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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Parked Personality - Exteriorization, Stuck Flows (3ACC-48) - L540129 | Сравнить
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Lecture 49 - D I S C 53
A Lecture Given on 29 January 1954
61 M I N U T E S
Lecture 49 - D I S C 53
A Lecture Given on 29 January 1954
61 M I N U T E S

Okay, and this is the afternoon lecture of January the 29th, 1954. And this moment, we are going to ask you an interesting question as an auditor: Why is there somebody in this class that isn’t Clear?

Okay, and this is the afternoon lecture of January the 29th, 1954. And this moment, we are going to ask you an interesting question as an auditor: Why is there somebody in this class that isn’t Clear?

I’m asking you that as an auditor now.

I’m asking you that as an auditor now.

What’s the answer?

What’s the answer?

Female voice: I didn’t now there was anybody here who wasn’t.

Female voice: I didn’t now there was anybody here who wasn’t.

They’re getting there. They’re getting there, but some of them are dragging their heels. I’ll tell you why it is. It’s in view of the fact that instruction up to certain principles takes a certain amount of time, absorption and some confidence in your own material.

They’re getting there. They’re getting there, but some of them are dragging their heels. I’ll tell you why it is. It’s in view of the fact that instruction up to certain principles takes a certain amount of time, absorption and some confidence in your own material.

If you took this long to clear somebody you pulled off the street, I would be so ashamed of you I would just go and cry quietly into my beer. I don’t care what kind of a case he was-they brought it in on a stretcher, you poked it and the flesh where you poked it stayed dented.

If you took this long to clear somebody you pulled off the street, I would be so ashamed of you I would just go and cry quietly into my beer. I don’t care what kind of a case he was-they brought it in on a stretcher, you poked it and the flesh where you poked it stayed dented.

So, let’s not get our sights adjusted on what we’re doing here and what we can do. Let’s just not adjust what we can do by what we’re doing.

So, let’s not get our sights adjusted on what we’re doing here and what we can do. Let’s just not adjust what we can do by what we’re doing.

All right, there’s a lot of answers to this. You’ve had the answers. You may not have fully enough digested some of these answers, but you had them. Now, if you think there’s any big mystery that’s suddenly going to be revealed all in a flash, it will probably wait upon that moment when you suddenly reveal to yourself that you’ve just now integrated this business. And that will probably come as a flash.

All right, there’s a lot of answers to this. You’ve had the answers. You may not have fully enough digested some of these answers, but you had them. Now, if you think there’s any big mystery that’s suddenly going to be revealed all in a flash, it will probably wait upon that moment when you suddenly reveal to yourself that you’ve just now integrated this business. And that will probably come as a flash.

You’ll say, “Hey, that’s simple. What do you-hey, wait a minute. C to E, trying to get a straight communication line, thetan is trying to get a communication line in the body. Oh? Well... you know, that must mean that he doesn’t have a straight communication line to the body. Hmmmm. Say, you don’t suppose that could be communication lag, do you? Well, no. Probably not. That doesn’t quite tie in there. But, you know, you run this courage and the fellow bogs and picks up and bogs and picks up-I don’t know, do you suppose he’s busting through something?”

You’ll say, “Hey, that’s simple. What do you-hey, wait a minute. C to E, trying to get a straight communication line, thetan is trying to get a communication line in the body. Oh? Well... you know, that must mean that he doesn’t have a straight communication line to the body. Hmmmm. Say, you don’t suppose that could be communication lag, do you? Well, no. Probably not. That doesn’t quite tie in there. But, you know, you run this courage and the fellow bogs and picks up and bogs and picks up-I don’t know, do you suppose he’s busting through something?”

“Say, I wonder if that’s what Ron meant by ridges? Hmmm-hmmm. Well, it might take a little time for a communication if it were going through particles all the time. Maybe that would be a communication lag.”

“Say, I wonder if that’s what Ron meant by ridges? Hmmm-hmmm. Well, it might take a little time for a communication if it were going through particles all the time. Maybe that would be a communication lag.”

“Say, you suppose that there’s some-something about this fellow who comes in and says, ‘Well, I don’t know, but I think ...’ Suppose there’s some connection between this manifestation and that guy’s case? Hey, I bet there is.”

“Say, you suppose that there’s some-something about this fellow who comes in and says, ‘Well, I don’t know, but I think ...’ Suppose there’s some connection between this manifestation and that guy’s case? Hey, I bet there is.”

And I’m now being very nastily sarcastic about it. But the truth of the matter is, it’s just that simple. Only we’re undergoing an unlearning process. And this process, time after time, overshoots the supercomplexity of your observation.

And I’m now being very nastily sarcastic about it. But the truth of the matter is, it’s just that simple. Only we’re undergoing an unlearning process. And this process, time after time, overshoots the supercomplexity of your observation.

You observe this terribly complex mass of communication lines. Somebody has just taken all the communication lines in the United States and bundled them all up in a ball, fixed it up so that the ends don’t compare with the ends and there’s no color tracing charts and there’s nothing like that and they’ve suddenly dumped it in your lap.

You observe this terribly complex mass of communication lines. Somebody has just taken all the communication lines in the United States and bundled them all up in a ball, fixed it up so that the ends don’t compare with the ends and there’s no color tracing charts and there’s nothing like that and they’ve suddenly dumped it in your lap.

This is a graphic representation of “a preclear.” The preclear tries to put in at C, to the body to get, in effect, the following command: “Walk.” And then it goes through all the communication lines, all balled up, and it goes down to Cincinnati and at Cincinnati it says, “Well, walking is connected with orthopedics and I knew a man in orthopedics. And walking is connected with orthopedics” and then as soon as it gets to St. Louis, that changes. “Knew a man-well I knew a man I hated once whose name was Ortho. Therefore walking is difficult and therefore ...” so on. That’s what goes on the back line.

This is a graphic representation of “a preclear.” The preclear tries to put in at C, to the body to get, in effect, the following command: “Walk.” And then it goes through all the communication lines, all balled up, and it goes down to Cincinnati and at Cincinnati it says, “Well, walking is connected with orthopedics and I knew a man in orthopedics. And walking is connected with orthopedics” and then as soon as it gets to St. Louis, that changes. “Knew a man-well I knew a man I hated once whose name was Ortho. Therefore walking is difficult and therefore ...” so on. That’s what goes on the back line.

And then it goes up to Denver and at Denver, why, there’s a big ridge there that says, “Walking too fast is bad for your health.”

And then it goes up to Denver and at Denver, why, there’s a big ridge there that says, “Walking too fast is bad for your health.”

And this is a ridge known as Aunt Grade. And this backfires all the way up the bank and you’ve got the thetan cutting off all backflashes, resisting all the backflows and trying to get the communication through anyhow. And the more he pushes and the more he tries not to be pushed at, the more balled up the lines become. The obvious solution to the problem is to have the thetan on one communication line which is from C to E if he’s running a body. And it bypasses all those other lines.

And this is a ridge known as Aunt Grade. And this backfires all the way up the bank and you’ve got the thetan cutting off all backflashes, resisting all the backflows and trying to get the communication through anyhow. And the more he pushes and the more he tries not to be pushed at, the more balled up the lines become. The obvious solution to the problem is to have the thetan on one communication line which is from C to E if he’s running a body. And it bypasses all those other lines.

Well, you can either take all those other lines and blow them up and remedy the havingness when you’ve done so, or you can go around the other way and simply neglect all the lines and insist on a straight line going through. Insisting on a straight line going through is Opening Procedure. Neglects all lines.

Well, you can either take all those other lines and blow them up and remedy the havingness when you’ve done so, or you can go around the other way and simply neglect all the lines and insist on a straight line going through. Insisting on a straight line going through is Opening Procedure. Neglects all lines.

And several other processes do this same thing. One of those is “Take ahold of the back anchor points of the room.” The lines try to come through. You hear them backflashing, you hear the ridges trying to click in and tell you to think and do this and do that and you just ignore them. You hold the back anchor points of the room and don’t think. Well, that’s neglecting the lines.

And several other processes do this same thing. One of those is “Take ahold of the back anchor points of the room.” The lines try to come through. You hear them backflashing, you hear the ridges trying to click in and tell you to think and do this and do that and you just ignore them. You hold the back anchor points of the room and don’t think. Well, that’s neglecting the lines.

Your unlimited techniques uniformly are neglect-the-line techniques, neglect-all-the-lines technique. And your limited techniques are the blasting techniques which try to go through the lines. Every preclear is composed of enough lines so as to make either/or-you know, either you just say, “Well, we’re going to-on this case we’re going to neglect all lines and we’re not going to pay any attention to any lines and we’re going to do this as an ‘all’ technique.”

Your unlimited techniques uniformly are neglect-the-line techniques, neglect-all-the-lines technique. And your limited techniques are the blasting techniques which try to go through the lines. Every preclear is composed of enough lines so as to make either/or-you know, either you just say, “Well, we’re going to-on this case we’re going to neglect all lines and we’re not going to pay any attention to any lines and we’re going to do this as an ‘all’ technique.”

Well, you understand that you’d get there. It might take you a lot longer, however, but you’d get there, sooner or later, if you just say, “We’re going to neglect all lines and we’re just going to do Opening Procedure and Hold the Back Anchor Points of the Room and Look through Walls, until this person is in good condition.” Now, that’s insisting upon a straight line. The thetan, C, the body, E. One line. And then actually no line. There’s just an understood line there.

Well, you understand that you’d get there. It might take you a lot longer, however, but you’d get there, sooner or later, if you just say, “We’re going to neglect all lines and we’re just going to do Opening Procedure and Hold the Back Anchor Points of the Room and Look through Walls, until this person is in good condition.” Now, that’s insisting upon a straight line. The thetan, C, the body, E. One line. And then actually no line. There’s just an understood line there.

And you’d have to bail him out of energy, which would be bail him out of agreement with the MEST universe to some degree to do this-this is why you’d at least have to get him to look through walls.

