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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Founding Church of Scientology Funeral Service - 560207 | Сравнить





On the occasion of the death of Elizabeth Williams, Doctor of Scientology.

On the occasion of the death of Elizabeth Williams, Doctor of Scientology.

  • Our loss
  • Our loss
  • Is gain in other times.
  • Is gain in other times.
  • Our hopes on future bent
  • Our hopes on future bent
  • Must then depend on incidents like these
  • Must then depend on incidents like these
  • For bodies wear
  • For bodies wear
  • And in
  • And in
  • The fine grist mill of time
  • The fine grist mill of time
  • Are spent in service such
  • Are spent in service such
  • As yours
  • As yours
  • And go, our time by smallest time
  • And go, our time by smallest time
  • Into the yesterday, wherein began
  • Into the yesterday, wherein began
  • The conquest of Eternity

  • The conquest of Eternity

  • What did we know
  • What did we know
  • When yesterday we wept?
  • When yesterday we wept?
  • What grip upon us had our ignorance
  • What grip upon us had our ignorance
  • That we in our conceit did feel
  • That we in our conceit did feel
  • That all of us were mortal here
  • That all of us were mortal here
  • And lives once led were spent
  • And lives once led were spent
  • And wasted on our selfish selves.

  • And wasted on our selfish selves.

  • How narrow is such scope
  • How narrow is such scope
  • To feel that we
  • To feel that we
  • Should be eternally
  • Should be eternally
  • The goal of all the toil
  • The goal of all the toil
  • And wretchedness
  • And wretchedness
  • From birth to death
  • From birth to death
  • And like a play
  • And like a play
  • The curtain dropped
  • The curtain dropped
  • And left an empty stage.
  • And left an empty stage.
  • How dull of us to feel that we
  • How dull of us to feel that we
  • Were all the target of this strife
  • Were all the target of this strife
  • And that we lived but once
  • And that we lived but once
  • And living then did reconcile
  • And living then did reconcile
  • The whole in one brief life.

  • The whole in one brief life.

  • Oh no, a wider drama here
  • Oh no, a wider drama here
  • Was planned and staged
  • Was planned and staged
  • And we with narrowness of mind
  • And we with narrowness of mind
  • Did overlook the plan.

  • Did overlook the plan.

  • We said that all is
  • We said that all is
  • Mortal flesh
  • Mortal flesh
  • The spirit just a thing
  • The spirit just a thing
  • To send, for pence
  • To send, for pence
  • To some strange heaven
  • To some strange heaven
  • There to waste its skill
  • There to waste its skill
  • Or had we not the price
  • Or had we not the price
  • To some deep other place
  • To some deep other place
  • To pain, and waste again
  • To pain, and waste again
  • The life.
  • The life.
  • To what dark depths
  • To what dark depths
  • Were dropped our minds
  • Were dropped our minds
  • To feel that flesh
  • To feel that flesh
  • Why this is no sad and
  • Why this is no sad and
  • Bleakish look
  • Bleakish look
  • No sorrowed thing
  • No sorrowed thing
  • This life.
  • This life.
  • This an adventure pure
  • This an adventure pure
  • Where without knife or
  • Where without knife or
  • Provender we leap
  • Provender we leap
  • Aloft into eternity
  • Aloft into eternity
  • And span forever in a breath.
  • And span forever in a breath.
  • This is adventure where
  • This is adventure where
  • We step from tie to
  • We step from tie to
  • Body tie
  • Body tie
  • And go
  • And go
  • Our way.

  • Our way.

  • Our suff’ring is
  • Our suff’ring is
  • Self centered here
  • Self centered here
  • For we have lost
  • For we have lost
  • In truth
  • In truth
  • The smile,
  • The smile,
  • The touch,
  • The touch,
  • The skill and happiness
  • The skill and happiness
  • We gained
  • We gained
  • From Liz,
  • From Liz,
  • Who gave to us
  • Who gave to us
  • From her past
  • From her past
  • Ability to live
  • Ability to live
  • And fare against
  • And fare against
  • The tides and storms of fate
  • The tides and storms of fate
  • It is true we’ve lost
  • It is true we’ve lost
  • Her shoulder
  • Her shoulder
  • Up against the wheel
  • Up against the wheel
  • And lost as well her counsel
  • And lost as well her counsel
  • And her strength
  • And her strength
  • But lost them
  • But lost them
  • Only for a while.

