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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Finding RRs (SHSBC-269) - L630220 | Сравнить
- Talk on TV Demo - Finding RRs (SHSBC-270) - L630220 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: FINDING RRs Cохранить документ себе Скачать


An auditing demonstration given on 20 February 1963

LRH: The main reason for this demonstration is the rocket reads. We are very, very interested in how they are doing in the Z Unit and we want to see some items fire, that's what we're mainly interested in. And see how precise their sessioning is. That's our main worry. Now, I don't know - nod, auditor, if you've got your earphones on.

Auditor: Yes, coming. Coming up. All right.

LRH: All right. Now, what we want is simply to get the session started and just see some rocket reads.

Auditor: Good. Thank you.

LRH: All right.

Auditor: All right, Allen. What we are going to do is, we are going to check out your last item again and see that we get a rocket read on it and I am going to prepcheck it for three buttons. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Going to plug you in. Please squeeze the cans. All right. Please squeeze the cans. Okay. And again. Thank you very much. There is a third-of-a-dial drop at sensitivity 3 at 2.0 tone arm.

PC: Thank you.

Auditor: Good. Is it all right if I start this demonstration now?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Good. Start of demonstration. Has it started for you?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Very good. What goals would you like to set for this demonstration?

PC: To get the item firing.

Auditor: Very good. Any other goal?

PC: Well, to be willing to look at anything that comes up.

Auditor: Good. Okay, Allen. Now, your tone arm is now exactly where it was this morning so I am not going to put any mid ruds in. I'll go straight in on the item, prepchecking it. All right.

On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Not that I know of.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There's a read, what was it? There. There. There.

PC: Well, I suppressed thinking about it. Suppressed doing any self-auditing on it.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, there's a few somatics and a bit of a headache come on. It's been ever since we worked out the heading of the question. I sort of would like to list. That's about all.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? Id like to check that again, I am not quite sure about it. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There is another read, what was it? There. There.

PC: Yeah. Well, when you started you went straight into the Prepcheck, I wondered if you were going to try and find out if it would read or not, so I don't know whether it's reading or what it's doing.

Auditor: All right, thank you. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Just items that oppose it. I've tried not to look at them but you gave me the question and it's - so I am trapped into keeping them away from me.

Auditor: Okay, thank you. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? Id like to check that again. It was equivocal. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There's another read, what was it? There.

PC: Well, the opposition to it has been suppressed.

Auditor: Thank you. On this item has anything been suppressed?

PC: Just opposition items.

Auditor: Good. Sorry, did I chop you there?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right, Allen. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There's another read. There.

PC: Well, that's some of the games conditions I have played with this item and its opposition. That's about all.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There's another read, what was it?

PC: Well. . .

Auditor: There.

PC: . . . I sort of cognited today that I have now got my goal and I've sort of gone over the hump. And my items are no longer going to be - like the terminal side, are going to be so degrading as they were earlier. They're getting better.

Auditor: All right, Allen. Thank you. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? That was equivocal, I'll check it again. On this item, has anything been suppressed? There's another read on there. What was it? There.

LRH: Ask him if he is protesting that.

Auditor: Yeah.

Are you protesting the question, Allen?

PC: Yeah, I'm having a bit of trouble seeing anything on it.

Auditor: I didn't get that.

PC: I am having trouble seeing anything on it.

Auditor: Okay. Good. I'll check it again now. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There is another read, what was it? There.

PC: Well, I think I - I'm suppressing. Yeah, it is a protest. I protest about messing about with any of these items.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Just want to go straight on and oppose them.

Auditor: All right. Now, I don't quite get what is the suppression here?

PC: I was suppressing the protest.

Auditor: Good. Thank you. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There's another read, what was it? There.

PC: The exact opposition to it.

Auditor: Thank you. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? I'd like to check it again. On this item, has anything been suppressed? There's another read, Allen, what was it? There. There. There.

PC: That's not so much on the item, but it's the suppression on - uh - we had such a terrific session today. I sort of suppressed writing a letter to Mary Sue and thanking her for pointing out the point where we went wrong yesterday.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Very good. All right. Here's the next button. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Yeah. Not to go onto any audit on it. Not to think about the item. Not to try and do anything with it - just have the item as it is.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item, is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: Hm. Wondering about it.

Auditor: Good. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Talking about it. Actually, I had practically forgotten it until the session again tonight.

Auditor: Okay. Now, Allen, I don't quite get what the thing that you have been careful of.

PC: Well, I have been careful not to talk about it and I've been - the item - you forget your items very easy, as they blow.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. Oh, sorry, did I chop you here?

PC: No, I was just going to say that the main thing is I am careful not to talk about them too much.

Auditor: All right.

PC: That's all.

Auditor: Good, thank you. I'll check that on the meter then. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have been careful of ? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Good. Very good. On this item "a careful person," is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Well, it's not so much on the item but it's part of it. Uh - my goal is - one was just to be the first person completely cleared on 3MX. And after dinner I think I will be.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: That's about all I've failed to reveal.

Auditor: All right, thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have failed to reveal? There's a read on there, what was it?

PC: Opposition items. That's all.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have failed to reveal?- I'd like to check that again; I'm not sure about the read. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have failed to reveal? You agree that's clean?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. A feeling person. A feeling person. A feeling person. A feeling person. All right. I had one rocket read here, I just want to give it to you.

LRH: There was no rocket read on that.