And you’d have to bail him out of energy, which would be bail him out of agreement with the MEST universe to some degree to do this-this is why you’d at least have to get him to look through walls.

The other process will get you there faster if you interject it and know when to use it. It’ll get you there, oh, much faster unless you try to consider it an “all process.” If you try to consider blasting through the lines an "all process,” you will eventually bog somewhere if you don’t use an unlimited technique in between.

The other process will get you there faster if you interject it and know when to use it. It’ll get you there, oh, much faster unless you try to consider it an “all process.” If you try to consider blasting through the lines an "all process,” you will eventually bog somewhere if you don’t use an unlimited technique in between.

Though if we ran Courage Processing on somebody just endlessly and we never paid any attention to anything else, we never let him look through walls and never had him hold on to the back anchor points of the room, we never did anything like Opening Procedure, you wouldn’t get there. It’s not an all technique; it’s limited in use. Because you’re going to upset his havingness this way and upset his havingness that way and do various other things.

Though if we ran Courage Processing on somebody just endlessly and we never paid any attention to anything else, we never let him look through walls and never had him hold on to the back anchor points of the room, we never did anything like Opening Procedure, you wouldn’t get there. It’s not an all technique; it’s limited in use. Because you’re going to upset his havingness this way and upset his havingness that way and do various other things.

Well, the main thing wrong with your preclear, because it’s a C to E, is as covered in the Philadelphia Congress last year, Q and A, C to E, duplication, duplication of the communication. The difficulty with your preclear has to do with an energy starvation.

Well, the main thing wrong with your preclear, because it’s a C to E, is as covered in the Philadelphia Congress last year, Q and A, C to E, duplication, duplication of the communication. The difficulty with your preclear has to do with an energy starvation.

Well, in the level of intentions it has another thing to do. If the preclear doesn’t work well, easily, or exteriorize well or easily, then he’s on some kind of a flinch. Now, there are three kinds of flinch that are stuck. What you call stuck flinches.

Well, in the level of intentions it has another thing to do. If the preclear doesn’t work well, easily, or exteriorize well or easily, then he’s on some kind of a flinch. Now, there are three kinds of flinch that are stuck. What you call stuck flinches.

There’s don’t-flinch stuck, flinched-away stuck and no-place-to-flinch-to stuck. And those are three downward levels. Now, you’ll find a lot of people facing up to life and doing all sorts of interesting things with that regard and these people can’t flinch. You know, they’ve got to-it’s a stuck-forward. You know, they’re stuck at life. They’re stuck on it. It’s a flinch. It’s right there, you see, but they can’t flinch. And so they’re stuck on life and determined somehow or other to muddle through because they can’t get out of the situation.

There’s don’t-flinch stuck, flinched-away stuck and no-place-to-flinch-to stuck. And those are three downward levels. Now, you’ll find a lot of people facing up to life and doing all sorts of interesting things with that regard and these people can’t flinch. You know, they’ve got to-it’s a stuck-forward. You know, they’re stuck at life. They’re stuck on it. It’s a flinch. It’s right there, you see, but they can’t flinch. And so they’re stuck on life and determined somehow or other to muddle through because they can’t get out of the situation.

This person is recognizable immediately if you get one lock up on Straightwire which doesn’t release. You say, “Now, you’re worried a lot about yourself. Who in your family used to worry about you?”

This person is recognizable immediately if you get one lock up on Straightwire which doesn’t release. You say, “Now, you’re worried a lot about yourself. Who in your family used to worry about you?”

The fellow says, “Oh-uh-mmmm . . . not my mother or father. They never worried much about me. Ummm-let’s see. Hmmmm. Say! My grandmother worried about me all the time. Say, that’s right. My grandmother worried about me all the time. You see, I feel better.”

The fellow says, “Oh-uh-mmmm . . . not my mother or father. They never worried much about me. Ummm-let’s see. Hmmmm. Say! My grandmother worried about me all the time. Say, that’s right. My grandmother worried about me all the time. You see, I feel better.”

That guy is not on a stuck flinch. That released immediately.

That guy is not on a stuck flinch. That released immediately.

All right. Let’s take the other case. “Well no, my mother and father didn’t worry about me, but my grandmother- Grandmother used to worry about me. Yes, she used to worry about me. Mmmm! Gee, I caused her a lot of trouble. Gee, yes, used to do all sorts of things, very upsetting to her. Mm-hm. Yeah, she worried about me all the time. Yeah.” Stuck flinch.

All right. Let’s take the other case. “Well no, my mother and father didn’t worry about me, but my grandmother- Grandmother used to worry about me. Yes, she used to worry about me. Mmmm! Gee, I caused her a lot of trouble. Gee, yes, used to do all sorts of things, very upsetting to her. Mm-hm. Yeah, she worried about me all the time. Yeah.” Stuck flinch.

Not only did his grandmother worry about him, she used to hold him and impress it upon him that he had to be a better boy and so forth. She wouldn’t let him flinch. She put in a ridge. Here’s what your boy is riding. He’s stuck on a ridge. You’ll find a lot of

Not only did his grandmother worry about him, she used to hold him and impress it upon him that he had to be a better boy and so forth. She wouldn’t let him flinch. She put in a ridge. Here’s what your boy is riding. He’s stuck on a ridge. You’ll find a lot of

Resistive V’s will get up to this point and then find out they’ve got a black ridge stuck in front of their face. Well, what’s anything doing stuck in front of anybody’s face? He can certainly get away from it, can’t he? He can simply move back and he’s away from it. That’s simple. Well, he can’t flinch from it. And so there they sit with the ridge right in front of their face.

Resistive V’s will get up to this point and then find out they’ve got a black ridge stuck in front of their face. Well, what’s anything doing stuck in front of anybody’s face? He can certainly get away from it, can’t he? He can simply move back and he’s away from it. That’s simple. Well, he can’t flinch from it. And so there they sit with the ridge right in front of their face.

Can’t flinch from Grandma. Can’t flinch from this, can’t flinch from that. You’d say offhand this fellow is pretty brave. No, he’s not. As a matter of fact, there’s a lot more terror in him than the fellow who did the release. But he’s on a can’t flinch, stuck at it, see? He can’t flinch back.

Can’t flinch from Grandma. Can’t flinch from this, can’t flinch from that. You’d say offhand this fellow is pretty brave. No, he’s not. As a matter of fact, there’s a lot more terror in him than the fellow who did the release. But he’s on a can’t flinch, stuck at it, see? He can’t flinch back.

Now, there is the fellow who has flinched from life and he’s a much worse case. He’d answer you somewhat on this line: “Yeah, my ... nobody-mother and father used to-didn’t even worry about me, I know that. My life, been ruined by the fact they never took any interest in my career” and so on.

Now, there is the fellow who has flinched from life and he’s a much worse case. He’d answer you somewhat on this line: “Yeah, my ... nobody-mother and father used to-didn’t even worry about me, I know that. My life, been ruined by the fact they never took any interest in my career” and so on.

And he’s on the subject, although it isn’t the right answer, see? Almost any subject he gets into, he sits there and confronts braced back from it. He’s flinched back and he can’t get into center position again.

And he’s on the subject, although it isn’t the right answer, see? Almost any subject he gets into, he sits there and confronts braced back from it. He’s flinched back and he can’t get into center position again.

Now, if you’ll just see this as a fellow who should be on point X, center of his head. And the stuck-flinch boy is out forward-you know, the stuck-flinch-forward, just sort of stuck out front. And the stuck-flinch-back is stuck back and can’t move forward. You see, he can’t move forward in any direction.

Now, if you’ll just see this as a fellow who should be on point X, center of his head. And the stuck-flinch boy is out forward-you know, the stuck-flinch-forward, just sort of stuck out front. And the stuck-flinch-back is stuck back and can’t move forward. You see, he can’t move forward in any direction.

Why, you will see then that, any subject which you put in front of him, he just stays back-flinched from it. See? He’s back-flinched from a subject. There it is. He’ll go on talking about it. He’ll go on examining it. But he’s just kicked his head back, you see. You can almost see them do this. There they sit, see? The other fellow will get in there. You see, he’s stuck-flinch-forward. The other fellow, he’s backing up from it.

Why, you will see then that, any subject which you put in front of him, he just stays back-flinched from it. See? He’s back-flinched from a subject. There it is. He’ll go on talking about it. He’ll go on examining it. But he’s just kicked his head back, you see. You can almost see them do this. There they sit, see? The other fellow will get in there. You see, he’s stuck-flinch-forward. The other fellow, he’s backing up from it.

The personal characteristics of these two people are quite different. One is quite progressive, he gets things done in a sort of a bulldog, horrible, grind-it-all-to-pieces sort of a way. And the other fellow has somewhat of a donkey personality. And you try to get him to take one step forward down the street or up the time track or something of the sort and his reaction is to move back down the time track. If you tried to pull him up the street, he would find a reason why he had to go the other way on the street.

The personal characteristics of these two people are quite different. One is quite progressive, he gets things done in a sort of a bulldog, horrible, grind-it-all-to-pieces sort of a way. And the other fellow has somewhat of a donkey personality. And you try to get him to take one step forward down the street or up the time track or something of the sort and his reaction is to move back down the time track. If you tried to pull him up the street, he would find a reason why he had to go the other way on the street.

And then there’s this poor fellow who tells you there’s no place to flinch to. And you’d say, “All right, now look in the blackness around you and flinch from it.” He will quickly discover and tell you he’d happily flinch but there’s no place to flinch to.

And then there’s this poor fellow who tells you there’s no place to flinch to. And you’d say, “All right, now look in the blackness around you and flinch from it.” He will quickly discover and tell you he’d happily flinch but there’s no place to flinch to.

Well, this is a dwindling spiral. A fellow is alternately on stuck-forward-flinches and stuck-back-flinches, alternately. And each one more thorough, until finally he runs out of any place to flinch to. He can’t flinch back and he can’t flinch forward. You know, life has just got him.

