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CONTENTS 1992 Scientology:
The Official List of Books and Materials
1948 1950 Sessions and Demonstrations
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Saturday Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Monday-Wednesday-Friday Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Professional Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Public and Professional Course Lectures
Los Angeles, California
Oakland Puplic Lectures Series
Oakland, California
Kansas City Lectures
Kansas city, Missouri
Professional Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Professional Course Lectures
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Lectures
Los Angeles, California
1951 The Dianetics Symbol Mathison Model B Electropsychometer Mathison Projection Meter Model A Elizabeth Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Radio Broadcast Lectures Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Science of Survival: Simplified, Faster Dianetics Techniques First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors
Wichita, Kansas
Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Special Course in Human Evaluation
Wichita, Kansas
Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
The October Conference
Wichita, Kansas
Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
The Foundation Auditor's Course
Wichita, Kansas
Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors
Wichita, Kansas
1952 Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Public Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Hubbard College Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Summary Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Lectures, Poenix, Arizona Technique 80 Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Summer Session Technique 88 Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
The Professional Course Lectures Summary
Also known as Professional Course Booklets
Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures
London, England
Standard Operating Procedures for Theta Clearing Lectures
London, England
London Lectures
London, England
Logics and Axioms Lectures
London, England
London Professional Course Lectures
London, England
The Scientology Symbol Mathison Model H-52-1R Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1953 London Group Auditor's Course Lectures
London, England
Philadelphia Doctorate Course Supplementary Lectures
London, England
London Spring Lectures
London, England
Birmingham Lectures
Birmingham, England
First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mathison H-53-DS Mathison E-54 Mathison HM-4 1st American Advanced Indoctrination Course Lectures
Camden, New Jersey
2nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures
Camden, New Jersey
Camden, New Jersey
Phoenix, Arizona
International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
1954 3d American Advanced Clinical Course (3ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Beep Meter 4th American Advanced Clinical Course (4ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Public Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
5th American Advanced Clinical Course (5ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Mathison E-Series Meter The Minister's Medallion and Pin Public Lecture Series
Phoenix, Arizona
6th American Advanced Clinical Course (6ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Public Lecture
Phoenix, Arizona
Universe Process Congress
Phoenix, Arizona
7th American Advanced Clinical Course (7ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Lecture, Phoenix, Arizona Axioms Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Group Processing Session
Phoenix, Arizona
Lecture, Phoenix, Arizona 8th American Advanced Clinical Course (8ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Route One Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Public Lecture and Group Processing Series
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Certification Course Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
9th American Advanced Clinical Course (9ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Unification Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
1955 10th Advanced Clinical Course (10ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Public Lectures and Group Processing Series
Phoenix, Arizona
Staff Auditors' Conferences
Phoenix, Arizona
Auditing and Demonstrations
Phoenix, Arizona
Hubbard Professional College Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona
Auditors' Conferences
Phoenix, Arizona
The Scientology Cross The Hubbard Communications Office Insignia Lecture
Phoenix, Arizona
Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
Phoenix, Arizona
Academy Lecture Series
Washington, DC
4th London Advanced Clinical Course
London, England
London Public Lecture Series
London, England
Hubbard Professional Course Lectures
London, England
London Auditors' Meeting Lectures
London, England
Recorded Lectures 1956 London Auditors' Meeting Lectures
London, England
Hubbard Professional Course Lectures
London, England
London Public Lecture Series
London, England
Hubbard Professional Course Lectures
London, England
Game Gongress Lectures
Washington, DC
Conference and Lecture
London, England
London Congress on Human Problems
London, England
15th American Advanced Clinical Course (15ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
Organizaion Series Lectures
Washington, DC
Anti-Radiation Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
1957 16th American Advanced Clinical Course (16ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
17th American Advanced Clinical Course (17ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health (LCNRH) Lectures
London, England
London, England
The Hubbard Certified Auditor (HCA) Course Lectures
Washington, DC
Staff Auditor Conference
Washington, DC
Freedom Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
18th American Advanced Clinical Course (18ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
Ability Congress ectures
Washington, DC
1958 Hubbard American Blue E-Meter 19th American Advanced Clinical Course (19ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
Staff Auditors' Conferences
Washington, DC
Lecture, London, England 20th American Advanced Clinical Course (20ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
Staff Auditors' Conferences
Washington, DC
Hubbard "Green and Gold" UK Meter Lecture, London, England London Clearing Congress Lectures
London, England
5th London Advanced Clinical Course (5LACC) Lectures
London, England
1959 Success Congress
Washington, DC
Lectlure, Washington, DC 21st American Advanced Clinical Course
Washington, DC
Hubbard Mark I E-Meter Staff Auditors' Conference
Washington, DC
Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course Lectures
London, England
6th London Advanced Clinical Course (6LACC) Lectures
London, England
Theta Clear Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
Melbourne Congress Lectures
Melbourne, Australia
1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course (1MACC) Lectures
Melbourne, Australia
1960 Hubbard Mark II E-Meter State of Man Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course Lectures
Washington, DC
London Open Evening Lectures
London, England
Hubbard Mark III E-Meter Audible E-Meter London Congress on Dissemination and Help
London, England
1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course (1SHACC) Lectures
Sussex, England
Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
1961 22nd American Advanced Clinical Course (22ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC
Anatomy Congress Lectures
Johannesburg, South Africa
3d South African Advanced Clinical Course Lectures
Johannesburg, South Africa
Hubbard British Mark IV E-Meter Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
Clean Hands Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
1962 Hubbard British Mark V E-Meter Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
Clearing Success Congress Lectures
Washington, DC
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
1963 Hubbard British Mark V E-Meter Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
Professional Auditor's Congress
Sussex, England
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
1964 Azimuth Alignment Meter Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
The Scientology Pin (or Membership Pin) Auditor Blazer Badge for Class IV Auditor 1965 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
Auditor Blazer Badge for Class VI Auditor The Power Release Pin The Release Pin Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
The Clear and OT Bracelets 1966 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England
The Operating Thetan Symbol 1967 1968 The Sea Organization Symbol The Class VIII Badge The Distribution Division 6 Badge Class VIII Course Lectures: Sea Organization Flagship Apollo 1969 1970 American Mark V E-Meter LRH Address (recorded message)
Los Angeles, Caifornia
1971 Flag Executive Briefing Coures Lectures
Sea Organization, Flagship Apollo
1972 Establishment Officer Lectures
Sea Organization, Flagship Apollo
Expanded Dianetics Lectures
Sea Organization, Flagship Apollo
1973 1974 1975 New Vitality Rundown Lectures
Daytona, Florida
1976 1977 1978 Hubbard Professional Mark VI E-Meter 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
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1992 Scientology:
The Official List of Books and Materials


Dianetics: The Original Thesis

The first work describing the discoveries of Dianetics was written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1947, then distributed in manuscript form in 1948. This book marks the beginning of the materials of Dianetics and Scientology.

The manuscript L. Ron Hubbard wrote detailing his Dianetics discoveries. Circulated amongst his friends, copied and passed on to others, it was first formally published in 1951 as Dianetics: The Original Thesis and later republished as The Dynamics of Life.

TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.


In early 1950, Mr. Hubbard published an article on Dianetics in the prestigious Explorers Club Journal, then went on to release Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in May of 1950. News of Dianetics soon spread nationwide, and he was deluged with demands for more data.

In August he lectured to a crowd of over 6,000 people at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, and within a few short months there were more than 700 groups practicing Dianetics in the US alone, led by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey and its offices in New York, Washington, DC, Chicago, Los Angeles and Hawaii.

Mr. Hubbard spent much of his time traveling across the US to lecture to the public, but he still found the time to write articles and technical bulletins describing new techniques, and to begin work on upcoming books covering his further advances in Dianetics.

Article Terra Incognita: The Mind

Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science

Written in early 1950, this manuscript was published first as a magazine article early in April 1950 and then as a book in September 1955 by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona.

TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish.

Dianetics: The Modem Science of Mental Health

Written in early 1950 in Bay Head, New Jersey and published by Hermitage House, New York, New York, May 9, 1950. TRANSLATIONS: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Hebrew, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Swedish, Swahili and Taiwanese.

Article The Aims of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation

Sessions and Demonstrations
Elizabeth, New Jersey

Following the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, the first Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation was formed by a group of Dianeticists in Elizabeth, New Jersey. LRH lectured to staff and students at the Foundation, and recorded many of the auditing sessions he gave.

Saturday Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Monday-Wednesday-Friday Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Professional Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey

In addition to giving lectures to students, Mr. Hubbard started writing bulletins which were distributed to auditors who were practicing Dianetics, to warn them of common errors and to impart new developments in the technology.


Public and Professional Course Lectures
Los Angeles, California

Following an introductory lecture to over 6,000 people at Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium, Mr. Hubbard gave a series of lectures and demonstrations at the Los Angeles department of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation.


Oakland Puplic Lectures Series
Oakland, California

Traveling from Los Angeles to Oakland, Mr. Hubbard delivered the following series of lectures and demonstrations at the Oakland Municipal Auditorium. (Four of these lectures are available on cassette in a series entitled, "Original Lectures and Demonstrations on Dianetics.")



Kansas City Lectures
Kansas city, Missouri

From Oakland, Mr. Hubbard traveled to Kansas City, where he gave these public lectures.


Professional Course Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey

Returning from Kansas City to his home in New Jersey, Mr. Hubbard brought the students and staff of the Foundation up to date on his latest discoveries and advancements in Dianetic techniques.


Professional Course Lectures
Los Angeles, California

After delivering the Professional Course in New Jersey at the beginning of November, Mr. Hubbard traversed the continent again to bring his newest developments to Los Angeles area Dianeticists.


Los Angeles Lectures
Los Angeles, California

After delivering the Professional Course, Mr. Hubbard remained in Los Angeles to do further research, where he delivered these two lectures on Chain Scanning — a new technique which was still under development at the time.


Early in 1951 Mr. Hubbard was in Palm Springs, California, compiling the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. In the late spring, he traveled to pre-Communist Cuba, where he dictated the book Science of Survival.

By this time a Dianetics Foundation had formed in Wichita, Kansas, and in June Mr. Hubbard lectured there to over 100 auditors attending the First Annual Conference of Dianetics Auditors.

He spent much of the rest of the year giving lectures, doing research and writing up what he had found into books, issues and articles.

Detailed notes and diagrams of Mr. Hubbard's November 1950 lectures in Los Angeles, made by staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation; assembled and published at Mr. Hubbard's request so that they would be available for training purposes. Published by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1951.



The Dianetics Symbol

The Greek letter delta is the basic form. The dark stripes are green, which stands for growth. The light stripes are yellow, for life.

The four green stripes represent the four dynamics described in Dianetics: the urge to survive as self, family, group and mankind.

This symbol was designed in 1950 and has been in use ever since.

Mathison Model B Electropsychometer

Volney Mathison presented L. Ron Hubbard with the first electropsychometer (or E-Meter) in 1951, the Model B. It was used for research throughout 1951.

