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CONTENTS 1979 THE LIST OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY PUBLICATIONS, FILMS AND TAPES Books E-Meters Films Insignia Taped Lectures Tape Cassette Translations 1948 BOOKS 1950 BOOKS 1950 INSIGNIA The Dianetics Symbol 1950 TAPED LECTURES First Professional Course on Dianetics Lectures First Public Appearance
Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles
Monday professional level courses Oakland Puplic Lectures Series (OAK PLS)
Oakland, California
October - 1st half of November Lectures STP 1951 BOOKS 1951 E-METER 1951 TAPED LECTURES Radio Broadcasts (R/BRCST) The First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors The Wichita Monday Lectures The Human Evaluation Course Lectures (HEV) The October Midwest Conference Lectures (OCTSER) The Wichita Foundation Auditor’s Course (FAC) The Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors (DCL) 1952 BOOKS 1952 E-METER 1952 INSIGNIA The Scientology Symbol 1952 TAPED LECTURES The Wichita Foundation Lectures The Hubbard College Lectures The Summary Course Lectures (Hubbard College Lectures - HCL) The Technique 80 Lectures (T80) The Summer Session — Technique 88 Lectures (T88) The Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures (Phoenix, T88 Supp) Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures (London, T88 Supp) The Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing Lectures (SOP) The Logics and Axioms (LAA) Lectures The London Professional Course Lectures (LPC) (Standard Operating Procedure, Issue 2) The Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures (PDC) 1953 BOOKS 1953 E-METERS 1953 TAPED LECTURES The London Group Auditor's Course Lectures (LGC) The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Supplementary Lectures (PDC Supp) The London Spring Lectures (SPRL) The Birmingham Lectures (BL) The First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures (ICDS) The First American Advanced Clinical Indoctrination Course Lectures (AICL) The 2nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures The International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures (PHC) 1954 BOOKS 1954 E-METERS 1954 INSIGNIA The Minister's Medallion and Pin 1954 TAPED LECTURES The 3rd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (3ACC) The 4th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (4ACC) The 5th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (5ACC) Special Group Processing Sessions (GPSpec) Public Lecture Series (PLS) Special Radio Broadcast (BC) The 6th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (6ACC) The Universe Process Congress Lectures (UPC) The 7th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (7ACC) The Axioms Lectures (AX) The 8th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (8ACC) The Route One Lectures (PIP) The Public Lecture and Group Processing Series (PLS) The Phoenix Certification Course Lectures (HCAP) The Unification Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures (UC) The 9th and 10th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (9ACC) 1955 BOOKS 1955 INSIGNIA The Hubbard Communications Office Insignia The Scientology Cross 1955 TAPED LECTURES The Third International Congress of Scientologists Lectures The Public Lectures and Group Processing Series (PLS, PPS, PLPS) The Hubbard Professional College Lectures (HPC) L. Ron Hubbard Auditing Demonstrations The Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress Lectures (ASMC) The Academy Lecture Series (ALS) The 4th London Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (4LACC) The London Public Lecture Series (LPLS) The Hubbard Professional Course Lectures (HPC N5) 1956 BOOKS 1956 TAPED LECTURES The London Auditors' Meeting Lectures (LAM) The Hubbard Professional Course Lectures (HPC F) Public Lectures (LPLS) The Hubbard Professional Course Lectures (HPC A) The Games Congress Lectures (GC) The London Congress on Human Problems Lectures (LCHP) The 15th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (15ACC) The Organizational Series Lectures (OS) The Anti-Radiation Congress Lectures (ARC) 1957 BOOKS 1957 TAPED LECTURES The 16th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (16ACC) The 17th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (17ACC) The London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health Lectures (LCNRH) The Hubbard Certified Auditor Course Lectures (HCA) The Freedom Congress Lectures (FC) The 18th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (18ACC) The Ability Congress Lectures (AC) 1958 BOOKS 1958 E-METERS 1958 FILMS The Clearing Congress Lectures (CC) 1958 TAPED LECTURES The 19th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (19ACC) The Clearing Congress Lectures (CC) The 20th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (20ACC) The London Clearing Congress (LCC) Lectures The 5th London Advanced Clinical Course (5LACC) Lectures 1959 BOOKS 1959 E-METERS 1959 TAPED LECTURES The 1950 Success Congress Lectures (SC) The 21st American Advanced Clinical Coarse Lectures (21ACC) The Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course Lectures (SHPA) The 6th London Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (6LACC) The Theta Clear Congress Lectures (TCC) The Melbourne Congress Lectures (MC) The 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (1MACC) 1960 BOOKS 1960 TAPED LECTURES The State of Man Congress Lectures (SMC) The Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course Lectures (HCS) The London Open Evening Lectures (LOE) The London Congress on Dissemination and Help Lectures The 1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (1SHACC) The Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress Lectures (AHMC) 1961 BOOKS 1961 E-METERS 1961 TAPED LECTURES The 22nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (22ACC) The South African Anatomy Congress Lectures (ACSA) The 3rd South African Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (3SA ACC) The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures (SHSBC 1-96) The Clean Hands Congress Lectures (CHC) 1962 E-METERS 1962 TAPED LECTURES The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures (SHSBC 97-188) The Clearing Success Congress Lectures (CSC) Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures continued (SHSBC 189-225) 1963 E-METERS 1963 FILMS 1963 TAPED LECTURES The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course continued throughout 1963 (SHSBC 226-329) 1964 BOOKS 1964 E-METERS 1964 FILMS 1964 TAPED LECTURES The Saint Hill Staff Course Lectures (SH SC) The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC 1-51) 1965 BOOKS 1965 E-METERS 1965 FILMS 1965 INSIGNIA The Scientology Pin (or Membership Pin) Auditor Blazer Badge for Class IV Auditor Auditor Blazer Badge for Class VI Auditor The Release Pin The Power Release Pin The Clear Bracelet The O.T. (Operating Thetan) Bracelet 1965 TAPED LECTURES The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC 52-68) 1966 BOOKS 1966 FILMS 1966 TAPED LECTURES The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC 69-84) 1967 BOOKS 1967 FILMS 1967 INSIGNIA The Operating Thetan Symbol The Sea Organization Symbol 1967 TAPED LECTURES 1968 BOOKS 1968 INSIGNIA The Class VIII Badge The Distribution Division Six Badge 1968 TAPED LECTURES Lectures to the First Class VIII Course (SO Class VIII) 1969 BOOKS 1969 FILMS 1969 TAPED LECTURES Welcome To The Sea Organization Lectures (WSO) 1970 BOOKS 1970 E-METERS 1970 FILMS 1970 TAPED LECTURES 1971 BOOKS 1971 TAPED LECTURES Flag Executive Briefing Course Lectures (SO FEBC) 1972 BOOKS 1972 TAPED LECTURES Lectures to Establishment Officers (ESTO Series) Expanded Dianetics Course Lectures (SO XDN) SO 1973 BOOKS 1973 TAPED LECTURES 1974 BOOKS 1974 TAPED LECTURES 1975 BOOKS 1975 TAPED LECTURES 1976 BOOKS 1976 TAPE CASSETTES 1977 BOOKS 1977 TAPE CASSETTES 1977 FILM CARTRIDGES The Clearing Congress Lectures 1978 BOOKS STUDY TECHNOLOGY COURSES INTRODUCTORY AND TECHNICAL COURSES INTERNESHIP MATERIALS TECHNICAL SERIES ADMINISTRATIVE AND STAFF COURSES (HATS) ADMINISTRATIVE SERIES
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The materials of Dianetics and Scientology are vast. The following is a complete listing of publications and other releases from 1948 through present time.


Books are listed giving title, author, publication date, original publisher and where first published.


There were many models of the E-Meter throughout the years of its development. In this listing the most important ones are noted as they appeared.


A number of 16 mm films were made between 1958 and 1970. These are noted as they appeared.

In 1977 these films began to be released as 8 mm (Super 8) film cartridges.

A large number of new films are in progress and planned. These, as well as the older films, are being issued in the form of film cartridges. Where these appear in the listing they are noted as film cartridges.


Each of the insignia of Dianetics and Scientology is shown and described as at the time of adoption.

Taped Lectures

These are an issue line of both administration and auditing technology.

