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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Confusion (T88-5a) - L520627a | Сравнить
- Identification and the Theta Body (T88-5b) - L520627b | Сравнить
- Theta and Genetic Lines (T88-5c) - L520627c | Сравнить

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CONTENTS TECHNIQUE 88: THETA AND GENETIC LINES Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 24 June 1952.A lecture given on 27 June 1952.

A great many philosophical details, a great many causation’s, purposes, etc. will shake out and become very clear as you process this material.

I want to talk to you now about the identification of ones Theta body. This is a step by step plan which makes it possible for an individual to reach a point where he can locate, find, and recognize the fact that he is a Theta body, and not a MEST body. You will discover on running this on PCs, that the PC is going to tell you how confused he is about this. He is going to protest about this. He probably is going to squirm around about this considerably. Follow this routine anyway - just boot him through, kick him through, have a club handy, and hit him every once in a while if he doesn’t run it. Directive therapy, and this calls for directive therapy. A large number of your PCs are going to be only too interested to run this. They will run it without any confusion whatsoever, and will wind up in beautiful condition with everything all identified and squared away. However, a certain number of PCs are going to run it just so far, and then they are going to jump off into a “maybe” one way or another, and land in the wrong corner. It is going to take considerable persuasion on your part in order to carry them on through. In either case, this procedure is the one that is applicable. We must have a plan of operation. The basic principle of this plan is: How did you get a MEST body in the first place? How is it that you came to have a fixation on MEST bodies? You unravel this fixation or obsession or concentration on having a MEST body, and you have achieved by that process, the location of the Theta body. You run how it is that this PC came to possess, and had an obsession about his MEST body. From this you get the location of his Theta body. That follows! You see, he all of a sudden discovers that his MEST body is not native to him, that it is something else, and that he is not necessarily solely, only, and completely the guardian of this MEST body. The second he discovers this, his sphere of activity gets much wider, much much wider. He can start going out then into the upper numbered dynamics, but until then, he will have a hard time doing so.

It is not really enough simply to run incidents, incidents; and incidents with no understanding. An incident is only run completely when the purposes, intentions, and evaluations are run with it. Early in a case - the early part of a persons running of incidents, however, can sacrifice a great deal of purpose in order to get him up to a point where he can spot purpose. You will find that many of the things about which we have talked, are at best nebulous to you, now. They become quite definite, quite real, and the reasons them become very clear, as you yourself go through the experience line.

At the level where most PCs are - you will find that these people believe that they are a lot of other people, and that there is a big oneness about the universe, and about existence, and about identity. That they are part of everybody else, and so on. This is part of the same confusion. This individual has thrown himself over so many MEST bodies, he has entangled himself in so many lives, on a MEST level that he has come to forget his own individuality, and is sort of mixed up in the pool of the general individuality. At that level, his brotherhood (you might say) with the rest of the race is pretty aberrated.

The farmer who goes to the circus and says, as he looks at the giraffe: “There ain’t no such animal,” and the public of New York looking at “Barnums” various items were prone to be very doubtful. The most common things which you have today in this society would have been but a few years ago to you, complete impossibilities. 15 years ago, there were very few people who knew that there was a possibility that an atom bomb could come into existence, 25 or 30 years ago, nobody really dreamed about an atom bomb. An atom bomb? A bomb that would blow up the world? Ah, it was just fantasy, that’s all - nobody could have done this, or have this, or anything of the sort, and yet today here it is. If 50 years ago, somebody had told you that a cup full of fuel would run a battleship around the world 25 times, you would have said, “No.” And yet, that possibility and that very engine is in development at this moment. So years ago man had some sort of inkling that man would fly someday, and yet every day we see airliners in the sky. When the Wright Brothers creation flew - the thing headlined in their home town paper was, “They would be home shortly,” not that their machine had flown. There was not even any importance assigned to the flight that was made in Kittyhawk on the day it was done, the world didn’t think it was important at all. It is a sort of blind thing - man loves to fool himself into thinking that those things which are going to affect him deeply, really aren’t going to affect him. Today, in dealing with the whole track techniques, civilizations, governmental types, technologies beyond technologies (in almost every line of possible endeavor) are showing up out of PCs. Many of these things can’t be built, because they require bridge techniques. They require a certain kind of wire, and this wire has not yet been manufactured or invented. It’s all very well to pick up a technique that requires some “ping” metal and try to use this, until all of a sudden he finds that “ping” metal was mined on one of the satellites of Jupiter. He’s not there. What was “ping” metal? As a result, we have an enormous amount of technology showing up here. Well, let’s not worry too much about whys and wherefores, beyond this: The route to get into a state where the technologies are available. That’s clever, because all the technologies will be available as soon as one achieves the level necessary to remember them, and use them, and apply them. After that, the sky is the limit.

This whole problem is one of steps on the tone scale. As you go up on the tone scale, you reach each time, new levels of ARC with your own kind, and reaching these new levels of ARC with your own kind, brotherhood becomes more possible. Close, loving association with your fellows is actually only possible well above 2.0 - and these confusion levels where everybody thinks that everybody is one - that is pretty low compared to a real operating efficiency. At a level where you can trust, feel confidence in, and never feel that you have to arm yourself against - that level would be a level of true brotherhood. Enforced brotherhoods are many.

So, you will find your PC very prone to get very excited about the various things which he is suddenly discovering on the track. Well, that’s his interest - let him run them but don’t let it absorb all the processing time. Let’s get in there with good old 88 and fix him up to where he can really remember them thoroughly, completely, and wholly. One fellow (very skeptical about the whole track) sat down one day and fixed his concentration on a bright spot on a stove and said: “Well, I’ll sort of let myself drift, and see if I wind up anyplace.” He finds himself on a super highway with cloverleafs and everything (the like of which has never been seen on earth) and he is riding a unicycle at a mad pace down this highway. He seems to have on this uniform and he is going someplace hurriedly. He said: “That’s enough,” and he came out of it.Now, the mechanics of how you get into the situation you are in, are most broadly laid open by following the initial steps of Technique 88 which I have given you. In other words, get the halver, or the sexual blanket incidents, which have the halver as a motivator. Get the times when the PC as a Theta being hit, punished, and messed up MEST beings. Run enough of those, and all of a sudden, he finds out where he is and what he can do. From there on he can find lots of answers. Now I will give you some of the chief things that you will run into.

There have been many times in the past when people have had enforced ARC substituted for actual ARC. They are not in affinity with their fellows at all. They are merely forced to be, and they will go through the social graces, and they will very viciously hate their fellows the second that there is no need to go on being in enforced ARC with them. They do not trust people. They have no confidence in, and they would not turn their backs to, individuals. That’s a bad level actually, but that happens to be the level where the bulk of this race is located. And with good reason - an enforced ARC produces these various effects of perverted and twisted affection.

You will find, even in this lifetime that your PC may have had a quarrel for, a body. I also want to take up what a Theta body does with facsimiles. Now, the quarrel for a body may occur just before birth. Some of these Theta beings are running on double tracks - Martian, and some of them had a track in some other planetary area, but they are still being thrown here at Earth. And here is the earth track, they go back up there (it takes about 15 minutes) and they get shot back down to earth again. They pick a baby just before birth or something like that, and immediately blank out. They are the baby, they are taking care of the baby, and from there on out this is the way it is. Sometimes they will land there, and they will have a fight for this baby. You will find them being rather shy and coy thereafter about other human beings, because they feel that they have done an overt act to this Theta being. You may find this in a PC 20 years ago, just before he was born. Birth isn’t terribly aberrative, but that Theta being line meeting just before birth, sometimes being a quarrel, is aberrative.

As you go up the line, you find a real strong bond amongst your own kind. That is why I say that if we obtained a number of Theta Clears, the chances of them becoming wide apart andseparated and fighting with each other is rather faint, because fortunately the ethic level goes up as a persons sanity goes on up. You would find a small group probably operating in harmony and with considerable individuality. The third dynamic and the first dynamic can operate together, but you have to have very able people on the first dynamic in order to operate a smooth third dynamic operation. On low levels on the tone scale you will find people will use the third dynamic wholly and solely to protect and excuse the first dynamic. In that wise, you find individuals who are saying: “A group exists solely to protect me and my self-determinism, and therefore, I mustn’t upset the self- determinism of any part of this group, I must go on and be autonomous, etc.” Well, they haven’t got a group.

Now, what happens when a person dies? In the first place there is a perfectly mechanical process, which by the process of life continuum, of forgetting ones allies, of denying ones self grief, an individual is very happy to forget the past of this MEST being he has been packing around. He considers the life that he has just lived the life of this MEST being which he has been escorting, not his own life, because it has all been given to that. He loses the MEST body through death, and as soon as he loses the MEST being he more or less wipes out the facsimiles on the line. That is automatic. Now and then (not every between life here) he goes up through the screen, to Mars or one of these planets, or something of the sort, he feels a compulsion, he feels drawn there. Actually, there is a sort of implant that makes him go back to this place. He hasn’t got a MEST body, and the only way he can live again is to so and so, and so and so. And so feeling drawn to that place, he goes there. What happens to him when he gets there? He gets the Between Lives Incident. He has just gone through experiencing a death; he now goes through an incident which makes him think that he is reducing his life and wiping it out. They will show him a flock of wheels with pictures on them. The wheel goes around, and he will see the pictures go by, and then dim out, and disappear, and he will say: “Well, that proves it, my memory is all gone.” At the same time, he is being hit by hard force-waves which invalidate him as an individual, and as a memory. So he gets wiped out in this fashion, and he turns around and gets shot back down here. It seems incredible that anyone would go to this much trouble, but this is in PCs, and you can run it out. They go to this much trouble. Weird that they would!