Auditor: All right.

LRH: That item is not firing, so run through and get the item to fire any way you can.

Auditor: All right, good. Ron said the item wasn't firing so we go through the buttons again.

LRH: There was no rocket read on that, don't - don't be . . .

PC: All right!

Auditor: All right. I have a bit of difficulties here.

LRH: That thing didn't fire at all. It didn't even have a click on it. There is something wrong with this line plot.

Auditor: All right. I am going again through the buttons.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: On this item "'a feeling person," is there anything you have suppressed?

PC: Oh, really confronting the item.

Auditor: Good. On - on this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suppressed?

PC: Well, being a feeling person. I haven't - I'm sort of not being the item, not that I know of. Not really looking at it. Just answering the - sort of being exterior to it. Looking at the item myself. That's all.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suppressed? Allen, I want to check that again.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suppressed? That's clean. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have been careful of ? I'm asking you.

PC: Hm. I'm just trying to look.

Auditor: Good.

PC: I'm careful to look. Careful to give up anything that's on it. I am still careful not to try - ah - bring up any other items - the opposition items to it. And you started me more or less on the list of it when you worked out the question. That's all.

Auditor: Thank you.

LRH: You've got to get right-hand buttons too, you know.

Auditor: All right. I am going - I'm going to check the right-hand buttons too.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have invalidated?

PC: As far as I know you just checked Careful of and never checked it on the meter, huh? I just invalidated that.

Auditor: All right.

PC: That's all.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item "a careful person," is there anything you have invalidated?

PC: No. Not that I know of.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a careful person," is there anything you have invalidated?

PC: Yeah. You are calling the wrong item. It's "a feeling person - "

Auditor: I am sorry, Allen, I gave you the wrong item here, I goofed here. I am giving it to you correctly. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have invalidated? There's a read, what was it?

PC: Oh, invalidating having my attention taken back to this item now that it has gone onto the other list. That's about all.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have invalidated? That's clean. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested?

PC: Well, I just suggested that you didn't clean the Careful of button up and I also suggested you were calling the wrong item.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested? There's a read, what was it?

PC: I think - my attention went out there when Reg opened the door.

Auditor: Okay. I'll give it to you again. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested? There's a read, what was it? There.

PC: Well, I suggested - when the item was called out to me, I suggested it was my item. Ah - when Brian checked it. And I also cognited that "an ironic person" is the one that opposes it and I thought, "Well, what's the use of being ironic if you don't have anyone's feeling to hurt?" That's all.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. I'll check that. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested? Td like to check it again. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested? There's another read. What was it? There. There. There.

PC: Well, yeah. It's not so much on that item but there's two oppterm items missing off my line plot. And I have been suggesting for two days now that the - one of them is "a decent person" and the other one is "a mediocre person" and I felt they had been bypassed.

Auditor: All right. On this item "'a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that. Is there any protest going, Allen?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have suggested? There's another read, what was it? There. There. There. There.

PC: That's ah - well, those last two items - I've now suggested it out loud that ah - the 've been bypassed, so I y have told everyone about it now.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "'a feeling person," has anything been suggested? There's another read, what was it?

PC: Well, when Ron said there was no rocket read on that - uh - it's a sort of a suggestion that that's not the right item.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: And I disagree with that.

Auditor: Thank you. On this item, has anything been suggested?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suggested? There's another read, what was it? There. That.

LRH: The right-hand buttons, by the way, are not done repetitive.

Auditor: There.

PC: Yeah, well, when you called the item out when it first came up in the lists, that was the last thing I thought the item would have been. So when you called it, of course, it suggests that that's the item. And that - that's the only suggestion I could think of there.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item, has anything been suggested? I'll have to check it again. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suggested? That's clean. A feeling

person. A feeling person. All right. On this item, has any mistake been made? There's a read, what was it? There.

PC: I am having trouble confronting the item as my attention is on the other list. So that's all.

Auditor: Uh - I don't quite get what uh - you mean by the other list.

PC: You started the list running on me when you asked me, "Who or what would oppose a feeling person," I think it was.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: And I sort of have trouble jerking my attention back to look at the item "a feeling person."

Auditor: Okay.

PC: And that's a sort of mistake, I feel.

Auditor: All right Allen, thank you. On this item, has any mistake been made? There's a read, what was it? There. There.

PC: Yeah. You never cleaned the Careful of button.

Auditor: All right, thank you. On this item "a feeling person," has an mistake y been made? There's another read. There.

PC: Mm. When you said there's a rocket read there, there wasn't one there. That was a mistake.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item, has any mistake been made? There's another read here. There. There.

PC: I think it's a mistake to mess around with them once they've been checked.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. Now, Allen, before that - before I check that, is there any protest going?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. Thank you. I'll check that now. On this item "'a feeling person," has any mistake been made? There's another read. What was it? There.

PC: The more you quote it the more my head aches or the somatic on my nose gets heavier and the mass seems to move in on me.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: That's all. And so it's a mistake sort of, I feel, prepchecking this item. It is not making me feel better, it's making me feel a bit sicker.

Auditor: All right, Allen, thank you. On this item "a feeling person," has any mistake been made? Do you agree that's clean?

PC: Yes.

Auditor: Good. A feeling person. A feeling person. A feeling person. On this item, is there anything you have been anxious about? That reads.

