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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Listing Assessment for Engram Running, Part II (SHSBC-308) - L630627 | Сравнить



An auditing demonstration given on 27 June 1963

Okay. Here we are on 27th of June, 1963. Almost didn’t remember it without you to tell me. And surprise here today – I’m going to finish up this demonstration on the preliminary step of R3R. And as you know, we already had a list and we listed this list more or less to a clean needle. May have to add to it, but maybe not. And we will carry on from that point.

Now, the listing step, as you can see, is not dissimilar to any of the other listings that we have been doing. My only fear is that somebody will get a big protest or the rudiments madly out on the pc through very complicated sessioning and do one of these eighty-nine-page lists, down to God help us. But in some cases it may be necessary to do rather a long list. All right. So there it is.

LRH: Okay. Move ahead a little bit there. Good. Thank you. All right. Is it all right if we audit in this room?

PC: Yes, yes.

LRH: Very good. Pick up the cans. All right. Tone arm seems to be up here higher than we had yesterday.

PC: I think I was a bit harassed yesterday getting the TV room ready by the time…

LRH: Hm?

PC: I was quite a bit harassed yesterday getting the TV room ready and chasing around on it. I had to do that so…

LRH: All right.

PC: … without any comfort.

LRH: Okay. All right. Squeeze the cans. Thank you. Your havingness is up. All right. Now, what we’re going to do here is complete this assessment on R3R, which we did yesterday. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. So is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. Start of session! All right. Session started for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Well, to complete the list quickly, if necessary. To work well. Not get in the way of the assessment.

LRH: Yes?

PC: Feel the benefit of the session at the end of it.

LRH: Okay. Very good. Got those. All right. Now I’m going to do my missed withhold step here because we’re going to be assessing.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right. May have.

PC: Oh, yes. Um – yeah, it was in the – oh, yes, it was to do with an auditing folder you looked at today. And you said that the instructions hadn’t been carried out carefully.

LRH: Oh, yes.

PC: But I was responsible for the instructions not being carried out carefully because I misled the auditor slightly by suggesting this was what he should do.

LRH: I see.

PC: And I didn’t say anything to you at the time.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good.

PC: I just let it go.

LRH: Okay. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Well, there seems to be some disturbance on this.

PC: This is to do with uh – what I thought of then was um – the man you were talking about downstairs at work. Um – I just wondered whether – wondered what you thought about my using him.

LRH: Hm.

PC: As you know, didn’t know whether you were really pleased about that or not.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Well, it bangs on missed withhold. What about missed withhold, just in general, just the idea of missed withhold? Protest?

PC: Possibly that um – uhm – I think this is a situation that I’m in – peculiar situ – auditing situation that I’m in, inasmuch as being an instructor out on the course that there are certain withholds one has from the students and uh – that one, you know – don’t want to bring them up. And I think that is possibly – might be a bit concerned and why I’m protesting and worrying about that.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good. All right. Missed withholds. Missed withholds. Yes, there’s something about missed withholds. I’m talking now not about what missed withholds you’ve got…

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: … but some upset, perhaps, connected with just missed withholds. Any upset connected with them? Not that you have, particularly, but just…

PC: Well, I know it might be that on sessions that I’ve had before that I’ve known missed withholds have been around and I didn’t want to spill them on the – on the air.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: Not so much that I wouldn’t tell you about them, but that uh – possibly committing overts in the session in doing it, you see.

LRH: I see. I see. All right. I got that now. Now let me check this question here again. It’ll probably be all right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Well, I do have a tick here. You get what the question is, it’s have I missed a withhold on you?

PC: Yes, I do. I’m looking too. Um…

LRH: There. There.

PC: Well, that I was thinking of the um – track map that I – you know, the track map I showed you today…

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: The only thing I thought of was I suggested doing this on a continuous roll of paper and you suggested doing it on a cylinder. Do you…

LRH: Um-hm.