Mathison Projection Meter Model A

Also in 1951 the first projection meter was built, the Model A. This E-Meter was useful in the instruction of auditors because it was designed to project an image of the meter, allowing students to see needle reactions while LRH demonstrated auditing techniques.

Elizabeth Lectures
Elizabeth, New Jersey

Taking a short break from his intensive work on the Chart of Human Evaluation, LRH traveled from Palm Springs, California to Elizabeth, New Jersey to brief auditors there on new techniques.



Radio Broadcast Lectures

The following series of fifteen-minute talks was recorded and broadcast over a network of 126 radio stations across the US.


Recorded Message

Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

After completing his latest book, Science of Survival, Mr. Hubbard lectured to Professional Course students at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita, Kansas, on the theory and procedures detailed in the book. (To be released on cassette.)


Science of Survival: Simplified, Faster Dianetics Techniques

By L. Ron Hubbard. This book was released as a limited manuscript edition on June 25- 28, 1951 at the First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors in Wichita, Kansas. The hardcover edition was published in August 1951 by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation. The title was later changed to Science of Survival: Prediction of Human Behavior. Included in each edition of Science of Survival is the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. TRANSLATIONS: German and Italian.

First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors
Wichita, Kansas

L. Ron Hubbard gave attendees at the First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors lectures centered on the latest advances in Dianetics, as covered in his book Science of Survival. (To be released on cassette.)



Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

For a period of five weeks Mr. Hubbard gave lectures each Monday afternoon to students at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita, covering auditing basics as well as his latest discoveries and refinements of procedure. (To be released on cassette.)

Self Analysis

Published by the International Library of Arts and Sciences, Wichita, Kansas, August 1951. Contains a simplified version of the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish.

Special Course in Human Evaluation
Wichita, Kansas

This series of lectures on human evaluation and its application in business, politics and domestic activities was given to a group of Wichita businessmen. (Available on cassette.)


Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

In lectures to students attending the Professional Course at Wichita, Mr. Hubbard discussed a variety of subjects including a new auditing technique known as Effort Processing. This powerful procedure addressed the effects of time, motion and directed effort on an individual. (To be released on cassette.)

The October Conference
Wichita, Kansas

This series of lectures was given to more than fifty auditors from all over the country gathered for a conference in Wichita. (To be released on cassette.)

The Dianetics Axioms

Published by Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Wichita, Kansas, October 1951. This book was issued during the October Conference and was the first release of the Axioms of Dianetics. The Dianetics Axioms are now available in the books Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Handbook for Preclears and Scientology 0-8 by L. Ron Hubbard.

Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

While continuing his research and auditing through 1951, Mr. Hubbard also took time to lecture to students attending the Professional Auditor Course, staff auditors at the Wichita Foundation and conference attendees. (To be released on cassette.)

Child Dianetics, Dianetic Processing for Children

Compiled from the research and lecture materials of L. Ron Hubbard by the staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation of Los Angeles, California and published in Wichita, Kansas by the International Library of Arts and Sciences, October 1951. L. Ron Hubbard wrote the introduction in August 1951, about the same time as the book was actually typeset. TRANSLATIONS: German, Italian and Spanish.


The Foundation Auditor's Course
Wichita, Kansas

(To be released on cassette.)

Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

(To be released on cassette.)

Advanced Procedure and Axioms

First published by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita, Kansas in November 1951. It was written as a companion book to Handbook for Preclears which was published in December 1951.


Handbook for Preclears

This was the main theme of the Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors at which it was introduced. Published in December 1951 at Wichita, Kansas. It was later republished by Scientific Press in Phoenix, Arizona, under the title of Scientology Handbook for Preclears. It contains the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes.


Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors
Wichita, Kansas

The main theme of this conference was the new book Handbook for Preclears, which had recently been written and released, containing the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes. (To be released on cassette.)


In 1952 LRH made spectacular new discoveries concerning man, his mind and his true spiritual nature. He had earlier discovered mental image pictures, and had been studying their characteristics and behavior: the reactive, stimulus-response mechanisms that psychology itself had been familiar with, but never had analyzed.

Now he found out what was looking at the pictures. And described it. And found out that you could do things with it from a very practical standpoint that nobody had ever done before.

Exteriorization and exteriorization processes, the first E-Meter, formation of the Hubbard College and the Hubbard Association of Scientologists were only a few of Mr. Hubbard's activities in 1952.


The Auditor's Manual

Staff written and edited. Published by the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1952.

In addition to research, writing and administrative work, Mr. Hubbard responded to continuing demands with a full schedule of lectures and demonstrations to Professional Course students, Foundation staff and the general public.

Professional Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

(To be released on cassette.)

Public Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Hubbard College Lectures
Wichita, Kansas
Summary Course Lectures
Wichita, Kansas

(To be released on cassette.)

(The last four lectures of this course are available on cassette in a series entitled "The Time Track of Theta: More on the History of Man.")


Scientology and Dianetics Advanced Procedures

Notes and transcripts on lectures by L. Ron Hubbard and others, Wichita, Kansas, January through March 1952. Compiled and published by the Central Pennsylvania Dianetics Group, Middletown, Pennsylvania.

Prologue to Survival, Part I, II and III

Published by the Psychological Research Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, March 1952. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

After moving his office from Wichita to Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Hubbard resumed lecturing, covering his startling new discoveries and their application to improve people's awareness and abilities.

Lectures, Poenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Technique 80 Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Route to Infinity.")

Article 21 May Dianetics Jingles

Summer Session Technique 88 Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

MANUAL Jun Electropsychometric Auditing, Operator's Manual

Individual Track Map

Published by the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, Phoenix, Arizona, June 1952. (The text of this book is printed in full in the Technical Bulletins volumes.) New updated edition for use on New Era Dianetics was published in 1988.

A Key to the Unconscious - Symbological Processing

Published by the Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, June 1952. (The text of this book is printed in full in the Technical Bulletins volumes.)

Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Health and Happiness

Published by the Psychological Research Foundation, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, 1952. Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

What to Audit

Published in Phoenix, Arizona by the Scientific Press, July 1952. The same text was issued as History of Man in London in July 1952.

History of Man

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, London, July 1952. It contained the same text as in What to Audit. A later edition was entitled Scientology: A History of Man, which is its current title. TRANSLATIONS: French, German and Italian.



The Professional Course Lectures Summary
Also known as Professional Course Booklets

Compiled and rewritten from transcripts of lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard during the spring and summer of 1952. This set comprised a list of 50 booklets. The first 27 booklets were originally entitled the Summary Course Booklets, published by the Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona, March 1952. In May of 1952, Professional Course Booklets 28 through 31 were published by the Scientific Press, Phoenix, Arizona. The balance of the Professional Course Booklets were issued throughout June, July and August 1952, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona.

Scientology: 88

A unique limited edition, handwritten by L. Ron Hubbard and printed on special lithographic plates. Distributed by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona, September 1952. The technology from Scientology: 88 can be found in Scientology 8-80.

In September Mr. Hubbard flew to London, England, where he immediately began training auditors, writing a new book, establishing a new organization and launching several research projects. His agenda included several series of lectures to staff and students.

Technique 88 Supplementary Lectures
London, England
Standard Operating Procedures for Theta Clearing Lectures
London, England

(To be released on cassette.)


Self Analysis in Dianetics - A Handbook of Dianetic Therapy

Published in London, England by Derricke Ridgeway Ltd., October 1952. This was a revised edition of the original Self Analysis and is now out of print-the original version was reinstated and is the book which is used today.


Scientology 8-80

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1952. TRANSLATIONS: French.

London Lectures
London, England

(Available on cassette as a series entitled "Secrets of the MEST Universe.")

Logics and Axioms Lectures
London, England

(Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Perception of Truth.")

London Professional Course Lectures
London, England

(To be released on cassette.)

The Scientology Symbol

There are two triangles, over which is imposed the S, which stands for Scientology. The lower triangle is the ARC triangle, whose points are Affinity, Reality and Communication. These are the three elements which combined give Understanding. The upper triangle is the KRC triangle. The points are K for Knowledge, R for Responsibility and C for Control. The KRC triangle acts like the ARC triangle. When one corner is increased the other two also rise. The Scientology symbol first appeared in 1952. It appears on auditors' blazer badges, Release pins and Clear bracelets. In addition it has been worn as lapel pins, tie tacks, rings of various designs, earrings, key rings, money clips, neckties, cigarette lighters, brooches and necklaces, and otherwise displayed in car badges, decals, flags, etc.

Mathison Model H-52-1R

The model H-52-1R E-Meter became available in 1952 and was in use through 1954.


Scientology 8-8008

Written by L. Ron Hubbard in England in October and November 1952. He had the first copy with him when he flew to the United States and presented it at the opening of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course on December 1st in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, London, England, December 1952.

Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This series of lectures was delivered to a class of thirty-eight auditors. Covering a wide analysis of human behavior, they gave a complete coverage of the latest auditing techniques and an expansion of the new professional course textbook, Scientology 8-8008. (Available on cassette.)




At the beginning of 1953, L. Ron Hubbard was operating from his office in London and delivering lectures. New lines for the issue of technical releases and updates were established with the Associate Newsletter and Professional Auditor's Bulletin.

In April, he released a book covering his breakthroughs on the technology of communication in management, entitled How to Live Though an Executive.

The Factors were also released in April. A masterpiece of simplicity and wisdom, these thirty statements comprise, as Mr. Hubbard put it, a "summation of the considerations and examinations of the human spirit and the material universe completed between 1923 and 1953 a.d."

During the summer months, he traveled across Europe continuing his research. Before the year was over he was again back in the US, delivering the first and second American Advanced Clinical Courses.


Traveling between England and the United States, Mr. Hubbard lectured on such developments as the application of auditing to groups, and expanded on the material covered in his latest books.

London Group Auditor's Course Lectures
London, England
Philadelphia Doctorate Course Supplementary Lectures
London, England

(Available on cassette as part of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures.)



London Spring Lectures
London, England

Continuing his education of Scientologists in England, Mr. Hubbard gave these twenty hours of lectures covering his latest procedures and theory. (To be released on cassette.)


How to Live throught an Executive: Communication Manual

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1953.

Self Analysis in Scientology

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 1953. This was a modified version of the original Self Analysis and is now out of print (although its text is contained in the Technical Bulletins volumes). The original 1951 edition of Self Analysis is in use.





Birmingham Lectures
Birmingham, England

(To be released on cassette.)


This is Scientology The Science of Certainty

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1953. This book was later combined with the Scientology: Auditor's Handbook and other material to make the book The Creation of Human Ability. Its text is contained in the Technical Bulletins volumes, as Journal of Scientology Issue 16-G.





Introduction to Scientology

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, late 1953. This notebook was awarded to all the students who successfully completed the course of the Foundation during the span of its existence: March 1952 through October 1953.

On Auditing

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published in Ann Arbor, Michigan, late 1953.

First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This series of lectures was delivered to the nearly 300 delegates attending the First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists. (To be released on cassette.)

