NOTE: This datum was already known to me about rings but this is the most severe case I've heard of.
The following dispatch, sent in by Terry Milner and Joe Fortner, staff members of Los Angeles, describes a phenomenon which can be caused by a PC wearing rings:
"A dispatch on a matter which I consider quite urgent. Since being audited quite a few rock slams have been observed on me. In the rudiments, on lists, between comm lags, button checks, in fact any method of auditing which required the use of an E-Meter. With the advent of R2-12, I had many lists, all chock full of items that had rock slammed at one time or another. The supposedly phantom rock slam served to hang up many sessions and auditing became quite a drag even though one true package was found in spite of the rock slams that went on forever.
"Recently I was sent to get HGC auditing and the rock slams were ever present until my Auditor, Joe Fortner, got a little suspicious and had me take off the two rings I wore, one on either hand.
"They disappeared. Hundreds of things that had rock slammed no longer rock slammed. Hundreds of almost, not quite reliable items are dead now and in all truth, most of them have no meaning to me anyway.
"Perhaps you know of this condition set up by the PC wearing rings … the thing is most Auditors do not, nor do most PCs."