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Ref. No. Date Code Lecture Code Title
1 xxxxCxx Effort - Axioms - Thought - Emotion
2 xxxxCxx Electrophychometer
3 xxxxCxx Group Auditor's Course
4 xxxxCxx How to hand le a PC
5 xxxxCxx Science Fiction
6 50xxCxx Scientology and Health
7 50xxCxxA Emergency measures (when unfamiliar with the case) - Talk to Students
8 50xxCxxB Push Buttons
9 50xxCxx Lecture on Valence
10 50xxCxx Discussion on Valence (cont.) #2
11 50xxCxx Standard Procedure
12 50xxCxx Emotion - ARC - The Tone Scale (Probably the same as 5011C21)
13 50xxCxx Outline of Dianetic Standard Procedure
14 50xxCxx Prenatal Engrams
15 50xxCxx Standard Procedure Steps
16 50xxCxx Tone Scale Emotion (Probably 5011C21)
17 50xxCxx The Triangle Puzzle
18 5006C07 LRH audits Mike McClurg
19 5006C07 LRH audits Mrs McChintock
20 5006C07 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg
21 5006C08 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg
22 5006C08 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg (cont.)
23 5006C08 LRH audits Joeona Chronic Somatic
24 5006C08 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg
25 5006C08 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg (cont.)
26 5006C09 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg
27 5006C09 LRH audits McClurg
28 5006C09 LRH audits McClurg
29 5006C10 Dianetics - First Lecture of Saturday Course
30 5006C10 First Lecture Saturday Course - Dianetics (continued)
31 5006C10 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg
32 5006C10 LRH audits McClurg
33 5006C12 A: Auditors Code
B: LRH audits G. Manchenburg
34 5006C12 LRH audits Gloria Manchenburg
35 5006C12 A: LRH audits G. Manchenburg
B: Auditors Code
36 5006C14 Diagnostic Procedure
37 5006C15 Sound and Aberration
38 5006C16 LRH audits Mike McClurg
39 5006C16 Memory and Diagnosis
40 5006C17 Recognising Contact of Engram - Use of Repeater
41 5006C19 Handling of Cases, Amnesia Trance
42 5006C19 A: LRH audits Dobbs B: LRH audits Mrs Kearing
43 5006C20 Valences, Analytical Mind
44 5006C21 Engrams
45 5006C21 To Auditors about Diagnosis
46 5006C23 Psychotics
47 5006C23 Psychotics
48 5006C24 Birth
49 5006C26 Hypnotism
50 5006C26 Demon Circuits
51 5006C26 Demon Circuits
52 5006C27 Birth
53 5006C28 Conception
54 5006C28 Reduction of Engrams
55 5006C29 Vocabulary and Case
56 5007C01 Address of Auditor to PC
57 5007C03 Entering a Case, Reducing Somatics, Diagnosis
58 5007C03 Entering a Case, Reducing Somatics, Diagnosis
59 5007C04 Handling Somatics - The Time Track
60 5007C05 Application of Procedure
61 5007C05 Application of Procedure
62 5007C05 Types of Cases
63 5007C06 Vicissitudes of the PC
64 5007C07 Review of Material
65 5007C07 Review of Material
66 5007C08 How to become an Auditor (In One Easy Lesson?)
67 5007C08 A: How to become an Auditor (In One Easy Lesson?)
B: About Psychotics
68 5007C10 Psychocomatics
69 5007C10 Standard Procedure
70 5007C11 Standard Procedure
71 5007C11 Standard Procedure
72 5007C12 Review of Standard Procedure
73 5007C12 Review of Standard Procedure
74 5007C13 Checking Data - Straightwire - Dramatizations
75 5007C14 Conception - Sperm Sequence
76 5007C14 Things You Must Not Do
77 5007C15 Erasures
78 5007C15 Processing Children
79 5007C15 Child Dianetics (Probably same as Processing Children, same date)
80 5007C17 Derivation of Laws
81 5007C19 Actuality - Parts of an Engram: functions and interworkings of the analytical, reactive and somatic minds (second lecture of night course Wednesday)
82 5007C19 Somatic Strip, File Clerk, and Getting a Case Started (Friday)
83 5007C22 Demon Circuits
84 5007C22 Demon Circuits
85 5007C24 Diagnosis Data: using the dramatization as a key to understanding and unlocking the pre-clears engram bank (Monday)
86 5008C02 Standard Procedure: The Importance of Getting Engrams. Techniques on finding and erasing them (Wednesday) (4)
87 5008C04 Affinity, Reality, Communication: what they are, how they relate to one another, how they apply to auditing and life, how they can be aberrative (Friday)
88 5008C04 Relation of Affinity, Communication, and Reality - Part I
89 5008C04 Relation of Affinity, Communication, and Reality - Part II
90 5008C05 Line Charge, PC Lamer Dye
91 5008C7? Black and White Processing: LRH was travelling N.J. to L.A., see July 8, 52
92 5008C10 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles
93 5008C15 Anatomy of the Engram
94 5008C15 Analytical mind (Tuesday)
95 5008C16 Affinity, Reality, Communication: how breaks affects adversely, how cleaning up breaks effect increased ability, how ARC can be used in auditing Straightwire
97 5008C18 Demonstration and Talk on Denyers, Bouncers Holders (Friday)
98 5008C18 Engrams - Two Parts of the Mind (could be same tape as above)
99 5008C21 SOP Step 1; PC Inventory: Finding and making use of psychiatric treatments and its drawbacks, hypnosis dramatizations, valences, allies (Monday) (5)
100 5008C22 SOP Step 2; Opening the Case - Engrams and Part of the Mind (Tuesday) (6)
101 5008C22 Demonstration of getting a case moving on the Track (cont)
102 5008C23 Engrams and Parts of the Mind: boil-offs, file clerk, mind's filing systems, the somatic strip (Wednesday)
103 5008C24A Engrams and Parts of the Mind: action phrases walking engrams backwards, shape of engrams, importance of pleasure moments in therapy (Thursday)
104 5008C24B SOP Step 2; Running Engrams and Step3, Demon Circuits and Valence Command s (7)
105 5008C25 Step 3 - Holders, Bouncers, Denyers, Taking Inventory, Psychotics (Friday) - Lect 8 of Standard Procedure Series
107 5008C28 Engrams and Types of Cases (psychotic to clear) (Monday)
108 5008C29 Educational Dianetics (Tuesday)
109 5008C30 Preventive Dianetcs (Wednesday)
110 5008C30 Preventive Dianetics (cont.)
111 5008C31 Educational Dianetics
112 5008C31 Engrams and Parts of the Mind
113 5008C31 Medical Dianetics (Thursday)
114 5009C01 Child Dianetics (Friday)
115 5009C01 Drugs: Effects in Auditing (Sedation?)
116 5009C04 Advertising Dianetics - Propaganda - Push buttons (Monday)
117 5009C05 Political Dianetics (Tuesday)
118 5009C06 Aesthetics (Wednesday)
119 5009C07 Language Adjustement - Definitions of Words in a Language (Thursday)
120 5009C08 The Complete Auditor (relations to other fields and to the public) (Friday)
121 5009C23 OAKPL-1 General Dianetics - Part 1 (Introduction to Dianetics) Historical background, analytical and reactive minds, engrams, tone scale, time track
122 5009C23 OAKPL-2 General Dianetics - Part 2 "What Dianetics Can Do" Part 1 & 2
124 5009C26 OAKPL-3 The Auditor's Code - Standard Procedure
125 5009C26 OAKPL-4 Demonstration
126 5009C27 OAKPL-5 Different Types of Cases and Methods
127 5009C27 OAKPL-6 Demonstration
128 5009C28 OAKPL-7 StalledCasesand How to Resolvewith Standard Procedure
129 5009C28 OAKPL-10 Demonstration (Running a Secondary) Part 1,2,3
130 5009C29 OAKPL-8 Demonstration (Coitus Engram) Part 1 & 2
131 5009C29 OAKPL-9 GUK and Free Wheeling #1 & #2
132 5010C09 Standard Procedure #6 - 700-0012E
133 5010C25 STP-1 Standard Procedure #1 - 700-0012A
134 5010C25 STP-2 Standard Procedure #2 - 700-0012B
135 5010C25 STP-3 Standard Procedure #3 - 700-0012C
136 5010C25 STP-4 Standard Procedure #4 - 700-0012D
137 5010C25 STP-5 Standard Procedure
138 5011Cxx Standard Procedure - Step II & III
139 5011Cxx Standard Procedure - Step III, reel I
140 5011Cxx Basic Course1
141 5011Cxx Processing Children
142 5011C02 Standard Procedure Tools - Accessibility - Starting Case
143 5011C04 Affinity, Communication and Reality
144 5011C07 STP Standard Procedure
145 5011C07 STP Standard Procedure #7 - 700-0012G
146 5011C08 DEMO Insulin Shock Demo
147 5011C08 Child Dianetics (LRH?)
148 5011C09 Group Dianetics
149 5011C10 Handling Psychotics
150 5011C11 Educational Dianetics
151 5011C15 DEMO Demonstration Research
152 5011C20 STP-1 Thought, Life and the Material Universe
153 5011C21 STP-2A Spectrum of Logic - Tone Scale; Themind as a computer the use of infinity valued logic, emotion, the ARC triangle, and what is Humor
154 5011C21 STP-2B Spectrum of Logic - The Tone Scale (cont.)
155 5011C22 STP-3A Auditor's Code and Beginnings of Standard Procedure (also known as STP-6)
156 5011C22 STP-3B Standard Procedure (cont.) - Accessibility - ARC (also known as STP-6)
157 5011C24 STP-4A Case Entrance - Accessibility (also known as STP-7A)
158 5011C24 STP-4B Case Entrance (cont.) - Point of Entrance - Non-Verbal Factors (also known as STP-7B)
159 5011C25 STP-5A ARC and the Four Dynamics - Accessibility Chart
160 5011C25 STP-5B ARC and the Four Dynamics (cont.) - Circuitry (also known as STP-8)
161 5011C25 Standard Procedure
162 5011C26 SOP "Access"
163 5011C27 STP-6A Standard Procedure - Chronic Somatics - Stuck on the Track
164 5011C27 STP-6B Straight Memory - Affinity, Reality & Communication - Tone Scales (also known as STP-9)
165 5011C28 STP-7A Valences and Demon Circuits (morning lecture) (also known as STP-10)
166 5011C28 STP-7B Title Unknown (probable continuation of Valences and Demon Circuits)
167 5011C29 STP-8A Circuits, Valences, Accessibility, ARC (also known as STP-11)
168 5011C29 STP-8B Straight Memory Techniques
169 5011C30A STP-9 Rudimentary Data on Groups - Lect I,II,III
170 5011C30 STP-9B Completion of Lecture on Groups and Q & A. Lect V, VI, VII
171 5011C30 STP-12 Standard Procedure Step 3
172 5011C30 Groups
173 5012C01 STP-10 Group Dianetics
174 5012C07 ACR
175 5012C19 Chain Scanning
176 5101C09 An Essay on Management
177 5101C18A Accessibility - Part 1
178 5101C18A Accessibility (cont.) Part 2 - Hurdy-Gurdy Straughtwire and Haywire
179 5102C07 R/BRCST Group Dianetics - How to straighten out a Group - the Group and the Individual
180 5102C08 R/BRCST Dianetics - It's Ability to hand le Community's, Individual's and Nation's
181 5102C09 R/BRCST Valence - Straight Memory
182 5102C12 R/BRCST Valence - Grief and Valence
183 5102C13 R/BRCST Husband sand Wives (etc) Auditing Each Other
184 5102C14 R/BRCST Communication Breaks: Seeing, Hearing, Speaking, etc.
185 5102C15 R/BRCST Tone Scale of Individuals and Nations
186 5104C09A Time
187 5104C09B Motion
188 5105C01 L. Ron Hubbard's May 15th Message
189 5105C21 Introduction to SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL
190 5106Cxx Validation Processing (11 or 18th June) (or27)
191 5106C04 All Possible Aberration - 1
192 5106C04 All Possible Aberration - 2
193 5106C12 Theory behind Theta and MEST
194 5106C12 Demonstration
195 5106C22 Introduction to Conferenceand New Book (3 reels) (Reels 1 thru 6)
196 5106C25 Techniques - Tone Scale (Parts 1,2,3,4,6)
197 5106C25 Theta-Mest (Survive and Succumb)
198 5106C26A HEV-1 Chart of Human Evaluation
199 5106C27A VP-1 Validation Processing - Intro to Self-Auditing - GUK
200 5106C27B VP-2 Chronic Somatics
201 5106C27C VP-3 Demonstration (Validation Processing)
201.1 5106C27D Outline of Civil Defenseand other Booklets
202 5106C28 CAC-1 The Completed Auditor, Part 1 - Auditing Techniques
203 5106C28 CAC-1B The Dynamics - Interior and Exterior
204 5106C28 CAC-2A Standard Procedure - Auditing - Lock Scanning - ARC Straightwire
205 5106C28 CAC-2B The Completed Auditor, Part II - Intro, Extroversion - Past Deaths and Lives - Conclusion of Conference
206 5106C29 HDA-1 HDA Conference No. 1
207 5106C30 HDA-2,3 MEST, Theta, ARC - Part 1
208 5106C30 HDA-4,5 Final Lecture at Conference (Questions and Answers)
209 5107C09 VMP-1 Validation Processing
210 5107C09 VMP-2 MEST Processing
211 5107C09 VMP-3 Addenda - MEST Processing
212 5107C16 VMP-4 Some Educational Material
213 5107C16B VMP-5 More on MEST Processing (same lecture as Validation Technique, Parts 1-5)
214 5107C16 Advice to the Auditor
215 5107C21 Validation Processing
216 5107C23A Time Track
217 5107C23 Basic Processing
218 5107C30A Basic Reason, Part I
219 5107C30B Basic Reason, Part II
220 5108C06A Survival Processing, Part I
221 5108C06B Survival Processing, Part II
222 5108C13 What is Dianetics
223 5108C13 What Dianetics C and O
224 5108C13A HEV-2 The Value of the Chart of Human Evaluation and its Application
225 5108C13B HEV-3 (Mond. eve. first half) The Dynamics of Existence - Derivation and Uses of the Chart of Human Evaluation
226 5108C14A HEV-4 (Mond. evening, second half) Conquest of the Physical Universe - Life Force Endowment, Personality and Tone Scale Reaction to the Universe
227 5108C14B HEV-5 (Tues. eve. first half) Parts of theMind - Behaviour and Punishment - Evolution on Theta and GE Lines
228 5108C15A HEV-6 (Tues. evening second half) Tone Scale, Part I - How to Talk About the Tone Scale to the Non- Dianeticist
229 5108C15B HEV-7 (Wed.eve. first half) Tone Scale, Part II - Chronic Position on the Tone Scale
230 5108C16A HEV-8 (Wed. evening, second half) Motion and Emotion and Its Relationship to Man and the Tone Scale
231 5108C16B HEV-9 (Thurs. eve, first half) Motionand Emotion (cont.) - Physiology
232 5108C17A HEV-10 (Thurs. evening, second half) Motion and Emotion (cont.) - Physiological Aspects
233 5108C17B HEV-11 (Fri. evening, first half) Review of Motion and Emotion - ARC Triangle
234 5108C20 (Friday evening, second half) Motion
235 5108C21 Standard Procedure
236 5108C27 Motion and Emotion - Line Charge, Parts 1-5
237 5108C28A Psychotics
238 5108C28B Analytical Mind
239 5109C04 PLS-12 Time and Motion (Geriatrics)
240 5109C04B Illusion
241 5109C05 Correspondence about Foundation
242 5109C10 PLS-14 Arithmetic
243 5109C10 PLS-13 Mimicry
244 5109C10 TheCellular Postulate
245 5109C14 Effort Processing (Tues.)
246 5109C17A Black Dianetics
247 5109C17B The Cellular Postulate
248 5109C20 Introduction to Survival
249 5109C20 Effort Processing
Resolution of Effort and Counter-Effort (possibly same tape as 5203C08 HCL-11 or 5211C01)
A Lecture on Dianetics
252 5109C24A OCTSER-0A Effort Processing - Description of Effort and Life Energy as it pertains to the effort processing
253 5109C24B OCTSER-0B Effort Processing (cont.) - Behaviour Bands on Tone Scale explained and Motion Tolerance
254 5110C01 OCTSER-0C Self-Determinism - Effort Processing
255 5110C01 OCTSER-0C Self-Determinism - Effort Processing (cont.)
256 5110C08 OCTSER-1A Axioms and Effort Processing - Demo of Effort Processing
257 5110C08 OCTSER-1B Axioms and Effort Processing (cont.)
258 5110C09 OCTSER-2A Effort Processing - Statics and Motions - Difference between Belief
259 5110C09 OCTSER-2B with and without Understanding Dianetic Axioms, 1-14
260 5110C10A OCTSER-3A Dianetic Axioms, 14-32
261 5110C10B OCTSER-3B Theory of Epicenters - 1
262 5110C11A OCTSER-4A Dianetic Axioms, 33-51
263 5110C11B OCTSER-4B theory of Epicenters - 2 - Self-Determinism
264 5110C12A OCTSER-5A Dianetic Axioms - Randomity and Motion, Part 1
265 5110C12B OCTSER-5B Dianetic Axioms concluded - What to Look for in an Effort Engram
266 5110C15A PAC-1A Postulate Processing, Part 1
267 5110C15A PAC-1B ARC Processing Postulate Processing, Part 2
268 5110C15B PAC-2 Postulate Processing, Part 3 - ARC Postulate Processing (Postulate Processing's Relationship to Self-Determinism, Epi-center and Tone Scale)
269 5110C15 PAC-2B Postulate Processing, Part 4
270 5110C22A The Human Mind Versus the Electronic Computer
271 5110C22B The Human Mind Versus the Electronic Computer (continued)
272 5110C23A PAC-3A Foundation Auditor's Course, Part 1 - Three Methods of Processing
273 5110C23B PAC-3B Foundation Auditor's Course, Part 2 - Three Methods of Processing (cont.) - On the 8th Dyn.
274 5110C24A PAC-4 Foundation Auditors Lecture, Part 1 - Overall Processing: Conclusion Processing and Effort Processing
275 5110C24B PAC-5 Foundation Auditors Lecture, Part 2 - The Dynamics, Self-Determinism and S.C.S.
276 5110C25A PAC-6A&B Chronic Somatics and the Service Facsimile
277 5110C26A PAC-7 Evolution of Man According to the Facsimile, 1
278 5110C26B PAC-8 Evolution of Man According to the Facsimile, 2
279 5110C26 PAC Evolution of Man, Part 3
280 5110C29A The Theta Facsimile, Part 1
281 5110C29B The Theta Facsimile, Part 2
282 5111Cxx Search for Incidents on the Track
283 5111C04 AC& R
284 5111C05 Notes on Postulates
285 5111C12A Basic Postulates
286 5111C12B Prime Thought
287 5111C19A Cause an Effect, Part I
288 5111C19B Cause an Effect, Part II
289 5111C26A An Analysis of Memory, Parts 1 & 2
290 5111C26B An Analysis of Memory, Parts 3 & 4
291 5112C03A Discussion of Advanced Procedure, Part 2
292 5112C03B Advanced Procedures and Cause & Effect
293 5112C10 PLS-7 Dead Man's Goals (E-Meter use in Dianetics)
294 5112C10 PLS-8 Resolution of Cases (Actually 2nd half of PLS7)
295 5112C17A Regret and Seriousness - Counter Efforts
296 5112C18 Counter-Effort, Counter-Emotion, Counter-Thought
297 5112C21A Regret and Seriousness, Part 1
298 5112C21B Regret and Seriousness, Part 2
299 5112C21C On Handbook for Preclears - Service Fac 1
300 5112C27A DCL-1A First December Conf Lect, Part I
301 5112C27B DCL-1B First December Conf Lect, Part II
302 5112C27A DCL-1A The Hand book for Preclears
303 5112C27B DCL-1B Definition of Terms, Scientology and Milestone 1 defined
304 5112C28 The Hand book for Preclears
305 5112C28 Don P. auditing LRH
306 5112C28A DCL-2A Chart of Atttitudes
307 5112C28B DCL-2B Chart of Attitudes, Part 2 - Life Continuum Theory
308 5112C29A DCL-3A The Goal of Processing (The Ideal State of Man), Part I
309 5112C29B DCL-3B The Goal of Processing (The Ideal State of Man), Part II
310 5112C29 Resolution of Life Continuum Problem
311 5112C29C DCL-4A Cause and Effect and Remarks on the Second Dynamic
312 5112C29D DCL-4B Useof Handbook for Preclears and Self Analysis
313 5112C30A DCL-5A Effort Processing - Notes on Children's Illnesses
314 5112C30B DCL-5B Effort processing - Yes, No, Maybe Remarks
315 5112C31 Counter-Efforts
316 5112C31 Discussionat Ron's Home
317 5112C31 Discussionat Ron's Home (cont.)
318 52xxCxx LONLECT Activity of an Auditor
319 52xxCxx Attention Units, Tone Scale of
320 52xxCxx Confusion - Mest Bodies
321 52xxCxx Phenomena of the Thetan
322 52xxCxx Entities
323 52xxCxx Service Facsimiles
324 5201C01 A Service Facsimile
325 5201C07A Survival
326 5201C07B Question and Answer Period
327 5201C11 The Service Facsimile
328 5201C14 The Emotional Curve
Some Aspects of Dianetics on Society: the Time Element required for Body to repair after Dianetics
Some Aspects of Dianetics on Society (cont.)
331 5201C21 TheAnatomy of the "Overt Act", Part I
332 5201C21 TheAnatomy of the "Overt Act" (cont.), Part II
333 5201C28A TheAnatomy of "Service Facsimile", Part I
334 5201C28B TheAnatomy of "Service Facsimile", Part II
335 5101C29 HDFL Anatomy of Service Facsimiles (evening lecture)
336 5202C02 Psychogalvanometer, Mysticism Groups
337 5202C06 Address by L. Ron Hubbard, Arcadia Theatre, Wichita Kansas
338 5202C06 Dianetics, The Modern Miracle
339 5202C08 Summary of Service Fac Chain
340 5202C08 Motive of SLP8
341 5202C08 Application of Games to Processing
342 5202C18A Code of Honor
343 5202C18B Care of the Body (and the cycle of birth, growth, decay and death)
344 5202C25A HPC-1 Review of Progress of Dianetics and Dianetics Business
HPC-2 A, B
HPC-3 & 4
Summary of Aberrative Incidents (before time begins, fac 1, helper, 300-400 base, motivator for violence, basic to overt acts, world closed in incidents, how early track eases up, overt act incidents run)
Introduction to Scientology: Milestone One
347 5203C03 HCL-2 Introduction to Scientology: Outlining of Therapy
348 5203C03 HCL-2A Demonstration by Ron of E-Meter, Running Entities
349 5203C04A HCL-3 Axioms and How They Apply to Auditing
350 5203C04B HCL-4 Thought, Emotion and Effort, and the Tone Scale
351 5203C04C HCL-Spec Description of Facsimile One
352 5203C05A HCL-5 Thought and Preclears
353 5203C05B HCL-6 Emotion
354 5203C05C HCL-6A Question and Answer Period
355 5203C05D HCL-6 Spec Demonstration of Auditing
356 5203C06 HCL-7 Effort and Counter-Effort
357 5203C06 HCL-8 Attack on the Preclear
358 5203C07A HCL-9 How to Handle Facsimiles
359 5203C07 HCL-10 Indoctrination of the Preclear
360 5203C08 HCL-11 Resolution of Effort and Counter-Effort, Overt Acts
361 5203C08A HCL-12 Indoctrination in use of the E-Meter, Part 1 & 2
362 5203C08 HCL-12A Indoctrination in use of the E-Meter, Part 3
363 5203C09A HCL-13 Thought, Emotion and Effort, and Counter-Effort
364 5203C09B HCL-14 Demonstration: Effort, Counter-Effort (Straightwire)
365 5203C10 HCL-15 Training Auditors: The Anatomy of Facsimile One
366 5203C10 HCL-16 The Anatomy of Facsimile One (cont. demo)
367 5203C10C HCL-17 Three Demonstrations - Running Effort and Counter-Effort
368 5203C10 HCL-18 Entities (demo cont.)