Mathison H-53-DS

Since the range of earlier meters was insufficient to register all preclears, the Model H-53-DS (Double Scale) was designed with an expanded range. It was made available in 1953.

Mathison E-54

The Mathison E-54 meter was presented at the First International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists, September 1953, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but it was overly complex and was never used much in auditing.

Mathison HM-4

The Model HM-4 E-Meter was also introduced in 1953. HM-4 stands for Hubbard Meter #4-the first meter was the Model B in 1951, the second was the H-52-1R of 1952 and the third was the H-53-DS.

Look Don't Think

L. Ron Hubbard lecture transcripts, Philadelphia Congress, September 30, 1953 through October 4, 1953. Published by Scientology Northern California, 1953.

1st American Advanced Indoctrination Course Lectures
Camden, New Jersey

The lectures listed below, covering his latest and most advanced discoveries, were given by Mr. Hubbard to a hand-picked group of ten of the best auditors in the world.

(To be released on cassette as a series entitled "Exteriorization and the Phenomena of Space.")



2nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures
Camden, New Jersey

Due to the success of the First American Advanced Indoctrination Course and to meet demand for advanced training, a second, similar course followed almost immediately. (To be released on cassette.)


Camden, New Jersey
Phoenix, Arizona



International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

The latest Scientology techniques, which had been developed and perfected at the Advanced Clinical Courses, were presented to Scientologists from around the world at this congress. (To be released on cassette.)



Mr. Hubbard spent 1954 in Phoenix, Arizona at the Hubbard College, where he lectured and delivered Group Processing on a nearly continuous basis. He delivered eight Advanced Clinical Courses (ACCs), each course six weeks in length. During this time period he delivered over 490 recorded lectures and Group Processing sessions to meet the demand for the technology.

He also originated two new publications to get the tech further disseminated: Operational Bulletins and Ability magazine.



3d American Advanced Clinical Course (3ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Beep Meter

Though more a curiosity than an auditing tool, the "beep" meter was first available in 1954. It would give off a beep sound when a painful area of the body was located with a probe. LRH demonstrated and discussed this meter in his 20 January 1954 lecture entitled "Audio (Beep) Meter Demonstration."



4th American Advanced Clinical Course (4ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Public Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona



5th American Advanced Clinical Course (5ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(Available on cassette as a series entitled "Universes and the War Between Theta and MEST.")




Mathison E-Series Meter

More fancy and complex meters were also made available during 1954, called the E-Series meters; few were ever used in auditing as they were too complicated to be workable.

The Minister's Medallion and Pin

The minister's ceremonial medallion and ribbon was first introduced in 1954.

It is a gold cross on a white field, 21/2 inches in diameter, 3/8 inch thick. The ribbon is black.

The minister's lapel pin is the same design as the minister's medallion but smaller.

These insignia are worn by ordained ministers of the Church of Scientology.

Public Lecture Series
Phoenix, Arizona

While continuing his lectures to trained auditors, Mr. Hubbard also responded to the continuous public demand for Scientology technology by giving a series of public lectures on the fundamental tenets of Scientology.


6th American Advanced Clinical Course (6ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Phoenix Public Lecture
Phoenix, Arizona
Universe Process Congress
Phoenix, Arizona

At the Universe Processes Congress (also called the Fourth International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists), delegates received fourteen hours of lectures and Group Processing from Mr. Hubbard. (To be released on cassette.)

Group Auditor's Handbook, Volume One

Published by Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, June 1954. The Group Auditor's Handbook, Volume One, was released at the Universe Processes Congress given in Phoenix, where it was made available to delegates and used by seminar leaders.

Scientology Workbook

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, June 1954.


7th American Advanced Clinical Course (7ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Lecture, Phoenix, Arizona


Scientology: Auditor's Handbook - Including Intensive Procedure

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, August 1954. (This book, combined with other material, was published as The Creation of Human Ability, 1955.)


Axioms Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

These four half-hour talks were recorded by Mr. Hubbard in his Phoenix office with no audience present, for use on the Professional Course. (Available on cassette as part of the series entitled "The Phoenix Lectures.")

Group Auditor's Handbook, Volume Two

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, September 1954.


Group Processing Session
Phoenix, Arizona


Lecture, Phoenix, Arizona


8th American Advanced Clinical Course (8ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Creation of Human Ability.")

Route One Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

These twelve fifteen-minute lectures give additional data on specific processing steps laid out in the Scientology Auditor's Handbook which was released in August 1954 (the original edition of the book now known as The Creation of Human Ability).


Public Lecture and Group Processing Series
Phoenix, Arizona

Throughout October, November and December of 1954, Mr. Hubbard gave Wednesday night public lectures and Group Processing sessions geared toward newer public interested in finding out more about Scientology. From mid-November through the beginning of December, he also lectured each morning to auditors on the Phoenix Certification Course.


Phoenix Certification Course Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)




9th American Advanced Clinical Course (9ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(Available on cassette as a series entitled The Solution to Entrapment.)

The Ninth Advanced Clinical Course went through the end of 1954 and into the beginning of 1955, continuing with the following lectures:


Unification Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

This congress was marked by the release of a limited manuscript edition of Mr. Hubbard's newest book, Dianetics 55! The material in the book was expanded upon in the lectures to delegates. So successful was this congress that it was repeated in four additional places: New York City, London, Australia and New Zealand. (To be released on cassette.)

A limited manuscript edition was available at the Unification Congress in Phoenix, Arizona, December 1954. Dianetics 55! was published in April 1955 by the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, French, German and Italian.


Continuing his busy lecture schedule, Mr. Hubbard gave many talks at the Hubbard Professional College in Phoenix, Arizona through the end of May.

In June he traveled to Washington, DC, where he delivered two series of lectures and formed the Founding Church of Washington, DC. By October he had returned to London and begun delivery of the Fourth London Advanced Clinical Course (the first ACC that Mr. Hubbard himself conducted in England).

He continued to research, write and lecture in England through the rest of the year.

Notes on Lectures, given by LRH at Phoenix, 1954

Taken from the lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Johannesburg, South Africa, early 1955.

The Elementary Scientology Series

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Scientology Council, Los Angeles, California, early 1955.

L. Ron Hubbard Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 1 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 1-15)

Published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, 1955.(Note: The Professional Auditor's Bulletins written by L. Ron Hubbard also appear in the Technical Bulletins volumes.)


10th Advanced Clinical Course (10ACC) Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

1955 opened with the Tenth Advanced Clinical Course, continuing the established pattern of personal instruction and auditing demonstrations from Mr. Hubbard. Though this was a separate course, it took place while the Ninth Advanced Clinical Course was in progress. (Available on cassette as part of the series "The Solution to Entrapment.")

Public Lectures and Group Processing Series
Phoenix, Arizona

Despite a heavy schedule of teaching at Advanced Clinical Courses, Mr. Hubbard made time for a series of Wednesday evening lectures and Group Processing sessions for the general public.


Staff Auditors' Conferences
Phoenix, Arizona

During January and February 1955, several conferences were held with staff auditors in Phoenix, briefing them on advances and refinements and discussing the results they were achieving.

Recorded Address

While delivering Advanced Clinical Courses in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Hubbard made a recording especially for delegates to the Third International Congress of Scientologists which was being held in London, England.


Auditing and Demonstrations
Phoenix, Arizona

Presented on closed-circuit television to Advanced Clinical Course students, these sessions were also recorded on audio tape for future study and use.

Hubbard Professional College Lectures
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

Auditors' Conferences
Phoenix, Arizona

(To be released on cassette.)

The Scientology Cross

The Scientology sunburst cross, the basic design of which was found by L. Ron Hubbard in an ancient Spanish mission in Arizona, is the official insignia for Scientology ministers.

The cross is three inches high and two inches wide, made of sterling silver and hangs on a fine silver chain. It is worn by both men and women. Each of the eight points of the cross represents one of the eight dynamics.

Large Scientology crosses of wood and other materials are displayed in Scientology churches.

Very small versions are also worn as pins.

The Hubbard Communications Office Insignia

This is a shield with the S and double triangle and the initials "HCO" placed vertically, to the right.

Below the shield on a banner is the motto of HCO, the Hubbard Communications Office, "Bring Order."

The Scientologist, A Manual on the Dissemination of Material

Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Phoenix, Arizona, March 1955. The text of this manual has been reprinted in full in the Technical Bulletins and Organization Executive Course volumes.


The Creation of Human Ability

Published by Scientology Publications in London, England in April 1955 and in the United States a few weeks later.


Phoenix, Arizona


Key to Tomorrow (also entitled Scientology: Its Contribution to Knowledge)

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Communications Office, Phoenix, Arizona, May.



Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

One of the highlights of this congress was LRH's announcement of the new, expanded Tone Scale, showing how it complemented the Tone Scale already familiar to Dianeticists and Scientologists. (To be released on cassette.)



Straightwire: A Manual of Operation

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, July. The text of this manual has been reprinted in its entirety in the Technical Bulletins volumes.


Phoenix, Arizona



Academy Lecture Series
Washington, DC

Delivered at the Academy of Religious Arts and Sciences in Washington, DC, these lectures covered the latest techniques being taught on Scientology auditor training courses. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "Conquest of Chaos.")



4th London Advanced Clinical Course
London, England

Traveling to London in the autumn of 1955, Mr. Hubbard delivered an Advanced Clinical Course and a series of lectures to the general public. (To be released on cassette.)

London Public Lecture Series
London, England

(The last five lectures of this series have been reproduced on cassette as part of the Personal Achievement Series.)



Hubbard Professional Course Lectures
London, England

(To be released on cassette.)




London Auditors' Meeting Lectures
London, England

At these meetings with auditors in London, Mr. Hubbard delivered lectures on his latest developments. (To be released on cassette.)


Recorded Lectures

These lectures were recorded during 1955 — their exact dates are unknown.


Early in 1956, Mr. Hubbard traveled from London, England to Dublin, Ireland, where he opened up a new Dianetics and Scientology organization.

Researching, writing and lecturing all the while, LRH then traveled from Dublin back to London, then to Barcelona, Spain, back to London, over to Washington, DC, back once more to London (sailing on the famous ocean liner Queen Elizabeth and writing The Problems of Work during the voyage), then again to Washington, DC, where he ended this very active and productive year with the Anti-Radiation Congress lectures.

London Auditors' Meeting Lectures
London, England

Continuing a series of technical lectures that he had started in December 1955, LRH gave the following talks at the London Auditors' Meetings in early 1956. (To be released on cassette.)


Creative Learning - A Scientological Experiment in Schools

Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Hubbard Communications Office, London, England in early 1956.

Hubbard Professional Course Lectures
London, England

(To be released on cassette.)


London Public Lecture Series
London, England


Hubbard Professional Course Lectures
London, England

(To be released on cassette.)



Game Gongress Lectures
Washington, DC

This congress included thirteen hours of Group Processing and lectures covering the subject of games and their importance in understanding man and improving his happiness and abilities. (To be released on cassette as a series entitled "Games and the Spirit of Play.")

Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought

First published as a series of Professional Auditor's Bulletins starting in 1956. Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought was published in book form by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, DC in September 1956. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, French, German, Finnish, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish and Swedish.


Conference and Lecture
London, England


London Congress on Human Problems
London, England

This congress was held to discuss the major problems afflicting man at the time. Certainty magazine reported that in Mr. Hubbard's lectures to the more than 200 delegates, "He showed how salvation in our time lay in the application of the basic principles of modern knowledge as discovered, correlated and aligned in Scientology." (To be released on cassette.)



15th American Advanced Clinical Course (15ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

In addition to recent developments in auditing technology, this course included several important lectures on learning and education. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Power of Simplicity.")

Organizaion Series Lectures
Washington, DC

These lectures, given to organization staff and students, cover how to succeed and prosper and make progress professionally, in an auditing practice, in a Personnel Efficiency Course and other courses, and in group activities of any sort. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "How to Present Scientology to the World.")


The Prolems of Work by LRH

First published by Scientology Consultants, Inc., Washington, DC, December 1956. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

L. Ron Hubbard Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 2 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 16-30)

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, 1956.

L. Ron Hubbard Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 4 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 31-46)

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, 1956.

L. Ron Hubbard Professional Auditor's Bulletins Book 4 (Professional Auditor's Bulletins 47-69)

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, 1956.

(Note: The Professional Auditor's Bulletins written by L. Ron Hubbard also appear in the Technical Bulletins volumes.)

Anti-Radiation Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

The fourteen hours of lectures to this congress include discussion of the problem of nuclear radiation, its effects on society and on the individual, and how these can be dealt with. (To be released on cassette.)


Mr. Hubbard taught three Advanced Clinical Courses in Washington, DC during 1957, and lectured at three congresses - one in London and two in Washington.

The lectures given to one of these congresses, the London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health, form the basis of the book All About Radiation, also first published during this year.

LRH's research into the field of education in 1957 resulted in vital technical issues on education in general and on the training of auditors - the foundations of modern Scientology study and training technology.


Scientology Training Course Manual: Field Validation and Hubbard Apprentice Scientologists (also known as HAS Training Manual)

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, DC, 1957.

16th American Advanced Clinical Course (16ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

Mr. Hubbard's lectures to students on this course included talks on the anatomy of traps, evil and how it affects man's abilities, and individual identity. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Anatomy of Cause.")


17th American Advanced Clinical Course (17ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)


London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health (LCNRH) Lectures
London, England

These lectures included data on nuclear radiation, its effect on health, and the latest advances in Scientology. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "Radiation and Your Survival.")



London, England




The Hubbard Certified Auditor (HCA) Course Lectures
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)


All About Radiation by LRH

Published by the Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, May 1957. TRANSLATIONS: Swedish, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish.




Staff Auditor Conference
Washington, DC


Advanced Clinical Course (ACC) Preparatory Manual for Advanced Students in Scientology

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, summer of 1957.




Freedom Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

The Freedom Congress was so named because its subject was freedom from human confusion. In addition to lectures, Mr. Hubbard gave demonstrations of specific processes and training drills and delivered Group Processing to the congress delegates. (Available on cassette.)


18th American Advanced Clinical Course (18ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)



Hubbard Certified Auditor Student Manual

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, November 1957.

Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue One by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, December 1957. Also printed in the Technical Bulletins volumes. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, French, German, Spanish and Swedish.



Ability Congress ectures
Washington, DC

The lectures of this congress centered on the return of ability to live - to understand oneself and others, to communicate, to have and achieve goals. (Available on cassette.)

Control and the Mechanics of SCS

Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, DC, December 1957.


Mr. Hubbard spent much of his time in 1958 working and lecturing in London and in Washington, DC. He was involved in organizations on both sides of the Atlantic simultaneously, while keeping up a heavy schedule of research, writing and lecturing.

Among his major technical breakthroughs in 1958 were refinements of clearing technology, as detailed in the 19th American ACC lectures and Clearing Congress lectures, both given in Washington. Six of the Clearing Congress lectures were captured on color film and can still be heard and watched today.

Mr. Hubbard also made major developments in the technologies of auditing and auditor training, recorded in lectures, issues and articles.

Hubbard American Blue E-Meter

The new "American Blue" transistorized E-Meter was ready in time for the Nineteenth American Advanced Clinical Course in January, 1958. A meter was also developed around this time that projected and displayed the meter dial and the tone arm. It was used for classroom auditing demonstrations.

Academy of Scientology — Instructions & Information for Students in HCA, Validation or Special Communication Courses

Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Washington, DC, 1958.


19th American Advanced Clinical Course (19ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)


Staff Auditors' Conferences
Washington, DC



Lecture, London, England

The first six lectures of this congress were filmed in color and are available today in video cassette format. They contain a complete and simple presentation of the subject for the general public as well as the professional Scientologist - a spanning of interest and presentation of unusual accomplishment in itself.


20th American Advanced Clinical Course (20ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)


Axioms and Logics by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, London, England, August 1958. This is a compilation of materials originally published between the years 1951 and 1955.


Staff Auditors' Conferences
Washington, DC


Hubbard "Green and Gold" UK Meter

In Great Britain the "Green and Gold" meter was built. This E-Meter was used at the Fifth London Advanced Clinical Course.

ACC Clear Procedure (20th American ACC) by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, October 1958. The text of this book appears in full in the Technical Bulletins volumes.



Lecture, London, England

Mr. Hubbard arrived in London on 17 October 1958 to give the London Clearing Congress, scheduled to start the following day. On arrival he gave a talk to the London staff on past ACCs, a new organization chart and organizational basics.

London Clearing Congress Lectures
London, England

In this congress Mr. Hubbard covered a broad range of subjects-from his experiences developing the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology, to the characteristics of Clears and the skills necessary to produce them, to the effects of Scientology's activities on the future of this civilization. (To be released on cassette as a series entitled "The Origin of Aberration.")


5th London Advanced Clinical Course (5LACC) Lectures
London, England

Auditing case histories from this month-long course, the most heavily attended ACC yet held, appear in the book Have You Lived Before This Life? (To be released on cassette.)





Axioms and Logics by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, December 1958.

(Note: The Professional Auditor's Bulletins written by L. Ron Hubbard also appear in the Technical Bulletins volumes.)


In 1959, Mr. Hubbard purchased Saint Hill Manor in Sussex, England, and moved his offices there.

Once established at Saint Hill he began a number of projects, including a series of experiments with plants and the nature of their life energy. His experiments and findings were widely publicized in the media. Many administrative policies were also formed here, because at that time LRH was directing the Scientology organizations and developing organizational technology to increase efficiency.

In addition to his projects at Saint Hill, LRH continued researching and writing; he also made time to travel, giving lectures and congresses in Washington, DC; London, England; and Melbourne, Australia.


Success Congress
Washington, DC

Delegates to this congress were given lectures on new breakthroughs in the handling of engrams and the skills needed to apply them in making Clears. (To be released on cassettes.)

Lectlure, Washington, DC
21st American Advanced Clinical Course
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)



Hubbard Mark I E-Meter

In 1959, a company in England followed L. Ron Hubbard's instructions and produced the Hubbard Mark I E-Meter. The Mark I began a series of dependable and truly workable meters.



Staff Auditors' Conference
Washington, DC






Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course Lectures
London, England

The lectures given on this course were recorded and subsequently used in the training of Hubbard Professional Auditors the world over. (To be released on cassette as a series entitled "The Skills of a Theta Being.")


6th London Advanced Clinical Course (6LACC) Lectures
London, England

(To be released on cassette.)


Theta Clear Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

Mr. Hubbard's lectures to congress delegates included the importance of co-auditing in accomplishing widespread clearing. (To be released on cassette.)



Melbourne Congress Lectures
Melbourne, Australia

This congress, given during one stop on a round-the-world tour, covered a wide range of subjects including current political systems, how to improve one's chances of surviving an atomic attack and the relation between complexity and unworkability. (To be released on cassette.)

1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course (1MACC) Lectures
Melbourne, Australia

(To be released on cassette.)





Ceremonies of the Founding Church of Scientology by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, DC, 1959.


Mr. Hubbard's schedule of lectures, congresses and Advanced Clinical Courses for 1960 took him to Washington, DC; London, England; Johannesburg, South Africa and to Saint Hill in England for the First Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course.

His research led to major advances in auditing addressed to thesubjects of help, responsibility and harmful acts. He also devoted time to finding new ways to apply Scientology broadly, to the betterment of large sectors of society.

Hubbard Mark II E-Meter

The Hubbard Mark II E-Meter was released in 1960.


State of Man Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

In this congress, given at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, Mr. Hubbard covered the eight dynamics in detail, with particular attention to how the dynamics interrelate and how to improve conditions across the dynamics. (Available on cassette.)


Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course Lectures
Washington, DC

Personally addressing the students of this course, Mr. Hubbard reiterated and expanded on auditing basics such as handling blocks to free communication and precise use of the E-Meter. (To be released on cassette.)



Have You Lived before this Life by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, March 1960. Revised and expanded in 1977. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, Danish, French, German, Italian and Spanish.




London Open Evening Lectures
London, England

In addition to his schedule of research, writing and lectures and conferences with staff, Mr. Hubbard made time in June and July to give several lectures to newer public. (To be released on cassette.)

Hubbard Mark III E-Meter

The Mark II was soon followed by the Hubbard Mark III E-Meter, also released in 1960.

Audible E-Meter

This meter, on which reads were heard rather than seen, was developed for use by the blind. Several prototypes of this meter were made, the first in the early 1960s.


London Congress on Dissemination and Help
London, England

These lectures were given at a two-day congress with the theme of "dissemination and help," sponsored by the London Scientology organizations. (To be released on cassette.)

1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course (1SHACC) Lectures
Sussex, England

The lectures given at the first ACC delivered at Saint Hill Manor included discussion of the sixth and seventh dynamics and the use of the E-Meter in clearing. (To be released on cassette.)


Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

At the end of 1960, Mr. Hubbard traveled from South Africa to Washington, DC to deliver this congress on the 31st of December and the 1st of January 1961. (Available on cassette.)


1961 began with Mr. Hubbard in Washington, DC delivering the Twenty-second American Advanced Clinical Course and the Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress. Before the end of March he had traveled first to Saint Hill and from there to Johannesburg, South Africa, where he delivered more than twenty lectures and released a new organizational chart for use in Scientology organizations.

Certainly one of the most major events of 1961, though, was the opening of the most comprehensive, exhaustive auditor training course ever-the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Inaugurated on the 24th of March at Saint Hill Manor, this course rapidly became known the world over as the course where truly expert auditors were made.

22nd American Advanced Clinical Course (22ACC) Lectures
Washington, DC

(To be released on cassette.)


Anatomy Congress Lectures
Johannesburg, South Africa

The content and method of delivery of the Anatomy of the Human Mind Course was the key topic of the lectures at this congress. (To be released on cassette.)

3d South African Advanced Clinical Course Lectures
Johannesburg, South Africa

(Reproduced on cassette for the South African Rundown Auditor Course.)



