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CONTENTS LECTURES FOR YEAR 1954 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. Acceptance and Rejection of Havingness (3ACC-52) - L540202
  2. Agreement, Motion and Perception (3ACC-14) - L540111
  3. Aims and Goals of Dianetics and Scientology (UNI-10) - L541230b
  4. Anatomy of Games, Part 1 (9ACC-11) - L541221A
  5. Anatomy of Games, Part 2 (9ACC-11A) - L541221B
  6. Anatomy of Universes (5ACC-28) - L540506
  7. Anchor Points and Space (5ACC-21) - L540427
  8. Anchor Points, Flows (3ACC-9) - L540107
  9. Appendix (5ACC) - L540508
  10. Application of Axioms to Auditing (8ACC-COHA 23) - L541109
  11. Audio (Beep) Meter Demonstration (3ACC-35) - L540120
  12. Auditing Groups (3ACC-63) - L540209
  13. Axioms of Dianetics (8ACC-COHA 09) - L541019
  14. Axioms, Part I (AX-1, PRO-13) - L540820A
  15. Axioms, Part I (PHXLb-13) - L540820A
  16. Axioms, Part II (AX-2, PRO-14) - L540820B
  17. Axioms, Part II (PHXLb-14) - L540820B
  18. Axioms, Part III (AX-3, PRO-15) - L540820C
  19. Axioms, Part III (PHXLb-15) - L540820C
  20. Axioms, Part IV (AX-4, PRO-16) - L540820D
  21. Axioms, Part IV (PHXLb-16) - L540820D
  22. Basic Data on 8-0 (OT) (3ACC-41) - L540125b
  23. Basic Data on 8-0 (OT) (3ACC-42) - L540125
  24. Basic Elements of Processing (8ACC-COHA 02) - L541005
  25. Basic Process on Time, Survival Pace (3ACC-27) - L540118
  26. Basic Simple Procedures (5ACC-03) - L540401
  27. Basic Theory and Application (3ACC-12) - L540111
  28. Be, Do, Have Straightwire (5ACC-26) - L540504
  29. Beingness (4ACC-37b) - L540309
  30. Beingness, Justice, Identity (3ACC-23) - L540114
  31. Boredom, Pace of Living, Truth (3ACC-4) - L540105
  32. Boredom, Survival, Pace, Truth (3ACC-4) - L540105
  33. Certainty - Maybes, Problems, Case Entrance (3ACC-57) - L540204
  34. Communication (3ACC-8) (2) - L540107
  35. Communication (3ACC-8) - L540107
  36. Communication By Emotion - Flows, Ridges (3ACC-32) - L540119
  37. Communication Formula (9ACC-04) - L541209
  38. Communication Lag and State of Case (3ACC-3) - L540105
  39. Communication and ARC (UNI-05) - L541229b
  40. Communication and Problems (UNI-11) - L541230c
  41. Communication and Straightwire (8ACC-COHA 13) - L541025
  42. Communication bу Emotion - Flows, Ridges (3ACC-32) - L540119
  43. Competence of Prediction, Demonstration (3ACC-18) - L540113
  44. Competence of Prediction, Demonstration (continued) (3ACC-19) - L540113
  45. Conduct of the Auditor (9ACC-06) - L541213
  46. Consideration and Is-Ness (7ACC-27b, PRO-5) - L540720b
  47. Consideration and Is-ness (7ACC-27B, PRO-5) (2) - L540720B
  48. Consideration and Is-ness (PHXLb-5) - L540720B
  49. Consideration, Mechanics and the Theory Behind Instruction (7ACC-27A, PRO-4) - L540720A
  50. Consideration, Mechanics and the Theory Behind Instruction (7ACC-27a, PRO-4) (2) - L540720a
  51. Consideration, Mechanics and the Theory Behind Instruction (PHXLb-4) - L540720A
  52. Courage Processing (3ACC-47) - L540128
  53. Definitions - Axioms (8ACC-COHA 24) - L541110
  54. Description Processing (7ACC-35A, PRO-24) (2) - L540728A
  55. Description Processing (7ACC-35a, PRO-24) - L540728a
  56. Description Processing (PHXLb-26) - L540728A
  57. Dianetics 1955! (UNI-04) - L541229a
  58. E-meter, Use Of (3ACC-34) - L540119
  59. Efficacy of Processes (5ACC-27) - L540505
  60. Efficacy of Processes (PLS-1) - L540505
  61. Elementary Straightwire (8ACC-COHA 04) - L541007
  62. Elements of Auditing (5ACC-17) - L540421a
  63. Endowment of Livingness - Extroverting Attention (3ACC-58) - L540205
  64. Energy - Exteriorization (5ACC-29) - L540507