PC: And I didn’t know whether you had thought that I’d thought of the cylinder or whether you hadn’t really understood that Id suggested it on a continuous roll of paper.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: The cylinder was the better idea. And uh – that’s all I thought of there.

LRH: All right. Very good. Have I missed a withhold on you? Oh this is getting into heavy wire here. The thing is ticking there.

PC: Hm.

LRH: There. There.

PC: Well, I’ve only seen you a little since our last session. I mean it was clean – presume it was clean last night.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: So, um – I only saw you for…

LRH: There. There.

PC: Well, I was thinking of when I came in just now and uh – you and Nick had had a Coke and I hadn’t and uh – I don’t think that there’s – I wasn’t upset about it, I just thought – and…

LRH: All right.

PC: I don’t know what the missed withhold – what you missed there, actually. I was wondering – I know, I was wondering whether you were going to offer me one and uh – I thought, well I don’t really want one just now before I go up for session. And uh – I just wondered whether you’d noticed it, I suppose. That’s the only thing I could think of there.

LRH: All right.

PC: If that would make the meter bang, I don’t know.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. Very good. We’ll get you one after the session.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Okay. Now let me ask you this question again and make sure it’s clean. Have I missed a withhold on you? Well, it dirties up the needle. Is there some fear or anxiety here? There’s an anxiety.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. On this question, is there anything you’ve been anxious about?

PC: Well, I’m anxious that it doesn’t hold up the session. And, uh – so on.

LRH: Uh-hm.

PC: Actually what I thought of was that, uh – well, I came up to get the session ready…

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: … and uh – I checked over it and I thought you got everything you want – wanted. And then – blow me down – you want some paper, you see, at the end, and I wondered whether you thought I’d been lax in not seeing you’d got some paper to write on. I did go and get you some auditor’s reports that I noticed you hadn’t got.

LRH: All right. All right. Very good. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? Bang.

PC: Well, it’s these cans again then. I brought these cans up, they’re different from the ones I had last night.

LRH: Yes.

PC: And when you said the uh – um – when you said the uh – meter was – reading was different, I thought perhaps the cans had made it different. You know, that they’d been…

LRH: Oh, I see.

PC: … different cans.

LRH: I get you. I get you. All right. Okay. Have I missed a withhold on you? Still bangs.

PC: Well, I feel…

LRH: Is this question being protested? Yes.

PC: I feel particularly clean. I don’t – I’m sure you’re…

LRH: When did you start protesting the question?

PC: I think I started at the beginning of the session. When you said you were going to start pulling the missed withhold. My thought then was, well, perhaps it’s the list that is make – roughing up the needle and not – not uh – the missed withhold.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good. All right. Does the missed withhold have to do with the list? Seems to be. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? I’ve still got a bang. There. There.

PC: Well, that is that I – in the session yesterday I was saying that I didn’t get many withhold – many decisions that I didn’t carry out. Since – just our – in between sessions I’ve thought about this and there have – and I have realized there’s quite a number of decisions that I haven’t carried out.

LRH: Oh?

PC: And just before the session began – I think I was sitting here – and these came to mind. You see? And it’s the sort of thing I was going to tell you was that – that I thought would probably come up. Well, I’ve often downstairs – something’s happened, you see, on the course, „I’m going to see Ron about it, I’ll do this that and the other and I’ll decide to do all this, you see, mock up everything I’m going to do and then, of course, the next time, a few hours has elapsed, the thing is all sorted out and there’s nothing to it anyway and I don’t. So I sort of decide – there’s another decision not to do that.

LRH: I see.

PC: But it was a bit of a withhold inasmuch as you would not know I sort of get into this state sometimes and try not to take you by storm.

LRH: All right. Very good. Okay. Let me check this question again. Have I missed a withhold on you? All right, that’s clean. Okay?

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, we have this list here. And I’m going to go into this now.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: And what we had here was a question „In this lifetime, what have you decided?“ All right. And I thought this list was probably complete. And I see now that the question bangs.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: So why don’t you give me just a few more items here. In this lifetime what have you decided?

