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Auditor Requirements


Thank you. Well, I hope today that you’re not too emotional — the first clue — the first due on the processes which are now being run... Let’s see, this is the sixth day of the 1st Saint Hill — the what day?

Female voice. Fifteenth.

Male voice Sixth day.

Female voice Twelfth Audience: Various responses.

It’s the fifteenth of August, but it’s the sixth day of the course, Saint Hill ACC, 7th London.

Now, if you’ve got any vast problems tugging at you about the outside world, and all of that sort of thing, God help you, because I think it’s going to require all of your concentration now to go on up the line and get Clear. In view of these facts that you’re probably not in any condition at the present moment to solve any of these problems, you might as well put first things first and get Clear first That seems to me to be a good idea.

Now, furthermore — not second, but primary in interest — is the fact that might as well learn how to audit real well — in fact very, very, very well and give a great deal of attention to putting on a letter-perfect performance in auditing. Because this week, why, you’re supposed to start sessions with presessioning — might as well flub with it for a week before you learn it next week. That’s what we did with Model Session.

Now, what you’re really going to learn this week, of course, is a letter-perfect Model Session, and I don’t want any variation from the script — just absolutely none. Okay? So give that some of your attention.

You’ve got some bus time, and put some bus time in on giving it a rundowa Write it all out; that would help you. But get so you really know a Model Session and dog it, flub it and fall on your face this week with a presessioa I don’t care what you do with a presession, you won’t get anything done anyhow till you learn how.

But just start them off with checking out Help and Control and Communication, overts — something like this — just check them out perfunctorily and so on, and you could start or end your presession. I don’t care which or whether or not the fellow wants to live or die. You’re going to be surprised about your pc.

But what is much more important to you is the process which you’re running right here at this moment And I want to give you some sort of a rundown on this process because you’ve got a lot to learn about this process. This process could bypass your difficulties of assessment It doesn’t clear it away entirely because there are cases that can’t run on this particular process, but it certainly does ease up the idea of assessment That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn how to assess, you understand; that doesn’t mean that just now because we have Presession, Model Session, the Help, Confront Havingness combination, because we know it all letter-perfect — that people can go out now, and just like wound-up dolls, go on and dear people all over the place.

I’m afraid you have to know things like the Tone Scale and the Axioms and the basic theoretical and background knowledge, the parts of the mind — all of these things are as important as they ever were.

You can, of course, wind up a doll and turn it loose and get there, providing a very well-trained professional auditor is in the background. You got the idea? You can still get results this way, but who’s taking the responsibility around there?

Well, it’s very difficult to take the responsibility if you don’t know what you’re taking responsibility for. Let me call that violently, importantly and exclamatorily to your attention: It’s very difficult to take responsibility if you don’t know what you’re taking responsibility for because you are, thereafter, taking responsibility for mystery. If you want to peg-end yourself at the bottom of the Know to Mystery Scale, why, go ahead and take responsibility for mystery, but it won’t work.

Now, in a session, then, you have to have a very clear-cut idea of what this pc is all about — what he’s all about, what’s he know.

Now, at your present state of reading too much significance into life, you have a great difficulty in looking through those significances down to the elementary fundamentals which are the background of Dianetics and Scientology. I don’t mean that to be in any discreditable way or statement or anything of the sort Most of you are fairly well acquainted with the various mechanical parts and the little bits and pieces that go to make up Dianetics and Scientology. But these things are going to loom up to you with a proper importance and singleness of existence to show you that predear to predear, you are always processing the same combination of spare parts. Got the idea?

Now, in view of the fact that you are processing the same combination of items — the reactive mind, the engram, the machine, the circuit, the fact that this is a thetan running a body while thinking he is in a half a dozen other bodies, combinations, machines, so forth; that he has gone forward on certain laws which are directly the result of his agreed-upon postulates, and what those laws are — all this becomes very, very evident.

And more importantly, if it is that simple, then it should follow that one process should dear away the works. All right, you’re operating with that one process right this minute. That doesn’t, however, as somebody will — this whole thing of Sdentology and its forward push, could blow up just on this one thing: that as long as we’re going forward on one process, then we don’t have to know any of the parts. See?