Hubbard British Mark IV E-Meter

The British Mark IV E-Meter was introduced in early 1961. As of June 1961, the only meter allowed in Academies of Scientology was the British Mark IV.


E-Meter Essentials by LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, May 1961. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, German, French, Italian and Spanish.

Man Free from Man, taken from the works of LRH

Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, May 1961.


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England

The following lectures mark the beginning of the famous Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, delivered personally by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill from 1961 through 1966. During the next five and a half years, Mr. Hubbard lectured regularly to the students and personally oversaw their training so as to make them true experts who could be counted on to carry the latest technology and the highest standards of competence to the field. (The full set of 437 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures, from 1961 through 1966, is available on cassette.)








Clean Hands Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

Taking a short break from his heavy schedule of research, lectures and instruction at Saint Hill, Mr. Hubbard flew to Washington where he gave a nine-hour series of lectures on advanced auditing procedures and the technology of Scientology Confessionals. (To be released on cassette as a series entitled "The Expansion of Havingness.")


Mr. Hubbard's most major activity in 1962, in the area of Scientology technology, was overseeing the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. He delivered over 150 lectures to Briefing Course students, updating them on each research development and refinement as it was made, and inspecting and correcting their application of what they were learning.

In September, LRH took a short break from his intensive technical and administrative work at Saint Hill and flew to Washington, where he delivered 9 lectures in three days to delegates at the Clearing Success Congress.

Hubbard British Mark V E-Meter

The first British Mark V E-Meter became available in 1962. Its sensitivity range was greatly increased over all previous meters.


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England


Clearing Success Congress Lectures
Washington, DC

This lecture series included data on Mr. Hubbard's most recent advances in clearing, the relationship between the various dynamics, exteriorization and the role Scientology organizations play in creating a new civilization. (To be released on cassette.)


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England





While keeping the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course roaring ahead, LRH embarked on what he called "the most intense period of research I've yet done."

In addition to his work in the technical line, Mr. Hubbard made great strides in the field of administration — newly defining the activities of auditors and organizations across the world.

Hubbard British Mark V E-Meter

A new British Mark V E-Meter became available in 1963 with double the sensitivity of the first Mark V. The Mark IV and Mark V were both in use from 1963 through 1965. The Mark IV was discontinued in December 1965.


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England


Professional Auditor's Congress
Sussex, England

On a Saturday afternoon at Saint Hill, LRH gave these two lectures to professional Scientologists and students currently on course in the Academy of Scientology in London.

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England



In May, Mr. Hubbard created The Auditor, a new magazine sent out regularly from Saint Hill to swiftly carry information on his latest technical developments as well as news of Saint Hill and the wins of Saint Hill students and preclears.

Technical progress in 1964 included tremendous achievements in the field of education. Combining his own experiences as a student with observations made in training others, Mr. Hubbard developed Scientology study technology and recorded this revolutionary new tech in lectures to students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

In December of 1964, R6EW and Solo auditing were released at Saint Hill Manor.

Azimuth Alignment Meter

The Azimuth Alignment Meter became available in 1964. It was a "see-through" meter — the dial being glass both front and back. This enabled an auditor to look through the dial while writing to ensure that no movement of the needle was missed. It is a Mark V meter in function.

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England










The Book of Case Remedies - A Manual Covering Preclear Difficulties and Their Remedies by LRH

Published by the Department of Publications, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, November 1964. Later revised in 1991. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch and Italian.





R6EW Materials

The materials for this Solo-audited level were released 8 December 1964.


The Scientology Pin (or Membership Pin)

Worn by members of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, a gold lapel-sized pin of the Scientology symbol.

Following the release of the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates in 1965, a series of insignia became available that could be worn to show an individual's training level and grade of release.

Auditor Blazer Badge for Class IV Auditor

This is a shield with two horizontal stripes across the top. The top stripe is yellow with the Roman numerals "0-IV" in red. The second stripe is black with the word "auditor" in gold. The bottom of the shield is green with a gold Scientology symbol. Below the shield is a gold banner with the words "Standard Tech" in red.


The Mastery of GPMs, Parts 1 and 2 filmed lecture

A filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard given at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England on December 22, 1964. This film is now part of Grade VI.

The Pattern of the Bank, Parts 1 and 2 filmed lecture

A filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard given at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England on December 30, 1964. This film is now part of Grade VI.


The Bank and Its Pattern filmed lecture

A filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard given at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England on December 30, 1964. This film is now part of the Clearing Course.



Great advances were made in Scientology technical and administrative technology in 1965.

Mr. Hubbard codified the organizational technology he had developed in building Saint Hill into a big, rapidly expanding organization and released it in a flood of new HCO Policy Letters. In fact, 1965 was one of the richest years in Scientology history in terms of policy advances and releases.

1965 was also marked by spectacular progress in auditing and training technology. The route to total freedom was fully codified, and the first Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates was released in May. Power Processing was also begun in May, and in September, the Clearing Course was made available to students who had completed the prerequisite auditing steps.



The Book of E-Meter Drills by LRH

Published by the Department of Publications, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, February 1965. Later revised in 1988. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England


Power Processing Materials

The issues covering this new level were released on 10 May 1965 to the auditors LRH was personally training to deliver it.


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England


Auditor Blazer Badge for Class VI Auditor

This is a shield with two horizontal stripes across the top. The top stripe is yellow with the Roman numeral "VI" in red. The second stripe is black with the word "auditor" in gold. The bottom of the shield is blue with a gold Scientology symbol. Below the shield is a gold banner with the words "Standard Tech" in red.

The Power Release Pin

For the preclear who has attained Grades V, VA or VI, a release pin with the S and double triangle (Scientology symbol) with the red R encircled by a gold wreath.

The Release Pin

A small lapel-sized pin. It is the Scientology symbol in gold with a red R (for Release) mounted on it. It signifies a release, Grades 0 through IV.






The Materials of the R6 Bank filmed lecture

A filmed lecture by L. Ron Hubbard given at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England on September 3, 1965. This film is now part of the Clearing Course.


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England


Clearing Course Materials

The written materials for the Clearing Course were first presented to students at its opening on 27 September 1965.




The Clear and OT Bracelets

A Clear is signified by a silver identification bracelet with the S and double triangle on it. The bracelet is sterling silver. The underside bears the word "Clear," L. Ron Hubbard's initials, the engraved name of the person, the date they were declared Clear and their Clear number. An Operating Thetan is signified by a gold bracelet of the same design.


Scientology: A New Slant on Life by LRH

A collection of the most popular magazine articles by L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Hubbard Communications Office, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, December 1965. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.


Early in 1966, Mr. Hubbard turned over his executive duties at Saint Hill and traveled to the Canary Islands to do advanced research. In March he flew on to the southern African country of Rhodesia (since renamed Zimbabwe), where he continued his research and investigated the relationship of the individual to a large group.

Returning to Saint Hill in July, he resumed lecturing to students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, completing this monumental, six-year series of lectures and demonstrations in December.

Throughout this time, LRH continued researching new levels. In August, the first Operating Thetan level was released-OT I - followed by OT II in September.

On the first of September, LRH resigned from all directorships in Scientology organizations and devoted his time to lecturing and further research. Toward the end of the year, he was awarded his third Explorers Club flag, which he was to carry on a research expedition: the Hubbard Mediterranean Geological Survey Expedition, examining ancient Mediterranean civilizations and amplifying man's knowledge of his history.

What Are People For? - An Inroduction to Scientology by LRH

Published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1966. TRANSLATION: Danish.







An Introduction to Scientology filmed interview

A one-hour filmed interview with L. Ron Hubbard answering questions commonly asked about Scientology. Filmed in April 1966. Available in a colorized version on video. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian, Polish, Urdu, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Mandarin, Hebrew, Serbo-Croatian, Russian, Greek, Afrikaans and Arabic.


Filmed Lectures

L. Ron Hubbard gave four filmed lectures at Saint Hill Manor in June 1966, which are now part of the Clearing Course. These films are entitled:


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) Lectures
Sussex, England


OT I Materials

The materials for the first OT level, a Solo-audited action, were released to qualified Solo auditors on 14 August 1966.


Introducing the E-Meter by LRH

Published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, September 1966. Later revised in 1988. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.

OT II Materials

The written materials for OT II were released in September 1966, to auditors who had successfully completed OT I.


A New Understanding of Life

Published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1966.






The Operating Thetan Symbol

The symbol used for OT activities is an oval O with a horizontal bar and a vertical bar down from its center to the bottom of the O. A person attaining Section V OT may have a wreath completely around the outside of the O. The OT symbol is worn on necklaces and rings.



In early January, LRH traveled from Saint Hill to the northern African city of Tangier, Morocco. There he set up a base where he could carry out advanced studies and research.

A short time later he traveled to Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, where he established the Sea Organization. In November, he returned to England where he accepted delivery of a 3,200 ton vessel, the Royal Scotman. Later renamed the Apollo, it became the flagship of the Sea Organization.

Amidst all of the tremendous organizational activity of 1967, Mr. Hubbard also made many spectacular technical advances, including the discovery and resolution of one of the most major barriers to man's attainment of full spiritual freedom: OT Section III, the Wall of Fire.

Information for Releases, taken from the works of LRH

Published by the Hubbard College of Scientology, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1967.







Ron's Journal 67

In this recorded message, L. Ron Hubbard briefed Scientologists on a technical breakthrough of incredible magnitude: He had successfully mapped the route through the Wall of Fire — OT III — and made it possible for others to follow. (Available on cassette.)


A twenty-minute film based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, produced at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England in the autumn of 1967.


Politics Issues


Closely following the release of OT III, the next three OT levels — OT IV, V and VI — were released in January of 1968.

While carrying out his research on the upper levels of the Bridge, Mr. Hubbard was living aboard the flagship Apollo, where he was training Sea Org members in their duties as seamen and as highly effective organizational staff and executives.

He was also making major strides in nearly every other area of Scientology technology, including breakthroughs in handling the effects of drugs, study and effective education, repair of cases slowed or stalled in auditing, precise metering and fully standardized Grades auditing and case supervision.

In the fall of 1968, Mr. Hubbard called a select group of auditors from around the world to the flagship for a course that would make them true specialists of Standard Tech — the Class VIII Course.

A Test of Whole Track Recall by LRH

Limited first edition published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1968. Later republished in Mission into Time, 1972.

OT IV, V and VI Materials

The materials for all three levels were released simultaneously in January 1968. Scientologists came to the Advanced Organization aboard the Apollo from around the world to receive these OT levels.










The Sea Organization Symbol

The Sea Organization, founded 12 August 1967, is a fraternal organization existing within the formalized structure of the churches of Scientology.

The Sea Organization symbol is worn as cloth badges and rings. It is also worn on belt buckles, ties and other items of clothing and accessories.

The laurel wreath represents victory and has been used throughout history to crown poets, artists and champions. It not only represents the physical victory, but the series of inner victories achieved by the individual. It is associated with the head — traditional abode of the spirit.