At a slightly higher level than that, a real group is all for the group. A communistic cell operates that way, for instance. The individual (the first dynamic) is absolutely nothing, it’s the group, everything for the group, life or death for the group, the group only, and as far as the self-determinism for the individual is concerned - it is completely overcome by the self- determinism of the group. There is only one self- determinism there, and that is the self- determinism of the group. The group utilizes that self-determinism to survive and to make itself as affluent, and as powerful, and as well cared for, as possible. When they want something done, then 2 or 3 of the first dynamics go out and do it, and if they fail - they die. That’s all there is to it, there is no compromise. So, a third dynamic group operating in that fashion (sacrificing the first dynamic 100%) actually is capable of getting a considerable amount of work done, and actually will produce a level of loyalty and cooperation which is not possible operating on the first dynamic only.

Sometimes this has only happened to a PC 2 or 3 times, and sometimes it happens to them every life. Sometimes it hasn’t happened to him at all. Sometimes you will find that he is part of a chain that exists out here in the solar system on the satellites - a different government entirely. Women are peculiarly prone to this one, but it is a between life thing too. They die here, they wind up there, they come back here.

Now, we have to go well up the tone scale in order to get a third dynamic group which will survive all by itself for the group, and for the individual too. Why? It’s because high on the tone scale you get greater and greater spreads out into the dynamics. As a person goes up the tone scale his ability to control his environment becomes wider and wider, and includes outer, further dynamics. So, until he has controlled all of ONE, it is almost impossible for him to control TWO. And until he has controlled TWO, it is almost impossible for him to either control or operate successfully on THREE. And until he is able to operate wholly successfully on THREE, he can’t operate on FOUR, and so on. It is an expanding perimeter. If you had a group on the face of the earth today which was operating very heavily on the third dynamic (which also included the first dynamic) it would be people who were so facile, who could so easily, and so quickly see the proper solutions, that there would never be any argument amongst them as to what was best. They would also be very active, and they would be going out at terrific velocity. This earth today would fall into the possession of that group with such speed, nobody could prevent it. Even the group couldn’t prevent it. It is not that anybody is forming up such a corps to do that, but any group operating first and third simultaneously on a high level of survival, would be so far above any existing group on the face of the earth today that people would start looking at it, because it would be cause. It would be able to cause things which no other group could cause, and people would start looking to it for solutions. And it, in order to survive in that world and to keep itself from being bothered particularly, would start to take on more and more problems.

Now, sometimes a person will have an accident here on earth, and flip through the screen, not being dead here on earth. He will flip through the screen and “Bing” come back here again. During the period of the accident (or unconsciousness) they will go from here to the place they are supposed to go, and there it will be realized that there is something wrong with this person. He isn’t routine and they will just shoot him straight back again, and he will wake up and say: “I died while I was being operated on,” and everybody will say: “Nonsense, your heart kept on ticking,” but he will have this weird idea. Sometimes they will recognize when he hits the screen and arrives there, that he’s not dead. They will know this because he will start to go back, and they will give him an implant saying: “Now you don’t know anything about this, you haven’t heard anything about this, you don’t know, you don’t know.” BING - you are knocked out and they shoot you back again. This occurrence you will find in a large number of PCs, and you will find them hung up on the track at that point. Why? Because it is 2 incidents happening in the same unit of time. Two incidents, they happen to 2 bodies at the same time with a Theta body transferring between. You run this out like any other incident, but you run it happening here on Earth track, and run it there on that track, and finally they will get it meshed to a point where they know where they are, and what they were. You should run that - and I’m telling you about that because it might not be in this lifetime. It might be in the last lifetime. It might be 5 lifetimes ago, or it might be 2,000 years ago. You want to watch for one of those when your PC can’t quite make sense about what’s going on. He feels lost, that is the usual feeling about it. He feels lost, because after he goes back up there again a few times, he is very confused. He is generally packing this incident as a chronic somatic. If he had one of these things happen to him, the chronic somatic of it happening to him is still with him. For instance, if he did this while he was being operated on his throat (and he went from earth track to other planet track, and back here again) he is packing that throat somatic, and he is hung up on the track at that point. So you want to scout this one, this is an interesting incident and it requires just routine running, but you have to remember that it is a double track incident.

More and more problems, like - “And tomorrow we will have to advise the government of Canada that they can’t keep monkeying up the water along the St. Lawrence, because it is fooling around with our project in New York, which we had to take on because so many people were starving in upper New York, and this includes the economic conditions of lower New York ....” In other words, they would just start inheriting. They can’t help it, they just start inheriting.

So, the incidents I have gone over are: This quarrel just before birth, which is quite ordinary. There is this wheel incident of the wipe out: They’ve got mirrors that move sideways and light shining on him that illuminates him and shows him up as a Theta body. He sees himself moving this way and that way, and of course he is all divided up and his entities are all restimulated. Here he is, and he’s gone of course, because he has been moved aside. You get the weirdest actions with regard to this.

Anybody, as he starts coming up the tone scale starts inheriting. He inherits more and more and more, and his only relief, his only help is to keep on going up the tone scale. Now we have a way of doing that. In the past, everytime somebody would inherit anything he was depressed down the tone scale, because he went into ARC with things that needed help. They needed help so much, and so strongly, that he went on down the tone scale, because they kept pulling at him and doing aberrated things to him. So, it’s sort of a contest. If you keep it processed out fast enough you would keep on going up the tone scale, and you just inherit more and more and more - you just can’t help it. That will happen to any one of you in your own community. You just sit on the front porch and it will keep right on happening. You can’t stop it from happening, because it is a natural sequence. If you go up to a point of ONE (survival as self), that has a potentiality of being a very strong part of THREE (a group), the group will locate itself to find you. It just works that way.

Then there is the fact that you have a Genetic Line Cross. Here is your Theta Line coming down for millions of years, and you have this Genetic Line coming along here, and it’s 1785 or 1202 B.C. or some date or other. He came down this Theta Line and met up with this Genetic Line (the evolutionary line here on earth) the MEST body’s line. This body line has an actual entity which takes care of the body. It is a central entity, it does have some power over the body. In the first book we called this mind, the Somatic Mind. We knew it was there and had spotted it, but we didn’t quite know its source. This is its life span. You don’t care anything much about the somatic mind. You can process and process it without much of anything happening, because it is pretty stupid. It has accumulated an enormous number of facsimiles from the beginning here on Earth, straight on through to present time. It has a record of facsimiles of everything happening to it. Facsimiles of deaths, facsimiles of this and of that, it is a complete record. Now, what does your Theta being do about this? This somatic body is doing a skip, it goes through this generation, dies, goes immediately in the species to this generation, dies, into this one, dies, this one, dies. It skips each time. It is more or less following the protoplasm line, and the protoplasm line would be an unending stream here of species to species, and generation to generation - it is sort of following that. The protoplasm is carrying part of the map, and it (genetic entity) is carrying the blueprint, and between the 2 of them they have been making bodies, but it is doing a skip. It’s gone at death, and comes right straight back into the line. Death, right back into the line, dies, picks up the young of the next line. So, you will find quite often, a Theta being in possession apparently of all these MEST facsimiles, all this somatic line data is apparently in the Theta being, but it isn’t.

So, when we talk about affinity (one for another) this technique does not in any degree try to go on an enforced ARC basis. It doesn’t try to do anything which will upset ARC specifically and directly, but Oh, what it does to it. Very interesting. You must understand the mechanism by which people come to feel protection and love for, an aberrated lower level protection and love for. You see, there are many levels on the tone scale where people feel protection and love for, but unfortunately this business about the body is one of the lowest levels. It’s obsessive, and it’s psychotic. There is no reason why you can’t feel considerable affection for MEST bodies, without feeling a terrible compulsion to just be a MEST body only. That would be quite different you see. You would have neglected a great deal of your own self- determinism if every part of your self-determinism were devoted wholly and exclusively to the care and feeding of a MEST body. So, if it is reductive of self-determinism, it is also automatically reductive on the tone scale. Well, that is how you get there - ARC with the body, enforced brotherhood with the body, you got there to a point of that. Then you started to get enforced brotherhood with other bodies, and the next thing you know, you’ve got it all across the board. You start thinking of yourself as part of this, part of that, parts actually of aberrated groups. So, being part of aberrated groups, you naturally lost a great deal of the determinism necessary to bail yourself out. So, we have to examine the mechanism of: How does an individual come to regard, or be fond of, or protect something? What is the mechanism ?

Now here is the lifetime of one man. Here at the top is conception, when the prenatal bank, and here is birth, infancy, and so forth. Here at birth, just before birth (sometimes 10 or 15 minutes before birth, that close) you get the Theta being off of the Theta line joining the body. The somatic being has been here already, since preconception usually, or at conception. The somatic being has been there all this time, and its been all the way through the prenatal bank clear on up to here (birth) and normally, at least at this time on the whole track, we are getting this join-up here.