369 5203C10A HCL-19 (15E) History of Man Series I: Organization of Data
370 5203C10A HCL-19 15A (E) History of Man Series II: Main Theta Line & Sub-Theta Line (description of the philosophies and religions as routes to understanding)
371 5203C10B HCL-20 - 16E History of Man Series III: The Theta and the Genetic Lines of Earth
372 5203C10B HCL-20-16A (E) History of Man Series IV: Principal Incidents of the Theta Line
373 5203Cxx HCL-21 Anatomy of the Theta Body (Theta Body Entities)
374 5203Cxx HCL-22 Howto Audit a Theta Line
375 5203Cxx HCL-23 Theta Bodies
376 5203C22 HCL-23A Impulses of a Thetan (first morning lecture)
377 5203Cxx HCL-24 Demonstration: Electropsychometric Scouting (see HCL-6 Spec)
378 5203Cxx HCL-24A Demonstration (nonexistant - 12A, and Spec) Theta Bodies
379 5203C25 HCL-25 An Analysis of Memory and Human Aberration and Psychosomatic Illness
380 5203C25 HCL-26 Part I An Analysis of Memory and Human Aberration, Part II
381 5203Cxx HCL-27 How to Search for Incidents on the Track - I
382 5203Cxx HCL-27A How to Search for Incidents on the Track - II
HCL-Spec Electropsychometric Scouting - Battle of the Universes (MSH audits Ron)
Phoenix Talk about Wichita and Purcell
385 5204C15B Theta Body Lecture
386 5204C15C Demo and Brief Explanation (whole track and bodies in pawn)
387 5204C16A Anatomy of the Theta Body
388 5204C16B "Theta-Psychometer": Theta Body Demo (last on Series)
389 5204C20 The Goals and Purposes of Theta and MEST
390 5205C06 Anatomy of Thought
391 5205C19 T80-1A ARC Triangle in Relation to Infinity, Beingness Along the Dynamics
392 5205C19 T80-1B Definition of Technique 80, Emotional Wave lengths
393 5205C19 T80-1C Toneand Ability
394 5205C19 T80-1D Wavelength and Tone Scale
395 5205C20 T80-2A Decision: Maybes, Time, Postulates, Cause and Effect in Relation to
396 5205C20 T80-2B Dynamics Early Methods of Dealing with People, Entities
397 5205C21 T80-3A Therapy Section of 80: Clearing up Overt Acts, Dependencies
398 5205C21 T80-3B Therapy Section of 80 (cont.)
399 52xxCxx T88 Technique 88: MEST, Counter Emotion, Part I & II (possibly included in the T88 list below)
400 52xxCxx T88 Technique 88: Thought, Emotion, Effort (possibly included in the T88 list below)
401 52xxCxx T88 Technique 88: Prediction Speed, Overts, Motivators, DED (Lecture 3, Part I,II & III) (possibly included in the T88 list below)
402 52xxCxx T88 Technique 88: Group Auditing, Tone Scale, SOP8-C (Lecture 4)
403 5206C23A T88-1A (1) (possibly included in the T88 list below) Technique 88: Thetan/Body, Anatomy of Maybe
404 5206C23A T88-1A (2) Technique 88: The Time Scale, Decisionto Be
405 5206C23A T88-1A (3) Technique 88: Course Outline, Disentangling Body from the Thetan
406 5206C23A T88-1A (4) Technique 88: Wide Open and Occluded Case, What are Entities
407 5206C23B T88-1B (1) Technique 88: Erasing Law on Time Scale, Incidents, Space and Time,
408 5206C23B T88-1B (2) Restimulation, Forgetting, Emotional Curve, Identity, Auditing Technique 88: Matter, Solid Thought, Home Universe, Theory of Origin of MEST
409 5206C23C T88-1C (1) Technique 88: Mechanics of Aberration, Tone Scale and Maybe, Axioms, Effort
410 5206C23C T88-1C (2) Technique 88: Nowness and Thenness
411 5206C23C T88-1C (3) Technique 88: Axiomsof Knowingness, Pervasion, Q & A
412 5206C24A T88-2A (4) Technique 88: Motion and Maybes
413 5206C24A T88-2A (4) Technique 88: Attention Unit Flows, Flares, Hypnosis, Control, Shock
414 5206C24B T88-2B (5) Technique 88: Tone Scale of Attention Unit Behavior
415 5206C24B T88-2B (5) Technique 88: Formation of Ridges, Around Hollow Spots, Attention
416 5206C24C T88-2C (6) Unit Running, Motionless Areas, Apathy Incident Technique 88: Concept Running
417 5206C24C T88-2C (6) Technique 88: Deds, Aloneness, Obsession and Motion
418 5206C24D T88-3A (7) Validation and Invalidation
419 5206C24D T88-3A (7) Validation and Invalidation (cont.)
420 5206C24E T88-3B (8) Overt Acts, Motivators and Deds
421 5206C24E T88-3B (8) Overt Acts, Motivators and Deds (cont.)
422 5206C24F T88-3C (9) Overt Acts, Motivators and Deds
423 5206C24F T88-3C (9) Overt Acts, Motivators and Deds (cont.)
424 5206C25A T88-4A (22) Aberrated Thought, Overt Acts, Motivators, Deds
425 5206C25 T88-10 Invalidation, Simplicity of Data, Counter-Effort
426 5206C25B T88-4B (23) Technique 88 and the Whole Track
427 5206C25B T88-4B (24) Technique 88 and the Whole Track (cont.)
428 5206C25C T88-4C (25) Technique 88 and the Whole Track (cont.)
429 5206C25C T88-4C (26) Technique 88and theWhole Track (cont.)
430 5206C26A T88-5A (27) The Anatomy of Dramatization, the Actions of Energy
431 5206C26A T88-5A (28) The Anatomy of Dramatization, the Actionsof Energy
432 5206C26B T88-5B (29) Acquisition of Bodies
433 5206C26B T88-5B (30) Acquisition of Bodies
434 5206C26C T88-5C (31) Theta and Genetic Lines
435 5206C26C T88-5C (32) Theta and Genetic Lines
436 5206C27A T88-6A (16) Confusion, Action of Trackas Result of Energy Behavior
437 5206C27B T88-6B (17) Symbological Processing
437.1 5206C27B Validation Processing
438 5206C28A T88 (34) Q & A Period
439 5206C28A T88-7A (34) Individualism - Q & A Period (cont.)
440 5206C28A T88-7B (35) Q & A Period (cont.)
441 5206C28B T88 (35) Q & A Period (cont.)
442 5207M04A T88 Supp#7 Where We Are at
443 5207M04B T88 Supp#8 Creationand Use of Energy (remedy for over or under abundance)
444 5207C08 T88 Supp#1A Standard Process of 88, Black and White, Part A
445 5207C08 T88 Supp#1B Standard Process of 88, Blackand White, Part B
446 5207C08 T88 Supp#1C Standard Process of 88, Black and White, Part C
447 5207C08 T88 Supp#1D Standard Process of 88, Black and White, Part D
448 5207C24A T88 Supp#2A Behavior of Energy as It Applies to Thought Flows
449 5207C24B T88 Supp#2B E-Meter Behavior Versus Flow Lines and Patterns
450 5208C07A T88 Supp#3A Straightwire Tech 88 Supp#3
451 5208C07B T88 Supp#3B Standard Process of 88 Tech 88 Sup#4
452 5208C07 T88 Supp#3C A Straightwire Process Lect I Tech 88 Sup#5
453 5208C07D T88 Supp#3D A Straightwire Process Lect II Tech 88 Sup#6
455 5208C28 Talk to Associates about Fellowships, etc (20 mins.)
456 5209C21A T88 Supp Basis of Scientology and Dianetics, Lecture 1, Part 1
457 5209C21B T88 Supp Basis of Scientology - Nature of Flows (elasticity of flows) Lect 1,
Part II
458 5209C21C T88 Supp Basis of Scientology - Stuck Flows, Lecture 3, Part III
458.1 5209C21 Lecture 101 - London
459 5209C22A T88 Supp Scientology - Tone Scale Characteristics, Lecture 2, Part I
460 5209C22B T88 Supp Scientology - Flows, Tone Scale, Lecture 2, Part II
461 5209C23A T88 Supp The Resolution of the Second Dynamic - CaseLevel V, Lecture 3, Part I
462 5209C23B T88 Supp Blanketing - Exteriorization, Lecture 3, Part II
463 5209C24A T88 Supp Scientology - The Three Types of Energy Flows, Lecture 4, Part I
464 5209Cxx Supp9 Black and White Processing
465 5209C24B Activity of the Auditor (in Theta Clearing), Lecture 4, Part II
465.1 5209C29 On the 2nd Dynamic Part II
466 5210Cxx SOP-1 Title unknown
467 5210Cxx SOP-2 Title unknown
468 5210Cxx SOP-3 Title unknown
469 5210Cxx SOP-4 "Summary of Technique 8-80" (Thetans, G.E.Line)
470 5210Cxx SOP-4B Present Time Use of Energy Manifestations
471 5210Cxx SOP-5A Theory of Flows - Counter Elasticity
472 5210Cxx SOP-5B Flows
473 5210Cxx SOP-5C Basics of Scientology - Black and White Processing, Discharging Flows
474 5210Cxx SOP-6A Basic Summary on SOP of Technique 8-80
475 5210Cxx SOP-6B Phenomena of the Thetan
476 5210Cxx SOP-7A Service Facsimile Chain (Section E, Act 5. SOP, Scn 8-80 Making a Theta Clear)
476.1 5210C11 Prof Crse Continuation of Definition: Dn & Scn
477 5210C30A SOP-8A The Role of Earth (incidents from the fourth and fifth invader forces - their brief role on Earth as a prison)
477.1 5210C30 On Using Thetans to Control Other Bodies
478 5210C30B SOP-8B Illusion Processing and Therapy
479 5211C01A Resolution of Effort and Counter-Effort (incomplete Lecture)
480 5211C06A LS-1 Methods of Research, the Thetanas an Energy Unit, Part I
481 5211C06 LS-1 Methods of Research, the Thetan, Part II
482 5211C06B LS-2 Creating Different Space and Time - Responsibility - Codeof Honor, Part I
483 5211C06 LS-2 Creating Different Space and time - Responsibility - Codeof Honor, Part II
483.1 5211C06 Lecture Series 22: SOP for Theta Clearing
484 5211C07 LS-3 Haveas Homo Sapiensand as Thetans, Clearing by Communication "Have", Part I
485 5211C07 LS-3 Have as Homo Sapiens and as Thetans, Part II
486 5211C10 LPC-1A Introduction to the Course - Definitions of Dianetics and Scientology, other philosophies - SCN-8-8008, Part I
486.1 5211C10 LPC-1A Introduction to the Course - Definitions of Dianetics and Scientology other philosophies - SCN-8-8008, Part II
487 5211C10A L&A-1&2 Introduction - The Q List and Beginningof Logics
488 5211C10B L&A-3&4 Logics 1-7
489 5211C12A L&A-5&6 Precision Knowledge - Necessity to Know Technology and Law
490 5211C12B L&A-7&8 Logics 7-9 and 10-23
491 5211C12C LPC-2 8-8008 Continued, Time and Space
492 5211C14 LPC-3 Time, Create, Destroy, Have
493 5211C14B LPC-4&5 Standard Operating Procedure, Issue2, Steps7, 6 & 5
494 5211C14C LPC-6&7 SOP Issue2, Step5, (cont.) and Creative Processing Assessment
495 5211C14D LS-4A Be, Have, Do (time, space, energy in relation to do), Part I (1017A?)
496 5211C14E LS-4B Be, Have, Do (cont.), Part II
497 5211C16 LS-5 MEST-Self-MEST Universe in Connection with Creative Processing
498 5211C17 LPC-8 ARC
499 5211C17 LPC-8A A R C (cont.)
500 5211C17A LPC-9 ARC, Motion, Emotion, Tone Scale, Flows, Ridges, Part I
501 5211C17A LPC-9 ARC, Motion, Emotion, Tone Scale, Flows, Ridges, Part II
502 5211C17B LPC-10 Creative Processing - the basic Anatomy of Creative processing, MEST Universe, MEST, Self Universe, Hypnotism, Part I
503 5211C17B LPC-10 Creative Processing, Part II
504 5211C17C LPC-11 Ridges
505 5211C17C LPC-11 Ridges, Self-Determinism, Tone Scales
506 5211C19A LPC-12 Attention, Part I
507 5211C19B LPC-13 Attention, Part II
508 5211C19C LPC-14 The Control of the Individual by an Unknown (Sound)
509 5211C19C LPC-14A What is Cause?
510 5211C19D LPC-15 Responsibility (see 2197)
511 5211C19D LPC-15 Responsibility (cont.), Tone Scale of Responsibility
512 5211C20A LPC-16 Creative Processing, Lecture 1, Validationof MEST, Haveand Agree
513 5211C20B LPC-17 Creative Processing, Lecture 2, Validation of MEST, Haveand Agree (cont.)
514 5211C20C LPC-18 Creative Processing Directed Toward Breaking the PC's Agreement with Natural Laws of the MEST Universe, Lecture 3
515 5211C20 LPC-18A Creative Processing (cont.)
516 5211C20D LPC-19 Creative Processing (cont.), Lecture 4
517 5211C20 LPC-19A Creative Processing Directed Toward... (cont.)
518 5211C21 LPC-20 Assessment of PC - The Dynamics: Be, Have, Do
519 5211C21 LPC-21 Creative Processing - How Different Levels of the Tone Scale React in Regard to Handling Illusions
520 5211C21 LPC-21A Structure and Function as Regards Mechanisms of Processing - Clearing by Comm. "Have"
521 5212C01A PDC-1 Scientology: How to Understand and Study It
522 5212C01B PDC-2 E-Meter: Description, Demonstration
523 5212C01C PDC-3 Creative Processing, Demo of E-Meter Auditing
524 5212C02A PDC-4 Locks, Secondaries, Engrams, How To Hand le
525 5212C02B PDC-5 Gradient Scale sof HandlingSpace, Energy and Objects
526 5212C02C PDC-6 The"Q": Highest Level of Knowledge, Axioms, Energy Phenomena of Thought and Facsimiles, Differentiation
527 5212C02D PDC-7 A Thetan Creates (MEST) by Postulates - Q2
528 5212C03A PDC-8 The Track of Thetan/G.E., Space/Time
529 5212C03B PDC-9 Anatomy of Processing - Energy Phenomena/Sensation
530 5212C03C PDC-10 Specific Parts of Self-Determinism, Spacation
531 5212C04A PDC-11 Spacation: Energy Particles and Time
532 5212C04B PDC-12 Spacation: Locating, Space, Time
533 5212C04C PDC-13 Spacation: Anchor Points, Origin
534 5212C04D PDC-14 The Logics: Methods of Thinking
535 5212C04E PDC-15 The Logics: Infinity-Valued Logic
536 5212C05A PDC-16 Cycles of Action
537 5212C05B PDC-17 The Tone Scale: Moving the PC up the Scale
538 5212C05C PDC-18 The Conditions of Space/Time/Energy
539 5212C06A PDC-19 Axioms and Logics - Further Data
540 5212C06B PDC-20 Formative State of Scientology: Definition of Logic
541 5212C08A PDC-21 ARC/Cycles: Theory and Automaticity
542 5212C08B PDC-22 More on Automaticity
543 5212C08C PDC-23 ARC, Force, Be/Do/Have
544 5212C09A PDC-24 What's Wrong With This Universe: A Working Package for Auditor
545 5212C09B PDC-25 Flows: Reverse Vector of Physical Universe
546 5212C09C PDC-26 Flows: Characteristics of
547 5212C09D PDC-27 Flows: The Part Force Bears in Clearing
548 5212C09E PDC-28 Flows: The Part Force Bears in Clearing
549 5212C09 Plus and Minus (could be the same as 4 above)
550 5212C10A PDC-29 Flows: Patterns of Interaction
551 5212C10B PDC-30 Flows: Rateof Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points
552 5212C10C PDC-31 Flows: Basic Agreement and Prove It!
553 5212C10D PDC-32 Flows: Dispersals and Ridges
554 5212C10E PDC-33 Anatomy of Genetic Entity
555 5212C11 Single Data and Its Evaluation
556 5212C11A PDC-34 8-8008: Understanding the Phenomena
557 5212C11B PDC-35 The D.E.I. Scale
558 5212C11C PDC-36 Structure/Function: Selective Variations of
559 5212C11D PDC-37 Chart of Attitudes: Rising Scales Processing
560 5212C11E PDC-38 Rising Scale Processing'
561 5212C12A PDC-39 Game Processing
562 5212C12B PDC-40 Games/Goals
563 5212C12C PDC-41 SOP Issue 3: Postulate, Creative Process
564 5212C13A PDC-42 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
565 5212C13B PDC-43 On Auditing - Howto Succeed/Fail, Assess
566 5212C13C PDC-44 SOP: Assessment (cont.)
567 5212C13D PDC-45 Development of Scientology: Characteristics of Living Science
568 5212C13E PDC-46 Goal: Rehabilitation of Thetan, Case Step 1
569 5212C15A PDC-47 SOP Issue 5
570 5212C15B PDC-48 SOP Spacation
571 5212C15C PDC-49 SOP Spacation (cont.)
572 5212C16A PDC-50 SOP Spacation Step 3, Flow Processing
573 5212C16B PDC-51 SOP Issue 5
574 5212C16C PDC-52 Memory (Not Human Memory)
575 5212C16D PDC-53 Memory and Automaticity
576 5212C17A PDC-54 Summary to Date: Handling Step 1 and Demo
577 5212C17B PDC-55 Demonstration on Step One (cont.)
578 5212C17C PDC-56 Discussion of Demo: Above Agreement With Flows
579 5212C17D PDC-57 Continued Demonstration Step 4
580 5212C18A PDC-58 About the "Press" Tone Level: Psychometry
581 5212C18B PDC-59 Chart of Havingness
582 5212C18C PDC-60 How to Talk About Scientology
583 5212C18D PDC-61 How to Talk to Friends About Scientology
584 5212C18E PDC-62 Your Own Case: To You The Student
585 53xxCxx Exteriorization - Interiorization
586 53xxCxx GR/PROC Group Processing
587 53xxCxx Power of Choice
588 53xxCxx Raising Abilities
588.1 53xxCxx Cycle of Action 8175312C28
589 53xxCxx LGC-1 Educational System, How to Group Process
590 53xxCxx LGC-2 History of the Organization, Self Analysis
591 53xxCxx LGC-3 Mechanics of the Mind, Source of Data, Group Auditing and the Tone Scale
592 53xxCxx LGC-4 Gradient Scale, Admiration Particle
592.1 5301C10 IIIA Q&A - Demo
593 5301C12A PDCSup-A Agree and Disagree - Have, Not Have
594 5301C12C PDCSup-B Anchor Points - Driving Them In and Out
595 5301C13 LGC-5 Creative Processing
596 5301C14 Group Processing and Individual Processing
597 5301C14A PDCSup-1 SOP5 Long Form Step I: Quality of Mock-ups at Different Levels of the Tone Scale
598 5301C14B PDCSup-2 Processing of Step I: Cyclic Aspect of Scientology Research
599 5301C15 LGC-6 Mock-Up, Certainty, Group Processing
600 5301C16A PDCSup-3 SOP5 Long Form Step II: Stage Fright, Commanding People
601 5301C16B PDCSup-4 Demonstration
602 5301C19A PDCSup-5 SOP Clearing Long Form Step III: Differentiation on Theta Clearing
603 5301C19B PDCSup-6 SOP Long Form Step III (cont.): Spacation
604 5301C21A PDCSup-7 SOP Long Form Step IV: Gita, Case Conditions
605 5301C21B PDCSup-8 SOP5 Long Form Step IV (cont.)
606 5301C23A PDCSup-9 SOP5 Long Form Step V
607 5301C23B PDCSup-10 SOP5 Long Form Step VI
608 5301C23C PDCSup-11 Concluding Long Form of Step V - Admiration Processing
609 5303Cxx GR/PROC Group Processing
610 5303Cxx Notes on 18 Hours
611 5303C23A SPRL-1 Review of Dianetics/Scientology and Para-Dianetics/Scientology
612 5303C23B SPRL-2 What's Wrongwith the PC
613 5303C24A SPRL-3 SOP Issue 5: Steps 1 to 7
614 5303C24B SPRL-4 SOP Issue 5: (cont.)
615 5303C25A SPRL-5 The Elements With Stress on How to Run Matched Terminals
616 5303C25B SPRL-6 The Elements With Stress on How To Run Matched Terminals
617 5303C26A SPRL-7 How and When to Audit
618 5303C26B SPRL-8 Present Time
619 5303C27A SPRL-9 SOP Utility
620 5303C27B SPRL-10 SOP Utility (cont.)
621 5303C27C SPRL-11 Beingness, Agreement, Hidden Influences, Processes
622 5303C27D SPRL-12 Types of Processes (cont.)
623 5304C07A SPRL-13 Data on Case Level 5, Step for Case 5
624 5304C07B SPRL-14 Data on Case Level 5 (cont.)
625 5304C07C SPRL-15 Exteriorization - Demonstration and Explanation
626 5304C07D SPRL-16 Demonstration (cont.)
627 5304C08A SPRL-17 Case Level 6 & 7
628 5304C08B SPRL-18 Case Level 6 & 7, Psychotic (cont.)
629 5304C24A SPRL-19 The Factors
630 5304C24B SPRL-20 SOP-8
631 5305C21 BL-1 Three Universes
632 5305C21 BL-2 Three Universes (cont.)
633 5305C21 BL-3 Tone Scale - ARC, Present Time
634 5305C21 BL-4 Tone Scale (cont.)
635 5309C03 Training Auditors
636 5309C23 LONLECT G.E.Track, Exteriorization
637 5309C30A ICDS-1 History and Development of Dianetics
638 5309C30B ICDS-2 The Problem to Be Solved/ The Elements of a Problem
639 5310C01A ICDS-3 Processing and Its Goals
640 5310C01B ICDS-4 The Most Favorable Processes
641 5310C01C ICDS-5 SOP-8
642 5310C01 ICDS-5A Demo - the Use of Q & A (also PHC40) (794)
643 5310C01D ICDS-6 SOP-8
644 5310C02A ICDS-7 SOP-8, Additonal Material
645 5310C02B ICDS-8 SOP-8, Step 1, 2, 3
646 5310C02C ICDS-9 SOP-8
647 5310C03 ICDS-10 Six Steps to Better Beingness
648 5310C03B ICDS-11 Uses and Future of Scientology
649 5310C03C ICDS-12 Processes for Rough Cases
650 5310C04A ICDS-13 Wasting
651 5310C04B ICDS-14 Effort
652 5310C06A ICL-1A Looking, Definition of a Static
653 5310C07AA ICL-1B Q & A, Step V (1ACC-2)
654 5310C08AA ICL-2A Exteriorization (1ACC-3)
655 5310C08BA ICL-2B Thetan Control, Part I - Handling Occlusion (1ACC-4)
656 5310C08CA ICL-2B Thetan Control, Part II - Handling Occlusion
657 5310C08CA ICL-3A Occlusion, Resolve of (1ACC-5)
658 5310C09AA ICL-3B Psychosis, Classification of Cases (1ACC-6)
659 5310C09BA ICL-4A Occluded Case (1ACC-7)
660 5310C12AA ICL-4B Exteriorization, Difficult Cases (1ACC-8)
661 5310C12BA ICL-5A SOP: Step II (1ACC-9)
662 5310C12CA ICL-5B SOP: Step II (cont.) (1ACC-10)
663 5310C13AA ICL-6A Anesthesia in Bodies (1ACC-11) (Part I)
664 5310C13AA ICL-6A-I Anesthesia in Bodies (cont.)