Tapes are listed showing tape number, lecture code (where applicable) and title. The tape number is a code for the date as follows. The first two numbers give the year, the next two numbers the month, the C stands for copy, and the last two numbers give the day of the month. The lectures codes, used where the lecture is part of a particular series, are defined in the list of abbreviations.

L. Ron Hubbard has said, "There are about 25,000,000 words on tape in archives which provide the consecutive path of discovery.

"These tapes are not simply lectures. They are the ONLY existing record of all the advances which made possible the handling of the human mind."

A special unit has been set up at the Flag Land Base, to get all tape lectures transcribed and published as printed volumes. The project is currently underway and is known as the "Tapes to Books" project.

Tape Cassette

In 1977 the first taped lecture was made available in cassette form. Where these are listed they are noted as tape cassette.


Translations of many of these books and tapes have been made, a majority of which are available as tape recordings. These are noted throughout the listing.

Hundreds of Dianetics and Scientology Cources have been evolved from this wealth of material and many of these have been translated onto tapes. A listing of translated course tapes appears at the end of this publications list.

1948 BOOKS

Dianetics: The Original Thesis, by L. Ron Hubbard. Originally entitled Scientology: A New Science, the title was changed to Abnormal Dianetics and in 1948 was first circulated in professional circles as a manuscript, then in 1951 was published as a book by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Wichita, Kansas. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

1950 BOOKS

Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, by L. Ron Hubbard. Written in early 1950 was published first as a magazine article in May, 1950 and published as a book in September, 1955 by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Swedish.

Dianetics: The Modem Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard. Written in early 1950 in Bay Head, New Jersey and published by Hermitage House, May 9, 1950. Dianetics: The Modem Science of Mental Health rose to the top of the New York Times best seller list and stayed there for months. Over fifty printings; hardback, paperback and translations. Also available for the blind in braille, record and cassette editions. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Notes on the Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, was compiled and edited by the staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of Los Angeles, California from two lecture series given by L. Ron Hubbard in the Fall of 1950. The first edition was a limited mimeographed edition published in December, 1950. It was published in book form in January 1951. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Swedish.

The following are other books compiled by staff in 1950.

Group Dianetics, staff written from lectures of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1950.

Essays on Groups, Business and Government by L. Ron Hubbard* An Advanced Study of Government, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1950.

Organization of Dianetic Groups and Centers, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1950.

Foundation Papers and Papers of Organization and Technological Interest, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1950.

The Processing of Psychotics, staff written from L. Ron Hubbard lectures. (A synthesis of Institutional Dianetics.) Published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1950.

Professional Lecture Notes of Ten Auditor School Lectures Given by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, November, 1950.


The Dianetics Symbol

The Greek letter Delta is the basic form. Green for growth, yellow for life.

The four stripes represent the Four Dynamics of Dianetics: Survival as: I Self, II Sex and Family, III Group and IV Mankind.

This symbol was designed in 1950 and has been used since.


First Professional Course on Dianetics Lectures

At the end of May, 1950 the First Professional Course on Dianetics was announced. Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in June, July and early August at Elizabeth, New Jersey, are:

First Public Appearance
Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles

On 10 August 1950 L. Ron Hubbard made his first public appearance in Los Angeles, California, where he spoke to a jammed house of over 6000 enthusiastic people.

Monday professional level courses

The following Monday professional level courses started under L. Ron Hubbard’s personal direction at the Los Angeles Department of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation.

Oakland Puplic Lectures Series (OAK PLS)
Oakland, California

On 23 September 1950, L. Ron Hubbard gave a public lecture to over 2,000 people at the Oakland Municipal Auditorium, Oakland, California.

This was followed by a course covering four evenings at the Oakland Municipal Theatre. A lecture and demonstration was given each night. Part of the material presented during this lecture series is included in the book Notes on the Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard.

October - 1st half of November Lectures

The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard during October and the first half of November, 1950.


L. Ron Hubbard returned to Los Angeles where he gave a series of lectures to the Professional Auditor's Course students at the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation. Notes on most of these lectures are included in the book Notes on the Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard.

Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in Los Angeles, California 7 to 19 December 1950.

The following is a list of lectures by L. Ron Hubbard for which the specific date is not known.

1951 BOOKS

Dianetics Processing: A Brief Survey of Research Projects and Preliminary Results, staff written, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, January, 1951.

Science of Survival: Simplified, Faster, Dianetic Techniques, by L. Ron Hubbard. Was released as a limited manuscript edition on the 28th of June, 1951, at the First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors in Wichita, Kansas. The hardcover edition was published in August, 1951, by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation. The title was later changed to Science of Survival: Prediction of Human Behavior. Included in each edition of Science of Survival is the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. Translations: Dutch, French, German, Swedish.

Preventive Dianetics, taken from the lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Wichita, Kansas, July, 1951.

Self Analysis, A Simple Self-Help Volume of Tests and Processes Based on the Discoveries Contained in Dianetics. This book was modified by L. Ron Hubbard in 1953 for creative processing and called Self Analysis tn Dianetics in Britain and Self Analysis in Scientology in America. The original version is, however, the one used currently. Published by the International Library of Arts and Sciences, Wichita, Kansas, August, 1951. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish.

Education and the Auditor, taken from the lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Wichita, Kansas, August, 1951.

A Synthesis of Processing Techniques: Function Processing, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Dianetics Processing and Research Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1951.

Supplements to Science of Survival contained articles written by various Dianeticists. Supplements No. 1 through No. 4 contained articles by L. Ron Hubbard which are preserved in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976. In all, six supplements were published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Wichita, Kansas.

The Dianetics Axioms, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Wichita, Kansas, October, 1951. This book was issued during the October Midwest Conference and was the first release of the Axioms of Dianetics. (The Dianetic Axioms are available in the books Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Axioms and Logics and Scientology OS.)

Child Dianetics, Dianetic Processing for Children, was compiled from the research and lecture materials of L. Ron Hubbard by the staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation of Los Angeles, California, and published at Wichita, Kansas, by the International Library of Arts and Sciences, October, 1951. L. Ron Hubbard wrote the introduction in August, 1951, about the same time as the book was actually typeset. Translations: Danish, French, Swedish.

Advanced Procedure and Axioms, by L. Ron Hubbard, first published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Wichita, Kansas, in late November, 1951. It was written as a companion book to Handbook for Preclears (which was published in December, 1951). Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Lectures on Effort Processing, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Psychological Research Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona, November, 1951.

Handbook for Preclears, by L. Ron Hubbard, was the main theme of the Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors at which it was introduced. Handbook for Preclears is intended as a companion volume to Advanced Procedure and Axioms. It contains the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes. Originally published in December 1951 at Wichita, Kansas, it was later republished by Scientific Press in Phoenix, Arizona, under the title Scientology: Handbook for Preclears. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish. Swedish.

New Developments from the Foundation, published by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Wichita, Kansas, December, 1951. This book was compiled by the staff.

Conference Report, compiled by staff, was published by the Dianetics Processing and Research Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, late 1951.

1951 E-METER

Volney Mathison presented L. Ron Hubbard with the first B-Meter, the Model-В. It was used for research throughout 1951. Also in 1951 the first projection meter was built, the Model-А Meter. This meter was useful in auditing demonstrations in that the meter dial could be projected so the students could see it.


Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in California in January, 1951:

Radio Broadcasts (R/BRCST)

Beginning in December, 1950, L. Ron Hubbard gave a series of fifteen-minute lectures over 126 radio stations. On the West Coast of America they were broadcast daily, Monday through Friday, at 10:15 a.m. Seven of these lectures are listed below.

In the Spring of 1951, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation moved from Elizabeth, New Jersey, to Wichita, Kansas. On the evening of 21 May 1951, L. Ron Hubbard spoke to a filled lecture hall at the Wichita Foundation. This was his first major lecture in several months, as he had been engaged in completing Science of Survival, and he presented technological improvements and expansions and clarifications of theory.

The First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors

Was held by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation at Wichita, Kansas, June 25-30, 1951. L. Ron Hubbard lectured to the conferees every day of the conference.

The Wichita Monday Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following Monday lectures to Foundation students at Wichita, Kansas, in July and August, 1951.

