During pregnancy there is a certain amount of fluid exchange between them other and the fetus, via the placenta. It has been found that on the Purification Rundown, toxins which might have been lying dormant in the body are released and eliminated via sweat-out. In the case of pregnancy, some of these toxins, instead of being eliminated, could be transmitted to the fetus in a flow of fluids from the mother to the unborn child. There is no reason to risk the possibility of subjecting the unborn child to the effects of such toxins which, even if present but remaining dormant, might not otherwise reach him.
Similarly, mothers who are breast-feeding their babies should not do the Purification Rundown until the baby is no longer being breast-fed, as any toxins released during the Rundown could be imparted to the baby in the mother’s milk.
The Purification Rundown would be done by the mother after the birth of the child and after any final medical check which pronounced the mother in good health, and, in the case of breast-feeding, when the baby had been completely weaned and was on his own formula.