking anybody to do when we ask for these two processes is to take responsibility for what is actually occurring in the first place. We raise his responsibility level in other words, and thus raise his doingness level. A preclear who does not come through eventually with a cognition that he can make the body sit in the chair of course isn't worth bothering with, in that his doingness level is even below this. This preclear ought to be lying in a bed. He must consider himself completely helpless and completely ill. Thus if we ran "You seat that body in that chair. Thank you," for several hours without any realization on the part of the preclear that he could do this and without turning on any somatics or without getting any effect at all, we would consider that we had overshot this. Actually it shouldn't take several hours to find this out. We would go back to the basic position of Dianetic auditing. This preclear probably thinks of himself as being dead or probably thinks of himself as being very ill or thinks of himself as being totally unconscious. Thus we would run him as an unconscious person. Putting him down on a couch we would run "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you."

    All we are asking anybody to do when we ask for these two processes is to take responsibility for what is actually occurring in the first place. We raise his responsibility level in other words, and thus raise his doingness level. A preclear who does not come through eventually with a cognition that he can make the body sit in the chair of course isn't worth bothering with, in that his doingness level is even below this. This preclear ought to be lying in a bed. He must consider himself completely helpless and completely ill. Thus if we ran "You seat that body in that chair. Thank you," for several hours without any realization on the part of the preclear that he could do this and without turning on any somatics or without getting any effect at all, we would consider that we had overshot this. Actually it shouldn't take several hours to find this out. We would go back to the basic position of Dianetic auditing. This preclear probably thinks of himself as being dead or probably thinks of himself as being very ill or thinks of himself as being totally unconscious. Thus we would run him as an unconscious person. Putting him down on a couch we would run "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you."

    Also, on a much higher level we get CCH 1.

    Also, on a much higher level we get CCH 1.

    "You give me that hand" is actually the old cat process where we got the cat to reach for the auditor, plus an obedience process. The preclear after a while should decide that he can do this. Sometimes we run CCH 1, then CCH 2, CCH 3, and then CCH 4 and going back discover that CCH 1 is now unflat and the preclear is unable to perform this action which he previously could perform. Now what has happened here is we have broadened the scope of the preclear's responsibility. His bank at first was perfectly capable of giving that hand but once we have invited further responsibility and gotten him to find the auditor as in CCH 3 and CCH 4, we discover that the preclear himself is now trying to do it and in trying to do it is having difficulties but he wins through with this difficulty and eventually comes out much better.

    "You give me that hand" is actually the old cat process where we got the cat to reach for the auditor, plus an obedience process. The preclear after a while should decide that he can do this. Sometimes we run CCH 1, then CCH 2, CCH 3, and then CCH 4 and going back discover that CCH 1 is now unflat and the preclear is unable to perform this action which he previously could perform. Now what has happened here is we have broadened the scope of the preclear's responsibility. His bank at first was perfectly capable of giving that hand but once we have invited further responsibility and gotten him to find the auditor as in CCH 3 and CCH 4, we discover that the preclear himself is now trying to do it and in trying to do it is having difficulties but he wins through with this difficulty and eventually comes out much better.

    Unless these particular goals and theories behind these processes are understood they very often do not work at all in the CCH bands. Thus CCH 1 to 4, while tremendously successful when run by a very excellent auditor understanding his job, may not be successful in the hands of somebody who is simply going through some mechanical motions.

    Unless these particular goals and theories behind these processes are understood they very often do not work at all in the CCH bands. Thus CCH 1 to 4, while tremendously successful when run by a very excellent auditor understanding his job, may not be successful in the hands of somebody who is simply going through some mechanical motions.

    Basically we are trying to get the preclear to do something and know that he himself can do it. Thus we are improving his ability. On this fundamental we can go forward and establish many processes, all of which are fundamental doingness or obedience processes. We can do such a process as "You make that chair sit on the floor." This process at first seems a little incredible to the preclear, but after a while he gets the idea that he can do it, then this unflattens and he gets the idea that it's gravity that's doing it and therefore he can't do it, and he goes through various cognitions of one sort or another simply about having a chair, which is already sitting there, sit there. Unless we can cross this particular stage of a case and get the preclear up to an idea that he does have some sort of an ability of some kind, we might as well do nothing else about the case at all. Therefore this Step Two is quite important and actually is the basic entrance into auditing.

    Basically we are trying to get the preclear to do something and know that he himself can do it. Thus we are improving his ability. On this fundamental we can go forward and establish many processes, all of which are fundamental doingness or obedience processes. We can do such a process as "You make that chair sit on the floor." This process at first seems a little incredible to the preclear, but after a while he gets the idea that he can do it, then this unflattens and he gets the idea that it's gravity that's doing it and therefore he can't do it, and he goes through various cognitions of one sort or another simply about having a chair, which is already sitting there, sit there. Unless we can cross this particular stage of a case and get the preclear up to an idea that he does have some sort of an ability of some kind, we might as well do nothing else about the case at all. Therefore this Step Two is quite important and actually is the basic entrance into auditing.

    Establish Control of pc's Body by pc

    Establish Control of pc's Body by pc

    Although we could continue onward with the CCHs simply rotating them from CCH 1 through to 4 and back to 1 and to 4, and back to 1 and to 4 again and again and again and win, there is a faster way of going about this which has been known to us for a very long time. This way starts really with 8-C.

    Although we could continue onward with the CCHs simply rotating them from CCH 1 through to 4 and back to 1 and to 4, and back to 1 and to 4 again and again and again and win, there is a faster way of going about this which has been known to us for a very long time. This way starts really with 8-C.

    It does not matter particularly which brand of 8-C is run. We have had now three or four varieties of 8-C. The first one was rather permissive and indirect and did not demand very much compliance and possibly had its own place in the firmament since use of it has resolved a very, very great many cases. The first command of this is "Do you see that wall?" Then "Walk over to it." Then "Touch it." And that was all there was to the process. Later 8-Cs, particularly Tone 40 8-Cs, were highly precise, very directive and had a great deal of control stress to them. It does not matter particularly which 8-C is used so long as the auditor feels that it is biting. If the particular 8-C he is using isn't biting, maybe he needs a more permissive one, maybe he needs a more exacting control one.

    It does not matter particularly which brand of 8-C is run. We have had now three or four varieties of 8-C. The first one was rather permissive and indirect and did not demand very much compliance and possibly had its own place in the firmament since use of it has resolved a very, very great many cases. The first command of this is "Do you see that wall?" Then "Walk over to it." Then "Touch it." And that was all there was to the process. Later 8-Cs, particularly Tone 40 8-Cs, were highly precise, very directive and had a great deal of control stress to them. It does not matter particularly which 8-C is used so long as the auditor feels that it is biting. If the particular 8-C he is using isn't biting, maybe he needs a more permissive one, maybe he needs a more exacting control one.