The Human Evaluation Course Lectures (HEV)

During the week of August 13, L. Ron Hubbard gave a series of lectures launching the Special Course in Human Evaluation, as another important branch of Dianetics. Among those attending were representatives of the major industries in Wichita, Kansas.

Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard at the Foundation in Wichita, Kansas from 20 August to 20 September 1951.

Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in Wichita, Kansas, from 23 September through 1 October, 1951.

The October Midwest Conference Lectures (OCTSER)

October 8th 1951 found the Foundation (Wichita, Kansas) host to a number of interested Dianeticists coming together from all over the country to gather information on latest developments in Dianetics.

The Wichita Foundation Auditor’s Course (FAC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the Hubbard Dianetic Auditor Course students at the Foundation in Wichita, Kansas, in October, 1951.

These are two lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in Wichita, Kansas, on 29 October 1951.

The following are lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in Wichita, Kansas, from 4 November to 21 December 1951.

The Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors (DCL)

Was held in Wichita, Kansas, from the 27th to the 30th of December, 1951. Lectures, demonstrations and seminars evolved around L. Ron Hubbard’s latest book, Handbook for Preclears, introduced at this meeting, and Advanced Procedure and Axioms.

On the Monday following the December conference a group of Dianeticists met at Ron's home for an informal discussion on auditing techniques. The following recordings were made 31 December 1951.

1952 BOOKS

Scientology and Dianetics Advanced Procedures, notes and transcripts on lectures by L. Ron Hubbard and others in Wichita, Kansas, January through March 1952, compiled and published by the Central Pennsylvania Dianetics Group, Middletown, Pennsylvania.

Address by L. Ron Hubbard — Arcadia Theatre, Wichita, Kansas, published by Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, February, 1952.

The Auditor's Manual, staff written and edited. Published by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1952.

Prologue to Survival, Part I, II and III, (3 books), published by the Psychological Research Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, March, 1952. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Text of Summary Course Lectures, published by the Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, March, 1952. These were the first 27 books of what was later in 1952 issued as the Professional Course Booklets. (See the Professional Course Booklets for a full listing of titles.)

Electropsychometric Auditing - Operators Manual, by L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 1952. (The text of this book is printed in full in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

A Key to the Unconscious — Symbological Processing, by L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 1952. (The text of this book is printed in full in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

Individual Track Map, by L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 1952. (The text of this book is printed in full in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

Health and Happiness, published by the Psychological Research Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, 1952. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

What to Audit, by L. Ron Hubbard, was published in Phoenix, Arizona, by the Scientific Press, July, 1952. The same text was issued as History of Man in London in July, 1952.

History of Man, by L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists Incorporated, London, July, 1952. It was the same text as What to Audit. A later edition was entitled Scientology: A History of Man, which is its current title. Translations: Danish, Swedish.

The Professional Course Lecture Summary, also known as the Professional Course Booklets, were 50 course booklets compiled and rewritten from transcripts of lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard during the Spring and Summer of 1952.

The first 27 booklets were originally entitled the Summary Course Booklets, published by the Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, March, 1952. Their titles follow.

1. Introduction to Scientology, 1 — Second Echelon of Knowledge

2. Introduction to Scientology, Part 2 — Second Echelon of Knowledge

3. Properties of Theta

4. Motion on the Tone Scale

5. Thought

6. Emotion: The Handling of Motion

7. Effort and Counter-Effort, Responsibility; ARC

8. The Attack on the Preclear

9. How to Handle Facsimiles

10. Indoctrination of the Preclear

11. Resolution of Effort and Counter-Effort; Overt Acts

12. The Electropsychometer

13. Thought, Emotion, Effort, May-bes

14. Effort Processing: Demonstration

15. Training Auditors: Demonstration

16. Anatomy of Fac One: Demonstration

17. Theta Bodies

18. Entities

19. Remarks about Knowledge, and A History of the Theta Line

20. Theta Line, MEST Body Line

21. Theta-Body Anatomy

22. How to Audit a Theta Line

23. Theta Bodies

24. Electro-Psychometric Auditing: Demonstration

25. Analysis of Memory and Aberration (Part 1)

26. Analysis of Memory and Aberration (Part 2)

27. Search for Incidents on the Track

In May, 1952, Professional Course Booklets 28 through 31 were published by the Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona. Their titles follow.

28. Theta's Goal of Being, Technique 80

29. Dynamics and the Tone Scale, Technique 80

30. Cause and Effect, Technique 80

31. The Importance of a Body, Technique 80

The Balance of the Professional Course Booklets were issued throughout June, July and August, 1952, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Incorporated, Phoenix, Arizona. Their titles follow.

32. The Degeneration of Illusion, Technique 88

33. The Solidness of Apathy, Technique 88

34. Handling of Motion, Technique 88

35. Tone Scale of Indecision, Technique 88

30. Hollow Spots and Ridges, Technique 88

37. Attention Unit Running, Technique 88

38. The Behavior of Auditors, Technique 88

39. DEDs and DEDEXes, Technique 88

40. Religion and Scientology, Technique 88

41. Evolution of Techniques, Technique 88

42. Invasions and Reality, Technique 88

43. Sex Practices of The tans, Technique 88

44. What to Tell Preclears, Technique 88

45. Blanketing and Imprisoned The-tans, Technique 88

46. Facsimiles — Real or Borrowed, Technique 88

47. Energy Flows and Ridges, Technique 88

48. Running Flows in Balance, Technique 88

49. "88" Straightwire, Technique 88

50. Whole Track Incidents — Black-and-White, Technique 88

Scientology: 88, by L. Ron Hubbard, was a unique limited edition, handwritten by L. Ron Hubbard and printed on special lithographic plates. Distributed by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona, September, 1952. The technology from Scientology: 88 can be found in Scientology: 8-80.

Electropsychometry, published by Volney Mathison, Los Angeles, California, 1952, was based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard and contained the text of Electropsychometric Auditing by L. Ron Hubbard, published earlier in 1952.

Self Analysis in Dianetics — A Handbook of Dianetic Therapy, by L. Ron Hubbard, published in London, England, by Derricke Ridgeway Ltd, October, 1952. The original Self Analysis is the one now in use and it has replaced this Creative Processing version which is now out of print.

Scientology 8-80, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona, November, 1952. This technique is a considerable extension beyond the data given in the Summer Session Course (Phoenix, June, 1952), but has that course as its basic. Translations: Danish, French, Greek, German, Swedish.

Scientology 8-8008, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, London, England, December, 1952. Scientology 8-8008 was written by L. Ron Hubbard in England in October-November 1952. He had the first copy with him when he flew to the United States and presented it at 'the opening of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course on December 1st, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Translations: Danish, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

1952 E-METER

The Model H-52-IR E-Meter became available in 1952 and was in use through 1954.


The Scientology Symbol

There are two triangles, over which the S is imposed.

The S stands for Scientology which is derived from “SCIO” (Knowing in the fullest sense).

The lower triangle is the A-R-C triangle — its points being Affinity — Reality — and Communication. These are the three elements which combined give Understanding.

The upper triangle is the K-R-C triangle. The points are К for Knowledge, R for Responsibility and C for Control.

The KRC triangle acts like the ARC triangle. When one corner is increased the other two also rise.

The Scientology symbol (“S” and double triangle) first appeared in 1952.

The Scientology symbol as well as appearing in auditors' blazer badges, Release pins and Clear bracelets, is worn as lapel pins, tie tacks, rings of various designs, earrings, key rings, money clips, cigarette lighters, brooches, necklaces, and otherwise displayed in car badges, decals, flags, etc.


The Wichita Foundation Lectures

Were given to the students at the Wichita Foundation from January 1 to February 8, 1952.

On February 6, 1952, L. Ron Hubbard addressed the general public, including many members of the faculty and student bodies of the Wichita and Friends Universities at the Arcadia Theatre in Wichita, Kansas.

The Hubbard College Lectures

On February 12th 1952 L. Ron Hubbard founded the Hubbard College in Wichita, Kansas. During February he delivered the following lectures to professional auditing course students.

The Summary Course Lectures (Hubbard College Lectures - HCL)

During March 1952 L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to professional course students at the Hubbard College.