PC: Anxious to have it read. That's about all. I sort of feel that the item is finished with now. It's the other list that is more important. What opposes it. I'm sort of anxious that they don't take the item away from me if it's not reading.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item, is there anything you have been anxious about?

PC: No.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," is there anything you have been anxious about? A feeling person. A feeling person. A feeling person. On this item, has anything been invalidated? There's another read. What was it? There. There.

PC: I just don't seem to be able to look at the item. Uh - just can't seem to take the viewpoint of the item and I just can't get there and I sort of am invalidating having to do it.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. I'll check that. On this item, has anything been invalidated? There's another read, what was it?

PC: I'm sort of invalidating you trying to make me do it, too.

Auditor: I didn't get that.

PC: I'm invalidating you slightly trying to make me do it. That - in - look at that item again.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. On this item, has anything been invalidated? There's another read, what was it? There.

PC: Yeah. I'm invalidating my attention going off to the opposed list to this item. It's making me feel terribly uncomfortable.

Auditor: All right, Allen, thank you. I'll check that. On this item, has anything been invalidated? A feeling person. A feeling person. A feeling person. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Hmmm. Putting my attention on the item. The item. A bit of pain. Bit of sen. That's all.

Auditor: Thank you. I'll check that on the meter. On this item, has an thing y been suppressed? There's a read, what was it? There.

PC: Annoyance at having to go backwards to the item. That's all.

Auditor: Thank you. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: No'.

Auditor: Good. I'll check that on the meter. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There's another read, Allen, what was it?

PC: Well, I was suppressing a protest I think, about the question reading.

Auditor: All right.

PC: And the item not.

Auditor: Okay. Thank you. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Not that I know of.

Auditor: All right. I'll check that on the meter now. On this item "a feeling person," has anything been suppressed? There is another read, Allen. What was it?

PC: Being sick, sen, feeling adi - agitated, bit - bit heavy, feel heavy.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, get him off the buttons on this item. Read his goal. Let's see if you can make his goal fire.

Auditor: All right, Allen. We are not going to carry on with that. Ron just told me to stop the item Prepcheck and all I am going to do - I call out your goal and we see if that fires. Right?

PC: Okay, yep.

Auditor: Anything you want to say?

PC: I just suddenly noticed how my interest came back into the session.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. To be certain. To be certain. To be certain. To be certain. To be certain. Okay we haven't got a rocket read here.

LRH: Now, you see why your item isn't firing because your goal isn't firing. That's all. Close the session down.

Auditor: Okay, Allen. Good. Now, have you made any parts - ah - have you made any parts of your goals for this session?

PC: What were they?

Auditor: To get the item to fire.

PC: Well apparently, no.

Auditor: Good. To be willing to look at what comes up.

PC: Yeah. I was willing to look.

Auditor: Very good. Now, I'd just like to check - get a can squeeze.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Please squeeze the cans. Okay, I just want to get a few commands of Havingness in. Just put the cans down.

PC: Right.

Auditor: Here's the first command. Point out something.

PC: A TV camera.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: One up there.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Wall.

Auditor: Good. Point out something.

PC: And that part of that wall.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Ceiling.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: That door.

Auditor: Fine. Pick up the cans. All right, please squeeze the cans. Very good. Thank you. Now, is there anything you care to ask or say before I end this demonstration?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. Is it all right with you if I end this demonstration now?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Good. Now, here it is: End of demonstration. Has the demonstration ended for you?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Very good. Thank you.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. We have an example there of the situation when the goal isn't firing, we can't get an item to fire and there is either something wrong with this pc's line plot, which looking it over it is - everything is "blank" person, a person, a person, a person. Probably something wrong with his line plot. There is probably some earlier item firing here and certainly the goal is not now firing, so this thing has been suppressed or listed wrong way to someplace, or mucked up and it will have to be straightened out. Now there, you did not see a rocket read there tonight. Okay. And here we have May auditing Dick and what we want to have happen here is we want to see this new goal fire. This goal was just found today and may not have a lot of fire in it, but we want to see this goal fire. Pick up your earphones there, May. Got them? All right. Good enough. And all we want to do is see this goal fire very nicely and if it fires without a Tiger Drill, well for heaven's sakes, don't tiger drill it. Okay?

Auditor: Okay. All right. Take hold of the cans please. Thank you. How are you doing here?

PC: Hmm. Not too bad. I thought Id be as scared as hell.

Auditor: Okay. Anything you'd like to say?

PC: No. Let's get on with it.

Auditor: Good. All right. Give the cans a squeeze. Thank you. Okay. The tone arm is at 2.5 on a third-of-a-dial drop.

PC: Hm.

Auditor: Okay? All right, what we are going to be doing here is a Prepcheck session on your goal. Using the goal finder's Model Session.

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. We are just going to prepcheck the first three buttons on

the left, Suppress, Careful of, Failed to reveal.

PC: Righto.

Auditor: And do it just until the goal fires.

PC: Righto.

Auditor: Good. Is it all right to audit in this room?

PC: Oh, sure.

Auditor: Good.

PC: Apart from the TV.

Auditor: Okay. Is it all right if I begin this session now?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Start of session. Has this session started for you.?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Well, get the goal to fire.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: And uh - feel easy about the TV.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Any other goals for this session?

PC: No.

Auditor: Thank you. All right. I'll check the needle here a moment. Okay. The needle seems to be reasonably clean so I am just going to start in directly with the buttons on the goal.