    There are a great many factors surrounding the control of the pc's body by a pc. Most pcs feel their body if tampered with in any way would fly out of control and flip-flop all over the floor, would suddenly freeze or would get ill, and they have anxieties about their bodies and the control of their bodies which must be solved, otherwise we don't get very far. Control of bodies can actually be assisted by old-time flip-flopping.

    There are a great many factors surrounding the control of the pc's body by a pc. Most pcs feel their body if tampered with in any way would fly out of control and flip-flop all over the floor, would suddenly freeze or would get ill, and they have anxieties about their bodies and the control of their bodies which must be solved, otherwise we don't get very far. Control of bodies can actually be assisted by old-time flip-flopping.

    Flip-flopping was a process by which the preclear's excess motion was taken off. The creative processes of earlier times did not require of the preclear any great cognition of what was going on. Thus flip-flopping could be used at a very early stage of case. We would say, "Mock up a man and make him flip-flop" and then make him insist that the body flip-flop even further and even more wildly until he himself knew that he was making the body flip-flop. We would do this with a woman's body and would eventually take the motion off the case that was inhibiting the preclear from controlling the body. This is actually a motionectomy. It is really a case of the auditor controlling the bank and body of the preclear. When we did not do this we found that in running 8-C and in doing some other processes the preclear all of a sudden would convulse and start to fly apart. These fly-aparts were simply the flip-flop manifestation of bodies.

    Flip-flopping was a process by which the preclear's excess motion was taken off. The creative processes of earlier times did not require of the preclear any great cognition of what was going on. Thus flip-flopping could be used at a very early stage of case. We would say, "Mock up a man and make him flip-flop" and then make him insist that the body flip-flop even further and even more wildly until he himself knew that he was making the body flip-flop. We would do this with a woman's body and would eventually take the motion off the case that was inhibiting the preclear from controlling the body. This is actually a motionectomy. It is really a case of the auditor controlling the bank and body of the preclear. When we did not do this we found that in running 8-C and in doing some other processes the preclear all of a sudden would convulse and start to fly apart. These fly-aparts were simply the flip-flop manifestation of bodies.

    It is extremely interesting that a preclear exteriorizing from his own body which is out of control, flip-flopping, writhing, convulsing and going into epileptiform seizures was at a distance from a flip-flopping body. One day while in his own body he causes some other body to go out of control, he shoots somebody or hits somebody, and has this person go into a flip-flop. He himself gets restimulated and he feels that his body in the future is liable to go out of control at any time. If you draw a little picture of this you will see that a thetan exteriorized from his own body and a thetan in his body knocking about some other body, is to the thetan, the same point of view. In other words, if you make somebody's body flip-flop, your own body may flip-flop. It looks the same to a thetan.

    It is extremely interesting that a preclear exteriorizing from his own body which is out of control, flip-flopping, writhing, convulsing and going into epileptiform seizures was at a distance from a flip-flopping body. One day while in his own body he causes some other body to go out of control, he shoots somebody or hits somebody, and has this person go into a flip-flop. He himself gets restimulated and he feels that his body in the future is liable to go out of control at any time. If you draw a little picture of this you will see that a thetan exteriorized from his own body and a thetan in his body knocking about some other body, is to the thetan, the same point of view. In other words, if you make somebody's body flip-flop, your own body may flip-flop. It looks the same to a thetan.

    Some guarantee or security of body control is therefore necessary.

    Some guarantee or security of body control is therefore necessary.

    There is a very fine set of processes which have been used for more than a year at this writing and which produced excellent results. These we call the SCS processes.

    There is a very fine set of processes which have been used for more than a year at this writing and which produced excellent results. These we call the SCS processes.

    After running 8-C (and if it turned on somatics remember to flatten the process entirely, even though it takes 50 hours, before going on to another process), we go into these control processes grouped under SCS. There have been several varieties of process, all entirely in the control bracket but with different severities of control. The commands of SCS processes are almost all the same except that some are made more severe than others.

    After running 8-C (and if it turned on somatics remember to flatten the process entirely, even though it takes 50 hours, before going on to another process), we go into these control processes grouped under SCS. There have been several varieties of process, all entirely in the control bracket but with different severities of control. The commands of SCS processes are almost all the same except that some are made more severe than others.

    The first of these processes is the Start Process. This is very simple. We have a preclear out in the middle of the room standing up while we stand up alongside of him touching him, and we explain to him (and we explain this every command) that when we say "Start" we want him to start his body in that direction, and we point out some direction.

    The first of these processes is the Start Process. This is very simple. We have a preclear out in the middle of the room standing up while we stand up alongside of him touching him, and we explain to him (and we explain this every command) that when we say "Start" we want him to start his body in that direction, and we point out some direction.

    Then we take our hands off of him and we say "Start." We do not say stop, halt, or anything else, but after he has moved forward we then say, "Did you start your body?" And he says he guesses he did or he did, and we then — and only then — acknowledge. We do this many times until the process apparently has no charge on it or is flat. We then go into the next of this series, which is Change.

    Then we take our hands off of him and we say "Start." We do not say stop, halt, or anything else, but after he has moved forward we then say, "Did you start your body?" And he says he guesses he did or he did, and we then — and only then — acknowledge. We do this many times until the process apparently has no charge on it or is flat. We then go into the next of this series, which is Change.

    To run Change the auditor marks four points out on the floor. These points can be imaginary or they can be actually chalk-marked on the floor. One of these points we label "A," one "B," one "C," and one "D." We explain the meanings of these symbols to the preclear and we give him this auditing command: "Now when I ask you to change the body, I want you to change the body's position from A to B. Do you understand that?" The preclear says he does, and the auditor, stepping back from the preclear, says, "Change." The preclear then changes the body's position. Similarly in using the various points and combinations of the points A, B, C and D, the auditor drills the preclear on Change until that particular process seems to be flat.

    To run Change the auditor marks four points out on the floor. These points can be imaginary or they can be actually chalk-marked on the floor. One of these points we label "A," one "B," one "C," and one "D." We explain the meanings of these symbols to the preclear and we give him this auditing command: "Now when I ask you to change the body, I want you to change the body's position from A to B. Do you understand that?" The preclear says he does, and the auditor, stepping back from the preclear, says, "Change." The preclear then changes the body's position. Similarly in using the various points and combinations of the points A, B, C and D, the auditor drills the preclear on Change until that particular process seems to be flat.

    The auditor then goes to Stop. The auditor takes the preclear by the arm and explains (explains every time) that when he says, "Stop," he wants the preclear to stop the body. The actual wording of the auditor is "Now I want you to get the body moving in that direction and when I say, 'Stop,' I want you to stop the body.

