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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Instant Reads - B620721 | Сравнить
- Rudiments, Repetitive or Fast - B620721 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Мгновенные Показания - Б620721 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Instant Reads [B002-049]
- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Instant Reads [B029-023]
- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Instant Reads [B038-045]
- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Instant Reads [B155-004]
- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments Repetitive or Fast [B002-050]
- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments Repetitive or Fast [B136-003]
- 620721 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments Repetitive or Fast [B160-019]
CONTENTS INSTANT READS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise Sthil Students URGENT


(Adds to HCO Bulletin of 25 May 1962)

On Rudiments, repetitive or fast, the instant read can occur anywhere within the last word of the question or when the thought major has been anticipated by the preclear, and must be taken up by the auditor. This is not a prior read. Preclears poorly in session, being handled by auditors with indifferent TR One, anticipate the instant read reactively as they are under their own control. Such a read occurs into the body of the last meaningful word in the question. It never occurs latent.

In other words all reads occurring when the major thought has been received by the preclear must be taken up and cleaned. This does not mean all needle reactions occurring while question is being asked must be cleaned, but it does mean that the instant read is often to be found before the last meaningful word is spoken fully, and it is catastrophic not to take it up and clean it.

Goals and items are however read only when the read occurs exactly at the end of the last word.

This will give you cleaner sessions and smoother needles.