On 30 March 1952 L. Ron Hubbard opened a new office in Phoenix, Arizona. These lectures were the first given in Phoenix.

The Technique 80 Lectures (T80)

Transcripts of L. Ron Hubbard’s Technique 80 lectures were rewritten as Professional Course Books 28 through 31. These lectures follow.

The Summer Session — Technique 88 Lectures (T88)

Nearly a hundred auditors attended the Summer Session in Phoenix, Arizona, June 23rd through June 28. Those attending the session were given twenty-two hours of lecture by L. Ron Hubbard on the developments of Scientology in the field of processing.

The Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures (Phoenix, T88 Supp)

8 July through 4 September 1952. L. Ron Hubbard gave the following additional lectures on Technique 88 to students at Hubbard College in Phoenix, Arizona.

Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures (London, T88 Supp)

Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, to the London Professional Course Students.

The Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing Lectures (SOP)

The material in these lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard to the professional course in London, England, in October, 1952, was incorporated into the professional auditor's courses then being given in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Phoenix, Arizona.

L. Ron Hubbard gave several lectures in London, England, from the 1st to the 16th of November 1952.

The Logics and Axioms (LAA) Lectures

These lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, from the 10th to the 12th of November 1952.

The London Professional Course Lectures (LPC) (Standard Operating Procedure, Issue 2)

Were given by L. Ron Hubbard to the students on the London Professional Course at London, England.

The Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures (PDC)

Were given in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Monday, 1 December, through Friday, 19 December 1952. The material covered included a wide analysis of human behavior, the handling and control of Homo sapiens, the highest level of atomic and molecular phenomena, a complete coverage of Standard Operating Procedure, Issue Five, and a full expansion of the new professional course textbook, Scientology 8-8008.

The following are lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 for which there are no specific dates.

1953 BOOKS

The December Lecture Charts of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1953. Some 70 charts were drawn by L. Ron Hubbard in the course of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures and these were made into a book to be used by students studying the course in the future.

Self Analysis in Scientology — A Handbook of Self Processing in Scientology, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 1953. This was the original Self Analysis adapted to Creative Processing. This edition of Self Analysis is out of print and the original Self Analysis is in use.

How To Live Though An Executive: The Hubbard Manual of Communications, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona, April, 1953. Translations: Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish.

L. Ron Hubbard — London Lecture Notes — March-April 1953, compiled from the lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Phoenix Scientology Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, 1953.

This is Scientology: The Science of Certainty, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June, 1953. This book was later combined with the Scientology: Auditor's Handbook and other material to make the book The Creation of Human Ability.

Introduction to Scientology, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Scientology Council, Los Angeles, California, June, 1953.

The Hubbard Foundation Notebook, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, late 1953. This notebook was awarded to all the students who successfully completed the course at the Foundation during the span of its existence: March 1952 through October 1953.

On Auditing, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published in Ann Arbor, Michigan, late 1953.

Look Don’t Think, L. Ron Hubbard Lectures, Philadelphia Congress — 1953, September 30th through October 4th 1953, published by Scientology Northern California, 1953.


Since the range of earlier meters was insufficient to register all preclears the Model H-53-DS (Double Scale) was designed with an expanded range and made available in 1953. The Model HM-4 was also introduced in 1953. HM-4 stands for Hubbard Meter No. 4 — the first meter being Model 1, the H-52-IR being Model 2, the H-53-DS being Model 3 and the HM-4 being Model 4. All four meters looked much the same. The Model E-54 was presented at the First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists, September 1953, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but it was overly complex and was never much used in auditing.


The London Group Auditor's Course Lectures (LGC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave these lectures in early 1953, in London, England.

The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Supplementary Lectures (PDC Supp)

Were given by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, in January, 1953.

L. Ron Hubbard gave these lectures in March, 1953, in London, England.

The London Spring Lectures (SPRL)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following series of lectures in March and April, 1953, to students in London, England.

On 24 April 1953, one day after he wrote The Factors, L. Ron Hubbard gave these lectures in London, England:

The Birmingham Lectures (BL)

Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in Birmingham, England, 21 May 1953.

These two lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, upon his return from a three month stay in Spain.

The First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures (ICDS)

Given September 30 through October 4, 1953 to nearly 300 delegates attending, at the Broadwood Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The First American Advanced Clinical Indoctrination Course Lectures (AICL)

Given in Camden, New Jersey, 5 October to 14 November 1953, proved so popular that a 2nd Advanced Clinical Course had to be scheduled for the 16th of November.

The 2nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students on the 2nd American Advanced Clinical Course in Camden, New Jersey, between 17 November and 22 December 1953.

Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in December, 1953.

The International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures (PHC)

L. Ron Hubbard presented over forty lectures during 28 through 31 December 1953, to the delegates of the International Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. Of these many were group auditing sessions using techniques recently perfected in the Camden Advanced Clinical Courses.

The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard during the year 1953. The specific dates are unknown.

1954 BOOKS

Group Auditor's Handbook, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona. June, 1954. The Group Auditor's Handbook, Volume One, was released at the Universe Processes Congress given in Phoenix, where it was made available to delegates and used by seminar leaders.

Scientology: Auditor's Handbook — Including Intensive Procedure, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, August, 1954. (This book combined with other material was published as The Creation of Human Ability, 1955.)

Group Auditor's Handbook, Volume Two, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, September, 1954.

Dianetics 55!, by L. Ron Hubbard, was published in April, 1955. A limited manuscript edition was available at the Unification Congress in Phoenix, Arizona, December, 1954. Dianetics 55! was published by the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Scientology Workbook, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, June, 1954.


Though more a curiosity than an auditing tool, the “Beep” meter was first available in 1954. It would give off a sound — a beep — when a probe was connected to a painful area of the body. Lecture No. 34 of the 3rd American ACC was entitled “Audio (Beep) Meter Demo” in which L. Ron Hubbard demonstrated and discussed this meter. The beep meters available in 1954 were the AR (Audio Registration) SPECIAL, the AR-5 and later in the year the E-AR-400. Fancier and more complex meters were also made available during 1954 — few were ever used in auditing. These were the E-400-A and E-400-B models. These were the last of the Mathison meters. In the years 1955 through 1957 E-Meters were not generally in use.


The Hubbard Association of Scientologists International was formed in the Spring of 1954. Its purpose is to disseminate Scientology, to advance and protect its membership, to hold the lines and data of Scientology clean and clear, to educate and process people toward the goal of a civilized age on Earth second to none, to survive on all dynamics.

The Minister's Medallion and Pin

The minister’s ceremonial medallion and ribbon was first introduced in 1953 or 1954.

It is a gold cross on a white field, 2 1/2 inches in diameter, 3/8” thick. The ribbon is black.

The minister's lapel pin is the same design as the minister’s medallion, but lapel pin size.

These insignia are worn by ordained ministers of the Church of Scientology.


The 3rd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (3ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students attending the 3rd American Advanced Clinical Course in Phoenix, Arizona, 4 January through 12 February 1954.

The 4th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (4ACC)

In this course L. Ron Hubbard gave the students several weeks of Group Processing before he had them audit each other. The course went from 15 February through 29 March 1954, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The 5th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (5ACC)

The 5th American Advanced Clinical Course convened in Phoenix, Arizona, on Monday, 29 March 1954, and ran through Friday, May 7th. L. Ron Hubbard delivered the following lectures and group processing sessions.

Special Group Processing Sessions (GPSpec)

On 21 April 1954, L. Ron Hubbard gave the following special Group Processing Sessions in Phoenix, Arizona.

Public Lecture Series (PLS)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following Public Lectures in Phoenix, Arizona, in May and June, 1954.

Special Radio Broadcast (BC)

L. Ron Hubbard recorded these tapes in April and May 1954, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The 6th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (6ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures and group processes to the 6th ACC, between 10 May and 18 June 1954, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Universe Process Congress Lectures (UPC)

The Universe Process Congress (also called the Fourth International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists) was held in Phoenix, Arizona, June 5 through 8, 1954. The delegates received fourteen hours of lectures and group processing from L. Ron Hubbard.

The 7th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (7ACC)

The 7th American Advanced Clinical Course convened in Phoenix, Arizona, on June 21, 1954 and continued until July 30, 1954. This was the last of a series of seven ACCs taught by L. Ron Hubbard, one after another, with no pause between them.

