This bulletin contains the Problems Processes to be run on the Suppressed Person Rundown.
The first and most vital action to begin the Suppressed Person Rundown is to fully clear Problem with the pc as a problem, not as a condition or situation.
The war of purposes gives us what we call problems. A problem has the anatomy of purposes. A problem consists of two or more purposes opposed. It does not matter what problem you face or have faced, the basic anatomy of that problem is Purpose-Counter-Purpose.
The definition of a problem is intention versus intention or two or more opposing and conflicting views on the same subject.
The dominant operating action of this rundown is knowing what a problem is. Without the auditor feeding the pc a cog, he must clear the definition of problem with the pc so that it is fully understood and the pc can easily make up examples of problems. You’ll get no place on the rundown unless both auditor and pc understand what a problem is.
Running problems comes under a gradient scale of confront and can go on and on before the pc gets up to an awareness of anything.
It’s really a fascinating phenomenon. The person is being harassed all over the place by something or somebody and he will eventually name it and identify it, which is an achievement right there, but when you first start to run problems on it, you’ll find he does not have anything to do with it. It’s all by itself, floating out in space someplace. The problem has nothing to do with him or anything else.
Auditor: "Tell me a problem with your mother. "
Pc: "She’s never home. "
"She’s never home" is not a problem. A problem is two-terminated. The problem, as the pc has given it in the example above, does not contain anything live. It’s just a condition. But gradually, as Problems Processes are run, he will come up to an actual statement that the problem is something that has to be solved and that it has something to do with him. Now we’re getting someplace!
The processes are taken up in the order they are given. Each flow of each process is checked for a read before running it, using the name of the terminal antagonistic to the pc. Each flow taken up is then run to the EP of cognition, F/N and VGIs.
A copy of this process sheet is placed in the folder of the pc being run on the Suppressed Person Rundown and the flows of each process run are initialed and dated by the auditor when they have been taken to a full EP.
The Suppressed Person Rundown is taken to the EP of a friendly and unprompted origination to or about the pc by the antagonistic terminal.
This EP will occur when enough Problems Processes have been fully run on that terminal. The auditor’s metering must be excellent, as to miss reads and leave charged flows unrun can prevent the pc from attaining the EP of this rundown.
If the pc has a big win, end off the session and let him have his win. Do not try to audit over a persistent floating needle or you will end up leaving charged flows unhandled due to the "needle having floated all the way through them. " So give the pc some time off auditing to let him have his win, then resume his sessions so he can be taken to the full and magical EP of this rundown.
The only time this rundown doesn’t work is when you haven’t fully run all possible problems processes.
F1: Can you recall a problem about (terminal) which concerned you?
How did it seem to you then?
How does it seem to you now?
Can you recall another problem about (terminal) which concerned you?
(Continue, using the above commands) to EP__________
F2: Can you recall a problem (terminal) has had with you which concerned him?
How did it seem to him then?
How does it seem to him now?
Can you recall another problem (terminal) has had with you which concerned him?
(Continue, using the above commands) to EP__________
F3: Can you recall a problem others have had with (terminal) which concerned them?
How did it seem to them then?
How does it seem to them now?
Can you recall another problem others have had with (terminal) which concerned them?
(Continue. using the above commands) to EP__________
F3A: Can you recall a problem (terminal) has had with others which concerned him?
How did it seem to him then?
How does it seem to him now?
Can you recall another problem (terminal) has had with others which concerned him?
(Continue, using the above commands) to EP__________
F0: Can you recall a problem you have had with yourself because of (terminal) which concerned you?
How did it seem to you then?
How does it seem to you now?
Can you recall another problem you have had with yourself because of (terminal) which concerned you?
(Continue, using the above commands) to EP__________
F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal).
What part of that problem could you confront? to EP__________
F2: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with you.
What part of that problem could he confront? to EP__________
F3: Tell me others’ problem with (terminal).
What part of that problem could they confront? to EP__________
F3A: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with others.