  65. Essence of Auditing, Know to Mystery Scale (9ACC-02) - L541207
  66. Evolution and Use of Self-Analysis (4ACC-72) - L540329
  67. Exteriorization - Communication in Theta and MEST (3ACC-35) - L540120
  68. Exteriorization - Courage and Serenity (3ACC-46) - L540128
  69. Exteriorization - Courage and Serenity, Parts I and II (3ACC-44) - L540128
  70. Exteriorization - Demonstration (3ACC-31) - L540119
  71. Exteriorization - Lecture and Demonstration (3ACC-16) - L540112
  72. Exteriorization - Step 1 Procedure (3ACC-20) - L540113
  73. Exteriorization - Theory and Demonstration (3ACC-13) - L540111
  74. Exteriorization and Stuck Cases (3ACC-17) - L540112
  75. Exteriorization from Makes (3ACC-10) - L540108
  76. Exteriorization, Acceptance and Rejection of Ideas (3ACC-15) - L540112
  77. Exteriorization, Communication in Theta and Mest (3ACC-36) - L540120
  78. Exteriorization, Knowingness, Reality (3ACC-42) - L540126
  79. Exteriorization, Knowingness, Reality (3ACC-43) - L540126
  80. Exteriorization, Taking Direction (3ACC-50) - L540201
  81. Factors (8ACC-COHA 17) - L541029
  82. Factors Present in Good and Bad Auditing (8ACC-COHA 21) - L541105
  83. Four Conditions of Existence (Part 1) (7ACC-28b, PRO-7) - L540723b
  84. Four Conditions of Existence (Part 2) (7ACC-29a, PRO-8) - L540723c
  85. Four Conditions of Existence (Part 3) (7ACC-29b, PRO-9) - L540723d
  86. Four Conditions of Existence (Part 4) (7ACC-30a, PRO-10) - L540723e
  87. Four Conditions of Existence (Part 5) (7ACC-30b, PRO-11) - L540723f
  88. Four Conditions of Existence, Part I (7ACC-28B, PRO-7) - L540723B
  89. Four Conditions of Existence, Part I (PHXLb-7) - L540723B
  90. Four Conditions of Existence, Part II (7ACC-29A, PRO-8) - L540723C
  91. Four Conditions of Existence, Part II (PHXLb-8) - L540723C
  92. Four Conditions of Existence, Part III (7ACC-29B, PRO-9) - L540723D
  93. Four Conditions of Existence, Part III (PHXLb-9) - L540723D
  94. Four Conditions of Existence, Part IV (7ACC-30A, PRO-10) - L540723E
  95. Four Conditions of Existence, Part IV (PHXLb-10) - L540723E
  96. Four Conditions of Existence, Part V (7ACC-30B, PRO-11) - L540723F
  97. Four Conditions of Existence, Part V (PHXLb-11) - L540723F
  98. Games (Fighting) (9ACC-10) - L541220
  99. Games (UNI-06) - L541229c
  100. Games and the Limitations in Games (9ACC-09A) - L541217A
  101. General Background, Part I (7ACC-25A, PRO-1) - L540719A
  102. General Background, Part II (7ACC-24, PRO-3) - L540719B
  103. General Background, Part III (7ACC-24, PRO-2) - L540719C
  104. General Handling of a PC (5ACC-20) - L540426
  105. Goals of 8-0 (OT) (3ACC-41) - L540125
  106. Goals of 8-O (OT) Abilities (3ACC-40) - L540125a
  107. Granting Beingness (6ACC-32, PRO-21) - L540601B
  108. Group Processing (3ACC-33) - L540119
  109. Group Processing (7ACC-35B, PRO-25) (2) - L540728B
  110. Group Processing (7ACC-35b, PRO-25) - L540728b
  111. Group Processing (PHXLb-25) - L540728B
  112. Group Processing (UNI-02) - L541228b
  113. Group Processing (UNI-08) - L541229e
  114. Group Processing (UNI-15) - L541231b
  115. Group Processing - Accept and Reject (GD-02) - L541117
  116. Group Processing - Area Assessment (5ACC-15b) - L540419b
  117. Group Processing - Assignment of Cause (3ACC-62) - L540208
  118. Group Processing - Automaticities (3ACC-59) - L540208
  119. Group Processing - Automaticities (3ACC-61) - L540208
  120. Group Processing - Balance (3ACC-73) - L540212
  121. Group Processing - Barriers (3ACC-64) - L540209
  122. Group Processing - Being The MEST Universe, Specific Manifestations (3ACC-68) - L540210
