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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Credo of a Good and Skilled Manager - 510100 | Сравнить
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January 1951January 1951

To be effective and successful a manager must:

Group repair is actually a study of the tone scale and mental equipment of the leader of a group.

  1. Understand as fully as possible the goals and aims of the group he manages. He must be able to see and embrace the ideal attainment of the goal as envisioned by a goal maker. He must be able to tolerate and better the practical attainments and advances of which his group and its members may be capable. He must strive to narrow, always, the ever existing gulf between the ideal and the practical.

A group is no more ethical than its system of ethics. Ethics are a direct measure of a position on the tone scale. A system for measuring the ethic of any individual or group could be devised from tests measuring the communication, affinity and reality factors of the individual. Likewise a system of measuring the ethic of a group could be devised from a study of its communication, affinity and reality factors.

  • He must realize that a primary mission is the full and honest interpretation by himself of the ideal and ethic and their goals and aims to his subordinates and the group itself. He must lead creatively and persuasively toward these goals his subordinates, the group itself and the individuals of the group.
  • Theta is as pure as it has truth in it. The amount of Theta in a pure state in an individual or group measures the life potential and energy of the group. We study, in Theta, not only reason and ideals, but also the dynamic — the energy and longevity — of survival. Thus when we say “amount of Theta” we could also say “amount of reason” and “abundance of energy expended toward survival.”

  • He must embrace the organization and act solely for the entire organization and never form or favor cliques. His judgment of individuals of the group should be solely in the light of their worth to the entire group.
  • Ethics are distinct from morals. Ethics are the factors of survival as they reasonably and currently apply to the problem. Honesty, derivably, is the highest level of survival. Potential of survival can also be measured, in other words, in terms of the amount of truth discovered and applied to given problems and situations. Morals have only to do with habits and customs and are to a large degree reactive, not reasonable.

  • He must never falter in sacrificing individuals to the good of the group both in planning and execution and in his justice.
  • On the tone scale it can be seen that survival potential drops lower and lower as communication, affinity and reality drop lower and lower. Death is no affinity, no communication, no reality and no survival. As one spots a group or an individual on the tone scale he can spot exact and precise reactions of ARC for that individual. Around two, as for communications, the individual will censor communications. Around two he has overt hostility for his affinity. Around two he has challenge, interruption for his agreement. Lower, around 1.5, he deals with perversion of communications, hatred for his affinity and utter disagreement for his agreement (reality). Around 1.0 he has cut-off for communications, covert hostility for his affinity and contradiction for his agreement.

  • He must protect all established communication lines and complement them where necessary.
  • As an individual is upon the tone scale so will he inevitably handle ARC. As a group exists on a tone scale, so will it inevitably handle ARC.

  • He must protect all affinity in his charge and have himself an affinity for the group itself.
  • Below 2.0, whatever his expressed intentions, the individual works as enTheta and enMEST and as the tone sinks to 1.0 will actually kill himself and other individuals or groups. He talks of death and emergencies. He advises powerful remedies for “potential death” situations. And although he may seem to work hard to “remedy” the situations he postulates, he will yet produce only reduced survival or death for himself, his associates or his group. He may seem to be working with the highest effectiveness, he may believe he is doing his very best and yet the end product of his endeavor will be reduced survival or death.

  • He must attain always to the highest creative reality.
  • Napoleon used to choose his generals on the basis of all their qualifications and one final factor, “Is he lucky?” We are possibly looking at the anatomy of luck when we look at an individual’s position on the tone scale. Theta will attract MEST to it. And what do we mean by luck except an x factor by which an individual or group obtains MEST with minimal effort. An investigation, not yet made, might demonstrate that even in gambling a man’s luckiness could be forecast by his psychometry. As the accident prone collects accidents, so does the 2.0 and below individual collect bad luck. Those things with which he associates break or become involved as to ownership.

  • His planning must accomplish, in the light of goals and aims, the activity of the entire group. He must never let organizations grow and sprawl but, learning by pilots, must keep organizational planning fresh and flexible.
  • His friends seem to melt away. “Life goes against him.” A group, situated below 2.0 on the tone scale, has vast trouble with its possessions and property. It seems to alienate other groups. It is not lucky or prosperous. Actually, in both cases, the suicide spiral has been entered and the actions of the life cycle tend to require that the individual or the group commit suicide. EnTheta, once in action, contages its turbulence into other Theta and organized MEST and when enough can be generated death can take place and another cycle can be begun, a new individual, a new group.