PC: Well, here’s one that I – that was complained to me. That I hadn’t decided – that I deci – I decided to live with Jenny in the Saints. This was complained about. It’s probably the missed withhold as well. Probably a missed withhold.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um, well, I’ve decided not to row with people.

LRH: Yes.

PC: To um – decided um – to take things in their stride.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um – to accept things as they are.

Decided to um – handle problems.

Decided not to solve every problem that – not to solve every problem that came along.

Uh – decided not to overfinance my children.

LRH: Not to…

PC: Overfinance my children.

LRH: Good.

PC: Um…

LRH: Good.

PC: Oh, yes. Decided to – yeah – see, decided to use a – to use smiles. That’s right.

LRH: Good.

PC: Uh – this is one I made in the first job: was decided to have a clean collar and a clean pair of shoes, always. This was um – a bit of advice that a manager gave me. It was quite good, actually, because you do that and the rest of you seems to get tidied up.

Decided to audit.

To run.

To play table tennis.

To take m organ to a party. Perhaps somebody will ask me to play it.

LRH: Oh, dear.

PC: Oh, dear.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um – decided – I don’t know if this counts really – but decided that I was a bad handwriter.

No, these seem to be real, they don’t seem to be dreams, but, anyway, decided that I was shy.

LRH: All right.

PC: Decided I couldn’t uh – talk in public.

And decided I could talk in public.

Decided I was more able than most (conceited pup).

Um – decided that I was right um – more often than I was wrong in business.

And then earlier on – this makes it sound silly with what I’ve just given you – decided not to be conceited.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Want some more?

LRH: Well, yeah. In this lifetime what have you decided?

PC: Yes. Uh – decided uh – that when I had nothing to say, to say it.

Decided to go camping.

Decided to be an analytical chemist once.

Decided um – that um – on the whole people are honest.

Decided I didn’t like bathing – swimming, in that sense.

Decided to Play golf.

At an early age, I decided to do something about making the world a better place to live in.

Decided I was a good teacher.

And also decided to teach.

Decided to um – go on a BScn Course. And Scientology courses, anyway, would cover that.

I once decided to build a radio set.

LRH: Okay. How are you doing.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let me get the brief mid ruds in there on this question.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. On this question, has anything been suppressed? Yes?

PC: Well, what I suppressed was, I said – I gave you, decided to audit and uh – there was a decision before that not to audit a particular individual. And then decided to audit. I suppressed that.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Um – I don’t get anything else in the way of suppressing anything in the session.

LRH: All right. I’ll check the question. On this question, has anything been suppressed? It’s equivocal. On this question, has anything been suppressed? No, apparently not. On this question, is there anything you’ve been careful of? Yes?

PC: I’ve been very careful to give everything that came up. And sometimes I suppose I’ve given unnecessary ones, but anything that’s come up I’ve given you.

LRH: All right. Very good. On this question, is there anything you’ve been careful of? All right. That’s clean.

On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Yes?

PC: I’ve failed to reveal people’s names sometimes.

LRH: All right. On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? All right. Latent. Is there anything you’d care to say about it?

PC: Just wondered whether it was clean.

LRH: All right. Very good. On this question, has anything been invalidated? Yes?

PC: Probably invalidated Jenny by bringing that one up, the first – uh – the first question I – first decision I gave you today.

LRH: All right. Very good. On this question, has anything been invalidated? All right. It’s latent.

PC: I was just thinking then about uh – I was saying I was conc – I gave you one and said I was conceited. That was invalidating myself to some extent.

LRH: Oh, all right. On this question, has anything been invalidated? All right. That’s clean.

On this question, has anything been suggested? Yes?

PC: Well, that answer – the first answer was suggested to me out of session by Jenny.

LRH: Oh, all right. All right. On this question, has anything been suggested? All right. That seems clean.

On this question, has a mistake been made? Yes?