We have taken care of it actually, in Technique 80, which is a process that tells you what you have to process. This is a mechanism that builds up to a very closely identified thing, and a very closely identified thing would be a completely smashed in, unidentified affinity. Now, how do people get into that state? Basically and at first, individuals did not believe themselves to be even vaguely in brotherhood with MEST bodies. Do you think that you belong to the great brotherhood of great Danes? NO, you don’t. You are rather apt to be short and fast with great Danes, or cats, or beef steers. You realize that they are for your use, but if you went into close affinity and did nothing but protect short horned cattle - you would get pretty obsessed about cattle after a while.

Now you start processing, and of course you can process the whole prenatal bank, you can process conception, you can process all these things. You are processing it actually out of the genetic being, and the Theta being is helping you out. “Let’s process it out, you betcha, they are taking care of that body.” Process and process and process, and you leave this person alone, and this person keeps right on running, all on the genetic line. It doesn’t process anything else. You see, the Theta being isn’t worried about himself so much, he is just worried about this MEST body, that’s all there is to that. You get these people that walk around processing themselves all the time, this is actually what is happening to them. Therapy is evidently a line up whereby you get the consent of the Theta being to process the genetic line. Of course it doesn’t do any good to process the genetic line. So, you see how that would be. It does some good - yes, but not relatively. Therapy could possibly be set up to process the Theta line but all of a sudden you would find something new was happening.

You go out on the western range, and you talk to some of these cattlemen. All they talk about is cattle. You look at some of them, and they actually look slightly like cattle. That is a small part of what you see in this other mechanism. Now, how does a fellow get excessively fond of cattle? Well, he decides to be a stockman and raise cattle for his own use, he is raising them so that he can make money for himself or his family. So, he starts raising them. He handles them this way, and that way, and he brutalizes them this way, and that way. He is just being very effective and efficient from his own standpoint, with no real care beyond that level of efficiency.

Here is the Theta being processing itself, and you will find it will only process times when it has had something in its own field on an automatic basis, but it can go on processing automatically. Now, this is a trick that the Theta being has. You should understand this trick. The Theta being (and you will run into this) can pick up and duplicate somebody else’s facsimiles. The Theta being can look into someones skull or under their left armpit and pick up their facsimiles. If you get advanced far enough as a Theta being you will be able to look at a PC and without actually looking at them at all, you see their facsimiles and you take a photograph of their facsimiles. In other words, you will do a complete mock-up just automatically of just what facsimiles they have, and you say: “It’s this way, and this way, and this way,” as a facsimile. It is very uncomfortable to PCs sometimes, to have you (as an auditor) looking at them and reading their minds faster than the E-meter can tell, or for you to be standing there with your back to the machine and be reading what’s happening. They have got hold of the electrodes, they see the needle drop, and you say: “Yes, go on.” and suddenly they wake up to the fact that you are not facing or reading the machine. If you are dumb enough to scare people to this degree, why, do that. They get very leery of you.

In Texas right now, they don’t rope cattle, because they claim it will take 35 pounds off a steer to drop a rope around his neck and pull him down to his knees. So, you just don’t do that, and you don’t run cattle either - it’s a financial situation. Now, here is a young boy being raised on that farm, and he goes out one day just after a big blizzard and the wind is still blowing, and he finds a little calf that has lost its mother. He will take the calf in, and he will take care of it. He will be fairly efficient about this, he will be interested in, and fond of that calf. Now one day, you come in and tell him: “Well, we have to take the calf to market, he is going to get slaughtered, he is a young steer now and he is worth 500 dollars.” He screams, “No!” What a row. You have interfered with ownership. One of the most valuable things there is would be something that has a great deal of flowing theta - or life rather than flowing theta, but had capable theta in it. So, he has got hold of this steer. Ow! There have been more farmers boys hearts broken because the sheep goes to market, the pigs go to market, or the cow goes to market, and they were theirs. You see, they endow and imbue these beasts with personalities. They give them names, they will play with them, they will tie hair ribbons on them - the darndest things. It’s just sort of a natural activity, it’s there natively. You understand that nothing can be boosted up to an aberrative level, that does not exist as a native capability of theta. Theta is natively able to do anything which you can compel it to do.

They are afraid you are going to take their MEST body away from them or something. Now you can take the size and dimensions of somebody’s facsimiles. It’s a perception, one of the many perceptions. Mind reading is something that is done as a trick, magicians stimulate interest by pretending to read minds, and some people actually do read minds. Now, get this and get this very specifically - at no time does the Theta being TAKE the facsimile from anyone else. He doesn’t take their facsimiles (you get that?) and suddenly have the facsimile himself, so now he has got to run it out. Let’s say we have Being One (a) and Being Two (b). Here is a facsimile in (a), and (b) over here does not reach over and take the facsimile out of (a). Oh no, what (b) does is to make a complete mock-up of (a)’s facsimile. He can make a complete mock-up of it. He will say: “Yes, that is (a)’s facsimile.” He takes a picture of it and he files it. His file system is likely to be so careless sometimes that he says: “Yeah, this is my facsimile, I took it off this fellow.” Faith healing is predicated upon the falseness that somehow or other the pain is taken off the patient and is taken on by the healer, and then the healer has to suffer with it. That is something like going out and shooting a photograph of an accident, and going home and suffering by looking at the picture. You’ve Just got a photograph of that accident.

So, how would we get very aberrated on this subject? Well, the farmer boy goes out and he is practicing roping. He’s being “Hop-along Cassidy” or something, and he ropes this young calf; the calf goes appetite over tin cup down the wash and busts himself all up. The boy has a little bit of affection there (natively) but he sees what he has done. That’s bad! Up to this time he hasn’t thought about calves as something you could hurt, but this calf evidently hurts. Somehow or other he gets this calf back to the ranch, and the calf goes on living. It is a heck of a nuisance by the way, it hangs around the back door and it thinks of itself as a pet dog and so on. One day, Pop comes in and says: “Well, we will have to take your calf “Jerry” to market.” Oh no! Now that is 8,000 times as bad as the other, because it was preceded by an overt act.

This is what you can do. This is what a Theta being can do. He takes a look at this picture and he can do 2 things: 1 - He can just sort of blow the guy out; he can turn a disintegrator loose on him one way or the other that will throw this facsimile out of restimulation. He can do that, or 2 - He can actually force this person to move through that facsimile by sort of holding the facsimile there, and he moves the PC through it. He doesn’t get it himself, but here is the penalty of doing this. He will eventually develop a bank of photographs, a bank of facsimiles of facsimiles. He can develop a bank of these, and they can have everything on it, including the density factors, and he can make that bank of facsimiles actually influence him. You understand? They are just mock-ups. Boy, do they blow! They are just a pack of photographs.

Now, what’s the cycle there? He hurt the calf, then he saw that it was hurt, and then he felt some sympathy for the calf. What is sympathy? You have 2 tuning forks here, you sound one (a) and purely by “sympathy” this other one (b) will hum. That is sympathy, and it’s an energy flow level.

How do you identify them? It’s odd, but they will ring on an E-meter. Why? Because they have an indicated amount of charge on them, and the fellow who’s got them says: “Oh yes, it says right here that my density is so dense,” and it will ring on the machine. You will get a little drop on these things. Now here’s the test, you should know this test. This doesn’t mean that the machine is wrong, it means that these things taken over here have a photograph of charge, and they can move in on the guy, and he registers charge. Do you understand? It is entirely different than the guy having the whole facsimile, because it’s a big joke.

He does a mock-up for himself of the calf hurting, and he feels how the calf hurts. He is actually getting a wave action comming back at him which vibrates him enough, so that he gets a mock-up of that calf hurting. Now, he gets this mock-up of sympathy for the calf, and maybe it happens many times, maybe he injures many calves. Everytime he injures a calf he feels this sudden sympathy only the sympathy is getting stronger, and he finally gets up to the point where he is preventing calves from being hurt. He doesn’t want calves to be hurt anymore. People shouldn’t rope calves. When he has kids of his own, he just wales the tar out of them if they even think of roping a calf. He gives them lots of reasons, and none of them valid. The kids are not supposed to rope calves, and that’s all there is to it. Now, what do we get out of that? Injury, because of an overt act - usually this is a DED, the calves have done to him before he did something to the calves. We get that followed by sympathy, and we get that followed by protection. So your cycle is always: overt act, sympathy, protection. When you have followed that cycle up to where the protection is obsessive, it’s a psychosis.