The star is the symbol of the spirit. The five-pointed star signifies "rising up toward the point of origin."

The laurel wreath and star in combination signify the victory of the spirit. Its proper color is always gold. The star is not trapped in its victory, but is in the open field toward the top of the wreath, allowing free exit beyond its victory. The symbol is in a field of blue, symbolizing truth.

The Class VIII Badge

The Class VIII Badge is a shield with two horizontal stripes across the top with the word "auditor" and the Roman numeral VIII. The bottom of the shield contains the Scientology symbol and beneath that the banner with the words "Standard Tech."

The Class VIII Badge is all red with gold lettering and numbering. It is given to permanent Class VIII Auditors only.

The Distribution Division 6 Badge

The purpose of Division 6, the Distribution Divisions of the Church of Scientology, is to make Scientology grow. Its symbol and the symbol worn by its personnel is the affinity-reality-communication (ARC) triangle interwoven with the symbol for infinity.

Introduction to Scientology Ethics by LRH

Published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, July 1968. Revised and updated in 1989. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.


The AUDITOR extra You as an Auditor


The Phoenix Lectures, from Lectures by LRH

Published by the Publications Organization, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England, August 1968. (The lectures covered in this book are available on cassette.) TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, French, German and Swedish.




Class VIII Course Lectures: Sea Organization Flagship Apollo

In September of 1968, a select group of auditors from Scientology organizations around the world were called to the Sea Organization's flagship Apollo for what was to be the toughest, most exacting technical course in Scientology history: The Class VIII Course. In a series of nineteen lectures, Mr. Hubbard delineated exactly what standard Scientology technology is, the spectacular results it invariably achieves, and precisely how, as Class VIIIs, course graduates would put it in and keep it in. The lectures are today an integral part of Class VIII Auditor training. (Reproduced on cassette for the Class VIII Auditor Course.)

Hubbard Dianetics Auditor's Course Textbook: Compiled from the works of LRH

Published by the Publications Organization Worldwide, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1968.







While continuing to work closely with Sea Org officers and crew to expand Scientology across the world, Mr. Hubbard's work in the technical line remained at its usual rapid pace.

Major advances were made in the area of Dianetics auditing and case supervision, restoring this vital technology to full use and streamlining its application.

Drug use was also an area that received LRH's attention in 1969, with new procedures developed to solve the underlying causes of drug use and relieve its harmful effects.





































A Summary on Scientology for Scientists: An article by L. Ron Hubbard

Published by the Church of Scientology of California (Worldwide) Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, England, 1969.

How to Save Your Marriage: Taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1969.

The Best of the Auditor

A collection of articles by L. Ron Hubbard from The AUDITOR magazine, published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1969.

Dianetics Case Histories Book

Staff compiled, published by the Sea Organization, Division 5 Flag, late 1969.


A film based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard produced in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1969.


Working aboard the Sea Organization flagship Apollo, Mr. Hubbard continued to research intensively in the administrative and technical fields.

Having developed a successful and standard system of organization form and function, he turned to streamlining the technology of management. He released the highly workable principles and systems he evolved in series of policy letters covering the handling of data, personnel, organization and public relations — the first Management Series policy letters.

On the technical front, Mr. Hubbard resolved the mystery of the difficulties sometimes encountered by preclears after exteriorizing and released the technology to handle them — the new Interiorization Rundown. He also began writing series of technical bulletins covering the technologies of case supervision and Word Clearing. And in September 1970, OT VII was released.


Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, this 20-minute film was produced in Los Angeles, California in 1970. The film includes a demonstration of Dianetics auditing.












American Mark V E-Meter

In 1970 the American Mark V E-Meter became available. This meter, along with the British Mark V and Azimuth Alignment Meter, became the standard meters.

LRH Address (recorded message)
Los Angeles, Caifornia

The Grand National Convention of Dianetics and Total Freedom was held in Los Angeles in July 1970. Shortly before the convention, Mr. Hubbard recorded a message to be played to the delegates. He discussed the early days of Dianetics and the tremendous improvements in auditing technology made through the years, including the development of Expanded Grades and standardized training.


OT VII Materials

The written materials for OT VII were released on 9 September 1970.


Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics by L. Ron Hubbard

Published by the Publications Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark,1970. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish.


The Background and Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology Worldwide, based on the works of LRH

Published by the Church of Scientology, Worldwide, Saint Hill Manor,East Grinstead, Sussex, England, 1970. TRANSLATIONS: Danish and German.


In 1971 Mr. Hubbard carried on along similar lines to the work he had done in 1970, both technically and administratively.

Lecturing to top Scientology executives on the new Flag Executive Briefing Course — the Class VIII of administrative training — he revealed new management technology to be used in booming organizations across the planet.

Continuing to refine auditing and case supervision technology, LRH added nearly 50 new HCO Bulletins to the Case Supervisor Series and polished the technology of the Interiorization Rundown to make it even more precise and effective.

Great advances were also made in the areas of study and education, with many bulletins issued on the technology of Word Clearing. These HCO Bulletins and the study tech LRH had codified in the 1960s gave Course Supervisors and Word Clearers all the tools they needed to get students flying through their studies and effectively applying what they learned.


Flag Executive Briefing Coures Lectures
Sea Organization, Flagship Apollo

LRH established the Flag Executive Briefing Course in late 1970 to train Scientology executives up to full mastery of the technology of running an organization. These lectures to FEBC students form a vital part of the course, teaching the use of public relations technology, key principles of organizing any activity and the powerful Product Organizing Officer System. Together with the course's written materials and practical drills, these tapes make a truly competent executive, capable of booming any organization. (Reproduced on cassette for the Flag Executive Briefing Course.)



Freedom Sep/Oct Psychology and Psychiatry, The Sciences of Saliva


The Basic Dianetics Picture Book - taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Publications Organization, US. Revised in 1972 and 1991. TRANSLATIONS: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Swedish.


The Basic Scientology Picture Book - taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Publications Organization, US. Later revised in 1991. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.


Early 1972 found L. Ron Hubbard aboard the flagship Apollo, researching, lecturing and overseeing the training of executives and auditors who had come from around the world for the highest levels of training available.

New achievements in the fields of study and education were made, with several new methods of Word Clearing released. These included the steps needed to bring about a brand-new state: Superliteracy, the ability to comfortably and quickly take data from a page and be able at once to apply it.

Basic Study Manual

Compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard by Applied Scholastics, Inc. Later revised in 1990. TRANSLATIONS: Italian, German and Spanish.


Establishment Officer Lectures
Sea Organization, Flagship Apollo

Delivered to Flag Executive Briefing Course students aboard the Apollo, this series of lectures details the Establishment Officer system, how it relates to the Product-Organizing Officer system and how Establishment Officer technology can be utilized to create rapid and stable expansion in any organization. (Reproduced on cassette for the Flag Executive Briefing Course.)


Expanded Dianetics Lectures
Sea Organization, Flagship Apollo

These lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard to students he was personally training in the specialized data and advanced skills of his latest breakthrough in auditing technology, Expanded Dianetics. In addition to specifics on Expanded Dianetics procedures, he also covered vital data on misunderstood words and their handling, the anatomy of physical illness and the importance of standard auditor administration. (Reproduced on cassette for the Expanded Dianetics Auditor Course.)


Mission Into Time

Compiled by staff and published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, September 1972. Republication of A Test of Whole Track Recall, 1968.



Returning to the Apollo from several months spent in New York City doing sociological studies, Mr. Hubbard carried out research in the areas of vitamins and nutrition. His discoveries during this time formed the foundation for major advances he would make in later years in handling the effects of drugs and other toxic substances.


Organization Executive Course Volumes 0-7 by L. Ron Hubbard

Compiled by staff between 1969 and 1972 and published for Scientology staff use, these volumes of HCO Policy Letters were first made broadly available in 1973. Published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Los Angeles, California. Revised in 1991.


L. Ron Hubbard's Professional Auditor's Bulletins (collections of bulletins issued as books)

(Note: The Professional Auditor's Bulletins written by L. Ron Hubbard are also available in the Technical Bulletins volumes.)


Nineteen seventy-four opened with the announcement of an important technical breakthrough: the Introspection Rundown. Resulting from research and piloting done in the closing months of 1973, this powerful series of audited actions locates and corrects the causes of introversion; with these factors handled the person can again extrovert, see his environment and therefore handle and control it.

In February, Mr. Hubbard formed a music and dance troupe aboard the Apollo to provide entertainment and goodwill at the ship's Spanish and Portuguese ports of call. He personally instructed the musicians and dancers in artistic presentation, music, composition, sound, arranging and recording. Much of the technology he taught them is now found in the HCO Bulletins of the Art Series, contained in the Technical Bulletins volumes.

The Management Series 1970-1974 by L. Ron Hubbard

Published by the American Saint Hill Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1974. Contains the Data Series, Public Relations Series, Personnel Series, Organizing Series, Finance Series, Executive Series and Establishment Officer Series. Later revised and expanded into two volumes in 1983 and into three volumes in 1991.

Hymn of Asia: An Eastern Poem

Published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, December 1974.



Mr. Hubbard's work in 1975 yielded new developments in Dianetics auditing, E-Metering, health, nutrition and dealing with the effects of drugs, management and finance.


Dianetics Today

Compiled by staff and published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, March 1975.


Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary

Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by the Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, June 1975. Later revised in 1987. TRANSLATION: Italian.


New Vitality Rundown Lectures
Daytona, Florida

In late 1975 Mr. Hubbard gave twenty-two lectures to a specially picked team of auditors being trained on a new auditing rundown. Designed to handle cases that have not progressed well due to suppression or other factors, the New Vitality Rundown is delivered at the Flag Service Organization by auditors trained on the precise technology given in these lectures. (Reproduced on cassette for the New Vitality Rundown Auditor Course.)



At the end of 1975 and into 1976, Mr. Hubbard traveled from Florida to Washington, DC, across the United States to Los Angeles, California and finally to a ranch at La Quinta in the Southern California desert.

At his new home he continued researching and writing. In addition to numerous technical bulletins, several key HCO Policy Letters on training staff members and on how to improve an organization's productivity come from his work at this time.



The Policy Subject Index

Index to the Organization Executive Course and the Management Series volumes, published by Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California, March 1976. (Also known as the Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter Subject Index.)


The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard

Compilation of L. Ron Hubbard's technical bulletins on Dianetics and Scientology. Published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen and Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California, August 1976. Revised in 1991.


Modern Management Technology Defined - Hubbard Dictionary of Administration and Management

Compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California, December 1976.

The Volunteer Minister's Handbook by L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California, December 1976. TRANSLATION: German.


Ron's Journal 28

L. Ron Hubbard recorded a special message for the staff of Scientology organizations in December, 1976.


Living in southern California, Mr. Hubbard carried on with his work on films, writing scripts for eight new Scientology instruction films.

