The following despatch is interesting since by comparing what we know about the mind now and what the Russians are here criticising in psychoanalysis, I can estimate where Russian mental research is. And it’s right there thousands of miles behind us. Russia is so consumed with her “equalism” that all her mental research is negative and no gain.
Socialism, Communism and such are basically designed by people who cannot work to award people who will not work and amongst other things they defy all forms of creation, production and creativeness — as I can soon demonstrate to you. This is not a matter now of my ideas. It’s a scientific fact.
So here’s Ivan, spokes manning as usual for the Great Idle Classes on the subject of psychoanalysis, which turns out to be capitalistic and the cause of all war. Ha!
NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, Paris, of Friday, October 23, 1959. By United Press International.
“Russia Raps Psychoanalysis as Justifying War to West.
A Soviet science correspondent said last night that the Soviet medical profession considers that psychoanalysis ‘indirectly justifies war’ and helps shore up the Western powers.
The attack on psychoanalysis was made in an English-language broadcast to the United Kingdom. It was a broadcast by the Moscow radio’s science correspondent, who was not named.
‘The essence of psychoanalysis,’ said the broadcast, ‘seems to be that it erroneously ascribes to the instincts, or more correctly to the sexual urge, a mystic, supernatural power, which causes and determines everything in human life.’The Soviet medical profession, the Moscow radio went on, ‘treats all this with a grin.’ It added:
‘It considers these absurd views to be widespread not just because some of the idle rich like to delve into their own sexual emotions, pathologically hypertrophied by a life of idleness and luxury.
‘No, the favourite ground for psychoanalysis is also at times a result of the fact the views advocated by the following of this doctrine are to the advantage of the powers that be. By asserting the supremacy of the instincts, psychoanalysis justifies war.
‘When they maintain that the main motive force in man’s behaviour is urges and instincts, the psychoanalysts are also indirectly vindicating such things as unemployment, poverty, widespread industrial accidents and so on.”