The Axioms Lectures (AX)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in Phoenix, Arizona, on the 20th of August 1954.

These lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in Phoenix, Arizona, in August and September, 1954.

The 8th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (8ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard conducted the 8th American Advanced Clinical Course in Phoenix, Arizona, from October 4th through November 12th 1954. During the time period of the 8th ACC he also gave the Route One Lectures and most of a series of Public Lectures and Group Processing Sessions.

The Route One Lectures (PIP)

The Route One Lectures are twelve 15-minute lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in October, 1954, at Phoenix, Arizona.

The Public Lecture and Group Processing Series (PLS)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following public lectures and group processing sessions in Phoenix, Arizona, in October, November and December 1954.

The Phoenix Certification Course Lectures (HCAP)

The Phoenix Certification Course Lectures deal with the fundamental data of Scientology and the exact and precise use of techniques and processes. L. Ron Hubbard gave these lectures 15 November through 4 December 1954, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Unification Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures (UC)

The Unification Congress of Dianeti-cists and Scientologists, given under the joint sponsorship of the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation and the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, in Phoenix. Arizona, was held from the 28th through the 31st of December 1954. It was during this congress that the book Dianetics 55! was first released.

The 9th and 10th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (9ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard began the 9th American Advanced Clinical Course in Phoenix, Arizona, December 6th 1954. It was announced that Hubbard Certified Auditors could enroll in the ACC every three weeks. ACCs customarily ran for 6 weeks, so the 9th and 10th ACCs overlapped.

The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard during the year 1954. No specific dates are known for them.

1955 BOOKS

Notes on the Lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard at Phoenix, 1951, taken from the lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Johannesburg, South Africa, early 1955.

Key to Tomorrow, (also entitled Scientology: Its Contribution to Knowledge), taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Phoenix, Arizona, May, 1955.

The Scientologist — A Manual on the Dissemination of Material, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, March, 1955. (The text of this manual has been reprinted in full in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

The Elementary Scientology Series, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Scientology Council, Los Angeles, California, early 1955.

The Creation of Human Ability, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications in London, England, in April, 1955 and in the United States a few weeks later. Translations: Danish, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Straightwire: A Manual of Operation, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., July, 1955. (The text of this manual has been reprinted in its entirety in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 1, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1955, was a reissue of Ron's Professional Auditor's Bulletins, numbers 1 through 15. (The Professional Auditor's Bulletins have been reprinted in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

The Co-Auditor's Manual — The Basic Theory and Practice of Scientology as developed by L. Ron Hubbard-presented for use in Co-Auditing, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., December, 1955.

Brainwashing — Published as a Public Service, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., December, 1955. (A manuscript received anonymously turned out to be based on a German language book entitled Psychopolitics, available from the Library of Congress. Brainwashing was published to inform those who might run into its effects in auditing preclears.)


The Hubbard Communications Office Insignia

This is a shield with the S and double triangle and the initials HCO placed vertically, to the right.

Below the shield on a banner is the motto of HCO: “Bring Order.”

HCO is basically a communications office. Formed in the 1950s, HCO builds, holds, maintains, mans and controls the organization and it is the orders issue section.

The Scientology Cross

The Scientology Sunburst Cross, the basic design of which was found by L. Ron Hubbard in an ancient Spanish Mission in Arizona, is the exact official insignia for Scientology ministers.

The cross is three inches high and two inches wide, made of sterling silver and worn as a neckpiece by men and women alike. The cross is suspended on a fine silver chain.

The cross is at once simple and ornate, and has eight points. It is available nowhere outside the Church of Scientology. It is a true eight dynamic Scientology cross.

The Scientology cross is displayed in larger and smaller sizes. Large crosses of wood and other materials are not uncommon as wall hangings.

Very small versions are also worn as pins.


The Third International Congress of Scientologists Lectures

During the 9th ACC given in Phoenix, Arizona, L. Ron Hubbard made a tape especially for congress delegates to the Third International Congress of Scientologists held in London, England. The delegates also listened to the latest Phoenix Congress tapes.

The Public Lectures and Group Processing Series (PLS, PPS, PLPS)

These are public lectures and group processing sessions given by L. Ron Hubbard January through May, 1955, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Hubbard Professional College Lectures (HPC)

In March and May, 1955, L. Ron Hubbard gave ten one-hour lectures to the students attending Hubbard Professional College in Phoenix, Arizona.

L. Ron Hubbard Auditing Demonstrations

These demonstrations by L. Ron Hubbard were presented live on television to ACC students in Phoenix, Arizona, in March and April, 1955.

Also included in this list are Auditor's Conferences which took place January through May, 1955, and lectures that are not part of any other series.

The Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress Lectures (ASMC)

The Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress was held in Washington, D.C., the 3rd through the 6th of June 1955. L. Ron Hubbard gave lectures to over 250 delegates attending.

The Academy Lecture Series (ALS)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures as part of the auditor training course in the Academy of Religious Arts and Sciences at the Church of Scientology, Washington, D.C. These lectures were given between 11 July and 21 September 1955. (The last lecture was given in London, England.)

The 4th London Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (4LACC)

The first Advanced Clinical Course given in England by L. Ron Hubbard personally, commenced on 3 October 1955, in London.

The London Public Lecture Series (LPLS)

These lectures were given to the public in London, England. All but one were given on four consecutive Saturdays in October, 1955. The lecture hall was so crowded that despite standing room being occupied, speakers had to be run elsewhere so that no one had to be turned away.

The Hubbard Professional Course Lectures (HPC N5)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the Hubbard Professional Course in London, England, during November, 1955.

Taped recordings, date not specifically known, made during 1954-1955.

1956 BOOKS

Creative Learning — A Scientological Experiment in Schools, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, was published by the Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, in early 1956.

Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought, The Basic Book of the Theory and Practice of Scientology for Beginners, by L. Ron Hubbard, was first published as a series of Professional Auditor's Bulletins starting June, 1956. Fundamentals of Thought was published in book form by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, D.C., in September, 1956. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek. Spanish, Swedish.

L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 1 (Professional Auditor’s Bulletins 1-15) by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1955.

L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 2 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 16-30) by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1956.

L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 3 (Professional Auditor’s Bulletins 31-46) by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1956.

L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 4 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 47-69) by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1956.

(Note: the text of the Professional Auditor’s Bulletins appears in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

The Problems of Work, by L. Ron Hubbard, first published by Scientology Consultants to Industrial Efficiency, Washington, D.C., December, 1956. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Swedish.


The London Auditors' Meeting Lectures (LAM)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures at the London Auditors' Meetings, beginning 1 December 1955.

The Hubbard Professional Course Lectures (HPC F)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to students of the Hubbard Professional Course in London, England, during February, 1956.

Public Lectures (LPLS)

The following four Public Lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, in May and July, 1956.

The Hubbard Professional Course Lectures (HPC A)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the Hubbard Professional Course students in London, England, in August, 1956.

The following Auditors' Conferences and Lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, and Washington, D.C., in August and September, 1956.

The Games Congress Lectures (GC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave thirteen hours of lectures and group processing to the attendees of the Games Congress, held in Washington, D.C., 31 August through 2 September 1956.

In October, 1956 L. Ron Hubbard dictated the following tape:

The London Congress on Human Problems Lectures (LCHP)

L. Ron Hubbard addressed the London Congress on Human Problems from October 5th through 8th 1956, in London, England. Six of these lectures were not given by L. Ron Hubbard.

The 15th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (15ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard conducted the 15th American Advanced Clinical Course in Washington, D.C., from October 15 through November 23,1956.

The Organizational Series Lectures (OS)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the Organizational Series Lectures to all students and staff in Washington, D.C., 18 October through 13 December 1956.

The Anti-Radiation Congress Lectures (ARC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave 14 hours of lectures and group processing at the Anti-Radiation Congress held in Washington, D.C., December 29 through 31, 1956.

1957 BOOKS

Scientology Training Course Manual - Field Validation and Hubbard Apprentice Scientologists, (also known as the HAS Training Manual) taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, D.C., 1957.

All About Radiation, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, May, 1957. Translation: Swedish.