665 5310C13BA ICL-6B Anesthesia in Bodies (cont.) (1ACC-12) (Part III)
666 5310C14AA ICL-7A Randomity, Control and Prediction, Part I (1ACC-13)
667 5310C14BA ICL-7B Randomity, Control and Prediction, Part II (1ACC-14)
668 5310C14CA ICL-8A Inverted Dynamics (1ACC-15)
669 5310C15 AICL-8B ThinkingAction, Machines (1ACC-16)
670 5310C16AA ICL-9A Subjective Processes - Perimeter Processing (1ACC-17)
671 5310C16BA ICL-9B Subjective Processes (cont.) (1ACC-18)
672 5310C16CA ICL-10A Subjective Processes - Why a Thetan is stuck in a Body, AR54 Ping Meter, Demo (cont.) (1ACC-19)
673 5310C17AA ICL-10B Thinking Processes (1ACC-20)
674 5310C17BA ICL-11A Forget and Remember, Good and Evil (1ACC-21)
675 5310C19AA ICL-11B Forget and Remember, Good and Evil (cont.) (1ACC-22)
676 5310C19BA ICL-12A Change Processes, Action (1ACC-23)
677 5310C19CA ICL-12B Change Processes (cont.) (1ACC-24)
678 5310C20 AICL-13A Certainty of Anchor Points Processing (1ACC-25)
679 5310C21 AICL-13B Liabilities of Being Processed (1ACC-26)
680 5310C21 AICL-14A Processing to Step I (1ACC-27)
681 5310C21 AICL-14B Speed-up - Wasting (1ACC-28)
682 5310C22 AICL-15A Wasting Effort, etc. (1ACC-29)
683 5310C22 AICL-15B Wasting Efforts (cont.), Looking (1ACC-30)
684 5310C23 AICL-16A Looking (1ACC-31)
685 5310C23 AICL-16B Charge Processing (1ACC-32)
686 5310C26AA ICL-17A Restimulation of Engrams, Experiences (1ACC-33)
687 5310C26BA ICL-17B An Assumption, Lines, Chords, Havingness (1ACC-34)
688 5310C26CA ICL-18A Time, Assumption, Facsimiles, Overt Acts, DEDs (1ACC-35)
689 5310C27AA ICL-18B Fixed Attention, Duplication, How to Audit Children (1ACC-36)
690 5310C27BA ICL-19A Assessment, Memories, Ridges: Demo: AcceptanceLevel Processing
691 5310C27CA ICL-19B Acceptance Level Processing (cont.) (1ACC-38)
692 5310C28AA ICL-20A CaseReports, SOP-8C, SOP-8L (1ACC-39)
693 5310C28BA ICL-20B SOP-8L (cont.) (1ACC-40)
694 5310C28CA ICL-21A Anchor Points, Space, Games, Indicated Drills of Processes (1ACC- 41)
695 5310C29AA ICL-21B Spacation, Anchor Point and Attention (1ACC-42)
696 5310C29BA ICL-22A Study of the Particle (1ACC-43)
697 5310C29CA ICL-22B Study of the Particle (cont.) (1ACC-44)
698 5310C30A ICL-23A The Particle with Regard to Time (cont.) (1ACC-45)
699 5310C30BA ICL-23B Consideration, Extent of Viewpoint, Step II (1ACC-46)
700 5310C30CA ICL-24A Part 1 - How to Run Change Processing (1ACC-47)
701 5310C30DA ICL-24AA Part 2 - Considerations and the MEST Universe (1ACC-47A)
702 5311C02AA ICL-24B "Cause and Effect, Automaticity, Ridges" Processing (1ACC-48)
703 5311C02BA ICL-25A Occluded Case Reports - Black Spot Processing, Certainty (1ACC- 49)
704 5311C03AA ICL-25B The Logics - Their Relation to Aberration and Space (1ACC-50)
705 5311C03BA ICL-26A Anchor Points and Space (cont.) (1ACC-51)
706 5311C03CA ICL-26B The Logics - Part 2 (1ACC-52)
707 5311C04AA ICL-27A Randomity and Automaticity, Process to Resolve (1ACC-53)
708 5311C04BA ICL-27B Process to Resolve Randomity and Automaticity (cont.) (1ACC-54)
709 5311C04CA ICL-28A Process to Resolve Randomity and Automaticity (cont.) (1ACC-55)
710 5311C05AA ICL-28B Certainty (1ACC-56)
711 5311C05BA ICL-29A Communication - ARC - Demonstration (1ACC-57)
712 5311C05CA ICL-29B Communication - ARC - Demo - Space (cont.) (1ACC-58)
713 5311C06AA ICL-30A Inverted Dynamics, Inflow-Outflow, Material, Time (1ACC-58A)
714 5311C06BA ICL-30AA Inverted Dynamics (cont.) (1ACC-59)
715 5311C06CA ICL-30B Space (1ACC-60)
716 5311C06DA ICL-30BB Demonstration: Havingness, Energy, etc. (1ACC-60A)
717 5311C09AA ICL-31A Randomity, Anchor Points, etc (1ACC-61)
718 5311C09BA ICL-31B Randomity, Anchor Points, etc (cont.) (1ACC-62)
719 5311C09CA ICL-31BB Exteriorization by Feeling (1ACC-62A)
720 5311C09DA ICL-32A Exteriorization by Feeling (cont.) (1ACC-63)
721 5311C10AA ICL-32B Types of Processes, Space, Create-Destroy (1ACC-64)
722 5311C10BA ICL-33A SOP-8C Steps (1ACC-65)
723 5311C10CA ICL-33B SOP-8C Steps (cont.) (1ACC-66)
724 5311C11AA ICL-34A Group Processing (1ACC-67)
725 5311C11BA ICL-34B Future Processing (1ACC-68)
726 5311C11A ICL-35A Questions: SOP-8C, 3 Universes, SOP-8, Significanses, Exteriorization (1ACC-69)
727 5311C12AA ICL-35B Process to Use on Cases, Gradient Scales (1ACC-70)
728 5311C12BA ICL-36A Process to Run by Gradient Scale on Specifis Cases (1ACC-71)
729 5311C12CA ICL-36AA Self-Determinism in Relation to a Thetan (1ACC-71A)
730 5311C12DA ICL-36B Gradient Scale Straightwire (cont.) (1ACC-72)
731 5311C12EA ICL-37A Gradient Scale Straightwire Demo (cont.) (1ACC-73)
732 5311C12FA ICL-37B Gradient Scale Straightwire Demo (cont.) (1ACC-74)
733 5311C13AA ICL-38A Final talk on First Course (1ACC-75)
734 5311C13BA ICL-38B Last Lecture of Advanced Course, Camden 1953, Reviewing Students' Ability to Process (1ACC-75)
735 5311C13CA ICL-38C Group Processing After Afternoon Lecture
736 5311C17A 2ACC-1A Openeing Lecture: Emotional Tone Scale
737 5311C17B 2ACC-1B SOP-8C First Lecture
738 5311C17C 2ACC-2A Getting Up Speed - Part I
739 5311C17D 2ACC-2B Getting Up Speed - Part II
740 5311C18A 2ACC-3A Step I of 8-C, Beingness
741 5311C18B 2ACC-3B Black Mock-Ups Persistence, MEST
742 5311C18C 2ACC-4A Step II, Automaticities
743 5311C18D 2ACC-4B Waste a Machine
744 5311C19A 2ACC-5A Effects, Reaching End of Cycle
745 5311C19B 2ACC-5B More on Machines
746 5311C20A 2ACC-6A Resistance to Effect
747 5311C20B 2ACC-6B Plan of Auditing
748 5311C23A 2ACC-7A Formula "Phi", Creation of MEST
749 5311C23B 2ACC-7B Summary of Steps I, II, III of SOP-8C
750 5311C24A 2ACC-8A Anchor Points, Knowingness of Location
751 5311C24B 2ACC-8B Steps 5, 6, 7; Duplication, Unconsciousness (aka the Death Wish)
752 5311C24C 2ACC-8BX Additonal Remarks
753 5311C25A 2ACC-9A Steps 5, 6, 7; Time
754 5311C25B 2ACC-9B SOP-8C, Summary of Machines
755 5311C25 2ACC-9 Attention (could be same tape as above)
756 5311C26A 2ACC-10A Electronic Theory, Anchor Points
757 5311C26B 2ACC-10B Exteriorization
758 5311C26C 2ACC-10BX Additional Remarks
759 5311C27A 2ACC-11A Anchor Points, Justice
760 5311C27B 2ACC-11B Symbols
761 5311C28A 2ACC-12A Wasting Machines
762 5311C28 2ACC-12B Machine Duplication
763 5311C28B 2ACC-12 Demonstration Group Processsing
764 5311C28C 2ACC-12 Special Session - Experimental Process
765 5311C28D 2ACC-12 2nd Demonstration: Group Processing
765.1 5311C29 2ACC Group Processing on Wasting Machines
766 5311C30A 2ACC-12BX Additional Remarks - Experimental Session
767 5311C30B 2ACC-13AA Space, Perception, Knowingness
768 5311C30 2ACC-BA MEST, Universe, Agreements - Time, a Single Terminal - Barriers Problems
769 5312C01 2ACC-13B Space, Lack of, Persistence
770 5312C02A 2ACC-14A Ron Junior Remarks on 2 ACC-13 A & B
771 5312C02B 2ACC-14B Blackness
772 5312C03A 2ACC-15A Time as a Barrier
773 5312C03B 2ACC-15B Time, Causeand Effect
774 5312C03C 2ACC-15BX Additional Remarks
775 5312C04A 2ACC-16A Plan of SOP-8C
776 5312C04B 2ACC-16B LRH Questions the Class on Exteriorization
777 5312C07A 2ACC-17A Barriers, Occlusion
778 5312C07B 2ACC-17B Outline of SOP-8C
779 5312C08A 2ACC-18A Essence of SOP-8C
780 5312C08B 2ACC-18B Problems of Auditing
781 5312C09A 2ACC-19A Summary: The Dynamics
782 5312C09B 2ACC-19B Bodies
783 5312C10A 2ACC-20A Knowingness
784 5312C10B 2ACC-20B SOP-8C: General Discussion
785 5312C11A 2ACC-21A SOP-8C: Patter
786 5312C13A 2ACC-21B Force - Part I
787 5312C13B 2ACC-22A Force - Part II
788 5312C14A 2ACC-22B SOP-8C: Step 8, Definitions
789 5312C14B 2ACC-23A Cause and Effect, Assignment of Cause, G.E.
790 5312C15A 2ACC-23B SOP-8C: Step 5
791 5312C15B 2ACC-24A Energy Problems
792 5312C16A 2ACC-24B Technique, Which Do or Do Not Assign Cause/Technique to Assign Cause
793 5312C16B 2ACC-25A Comm-Line: Overt Act-Motivator Sequence
794 5312C17A 2ACC-25B SOP-8C: Formulas
795 5312C17B 2ACC-26A Space Opera
796 5312C18A 2ACC-26B The Only One
797 5312C18B 2ACC-27A Beingness (also PHC 41 & 42)
798 5312C18 Philiadelphia 1953 last hour (possibly 5212C18) (514)
799 5312C19C 2ACC-27B SOP-8C: General
800 5312C19 2ACC-28A Mass
801 5312Cxx Mocking Up Mass, Putting It on Head (could be same as tape 5312C19)
802 5312C20A 2ACC-28B Communicating
803 5312C20B 2ACC-29A Auditing by SOP-8C, Formula H
804 5312C20C 2ACC-29B Reach/Withdraw
805 5312C21A 2ACC-30A Ability to Accept Direction
806 5312C21B 2ACC-30B Knowingness and Certainty
807 5312C21C 2ACC-30B State of Man Today
808 5312C21D 2ACC-30D Group Processing
809 5312C22A 2ACC-31A Remedyof Havingness
810 5312C22B 2ACC-31B Postulates (also PHC43 & 44)
811 5312Cxx Chart of Attitudes
812 5312Cxx Exteriorization - Group Auditing
813 5312Cxx Group Auditing - Tone Scale
814 5312C22C Organization of Man
815 5312C22D Group Processing
816 5312C23 Problem of Auditing Handled
817 5312C28 Cycle of Action
818 5312C28 PHC-1 Goals of Scientology
819 5312C28 PHC-2 Goals of Scientology (cont.)
820 5312C28 PHC-2A Mock-Ups, Energy
821 5312C28 PHC-3 Basic Theory of Definitions
822 5312C28 PHC-4 Basic Theory of Definitions (cont.), Group Processing
823 5312C28 PHC-5 Group Processing
824 5312C28 PHC-6 Group Processing
825 5312C28 PHC-7 How to Be A Group Auditor
826 5312C28 PHC-8 How to Be A Group Auditor
827 5312C28 PHC-9 Group Processing
828 5312C28 PHC-10 Group Processing (cont.)
829 5312C29 PHC-11 Create, Survive, Destroy Curve
829.1 5312C29 PHC-11A Group Process
830 5312C29 PHC-12 Duplication
831 5312C29 PHC-13 Use of SOP-8C
832 5312C29 PHC-14 Use of SOP-8C
833 5312C29 PHC-15 Role of the Auditor
834 5312C29 PHC-16 Demonstration (Group Processing )
835 5312C29 PHC-17 Group Processing - Short Lecture
836 5312C29 PHC-18 Group Processing
837 5312C29 PHC-19 Design of SOP-8C: Processfor Groups, Percentages of Successes and Failures
838 5312C29 PHC-20 SOP-8C (cont.)
839 5312C29 PHC-21 Group Process
840 5312C29 PHC-22 Group Process
841 5312C29 Havingness
842 5312C30 PHC-23 Talk on E-Meter
843 5312C30 PHC-24 Talk on E-Meter
844 5312C30 PHC-25 Automaticity
845 5312C30 PHC-26 Beingness
846 5312C30 PHC-27 Title not known
847 5312C30 PHC-28 Title not known
848 5312C30 PHC-29 Title not known
849 5312C30 PHC-30 Title not known
850 (see 860)
851 5312C30 PHC-31 Group Processing
852 5312C30 PHC-32 Group Processing
853 5312C31 PHC-33 Step 5, SOP-8C (Group Processing )
854 5312C31 PHC-34 Emotionsin MEST (Group Processing )
855 5312C31 PHC-35 Group Processing, Short Lecture
856 5312C31 PHC-36 Group Processing
857 5312C31 PHC-37 Group Processing, Step I, SOP-8C
858 5312C31 PHC-38 Through Barriers to Nothingness
859 5312CM PHC Group Processing - Reachand Withdraw Across the Dynamics
860 5312C31 PHC-39 Group Processing for HAS Associate Groups
861 54xxCxx Lecture 2, Valences
862 54xxCxx Lecture 6, Facsimiles - Solids
863 54xxCxx Lecture 18, Chronic Somatics
864 54 or 55 The Dynamics - OT/ARC - As-isness
865 54xxCxx GR/PROC Group Session - Reaching and Withdrawing
866 54xxCxx Illusion Processing
867 54xxCxx Reach and Withdraw (5312C20C?)
868 54xxCxx Resistive Level 5's
869 54xxCxx Space and the PC and Self-Determinism
870 54xxTCxx Remedy of Havingness
871 54xxTCxx Exteriorization Stabilization
872 5401C04 3ACC-1 Introduction to 3rd ACC
873 5401C04 3ACC-2 Perception and Ownership
874 5401C05 3ACC-3 Communication and Not Over-Instruction the Pc
875 5401C05 3ACC-4 Boredom, Pace of Living, Truth
876 5401C05 3ACC-5 Symbols and a Group Processing Demo
877 5401C06 3ACC-6A Symbols and a Group Processing Demo (cont.)
878 5401C06 3ACC-6B Symbols and a Group Processing Demo (cont.)
879 5401C06 3ACC-7 Processing Demo: Randomity Plus Automaticity
880 5401C07 3ACC-8 Communication
881 5401C07 3ACC-9 Anchor Points, Flows
882 5401C08 3ACC-10 Exterior from Masses
883 5401C11 3ACC-11 How to Know What the Pc Is Doing, Opening Procedure plus Variations
884 5401C11 3ACC-12 Exteriorization, Theory and Demo
885 5401C11 3ACC-13 Exteriorization Demo (cont.)
886 5401C11 3ACC-13B Agreement, Motion & Perception
887 5401C12 3ACC-14 Exteriorization and Motion, Acceptance and Rejection of Ideas
888 5401C12 3ACC-15 Exteriorization, Lecture and Demo
889 5401C12 3ACC-16 Exteriorization, Demo on Group
890 5401C12 3ACC-17 Machines, Demonstration
891 5401C12 3ACC-17SPL Special Message, LRH to London Congress of Dianeticists & Scientologists 1-12-54
892 5401C13 3ACC-18 Competence of Prediction, Demo
893 5401C13 3ACC-19 Competence of Predicition, Demo (cont.)
894 5401C13 3ACC-20 Exteriorization: Step I, Procedure
895 5401C14 3ACC-21 Labels: In Society and Preclears
896 5401C14 3ACC-22 Labels: Beingness and Justice
897 5401C14 3ACC-23 Labels: Beingness and Justice (cont.)
898 5401C14 3ACC-24 Present Time, Self Analysis
899 5401C15 3ACC-25 Present Time, (cont.)
900 5401C15 3ACC-26 Present Time, (cont.) & Demo
901 5401C18 3ACC-27 Time: Barrier
902 5401C18 3ACC-28 Time: Basic Processes on
903 5401C18 3ACC-29 Time: Sense, Particles, Survival Place
904 5401C18 3ACC-29-1 Processing Time on A Group
905 5401C19 3ACC-30 Summary of Course to Date
906 5401C19 3ACC-31 Exteriorization: Demonstration
907 5401C19 3ACC-32 Comm by Emotion: Flows, Ridges
908 5401C19D 3ACC-32-1 Group Processing
909 5401C20 3ACC-33 E-Meter, Use of
910 5401C20 3ACC-34 Audio (Beep) Meter Demonstration
911 5401C20 3ACC-35 Exteriorization, Communication in Theta & MEST
912 5401C21 3ACC-36 Livingness Processing Series
913 5401C21 3ACC-37 Livingness Processing Series (Dyingness)
914 5401C22 3ACC-38 Livingness Processing Series (Machinery)
915 5401C22 3ACC-39 Livingness Processing Series (Demo)
916 5401C22 Introduction to Congress (N.Y. CongressIntro - LRH)
917 5401C25 3ACC-40 Goals of 8-0 (OT) Abilities
918 5401C25 3ACC-41 Basic Data on 8-0 (OT)
919 5401C26 3ACC-42 Exteriorization, Knowingness, Reality
920 5401C26 3ACC-42A Instruction, Simplicity - Static & Zero, Science, ReasonWhy
921 5401C27 3ACC-43 O.T., Inversion: Courage and Mobility
922 5401C28 3ACC-44 Exteriorization: Courage and Serenity
923 5401C28 3ACC-45 Courage Processing
924 5401C29 3ACC-46 Parked Personality: Exteriorization, Stuck Flows
925 5401C29 3ACC-47 Simple Basis of Evaluating Cases
926 5402C01 3ACC-48 Exteriorization, Taking Direction
927 5402C01 3ACC-49 Processing Havingness Lecture
928 5402C02 3ACC-50 Havingness Series (cont.) - Acceptance and Rejection of Havingness
929 5402C02 3ACC-51 Havingness Series (cont.): Comm Lines
930 5402C03 3ACC-52 Havingness Series (cont.): Ownership
931 5402C03 3ACC-53 Repairing a Case & Demo
932 5402C04 3ACC-54 Review on Havingness & Demo
933 5402C04 3ACC-55 Certainty: Maybes, Problems, Entrance
934 5402C05 3ACC-56 Endowment of Livingness: Extroverting Attention
935 5402C05 3ACC-57 Group Processing on Certainty, 8 Dynamics
936 5402C08 3ACC-58 Summary of Course Data & Machinery
937 5402C08 3ACC-59 Group Processing, Automaticities
938 5402C09 3ACC-60 Auditing Groups
939 5402C09 3ACC-61 Group Processing on Class: Barriers
940 5402C09 3ACC-62 Short Discussion & Group Processing Demo
941 5402C10 3ACC-63 Group Processing on Class: Being MEST
942 5402C10 3ACC-64 Group Processing on Class: Black/White
943 5402C10 3ACC-65 Group Processing on Class: Being MEST
944 5402C11 3ACC-66 Group Processing on Class: Things to Be
945 5402C11 3ACC-67 Group Processing on Class: Resist Effect
946 5402C11 3ACC-68 Group Processing: Exterior
947 5402C11 3ACC-69 Group Processing on Class: Sound
948 5402C12 3ACC-70 Group Processing on Class: Balance
949 5402C12 3ACC-71 Group Processing on Class: Time
950 54xxCxx 4ACC Axioms
951 54xxCxx 4ACC Smooth Comm Bridge in Auditing
952 5402C15 4ACC-1 Introduction to 4th American ACC
953 5402C16 4ACC-2 Group Processing: Ownership
954 5402C17 4ACC-3 Group Processing: Not Suppressing Time
955 5402C17 4ACC-4 Exteriorization Demonstration Processes
956 5402C17 4ACC-5 Demonstration Process
957 5402C18 4ACC-6A Group Processing: Spotting Things
958 5402C18 4ACC-6B Group Processing: Spotting Things
959 5402C18 4ACC-7A Demonstration
960 5402C18 4ACC-7B Group Processing: Things Telling Where Things Were (Are?)
961 5402C19 4ACC-8 Group Processing: Demonstration
962 5402C19 4ACC-9 Group Processing: 2nd Dynamic
963 5402C19 4ACC-10 Group Processing: Imagination
964 5402C22 4ACC-11 Group Processing: Straightwire, Energy
965 5402C22 4ACC-12 Group Processing: Consideration
966 5402C23 4ACC-13 Group Processing: Certainty
967 5402C23 4ACC-14 Group Processing: Ownership
968 5402C24 4ACC-15 Group Processing: Time
969 5402C24 4ACC-16 Group Processing: Stabilization Process
970 5402C25 4ACC-17 Group Processing: Goals, Duplicating
971 5402C25 4ACC-18 Group Processing: Beingand Giving
972 5402C26 4ACC-19 Group Processing: Havingness
973 5402C26 4ACC-20 Group Processing: Changing Ideas
974 5403C01 4ACC-21 Group Processing Series A: Be, Do, Have
975 5403C01 4ACC-22 Group Processing Series A: Time
976 5403C02 4ACC-23 Group Processing Series A: Certainties
977 5403C02 4ACC-24 Group Processing Series A: Exteriorization
978 5403C02 4ACC-25 Group Processing Series A: Courage
979 5403C02 4ACC-26 Group Processing Series A: Location
980 5403C03 4ACC-27 Group Processing Series B: Sound
981 5403C03 4ACC-28 Group Processing Series B: Light/Sound
982 5403C03 4ACC-29 Group Processing Series B: 3rd Hour
983 5403C04 4ACC-30 Group Processing Series B: Spaces
984 5403C04 4ACC-31 Group Processing Series B: Attention
985 5403C04 4ACC-32 Group Processing Series B: Work
986 5403C05 4ACC-33 Group Processing Series C: Putting Things
987 5403C05 4ACC-34 Group Processing Series C: Putting Things (cont.)
988 5403C05 4ACC-35 Group Processing Series C: Putting Things (cont.)
989 5403C05 4ACC-36 Group Processing Series C: Beingness
990 5403C09 4ACC-37 Group Processing Series C: Basic Process
991 5403C09? 4ACC-37B Beingness
992 5403C11 4ACC-38 Group Processing Series C: Beingness
993 5403C11 4ACC-39 Group Processing Series C: Unknown Title
994 5403C12 4ACC-40 Group Processing Series C: SOP-8C
995 5403C12 4ACC-41 Group Processing Series C: Similarities and Definitions
996 5403C15 4ACC-42 Group Processing Series D: 1st Hour
997 5403C15 4ACC-43 Group Processing Series D: Talk/Beingness
998 5403C15 4ACC-44 Group Processing Series D: Talk/Beingness
999 5403C16 4ACC-45 Group Processing Series D: 2nd Hour
1000 5403C16 4ACC-46 Group Processing Series D: Talk/Beingness
1001 5403C16 4ACC-47 Group Processing Series D: Outline of Process
1002 5403C17 4ACC-48 Group Processing Series D: 3rd Hour
1003 5403C17 4ACC-49 Group Processing Series D: Evaluation
1004 5403C17 4ACC-50 Group Processing Series D: Invalidation
1004.1 5403C17D 4ACC-50A Certificates and Degrees
1005 5403C18 4ACC-51 Group Processing Series D: 4th Hour
1006 5403C18 4ACC-52 Group Processing Series D: Duplication & Communication
1007 5403C18 4ACC-53 Group Processing Series D: Following Orders (Orders & Duplication)
1008 5403C19 4ACC-54 Group Processing Series D: 5th Hour - Something, Nothing
1009 5403C19 4ACC-55 Group Processing Series D: Senior Processes
1010 5403C19 4ACC-56 Group Processing Series D: Lecture on Processes
1011 5403C22 4ACC-57 Group Processing Series D: 6th Hour - Importances
1012 5403C22 4ACC-58 Group Processing Series D: Lecture - What Your PCIs Trying to Do
1013 5403C22 4ACC-59 Group Processing Series D: Lecture/PC
1014 5403C23 4ACC-60 Universe Series: How to Crack Any and All Cases
1015 5403C23 4ACC-61 Universe Series: Beingness
1016 5403C23 4ACC-62 Universe Series: Beingness
1017 5403C24 4ACC-63 Universe Series: Group Processing
1018 5403C24 4ACC-64 Universe Series: Beingness and Protection
1019 5403C24 4ACC-65 Universe Series: Prediction
1020 5403C25 4ACC-66 Universe Series: Communication
1021 5403C25 4ACC-67 Universe Series: Outline of Processes
1022 5403C25 4ACC-68 Universe Series: More on Processes
1023 5403C26 4ACC-69 Universe Series: Group Processing
1024 5403C26 4ACC-70 Universe Series: Morals, Laws, Codes
1025 5403C26 4ACC-71 Universe Series: How Not To Get Results
1026 5403C29 4ACC-72 Universe Series: Evolution & Use of Self-Analysis
1027 5403C30 5ACC-1 Universes
1028 5403C30 5ACC-2 Simple Processes
1029 5404C01 5ACC-3 Basic Simple Procedures
1030 5404C02 5ACC-4 Presence of An Auditor
1031 5404C05 5ACC-5 Group Processing: Safe Place for Things
1032 5404C06 5ACC-6 Lecture: Universes
1033 5404C07 5ACC-7 Universe: Basic Definitions
1034 5404C08 5ACC-8 Universe: Processes, Experience
1035 5404C09 5ACC-9 Universe: Conditions of the Mind
1036 5404C12 5ACC-10 Universe: Change and Rehabilitation
1037 5404C13 5ACC-11 Universe: Manifestation
1038 5404C14 5ACC-12 SOP-8D Universe Manifestation
1039 5404C15 5ACC-13 SOP-8D Exteriorization and Stabilization
1040 5404C15 5ACC-13B SOP-8D Certainty Assessment
1041 5404C16 5ACC-14 SOP-8D: Lecture
1042 5404C19 5ACC-15 SOP-8D: Process, Universe Assessment
1043 5404C19 5ACC-15B Process: Area Assessment
1044 5404C20 5ACC-16 SOP-8D: Process, Remedying Havingness
1045 5404C21 5ACC-17 SOP-8D: Elements of Auditing
1045.1 5404C21 Area Assessment - Reach & Withdraw
1045.2 5404C21 GPSpec Reach for Present Time
1046 5404C21 GPSpec-1 Exteriorization and Stabilization
1047 5404C21 GPSpec-2 Exteriorization and Stabilization (cont.)
1048 5404C21 GPSpec-3 Remedy of Havingness
1049 5404C21 GPSpec-4 Remedy of Havingness (cont.)
1050 5404C21 GPSpec-5 Certainty Assessment on All Dynamics
1051 5404C21 GPSpec-6 Processing on Certainty
1052 5404C21 GPSpec-7 Universes: Assessment
1053 5404C21 GPSpec-8 Universes: Assessment (cont.)