That’s something like training somebody to stand on the edge of an assembly line, and as the Ford cars go by, he tightens one bolt And he says, “I can dear people because here’s one bolt” Get the idea?

Male mice: Yes.

This says: Here’s a bus driver, and he’s driving madly through the streets of Londoa And he goes on and eventually he says, “Well, you don’t have to know a single thing about buses. You don’t have to know anything about traffic. You don’t have to know anything about anything. Here are five levers. If you continue to push and pull those levers in that order, and twist the wheel to the right and left, and so forth,” — and then Mr. Marples has an interesting traffic situation, let me tell you. Fellow doesn’t even know he’s in a bus with a motor in it You get the idea? He could even forget that there is no motor left in the bus, see, or that you didn’t have to put petrol in it, or he could forget all of the bits and pieces. He could forget the ideas of traffic flows and the rules by which these flows tend to keep themselves relatively unscrambled. See? He’d no longer be able to drive. You could call him a letter-perfect bus driver perhaps, but he couldn’t drive. Got the idea?

Well, that’s what could happen to an auditor today. And it’s a great temptation to somebody if he can train up a student who will sit there and go through the exact routine of Presession, Model Session, Help, Confront, Havingness, to say, “Well, lookit there. It’s very easy to dear anybody, all you have to do is turn the student loose and you press this button and you say ‘start’ and he goes on and starts.” That’s fine, because you’re there. See? Don’t ever forget that You’re there. All right.

You walk out, the guy doesn’t know what he’s processing. All of a sudden, why, the pc goes (cough). “Oh,” he says, “Oh God, I must be running the wrong process.” The next thing you know, you have people setting up circuits on their right side, which are the powerful God Throgmagog, and taking orders from “Moral Rearmament" or . .. Nobody’s getting nowhere, see?

Show you how bad it can get The most powerful force on Earth today, advertisedly, which is fighting communism, says, “All you have to do in order to fight communism is listen to the circuit inside your head.”

Well, you think I am kidding, read Moral Rearmament — basic text Of course, we’ve reduced it Scientologically to its basic absurdum, and that’s the basic absurdum — God is between the breastbone and the spine. And they’re fighting communism — they’re fighting communism the way snow fights avalanches.

But the way you fight some force in the world is to introvert? Oh, no thank you. If you’re going to fight some force, you’re going to have to put out your own space. And if you can’t make space, you can’t fight the force. It’ll additionally move right in on you. And the absurdity of anybody engaging in a war against a large force, without knowing any of the rules of the game, is of course absurd.

Now, one of the wild things that’s going to happen in this particular line is the overt-motivator sequence will occur. And at the first large defeat of moral disarmament, we’re going to have a lot of commies on our hands to mop up. The circuit will be signing all of its messages “Khrushchev.”

In the first place, you don’t fight wars by fighting. That’s a fundamental that you learn after a while — this isn’t the way you fight wars. You fight wars by taking control of the situation and restoring its residual order. You don’t go lu-mum-boom-boom-booming through the Congo.

Those poor people down there. All they’ve done is elect the most disorderly lads they can lay their hands on, you see? And then they wonder why they got disorder.

I’d like to see them have a government somewhere in Africa; I think it’d be a good thing. But nobody is going to get a government in Africa by fighting everybody in Africa. The way a government will occur in Africa is by the establishment of order in Africa, and the order to remain established must be fair to one and all It’s as simple as that, don’t you see?

You can’t have a factional order because it causes an individuation, which causes the overt-motivator sequence then to follow through, which causes a mishmash.

All right How would you like to be fighting a war without that data? See, that’d be a bum show. Well, how would you like to be processing a preclear knowing nothing about that data? Knowing nothing about why the predear acts? Why do we ask him all the time, “What did you do?” “What did you not do?” or some version. “What did you help?” “What did you not help?” Why that side of it? We don’t know.

Well, obviously then it’s perfectly all right to say, “What has paper done to you?” “What has paper not done to you?” “What has paper done to you?” “What has paper not done to you?” See? Perfectly — it’s just as good, isn’t it?

No, I am afraid you can’t use tools of the trade without understanding.