His technical and organizational research went ahead at full speed, making significant progress in such areas as E-Meter use, Word Clearing, study and training technology, case repair, handling the effects of drugs, the technology of Confessionals, Expanded Dianetics, marketing, data evaluation and ethics. Each new advance was released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters.

Can We Ever Be Friends? recorded lecture

A recorded lecture delivered by a minister of Scientology on the truth about Dianetics and Scientology, intended for those who have exhibited coolness or even antagonism toward the subject. TRANSLATIONS: Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French and Swedish.

Can We Ever Be Friends? booklet

Booklet published by the Church of Scientology of California, Worldwide, Saint Hill, England, 1977. Revised in 1989. TRANSLATIONS: French, German.

The Volunteer Minister Booklets

Nine booklets published by Publications Organization, Los Angeles, California, 1977.

  1. Communication
  2. Understanding Others-Affinity, Reality, Communication
  3. Do You Make Many Mistakes?
  4. The Eight Dynamics
  5. Assists
  6. The Conditions of Existence
  7. The Parts of Man
  8. The Aims of Scientology
  9. The Third Party Law


The Secret of Flag Results film

A film written by L. Ron Hubbard, produced by Universal Media Productions and released 9 December 1977.


This was a landmark year for technical breakthroughs. In fact, in Ron's Journal 30, Mr. Hubbard called it The Year of Lightning Fast New Tech. Just a few of these spectacular new advances are listed below.

New Era Dianetics was released, a refinement of all previous Dianetics techniques combined with new developments to give much faster results and far higher gain per hour of auditing.

In September, a remarkable new OT level was released — an audited level called New Era Dianetics for OTs (New OT V).

The Sweat program, forerunner of the Purification program, gave new hope to those persistently troubled by the effects of drug residues in their bodies.

The advanced new Hubbard Professional Mark VI E-Meter was released in 1978, making possible much greater metering accuracy than ever before — and a resulting increase in pc wins and gains.

To give technical training a terrific boost in speed and accuracy, in 1978 LRH wrote scripts for three new technical training films and personally directed six such films. He also directed three new dissemination films to introduce people to Scientology and the Bridge to Total Freedom.


New Era Dianetics for OTs (New OT V) Materials

This new, audited OT level was released 15 September 1978. The materials covering New OT V comprise over 60 HCOBs.


Hubbard Professional Mark VI E-Meter

The Mark VI E-Meter was released as the first OT meter. The Mark V proved not to be sensitive enough at upper levels — the Mark VI was more sensitive and it also had a newly designed meter movement.


While supervising the training of a group of auditors selected to deliver a highly precise new auditing rundown, Mr. Hubbard found that many of them had difficulty with their TRs. In 1979 his search for the cause of this one outness and the means to terminatedly handle it led him to a series of discoveries that form the basis for the technology found today in the new Hubbard Professional TR Course, the Hubbard Key to Life Course and the Hubbard Life Orientation Course.

In December, LRH announced a new rundown designed to rid the body of harmful drug residuals and toxic substances. The successes from those who had participated in its piloting credited this new action with remarkable increases in their energy level, alertness, feeling of health and well-being and ability to think clearly. This new program, the Purification Rundown, is in use today throughout the world.

On the administrative front, 1979 saw the development of a powerful new technology for handling slowed or inadequate production: Debug Tech, consisting of a formidable battery of new technical tools including Crashing Misunderstood Word Finding, False Data Stripping, the Debug Tech Checklist and the Product Debug Repair List.




The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology Volume XI, 1976-1978

Compilation of L. Ron Hubbard's technical bulletins on Dianetics and Scientology. Published by Publications Department Advanced Org/Saint Hill Denmark and Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California, August 1979. Revised in 1991.



Compiled by staff and published by Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California.


Following on the release of the Purification Rundown in December of 1979, the new Scientology Drug Rundown was announced, using Scientology auditing techniques to relieve the mental and spiritual ravages of drugs. Another new OT level the OT — Drug Rundown (New OT IV) — was also released in January 1980.

The first of the Research and Discovery Series volumes was released in June. Containing transcriptions of Mr. Hubbard's thousands of technical lectures, arranged chronologically and projected to fill approximately 100 encyclopedia-sized books, this monumental set represents the complete running record of his research into the subject of the mind and life.

Two brand-new OT levels were released in September: the Hubbard Solo New Era Dianetics for OTs Course (New OT VI), which gives a person the technology he needs to audit himself on the next level, and new OT VII, Solo New Era Dianetics for OTs.


OT Drug Rundown (New OT IV) Materials

The HCOBs describing how to run this new level were released on 29 January 1980 to auditors who had done all of the prerequisites.


Research and Discovery Series, Volume 1

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard from June of 1950. Published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, and Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California.


The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology Volume XII, 1978 - 1979

Compilation of L. Ron Hubbard's technical bulletins on Dianetics and Scientology. Published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen and Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California, August 1980. Revised in 1991.


Hubbard Solo New Era Dianetics for OTs Auditor Course (New OT VI) and Solo New Era Dianetics for OTs (New OT VII)

These two new OT levels were released on 10 September 1980. Their written materials consist of 14 HCOBs.


The Learning Book

Compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard by the faculty of the Delphian School. Published by Heron Books. TRANSLATIONS: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

The Problems of Life - Music

Ten musical compositions from the music for the film, "The Problem of Life," composed by L. Ron Hubbard.


Observing the decay of moral values in society, in 1981 Mr. Hubbard wrote The Way to Happiness — a common-sense guide to help people live happier lives. His intention was that the book be passed on from person to person in a grass-roots movement that would reverse the downward spiral of declining morality. Shortly afterThe Way to Happiness made its appearance, LRH also announced a new auditing rundown; called the Happiness Rundown, its purpose was to help remove barriers an individual might encounter in following the moral precepts The Way to Happiness book contains.

1981 was marked by dramatic changes in the Classification and Gradation Chart. First, the routes onto the Bridge were clarified and opened wide. The lower levels of auditing and training were also streamlined, making possible much smoother and faster progress upward. And a brand-new rundown was released for those who had just achieved the state of Clear: the Sunshine Rundown.


The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard

Paperback booklet; packets of 12 booklets each. Published by Regent House Publishers, Los Angeles, California. New paperback, hardback and leatherbound editions released in 1984 by Bridge Publications, Inc. TRANSLATIONS: Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

Basic Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, and Publications US, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Swedish.

Research and Discovery Series, Volume 2

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, July — August 1950. Published by Scientology Publications Organization, Copenhagen, and Publications Organization US, Los Angeles, California.


1982 saw the beginning of the computerization of Scientology management, using Mr. Hubbard's phenomenal breakthroughs in the application of computer technology. With new ideas for computer utilization far beyond the scope of the time, computers were being used to the utmost to help forward Scientology's efforts to improve conditions worldwide.

New advances were also made in the areas of Confessionals, E-Metering, study technology, auditing repair and case supervision, marketing, finance, management and ethics technology, with each new development made the subject of an HCO Bulletin or Policy Letter.


Understanding the E-Meter

Compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. Revised in 1988.


Bronze Bust of L. Ron Hubbard

Large bust of L. Ron Hubbard for display on pedestal

Car Badge

Scientology symbol for use on cars

Solo Wings

Gold pin in the form of wings around a Scientology symbol for Solo auditors


Introduction and Demonstration Processes and Assists

Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Research and Discovery Series, Volume 3

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, August — September 1950. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Research and Discovery Series, Volume 4

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, September — November 1950. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Ron's Journal 36, Your New Year

Powerful tape-recorded New Year's message from L. Ron Hubbard released on December 31, 1982, urging Scientologists to move up the Bridge.


Among the new technical releases of 1983 was a vital new auditor training course, the Professional TR Course — featuring Mr. Hubbard's technical training film, "The Professional TR Course" and his latest TR training breakthroughs.

Mr. Hubbard also published new bulletins and policy letters on ethics technology, case supervision, Word Clearing, Confessionals, management, public relations and finance.


The Professional TR Coures

Directed and narrated by L. Ron Hubbard, this film shows why TRs are vital in auditing and depicts all aspects of professional TR training. The TRs themselves are covered in detail, portraying exactly how each is done. TRANSLATIONS: German, Spanish, Italian, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Hebrew, Swedish and Japanese.


Management Series Volumes 1 and 2 by L. Ron Hubbard

Updated edition of the Management Series volumes. Staff compiled and published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Research and Discovery Series, Volume 5

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, November 1950 — May 1951. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Original L. Ron Hubbard Executive Directives

Two-volume reprinting of all the LRH Executive Directives. Series 1-15 September 1966 to 28 April 1968, Series 2 — 10 May 1968 to 9 March 1969, Series 3 — 20 January 1969 to 13 March 1983. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Professional TR Course Motion Picture Soundtrack

Nineteen musical themes from the Professional TR Course film, composed by L. Ron Hubbard. Produced by Golden Era Productions.

Ron's Journal 38, Today and Tomorrow: The Proof

One-hour-long cassette from L. Ron Hubbard giving news of unprecedented expansion of the Church. Produced in Clearsound by Golden Era Productions.


In addition to the many technical and administrative advances made in 1984, it was during this year that Mr. Hubbard's research in the field of sound culminated in the development of Clearsound Technology. This revolutionary tech made it possible to produce sound recordings and reproductions of unsurpassed clarity — a great step forward for musicians and cine professionals, invaluable in preserving and reproducing LRH's thousands of recorded lectures.


Purification: An Illustrated Answer to Drugs

A picture book compiled by staff and published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Purification Rundown Delivery Manual

Compiled by staff and published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.


Research and Discovery Series, Volume 6

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, May-August 1951. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Research and Discovery Series, Volume 7

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, August-September 1951. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.


Living at his ranch near San Luis Obispo, California, Mr. Hubbard continued to develop new technology at the lower levels of the Bridge, while also pushing forward his research into the highest levels of OT.

In August he completed and released the Allergy or Asthma Rundown, a new series of auditing steps designed to help relieve mental and spiritual troubles associated with allergies and asthma.

The new Clear Certainty Rundown was completed in December, providing a complete and stream-lined procedure for verifying and validating a person's achievement of the state of Clear.

For Clears, a completely new first step toward Operating Thetan was released: New OT I. This level, which replaced OT I, not only gives the Clear terrific case gains, but also builds his certainty and competence as a Solo auditor.

While advancing technical research, Mr. Hubbard also found time to compose and write lyrics for a complete album of Scientology songs. Making musical statements of many of the basic principles of Scientology, the album was recorded and produced in 1986 by Golden Era Productions. The album provided an aesthetic way for Scientologists to introduce family and friends to the truths of Scientology.

Plaque, "Professionalism" by L. Ron Hubbard

Article on professionalism by L. Ron Hubbard, suitable for wall-hanging.

Plaque, "Code of Honor" by L. Ron Hubbard

The Code of Honor, suitable for wall-hanging.

Plaque, "Joy of Creating" by L. Ron Hubbard

Calligraphic rendering of "Joy of Creating" in frame, suitable for wall-hanging.