1054 5404C22 5ACC-18 SOP-8D
1055 5404C23 5ACC-19 SOP-8D
1056 5404C26 5ACC-20 SOP-8D: General Handling of the PC
1057 5404C28 5ACC-21 SOP-8D: Anchor Points and Space
1058 5404C28 5ACC-22 SOP-8D: Spaceand Havingness
1059 5404C28 BD-1 Sample Recording - Proposed Radio Talk Intro - 1 min 55 secs
1060 5404C29 5ACC-23 SOP-8D: Space
1061 5404C30 5ACC-24 SOP-8D
1062 5405C03 5ACC-25 SOP-8D: Viewpoint Straightwire How To Do A Viewpoint, also issued
as PRO-22
1063 5405C04 5ACC-26 SOP-8D: Be, Do, Have Straightwire
1064 5405C05A PLS-1 Efficacy of Processes (see 1067)
1065 5405C05B PLS-1 Remedying Reasons Why
1066 5405C05C PLS-2 Rundown of Processes (see 1046 - PLS-3)
1067 5405C05 5ACC-27 Efficacy of Processes
1068 5405C06 5ACC-27 Anatomy of Universes
1069 5405C06 Remedying Reasons Why
1070 5405C07 5ACC-28 Energy - Exteriorization
1071 5405C10 6ACC-1 Introduction, Materials and Publications
1072 5405C11 6ACC-2 Affinity, Reality, Communication
1073 5405C11 6ACC-3 Significance, Symbols, Orientation (PRO-22)
1074 5405C11 6ACC Goals of Scientology in Processing
1075 5405C12 6ACC-4 Goals of the Auditor
1076 5405C12 6ACC-4B Practical Applications of the Definitions of Scientology
1077 5405C12 6ACC-5 Basic Definitions
1078 5405C13 6ACC-6 Definitions: Cycle of Action and Time
1079 5405C13 6ACC-7 SOP-8C by Defintions
1080 5405C14 6ACC-8 Randomity, Surprise & Prediction, Automaticity, Beingness
1081 5405C14 6ACC-9 Remedyof Havingness
1082 5405C14 6ACC-9A Command Postulates
1083 5405C14 6ACC-9B Opening Procedure of 8C
1084 5405C17 6ACC-10 Simple Processes, Specifics
1085 5405C17 6ACC-11 Simple Processes, Summary
1086 5405C18 6ACC-12 Barriers
1087 5405C18 6ACC-13 Barriers, Processing of: PTP, Help
1088 5405C19 6ACC-14 Third Dynamics
1089 5405C19 6ACC-14A Communication and the Dynamics
1090 5405C19 6ACC-15 Imagination, Viewpoint Processes
1091 5405C20 6ACC-16 How to Put Procedure Together
1092 5405C20 6ACC-17 Definitionsof A-R-C
1093 5405C20 6ACC-17A First Dynamic
1094 5405C20 BC-2 Special Radio Broadcast: Introduction Talk for the Scientology Road Show
1095 5405C21 6ACC-18 Consideration and Intention
1096 5405C21 6ACC-19 Seminar
1097 5405C22 Be, Do, Have (Straightwire?) Scientology (423?)
1098 5405C24 6ACC-20 Conduct of the Auditor, Communication Lag
1099 5405C25 6ACC-21 Conduct of the Auditor, Older Therapies
1099A 5405C25 6ACC-21A Connecting Point Between Older Therapies and Auditing
1100 5405C25 6ACC-22A Valences
1101 5405C25 6ACC-22B Beingness Processing
1102 5405C26 6ACC-23A Third Dynamic ARC
1103 5405C26 6ACC-23B Command Process
1104 5405C26 6ACC-24 Practical Aspects of Auditing
1105 5405C27 6ACC-25 How to Do Viewpoint Straightwire
1106 5405C27 6ACC-26 Demo Session - LRH
1107 5405C28 6ACC-27 Demo Session - LRH
1108 5405C28 6ACC-28 SOP-8D With Wheel, Knowto Sex Scale
1109 5405C28 6ACC-28A Knowto Sex Scale
1110 5405C31 6ACC-29 Processing of Problems: Theta - MEST Theory
1111 5405C31 6ACC-29A Processing Attention, Beingness
1112 5405C31 6ACC-30 Procedure 30 Series: Granting Beingness
1113 5405C31 6ACC-30A Procedure 30 Series: Issue I
1114 5406C01 6ACC-31 Procedure 30 Series: Op Pro by Dup (PRO-19)
1115 5406C01 6ACC-31A Problems
1116 5406C01 6ACC-32 Procedure 30 Series: Granting Beingness; also issued as PRO-21 Granting Beingness
1117 5406C02 6ACC-33 When to Use Procedure 30
1118 5406C02 6ACC-33A Procedure 30 Series: How to Process a Case
1119 5406C02 6ACC-34 Procedure 30 Series: Granting Beingness
1120 5406C02 6ACC-34A Granting Beingness
1121 5406C03 6ACC-35 Study of Man: Demo of Procedure 30
1122 5406C03 6ACC-36 Consideration: Time, Beginning and End
1123 5406C04 6ACC-37 Know to Sex Scale: The Mind and the Tone Scale
1124 5406C04 6ACC-38 Imagination and Abilities
1125 5406C05 PLS-3 Human Evaluation
1126 5406C05 UPC-1 Opening Lecture - History of Dianetics and Scientology
1127 5406C05 UPC-2 Procedure 30 - Duplication
1128 5406C05 UPC-3 Theta MEST Theory - Tone Scale, Freedom, Space, etc
1129 5406C06 UPC-4 Group Processes: Procedure 30, Step 1 - Op Pro by Dup; PRO-19
1130 5406C06 UPC-5 Lecture and Processing
1131 5406C06 UPC-6 Group Processing (lookat that Object)
1132 5406C07 6ACC-32A Granting Beingness (cont.)
1133 5406C07 UPC-7 Scientology Workbook - Journal of Scientology 31-G
1134 5406C07 UPC-8 Processing Procedure 30, Step 3 (Granting of Beingness) Session I
1135 5406C07 UPC-9 Processing (Granting of Beingness) Session II
1136 5406C07 UPC-10 Group Processing (What Do - Didn't Have)
1137 5406C07 UPC-11 Theta-MEST Theory - Being a Problem Aspect
1138 5406C08 UPC-12 Group Processing (Solution to Something)
1139 5406C08 UPC-13 Processes of Exteriorization
1140 5406C08 UPC-14 Group Processing (Straight Exteriorization Process)
1141 5406C09 6ACC-39 Energy: Distractions of
1142 5406C10 6ACC-40 Basic Elements of Scientology
1143 5406C11 6ACC-41 Procedure 30: Handling of Cases
1144 5406C11 6ACC-41A Processing Solutions: Procedure 30, Issue III
1145 5406C11 6ACC-42 Basic Impulses
1146 5406C11 6ACC-42A Basic Impulses (cont.)
1147 5406C12 Ron's Life
1148 5406C14 6ACC-43 General Lecture: Anchor Points, Viewpoints
1149 5406C14 6ACC-44 Energy Machines, Survival
1150 5406C15 6ACC-45 Functional Processes
1151 5406C15 6ACC-45A Types and Forms of Commands
1152 5406C15 6ACC-46 Dependency, Part I & II
1153 5406C16 6ACC-47 Capabilities of Thetan, Rough & Easy Cases, Drills for Thetan Consideration
1154 5406C16 6ACC-48 Contact with the Public
1154.1 5406C16 6ACC-49A Make Break Point of Cases
1155 5406C17 6ACC-49 Betrayal, Ridicule, the Game Cycle
1156 5406C17 6ACC-49A Betrayal, Ridicule, the Game Cycle (cont.)
1157 5406C17 6ACC-50A Assists - Part 1
1158 5406C17 6ACC-50B Assists - Part 2
1159 5406C17A 6ACC-50 Lecture: On Group Processing
1160 5406C17B 6ACC-50 Training of Auditors
1161 5406C18 6ACC-51 Summary: Training Processing
1162 5406C18 6ACC-51A Summary: Processing Demon
1163 5406C18 6ACC-52 Certificates and Degrees
1164 5406C23 7ACC-1A Opening Procedure 8C
1165 5406C23 7ACC-1B Further Uses of Opening Procedure 8C
1166 5406C24 7ACC-2 Summary of Plan of Course
1167 5406C25 7ACC-3 Review of Procedure: PTP, ARC Straightwire, Two way Comm
1168 5406C25 7ACC-3A Review of Procedure: Starting a Session, Two way Comm
1169 5406C25 7ACC-4A Opening Procedure of 8D: Demonstration
1170 5406C25 7ACC-4B Opening Procedure of 8D: Demonstration (cont.)
1171 5406C28 7ACC-5A Exteriorization
1172 5406C28 7ACC-5B Exteriorization (cont.)
1173 5406C29 7ACC-6A&B General Lecture: Straightwire, Communication
1174 5406C30 7ACC-7 Rundown of Essentials
1175 5406C30 7ACC-7A Group Processing
1176 5406C30 7ACC-8 Group Processing and Lecture, Something, Nothing
1177 5407Cxx PRO19&20
1178 5407C01 7ACC-9 Group Processing: Communication, Duplication, Spotting Spots
1180 5407C01 7ACC-10 Exteriorization by Distance, Cause
1181 5407C01 7ACC-10A Exteriorization, Distance and Time
1182 5407C04 7ACC-39 Scientology and Living; also issued as PRO-26
1183 5407C05 7ACC-11 Thingsin Time and Space
1184 5407C05 7ACC-11A A Bright Resistive Case
1185 5407C05 7ACC-12 The Role of Laughter in Processing - Dangerousness
1186 5407C06 7ACC-13 Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots; also issued as PRO-23
1186.1 5407C06 7ACC-14A Intensive Procedure Outline Issue I
1187 5407C06 7ACC-14 ARC, Time, Life and Universe
1188 5407C07 7ACC-15 Intensive Procedure: Lecture 1
1189 5407C07 7ACC-15A Intensive Procedure: Lecture 2
1190 5407C07 7ACC-16 Intensive Procedure: Lecture 3
1191 5407C07 7ACC-16A Intensive Procedure: Lecture 4, Basic Processes, Patter
1192 5407C09 7ACC-17 The Nature and Effect of Communication in Games
1193 5407C09 7ACC-17A Communication and Barriers in Society and the PC
1194 5407C12 7ACC-18 Two Typesof Cases
1195 5407C12 7ACC-18A Time: Havingness
1196 5407C12 7ACC-19 Intensive Procedure: Nothing - Something
1197 5407C13 7ACC-19A Auditor's Code in Practice
1198 5407C14A 7ACC-20 Power of Life and Death
1199 5407C14B 7ACC-20A Application of Theory to Cases. Life & Death Only One
1200 5407C15 7ACC-21 The Difference Between a Good and a Bad Auditor, Part I
1201 5407C15B 7ACC-21A SOP-8D: Its Application
1202 5407C15C 7ACC-22 A SOP-8D: Orientation Points
1203 5407C15 7ACC-22A Training of Auditors
1204 5407C16 7ACC-23 Teaching Formula: Duplication
1205 5407C19 7ACC-24 Duplication: Religious Aspects of Scientology; also titled Scientology: Its General Background (Part II - PRO-2)
1206 5407C19 7ACC-25A Scientology and Civilization; also titled - Scientology: Its General Background (Part I as PRO-1)
1207 5407C19 7ACC-25B Scientology and Civilization; also titled - Scientology: Its General Background (Part III as PRO-3)
1208 5407C20 7ACC-26 Bridge Between Scientology and Civilization
1209 5407C20 7ACC-27A What A Student Should Know; also issued as PRO-4 Consideration, Mechanics and the Theory Behind Instruction
1210 5407C20 7ACC-27B What A Student Should Know (cont.); also issued as PRO-5 - Consideration and Is-ness
1211 5407C23 7ACC-28A The Four Conditions of Existence; also issued as PRO-6 - Isness
1212 5407C23 7ACC-28B The Four Conditions of Existence (cont.); also issued as PRO-7
1213 5407C23 7ACC-29A The Most Elementary Process - The Four Conditions of Existence (cont.); also issued as PRO-8
1214 5407C23 7ACC-29B The Most Elementary Process - The Four Conditions of Existence (cont.); also issued as PRO-9
1215 5407C23 7ACC-30 The Four Conditions (cont.); also issued as PRO-10 and PRO-11
1216 5407C26 7ACC-31A Two-way Command the Present Time Problem; also issued as PRO-17
1217 5407C26 7ACC-31B Opening Procedure of 8C; also issued as PRO-18
1217.1 5407C27C 7ACC-31? Q & A Period
1217.2 5407C27D 7ACC-31C Handling of Theta Bodies
1217.3 5407C27E 7ACC-31D Things An Auditor Should Know
1218 5407C27 7ACC-32 Afternoon Lecture remarks especially on Telepathy and ESP
1219 5407Cxx 7ACC-33 Title Unknown
1220 5407Cxx 7ACC-34 Title Unknown
1221 5407C28 7ACC-35A Description Processing; also issued as PRO-24
1222 5407C28 7ACC-35B Group Processing; also issued asPRO-25
1223 5407Cxx 7ACC-36 Title Unknown
1224 5407Cxx 7ACC-37 Time; also issued as PRO-12
1225 5407Cxx 7ACC-37B Types of Processes; PRO-18
1226 5407C30 7ACC-38 Control (?)
1227 5407C04? 7ACC-39 Scientology and Living; also issued as PRO-26
1228 5407C30 CONF Certificates of Dianetics and Scientology
1229 5408C20 AX-1 Axioms, Part I; also issued as PRO-13
1230 5408C20 AX-2 Axioms, Part II; also issued as PRO-14
1231 5408C20 AX-3 Axioms, Part III; also issued as PRO-15
1232 5408C20 AX-4 Axioms, Part IV; also issued as PRO-16
1233 5408C28 PLS-2 The Auditor's Public
1234 5409C14 LECT-1&2 Dianetic Group Processing
1235 5409C15 LECT-1 Church of Scientology Training Program and Lecture on Group Processing
1236 5410C04 8ACC-1A Introduction: Organization of Scientology
1237 5410C04 8ACC-1B Organizationof Scientology
1238 5410C05 8ACC-2 Two-way Comm, Straightwire, 8-C
1239 5410C05 8ACC-3 Basic Elements of Processing
1240 5410C06 8ACC-4 Two-way Communication
1241 5410C07 8ACC-5A Elementary Straightwire
1242 5410C07 8ACC-5B Intensive Processing
1243 5410C08 8ACC-6 Opening Procedure of 8-C
1244 5410C08 PIP-1 Route 1, Step 4
1245 5410C08 PIP-2 Route 1, Step 5
1246 5410C10 PIP-3 Route 1, Step 6
1247 5410C10 PIP-4 Route 1, Step 7
1248 5410C10 PIP-5 Route 1, Step 8
1249 5410C10 PIP-6 Route 1, Step 9
1250 5410C10 PIP-7 Route 1, Step 10
1251 5410C10 PIP-8 Route 1, Step 11
1252 5410TC18A PIP-9 Route 1, Step 12
1253 5410TC18B PIP-10 Route 1, Step 13
1254 5410TC18C PIP-11 Route 1, Step 14
1255 5410TC18D PIP-12 Route 1, Step 15
1256 5410C11 8ACC-7 Opening Procedure by Duplication - ARC, Must & Mustn't Happen Again - Phy - STB Hour Basic Course of Scientology
1257 5410C12 8ACC-8 Remedy of Havingness
1258 5410C13A 8ACC-8 Step II SOP-8
1259 5410C13B 8ACC-9 Spotting Spots
1260 5410C13 Retraining Unit Reel 8C& 8D (missing end)
1261 5410TC13B&C Retraining Unit B & C
1262 5410C13 8ACC-9 Demo of Step II
1263 5410C14A 8ACC-10 Creationof Human Ability, Route II
1264 5410C14B 8ACC-10A Group Processing (Creation of Human Ability)
1265 5410C15 8ACC-11 Creation of Human Ability, Route I
1266 5410C18 8ACC-12 Creation of Human Ability, Route I
1267 5410C19 8ACC-13 Axioms of Dianetics
1268 5410C20 PLS On Comprehending the Incomprehensible
1269 5410C20A 8ACC-14 The Parts of Men, Overt Acts & Motivators (see 1655)
1270 5410C20B PPS-1 "Rising Scale" on the Tone Scale and "Find Something Incomprehensible"
1271 5410C20C PPS-1A Group Processing
1272 5410C21 8ACC-15 Route 2: Overt-Motivator Sequence
1273 5410C21 8ACC-16 Route 2-61, Good and Evil - Spotting Spots; Route 2-62, Overt- Motivator - Remedyof Havingness
1274 5410C22 8ACC-17 Two-way Communication
1275 5410C25 8ACC-18 Communication and Straightwire
1276 5410C26 8ACC-19 Survive
1277 5410C27 PLS-21 Life of Dynamics
1278 5410C27A 8ACC-20 Hypnotism
1279 5410C27B PLS Pricipal Difference Between Scientology and Dianetics
1280 5410C27 PPS-2 "Electing Cause" - Something You Can't Control"
1281 5410C28 8ACC-21 Process: What Would YouDo If...?
1282 5410C29 8ACC-22 The Factors
1283 5411C01 8ACC-23 Two-way Communication
1284 5411C02 8ACC-24 Homo Sapiens
1285 5411C03 8ACC-25 Shame, Blame and Regret
1286 5411C03B PLS Organization of Scientology
1287 5411C04 8ACC-26 Title Unknown
1288 5411C05 8ACC-27 Factors Present in Goodand Bad Auditing
1289 5411C08 8ACC-28 Non-Verbal Communication
1290 5411C09 8ACC-29 Applications of Axioms to Auditing
1291 5411C10 8ACC-30 Definitions: Axioms
1292 5411C11 8ACC-31 Scope of Dianetics and Scientology
1293 5411C12 8ACC-32 Question - and - Answer Period, Dissemination
1294 5411C16 HCAP-1 Elementary Straightwire
1295 5411C17 PPS-3 "Accept" and "Reject" (Group Processing )
1296 5411C17 PLS The Wrong Thing to Do is Nothing (Missed Beginning)
1297 5411C17 HCAP-2 Backgrounds of Six Basic Steps
1298 5411C18 HCAP-3 Elementary Straightwire
1299 5411C19 HCAP-4 Remedy of Havingness
1300 5411C22 HCAP-5 Levels of Case Ability
1301 5411C23 HCAP-6 Addressing Groups and Starting Sessions
1302 5411C24 PLS Creation of Human Ability
1303 5411C24 LECT Accent on Ability (is same tape as above)
1304 5411C24 PPS-4 Group Process - "Find Shortest Comm Line" - "Create A Memory"
1305 5411C24 HCAP-7 Following Orders
1306 5411C24 HCAP-8 Two-way Communication
1307 5411C30 HCAP-9 Solving Cases
1307.1 5412Cxx How to Establish and Run a PE Course
1308 5412C01 HCAP-10 Opening Procedure of 8-C
1309 5412C01 PLS Awarenessof Awareness
1310 5412C01 PPS-5 "Decide to be Silent" - "Find Some Secrets"
1311 5412C01 Dianetics 55, Chapter I
1312 5412C01 Dianetics 55, Chapter II
1313 5412C01 Dianetics 55, Chapter III
1314 5412C03 PLS Title Unknown
1315 5412C03 HCAP-11 Op Pro by Dup with Two-way Comm; also issued as Pro-20
1316 5412C03 Dianetics 55, Chapter IV
1317 5412C03 Dianetics 55, Chapter V
1318 5412C04 HCAP-12 Last Lecture
1319 5412C06 9ACC-1 Introduction to 9th ACC - Havingness
1320 5412C07 9ACC-2 Essence of Auditing, Know to Mystery Scale
1321 5412C08 9ACC-3 Rundown on Six Basics
1322 5412C08 PPS-6 "Waiting", "Somthing You Can Associate with"
1323 5412C08 PPS Group Processing
1324 5412C09 9ACC-4 Communication Formula
1325 5412C10 9ACC-5 Practice of Dianetics and Scientology
1326 5412C10 Dianetics 55, Chapter VI
1327 5412C10 Dianetics 55, Chapter VII
1328 5412C10 Dianetics 55, Chapter VIII
1329 5412C10 Dianetics 55, Chapter IX
1330 5412C13 9ACC-6 Conduct of the Auditor
1331 5412C13 Dianetics 55, Chapter X
1332 5412C14 Dianetics 55, Chapter XI
1333 5412C14 Dianetics 55, Chapter XII
1334 5412C14 Dianetics 55, Chapter XIII
1335 5412C14 Dianetics 55, Chapter XIV
1336 5412C14 Dianetics 55, Chapter XV
1337 5412C14 Dianetics 55, Chapter XVI
1338 5412C14 9ACC-7 Mechanics of Communication
1339 5412C15 9ACC-8 Havingness
1340 5412C15 PLS Acceptance Level
1341 5412C16 9ACC-9 Pan-Determinism and One-way Flows
1342 5412C17 9ACC-9A History and Development of Processes - Games and the Limitations in Games
1343 5412C17B 9ACC-9B Q & A Period
1344 5412C History of Processes (same lecture as the 9ACC-9A?)
1345 5412C20 9ACC-10 Games (Fighting)
1346 5412C21 9ACC-11 Anatomy of Games, Part A
1347 5412C21B 9ACC-11A Anatomy of Games, Part B
1348 5412C22 9ACC-12 One-way Flows (In Processing)
1349 5412C22B 9ACC-12A Q & A Period
1350 5412C22 9ACC-13 Q & A Period
1351 5412C23 9ACC-13 Havingness and Communication Formula
1352 5412C23 9ACC-13A After-Lecture Comments
1353 5412C24A 9ACC-14 Pan-Determinism
1354 5412C24B 9ACC-14A Q & A Period
1355 5412C27A 9ACC-15 Training New People
1356 5412C27B 9ACC-15A Curiosa from Dianetics '55 & Q & A
1357 54xxCxx UC Unification Congress: Communication - Dianetics '55
1358 54xxCxx UC Unification Congress: Goals (UC-10?) (could be 54xxC29)
1359 5412C28 UC-1 Introduction
1360 5412C28 UC-2 Group Processing (incomplete)
1361 5412C28 UC-3 History of Dianetics (Abilities vs Disabilities)
1362 5412C28 UC-4 Dianetics '55
1363 5412C28 UC-5 Communicationand ARC
1364 5412C29 UC-6 Games
1365 5412C29 UC-7 Title Unknown
1366 5412C29 UC-8 Title Unknown
1367 5412C29 UC-9 Terminals and Communication
1368 5412C29 UC-10 Errors in Communication - Aims & Goals of Dianetics and Scientology
1369 5412C30 UC-11 Communicationand Problems
1370 5412C30 UC-12 Group Processing (Sub-zero Scale Relationto Scale of Awareness)
1371 5412C30 UC-13 Processing: "Invent AGame"
1372 5412C30 UC-14 Problems and Games
1373 5412C30 UC-15 Title Unknown
1374 5412C30 UC-16 Pan-Determinism (16th hour lecture says "last lecture of UC")
1375 5412C31 UC-17 Title Unknown
1376 5412C31 UC-18 Title Unknown
1377 5412C31 UC-19 Title Unknown
1378 5412C31 UC-20 Title Unknown
1379 54 or 55 The Dynamics - OT/ARC - As-isness
1379.1 54 or 55 Dn55 Supp1 Comm Formula
1379.2 54 or 55 Dn55S upp2 Fighting
1379.3 54 or 55 Dn55 Supp3 Origin, Energy, Games
1379.4 54 or 55 Dn55 Supp5 Remedy of Havingness
1380 Spring 55 PRESS Interviewto Phoenix Press - LRH
1381 55xxCxx Elementary Straightwire
1382 55xxCxx DEMO LRH Auditing - "What wouldn't you mind fighting"
1383 55xxCxx Two-way Comm
1384 5501C01 Public Processing
1385 5501C01 Special Group Processing
1386 5501C03 9ACC-16 Auditing Requirements, Differences
1387 5501C03 10ACC-1 Pan-Determinism of Auditors - Auditing Requirements
1388 5501C04 10ACC-2 Pan-Determinism of Auditors - Time
1389 5501C04 9ACC-16A Time
1390 5501C04C 9ACC-16AA Q & A Period
1391 5501C05 10ACC-3 Exteriorization by Gradient Scale, Remedy of Havingness - Adjusting Anchor Points (same as 9CC-17)
1392 5501C05 10ACC-4 Title Unknown
1393 5501C05 PLS-1 The Society at Large
1394 5501C05 PPS Group Processing
1395 5501C05 9ACC-17 Auditing at Optimum
1396 5501C06 9ACC-18 Exteriorization
1397 5501C06 10ACC-5 Route 1 - Exteriorization (same as 9ACC-18)
1398 5501C06 10ACC-6 Condensation of Know to Mystery Scale (same as 9ACC-19)
1399 5501C07 10ACC-19 Elementary Material: Know to Mystery Scale
1400 5501C10 10ACC-20 Education: Goals in Society - Adult Education
1401 5501C10 CONF Auditor's Conference
1402 5501C10 Auditor's Conference Lecture Exteriorization Process
1403 5501C11 9ACC-21 Fundamentals of Auditing
1404 5501C11 10ACC-21A Auditor's Conference
1405 5501C12A 9ACC-22 Definition: Aberration, Vias, G.E.