    The auditor then goes to Stop. The auditor takes the preclear by the arm and explains (explains every time) that when he says, "Stop," he wants the preclear to stop the body. The actual wording of the auditor is "Now I want you to get the body moving in that direction and when I say, 'Stop,' I want you to stop the body.

    Do you understand?" When the preclear says that he does, the auditor lets go of him, lets him move down the room a distance (never the same distance twice) and says, "Stop."

    Do you understand?" When the preclear says that he does, the auditor lets go of him, lets him move down the room a distance (never the same distance twice) and says, "Stop."

    When the preclear has stopped the auditor says, "Did you stop the body?" And the preclear says, "yes," or "maybe" and the auditor then acknowledges. The auditor does this many times until the preclear understands that he himself can stop the body or he has regained an ability, or the process appears to be flat and has no charge on it.

    When the preclear has stopped the auditor says, "Did you stop the body?" And the preclear says, "yes," or "maybe" and the auditor then acknowledges. The auditor does this many times until the preclear understands that he himself can stop the body or he has regained an ability, or the process appears to be flat and has no charge on it.

    These three steps done in that order are then repeated. And it will be discovered that once Stop has been flattened, Start is now unflattened and can be flattened all over again by running it anew. Similarly, Change will be found to be unflat and again Stop will be found to be unflat. Thus, one runs Start and one runs Change and then one runs Stop, in that order, over and over and over again until all three appear to be flat.

    These three steps done in that order are then repeated. And it will be discovered that once Stop has been flattened, Start is now unflattened and can be flattened all over again by running it anew. Similarly, Change will be found to be unflat and again Stop will be found to be unflat. Thus, one runs Start and one runs Change and then one runs Stop, in that order, over and over and over again until all three appear to be flat.

    A variation of this particular process has been called Stop Supreme. Stop Supreme is a heavy emphasis on Stop and it will be found that after the three processes of Start, Change and Stop are flat, one can move rather easily into Stop Supreme and concentrate heavily upon it. In other words, one runs Start, Change and Stop, Start, Change and Stop, Start, Change and Stop until they are relatively flat. He should not then suppose that the whole of SCS is flat since he still has Stop Supreme in all of its variations.

    A variation of this particular process has been called Stop Supreme. Stop Supreme is a heavy emphasis on Stop and it will be found that after the three processes of Start, Change and Stop are flat, one can move rather easily into Stop Supreme and concentrate heavily upon it. In other words, one runs Start, Change and Stop, Start, Change and Stop, Start, Change and Stop until they are relatively flat. He should not then suppose that the whole of SCS is flat since he still has Stop Supreme in all of its variations.

    The idea behind Stop Supreme is that Stop, or motionlessness, is probably the most thetan ability a thetan has. Thus the rehabilitation of this particular ability is worthwhile and does produce considerable results. But don't be surprised if the preclear falls apart in the process of doing it.

    The idea behind Stop Supreme is that Stop, or motionlessness, is probably the most thetan ability a thetan has. Thus the rehabilitation of this particular ability is worthwhile and does produce considerable results. But don't be surprised if the preclear falls apart in the process of doing it.

    The commands of Stop Supreme are roughly these. Every time one runs one of these SCS processes he, of course, explains the thing in full at the beginning of every command. He does not let any explanation hang over from the last time the command was executed. It will be found that the preclear cannot hold in his mind these explanations. Therefore, it has to be all explained anew every time. Thus we say to the preclear in Stop Supreme, "Now I want you to get your body moving down the room when I so indicate and when I say Stop, I want you to stop your body absolutely still." Then the auditor gives the preclear a slight shove and the preclear moves the body down the room, and the auditor says, "Stop," and the preclear tries to stop his body absolutely still in that instant. It will be found that faster and faster responses are achieved by the preclear and he can actually stop the body in more and more peculiar positions. The auditor then says, "Did you stop your body absolutely still?" The preclear answers this and then the auditor acknowledges. There are even more severe versions of this, but they are left to the imagination of the auditor.

    The commands of Stop Supreme are roughly these. Every time one runs one of these SCS processes he, of course, explains the thing in full at the beginning of every command. He does not let any explanation hang over from the last time the command was executed. It will be found that the preclear cannot hold in his mind these explanations. Therefore, it has to be all explained anew every time. Thus we say to the preclear in Stop Supreme, "Now I want you to get your body moving down the room when I so indicate and when I say Stop, I want you to stop your body absolutely still." Then the auditor gives the preclear a slight shove and the preclear moves the body down the room, and the auditor says, "Stop," and the preclear tries to stop his body absolutely still in that instant. It will be found that faster and faster responses are achieved by the preclear and he can actually stop the body in more and more peculiar positions. The auditor then says, "Did you stop your body absolutely still?" The preclear answers this and then the auditor acknowledges. There are even more severe versions of this, but they are left to the imagination of the auditor.

    These SCS processes produced the greatest control changes that have been produced with any control process. They were consistently used with great success by a great many auditors. This is not really true of CCH 1,2,3 and 4. CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4 depend in a very large measure not only upon the excellence of the auditor but upon how the auditor himself is feeling while he is running them. And we can get an auditor who is not feeling up to par that day not doing well with CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4. This difficulty was never encountered with the SCS processes and therefore the SCS processes are to be recommended.

    These SCS processes produced the greatest control changes that have been produced with any control process. They were consistently used with great success by a great many auditors. This is not really true of CCH 1,2,3 and 4. CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4 depend in a very large measure not only upon the excellence of the auditor but upon how the auditor himself is feeling while he is running them. And we can get an auditor who is not feeling up to par that day not doing well with CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4. This difficulty was never encountered with the SCS processes and therefore the SCS processes are to be recommended.

    An apparent drop of havingness is occasionally experienced by the preclear as he does these processes. This is because of compulsive exteriorization. If a preclear is about to fly out of his head he'll fly out of his head on SCS. If he does fly out of his head on SCS, or any other process, you, of course, continue the process. You do not suddenly change and do some other process. Once upon a time we felt at liberty to change because of the severity of the change, but we have learned in long experience that one never changes the process just because somebody compulsively exteriorizes. SCS is probably more susceptible to compulsive exteriorization than any other single process, and as it is run preclears fly into their heads and out of them at a great rate and eventually get to a state quite ordinarily where they can move into the head or out of the head at will.

    An apparent drop of havingness is occasionally experienced by the preclear as he does these processes. This is because of compulsive exteriorization. If a preclear is about to fly out of his head he'll fly out of his head on SCS. If he does fly out of his head on SCS, or any other process, you, of course, continue the process. You do not suddenly change and do some other process. Once upon a time we felt at liberty to change because of the severity of the change, but we have learned in long experience that one never changes the process just because somebody compulsively exteriorizes. SCS is probably more susceptible to compulsive exteriorization than any other single process, and as it is run preclears fly into their heads and out of them at a great rate and eventually get to a state quite ordinarily where they can move into the head or out of the head at will.