Advanced Clinical Course (ACC) Preparatory Manual — for Advanced Students in Scientology, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., summer of 1957.

Hubbard Certified Auditor Student Manual, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., November, 1957.

Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue I, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, December, 1957. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Control and the Mechanics of S.C.S., by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., December, 1957. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Fortress In The Sky, by L. Ron Hubbard. Copyright 1957, 1967. Published by Hubbard College of Scientology, a nonprofit corporation in U.S.A., registered in England.


The 16th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (16ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to students attending the 16th American ACC in Washington, D.C., 2 January through 11 February 1957.

The 17th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (17ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to students attending the 17th American ACC in Washington, D.C., 18 February through 31 March 1957.

The London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health Lectures (LCNRH)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in London, England, from 12 April through 15 April 1957.

The Hubbard Certified Auditor Course Lectures (HCA)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the Hubbard Certified Auditor Course in Washington, D.C., in May, 1957.

L. Ron Hubbard made the following recordings in Washington, D.C., in April and June, 1967.

The Freedom Congress Lectures (FC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave lectures and group processing from 4 to 7 July, 1957, at the Freedom Congress in Washington, D.C.

The 18th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (18ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students on the 18th American ACC starting on July 15th, in Washington, D.C.

The following lectures and ceremonies were done by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., in 1957.

The Ability Congress Lectures (AC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave nine lectures to the delegates to the Ability Congress in Washington, D.C., from 29 through 31 December 1957.

1958 BOOKS

Academy of Scientology — Instructions & Information for Students in HCA, Validation or Special Communication Courses, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, D.C., 1958.

Axioms and Logics, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., August, 1958. This is a compilation of materials originally published between the years 1951 and 1955. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

ACC Clear Procedure 20th American ACC by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., October, 1958. (The text of this book appears in full in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 5 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 70-80) by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., October, 1958. (The text of the Professional Auditor's Bulletins is printed in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)


The new “Blue" American transistorized E-Meter was ready in time for the 19th American ACC in January, 1958. A meter was also developed around this time that projected and displayed the meter dial and the tone arm. It was used for classroom auditing demonstrations.

The use of the earlier Mathison meters was cancelled at this time.

In Great Britain the “Green and Gold" meter was built. At the time of the 5th London ACC L. Ron Hubbard had a number of these modified so that they would read standardly. The “Green and Gold” meter was used in this ACC.

1958 FILMS

The Clearing Congress Lectures (CC)

L. Ron Hubbard had the first six lectures of the Clearing Congress in Washington, D.C. (4 and 5 July 1958) filmed in color. These films were originally available as 16 mm reels, but have now been made available as Super 8 mm film cartridges.


The 19th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (19ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the 19th American ACC in Washington, D.C., in January and February 1958.

The Clearing Congress Lectures (CC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave ten lectures during the Clearing Congress in Washington, D.C. between the 4th and 6th of July 1958. The first six lectures were filmed and are available as films.

The 20th American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (20ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard conducted the 20th American ACC from 7 July through 15 August 1958, in Washington, D.C.

The London Clearing Congress (LCC) Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard gave seven lectures at the London Clearing Congress in London, England, from 18 October through 20 October 1958.

The 5th London Advanced Clinical Course (5LACC) Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the 5th London ACC in the period 27 October through 18 November 1958, in London, England.

Lectures and Conferences by L. Ron Hubbard during the year 1958 that are part of no other series.

1959 BOOKS

Hubbard Communications Office Manual of Justice, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, 1959.

The Hubbard Electrometer, based on research and development by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1959.

Ceremonies of the Founding Church of Scientology, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C., 1959. (This book has been replaced by The Background and Ceremonies of The Church of Scientology, 1970, which contains its text in full.)


In the years 1959 through 1960 the British Mark I, Mark II and Mark III E-Meters were used in the United Kingdom. These meters were designed under the direct supervision of L. Ron Hubbard.


The 1950 Success Congress Lectures (SC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave six lectures to the delegates to the 1950 Success Congress in Washington, D.C., on the 3rd and 4th of January 1959.

The 21st American Advanced Clinical Coarse Lectures (21ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the lectures of the 21st ACC in Washington, D.C., 5 January through 13 February 1959.

Other lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in February 1959, in Washington, D.C.

The Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course Lectures (SHPA)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course in London, England, 6 April through 1 May 1959.

The 6th London Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (6LACC)

L. Ron Hubbard conducted the 6th London ACC at the Academy of Scientology in London, England, from 4 May through 13 June 1959.

The Theta Clear Congress Lectures (TCC)

L. Ron Hubbard lectured to the Theta Clear Congress in Washington, D.C., July 4 and 5,1959.

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lecture at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, on the 12th of October 1959.

The Melbourne Congress Lectures (MC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the Melbourne Congress in Melbourne, Australia, on November 7 and 8, 1959.

The 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (1MACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students of the 1st Melbourne ACC in Melbourne, Australia, between November 9th and 30th in 1959.

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following demonstration on his arrival at Saint Hill back in England, from Melbourne, Australia — 10 December 1959.

1960 BOOKS

Have You Lived Before This Life? A Scientific Survey, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, March, 1960.


The State of Man Congress Lectures (SMC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the State of Man Congress in Washington, D.C., the 1st through the 3rd of January 1960.

The Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course Lectures (HCS)

L. Ron Hubbard addressed the students of the Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course Unit which began on 4 January 1960, in Washington, D.C.

The London Open Evening Lectures (LOE)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in London, England, between 23 June and 7 July 1960.

The London Congress on Dissemination and Help Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the attendees of the Dissemination and Help Congress on the 7th of August 1960, in London, England.

These two lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard to be played to congress attendees.

The 1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (1SHACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students on the 1st Saint Hill ACC at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, from 8 August to 16 September 1960.

The Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress Lectures (AHMC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the attendees of the Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress in Washington, D.C., 31 December and 1 January 1961.

1961 BOOKS

E-Meter Essentials 1961, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, May 1961. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Man Free From Man, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1961.


The British Mark IV E-Meter was introduced in early 1961. There were two versions of the Mark IV available in 1961. As of June the only Meter allowed in Academies of Scientology was the British Mark IV.


The 22nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (22ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students of the 22nd American ACC in Washington, D.C., 2 January through 10 February 1961.

The South African Anatomy Congress Lectures (ACSA)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the congress attendees in Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 and 22 January 1961.

The 3rd South African Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (3SA ACC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students on the 3rd South African ACC in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 23 January to 17 February 1961.

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures (SHSBC 1-96)

From 7 May 1961 to 13 December 1966, L. Ron Hubbard gave regular lectures to the students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England.

The Clean Hands Congress Lectures (CHC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave nine lectures to the attendees of the Clean Hands Congress in Washington, D.C., 30 December 1961 through 1 January 1962.


The first British Mark V E-Meter became available in 1962. Its sensitivity range was greatly increased over all previous meters. An even more sensitive Mark V became available in 1963.


The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures (SHSBC 97-188)

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures continued throughout 1962 and 1963.

The Clearing Success Congress Lectures (CSC)

L. Ron Hubbard gave nine lectures to the Clearing Success Congress delegates in Washington, D.C., 1 to 3 September 1962.

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures continued (SHSBC 189-225)


A new British Mark V E-Meter became available in 1963 with double the sensitivity of the first Mark V. The Mark IV and the Mark V were both in use throughout 1965. The Mark IV was discontinued in December 1965.

1963 FILMS

An Afternoon at Saint Hill With Ron. This film was made at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England in 1963.


The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course continued throughout 1963 (SHSBC 226-329)

1964 BOOKS

The Book of Case Remedies — A Manual Covering Preclear Difficulties and Their Remedies, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Department of Publications, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, November 1964. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

What Everyone Should Know about Scientology, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1964.

Three Routes to Freedom, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications, Ltd, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1964.

A Plan for World Peace, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications, Ltd, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1964.


The Azimuth Alignment Meter became available in 1964. It was a "see-through" meter — the dial being glass both front and back. This enabled an auditor to look through the dial while writing to ensure that no movement of the needle be missed. It is a Mark V meter in function.

1964 FILMS

The Pattern of The Bank, Part 1 and Part 2, is a three-hour filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill Manor on 5 February 1964.