PC: Uh – I wondered where the – I’m not quite sure what the um – actual meaning of the word decide is. I was trying – I did come across this when I was giving you „decided thats“ instead of „decided to.“

LRH: Mm-mm.

PC: Looking at it, I thought well, in both cases it’s sort of making up one’s mind – either about something or to do something.

LRH: Hm-mm.

PC: But I was just wondering whether I was mistaken in doing the – answering the question on the – rather „about,“ rather than „to do.“

LRH: Very good. All right. On this question, has a mistake been made? Yes? Another one.

PC: I made a mistake yesterday by uh – going – getting something off – outside of this lifetime.

LRH: All right. Okay. On this question, has a mistake been made? Another one?

PC: I can’t think of one.

LRH: Question being protested? Yes.

PC: Is it? I hadn’t realized. I hadn’t realized I was protesting the question.

LRH: All right. Let me check this again. On this question, has a mistake been made? There is a mistake.

PC: The only thing I can say is that one answer I’ve given you must have been a mistake, but I can’t recall the actual question or the actual answer.

LRH: All right. Very good. On this question, has a mistake been made? We’ve roughed it up here. Am I cleaning a clean? In some way? Do you think there must have been a mistake?

PC: Well, it’s the only thing – I’m groping there. I can’t – I can’t see how a mistake could be made. I’m find – having difficulty finding out how a mistake could be made on this question. It could only be in my answer. I don’t think you’d have given me the question wrong or made a mistake.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good. Let me check the question again. On this question, has a mistake been made? Is this question being protested?

PC: It’s being puzzled about.

LRH: Being puzzled about. All right.

PC: New rudiment for you.

LRH: Okay. On this question, has a mistake been made? We’re going to leave that. It uhwas much cleaner that time.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: We’re just going to leave that. Not worry you to death with it. I’ll recover it if necessary.

On this question, has anything been protested? Yes?

PC: Possibly protesting the length it’s going on. It seems to be going on – there’s a lot more items coming out. And uh – I decided there shouldn’t be many more items.

LRH: All right.

PC: That was a decision that was…

LRH: All right. On this question, has anything been protested? All right, that’s clean.

On this question, is there anything you’ve been anxious about? Apparently.

PC: Anxious about the number of items – answers I’m giving and whether I’m – I was answering correctly.

LRH: All right. On this question, is there anything you’ve been anxious about? All right, I didn’t get a read then.

Now, on this question, has anything been decided? Yes. Like mad.

PC: Well, it’s been deciding – well, I decided to give you some of these other form of – form of answer to the question.

LRH: Oh, I see. All right. On this question, has anything been decided? Looks clean. All right.

Now, let’s check the two that we messed up on here. On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Yes.

PC: Oh, I did s…

LRH: There.

PC: Well, I didn’t go into detail on uh – some of – some of the answers I gave you. I didn’t go into detail on what sort of thing I was coming to storm into your office protesting vigorously.

LRH: All right. Okay. On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? All right.

I didn’t get a read that time. This thing seems to still be hot.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: „Question“ seems to be hammering here. Is there something wrong with this question? „Question“ reads, just the word question all by itself. Not taking up interim, minor thoughts.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: But that’s what’s dirtying up these rudiments here. What about question? There it is.

PC: Well, the only thing I thought of then is perhaps I’m not sure exactly what the question means. Um – does the question mean… The question on the question is uh – is it decisions to do or decisions about, is it a case – a case of what opinions has one formed or what has one decided to do?

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: That’s the only thing that I could question on the question as it were.

LRH: All right. All right. Question. Question. Still a little bing here. Now we won’t worry about that: I have no business doing this. I could – bad form.

PC: All right.

LRH: I’m trying to get this clean if I can. All right. On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? There is a failed to reveal.

PC: Well, um…

LRH: There.

PC: Well, there must be lots of decisions that I haven’t revealed to you.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: To answer the question. Some possibly – I don’t think I’ve monitored my answers very much – but possibly some minor things that I’ve done, some of them seem ridiculous things to put on the list, anyway, that I haven’t given you.