  123. Group Processing - Being the MEST Universe (3ACC-66) - L540210
  124. Group Processing - Being the MEST Universe (continued) (3ACC-67) - L540210
  125. Group Processing - Certainty Assessment (5ACC-13b) - L540415b
  126. Group Processing - Changing Ideas (4ACC-20) - L540226
  127. Group Processing - Elementary Process, Exteriorization (3ACC-71) - L540211
  128. Group Processing - Exteriorization and Stabilization (5ACC-13) - L540415a
  129. Group Processing - Ownership (4ACC-02) - L540216
  130. Group Processing - Procedure 30, Step I - Openning Procedure by Duplication (UNI 54) - L540606
  131. Group Processing - Reach For Present Time (5ACC-GP-Spec) - L540421b
  132. Group Processing - Remedying Havingness (5ACC-16) - L540420
  133. Group Processing - Resisting All Effects (3ACC-70) - L540211
  134. Group Processing - Safe Place For Things (5ACC-05) - L540405
  135. Group Processing - Sound (3ACC-72) - L540212
  136. Group Processing - Things Teling Where Things Were (Are) (4ACC-07b) - L540218
  137. Group Processing - Things You Can Be (3ACC-69) - L540211
  138. Group Processing - Universe Assessment (5ACC-15) - L540419a
  139. Group Processing Part 1 (UNI-07) - L541229d
  140. Group Processing Series A - Be, Do, Have (4ACC-21) - L540301
  141. Group Processing Series A - Courage (4ACC-25) - L540302
  142. Group Processing Series A - Location (4ACC-26) - L540302
  143. Group Processing Series A - Time (4ACC-22) - L540301
  144. Group Processing Series B - Attention (4ACC-31) - L540304
  145. Group Processing Series B - Light - Sound (4ACC-28) - L540303
  146. Group Processing Series B - Sound (4ACC-27) - L540303
  147. Group Processing Series B - Spaces (4ACC-30) - L540304
  148. Group Processing Series B - Work (4ACC-32) - L540304
  149. Group Processing Series C - Basic Process (4ACC-37) - L540309
  150. Group Processing Series C - Putting Things (Cont) (4ACC-34) - L540305
  151. Group Processing Series C - Putting Things (Cont) (4ACC-35) - L540305
  152. Group Processing Series D - 5th Hour - Something, Nothing (4ACC-54) - L540319
  153. Group Processing Series D - 6th Hour - Importances (4ACC-57) - L540322
  154. Group Processing on Certainty (3ACC-59) - L540205
  155. Group Processing on Certainty, 8 Dynamics (3ACC-57) - L540205
  156. Group Processing on Class - Being MEST (3ACC-63) - L540210
  157. Group Processing on Class - Resist Effect (3ACC-67) - L540211b
  158. Group Processing on Class - Things to Be (3ACC-66) - L540211a
  159. Group Processing, Part 1 (UNI-12) - L541230d
  160. Group Processing, Part 2 (UNI-13) - L541230e
  161. Havingness (9ACC-08) - L541215
  162. Havingness - Comm Lines (3ACC-53) - L540202
  163. Havingness - Ownership (3ACC-54) - L540203
  164. Havingness and Communication Formulas (9ACC-13) - L541223
  165. History and development of processes - QandA Period (9ACC-09B) - L541217B
  166. History of Dianetics (UNI-03) - L541228c
  167. Homo Sapiens (8ACC-COHA 19) - L541102
  168. How to Know What the PC is Doing (3ACC-11) - L540108
  169. Hypnotism (8ACC-COHA 15) - L541027
  170. Importance of Two-Way Comm During Opening Procedure By Duplication (HCAP-11, PRO-20) - L541203
  171. Importance of Two-Way Comm During Opening Procedure By Duplication (PHXLb-20) - L541203
  172. Instruction Simplicities (3ACC-44) - L540126
  173. Introduction (5ACC-00) - L540329
  174. Introduction (UNI-01) - L541228a
  175. Introduction to 9th ACC - Havingness (9ACC-01) - L541206
  176. Introduction to the 3rd ACC (3ACC-1) - L540104
  177. Introduction to the Eighth Unit (8ACC-COHA 01) - L541004
  178. Is-ness (7ACC-28A, PRO-6) (2) - L540723A
  179. Is-ness (7ACC-28a, PRO-6) - L540723a