Here are his facsimiles of an automobile accident: The facsimile just before the automobile hits (1), Automobile after it is hit (2), And victim being carried away in an ambulance (3). There is nothing else there. There is no sonic of anything pattering down on the pavement, no anything of anything happening; there are just 3 pictures. Usually they are black and white, they are without color, and there they are. If you find that condition in a PC, and he is complaining about this incident, you’ll find out he hasn’t got any motion for this incident. He’s got a still picture of somebody kneeling, that’s one picture (still picture) and he’s got a picture of a grave that’s got a cross on it and you work and work and work, and you can’t make these pictures develop into anything else. They are just there, hardly any real somatics on them. They can be hanging up, however, on an actual facsimile A real facsimile of this individual has these pictures as part of the bundle. Now this is not confusing and you shouldn’t be even vaguely confused about it, because you will find these often enough. They have no sequence to them. The only point that is even vaguely confusing about them is - a heavily charged incident with lots of regret on it, hangs up as a still picture. It’s a still picture, but your PC can’t get rid of it, and these will move around. The only point of confusion is the wheel. That wheel between lives, will show you pictures and pictures, with terrific somatics. Now, that’s all I want to tell you about pictures. Don’t think you can get into trouble by not understanding what I’ve just said here, you can’t get into trouble about it. If you process an incident that isn’t there - well, you’ve just processed an incident that isn’t there. You have just wasted some time, that’s all. You won’t hurt the PC any. Don’t be surprised however, to be processing a still picture, and all of a sudden have the thing blow up and do something terrifically violent. What you did was process the still picture just so far, and all of a sudden your PC went into an actual incident on his own track - BAM! - and it shows up, and is generally far more violent and aberrative than the incident which you were trying to run as still pictures.

There are people who protect animals in this fashion, and protect plants in this fashion, and protect MEST in this fashion. There are undoubtedly people in this society today who protect machinery in this fashion, and they will just cut people down who dare harm pieces of machinery. It’s just that cycle - they have done this and that, and they eventually come to protecting it. So, it will even go into machinery, however, it is much more apparent in live things.

It would make it too simple if there weren’t some confusion about visio on the track. You wouldn’t want it to be that simple. I will go over that again. This wheel between lives shows you mock-up pictures, and you think those pictures are pictures of your own memory, and you see them fade out, so you say: “My identity is gone, I’m all done.” What is doing it, is this force screen hitting you - that’s really wiping out your memories.

One could say that a person never comes to love an item unless he has first injured it. You don’t think anything about this new roadster that you have. It’s pretty and everybody admires it. You take it down the street and run it off the curb, and you bend the running board. Everything goes along all right, and one day somebody hits it and dents it. It’s getting worse you see, and gradually as you do things to it, or you cause things to happen to it; you can get into a highly protective state of mind about the roadster. Now you understand, that although you get a cycle of: injury, sympathy, and protection for an item, that this sequence can be repeated often enough to drive you down tone scale on that subject. In other words, it gets more and more intense, because you are in sympathy with injured objects and you come down tone scale, because injured objects are down tone scale. It gets to a point finally, where you have recognized your inability in protecting or in helping some item or some object, and you go into apathy about it. You will go into apathy about a car. You will say eventually that you can’t do anything about this car. You are in apathy on the subject. Somebody tells you about a car injury, and you just feel apathetic.

Now the next one is, that occasionally as a Theta being, you blanketed some MEST body, and grabbed off some facsimiles. You sort them out, and you can find this incident on the track where the Theta being did it. You can find him holding somebody’s head and looking at him, looking it over and saying: “Well well, so that’s what happened to this person, how interesting, fascinating!” Here is a little grimmer one. The MEST body is busily kicking the bucket, dying, and the Theta being that caused it is sitting there alongside, watching it happen and saying: “Well, it’s a good thing he’s dead, look at that awful facsimile, look at what he did. Oh he was a bad one. Gosh, was he horrible, I was perfectly justified in doing this.” He will hang on to these, he’ll say: “Look at that, he killed a baby - ha ha, lucky I killed him.” See, he is trying to justify himself for what has just happened. His bad luck! You can find that incident on the track, and you can run it. It’s a very fascinating one sometimes.

The same way with animals, animals could get repeatedly injured, and you would eventually go into apathy on the subject. A small boy is given a dog. He hurts the dog, he abuses and teases the dog, and one day the dog gets hurt badly. He takes care of the dog, and he gets more and more attached to this dog, and then one day the dog kicks the bucket. Oh boy! Well, this little boy (who is getting older) will get another dog, and something will happen to this dog. Then he will get a little older, and something will happen to another dog, and ail of a sudden, he will not care to have any more dogs. He doesn’t want anything more to do with dogs. He doesn’t own a dog now, he remembers these dogs only vaguely. He talks about them seldom. He is in apathy on the subject of dogs. He doesn’t own a dog, yet once upon a time he considered dogs very joyful things to have around, but he lost one too many dogs. He is in apathy on the subject of dogs, and when he gets down to apathy about dogs, very often he will be in the valence of a dog. He has helped this dog, and he couldn’t help this dog, and finally he went into the valence of the dog and did a life continuum for him, which is the final method of helping the dog. Look at that mechanism, you have seen it in PCs.

Very often you will get these wheel incidents running, and all of a sudden you find yourself back, and there is this mesty thing right in front of the PC, something like that; or down here somewhere in relationship to his Theta beingness he is looking at it and seeing pictures. He is taking pictures off of somebody’s mind. He is actually examining somebody’s mind. Now that is very peculiar, very peculiar. I hate to have to tell you about that, because it might frighten you that somebody will come along and suddenly blow out all your facsimiles. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about it, because they have been doing it between lives to you for some time. What’s one more? Now that is simple.

You have seen them do it, you know people who have life continuums on for aunts, uncles, dogs, cars, and bedsteads. They are doing a life continuum because they failed completely to help, and finally the last apathy is that they abandon their own identity and live on a life continuum. You can solve more cases using life continuum.

The next point of confusion where you might get upset about pictures and so on is: Once in a great while you will find (this is a rarity) a third, fourth or even fifth invader force being, and he wanted to know what the track looked like. “Who are these people?” he will say as he moves in here as a Theta being. “Who are these people, and what have they been doing?” He will get the whole track - he will cake a sample of all the track. He will just look over somebody, hold ‘em down, sit on them, black them out, knock them flat, do something to them, and sort of make them run through their entire existence. He will say: “So this is what this race has been doing, well, well, well, all the better to control them I hear,” and he will examine their track. This shouldn’t be surprising to you, this transfer of facsimiles, because this is in essence, telepathy. Beings that don’t use airwaves to talk, use telepathy, so they would get quite a store of these things. Oh, they may pound around somebody with some sort of a Technique that puts them to- sleep and then, make them run the track and take samples all the way along the track, complete with age tabs and everything else. They’ll take them all the way along the track and file them all away, and then have in their possession maybe 50 or 75 incidents (just pictures of fifty or seventy-five incidents) that say: This is what the race has been up to.

Now, what do you think happens with a MEST body? The same cycle. Here is a MEST body (you have of course a native feeling of aesthetics) and one day you are going along, and you’re not paying any attention much to MEST bodies, they’re just MEST bodies. You are going along on your job doing things, and you suddenly see this MEST body and it attracts you somehow or other. You say: “Isn’t that a nice MEST body?” like “Isn’t that a cute puppy?” Then some horrible thing like this might happen: You might go over and wrap yourself around this MEST body and say: “Mmmm, feels nice - nice and silky.” That’s fine, nothing has happened there, you are simply able to appreciate something aesthetically. But supposing you wrapped yourself around it, and it kicked the bucket instantly? That would certainly be a shock to you. You’d say, “What happened?” Well, you didn’t understand this particular mechanic, that a MEST body when crushed, dies. And, if you throw in a couple of thousand kilowatts on both sides of that MEST body, it would sort of go up in smoke. You don’t realize at that time that you shouldn’t do that. You say, “Gee! What happened to it? I couldn’t have done it, there it lies.” Unfortunately, you possess at that moment the facsimiles of it kicking off.

You get this boy on the E-meter, and everytime you find one of these incidents it goes BONG, you start to run it and it’s gone. You say: “Get a picture now, take a picture of this,” and he starts to run this, and it’s a picture of a Theta Trap. It’s a mock-up, it’s a complete picture of a theta trap, there is no motion to it, no motion in it or anything, but there is a picture, and you get a bop on the machine. A theta trap, such and such a date, such and such a place. Don’t distrust anything you see on the E-meter until the second he starts running this thing, the meter won’t operate. You start running it, and he gets something else. You start running another one, and about this time you will say: “What on earth is the matter with this PC ?” You are running a third, fourth, or fifth invader force individual. He has looked over somebody else’s facsimiles and he is saying: “Well, I’m first corps, I’m first invader force, I’m just like everybody else, here I am.” He’s got a sample of the track showing what has happened to this race. He has just got a record, a historical record that he picked up off somebody - just like you would go to school and study history. So, this guy comes along and looks over somebody’s mind to find out what happened to them on the track, and he will pick up samples of it all the way along the track that’s all. Of course when you take a photograph of a facsimile, you don’t get a flat picture, you get everything - emotional record and everything that goes along with it, but there will only be one, or 2 or 3 pictures of it there, that is all.

Did you ever see a little girl go up and take hold of a kitten and “squeeze” it because she “loved” it so much? She loved it so much and squeezed it, and all of a sudden the kitten is deader than a mackerel. The little girl says: “What happened?” Very upset. By the way, that is an actual case - I mean going up and saying: “What a nice MEST body - what a nice MEST body - it’s dead!”

The second that you start to process these things, if you process very many of them you will get the incident of him looking into somebody’s mind. All of a sudden he will be sitting there and he will be getting lots of pictures, then you run that incident and all of a sudden he will confess up. After that you don’t get any bops from the line. You ask him: “Was this a million years ago, 2 million years ago, 3 million years ago?” You ask him: “Do you have Fac. One? How long ago, one million years ago?” You get, Bop, Bop. Yes, Fac. One was one million years ago. Yes - Bop, we are all set now. “Now let’s run Fac.One.” So, “Clank, clank,” and he gets the first whir and a position, and that is all. You say: “Go on and run it.”