  • Only for a while.

  • She goes
  • She goes
  • Not with the dismal roll drum
  • Not with the dismal roll drum
  • But with a whisper like
  • But with a whisper like
  • A Faery’s sigh
  • A Faery’s sigh
  • To smooth the way
  • To smooth the way
  • For when we come.
  • For when we come.
  • She’ll be in some good
  • She’ll be in some good
  • Future time
  • Future time
  • And future place
  • And future place
  • Her smile
  • Her smile
  • Her touch
  • Her touch
  • Her skill
  • Her skill
  • Invested there to make
  • Invested there to make
  • A way for life.

  • A way for life.

  • True, true we may not
  • True, true we may not
  • Know her then and
  • Know her then and
  • Only know her work
  • Only know her work
  • But still
  • But still
  • If we sent not ahead
  • If we sent not ahead
  • Our vedettes into time
  • Our vedettes into time
  • We would not have
  • We would not have
  • A race.

  • A race.

  • And so, branched off from
  • And so, branched off from
  • Goodbye, Liz.

  • Goodbye, Liz.

  • Your people thank you for having lived
  • Your people thank you for having lived
  • Earth is Better for your having lived
  • Earth is Better for your having lived
  • Men, women and children are alive today
  • Men, women and children are alive today
  • Because you lived.
  • Because you lived.
  • We thank you for coming to us.
  • We thank you for coming to us.
  • We do not contest your
  • We do not contest your
  • Right to go away.
  • Right to go away.
  • Your debts are paid
  • Your debts are paid
  • This chapter of thy life is shut
  • This chapter of thy life is shut
  • Go now, dear Liz and live once more
  • Go now, dear Liz and live once more
  • In happier time and place.
  • In happier time and place.
  • Thank you, Liz.

  • Thank you, Liz.

  • All now here lift up
  • All now here lift up
  • Your eyes and say to
  • Your eyes and say to
  • Her
  • Her
  • Goodbye.

  • Goodbye.

  • (Congregation) Goodbye.
  • (Congregation) Goodbye.
    • Is capable of love or trust or livingness
    • Is capable of love or trust or livingness
  • To feel that fingernails and masks
  • To feel that fingernails and masks
  • Are all we need to dream.
  • Are all we need to dream.
  • To what deep place
  • To what deep place
  • Did our love go
  • Did our love go
  • That mass could recompense?

  • That mass could recompense?

  • Anxieties that ruled our years
  • Anxieties that ruled our years
  • Were nurtured here
  • Were nurtured here
  • And we
  • And we
  • Made blind and numb
  • Made blind and numb
  • By other greed
  • By other greed
  • Spanned down our lives
  • Spanned down our lives
  • To One.
  • To One.
  • What waste!
  • What waste!
  • To feel that all our love
  • To feel that all our love
  • Our work,
  • Our work,
  • Our gifts,
  • Our gifts,
  • Our knowledge and our
  • Our knowledge and our
  • Sighs
  • Sighs
  • Were meant
  • Were meant
  • To be consumed
  • To be consumed
  • All in one
  • All in one
  • Breath and flash
  • Breath and flash
  • And by one name?

  • And by one name?

  • Today, come wiser now
  • Today, come wiser now
  • The chains gone weak
  • The chains gone weak
  • And tyranny of cult
  • And tyranny of cult
  • Gone tired with the years,
  • Gone tired with the years,
  • We look
  • We look
  • We find we live
  • We find we live
  • Not once
  • Not once
  • But on and on
  • But on and on
  • From body’s birth to
  • From body’s birth to
  • Body’s grave and then
  • Body’s grave and then
  • To birth again
  • To birth again
  • And yea to grave again
  • And yea to grave again
  • So to dispose possessions
  • So to dispose possessions
  • Oft come undone
  • Oft come undone
  • With livingness.