    The reason the preclear is holding on to the body is (1) fear of loss of control and (2) havingness. If the havingness of the preclear is low, he is apt to close in tight to the body because this gives him more havingness and if the preclear fears that the body is going to go out of control he will also move in closer to the body. Thus we get interiorization as no more complicated than fear of loss of control and drops in havingness.

    The reason the preclear is holding on to the body is (1) fear of loss of control and (2) havingness. If the havingness of the preclear is low, he is apt to close in tight to the body because this gives him more havingness and if the preclear fears that the body is going to go out of control he will also move in closer to the body. Thus we get interiorization as no more complicated than fear of loss of control and drops in havingness.

    When a loss of havingness is experienced, a preclear will agitate or go anaten and tend to be upset in general. Actually, any loss of havingness in an auditing session can be repaired by an excellent auditor by repair of the ARC of the session. One uses the trick "What did I do wrong?" and two-way comm in general to patch up state of affairs. Loss of havingness is first manifested on loss of havingness of the session or loss of goals rather than on actual loss of mass.

    When a loss of havingness is experienced, a preclear will agitate or go anaten and tend to be upset in general. Actually, any loss of havingness in an auditing session can be repaired by an excellent auditor by repair of the ARC of the session. One uses the trick "What did I do wrong?" and two-way comm in general to patch up state of affairs. Loss of havingness is first manifested on loss of havingness of the session or loss of goals rather than on actual loss of mass.

    In running SCS, however, the preclear flying in and out of his head will experience various changes of havingness which are quite upsetting. The very best handling of this situation is to restore the ARC of the session in every way possible. It is actually not allowed to stop SCS and go into Trio.

    In running SCS, however, the preclear flying in and out of his head will experience various changes of havingness which are quite upsetting. The very best handling of this situation is to restore the ARC of the session in every way possible. It is actually not allowed to stop SCS and go into Trio.

    Concentration upon the body is one of the frailties of SCS and we have long since discovered that those preclears who had difficulty in exteriorization would very often reinteriorize the moment they glanced at the body. Well, keeping a body there and looking at it are apparently two different things entirely. Thus if a preclear can't put his attention upon the body without bad things happening, we should run a process which prevents the preclear from being upset simply because he is concentrating upon his body, and SCS certainly does this and does it well.

    Concentration upon the body is one of the frailties of SCS and we have long since discovered that those preclears who had difficulty in exteriorization would very often reinteriorize the moment they glanced at the body. Well, keeping a body there and looking at it are apparently two different things entirely. Thus if a preclear can't put his attention upon the body without bad things happening, we should run a process which prevents the preclear from being upset simply because he is concentrating upon his body, and SCS certainly does this and does it well.

    Don't be surprised in running SCS if the preclear suddenly flies to pieces, goes into flip-flopping, has to be picked up off the floor and put over on the couch and left aghast, but do be very surprised at yourself if you fail to get the preclear back up on his feet and into session again at once. This is no time for you to be changing processes simply because a preclear collapses. Now if this did happen, that the preclear went entirely out of session while running SCS and you could not get him in any way to do any more of the SCS and get it flat, then you had better start the entire intensive all over again and go right back to the beginningand carry on from the beginning and bring him right straight on through to SCS. You would do this rapidly, of course, but you would nevertheless have no other choice. It would not be good enough to change processes simply because the preclear found himself incapable of running this body control process of SCS.

    Don't be surprised in running SCS if the preclear suddenly flies to pieces, goes into flip-flopping, has to be picked up off the floor and put over on the couch and left aghast, but do be very surprised at yourself if you fail to get the preclear back up on his feet and into session again at once. This is no time for you to be changing processes simply because a preclear collapses. Now if this did happen, that the preclear went entirely out of session while running SCS and you could not get him in any way to do any more of the SCS and get it flat, then you had better start the entire intensive all over again and go right back to the beginningand carry on from the beginning and bring him right straight on through to SCS. You would do this rapidly, of course, but you would nevertheless have no other choice. It would not be good enough to change processes simply because the preclear found himself incapable of running this body control process of SCS.

    It has been noticed that SCS can be run very sloppily by some auditors who do not have very much experience with it. The only way to err is in the direction of imprecision and bad ARC. It is perfectly easy to be very precise with high ARC. ARC does not mean nonconfronting.

    It has been noticed that SCS can be run very sloppily by some auditors who do not have very much experience with it. The only way to err is in the direction of imprecision and bad ARC. It is perfectly easy to be very precise with high ARC. ARC does not mean nonconfronting.

    One of the elementary processes which can be used after SCS and which is a very fine process and will have to be done at some time, is the "Keep it from going away — Hold it still — Make it more solid" series on two objects.

    One of the elementary processes which can be used after SCS and which is a very fine process and will have to be done at some time, is the "Keep it from going away — Hold it still — Make it more solid" series on two objects.

    To do this particular process one takes two disrelated objects, that is to say he doesn't take two ashtrays or two bottles. He could take one object made out of wood, one made out of glass, both of them with different purposes. But these are usually picked up as nonsignificant objects and the auditor asks the preclear to place the two of them to the right and to the left of the preclear and asks the preclear to pick up one of them and keep it from going away and put it back in exactly the same place, pick up the other one and keep it from going away, put it back in exactly the same place, and keeps up this drill between these two objects. Actually, preclears who are having a very hard time require more than two objects, even as many as six or seven. In this event the auditor places the preclear at a table and scatters several objects around and picks them up at random. The duplicative feature of the process can be toughened up as the process is continued, but on some preclears it will be found to be very arduous to start out basically with two. When the preclear can successfully keep the two objects from going away, knowing very well that he kept them from going away — which the auditor asks him every time, "Did you keep it from going away?" — the hold-it-still phase is run in exactly the same way, and when this seems to be flat on the two objects we get into "Make it more solid." One of the principal dividing lines between a psychotic state and a sane state is the ability to make things solid. It will be found that people who are having a very bad time indeed have the whole world in a very thin look-straight-through-it state. Only when they themselves can be at cause in keeping things from going away and making things hold still and making things more solid will it be found that they have a solidity in the environment.

