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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Viewpoint Straight Wire - 540503 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 540503 - HCO Bulletin - Viewpoint Straightwire [B033-004]
CONTENTS VIEWPOINT STRAIGHT WIRE Cохранить документ себе Скачать


May 3, 1954

These questions, with small variation, are put to the preclear without regard to his anxiety or concern and without directing his attention to specific types of activity. Just these questions are used.

The goal of this process is to bring the preclear to tolerance of any and all viewpoints in any universe.

Use each question many times. Observe Auditor’s Code.

Preserve Two Way Communication with preclears. Observe Communication lag.

If Communication lag unchanged, go to next set of questions. Don’t make this process more complicated.

Don’t change to SOPs until case completely able on Viewpoint Straight Wire, has full recalls and is exteriorized with excellent perception and sense of location.