As cosmic rays, gamma, x-rays, et al, apparently move through solids without encountering resistance, they then invalidate solids. This is a direct invalidation of the solidity of anything including a mock-up. Thus it tends to say a thing is not there — thus that a creation has not been made.
This then has been used as a means of discounting creativeness or of discounting solids. For example, any child being x-rayed has been baffled as to how “he wasn’t there” when the picture was made. The rays went straight through. This made him feel he wasn’t solid — was not real.
When a body is over x-rayed it ceases to create sexually and creates on a cellular level in a highly irresponsible way. This is cancer.
Radiation ills stem from the not-thereness of creations. Mental Image Pictures, mock-ups, are apparently vanished.
“Making things solid” remedies all such Radiation ills easily. Show Me objective and subjective does as well.
Radiation, then, is the proof that a solid thing is not solid. This is an invalidation that one has created. Thus Radiation is seen to hit at all creativeness. Its irresponsibility factor is also this — one cannot be responsible for things which are proven not to exist.
This also tells us that time began on an invalidation of solids.
In actual proof Procedure CCH, run with this understanding and Problems of Incomparable or Comparable Magnitude to Radiation, resolves Radiation.