1406 5501C12 Processing Section
1407 5501C12B PLS-2 Games
1408 5501C12C PLS ARC Triangle
1409 5501C13 9ACC-23 Definitions: Glossary of Terms
1410 5501C14 9ACC-24 Definitions, Perfect Duplication, Life Continuum
1411 5501C16 3ICGB-1 Addressto Congress Delegates by L. Ron Hubbard
1412 5501C17A 9ACC-25 Auditing Demo: Six Basics in Action
1413 5501C17B 9ACC-25A Auditor's Conference
1414 5501C18A 9ACC-26 Auditing Demo: Spotting Spots
1415 5501C18B 9ACC-26A Auditor's Conference
1416 5501C19 9ACC-27 Auditing Demo: Exteriorization
1417 5501C19 PLS-3 Communicationand ARCTriangle
1418 5501C19 PPS Group Processing
1419 5501C20 9ACC-28 BackgroundMusic to Living
1420 5501C21 9ACC-29 Axioms - Laws of Consideration, What AnAxiomIs
1421 5501C26 PLS Goals of Dianetics and Scientology (see 1429)
1422 5501C26 PLS-4 Scientology and Auditors
1423 5501C26 PPS Alcoholism (Group Processing )
1424 5502C02 PLS-5 Alcoholism (poor)
1425 5502C02 PPS Group Processing
1426 5502C02 PPS Variation on Six Basic Processes
1427 5502C09 PLS-6 Miracles
1428 5502C09 PPS Session: Control of Body, Think A Thought
1429 5502C12 Auditor's Conference
1430 5502C23 PLPS-1 Scientology and Ability
1431 5502C23 PPS Group Processing Session.
1432 5502C23 PLPS-2 "Find A Mystery"
1433 5502C23 SAC? Staff Auditors' Conference
1434 5502C23 Basic Reason
1435 5502C23 Auditor's Conference (on last part of Basic Reason reel)
1436 5503C02 PLPS-3 Effienceny, Thought, Emotion and Effort
1437 5503C08 History of Research and Investigation
1438 5503C08 DEMO Auditing Demo
1439 5503C09 PLPS-4 Health and Certainty
1440 5503C09 PLPS-5 Session: Only One, Things Real and Unreal
1441 5503C09 PPS Group Processing
1442 5503C14 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1443 5503C14 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1444 5503C14 HPC-1 "Death Wish" The Only One (the mechanics and solutions of the occluded case)
1445 5503C14 DEMO Auditor's Conference
1446 5503C15 How to Audit Paying PCs
1447 5503C15 DEMO-A Auditing Demo
1448 5503C15 DEMO-B LRH Auditing Demo
1449 5503C16 DEMO Knowingness
1450 5503C16 DEMO Demonstration - LRH
1451 5503C16 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1452 5503C16 PLPS What We Are Doing
1453 5503C17 DEMO LRH Auditing
1454 5503C17 DEMO LRH Auditing
1455 5503C18 DEMO LRH Auditing
1456 5503C18 DEMO LRH Auditing
1457 5503C21 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1458 5503C21 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1459 5503C22 DEMO (PLPS) Auditing Demo - LRH (Afternoon)
1460 5503C22 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH (Afternoon)
1461 5503C23 DEMO Communication Lag
1462 5503C23 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1463 5503C23 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1464 5503C23 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1465 5503C23 PLPS-7&8 Scientology: A Technical Subject - Communication Lag, Principal Kinds Founding a PC
1466 5503C24A DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1467 5503C24B DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1468 5503C25 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1469 5503C25 DEMO Auditing Demo - LRH
1470 5503C26 HPC-2 Axiom 51
1471 5503C28 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1472 5503C28 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1473 5503C29 DEMO Afternoon Auditing Demo
1474 5503C29 DEMO Afternoon Auditing Demo
1475 5503C30 PLPS-9 Conquered Territory (a summary of the achievements and directions of Scientology)
1476 5503C30 PPS Group Processing - Conquered Territory
1477 5504C01 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1478 5504C01 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo & Staff Auditors' Conference
1479 5504C01 SAC-1 1rst Hour Staff Auditors' Conference Series
1480 5504C02 PLPS The Second Dynamic
1481 5504C02 HPC-3 Axiom 51 in Action (The Creation and Uncreation of energy and masses by postulate; Knowingness and Communication)
1482 5504C04 SAC-2 Scale of Awareness
1483 5504C04 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1484 5504C06 PLPS-11 On the Second Dynamic
1485 5504C06 PLPS-12 Session: "What could you say to..."
1486 5504C06 PLS Cause & Effect
1487 5504C06 PLS Cause & Effect Session
1488 5504C07 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1489 5504C08 CONF Staff Auditor Conference - Peggy's Report and Ron's Comments
1490 5504C09 HPC-4 Consequences and a New Understanding of the Six Basic Processes (how to discover with precision and raise level of the preclear)
1491 5504C13 PLPS-14 The Eight Dynamics
1492 5504C13 PLPS-15 Session: Find Present Time
1493 5504C16 HPC-5 Service Facsimiles (its Handling by modern auditing)
1494 5504C18 Dianetics and Scientology (Phoenix Congress)
1495 5504C18 SAC-3 Auditors' Conference
1496 5504C19 SAC-4 Auditors' Conference
1497 5504C19 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1498 5504C20 PLPS-16 Para-Scientology - or Things That Go Boomp in the Night
1499 5504C20 DEMO LRH Auditing Demo
1500 5504C20 PLPS-17 Session: Change and No-Change
1501 5504C21 DEMO Auditing Session - Demo Rud Session by LRH
1502 5504C21 DEMO Auditors' Conference
1503 5504C23 HPC-6 Thinkingness
1504 5504C25 DEMO Demo Auditing Session LRH - Truth & Ownership
1505 5504C26 Discussion & Education of the PC
1506 5504C26 DEMO Demo Auditing Session - "What Can You Get In and Out of Control"
1507 5504C27 PLPS-18 The Direction of Modern Scientology
1508 5504C27A PLPS-19 GreyDianetics
1509 5504C27B PLPS-20 Session: "Something you could say to people and Ownership"
1510 5504C27C DAS Education on Problems - Who Doesn't Think You're Insane
1511 5504C27D DEMO LRH Auditing and Discussion
1512 5504C28 DAS Demonstration Auditing - More Education on Ownership Process
1513 5504C28 DAS Demo-Auditing - Ownership Part IV
1514 5504C29 DAS LRH Discussion and Auditing of Onwership and Control
1515 5504C29 DAS LRH Discussion and Auditing of Ownership and Control, Part VI
1516 5504C29 SAC 6th Hour Conference
1517 5504C30 HPC-7 Ownership Processing
1518 5505C02 SAC Staff Auditors' Conference, Part A
1519 5505C02 SAC Staff Auditors' Conference, Part B
1520 5505C02 ALS-Spec Talk on "Think A Thought" in Connection with Ownership
1521 5505C04 PLPS-21 Cause and Effect and Its Use in Processing
1522 5505C04 PLPS-22 Session: Cause and Effect
1523 5505C07 HPC-8 Beingness (the basic formula for happiness - a new process), Part I
1524 5505C07 Auditing Session
1525 5505C07 HPC-8A Beingness, Part II, Auditing Tips
1526 5505C08 DEMO Auditing Session
1527 5505C09 DEMO Auditing
1528 5505C10 DEMO DAS
1529 5505C11 PLPS-23 Operation Manual for the Mind
1530 5505C11 PLPS-24 Session: "Enchantment" Processing
1531 5505C11 PLPS-25 Lookingness and Cause
1532 5505C13 DEMO Auditing Demo, Part A & B
1533 5505C14 HPC-9 The Tone Scale (an Important new understanding of the Tone Scale)
1534 5505Cxx DEMO DAS
1535 5505Cxx HPC Ron's Reports - Police Conference with Ronin Phoenix, Parts A & B
1536 5505C17 HPC Meaningfulness
1537 5506C03 ASMC-1 Address of Welcome - The Hope of Man
1538 5506C03 ASMC-2 Practicalities of a Practical Religion
1539 5506C03 ASMC-3 History of Research and Investigation
1540 5506C04 ASMC-4 Direction of Truth in Processing
1541 5506C04 ASMC-5 The Tone Scale - Three Primary Buttons of Exteriorization
1542 5506C04 ASMC-6 Group Processing - Meaningness
1543 5506C04 ASMC-7 Composition of Beingness - Postulates, Exteriorization, Beingness
1544 5506C04 ASMC-7A After Lecture Q's & A's
1545 5506C04 ASMC-8 Group Processing
1546 5506C05 ASMC-9 TheDescent of Man
1547 5506C05 ASMC-10 How to Chart the Preclear, Knowingness and Unknowingness
1548 5506C06 ASMC-11 Six Basic Steps - Some Fundamentals of Auditing
1549 5506C06 ASMC-12 The Mechanisms of Ownership in Living (the ownership of information)
1550 5506C06 ASMC-13 Group Processing - Additional Processing on Meaningness
1551 5506C06 ASMC-14 TheGamecalledMan
1552 5506C06 ASMC-15 What Scientology is doing, Organizations, The Control and Direction of Man
1553 5507C11 HCA Seven Basic Steps (In this tape Ron describes the curriculum of the HCA Course and the part the six steps (in bulletin above) play in the training of auditor.)
1554 5508C23 ALS-1 The Auditor's Public Axiom 53: The Axiom of the Stable Datum
1555 5508C23 ALS-2
1556 5508C30 ALS-3 Rugged Individualism
1557 5508C30 ALS-4 Union Station - R-46
1558 5509C14 ALS-5 The Unknown Datum - a MEST shaking Lecture
1559 5509C21 ALS-6 Postulates 1, 2, 3, 4, in Processing - a new understanding of Axiom 36
1560 5510C03 4LACC-1 Fundamental of Scientology and Rudiments of Auditing
1561 5510C03 4LACC-2 Fundamental of Scientology and Rudiments of Auditing
1562 5510C04 4LACC-3 1st and 2nd Postulates in Living
1563 5510C04 4LACC-4 1st to 4th Postulates in Living
1564 5510C05 4LACC-5 Smoothness of Auditing
1565 5510C05 4LACC-6 Smoothness of Auditing (cont.)
1566 5510C06 4LACC-7 Communication and "I Don't Know" (confusion)
1567 5510C06 4LACC-8 Stable Datum and Confusion
1568 5510C07 4LACC-9 Relations to Time Continuum
1569 5510C07 4LACC-10 Base Time and Continuum
1570 5510C08 LPLS-1 Goals of Dianetics and Scientology (see 1300)
1571 5510C08 LPLS-2 Individual to National Levels of Intention, Confusionand Communication
1572 5510C10 4LACC-11 Establishing of the Auditor
1573 5510C10 4LACC-12 Communication and the Subject of Communication
1574 5510C11 LPLS History of Dianetics and Scientology
1575 5510C11 4LACC-13 Data of Comparable Magnitude
1576 5510C11 4LACC-13A Data of Comparable Magnitude
1577 5510C11 4LACC-14 Comm Bridge, Confusion, Time Factor
1578 5510C12 4LACC-15 Communication and Intentions, Deteriorization of
1579 5510C12 4LACC-16 The Communication Bridge
1580 5510C13 4LACC-17 The Antiquity of Auditing - The Practicalities of Auditing
1581 5510C13 4LACC-18 Affinity, Reality and Communication
1582 5510C14 4LACC-19 Exteriorization and Interiorization
1583 5510C14 4LACC-20 Further Aspects of Exteriorization
1584 5510C15 LPLS-3 How Good You Can Get
1585 5510C15 LPLS-4 The Dynamics
1586 5510C15 LPLS-4A The Eight Dynamics
1587 5510C17 4LACC-21 Tolerance of Havingness
1588 5510C17 4LACC-22 Establishing a Session
1589 5510C18 4LACC-23 Beginning and Continuing A Session
1590 5510C18 4LACC-24 Processing: Level One
1591 5510C19 4LACC-25 The Senior Desire of A Thetan
1592 5510C19 4LACC-26 Third Level of a Process
1593 5510C20 4LACC-27 The PC's Present Time Problem - the Body
1594 5510C20 4LACC-28 An Understanding of Creative Processing
1595 5510C21 4LACC-29 Native State and Postulates 1, 2, 3, 4
1596 5510C21 4LACC-30 Native State and Communication
1597 5510C22 LPLS-5 The Goodness of Man
1598 5510C22 LPLS-6 The Soul - Good and Evil
1599 5510C24 4LACC-31 Resume of Creative Processes
1600 5510C24 4LACC-32 Lack of Terminal
1601 5510C25 4LACC-33 Engrams - Dissemination of Materials
1602 5510C25 4LACC-34 The Handling of Confusionin Any PC or on Any Dynamic
1603 5510C26 4LACC-35 Stable Datum and the Study of Science
1604 5510C26 4LACC-36 Solving Engrams with Stable Datum, Communication Terminals
1605 5510C27 4LACC-37 The Role of a Scientologist
1606 5510C28 4LACC-38 The Anatomy of Terminals
1607 5510C28 4LACC-39 Six Basic Levels, Six Basics vs Six Levels of Process
1608 5510C28 4LACC-40 Intolerance
1609 5510C29 LPLS-7 Automaticity - Cause and Effect
1610 5510C29 LPLS-8 Power of Choice and Self-Determinism
1611 5510C31 4LACC-41 How to Audit
1612 5510C31 4LACC-42 Training of An Auditor
1613 5511C01 4LACC-43 The Preclear's Reality
1614 5511C01 4LACC-44 Improvement in Technology
1615 5511C02 4LACC-45 Trying and Communication
1616 5511C02 4LACC-46 Randomity and Automaticities
1617 5511C03 4LACC-47 A Review of the 4th London ACC
1618 5511C03 4LACC-48 Attitude and Conduct of Scientologists
1619 5511TC16A 4LACC-49 New Understanding of Universes
1620 5511TC17 4LACC-50 Endof Course Lecture
1621 5511C08 HPCN5-1 Six Levels of Processing, Issue 5, Level 1
1622 5511C08 HPCN5-2 Six Levels of Processing, Issue 5, Level 2
1623 5511C09 HPCN5-3 Six Levels of Processing, Issue 5, Level 3
1624 5511C09 HPCN5-4 Six Levels of Processing, Issue 5, Level 4
1625 5511C10 HPCN5-5 Six Levels of Processing, Issue 5, Level 5
1626 5511C10 HPCN5-6 Six Levels of Processing, Issue 5, Level 6
1627 5512C01 LAM-1 The Lowest Level Case
1628 5512C01 LAM-2 The Fundamentals of Auditing Style
1629 5512C01 Dictated Dianetics 55, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1630 5512C02 Dictated Dianetics 55, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1631 5512C15 LAM-3 Exteriorization by Separateness from Weakest Universe
1632 5512C22 LAM-4 Matching Auditing to Tone
1633 5601C03 LAM-5 Solution to Body Behavior
1634 5601C03 LAM-6 Solution to Body Behavior
1635 5601C10 LAM-7 Auditor Insight
1636 5601C12 LAM-8 Anglo-Saxon Thought
1637 5601C16 LAM-9 Repair and Remedy of Havingness
1638 5601C19 LAM-10 Exteriorization
1639 5601C24 LAM-11 The Role of Creation in Aberration
1640 5601C24 LAM-12 The Role of Creation and Destruction in Havingness
1641 5601C31 LAM-13 Basic Lecture on Havingness
1642 5601C31 LAM-14 G.E. Scientology
1643 5602C06 HPCF-1 SPL8, Level 1, Theory
1644 5602C07 HPCF-2 SPL9, Level 1, Summation of Basic Theory
1645 5602C07 LAM-15 The Game of Life (Exteriorization and Havingness)
1646 5602C08 HPCF-3 Practical Application of Games to Processing
1647 5602C08 HPCF-4 SLP8, Motives of
1648 5602C09 LAM-16 Sixth Dynamic Decisional Processing
1649 5602C10 HPCF-5 Application of Games to Processing (cont.)
1650 5602C10 HPCF-6 Use of Games Theory in Processing - Penaltiesand Mood of Play
1651 5602C14 HPCF-7 Application of Games to Processing (cont.), Comms and Vias
1652 5602C14 HPCF-8 The Various Keys of Processing a Preclear
1653 5602C14 HPCF-9 Games Applied to Processing Techniques
1654 5602C14 LAM-17 Aims and Goals of Scientology 1956
1655 5602C14 LAM-18 Games Processing Applied to Auditing
1656 5605C05 LPLS Latest Processing Today
1657 5607C31 LPLS Games Processing
1658 5608Cxx HPCA-1 The Auditor's Code
1659 5608Cxx HPCA-2 The Code of A Scientologist
1660 5608Cxx HPCA-3 Auditing Positions
1661 5608C03 HPCA-4 Axioms 1-5 (3 aug according to Janet Hays)
1662 5608Cxx HPCA-5 Axioms 6-10
1663 5608Cxx HPCA-6 Facsimiles (Solids)
1664 5608Cxx HPCA-7 Opening Procedure of 8-C
1665 5608Cxx HPCA-8 Start, Change and Stop
1666 5608Cxx HPCA-9 Games Theory
1667 5608Cxx HPCA-10 Problems and Consequences
1668 5608Cxx HPCA-11 Valences
1669 5608Cxx HPCA-12 Knowingness
1670 5608Cxx HPCA-13 Creative Processes, Motion Stops, Perception
1671 5608Cxx HPCA-14 Exteriorization Procedure
1672 5608Cxx HPCA-15 Scales, Motion
1673 5608Cxx HPCA-16 Scales, Curiosity, Not-Know
1674 5608C17 HPCA-17 Confusion and Stable Datum
1675 5608Cxx HPCA-18 Chronic Somatics
1676 5608Cxx HPCA-19 The Auditing of Solids
1677 5608Cxx HPCA-20 Not Knowing
1678 5608C20 HPCA-21 Auditing as a Profession
1679 5608C27 Auditor's Conferenceat HGC
1680 5608C28 AUDC-14 Control and Sessioning
1681 5608C28 Auditor's Conference
1682 5608C29 Auditor's Conference
1683 5608C31 GC-1 Spiritual and Material Requirements of Man
1684 5608C31 GC-1A Group Processing - Crave to Know
1685 5608C31 GC-2 Something to Know - the "Know to Solids" Scale
1686 5608C31 GC-3 The Anatomy of Human Problems
1687 5609C01 GC-4 Games Conditions vs No-Games Conditions
1688 5609C01 GC-5 Third Dynamic Application of Games Principles
1689 5609C01 GC-6 Group Processing - "Keep It From Going Away"
1690 5609C02 GC-7 Demo of Auditing
1691 5609C02 GC-8 Universe
1692 5609C02 GC-9 Havingness
1693 5609C02 GC-10 Group Processing - Mama and Papa (Dummies)
1694 5609C02 GC-11 Group Processing - Mama and Papa (cont.)
1695 5609C02 GC-12 Effectiveness of Brainwashing
1696 5609C02 GC-13 Demonstration of SCS - Auditor LRH
1697 5609C10 Staff Introductions
1698 5609C20 London Auditors' Conference
1699 5609C25 Review of SLP-8
1700 5609C25 Completion of Book on Work
1701 5610C04 HCOBs of 4 Oct 56
1702 5610C05 4 Problems of Bio - Chemistry by Dr. Ensor Holiday (Per Certainty Mag Vol 3., No. 11 (NON-LRH LECTURE)
1703 5610C05 5 Problems of the Theatre by David Hughes (Per Certainty Mag Vol 3., No.11) (NON-LRH LECTURE)
1704 5610C05 6 Problems of Education by David Hughes (Per Certainty Mag Vol 3, No.11) (NON-LRH LECTURE)
1705 5610C05 LCHP-1 Man's Relentless Search
1706 5610C05 LCHP-2 Portions of You
1707 5610C05 LCHP-3 Group Processing - Putting the MEST Universe There
1708 5610C06 LCHP-7 Youth - Today's Displaced Person
1709 5610C06 LCHP-8 Group Processing - "Keep It From Going Away" (with Dummies) and "Granting Life"
1710 5610C06 LCHP-9 Uses of Scientology
1711 5610C07 LCHP-10 Salvation 1956
1712 5610C07 LCHP-11 Personal Efficiency
1713 5610C07 LCHP-12 Group Processing - Keeping Objects from Going Away
1714 5610C07 LCHP Havingness
1715 5610C07 13 Problems in Business by Reg T. Sharpe (Per Certainty Mag Vol 3, No.11) (NON-LRH LECTURE)
1716 5610C07 14 Britain's Problems in Export by Norman F. Phillips (Per Certainty Mag Vol 3, No 11) (NON-LRH LECTURE)
1717 5610C07 15 Problems Met By A Man of God by Archbishop Dr. Odo A. Barry (Per Certainty Mag Vol 3, No 11) (NON-LRH LECTURE)
1718 5610C08 LCHP-16A Group Processing
1719 5610C08 LCHP-16 March of the Atom - Tools of Ability, Something on Radiation
1720 5610C08 LCHP-18 Today's Battle of Britain
1721 5610C15 15ACC-1 Opening Lecture
1722 5610C16 15ACC-2 Mimicry, Duplication, Ability
1723 5610C17 15ACC-3 Complexity, Auto Confusion, Dependencies
1724 5610C18 OS-1 How to Create and Instruct a PE Course, Part 1
1725 5610C18 15ACC-4 MoreonMimicry
1726 5610C18 OS-2 How to Create and Instruct a PE Course, Part 2
1727 5610C19 15ACC-5 Mechanics
1728 5610C22 15ACC-6 Scale of Reality
1729 5610C23 15ACC-7 "C.R.A." Triangle
1730 5610C24 15ACC-8 Cut Comm Lines (In and Out)
1731 5610C25 15ACC-9 Games vs No-Games
1732 5610C25 OS-3 Education
1733 5610C25 OS-4 Methods of Education (with Demo)
1734 5610C25 15ACC-11 Degeneration of a static
1735 5610C26 15ACC-10 Learning Rates
1736 5610C28 15ACC Training Methods
1737 5610C29 15ACC-11 The Mind
1738 5610C30 15ACC-12 Education
1739 5610C31 15ACC-13 Rest Points and Confusion
1740 5611C01 15ACC-14 Co-Ordinationof Classes of Processes
1741 5611C01 OS-5 Tone Scale Autumn 1956
1742 5611C01 OS-6 How to Hand le Audiences
1743 5611C02 15ACC-15 Wind Up on Stable Datum and Rest Points
1744 5611C05 15ACC-16 Radiation
1745 5611C06 15ACC-17 Time Track
1746 5611C07 15ACC-18 Creation
1747 5611C08 15ACC-19 Simplicity
1748 5611C08 OS-7 Research Report: Radiation, and Its Relation to Processing
1749 5611C08 OS-9 Definition and Construction of Organization, Part I
1750 5611C09 15ACC-20 Skull-Gazing
1751 5611C12 15ACC-21 Simplicity vs Alter-Isness
1752 5611C12 ACC-A Establishment of Practice - How to Conduct a Guidance Center - Testing the Value of
1753 5611C12 ACC-A Side II Q&A - Julia and Students (evening Lecture - Julia Lewis)
1754 5611C13 ACC-B Evening Lecture - Julia Lewis: Part 1, Suitable Quarters - Promotion - Part 1 - Forming groups, Promotion
1755 5611C13 15ACC-22 Aberration and the 6th Dynamic
1756 5611C14 ACC Julia Lewis Part 1, Forms and Releases - Testing, Admin of - Part 2, Sorting and Interpretation of Testing
1757 5611C14 15ACC-23 Training Methods
1758 5611C15 15ACC-24 Diagnosis: How to
1759 5611C15 OS-8 Testing
1760 5611C15 OS-10 Definition and Construction of Organization, Part II
1761 5611C16 15ACC-25 Summary Lecture
1762 5611C16 HCO Communications (LRH?)
1763 5611C18 The Tone Scale & Its Uses
1764 5611C18 Teaching Processes & Handling of Groups
1765 5611C20 Demo: Mock Up and Unmock
1766 5611C22 OS-11 The Consequence of Organization
1767 5611C22 OS-12 The Deteriorization of Liberty
1768 5611C23 15ACC-26 Farewell Lecture
1769 5611C29 OS-13 Hope
1770 5611C29 OS-14 How to Present Scientology in a Bad World
1771 5611C29 OS-14A The Scale of Havingness
1772 5612C06 OS-15 Money
1773 5612C06 OS-16 A Postulate Out of a Golden Age
1774 5612C13 OS-17 Confusion and the Stable Datum
1775 5612C13 OS-18 Randomity
1776 5612C16 Promotion for Registrar
1777 5612C29 ARC-1 Opening Lecture
1778 5612C29 ARC-2 Scientology View on Radiation
1779 5612C29 ARC-3 Proofing Up a Body
1780 5612C29 ARC-4 Group Process - "Put it There"
1781 5612C29 ARC-5 Group Process - Confrontingness
1782 5612C30 ARC-6 Solution to Psychosis
1783 5612C30 ARC-7 Project Third Dynamic
1784 5612C30 ARC-8 Insanity - Scarcity
1785 5612C30 ARC-9 Group Process - Mocking Up Bodies
1786 5612C30 ARC-10 Group Process - Making Problems and Confusions With
1787 5612C31 ARC-11 Background on Scales of Havingness
1788 5612C31 ARC-12 Sub-Zero Scales - Relation to Scale of Awareness
1789 5612C31 ARC-13 Confrontingness
1790 5612C31 ARC-14 Confrontingness (cont.)
