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CONTENTS LECTURES FOR YEAR 1950 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. ARC and the Dynamics (STP-5a) - L501125a
  2. Accessibility (STP-3b) - L501122b
  3. Accessibility Chart (STP-4a) - L501124a
  4. Art of Processing (STP) - L501107b
  5. Auditors Code (OAK-3) - L500926a
  6. Auditors Code (STP-3a) - L501122a
  7. Demonstration (OAK-6) - L500927b
  8. Demonstration of Procedure (OAK-4) - L500926c
  9. Different Types of Cases (OAK-5) - L500927a
  10. Further Introduction to Dianetics (OAK-1, DIA-1) - L500923a
  11. Groups (STP-10) - L501201b
  12. Guk and Freewheeling (OAK-9) - L500929a
  13. Handling Chronic Somatics (STP-6a) - L501127a
  14. How to Resolve Stalled Cases (OAK-7, DIA-6) - L500928a
  15. New Straightwire Technique (STP-8a) - L501129b
  16. Opening the Case (STP-4b) - L501124b
  17. Practical Auditing (STP) - L501107a
  18. Preventive Dianetics (LAS) - L500830
  19. Questions and Answers (STP-9b) - L501130
  20. Removing Demon Circuits and Valence Commands - SOP Step 3 (LAS) - L500825
  21. Rudimentary Data on Groups (STP-9) - L501201a
  22. Running Standard Procedure (STP-5b) - L501125b
  23. Running a Secondary (OAK-10, DIA-4) - L500929b
  24. Running an Engram (OAK-8, DIA-5) - L500928b
  25. Spectrums of Logic and Emotion (STP-2a) - L501121a
  26. Straight Memory (STP-6b) - L501127c
  27. Thought, Life and the Material Universe (STP-1) - L501120
  28. Tone Scales of Affinity, Reality and Communication (STP-2b) - L501121b
  29. Valences and Demon Circuits, Part I (STP-7a) - L501128
  30. Valences and Demon Circuits, Part II (STP-7b) - L501129a
  31. What Dianetics Can Do (OAK-2, DIA-2) - L500923b