    To do this particular process one takes two disrelated objects, that is to say he doesn't take two ashtrays or two bottles. He could take one object made out of wood, one made out of glass, both of them with different purposes. But these are usually picked up as nonsignificant objects and the auditor asks the preclear to place the two of them to the right and to the left of the preclear and asks the preclear to pick up one of them and keep it from going away and put it back in exactly the same place, pick up the other one and keep it from going away, put it back in exactly the same place, and keeps up this drill between these two objects. Actually, preclears who are having a very hard time require more than two objects, even as many as six or seven. In this event the auditor places the preclear at a table and scatters several objects around and picks them up at random. The duplicative feature of the process can be toughened up as the process is continued, but on some preclears it will be found to be very arduous to start out basically with two. When the preclear can successfully keep the two objects from going away, knowing very well that he kept them from going away — which the auditor asks him every time, "Did you keep it from going away?" — the hold-it-still phase is run in exactly the same way, and when this seems to be flat on the two objects we get into "Make it more solid." One of the principal dividing lines between a psychotic state and a sane state is the ability to make things solid. It will be found that people who are having a very bad time indeed have the whole world in a very thin look-straight-through-it state. Only when they themselves can be at cause in keeping things from going away and making things hold still and making things more solid will it be found that they have a solidity in the environment.

    There would be another process which we could run at this particular stage and that is old-time Book and Bottle, which is also one of the deadlier exteriorization processes.

    There would be another process which we could run at this particular stage and that is old-time Book and Bottle, which is also one of the deadlier exteriorization processes.

    Old-time Book and Bottle was run in this wise. The auditor placed a book on one table or chair and a bottle on the other table or chair and he directed the individual to first one and then the other, always with a very duplicative command. Probably the first version of Book and Bottle was the best. It should be understood that Book and Bottle is an absolute necessity and must be run at some time or another upon a Scientology auditor, but it is not necessarily something which must be run on somebody who is simply trying to attain a state of Clear. Thus a mention of it is introduced at this time.

    Old-time Book and Bottle was run in this wise. The auditor placed a book on one table or chair and a bottle on the other table or chair and he directed the individual to first one and then the other, always with a very duplicative command. Probably the first version of Book and Bottle was the best. It should be understood that Book and Bottle is an absolute necessity and must be run at some time or another upon a Scientology auditor, but it is not necessarily something which must be run on somebody who is simply trying to attain a state of Clear. Thus a mention of it is introduced at this time.

    Find the Auditor

    Find the Auditor

    Make the pc even more conscious of auditor and place him somewhat at cause with ARC.

    Make the pc even more conscious of auditor and place him somewhat at cause with ARC.

    There are probably a thousand inventive ways that this could be done but it is time when one has been butchering the pc this long for the pc to regain some of his self-respect with regard to the auditing session. One could do this with almost any auditing command which made the pc look at the auditor. Such a question as "Is there anything I am doing that you could do?" carried forward to its logical conclusion would find the pc regaining some of his cause with regard to the session. Simple locational spotting, however, is probably the best process here. One directs the pc's attention with "You notice that (object)" all about the room and at first only occasionally includes the pc's body and the auditor's body in the spotting. Then the auditor, using the same process, concentrates less and less upon the room and more and more upon the auditor and the pc. It will be found that the pc will eventually find the auditor with his attention so directed.

    There are probably a thousand inventive ways that this could be done but it is time when one has been butchering the pc this long for the pc to regain some of his self-respect with regard to the auditing session. One could do this with almost any auditing command which made the pc look at the auditor. Such a question as "Is there anything I am doing that you could do?" carried forward to its logical conclusion would find the pc regaining some of his cause with regard to the session. Simple locational spotting, however, is probably the best process here. One directs the pc's attention with "You notice that (object)" all about the room and at first only occasionally includes the pc's body and the auditor's body in the spotting. Then the auditor, using the same process, concentrates less and less upon the room and more and more upon the auditor and the pc. It will be found that the pc will eventually find the auditor with his attention so directed.

    It will be seen then that SCS directed the pc's attention very strongly to the auditing of his own body and it will be seen that we have not yet started to get the pc's attention out into the environment.

    It will be seen then that SCS directed the pc's attention very strongly to the auditing of his own body and it will be seen that we have not yet started to get the pc's attention out into the environment.

    But here we have two very pat processes which are CCH 3 and CCH 4. These are extremely simple processes but require a considerable amount of care in their use. Any validated auditor knows how to run these two processes. CCH 3 is Hand Space Mimicry and CCH 4 is Book Mimicry. Both of these processes simply invite the pc to find the auditor more thoroughly.

    But here we have two very pat processes which are CCH 3 and CCH 4. These are extremely simple processes but require a considerable amount of care in their use. Any validated auditor knows how to run these two processes. CCH 3 is Hand Space Mimicry and CCH 4 is Book Mimicry. Both of these processes simply invite the pc to find the auditor more thoroughly.

    The earliest process along the line was "Look at me, Who am I?" and it has very far from been disallowed, so that in lack of anything else simply this process could be picked up and used at this stage. Now here we get the preclear to identify or to say who the auditor is and you will find that many preclears go through a considerable number of convulsions in trying to establish who the auditor is.

    The earliest process along the line was "Look at me, Who am I?" and it has very far from been disallowed, so that in lack of anything else simply this process could be picked up and used at this stage. Now here we get the preclear to identify or to say who the auditor is and you will find that many preclears go through a considerable number of convulsions in trying to establish who the auditor is.

    There is no particularly recommended step for this. It depends in a large measure on what state the pc is in when he arrives at this point. But it is necessary for the pc to become somewhat causative with regard to the session at this stage, whether by spotting, CCH 3 and CCH 4, or by old-time "Look at me, Who am I?" They all more or less accomplish the same thing. CCH 3 and 4 accomplish the location of the auditor very mechanically according to the Reality Scale. Spotting has the additional advantage of taking a pc's attention very thoroughly under control, and "Look at me, Who am I?" invites the pc to use his identification and thinking capacities. If an auditor wanted to be totally sure, he would use all of them.

    There is no particularly recommended step for this. It depends in a large measure on what state the pc is in when he arrives at this point. But it is necessary for the pc to become somewhat causative with regard to the session at this stage, whether by spotting, CCH 3 and CCH 4, or by old-time "Look at me, Who am I?" They all more or less accomplish the same thing. CCH 3 and 4 accomplish the location of the auditor very mechanically according to the Reality Scale. Spotting has the additional advantage of taking a pc's attention very thoroughly under control, and "Look at me, Who am I?" invites the pc to use his identification and thinking capacities. If an auditor wanted to be totally sure, he would use all of them.

    Pc Versus mest

    Pc Versus mest

    Establish pc as cause over mest by establishing pc's ideas as cause over mest.

    Establish pc as cause over mest by establishing pc's ideas as cause over mest.

    There are several varieties of spotting processes. The most basic of these is the most basic process to association and this is Connectedness. This process is rundirectively with the following command: "You get the idea of making that (object) connect with you. Did you? Thank you."

    There are several varieties of spotting processes. The most basic of these is the most basic process to association and this is Connectedness. This process is rundirectively with the following command: "You get the idea of making that (object) connect with you. Did you? Thank you."