1791 5701C02 16ACC-1 Course Outline
1792 5701C03 16ACC-2 Reality Scale in Action
1793 5701C05 16ACC-3 Havingness: Particles, Solids, Spaces
1794 5701C07 16ACC-4 Learning Process: No-Game Condition
1795 5701C08 16ACC-5 Agreement and Postulates of the 6 Dynamics
1796 5701C09 16ACC-6 Obnosis
1797 5701C10 16ACC-7 The Postulate of Game
1798 5701C11 16ACC-8 Postulates of Action-Reaction
1799 5701C14 16ACC-9 Control
1800 5701C15 16ACC-10 Evil
1801 5701C16 16ACC-11 Havingness
1802 5701C17 16ACC-12 Communication, R and omities of
1803 5701C18 16ACC-13 Auditing Techniques: Self-Denial, Responsibility
1804 5701C22 16ACC-14 Auditing Techniques: Order of Processes
1805 5701C23 16ACC-15 Auditing Techniques: Scale of Processes
1806 5701C24 16ACC-16 Auditing Techniques: Altering Cases
1807 5701C25 16ACC-17 Auditing Techniques: Specifics
1808 5701C28 16ACC-18 Auditing Techniques: Stimulus-response
1809 5701C29 16ACC-19 Auditing Techniques: Action, Reaction
1810 5701C30 16ACC-20 Auditing Techniques: Workable and Unworkable
1811 5701C31 16ACC-21 Auditing Techniques: Solids
1812 5702C01 16ACC-22 Auditing Techniques: Games Conditions
1813 5702C04 16ACC-23 Auditing Techniques: Procedure CCH
1814 5702C05 16ACC-24 Auditing Techniques: How Far South?
1815 5702C06 16ACC-25 Demonstration
1816 5702C07 16ACC-26 Summation
1817 5702C08 16ACC-27 General Use of Procedure
1818 5702C11 16ACC-28 Question and Answer Period
1819 5702C11 16ACC-29 Final Lecture - Question and Answers
1820 5702C25 17ACC-1 Opening Lecture, CCHs, the Future of Scientology
1821 5702C26 17ACC-2 ARC Triangel and Associated Scales
1822 5702C27 17ACC-3 Communication and Isness
1823 5702C27 17ACC Inflow/Outflow
1824 5702C28 17ACC-4 The Parts of Man (see 1269)
1825 5703C01 17ACC-5 Problems: Their Handling and Running
1826 5703C01 17ACC-5A Q&A Period About Problems and Responsibility
1827 5703C01 17ACC Problems of Comparable Magnitude (could be same tapeas 17ACC-5, #1825)
1828 5703C04 17ACC-6 Control
1829 5703C05 17ACC-7 The Scale of Techniques
1830 5703C06 17ACC-8 Reaching the Lowest Possible Level
1831 5703C06 17ACC-8A Q&A on Control
1832 5703C06 17ACC-8B Lecture on G.E. Anchor Points (Demo) (Nibs)
1833 5703C07 17ACC-9 "Ought to Be"
1834 5703C07 17ACC-9A Q&A Period on "Ought to Be"
1835 5703C09 Wedding of Alma Gillespie & Richard F. Stevens, Christening of Katherine Hubbard (Nibs Daughter) (by LRH)
1836 5703C10 17ACC-10 Valences
1837 5703C10 17ACC-10A Q&A Period After Lectures
1838 5703C11 17ACC-11 Summary of Techniques
1839 5703C11 17ACC-11A Comments and Questions-and Answer Period
1840 5703C12 17ACC-12 Survival
1841 5703C12A 17ACC-12A Question-and-Answer Session on Lecture
1842 5703C13 17ACC-13 Techniques in Practice
1843 5703C14 17ACC-14 A Summary of an Intensive
1844 5703C15 17ACC-15 Exact Control
1845 5703C15 Q&A - Three Goals of Processing
1846 5703C19 17ACC-16 Outline of Modern Intensive
1847 5703C19 ACC Control of Homo Sapiens
1848 5703C20 17ACC-17 Games Condition
1849 5703C21 17ACC-18 The Assist
1850 5703C22 17ACC-19 Effect: Axiom 10
1851 5703C23 Science Survey: Atomic Radiation
1852 5703C25 17ACC-20 The Uses of Control
1853 5703C25 17ACC-21 Rest Points and Confusions
1854 5703C26 Processingon R.P. and C.
1855 5703C27 17ACC-22 Extroversion - Introversion, Its Relationship to Havingness and Communication
1856 5703C28 17ACC-23 Valences and Control
1857 5703C29 17ACC-24 The Professional Scientologist
1858 5703C31 17ACC-25 Techniques in Practice
1859 5704C12 LCNRH-1 Control, Communication and Havingness - I
1860 5704C12 LCNRH-2 Control, Communication and Havingness - II
1861 5704C12 LCNRH-3 Control Processes
1862 5704C12 LCNRH-4 Demonstration "Dr. Ash"
1863 5704C12 LCNRH-4A Havingness
1864 5704C12 LCNRH-4B Flying Saucers
1865 5704C13 LCNRH-5 Radiation and the Scientologist
1866 5704C13 LCNRH-6 Radiation in Peace
1867 5704C13 LCNRH-7 Radiation in War
1868 5704C13 LCNRH-8 Group Processing: Emphasis on Control
1869 5704C13 LCNRH-9 Group Processing: Emphasis on Control (cont.)
1870 5704C14 LCNRH-10 The Reality Scale and the Effect Scale
1871 5704C14 LCNRH-11 The Reality Scale and the Effect Scale (cont.)
1872 5704C14 LCNRH-12 Scientology and Children
1873 5704C14 LCNRH-15 Group Processing - "Sit in your chair, wear a Head, Have two feet, etc."
1874 5704C14 LCNRH-16 On Auditing
1875 5704C15 LCNRH-17 The Control of Hysteria
1876 5704C15 LCNRH-18 Effective Dissemination
1877 5704C18 ATE Auditor's Training Evening, CCHs
1878 5705C15 HCA-1 Comm Course, TRs 1, 2, 3, 4
1879 5705C15 HCA-2 Comm Course, TR5
1880 5705C16 HCA-3 Procedure CCH: Background
1881 5705C16 HCA-4 Procedure CCH: CCHSteps
1882 5705C30 HCA-5 Outline of a Course and Its Purpose
1883 5706C28 AUDC Lecture
1884 5706C28 AUDC Question-and-Answer: Period
1885 5707C04 PC-1 Opening Lecture - How We Have Addressed the Problem of the Mind
1886 5707C04 PC-2 Man's Search and Scientology's Answer
1887 5707C04 PC-3 Definition of Control
1888 5707C05 PC-4 Basic Theory of CCHs
1889 5707C05 PC-5 Group Processing - Acceptable Pressures
1890 5707C05 PC-6 Group Processing - "Bold Floor to Earth
1891 5707C05 PC-7 Purpose and Need of Training Drills
1892 5707C05 PC-8 Training Drills Demonstrated
1893 5707C06 PC-9 Third Dynamic and Communication - Demo of High School Indoc
1894 5707C06 PC-10 Training Demonstration of High School Indoctrination
1895 5707C06 PC-11 Explanation & Demonstration of "Tone 40" on an Object
1896 5707C06 PC-12 Levels of Skill
1897 5707C06 PC-13 Explanation & Demonstration of "Tone 40" on a Person
1898 5707C07 PC-14 Child Scientology (including Naming Ceremony)
1899 5707C07 PC-15 CCH Steps 1 through 4: Demonstration (LRHMTS-1)
1900 5707C07 PC-16 CCH Steps 5 through 7: plus Solids
1901 5707C15 18ACC-1 What is Scientology? Q&A Period
1902 5707C16 18ACC-2 CCH Related to ARC
1903 5707C17 18ACC-3 Theory and Definition of Auditing
1904 5707C18 18ACC-4 What Scientology is Addressed to
1905 5707C19 18ACC-5 The Five Categories
1906 5707C22 18ACC-6 Control
1907 5707C23 18ACC-7 The Stability of Scientology
1908 5707C23 LRH Wedding for Julia & Ken Salmen
1909 5707C24 18ACC-8 Auditing Styles
1910 5707C25 18ACC History of Clearing
1911 5707C25 18ACC-9 Scales (Effect Scale)
1912 5707C25 18ACC Q&A Period
1913 5707C26 18ACC-10 The Mind: Its Structure in Relation to Thetan and MEST
1914 5707C26 18ACC Anatomy of Problems - Coaching Atheletics
1915 5707C29 18ACC-11 Optimum 25-Hour Session
1916 5707C30 18ACC-12 Death
1917 5707C31 18ACC-13 Surprise - The Anatomy of Sleep
1918 5708C01 18ACC-14 Thinnies
1919 5708C02 18ACC-15 Abilities - Laughter
1920 5708C02 18ACC-16 The Handling of I.Q. (Factors Behind)
1921 5708C06 18ACC-17 The Scale of Withhold
1922 5708C07 18ACC-18 C.C.H. / Havingness, Endurance and Progress
1923 5708C08 18ACC-19 Confronting, Necessity Level
1924 5708C09 18ACC-20 Instructing a Course
1925 5708C16 18ACC-21 The Future of Scientology
1926 5708C16 18ACC Awards
1926A 5708C23 Axiom53
1927 5711C26 Lecture to J.Fudgeand Staff
1928 5711C26 Lecture to Staff (cont.)
1929 5712C29 AC-1 Experience - Randomity and Changeof Pace
1930 5712C29 AC-2 The Clear - Defined
1931 5712C29 AC-3 Clear Procedure
1932 5712C30 AC-4 Causeand Effect - Education, Unknowing and Unwilling Effect
1933 5712C30 AC-5 Creating a Third Dynamic/United Survival Action Clubs
1934 5712C30 AC-6 Upper Route to Operating Thetan/Not Know & Know - Perception and Telepathy
1935 5712C31 AC-7 Responsibility (How to Create a Third Dynamic)
1936 5712C31 AC-8 The NAAP (The National Academy of American Psychology)
1937 5712C31 AC-9 Creative Processing Steps
1938 58XXCXX AUDC-17A SLP-8 Level I
1939 5801C09 AUDC How to Run PTPs - Why PCs Are Taking So Long to Clear
1940 5801C20 19ACC-1 The Four Universes
1941 5801C20 19ACC-1A The E-Meter
1942 5801C21 19ACC-2 Intensive Procedure
1943 5801C21 19ACC-2A Question and Answer Period
1944 5801C22 19ACC-3 The Bank Out of Control and Its Stabilization
1945 5801C23 19ACC-4 Clearing Fields
1946 5801C23 19ACC-4A Question and Answer Period plus Comments
1947 5801C24 19ACC-5 E-Meter Identification and Association
1948 5801C24 19ACC-5A Question and Answer Period: Step6, Clearing Children
1949 5801C27 19ACC-6 Clear Procedure: What It Is You Clear, Something and Nothing
1950 5801C27 19ACC-6A Q & A Period
1951 5801C28 19ACC-7 Clear Procedure II: Man the Animal and Man the God
1952 5801C20 19ACC-7A Clear Procedure II: Q&A, Handling the PT Problem
1953 5801C29 19ACC-8 Clear Procedure III: One Clear Procedure, Q&A Period
1954 5801C30 19ACC-9 Clear Procedure IV: Test for Clears
1955 5801C30 19ACC-9A Clear Procedure IV: Q&A, Space
1956 5801C31 19ACC-10 Clear Procedure V: Importance of Theory Behind Clearing Procedure
1957 5801C31 19ACC-10A Clear Procedure V: Q & A Period
1958 5801C31 SPECIAL PABS Material 31 Jan, 1 Feb, 5 Feb, 7 Feb, 8 Feb
1959 5802C03 19ACC-11 Clear Procedure VI
1960 5802C03 19ACC-11A Q & A Period
1961 5802C04 19ACC-12 How to Find A Preclear, Responsibility and Help Clear Procedure VII
1962 5802C04 19ACC-12A Q & A Period
1963 5802C05 19ACC-13 Clear Procedure VIII: The Basic Approach to Clearing, Finding the Auditor
1964 5802C05 19ACC-13A Clear Procedure VIII: Q & A Period
1965 5802C06 19ACC-14 CCH-0, SCS, Connectedness
1966 5802C06 19ACC-14A Q & A
1967 5802C07 19ACC-15 Help - How to Get Started
1968 5802C07 19ACC-15A Q & A Periodand Group Processing
1969 5802C10 19ACC-16 Conduct of Clear
1970 5802C10 19ACC-16A Q & A Period: Help, Clearing a Command
1971 5802C10 19ACC-17 The Key Processes of Clearing
1972 5802C11 19ACC-17A Q & A Period
1973 5802C12 19ACC-18 Havingness, Anaten, Flows - in Relation to Clearing
1974 5802C12 19ACC-18A Q & A Period: Postulates, Flows, Clearing
1975 5802C13 19ACC-19 Other Processes - The Help Button
1976 5802C13 19ACC-19A Q & A Period
1977 5802C14 19ACC-20 Responsibility for Mock-Ups
1978 5802C14 19ACC-20A Q & A Period: Present Time Problem
1979 5802C14 19ACC-20B Q & A Period: Present Time Problem (cont.)
1980 5803C27 Comments on Auditing
1981 5806C27 AUDC-18 Processing on Clearing
1981.1 5806C27 SPAC Special Auditors Conference - Clear Procedure and Clearing People
1982 5807C04 CC-1 The Fact of Clearing; also available as color film
1983 5807C04 CC-2 The Factors of Clearing; also available as color film
1984 5807C04 CC-3 The Freedoms of Clear; also available as color film
1985 5807C05 CC-4 Evaluation of Importances, Things to Know in Clearing, Prerequisites to
1986 5807C05 CC-5 Auditing; also available as color film
Clear Procedure, Part I: CCH-0, Help; also available as color film
1987 5807C05 CC-6 Clear Procedure, Part II: Creativeness; also available as color film
1988 5807C06 CC-7 The Magic Button
1989 5807C06 CC-8 The Goal of Auditing
1990 5807C06 CC-9 Violence
1991 5807C06 CC-10 Juvenile
1992 5807C14 20ACC-1 Opening Lecture
1993 5807C15 20ACC-2 ACC Procedure Outlined, E-Meter TRs
1994 5807C15 20ACC-2A ACC Procedure Outlined, E-Meter TRs
1995 5807C15 20ACC-2A Q & A Period
1996 5807C16 20ACC-3 Course Procedure Outlined: How to Clear A Command, Simplicity,
1997 5807C16 20ACC-3A CCH-0 Q & A Period
1998 5807C17 20ACC-4 Beginning and Ending Session - Gaining PC's Contribution to the Session
1999 5807C17 20ACC-4A Q & A Period
2000 5807C18 20ACC-5 ACC Training Procedure: CCH-0, Problems and Goals
2001 5807C18 20ACC-5A Q & A Period
2002 5807C21 20ACC-6 The Key Words (Buttons) of Scientology Clearing
2003 5807C21 20ACC-6A Q & A Period
2004 5807C22 20ACC-7 The Rock
2005 5807C22 20ACC-7A The Rock (cont.), Q & A Period
2006 5807C23 20ACC-8 Special Effects Cases - Anatomy
2007 5807C23 20ACC-8A Q & A Period
2008 5807C24 20ACC-9 Anatomy of Needles - Diagnostic Procedure
2009 5807C24 20ACC-9A Q & A Period
2010 5807C25 20ACC-10 The Rock
2011 5807C25 20ACC-10A Question and Answer Period: Clearing the Command
2012 5807C28 20ACC-11 ACC Command Sheet, Goals of Auditing
2013 5807C29 20ACC-12 ACC Command Sheet (cont.)
2014 5807C30 20ACC-13 ACC Command Sheet (cont.)
2015 5807C31 20ACC-14 Running the Case and the Rock
2016 5808C01 20ACC-15 Case Analysis - Rock Hunting
2017 5808C01 20ACC-15A Case Analysis - Rock Hunting (cont.)
2017.1 5808C02 20ACC-15B Q & A Period
2018 5808C04 20ACC-16 Case Analysis (cont.)
2019 5804C04 20ACC-16A Q & A Period
2020 5808C05 20ACC-17 ARC
2021 5808C05 20ACC-18 The Rock, Its Anatomy
2022 5808C07 20ACC-19 The Most Basic Rock of All Rocks
2023 5808C07 20ACC-19A Question and Answer Period
2024 5808C08 20ACC-19B Question and Answer Period (cont.)
2025 5808C08 20ACC-20 Auditor Interest
2026 5808C08 20ACC-20A Requisites and Fundamentals of A Session
2027 5808C15 20ACC-21 Summary of 20th ACC
2028 5808C24 Dictation to John Fudge
2029 5809C01 AUDC-20 How to Run Present Time Problems
2030 5809C27 AUDC HGC Auditor Conference at 1812, 19th st on Clear Procedure and Clearing People
2031 5809C17 Talk to Staff on Arrival in England
2032 5810C18 LCC-1 Story of Dianetics and Scientology
2033 5810C18 LCC-2 The Skills of Clearing
2034 5810C18 LCC-3 Confronting
2035 5810C20 LCC-4 The Rock
2036 5810C20 LCC-5 Confusion and Order
2037 5810C20 LCC-6 The Clearing Technique of 1947
2038 5810C20 LCC-7 The Future of Scientology and the Western Civilization
2039 5810C27 5LACC-1 Clearing and What It Generally Means to Man
2040 5810C28 5LACC-2 Compartmentation of 4 Universes
2041 5810C28 5LACC-2A Question Time
2042 5810C29 5LACC-3 Types of Pictures
2043 5810C29 5LACC-3A Q & A
2044 5810C30 5LACC-4 Mental Image Pictures, Engrams
2045 5810C31 5LACC-5 Engrams
2046 5811C03 5LACC-6 The Detection of Engrams
2047 5811C04 5LACC-7 The Detection of Engrams with an E-Meter
2048 5811C05 5LACC-8 Detection of Engrams III, "Finding Truth with an Electronic Gimmick"
2049 5811C06 5LACC-9 Difficulties Encountered in Search for Engrams
2050 5811C07 5LACC-10 Detection of Circuits and Machinery
2051 5811C10 5LACC-11 Auditing: Its Skills
2052 5811C11 5LACC-12 The Skill of An Auditor, Part I
2053 5811C12 5LACC-13 The Skill of An Auditor, Part II
2054 5811C13 5LACC-14 The Attitude of An Auditor
2055 5811C14 5LACC-15 What AnAuditor Is Supposed to Do With AnEngram
2056 5811C17 5LACC-16 The Effect of the Environment on an Engram
2057 5811C17 5LACC-17 How to Audit an Engram, Use of an E-Meter
2058 5811C19 5LACC-18 How to Start and Run a Session
2059 5811C19 5LACC-19 Attitude and Approach to Auditing
2060 5811C28 5LACC-20 Summary, "Seeing the Monster"
2061 5811C28 5LACC-21 Final Lecture
2062 5812C10 Flows & Ridges
2063 5812C16 WST-1 PR&R-1: Promotion and Registration
2064 5812C29 HCO Area Sec Hat
2065 5901C03 SC-1 The Future of Scientology
2066 5901C03 SC-2 Engrams and Clearing
2067 5901C03 SC-3 Preliminary to Engram Running
2068 5901C04 SC-4 Engram Running
2069 5901C04 SC-5 Overt Act-Motivator Sequence - (see 1925)
2070 5901C04 SC-6 Leadership
2071 5901C05 SPL Summary of Techniques & Processes in Use
2072 5901C05 21ACC TheBasics of Scientology
2073 5901C06 21ACC Compartmentization of Universes
2074 5901C07 21ACC Types of Pictures
2075 5901C08 21ACC Engrams
2076 5901C09 21ACC Engrams; the Rock Engram
2077 5901C12 21ACC The Detection of Engrams
2078 5901C13 21ACC Detection of Engrams with An E-Meter
2079 5901C14 21ACC Detection of Engrams (Part III); Finding Truth with an E-Meter
2080 5901C15 21ACC More on Detection of Engrams
2081 5901C16 21ACC Detection of Circuits and Machinery, and the Observation of Special Types of Engrams
2082 5901C19 21ACC Auditing Skills
2083 5901C20 21ACC Skill of an Auditor
2084 5901C21 21ACC Skill of an Auditor
2085 5901C22 21ACC Attitude of an Auditor
2086 5901C23 21ACC What an Auditor is Supposed to Do with an Engram
2087 5901C26 21ACC The Effect of the Environment on an Engram
2088 5901C26 21ACC-S1 How a Process Works
2089 5901C27 21ACC How to Audit an Engram
2090 5901C27 21ACC-S2 What Doesn't Make an Auditor
2091 5901C28 21ACC How to Start and Run the Session
2092 5901C28 21ACC-S3 The Establishment of "R"
2093 5901C29 21ACC Attitude and Approach of the Auditor
2094 5901C29 21ACC-S4 Muzzled Auditing
2095 5901C30 21ACC Plan of Clearing
2096 5901C30 21ACC-S5 The Grouper
2097 5902C02 21ACC-S6 Axiom 10
2098 5902C02 WST-2 PR&R-2: "R" Factor Talk to Registrar
2099 5902C04 21ACC-S7 Diagnosis of an Uncracked Case
2100 5902C05 21ACC Scout on Dynamics
2101 5902C06 21ACC-S8 Setting Up Co-Auditing Groups, Processes used in 21st ACC
2102 5902C13 21ACC-S9 Summary of Data, Part I
2103 5902C13 21ACC-S10 Summary of Data, Part II
2104 5902C16 AUDC Auditors' Conference
2105 5904C06 SHPA-1 Beingness and Communication
2106 5904C07 SHPA-2 Universes
2107 5904C07 SHPA-3 The Dynamics
2108 5904C08 SHPA-4 Scales
2109 5904C08 SHPA-5 States of Being
2110 5904C09 SHPA-6 Anatomy
2111 5904C09 SHPA-7 What Can Be Done With The Mind (Reality Scale)
2112 5904C14 SHPA-8 Mechanisms of the Mind
2113 5904C14 SHPA-9 Overt Act-Motivator Sequence
2114 5904C15 SHPA-10 Codes
2115 5904C15 SHPA-11 The Code of A Scientologist
2116 5904C16 SHPA-12 The Logics and Axioms of Dianetics and Scientology
2117 5904C16 SHPA-13 Axioms: Second Lecture
2118 5904C21 SHPA-14 Types of Auditing
2119 5904C21 SHPA-15 Modern Auditing Types
2120 5904C22 SHPA-16 Types of Case
2121 5904C22 SHPA-17 Assessment
2122 5904C23 SHPA-18 Present Time
2123 5904C23 SHPA-19 Use of the E-Meter in Locating Engrams
2124 5904C28 SHPA-20 Theory of Processes
2125 5904C28 SHPA-21 Processes
2126 5904C29 SHPA-22 Specialized Auditing
2127 5904C29 SHPA-23 Processing of Children
2128 5904C30 SHPA-24 HAS Co-Audit
2129 5904C30 SHPA-25 Electronic Phenomena of the Mind
2130 5905C01 SHPA-26 End of Course Lecture
2131 5905C12 6LACC-1 Clearing
2132 5905C13 6LACC-2 Second Lecture on Clearing Methodology
2133 5905C14 6LACC-3 Clearing Technology
2134 5905C18 6LACC-3A Title Unknown
2135 5905C19 6LACC-4 The Theory of Clearing
2136 5905C20 6LACC-5 Clearing: Practice of
2137 5905C21 6LACC-6 Clearing Process - Special Cases
2138 5905C26 6LACC-7 Clearing: Theta Clear Procedure
2139 5905C27 6LACC-8 Clearing: General Processes (Lecture 2)
2140 5905C28 6LACC-9 Clearing: General Cases - CommunicationProcesses
2141 5906C02 6LACC-10 Clearing: Fixed Ideas
2142 5906C03 6LACC-11 Clearing: By Communication Processes, Specific
2143 5906C04 6LACC-12 Clearing: By Communication, Special Problems
2144 5906C09 6LACC-13 Clearing: Possibilities of
2145 5906C10 6LACC-14 Clearing: Case Entrance Points
2146 5906C11 6LACC-15 Clearing: General Results
2147 5907C04 TCC-1 HCOW Wand Research
2148 5907C04 TCC-2 Clearing
2149 5907C04 TCC-3 HAS Co-Audit
2150 5907C05 TCC-4 Survive and Succumb ("Black Grampus")
2151 5907C05 TCC-5 Communication Processes
2152 5907C05 TCC-6 How to Conduct a HAS Co-Audit and Why
2153 5907C06 TCC How to Co-Audit (could be same tape as above)
2154 5907C18 Communication and Hope
2155 5910C12 Talk to HGCs
2156 5910C12 SHDEMO Demo of New HGC Process by LRH
2157 5911C07 MC-1 Welcome Address
2158 5911C07 MC-2 Recent Developments on O.T.