Well, this is a dwindling spiral. A fellow is alternately on stuck-forward-flinches and stuck-back-flinches, alternately. And each one more thorough, until finally he runs out of any place to flinch to. He can’t flinch back and he can’t flinch forward. You know, life has just got him.

Well, in all of these cases you have a problem of exteriorization and interiorization complicated by the fact that any time you’d confront the preclear with-any one of these preclears with something, he will handle it in one of these fashions. He’ll either try to grind it to pieces or he’ll back up from it and look at it and sort of be “Well, there it is, that’s all.” He won’t go any place, though, on the subject.

Well, in all of these cases you have a problem of exteriorization and interiorization complicated by the fact that any time you’d confront the preclear with-any one of these preclears with something, he will handle it in one of these fashions. He’ll either try to grind it to pieces or he’ll back up from it and look at it and sort of be “Well, there it is, that’s all.” He won’t go any place, though, on the subject.

And the other one just sort of goes into a horrible confusion. He doesn’t know whether he’s going forward or he doesn’t know whether he’s going backward. He doesn?t know whether it’s dangerous or not and, actually, everything is dangerous.And the other one just sort of goes into a horrible confusion. He doesn’t know whether he’s going forward or he doesn’t know whether he’s going backward. He doesn?t know whether it’s dangerous or not and, actually, everything is dangerous.

Now, you will see that’s terrific generalization there, but you’ll actually see these cases unfold before your eye. Now, the stuck-flinch-forward will be trying to find the answer to his case with deep significance because he’s pouring his banks and lines full continually of energy.

Now, you will see that’s terrific generalization there, but you’ll actually see these cases unfold before your eye. Now, the stuck-flinch-forward will be trying to find the answer to his case with deep significance because he’s pouring his banks and lines full continually of energy.

And of course he’s energizing all kinds of things. And they pop up and hit him and he stays in there and pitches. He’s like a boxer that’s completely punch-drunk into standing in the middle of the ring delivering rather poorly directed blows doggedly. Hasn’t got enough sense to dodge any blow that hits him. Yet he’s terrified of every blow that might be struck. Not by his opponent so much as the ring posts or the referee. Might be the audience is going to hit him, too, he doesn’t quite know. But he’s in there slugging. And a horrible state of mind, by the way, in a preclear, to combat.

And of course he’s energizing all kinds of things. And they pop up and hit him and he stays in there and pitches. He’s like a boxer that’s completely punch-drunk into standing in the middle of the ring delivering rather poorly directed blows doggedly. Hasn’t got enough sense to dodge any blow that hits him. Yet he’s terrified of every blow that might be struck. Not by his opponent so much as the ring posts or the referee. Might be the audience is going to hit him, too, he doesn’t quite know. But he’s in there slugging. And a horrible state of mind, by the way, in a preclear, to combat.

And the cases which are back-flinched won’t take the most obvious answers you give them. You can turn up an answer. The reason why the fellow’s ankle hurts is not so much a somatic as having barked his ankle on the back bumper of a car just before he walked up your steps. And you say, “Well, that looks to me like a bruise from something. Have you hit something recently?”

And the cases which are back-flinched won’t take the most obvious answers you give them. You can turn up an answer. The reason why the fellow’s ankle hurts is not so much a somatic as having barked his ankle on the back bumper of a car just before he walked up your steps. And you say, “Well, that looks to me like a bruise from something. Have you hit something recently?”

“Umm-umm-no. No, it must be ...” He’d say, “I don’t know and ...” You’ve offered him an answer. He knows you say he hit himself on the bumper of the car and so forth, but he’s back-flinched. Every time he has an answer presented to him he just further back-flinches. He just keeps going backwards, in other words. That’s his philosophy. If you back up and don’t look at any of the answers you’ll get by, he figures.

“Umm-umm-no. No, it must be ...” He’d say, “I don’t know and ...” You’ve offered him an answer. He knows you say he hit himself on the bumper of the car and so forth, but he’s back-flinched. Every time he has an answer presented to him he just further back-flinches. He just keeps going backwards, in other words. That’s his philosophy. If you back up and don’t look at any of the answers you’ll get by, he figures.

And the fellow who can’t flinch anyplace regards every answer delivered to him as just another whizzing particle going in some undetermined direction, which adds to the general confusion in which he is sitting. It’s an overt act on your part, but he can’t have any justice and he can’t do anything about it. See that? There you’re looking at chaos. It’s a beautiful picture of MEST.

And the fellow who can’t flinch anyplace regards every answer delivered to him as just another whizzing particle going in some undetermined direction, which adds to the general confusion in which he is sitting. It’s an overt act on your part, but he can’t have any justice and he can’t do anything about it. See that? There you’re looking at chaos. It’s a beautiful picture of MEST.

Well, in any one of these cases, what are you dealing with? You’re dealing with communication lines. The first fellow, with his forward-flinch, he’s trying to get that communication through-he’s trying to get it through! See? And the other fellow is back-flinched because he knows that the communication he just put through is going to hit him. He knows it was just the fact that he said he was going to lay down this envelope, but he just doesn’t even bother to look, but if he thought it over, he’d know the envelope a moment later was going to come up and smash him. This is how obvious it is to them and you think I’m exaggerating these cases, but I’m not exaggerating them. All right.

Well, in any one of these cases, what are you dealing with? You’re dealing with communication lines. The first fellow, with his forward-flinch, he’s trying to get that communication through-he’s trying to get it through! See? And the other fellow is back-flinched because he knows that the communication he just put through is going to hit him. He knows it was just the fact that he said he was going to lay down this envelope, but he just doesn’t even bother to look, but if he thought it over, he’d know the envelope a moment later was going to come up and smash him. This is how obvious it is to them and you think I’m exaggerating these cases, but I’m not exaggerating them. All right.

There’s all kinds of things you can do with these cases on these two bases-the unlimited technique, which just bypasses and neglects all the communication lines and the other fellow.

There’s all kinds of things you can do with these cases on these two bases-the unlimited technique, which just bypasses and neglects all the communication lines and the other fellow.

Now, the guy who is sitting in the middle of horrible confusion does some interesting and peculiar things the moment that you start to put him into anything vaguely resembling an orderly communication system validating his own communication system. You know, you get him to validate, or put life into, the communication lines in which he’s sitting. Well, the second you do this, his confusion becomes much more apparent, of course. And you finish a session having cleaned up to your satisfaction a great many things and he’s just sitting there in more confusion.

Now, the guy who is sitting in the middle of horrible confusion does some interesting and peculiar things the moment that you start to put him into anything vaguely resembling an orderly communication system validating his own communication system. You know, you get him to validate, or put life into, the communication lines in which he’s sitting. Well, the second you do this, his confusion becomes much more apparent, of course. And you finish a session having cleaned up to your satisfaction a great many things and he’s just sitting there in more confusion.

That’s because the trouble with him was there’s too many lines live anyhow. And you just made some more lines live. Unless you tackle it on this basis and this is an interesting thing. If you can give him anything orderly-if he can find anything orderly in his communication lines-if he’ can find just one C to E that satisfies him, boy, he’ll pick up quite markedly. And this is so true that a psycho will very often break on the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis. You’ve just straightened out one line. You say, “Now, let’s see if you can recall something that is real.” Fifteen minutes of silence.

That’s because the trouble with him was there’s too many lines live anyhow. And you just made some more lines live. Unless you tackle it on this basis and this is an interesting thing. If you can give him anything orderly-if he can find anything orderly in his communication lines-if he’ can find just one C to E that satisfies him, boy, he’ll pick up quite markedly. And this is so true that a psycho will very often break on the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis. You’ve just straightened out one line. You say, “Now, let’s see if you can recall something that is real.” Fifteen minutes of silence.

“Yes,” he says. What an enormous relief it is. Now; do you know he’d go around hugging that communication line to his bosom as a straight line for days if you just left it right at that.

“Yes,” he says. What an enormous relief it is. Now; do you know he’d go around hugging that communication line to his bosom as a straight line for days if you just left it right at that.

The other one is to whistle him out of the communication louse-up. You say, “Come on up to present time.” You validated the fact there was a present time and didn’t charge up his lines. Perhaps he’s been treated by psychoanalysis, which examines the past continually.

The other one is to whistle him out of the communication louse-up. You say, “Come on up to present time.” You validated the fact there was a present time and didn’t charge up his lines. Perhaps he’s been treated by psychoanalysis, which examines the past continually.

All right. All they do is chew up his lines. They chew up more lines and more lines and more lines and they make more things live. In other words, these lines are as live as he validates them, these lines are as live as he puts life into them. And the more you start chewing up this fellow's past, if he’s in that horrible condition, you’ll get away with it, maybe-apparently you can run an engram. But after you’ve run the engram he’s even more confused. You can do all sorts of things, but he just seems to be more confused.

All right. All they do is chew up his lines. They chew up more lines and more lines and more lines and they make more things live. In other words, these lines are as live as he validates them, these lines are as live as he puts life into them. And the more you start chewing up this fellow's past, if he’s in that horrible condition, you’ll get away with it, maybe-apparently you can run an engram. But after you’ve run the engram he’s even more confused. You can do all sorts of things, but he just seems to be more confused.

Well, they kept validating the past and validating the past and validating the past and validating the past, on the theory that there was some kind of a magic button which when pressed, or some sort of a little charge machine that was superinstalled in the individual which when energized, would blow the person into the clear. Their reliance upon the automatic machinery to throw the bank open was even more pathetic than it was childish.

Well, they kept validating the past and validating the past and validating the past and validating the past, on the theory that there was some kind of a magic button which when pressed, or some sort of a little charge machine that was superinstalled in the individual which when energized, would blow the person into the clear. Their reliance upon the automatic machinery to throw the bank open was even more pathetic than it was childish.