Now, there is also the business where one realizes that his world was run all right. Here you are, you are living in a certain place and you are conducting your affairs in a certain way, and a billy goat keeps running into the front yard. You say: “I don’t want any billy goats around here.” So, you get a gate and you shut the gate, but the billy goat butts through the gate and comes in anyhow. The next day there are 2 billy goats. You growl at them and they continue eating the porch swing, and butting people when they come to call on you. You pick up a rock and say: “You billy goats beat it.” and pitch the rock at them, not intending to hit them at all, and you didn’t hit them, but the billy goats didn’t beat it. They stayed right there and every day they kept coming back, so next time you threw the rock and you did hit them. They still didn’t go away, so you got a little bit stronger weapon. Of course that depends on a good weapon estimation. Supposing your estimation was so bad that you went and bought yourself a 50 caliber rifle and said: “This will discourage those billy goats.” Billy goat splatters over half the front yard, and the other billy goat stands there, bleats, and wonders what happened to its mate. You say to yourself justifiably: “Well, that fixed him, he shouldn’t have done it. Who shouldn’t have done it? I guess I shouldn’t have done it either, he’s awful dead and messy. Here was some nicely organized MEST and it was putting along just fine, and all of a sudden I splattered it all over the terrain.” Furthermore, dead things have a way of making themselves antipathetic to living things, particularly in an August sun. You see how terribly degraded a body can get? Dead - decayed - and messy.

He gets the first whir and the position, and it is gone again. You say: “Do you have Fac One?” and the meter won’t operate. You have released it, it’s gone, that’s all there was to it. He didn’t have any facsimiles there to erase. He just had a facsimile there for show. It had an emotional tab, it had a speed tab, it had a light tab, it had a time tab, it had everything there that it was supposed to have in it; but for just one shot. You start to process it and - pfsst - of course it blows up, there is no Fac One there. Now, when you see a meter start to do that, don’t start blowing your own brains out.

One of the finest passages that I know of is in T.H. White’s “Witch in the Wood,” whereby the boys go out to hunt a unicorn. It’s well worth reading, if you want to know a cycle of complete degradation, and complete dog-conscious boys who finally realize what they have done in killing this unicorn. It was such a beautiful unicorn and they didn’t mean it any harm, but after they killed it, it was too heavy and they had to cut its head off, and that was horrible. Then they had to drag the head back, but there was a lot of sharp gravel and it cut the head to pieces. It was really a mess. They were getting it for their mother for a birthday present. Well, the sequence on that would be that the next time they thought about killing a unicorn, they really wouldn’t think about it, they would say: “No.” Now, some hunter would come along and say: “You know, I’m going out and kill a unicorn,” and those boys would probably attack him with staves, “Oh no, you’re not going to kill any unicorn, not while we’re around.” That is your natural conclusion. They would go all the way through, and start doing a life continuum on the unicorn.

When you see a PC start to act this way, you just ask this boy “How long have you been in this universe?” You will finally get the answer out of him, and after that everything will be consistent. Then the incidents you run on the whole track will be good solid incidents, and they run all the way through, and they have all their somatics with them, and they’ve got the ridges, and the attention units, and the overt acts. He’s got the whole works after that, for his track.

Well, after you have shot the billy goat with a rifle, don’t be too surprised if once in a while, instead of belching you say: “Baaaaa”

The third invader force track, and the fourth invader force track are kind of long, and the incidents are remarkably similar, and they don’t even need much discussion. You won’t find many of these people around, but you can find them as a special case, and if I didn’t tell you about special cases, you would run into them and beat your brains out, you would wonder what the heck was happening. So, you will find this character with the still pictures that won’t blow, and you can’t make heads or tails out of him. One second you get an action on the meter, then you don’t get any action the meter - you get an action on another incident, and then nothing else. Well, you are dealing with a later invader force, this guy came into the universe a long time after your standard line, but he sure looked over some standard line guy.

You will find more PCs carrying on a life continuum in this fashion for animals. Every PC you know is carrying on a life continuum for a MEST body (for a large number of MEST bodies) to the point where they are completely identified with these MEST bodies. Sequences like this - they had this place, it’s a small abode on a mountain side. These are theta bodies, individuals, not filmy something’s, just individuals, and they have this nice place on the mountain side. They like to sit there and watch the rain clouds go across the valley and so on, and I’ll be a son of a gun if some hikers don’t keep coming up and throwing garbage all over. After a while they (theta beings) get tired of it. So, the leading hiker one day comes by to throw cans - and picnic papers all over this pretty little pasture, and one of the theta bodies goes over and gives him what he considers a nip. Just a little nip, just to short circuit him a little bit. Hardly anything to it, but this fellow goes into a horrible writhing and falls down dead, “I didn’t mean to do that!” Well, life goes on and this theta being doesn’t consider that this was very horrible, but the guy did, and as the days went by he sort of swelled up and bloated in the sun, it wasn’t very nice.

He took him out and combed his hair for him. Now don’t be surprised then of variability’s of this character, because I am giving you all the variability’s there are. It’s not like studying German irregular verbs - “Das ist all der verbs der are,” and then they give you another page - “Dese are all de verbs you use dem with.” So, watch this still picture character; he is either in Intense Regret or he just hasn’t been here very long. You can prove out whether he is in Intense Regret or not, because the thing will eventually start to run if you run regret on it.

You get awfully annoyed one day, you’re going down through the canyons and somebody has strung a fence across the canyon, and you have seen that MEST animals go there to drink. You sort of like to watch them come down to drink at this place, and somebody has fenced it. You’d say to yourself, “Huh.” Well, the fellow comes down to finish up the fencing or something like that, or maybe you broke the fence down so the animals could still go through there, and the next time the guy comes down to repair this fence you say, “Well, this time I’ll be careful, I’ll only nip him a little tiny bit, just enough to keep him away from here.” Zzzzzt, and he falls over dead too, only the top of his head comes off this time, and you say, “I didn’t mean to do that.”

Or, all of a sudden he will say: “There is no regret on this,” and all of a sudden it will blow. Well, he is probably a later invader force. You ask him that question directly, and the meter will start operating. Then for the first time, you will see constant and consistent meter operation. Then he will answer the questions, and they will all be consistent. If you get inconsistent operation, you have got the scarce, rare bird who is one of the later invader forces. They aren’t trying to come down here and invade earth, by the way; they! just got caught in the shuffle in the last few thousand years. Things have been pretty hectic around this corner of the galaxy for a little while, and some of the boys got mixed up and squirreled up, one way or another. It’s amusing! Anyway, I’ve given you about all the strange sort of things that you will run into. I have written up lots of these incidents in “What to Audit” (now known as “History of Man”). I am very glad that the data has turned up as it has - I wanted “What to Audit” to be as complete as possible.

Then you have the fact that you can pick up sensation from these MEST bodies. So, you get “The Halver,” a beautiful implant that gives you sexual impulses, it aberrates sexual impulses. You use this halver one day, all of a sudden you feel something come over you and you blanket a MEST body or a couple of MEST bodies. That term “Blanket” you can use as a technical term. It means, “To settle down over one or more MEST bodies.” So, you blanket this person or persons and you were not very careful, and maybe when you finish up they are dead, just like that. You will run that out of more PCs, because there is a terrific, high level sensation (zing, bang, then apathy, death, or agony) on the part of the MEST body. You are in close emotional contact with it, with the desire to be in that contact at the start of it- and Bang, Oh boy! Remorse, regret, and you sort of have to pry yourself off of it. You’ve got a nice facsimile; you’ve got the facsimile now. Just keep that up a few times, and one day you are going among (you are flying away to Mount Calf, and you are enjoying yourself and everything) and you notice a theta being settling down over a small boy. The last MEST body that died when you went into an orgy of this character was a small boy, and you say to yourself, “Oh, that theta being shouldn’t be doing that.” For you see, if you don’t protect the thing, you become the thing that is attacking it, and you don’t want to be that. So you say, “I’ll protect that boy,” and you settle down and all of a sudden blanket the boy and defend the boy. You just fight off anything that comes in at him. Of course the boy is kind of surprised and half scared to death, and later on you try to run this and you get his facsimile of being frightened. But, you have protected him, and he survived it all right.

You can be specialists all the way up the line, and you can make yourself into a Theta Clear. You can process people on one life if you want to. You have more processing techniques at your command now than you ever conceivably could need. You can produce almost anything you want to. The best way to attack any subject is to get as smart as possible on the subject by going on up the tone scale by the process which I described to you in the past hour, more or less a step by step procedure of what you look for, and what you audit.

Well, you don’t become unconscious of what you are doing for an awful long time. You do this just repeatedly. You start off on a crusade of defending small boys and then you finally set yourself up - possibly there is a small group of boys in the woods that have sort of learned that you are around. Maybe they have built a little cairn of stones or something of the sort, like the Greeks used to do to the Wood God. You are the theta body that lives there, and you protect them, and you see that when they lose marbles, they get more marbles. You take care of them one way or the other. One of them gets sick one day and you go over and try to pull him through it, and you don’t pull him through it. You hit a bad curve - you are all the time going down tone scale, but fortunately there is a terrific depth of tone scale to go down. You can do it for centuries, for thousands of years really, without finally hanging up and going psycho on it. There is just enormous latitude allowable. You can do it over and over and over, times and times, so that you just process a few of these and a fellow becomes alert to what he is doing and what he did. This is fortunate, because the theta body has great capability and capacity of recovering, and so on.