What part of that problem could he confront? to EP__________
F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal).
What part of that problem could you confront? to EP__________
F1: What problem about (terminal) could you confront? to EP__________
F2: What problem about you could (terminal) confront? to EP__________
F3: What problem about (terminal) could others confront? to EP__________
F3A: What problem about others could (terminal) confront? to EP__________
F0: What problem about yourself concerning (terminal) could you confront? to EP__________
To be run as a bracket (1-10, 1-10, 1-10, etc. to EP).
1. What problem about (terminal) could you confront?
2. What problem about (terminal) don’t you have to confront?
3. What problem about you should (terminal) confront?
4. What problem about you wouldn’t (terminal) confront?
5. What problem about (terminal) should others confront?
6. What problem about (terminal) wouldn’t others confront?
7. What problem about others should (terminal) confront?
8. What problem about others wouldn’t (terminal) confront?
9. What problem about yourself concerning (terminal) could you confront?
10. What problem about yourself concerning (terminal) don’t you have to confront? to EP__________
Note: What problem about (terminal) could others confront? (or What problem about others could (terminal) confront can be used instead of should whichever checks out on the meter).
F1: What two things about (terminal) can you confront? to EP__________
F2: What two things about you can (terminal) confront? to EP__________
F3: What two things about (terminal) can others confront? to EP__________
F3A: What two things about others can (terminal) confront? to EP__________
F0: What two things about yourself concerning (terminal) can you confront? to EP__________
F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal).
How does it seem to you now? Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F2: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with you.
How does it seem to him now? Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F3: Tell me others’ problem with (terminal).
How does it seem to them now? Alternate repetitiveto EP__________
F3A: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with others.
How does it seem to him now? Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal).
How does it seem to you now? Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F1: What problem have you had with (terminal)?
What solutions have you had for that problem?
(One gets the pc to give his problem then runs TA off solutions. Then a new statement of the problem and more questions about solutions.) to EP__________
F2: What problem has (terminal) had with you?
What solutions has he had for that problem? to EP__________
F3: What problem have others had with (terminal)?
What solutions have they had for that problem? to EP__________
F3A: What problem has (terminal) had with others?
What solutions has he had for that problem? to EP__________
F0: What problem have you had with yourself because of (terminal)?
What solutions have you had for that problem? to EP__________
F1: Get the idea of solving a problem with (terminal).
Get the idea of not solving a problem with (terminal). to EP__________
F2: Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with you.
Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with you. to EP__________
F3: Get the idea of others solving a problem with (terminal).
Get the idea of others not solving a problem with (terminal). to EP__________
F3A: Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with others.
Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with others. to EP__________
F0: Get the idea of solving a problem with yourself about (terminal).
Get the idea of not solving a problem with yourself about (terminal). to EP__________
F1: Give me some answers concerning (terminal). to EP__________
F2: Give me some answers for (terminal) concerning you. to EP__________
F3: Give me some answers for others concerning (terminal). to EP__________
F3A: Give me some answers for (terminal) concerning others. to EP__________
F0: Give me some answers for yourself concerning (terminal). to EP__________
F1: What solution could you make stick about (terminal)? to EP__________
F2: What solution could (terminal) make stick about you? to EP__________
F3: What solution could others make stick about (terminal)? to EP__________
F3A: What solution could (terminal) make stick about others? to EP__________
F0: What solution about yourself concerning (terminal) could you make stick? to EP__________
F1: Find out if the pc has a reading problem with (terminal). If so, run:
Tell me what is unknown about that problem with (terminal). to EP__________
F2: Find out if there is a reading problem (terminal) has with the pc. If so, run:
Tell me what is unknown to (terminal) about that problem with you. to EP__________
F3: Find out if there is a reading problem that others have with (terminal). If so, run:
Tell me what is unknown to others about that problem with (terminal ). to EP__________
F3A: Find out if there is a reading problem that (terminal) has with others. If so, run:
Tell me what is unknown to (terminal) about that problem with others. to EP__________
F0: Find out if the pc has a reading problem with himself because of (terminal). If so, run:
Tell me what is unknown about that problem with yourself. to EP__________
F1: Tell me something you don’t know about (terminal). to EP__________
F2: Tell me something (terminal) doesn’t know about you. to EP__________
F3: Tell me something others don’t know about (terminal). to EP__________
F3A: Tell me something (terminal) doesn’t know about others. to EP__________
F0: Tell me something you don’t know about yourself because of (terminal). to EP__________
Run Selected Person Overt Withhold Straightwire on the terminal.