PC: Good.

Auditor: Okay? Good.

PC: Suits me!

Auditor: All right. On the goal "to be able," has anything been ...

PC: I'm sorry, May.

Auditor: Oh, I goofed.

PC: Not my goal.

Auditor: Okay. That was bad.

PC: Oh yeah, well. Well, I can understand how you feel because that's two of us. I think.

Auditor: Okay. All right, it's all right that I goofed?

PC: Sure.

Auditor: Good. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, sort of always had a feeling that I couldn't be right, so I was sort of suppressing achieving it or that I could achieve it.

Auditor: Okay. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Hmm. Hmm. Well, I can't think of anything at the moment. I - I feel there's something. But I - I couldn't get it connected up. Sort of had the feeling of sort of being in - like - like being in - sitting in a - let's say, in a bomber and you have bombed some city or something and it's not right. And you just have the - you know it's not right, but you want to be right. It's as though you've got to suppress being right to do things like that. Phew!

Auditor: Okay.

PC: That all sort of feels heavy.

Auditor: Thank you. Okay. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: I had a vague idea there about being criticized by teachers. It sort of makes you feel wrong. And you want to be right. And you want to be right. Ummh - being right like - it's sort Of like holding onto a - a postulate that's uh - and all around you, people are sort of suppressing you or overwhelming you and pushing you back in. So, that seems like a suppression to me. That's sort of thinking of it as an overwhelming. That's all.

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check that on the meter. On the goal "to be right," has an thing y been suppressed? That reads, what was it? There.

PC: When - when you said the goal "to be right" then, just, you know, in doing that command I sort of felt it hit. And then I sort of suppressed any reaction to it following.

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, I had decided to go out and see another fellow's wife one night and all the time that I was making this decision I-I could feel this, "It's not right" and I was suppressing being right, in order to make that decision.

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check that on the meter. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed? That reads, what was it? There. There. There.

PC: It's the same sort of situation, same woman and uh - sort of knowing I wasn't doing the right thing there.

Auditor: Thank you. Something you'd like to say?

PC: Yeah. Well it sort of is suppressing the - suppressed the desire to be right. And suppress acting right in order to act wrong.

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," has anything been suppressed?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay, I'll check that on the meter. On the goal "to be right," has an thing y been suppressed? Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Min.

Auditor: Thank you. Okay. I am going to check the goal now and give it to you, right?

PC: Right.

Auditor: To be right. To be right. To be right. Okay, it isn't giving a good fire now but it is reading.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Okay?

PC: Makes me wince a bit.

Auditor: Thank you. All right, now I'm going to prepcheck the next button.

PC: Righto.

Auditor: Careful of. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Careful to be right a lot of the times! And careful to insist, too, I am right when I know I am right.

Auditor: Good. On the - did you have a thought there?

PC: I think there was something else coming up there.

Auditor: Okay. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: I have a feeling I have been careful to go somewhere away from where I had been working in order to find a - a better place to be right in.

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Well yeah, I have sort of been careful to act right in Scientology so that Ron would know I was being right.

Auditor: Good. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: Um - I have been careful to take note of other people's ah - opinions about my behavior; careful to see how they

uh - look at me, to know then if I am doing right. If I am being right, rather.

Auditor: Good. On the goal - did you have another thought there?

PC: Hey, yeah, that sort of uh - sort of gets you outside your - sort of being here, looking out from here, sort of gets you to - puts you outside yourself looking - try to look through everybody else's eyes.

Auditor: Okay. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: No.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check that on the meter. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of? That reads, what was it? There. There.

PC: To appear calm. It's - it's - it's right to behave in a calm, relaxed manner. I'm quite careful that way. It is sometimes difficult to answer the question now because there are a lot of things one is careful of. Just - just careful of as apart from on the goal "to be right." But still, a lot of one's behavior has to do with being right. Mores and all that.

Auditor: Okay. On the goal "'to be right," is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: That seems to be all at the moment.

Auditor: Okay, I'll check it on the meter. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of? That reads, what was it? There.

PC: Well, I have a bit of a trembling in the little finger here and I was careful not to let it get out of hand.

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: I have always been careful to uh - to track down any answer to any question when an auditor says, "That reads," because it's right!

Auditor: Thank you. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Careful not to sell this goal.

Auditor: Good. On the goal "'to be right," is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: Oh, I was at a concert once and I was careful not to cough during the - while the orchestra was playing.

Auditor: Good. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of ?

PC: That's all.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check it on the meter. On the goal "to be right," is there anything you have been careful of? Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Hm.

Auditor: Okay. Again, I'm going to read the goal.

PC: Hm.

Auditor: Okay? All right. To be right. To be right. To be right. The goal is reading, but not firing. Okay?

PC: Okay.

Auditor: All right. We're going to continue the buttons now with Failed to reveal.

PC: Ah. Yeah.

LRH: Ease it off and close the session.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: Oh, you had some instructions.

Auditor: I have uh - just been told here that it isn't necessary to go on any farther with this because it isn't uh - coming

up as it should here in the television area. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Is it all right with you if we leave off this Prep - I goofed. Is it all right with you if I end - if we end off this Prepcheck now?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Thank you.

PC: Shucks. Huh.

Auditor: Is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I do so?

PC: Mmm. Oh, I did wonder if there were any fires while you were saying the Prepcheck questions to me. I never asked you that.

Auditor: Thank you. Are you asking me that now?