Now, about that procedure: The third, fourth, and fifth invader force people are not as old, by a long ways but they have had the same manias, and they have gotten into the same trouble. There are some kicking around that are very new, and very fresh, who have gotten into this trouble on earth. You see them now, inhabiting a body most of the time. Conceivably, there are such people. You are liable to find somebody who hasn’t been here more than 2,000 or even 500 years in a body, or something like that. You are liable to find this rare character. He is very rare, but you will find him, and he has the same background pattern. His case solves in exactly the same way. Resolving the first time he ever did an overt act against a MEST body, and resolving the second dynamic blanket incidents. You run those out, and he will differentiate all of a sudden, where he is. The trouble with this fellow is, he soars almost immediately - he takes of in a steep climb without much processing and he is completely back to battery on what he is doing. He knows what he is doing, he starts telling you.

Now, as you went along through this period, you gradually became more and more addicted to protection of ... sympathy for ... protection of .... Everytime you blanketed a MEST body, it became a little more difficult for you to get off of it afterwards, until finally one day, you didn’t get off of it. You stayed with it, and there you were. Understand, that when you did this, you actually felt perfectly content and justified to do it. You said, “Now I’m going to take care of this being, I’m going to nurse this being along and I’m going to take good care of this being, make sure that it gets along fine, make it smart, make it admired, and so on.” You are just devoting yourself actually, to the care of this body, out of all the tremendous number of overt acts, protections, and failures. You finally get down to a point where you sacrifice your own identity to this MEST body, and you say, “I’m doing a life continuum now, of the MEST body.” Now what happens? You take care of this body, etc. but inexplicably the thing starts to get old. It gets older and older, and you try to make it young again, and frisky, and help it, and of course you are the only one that has any thoughts about it, so you try to take care of it, but it keeps getting older. What happens? Does the little boy remember his first dogs? You have processed a lot of PCs. Do they remember their allies vividly? They sure don’t. Well, one day the theta being (living now as a MEST being) is going along and the MEST being dies. OH, this is a horrible shock. No being there, it’s lost. This is a real loss, big loss, gone, and he will pick up another one, somewhere or other.

From that rapid case, we go to an invader one case, and this guy has been on the track an awfully long time, and he has had an awful lot of bodies, and lots of these incidents. You are going to find that you just have to process incidents by the ton off of him before you will get him up to the point where he will take off. But you can process him up there, because it is exactly the same thing that has happened to him, there is just more of it.

By the way, in the early days these were picked up in you - they weren’t picked up as babies or anything like that. You just go off, and you find another one. Eventually you get to the point where you devote yourself to it, and you got to a point finally, where you didn’t think that you could exist unless you had a MEST body, and every time you lost one of these MEST bodies it wiped out everything about it. What happens? What do you do with a babies toys after the baby is dead? If you lose a child, what do you do with its toys? Do you keep them out on the mantle piece? No, you sure don’t? You bury them deep in a drawer some place where you won’t look at them. Well, that’s what the theta body does with all the facsimiles of the MEST bodies its lost. It just throws them aside. It says, “NO, no, that was yesterday, I’ll do better tomorrow somehow or other,” each time, on each cycle. It gets to the point finally where it picks them up as babies. On each cycle as it goes along, he will just hope, hope, hope he is going to big, strong, ambitious, and he’s going to do everything for it, going to get it up higher in life, and suddenly he realizes that this same cycle is being followed all over again.

Now, one conclusion there - you will occasionally find a Theta Bop, a hunt on the needle. That is a theta bop. It swings over here, it’s a 1, 2, 3, kick deal. It looks like it’s dancing or hunting, and as long as that thing is going on that way, the meter apparently isn’t answering any questions, it just keeps on going like that. It means you are on the right track, in the groove with the questions you are asking; the meter just keeps on acting that way as long as you are right. When you go off the groove, when you ask the wrong question - it stops. You ask the right question again, and it starts hunting again. It is a very interesting manifestation, and it means just one thing. It means that the Theta being itself feels that it is trapped in that incident. It feels that it is still there in that incident. It thinks it is still there, and who knows, some of it may still be there in that incident. So, that is a favored one to locate and audit.

You don’t need any implants to blank out between lives when you look at this mechanism, because it is an automatic wipeout. A person just lays aside the loss, the failure, because this is a big failure - the loss of this MEST body. Now, you become addicted to the care of MEST bodies. You have a natural liking for living things. That is natural, but an addiction - a life continuum (for all these MEST bodies consecutively) is very far from natural and as a matter of fact, is quite insane. Supposing you knew somebody who was nothing but a series of life continuums on all of his allies, and he wasn’t there at all himself. You would say, “Gee whiz, he’s sort of funny.” Well, that’s your PC, he is a life continuum for all of these bodies. He doesn’t admit, even to himself, that any of these are his own experiences, “They belong to the body, they belong to the body.” So, what is the process by which to undo this? The process by which you undo it is - to locate with an E-meter or just making the person travel on the track, you locate the first time, or one of the very early times when the theta being of the individual blanketed, for any reason what so ever, a MEST body. Run that very thoroughly. Then get a next time this theta being blanketed a MEST body, for any reason whatsoever, and then run a third one, locate it and run that incident out. Then find 3 or 4 second dynamic blankets. Times when the PC has blanketed beings or animals on a sexual line, and run each one of those (as itself) out. Every one of those is an overt act, and very often they go back to (as the motivator) the Halver - this one that makes a person Black on one side and White on the other. The halver is usually the motivator for those sexual ones, but you’ll get blankets without that one, you would have gotten blankets anyhow. So, you get these sexual adventures which will run against this, and run against that, the halver. Now, you will find that each one of these when it is an overt has motivators kicking around the track that you will have to run half way, and they will just show up automatically. You run the motivator - run the overts - run the motivator - run the overts. So, run at least 3 times when your PC has blanketed MEST bodies for any purpose whatsoever, usually way back. Run those all out, and you have to resolve them as maybes, because each one is. Then run at least 4 times, 4 incidents where your PC has blanketed MEST bodies (1 or 2 MEST bodies at the same time, on the second dynamic) for the second dynamic reasons. By the time you have done that, your PC should be pretty well differentiated with regard to which is he.

It also means that he feels somewhat degraded. You find Theta bodies departing from MEST bodies (as a final note here) - Theta bodies departing from MEST bodies, and then the MEST body going on living for a short time. Your somatic body leaves last. You can conceivably process out the death of a MEST body in this wise: process it - no grief at all, the person is going right on through the line - process it, it reduces, he goes up in the air - process it, he goes up in the air and it sort of reduces, but nothing much happens to it. Conceivably you can process that. What you are processing is the somatic body. You are processing its leaving, and it doesn’t leave until the last dog’s hung. It doesn’t leave until the last click is unclicked.

He will all of a sudden recover recognition of what he is. He will know what is he is by that time. He will know where his theta body is too. Now, having done that - and by the way, 20 such Incidents of each kind here (blankets) would not be too many to run to achieve that goal, because it doesn’t take too long to run them, with attention units and so forth. Then you run the incident which we will call “The Duplicator”. We will call this incident “The Duplicator.”

Now, what you want is the Theta body departure which is earlier - earlier, faster, and so on. You find quite a bit of grief occasionally on the loss of a MEST body, just as you would suspect. That is one of the reasons why it’s hard to find the Theta body departure, whereas it is easy to find the somatic body departure. You get the idea? Make sure you are getting what you are getting.

Here is a theta being and here is the individual which he is today, in solid lines. He thinks he is this MEST body. Well, make him find the one represented by the dotted line, the facsimile that he has confused with his present identity. Now, that facsimile is “ridge,” it’s got ridges on it, and it is fitted pretty well over his present MEST body. It is an old facsimile - you will have to run it as ridges, and you will find out that it is a Holder. He is holding on to this MEST body, and he may or may not be trying to get off of it, but it’s a MEST body that he unsuccessfully tried to leave. It’s a facsimile which says, “I couldn’t get off of it. This old one is a point where he got hung up with it. That is “The Duplicator.” Here he is, and actually in his theta beingness he has a facsimile that he thinks he is - and it’s thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions of years old.

Now occasionally, you will find the individual taking off and going straight up, all of a sudden going sort of unconscious and then winding up somewhere else on the time track. He is hitting a screen. EARTH IS EVIDENTLY SCREENED. You start off from earth, and you don’t leave earth. There are occasional sections and areas that have an actual screen to them. Anybody who knows anything about compasses should know that there is a screen here on earth. It’s not natural for these lines of variation and deviation to behave as they do. They are not in a central point where they ought to be - the whole thing is kind of hazy and funny, and it’s possibly got something to do with this screen, although I won’t guarantee it.

