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Dev-T Series


  1. Completed Staff Work (CSW) - How to Get Approval of Actions and Projects (DEVT) - P590904
  2. Dev-T (AKH-23, DEVT) - P691227 (2)
  3. Dev-T (AKH-23, DEVT) - P691227
  4. Dev-T (DEVT) - P650131
  5. Dev-T Analysis (DEVT) - P650208
  6. Dev-T Data - Executive Responsibility (DEVT) - P651013
  7. Dev-T Graphed (DEVT) - P691104
  8. Dev-T Series, Part of - Overfilled In Basket - Bad News (DEVT) - P680105
  9. Dev-T Summary List (DEVT) - P690127
  10. Dev-T Summary List Additions (DEVT) - P690130-2
  11. Dev-T and Unhattedness (ESTO-3, DEVT) - P720309-3 (2)
  12. Dev-T and Unhattedness (ESTO-3, DEVT) - P720309-3
  13. Developed Traffic, the Delirium Tremens of Central Orgs (DEVT) - P590702-2
  14. How to Handle Work (DEVT) - P590819
  15. Offline and Offpolicy - Your Full In Basket (DEVT) - P641117
  16. Staff Auditing Requirement (DEVT) - P590707
  17. Telex Comm Clarity (DEVT, 0.COM, DIV1.TELEX) - P680513