They expected something in the preclear to magically clean his communication system up. Well, maybe he did have a machine once that did that, but the trouble with him is his automaticity. And now you’re looking for, and have as your total goal, an automaticity whereby this fellow all of a sudden is going to get clear or something of the sort-whatever they call it. I think they went into the upper bracket of schizophrenia was their highest reach-that is to say, not neurotic yet.

They expected something in the preclear to magically clean his communication system up. Well, maybe he did have a machine once that did that, but the trouble with him is his automaticity. And now you’re looking for, and have as your total goal, an automaticity whereby this fellow all of a sudden is going to get clear or something of the sort-whatever they call it. I think they went into the upper bracket of schizophrenia was their highest reach-that is to say, not neurotic yet.

I’m joking now, but actually you’d think-when they’d give you their results and tallies and you’d talked to the people that they had worked on, you’d be fascinated because you’re still talking to somebody who is raving.

I’m joking now, but actually you’d think-when they’d give you their results and tallies and you’d talked to the people that they had worked on, you’d be fascinated because you’re still talking to somebody who is raving.

Or somebody who was being-this one is common-they were being very careful to live their life according to a pattern which wouldn’t disturb them. You’ve seen those people around, you know? When you say, “How about remembering something that’s real?”

Or somebody who was being-this one is common-they were being very careful to live their life according to a pattern which wouldn’t disturb them. You’ve seen those people around, you know? When you say, “How about remembering something that’s real?”

“Well, you’ll have to ask my analyst.”

“Well, you’ll have to ask my analyst.”

I’ve had them do that, by the way. All right.

I’ve had them do that, by the way. All right.

They’ve had some very nervously plotted communication lines given them. Not their Own communication lines at all. The analyst has drawn a C to E from the time they raped their baby sister up to the time when their dog committed suicide and he’s shown that one was cause and the other was effect and he says, “Now, you’ve got this, you’d better be happy with it because that’s all you’re ever going to have” or something.

They’ve had some very nervously plotted communication lines given them. Not their Own communication lines at all. The analyst has drawn a C to E from the time they raped their baby sister up to the time when their dog committed suicide and he’s shown that one was cause and the other was effect and he says, “Now, you’ve got this, you’d better be happy with it because that’s all you’re ever going to have” or something.

And they’ve gone off with this artificial line, not even their line. So these people can be thrown way out of gear by evaluation. That’s what evaluation does for somebody, gives him an artificial line. All right.

And they’ve gone off with this artificial line, not even their line. So these people can be thrown way out of gear by evaluation. That’s what evaluation does for somebody, gives him an artificial line. All right.

Now, when we’re dealing, then, with the business of people, we have these various mechanical factors to look at. So it tells you that the more you validate the past, the more you’re going to charge up somebody’s lines. Right? The more you depend on an automaticity to suddenly blow a guy clear, the more you’re validating automaticities.

Now, when we’re dealing, then, with the business of people, we have these various mechanical factors to look at. So it tells you that the more you validate the past, the more you’re going to charge up somebody’s lines. Right? The more you depend on an automaticity to suddenly blow a guy clear, the more you’re validating automaticities.

So we’re going to blow a guy’s lines clear, then let’s take the particle that blows lines clear and work with that and then step over into unlimited techniques and then step back over to not just the line-blowing-clear technique, but let’s use it with some good sense. Let’s take Courage Processing and, all of a sudden, as we run it along the line, the fellow just—he’s kind of getting awful bogged on something or other and he has mentioned at this moment his sister is-he’s mentioning her for the third time.

So we’re going to blow a guy’s lines clear, then let’s take the particle that blows lines clear and work with that and then step over into unlimited techniques and then step back over to not just the line-blowing-clear technique, but let’s use it with some good sense. Let’s take Courage Processing and, all of a sudden, as we run it along the line, the fellow just—he’s kind of getting awful bogged on something or other and he has mentioned at this moment his sister is-he’s mentioning her for the third time.

You should suspect at that moment as his communication lag extends and extends and extends that you have entered a new part of the communication system, hitherto relatively unexplored. And you’ve charged up something there with some energy and he’s going to grab this energy as havingness and see if he can’t get the significance out of it and press the energy to his bosom. That’s what he’s trying to do.

You should suspect at that moment as his communication lag extends and extends and extends that you have entered a new part of the communication system, hitherto relatively unexplored. And you’ve charged up something there with some energy and he’s going to grab this energy as havingness and see if he can’t get the significance out of it and press the energy to his bosom. That’s what he’s trying to do.

Well, you’ll help him look for significance and if you can look for enough significance, you’ll give him some nice, clean energy that he can press to his bosom. It’s easier to mock-up some.

Well, you’ll help him look for significance and if you can look for enough significance, you’ll give him some nice, clean energy that he can press to his bosom. It’s easier to mock-up some.

Now, any time you find that he’s mentioned his sister or his uncle or something, two or three times, and he seems to get fixated on this subject or he crabs to you about the horrible treatment that he got from his Uncle Oscar and so on, you should have an idea there’s a line charged and stuck. That line is charged and stuck. And the line itself is alive.

Now, any time you find that he’s mentioned his sister or his uncle or something, two or three times, and he seems to get fixated on this subject or he crabs to you about the horrible treatment that he got from his Uncle Oscar and so on, you should have an idea there’s a line charged and stuck. That line is charged and stuck. And the line itself is alive.

Well, it is alive because he wants the mass which he believes is there. So it tells you that when this stuff sticks and when the individual sticks and when his comm lag goes up, you’d better remedy his havingness. You’ll remedy, at once, time. And you’ll kick a lot of things out of havingness.

Well, it is alive because he wants the mass which he believes is there. So it tells you that when this stuff sticks and when the individual sticks and when his comm lag goes up, you’d better remedy his havingness. You’ll remedy, at once, time. And you’ll kick a lot of things out of havingness.

Now, here is an example which I will just cross up that just happened just a little while ago that has to do with havingness. An auditor found in a preclear-a very experienced auditor-found in a preclear a very good accounting phrase, an excellent answer, to one of the manifestations which the preclear had noted and worried about. And the auditor remedied the phrase. It was a Dianetic phrase, you see. He remedied the phrase.

Now, here is an example which I will just cross up that just happened just a little while ago that has to do with havingness. An auditor found in a preclear-a very experienced auditor-found in a preclear a very good accounting phrase, an excellent answer, to one of the manifestations which the preclear had noted and worried about. And the auditor remedied the phrase. It was a Dianetic phrase, you see. He remedied the phrase.

But the phrase was spoken by a relative of the preclear’s. Oh-oh, oh-oh. Now, one phrase taken out of that is all right. If you took the remaining phrases out, this would still be all right. But we’re hitting a longer road. Now, the only reason I’m talking about this, I’m just trying to show you something that shortens the track for you all of a sudden.

But the phrase was spoken by a relative of the preclear’s. Oh-oh, oh-oh. Now, one phrase taken out of that is all right. If you took the remaining phrases out, this would still be all right. But we’re hitting a longer road. Now, the only reason I’m talking about this, I’m just trying to show you something that shortens the track for you all of a sudden.

It must be that there’s a scarcity of havingness of that kind of mass. So instead-the second that we find out that a relative’s comment has had this much effect upon the individual, we must realize there must have been a scarcity of that relative. Ah-ha! Well, there’s the relative’s comment there being terrifically powerful on the preclear.

It must be that there’s a scarcity of havingness of that kind of mass. So instead-the second that we find out that a relative’s comment has had this much effect upon the individual, we must realize there must have been a scarcity of that relative. Ah-ha! Well, there’s the relative’s comment there being terrifically powerful on the preclear.

Well, why is it being? Well, he must be holding that mass of energy in it himself. Well, why is he? Well, it must be a scarcity, then, of that particular kind of energy that he thinks he has to have. Maybe he doesn’t want it, but he thinks he has to have it anyhow.

Well, why is it being? Well, he must be holding that mass of energy in it himself. Well, why is he? Well, it must be a scarcity, then, of that particular kind of energy that he thinks he has to have. Maybe he doesn’t want it, but he thinks he has to have it anyhow.

Well, there’s a havingness problem on the subject of the mass of the person who uttered the phrase. So let’s just not hit the phrase, let’s be real bright. Let’s just remedy the mass. Don’t ever hit significance beyond finding out what kind of mass you ought to remedy. And don’t remedy mass beyond a necessity to just plow on through the lines.

Well, there’s a havingness problem on the subject of the mass of the person who uttered the phrase. So let’s just not hit the phrase, let’s be real bright. Let’s just remedy the mass. Don’t ever hit significance beyond finding out what kind of mass you ought to remedy. And don’t remedy mass beyond a necessity to just plow on through the lines.

How long do you handle a significance? What do you do for a significance? Well, you handle a significance just long enough to find out whether or not the individual is constantly or consistently bringing up some such person as Mother.

How long do you handle a significance? What do you do for a significance? Well, you handle a significance just long enough to find out whether or not the individual is constantly or consistently bringing up some such person as Mother.

"Well, that was what my mother said. Yeah, that was what my mother said.” That sort of thing. Mother has come up here two or three times. Well, there’s a comm line going through a ridge called “Mother.” And the only reason it would go through that ridge is that there must be a scarcity of that mass. Okay, let’s mock-up the mass. What mass? Let’s mock-up Mother. How do we mock her up? Let’s get her to be acceptable. Let’s mock her up so she’s acceptable, some fashion or another-you know, broken down; a charwoman in rags; well, about to die. That isn’t so good. On her deathbed and unable to die but in horrible agony. Oh, that’s very acceptable. Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, in we go.

"Well, that was what my mother said. Yeah, that was what my mother said.” That sort of thing. Mother has come up here two or three times. Well, there’s a comm line going through a ridge called “Mother.” And the only reason it would go through that ridge is that there must be a scarcity of that mass. Okay, let’s mock-up the mass. What mass? Let’s mock-up Mother. How do we mock her up? Let’s get her to be acceptable. Let’s mock her up so she’s acceptable, some fashion or another-you know, broken down; a charwoman in rags; well, about to die. That isn’t so good. On her deathbed and unable to die but in horrible agony. Oh, that’s very acceptable. Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, in we go.