LRH: Ahhh!

PC: And uh – so on. And I was just wondering, you know…

LRH: That cleaned it.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? All right. Equivocal. On this question, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? And now I roughed it up by saying it was equivocal.

PC: Oh? Is it?

LRH: It was tiny latent. Were you worrying about whether it read or not?

PC: No, I was just stuck – just looking at uh – I was sorting – I was figuring, I apologize, I was looking to see what – how I’d given you a failed to reveal and then I realized that I had given you a failed to reveal and I hadn’t revealed that in the session.

LRH: All right. Very good.

PC: The fact that Id given you some apparently unimportant or insignificant decisions.

LRH: Mm. Mm. All right. Very good. Clear the question againI meanI’ll ask the question. On this question is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? There is a bang now.

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: What does this mean: an incomplete list? Is this list incomplete? All right. In this lifetime, what have you decided? Actually, it isn’t the question that is reading.

Now, while you were listing here, did you at any time say, oh well, no need to put that on the list? Oh no, no need to put that on the list? Is there any of that?

PC: I possibly did it. I can’t recall doing it.

LRH: You don’t recall doing this. Well, there’s no sense in harassing you to this degree.

PC: Some of them that I gave them to – when I gave them to you I – no, I gave them to you – that’s silly putting that on the list.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: It wouldn’t have been – I didn’t know – giving you things that I didn’t think need be on the list.

LRH: All right.

PC: Not that way.

LRH: Okay. In this lifetime what has been decided? All right. Good. We are going to try to null this list. If we get into trouble we can always add to it. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: All right. We’re just going down the line here, one right after the other, see what we’ve got. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: To get married. Change a job. Join the scouts. To leave school. To leave school. To go into business.

All right. This list is not complete. Okay.

PC: All right.

LRH: Sorry. Gave you all that trouble and the list simply wasn’t complete. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: In this lifetime what have you decided?

PC: To be uh – to do well at school.

LRH: Okay.

PC: To cross the road.

LRH: All right.

PC: To ride a bike.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Uh – to look after my dog. Um – to get my dog better. To earn some money. To have sex. To masturbate. To stop masturbating. Oh, not to swear in front of my parents. To obey the scout law. Oh, to be a chauffeur. To be a teacher. To win a scholarship. To have fun. To go to school. To be independent. To help others. To be gentle. Uh – to bluff.

LRH: Okay.

PC: To get up early. To gather conkers.

LRH: All right.

PC: To gather horse chestnuts, which is a terminal that was run on me for ages on an ACC.

Um – to see my father regularly.

LRH: Okay.

PC: And to stop seeing my father regularly.

To paint pictures.

To draw a church.

LRH: To what?

PC: Draw a church.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Oh, to kill a chicken. Poor chicken. I did it on one.

Um, oh, to um… Something’s happened. This room’s gone very much brighter all of a sudden.

LRH: Hm.

PC: To uh – hm, oh, to foster spiders.

LRH: To foster?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good.

PC: Or to let them thrive. Rather – let them run alive, that’s right.

LRH: All right.

PC: Foster describes it.

Um – to act.

To learn to play the piano.

To join the air force.

To listen to music.

Um – not to read too much.

To be entertained.

LRH: To what?

PC: To be entertained.

LRH: Got it.

PC: And to entertain.

LRH: Right.

PC: To be a good host.

That people make themselves unnecessarily ill.

LRH: I didn’t quite get that.

PC: This is…

LRH: Oh, that people.

PC: That people make themselves…

LRH: Got it.

PC: … unnecessarily ill. One of these „that“ decisions.

To have a nice office.

Um – to have a nice flat in Telesurance building.

To live in nice surroundings.

To have a good garden.

To make a carpet.

To make a cupboard.

To build a terrace.

To plant some trees.

To grow roses.

To have a nice car.

Not to have a Bentley.

Not to go fishing.

Not to hunt.

