The mechanism of BPC (By-Passed Charge) must be known to an auditor otherwise he won't know what he's “Indicating”.
When one gets a lock, a lower earlier incident restimulates, that is BPC. It isn't the auditor by-passing it. One handled later charge that restimmed earlier charge. that is BPC (Tech of '62), and that is all that the term means.
Auditor touches on A, and B goes into restim out of pc's consciousness. This causes an irritated, ARC Breaky, upset feeling. The pc reacts very badly. He has been hit by a mystery. There is no apparent reason (to him) why he feels this way. This is what Bypassed Charge means. “Earlier Charge Restimmed and not seen” would be another name for it.
One handles it by noting the fact that it happened. One tells the pc an earlier incident went into restimulation. This usually cools it off.