PC: No, no.

Auditor: Okay. All right. End of Prepcheck.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Okay, have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: Well, I certainly feel easier about being on TV.

Auditor: Okay.

PC: It's not such a - ordeal as I thought.

Auditor: Good. Have you made any other gains in this session that you'd care to mention?

PC: Hmmm. Yeah. I had looked at some of my past behavior in alignment with this girl and uh - it adds up a bit.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Okay. Please squeeze the cans. All right. Put the cans down. Thank you.

PC: Sorry.

Auditor: Going to run a few commands of "Feel that."Okay? All right. Feel that table top.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Thank you. Feel the chair you are sitting on.

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Thank you. Feel the top of your head. Thank you. Feel the back of that E-Meter.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Thank you. Feel that end of the table. Thank you. Feel that end of the table. Thank you. Take hold of the cans. Thank you. Okay. Squeeze the cans. Good. That was the last command.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: All right. Is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: Hmm, how much did we get there?

Auditor: Well, it was over a third of a dial, this time, definitely. Okay?

PC: All right.

Auditor: All right. Is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: Good. Here it is. End of session. Has this session ended for you?

PC: Yep.

Auditor: Good. Tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You're no longer auditing me.

Auditor: Good.

PC: Thanks, May.

Auditor: Okay.

There you are. Been in here lately?


PC: Hmm?

Auditor: Have you been in here lately?

PC: I was in here about three nights ago, four nights ago - something like that.

Auditor: All right. Take the cans. All right. Good.

LRH: All right. All we want to do here is turn on a rocket read. Now, one or another of these items found on this pc or the goal will rocket read. And I see by your auditor's report here that the pc's in the middle of a bug list that didn't turn out with an item, so therefore that thing probably won't rocket read, but turn on a rocket read at least with his goal or with something. Okay?

Auditor: All right. Now, is it all right to audit in this room?

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: All right. Good. Now, squeeze the cans. Very good. Now, have you got your normal grip there? Hmm?

PC: Hmm. Yep.

Auditor: All right. Squeeze the cans. Very good. How's my voice to you? Is it soft, loud or ... ?

PC: It's all right.

Auditor: All right. Tm. getting a bit of a flashback through these things. Okay. Very good. We've got about half-the-dial drop. TA is 3.4.

PC: That's not bad, but the havingness is down is peculiar. The cans feel peculiar.

Auditor: Mm. Min. All right. Now, what we are going to do is get a rocket read in this session.

PC: Lots of luck.

Auditor: Ah, the first thing we're going to take up is the item we were attempting to get an opposition from ...

PC: Hm.

Auditor: ... this afternoon. And we'll give that a working over.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: And if we don't easily get a rocket read on that, we'll have a go at the goal or any of the other items.

PC: Mm-hm. 'A commander."

Auditor: What's that?

PC: 'A commander."

Auditor: Okay. All right. Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Mm. Yea h.

Auditor: Okay. Start of session. Has the session started for you?

PC: Mm.

Auditor: Good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Oh well, a simple one: Get a rocket read.

Auditor: All right. Any others?

PC: No. I think that's all that's necessary for this session.

Auditor: Okay. Very good. Well now, let's take a look at this item we've got here. Perverting an agreement. All right. Perverting an agreement. Perverting an agreement. Perverting an agreement. All right, I'm not getting any instant responses on that. There's a latent fall on it. All right. Now we'll prepcheck this with Suppress.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: On the item "perverting an agreement," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, I haven't looked at the fact that I don't like the idea of being in a

position or a condition where I would go about perverting an agreement. Or perverting agreements.

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: And yet when we first came across it I think you will recall I told you that uh - it's very peculiar: I see it over there and yet I know that I do these things.

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: I'll make an agreement and then I'll sort of weasel out of it a little bit.

Auditor: Good.

PC: Maybe more than a little.

Auditor: All right. On the item "perverting an agreement," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Consideration and concern about what others would think about me if they knew that I had this as an item. I mean it's not an admirable item.

Auditor: All right. Good. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, there was a lot of worry and a lot of concern when Ron first came out with the datum that the first item up, if it were, let's say degrading, it probably was the terminal side. And for a long period of time I was concerned about this and wondering and wondering and wondering. I kept on wondering and then I'd suppress the wonder, then I'd wonder some more and suppress the wonder. He'd give another lecture, I'd uh - suppress some more.

Auditor: All right. Okay. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, a little concern because we seem to be going down on one side. If you remember it went down the one channel that we had the prime cause coming up.

Auditor: Yep.

PC: And I was wondering, and suppressed it a little bit and still wonder, if I just didn't back down that "Spiral Staircase" so that the oppterm would be a prime cause.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: And it came out to be something similar to that so far.

Auditor: Yes, yes. All right. Good. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, probably - to a great deal, the times that I have more or less perverted agreements where I would agree to one thing and then gradually I changed my mind. And I justify it by saying that as I change, my attitudes would change, my outlook on life would change and so how could I find myself in agreement.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: You know, it's a weasel way.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: Hm.

Auditor: Very good. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Well, a big concern I had today about why it was we couldn't get an item - that would match up with it. Why it was that I went into that - I can't really call it an ARC break, it was a sort of a despondency

Auditor: Yep.

PC: . . . in trying to match it up against the oppterm. Now, that might have been a misemotion from the oppterm or something, I don't know. It could be a missed item, I don't know. But all the considerations about it I sort of suppress - I figure that's your headache.

