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CONTENTS LIST OF PERCEPTICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Originally issued as HCOB 10 Mar 70 LIST OF PERCEPTICS DIANETICS BULLETIN. This issue has been revised.
(Revisions are given here in this type style)
(Ellipsis indicates deletion)
C/S Series 101


This was researched and dates of 1951. It’s the 57 human perceptions.

1. Time

2. Sight

3. Taste

4. Colour

5. Depth

6. Solidity (Barriers)

7. Relative Sizes (External)

8. Sound

9. Pitch

10. Tone

11. Volume

12. Rhythm

13. Smell (The sense of smell has four subdivisions which are categories of the type of odor.)

14. Touch a) Pressure b) Friction c) Heat or Cold d) Oiliness

15. Personal Emotion

16. Endocrine States

17. Awareness of Awareness

18. Personal Size

19. Organic Sensation (Including Hunger)

20. Heartbeat

21. Blood Circulation

22. Cellular and Bacterial Position

23. Gravitic (Self and Other Weights)

24. Motion of Self

25. Motion (Exterior)

26. Body Position

27. Joint Position

28. Internal Temperature

29. External Temperature

30. Balance

31. Muscular Tension

32. Saline Content of Self (Body)

33. Fields/Magnetic

34. Time Track Motion

35. Physical Energy (Personal Weariness etc.)

36. Self-Determinism (Relative on each dynamic)

37. Moisture (Self)

38. Sound Direction

39. Emotional State of Other Organs

40. Personal Position on the Tone Scale

41. Affinity (Self and Others)

42. Communication (Self and Others)

43. Reality (Self and Others)

44. Emotional State of Groups

45. Compass Direction

46. Level of Consciousness

47. Pain

48. Perception of Conclusions (Past and Present)

49. Perception of Computations (Past and Present)

50. Perception of Imagination (Past and Present)

51. Perception of Having Perceived (Past and Present)

52. Awareness of Not Knowing

53. Awareness of Importance, Unimportance

54. Awareness of Others

55. Awareness of Location and Placement a) Masses b) Spaces c) Location Itself

56. Perception of Appetite (…)

57. Kinaesthesia
