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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Statistic Interpretation - Estate Statistic (DIV1.DEP3.INSPECT) - P661106-2 | Сравнить
- Statistic Interpretative, Statistic Analysis (AKH-5, 0.CONDITIONS) - P661106-1 | Сравнить
- Statistic Interpretative, Statistic Analysis (AKH-5, 0.CONDITIONS) - P661106-1R79 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Интерпретация Статистик, Анализ Статистик (АНХ-5) (ц) - И661106-1R79 | Сравнить
- Интерпретация Статистик, Анализ Статистик (АНХ-5) - И661106-1 | Сравнить
- Интерпретация Статистики, Анализ Статистики (АНХ-5R) - И661106-1R79 | Сравнить
- Истолкование Статистики Службы Недвижимости (КРО-1) (ц) - И661106-2 | Сравнить
- Толкование и Анализ Статистик (АНХ-5) - И661106-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 661106 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Statistic Interpretative - Statistic Analysis [PL036-020]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II


The Estate Statistic to be meaningful at all must be properly inspected.

Whenever you see a long horizontal line in an Estate Statistic of useful space you know there is either no inspection, improper inspection or "friendly" inspection.

An Estate Statistic is NOT done by subtracting square footage from a known amount.

It is done by inspecting for a clean, well ordered working or grounds area and putting that down on a paper. When all such areas are found the result is added up and that's the statistic.

A "useful space" is one that promotes the org, may be used by the org, is heated or cooled properly, equipped for its purpose, clean, orderly and serviceable. It may only be scenic but it is still "useful space".

Such statistics should be in square paces, not square feet or yards. For one can always pace one off. A pace is about 30 inches. One simply walks them off in a normal, not exaggerated, stride. An area table inside and outside is easily developed simply by the Inspection Officer pacing what's in perfect order. Gradually it may all be useful but until then he only measures what passes and makes a table of areas from his inspections.

If the Inspection Officer finds any litter, dirt or unworkable fittings or anything else that mars the appearance or usefulness of an area, he does not put it down on his list.

One scrap of paper on a lawn is enough to wipe out that entire area as a statistic. One faulty drain finishes the statistic. An overheated or underheated room – anything and the area is out. If the room or area is not of a high standard obvious to the most critical public, the Inspection Officer ignores it as a statistic.

Only in this way are Estate Statistics meaningful.

It does not matter whose fault it is or that no PO can be gotten or the org can't afford to put it right. That is not the problem of the Inspection Officer. If any detail would be objected to by a critical public, the whole area is out. It is not considered useful space from a viewpoint of promotion.

In this way someone reading the statistic has an idea of the efficiency and activity of cleaners, construction, maintenance and general repair and the state of finance and income of an org.

If you see a horizontal line as the Estate Statistic, you know the Dept of I & R is not on the job and Estate probably isn't either.

Let's put our orgs in condition to attract the public and hold a high standard.