Not to ride a horse.

To go to church.

To join a choir.

To have this session.

LRH: All right.

PC: To answer your questions.

LRH: All right. How are you doing?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Let me take a crack at this now. And see what we’ve got here. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: I’ll ask this question.

In this lifetime what have you decided? Yes, clean as a wolf’s tooth. Okay. Now, let’s see if we can’t get a bit of this nulled here, shall we?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. We’ll go over it from the beginning again. To get married. Okay. Change a job. All right. It’s jumping on each one: Is there anything you’ve thought about this nulling or listing?

PC: Well, on the – it came up last time that on „to get married,“ you know? Which is – I’ve got strong views on marriage now. And uh – I just thought that was a damn silly decision, you know.

LRH: Oh, all right. All right. Very good. Okay. Change a job. To change a job. All right. Join the scouts. All right. You had another thought regarding this list?

PC: I saw you move the tone arm right around and I wondered what on earth had happened: had I gone right round off the meter or something?

LRH: Yes, you’ve done it twice, if not three times.

PC: Have I!

LRH: You’ve cut the pie all the way around.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Join the scouts. To leave school. Any other thoughts?

PC: Well, I’m still – sorry – um, I’m still on this one, „to get married,“ for some reason or other.

LRH: Yeah, that’s right.

PC: That’s very interesting, because this was the goal when I arrived on this course originally, was to leave my wife and so on. It’s a terrific thing on this marriage thing.

LRH: Hmmm.

PC: Hm. All right. I’m sorry, I’m sort of uh…

LRH: No, that’s quite all right.

PC: … dwelling on it a bit.

LRH: No, that’s quite all right.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: It’s okay. To leave school. To leave school. All right. We’ll stillbanging on everything here. You still got the marriage or are you suppressing that? No.

PC: No, I was – looked at leave on that time.

LRH: All right. To go into business. All right. To leave home. To leave home. All right. To leave home. To go to camp. To go to camp. To gamble. To gamble.

PC: I had a bit of a cognition that may be fouling things…

LRH: All right.

PC: Uh – on „to leave, „ again, the – a decision to leave is always very difficult…

LRH: Hm.

PC: … for me. I just realized that when you were going through.

LRH: All right. Very good.

To gamble. To invest money. To buy a car. To buy a car. To get a commission in the army. To join the army. To join the army. To leave my wife. To leave my wife. To have children. To have children. To go into business on my own account. To come into Scientology. On people’s characters. People’s motives. Never to have a dog again. Never to have a dog again. I was capable. I was capable. To leave the scouts. To eat. To eat. To eat. Not to drink. To be honest. To be truthful. To be generous. To be mean. To grow sweet peas. To have an electric organ. To have good clothes.

All right. Well, this list is incomplete.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: This list has to be added to some more. That’s quite all right. There’s nothing wrong with that. Except that everything is banging. I thought I might possibly pass through a period when it wasn’t banging.

PC: Yes.

LRH: But we have got an incomplete list here, which is perfectly all right. And although the question tested clean, that doesn’t always make it so. Okay?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Now we’ll have to get that list completed.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. But it is not complete yet.

PC: Understood.

LRH: But you’ve done a total twice, if not three times.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if that’s the end of the body of the session today?

PC: All right.

LRH: Okay. Now, have we made any part of our goals for this session? To complete list quickly.

PC: Well, we tried hard. We didn’t make it completely. Because it’s incomplete.

LRH: All right. Work well.

PC: Oh, yes.

LRH: All right. Not get in the way of the assessment.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. And feel the benefit of the session at the end of it.

PC: Well, I certainly – I feel very bright. And I told you, the room – place suddenly – everything’s gone – something’s gone. I mean…

LRH: All right.

PC: … something’s shed.

LRH: Very good. Very good. We went through it again. All right. Nothing wrong with that at all. All right.

Thank you for making your goals for this session. I’m sorry you didn’t make the first one. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Are there any gains you’d care to mention?