In other words, but let me draw that for you again. I’ll draw it for you the other way now. Here he was, in dotted lines (B). Here he was, and he had a MEST being here (this may have been a couple of million years ago) he had hold of this MEST being, and here (in dotted lines) is his Theta being surrounding this MEST body, and has a hold of it for some reason or other. He was exerting pressure on all sides of it - it was actually probably struggling or something and it was making a ridge pattern. A pattern that is just like a shell; it is almost solid in this facsimile. So, he had a hold of this MEST body and then tried to leave, and he didn’t make it. Now today, your PC is walking around and here (B - in solid lines) is his Theta body, and here (in solid lines - B) is the MEST body he has now. He has the old facsimile of the old MEST body (dotted lines) that he is packing right along with him, complete with its ridges and everything else. He is packing that old facsimile right with him, and actually it is probably his arthritis. He is trying so hard to hold on to this old one. He will try to hold on to this body with this old one, and it’s liable to smash his nose out of line, or it will aberrate him one way or the other. In other words, it will aberrate his physical features, because he is trying to make this present body into a duplicate of the old body, willy nilly, unwittingly. Now, because he can’t get off this body he restimulates the other one - sometime or other, in an operation or something, he tried to leave and he found he couldn’t do it, so then he has both, the MEST body and the facsimile. In some PCs you will find several “Duplicators”, there are several facsimiles that are in restimulation, and so there he is in a shell, and so on.

I’m actually giving you this as a word of warning. You think I’m being ridiculous, but just as a caution until I find out a little more about this, I wouldn’t advise your taking off from earth. Just hold off for a while, I’ll put a bulletin out, or maybe we’ll send out some scouts with Geiger counters or something of the sort and find if there are any holes, because I know that the screen is there, because every once in a while a PC takes off and he says: “I’m going straight up here” and all of a sudden - Zing - and he forgets after that. Occasionally that was the way people got trapped into this line. They started to take off from earth - Zing - and they are right back in the MEST body line, and they don’t belong here. It is very puzzling to them. So, there is something there, and I won’t tell you what its altitude is, because I’m not sure, but it is probably 27 to 50 miles, but it is up there. As a matter of fact we could dream up a radar that would cross that other screen or perhaps measure its distance. There are a lot of things like this; there are a lot of interesting pieces of monkey business like this.

You will get many PCs who have the feeling that there is an actual ridge to themselves, that they are a ridge, or that some area is a ridge, and that their Theta beingness is itself an actual physical shell. They will think that this is the case, because of these old duplicator facsimiles. Well, find that facsimile, “The Duplicator” and run it. You will have a time with that. By that time the PC should have differentiated well enough, but he will still have a tendency to say, “Let’s see, which body am I? Oh yes, yeah, I can run this and run that, etc.” You will have to run out these times when he was unable to get off, in order to get him to a position where he can just step off. Some people will be found who can do this right now, some people have to be audited through a half-dozen incidents, some 25, and some 200 before they can do this, and the process of stepping off means just that. Now you mock-up with a facsimile a MEST body of your own, or you can take over another MEST body.

There is one - occasionally you will run into a place where they are holding a body in pawn. Now get that term, “They are holding a body in pawn.” That is, a body is held here and it is hypnotized or knocked out, and the person is told that he belongs here, but he must go over there and live. You know - a guy in Afghanistan is hypnotized and told: “You live in Bremerton, Washington”, and he will go to Bremerton and hang around there - he is under a compulsion. A hypnotist can hypnotize somebody and make him travel (or astral walk) hypnotists know about this, it is fairly easy to do. Only they didn’t realize that you could do it with magnitude, and you can, you can move almost the whole individual out.

Now, here is another typical incident, and it may be necessary for you to run this incident before you do it. Here was your Theta being and you are doing all right, he had a MEST body and everything was swell. By the way, are prenatals ever restimulative to this. A MEST body in the womb is putting up a sphere. Well, a baby in a womb has a sphere around it, and a Theta being very often has one of these old facsimiles with a ridge - this area is a ridge, energy is piled up there to make a ridge and then he joins this MEST body in the womb, and it almost automatically keys in an old duplicator, because this is a body in a sphere, and that is the way he feels about it. This whole process is why prenatals go into restimulation so easily. You don’t need to audit any prenatals anymore, but you will find out they hang up with this. All right, here is the Theta being doing perfectly fine. He got hold of this MEST body and he had it animated, and he was doing all right by it, and one day some other Theta being came along and blanketed him. This other Theta being didn’t see that MEST body had a Theta being, and settled over it - Zing - and you have this being who was here originally, struggling and trying to blow the second one off. The one that blanketed him sees a terrific upset and all that sort of thing, and it makes quite an enturbulence. Later on, PCs begin to wonder and say: “I wonder if there are any Theta beings around here?” They get scared of them, because they have been jumped on accidentally - blanketed every once in a while. Now, here then is a bad situation. It is also bad for the exterior being (the one who does the blanketing) because he says: “Here is just a MEST body,” and he comes down over this thing, and all of a sudden it starts developing voltage. It goes - Zing - and it’s uncomfortable, so you get a confusion where this happens on the track. So, don’t run into an incident of this character, which is “The Double Play.” Don’t run into this situation and wonder why it is so confused, because all of a sudden he will say: “Yes, I know where my Theta body was, because I can feel it crushing here.” What he can feel is another Theta body crushing him. There is a double.

A Theta body - I’m just bringing this up for one point only - a Theta body can be hypnotized, can be put to sleep, can go to sleep, can be made to forget, can be given various hypnotic suggestions, can be lowered on the tone scale, raised on the tone scale, and can have its identity blotted out. In Fac. One for instance, the waves are hitting a MEST body and piling up, but where they are really piling up is against the outer shell of a Theta body. That MEST body is long dead, and you are no longer even vaguely connected with the somatic or evolutionary lines of those bodies you had in Fac. One, but you are still packing this with the Theta body. It is still aberrative. In other words, the Theta body can be aberrated by electronic fields, by drugs, by other contacts against the MEST body, or against itself. Now, it can be handled, actually only with heavy electronic fields when it is by itself. There isn’t anything else that can hit it. Nothing can hit it - bullets make a little swirl through it, drugs, they don’t eat, so how could they take drugs - gases, none of these things could harm it, and as far as bumps or blows are concerned ....

Now, the mystics had what they used to call “Concentric Shells.” They conceived man to be built this way: and each one of these shells was a new identity, and so on. Actually, it’s a take off on The Double Play incident. Now, as you run this you will be able to find concentric shells, and run them one after the other. You will find a lot of these old ridges, but they are just old ridges, that’s what they are. They are pretty heavy, pretty messy, they burn down rather easily, and you can free an Individual this way. Always use Technique 80 in reducing these incidents. Now, those are most of the conditions involved in this.

There is one rather amusing incident - this fellow has always been kind of mad at horses. He was sailing down the road one day over in Flanders, a few hundred, a few thousand years ago. He was sailing down this road minding his own business, and all of a sudden a dispatch rider coming from somewhere or other, runs into him - crash! Of course this fellow is a Theta being while he is sailing down this road, and he is just sailing down the road because it is giving him a direction. He is making progress nicely and this fool horse runs into him, at flat head-on speed. He didn’t get any somatic on the horse running into him, but he did get this - the sudden fright of the horse at being (what he thought) blinded, a film going across his face. The horse snorts and screams, and then the Thetan bounces and goes into the teeth of the rider, and it’s the riders theta impulse of repulsion and fear which makes a somatic. So we run this incident, and this fellow hits the face of the horse, and hits the rider. At no time was it the impact. Each time it was simply the electronic kick-back - one of the horse, which was emotion - and one of the rider, which was a Theta being kick-back. Both of them make ridges. Now, that is just a stupid little incident. Something like this happens to a Theta being, and the Theta being goes on being mad at horses.

I want to add a word on Energy Running. I made you a list of the bouncers, denyers, holders, etc. You will find out that your PC is not at all willing (sometimes) to go very deeply into this, and he will go into it so far, and he will sort of bounce out of it. That is why it is very good to run this on a meter. You can tell whether he is running or not. He will say: “Yes, I’m running it, yes, I’m running it,” and the meter just sits there. “I went through it again,” the devil he did. What has happened when you get that sort of situation is that he has settled down over this area, and there was a dispersal going on. He settles over this area and has run into this dispersal, and of course the dispersal bounces him. So, he goes into the incident, there is a dispersal going on, and he can’t settle over this MEST body because of the dispersal, usually that’s a Double Play incident going on. This inner-body starts dispersing energy to drive this other one off. All right, here is your dispersal going, and your PC is bouncing. What did you do with the early Techniques we had on a bouncer? You made him repeat the bouncer until he got into the incident again. You de-sensitized the bouncer, in other words.

You will find then that nothing much can touch these, but fields. When you are running on the track, and you are running Theta being incidents, those that are aberrative are from these 2 factors: (1) From an emotional output or an emotional charge coming from another being, a heavy emotional charge coming from another being can register on a Theta being, and (2) An electronic field can register a Theta being, and that is all that can register on a Theta being.

Well, in this case - he gets it - he struggles for a minute - and all of a sudden he is off it again - he’s gone. He says: “Yes, I’m running it.” Oh no he’s not, he has bounced. You can tell whether he has bounced or not, because he is suddenly calm about the whole thing. He was excited, and then he is calm - he is bouncing, he is hitting an energy dispersal. Well, get him to run the feeling of energy exuding from what he is trying to settle over. You just get him to run that, run it from its central source, and all of a sudden he reduces that particular dispersal and he goes right into the incident. In such a wise, if he sticks, you know that he has hit ridges. He is in a ridge if he is stuck. If he is running along just fine, it is an energy flow, just a plain energy flow. He will go on and reduce the incident.