  180. Is-ness (PHXLb-6) - L540723A
  181. Know-to-Sex Scale - the Mind and the Tone Scale (6ACC-37) - L540604
  182. Labels - Beingness and Justice (Continued) (3ACC-23) - L540114
  183. Labels and Beingness (3ACC-22) - L540114
  184. Labels in Society and Preclears (3ACC-21) - L540114
  185. Laughter in Processing (7ACC-12) - L540705b
  186. Livingness Processing (3ACC-37) - L540121
  187. Livingness Processing - Demonstration (3ACC-40) - L540122
  188. Livingness Processing - Dyingness (3ACC-38) - L540121
  189. Livingness Processing - Machinery (3ACC-39) - L540122
  190. Livingness Processing Series (Dyingness) (3ACC-37) - L540121b
  191. Mechanics of Communication (9ACC-07) - L541214
  192. Nonverbal Communication (8ACC-COHA 22) - L541108
  193. OT, Inversion - Courage and Nobility (3ACC-45) - L540127
  194. OT, Inversion - Courage and Nobility, Parts I and II (3ACC-43) - L540127
  195. One-Way Flows in Processing (9ACC-12) - L541222A
  196. One-Way Flows in Processing - QandA Period (9ACC-12A) - L541222B
  197. Opening Procedure By Duplication (PHXLb-19AB) - L540531
  198. Opening Procedure By Duplication (UPC) - L540606
  199. Opening Procedure By Duplication, Part I (6ACC-31A, PRO-19A) - L540531
  200. Opening Procedure By Duplication, Part II (6ACC-31B, PRO-19B) - L540601A
  201. Opening Procedure of 8-C (7ACC-31B, PRO-18) - L540726B
  202. Opening Procedure of 8-C (7ACC-31b, PRO-18) (2) - L540726b
  203. Opening Procedure of 8-C (8ACC-COHA 05) - L541008
  204. Opening Procedure of 8-C (PHXLb-18) - L540726B
  205. Opening Procedure of Duplication (8ACC-COHA 06) - L541011
  206. Pan-Determinism (9ACC-14) - L541224A
  207. Pan-Determinism (UNI-16) - L541231c
  208. Pan-Determinism - QandA Period (9ACC-14A) - L541224B
  209. Pan-Determinism and One-Way Flows (9ACC-09) - L541216
  210. Parked Personality - Exteriorization, Stuck Flows (3ACC-48) - L540129
  211. Parts of Man (8ACC-14) - L541020
  212. Parts of Man - Overt Acts and Motivators (8ACC-COHA 10) - L541020
  213. Perception and Ownership (3ACC-2) - L540104
  214. Practice of Dianetics and Scientology (9ACC-05) - L541210
  215. Presence of an Auditor (5ACC-04) - L540402
  216. Present Time and Demonstration (3ACC-25) - L540115
  217. Present Time, Self Analysis (3ACC-24) - L540115
  218. Present Time, Self Analysis (3ACC-24) - L540115a
  219. Present Time, Self Analysis (Continued) (3ACC-25) - L540115b
  220. Problems and Games (UNI-14) - L541231a
  221. Processing Demo - Randomity Plus Automaticity (3ACC-7) - L540106c
  222. Processing Havingness (3ACC-51) - L540201
  223. Processing Time on a Group (3ACC-29) - L540118
  224. Question and Answer Period - Dissemination (8ACC-COHA 26) - L541112
  225. R2-61 - Good and Evil, R2-62 - Overt-Motivator Sequence (8ACC-COHA 11) - L541021
  226. Randomity and Automaticity (3ACC-7) - L540106
  227. Remedy of Havingness (8ACC-COHA 07) - L541012
  228. Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots in Space (7ACC-13, PRO-23) - L540706
  229. Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots in Space (PHXLb-25) - L540606
  230. Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots in Space (PRO-25) - L540606
  231. Repairing a Case and Demonstration (3ACC-55) - L540203
  232. Review on Havingness and Demonstration (3ACC-56) - L540204
  233. Route 1 Step 10 (8ACC-COHA 33) - L541010
  234. Route 1 Step 11 (8ACC-COHA 34) - L541010
  235. Route 1 Step 12 (8ACC-COHA 35) - L541018
  236. Route 1 Step 13 (8ACC-COHA 36) - L541018
  237. Route 1 Step 14 (8ACC-COHA 37) - L541018
  238. Route 1 Step 15 (8ACC-COHA 38) - L541018
  239. Route 1 Step 4 (8ACC-COHA 27) - L541008