Auditor: Okay. Good. On this item "perverting an agreement," has anything been suppressed?

PC: I've suppressed looking to see exactly what do I mean by "perverting an agreement." You know, I really haven't examined that. When I gave it I had a sort of a flash idea of what I meant by it. And of course, I was putting the blame over there, you know, oppterm ...

Auditor: Yep.

PC: And oppterm characteristics. I haven't really explored thoroughly exactly what perverting an agreement entails. So, what I've suppressed is the examination of the item to find out just what it means.

Auditor: Good. On this item "perverting an agreement," has anything been suppressed?

PC: I think a little bit of the feeling of unwillingness to look and see what it is that I'm opposing - that is, as a perverter of agreements.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: There's a sort of a hesitancy to look and see what I've been attempting to destroy, damage, commit overts against. That sort of thing.

Auditor: Good. All right. On this item, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I don't get anything directly.

Auditor: All right. Good. I'll check this on the meter. Perverting an agreement. On this item, has anything been suppressed? All right. I'm going to check that again. On this item, has anything been suppressed? Do you agree that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: All right. Now, on the item "perverting an agreement," is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: Well, I failed to reveal easily each time that I have perverted an agreement, that is where I've uh - let's see how I can state this. There have been a number of times when I've made an agreement and then I've backtracked, using, of course, the idea that as I become clearer and clearer and clearer I'll see that some of my agreements were based on aberration.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: It's a cute way.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: And so these agreements will no longer be binding. And I really don't know that this is true. An agreement made is an agreement made.

Auditor: Mm-hm.

PC: A contract signed is a contract signed and all that sort of thing. At the time I knew what I was doing.

Auditor: Right.

PC: And I still know what I am doing.

Auditor: All right. Good. Did you want to say something further?

PC: No, what I am doing is I'm wandering around. You know, taking a look at different aspects here based on the question.

Auditor: All right. Good. Now, on this item "perverting an agreement," is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Hmmm. The who's involved. That is the individuals involved on the other side.

Auditor: Good. On this item, is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: No. But I just took a look - earlier today I gave "a dependent" as an item - and you'll remember it stayed in for a little bit.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: And I said, even though it stayed in it was not a proper item for staying in, you know. But I just realized that it is my daughter. . .

Auditor: Mm.

PC: . . . who I haven't seen for some period of time. And I sort of have a tacit agreement with her that what I am going to do is audit her, clear her, and I'm just wondering if this being away from her, not communicating with her, is a perversion of an agreement.

Auditor: Good. On this item, is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: Well, some kind of a self-flagellation you might say because of uh - these tendencies or things that I have done that I am ashamed of.

Auditor: Good. On this item, is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: Yeah, I've got a good one: um - starting to get a headache, a pressure headache, just talking about it.

Auditor: All right. Good. On this item, is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: A sort of uncertainty about the item as such. That is, it may rocket read and all well and good, it may check out. But still to me it seems like an awfully nebulous thing. It's awfully nebulous to talk about uh - perverting an agreement. An agreement is something that is more or less understood, but then when you modify it, it's modifying something that is understood. It's um - sort of altering an idea or - well, like I say, it's nebulous. It's a nebulous thing.

Auditor: All right. Good. On this item, is there anything you've failed to reveal

PC: Hmm. That Id feel better if it was something I could point to, hold onto, you know - if it had mass.

Auditor: All right. Good. On this item, is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: No, it goes back to the same thing of the times that I feel that I have actually perverted an agreement, because there are definite times when I do know that I have.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: And I've justified.

Auditor: All right. Good. On this item, is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: I think that's about it.

Auditor: Okay. I'll check this on the meter. On the item "perverting an agreement," is there anything you have failed to reveal? Do you agree that that's clean?

PC: Mm.

Auditor: Good. Perverting an agreement. Perverting an agreement. Perverting an agreement. Perverting an agreement. Perverting an agreement. It's rather dead at the moment. Occasional little tick latently. All right. Now, we'll work over the Careful of button here.

PC: Mm.

Auditor: On this item "perverting an agreement," is there anything you have been careful of?

LRH: Get over onto his goal. Give us a rocket read here.

PC: I'm sorry I missed that. I got blown out.

Auditor: All right. Now, we've got an unanswered auditing question there, I believe. I'll give it to you again. On this item, is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Well, the simple one is I've been careful to justify any time that I have perverted an agreement, but that's a generalized answer.

Auditor: All right. Very good. Thank you. Okay. What we're going to do now, we're going to leave this item and work on your goal.

PC: Fine.

Auditor: How's that seem?

PC: Well, that seems like a good idea, only now, based on the way things are going, I'm wondering if it's my goal or the oppterm's goal.

Auditor: All right. Okay. Well now, we can work on this ...

PC: Mm.

Auditor: . . . go flat out on it and see if we can get some rocket reads on it.

PC: Fine.

Auditor: Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: All right. I'm just going to make a brief note here. Okay. I'm going to check your goal.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. All right. We are getting a reaction on the meter.

PC: Mm.

Auditor: On this goal, we got a fall and then a sort of a roughed up needle on it, so it's reading. We are getting some sort of a read on it. It's reading more than the last thing we were working on.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: All right. Now, let's tiger drill this. I'll use the phrase repetitively right now. On the goal "to be a complete entity," has anything been suppressed?