Track Analysis, a filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill Manor given to the students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, 12 March 1964.

Running GPMs, a filmed lecture given to the students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, by L. Ron Hubbard, on the 12th of March 1964.

Mastery of the GPMs, a filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard given to the students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course on the 22nd of December 1964.

Pattern of the Bank, a filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard to the students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course on the 30th of December 1964.


The Saint Hill Staff Course Lectures (SH SC)

Given by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, from 1 January 1964 through 1 June 1964.

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC 1-51)

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course continued throughout 1964 with a new series starting from December 31st 1963.

1965 BOOKS

The Book of E-Meter Drills, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Department of Publications Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, February, 1965. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Scientology Abridged Dictionary, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, was published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1965. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Scientology: A New Slant on Life, by L. Ron Hubbard, was published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, December, 1965. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

Sanity for the Layman — A New Understanding of Life and Human Behavior, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Scientology Center, San Diego, California, 1965.


As of December 1965 the only meters permitted for use in the Academies of Scientology were the British Mark V and the Azimuth Alignment Meter. These were the only allowed meters until 1970 when the American Mark V was also authorized.

1965 FILMS

Material of the R6 Bank, a filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard to the students on the first Clearing Course. This lecture was given 3 September 1965 at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England.

Classification and Gradation, a filmed lecture given to the students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course by L. Ron Hubbard on the 9th of September 1965.


The Scientology Pin (or Membership Pin)

Worn by members of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, it is a gold lapel size pin of the Scientology symbol.

Following the release of the Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates in 1965, a series of insignia became available that could be worn to show an individual's training level and grade of release.

Auditor Blazer Badge for Class IV Auditor

A shield with two horizontal stripes across the top.

The top stripe is yellow with the Roman numerals "0-IV" in red.

The second stripe is black with the word "auditor” in gold.

The bottom of the shield is green with a gold Scientology symbol.

Below the shield is a gold banner with the words “Standard Tech” in red.

Auditor Blazer Badge for Class VI Auditor

A shield with two horizontal stripes across the top.

The top stripe is yellow with the Roman numeral “VI” in red.

The second stripe is black with the word “auditor” in gold.

The bottom of the shield is blue with a gold Scientology symbol.

Below the shield is a gold banner with the words “Standard Tech” in red.

The Release Pin

A small lapel size pin. It is the Scientology symbol in gold with a red “R” (for Release) mounted on it. It signifies a release, Grades 0 through IV.

The Power Release Pin

When a preclear has attained Grades V, VA or VI, the release pin is the S and double triangle (Scientology symbol) with the red “R” plus a gold wreath encircling.

The Clear Bracelet

Grade VII Clear is signified by a silver identification bracelet with the S and double triangle on it. The bracelet is sterling silver. The underside bears the words “Scientology Clear”, L. Ron Hubbard's initials, the engraved name of the person and the date they were declared Clear and their Clear number.

The O.T. (Operating Thetan) Bracelet

Operating Thetan is signified by a gold identification bracelet with the S and double triangle on it.


The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC 52-68)

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course continued throughout 1965.

1966 BOOKS

The Book Introducing the E-Meter, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grin-stead, Sussex, England, September, 1966. Translations: Danish, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

A New Understanding of Life, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1966.

What Are People For? — An Introduction to Scientology, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1966. Translation: Danish.

1966 FILMS

Introduction to Scientology, a one-hour filmed interview with L. Ron Hubbard answering questions commonly asked about Scientology. Filmed at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, in December, 1966.


The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC 69-84)

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course continued until the end of 1966.

The following are lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard in 1966.

1967 BOOKS

Information for Releases, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1967.

Scientology and the Bible, compiled by staff from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Department of Publications, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1967. Translation: Dutch.

Kangaroo Court, staff written, concerning the inquiry into Scientology in Victoria, Australia, published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1967.

1967 FILMS

Affinity. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard was Rimed at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, in the Autumn of 1967. 20 Minutes.


The Operating Thetan Symbol

The symbol used for ОТ activities is an oval "0" with a horizontal bar and a vertical bar down from its center to the bottom of the “0”. A person attaining Section V ОТ may have a wreath completely around the outside of the "0". The ОТ symbol is worn on necklaces and rings.

The Sea Organization Symbol

The laurel wreath represents victory. Used throughout history to crown poets, artists and champions. It not only represents the physical victory, but the series of inner victories achieved by the individual. It is associated with the head — the traditional abode of the spirit.

The star is the symbol of the spirit. The five-pointed star signifies “rising up towards the point of origin".

The laurel wreath and star in combination signify the victory of the spirit. Its proper color is always gold. The star is not trapped in its victory, but is in the open field towards the top of the wreath, allowing free exit beyond its victory. The symbol is in a field of blue symbolizing Truth.

The Sea Organization, founded August 12, 1967, is a fraternal organization existing within the formalized structure of the Churches of Scientology.

The Sea Organization symbol is worn as cloth badges, brooches and rings.


These lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard during 1967.

1968 BOOKS

The Findings on the U.S. Food and Drug Agency, staff written, published by the Department of Publications, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968.

The Character of Scientology, staff written, published by the Department of Publications, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968.

Successes of Scientology, staff written, published by Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968.

A Test of Whole Track Recall, by L. Ron Hubbard, limited first edition published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968. A Test of Whole Track Recall, was later expanded and republished as Mission Into Time, by Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, 1973.

Miracles for Breakfast — A startling new approach to raising children, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April, 1968. Translations: Danish, French, Spanish.

Magazine Articles on Level 0 Checksheet, a compilation of magazine articles by L. Ron Hubbard that are part of Level 0 auditor training, published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968.

Magazine Articles on Level II Checksheet, a compilation of magazine articles by L. Ron Hubbard that are part of Level II auditor training, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill, England, 1968.

Introduction to Scientology Ethics, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

The Phoenix Lectures, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968. Translations: Dutch, French, German, Swedish.

The Field Staff Member Magazine, staff compiled, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968.

Hubbard Dianetice Auditor's Course Textbook, compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1968. (The material in this textbook appears in The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 1976.)

Scientology Basic Staff Hat Book, Number 1, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968. (The material in this book is printed in full in The Organization Executive Course, 1974.)

Level 0 PABs — for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1968. Translations: Danish, Swedish.


The Class VIII Badge

The Class VIII Badge is a shield with two horizontal stripes across the top with the word “auditor” and the Roman numeral VIII. The bottom of the shield contains the Scientology symbol and the banner below it, the words “Standard Tech.”

The Class VIII Badge is all red with gold lettering and numbering. It is given to permanent Class VIII auditors only.

The Distribution Division Six Badge

The purpose of the 6th Division of the Church of Scientology is to make Scientology grow. This is the Distribution Division. Its symbol and the symbol worn by its personnel is the Affinity-Reality-Communication (ARC) triangle interwoven with the symbol for infinity.


The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard during 1968.

Lectures to the First Class VIII Course (SO Class VIII)

The following lectures were given to the First Class VIII Course in September and October 1968.

1969 BOOKS

A Summary on Scientology for Scientists, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology of California (Worldwide) Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1969.

Level I PABs — for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1969.

Triple Grades and Review Dictionary, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, Kansas City, Missouri, 1969.

How to Save Your Marriage, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1969.

Scientology for the Millions, by Walter Braddeson, published by the Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, California, 1969.

What Every Preclear Should Know, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1969.

When in Doubt, Communicate . . . Quotations from the Works ofL. Ron Hubbard published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Michigan, 1969. Translation: Spanish.

Congress Drill Book, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1969.

The Best of The Auditor, a collection of articles by L. Ron Hubbard from The Auditor Magazine, published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1969.

Dianetic Case Histories Book, staff compiled, published by the Sea Organization, Division V, Flag, late 1969.

1969 FILMS

Reality. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, was produced in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1969. 20 minutes.


The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in 1969.

Welcome To The Sea Organization Lectures (WSO)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the Welcome To The Sea Organization Lectures in October 1969.

1970 BOOKS

The Background, and Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology of California, Worldwide, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grin-stead, Sussex, England, 1970. Translation: Dutch.

What is Understanding?, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Children's Scientology Publications, New York, New York, 1970.