2159 5911C07 MC-3 The Route Through Step Six
2160 5911C08 MC-4 Importances
2161 5911C08 MC-5 Valences
2162 5911C08 MC-6 Final Lecture
2163 5911C09 1MACC-1 The Know-How of Auditing
2164 5911C09 1MACC-2 Demonstration of an Assist (LRHMTS-2)
2165 5911C10 1MACC-3 Valence Splitting - Entering a Mind Process
2166 5911C10 1MACC-4 Demo of Knocking Down a Tone Arm
2167 5911C11 1MACC-5 Cycle of Action, Create, Destroy, Relative Importances
2168 5911C11 1MACC-6 Demo: ForceProcess - Discreditable Creation
2169 5911C12 1MACC-7 The Rule of Weak Valence
2170 5911C12 1MACC-8 Demo: Dynamic Straightwire Assesment
2171 5911C12 1MACC-9 The Rehabilitation of Judgement
2172 5911C13 1MACC-10 How to Have a Gameinstead of a Case
2173 5911C16 1MACC-11 The Collapsed Cycle of Action
2174 5911C16 1MACC-12 Getting the PC into Session
2175 5911C17 1MACC-13 Case Assessment
2176 5911C17 1MACC-14 Demo: Case Assessment
2177 5911C18 1MACC-15 Alter-isness, Keynote of All Destruction
2178 5911C18 1MACC-16 Demo: Minus Randomity Areas
2179 5911C19 1MACC-17 Minus Randomity, Clue to Case Assessment
2180 5911C19 1MACC-18 Intricacies of Create - Create Series
2181 5911C20 1MACC-19 Rationale of Create Series
2182 5911C20 1MACC-20 Responsibility of Creation
2183 5911C23 1MACC-21 Responsibility for Zones of Creation
2184 5911C23 1MACC-22 Demo: Responsibility for Destruction
2185 5911C24 1MACC-23 The Universe of a Thetan
2186 5911C24 1MACC-24 Demo: Turning on Pictures
2187 5911C25 1MACC-25 Counter-Create
2188 5911C25 1MACC-26 Individuation
2189 5911C26 1MACC-27 The Constancy of the Fundamentals of Dianetics and Scientology
2190 5911C26 1MACC-28 The Handling of Cases - Greatest Overt
2191 5911C27 1MACC-29 Clearing Up the Whole Track
2192 5911C27 1MACC-30 Principal Incidents on the Track
2193 5911C30 1MACC-31 The Anatomy of Havingness
2194 5911C30 1MACC-32 Processes
2195 5912C10 SHDEMO Demo of New HGC Processs by LRH
2196 6001C01 SMC-1 Opening Lecture
2197 6001C01 SMC-2 Responsibility
2198 6001C01 SMC-3 Overts and Withholds
2199 6001C02 SMC-4 A Third Dynamic in Scientology - Why People Don't Like You
2200 6001C02 SMC-5 Marriage
2201 6001C02 SMC-6 Group Processing
2202 6001C03 SMC-7 Zones of Control and Responsibilities of Governments
2203 6001C03 SMC-8 Create and Confront
2204 6001C03 SMC-9 Your Case
2205 6001C04 HCS-1 E-Meter Phenomena
2206 6001C04 HCS-2 E-Meter and Time Track Structure
2207 6001C05 HCS-3 Processing against an E-Meter
2208 6001C05 HCS-4 Operating an E-Meter in Processing, Fields & Locationin Time
2209 6001C06 HCS-5 Auditing
2210 6001C06 HCS-6 Identity
2211 6001C07 HCS-7 Inability to Withhold
2212 6001C07 HCS-8 Case Level and Needle State
2213 6001C07 HCS Supplementary Lecture 8: Specialized Problems
2214 6001C08 HCS-9 Sessioning and Withholds
2215 6002Cxx Opening Speechto Jr. Congress Delegates
2216 6006C23 LOE-1 The Difference Between Scientology and Other Studies
2217 6006C23 LOE-2 Title Unknown (Confront?)
2218 6006C30 LOE-3 Some Aspects of Help
2219 6007C04 Tenth Anniversary Congress
2220 6007C07 LOE-4 Help
2221 6008C07 LCDH-1 Clearing & Presessioning
2222 6008C07 LCDH-2 Pre-Sessioning
2223 6008C07 LCDH-3 Plant Research - Sickness - Will to Live - Adjustment of the Cycle of
2224 6008C08 1SHACC-1 Action in Pre-sessioning (alternatibe Title: Victim & Succumb) Introduction to Course
2225 6008C10 1SHACC-2 Regimen 1
2226 6008C12 1SHACC-3 Skill in Auditing
2227 6008C15 1SHACC-4 Auditor Requirements
2228 6008C16 1SHACC-5 Fundamentals with Regard to Cases
2229 6008C17 1SHACC-6 Elements of Pre-Sessioning
2230 6008C18 1SHACC-7 Organization Programs
2231 6008C19 1SHACC-8 Auditor Weakness
2232 6008C22 1SHACC-9 Why Auditing Works
2233 6008C23 1SHACC-10 Handlingof Insanity
2234 6008C24 1SHACC-11 Basic Relationship of Auditing
2235 6008C25 1SHACC-12 Development of Scientology Data
2236 6008C26 1SHACC-13 Fundamentals and Cases
2237 6008C29 1SHACC-14 The Importance of an E-Meter
2238 6008C30 1SHACC-15 Circuits and Havingness
2239 6008C31 1SHACC-16 Theory 67
2240 6009C01 1SHACC-17 Theory 67
2241 6009C02 1SHACC-18 Case Improvements
2242 6009C05 1SHACC-19 Successful Processes for Handling MEST
2243 6009C06 1SHACC-20 Correct Use of E-Meter
2244 6009C12 1SHACC-21 In-Sessionness
2245 6009C13 1SHACC-22 How Havingness Relates to Circuits
2246 6009C14 1SHACC-23 Formula of Havingness
2247 6009C15 1SHACC-24 In-Sessionness and Havingness
2248 6009C16 1SHACC-25 Final Lecture - 6th and 7th Dynamics
2249 6012C31 AHMC-1 The Genius of Dianetics and Scientology
2250 6012C31 AHMC-2 The Things of Scientology
2251 6012C31 AHMC-3 A Talk on South Africa
2252 6101C01 AHMC-4 Dianetics 1961 and the Whole Answer to the Problems of the Mind
2253 6101C01 AHMC-5 The Field of Scientology
2254 6101C01 AHMC-6 Scientology Organizations
2255 6101C02 22ACC-1 Present Time Problems - Why Cases Don't Move
2256 6101C02 22ACC-2 Present Time Problems and Withholds
2257 6101C03 22ACC-3 E-Meter
2258 6101C03 22ACC-4 Withholds
2259 6101C04 22ACC-5 What a ReactiveBank is - the Mechanics of the Reactive Bank
2260 6101C04 22ACC-6 Clearing Procedure
2261 6101C05 22ACC-7 Dianetics and Present Time Problems
2262 6101C05 22ACC-8 Methods of Clearing Technology - Finding of Havingness and Confront
2263 6101C06 22ACC-9 Processes - Presession 37 Dianetics Assist and Presession 38
2264 6101C06 22ACC-10 Clearing Routine
2265 6101C21 ACSA-1 Opening Lecture
2266 6101C21 ACSA-2 The Parts of the Mind
2267 6101C21 ACSA-3 Aberration and the Handling of
2268 6101C22 ACSA-4 Evolution of Early Research - Prehav Scale
2269 6101C22 ACSA-5 Cycle of Action, Time Track, Terminals, Stable Datum, Reactive Thought
2270 6101C22 ACSA-6 Johannesburg Staff Intros, Lecture: Clearing Certs for Auditors
2271 6101C23 3SAACC-1 HAS Co-Audit Processes and E-Meter
2272 6101C24 3SAACC-2 Presession 38
2273 6101C25 3SAACC-3 Model Session Revised
2274 6101C26 3SAACC-4 Differences Between Dianetics and Scientology - Presession 38
2275 6101C27 3SAACC-5 Creative Ability
2276 6102C02 3SAACC-6 Auditor Failures
2277 6102C03 3SAACC-7 Regimen and Prehavingness - Advances
2278 6102C06 3SAACC-8 Making Formulas Out of the Prehav Scale
2279 6102C07 3SAACC-9 What Are You Auditing?
2280 6102C08 3SAACC-10 Case Behaviour Under Processing
2281 6102C09 3SAACC-11 Mental Healing: Sanity and Insanity
2282 6102C10 3SAACC-12 Organization Lines
2283 6102C13 3SAACC-13 The Three Therapies of Earth
2284 6102C14 3SAACC-14 Fundamentals of Auditing
2285 6102C15 3SAACC-15 Havingnessand Confront Scales
2286 6102C16 3SAACC-16 Machines and Havingness
2287 6102C17 3SAACC-17 Case Conditions
2288 6105C07 SHSBC-1 E-Meter Talk and Demo
2289 6105C12 SHSBC-2 Assessment
2290 6105C19 SHSBC-3 E-Meter
2291 6105C26 SHSBC-4 On Auditing
2292 6106C01 SHSBC-5 Flattening Processand E-Meter
2293 6106C02 SHSBC-6 Flows, Pre-HavScale, Primary Scale
2294 6106C05 SHSBC-7 Routine One, Two and Three
2295 6106C06 SHSBC-8 Routine One, Two and Three
2296 6106C07 SHSBC-9 Points in Assessing
2297 6106C08 SHSBC-10 Q & A Periodand Ending an Intensive
2298 6106C09 SHSBC-11 Reading E-Meter Reactions
2299 6106C12 SHSBC-12 E-Meter Actions, Errors in Auditing
2300 6106C13 SHSBC-13 Seminar - Q & A Period
2301 6106C14 SHSBC-14 Seminar - Withholds
2302 6106C15 SHSBC-15X Not Known
2303 6106C16 SHSBC-16X Confront and Havingness 1, 2 & 3
2304 6106C19 SHSBC-15 Q & A Period - Auditing Slowdowns
2305 6106C20 SHSBC-16 Sec Check Questions - Mutual Rudiments
2306 6106C21 SHSBC-17 Seminar at Saint Hill (Auditing Speed)
2307 6106C22 SHSBC-18 RunningCCHs
2308 6106C23 SHSBC-19 Q & A Period - CCHs - Auditing
2309 6106C26 SHSBC-20 Dealing with Attacks on Scientology
2310 6106C27 SHSBC-21 CCHs - Circuits
2311 6106C28 SHSBC-22 Raw Meat - Trouble Shooting Cases
2312 6106C29 SHSBC-23 Wrong Target - Sec Check
2313 6106C30 SHSBC-24 Training on TRs - Talk on Auditing
2314 6107C03 SHSBC-26X Routine 1A - Problems
2315 6107C04 SHSBC-27X Routine 1A - Problems and Solutions
2316 6107C05 SHSBC-25 Q & A Period - Procedure in Auditing
2317 6107C06 SHSBC-26 Routine 1A - Problems
2318 6107C11 SHSBC-27 Routine 1A - Problems and Solutions
2319 6107C12 SHSBC-28 Q & A Period
2320 6107C14 SHSBC-29 Checking Ruds and Withholds
2321 6107C18 SHSBC-30 Can't Have - Create - Fundamentals of All Problems
2322 6107C19 SHSBC-31 Q & A Period: Auditor Effect on Meter
2323 6107C20 SHSBC-32 Games Conditions
2324 6107C22 LAC-1 Ron's Opening Talk and Slides (LA Congress)
2325 6108C03 SHSBC-33 Creationand Goals
2326 6108C04 SHSBC-34 Methodology of Auditing - Not Doingness and Occlusion
2327 6108C08 SHSBC-35 Forgettingness
2328 6108C09 SHSBC-36 Q & A - Goals Search
2329 6108C10 SHSBC-37 Q & A - Goals Assessment, Behavior of PC
2330 6108C11 SHSBC-38 Basics of Auditing - Matter of Factness
2331 6108C15 SHSBC-39 Q & A - Anatomy and Assessment of Goals
2332 6108C16 SHSBC-40 Unknown - Cyclic Aspects of Goals
2333 6108C17 SHSBC-41 Rudiments - Valences
2334 6108C18 SHSBC-42 Control of Attention
2335 6108C22 SHSBC-43 PTPs - Unknownnesses
2336 6108C23 SHSBC-44 Basics of Auditing
2337 6108C24 SHSBC-45 Rudiments
2338 6108C29 SHSBC-46 Basics of Auditing
2339 6106C30 SHSBC-47 Auditing Quality
2340 6108C31 SHSBC-48 What is Auditing?
2341 6109C05 SHSBC-49 Principles of Auditing
2342 6109C06 SHSBC-50 Subjective Reality
2343 6109C07 SHSBC-51 Reality in Auditing
2344 6109C12 SHSBC-52 Clearing Breakthrough
2345 6109C13 SHSBC-53 Sec Checkand Withholds
2346 6109C14 SHSBC-54 Goals and Terminals Assessment
2347 6109C19 SHSBC-55 Q & A Period - Prehav, Sec Checks, ARC BreakProcess, Sec Check and Withholds
2348 6109C20 SHSBC-56 Seminar at SH, Q & A Period - What is Knowable to the PC (Whenan
E-Meter will React), Attention, Motion, Still Pictures
2349 6109C21 SHSBC-57 Smoothness of Auditing
2350 6109C26 SHSBC-58 Teaching the Field - Sec Checks
2351 6109C27 SHSBC-59 Q & A Period; States of Beingness
2352 6109C28 SHSBC-60 Grades of Auditors
2353 6110C03 SHSBC-61 The Prior Confusion
2354 6110C04 SHSBC-62 Moral Codes: What Is A Withhold?
2355 6110C05 SHSBC-63 Sec Checking - Types of Withholds
2356 6110C10 SHSBC-64 Problems Intensive
2357 6110C11 SHSBC-65 Problems Intensive Assessment
2358 6110C12 SHSBC-66 Problems
2359 6110C17 SHSBC-67 Problems Intensive Procedures
2360 6110C18 SHSBC-68 Valences - Circuits
2361 6110C19 SHSBC-69 Q & A Period - Flows
2362 6110C24 SHSBC-70 Clearing
2363 6110C25 SHSBC-71 Importance of Goals Terminals
2364 6110C26 SHSBC-72 Security Checking Auditing Errors
2365 6110C31 SHSBC-73 Rudiments
2366 6111C01 SHSBC-74 Formation of Commands
2367 6111C02 SHSBC-75 How to Security Check
2368 6111C07 SHSBC-76 Routine 3A
2369 6111C08 SHSBC-77 Checking Case Reports
2370 6111C09 SHSBC-78 Effective Clearing
2371 6111C14 SHSBC-79 Routine 3D
2372 6111C15 SHSBC-80 Routine 3D Continued
2373 6111C16 SHSBC-81 Points in Assessing
2374 6111C21 SHSBC-82 Running 3D
2375 6111C22 SHSBC-83 Reading the E-Meter
2376 6111C23 SHSBC-84 Auxiliary Pre-Have: 3D Scale
2377 6111C28 SHSBC-85 Havingness
2378 6111C29 SHSBC-86 E-Meter Tips
2379 6111C30 SHSBC-87 Parts of 3D
2380 6112C05 SHSBC-88 Assessing 3D
2381 6112C06 SHSBC-89 Sec Checks Necessary
2382 6112C07 SHSBC-90 Expectancy of 3D
2383 6112C12 SHSBC-91 Sec Checksin Processing
2384 6112C13 SHSBC-92 Assessing 3D
2385 6112C14 SHSBC-93 Anatomy of Problems
2386 6112C19 SHSBC-94 Parts of 3D
2387 6112C20 SHSBC-95 Upgrading of Auditors
2388 6112C21 SHSBC-96 Probabilities of 3D
2389 6112C30 CHC-1 Scientology, Where are We Going
2390 6112C30 CHC-2 Auditing Perfection and Classes of Auditors
2391 6112C30 CHC-3 Parts of the 3D Package
2392 6112C31 CHC-4 The Goals Problem Mass
2393 6112C31 CHC-5 The E-Meter and It's Use& Demo by Reg Sharpe
2394 6112C31 CHC-6 Havingness, Quality of Reach
2395 6201C01 CHC-7 TheValence, How It Works
2396 6201C01 CHC-8 Goals Package Balance of Valences and Identification
2397 6201C01 CHC-9 Effectiveness and Your Effectiveness Now
2398 6201C09 SHSBC-97 Twenty-Ten - 3DXX
2399 6201C10 SHSBC-98 Sec Checks - Withholds
2400 6201C11 SHSBC-99 How to Audit
2401 6201C16 SHSBC-100 Nature of Withholds
2402 6201C17 SHSBC-101 Anatomy of 3D GPM
2403 6201C18 SHSBC-102 3D Criss Cross - GPM
2404 6201C23 SHSBC-103 Basics of Auditing
2405 6201C24 SHSBC-104 Training - Duplication
2406 6201C25 SHSBC-105 Whole Track
2407 6201C30 SHSBC-106 In-Sessionness
2408 6201C31 SHSBC-107 Usages of 3DXX
2409 6202C01 SHSBC-108 Flows
2410 6202C06 SHSBC-111 Withholds
2411 6202C07 SHSBC-112 Missed Withholds - (See 2255)
2412 6202C08 SHSBC-109 3DXX Assessment
2413 6202C13 SHSBC-110 Prep Clearing
2414 6202C14 SHSBC-117 Directing Attention
2415 6202C15 SHSBC-118 Prepchecking
2416 6202C20 SHSBC-113 What is A Withhold?
2417 6202C21 SHSBC-114 Use of Prepcheking
2418 6202C22 SHSBC-119 Prepchecking and Rudiments
2419 6202C27 SHSBC-115 Prepchecking
2420 6202C27 SHSBC-116 Auditor's Code
2421 6203C01 SHSBC-120 Model Session I
2422 6203C01 SHSBC-121 Model Session II
2423 6203C19 SHSBC-122 The Bad "Auditor"
2424 6203C19 SHSBC-123 Mechanics of Suppression
2425 6203C20 SH TVD-1 3DXX Assessment
2426 6203C20 SH TVD-2 3DXX Assessment (cont.)
2427 6203C21 SHSBC-124 Prepchecking
2428 6203C21 SHSBC-125 Prepchecking
2429 6203C27 SHSBC-130 Prepchecking Data
2430 6203C29 SHSBC-126 CCHs
2431 6203C29 SHSBC-127 Q & A Period
2432 6204C03 SHSBC-131 The Overt-Motivator Sequence
2433 6204C05 SHSBC-128 Sacredness of Cases - Self-Determinism, Other-Determinism and Pan-Determinism
2434 6204C05 SHSBC-129 As-Isness, People Who Can and Can't As-is
2435 6204C17 SHSBC-132 Auditing
2436 6204C17 SHSBC-133 How and Why Auditing Works
2437 6204C19 SHSBC-134 Gross Auditing Errors
2438 6204C19 SHSBC-135 Determining What to Run
2439 6204C24 SHSBC-136 Rundown on 3DXX, Part I
2440 6204C24 SHSBC-137 Rundown on 3DXX, Part II
2441 6204C25 SH TVD-3 Checking Line Plots
2442 6204C26 SHSBC-138 Rundown on Prepchecking (Professional Attitude)
2443 6204C26 SHSBC-139 Rundown on Routine 3: Routine 3AXX
2444 6205C01 SHSBC-140 Missed Withholds
2445 6205C01 SHSBC-141 Routine 3G, Experimental Preview of a Clearing Process
2446 6205C02 SH TVD-4A Prepchecking (Aud: LRH), Part I
2447 6205C02 SH TVD-4B Prepchecking, Part II
2448 6205C03 SHSBC-142 Craftmanship, Fundamentals
2449 6205C03 SHSBC-143 Prepchecking
2450 6205C15 SHSBC-144 New Training Sections
2451 6205C15 SHSBC-145 New TRs
2452 6205C16 SH TVD-5A Patching Up 3DXX Cases, Part I (LRHMTS-3)
2453 6205C16 SH TVD-5B Patching Up 3DXX Cases, Part II (Aud LRH... SPC-D)
2454 6205C17 SHSBC-146 Auditing Errors
2455 6205C17 SHSBC-147 Prepchecking
2456 6205C22 SHSBC-150 Administration of Courses
2457 6205C22 SHSBC-151 Missed Withholds
2458 6205C23 SH TVD-6 Check on "What" Questions and Havingness Probe (LRH MTS-4) (PC: Smokey Angell)
2459 6203C23 SH TVD-7 Fish and Fumble - Checking Dirty Needles (LRH MTS-5) (PC: Fred Hare)
2460 6205C24 SHSBC-148 E-Meter - Instant Reads, Part I
2461 6205C24 SHSBC-149 E-Meter Data - Instant Reads, Part II
2462 6205C29 SHSBC-152 Question and Answer Period
2463 6205C29 SHSBC-153 Security Check Prepchecking
2464 6205C30 SH TVD-8A Getting Rudiments In (LRH Auditing Demo), Part I
2465 6205C30 SH TVD-8B Getting Rudiments In, Part II
2466 6205C31 SHSBC-154 Value of Rudiments
2467 6205C31 SHSBC-155 Middle Rudiments
2468 6206C12 SHSBC-160 How to Do Goals Assessment
2469 6206C12 SHSBC-161 Middle Rudiments
2470 6206C13 SH TVD-9 Checking Out A Goal, Part I
2471 6206C13 SH TVD-10 Checking Out A Goal - Fish and Fumble - Part II
2472 6206C14 SHSBC-156 Future Technology
2473 6206C14 SHSBC-157 Listing
2474 6206C19 SHSBC-158 Do's and Don'ts of R3GA
2475 6206C19 SHSBC-159 Question and Answer Period
2476 6206C20 SHTVD-10Spec New Model Session
2477 6206C21 SHSBC-162 Model Session Revised
2478 6206C21 SHSBC-163 Question and Answer Period
2479 6206C26 SHSBC-164 E-Meter Quality
2480 6206C26 SHSBC-165 Prepchecking
2481 6206C28 SHSBC-166 Rudiments
2482 6206C28 SHSBC-167 Question and Answer Period
2483 6207C10 SHSBC-168 Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking, Part I
2484 6207C10 SHSBC-169 Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking, Part II
2485 6207C12 SHSBC-174 Meter Reading
2486 6207C12 SHSBC-175 Meter Training
2487 6207C17 SHSBC-170 E-Meter Reads and ARC Breaks
2488 6207C17 SHSBC-171 Anatomy of ARC Breaks
2489 6207C19 SHSBC-172 The E-Meter
2490 6207C19 SHSBC-173 Question and Answer Period
2491 6207C24 SHSBC-176 Routine 3GA, Part I
2492 6207C24 SHSBC-177 Routine 3GA, Part II
2493 6207C26 SHSBC-178 Routine 3GA
2494 6207C26 SHSBC-179 Prepchecking
2495 6208C07 SHSBC-180 Routine 3GA Data on Goals, Part I
2496 6208C07 SHSBC-181 Routine 3GA Data on Goals, Part II
2497 6208C08 SH TVD-11 Routine 3GA Nulling Goals (LRH Auditing Demo) (PC: MSH)
2498 6208C09 SHSBC-182 Clearing
2499 6208C09 SHSBC-183 Goals Listing
2500 6208C14 SHSBC-184 Rock Slams and Dirty Needles
2501 6208C14 SHSBC-185 World Clearing
2502 6208C15 SH TVD-12A 3GA Dynamic Assessment - Listing Items for Dynamics, I
2503 6208C15 SH TVD-12B 3GA Dynamic Assessment - Listing Items for Dynamics, II
2504 6208C16 SHSBC-186 3GA Dynamic Assessment ("A" side only)
2505 6208C21 SHSBC-187 Finding Goals by Dynamic Assessment
2506 6208C21 SHSBC-188 Basics of Auditing
2507 6208C22 SH TVD-13A Dynamic Assessment and Item Assessment, Part I
2508 6208C22 SH TVD-13B Dynamic Assessment and Item Assessment, Part II
2509 6209C01 CSC-1 Presentation of the GPM
2510 6209C01 CSC-2 The Point Where the PC Begins to Get Clear
2511 6209C01 CSC-3 Basic Purpose
2512 6209C02 CSC-4 The Healing Effect of Preparatory Auditing (Suppress Button)
2513 6209C02 CSC-5 Staff Inroduction - Demo: J.Fudge
2514 6209C02 CSC-6 The Problems Intensive, Mechanics and Problems
2515 6209C03 CSC-7 World Clearing and You
2516 6209C03 CSC-8 Slides Shown by Reg Sharpe
2517 6209C03 CSC-9 Your Scientology Orgs and What They Do for You
2518 6209C18 SHSBC-189 Directing PC's Attention
2519 6209C18 SHSBC-190 3GA Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam
2520 6209C19 SH TVD-14A Tiger Drill, Part 1
2521 6209C19 SH TVD-14B Tiger Drill, Part 2
2522 6209C20 SHSBC-191 Listing Lines
2523 6209C20 SHSBC-192 Geriatrics
2524 6209C25 SHSBC-193 Current Trends
2525 6209C25 SHSBC-194 3GA Assessment
2526 6209C26 TVD Nulling Goals Session
2527 6209C27 SHSBC-195 3GA Listing
2528 6209C27 SHSBC-195A 3GA Listing
2529 6210C02 SHSBC-196 3GA Listing Lines by Tiger Buttons
2530 6210C02 SHSBC-197 3GA listing Lines by Tiger Buttons, 2nd Lecture
2531 6210C03 SH TVD-15A Prepchecking a Goal, Part I
2532 6210C03 SH TVD-15B Prepchecking a Goal, Part II
2533 6210C04 SHSBC-198 Modern Security Checking
2534 6210C04 SHSBC-199 Making a Goal Fire
2535 6210C09 SHSBC-200 Future Org Trends
2536 6210C09 SHSBC-201 Instructor's Bugbear
2537 6210C11 SHSBC-202 3GA Goals Finding
2538 6210C11 SHSBC-203 3GA Goals Finding
2539 6210C23 SHSBC-202X 3GA Criss Cross
2540 6210C23 SHSBC-203X 3GAXX Following the Rock Slam
2541 6210C25 SHSBC-208 3GAXX
2542 6210C25 SHSBC-209 3GAXX Secondary Pre-Hav Scale
2543 6210C30 SHSBC-204 Pre-Hav Scales and Lists
2544 6210C30 SHSBC-205 Listing Goals
2545 6211C01 SHSBC-206 The Missed Missed Withhold
2546 6211C01 SHSBC-207 The Road to Truth
2547 6211C13 SHSBC-210 The Difficult Case
2548 6211C13 SHSBC-211 Entrance to Cases
2549 6211C15 SHSBC-212 Terminals
2550 6211C15 SHSBC-213 Clearing Technology
2551 6211C20 SHSBC-214 The GPM
2552 6211C20 SHSBC-215 Fundamentals of Auditing
2553 6211C22 SHSBC-216 Q & A Period, Part 1
2554 6211C22 SHSBC-217 Q & A Period, Part 2
2555 6211C27 SHSBC-218 Routine 2-12
2556 6211C27 SHSBC-219 Routine 2-12
2557 6211C29 SHSBC-220 R2-12 Theory and Practice, Part I
2558 6211C29 SHSBC-221 R2-12 Theory and Practice, Part II
2559 6212C11 SHSBC-222 R2-12 Data
2560 6212C11 SHSBC-223 Phantom R/S
2561 6212C13 SHSBC-224 R2-12 Data - Needle Behavior
2562 6212C13 SHSBC-225 Repair of R2-12 - Clean Needle
2563 6301C08 SHSBC-226 R2-10 and R2-12
2564 6301C08 SHSBC-227 Case Repair
2565 6301C10 SHSBC-228 R2-12
2566 6301C10 SHSBC-229 How to Audit
2567 6301C10 INTERVIEW St. Hill Interview, LRH with Australian Press at St. Hill
2568 6301C15 SHSBC-230 R2-12 Dead Horses
2569 6301C15 SHSBC-231 R2-12 Nevers
2570 6301C16 SH TVD-16 TR 0 Demo
2571 6301C16 SHSBC-232 TR 0 Lecture
2571.1 6301C16 SHSBC-233 TR 0 Lecture
2572 6302C06 Instructors Conference
2573 6302C07 SHSBC-234 R-3MX, Part I
2574 6302C07 SHSBC-235 R-3MX, Part II
2575 6302C12 SHSBC-236 Routine3M
2576 6302C13 SHSBC-237 TVD-16, Mid. Rud. and Hav.