You want to know what a Theta Being is? Well, be one for a while - find out. Now don’t blame me for anything that happens to you from here on out. I waive responsibility for anything that you do. I’m afraid that sometimes it will be horrible to contemplate.

Now, what do we have to know in particular to safeguard against? It’s just the same thing as in Technique 80. It’s, don’t let him run too much motivator without running some overt, and don’t let him run too much overt without running some motivator. He will tell you what the overts are, and he will tell you what the motivators are, because they are sitting right there, they aren’t hard to find. They are usually part of the picture that he is getting - he is getting some sort of a picture - well, he’s getting the other side of the picture. So, remember that he can come off of it.

I can see it now! That is one of liabilities of making a Theta Clear who isn’t whole track clear. The whole track clear you see, would be awfully kind, benign, and getting into action, and getting things done, and totally unaberrated, but if you just clear him enough to step out of the body, and when you stop and think of all the people he would probably get even with, and if he had no slightest liability in getting even with them - chaos could reign. It’s something to think about.

Now, what is a real convincer for this Technique? How would you like to be able to get a tactile (maybe for the first time) and something that really feels like a tactile, and you get it 2 feet from your body or 5 inches out from your head where there isn’t any nerve line? Maybe your PC has never felt anything in recalling his facsimiles, and all of a sudden he is getting a tactile- clear out here! He is touching something out there. You are running an old facsimile, and you are getting a sense of touch maybe way out here, that is very solid. Well, don’t let him get just a faint shadow of touch when you are running a facsimile, because it is the Theta body that gets perceptics. The real good perceptics you get on a case, you get with the Theta body, the Theta being. MEST body perceptics are faint compared to the perceptics of which the Theta being is capable. So, you want to get a sense of touch. I can’t tell you too much about sight on Theta beings, you can figure that out for yourselves. It’s an easy one, and you don’t have to know about it anyhow, but the sense of touch is something that you should remark on, because you can get a sense of touch exterior to the MEST body, and if your PC can’t get this sense of touch in a facsimile, outside himself, lord knows what he is running. It will be there, he can get it, the only reason he won’t is this dispersal effect probably, or because you have just hung him up in too many facsimiles, and he is on a sort of apathy line. If he doesn’t get a sense of touch around himself, or outside of himself, why you just haven’t run it very far. Now, you could possibly start one of these incidents through a half dozen times, and then after you’ve done this he would say: “Oh, that’s fine, I’m not worried about it anymore.” He probably hit it once and bounced- He hit a dispersal and bounced. He’s not in the incident, he hasn’t been in the incident, he isn’t worried about it because he is running away from it so fast that he is away from it. You make sure that he runs it until he gets a tactile on the incident, and a tactile from the incident. You make sure that he runs it that long. Do you understand?

You have a definite duty about all this. You have a duty to find out and prove to the ultimate, whether or not I am right about this Technique. That is to say, to try it out on yourself and find out if it’s there. It’s a duty. You couldn’t possibly ruin anything by trying this Technique. You realize that, you have processed enough incidents out of yourself and out of your PCs to demonstrate to you that incidents are incidents. You can handle all sorts of incidents, so you should prove it to yourself what you can do along this line.

Don’t think that because the Theta body is filmy, thin, ethereal, and ephemeral, that it isn’t solid on its contacts with the MEST universe - it sure is. And on recall, you will get a stronger tactile perception than your PC has ever been able to get with his MEST body, because all MEST body perceptics are secondary to Theta body perceptics. The heaviest incidents that your PC has run since he has been in processing were (unwittingly) Theta being incidents. He didn’t know quite what they were, and the somatics didn’t fit in quite the right place. His arms were sort of sticking through in some direction or other, but they are the strong perceptics. He ran these strongly, and all of a sudden he had this weird somatic over here, and there was apparently a head over here on this side, coming half-way through his head. So, what you have got is a Theta body that throws this facsimile into place, and it just happens to penetrate this present MEST body, and as it touches this body it makes ridges, because this MEST body has some matter in it which conflicts with the old energy flows. Do you see how this is?

Now, before you take off permanently for any place, I wish you would write me a letter. I would like very much, when you start processing again, for you to give me a note on how you are doing with this Technique, and also on how you are not doing with it, or if you run into any bugs on it. Most particularly, I would appreciate this: I will send you a brand new individual Track Map for every Track Map completed, or that has 50 hours of processing recorded on it. I will send you a brand new Track Map for every one of those you send me. Now, if you will notice, the track numbers its incidents by the number of years ago they occurred. That makes them standard. That makes it sound like an awful lot of incidents (which it isn’t) that are on that track that are very bad or a lot of maybes, but note the number of years ago (approximately) that an incident took place, and note it on the track map. You get a map with about 50 hours of auditing on it, and you decide you want a new track map for somebody else. Well, if you send it to me, in a little while we will have Track Map Issue 2, because what we will get there is just a wide level of agreement. That is what those track maps need on certain subjects. We will find that a certain incident keeps showing up, here it is on 10 track maps, this one incident. We will have to assume then, that this incident is pretty standard. By the time we get 50 completed track maps in, we will have a pretty good view. We are rather prone in this society to think that what we are doing is of little account.

Now, what is a Theta body after you get! all through with it? It is a body capable of possessing any other body, but it can also do a mock-up and be its own body. It is a composite of all the memories that a person could have. There are 2 types of Theta Clear. The Theta being which is cleared of the necessity or compulsion to have a body, and a Theta being which is cleared all the way along the track. Well, make the one without any need or compulsion for a MEST body, before you make the other. I would recommend, if you process PCs to make them very well, that you don’t tell them what you are trying to process, just tell them what you are looking for. You will be able to process more, and you will be able to process it faster than processing MEST bodies. If you must process MEST bodies process it in this life only, and if you have to go back into the past about MEST.

We would blink twice, any one of us, if it should suddenly occur to us that we were making history. Making history is what you are doing however, no pun intended. In writing the chart of the human race - the chart of where it’s been, and what it’s done, and so on - it is writing a preparation for a lot or knowledge, a lot of advances, that would never have been possible before. Something else is possible in all this. In Dianetics in the past, it has been the hope, a consistent and continual hope of all of you, and or mine; that we could process people up to a point, and process ourselves up to a point, where we would have a point of vantage, even if it was only to display ourselves as to how much good it had done for us, a point of vantage from which to operate. That here we had a subject which has inherent in it, an ability to completely alter the future course of this civilization. It has been our hope I know, that amongst us would arise individuals inherently, natively, or through the practices of Dianetics, who would be at such a high level, and such a vantage point of capability, that this would be a very smoothly running process, be a very orderly planned progress forward in society. That takes people of unusual capabilities.

For the first time - whether you are ever able to separate from your MEST body or not (that’s completely aside from the point, that’s a stunt) whether you ever want to or not, that’s beside the point. This is not beside the point - that the Techniques which lead toward it will raise you higher on the tone scale than anything in the past has ever been able to raise you. You have in your palm now, for the first time, techniques which can boost and raise your potentialities and capabilities as you once hoped Dianetics could raise them. You have those techniques now. In using these techniques, it is inevitable that amongst us here, individuals will attain levels of capability and foresight whereby much can happen in this society, which has not happened heretofore, which has not been possible before.

Thus we should, before we adventure too far along this line, take a look at what we are doing, and maybe be a little less dishonest than most human beings are. Most human beings are very dishonest when they face anything which they know is going to be a big change. They say: “Oh no, Oh no, it couldn’t possibly be a change, I mean everything is going to be the same. It’s going to remain the same. It isn’t very big, it doesn’t amount to very much, it doesn’t amount to very much, because I am alive today and it’s happening while I’m here, and when my father was there, nothing happened while he was alive, and so of course nothing could happen to me.” No, we are staring at change, and there is going to be change, and it requires that some action be taken in the field of Dianetics itself to guarantee some sort of an orderly cohesion to a plan.

You may or may not realize this, but a great many people who would never have worked out, have been thrown by the boards as coldly and as brutally as you turn a dog out into the alley that you don’t want any more. Separating from a society as a whole, you will find and have found for the last 2 years, separating out of the organization, those people who couldn’t have kept the pace. Now that’s a heck of a thing! They didn’t want to. Well, there are techniques now, enough so, that they could have been brought in anyway, they could be right with us today. It was at that time impossible to deliver training or processing fast enough to bring those people up along the line so that this organization, so that the Dianetic community itself could keep its level and keep its pace and keep going somehow, until the moment which I announced to you right now, arrived - when it is possible to take a human being, and with main strength and awkwardness, beat him into shape to where he is just about a thousand times as perfect as man ever thought man could be, and we can do that now.

We could do that if the MEST body and the Theta body never separated. This technique must work for you - it will work for you. There is no question about that, but I want it to work now, I want it to work rapidly. I don’t want you to have any trouble with it. I want to thank you very much for your attention during these last 5 nights. You have been a very good audience, and I hope that this material has shaped up for you, so that you know what it is. I want to express my appreciation for your very fine interest and eagerness in this subject. Thank you very much.