Church of Scientology International Ring

A gold ring with the Church of Scientology International Symbol.

International Association of Scientologists Pins

Earned by persons who have contributed to the International Association of Scientologists: Membership Pin, Award Pin and Patron Pin.

The Tone Scale and The Tone Scale Drill Film

The first film, narrated by L. Ron Hubbard, goes through the different tone levels, giving a dramatic representation of each. The viewer is then instructed to watch the accompanying drill film to review the tone levels until he knows them fully. Available in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese and Hebrew. Produced by Golden Era Productions.


New OT I Materials

A brand-new OT level for the new Solo auditor, released 24 August 1985. Its materials consist of 7 HCOBs which replace the previous version of OT I.


The Future of Scientology and Western Civilization by L. Ron Hubbard

Transcribed from a recorded lecture. International Association of Scientologists special gift edition. Published by New Era Publications, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Research and Discovery Series, Volume 8

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, given in October 1951. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.


Research and Discovery Series, Volume 9

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, November to December 1951. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Organization Executive Course, Volume 0 by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition updated by staff with many new LRH policies added. Fully indexed and including insert of nine-division org board. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

E-Meter Reads Drill Film

This film goes through all the various reactions of the needle on the E-Meter, enabling the audience to drill recognizing them many times. Produced by Golden Era Productions in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.


On 24 January 1986, having completed all he set out to do, Mr. Hubbard departed his body. However, he left a wealth of research material yet to be assembled and published, along with instructions as to how this work was to be done. Dedicated Sea Organization staff took up the task of making this legacy of as-yet-unpublished material available.

By the end of 1985, Mr. Hubbard had completed and codified new OT levels all the way through New OT XV. His New Year's message for 1986 included a very special gift for his friends — the first of these OT Levels, New OT VIII: Truth Revealed. The level was complete, but an ideal space for its delivery was needed — which was accomplished with the purchase of the ship Freewinds. New OT VIII was released on the Freewinds on 7 June 1988.

In addition to compiling and publishing materials not previously available, a continuing effort has been made to see that the entire legacy of Mr. Hubbard's work is made known — and easily accessible — to all the peoples of Earth. To this end a series of projects have been carried out to assemble and publish new editions of his works: books supplemented with glossaries and indexes to make data more easily located and understood; lectures produced using Clearsound technology so that every word can be clearly heard, then released with complete transcripts and glossaries; translated editions of books, films and recorded lectures; and new books and films to quickly communicate the truths of Dianetics and Scientology and how they can be used to improve life. This work has been going forward apace since 1986 and will continue for many years to come.

Ron's Journal 39: My New Year's Gift to You

In this special New Year's message for 1986, produced in Clearsound, L. Ron Hubbard announces the levels above New OT VII.

Road to Freedom songs

Songs composed by L. Ron Hubbard and performed by the Golden Era Musicians and numerous celebrities. "Thank You for Listening," the last song, is sung by L. Ron Hubbard himself. Produced in Clearsound on cassette and as a record album in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Released on 13 March, 1986 at L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday Event.

Hubbard Dissemination Course

Based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

What Happened to These Civilizations?

A film that tells why numerous civilizations have failed and the answer to a new civilization that will bring hope to mankind. Produced in English, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Brazilian, Hebrew, Greek, Spanish and Swedish. Released on May 9, 1986.


The Hope of Man by L. Ron Hubbard

Transcribed from a recorded lecture. International Association of Scientologists special gift edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California, 1986.

Books Make Booms Slide Show

L. Ron Hubbard directed the original photo story from which this slide show for staff on the importance of selling books was created. TRANSLATION: Italian.

My Philosophy cassete

A cassette on which "My Philosophy," "A Description of Scientology" and "The Aims of Scientology," three of L. Ron Hubbard's powerful writings, are read by actor Jeff Pomerantz accompanied by music composed especially for the cassette. Produced in Clearsound. Released in September 1986.


My Philosophy video

A video presentation of L. Ron Hubbard's 1965 essay, "My Philosophy," narrated by actor Jeff Pomerantz, with never-before-seen photos of Mr. Hubbard's life. Produced by Golden Era Productions with transcript and glossary.

The Story of Book One

The story of the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in May 1950 and the grass-roots movement it sparked. Released by Golden Era Productions on 9 May 1987 in English. Rereleased in 1991 in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.


The Game Called Man by L. Ron Hubbard

Transcribed from a recorded lecture. International Association of Scientologists special gift edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.



Dianetics: Evolution of a Science

Based on true incidents in the early history of Dianetics, the story of a promising young football player paralyzed from the waist down in an accident, and his road back through Dianetics. Produced in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.

The History of the E-Meter film

A technical film covering the development of the E-Meter, produced by Golden Era Productions in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.


Man, the Unfathomable film

An hour-long film, narrated by L. Ron Hubbard, that takes the viewer through various times in the history of man in which he has been trying to cure his fellows of nonoptimum conditions. The film establishes man's need for Scientology and the E-Meter. Produced by Golden Era Productions in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.

New OT VIII: Truth Revealed Materials

The materials of this Solo-audited OT level were released 7 June 1988 aboard the Freewinds.


E-Meter Essentials by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Introducing the E-Meter by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Danish and Italian.

The Book of E-Meter Drills by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian.

Understanding the E-Meter by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: German and Italian.

Individual Track Map by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California for use with New Era Dianetics.

Basic Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Italian, Swedish, Dutch, German, Japanese and French.

The Married Couple

The story of a once-happy couple whose relationship deteriorates to the verge of divorce. They receive marriage counseling at a church of Scientology, find the source of their problems and begin to build an honest and lasting relationship. Produced by Golden Era Productions in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Swedish and Spanish.

Man, the Unfathomable - Music

The unique music composed by L. Ron Hubbard to accompany the film, "Man, the Unfathomable." Produced in Clearsound.

The Troubleshooter

This package contains L. Ron Hubbard's bulletins for analysis and handling of difficulties which may be encountered in an auditing session.

Passport up the Bridge to Freedom

This unique document lists out the training and processing steps on the Bridge to Total Freedom, as well as every book, film and cassette by L. Ron Hubbard. Whenever a step is completed it is officially validated at a Scientology organization with a special passport stamp.




This film supplements Dianetics and Scientology written materials and lectures about assists. It includes representation of some of the theory of why they work and accurate demonstrations of how they are done. Produced by Golden Era Productions in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.


Research and Discovery Series, Volume 10

Compiled from the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, January to February 1952. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Clay Table Processing Picture Book by L. Ron Hubbard

For use by students on the Hubbard Professional TR Course only. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.

TRs in Life film

Written and narrated by L. Ron Hubbard, this film shows how — without TRs — life is a struggle instead of a game. It depicts the common denominator of all failures to confront and handle life, why each TR exists and what each is designed to handle. Produced by Golden Era Productions. TRANSLATIONS: German, Spanish, Italian, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew and Japanese.



Hubbard Key to Life Course Books by L. Ron Hubbard

The Hubbard Key to Life Course is the ultimate answer to the widespread illiteracy ravaging our society. The books used on the course are themselves a spectacular achievement. Designed and written by Mr. Hubbard and containing over 4,000 illustrations, these 13 books are not only powerful technical texts, they are true works of art.

Dianetics: The Dynamics of Life film

A film showing the true story of how L. Ron Hubbard embarked on the most daring exploration in all human history — a journey to confront and answer the riddle of life itself. Produced by Golden Era Productions in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

Hubbard Life Orientation Course Books by L. Ron Hubbard

The materials for the Hubbard Life Orientation Course consist of two books. The first is a large hardbound book, illustrated throughout with full-color artwork done by the same artist who illustrated the Key to Life Course books. The second book is illustrated with color photographs. The books form a complete package that can be continually referred to by the course graduate. TRANSLATIONS: French, German, Italian and Spanish.


OT VIII Bracelet

A gold bracelet carrying the OT symbol in a wreath may be worn by a Scientologist who has attained the level of New OT VIII.

Upper Indoc TRs film

This film, released by Golden Era Productions, shows exactly how Upper Indoc TRs are done and their results.

Basic Study Manual

New edition compiled from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Applied Scholastics, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: Italian, German and Spanish.

Clear Body, Clear Mind: the Effective Purification Program by L. Ron Hubbard

Makes the full technology of the Purification program available to anyone. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. TRANSLATIONS: French, German and Italian.

Dianetics: The Dynamics of Life - Music

Motion picture soundtrack from the film Dianetics: The Dynamics of Life. In Clearsound.

The Scientology Charts Package

A full package of sixteen Scientology charts and codes that help map the route to total freedom. These can be purchased separately or as a package in a special plastic envelope. The charts and codes in this package include:



The Organization Executive Course Volumes by L. Ron Hubbard

Updated edition containing every issue on administrative technology written by L. Ron Hubbard. Volumes 0—7. Compiled by staff andpublished by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Management Series Policy Volumes 1-3 by L. Ron Hubbard

Updated edition of the Management Series in three volumes, published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California. Contains the DataSeries, Public Relations Series, Marketing Series, Personnel Series, Organizing Series, Finance Series, Executive Series, Establishment Officer Series, Computer Series, Target Series, Admin Know-How Series.

The OEC and Management Series Policy Index

An index to the new Organization Executive Course and Management Series volumes, published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.


Understanding: The Universal Solvent

A volume of quotations from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

NED for OTs and Solo NED for OTs New Materials

On 6 May 1991, previously unreleased issues and rundowns for the New OT V, New OT VI and New OT VII were released at the Flag Land Base.


Second volume of quotations from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard

Updated edition containing all technical writings of L. Ron Hubbard on Dianetics and Scientology. Eighteen volumes, including thirteen chronological volumes, index and four subject volumes — the Case Supervisor Series, Technical Series, Auditing Rundowns and Grade Processes and Prepared Lists. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Book of Case Remedies by L. Ron Hubbard

New edition including previously unpublished remedies and additional case remedy tools. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

The Basic Scientology Picture Book taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Bridge Publications, Inc. New edition. TRANSLATIONS: Italian, Spanish, French, German, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Hebrew, Japanese and Portuguese.

The Basic Dianetics Picture Book taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Published by Bridge Publications, Inc. New edition. TRANSLATIONS: Italian, Spanish, French, German, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Portuguese and Russian.

L. Ron Hubbard: Calendar

Beautiful wall calendar featuring photographs by L. Ron Hubbard. First in a series to be released each year.

Scientology Testing

The manual on the technology of testing based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Packaged in a slipcase along with sample testing materials and grading tools. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.


How to Use Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Human Mind

A video which explains exactly what Dianetics is and how to co-audit on Book One. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Art by L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard's writings on art. Published by Bridge Publications, Los Angeles, California.

Life Orientation Pin

Gold-plated "hat in life," symbol for the Hubbard Life Orientation Course.

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Ring

Solid gold signet ring with crest

Auditor Pins

Class VI Auditor Pin, Class VI C/S Pin, Class VIII Auditor Pin and Class VIII C/S Pin.