Wherever a great civilization has fallen into the hands of the wogs in some part of the world, you will go around afterwards and see something horrible occurring, see? You’ll see everybody going through the motions and nothing happening. That’s for sure; that’s one of the wildest things to watch you ever saw. They go through all the motions.

They’ve got their men in various places, and they know where the important places are, you see? And the men in there are important. But just mysteriously, no wheels really move. That’s because the fellow is there to occupy the post of director of the bank. And the director of the bank is an important person who is somewhat lofty to his inferiors, and he has to move pieces of paper across the desk, and he signs things with great importance and keeps visitors waiting. This is the observed action of the director of the bank, don’t you see?

All right So they’re going through that action — they’re going through that action perfectly. What they’ve omitted entirely is that the director of the bank runs the bank. It’s as silly as this. It’s a rather heartbreaking thing to watch this kind of thing occur.

Of course, great civilizations — those which have attained tremendous amounts of agreement through the world — ebb and flow, and they unsettle and knock out those civilizations or those wide, cultural activities which are less advantageous. But they were an organized body of order. You see this? It’s very simple. They’ve already knocked them out All right.

The great civilization has knocked out this little lesser civilization, and then the great civilization, not understood, recedes — wrong man gets elected or something like that — and it recedes from the area, but it’s set an aged pattern. It’s been there for a long time, but it set this pattern. And then without understanding it, nobody reverts to the other situation. Nobody reverts to the old civilization, don’t you see? They go on doing some kind of a low-scale mockery of the great civilization, and it becomes totally unworkable. Everything goes kind of by the boards. They don’t set up what they already knew would work.

Now, you could pull some kind of a gag like this: You could totally overwhump medicine. As a matter of fact, we’ve got medicine in Australia screaming at the height — you know the pitch of a dog whistle? That’s above the range of human sound, and they’re screaming. They ran from Britain. According to my latest advices this morning, there has been a tremendous flood of physicians from the United Kingdom to Australia, and some other parts of the Commonwealth, to escape nationalized medicine. And of course, naturally, when they picked on us down there, we just set up a tremendous hue and cry of, “Why are all these poor Australians sick? Nationalize medicine.” And they’ve now called a meeting in Australia of indignation to try to knock out all efforts at nationalization, and 1110/re fighting it like mad. And, of course, we’ll just get them to fight it a little harder and a littler harder and a little harder. And about the fifteenth conference they hold, we’ll propose it That’s the way that’ll go. But they picked on the wrong people, don’t you see?

Now, we’re not fighting medicine — not in Australia — but we know what’s best for it We’ll give them a target to shoot at if they got ammunition to use up, which is nationalization of medicine. And they don’t even know who’s gunning for them. We could go in — right in and tell them, “We’re the people that started all this nationalization ‘yap’ down here.”

And they would immediately — “Ha-ha, you people, you couldn’t possibly have,” see? They’ll never register source.

But what’s going to happen to these medical doctors someday? You’re on the verge of it right now. We’re opening up a new chapter of history right here in this ACC — the medical doctor.

It was either six or twelve doctors have just worked on a fellow up here — a very charming, well-known personality in the community — and they all failed. This fellow suddenly became crippled — and mysteriously. And they’ve had him in plaster casts and under diathermy and giving him pills and all that sort of thing. But there’s either six or twelve of them, I didn’t remember which, and one right after the other — and they all laid an egg.

All right. This fellow is coming down here Wednesday night for his first processing. Well, we’re going to run on him just what you’re getting run on, you see — low-scale experimental, psychosomatic subject, tch-tch. It’s going to half kill him, but we’re going to tell him that, right at the outset — move him fast out of the facsimile he’s sitting in. Whatever else we move him into, we don’t know.

But, of course, at this stage of the game, why, we’ve got all the gen and know-how on the thing, and we’ll know that if we move him into something else, we’ll know what we’ve done to him, don’t you see? So therefore, we can simply move him a little further along the line, and he’ll hit a null point, and then he’ll fall from grace here for the next few months, moving around, trying to restabilize, don’t you see? And we’ll give him enough processing to keep him punched along the line, we may even get him to PT. We’re not going to spend any hours on this man. We’re not going to spend hours on him.