Well, the reason we’re looking for the automaticity is we want to know whether or not we’re knocking out the ridge. Because the suction pump on the thing is this ridge setup. And that’s why we want them to snap in. A preclear who tells you that he can’t get anybody to snap in either isn’t being audited properly or is on a back-flinch which is keeping him away from all ridges.

Well, the reason we’re looking for the automaticity is we want to know whether or not we’re knocking out the ridge. Because the suction pump on the thing is this ridge setup. And that’s why we want them to snap in. A preclear who tells you that he can’t get anybody to snap in either isn’t being audited properly or is on a back-flinch which is keeping him away from all ridges.

You see that? I mean, they just-you want that automaticity. If you don’t get the automaticity, why, you’re not hitting in there. You could mock-up Papa and stuff him into the preclear and so forth, but you’re looking for an interruption in the bank which is an automaticity.

You see that? I mean, they just-you want that automaticity. If you don’t get the automaticity, why, you’re not hitting in there. You could mock-up Papa and stuff him into the preclear and so forth, but you’re looking for an interruption in the bank which is an automaticity.

Now, let’s get a rejection form for Mama after we’ve mocked-up a lot of Mamas and crushed them together and shoved them into the preclear. Now have him mock-up in himself Mama, in some fashion or another, in such a way that she will fly away from him, automatically.

Now, let’s get a rejection form for Mama after we’ve mocked-up a lot of Mamas and crushed them together and shoved them into the preclear. Now have him mock-up in himself Mama, in some fashion or another, in such a way that she will fly away from him, automatically.

Let’s use these automaticities. Just use them and blow them. And without giving it very much more trouble, you’ll find out that the phrases that Mama was prone to utter, her habits and complaints and so forth-if you’ve done this well; it might take you a little while to do it properly-will have blown out of the preclear. We’ve gotten rid of a valence. Remember what I told you about these comm lines going through C to E, winning valences? Well, Mama is all over the track as a winning valence. That’s why he keeps going through there. So he hasn’t got enough Mamas. See, he hasn’t got enough winning valences, it tells you right away.

Let’s use these automaticities. Just use them and blow them. And without giving it very much more trouble, you’ll find out that the phrases that Mama was prone to utter, her habits and complaints and so forth-if you’ve done this well; it might take you a little while to do it properly-will have blown out of the preclear. We’ve gotten rid of a valence. Remember what I told you about these comm lines going through C to E, winning valences? Well, Mama is all over the track as a winning valence. That’s why he keeps going through there. So he hasn’t got enough Mamas. See, he hasn’t got enough winning valences, it tells you right away.

Well, the back-flinch is unwilling to put lines through losing valences and has around him or her practically nothing but losing valences-insufficient number of winning valences. Doesn’t want to emulate anybody. Everybody lost. That sort of thing.

Well, the back-flinch is unwilling to put lines through losing valences and has around him or her practically nothing but losing valences-insufficient number of winning valences. Doesn’t want to emulate anybody. Everybody lost. That sort of thing.

It very often happens that you’ll get people flipping out of that bank long before you can get anybody to flip into it. Everybody lost. Let’s just take Papa and Mama and other people and mock them up in the preclear in such a way that they will suddenly fly away from the preclear. Back-flinch remedied by-you have to get the preclear to be able to reject something because he’s backed off from all of life. Get him to reject a lot of things and all of a sudden, why, he’s not backing up from all these phrases. And so you can plow his bank open.

It very often happens that you’ll get people flipping out of that bank long before you can get anybody to flip into it. Everybody lost. Let’s just take Papa and Mama and other people and mock them up in the preclear in such a way that they will suddenly fly away from the preclear. Back-flinch remedied by-you have to get the preclear to be able to reject something because he’s backed off from all of life. Get him to reject a lot of things and all of a sudden, why, he’s not backing up from all these phrases. And so you can plow his bank open.

How clever do you have to be to do this? You have to be clever enough to pay attention to what the preclear is saying.

How clever do you have to be to do this? You have to be clever enough to pay attention to what the preclear is saying.

Now, almost incidentally, I want to tell you about a special breed of case. There are people who have hit the eatingness band-eatingness-sexingness band-to such a degree that they’ll sit right in something on a back-flinch.

Now, almost incidentally, I want to tell you about a special breed of case. There are people who have hit the eatingness band-eatingness-sexingness band-to such a degree that they’ll sit right in something on a back-flinch.

Now, what more of a back-flinch can you get than somebody who is backing up from teeth which are about to eat him up? See, back-flinch. And he’ll just back away from the bank in all directions. And he’ll have the most intricate mechanisms to demonstrate that it’s very logical for him to back away from all the bank. Oh, and yes, but it goes back simply into this: it’s about that cut on the scale, Eatingness, something like that, on a heavy back-flinch. And what have we got?

Now, what more of a back-flinch can you get than somebody who is backing up from teeth which are about to eat him up? See, back-flinch. And he’ll just back away from the bank in all directions. And he’ll have the most intricate mechanisms to demonstrate that it’s very logical for him to back away from all the bank. Oh, and yes, but it goes back simply into this: it’s about that cut on the scale, Eatingness, something like that, on a heavy back-flinch. And what have we got?

We’ve got somebody who is refusing to give satisfaction. And they dramatize this. You ask them, “How do you feel?” And they say-you’ve audited them for two hours or an hour and a half or something like that and-“Well, no better.”

We’ve got somebody who is refusing to give satisfaction. And they dramatize this. You ask them, “How do you feel?” And they say-you’ve audited them for two hours or an hour and a half or something like that and-“Well, no better.”

You know damn well they feel better. The E-Meter has climbed. You’ve done quite a little for the case. Getting a little more certain, a little more this and that. You can plot this case. And this case will say, “No better.” You got a case on a back-flinch. The case which refuses to give satisfaction.

You know damn well they feel better. The E-Meter has climbed. You’ve done quite a little for the case. Getting a little more certain, a little more this and that. You can plot this case. And this case will say, “No better.” You got a case on a back-flinch. The case which refuses to give satisfaction.

Now, just a little bit above that case, you have a case that is insisting on giving satisfaction. Watch for both of these cases. Below that, you have the no-place-to-flinch case who doesn’t know whether he ought to give you any satisfaction or you ought to give him any satisfaction or who is auditing who. See? No-place-to-flinch, All right.

Now, just a little bit above that case, you have a case that is insisting on giving satisfaction. Watch for both of these cases. Below that, you have the no-place-to-flinch case who doesn’t know whether he ought to give you any satisfaction or you ought to give him any satisfaction or who is auditing who. See? No-place-to-flinch, All right.

Now, we’ve got that level of case. These, by the way-you don’t find these levels of case in people who are bad off. This is not an index of neurosis or psychosis that I am giving you. It’s just a mechanical indication of where the case sits, what you got to do for the case with regard to auditing, which is a specialized behavior pattern.

Now, we’ve got that level of case. These, by the way-you don’t find these levels of case in people who are bad off. This is not an index of neurosis or psychosis that I am giving you. It’s just a mechanical indication of where the case sits, what you got to do for the case with regard to auditing, which is a specialized behavior pattern.

So you look around you and you’ll find that the cases are on a back-flinch or a forward-flinch or a no-place-to-go. And you’ll find out that the forward-flinch case will give you satisfaction; they will answer up and they will say they feel better and they have some hope and some optimism of the thing. The back-flinch boy will give you no satisfaction. And the Other fellow just keeps kind of saying uncertainly that he doesn’t know. See those three cases? Well, those are the only three cases there are that are hard to exteriorize. And those are the three classes of cases that are hard to exteriorize.

So you look around you and you’ll find that the cases are on a back-flinch or a forward-flinch or a no-place-to-go. And you’ll find out that the forward-flinch case will give you satisfaction; they will answer up and they will say they feel better and they have some hope and some optimism of the thing. The back-flinch boy will give you no satisfaction. And the Other fellow just keeps kind of saying uncertainly that he doesn’t know. See those three cases? Well, those are the only three cases there are that are hard to exteriorize. And those are the three classes of cases that are hard to exteriorize.

The reason they’re hard to exteriorize is because they’re stuck in a direction. The bottom level, of course, has no direction he can go, so he can’t move out of his head. The front-flinch, if he got out at all, would probably move out in front of his face. And the back-flinch, of course, is strained back away from the bank already and is stuck there and if you told him to go any further he’d lose total contact. See, you told him to be three feet back of his head, he’d just go out of contact. So he doesn’t dare do that, so he hasn’t got any place to go, of course. And the front-flinch boy, he’ll go into his head.

The reason they’re hard to exteriorize is because they’re stuck in a direction. The bottom level, of course, has no direction he can go, so he can’t move out of his head. The front-flinch, if he got out at all, would probably move out in front of his face. And the back-flinch, of course, is strained back away from the bank already and is stuck there and if you told him to go any further he’d lose total contact. See, you told him to be three feet back of his head, he’d just go out of contact. So he doesn’t dare do that, so he hasn’t got any place to go, of course. And the front-flinch boy, he’ll go into his head.

Now, as you run a case up the line, a case will occasionally hit some of these manifestations. They’re very peculiar.

Now, as you run a case up the line, a case will occasionally hit some of these manifestations. They’re very peculiar.

Now, you understand that a guy can be in one kind of an incident-just one incident-where he’s front-stuck. And he can be in another special kind-just one incident, rest of the bank just cleaner than a whistle-where he’s back-stuck. And in just one incident where he is squirreling around. You say the answer, then, is to find that incident.

Now, you understand that a guy can be in one kind of an incident-just one incident-where he’s front-stuck. And he can be in another special kind-just one incident, rest of the bank just cleaner than a whistle-where he’s back-stuck. And in just one incident where he is squirreling around. You say the answer, then, is to find that incident.