F1: Think of something (terminal) has done to you.
Think of something (terminal) has withheld from you. to EP__________
F2: Think of something you have done to (terminal).
Think of something you have withheld from (terminal). to EP__________
F3: Think of something others have done to (terminal).
Think of something others have withheld from (terminal). to EP__________
F3A: Think of something (terminal) has done to others.
Think of something (terminal) has withheld from others. to EP__________
F0: Think of something you have done to yourself because of (terminal).
Think of something you have withheld from yourself because of (terminal). to EP__________
F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal).
What part of that problem could you be responsible for?
Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F2: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with you.
What part of that problem could he be responsible for?
Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F3: Tell me others’ problem with (terminal).
What part of that problem could they be responsible for?
Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F3A: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with others.
What part of that problem could he be responsible for?
Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal).
What part of that problem could you be responsible for?
Alternate repetitive to EP__________
F1: What motion of yours has (terminal) been responsible for? to EP__________
F2: What motion of (terminal’s) have you been responsible for? to EP__________
F3: What motion of (terminal’s) have others been responsible for? to EP__________
F3A: What motion of others’ has (terminal) been responsible for? to EP__________
F0: What motion of your own regarding (terminal) have you been responsible for? to EP__________
F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal).
What part of that problem have you been responsible for?to EP__________
F2: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with you.
What part of that problem has he/she been responsible for? to EP__________
F3: Tell me others’ problem with (terminal).
What part of that problem have they been responsible for? to EP__________
F3A: Tell me (terminal’s) problem with others.
What part of that problem has he/she been responsible for? to EP__________
F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal).
What part of that problem have you been responsible for? to EP__________
F1: What kind of problems could you have with (terminal)? to EP__________
F2: What kind of problems could (terminal) have with you? to EP__________
F3: What kind of problems could others have with (terminal)? to EP__________
F3A: What kind of problems could (terminal) have with others? to EP__________
F0: What kind of problems could you have with yourself because of (terminal)? to EP__________
F1: What problem could (terminal) be to you? to EP__________
F2: What problem could you be to (terminal)? to EP__________
F3: What problem could (terminal) be to others? to EP__________
F3A: What problem could others be to (terminal)? to EP__________
F0: What problem could you be to yourself because of (terminal)? to EP__________
F1: Tell me a problem (terminal) would be a solution to. to EP__________
F2: Tell me a problem for (terminal) that you would be a solution to. to EP__________
F3: Tell me a problem for others that (terminal) would be a solution to. to EP__________
F3A: Tell me a problem for (terminal) that others would be a solution to. to EP__________
F0: Tell me a problem concerning (terminal) you yourself would be a solution to. to EP__________
F1: What kind of a problem could (terminal) be to you?
Could he be that problem?
Can you see yourself figuring on it?
Give me another problem (terminal) could be to you.
Can he be that problem? and so on to EP__________
F2: What kind of a problem could you be to (terminal)?
Can you be that problem?
Can you see (terminal) figuring on it?
Give me another problem you could be to (terminal).
Can you be that problem? and so on to EP__________
F3: What kind of a problem could (terminal) be to others?
Can (terminal) be that problem?
Can you see others figuring on it?
Give me another problem (terminal) could be to others.
Can (terminal) be that problem? and so on to EP__________
F3A: What kind of a problem could others be to (terminal)?