PC: I've sort of tended to suppress ownership on the goal lately. Especially since we started down on these various steps, you know - the move over to goal oppose or whatever the version was.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: So, I've not really looked at it. But I've started looking at these various identities, whatever they happened to be.

Auditor: Right.

PC: So there's that suppression of the goal itself...

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: . . . and um - oh., for a period of time after the goal was actually checked out, I sort of suppressed listing, you know, based on the questions we had at the time, the various lines. Gee, there was another suppress I had in mind there. Suppressing listing and then just plain suppressing the goal itself because for a period - of time there - because of the lines, the configuration of the lines and based on me, whatever the "me" is at that particular case

Auditor: Mm.

PC: . . . all I started doing was getting a higher and higher tone arm, you know, more and more mass, more and more crunch.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: So, I tended to invalidate the hell out of the goal.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: Because if this was what is happening to me because of the goal, who needed it?

Auditor: Yep.

PC: You know, I'd just as soon stay aberrated.

Auditor: All right.

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: On the goal "to be a complete en has anything been suppressed?

PC: One thing I have suppressed is the - the longing - that's a good word for it - the longing - uh - implicit in the goal, you know, for reaching a particular state, or reaching a particular level of communication, beingness, doingness, havingness, all these things - I pretty much suppress that all the time, actually. Otherwise I would be walking around with my insides torn out.

Auditor: Yep. Okay. On the goal "to be a complete entity," has anything been suppressed?

PC: Sort of the grief involved in the failure. The grief involved and the degradation involved in ways that I have prevented others from accomplishing the same thing, which seems to be at variance with the uh - with this first item.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: I've got a weird mix-up here. I have a particular drive and then I have a terminal that has a different drive entirely, so I start thinking what the hell am I doing?

Auditor: Mm.

PC: You know, it's the raging insanity that you go through - I go through.

Auditor: All right. On this goal, has anything been suppressed?

PC: To a great degree ownership actually, because I don't know - I must be relinquishing ownership, because I don't know when I set it, what the conditions of setting it were, what I was attempting to accomplish by setting this goal, or what I was trying to overcome by setting the goal. The various steps in the degradation of the goal, the alter-isness of the goal, the modifications from being a complete entity to being a completely individuated individual.

Auditor: Mm.

PC: The individuality.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: So there's this um - uh - suppressed, mostly unknowingly, but to some degree knowingly also, the origination of the goal itself.

Auditor: Good. On this goal, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Sort of a peculiar type of suppression. I've suppressed telling other people they've got to have this goal because it's a good one.

Auditor: Okay. On this goal, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Anger, because it took such a long time to get to nowhere after I got the goal. Six weeks, eight weeks, steadily climbing tone arm, as a high-tone preclear - 5.2, something like that. That.

Auditor: Good. On this goal, has anything been suppressed .

PC: Concern every time it was tested. Concern even now, when you call it. That is: Is it going to read? Isn't it going to read? Is it really my goal? Or isn't it my goal? You know?

Auditor: Good. On this goal, has anything been suppressed?

PC: No, I think that's about the size of it.

Auditor: All right. I'll check this on the meter. On the goal "to be a complete entity," has anything been suppressed? All right. To be a complete entity. Thank you. To be a complete entity. Thank you. To be a complete entity. Thank you. I got two ticks and a final null on that. All right. Now, I'm going to check some other buttons on this. On this goal, is there anything you I've failed to reveal? That reads. What was it?

PC: I'm sorry, I don't - I don't get an answer there.

Auditor: All right.

PC: All I do is just pull a blank.

Auditor: Very good. All right. Now, T'll steer you on this. On this goal "to be a complete entity," is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right. Uh - I didn't get a read that time.

PC: Well, there you go.

Auditor: Okay. All right. Very good. To be a complete entity. Okay. Now, on this goal, is there anything you have been careful of? That reads. What was it?

PC: Has something to do with uh - in listing, listing the items, I've been careful to look and see in order to give you items.

Auditor: Right.

PC: That doesn't really relate to the goal, I believe ' so items derive from the goal.

Auditor: All right. On the goal "to be a complete entity," is there anything you have been careful of?

PC: Not that I know of

Auditor: All right. Very good. On this goal "to be a complete entity," is there anything you have been careful of? All right. Now, is there something being suppressed in this session?

PC: I'm just interested. I noticed before when you put down the tone arm reading there was - at 3.4. And when we ended session it was about - what? - 4.5 or something like that?

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: So apparently whatever ridge that was in during all that period of time Of mislisting, whatever you want to call it, you know, listing the wrong way to and all this, that ridge apparently is gone.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: Now, I don't feel tremendously different but there is a difference. And every once in a while I just think proudly, 'Ah, my tone arm is down."

Auditor: All right. Okay. Very good. On the goal "to be a complete entity," has anything - I'll give you that again: On the goal "to be a complete entity," is there anything you have been careful of? All right. There's a read there.

PC: I'm careful to - I don't know how to - how to put this - to avoid putting up something or not putting up something, when you call the goal, in order to not prevent it from reading.

Auditor: All right.

PC: In other words, I'm - I'm careful to - not to do something. So, see, I'm careful in not doing something.

Auditor: Good. Okay. All right. To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. On this goal, is there anything you have been careful of? All right. On this goal, is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. On this goal, has any mistake been made? Okay. To be a complete entity. All right. On this goal, is there anything you have been anxious about? Okay. On this goal, has anything been decided? I want to give that again. On this goal, has anything been decided? That reads. What was it?

