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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Solo Cognitions - B710426-2 | Сравнить
- TRs and Cognitions - B710426-1 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ТУ и Озарение - Б710426-1R88 | Сравнить
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- ТУ и Озарения (3) - Б710426-1 | Сравнить
- ТУ и Озарения - Б710426-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710426 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - TRs and Cognitions [B011-050]
- 710426 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - TRs and Cognitions [B044-050]
- 710426 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - TRs and Cognitions [B142-031]
- 710426 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - TRs and Cognitions [B142-032]
- 710426 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Solo Cognitions [B044-051]
CONTENTS SOLO COGNITION’S Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
All Ad Courses Include this and HCO B 26 Apr 71 Issue I in Solo Course Packs and on Checksheets.


In HCO B 26 April 1971 Issue I, the definitions and conditions in an audited session are described.

The definition of In-Session also applies to Solo Auditing.

If the solo auditor is so all-thumbs with his papers, meters, platens that they distract him from his own bank he is not likely to as-is or cognite.

Recently, on Flag, we have taken failed IIIs and put them back through a full heavy re-train on R6EW and then pushed them back up the line with good success.

When a solo auditor is also a rabbit (runs from everything including his bank) he has no chance to overcome it if he is all thumbs with his tools.

Requiring arduous, perfect drills on Solo metering and auditing actions at R6EW level should occur before the pc sees any materials. He must first and foremost be a Solo Auditor, familiar with his meters and papers to such a degree that they do not in any way distract him.

Only then can you add a bank to the scene.

A poor solo auditor does not cognite as his attention is on the tools not his bank.

Where the Solo auditor fails, he has not learned his tools. The remedy is to make him learn them.

The bridge between II and III is sometimes a hard one. It may be that an HDC course is vital before the pre- can make this bridge.

The Solo Auditor who „attests” rather than confront his bank probably never learned to use his auditing tools in the first place. Then, adding the bank as something to confront results in confusion.

Cognition’s in Solo Auditing depend upon the ability to use the tools of auditing so well, they serve no distraction in Solo Session.