Can others be that problem?
Can you see (terminal) figuring on it?
Give me another problem others could be to (terminal).
Can others be that problem? and so on to EP__________
F0: What kind of a problem could you be to yourself because of (terminal)?
Can you be that problem?
Can you see yourself figuring on it?
Give me another problem you could be to yourself because of (terminal).
Can you be that problem? and so on to EP__________
F1: What kind of a solution could (terminal) be to you?
Could he be that solution?
Can you see yourself figuring on it?
Give me another solution (terminal) could be to you.
Can he be that solution? and so on to EP__________
F2: What kind of a solution could you be to (terminal)?
Can you be that solution?
Can you see (terminal) figuring on it?
Give me another solution you could be to (terminal).
Can you be that solution? and so on to EP__________
F3: What kind of a solution could (terminal) be to others?
Can (terminal) be that solution?
Can you see others figuring on it?
Give me another solution (terminal) could be to others.
Can (terminal) be that solution? and so on to EP__________
F3A: What kind of a solution could others be to (terminal)?
Can others be that solution?
Can you see (terminal) figuring on it?
Give me another solution others could be to (terminal).
Can others be that solution? and so on to EP__________
F0: What kind of a solution could you be to yourself because of (terminal)?
Can you be that solution?
Can you see yourself figuring on it?
Give me another solution you could be to yourself because of (terminal).
Can you be that solution? and so on to EP__________
F1: What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to you in havingness?
What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to you in not havingness? to EP__________
F2: What kind of a problem can you be to (terminal) in havingness?
What kind of a problem can you be to (terminal) in not havingness? to EP__________
F3: What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to others in havingness?
What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to others in not havingness? to EP__________
F3A: What kind of a problem can others be to (terminal) in havingness?
What kind of a problem can others be to (terminal) in not havingness? to EP__________
F0: What kind of a problem concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself in havingness?
What kind of a problem concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself in not havingness? to EP__________
F1: What kind of a solution to havingness can (terminal) be to you?
What kind of a solution to not havingness can (terminal) be to you? to EP__________
F2: What kind of a solution to havingness can you be to (terminal)?
What kind of a solution to not havingness can you be to (terminal)? to EP__________
F3: What kind of a solution to havingness can (terminal) be to others?
What kind of a solution to not havingness can (terminal) be to others? to EP__________
F3A: What kind of a solution to havingness can others be to (terminal)?
What kind of a solution to not havingness can others be to (terminal)? to EP__________
F0: What kind of a solution to havingness concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself?
What kind of a solution to not havingness concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself? to EP__________
Have the pc pick out or pick up a room object. have him examine this object until he is sure it is real.
F1: What problems could this object be to you because of (terminal)? to EP__________
F2: What problems could this object be to (terminal) because of you? to EP__________
F3: What problems could this object be to others because of (terminal)? to EP__________
F3A: What problems could this object be to (terminal) because of others? to EP__________
F0: What problems could you cause yourself over this object because of (terminal)? to EP__________
On each flow the command is run repetitively until the pc is convinced that he can create problems at will.
F1: Do you have a problem with (terminal)?
What communication have you left incomplete about that problem? to EP__________
F2: Does (terminal) have a problem with you?
What communication has he left incomplete about that problem? to EP__________
F3: Do others have a problem with (terminal)?
What communication have they left incomplete about that problem? to EP__________
F3A: Does (terminal) have a problem with others?
What communication has he left incomplete about that problem? to EP__________
F0: Do you have a problem with yourself because of (terminal)?
What communication have you left incomplete with yourself about that problem? to EP__________
F1: From where could (terminal) communicate to you? to EP__________
F2: From where could you communicate to (terminal)? to EP__________
F3: From where could others communicate to (terminal)? to EP__________
F3A: From where could (terminal) communicate to others? to EP__________
F0: From where could you communicate to yourself concerning (terminal)? to EP__________