  • He must recognize in himself the rationale of the group and receive and evaluate the data out of which he makes his solutions with the highest attention to the truth of that data.
  • The death of an individual or the death of an enterprise or nation follows this spiral toward suicide. The way stations are the points of action on the ARC survival tone scale. Look at the points of action for affinity on the tone scale, or for reality or for communication, and you can see how much inclined toward death for the individual or the group will be the actions of that individual or group.

  • He must constitute himself on the orders of service to the group.
  • Reversing the viewpoint, by spotting the position of the individual on the tone scale or by spotting the position of the group by what he or it does with ARC, one can see the survival potential of the group in terms of energy and longevity.

  • He must permit himself to be served well as to his individual requirements, practicing an economy of his own efforts and enjoying certain comforts to the wealth of keeping high his rationale.
  • Thus, we could see, for instance, that an administrator favored secrecy in his dealings, that he practiced cruelty on individuals of a group but masked the cruelty under “necessity,” that he altered or suppressed every plan submitted to him — one could spot him on the tone scale at about 1.1. One could see immediately that the organization would be inclined toward death and that it would fail. Actually, the very measures he may so convincingly postulate to answer up to “emergencies” will bring failure and disaster.

  • He should require of his subordinates that they relay into their own spheres of management the whole and entire of his true feelings and the reasons for his decisions as clearly as they can be relayed and expanded and interpreted only for the greater understanding of the individuals governed by those subordinates.
  • The effect upon a group of any individual of that group depends upon the altitude the individual holds with the group. A person holding a command post with a group may have as much or more weight on the group than the combined members of the group unless a system is devised which gives more stature to the individual members themselves.

  • He must never permit himself to pervert or mask any portion of the ideal and ethic on which the group operates nor must he permit the ideal and ethic to grow old and outmoded and unworkable. He must never permit his planning to be perverted or censored by subordinates. He must never permit the ideal and ethic of the group’s individual members to deteriorate, using always reason to interrupt such a deterioration.
  • A group, then, alert to bring about the highest level of survival for the group, to conquer for it the maximum amount of MEST, should be alert to the position on the tone scale of the leaders of that group. The group itself can deduce the position of a leader on the tone scale by the way he handles ARC.

  • He must have faith in the goals, faith in himself and faith in the group.
  • The highest quality leader who would bring the most to the group would handle ARC in a nearly pure state. He would work toward open and clean communication lines. He would attempt to effect the greatest affinity amongst the group and with the group. He would act only with the highest level of agreement with the group. And he would pay the strictest attention to the ethics of the group.

  • He must lead by demonstrating always creative and constructive sub-goals. He must not drive by threat and fear.
  • As we have both terror and fear at the same point on the tone scale, we can see that there is a difference of intensity for any point on that scale. This is like the question of pitch and volume in music. The point on the scale would compare to pitch. The volume of the note would compare to the amount of Theta energy or enTheta energy present at that point. Thus, a group must also be alert for the energy of an administrator — in other words, his dynamic potential in terms of volume. A group could have a very high Theta leader who was high in tone scale point only but who had no volume of energy to offer. Searching for energy volume a group may often mistake MEST force for Theta power in a man. True a man who can become very energetically high Theta can, during moments of turbulence, become large volume enTheta, but his volume will only direct at enTheta, not Theta. There is another characteristic of personality, like “quality” in music, which has to do with the caliber or workability of the reasoning of the leader. High Theta and high volume of energy and high quality of reason combine into excellent leadership.

  • He must realize that every individual in the group is engaged in some degree in the managing of other men, life and MEST and that a liberty of management within this code should be allowed to every such sub-manager.
  • That group which values its survival as a group at all would do well to learn group-necessity-value and how to express it. The group can bring all pressure toward any leader or sub-leader to effect the highest ARC possible. Then each member of the group can perform his duties in the most efficient and prideful manner possible. And each group member should act to maintain high ARC in the internal organization. This can raise group tone to a point where group tone raises individual tone and the climbing survival level complements itself interactively. A volume of energy at a high tone level, once attained, operates with a kind of velocity. Given so much impetus it thereafter maintains itself and begins to gather more volume and higher tone as an automatic action. Like the ram jet which, at the speed of sound has attained almost perpetual motion and constant speed, so can a group, by artificially attaining necessity level, begin an automatic, self-supporting rise in the group volume and tone. This point is very high but is worth striving for since an individual in such a group soars up the tone scale as a direct result.

    Thus conducting himself a manager can win empire for his group, whatever that empire may be.


    [The above was reissued as HCOB 17 April 1959, which was cancelled by HCOB 22 April 1959 which reissued Credo of a Good and Skilled Manager correcting typographical errors in the 17 April 1959 issue. It was also reissued as HCO PL 10 September 1963.]