2577 6302C13 SHSBC-238 Discussion by LRH of TVD
2578 6302C14 SHSBC-239 Routine 3M
2579 6302C19 SHSBC-240 Rundown on Processes
2580 6302C20 SHSBC-241 Talk on TV Demo - Finding RRs
2581 6302C21 SHSBC-242 R-2 and R-3 Current Auditing Rundown
2582 6302C26 SHSBC-243 R-3M Current Rundown by Steps
2583 6302C27 SHSBC-246 TVD-17 Case Repair (Aud: LRH)
2584 6302C27 SHSBC-246A TVD-17A Case Repair (Aud: LRH)
2585 6302C28 SHSBC-244 Goals Problems Mass
2586 6303C05 SHSBC-245 R-2 and R-3 Urgent Data
2587 6303C07 SHSBC-247 When Faced With The Unusual Do the Usual
2588 6303C13 SHSBC Auditing and Assessment (See2501)
2589 6303C19 SHSBC-248 R-3M How to Find Goals
2590 6303C19 SHSPEC Flattening A Process (See2509)
2591 6303C20 SH TVD-18 Rudiments and Havingness Session and Short Lecture (Aud: LRH, PC: R.Sharpe)
2592 6303C21 SHSBC-251 R-2G Series
2593 6303C26 SHSBC-252 Case Repair
2594 6303C27 SHSBC-254 TVD-19 Sec Checking, Talk by LRH (Aud: R.Sharpe; PS: Leslie Van Der Statten)
2595 6303C28 SHSBC-253 The GPM
2596 6304C02 SHSBC-256 Line Plot, Items
2597 6304C04 SHSBC-255 Anatomy of the GPM
2598 6304C16 SHSBC-257 Top of GPM
2599 6304C18 SHSBC-258 Directive Listing
2600 6304C20 PAC-1 Clearing
2601 6304C20 PAC-2 Clearing
2602 6304C23 SHSBC-259 Goals Problem Mass
2603 6304C25 SHSBC-260 Finding Goals
2604 6304C30 SHSBC-261 Directive Listing
2605 6305C02 SHSBC-262 Running the GPM
2606 6305C14 SHSBC-263 Implant GPMs
2607 6305C15 SHSBC-264 TVD-20, Blocking Out and Dating Items and Incidents Prior to Implants
2608 6305C16 SHSBC-265 The Time Track
2609 6305C21 SHSBC-266 The Helatrobus Implants
2610 6305C22 SHSBC-267 TVD-21, Engram Running - Helatrobus Implant (Aud: LRH) Goal "To Be Serious" (PC: MSH)
2611 6305C23 SHSBC-268 State of O.T.
2612 6305C28 SHSBC-269 Handling ARC Breaks
2613 6305C29 SHSBC-270 Programming Cases, Part 1
2614 6305C30 SHSBC-271 Programming Cases, Part 2
2615 6306C11 SHSBC-272 Engram Chain Running
2616 6306C12 SHSBC-273 ARC Straightwire
2617 6306C13 SHSBC-274 Levels of Case
2618 6306C18 SHSBC-275 Beingness
2619 6306C19 SHSBC-276 Summary of Modern Auditing
2620 6306C20 SHSBC-277 History of Psychotherapy
2621 6306C25 SHSBC-278 Routine2H
2622 6306C26 SHSBC-279 TVD-22, Listing Assessment for Engram Running, 1
2623 6306C27 SHSBC-280 TVD-23, Listing Assessment for Engram Running, 2
2624 6306C09 SHSBC-281 The Free Being
2625 6307C10 SHSBC-282 Auditing Skills for R-3R
2626 6307C10 SHSBC-284A Preliminary Steps of R-3R, Part 1
2627 6307C10 SHSBC-284B Preliminary Steps of R-3R, Part 2
2628 6307C11 SHSBC-283 ARC Breaks
2629 6307C16 SHSBC-285 Tips on Running R-3R
2630 6307C17 SHSBC-286 Dating
2631 6307C18 SHSBC-287 Errors in Time
2632 6307C23 SHSBC-288 Between Lives Implants
2633 6307C24 SHSBC-289 ARC Breaks and the Comm Cycle - The Revised Model Session
2634 6307C25 SHSBC-290 Comm Cycles in Auditing
2635 6308C06 SHSBC-291 Auditing Comm Cycles - Definition of An Auditor
2636 6308C07 SHSBC-292 R-2H Fundamentals
2637 6308C08 SHSBC-293 R-2H Assessment
2638 6308C14 SHSBC-294 Auditing Tips
2639 6308C15 SHSBC-295 The Tone Arm
2640 6308C20 SHSBC-296 The Itsa Line
2641 6308C21 SHSBC-297 The Itsa Line (cont.)
2642 6308C22 SHSBC-298 Project 80
2643 6308C27 SHSBC-299 Rightness and Wrongness
2644 6308C28 SHSBC-300 TheTAand theServiceFacsimile
2645 6308C29 SHSBC-301 The Service Facsimile (cont.)
2646 6309C03 SHSBC-302A R3SC
2647 6309C04 SHSBC-302 How to Find A Service Facsimile
2648 6309C05 SHSBC-303 Service Fac Assessment
2649 6309C10 SHSBC-304 Destimulation of A Case
2650 6309C11 SHSBC-305 Service Facs and GPMs
2651 6309C12 SHSBC-306 Service Facs
2652 6309C17 SHSBC-307 What You Are Auditing
2653 6309C18 SHSBC-308 St. Hill Service Fac Handling
2654 6309C19 SHSBC-309 Routine 4M TA (HCOB 2 Oct 63 cancels R4M TA)
2655 6309C24 Summary I, (cancelled by HCOB 12 Oct 63) (Not Released)
2656 6309C25 SHSBC-310 Summary II Scientology 0
2657 6309C26 SHSBC-311 Summary III About Level IV Aud.
2658 6310C15 SHSBC-312 Essentials of Auditing
2659 6310C16 SHSBC-313 The Itsa Maker Line
2660 6310C17 SHSBC-314 Levels of Auditing
2661 6310C21 SHSBC-315 Attack and GPMs
2662 6310C22 SHSBC-316 The Integration of Auditing
2663 6310C23 SHSBC-317 Auditing the GPM
2664 6310C29 SHSBC-318 Routine 4
2665 6310C30 SHSBC-319 R4 Case Assembly
2666 6310C31 SHSBC-320 R4M2 Programming
2667 6311C05 SHSBC-321 Three Zones of Auditing
2668 6311C07 SHSBC-322 Relationship of Training to O.T.
2669 6311C16 Interview with Saturday Evening Post
2670 6311C17 Interview with Saturday Evening Post
2671 6311C26 SHSBC-323 R4 Auditing
2672 6311C27 SHSBC-330 TVD-25, Auditing Demo and Comments by LRH
2673 6311C28 SHSBC-324 Seven Classifications
2674 6311C28 SESSION MSH Auditing LRH
2675 6311C28 SESSION MSH Auditing LRH
2676 6311C29 SESSION MSH Auditing LRH
2677 6312C02 SESSION PT Truncated GPM (LRH Auditing MSH)
2678 6312C03 SESSION Finding A Next Goal (LRH Auditing MSH)
2679 6312C03 SHSBC-325 Certifications and Classifications
2680 6312C04 SHSBC-326 TVD-24, Basic Auditing
2681 6312C04 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2682 6312C05 SHSBC-327 Basic Auditing
2683 6312C10 SHSBC-328 Scientology 0
2684 6312C10 SHSBC-372B The Dangerous Environment
2685 6312C11 Session Goals to Do and Think
2686 6312C12 SHSBC-329 Summary of O.T. Processes
2687 6312C13 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2688 6312C15 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2689 6312C20 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2690 6312C22 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2691 6312C23 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2692 6312C30 SH SC-1A Summary of R6, Part 1
2693 6312C30 SH SC-1B Summary of R6, Part 2
2694 6312C31 SH SC-2&3 Objects of the Mind
2695 6312C31 SHSPEC-1 Indicators
2696 6312C31 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH
2697 6401C01 SESSION LRH Auditing MSH R6
2698 6401C01 SH SC-4 R6 Indicators
2699 6401C07 SHSPEC-2 Good Indicators (Lower Levels)
2700 6401C09 SHSPEC-3 Bad Indicators
2701 6401C16 SH SC-5A On R6, Part 1
2702 6401C16 To Instructors on Routine 6 (could be same tape as above)
2703 6401C16 SH SC-5B On R6, Part 2
2704 6401C20 SH SC-6A R6 Line Plots and Admin, Part 1
2705 6401C20 SH SC-6B R6 Line Plots and Admin, Part 2
2706 6401C21 SH SC-7A R6 Case Analysis, Part 1
2707 6401C21 SH SC-7B R6 Case Analysis, Part 2
2708 6402C04 SHSPEC-4 Auditor Self-Criticism
2709 6402C05 SH SC-8A The Pattern of the Bank (film), Part 1
2710 6402C05 SH SC-8B The Pattern of the Bank (film), Part 2
2711 6402C06 SH SC-9 R6 on Items and Goals
2712 6402C06 SHSPEC-5 Comm Cycle in Auditing
2713 6402C09 SHDEMO Auditing Session
2714 6402C09 DEMO2 LRH Audits MSH "First Recorded Session on Bringing About
2715 6402C11 SH SC-10 Commands Bad Indicators
2716 6402C13 SH SC-11A Goals, Part 1
2717 6402C13 SH SC-11B Goals, Part 2
2718 6402C17 SH SC-12A Goals Listing and Plotting, Part 1
2719 6402C17 SH SC-12B Goals Listing and Plotting, Part 2
2720 6402C18 SH SC-13A Technical Rules and Bad Indicators, Part 1
2721 6402C18 SH SC-13B Technical Rules and Bad Indicators, Part 2
2722 6402C19 SH SC-14A GPM Series and Examination Review, Part 1
2723 6402C19 SH SC-14B GPM Series and Examination Review, Part 2
2724 6402C20 SH SC-15 Goals Finding and Plotting
2725 6402C24 SH SC-16 Q&A on R6 (CONFID)
2726 6402C25 SH SC-17A The Goals Pattern, Part 1
2727 6402C25 SH SC-17B The Goals Pattern, Part 2
2728 6402C25 SHSPEC-6 What Auditing Is and What It Isn't
2729 6403C03 SHSPEC-7 Auditing and Assessment (Same as SHSPEC 248)
2730 6403C05 SHSPEC-8 Case Analysis - Healing
2731 6403C10 SHSPEC-9 Summary of Lower Levels - Clearing at Level Four
2732 6403C12 SH SPEC-10A Track Analysis (film)
2733 6403C12 SH SPEC-10B Running GPMs (film)
2734 6403C17 SH SPEC-11 The Road to Perfection
2735 6403C18 SH TVD TV Demo's Comments by LRH - MSH auditing LRH (Goals Plotting R6)
2736 6403C19 SH SPEC-12 Model Session, Handling an ARC Break) (SHSPEC 2&2B) Flattening a Process
2737 6403C24 SH SPEC-13 International City
2738 6404C10 SH SPEC-14 How to Manage a Course
2739 6404C14 SH SPEC-15 The Classification Gradation Program
2740 6404C16 SH SPEC-16 Auditing by Lists
2741 6404C21 SH SPEC-17 Problems and Solutions
2742 6404C28 SH SPEC-18 Wisdom As An Auditor
2743 6404C30 SH SPEC-19 Effectiveness of Processing
2744 6405C19 SH SPEC-20A R6 Remarks1 Goal End Word Running
2745 6405C19 SH SPEC-20 The Preclear and Getting Auditing to Work
2746 6406C01 SH SC-18 The Line Plot - Goals Plot - Series Plot (CONFID)
2747 6406C04 SH SPEC-21 R6 Auditing Skills
2748 6406C09 SH SPEC-22 The Cycle of Action - Its Interpretation on the E-Meter
2749 6406C16 SH SPEC-23 "Communication" Overts and Responsibility
2750 6406C18 SH SPEC-24 Studying, Introduction; also issued as ST-1
2751 6406C30 SH SPEC-25 Cause Level, OT and the Public
2752 6407C02 SH SPEC-26 O/W Modernized and Reviewed
2753 6407C07 SH SPEC-27 Dissemination
2754 6407C09 SH SPEC-28 Studying - Data Assimilation; also issued as ST-2
2755 6407C14 SH SPEC-29 Track and Bank Anatomy
2756 6407C15 SH SPEC-30 Organizational Operation
2757 6407C27 HASI Address to HASI LTD. Share Holders
2758 6407C28 SH SPEC-31 Campaign to Handle Psychosomatic Ills
2759 6407C30 SH SPEC-32 Psychosomatic - Its Meaning in Scientology
2760 6408C04 SH SPEC-33 A Summary of Study; also issued as ST-3
2761 6408C06 SH SPEC-34 Study - Gradients and Nomenclature; also issued as ST-4
2762 6408C11 SH SPEC-35 Evaluation of Information; also issued as ST-5
2763 6408C13 SH SPEC-36 Study and Education; also issued as ST-6
2764 6409C01 SH SPEC-37 The PE Course
2765 6409C03 SH SPEC-38 Clearing - What It Is
2766 6409C15 SH SPEC-39 Scientolopgy and Tradition
2767 6409C22 SH SPEC-40 A Review of Study; also issued as ST-7
2768 6409C29 SH SPEC-41 Gradients
2769 6410C13 SH SPEC-42 Cycles of Action
2770 6410C20 SH SPEC-43 Levels - The Reason for Them
2771 6410C27 SH SPEC-44 The Failed Case
2772 6411C03 SH SPEC-45 Programs
2773 6411C04 SH SPEC-48 Comments on Clay Table TVD by LRH
2774 6411C10 SH SPEC-46 PTPs, Overts and ARC Breaks
2775 6411C17 Interview with Mr Phelon (CONFID)
2776 6411C17 SH SPEC-47 Styles of Auditing
2777 6412C15 SH SPEC-49 Communication - A Gradient on Duplication
2778 6412C22 SH SPEC-50 Mastery of the GPMs (films) (CONFID)
2779 6412C30 SH SPEC-51 Pattern of the Bank (film) (CONFID)
2780 6502C23 SH SPEC-52 Level VII
2781 6503C02 SH SPEC-53 Technology and Hidden Standards
2782 6503C09 SH SPEC-54 The New Organizational Structure
2783 6503C16 SH SPEC-55 The Progress and Future of Scientology
2784 6503C30 SH SPEC-56 ARC Breaks and Generalities (General Rules?)
2785 6504C06 SH SPEC-57 Org Board and Livingness
2786 6504C13 SH SPEC-58 The Lowest Levels
2787 6504C27 SH SPEC-59 Awarenes sLevels
2788 6505C11 SH SPEC-60 ARC Breaks and PTPs, the Differentiation
2789 6505C16 SH SPEC-61 Organization and Ethics
2790 6505C25 SH SPEC-62 The Five Conditions
2791 6506C08 SH SPEC-63 Handling the PTS
2792 6506C29 SH SPEC-64 The Well-Rounded Auditor
2793 6507C27 SH SPEC-65 Stages of Release
2794 6509C03 CC-1 Material of the R6 Bank (filmed lecture)
2795 6509C09 SH SPEC-66 Classification and Gradation (also available as a film)
2796 6509C21 SH SPEC-67 Out Tech
2797 6510C09 Three Main Points Watched for in Review
2798 6510C14 SH SPEC-68 Briefing to Review Auditors
2799 6512C01 Conference Memo to Commodore White on TASC
2800 6512C20 Conference on Speed Up of Waiting Lists
2801 65xxCxx nodate - Filmed Interview with LRH by Tony Hitchman
2802 6601C25 Conference with Comps
2803 6602C12 Interns Conference
2804 6602C12 Interns Conference
2805 6605C06 LRH to SH & WW Staff
2806 6606C27 DEMO LRH Solo Session Demo
2807 6607C19 SH SPEC-69 About Rhodesia
2808 6607C21 SH SPEC-70 Dianetic Auditing
2809 6607C26 SH SPEC-71 The Classification Chart and Auditing
2810 6607C28 SH SPEC-72 Dianetics Auditing and the Mind
2811 6608C02 SH SPEC-73 Suppressives and GAEs
2812 6608C04 SH SPEC-74 Dianetics, Scientology and Society
2813 6608C16 SH SPEC-75 Releasesand Clears
2814 6608C18 SH SPEC-76 Study and Intention (also known as Roundup of Study Materials); also
2815 6608C23 SH SPEC-77 issued as ST-8 Organization
2816 6608C25 SH SPEC-78 The Anti-Social Personality
2817 6609C01 SH SPEC-79 Gradients and ARC
2818 6609C08 SH SPEC-80 States of Identity
2819 6611C01 SH SPEC-81 Government and Organization
2820 6611C29 SH SPEC-82 Scientology Definitions I - OT and Clear Defined
2821 6612C06 SH SPEC-83 Scientology Definitions II
2822 6612C13 SH SPEC-84 Scientology Definitions III
2823 6701C12 OT & Clear - Graduation aboard "Royal Scotsman"
2824 6702C25 The Big Auditing Problem
2825 6709C20 SPECLECT Ron's Journal 1967
2826 6710C10 SO Talk to the Royal Scotsman Crew
2827 6711C16 SO Watch, Quarter and Station Bill (WQSB)
2828 6711C18 SO A Talk to Saint Hill and World-Wide Ethics Officers
2829 6711C19 SPECLECT Ron's Talk to Pubs WW & WW Execs re symbols and their use
2830 6711C23 Ron's Talk to ECWW
2831 6711C30 SO Crew Training
2832 6712C10 SO Form and Manner of Keeping Watches
2833 68xxCxx SPECLECT Talk to ECWWonRSat Southampton
2834 6801C05 AO-1 Fast Flow and Inspection before the Fact
2835 6801C12 AO-2 Those Who Will Put Things Right
2836 6801C17 SO Weather
2837 6801C26 AO-4 Ron's Talk at 4th Graduation on RS (Apollo)
2838 6809C24 SO Class VIII-1: Welcome to the Class VIII Course. An Introduction to Standard Tech
2839 6809C25 SO Class VIII-2: What Standard Tech Does
2840 6809C26 SO Class VIII-3: The Laws of Case Supervision
2841 6809C27 SO Class VIII-4: Standard Tech Defined
2842 6809C28 SO Class VIII-5: The Standard Green Form and Rudiments
2843 6809C29 SO Class VIII-6: Mechanics of Techniques and Study Matter
2844 6809C30 SO Class VIII-7: Case Supervisor Do's and Don'ts - The Total Rationale and Backgroundof Auditing
2845 6810C01 SO Class VIII-8: Certainty of Standard Tech
2846 6810C02 SO Class VIII-9: Laws of Listing and Nulling
2847 6810C03 SO Class VIII-10: Assists
2848 6810C07 SO Class VIII-11: Assessments and Lisiting Basics
2849 6810C08 SO Class VIII-12: More on Basics
2850 6810C09 SO Class VIII-13: Ethicsand Case Supervision
2851 6810C10 SO Class VIII-14: Auditor Attitude and the Bank
2852 6810C11 SO Class VIII-15: Auditor Additives, Lists and CaseSupervising
2853 6810C12 SO Class VIII-16: Standard Tech
2854 6810C13 SO Class VIII-17: The Basics and Simplicities of Standard Tech
2855 6810C14 SO Class VIII-18: The New Auditor's Code
2856 6810C15 SO Class VIII-19: An Evaluation of Examination - Answers and Data on Standard Tech
2857 6811Cxx SPECLECT Ron's Journal 1968
2858 6902C02 R-Factor Talk to Registrar
2859 6905C29 SOSPEC-1 First Standard Dianetics Graduation - The Dianetic Program
2860 6910C15 WSO-1 Welcome to the SeaOrg: Quality of the SeaOrg - What is a Seaman
2861 6910C16 WSO-2 Welcome to the SeaOrg: Drills
2862 6910C17 WSO-3 Welcome to the SeaOrg: Why the SeaOrg is Successful
2863 6910C20 WSO-4 Welcome to the SeaOrg: Third Dynamic Activity and Making Things Go Right
2864 6910C21 WSO-5 Welcome to the SeaOrg: It's A PR World
2865 7001C30 SO A Succinct View of PR
2866 7003C27 SO The Difference Between Intelligence and PR - Part I (for PRO Course Only)
2867 7003C27 SO The Difference Between Intelligence and PR - PART II (for PRO CourseOnly)
2868 7006C21 SPECLECT Expanded Grades and Training
2869 7007C03 LRH Tape to Grand National Convention in Los Angeles (this tape same as the above per P.J.)
2870 7007C15 Mission and Orders Port Manteau
2871 7009C16 SO A Talk on Department 13, the Department of Personnel Enhancement
2872 7011C17 SOFEBC-1 Welcome to the FEBC
2873 7101C18 SOFEBC-2 PR Becomes a Subject
2874 7101C18 SOFEBC-3 The Org Officer/Product Officer System, Part I
2875 7101C18 SOFEBC-4 The Org Officer/Product Officer System, Part II
2876 7101C23 SOFEBC-5 How to Post An Org
2877 7101C23 SOFEBC-6 The Org Officer and His Resources, Part I
2878 7101C23 SOFEBC-7 TheOrg Officer and His Resources, Part II
2879 7101C24 SOFEBC-8 Viability and the Role of the HAS
2880 7101C24 SOFEBC-9 Production and Resources of the HAS
2881 7101C24 SOFEBC-10 The HAS and the "Coins" of the Org
2882 7102C03 SOFEBC-11 As You Return to Your Org
2883 7102C03 SOFEBC-12 The FEBC Org Board and Its VFPs
2884 7103C02 ToFSOonVFPs
2885 7105C09 SOLECT Training People to Train
2886 7106C12 SO Welcome to the Internship
2887 7106C14 LRH Briefing to Bill Foster
2888 7109C05 SO A Talk on Basic Qual - I
2889 7109C05 SO A Talk on Basic Qual - II
2890 7202C26 LRH/MTS-1 CCH: Steps 1-4 Demo (5707C07 FC-15)
2891 7202C26 LRH/MTS-2 Demo of An Assist (5911C09 1MACC-2)
2892 7202C26 LRH/MTS-3 Patching Up Two 3DXX Cases (6205C16 SHTVD-5A&B)
2893 7202C26 LRH/MTS-4 Checking on "What" Questions and Havingness Probe (6205C23 SH
2894 7202C26 LRH/MTS-5 Fish and Fumble - Checking Dirty Needles (6205C23 SHTVD xx)
2895 7203C01 ESTO-1 Esto Instant Hat, Part I
2896 7203C01 ESTO-2 Esto Instant Hat, Part II
2897 7203C02 ESTO-3 Evaluation and Handling of Personnel, Part I
2898 7203C02 ESTO-4 Evaluation and Handling of Personnel, Part II
2899 7203C03 ESTO-5 Handling Personnel, Part I
2900 7203C03 ESTO-6 Handling Personnel, Part II
2901 7203C04 ESTO-7 Hold the Form of the Org, Part I
2902 7203C04 ESTO-8 Hold the Form of the Org, Part II