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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3, All Class III and IV Auditors (GPM) - B630201 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630201 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - All Class III and IV Auditors [B177-004]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Missions Air Mail Class III & IV Auditors ROUTINE 3


Communicators: Get this data into the hands of any auditor running goals on pcs, fast.

There is a probable bug in the listing of all previous Routine 3 processes. I have been studying this for some time to solve why we are getting too few Clears after the goal is found. And why they are sometimes unclear after their needle frees.

The answer comes out of Routine 2-12. Never represent a rock slamming item. A rocket read as on a goal often follows this rule and becomes never represent a rocket reading item.

In all previous R3 we were representing the rocket reading goal in two of the four lines and opposing it backwards in the remaining two.

People went Clear on the four, sixteen and other multiple lines but something must have been wrong as others didn't.

Therefore abandon at once any listing on any older line series.

A goal may be listed only on "Who or what does the goal oppose?" Never on who or what would want or not want the goal as that approximates a represent line to some cases. Do not list anything but goal-oppose. Never list even oppose-goal.

I learned all this shaping up Routine 2.


Wrong goals are still dynamite. But this newly developed listing below helps prove a goal out.

Goal reliable items rocket read. If a goal won't yield RR reliable items it's probably wrong.

In Routine 2, you use rock slams. The bigger the rock slam the better it will go for the pc.

In Routine 3 you use rocket reads, never rock slams.

Routines 2 and 3 therefore do not mix. While you may encounter and use rocket reads in Routine 2, don't mix goals into it. Goals just naturally emerge in doing Routine 2. When they check out, get the pc run on Routine 3. In Routine 3 you wholly ignore rock slams and use only rocket reads.

To fill the gap I have put Routine 3MX together as a theoretical process.



Use your pc's already-found goal. Prepcheck it back to a rocket read and use Routine 3MX from there on.



For Experimental Use by Class III and IV Auditors and Z Unit SHSBC


Routine 3MX is released as experimental. It is however already well worked out and as soon as I find any and all bugs, the X will be dropped.

R3MX uses all I've learned about listing items in R2 and applies it to listing out goals.

For the moment Z Unit of the SHSBC will use only R3MX, utilizing goals already found on R2MX Method A.


Method A

Assessment for goals in R3MX Method A is by meter listing and rocket read.

After doing R2-12A on the pc and a good prepcheck, particularly on former goals work, one has the pc list goals in session on the meter. One lists the tone arm action out and goes well beyond. If the pc has already listed goals with none found list more on the pc to check for TA action. If it exists list it out.

One looks for and notes goals that rocket read.

One then takes these rocket reading goals and tiger drills them, preferably the last one that rocket read first as it is the most likely.

If pc ARC breaks, the list is probably incomplete according to R2 findings. So complete it.

Don't list, in Method A, goals from items or detour. Just go on and on listing goals.

Do a Prepcheck on goals every fourth session.

The list may go to 2,000 goals. But if it goes so high or beyond, the pc needs more R2-12A.

Method B

R3MX Method B uses the ten lists of 3GAXX but uses any Routine 2 reliable item that still rock slams or one preferably that rocket reads. This method is not covered in this HCOB but will be familiar to Saint Hillers.

Method C

R3MX Method C uses R2-12A until the goal starts pushing up and the pc starts insisting upon it without any prompting from the auditor.

One does not grab the goal. The auditor notes it down.

If one keeps on doing R2-12A well, the goal will eventually rocket read easily for a checkout.

Rock slams on a case indicate a lot of distance down to rocket reads.

Method D

R3MX Method D uses Problems Intensives until the goal appears.

This has happened in many cases.


The goal must rocket read three times in three to be used for listing.

If not, do more R2-12A and check the goal out later.


Goals listing was a more serious hazard in Routine 3 than finding goals.

This simplified listing, while as yet theoretical in some respects, should be easier than any earlier listing.

It is done like R2-12A but by rocket reads only.


One takes the goal found, makes sure that it rocket reads well (not rock slams) and assesses as follows:

Use the pain-sensation analysis of the goal. If pain (as it should be) one tests: "Who or what would the goal 'To be a Tiger oppose?' " Or, "Who or what would 'Being a Tiger oppose?' " (the 'ing' form of the goal). One or the other question should rocket read. Use that one.

We list just this one list on the goal itself and after that use reliable items that rocket read.

Using long sheets of paper with the pc's name, date and line question on every sheet, we write down all the items called off by the pc. We mark rock slams and rocket reads as we see them.

We list to a still TA and then 50 items at least beyond and 50 items beyond the last rocket read (not a rock slam ever).

We don't null the list.

We read the next to last rocket read to the pc and then the last rocket read item (and the item just above and below) and see if the tests of 2-12A hold good (cogs, no ARC break, sudden drop of TA, lightening face color, etc.). If so, it's the pc's reliable item.

We now begin the "Spiral Staircase." We oppose and oppose and oppose and oppose and oppose always according to whether term or oppterm as long as we can as follows:

We determine if the reliable item is a term or oppterm by calling it off to the pc for pain or sensation and then by test listing both-ways-to on the oppose. The wrong way tightens the needle and gives no real TA action. The right way loosens the needle and gives good TA action.

Example: We found "Kitten" as the reliable item. We test for pain or sensation on it and find it gave pain. (Term) We list "Who or what would oppose a kitten?" then "Who or what would a kitten oppose?" and, guided by our test (pain) also and a loosening needle and moving TA, we complete the list, "Who or what would a kitten oppose?"

We list to a still TA and 50 items or more beyond and 50 past the last rocket read.

We give the pc the next to last item that rocket read on listing, then the last rocket read item. We watch for the signs. (If it isn't right we go on listing.) If there are two rocket reads still firing on the list it is incomplete and we must complete it. Thus we find our reliable item.

In short we find reliable item after reliable item just exactly as above each time but always by rocket read, not rock slam. This is a "Spiral Staircase" down toward the Rock and Opp Rock.

We pay no further heed to the goal until our "Spiral Staircase" folds up on us. No more rocket reads on the lists or bank getting too solid.

In brief, when we run out of reliable items, we go back to the goal we were using, we test it, mildly prepcheck it (put the big mid ruds in on it) and try to revive it. If it sparks up, rocket reads again or reads, we do all the above steps, the assessment from the 2 questions, the list, the first reliable item, the "Spiral Staircase" again.

If we can't get a peep out of the old goal, and our auditing was good, we just do another Goals Assessment and find a new goal that rocket reads and start all over again.


As soon as I find what mistakes can be made, I'll recodify and we'll have an improved R3-21 and I'll take the X off.


We need Clears as we've never needed them before and we need them now and we therefore need simpler, faster clearing. I've got R2 smoothed out in R2-12A and it's a real doll. Now I'm smoothing out R3-21 using everything learned in watching R2-12 in use, but using rocket reads not rock slams.