    The reason Connectedness works is because it is the basic process on association. The most aberrative thing on any case is association with mest. This does not mean that the individual is not creating the mest, it does not mean that he has no relationship with mest, but it does mean that theta and mest interconnected too strongly are the components of a trap. Theta is mixed up with mest, mest is mixed up with theta. They are two different things actually, and it is not true that all thought derives from mest, nor is it true that all mest derives from thought. A thetan can create mest by simply creating mest, not by telling it to be created, but simply by putting it there. This is the isness of mest. Now when he connects his thoughts with the actual mass he gets into trouble and we get association, we get compulsive thinking, we get identification and the old A=A=A of Dianetic days.

    The reason Connectedness works is because it is the basic process on association. The most aberrative thing on any case is association with mest. This does not mean that the individual is not creating the mest, it does not mean that he has no relationship with mest, but it does mean that theta and mest interconnected too strongly are the components of a trap. Theta is mixed up with mest, mest is mixed up with theta. They are two different things actually, and it is not true that all thought derives from mest, nor is it true that all mest derives from thought. A thetan can create mest by simply creating mest, not by telling it to be created, but simply by putting it there. This is the isness of mest. Now when he connects his thoughts with the actual mass he gets into trouble and we get association, we get compulsive thinking, we get identification and the old A=A=A of Dianetic days.

    Thus you will see at once that Connectedness in any form is a very excellent process to run. But note carefully that we have him get the idea of making the object connect with him. We never command the preclear to get the other idea of connecting with the object. This is a no-games condition. This is what is wrong with the preclear.

    Thus you will see at once that Connectedness in any form is a very excellent process to run. But note carefully that we have him get the idea of making the object connect with him. We never command the preclear to get the other idea of connecting with the object. This is a no-games condition. This is what is wrong with the preclear.

    Now there are a large variety of processes which stem out of this process of basic association. These are Control Trio, Trio and Responsibility. But all of these things are basically Connectedness Processes.

    Now there are a large variety of processes which stem out of this process of basic association. These are Control Trio, Trio and Responsibility. But all of these things are basically Connectedness Processes.

    The only thing that ever went wrong with Connectedness Processes was the unreality factor. The auditor would tell the preclear to get the idea of making that wall connect with him, when as a matter of fact the preclear couldn't have gotten much of any kind of an idea of making anything connect with him.

    The only thing that ever went wrong with Connectedness Processes was the unreality factor. The auditor would tell the preclear to get the idea of making that wall connect with him, when as a matter of fact the preclear couldn't have gotten much of any kind of an idea of making anything connect with him.

    Thus it is mandatory for an auditor to start out a preclear on some level of reality and some two-way comm should precede this Connectedness Process, such as "Do you think there is anything anywhere that you could get to connect with you?" Once this is cleared up, it will be found that only those things very close in could be real to the preclear on this line of Connectedness. Thus the auditor is given no great power of choice in this matter in the first runnings of the process. He will have to run things which are relatively close in to the preclear, then proceed to things which are middle distance and then things which are further from the preclear.

    Thus it is mandatory for an auditor to start out a preclear on some level of reality and some two-way comm should precede this Connectedness Process, such as "Do you think there is anything anywhere that you could get to connect with you?" Once this is cleared up, it will be found that only those things very close in could be real to the preclear on this line of Connectedness. Thus the auditor is given no great power of choice in this matter in the first runnings of the process. He will have to run things which are relatively close in to the preclear, then proceed to things which are middle distance and then things which are further from the preclear.

    A great deal of good common sense is needed here, and a great deal of two-way comm is necessary to get some idea of whether or not the preclear thought it was real.

    A great deal of good common sense is needed here, and a great deal of two-way comm is necessary to get some idea of whether or not the preclear thought it was real.

    Thus the earliest commands of Connectedness should probably be the preclear's nose and the auditor's hand; the arm of the preclear's chair and the button on the auditor's shirt; the button on the preclear's shirt and his own left hand, et cetera. Further, the auditor is only asking him to get the idea of making the thing connect with him, not to make the thing connect with him, otherwise he will have the preclear being yanked all over the room.

    Thus the earliest commands of Connectedness should probably be the preclear's nose and the auditor's hand; the arm of the preclear's chair and the button on the auditor's shirt; the button on the preclear's shirt and his own left hand, et cetera. Further, the auditor is only asking him to get the idea of making the thing connect with him, not to make the thing connect with him, otherwise he will have the preclear being yanked all over the room.

    Control Trio, Trio and Responsibility are actually only complications on top of Connectedness, but they themselves have their own particular peculiar virtues, and a preclear who can actually run straight, old-time Trio, "Look around here and find something you could have," can get a very long way on that process all by itself.

    Control Trio, Trio and Responsibility are actually only complications on top of Connectedness, but they themselves have their own particular peculiar virtues, and a preclear who can actually run straight, old-time Trio, "Look around here and find something you could have," can get a very long way on that process all by itself.

    Control Trio is actually a three-stage process on a heavy spotting control. It runs in this fashion. "Get the idea that you can have that (object)." And when this is relatively flat, "Get the idea of making that (object) remain where it is" (or continue where it is) and "Get the idea of making that (object) disappear." This is actually a very fine process and undercuts (runs on a lower case than) Trio itself.

    Control Trio is actually a three-stage process on a heavy spotting control. It runs in this fashion. "Get the idea that you can have that (object)." And when this is relatively flat, "Get the idea of making that (object) remain where it is" (or continue where it is) and "Get the idea of making that (object) disappear." This is actually a very fine process and undercuts (runs on a lower case than) Trio itself.

    Old-time Trio is extremely good, however, and is not to be underrated in any way. You can run a whole three-week intensive on this if the preclear can do it. The commands are: "Look around here and find something you could have." And when that is somewhat flat, "Look around here and find something you would permit to remain," and then "Look around here and find something you would permit to disappear." These are run in relationship to each other. In other words, all three of them are run in the same session. Sometimes a preclear will run the third command two hundred and fifty times before he can get either of the other two commands with any reality at all.

    Old-time Trio is extremely good, however, and is not to be underrated in any way. You can run a whole three-week intensive on this if the preclear can do it. The commands are: "Look around here and find something you could have." And when that is somewhat flat, "Look around here and find something you would permit to remain," and then "Look around here and find something you would permit to disappear." These are run in relationship to each other. In other words, all three of them are run in the same session. Sometimes a preclear will run the third command two hundred and fifty times before he can get either of the other two commands with any reality at all.

    Responsibility is another process just like Trio and actually has its three commands, too. "Look around here and find something you could be responsible for." "Look around here and find something you don't have to be responsible for." "Look around here and find something you would permit somebody else to be responsible for."

    Responsibility is another process just like Trio and actually has its three commands, too. "Look around here and find something you could be responsible for." "Look around here and find something you don't have to be responsible for." "Look around here and find something you would permit somebody else to be responsible for."