PC: Well, I've decided to find the basis for the goal whatever the basis may be on the prime motivation for the goal. Find out what the intent was.

Auditor: Good. All right. On this goal, has anything been decided? That reads. What was it?

PC: That as it comes down the descending spiral - I don't mean the "Spiral Staircase" in this case - as it comes down the descending spiral, the tendency is to lead to absolute individuation. See? A complete entity means one thing. That is, to be a complete entity would mean to have total awareness and total recall, all your abilities and all this. When you start looking at it, a complete entity is one which requires no more inflow or outflow so becomes individuated.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: So - what was your question? I got lost in my description.

Auditor: All right. We're on "decide."

PC: Hmm. Well, I decided that it may be a nice goal in concept but in practice it's pretty poor.

Auditor: All right. Good. Now, I'll check this question. On this goal, has anything been decided? All right. To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. On this goal, has anything been suppressed? All right. On this goal, is there anything you've been careful of? All right. Tell you what: we're going to prepcheck these buttons.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: We'll take up Failed to reveal right now.

PC: Hmm.

Auditor: Now. On this goal, is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Annoyance, when I first started listing, at the fact that there was no tone arm action, that I didn't seem to cognite, that I didn't seem to get any recall. And I sort of suppressed this. I didn't want to make my auditor feel bad.

Auditor: All right. Good. Okay On this goal, is there anything you've failed to reveal?

PC: A fundamental invalidation on the checkout when an "id" was added - id.

Auditor: Hmm.

PC: And it became "identity" instead of "entity," and it checked out! And so I always carry this niggling little doubt: Well, if they could check out "identity" and it could read and you could check out "entity" and it would read, well, how well do I know what the hell I am doing? Is there some basic resonance here or what? Just what is my goal?

Auditor: Yep. Right. Good. On this goal, is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Well, the hope that I could become a better person for blowing the goal, for doing what I want to do without having some compulsive reason for doing it.

Auditor: Good. On this goal, is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Oh, something I haven't revealed to you lately, maybe. That when this was checked out I didn't get a great deal of pain. I got some few niggling pains and stuff like that. But I haven't had any of these sharp, deep sword wounds that pass through me - through the chest, or where the head's blown off or anything like that.

Auditor: Yep.

PC: Nothing dramatic, you know.

Auditor: All right.

PC: I had a little pain in the toe or my finger would hurt or something like that.

Auditor: Okay. All right. On this goal, is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Yes. I always ask MY auditor if she would let me watch it rocket read. And she said she would let me do it someday. She never did. Id like to see it rocket read.

Auditor: All right.

PC: I never have.

Auditor: Okay. On the goal "to be a complete entity," is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: No, I think I've covered all the points we did with one auditor or another and the idea that - I've known this - this is a basic urge, basic drive - very fundamental mode - whatever you want to call it

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: . . . for years and years and years. So when I was finally listening to those and I suddenly cognited on what they wanted. I cognited on what they wanted. It wasn't that - a case of what goal, what goal, what goal. I found - finally understood what they wanted from me so I gave it to them.

Auditor: Yeah.

PC: I mean, that's the way a goal is, really. I mean, that's my understanding of it.

Auditor: Yeah, yeah.

PC: Once a preclear cognites on what you're asking for they give it to you because they know.

Auditor: Hmm. All right. Very good. To be a complete entity. On this goal, is there anything you've failed to reveal? All right. To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. To be a complete entity. Okay, it's affecting the meter. We haven't got a rocket on it at this time. Now, let's get - take up Careful of. On this goal "to be a complete entity," is there anything you've been careful of?

PC: I've been careful to not push it that other people are being superior to their goals because their goals involved what I consider short track and the fact of the matter is I've

LRH: Okay, close it off and close your session now.

Auditor: All right. Very good. Okay. Now, if it's all right with you we're going to leave that there.

PC: Leave what?

Auditor: The question ...

PC: Oh.

Auditor: . . . and we're going to start terminating the session right now.

PC: Fine.

Auditor: All right. Anything you'd care to say or ask before we end this part of the session?

PC: No rocket read?

Auditor: All right. No rocket read. Anything else?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. Did you make any part of your goals in this session?

PC: I only made one goal there.

Auditor: To get a rocket read?

PC: Yeah. No, no dice.

Auditor: All right. Very good. I'll check your havingness. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right. Is that the same grip as you started with?

PC: Yeah.

Auditor: All right. Squeeze the cans. All right, that's down a little bit. Put the cans down, I'll run some Havingness. Thank you. Point out something.

PC: That uh - camera right up there.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The shelf in the corner.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The stool, the bench - little bench.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The all-seeing eye.

Auditor: All right. Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Let's see. Your necktie.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: The earphones.

Auditor: Thank you. Point out something.

PC: Microphone.

Auditor: Thank you. Pick up the cans. All right. Now, squeeze the cans. All right. That's higher than when we started. That was the last command. End of the Havingness Process.

PC: Mm-hm.

Auditor: Is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: No.

Auditor: All right. Is it all right if I end the session now?

PC: It's desirable.

Auditor: Okay. Here it is. End of session. Has the session ended for you?

PC: Yes. It has.

LRH: All right. Take a ten-minute break and I'll give you a few words on these sessions. Okay?