  240. Route 1 Step 5 (8ACC-COHA 28) - L541008
  241. Route 1 Step 6 (8ACC-COHA 29) - L541010
  242. Route 1 Step 7 (8ACC-COHA 30) - L541010
  243. Route 1 Step 8 (8ACC-COHA 31) - L541010
  244. Route 1 Step 9 (8ACC-COHA 32) - L541010
  245. Rundown on Six Basics (9ACC-03) - L541208
  246. SOP 8-D (5ACC-12) - L540414
  247. SOP 8-D - Lecture (5ACC-14) - L540416
  248. SOP 8-DA (5ACC-18) - L540422
  249. SOP 8-DB (5ACC-19) - L540423
  250. SOP 8-Da Through SOP 80-Dh (5ACC-24) - L540430
  251. Scientology and Living (7ACC-39, PRO-26) (2) - L540704
  252. Scientology and Living (7ACC-39, PRO-26) - L540704
  253. Scientology and Living (PHXLb-26) - L540704
  254. Scientology, Its General Background, Part 1 (7ACC-25a, PRO-1) - L540719a
  255. Scientology, Its General Background, Part 2 (7ACC-25b, PRO-3) - L540719b
  256. Scientology, Its General Background, Part 3 (7ACC-24, PRO-2) - L540719c
  257. Scientology, Its General Background, Part I (PHXLb-1) - L540719A
  258. Scientology, Its General Background, Part II (PHXLb-2) - L540719B
  259. Scientology, Its General Background, Part III (PHXLb-3) - L540719C
  260. Scope of Dianetics and Scientology (8ACC-COHA-25) - L541111
  261. Second Lecture on Two-Way Communication (8ACC-COHA-12) - L541022
  262. Shame, Blame and Regret (8ACC-COHA 20) - L541103
  263. Short Discussion and Group Processing Demonstration (3ACC-65) - L540209
  264. Simple Basis of Evaluating Cases (3ACC-49) - L540129
  265. Simple Processes (5ACC-02) - L540331
  266. Space (5ACC-23) - L540429
  267. Space and Havingness (5ACC-22) - L540428
  268. Spotting Spots (8ACC-COHA 08) - L541013
  269. Summary of Course Data (3ACC-60) - L540208
  270. Summary of Course to Date (3ACC-30) - L540119
  271. Survive (8ACC-COHA 14) - L541026
  272. Symbols and Group Processing Demo (3ACC-5,6) - L540106
  273. Symbols and a Group Processing Demonstration (3ACC-5) - L540106
  274. Symbols and a Group Processing Demonstration (Cont.) (3ACC-6) - L540106
  275. Terminals and Communication (UNI-09) - L541230a
  276. Things in Time and Space (7ACC-11) - L540705a
  277. Third Lecture on Two-Way Communication (8ACC-COHA 18) - L541101
  278. Time (7ACC-37, PRO-12) (2) - L540729
  279. Time (7ACC-37, PRO-12) - L540729
  280. Time (PHXLb-12) - L540729
  281. Time Barrier (3ACC-26) - L540118
  282. Time Sense, Particles, Survival Pace (3ACC-28) - L540118
  283. Training New People (9ACC-15) - L541227
  284. Two-Way Comm and the Present Time Problem (7ACC-31A, PRO-17) - L540726A
  285. Two-Way Comm and the Present Time Problem (PHXLb-17) - L540726A
  286. Two-Way Communication (8ACC-COHA 03) - L541006
  287. Two-Way Communication During Opening Procedure By Duplication (HCAP-11, PRO-20) - L541203
  288. Two-Way Communication and Present Time Problem (7ACC-31a, PRO-17) - L540726a
  289. Types of Processes (7ACC-37B, PRO-18) - L540700
  290. Universe - Basic Definitions (5ACC-07) - L540407
  291. Universe - Change and Rehabilitation (5ACC-10) - L540412
  292. Universe - Conditions of the Mind and Remedies (5ACC-09) - L540409
  293. Universe - Manifestation (5ACC-11) - L540413
  294. Universe - Processes, Experience (5ACC-08) - L540408
  295. Universe Series - Morals, Laws, Codes (4ACC-70) - L540326
  296. Universe Series - Prediction (4ACC-65) - L540324
  297. Universes (5ACC-01) - L540330
  298. Universes (5ACC-06) - L540406
  299. VIewpoint Straightwire (5ACC-25, PRO-22) (2) - L540503
  300. Viewpoint Straightwire (5ACC-25, PRO-22) - L540503
  301. Viewpoint Straightwire (PHXLb-22) - L540503
  302. What Would You Do If (8ACC-COHA 16) - L541028
  303. Wrong Thing to Do is Nothing (GD-01) - L541117