    The emphasis here is "You look," "You connect," "You make" in any of these processes, and the "You" should be entered into the old commands to make the thing as causative as possible.

    The emphasis here is "You look," "You connect," "You make" in any of these processes, and the "You" should be entered into the old commands to make the thing as causative as possible.

    Although we cover this rather briefly, this is probably the most effective section of Clear Procedure. The whole trick is to get the preclear to actually do it. It does no good for a preclear to run these processes with no reality. It does no good for a preclear to run these processes with no ARC between himself and the auditor. But it does a lot of good to get these processes run.

    Although we cover this rather briefly, this is probably the most effective section of Clear Procedure. The whole trick is to get the preclear to actually do it. It does no good for a preclear to run these processes with no reality. It does no good for a preclear to run these processes with no ARC between himself and the auditor. But it does a lot of good to get these processes run.

    Basically TR 10, "You notice that (object)," is a fundamental process on Connectedness. It will be discovered that unless the preclear is actually able to look at a few things he will not be able to get an idea about them, too. Furthermore, it will be discovered that there is a process called Short Spotting, wherein the auditor has the preclear spot things that are very close to him. The only thing wrong with Short Spotting is that the auditor must give the preclear things to spot which the preclear can actually see with his eyes. If the preclear cannot see these things with his eyes there is not much use in having him spot them as it will run down his havingness and add to an uncertainty.

    Basically TR 10, "You notice that (object)," is a fundamental process on Connectedness. It will be discovered that unless the preclear is actually able to look at a few things he will not be able to get an idea about them, too. Furthermore, it will be discovered that there is a process called Short Spotting, wherein the auditor has the preclear spot things that are very close to him. The only thing wrong with Short Spotting is that the auditor must give the preclear things to spot which the preclear can actually see with his eyes. If the preclear cannot see these things with his eyes there is not much use in having him spot them as it will run down his havingness and add to an uncertainty.

    Havingness of an objective variety, namely Trio, is one of the greatest processes ever invented. Do not lose sight of this fact. The process can do things that no other process can do. There may be some factors kicking around inHavingness which are not entirely understood and which are not entirely connected with Connectedness. However, it has been found that Connectedness will put a preclear in a condition where he can eventually run Havingness. Therefore, Connectedness undercuts and possibly even overpasses Havingness in general.

    Havingness of an objective variety, namely Trio, is one of the greatest processes ever invented. Do not lose sight of this fact. The process can do things that no other process can do. There may be some factors kicking around inHavingness which are not entirely understood and which are not entirely connected with Connectedness. However, it has been found that Connectedness will put a preclear in a condition where he can eventually run Havingness. Therefore, Connectedness undercuts and possibly even overpasses Havingness in general.

    This process of Connectedness can also be run outside. It can be run on people. It can be run on a certain type of object. It can be used to familiarize a pilot with his airplane and a driver with his car. It can be used to increase ARC between the preclear and the world around him by letting him run it in a heavily populated area or upon a busy street and using bodies. Here we have one of the more interesting processes to run in terms of cognition, because it undoes so much basic association. If your preclear is not cogniting while running Connectedness you can be very sure of the fact that somewhere along the line you have not given him a reality and you should flatten it off gracefully and start the intensive all over again.

    This process of Connectedness can also be run outside. It can be run on people. It can be run on a certain type of object. It can be used to familiarize a pilot with his airplane and a driver with his car. It can be used to increase ARC between the preclear and the world around him by letting him run it in a heavily populated area or upon a busy street and using bodies. Here we have one of the more interesting processes to run in terms of cognition, because it undoes so much basic association. If your preclear is not cogniting while running Connectedness you can be very sure of the fact that somewhere along the line you have not given him a reality and you should flatten it off gracefully and start the intensive all over again.

    Creative Processing

    Creative Processing

    Read and understand Scientology 8-8008 and Electropsychometric Auditing, and use an E-Meter throughout the auditing.

    Read and understand Scientology 8-8008 and Electropsychometric Auditing, and use an E-Meter throughout the auditing.

    The first step on this in some cases is conquering black "field" and invisible"field." This is done by a repair of havingness over black masses and then invisible masses, run even if the pc goes unconscious. This means that you continue to audit him even if he goes unconscious and you use the same command and pay no attention to his unconsciousness. You continue just as though he were wide awake. When field is cleared up, start on a gradient scale of mock-ups and get pc able to mock things up. Then run "Keep it from going away" until flat on mock-ups. Then run "Hold it still" on mock-ups. Then run"Make it more solid" on mock-ups. All this until pc really has fine, solid mock-ups. Typical command, "Mock up aand keep it from going away. Thank you."

    The first step on this in some cases is conquering black "field" and invisible"field." This is done by a repair of havingness over black masses and then invisible masses, run even if the pc goes unconscious. This means that you continue to audit him even if he goes unconscious and you use the same command and pay no attention to his unconsciousness. You continue just as though he were wide awake. When field is cleared up, start on a gradient scale of mock-ups and get pc able to mock things up. Then run "Keep it from going away" until flat on mock-ups. Then run "Hold it still" on mock-ups. Then run"Make it more solid" on mock-ups. All this until pc really has fine, solid mock-ups. Typical command, "Mock up aand keep it from going away. Thank you."

    RULE: A PC'S FACSIMILES ARE NOT STORED, THEY ARE MADE IN THE INSTANT AND UNMADE BY THE PC, therefore remedy of mock-ups AND THEIR PERSISTENCE, is actually a direct route to Clear and winds up with no obsessive mock-up making (which we call a bank).

    RULE: A PC'S FACSIMILES ARE NOT STORED, THEY ARE MADE IN THE INSTANT AND UNMADE BY THE PC, therefore remedy of mock-ups AND THEIR PERSISTENCE, is actually a direct route to Clear and winds up with no obsessive mock-up making (which we call a bank).

    A valuable side process here: "Decide to make a mock-up. Decide that will ruin the game. Decide not to do it." Also this one: "Decide to make a mock-up everyone can see. Decide that would ruin the game. Decide not to do it."

    A valuable side process here: "Decide to make a mock-up. Decide that will ruin the game. Decide not to do it." Also this one: "Decide to make a mock-up everyone can see. Decide that would ruin the game. Decide not to do it."



    STEP SEVEN (Optional)

    STEP SEVEN (Optional)

    Establish the preclear's control over his "bank." "Mock up a facsimile and (keep it from going away, and when that is flat, hold it still, and when that is flat, make it a little more solid)." Run this alternately with "Mock up that wall (keep it from going away, hold it still, make it a little more solid)." Run the "Keep it from going away" on a facsimile one command, then the wall one command, until flat, then shift to "Hold it still" same way, then shift to "Make it more solid," same way.