Well, you’ve got the answer to how to find the incident without even looking at it. Courage Processing. If it’s just one incident, believe me, it’ll blow but fast. It’ll blow right out. Courage about the closure of distance and courage about distance which insists on closing. You have the preclear on the stuck front-flinch: he’s being courageous about closing the distance and so his space is all out.

Well, you’ve got the answer to how to find the incident without even looking at it. Courage Processing. If it’s just one incident, believe me, it’ll blow but fast. It’ll blow right out. Courage about the closure of distance and courage about distance which insists on closing. You have the preclear on the stuck front-flinch: he’s being courageous about closing the distance and so his space is all out.

And the fellow who is stuck on the back-flinch has everything out in front of him there that won’t close. Nothing will close with him. He’s gotten into a state of mind or he’s in kind of an incident that makes him sort of think everything goes on forever and that he can’t back any further off, but he’s got to. I remember a preclear I ran an incident out of, a space opera incident, beautiful incident. The ship blew up while-it was on the ground and it blew up while he was over against the hangar. And it blew him back against the wall, but he only had an inch to go. It plastered him all over the wall, but of course he didn’t move in spite of the violent explosion which had occurred in front of him. So he was back-flinching without any place to go further back from. See, he was stuck. He was stuck on a back-flinch.

And the fellow who is stuck on the back-flinch has everything out in front of him there that won’t close. Nothing will close with him. He’s gotten into a state of mind or he’s in kind of an incident that makes him sort of think everything goes on forever and that he can’t back any further off, but he’s got to. I remember a preclear I ran an incident out of, a space opera incident, beautiful incident. The ship blew up while-it was on the ground and it blew up while he was over against the hangar. And it blew him back against the wall, but he only had an inch to go. It plastered him all over the wall, but of course he didn’t move in spite of the violent explosion which had occurred in front of him. So he was back-flinching without any place to go further back from. See, he was stuck. He was stuck on a back-flinch.

All right. Front-flinch people quite often have been blown up from the rear and are going forward. See that? It could be just one incident. You needn’t even try to isolate it, however, because that kind of incident in what we’re doing, it’ll show it up rather rapidly if it’s just one incident. But the trouble with these cases are they normally are not stuck in just one, they’re stuck in chains of incidents which are similar. Their life is sort of Wrapped up in this kind of a pattern.

All right. Front-flinch people quite often have been blown up from the rear and are going forward. See that? It could be just one incident. You needn’t even try to isolate it, however, because that kind of incident in what we’re doing, it’ll show it up rather rapidly if it’s just one incident. But the trouble with these cases are they normally are not stuck in just one, they’re stuck in chains of incidents which are similar. Their life is sort of Wrapped up in this kind of a pattern.

They think their philosophy of existence has matched this particular chain and so this chain is alive. Oh, get that, please. They’re not trying to do this because they’re dramatizing something that’s happened to them. They have an entirely different bank pattern, too. They could pick that up and dramatize it as easily.

They think their philosophy of existence has matched this particular chain and so this chain is alive. Oh, get that, please. They’re not trying to do this because they’re dramatizing something that’s happened to them. They have an entirely different bank pattern, too. They could pick that up and dramatize it as easily.

But their basic philosophy of existence is that it’s better to stand off and be an observer and eventually they’ll match this up with a chain of back-flinches which proves it. Such as being-a big explosion in front of your face but you can’t blow any further back through the hangar. So you just better stand there and look at it.

But their basic philosophy of existence is that it’s better to stand off and be an observer and eventually they’ll match this up with a chain of back-flinches which proves it. Such as being-a big explosion in front of your face but you can’t blow any further back through the hangar. So you just better stand there and look at it.

Well, now, people start to use facsimiles to force the body into action. And the thetan himself has picked up this facsimile and put it on the body at someplace in the past or some body in the past, in order to make the body stand its ground and not retreat. He’s used the facsimile. So let’s not get this backwards. The postulate goes before the chain.

Well, now, people start to use facsimiles to force the body into action. And the thetan himself has picked up this facsimile and put it on the body at someplace in the past or some body in the past, in order to make the body stand its ground and not retreat. He’s used the facsimile. So let’s not get this backwards. The postulate goes before the chain.

So if we’re dealing with the basic intention of an individual it would seem that you could just get him to shift his philosophy and you’d occasionally get some sort of a result. And sure enough, in various religious practices and so forth, this was all they had, so they specialized in getting somebody to change his philosophy.

So if we’re dealing with the basic intention of an individual it would seem that you could just get him to shift his philosophy and you’d occasionally get some sort of a result. And sure enough, in various religious practices and so forth, this was all they had, so they specialized in getting somebody to change his philosophy.

Well, if they could do this, well, all he had to do after that, you see-all he had to do after that, was simply validate another chain and that would make another pattern live and not try to prove the old philosophy.

Well, if they could do this, well, all he had to do after that, you see-all he had to do after that, was simply validate another chain and that would make another pattern live and not try to prove the old philosophy.

Well, what do you know? When a person is made to abandon a basic philosophy, he goes into apathy. That’s why religions are in apathy. Okay.

Well, what do you know? When a person is made to abandon a basic philosophy, he goes into apathy. That’s why religions are in apathy. Okay.

You’d say then, this is very simple, all we had to do is just get somebody to change his postulates and he’s all set. Well, you get somebody to change his postulates-there’s too many things, too many people, too much of this and that have been around to make him change his postulates. And that basic postulate might have been light enough to change very early on the track, but he’s proved it too often. And that’s the engram chain that you’ve got there and this is why he’s not exteriorizing or interiorizing mechanically. The engram chain is why he’s not doing it mechanically.

You’d say then, this is very simple, all we had to do is just get somebody to change his postulates and he’s all set. Well, you get somebody to change his postulates-there’s too many things, too many people, too much of this and that have been around to make him change his postulates. And that basic postulate might have been light enough to change very early on the track, but he’s proved it too often. And that’s the engram chain that you’ve got there and this is why he’s not exteriorizing or interiorizing mechanically. The engram chain is why he’s not doing it mechanically.

The other fellow says, “Well, the way to get through life is just to hit it and, you know, close in tight and devil take the hindmost and plunge and let it roll.” Well, he proves this by digging up all sorts of incidents, because the philosophy itself keeps validating that type of incident. When he reads a book, anything which validates that philosophy he’ll underscore or remember. He’s trying to prove himself right.

The other fellow says, “Well, the way to get through life is just to hit it and, you know, close in tight and devil take the hindmost and plunge and let it roll.” Well, he proves this by digging up all sorts of incidents, because the philosophy itself keeps validating that type of incident. When he reads a book, anything which validates that philosophy he’ll underscore or remember. He’s trying to prove himself right.

Well, you could then theorize and say, well, he has some idea he has to prove himself, and that sort of thing. No, your mechanics are still C to E. Let’s not worry about it any further. If you could make him work out this basic philosophy on a direct line to the body, you’d simply do so. He would make the body into the best spectator you ever saw, the fellow with a back-flinch, but also be able to exteriorize himself and do all kinds of things without changing his basic philosophy.

Well, you could then theorize and say, well, he has some idea he has to prove himself, and that sort of thing. No, your mechanics are still C to E. Let’s not worry about it any further. If you could make him work out this basic philosophy on a direct line to the body, you’d simply do so. He would make the body into the best spectator you ever saw, the fellow with a back-flinch, but also be able to exteriorize himself and do all kinds of things without changing his basic philosophy.

Now, he may have learned something or may have decided to change it on his own free will. He will. But there’s no amount of persuasion that you can give him that’s simply going to change his method of looking at things.

Now, he may have learned something or may have decided to change it on his own free will. He will. But there’s no amount of persuasion that you can give him that’s simply going to change his method of looking at things.

Now, the fellow who starts out to be the center of everything as a sort of a basic philosophy—he wants to be the attraction point or something—that’s just another philosophy. He’ll eventually wind up with no-place-to-flinch.

Now, the fellow who starts out to be the center of everything as a sort of a basic philosophy—he wants to be the attraction point or something—that’s just another philosophy. He’ll eventually wind up with no-place-to-flinch.

So these are not necessarily a gradient scale of the dwindling spiral of a case; not necessarily, but they can be plotted that way. And we find out that of the three solutions, the forward-stuck is the most workable. The back-stuck, is the second least workable and the no-place-to-go (be the center of attraction, you see, everything is going to come in on me) is utterly fatal. Because that agrees completely with the MEST universe. This MEST universe isn’t back-flinching or front-flinching. It’s making everything into the center of attraction. Oh, it’s a very nice universe. It makes everything the center of attraction. It pounds it from 360 degrees.

So these are not necessarily a gradient scale of the dwindling spiral of a case; not necessarily, but they can be plotted that way. And we find out that of the three solutions, the forward-stuck is the most workable. The back-stuck, is the second least workable and the no-place-to-go (be the center of attraction, you see, everything is going to come in on me) is utterly fatal. Because that agrees completely with the MEST universe. This MEST universe isn’t back-flinching or front-flinching. It’s making everything into the center of attraction. Oh, it’s a very nice universe. It makes everything the center of attraction. It pounds it from 360 degrees.

Well, the basic philosophy of the case could enter in here. Well, you don’t have to deal with those factors. You should understand they’re there and it’s quite simple. The only thing that you’re trying to deal with is merely this straightforward line, C to E, and in either event it is courage and serenity on the upper level that plows through these lines.

Well, the basic philosophy of the case could enter in here. Well, you don’t have to deal with those factors. You should understand they’re there and it’s quite simple. The only thing that you’re trying to deal with is merely this straightforward line, C to E, and in either event it is courage and serenity on the upper level that plows through these lines.

Well, there’s beauty which goes right in with creativeness and so forth, which is a slightly different track. Beauty. And it goes upstairs, of course, to serenity, too. But if you start on the nobility track, you’re going to get into beauty as a particle or the guy will try to tell you there’s a beauty particle. He’ll get into something that he considers an emotion called beauty. It’ll be different, every person. Not like courage, that’s the same, everybody’s got the same particle.