  • With livingness.

  • From century to century
  • From century to century
  • From age to age and on
  • From age to age and on
  • We go in march along
  • We go in march along
  • The path that leads
  • The path that leads
  • Forever up the countless
  • Forever up the countless
  • Tick of time.
  • Tick of time.
  • We crawl, we walk, we fly
  • We crawl, we walk, we fly
  • We win
  • We win
  • From here and evermore
  • From here and evermore
  • The heritage of all our lives
  • The heritage of all our lives
  • And spend it once again.
  • And spend it once again.
  • This
  • This
  • Genetic Line
  • Genetic Line
  • And into some new
  • And into some new
  • Corner or new world
  • Corner or new world
  • We’ve sent you, Liz
  • We’ve sent you, Liz
  • And there there’ll be
  • And there there’ll be
  • We know it now,
  • We know it now,
  • A smile,
  • A smile,
  • A touch,
  • A touch,
  • A happiness for us
  • A happiness for us
  • And you
  • And you
  • You could not find
  • You could not find
  • On earth
  • On earth
  • And so it turns
  • And so it turns
  • The day, the year,
  • The day, the year,
  • The age.
  • The age.
  • And so we go
  • And so we go
  • With banners furled
  • With banners furled
  • And quietly
  • And quietly
  • Upon our way.
  • Upon our way.
  • But now we know
  • But now we know
  • And now we’ll find
  • And now we’ll find
  • The Way.

  • The Way.

  • Into the dark
  • Into the dark
  • Has come the light
  • Has come the light
  • Into tomorrow
  • Into tomorrow
  • Enters night
  • Enters night
  • Into heaven
  • Into heaven
  • Go no more
  • Go no more
  • Into life our
  • Into life our
  • Spirits soar
  • Spirits soar
  • Conquering ever
  • Conquering ever
  • Wisdom’s store
  • Wisdom’s store
  • We do not tremble
  • We do not tremble
  • Faced with death
  • Faced with death
  • We know that living
  • We know that living
  • Is not breath.

  • Is not breath.

  • Prevail!

  • Prevail!

  • Go, Liz
  • Go, Liz
  • And take
  • And take
  • The life
  • The life
  • That offers now
  • That offers now
  • And live
  • And live
  • In good expectancy
  • In good expectancy
  • That we
  • That we
  • Will do our part.
  • Will do our part.
  • Go, Liz
  • Go, Liz
  • You can control
  • You can control
  • That which you must.

  • That which you must.

  • Our loss
  • Our loss
  • Is gain
  • Is gain
  • In wisdom and in skill
  • In wisdom and in skill
  • To future dates and other smiles
  • To future dates and other smiles
  • And so we send into the
  • And so we send into the
  • Chain of all enduring time
  • Chain of all enduring time
  • Our heritage
  • Our heritage
  • Our hope
  • Our hope
  • Our friend.
  • Our friend.
  • Goodbye, our dear
  • Goodbye, our dear
  • Goodbye.
  • Goodbye.
  • We’ll miss you, you know.

  • We’ll miss you, you know.

  • Let the body now
  • Let the body now
  • Draw away
  • Draw away
  • To be consumed to ashes
  • To be consumed to ashes
  • And to dust
  • And to dust
  • In earthly and in cleanly fire
  • In earthly and in cleanly fire
  • To be no more, no more.

  • To be no more, no more.

  • And that is done.

  • And that is done.

  • Come friends,
  • Come friends,
  • She is all right
  • She is all right
  • And she is gone.
  • And she is gone.
  • We have our work
  • We have our work
  • To do. And she has hers.
  • To do. And she has hers.
  • She will be welcome there.

  • She will be welcome there.

  • To Man!
  • To Man!

    [The above Funeral Service was originally issued as part of Operational Bulletin 16, 7 February 1956, page 360.]

    [The above Funeral Service was originally issued as part of Operational Bulletin 16, 7 February 1956, page 360.]