    Establish the preclear's control over his "bank." "Mock up a facsimile and (keep it from going away, and when that is flat, hold it still, and when that is flat, make it a little more solid)." Run this alternately with "Mock up that wall (keep it from going away, hold it still, make it a little more solid)." Run the "Keep it from going away" on a facsimile one command, then the wall one command, until flat, then shift to "Hold it still" same way, then shift to "Make it more solid," same way.

    Make Some Time

    Make Some Time

    See Dianetics 55!, Chapter XV.

    See Dianetics 55!, Chapter XV.



    GOAL: Operating Thetan.

    GOAL: Operating Thetan.

    DEFINITION: An Operating Thetan is one who can be knowingly at cause over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time.

    DEFINITION: An Operating Thetan is one who can be knowingly at cause over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time.

    CCH 0 in brief, find the auditor, find pc, find auditing room, clear help and goals. BUT IN THE MAIN HANDLE THE PT PROBLEM IF IT EXISTS. IF IT DOESN'T EXIST do CCH 0 briefly and quickly and get on with the session.

    CCH 0 in brief, find the auditor, find pc, find auditing room, clear help and goals. BUT IN THE MAIN HANDLE THE PT PROBLEM IF IT EXISTS. IF IT DOESN'T EXIST do CCH 0 briefly and quickly and get on with the session.

    It will be noted that giving pc's attention to auditing room or environment can turn on a somatic after three or four commands. After one command of "Have you got an auditing room?" this becomes a process called LOCATIONAL. If Locational turns on a somatic it must be run until somatic is flat. Therefore, the auditor has no business attempting Locational or getting the pc involved unless he intends to do something about it.

    It will be noted that giving pc's attention to auditing room or environment can turn on a somatic after three or four commands. After one command of "Have you got an auditing room?" this becomes a process called LOCATIONAL. If Locational turns on a somatic it must be run until somatic is flat. Therefore, the auditor has no business attempting Locational or getting the pc involved unless he intends to do something about it.

    Present Time Problem
    Present Time Problem

    The preclear is put on an E-Meter before PT problem is discussed. When the E-Meter has been adjusted (one-third of a dial surge when pc squeezes cans), the auditor asks if the pc has a present time problem. After a little discussion of this, the needle may surge. If it does, the auditor locates the PT problem's most intimate terminal and runs (with the pc still holding the cans) "Invent something worse than (indicated terminal)" until the problem flattens out on the dial. The auditor can ask for and run another PT problem or even three or four, but always flattening down the surge of the needle. IF THE PC IS 50 percent below the center line of the APA, it is not safe to run "Invent." Instead, without scouting around "Invent," but knowing the graph in the first place, simply two-way comm the problem and run Locational until the problem flattens out on the needle. The auditor does not begin with "Invent" and then change his mind and run Locational. It is an "either-or." The auditor starts with "Invent" or he starts with Locational and whichever he does he does not change. IF LOCATIONAL TURNS ON A SOMATIC IT MUST BE RUN UNTIL LOCATIONAL NO LONGER TURNS ON SOMATICS.

    The preclear is put on an E-Meter before PT problem is discussed. When the E-Meter has been adjusted (one-third of a dial surge when pc squeezes cans), the auditor asks if the pc has a present time problem. After a little discussion of this, the needle may surge. If it does, the auditor locates the PT problem's most intimate terminal and runs (with the pc still holding the cans) "Invent something worse than (indicated terminal)" until the problem flattens out on the dial. The auditor can ask for and run another PT problem or even three or four, but always flattening down the surge of the needle. IF THE PC IS 50 percent below the center line of the APA, it is not safe to run "Invent." Instead, without scouting around "Invent," but knowing the graph in the first place, simply two-way comm the problem and run Locational until the problem flattens out on the needle. The auditor does not begin with "Invent" and then change his mind and run Locational. It is an "either-or." The auditor starts with "Invent" or he starts with Locational and whichever he does he does not change. IF LOCATIONAL TURNS ON A SOMATIC IT MUST BE RUN UNTIL LOCATIONAL NO LONGER TURNS ON SOMATICS.

    Once the PT problem is flat the auditor puts away the E-Meter.

    Once the PT problem is flat the auditor puts away the E-Meter.

    SCS Steps
    SCS Steps

    SCS begins with 8-C of any kind. If 8-C turns on a somatic, the auditor runs it until it no longer turns on somatics. 8-C is run formal or Tone 40.

    SCS begins with 8-C of any kind. If 8-C turns on a somatic, the auditor runs it until it no longer turns on somatics. 8-C is run formal or Tone 40.

    Start is then run as per 1956. Change is then run as per 1956. Stop is then run as per 1956.

    Start is then run as per 1956. Change is then run as per 1956. Stop is then run as per 1956.

    If each of these is flattened in turn, it does not mean that SCS is flat. It means only that Start is probably unflattened. Thus one again runs Start after Stop, runs Change after Start, Stop after Change until none of the three unflatten the others.

    If each of these is flattened in turn, it does not mean that SCS is flat. It means only that Start is probably unflattened. Thus one again runs Start after Stop, runs Change after Start, Stop after Change until none of the three unflatten the others.

    More 8-C can be run. There is no error in liberally running 8-C, which is, after all, a more complicated Locational of a Short Spotting sort.

    More 8-C can be run. There is no error in liberally running 8-C, which is, after all, a more complicated Locational of a Short Spotting sort.

    Spotting Steps
    Spotting Steps

    Spotting itself is a broad process. Locational is only one of many spotting processes. Spotting spots in the past, in space, in the present, Short Spotting (Locational done up close) are all effective.

    Spotting itself is a broad process. Locational is only one of many spotting processes. Spotting spots in the past, in space, in the present, Short Spotting (Locational done up close) are all effective.



    Connectedness is the basic process on ASSOCIATION of theta with mest. All forms and kinds of association, including being caught in traps, are prone to become identifications as in Dianetics. Connectedness puts the thetan at cause in making the mest (or people when run outside) connect with him. The command is "Get the idea of making (indicated object) connect with you." The auditor points. The worse off a person is, the less reality he has on far objects.

    Connectedness is the basic process on ASSOCIATION of theta with mest. All forms and kinds of association, including being caught in traps, are prone to become identifications as in Dianetics. Connectedness puts the thetan at cause in making the mest (or people when run outside) connect with him. The command is "Get the idea of making (indicated object) connect with you." The auditor points. The worse off a person is, the less reality he has on far objects.

    Havingness is a complicated Connectedness. Also a permissive one. Thus Trio is above Connectedness and may be used when Connectedness is flat.

    Havingness is a complicated Connectedness. Also a permissive one. Thus Trio is above Connectedness and may be used when Connectedness is flat.