PC: Well, it’s this feeling some – so bright and – well, it’s extraordinary – I just can’t really get it over to you – over in words. it’s…

LRH: Hm.

PC: Certainly mass has gone. That’s uh…

LRH: Ah!

PC: That’s what’s happened.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. Thank you for your gains in this session.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Okay. All right. Now let’s see if we can get a can squeeze here. Squeeze the cans. All right. Your havingness is down. Put your cans down please. We’ll run a little bit of Havingness.

PC: Right.

LRH: Okay. Your Havingness Process is „Touch that.“ Okay?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Touch that sign.

Thank you. Touch that ashtray.

Thank you. Touch that can.

Thank you. Touch the other can.

Thank you. Touch the top of the telephone.

Thank you. Touch this neck of the lamp.

Thank you. Touch the table cloth.

Thank you. Touch the table underneath the table cloth.

Thank you. All right. Touch the gold lettering.

Thank you. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze the cans. Okay. Let’s do that again, squeeze the cans. Very good. Your havingness is well up. That’s fine. All right. That was the last command.

Okay. Now, is there anything you’d care to ask or say before we end this session?

PC: Yes. Thank you very much.

LRH: All right. Good enough. Is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. End of session.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right. Tell me I’m no longer auditing you.

PC: You’re no longer auditing me.

LRH: Very good.All right. There we have that session demonstration. Andfinish up my auditor’s report hereand you saw a pc go through seven, approximately four or five times. Very interesting. I call that to your attention. The TV set was jumping there for a little bit: I had to hold it still. Now, sorry.

But the trouble here is simply routine. Of course, with these very short sessions it’s very unfair to the pc. It very often requires more than one two-an-a-half-hour session to finish a list. And this list is not complete. And you saw me – and I did this for your benefit more than the necessity to do it – but you saw me put in all the mid rud buttons, you saw me chivvy around with the question – with the word „question,“ which, by the way, you would not ordinarily do in a session. But I wanted to show you the source of the reads. All right.

We cleaned all that up, didn’t we? That was all clean, everything was fine and this pc was still going tick-tick here a little bit. But we went back; we tried to null and everything was in and so we added to the list and we got to another clean period. And then we once more tried to null and I nulled further than I ordinarily would have, just to show you how extreme it is. Actually, a list ought to be in a condition – it ought to be in such a condition that everything just goes out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, until you leave one in.

Now, there is the demonstration. And I tried to show you the – that if you haven’t got a complete list, it doesn’t matter how many mid ruds you put in, how much you harass the pc, you won’t get yourself a clean needle by which to null. And you don’t go on with this kind of nonsense of harassing the pc because everything is staying in and nulling everything down, you see, leaving everything in and then going over it again and going over it again. Well, the list is not complete.

Now, actually that means, essentially, that the item is not on the list. And as far as speed of nulling is concerned, you could almost finish up this list and then just take the last pages after this session that were done – I’m telling you an extreme step now – and just null those and you would find that it’s on it. In other words, he hasn’t put on the key word yet. And that’s what this is all about.

So, anyway, you saw a dirty needle and that dirty needle was caused, as I demonstrated to you, purely, totally and only by just the one thing of a incomplete list.

Now, if you fail to complete a list on a pc, don’t be surprised if your pc ARC breaks and so forth. Now, the reason the pc doesn’t ARC break between sessions when you have an incomplete list on the pc is very elementary, because the pc expects the list to be completed. So the charge has not yet been missed. But if you tell a pc that the list is complete and you start nulling endlessly without completing the list, of course you get the ARC break right in the teeth.

Now this is – this list is, as I said, incomplete. It needs completing. And when it is complete, why, it’ll null very, very easily. I don’t know how far this list will go. We do happen to be treating a button which is peculiarly susceptible to a long list.

All right. Now, there is your demonstration. And you are still watching a preliminary step for engram running. Okay?

And our thanks to the pc. Give him a hand. Thank you. And thank you very much. And good night.