Well, there’s beauty which goes right in with creativeness and so forth, which is a slightly different track. Beauty. And it goes upstairs, of course, to serenity, too. But if you start on the nobility track, you’re going to get into beauty as a particle or the guy will try to tell you there’s a beauty particle. He’ll get into something that he considers an emotion called beauty. It’ll be different, every person. Not like courage, that’s the same, everybody’s got the same particle.

But this other one, what he’s considered beautiful, is merely what he’s considered. Beauty is consideration. But he goes from nobility to beauty and beauty goes down through nobility to degradation. And there is the track of degradation. If you want to hit that directly, try to do something about this beauty, nobility and degradation.

But this other one, what he’s considered beautiful, is merely what he’s considered. Beauty is consideration. But he goes from nobility to beauty and beauty goes down through nobility to degradation. And there is the track of degradation. If you want to hit that directly, try to do something about this beauty, nobility and degradation.

I repeat, though, that the much, much more workable track is courage. Courage to serenity. That plows through. How long do you plow through? Well, you plow through this sort of thing long enough to get your character out of these super back-flinches and front-flinches and spin-flinches and you just carry through until you’ve done it. Your remedy is havingness.

I repeat, though, that the much, much more workable track is courage. Courage to serenity. That plows through. How long do you plow through? Well, you plow through this sort of thing long enough to get your character out of these super back-flinches and front-flinches and spin-flinches and you just carry through until you’ve done it. Your remedy is havingness.

When you find any object in the MEST universe is having a great command effect upon the preclear, remedy it in terms of havingness. And this is also a person. Remedy it in terms of havingness. Remedy Papa or Mama or-you know, Papa he never paid much attention to, but Mother, she said, “Well, a boy that makes good, makes good because he is honest and truthful.” See, he’s honest and truthful.

When you find any object in the MEST universe is having a great command effect upon the preclear, remedy it in terms of havingness. And this is also a person. Remedy it in terms of havingness. Remedy Papa or Mama or-you know, Papa he never paid much attention to, but Mother, she said, “Well, a boy that makes good, makes good because he is honest and truthful.” See, he’s honest and truthful.

Well, that’s all right. That’s one way of getting along in life. Except that your boy is not in good condition and he can’t exteriorize. Well, there must have been a big scarcity of Mama. And we find out, sure enough, there was.

Well, that’s all right. That’s one way of getting along in life. Except that your boy is not in good condition and he can’t exteriorize. Well, there must have been a big scarcity of Mama. And we find out, sure enough, there was.

Other cases we find out that maybe it was Papa who had this tremendous command value. Ah-ha! There might have been a great abundance of Papa where there should have been a scarcity. Which has gotten to the point where one can’t get rid of Papa. So everything Papa said is true. You know, everywhere you look, there’s Papa. Didn’t want Papa, didn’t like Papa, although occasionally little things will show up that sort of make him think well, he really liked Papa. And you start to run this, first he tells you he hates Papa and then he tells you, well, he really liked Papa and then he didn’t like Papa and he liked Papa. In other words, your big maybe is Papa-ing out of the case.

Other cases we find out that maybe it was Papa who had this tremendous command value. Ah-ha! There might have been a great abundance of Papa where there should have been a scarcity. Which has gotten to the point where one can’t get rid of Papa. So everything Papa said is true. You know, everywhere you look, there’s Papa. Didn’t want Papa, didn’t like Papa, although occasionally little things will show up that sort of make him think well, he really liked Papa. And you start to run this, first he tells you he hates Papa and then he tells you, well, he really liked Papa and then he didn’t like Papa and he liked Papa. In other words, your big maybe is Papa-ing out of the case.

And so we have our problem, though, again, in terms of havingness. And it’s always run the same way. You just mock-up Papa suitably until he pops in and mock him up suitably until he pops out. And you just get lots of him and remedy the mass and all Papa’s phrases will go by the boards. The phrases? You certainly can’t do much with a flock of air particles, let’s get mass.

And so we have our problem, though, again, in terms of havingness. And it’s always run the same way. You just mock-up Papa suitably until he pops in and mock him up suitably until he pops out. And you just get lots of him and remedy the mass and all Papa’s phrases will go by the boards. The phrases? You certainly can’t do much with a flock of air particles, let’s get mass.

Well, there’s an awful lot of cute little processes, tremendous number of real cute processes. Every once in a while, an auditor will hit one of these things and be delighted.

Well, there’s an awful lot of cute little processes, tremendous number of real cute processes. Every once in a while, an auditor will hit one of these things and be delighted.

But when they’re very workable, they add up this way. It’s when they reverse a stuck flow-when a process reverses a stuck flow, you have then an excellent process which lasts just long enough, as in Ridge Running, to reverse the stuck flow. You know? Fellow said, “Walk,” and the line went white for a little while and then it went black. Well, what was the next phrase that stopped it?

But when they’re very workable, they add up this way. It’s when they reverse a stuck flow-when a process reverses a stuck flow, you have then an excellent process which lasts just long enough, as in Ridge Running, to reverse the stuck flow. You know? Fellow said, “Walk,” and the line went white for a little while and then it went black. Well, what was the next phrase that stopped it?

Well, “can’t walk” is the next phrase that stopped it and you run “can’t walk,” and you find out that line runs just exactly the reverse direction and it runs out, too. It turns white and then goes black, see, on “can’t walk.”

Well, “can’t walk” is the next phrase that stopped it and you run “can’t walk,” and you find out that line runs just exactly the reverse direction and it runs out, too. It turns white and then goes black, see, on “can’t walk.”

So we get these two types of manifestations. Well, every time you’re hitting one of these ridges on a communication line going through the bank, you can run it for a certain direction and then it has a tendency to want to turn around. And this is also true of a courage particle. That’s why you must be careful to put it exterior to the preclear occasionally. Running it in brackets approximates the shunts and runs of the communication ball-ups in the bank, see? And you can have the preclear mock-up courage above his head and mock-up courage and mock-up courage and then one day-he’s been doing this on his own or something—and a couple of days later, you know he can’t mock-up a single particle of courage?

So we get these two types of manifestations. Well, every time you’re hitting one of these ridges on a communication line going through the bank, you can run it for a certain direction and then it has a tendency to want to turn around. And this is also true of a courage particle. That’s why you must be careful to put it exterior to the preclear occasionally. Running it in brackets approximates the shunts and runs of the communication ball-ups in the bank, see? And you can have the preclear mock-up courage above his head and mock-up courage and mock-up courage and then one day-he’s been doing this on his own or something—and a couple of days later, you know he can’t mock-up a single particle of courage?

“Huh!” you say, “after all of my work he can’t mock-up any courage.” Well, he extended it forward into the bank and hit it to a point where it’s going to flow back.

“Huh!” you say, “after all of my work he can’t mock-up any courage.” Well, he extended it forward into the bank and hit it to a point where it’s going to flow back.

All right. Get bright. It’s just a stuck flow. Have him put some courage in the walls, that’s all. Simple remedy, isn’t it? Have him mock-up somebody in front of him and have them feel courageous toward him. Get some back flow. Make it flow both ways. Because you are dealing with courage, you’re dealing with a particle, a very valid particle. The very valid particles are courage and admiration-those are two distinctly different particles-and force, which is another entirely different particle. Those are very distinct, valid particles; And everybody has agreed on those particles: courage, admiration, force. Same particle, preclear to preclear. They mock-up the same kind of particle. All right. When you get off from that, why, they get different kinds of things which might or might not be particles, but these we’re very straight on.

All right. Get bright. It’s just a stuck flow. Have him put some courage in the walls, that’s all. Simple remedy, isn’t it? Have him mock-up somebody in front of him and have them feel courageous toward him. Get some back flow. Make it flow both ways. Because you are dealing with courage, you’re dealing with a particle, a very valid particle. The very valid particles are courage and admiration-those are two distinctly different particles-and force, which is another entirely different particle. Those are very distinct, valid particles; And everybody has agreed on those particles: courage, admiration, force. Same particle, preclear to preclear. They mock-up the same kind of particle. All right. When you get off from that, why, they get different kinds of things which might or might not be particles, but these we’re very straight on.

All right. What’s our worry, then, in processing anything which flows through lines? Our worry is that we’re giving life to the bank. Well, if we’re going to give life to the bank, let’s only give life to it long enough so that we get the preclear out of what he’s stuck in. Well, how long do we have to run such a particle as courage, one way and then the other and back and around, in brackets and so forth? We have to run it until the fellow can hold the two back anchor points of the room with great effectiveness and exteriorize.

All right. What’s our worry, then, in processing anything which flows through lines? Our worry is that we’re giving life to the bank. Well, if we’re going to give life to the bank, let’s only give life to it long enough so that we get the preclear out of what he’s stuck in. Well, how long do we have to run such a particle as courage, one way and then the other and back and around, in brackets and so forth? We have to run it until the fellow can hold the two back anchor points of the room with great effectiveness and exteriorize.

That’s how long you have to run it. Well, I don’t care how long that is. You won’t either. Because you’ll find out sometimes it’s only fifteen minutes. And you’ll find out sometimes it’s five hours. And you might find out sometimes it’s fifteen. And you may find out sometimes, in some case, if you can reach the case-this is the case with the dented flesh-it might be eighty, ninety hours. All of which would be interspersed with these unlimited techniques. See that? I’ve never heard of a case who would go up that far, but it could happen.

That’s how long you have to run it. Well, I don’t care how long that is. You won’t either. Because you’ll find out sometimes it’s only fifteen minutes. And you’ll find out sometimes it’s five hours. And you might find out sometimes it’s fifteen. And you may find out sometimes, in some case, if you can reach the case-this is the case with the dented flesh-it might be eighty, ninety hours. All of which would be interspersed with these unlimited techniques. See that? I’ve never heard of a case who would go up that far, but it could happen.

