After a study of processing in general and much testing by HGCs London and Washington and in particular by my own and HCO auditing, the following scale of processes can be considered optimum at this time in the light of what we know. Until further extensive testing is available we can consider the following to be the most productive processes and these should be used by staff on outside pcs and taught in classes.
Havingness processes, optional as indicated.
Run problems, Trio on self (what you can have in room), can’t have on others or body, creative process havingness, and putting things into walls, ceiling and floor and not know plus Trio on people outside.
And mock up confusions for stable data, name, etc. Also Axiom 10 processes.
By creative processing pc can be required to mock up a motionless object and “hold it still”. If it can be made still for an instant have him let it go and mock up another. Use general, heavy objects at first. Then selected objects to run out inabilities of pc (such as typewriters, palettes, books, etc).
Fight the wall can be used but only with great care.
Have pc run motionlessness by having him “Find an object” “Tell it to be still”. “Is it?”
There are a great many ways to strip obsessive motion from a pc. Any workable one can be run. Remember that emphasis on all control processes is on STOP. Run stillness, not motion.
Observe the following:
Havingness drops when compulsive game cond. comes in. Repair havingness rather than run out agitation.
Pcs, I discover, go from minus tone scale up to being able to have problems or tone or solids. Any case has some point that goes from no-effect or unreal or don’t care up to apathy. Cases go north to apathy. There are no-tone cases. These are compulsive G. C.
Thinkingness processes reduce havingness no matter what button they hit. Solids, effort, emotion, perceive are all above think.
The pc’s cognitions are valuable. But don’t run thought out faster than havingness and solids in general run in. Never shoot for phrases. Ignore them. Before and After Solids, calmly run, bring up vast numbers of computations. Don’t knock out havingness with too much 2-way. Don’t go out of A-R-C with pc with too little 2-way. How much 2-way or think is answered by “how can we get solids into this case”.
Always run on a game condition basis. Enemy can have is deadly on pc. Can’t have on enemy okay. Effect on pc is fatal. Pc’s Effect on others okay. What pc could change is fine. What could change pc terrible.
The path to truth lies through solids, effort, emotion, perception and Not Know; it is not to be found amongst thinking.
On Control, it is the first step toward solids. Pc won’t start until he is sure he canstop.
To have pc insist on light is to bring him to tolerate and handle the dark.
Profiles and IQ gain when pc regains ability in solids in bank and universe andcan plank emotion into walls wholesale. Intolerance of solids made him think. Failure to control solids made him intolerant of them. Thus havingness is the first goal.
Havingness is reduced by bad A-R-C, inaccurate or clumsy auditing, running thinking processes and ignoring real pt problems.
Reality begins with good A-R-C with auditor and becomes tolerable with regained control of Mest and gets real with solids. That’s the best track for high gains in the light of what we know now.
[The first four paragraphs on this page have been added per an addendum dated 25 August 1956.]