Our next target will probably be the doctors themselves. And if you go out and start processing people, I’ll be a little upset if part of your clientele isn’t a medical doctor.

Go around, tell him this story, “Now, look, you’ve been helping people for a long time, there’s been nobody helping you. Naturally, we know the old adage, ‘a physician cannot heal himself.’ That’s impossible. Therefore, it takes another field, another school, and so forth, to patch this sort of thing up. So therefore let us help you out And, actually, we’re not going to do anything to you, just sit down in the chair and answer what we ask you and do what we ask you to do. That’s all, and we’ll straighten you out”

There’s a certain percentage of these fellows will go down the line like that But the field of medicine is about ready to collapse. Now, it won’t be in the next two months, but it very well may be in the next couple of years. We’re not even after them; that’s why it will collapse.

I actually feel that it’s a pretty rough spot, pretty rough spot for a doctor to be busily and ambitiously getting in there up to the wrists in gore, cotton stuffed in his ears against the patient’s screams, and sending the bill after the funeral. And this is a pretty rough beef.

Now, a fellow can’t stand up to very many overts of that character without caving in himself. Well, it’s an area where help is being given. It won’t be too long — it won’t be too long, because we’re not fighting them, before they all of a sudden start to lay away the saw and the penicillin, you know?

Now, you can expea these guys to go on something like this: There was a medical doaor scared half out of his wits in Phoenix, Arizona. Two weeks before he had had a boil lanced, and it wasn’t well yet. And an old-time Dianeticist that hadn’t been in communication with us for a long time had turned up someplace or another. Oh, he’d gotten that bulletin about atomic bombs and gives the Touch Assist and all that sort of thing — he’d gotten a copy of this. He got interested in reading it down. He made something in himself well with a personal Touch Assist He knew this doaor was suffering from a second boil. He went over and gave the doaor a Touch Assist on the boil and the boil disappeared. This fellow was fairly influential. So he immediately wrote in to find out how he could get trained thirty thousand salesmen. This was his next step. Don’t you see?

Well, this medico knows something about that; he’s had to some degree an impingement I’ll tell you what he’ll do. He’ll retain the bulk of his theories, which haven’t worked, and graft on top of them a number of goofball motions, which are just motions used without understanding. He’ll go get lost He’ll still be able to cure some things. He’ll be able to sit there in a white coat; he’ll lose his own technology, whatever it’s worth, see, because it gets too easy. His own technology goes by the boards. And if he’s just wandered out to fend for himself, he frankly wouldn’t be any more dignified than this figure who is sitting there being important in the bank but doesn’t know he’s supposed to run the bank. Get the idea? You would’ve destroyed the field of healing.

This is something you should understand fairly well because it can happen very easily. When you can train a fellow to utter a certain number of phrases in a retrain consecutive order, and it works overwhelmingly, what’s going to happen then? There will be a tremendous urge to go ahead and just learn the rote without knowing anything about why it worked.

Now, there are vagaries and variabilities and differences and oddities about cases. And if you don’t know the anatomy of cases in general, these oddities become inexplicable, and every one of them is an invitation to vary — every one of them. So the whole forward push and all the technology could get lost just like that because you didn’t disseminate all there was to disseminate. Got the idea?

The truth of the matter is, that probably the only overt that can be pulled in Scientology is not to disseminate Scientology. It’s an interesting thing to go over that as an exercise in logic and overts and withholds and so forth, but if you go over it very carefully, you’ll find out that it’s not an overt not to process somebody. A guy is lying in the gutter gasping, about to pass in the checks or something of the sort, and you don’t immediately get down on the curb and give him enough of an assist to pull him through. That’s not an overt Why?

Well, it becomes an overt only if you didn’t hold the exact form of Scientology that made it workable and disseminate it straight. If he kicks off lying there in the gutter, your overt would be that he wouldn’t run into Scientology up the line. Got the idea? It’s just idiotically simple as that, you see?

Now, if by some omission on any of our parts, it failed to sit up the line, immediately we’re guilty of all the people we didn’t audit See? We’re guilty of not auditing them. You can’t audit them all, one right after the other, you see? They’re not available. They haven’t any understanding of it; they’re going off at loose ends and wide angles. And it is sopeculiar what their ideas would be of life and things, you see, that they’ll just keep going further and further out, don t you see? They’ll go further and further out, and so forth.