All right. Where does your judgment come in as an auditor? Well, boy, it stands up like signposts. The signs on which you have to judge are now so big that if you were to run into them, gee, you’d get bruised. They’re big, they’re big. Big signs. Unmistakable. Change of perception. Change of attitudes and ideas. All of which boil down to communication lag. C to E. Those are the signs you look for.

All right. Where does your judgment come in as an auditor? Well, boy, it stands up like signposts. The signs on which you have to judge are now so big that if you were to run into them, gee, you’d get bruised. They’re big, they’re big. Big signs. Unmistakable. Change of perception. Change of attitudes and ideas. All of which boil down to communication lag. C to E. Those are the signs you look for.

If you run this case for quite a little while and you’re not getting much communication lag, boy, he must be up into a ridge there so darned solid with that communication line that nothing is boring through that ridge. Not even Edgar Rice Burroughs’ earth borer could go through it. There’s some havingness connected with it there that’s so darned scarce; this thing is so darned solid that you sure better do something about it. It’s havingness on some subject or another and you better remedy it.

If you run this case for quite a little while and you’re not getting much communication lag, boy, he must be up into a ridge there so darned solid with that communication line that nothing is boring through that ridge. Not even Edgar Rice Burroughs’ earth borer could go through it. There’s some havingness connected with it there that’s so darned scarce; this thing is so darned solid that you sure better do something about it. It’s havingness on some subject or another and you better remedy it.

All right. Communication lag. You didn’t get a change in communication. That was the biggest thing you were noticing with this case.

All right. Communication lag. You didn’t get a change in communication. That was the biggest thing you were noticing with this case.

The next thing you were noticing in the case, you weren’t getting a change of attitude. You’ve processed him now two sessions, three sessions, and he said at the end of each session, well, he guessed that might have helped him a little bit, but he really didn’t know. As a matter of fact, that case should have had a lot of Self Analysis, next-to-thc-last list. If that case keeps doing that, string him some lines. Let him string some lines. And he required a hell of a lot of Opening Procedure. Opening Procedure, you understand, is slow processing, not fast processing. But it’s fast processing and then its results are resulted. You get the result, it’s there. And that’s its value.

The next thing you were noticing in the case, you weren’t getting a change of attitude. You’ve processed him now two sessions, three sessions, and he said at the end of each session, well, he guessed that might have helped him a little bit, but he really didn’t know. As a matter of fact, that case should have had a lot of Self Analysis, next-to-thc-last list. If that case keeps doing that, string him some lines. Let him string some lines. And he required a hell of a lot of Opening Procedure. Opening Procedure, you understand, is slow processing, not fast processing. But it’s fast processing and then its results are resulted. You get the result, it’s there. And that’s its value.

All right. Or the case says-gives you a wisecrack-or a rather sneering wisecrack at the end of the session. You know, you ask him how he is now and you just get kind of a sneering, sarcastic, something of the sort. The guy is on a back-flinch. Well, it’s all right for him to do this at the end of one session, but when he does it at the end of two sessions, you better start looking not at the preclear, but what the heck you’re doing here. Because the boy is on a back-flinch.

All right. Or the case says-gives you a wisecrack-or a rather sneering wisecrack at the end of the session. You know, you ask him how he is now and you just get kind of a sneering, sarcastic, something of the sort. The guy is on a back-flinch. Well, it’s all right for him to do this at the end of one session, but when he does it at the end of two sessions, you better start looking not at the preclear, but what the heck you’re doing here. Because the boy is on a back-flinch.

See, obviously, he can’t look at it. See, he’s backed way up off the subject.

See, obviously, he can’t look at it. See, he’s backed way up off the subject.

Now, the next manifestation at the end of the session, the fellow says to you, “Well, you think you’re pretty hot, don’t you?” (You’ll get preclears who’ll do this to you.) Well, the guy is stuck on a front-flinch. See, he’s antagonistic towards you. That’s just a forward flow. That’s as close as he could get. Well, you probably did him a little bit of good, but he’s on a front-flinch.

Now, the next manifestation at the end of the session, the fellow says to you, “Well, you think you’re pretty hot, don’t you?” (You’ll get preclears who’ll do this to you.) Well, the guy is stuck on a front-flinch. See, he’s antagonistic towards you. That’s just a forward flow. That’s as close as he could get. Well, you probably did him a little bit of good, but he’s on a front-flinch.

Now, you process him on the second session, he’s still on a front-flinch. Still gives that same thing. Boy, you’re slipping as an auditor. Two sessions in a row, same way, end of session. See that, why you are? Because you didn’t even get him from backward to forward or backwards to middle or forward to middle or forward to back. See that? He’s giving you the same manifestation at the end of the session. He must be in the same position, as far as the communication line is concerned, to the body. You couldn’t then have altered markedly his communication with the body line. Must be about the same length of line and it must be in the same position on the same ridge. Well, what are you doing, Mr. Auditor? What are you doing? Because you wouldn’t even have to look deeper, the other one is the communication lag. It would have remained the same.

Now, you process him on the second session, he’s still on a front-flinch. Still gives that same thing. Boy, you’re slipping as an auditor. Two sessions in a row, same way, end of session. See that, why you are? Because you didn’t even get him from backward to forward or backwards to middle or forward to middle or forward to back. See that? He’s giving you the same manifestation at the end of the session. He must be in the same position, as far as the communication line is concerned, to the body. You couldn’t then have altered markedly his communication with the body line. Must be about the same length of line and it must be in the same position on the same ridge. Well, what are you doing, Mr. Auditor? What are you doing? Because you wouldn’t even have to look deeper, the other one is the communication lag. It would have remained the same.

Supposing, though, his communication lag was much better, much less, and he’s much more antagonistic towards you. You might have thrown him into a back-flinch during the session and he’s back in another front-flinch. See? You might have done that. But the only thing that would tell you that, his communication lag would be unmistakably better. And you might have thrown him downscale, too, at which time his communication lag would have been much slower. See, he might have had the same thing, back-flinch, back-flinch, but now he’s back-flinching more slowly. See what the result of that would be?

Supposing, though, his communication lag was much better, much less, and he’s much more antagonistic towards you. You might have thrown him into a back-flinch during the session and he’s back in another front-flinch. See? You might have done that. But the only thing that would tell you that, his communication lag would be unmistakably better. And you might have thrown him downscale, too, at which time his communication lag would have been much slower. See, he might have had the same thing, back-flinch, back-flinch, but now he’s back-flinching more slowly. See what the result of that would be?

If you could just envision your preclear as a mass of wires passing through a mass of ridges, which you can either take or leave alone, and he’s got as many of those wires live as you’re validating or making him pour life through or /pouring life through, you can sort of take your choice there. Or you’ve got something you can just build a new communication line from C to E to.

If you could just envision your preclear as a mass of wires passing through a mass of ridges, which you can either take or leave alone, and he’s got as many of those wires live as you’re validating or making him pour life through or /pouring life through, you can sort of take your choice there. Or you’ve got something you can just build a new communication line from C to E to.

Well, the hell with all that junk. We’re just going to throw it in the garbage lot and we’re just going to take this line and we’re going to pass it from C to you-your body. And then we’re going to get you to C.

Well, the hell with all that junk. We’re just going to throw it in the garbage lot and we’re just going to take this line and we’re going to pass it from C to you-your body. And then we’re going to get you to C.

Such a person, by the way, exteriorizes on this process. “Mock-up a dot o£ light behind you.” “Now grant it beingness.” “Now be it.” “Well, okay. Give me three places you’re not,” because he’s exteriorized.

Such a person, by the way, exteriorizes on this process. “Mock-up a dot o£ light behind you.” “Now grant it beingness.” “Now be it.” “Well, okay. Give me three places you’re not,” because he’s exteriorized.

Now, you could make this case do this, this way. You could give him an hour of mocking-up a serene pool of existence way up above him somewhere and granting beingness to it. Give him a whole hour. And then gradually get him up there. You just drop all the other communication lines. In other words, you get him concentrated on a new line at the expense of all the old lines. It’s a workable process.

Now, you could make this case do this, this way. You could give him an hour of mocking-up a serene pool of existence way up above him somewhere and granting beingness to it. Give him a whole hour. And then gradually get him up there. You just drop all the other communication lines. In other words, you get him concentrated on a new line at the expense of all the old lines. It’s a workable process.

Well, that’s as far as exteriorization goes. Well, now how do you tell the difference between what you’re doing with an Operating Thetan? Same thing. Because he’ll be doing all sorts of strange and peculiar things and he ought to change session to session like a chameleon. He ought to change fast and frequent. If he doesn’t, then he’s got some kind of a communication trouble which you’ve neglected badly.

Well, that’s as far as exteriorization goes. Well, now how do you tell the difference between what you’re doing with an Operating Thetan? Same thing. Because he’ll be doing all sorts of strange and peculiar things and he ought to change session to session like a chameleon. He ought to change fast and frequent. If he doesn’t, then he’s got some kind of a communication trouble which you’ve neglected badly.

He’s carrying some kind of a bundle of clanking chains or something around with him that isn’t permitting lines to pass and you better process him on Courage Processing while he’s way out of his body until he’s really set. And then you’d better turn around and process force particles until he’s really satisfied. In other words, make him make up force particles. And then have him go around and be courageous toward it. And then mock-up more force particles and then crush them together and spread them apart and blow them up and do all sorts of things with force particles and shift his wavelength.

He’s carrying some kind of a bundle of clanking chains or something around with him that isn’t permitting lines to pass and you better process him on Courage Processing while he’s way out of his body until he’s really set. And then you’d better turn around and process force particles until he’s really satisfied. In other words, make him make up force particles. And then have him go around and be courageous toward it. And then mock-up more force particles and then crush them together and spread them apart and blow them up and do all sorts of things with force particles and shift his wavelength.

Note: The recording ends abruptly.Note: The recording ends abruptly.