Who Are You?, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Children's Scientology Publications, New York, New York, 1970.

Scientology and Dianetics, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology of California, Los Angeles, California, 1970.

Scientology 0-8, The Book of Basics, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1970. Translations: German. Soon to be available: French.


In 1970 the American Mark V E-Meter became available. It along with the British Mark V and Azimuth Alignment Meter became the standard meters and have continued until present time.

1970 FILMS

Freedom. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, was filmed in Los Angeles, California, in 1970. 20 minutes.


L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in 1970.

1971 BOOKS

''You Can Have a New Understanding of Life Through Scientology', based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, 1971.

Is Confusion a Friend of Yours?, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Children’s Scientology Publications, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1971.

Expanded Grades Dictionary, published in Irving, Texas, 1971.

Assault on a Church, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1971.

Scientometric Testing, published by Scientology Orange County, Tustin, California, 1971.

How to Have Money, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published in Santa Fe Springs, California, 1971.

Dianetice Information Group, Series One, published in East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1971.

The Basic Scientology Picture Book, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, September, 1971. Translations: Danish, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

The Standard Dianetics Picture Book, a visual aid for a quicker understanding and dissemination of standard Dianetics and Dianetic pastoral counseling, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Publications Department, Los Angeles, California, December, 1971.


Flag Executive Briefing Course Lectures (SO FEBC)

In January and February 1971, L. Ron Hubbard lectured to the students on the Flag Executive Briefing Course.

The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in 1971.

1972 BOOKS

How to Choose Your People, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1972. Translation: French.

Scientology: Twentieth Century Religion, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology, Worldwide, Saint Hill, England, December, 1972. Translations: Danish, Swedish.

Basic Study Manual, compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Applied Scholastics, Inc., Los Angeles, California, 1972. Translations: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish.

The Management Series, 1970-1972, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1972.

Child Scientology, an aid to family and marriage guidance, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published in Auckland, New Zealand, 1972.

Fundamentals of Success, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published in Phoenix, Arizona, 1972.

Tell It Like It Is — A Course in Scientology Dissemination, published in Phoenix, Arizona, 1972.

The Basic Dianetics Picture Book, a visual aid to a better understanding of Man and the mind, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, September, 1972. Translation: German.

The TR Series, thirteen books about Scientology training drills and related material, compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Sea Organization, Public Relations and Consumption Bureau, 1972. Translations: Dutch, French, German, Swedish. The following are the individual titles of each of the TR Series:


The following lectures were reissued by L. Ron Hubbard in February, 1972.

Lectures to Establishment Officers (ESTO Series)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in March 1972 for the training of Establishment Officers.

Expanded Dianetics Course Lectures (SO XDN)

L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the students on the first Expanded Dianetics Course.


L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in 1972.

1973 BOOKS

Freedom Reports on the IRS, published by Freedom — The Independent Journal of the Church of Scientology, Los Angeles, California, 1973.

Viewpoints, published by the Church Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1973.

Primary Rundown Glossary, compiled by the Sea Organization, Public Relations and Consumption Bureau, published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1973.

How to Write Invoices — A Flag Mini Hat Booklet, compiled and published by the Sea Organization, Public Relations and Consumption Bureau, 1973.

The Language of Salesmanship — A Glossary and Index, published by the Public Relations and Consumption Bureau of the Sea Organization, 1973. Translation: Dutch.

How to Clear Your Community — An Illustrated Guide for Churches, Missions, and Field Staff Members, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Public Relations and Consumption Bureau, The Church of Scientology of California, September, 1973.

Dissemination Division Picture Book, published by the Public Relations and Consumption Bureau, The Church of Scientology of California, 1973.

Perhaps Happiness..., based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, 1973.

Mission Into Time, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, September, 1973.

L. Ron Hubbard's PABs Books, Volumes 1-6 (PABs 1-160), by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1973.


L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures during 1973.

1974 BOOKS

'' Scientology: A World Religion Emerges in the Space Age, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1974.

''Scientometric Testing Manual, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Southern California Institute Press, Tustin, California, 1974.

''Marriage Hats, by Mary Sue Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, 1974.

''The Management Series, 1970-1974, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1974. Translations: French, Swedish.

''Look It Up — How to Use the Dictionary to Understand Any Subject, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published in Los Angeles, California, 1974.

''Hymn of Asia — An Eastern Poem, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, December, 1974.

''The Organization Executive Course — An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy, Volumes 0-7, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, between 1970 and 1974.

What Is Scientology? based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Translation: French.

Towards Peace on Earth, published by the Church of Scientology, Worldwide, Saint Hill, England.

Worldwide — Church of Scientology - Social Reform, Human Rights and Rehabilitation Activities, published by the Church of Scientology, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England.


L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures in 1974.

1975 BOOKS

Dianetics Today, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, March, 1975. Translations: French, Swedish.

Executive Survival Kit, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Freedom Magazine — The Independent Journal published by the Church of Scientology, Los Angeles, California, 1975.

Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, July, 1975.

Interpol Dossier, published by Freedom Magazine — The Independent Journal published by the Church of Scientology, Los Angeles, California, 1975.


The following lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard in 1975.

1976 BOOKS

About Art, taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology — Celebrity Centre, Los Angeles, California, 1976.

Evidence on the Religious Bona Fides and Status of the Church, published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, April, 1976.

Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter Subject Index, published by Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, March, 1976. (also known as the HCOPL Subject Index)

The Indispensability of Scientology, Press Volume I, Issues I-VI (6 volumes), published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1976.

Ноw to Use The Freedom of Information Act, compiled and published by the Council of Scientology Ministers, Los Angeles, California, July, 1976.

Introducing Scientology, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, 1976. (also known as the Field Staff Member Magazine)

Church of Scientology — Religious Nature and Community Activities, published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1976.

Success With Scientology, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Church of Scientology, Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1976.

New Viewpoints, published by the Information Service of the U.S. Churches of Scientology, Los Angeles, California, 1976.

Efficiency, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976.

Ups and Downs, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976.

All The Happiness, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1976.

The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, 10 volumes, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen and Publications Organization U.S., Los Angeles, California, August, 1976.

The Volunteer Minister’s Handbook, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization, U.S., Los Angeles, California, December, 1976.

Modem Management Technology Defined — Hubbard Dictionary of Administration and Management, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization U.S., Los Angeles, California, 1976.


L. Ron Hubbard tape recorded a message for each individual Church of Scientology in December 1976.

1977 BOOKS

Proceedings of The International Conference for World Peace and Social Reform and Human Rights Prayer Day, published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1977.

Can We Ever Be Friends?, published by the Church of Scientology of California, Worldwide, Saint Hill, England, 1977.

The American Inquisition, US. Government Agency Harassment, Religious Persecution and Abuse of Power, published by the U.S. Ministerial Conference of Scientology Ministers, Los Angeles, California, 1977.

The Membership, Interpol Dossier, Part Two, published by the editors of Freedom news journal, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1977.

Press View, the FBI Raid, published by the Church of Scientology of California, Los Angeles, 1977.

Church of Scientology — Press, Volume I, Issue VII, published by the Church of Scientology Information Service, Los Angeles, California, 1977.

The Volunteer Minister Booklets, 1 to 9, by L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1977.


7707C__ Can We Ever Be Friends? Translations: French, German, Swedish, Dutch, Danish.

The Story of Dianetics & Scientology, (originally given as the first lecture of the London Clearing Congress — 18 October 1958), reissued 1977.


The Clearing Congress Lectures

The first six lectures of the Clearing Congress given in Washington, D.C. in July 1958, were recorded on film. These same lectures have been rereleased as convenient 8mm film cartridges. Re-released 1977.

The Secret of Flag Results, written by L. Ron Hubbard, produced by Universal Media Productions, released 9 December 1977.

1978 BOOKS

Have You Lived Before This Life?, (a new expanded edition) by L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, March 1978.


From the preceding panorama of material hundreds of Dianetics and Scientology courses — both technical and administrative have been created.

The following is a list of just those course materials which have been translated. These translations are all recorded on magnetic recording tape and are available from the Scientology Publications Organization in Copenhagen, Denmark. This list of translations grows almost daily, so write for a list of translations currently available.

* Word Clearing Series. Translation: Swedish.