Well, the fellow drops a mock-up and picks up another mock-up, there’s nothing very important about that providing you catch him after he’s picked up a mock-up, don’t you see? That’s possible! That’s possible. And that’s an overt And I recognize that as well as anybody else, which is, actually, the substance of my talk here to you today. It is an overt not to disseminate the totality of the workability.

Now, you’re going further than you thought you would in this ACC, and you’re probably further along right now than you have been in former ACCs as far as case restim or something of the sort And give it a little further distance into this week, and you will know you’ve had it You haven’t got a case. It’s in the substance of flux and change.

Well, that flux and change goes this fan Now, I’m not going to give you manifestations or assessments or anything of the sort. There’s a great deal to know about meters, and so forth, with relationship to this process, and the associated and allied buttons to this particular process and the various other things that’ll boggle a case trying to run this process and so forth. There’s more to that, and I’ll pass that gen along to you.

But right now you’re very interested in the possibility perhaps of somebody sort of going by the boards or something in this process, or getting down too low or falling 0n his face or something weird or peculiar happening to him. Well, I want to call to your attention just one of the old-time, well-tried and true data of Scientology, and that is simply: confusion and the stable datum.

Pc here because its all in motion here — got the idea? He’s occupying this place because he’s an island totally surrounded by bank motioa Well, now he ceases to occudv this island and can go to another area as soon as this bank motion is no longer frightening to him. So he’ll move on the track, first, because motion is time and you’ve changed his control of time and, second, mechanically, because he’s pinned down every place he is pinned down on the track by unperceived motion surrounding his position on the track.

So, what your pc is doing right this minute as you run “Motion, Help on” is simply moving out or moving along these stable held spots, and what you’re doing is looking directly at studying and working with the confusion and the stable datum. And any pc who is having anything wrong with him at all is parked in some kind of a picture or incident where there is too much motion for him to tolerate. And instead of running out the center of the thing, you run out the perimeter of the thing and of course he moves on the track. And you get tremendous swift track motion when you do this; you get very fast track motion. He’ll move all over the track.

You just listen to his answers, and you’ll hear how he’s moving on the track. And if you were to check him up on time, on the E-Meter, why, he’ll be leaping a thousand years at a crack when he gets really loose on the track.

Right now, any pc who isn’t moving adequately or has a sticky needle or anything like that, is simply impacted in mass here in order to keep off all of this motion here. Got the idea? So what you’re doing is, instead of knocking out this mass and moving him through the motion in some other way, you’re just knocking off the motion. And the second you knock off the motion, he lets go of the mass.

Now, some of your pcs are backed into the motion. They were here, and there’s little motion out here — but actually they’re out here, now. At least maybe their backs or all of them are out here somewhere in the motion, you know?

Now, all of a sudden, it’ll get very still; the pc will have the sensation of getting — everything goes very still. Well, he’s moved out of the motion into the stable datum, you see? He’s moved here to the fixed terminal. He’s gone from the motion area to the fixed terminal.

Now, he’ll think, “(pant, pant) I don’t need any more processing.” You see? “I’ve made it” Actually, he hasn’t made anything, just nothing, because there are literally thousands of places where he has gone from motion — if he’s doing this sort of thing — gone from motion back to the fixed datum. He’ll go, then, from the fixed mass to motion, from the motion to the fixed mass, and he’ll keep on doing this back and forth moving on the track. And after a while he will really be able to occupy a space. He’ll be able to occupy a location. And as soon as he’s able to occupy a location, then he will start feeling comfortable and move on his own track.

This is the anatomy of what you’re doing. I want you to look at it, study it and understand it You’re going to get a lot of subjective look at it You’ll get more subjective look at what you’re doing in this particular unit than any pc has ever had before while pcing in a unit And while you’re auditing, if you don’t know what’s happened to this pc, why, Lord help you. It’s just the confusion and the stable datum, his position on the time track, the fact that he is occupying a picture. It’s just all of the data that you already know. So apply it, watch it happen, run off this perimeter motion, and watch the fellow move into various positions of track and time.


Thank you.